Huron Signal, 1850-03-28, Page 1T II M IIit %L LI N' O Ii #'
1r 44444 C•.
wbea, eb elm i. soy'away /
Wise et been is le it prime,
Wheel eN Ilk le fills sad blesses',
Thee is may excimer ,liar.
When the dam bean, bright .bore
Ilan.• .....shed by pole or care,
Ad thetif.glyd erre...' of leen,
Verne glower +ell•we weer.
Wb... eb wereo is reef wanner 1
Wh.. Dew's Hewer 4earh 814 ,be sir,
Awl • ..os..lbeit ie deouni.g
That ae Amor ens wee es /lees ;
That these. Noreen Mew, are mead e..
Thing tb. wind. Mewl herd sad ahrdl,
Me'e't's matso spell has booed ea,
Aad the heart ma knew media
Whee, eh wheels dreary wise.,?
Mee lib deans w/ by my,
And is M.eliwr and ..mala
We have welshed is wee.. away.
W)i.e the clary has departed
Thar e'erilled the froth with Neem,
Aad we haw w.pry-limed.
Ile swe dtke tea►.
When w. bene M. monad •.ehaated.
Aad tee eked -peeks wlrm w. ro.ed,
I•eerime sell our ►wt's hams.
84 the *win M1,.. awl hired;
Iberia( stip the idol bodes.,
i. i.s enc and ewsaded iso.,
Eehiiat win word. oleo notes,
T►n we any WIT beer .rein.
Whit. in .hew Is beery wi.t.e 1
Whore .pit the shore we've Mead,
Aol h•►eld the.wdn•nrr.nt
Of life's dark .ad nanny fiend.
Item. th•reb the utero I. spread tvef re s,.
As** rear more. tore,
Whitings ire* eheis is o'er ro.
Aaiie took We ear noel.
Capoea Teervus -The eem,lete eztir-
paties of ibis peat is exee.drngly difficult.
i■ wet or stony ground. A
J in the Int somber of neer
ta▪ lented rotemporary, the Gee. e e Farmer,
N ggests • peas fee destroying thrtlee.
which ia both am* ad rfftcacious. 11e
• free aad fiwrJy dun of the
phut► : that to In sty, in wester fellnwo•g
Gehl teemed with One trewbleeowre weed,
gins deep ...deices ploughing as soon a •
the lessee ref the tbiettes fairly appear Oros
the surface, a promos that will often r.q.orr
rep.tttios. It is a wsll_kiiwe feet ,o we.
getable p►ywelegy, that no plant can loop
survive the reputed destr reties of its
leave*, which may be eaid 10 be a kind of
breathing organ , sseewhat a0alaguus to
Isngs in seinen. We hove seen b,.ndred,
Orem of the f$ebeet pasture lend in Eel -
lead htenlly covered with thistles, but in
two er three years tearer a pleat was to br'
f.a,td,kft. This remit was ebt.ined with- -
01 br.skisg op the pastors, simply by cut-'
tis* the root about an tech ceder the sur -
hes with a sharp instrument, eignt6cantly
• "thistle sped," and by repeating the opo.
rktios ie leap a any te.iea make thei. ■p.
pean.e.. fa arable land we have found.
in salmons to deep ploughing, the use of
powerful cultivator .r subsoil plough, of
the grimiest mortice. A. the more of the
thistle is dry rich suits penmen very deep,
it frequ.atly hoeoeees seee.ury, in order
effectually t. extirpate Oris !twiny, to du•
int..grate the soil to the depth of twelve,
.r esus ergkteec racism. lot in ease of
w.ede, se is a.l.dies of the bade, preeeas•,
ties ta the better cure: and every careful
Dither, whet his lead is once free from
norimis intruders, will tree dill/sally the
prepe' mune of keeping it dear. A
Airway farmer, harbouring and maturing
upas hie land weeds instead of grain. ti an
absolute alesee to a whole neighbour -
Hanot kers A..slioLTtaet. SPORTY .-We
pereifve, from our recent Seotti.h ex-
cites/le, that this important society, the
grit 'hot eras freed in Great Britain, and
which has dose so much for the advance -
mist of Agriculture, sot nely in Scotland,
!tut in various parts o/ the world, conti.fea
ie • tou►i.hier condition. Th. monthly
meeting., of members, held i. Edinburgh,
have become still mere attractive, and the
dormice' depsnessat of the society is l a
per...noisg eesdil•o.; aldiesseh it bae not as
yet rewired that deer•' of support whieb
le requisite fee aha fell resheat tee of its im
MMS et 4eete. Dv. A m demes, the Seete-
ty'• e►esdat. W per heated Ming lite )ver
• e.s4N•rabls ousthet of welyeee, obese et
Ilam is'.lviog .Mrplo. amid
tlfsste i eertigsliss.. Ile is ow -
shied le a eerie. of 'salmi of the turnip,
yews ns diff rest .ale aM wet► 'snow
keds 'f esewra. Asethev mosso .4 sooty.
