The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1957-02-21, Page 133'
PJa.•yng With Ma tches,Plan M" GmuP •
On ,Saturday after noon just at -
ter 4 p.M, the fire .brigade was
called out to a cottage at the
end of ,Elmwood. Avenue belong-
ing to Miss Barbara Allen, 1$9
Broughdale, Londop. The lire
Was thought to be extinguished,
but about 7 p.m, a blaze started
Again necessitating a second
call front .the Fire Department.
The fire started through some
young. boys breaking in and
playing with matches. The :cot-
tage which was used 'Poly in the
summer and ,contents were a to-
tal loss, No insurance was .car•
Women's Missionary Society
The Wornegs Missionary So-
ciety and Womens Association
the United Church held their re-
gular meeting on Thursday af-
ternoon. Mrs. Douglas Gill was
in charge of the missionary por-
tion of the meeting. Mrs, E.
Desjardine took the Bible study
,from Ephesians 4 and 5,
Mrs. Wm. Love and Mrs, H.
Pfile took the missionary study
Perio on HongKon after g, a t which
a. film was shown on Pakistan,
Mrs, Garnet Patterson read a
paper on stewardship.
Final arrangements were made
for the World's .Day of Prayer
GB .-t.
An invitation. was .recd from
the 'Parkdaie evening• auxiliary
of :the Women'a Missionary So-
ciety for 'Grand Rend Society
and member$ of the congrega-
tion to attend a meeting pt'
their society on Friday, March
15, at which Dr. Scott, a retired
missionary from Korea, will be
guest speaker and will show .a
film of hie work in that field.
Twenty- five dollars was repor-
ted to have been given to the
finance .board to help with the
Missionary a n d Mainteriance
The matter of • purchasing a
new table cloth and serviettes
for the communion table was
The regular monthly prayer
meeting of the St. -John's -By
The -Lake Anglican Church was
held on Sunday evening at ,the
home .of Mr, and.Mrs. Wnt, Ren -
tile, ,
u t
a ors
G . n.
e craters
South End
Phone. 328 Exeter
At Grand Bend
The Ladies es i r
Oiling ell hg' � oup Of
the United Church ,net Mondry,
giveniag with Rev. A. E. ,obey
in the chair.
Mrs. Cle,ra Wellington Of.Exe-
ter gave an iinapirational talk
on prayer..
After some 'discussions Mra.
Wallington explained the differ..
ant aspects of a federated group..
Mrs, J. Eagleson assisted in
the devotionpaal period :and Mrs,
A. E. HOUe ands. .CIO'ark
Y Mts.
Kennedy contributed a vocal
duet, •
Over .a cup of tea further dis-
eussion was 'held regarding the
organization of a ladies' eve-
. ning group, It was decided to
• be an independent group. w.
co -presidents Mrs, Griffin T om
and Mrs, Wally Desjardine
andEagleson, secretary -treasurer, :Mrs, J.
The group decided to meet
once a Month until May, after
Which meetings will discontinue
fir the summer. The, meetings
Will be under the • convenership
of different committee* appoint-
ed it each meeting.
Next meeting on Monday,
Mar 1 i1
March It will be convened by
the executive, Mrs. William
S h1e' e . and Mrs. Jewer. The
gw .
membership 's
m p fee a to be fifty
cents with a collection taken It
each meeting,
The valentine dinner at the
United Church on, Friday even-
ing realized a net of about .$200.,
was. considereda Success
s c ss
at this time of year, when so
many .efforts Ire being put for -
w bydifferent or` i
z i '
n tons
ga a
Personal Items
Miss Janet Imanse of London
spent the weekend with Mr. and
Mrs. C. Kennedy.
Mr, Martin Prinz of ' Sarnia
purchased the vegetable busi-
ness . of Mr, Fred Negrijn re-
cently, and has •installed a new
potato washer. Mr, and Mrs. Ne-
grijn will still reside in Grand
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Baird
visited their son, Billie and his
bride, in London on Sunday.
Mr, and Mrs, Newt. Hayter of
Harpley spent Sunday as visitors
with Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Holt.
