The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1957-03-14, Page 3Local Auxiliary arness Named
I4ost ToRally To :pec Council
Ali Members of Exeter Iteerea-
tional Council were reappoint-
ed to `,their posta witb the excep-
tion of one. Max Maine will
represent the Legion in the place
of •Grahaau Mason
Other members. are Lloyd
Cushman, Rev. N. D. Knox,. Ha-
rold Preszcator, Douglas Gould
and Councillors Ross Taylor .and
Glenn. Fisher.
Members of the council re-
cently attended a conference to
Plana for the regional meeting
of Diftrict No. 2, held at Sout
Heron Hospital, April 2, were
discussed at the March meeting
of the Ladiea Auxiliary to the
Hospital on Tuesday .afternoon.
Arrangements for If o s p i t a 1
Pay, May X?, were also trade.
Mrs. Ralph .13ic10 was named
to purchase .a, suitable picture •of
the queen,, .and have it framed
.And hung in the auxiliary, rooms:
before the regional meeting.
The ways .and means commit-
tee, through the convener, Mrs,
W., G. Cochrane: is, arranging a
bakeless bake sale by which
members will contribute the
,equivalent of baking they would
provide for a bake kale, I'resi-
clent, Mrs. E. j1.. Russell, pre-
Accident ent Victim
Robert Scott returned to, his
home on Tuesday after spend-
ing .six months and a half in
Victoria Hospital, London.
Bob was severely injured in
a car accident just south of
Brucefield last September„ Dist-
rict policemen described the
wreck as the worst they had
ever seen.
Bob, started to walk again on
Friday and is now recuperating
at home,
lrucefie.d Fire
Kills 80 Hogs
Eighty pigs died in a barn fire
a mile east of Brucefield Wed-
nesday morning,
The frame barn, 25x40, was
owned by Wallace Haugh, who
estimates his loss At $3,000.
Mr, Haugh's son, Allan, dis•
covered the blaze at 4 a.m.
Brucefield and Seafortb,,bxigades
Haugh is a teacher of
grades five and six at Hensel}
Public School.
Pastor (at sermon's end)—"Ail
my good friends, what more can the same division under. which
I say?" the dam itself is being financed,
Voice ---"Amen!" This means, roughly, the P,U.C.
n 40 -Year Agreement Po!ice Char
A 40 -year agreement between
the Ausable authority and Exeter
over the use of water from the
proposed Morrison Dam in Us -
borne township, was .approved
by town eouiicil last Monday
The :agreement gives. Exeter
P.U.C. ".the right to take frons
the ponce formed by the dant
whatever water may reasonably
be .deemed necessary for per,
poses' other than irrigation,
The contract, already agreed
to by the Authority, also grants-
rantsthe .commission "all necessary
easements for the purpoQses of
laying in . pipes on the Authority's
rtyolr enable
tter." 0minis-
on withdraw dra
"The •commission will, without
expense to the Authority, appoint
a competent person , f , who
shall be available and respon-
sible for regulating the height
of the water at .the dam and far
regulating the flaw of water
whenever necessary,"
The Authority and the P.U.C.
will share maintenance costs on
CARNIVAL WiNS PRAISE ---Two of the persons mainly responsible., for the Exeter
Figure Skating Club's popular carnival Saturday night are shown here with two of
the younger performers. Mrs. C. V. Laughton, left, is president of the c1U.b this year
and Instructor Don Sharpe, right, an officer at RCAF Station Centralia, climaxed•.
his first year as a professional with the production, which was applauded by a crowd
of 500. The skaters are Mary Ellen Fulton and Darlene Snell, --T-A Photo
will pay 45 percent, the Autho-
rity five percent and the previa -
(dal government, through the
Authority the remaining .SQ per-
If the dam ever suffers 'major
damage by, storm or flood, the
same division of .costs will WAY.