o w hes been mmtweeeel of d►e obis.* rale
of dames &oriels of fmcethied. with a
Mem .1 delsrerinisg the standard em.atl• ui
fist ei Nils. The imbibition fee 115& will
Mite pIalS ie Oleag.w; sM se effort 1.
saskirsi to haw the .SS ,j' vel 1111. st
Patti. We ere OW tepsi the
lfl• M aa16afitb•i•lsi he wand
lar 'lytta Yat r.tomW. bad the
*weer ei Ilam i•• Verb Slade faiebeld
se Ilyttoutbit M NOM as -
lightened sod uterpndwg alncutturlat,
John D.afi•I4, E.q., o/ 04k100Is, Seneca
Crrtnty, N. Y. Mr. Delefi*kl iwfnnnstl ,,.
IMst be had resew ly t..p,rte.l ho•n England
• machine with its various apple , for
oinking tile•, Mom, ke. /or po rouses of
draining: a •nljeet which is entering the
t attention of the farmers n( the stale
of New York. The hiph pace of drotong
material* ha been hitherto an •Oonae in-
•nrmonnlab'e obstacle 1n the surremful
p.tnihtrtinn of this molt ind,.pcnsahl•
branch of agrcultural improvement. In the
last number of the Genesee Fa -aur. there
u an illn•rattve cul of Mr. Dobai. to:•
machine, which' -e I•ercetve eempriees the
recent improvements made to England, and
also a hat of prices for the d•ffereot loose of
nom end 1,1er, which ws subjoin fur the in-
fonttaUt ■ of Dur reader. -
Mere TILRi.
••welesbieh, by 15 Ia. lens au *IS or IMO oleo.
•' 12 40. •
2 " " 10 ,tit .'
$elf- for tho afro, if r.gnirrd. $6.26 p -r 1000.
largest ars. awl $3 omits./ tier.
ria.'!. etre+.
4 is. diameuer,l.S in. long, at $16 pr 1000 pipes.
1 „
t ..
P p•. r4 larger rizo can be made by thin
w,.. -('n•, rem,-fvltnder. n(G and II inch.•
dnamfler. Root and ridge ties are turned
o..t with -. ;tet r rift,.
The oboe. rate. are coneolorably higher
than thee* in England. Greater expert•
ewe, however, will after • while .'.c,lilate
pro 'action and lower prices. As there are.
,.any part• of Canada where draining is -
mnrh model. *rid where little or no .tore. 1
o f a •uitahle deeertption, can be found, we
think that sufficient encouragement .honed l
Ise riven to enterpri,,af p. non., .uh•r1,y
• ,rime• or .itherwi.e, res tet a few of Ilnee
machines intr.d••ced. Ilt„ch an mitered...
were d••, tt cn.IJ not fail to be
profitable 10 the parties engaged, and aim
mentos le.e6t to the country.
Dtrruarnm or AOIiccr.Tvttat. Xmnw-,
t0MR.-10 nyder to create and eatiefy a I
ta.t• lnr agr'eultnral kwnwlelte and rural
tm omesnent thr iph.ui the An.rrican
T'nion, it fas been proposed by several in -
fl pori; 14••ier t• pent a large number of
actable. tract, for gratuiri.u. circulation,
1111 '1r tzrense ..f 'bo fele'a1 government.
There are not Ian, it is calculated, than
four million. of (.rnters in the U. States,
rot one in lee of wbom read. at strti'ultu-
nl book or journal. Several fresh piano
appear to bare been either commenced or
projected (or giving a ytgnrous imp.lse to
the a4vencement of agriculture. The ob-
ject Is nowt patriotic, and richly deserves
PRRC*RInQs'R,! Or TIM WnRaT CR -r.-
Ws .eked Mr. Thonao, of Oakland, what
.uccens he had se a wheat grower: In reply,
he smiled aigmSraney, and shook bis
head; and upon being a little ferthir inter-
rogated, owned tbat be had not bad a de•
eent crop of %brat in five yecrs. Last
year, he bat tyro hultbred aid ten acres,
and it looked 6nrl,, and gave prom,ee of an
abnidant yield, moil fiat before harmful,
but pat as he wan about to pot forth hie
hand to reap tl a reward of his til, the
spoiler came and di•appninted all his hope..
