Huron Signal, 1850-04-04, Page 2are sdleettsg thB R•stts� tis/ she treated wh► gt �iaireee k(1 s Turks. P R U Id eel. Tae�a�O��S�R�I[� mem. 11►. Senium► twales-. r fps lib knurl., publu►sw We sats* of let* Yetatkere of State menet by the Guvaremeot. A for- mal protest war entered by the Cosnl of the Administntto., hgat.et Harrower, for withdraw's' from the alliance of the 261b May. A Dench war frigate and a bark hate bees Been eruiring off Bulk. MISCELLANEOUS. Th. .teaser Clip of Glasgow will NMI from Glasgow, for New York, on the 9th. The Bebop of Exeter las been defeated, in bar coolest with the Rev. Mr. (ivrliam. y Me hoosollelli wale ads to bee(( Horn a Neer betimes Lord Dwhea Had dm Mbtg geesrneesst . sod has g•aereert] sid- ed she atirmpl. He mould afwd 15 10 n ; der h• had wiper spokes evil of hie easels•. Nothing hod themeless hon more loath tag to tbues who kris 11 thea be slow umem to gnu up hope t4 Lord Moagaei. and his meekness a setting ea favourable explaoatroas, of doubtful eu.duct. 11e uow temente u( h,s fronds silence a both Houses about hu quarrel ; and kept edema himself. \VLite the newspapers of all par- ties were commenting ea the nosiness of the %Vis r*, anJ declare{ they could out remain to power • beyond Easter at the furthest' -(a curious hit as to date) - Lord Durham devoted himself only the mon to the support of at uuoislry w Lech. with all Ile sin" an , professed a liberal LAST DAYS OF LORD DURIeIAM. policy. Ile w"e triton joined by on create. tors from Canada , and they worked to- (NT at the celebrated Report. There (rr u aMIlcT M UTI]M tP.) a°a. ,,tore ravel about small " it woe nit a fine September day, on en the pe' hrano■ of the Report -worthy returning from a merry drive. tint Lord of mrorion "rely .a rh• wing how lo war Durham and Lu family and adviser, meets b.-tr”ed when relied are the 'cordial support' f friend", and the ' generous forbearance' dinaned the news of the olio end best et the Or ..f opponents. Med. of hie time and la. Chides IN kflaw end brit helper, lawMr. buur was devoted to the inierectIon of hi. 1TarlesDuller, hies ►rl,rc Jinn's -knew successor, Mr ('. {entire' Thomson- af by his coun'enence inure than by surds-successor, Lunt Sidei•hatn-rho steely re thatIl was o • yrs -.feet their great rower- k b solved In adopt the Durban policy war the pees war ruined. When they sat down u i, , • . rerenes.. Man, boon every ttie.-[Globe, 28th March. is consultation, that ads leer wet friend day. ere event in rorsolt item and prepare - would fain have persuade l honeee and uth area, of measured ;anJ to good purpose•- a - - en that all war nut .•ter. That the rhe. Not only were Loral D,Irham's place all the result of au inttegue war to them char. ..tupte,l by Lord Sydenham, but his own 'lite Ministers and Lord D•,thadt had • beet measures were planned in Lord Due - deadly enemy, who had [1fen 'tot'te of ben; •hones In London, prepared formtro- what they sigh sepses, ohne he declare) deepen in Canada, and the agents Informed that ho hurled def.+ncr at Led Mlrtbuurue'• and instructed. These duties done, but head ; an f reared Mla•huurnt anJ his c"^'_ few months of life retrainee to the baffled +ask►{ g 10 ite *Mew T iege the WOO sha� Weigle deemed will greatly hogroes. Our .,arket suet, 15 eesaeg4USC , be Betted. ad coetroll.d by the hose demad sad home prices. Farmers will hold as for bot- her markets, aid but bilis of the crop will come forward. Our boat• will Sod but lit tie so de. Newer hairs we knows a ..ion whish opened so uopromeingly. Forte .ately the writer along our lines has bees favorable fur the w heat crop, sed if ibiscon contioue good, it is net improbable 1161 we may have a rely active season of tali bud pees. MEETING of PARLIAMENT sod Bstd Ski Mm eeeellr1► jwd Saar. Jt Is [.etelp .d r west rouse or gpanL ad three we pesos* i. dssnrM-. 1s pernes- lar, we Whew tie ole kw pgsd.1a le *wee pod [ravel an be grssa"•d et Ins apse* ih s it ca bs alas1 tM L •w swede of Ha C.esu.. •1 Hero. ad Porth. Lobar ie. tbssshrs, the ea '111I nide* r mite ped {swede is these Ceusties, as/ we wield ssssedy ted litho' aha was who weld tell ss their we swans eep- ply the Mho's. W. fool wuedod that Uwe is scarcely ewe Tanen to tb. (Jolted Comets who, with his team. .told Het afford to watt five - p•usde worth of nem se the rade, throughout the mores of the year ; mad t►h..o..i of labor would make sur leads.. Reads meal to any u the Pro•te«. Now, it .veld be .deemoed that this labor s fes from b bestowed by the Far- mer, will be pad to him to full, is the teens .1 • eery few years, and that be will receive saes - ally, a lair rate of tatMealoo his owls,. 