providing the provincial govern -
mot eontinues its policy of pay-
At th.e end of 40 years, the
agreement may be renewed if
bath parties are agreeable. 11
differences arise, the contract
specifies that the Ontario Muni
ripat Bloard will be . the final
Council authorized the n aYor
and clerk to sign the document,
Wont Legislation Revit:ed
A'request for the revision of
legislation governing salaries for
municipal representatives has
been sparked by the township of
Usborne, it was learned at the
Mayor R. E. Pooley and
Reeve William McKenzie, both
of whom attended some of the
sessions of the Ontario Rural
Municipalities Convention in To-
ronto :-last week, said Usborne
delegates had sponsored .a re-
soletion requesting the provin-
cial government to change its
policy in regards to salaries for
members of municipal councils.
The resolution was seconded by
McKillip township officials.
Exeter councillors complained
of existing policy early ibis year
when R learnedpayment was re-
stricted either to a fixed annual
salary or a .set ainaunt for each
regular meeting They felt coun-
cillors should be .paid special
fees for the time spent away
from their businesses or em-
ployment while they were atten-
ding conferences or looking after
municipal affairs during busi-
ness hours. The Ontario Muni-
cipal Board would not permit
this method of payment.
Reeve McKenzie said the go-
vernment's present attitude is
being ignored by many muniel-
palities, "Some reeves in this
area are getting $150. More than
the maximum allowed by the de-
partment," he said.
Council approved a pay in-
crease of from 85 to 90 cents
per hour, for Ted Mawhinney,,
street cleaner. This brings his
wage in line with other public
works employees.
ARA Names
New Boards
Reorganization of advisory
boards was effected at the an-
nual meeting of Ausable River
Conservation A u t h o r i t y last
The new boards are: •
Finance—G. C. Henderson,
(chairman), .Wm. Haugh, J. Pat
erson, Victor Fuller, J, E. Alc-.
Phee, John A. Stephen,
Flood control Wm. H a u g'h•
(chairman), C. Corbett, Roy
Bell, Joseph E. Bryan, John E.
McPhee, John Manore, Freetnah
Hodgins. .
Farm ponds and land use --
Joseph E. Bryan (chairman),
Wellington Brock, James D.
Stewart, John A. Stephen, Free-
man Hodgins, Alex Taylor, Robt.
M. Love.
Public relations --Andrew Dix-
on (chairman), Walter Feasey,
Fred J. McLeod, Robert M. Love,
James M. Parker, Frank C. Al-
len, A. E. Smith.
Reforestation—W ell 1 n g ton
Brock (chairman), Walter Fea-
sey, A. E. Smith, James D. Stew-
art, Freeman Hodgins, Alex
Parks and recreation—C. E.
Janes, MPP (chairinae)i Fred
J. McLeod, .Gleini,Webii, George
C. Henderson, James M. pater -
son, William Haugh, R. S. Aus-
Wildlife—C, P. Corbett (chair-
man), Sohn Manore, Glenn
Webb, M. M, Pennington, A.
Dixon, Roy Bell.
Historic sites—John E. Me -
thee (chairman), George. C.
Henderson, Walter` Feasey, M.
M. Pennington, A. Dixon, Frank
C, Allen, James M. Parker.
-"Cru tihue4 Mtn Page
out Ile had not seen the aauth-
out when h. first w
•.QCI t i
ie ie hettcic
�sdsw d i
had p
loners Garbiege Chenille
Deputy -Reeve Chester lYfasvhux-.
ncy's Charge that garbage collec-
tion was "getting ,out of hand"
was ignored by other members
of council,
The deputy -reeve's epmmxaePts.
Mile .during .a discussion of
whether the town crew :should'
pick up an estimated two loads
of fledge trees which had been•
cut down bye local resident,
"The cher have been picking
up .a lot of stuff that isn't, gar-
bage,,' he said, "and it's eost-
ing us a lot of money."
Other councillors said the :men.
had: been picking up limbs, corn
stalks ete, and they could• hardly
i this case.
make"o n
anexeetan h..