Sunday visitors With Cpl. and
Mrs. N. Chamberlain and family
were Mrs. Chamberlain's niece,
Mrs. Geo. Robertgdn, Mr. Ro-
bertsonand family of Sarnia,
and her sister, Mrs. Harold
Frayne and Mr. Frayne of Fo-
Mrs. Irene Hayter attended
the Beauty and Fashion show in.
New York recently.
Master Jimmie Young, son of
Mr. and Mrs. ken. Young, was
one of the participants in the
Pouch Post show on CFPL tele-
vision on Saturday evening, and
Give your car that
how Room" look -
with superb Vitri- Glaze System!
A Vitri-Glaze' job by our
trained mechanics ... and your
car recovers that "showroom"
look. Watch the years drop
We•clean your car inside and
outside . washing and .pol-
ishing the exterior ... vacuum
cleaning gnd deodorizing the
interior. And it Sato iio.niore
than en ordinary polishing job.
*an exclusive development by B/ai:k & Der'Rer
It's the best bargain in ear 1'
beautifying available. Don't
lilies it! Bring your ear in to
us today.
Phone 691-W
North Exeter
Ludt District ews�co��ti,ng
Continued, serest. Pale 4
Miss Jean McLean, of real ,day, the ,occasion being Mr. Gar- .neck. And it was in. ' th Africa
v' '
1€brio Af ica
fit r it i •.e '
e Y t t
it ft t
Jack i►iex,lean, of St. Catharines, Mrs. Murray 7fodtitaaa,
who. klave :b_ean with their araokhcx for Work Councilor for the Chit- in beet and inches- •th,e Scout
since Mr. McLean s .death, re• de'an's Workers' Conference 'Staff of today'.
turned to work. lost ,Sunday.
Patrol leader, Terry Culbert:Saturday at love :Oaks 7near ly
Y a Church Christian ke p
sk an g
Y Woa rs Train , .
ItCAF Station Clinton attending ,ing Centre.. an the Balkans Where he: was
the Scout Bronze Arrow Course. i Guests with Mr, and Mrs.Her• sent on. secret service work,. in
U s , . __ngs on,. ata . Mr.refs birthday. that .he saw .an .army ong e
c r;,'
as Jtfn �` jmg as ink*,
' known As the $o' goofs
That Toa wasthe twinkling.
' Idea ilattte, as �ehanc tsar
here a m/al:norx tat God
.ramblers a n Army, scout. a camp
and ,,a le--aau .arutin load.:
pasta rfaaixk8iaff
! spent last kiid.ay afternoon ane H,arta off Mfl►kin
and second, airy Meek spent .i'arisl attendin • the United his scouting and observation
last Frlda ; Wnd S turd* at ' ' . skill were inter Put to good use
Mr, and Mrs. Will lievekost rY Hodli;ins included lvfr. anMrs, 1890 carne his anivig
, bent last weekend with Mrs, Friday, and Mrs Garfield Need-
d s - been sent out to South Africa to
and Mrs.. M. Cunningham, of Lon- Mervin Elston, of.Centralia, un rho "Igo atekrn g. . He
•r e train
a e
sts. . nd l d Anew
W. n•
J M s n i a.
cF l .Cu nh a
1 Mrs o
a m 1
,Ba t
him, f l m e Saturday,
, o o
y ,. r4
r .
foe h the e •,a When th. Smith Ocala
i In a � u. r c n
r. ani n r vert for a few da s •
win; her sister, stento 'last Wednesday, returning
Mrs,. Norman. Stover, of Arkona aur. ay, accompa e y s 8 e t
has returned home after spending0 armed .'nen under ,ii. s eum-
three weeks with. Mis, Harold parents, ..... Mr, and Mrs, James errand. The town Was besieged'
Tarry yho spent the weekend in byh B p
her recent operation. � Mr, Wes Revington of glucan
Mr, .Erwin Scott who recently
and Mr. Ab, .Simpson .of Loll
y Mr, A. E. Parry went to to , War broke out he wits. at a little
wtown :called Mafeking with about
d nidb hl
_. _ t )30
era who was .recuperatinal Lucan . e era an R . held o'ut
from1 for '217 days until a British force
t i't re h
ta 11
• cu $ wayb e e
attended t tele Canadian Seed don are on a two wee' motor' th0 town,
� g t , fe v,.