11 re thee certain, that exclusive of the incalculable. sat- iafactioa and comfort of travell.ng on good Roads, and the sat saving of time, teams .ad carriages, the tartameot will be one of real pecuniary profit. Oa this principle of potting in labor as stork or capital, it must be evident that set more than one or two hundred pound" of cash would be required, merely to purchase the proper awls Of implemeota of I.bor; and we feel confident that fire times that sum call be raisedfrom the merch.ote, tradesmen and gentlemea o( Gode- rich sod Stratford. V.e forbear entering into particular calculations, or urging any farther re- marks on the subject at present, .s we under• send that a prospectus for making • gruel reed from Goderich to the Clinton Arm• Ina, is about to be i.ued, and will eootaio canals:iooe and estimates that may be depended on -and we trust the inhabitants n( the United Comities, a.d the firmer* to particular, will co"eider the "object with the interest and attestioa to which it is entitled. We are authorized to state that the Provincial Parliament will meet for the despatch of business on the 14th May. An official prorogation to the 3rd May will appear in the GAze'rra, but this arises from there being more than 40 days between the last day pro - rouged to, and the time settled for the meeting of the Legisla- t� this cowardly process of murdering private documentary material for hie hefldn10,t Mryet lay between him and the grave ; but on and we ire no adesotage g mere eche conjectures and surmises on the sub- character, and have ever tegerded it as • wet of the few ofJulyhe sank rap • , w high prize of suceea is retrieving the CO- social plague, yet we feel itieieeto •void Wee - luny, a few brnin. Ile left has largo estates jeer. For our own part we do not feel inclined to F [ tett with it because we believe it to be iofee- rade§ Jared not with.tard Lu enemy t--" Statesman. When he could give informa- tion about Canadian matters, or vindicate creed art. whether the (Moments...I Lord theprinciples of nod at base ! t Str B /when. was legal sir J)i Cal. " . •1 i • w vet sin • _ parse) over ■red wine• in • mast critical,- win In the summer of 1540, he• was order-JiBicult which Sir J. Cartoons should se• q' Tu. Preussen! Parliament is to meet on the ver have throne upon him, Lord Durha,,, ed to the south of Eurole for bia�hnlHh : 11th of nee month for the dispatch of btaaioe.e, SLANDER. used powers which Sir J. Colborne had but he (mind himself se ill •t Dover that be - Nrned &ride to Cowes, where he becatno and we believe that a mach deeper tuterest, in used without ortuutou, hi" 8elch( s enemy too weak to leave rue couch. Even then, the meeting, is felt by the public generally then We (seldom notice any of those smell Bole• .curd his opportunity to scare his (rends and when he war unable to take any non r- oa any former oeta"oion, not even excepting the tattle stories that come ander the bead of private from snppnrtiug him, M they were pledged ishment tut a tulle fr,iI, there wart &o the Serino of tut you. Nobody beyond the slander, and which are found Boating. as a secret to 4o. Considering all' this aad'that Lord ender -torrent in every little community, oro the 1),,, ham was to Name i5 not having furm.h- c life and animation in Lw countenance members of the Cabinet pretends to know any - ed the governri ant et home with sufficient and conversation, that Mose •who know him thin of the mrmres to be brooght forward, shape of pillage gossip ; for although we detest best could not but believe that much work m that coo rt forult from C. Buller earnestly es to 0 out, furrapidly,- and died HURON SIGNAL. THURSDAY. APRIL 4. IMO. I ,a or ,n the colonies, he was at he post a the J h CID !borne loot dune war appn,ted or Huuas of Lords. But he a" bly k THF. COMING SESSION. A.M4 se0 lie aggelatmoa of ?Mmes Mato Tee , se Mips of ale Meralai Che alieeti ■wf4ai Parti wed `see ! t New. in *. Ms g leseoM beg toe . less& tat. adreelegi Jedws Acer were sur of sees M -averts., Timm guilt. Hew. *Ter**, being ens gnat iiao would avis tritely to pt the sit of ib. .fits, sod altheegh he did, the said Thor Oa11, Fag , would sot meet the sold Judgeship eves although the Oorera.out .amid promise to double the psi. suet leery ! la tbe mead plea, we beg reeve to remark tat,. all these lemon, or utter, fee. have seemed from the nate mown wenn, after beteg folly matured by tear and melee: and, to the third plate, we beg lea•• to reMrk tat, l eouatry al, is Nate n ib. maiRe rMtI.