Tben the matter was .dis:mis'sed,
Councillor Ralph Bailey repor-
ted the roads which were.oiled
last summer "are in pretty fair
shape." They will improve,. he
said,. when the frost comes out
of the ground. Cold mix patching
material has been ordered to re-
pair potholes,
Comments About •
(Crowded out last week)
Personal Mems
Dr.. Geo. P. Morphy of Toron-
to spent the weekend in the vil-
lage with Mrs. Morphy and the
Mr. Archie Chatten of Lan-
don was a Sunday visitor with
his mother, Mrs. H, Cliatten.
Mr. Herb Laugfard, Mr, and
Mrs. Wesley Shier of Granton
called on friends. in the village
on Monday afternoon,.
Mr. and Mrs. Bryce Skinner
and family visited with Mrs, Roy
Kirk and Lulu on Sunday after-
Mr. and Alrs. Walter Levy,
Marie, David and Margaret Rose
attended the silver wedding an-
niversary of Mr. and Mrs. Wm,
Bickell on Saturday evening at
their home. at Anderson.
Rachel, Hilda and Helen Levy
of Transvaal, Ronnie and Bar-
bara Sweitzer of Shipka were
weekend visitors with their
cousin, Shirley Rundle.
Mr. and Mrs. John Redd en-
tertained a number of their
friends from London to a skating
party on the Woodham rink on
Tuesday evening of last week
after which lunch was served at
their house on the Base Line.
Mr. Arlo Copeland. of Kirkton
visited with his cousin Mr, Law-.
rence Copeland and Mrs, Cope-
land on Sunday.
Mrs. Kenneth Savage, Mrs.
Grace Rowe of London were
Sunday afternoon visitors with
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Rundle.
Mr. and Mrs. John Rodd were
Saturday evening guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Preston Morrison of
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Bucke and.
fancily of Thorndale were Sun-
day afternoon visitors with Mr.
and Mrs. T. Gipping.
Miss Gladys Cole of London
was a weekend visitor with Mr.
and Mrs. Lloyd Smith,
Entertained their Hubands and
family .
The Evening Auxiliary enter-
tained their husbands and fami-
lies in the church basement on
Friday evening to a ham supper
after which the .children spent
the evening skating on the rink
Surprise. Couple
On Anniversary
A surprise party was held at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wil-
liam Ferguson, Themes Road on
Tuesday evening in honor of
their fortieth wedding miniver-
The evening was spent in play-
ing euchre after which the couple
was presented with many use-
ful gifts. The address. was read
by their daughter, Mrs. Oliver
Jaques and the gifts were pre-
sented fey Mrs, Lloyd Ferguson
and Miss Joyce Watson.
Guests present were Mr. and
Mrs. 'Oliver Jaques end family,
Woodham, Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer
Ferguson and family, Hensen,
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Ferguson,
Mr, and Mrs. .toy Ferguson,
Mt. and Mrs. William Homey,
Exete'', Mr. and Mrs. Clayton
Watson and Joyce 'of Andersch,
M. and. Mrs. Gordon Poacoek
and Mrs, Shirley Mills, St. Marys,
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ferguson,.
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ferguson
a it d Mt, ' Russell Ferguson,
The streets eeminittee was
empowered to erect stop signs;
at .the corner of William and:
Victoria streets, where hedges,
and houses black motorists';
view of the intersection..
Consider iNew !rector
Council. is still ;contemplating
the pprebaso of a machine with
whieh to operate its trench -and -
fill method of covering garbage
at the new dump, A demonstra-
tion of a, inaehu a which will dig
ditches for sewers, as well es
trenches at the .duiiip, was ar-
Decision .of daylight saving
time was postponed until Lou-
set Rs dates.
A letter fr$m the Department
of Education confirmed Larry
Heideman's appointment as reel
director for a trial period.
(Crowded out last week)
Mrs. T Waugh, Mr. and Mrs.
Morley Waugh of London spent
Monday with Mr. and Mrs, Leo-
nard Thacker.