G 1ro ersConvention
.m r
W . To onto We to Florida, BY all kinds of clever 'strata-
called on Mr, and Mrs, E. M. kr. and Mrs,
Robert Brierl 1 tgoembes iehveindgectheievetodwtnheto B'boeerms uicnh-
Groseof Toronto.
Mrs'. Allan Ryan underwenantof Windsorhave eainto the
operationinDose vacated by Me..and Mrs,•more :strongly defended Than it
St, Joseph's ilospltal 0e Ha on Willi .m t actually was. Chroughout 'the
list Friday. y a S cel e
Mrs, Herman Young is spend- Mer, and. Mrs, Clarence Hackett; g he kept everyone cheer-
ing a month in Loddon with her' Spent last Friday 'night With fu1 by his own good humour and
son Mr, William Young„ Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd Cook of hi$ constant search for Ways and.
The Coursey' School was closed }Cltchener, while Mrs, Haskett's , means
can s to make life as:bearable
Inst Thursd*y awing to the teach sister, Miss Angela .Armlet of s Po. s b e
o a Organized the
ers daughter, Ruth Anne Mc- L noon who accompanied them, ! At 14t fek_inK he
Roberts, having to be taken to the spoke at the Kltchener,Wakerloo. ,boys into r corps if messengers
Children's Hospital, London, Foreinan s Club annual ladies' 1 who showed great courage and
f r sourc ful es u
Mr, and Mrs, W. W. Gn ght banquet, e e .n s oder fire. They
and family Were guests of Mrarrett . Auto Atcldetit were so successful that he never
and' Mrs, Bob Coleman last Sun- forgot that, given responsibility,
Canon and Mrs. H. II, AshbY boys can play it fine part ,in
Grand Bend Personals
Mr. and Mrs, Mansell Mason
had es guests over the weekend,
their daughter, Miss Pauline Ma-
son and Mr. Jack Royt of Lon-
don, .
Mr. Albert Cox, Who was
riousl ill for some time in est.
minster Hospital, is now repor-
ted to be doing nicely at his
Mrs. Henry Devine, Vice-presi-
dent of the W,A., took the chair
for that portion of the meeting,
In the absence of Mrs. Willis
Gill, president.
Mr. and Mrs,, Ray Sweitzer,
Barbara and Itonnie of Shipka,
visited with Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
Sweitzer on Sunday.
Mr,. and Mrs. Wally Desjar-
dine and Mr. and Mrs. K. Young
attended the Hardware Conven-
tion at the Royal York Hotel in
Toronto last week.
Mrs. Oliver was taken to Sotith
Huron Hospital on Friday after-
noon, having suffered a heart-
attack. •
• Cpl. and Mrs. Neil Chamber-
lain and Nancy visited with Cpl.
Chamberlain's' parents, Mr. and
Mrs, M. If. Chamberlain at Ar-
trona on Friday.
Mr. and Mfrs. Emerson Des-
jardine and daughter, Joanne,
who have been spending some
weeks in Florida, returned home
at the end of the week.
Misses, Jean . Gill and Francis
Brophy were among a group of
students from the Teachers'
Training College, London, who
visited Ottawa recently. Whip+
there they attended the opening
of Parliament session, boys 'and
girls' basket 'ball games, when
the genie between the London
and Ottawa Teacher's' Colleges
was played, with London win-
ning. -Among their sight-seeing
'tours, they visited the museum,
and educational sights, and were
taken around Ottawa city and
Hull points of interest.
Mr. arid, Mrs. Alex Love and
daughter, Holly, of Toronto are
visiting with Mr. Love's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Williank Love, for
a •few days.
The annual parade of the Cuba
will be held to the United Church
morning service. Ori Monday,
the boys will attend a Father
and Son banquet sponsored by
the, Women's institute.