* u at•etees nurse out of twenty, the .1.400.E the result would be similar. it *leo shows Provldtece hes- arranged that this species es that browbeating sed " b•dgerf.g" by a Ministerial oras is Dot productive of good. maLgaty oas prods•e only nae effect, and that When a quorum' a mooted, of it coesot he lie dsimwstsf end rain of iu adore f est utile or answered ley fair Ilitts'als r� 111 osis{ to Hae or may moos; sad ethers agate to causes of a dibrest 501054.11,1.. - oeer, we OM Hsieh lease is Mee Hopkins. wed eubs.ribe to the M of certain R,formera,-we ws.1 ask, what more doss arts prows 1 Merely t►a., that ell these sire met sects 'Minors fully setahhoh the `act, that Ike People desire R.frsss►- seaa, and d the Government �5t N she ET Ws emitted to direct the atiestion of oar readers to the of William Smith, Esq., Tows Reeve of Downie, which appeared lo last week's Sigwel. Although the remarks were in note isolation, rather seven epos oat Editorial self, yet we do net feel iodised to be critical, nor to enter into soy farther disesteem of the subject. • Our remarks upon the financial . *difficulties of the United Counties were made from the best of motive", and were aegge"ted by what we considered to be eery serious and dis- agreeable facts. Our views are now before the inhabitants, we ars very sorry abet we cannot conscientiously contradict them, but we shell be extremely well pleased if, at the end of the pre- sent year, Mn. Smith's views shall tun oat e be correct, and it Mall be dieco•ered that our "facts" were 6euoes. luny, and forming a new mud sound c dowel system. Put he soon eaw.tbat Lord Dur. ham wM right in propo.in to return. The daughter r„ nett " ••------- lF,vernor General had no F,ealth for such a� g. "'"x ' ""' him to a lcw month", leaving their young eireggle at the must now have been. - goo to emulate the virtues of his panne as Energy, Jceisiun were not always to be well M be might after the spectacle of their commanded iuthe degree Deceeasry under example was w,thdrawn " such unequalled difficulties ; and deet in P the mid.t of the work wne only too propba- Isle. Again -the colony was still in too HOW HAVE THE TIMES CHANGED? and other properly M much as possible at play the I roplu(on the preseet occasawo. _ the d.eposfl of lea devoted wife -the eldest might poribly geese right, and teen i. • greater tiaui, and beaten there ,s everything that is possibility that we might goer wrong -the difficult and unpleasant in tracing these matevo- chances are, therefore, spent us; and, u we lent rumors to their proper coerce. We must, have no ambition to ram the repe*ateen of a forme however, crave the indulgence of our readers at pMelier, we forbear gaessiog, entirely. Besides, present, while we not only nonce, bot cootie - we are aware that our hints wishes and support- diet to the most emp{tatts manner, one of these tions would have no effect in changing the wise atheism, danders, of rather an •rgwated 4. - intentions and reyq)ves of the Government: It eruption. During the past week it has been would be thinkiigseil of our Rulers to suppose first . . 1 in a loader that they are about to meet the Parliament with- tone. that tbeRev. Mr. Fletcher had been lately eat having agreed upon some definite line of hawking a Petition throneh the village of St. pe:icy by which they are preptirllff either to stand Mary's and the surrounding enuetry. the ohjrct or fall. it would, however, be using the Minis- of which was the remord or dismissal of Judge try messily to conceal the fact that the people Arland 1 And we regret to learn the this very have also • line of policy, and they have determ- improbable story was mot the goseip of ignores?. Used that the Government that refuses to stand - talkative sad excusable old womes, bat of men by the sad policy eine be forced to fall under t. from whom far other conduct might reasonably We do not write this in the form of • threat, for -be exp'eted t By all who have the pleasure of we have Do faith in the policy of intimidating' knowing Mr. Fletcher oo other refutation of the men to act against their own views and costae- rumor will be deemed necessary than merely to noes. In net, the man who could be indoeedl state that it is • "taleeotewt � originated is the bypopular intimidation to bring (orwerdor sig- basest political and sectarian -hatred. We nei- p p ther know nor care who was the manufacturer of Pott a measure which he conscientiously believed to be wrong, is a more despicable being than ha the falsehood, 'but we inert fearlesely that no who would legislate deepoticly sg•ion1 the violet man of hosaeet, upright principles, who knows and wishes of the people. But while we cased- anything of Mr. Fletcher, sod who has • proper ly denoonee all attempts to frighten • dorera- appreciation of the value of truth and piety, meat to )tear -and obey the b,heata of the people, wonld either believe it himself or repeat it to we, at the. same tune, derv, it prudent to esti- others as • thing worthy of belief. And we hesitate not in declaring that the man who would Madison of ?grain is• was especially warm mate that the people have a will