Mrs. Fred Pattison spent the
weekend with Mr. and Mrs, Or-
ville Langford of Centralia. "
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Jones and
family spent Sunday with Mrs.
Ulvada Hopkins of MitclielI.
Asir. and Mrs. Theo. Stephens
of Anderson, Mr. and Mrs, Cla-
rence Martin of St. Marys were
Sunday guests of Mr. Jas. Mos-
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Jacques
and family of Woodham were
Sunday evening guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Carl Mills,
Mrs. Fred Thoinsan spent
Wednesday with Mrs. Walter
Jones of Glendale.
Mr, and Mrs. Herman Payn-
ter of Kirkton were Tuesday
evening guests of Mr. and Mrs,
Fred Thomson.
Miss Anne Thomson spent a
fete days last week with Mrs.
Lottie Jones of Glendale and
Mrs, Hazel 'Ffern of 8(1i line.
Town Topics
Mr. S. W. Sinus, wmto has been
in Westminster Hespital, London
for .the past seven weeks, is
much improved .arid expects to
be Home soon,
Mr, and Mrs. E. D. Bell and
Mr. and Mrs.. W, Tuckey,
have returned .from a vacation
in Vloridx .
Miss Myrland Sniitlt attended
the hairdresser's Convention at
the Royal York Hotel, Toronto,,
Monday and: Tuesday et this
Mrs. Eliza Sims Is si tilrtrent
le South .1lurbtt Hospital, Exeter,
Thames Road
bound car approaching, ;he said.
and e it sa a car
tiiinge into. imp 44th, be thought
tion .
Tanner told the jury lie saw
no lights on the McBride .car.
:after the accident except the
dome light .on the inside. He also
said he .saw no one turn •of -1 the
Edwards, driver of the tractor-
trailer .owned bY, Reyes Trans-
port, Clinton said he felt :the
bump of Ni. its ear .against his
trailer but. he first thought he
bad a flat tire. He ,souse not
remember whether or not the
McBride vehicle bad its lights
on when it eneraaehed.
Alvin Nicholson, 70, of Aneroid,
Sask. .,an uncle of the victim
and a passenger in los .car, said
the Nixon car seemed to make
.a sharp turn out. from behind
the, transport truck as the Mc-
Bride car approached. He esti-
mated his nephew had passed
the front wheels of the truck
ve.(ore they ;ate r' , 1 (.
awing out.
leTai~,; i Teat 'bad;Jn�' .1 l
l.f .Ac�monk, t.eit .a t I ,',
bride efls t<u , p 3. 1
said vas 'QW� in rt ate.,
ever, Istieholsee aekt.•
The ;Siaskatc,hew,an 'mat
had •revidenee :rf his lea
an his fate.
Constable 4liShees
Nixon vehicle travelled:
from the impact and end.
�. n top a tee line and,
0 1? e
the west ditch.
Ten photographs..taken
Constable George Mitchery1,
Dr. kt. W, Read, .Exeter,
rendered first aid, said the
im w s ;suffering
ti ferin.g from se Artie
• head e a ions when .e . rr
at 6.30.
Coroner Dr. J. C. Codd.
presided for the inquest, J
members, from Hay and:
borrie townships, included H
• old Stade, foreman; Ed Gase
Ray Guenther, Russell Mor
and Frayne Parsons,.
Community Night
Communityt night was held on
Thursdays evening, with eight
tables of euchre in play. ler,
and Mrs. Jas Hodgert and Mr,
in Mrs,. Alvin Passmore were
Charge •
Winners for' ladies high were,
Mrs, Reg llodgert; ladies low,
Mrs, Harold Rowe; lone hands,
Mrs. Wilfred 1-litnkin; Men's
high, Mr. Ttay Cottle; men's
and Croginole was enjoyed by the
a d u 1 t s. Ray Mills showed
'slides on his trip down the St.
Mr. and Mrs. BTU. Switzer and
Beth of Stratford visited Mon-
day eveeleg with Mr, and Mrs.