Front hi. S10 icier, he nnly had 1800
bushel", which, he r,mark•d, was about
one-th'rd .f • ernp, iffy acres of it having
been pot in on .bare.. The erne scarcely
pard expan•.ee.-.Viehrgaw Farmer.
Goo. Fearing -Mr. John J,.hnstne.
near Geneva, has on hie farm a cow, w hich
probahly gives more milk than any other
mow 10 Ilii United $tetra. Through the
mouth of June, 1845, she go.. forty two
online per day, which te probably withrott
any parallel in this country. From the
cream only, they made fnnteen and • half
pounds .f butter per week. ilad they
churned from the milk, they would base got
more butler. The cow was milked three
times • day. The only feed she got war
erns', in the pa•turr. She is of a roan
color, ball Durham sod half nature breed,
sad ea **eon years old.-Jerrrr/.f Cosi.
plea. The mummy is web• *hat by did
Meer* 01 the gentleman hfmrlf, the prime
hitb for ty1 be litany h. phrase of ' l ler.-
The hogs ars fed •ilk the Mongol of them,
whteb ars an many Ilial they Drake Atoms
mf there apple. they do eat. who will not
taste n/ env hot the -an example
Idoubtless to he followed of gentlemen who
hare laved aid luting. Dot "month 'soli.
the poor will break down .u.r ►edger, and
wee shall have the (earl part of the fruit. -
Dot forward in G •o'• name: grit, •.I, plant
and moin►b trey' In terry turner it rotor
trnnmde. The labour le small, the cost
'thing: 11.e commodity is great; toor-
incl.e..hal1 have plenty, for p ..r •hall halo
..mew het In lino of want to reheat lhe.r
netowe.ty. aid Got .hall reward )our god
mond• and duhgence."
Then, when so many have " land and
living enough," on.l aro de.titi,te of fruit
Iron., the .bote advice to the people m
England, gibes upwards of 250 years acn,
ia worthy of attentive eunr.Jcration. We
would ay, the season i. Dow at hand:
"graft, set, plant and nourish ((nett] trees."
of gruel deeer.punna only. o in artier
of your ground.." L. TN.
Th. Ahnminatinna of Cot .leve' Trale-A
1Vhtte Woman for •al,-Awfo Deprart.
ly of the Itlynan Ileart-A Munster in
Human form.
Our readers will ret .11eot That we Iate!y
pnbl..hed a r-•rrerpnn Ion -e. ' f W.Iltsrn
Domed, of New 1'04, with Brio k 11,11.
rdeal,re in men, women and babe.., in vele.
unit in a beautiful ooh le girl, rimed Eerily
Rnt.rrll, for whom the aid ..,,h tra,!ere d.-
I.ARS. They ad.fed. " we `ore two Of
three offer, for Er.ely from gest/men from
the South. She is said to be the finer,
looking woman in this country." Elf rto
have beeo made to purchase ber hot w ithoo,t
emcees,. Reader, remember that this
ye. ng woman was impnsnsed In Alexin
dna,-for. nearly fifty year. a portion .1 the
di -trice of Columbia, -where slavery sad
the rate trade roosted by the permt.ion
albs people of the Free States. •
The following seeoon% of the mortem t.
from the Washington cerreepondent of the
revs Democrat :-
W ishtngt••n, Feb. 9, 1850.
On Wednesday Ise,, a friend of mine rev
eei,M a letter from New York. soliciting
ht. assistance in Ibe purchase of a Flare'
girl who ham recesily fallen into the hands
of they -void traders in Alexandria. My
friend being pressed with bitomes., was
anxious that I sbnulJ Iske the matter In
hand, and I accordingly assented.
The letter strongly urged the pnrcha.c
of the girl at a reasonable sum, which Pum,
kind friend. In New York who kindly es•
teemed the mother of the unfortunate slave
agreed to raise.