and •vetoer repast it 1n each a manner as might lead to the spinet it, arguing that the admission of j which mast be felt. They may be ignorant, belief of it, such being willing and able e o slaves`into the country for that • length of 1 and rash, and obstinate, and unreasonable. bat beine the person who sawi Mr. Fletcher an hablee to time would work too much mischief. The while they poetess a representative form of Gov - term slaver is not used In the Constitu- the Petinnn, is, to all intents and purposes, s Y erament, *bete bad qualities can not destroy their tins ; Mr. Madison, a slaveholder from Virginia, opposed eta introduction into that monument, because, he said, he did not web to see it recognised by the Constitu- tion of the U. Stateebf America that there could be property in man. Verily, hew have the limes changed ie the South ?- Now they refuse to adroit California into the Union because her constitution does not admit or•reeogoise this *me slavery 1 Antrim* Citizen. i TRIAL OP 011. it EBSTER. . The indictment of Dr. Webster for the murder of Dr. Parkman was read in Court on the 1!lth to Beaton, and then Mr. Clif- ford, . Attorney General, addressed the jug to • deliberate and solemn manner, confin- ing himself to a clear and succinct state- ment of farts in the possession of Govern- ment -1st. that Dr. Parkman web murder- ed. 2nd. That Dr. John Webster commit- ted the decd. Mr. Clifford concluded a few minutes past past ten o'clock, and the Court ordered all but the meeical witnere for the Government to• retire. Fourteen peremp- tory challenges were made by the prisoner, ten of whom were set aside by the Court for having formed an opinion in dip case. Charles M. Kingsley testified that on June 19th 1849, he had care of D. Parkmaa's real estate -was in the habit of meeting him every day on lameness -never faded to find him at home at the dinner hour when be called fur fifteen years past. 11e gave an account of the search by him and Stark - weather in the Medical College. The ex- citement and interest continues se to this extraordinary trial ; ,t seems if possible, on the increase. The Court -Room and galle- ry were crowded at an early hnur to emcees with anxious spectators. Al nine o'clock the prisoner entered the Cort and took his seat in the duck -he exhibited the ase calm dnneenour. Al ten o'clock the jury returned from the scene of the Alleged more der. The mammies of witSOBsss then proceeded. fie trial still enutinueJ nn Monday. - The evidence was strong, but *belly eir- curestsstial . restive sod onset ties! • state to bo governed by •n enfeebled band ; aid white unsuppor- ted et home, Lord Durham was s lees safe ruler than Sir J- Culborne, whom he would is Mr. \Vcbe►er's great Speech delivered on the 4th of March on the Slavery ques- tion, he reverts to the antiquity and re- views beturically the ' vexed question: leave in his place. Again -it Has nun Slavery existed. in the world, fr m time clear that the true battle field on behalf of immemorehle. There was slavery in the Canada was in Parliament. With his pre Oriental nations ; among 1110 Greeks, the sent knowledge in his head and his mature Jews and the Romana. They generally tchotnes in his hand, Lord Durham could do i.jusufied the u.lres os the ground that A(- morefor Canada is Ute (louse of Lords ricane, and in some parts the Asiatic tribes, than be could do at Quebec while the Lords •were eopeused to be inferior to the white made ni lilt attacks which drew rebuke races. The Romain admitted that slavery even frouii the Duke. of Wellington, and was against the national law ; that all men thwarted the policy which they did not un- were created equal. Mr. Webster eatab- dar"tand. Thur, resignation was en act of limbo& one fact, which will surprise many sad sod stern necessity ; taut, if sot a0, it of his readers ; that is. when the Conalitu- was an act .(clear fidelity toCaoads. It Was lion was formed, the whole country, North hastened by rumours of intended iosurrec- and South, held slavery to be an unmttiga- ti•.n, which, under the circumstances, could N4 political and moral eiil. That the be dealt with'onlyby Sir J. Colborne.