Jatk Switter and family,
111r. andMrs, MIAMI Moore.
Mr. and Mrsf Calvin More ,of
Wyoitiing spent Wednesday with
Mrs. Jennle Moore and Mr. and
Mrs. William Snow
Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Hunter
of Eliinyille and Mt.. and Mrs.
truest Pyitt silent Monday with
Mr. and Mrs. Tony Shulman Of
M1" and Mr's. Walter Iiern,
(xhderieh, Alt, and Mrs .en,
ljerit txeter, were Friday guli!s'ts
et Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Rem •
.. * EXTRA LISTINGS, at little cost, make. it easier
for people to find you:
iN BUSINESS:... Use extra listings to show other
firm names for your business—to associate your name
tN, and residence telephone number with your firm name
—or to show after -hour numbers for you and your
key employees,
AT HOME: Other -members of the family and
relatives, roomers or boarders would •benefit from
having their names listed in the telephone directory.
Please be sure to check your directory right away, For
changes and additions in the white page section call eur
Business Office without delay.
Sdel. IP
rs",♦.- s "
'56 PLYMOUTH SEDAN`, automatic, radio, soles .glass, sportone
paint, wheel covers, one owner $2,495,00
'56 PLYMOUTH SEDAN, one owner , 2,295.00
'55 PLYMOUTH CLUB COUPE, spotless inside and out ,....... 1;095.00
'55 CHEVROLET COACH, runs as good as new ............. .... .,.,, 1,395.0
'53 PLYMOUTH SEDAN, radio, seat covers ' , 1,195.00
'51 PONTIAC SEDAN, very low mileage , 895.00
'5i .STUDEBAI<ER SEDAN, in good condition ..........................
'50 PLYMOUTH SEDAN, drive this one „ ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,iii,,,.,.
'50 CHE ♦ •SEDA1\ ...... •Y.,,ff..liit„Yl .........f.,I,,, 1.,...,t)t r,l.i.............5{„it.f
'50 STUDE3AI:ER SEDAN ....... ...... ....f,,..:..,.,.Y.............. .....
'48 DODGE SEDAN ,.,.,i,.,i.,.i„Y,Y.{{{,,.,..i,....
your choice .,,. ....... •..... ,.,..... •..f.N...Y.i..
..... .,.f,,.,
Come In And Look Them Over
'51 DODGE 1 TON PICKUP, just what you are Iookitmg for
'50, STUDEBA1ilIt 1/2 TON PICKUP, a good truck, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,
695.00 r
chryslo i Plymouth Fargo truckt1 Solos and gest*
PHONg 216
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• ' 1 .1
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STEEL is the foundation of the material well-being
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in the weapons of defence, without which the peoples
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Stelco as the largest Canadian steel -maker is proud
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nicht of Canada. , , , LL _ .
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ARA Names
New Boards
Reorganization of advisory
boards was effected at the an-
nual meeting of Ausable River
Conservation A u t h o r i t y last
The new boards are: •
Finance—G. C. Henderson,
(chairman), .Wm. Haugh, J. Pat
erson, Victor Fuller, J, E. Alc-.
Phee, John A. Stephen,
Flood control Wm. H a u g'h•
(chairman), C. Corbett, Roy
Bell, Joseph E. Bryan, John E.
McPhee, John Manore, Freetnah
Hodgins. .
Farm ponds and land use --
Joseph E. Bryan (chairman),
Wellington Brock, James D.
Stewart, John A. Stephen, Free-
man Hodgins, Alex Taylor, Robt.
M. Love.
Public relations --Andrew Dix-
on (chairman), Walter Feasey,
Fred J. McLeod, Robert M. Love,
James M. Parker, Frank C. Al-
len, A. E. Smith.
Reforestation—W ell 1 n g ton
Brock (chairman), Walter Fea-
sey, A. E. Smith, James D. Stew-
art, Freeman Hodgins, Alex
Parks and recreation—C. E.