B -•fore starting for Alexandria yeaterdoy
morning, I was informed lar Jo.hna Leavitt.
who had j'wt arrive,' from New York, that
the friend• then had abandoned the oleo of
riling B1800. and if they would not take
Loaf, the mother and her Inc• els mu.t r• durc
the calamity so we wool.' nay calamity by
persica. They were .ill ng to giro ver•
thousand or tw'-I.• hundred dollars, to
eatt.fy the cupidity of these inhuman flitch.
dnlert., ad prevent o •cp.ra'tos of the:
girl from those whom sere loved above all -
°ther•. on earth ; bet tMv were not dintinm,
eel to yield further to the demands of the..-
W it the.rr in.trvetions i preceed.d tiptoe
aro miaston. Arrived at Al. sandrta, 1
went in search of rho pen, and found it In
the rear.( the city in a place dreary and
deserted which seemed marked by the
frowns of Omnipotence : a fit theatre for
practical operations ; a ennoble dw•eliing-
plare for penitentiary and gellows deser-
vier ri,mon.. -
The main huddle', is of brick, joined t '
this are •m•11 wood bnildmgs and the large
pen, which contained Fume coloured people
-er, to Southern parlance, ".i drove,"
reedy for the Southern market. The keep-
er of t' • B.'ahhehnr.nt-r wh.rk.y-blovted
hiptd-admitted me, and moos ;oakum
known my bunnes., 1 was informed that
Redo had gone to Akxand►*
i thee a.hed''f Mr. 11I11 wan in r
" No r" said the fellow, ' he has gone
Smith with a ' drone "
Um,' my in( wooing him that 1 eam0 1••
pnreheee F,ritt, he told me that Mr. Q.not
was waiting en hear from be. mother, who
he expiated world give $1'401, for her.
1 set his at rest on that poemo and
desired'. one her, and arse astir Wooed.
" 1 have 'Viet Shames," Gard he, " not to
.debit any ens."
11e thee directed a *mart looking codeine'
youth to ge with me to the city sod find
Brnia .
As 1 l.if the door• i tont my eves throw',
alio entry, 4114 beheld s. •
basis at mien, arose., sod sltl4re.i +11•011
batebessd the de* emMiee
in the middle M the slneteeeth mister!.
when. by the aid of *entire, we are ap-
preeebing to perfection, R may be 'etrinns
awl interesting In take a mtrneprctive
glesee, the better to padre 0f the prngre•e
'hit ba• bees made in fruit culture.. The
following remaek• en the app;., aro takes
Irmo a book. pnhh.hed in London in 1597.
by John Gerard. and "retorted sad am..d-
atl" by Thome. Johne., mew 1633:' -
"Tho Imes and tatted apple tree. are
Mowed acrd M is orchards mads for that
empties They delight to grmw le gond
and fertile germed. Rem ilMh abeam' with
apple. of ls.11 emus: b..t 1 have oxen ie
5a.teree and h.4yo-rewe, shout the
grenade of a wnnhipf,.l 'estimate. dwetl-
img Iwo railer from Hereford, rolled Meow
Dirt, B••denm•, mit mane trams of all torts`
that the @wrest. dnak ter the most part w
lMbee Mak het that whisk L Made of ip-
I.1 b.h•arl, all destined for the cotton and
dee fields of the 8ou•h. Fumy*.s broken
tor -the •trongrst tier of homiaty suruler-
eel--weeping and la itentst,nm--br rken-
hevte'I and depnlete with no ere to pity,
awl no Inn.' in .111r. God o1 rho opp,e-.
ed ! h .w long will thine arm be .tayr l "
On my war t. the city. 1 eng fired of my
yming sable companion shout Emily.
Sa•d 1 do yna .ee her often 1
0 Yee, toaster; 1 sees her any often, and
carries her meals so her.
Is •he ..mart e"1 !
O yea so. she`s right smart, and Air
t one= 1• . k o,' too.
1. ah. Work ?
No or..he'. al t as white as any
while mol.
Does .he want to mo Smolt 1
Nm res. Om eV WA It Leap about, sod wast•
to lite rid her mn'her.
Do von belnnr t•. %tr. Broin ?
Yrs' ser, I In•I•.nkr to hen, and has got to
go Smith wit' de res, I expect.