- South condemned it more virulently th^n • • Ile dM what he could to obviate to the North. That some northern member the colony the mi.chief dose by friend' and of the Conveetioe proposed a plan to get foes at-home ; and be did en mucb that be rid of the evil, and would allow twenty must peer be regarded es the originator years to meets it in ; but a Southern of good government in the colonlee. - member opened it, as being'too long. Mr. Rarely bar a greater work been done i.Bvm nestle thea the actual- reform" he wrought in Canada : but he did much more bymeans of the Report which he delivered after his return. By mean. of this celebrated Re- port, free sn4 large principles of colonial government are excited in action, and en- dowed with so communicable • character that there are none of our more thriving coloeiea that do not owe mach of their spe- cial prosperity to bean ; a' d probably few of the least happy that • would not have been in a worse condition if he had sat gone to Canada. By the utmost diligence in the completion of hie measures during the few weeks that remained -by every effort of .e f-contrt'l, and by the quiet openitns of magnanimity -he averted es much as he resold of the mischief done at-bume ; bot one fatal consequence was beygjid his pow- er. His heart was broken. No malice, aro indifference, no levity can get rid of that fact ; and it .1 one which should not be hid- den.. " Ile held to his work to the last. Oo the night before his departure, a Procla- mation settled the right of squatters on ('rows Lancia. A. he went down to the harbour, crowd" stretched as far as the eye could see -every head uncovered, and sot a pound but of the carriages. This deep c- lones 01 sympathy moved him strongly: end he believed that the was bis last sight of an aseemblago of men • for he' had no idea that ho could reach England alive. - As the frigate, the inconstant, was slowly towed out of the harbour, heavy a now clouds seemed to sink and settle upon her, e Vile over the water came the Hound of the cannon which installed his puccessor.- 'Phose of ht. Council who reanamed behind to clear of a rears of bu.inea, were alarm• nee during their sed and silent dinner, by a report of fire nn board the frigate ; one a fire there • os : bit it was presently exon geishorl. There was no Inlertn..mton ot Morons up In the moment of landing at Ply - moth, nn the 1.1 December. While the •!:ip was in herbsir there, rho weather was so bei-terous tha there was difficulty to the Q teen's mses.ng re in finding any maven who would undertake to convey on hoard the losoaaent the packet of orders to land Lord Dui ham wiihoot the honour,. It was done by a boat being allowed to drive so that the packet could be thrown on board. He met honours in abundades, however, tor his leading. and all the way in London -erowded politic meetings -ed dolmen -mem Iv -every rnken ofeonfidenrr and enrichment that could cheer hit heart. Thee* was great jn,y throughout the liberal party whew his rel woe et the Davenport QT Wa are pleased to undreamed that the Goderich Lodge of the Iad.peodent Order of Odd Fellows bas again revived rad come into WWII It Deed not he opposed, -bar is tits sad it will triumph despite all oppositio.- 11 i• expected that the greet gumetIen of Retrenchm.ot .111 be fairly Hest, teed felriy carried out; sod'. Inas rho cleause i5 Ihe remotest degree the diameter of a 11•101m- er will withhold his sort cordial appetite.. 1104 and firmest support. From** Breatfad Mould. FREE TRADE, DIRECT TAXATION, kc. ke. At the present time, when thee* le scarcely aught heard more the note of pre- paration amongst the venous cemented e: the earth, for asteria, Into the heti ns SOU - petitore for the prise, wheel are to a awarded to the victors, is the met though bloodless fight, between the nations, whish is to eke place, next year, with Englalnd fur the battle field, -at the present moment, when the most powerful and enlightened nation of ancient or modern tunes Me thrown open her porta to trade of the world, active operation -that a number of new members and declared herself- opposed to protection have been added to the society, that the foods an or to a system of exelusivenese tted rely in a flourishing condition, and that • Benevolent (orsuch nations a Paraguery, Cbie., Japan, Bell for the benefit of the Widows and Orphans. kc., -at this glorious period, when the belonging to the instlteeete wilt take plane about great principles electoral are bear acksow- *be middle of next month. ledged and adopted by the educated portion of the people of all leads, it may sot be antis in Canadians to ark themselves the quee- IiT Tea Court of General grunter Striwa tion, would they not act • wiser aid more and the County Court opened on Tuesday. A. liberal part by immedtatel fol:owrog the usual tfie criminal 'meander was a (dank, and the example of Britain in abolishing protection) Jud.ciel wisdom of their Worships will seeming- We know that there are many, even ly be .flowed to rust for lack or exercise. There amongst our reform friend., who would feel are two or three re:aious easas in the Coaety inclined to oppose la free adtois.ioo of Americas goods, velem rho Aroutcana Coen, bat, as a whole, the baio*sa is light sad wen willing to het lheugh will probably be closed this evening. our neighiDours might at first refuse to act as liberally 1. wards us •e