Janes, MPP (chairinae)i Fred
J. McLeod, .Gleini,Webii, George
C. Henderson, James M. pater -
son, William Haugh, R. S. Aus-
Wildlife—C, P. Corbett (chair-
man), Sohn Manore, Glenn
Webb, M. M, Pennington, A.
Dixon, Roy Bell.
Historic sites—John E. Me -
thee (chairman), George. C.
Henderson, Walter` Feasey, M.
M. Pennington, A. Dixon, Frank
C, Allen, James M. Parker.
-"Cru tihue4 Mtn Page
out Ile had not seen the aauth-
out when h. first w
•.QCI t i
ie ie hettcic
�sdsw d i
had p
loners Garbiege Chenille
Deputy -Reeve Chester lYfasvhux-.
ncy's Charge that garbage collec-
tion was "getting ,out of hand"
was ignored by other members
of council,
The deputy -reeve's epmmxaePts.
Mile .during .a discussion of
whether the town crew :should'
pick up an estimated two loads
of fledge trees which had been•
cut down bye local resident,
"The cher have been picking
up .a lot of stuff that isn't, gar-
bage,,' he said, "and it's eost-
ing us a lot of money."
Other councillors said the :men.
had: been picking up limbs, corn
stalks ete, and they could• hardly
i this case.
make"o n
anexeetan h..
Tben the matter was .dis:mis'sed,
Councillor Ralph Bailey repor-
ted the roads which were.oiled
last summer "are in pretty fair
shape." They will improve,. he
said,. when the frost comes out
of the ground. Cold mix patching
material has been ordered to re-
pair potholes,
Comments About •
(Crowded out last week)
Personal Mems
Dr.. Geo. P. Morphy of Toron-
to spent the weekend in the vil-
lage with Mrs. Morphy and the
Mr. Archie Chatten of Lan-
don was a Sunday visitor with
his mother, Mrs. H, Cliatten.
Mr. Herb Laugfard, Mr, and
Mrs. Wesley Shier of Granton
called on friends. in the village
on Monday afternoon,.
Mr. and Mrs. Bryce Skinner
and family visited with Mrs, Roy
Kirk and Lulu on Sunday after-
Mr. and Alrs. Walter Levy,
Marie, David and Margaret Rose
attended the silver wedding an-
niversary of Mr. and Mrs. Wm,
Bickell on Saturday evening at
their home. at Anderson.
Rachel, Hilda and Helen Levy
of Transvaal, Ronnie and Bar-
bara Sweitzer of Shipka were
weekend visitors with their
cousin, Shirley Rundle.
Mr. and Mrs. John Redd en-
tertained a number of their
friends from London to a skating
party on the Woodham rink on
Tuesday evening of last week
after which lunch was served at
their house on the Base Line.
Mr. Arlo Copeland. of Kirkton
visited with his cousin Mr, Law-.
rence Copeland and Mrs, Cope-
land on Sunday.
Mrs. Kenneth Savage, Mrs.
Grace Rowe of London were
Sunday afternoon visitors with
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Rundle.
Mr. and Mrs. John Rodd were
Saturday evening guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Preston Morrison of
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Bucke and.
fancily of Thorndale were Sun-
day afternoon visitors with Mr.
and Mrs. T. Gipping.
Miss Gladys Cole of London
was a weekend visitor with Mr.
and Mrs. Lloyd Smith,
Entertained their Hubands and
family .
The Evening Auxiliary enter-
tained their husbands and fami-
lies in the church basement on
Friday evening to a ham supper
after which the .children spent
the evening skating on the rink
Surprise. Couple
On Anniversary
A surprise party was held at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wil-
liam Ferguson, Themes Road on
Tuesday evening in honor of
their fortieth wedding miniver-
The evening was spent in play-
ing euchre after which the couple
was presented with many use-
ful gifts. The address. was read
by their daughter, Mrs. Oliver
Jaques and the gifts were pre-
sented fey Mrs, Lloyd Ferguson
and Miss Joyce Watson.