Do yon want to on 1
No sit ! none of n. wants to ma 1
Al this *newer. the word• estop to my fpr,
" Then why in the name of all foal is sucred
1. liberty. ,reed dear tenpin's freedom. don't
'you mad rem companions in bordare, fear
down fee infernal pew. set it ow,fir c, rend
rum .orae. 6y the field of if '" Dot to ger•
✓ ttrrusre Io .ueh words would be (renso.
in We quarter though rlo.inrs advice all
oyer the world 10 the white man held in
dur.nee vile.
We found Drum. and 1 was received by
I him with a m"avuy of manner wh'rh world
eclipes even Lord' Cheeierfield himeelL-
Om prnfesa.w. Ile is a nodd!eaged man.
411 serine sod p•lueneem, and very anted..
Bent. Bit we all know that Satan nae
" transform. house( into an angel of tight;''
and a " man may smile and smile, and M
a villins still." 1
1 made knew the n;.jeer of mf Celt, and
-inf••roied him that our New York toned•'
had abandoned the idea of buying Emily at
Bud he, "I am glad' of it sir 1 don't
want to send bee North -1 prefer_ that elm
should go South. 1 bete a targe lot that 1
. m going to take, of the most rsopectable
,eta•. Slate is are of the best of the lot ;
betides, it will eo u■ no goad to let her go
NortJh." •-
After attempting a negotiation in every
way that I could muter; to no effect, i
e nd•avered to appeal to hi• sympitht.
'Mere is her mother. She lutes her
daughter. Can you tint take the leas ,to
prevent the•, separation ?
" No sir .r' said he : " she can't go North
for a cent pimrt of w hot 1 hay' named ; bot
i( some gentleman (he laid much sires@ on
the cord gen ll. wan) here wishes to tn mer-
chant her for himself. he ran have her for
In other word:, I wait made 10 understand
that tbo mother could hate her danphter,
whom God mare her, and who was endow-
ed with no nr.linar, multi leo of perenn and
LARS, god " n..l a cent leo. ;" but If some
"gertare.a here" wished to purchase her
"for &iwlseff" for perp -es too abhorrent
ti. namesheconld hare her for FIFTEEN
Great heaven ; to what a depth of infamy
will not • man descend t Setting a price
upon female virtue, beauty, and in-
nocence, soil for, what ? And there ahnmi-
natinn•, ton, without eight of the Amerman
Capitol. anal hy virtue of American laws !-
rt ! if there is a sin more damning in its of
Mots than the entire aggregato of eth-
er", it is the buying and selling .f virtuous
females for pt.•p••es of prostitution.
To eaten the 51800 was impoesib.e. 1
, knew It arm) told Drum sit ; but it had no
rffert. Ile n•mld have that, nr be would
' aryl her t. " some gentleman," a number of
whom had already applied for her.
1 saw before m• a huo,an form, but am in-
- ,•nate devil at learn -a wretch abandoned
t heaven aid devoted 1n the almighty dol
lar, npnn whom no writ1. of sympathy, no
comtderations o1 humanity could have any
alert, aid 1 left bun folly tonertows that
the '•.•Vier would one day meet wrih some
awfal doom.
If there t. a wrrl.h upon earth commie
•toed by S•t.n to I ho perfnrmanes of deed.
from which the •pint or darkneee wnl.l
* honk horror and dremay, Dace is the
Emily i• doomed -.lir to white and beau
nfnl, mod hnnce her " market tyles " She
may le Outland iM aeeault. of the fell de-
stroyer, but her mother, heathen., meteor
and friends, •M will prnb.bly never cep
more. With her unlortnnam comp/mom,
ompanI. r-
are will he taken down the River next
week. V.01 who eerily the comfort, of
home, the ►haeaings of the aortal circle, and
the.weet min of 'nor children, !hook of
Footle and the thousand. oleo like her, in
thn reminisce,' reoren..M, sit beeght aid
.mid fey purpoe.s so a►lienee*, ea bell de
.110ing. Yown,
iL L. S.
4th, • .e'er
Mr. Pesch lois often n'sn his appearance
at Milo'. Room', hot, tieing a d•rul•.l op
portent of •• Nattnnel Fal,ration .pun strict
Iv ('lurch principles," he kept away fr
h'o bui'ding last ThunsJay when the friend -
of Church Elocution met to tepl,nlJ the plan.
Mr. P. declares that he is as much in
.erected in the E.J,ratu•n que: non as ant
Ptel•te, Areh•le.con, Warden of Winches
ter toiler., or klaje.ty'• Connor.' learner!
In the law then !invent at Wille'.: where.