we could desire, From the Packet. then a every nwaon to believe, that they RETRENCHMENT. will soon see the Decently of exhibiting a larger share of liberality in their tnnaac- The necessity. for retrenchment in Gov- tires with their nearest neighbours aDd best eroment expenditure is almost univerealle tuetomers, the people of Canada. l/, bow - admitted. At various times it has oceeeied ever, the liberality be found o• the side of public attention, and always bas the voice of Canada only, we an of opinion that Cana - the People, when fairly obtained on the sub- diens would, aterertbelese, be t»iljured by ject, given a nmtlar result. it le by no meals such liberality, as the admtniee of Anew_ the desire or interest of the People of Cam- can produce free of impost, would not da to support extravagant or eselese (stab- lessen the pries of any of the articles w►eh lehmentx. The origin of the Reform par- form the principal sources of income to the ty wag the desire on the part of those who people of this swuntry. Such articles Holy, formed it to reduce extravagant salaries,- a the people of ibis country bare to bey, to stop the plundering of the public trea"u would be imported, ed those which they ry by the giving of bribee and gratuities to have to sell wooed still find as geed a market favourites; and, in short, to hinder a rape- as they do now. The only di ffereeee which clous band of unscrupulous Tory office- the adoption of free trade priseiples would holders from revelling in_the public mosey. make between the present state of thing. The mere amount of Palarie. at that time and that which would *oeue, is this, -The appeared large, but the stated salary wee farmer, or other eonsumer, though getting but the dust of the balletic* comparatively. no higher pries for baa produce than he sow Thousands of acres cf land were given to gets, would be entitled to purchase (hose one Member of Parliament for his assistance articles which he is in the habit of parches - in procuring the like •' gift" for another: sig, for a muck smaller prier than be Islam thousands of pounds were paid in the shape compelled to pay. to Bose ease (ably arU- of " compensation" for this or that -cervi- cle of sugar for example) for a ball or swirly cos never rendered or thought of; and the a half of the amount now paid, the same numerous defalcations of irresponsible fa- quantity of the same artiele could be bought. vourites added still more to their systematic The generality of consumers espied the plunder. Nothing has contributed more to greater part of their income oo the parches rens complaints against Reformers than of nee easaries and sometimes luxuries for theirpruning propensities. "Deatructivm." themselves and families, and as all commons "Levellers," "Radicals," avid such like more or less, it would be a matter of net names, they have been honored with, on slight importance to the community to le account of their alleged reckl in enabled to effect an avenge saving of about breaking down lima -honored but useless forty or fifty per cent. In the perdue* of and costly eetabliahmente. goods for consumption. The advantage of The entire extravagance at the present being able to procure cheap commodities a time does not lie wholly in paying enormous not, however, the only one that would be salaries. The salaries of some who are gained by throwing open nor rivers, lakes, employed in Government departments are and ports to the eommere* of :be world. - too low in proportion to the services re- The additional traffic on the splendid ship mined,- these, however, are ran cases; but canals of which Canada may well be proud, there are some, -many, indeed, -who are would produce such a revenue from tolls as receiving some three or four hundred pounds would speedily defray the expense of coo- per year for oomimal services, whieh, in struction, and in half a dozen years heats, reality, anSnothing, or the very next thing pay the whole expenses of the government. to it. A Government office has been here- Thus would all the officers of the semeal tofore,-and in too many cases slill•is,- administration of the state he paid their somethingnext to mere sinecure, for the salaries, and the business of he benefit of some favorite or hungry expect- carried on, without the payment by the pso- ant who was incapable of executing any pre of any tax .bat ; for the school rax other business. A strong proof that many will cease to be exacted when the proceeds offices al present supported ere unnecessary, of the Clergy Removes and the YI &Peto- is the u.6teese for office of those who hold nn are applied to their legitimate nes; the them. Itis urged often that if mon ars making sad repairing anode will ora be al - dismissed from office they should be pro- most 'lonely