Guests present were Mr. and
Mrs. 'Oliver Jaques end family,
Woodham, Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer
Ferguson and family, Hensen,
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Ferguson,
Mr, and Mrs. .toy Ferguson,
Mt. and Mrs. William Homey,
Exete'', Mr. and Mrs. Clayton
Watson and Joyce 'of Andersch,
M. and. Mrs. Gordon Poacoek
and Mrs, Shirley Mills, St. Marys,
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ferguson,.
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ferguson
a it d Mt, ' Russell Ferguson,
The streets eeminittee was
empowered to erect stop signs;
at .the corner of William and:
Victoria streets, where hedges,
and houses black motorists';
view of the intersection..
Consider iNew !rector
Council. is still ;contemplating
the pprebaso of a machine with
whieh to operate its trench -and -
fill method of covering garbage
at the new dump, A demonstra-
tion of a, inaehu a which will dig
ditches for sewers, as well es
trenches at the .duiiip, was ar-
Decision .of daylight saving
time was postponed until Lou-
set Rs dates.
A letter fr$m the Department
of Education confirmed Larry
Heideman's appointment as reel
director for a trial period.
(Crowded out last week)
Mrs. T Waugh, Mr. and Mrs.
Morley Waugh of London spent
Monday with Mr. and Mrs, Leo-
nard Thacker.
Mrs. Fred Pattison spent the
weekend with Mr. and Mrs, Or-
ville Langford of Centralia. "
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Jones and
family spent Sunday with Mrs.
Ulvada Hopkins of MitclielI.
Asir. and Mrs. Theo. Stephens
of Anderson, Mr. and Mrs, Cla-
rence Martin of St. Marys were
Sunday guests of Mr. Jas. Mos-
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Jacques
and family of Woodham were
Sunday evening guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Carl Mills,
Mrs. Fred Thoinsan spent
Wednesday with Mrs. Walter
Jones of Glendale.
Mr, and Mrs. Herman Payn-
ter of Kirkton were Tuesday
evening guests of Mr. and Mrs,
Fred Thomson.
Miss Anne Thomson spent a
fete days last week with Mrs.
Lottie Jones of Glendale and
Mrs, Hazel 'Ffern of 8(1i line.
Town Topics
Mr. S. W. Sinus, wmto has been
in Westminster Hespital, London
for .the past seven weeks, is
much improved .arid expects to
be Home soon,
Mr, and Mrs. E. D. Bell and
Mr. and Mrs.. W, Tuckey,
have returned .from a vacation
in Vloridx .
Miss Myrland Sniitlt attended
the hairdresser's Convention at
the Royal York Hotel, Toronto,,
Monday and: Tuesday et this
Mrs. Eliza Sims Is si tilrtrent
le South .1lurbtt Hospital, Exeter,
Thames Road
bound car approaching, ;he said.
and e it sa a car
tiiinge into. imp 44th, be thought
tion .
Tanner told the jury lie saw
no lights on the McBride .car.
:after the accident except the
dome light .on the inside. He also
said he .saw no one turn •of -1 the
Edwards, driver of the tractor-
trailer .owned bY, Reyes Trans-
port, Clinton said he felt :the
bump of Ni. its ear .against his
trailer but. he first thought he
bad a flat tire. He ,souse not
remember whether or not the
McBride vehicle bad its lights
on when it eneraaehed.
Alvin Nicholson, 70, of Aneroid,
Sask. .,an uncle of the victim
and a passenger in los .car, said
the Nixon car seemed to make
.a sharp turn out. from behind
the, transport truck as the Mc-
Bride car approached. He esti-
mated his nephew had passed
the front wheels of the truck
ve.(ore they ;ate r' , 1 (.
awing out.
leTai~,; i Teat 'bad;Jn�' .1 l
l.f .Ac�monk, t.eit .a t I ,',
bride efls t<u , p 3. 1
said vas 'QW� in rt ate.,
ever, Istieholsee aekt.•
The ;Siaskatc,hew,an 'mat
had •revidenee :rf his lea
an his fate.