,v of emote they had hired the rooms for
•h.:r own purpose, they had as gnarl •
right t. dance In the•r own tunes, r., tr
•peak. as other folks do at the same place
.term payment of their money. It la only
-n the ru'umn• of the Tiers newspaper
that Mr. P. r ads a record n' their•d
leg.: sod of thee., as he alai ie a p•.bhe
rrearher, he feels himself bnnnd to speak. '
That Q. C., who presided over
the mesiinp', and whole tongue is •0 Sweet
hat even when he 'peak. against you, one
i. ...harmed t.. hair him: the. arcnmpl,ahed
"ra'nr, 51r. J. Talbot, mord not unfairly
what the porpoises of the Government Eau
rade•1 Selma* are: old pre.rnted It Io what
he rail. Imo hideout. deformity.
"The governineot plan," Mr. Ta'bnt
nil, ".a. now renewal in all ue hideout.
deformity, and reg.nred instant resi.t.nee.
(Ilene, hear.) It was proposed to tonett-
tote a central icho•I for the supply of die•
tort pch nes with, in *hick there
woo not In he the •bgbre.t approach to a
Church Cher,eter, no rnnne, on •haterer
with Ep.c"pal superiotendcnte, no pro•
fe.sion .f faith, no creed, no catechise/1, but
• deliberate bringing together. under the
plea of compreh• n•ne education, every
variety of dnaent and .1 difference. or in-
d:fcrent,1p rel,^ion, ;tie probable re.ult of
which would las tun I srepticiem and
,e6Jehiuy. In nnnneetion truth this was the
aT 750 tat M TIM Thane
JMRLR vrn.
t• good that a Wesleyan ehosld
be able to snel', that an Ana We tet platgb.
Any •houtd kn. w mulaplieation table,
that a High C orch tailors ypresawe
41..11 h tow wane/Lint 11 141011. and a
L"w•Church young rohbler si.y;4 onto
lrrenlly, whatever differences of religious
'pu1.00'h•re may exist pyromen him aid
11•e 1,•1!r Papist who Ie elaltng up a Rule
nl Three eon) ar his side. Oh, your doe -
tore, you are brawling and battling among
yonrr.Ives ccaseleeelr, and yet yon cry out
that there ■re Lot yogi w'n are 81 to
'mirk hole children to write and to •poll,
and Ih.t their tools are is peril If your eyes
are not over their slates and grammar -
books !
Ilere, f•r in-home, at this' 1r Vanier, gels
rip Mr. N+pier from Dublin. vel n s ys that
the Government releme of Marla mg chil-
dren of all rehgtnn• dr,•nminalinr. 10 read,
" nn attempt fa are/rete G.a flea tie
Corers..trat of the world : to sepsr.b Pre•
eidetic, front wow; to art rp tic wisdom •f
owe 'Again,' GOD. treat." le 1h•11 way
the honorable gent4rman rem,. ard ►lrs-
uhrmis, became tw,fline,' of d•R rent tell -
Mono per-uaeuma at at the .,me Meeh le
learn the multipl cation table. This is a
zeal ardent, indeed; worthy of La..•,, the
'.•retic -burner ; worthy o1 t'alo'n, the
Sowianar-roamer: worthy of the wickedest
days of the wickedest persecution; Oh,
Napier of Dubl.n, who are you. 1. come
omit Irel+nd, and charger with atheism all
Forland that d„•a nut agree with yin f-
%%hst romnn•,l.,n or authority have you,
th+t you so medd,e with the Devine name
Ilow dare you to call tun Wooer 1 blas-
phemer !-that am born by the Dunn *III,
.a you are; that wnr,h•p+t ard acknowledge
.1 as fin do: thought I do not believe as you
,'n. (thank heaven!) or, that a eons-QOeeee
of my creed ,o + cur.o of the greater part
of n.ank.nd 1 Mr. Napier, who chargee se
.11 •t'h r,belhon against the Divinity. so
'hat we -are no many de;ile-' either more
nor ler:•-this amiable gentleman is "nom
,.f the Iriends of F.Ineation on strictly
Church principle.," and a popular Champion
t...,hnn•e in the days of her dolours and
After him rises Mr. 1;. ,1. Denison, ano-
ther auxiliary of Mother Church, who is
likely to make her eau•e popular.