imvested in Joint Stock Cempules. vided for otherwise. in regard to tht., it a"d ib• I males us. • Otrtrou of which W might be just in some peculiar swim: bat,collected for some time yet, will mike /r all generally speaking, are those who haus bear p°rp°ses' " But," ley. a friead, " what u R Y p• g+ to beer's of the peersmeat if you isi.lesee7 y enjoyed Hass and good pay entitled on that abolish ell oaten .ad iropwta t Hew is the wee - account to public support ? Are they made semen of (01enment to be kept movies with - incapable of pushing their way in the world out mosey, noel your headman years have at - as other man do? Then why bays they pied st the end .f which the need Mileage le "claims" on the public 1 Necessary offices be available. for its entire support 1" Oar *- must be kept up, and they should be filled saver is, by • diem( tax. The people's property with the most e85icie•t me• -few in num- 'hOeld be nilly assswed..nd s direet r1 levied ber, and individually well paid. But useless ib ••pp•ti of aka govenwe.L The mesbi- offices should be abolished at once. and the.► •try for awwiag and coaseuar a •law "Lew"! occupants allowed all the Tighe, reels err workia order, and all tat is ngsi 0. le mete P 8 P [ H ,sti�etory is • better •asswsest law, white and advantage" that good subjects e0JDy, would 'sable th• bursa of enpeertay the stew but sorbing in the shape of plunder to bediviisd sgsaly averts .11-• B in i• The opinion, -once so firmly established, their sputa in the eeestry. • �• -that the People were merely to be got- is oddities es 'bat saw t. ' 1. w g.1 the y it erred, and had so right to gaeetion acts or teas. kw heal Nip•"", measures of a f is sow •:ptosed. t►a esBseti•p .f the dt1,"ot ism 114•114:1117116.41 or to sappatt of and the contrary np.nton,-that tee Go.- the ��•t. Tb'.wide d . * .law eroment and Government officials are 1st „e "- � e� nw ily the servants of the People, -111 now beets* .hem, tarp of rout h eoWso ie sk- mom!, ..old .. to alsat. theme.tv5s 10 ems the established doetrioe. A blind aubmis- s,ow, esp4ymst he • h..NMed, 1 Sion to arbitrary power easot sow be e- ...id se wog* Jas wbj"M"d s. lire e+B•sss, forced, or even otherwise procured. When aweey.ees .s4 del* *seed by hewing w asir the People era aware that a elms are 110 end p w ped• eV, b• 1�bn.1 .d �l este, and that they themselvss an the P"Mt" wesM lbw &offerers, they feel that they have a perfect asoma BeReold fwr t�=10a�814 l' h thus a right to express their disapprobation by the this' miesso s. she mhasl�d�! Rvr I• •fir' mese. which their Laws and loilitates& emg-J, "•'• W. Aidy res.' ______,•••4•61._'7 t>lsir masa".• W. hale* sb,t pi'ab afford. Men ,n power apparently forget heti �eoswgy e..• hued awowe w W pays••+ that they are only public *reset& -Mot 11 a br.et the; W. titin s•e.pl"n hes rhes New masters. it h* always bens a earseterir is..,.s...1 took tea lawma . edoat last • tie of Tory O to bider populr deem m support • bra of....amelorses .• Intrigue, favouritism, ad pad lof ..ds&we ,m"l.d eNt .saw»B the employing been all easier of axNdi,sto, ••••people Csiada has always been pracUed ►77 t ad aod.etlsail lbs d5t(le '"64.10 .b.) esu Go t1es" the reducing of a salary •r .ke1Mb{tsg •a Golves ped their �pewr{ty, her 5.10 bon[ useless *Ahes ben been treated her en sat of es•" w• held se 1"pr Ihet .My 45 b.dtsa re progress se the wed w pnppeeley be MM.•l 1oW and v .tons a.hmt0m of Mtrene►- Nee ands p4. ip4R lar abek.i1. 10.ep'M i� meet, fGo a eaten pried. d a �rpM Our most is exp.elei to he brought leeward by ..old be every dog y.aa�le� M�_ the Mont Admi.tRastites. Hers M, par' •eti�& of Bee sr His ytsati t>i •semi en • . 1 _11.., - t t influence at the eon. The Tory party are full of hope and prophesy. They declare that the Ministry will not stick together for a month, and that even in that period they 'will be desert- ration for the " Gentlemen of the Cloth." We rd by Ilse chis( part of. their supporters. Such have known mine very bed men who're clergy- propheeies are only a different modification of their hope, end will shortly be numbered with Me great multitude of false predietion" that have amo•ed os in other years 1 We feel quite satis- fied that they IAM stick legether. and that nearly all who.eppotted them last Session will ena- traee to support them cies to the close of the present Parliament. and then. and nor till then, will some the "tog of war." {o the meantime we hope the friends of Reform will be honorable, sagacious and pineal. The Ministry will assuredly brims forward and carry some useful and liberal measures. They will not please everybody, bet they are at least emend to fair play and fall credit for the good they de. Asti we trey that eons of us will hem foolish and unreamoabls as