Constable 4liShees
Nixon vehicle travelled:
from the impact and end.
�. n top a tee line and,
0 1? e
the west ditch.
Ten photographs..taken
Constable George Mitchery1,
Dr. kt. W, Read, .Exeter,
rendered first aid, said the
im w s ;suffering
ti ferin.g from se Artie
• head e a ions when .e . rr
at 6.30.
Coroner Dr. J. C. Codd.
presided for the inquest, J
members, from Hay and:
borrie townships, included H
• old Stade, foreman; Ed Gase
Ray Guenther, Russell Mor
and Frayne Parsons,.
Community Night
Communityt night was held on
Thursdays evening, with eight
tables of euchre in play. ler,
and Mrs. Jas Hodgert and Mr,
in Mrs,. Alvin Passmore were
Charge •
Winners for' ladies high were,
Mrs, Reg llodgert; ladies low,
Mrs, Harold Rowe; lone hands,
Mrs. Wilfred 1-litnkin; Men's
high, Mr. Ttay Cottle; men's
and Croginole was enjoyed by the
a d u 1 t s. Ray Mills showed
'slides on his trip down the St.
Mr. and Mrs. BTU. Switzer and
Beth of Stratford visited Mon-
day eveeleg with Mr, and Mrs.
Jatk Switter and family,
111r. andMrs, MIAMI Moore.
Mr. and Mrsf Calvin More ,of
Wyoitiing spent Wednesday with
Mrs. Jennle Moore and Mr. and
Mrs. William Snow
Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Hunter
of Eliinyille and Mt.. and Mrs.
truest Pyitt silent Monday with
Mr. and Mrs. Tony Shulman Of
M1" and Mr's. Walter Iiern,
(xhderieh, Alt, and Mrs .en,
ljerit txeter, were Friday guli!s'ts
et Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Rem •
.. * EXTRA LISTINGS, at little cost, make. it easier
for people to find you:
iN BUSINESS:... Use extra listings to show other
firm names for your business—to associate your name
tN, and residence telephone number with your firm name
—or to show after -hour numbers for you and your
key employees,
AT HOME: Other -members of the family and
relatives, roomers or boarders would •benefit from
having their names listed in the telephone directory.
Please be sure to check your directory right away, For
changes and additions in the white page section call eur
Business Office without delay.
Sdel. IP
rs",♦.- s "
'56 PLYMOUTH SEDAN`, automatic, radio, soles .glass, sportone
paint, wheel covers, one owner $2,495,00
'56 PLYMOUTH SEDAN, one owner , 2,295.00
'55 PLYMOUTH CLUB COUPE, spotless inside and out ,....... 1;095.00
'55 CHEVROLET COACH, runs as good as new ............. .... .,.,, 1,395.0
'53 PLYMOUTH SEDAN, radio, seat covers ' , 1,195.00
'51 PONTIAC SEDAN, very low mileage , 895.00
'5i .STUDEBAI<ER SEDAN, in good condition ..........................
'50 PLYMOUTH SEDAN, drive this one „ ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,iii,,,.,.
'50 CHE ♦ •SEDA1\ ...... •Y.,,ff..liit„Yl .........f.,I,,, 1.,...,t)t r,l.i.............5{„it.f
'50 STUDE3AI:ER SEDAN ....... ...... ....f,,..:..,.,.Y.............. .....
'48 DODGE SEDAN ,.,.,i,.,i.,.i„Y,Y.{{{,,.,..i,....
your choice .,,. ....... •..... ,.,..... •..f.N...Y.i..
..... .,.f,,.,
Come In And Look Them Over
'51 DODGE 1 TON PICKUP, just what you are Iookitmg for
'50, STUDEBA1ilIt 1/2 TON PICKUP, a good truck, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,
695.00 r
chryslo i Plymouth Fargo truckt1 Solos and gest*
PHONg 216