"D•• every means at their command, the
C.onm ;tee .f Education ware seeking le
.take education independent of any d.6aite
system of inspectors, men re.pnn•.ble to forth of religious faith; in quarters exerets-
the Committee of Education alone, ant dog no contemptible Infuenes over the
q•ttu enJel,rodent of the 1111°P° and of (:hnrch there was md'tf renes to divine taint:anifeet.J a fearful i.-
eceleeuoucal ana.
othery, whow hole bent• Ip ice.. rienisea
was finding favor in hath places. (Near,
neer related to the diveeminat .n of Fender hear.) But the greatest danger of all Wag
knowledge ember than .f reliri• u. uu11r ,he • rarttcal nepa'i.0 of difi.ite truth which
(hear• hear,): ample algebra, much mathe- was (nand sit largely in the Church tte'I1,
manes and werhamre, land surveying, std from that forum sal compromise which let
men. for the mate of what they erroneously
what not: but of religion, nothing; of dog- railed peace, to fritter away the ohjeet,ve
maim tear -bier, notiIng." truth: from thin trickly sentinwnt which
Now, beauty Is a goesttnn of ta.te tike inade men shrink from unfnrhng the Manor
any whey: and Mr. Pr taking Mr. Talbot's' no which were rotten the awful wnrds,
' Thr• i. the Catholic fenh, which online
statement as his own, d,d.rca to the fate n! men wore., he cannot be rased.' (Hear,
the honored pubic of Great Britain, that this hear.) The effect• of thd. •putt of negalioo
plan of •ducaunn, pronounced by Mn, Tal- and of enmpromtee were opt far to.e•k.-
bot to be a " hideous deformity," n, 10 Mr. The queen..' of wince... lid non Ynhe
U.e fret, b"taeen the maintenance or the
P.'s eyc., • very pretty plan. snrrr,der of the creed and doctrines of the
P., as heartily and earnestly wtrhes that !'Lurch Catholic and of the reeecbismofthe
there m•y be •cboule estabh.bed through• Chore. n( England. (Heir, hear.) AR
lint England. for lbs "dts•rm,nannn of ye -
flowed /yeas and necessarily de -
not upon /he doctrine of rereaeratromia
lulu knnwledr•, ample algebra, moth one- Mptitm. (Heir, hear,)-thst d.ict one whkil
ebonies and mathematic., land .nr.eying, bad so monstrously been of late made sub -
and .hat not' -a he heart ly and earnest• J.ct of appeal to * 1001* not necea.anly
ly denies that tlw result will b. •• cni.ernl rompooed of Churehme�, and Aavtng setu-
in6t,elity and rceptieum.e A blacs Fenv4 sardv no 'Domino, eha►weter.
Now, Mr. Napier from Dublin. what do
nun, or *sane.( of tris Obi n, m*.y eon say the doctrine of origin of edocation,
0 ,1 wish his woolly congteganon In learn by Mr. De"tann from Oxford ? Very likely
to read or to paten to the white missions. your little I).blin bora serer heard of such
A thing. Ito am believe t?, ---or don't you?
rte., loot they should begin to de'►t 0f It Y•u don't, Mr. Denison refers you with
Mntntm Jumbo: a conjnr.r. sloe. not allow politrneva, but with pion [for bis curses do
the children to get tun close to hes table, not nem to UP to bare the Napier smack]
nr they would see how suns of hi. Irick. -Mr. D•ni•on refers con to the pangrepb
are performed: -these are the prreson"ns ,n his speech, hegtnning, "This is the
of knaves and q•tacko-not of enlughsen..l Ca'hohe Firth," kc. Now, Mr. Napier,
test -hers and prate -sons of the truth. The do yam heed th' doctrine, or not -run keno
leaning of it can't lead to error. D ms tho the c"nseq'encee-you are .s bury off all
t. a'nmr n( siofehra lea! to v disbelief to the .Ire mtAerats• hnto Tait aero a,.aniting
Gospel.? Floe+ s knee• I•,!gr. of mechsnie.' .,,,at now. Or,' ii -e chat cee are that being
1+11ee • men to doubt in the miracle* !- •n Iro•hmsn ytin do not believe n: it is e'er -
What else do voting men learn at Case- taro that very few of the little Irish children
lief lge, hot algebra and mcch•n•c• t It is a ! hay• ever real it, or beard of it: some of
hlasphemy agar..' the 'Truth to Fay that' Ph 1pott'. b.vs 11.3v hold this doctrine. but
eta con•egn.nce are Ire. and evil: and he (;,.rhsui s boys do,. t: G.rh■m dente it Oat -
doubt. it, ■rid is a coward regarding if, who Iv: and holt the Chore!' of England with
fears danger to it, fano inn etre p.,blie in film. Things may Le changed elneo we
reett_atiun. %Vo went look at troth now. went t.. eebonl. bit, in nor tine, we believe
a dnt•iti an travellers do at Romn.h relies. ,het the head -matters of public schools did -
afros. a radon,. or through a gleed hole, not begin I..snns every morning with a
'soh a terg.r at their bide. Cantina nut h,. .t.tement of •' Deus, all education flow.