to (eel disappointed and get into a rage, and ose bitter and uncharitable language, should we happen to discover that Retrench - meet -Law Reform and the fifty serest Rectories WILL t'omtTITI TI 1111 11.1714.e or NEXT 0M1• *AL EigCTtew. bad man! We do not ewers mewl( thus strongly because Mr. Fletcher is a clergyman, tor, wh.tee11 may be our faults, we are seldom blamed for cherishing a blind soperstitinuseroe- TIIE SPRING BUSINESS. The Toledo Blade, eommeatiag en the buttress of next season. nye-" We de not web to indulge ,n _Innen .peeulatims on the "object of the Spring business, t 'd. THE ROADS men, and when we see a man distinguishing him- self as a low. soeskisg, cowardly, baekbitiag, tittle -untie, slandering mischief -raker who blushes not to he eonfronted with hie oWn false- booda, sod subaaais�y confounded as • co..ow liar, the fact of each a man being • clergyman, is, in our esrima ton an almost infinite "genra- non of his guilt, and we pity, tad loath, and .hes him with deeper shuddering* of disgust than could he iotpired by the premiere of the most degraded varlet or the meet abendooed specimen of infamy But Mr. Fletcher is a good man, and this is • rerommeodatios more valuable than all enn•eotiooal titles, not even excepting the much perverted title of Rererrwd! it is Mr. Fletchet's honess, upright, dealer and unbending attachment to the iteral principles of truth and egoity,thatrenders him nbssziovetothe dastardly assaults or those who can perceive, in his very countenance, a retake of their own unprincipled seekk ieg and shuffling. -Now let us ask, seriously. Who got up this petition for de dismissal .(Judge Acland' What are the ground. of complaist 1 What interest Wa, last Fall, drew the attention n( our read- 1 ha. Mr Fleisher in the matter 7 sad ahem' all, en, sot to the miserable eoodinnn of oar leading en - Who nor Mr. Fletcher hawking this Petiuoo in Roads, (ser of the they were practically taferm- the Towoah'p of Rlashardi The well-being .41 bet to the met facilities that we peeweed, of oar little community requires that melt gross for remedyiag Ha evil by the privilege" eo.(ened a",sole open the reputation of good men shall by the New Act for the Incorporation of Road sod Bridge Cempasies. We expected that the mediae* with which the inhabitaeus annoy ether Markt. were *veiling Ihemselr.s of the idvaatagee of this important Act, and surer sale's ezp•risaee of mod made, would hen em- authority ins to .I.seder, ad thus let them• cited a spirit of emslaies is the more esterprl. •elves from beim{ pt►hele aspseed se the makers sing ?mum .(our Farms sod Merehaste, ted sod propsgwt•es d m•lipant eleeheod. W. are that se effort a improventeni would hap bees 5n7 swan of asy 9•6" •• for the remonl n( pet forth. Siete that time web we homed to au- 3.4ge Aelead-we ►see bard of w eorttplaini entrees dekfsl edwpkis,ea•d Irmsuuuoaabeet ►•I•[ forwarded to Oovemeeet agent him, to "shoes of W r..ds," bar. we tern" to es- except is 11frewee h the appointment of Mr. keewhdge that we have neither beard oar awe M•e[••'• bq u M *Ger which the mann Goys not be allowed to par oneenced, and if there is one eperk of honor or ho.eety in those Gentle- men who have arisied in eireated's this libel on the character of the Rey. Mr. Fletcher, they will at ems core forward and product* their uytkisg in am shape of se 11n,et,'weeks be ewe we.peteet is [It, sad which tee Omen. A els 1 attempt to form an active Reed Compaq, fr t"e"ar. es • wenn 51 eouret• will ser anew law tweeting were knows. '( hey referred to bo tb• perpoes of improving the " testa .f the "o ' 5., th'• has ear ellie.athias le de No, " dre!aralions to the people of Footles..I we cannot be Insertable to a fact so pd•fo1- rte„ W. m e emu. Host ,►art w a em len- with the newest of ledge Atlaad. Asa art in telt" as hie present creed. Rut he de- ly apparent a• that *loch now s our us last ol Gop1ul tuaious Harr rksr.eullwnl papa- b••••" Jere alt sed Robert Mederwell, Eqn * in r deeve! or sen d psi dose o - travel of Canada, and to lutea to nolhng ••r•�ilGowst a.answr ins u • prohibition ase eery wbwwtW neem fr not emeriti" ins u sh' 'n a from the Bssbrd.- Road apee4htieoa 1st, dtheugl we answer* numlerately on her return ?reigned her ppn t d the I,Aera's by he commercial •al stn un the fats. len My ►esu dews et Teams law then law• prlree he ta wowed f tl e 15 foretell adobe.. ars .shy .n(svtrreble r to hue at preseet, Hod that this dea.t.sey 1. pled lowness, y eh* till thtl woe effected. Lady Durham _�pe5 ipp [ I he ie 1104 art tele upon "'tell we "dell' of thio het, we are ileo esus tat geld, salver 'Overate* to the tudfvldsal wimp mars. for • few de • we hep bed .11 sate d wean stereos i• sire,luiu shout Oeetl�a beteg is poi 1 ahem. •he dlerael .( Jody P