arcn..,l of the wo.dpr. Th., pert of go.r- from. a-4 neceesanly depends on, the dnc-
im••.htp is gond for the Crowns of Ili. Irene of." &cc. Why should they 1 when
Three Ko•g., nr the 11.n.. of the Eleven they dme.rree about tl in D'voton. , Com
Thn,utnd Virgin., bot not for the 'froth. rm"n•, when the archbishops tbem.el,e. ars
It beL.nte t.. all; on book 1. always open reserved about it, and the bench of bishops
ad needy for •eery man'. rv... It s set ie mnm.
up in Om public place 'taw, end '1..441 not After t7.•se laymen rive. Mr. Sewell,
sneak in to be exhibited ,wca who ',aye, that. If t, y boy learn. to spell at
sionallp by the priest, and locked op at a eehr.,l where the Care•htem is mot taught.
mph; by the befall... Troth Is no, physic he t• brought op under a ',Teem,
or poison. to lee admini.te•cd raref.11y hy " 1V bleb moat i .evitably destroy in dm
Thom', I)aetnr•: hot "read. life-'. Futter treated beteg, veneration for the Crestar,
miner. of which ever• men uo• tam ht. ti the 01,1.1 love for the ratan?, in the pupil
reasonable share, without ehing tear• of reapers for the teaebor, in the abject obta-
in* phss,etan. 11 in n"t, et• dienre In the mete."
whnl•.omenes., whir •+y "I; ..tie ill men And after Swell conte. the %Vanden .1
and partake of it;" hot throe.. 107.0 wnnld IV,nehr'p'er, w•hn declares "1ha1 the Cor -
keep the pu►lie eon) from it, exrep' under -,tilt sof C"nnr,l of ere ent ugly
the pre -caption of the dne'or. I11.1r1.n1 f,rgetfpl of their duty In their Gerd and the
•.aha ! l;orhate ,• a .1. coo;; I'Mllpn,t• re s people. hilt sl•e of toe•• doer to 'lee 8nve-
d- et..r; her. N. -omen was a famo,o doctor reign"-d•tlaratinna rather •Isnt.og, cer-
n( nr echnnte. 'shirk he hie ren, red for 'oiely, were the toots of them proved: but
gnat• a d•f•rent prartiee: Mr Noel was a let us hive that the cleneal gentlemen an
MIVIlar dn'lor sal ha left the l'ollrge:- wrong, amt 1e,1 •way by proles•rnnel soot,
we •peek of thew learned pereow. rot with either Ibis 'hank Iter tlaj.aty's Govern -
he ehtho-.t di.r..p et for the npintnee levet, and rho Connell of Ed.eatmn, end
huh hold•• and w1;4h they 1te•► one- the tlemnl InFt•elnra, ma•tere mtrtreeur,
monopole through...good an.'
evil emote: and pun 1•, ate in the d
e cdition
bot. beean.e the vIv nor l. of th.t tteyenbe ood
-'. and all rfrom totortoni'', to
difference pleo.I• for toleratt',Fn, and prove- ...d. Int no. huahly hope, ate say, bat
that the'e otgM to be a neutral ginned woof Rep.,.nee. Dye wrong. Amoral the
wh.,e F•ngli•h boy and g•rI. may Ire• of tee G.everenvoot Cdoe*tiosal
reading, and sowmt, amt georgrephv. •n•' ?te'e'm, ore ,.ersnns just ae whie •e ys.;
it.. mwltipheemos table to eni.t. Are s0' iu.0wg the Inmpeetses, slime elorgymes its
thew tht.g. gnnd, Iron. sold whnlemorne 1 b.l►t a good. TheIlemes of lib..
ie it geed that all should hew thew 1 1t vee uy thele they " .w sI Only tier to