Messrs. Kenneth Flear, L.
Habkirk and Miss Joan Gill of
the Teachers Training College
in London are teacher training
in. rural schools in the district,
this week.
'55 DODGE REGENT SEDAN, 24tone green, just 24,000 miles $1,895
'54 CHEV BELAIRE SEDAN, 2 -tone, powerglide, radio, new. tires $1,495
'53 DODGE CRUSADER SEDAN, maroon with new tires; radio •, $1,195
'53 PONTIAC SEDAN, 2 -tone blue, real clean ..,........ .;., ,,.Y,,,..,, $1,195
'52 DODGE REGENT SEDAN, sunvisor, slip covers, clean $1,115
Two-tone, .radio, sunvisor, slip . covers, signal light;, classy.
All in top condition and very clean for only ,11...,,•.,,,111..,,.1,...1.1, $ 845
'50 PONTIAC SEDAN, grey, see this one Hi , ,.,..,...i 4 ..... ........ $ 545
'50 METEOR SEDAN, blue Yf1,..YU,.,, , h....a... ..,..f•,.,,WI,i..INfii.Y.,•u., , $ 545
'49 FORD TUDOR, 2 -tone, radio .:,.,... $ 450
'49 l{MORD COACH .....1........11'1..,,1.1.1...Y../f..i•1.Y...,,.1..1.,1111...141,.1•41.I.a.....i.1. $• .450
'40' CHEVROLET '2 -DOOR, with radio •Y..,4...'i,...,.,1..,•...,.,11.11,i/,1.i.,.,,..Y $ 295
'4d8 DODGE
�ODc Eq�jS(EDyA�N ...,,Y.....,.. your
1„1yn�ar/Y.y;4111,,.,.....,*YYI 11.4, 4.. I.144r, Y..144.i„Y” $ '21501
'45 1MIERCUR' SEDANS (2), Jour choice i,,1,i..,,11,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1.. $ ' 1/6 6 '
'48 HUDSON COACH ,.,1.11Y1 ..... .• AAA ...Y.. .•i•.Y111Yd,M11„,1'1,.11,111,,,/1Y,r.ilttt.,,,.,,MY, $ 1/5
'39 CHEVROLET •SEDAN 4,44,4;..,,44,..,44,4444Iii,„1111,ii„1,.Y„Ii.,1.014.131411111414.,4 $49.50
Exeter Mo'for Sales
Fred Dobbs, Prop. NIGHTS, 762'W or 769.M
Mra. C. Pollens and Mrs, R.
Grenier were in charge of home
baking; Mrs. Votour and Mrs.
E. Zimmer, rummage; with Mrs.
Allenand and Mrs. Robertson
cashiers, Mrs, 'Welker, Mrs. luckily was behind them, bUt using it as. a basis for teaching
Mrs. B enol
M . O 1 s, Mrs, were released after treatment. observation and woodcraft. He
H. Campbell and Mrs. C, Rood Organist Feted felt that existing boys' organize -
served teal Mrs. M. Collez and fa tions needed more scope and
NDell a assisting inthe kitchen Following ng an oyster
r suPTer
r servariety in their training and he
ved by 'the Ladies Guild of began to outline plans on lines
'trinity Anglican Church, Barr, thought s stabe and o
Miss Emma Jane McAndless, or- ” he g t u boned
ganist for the past 18 years, was they would be used. He decided
honored by the members of the to re -write Ards to Scouting"
congregation on her retirement !for use by boys,
and was presented with a gift. An Experiment
Miss McAndless, whose home is ' To put his ideas to the acid
test of experience he made an
important experiment.
He ' gathered together some, 20
boys drawn from all claw). of
society and held an experiment-
al camp on the island of Brown -
and are opening their "School of sea, in Poole Harbour in 1907,
the Dance" there as soon as the Here, lads from Eton and Har-
necessary alterations have been row and from the East End had
completed. the most exciting fortnight of
At a registration held in the their lives. The group was div-
Lucan Arena last Saturday fifteen ided into Patrols of five under
newly-oranized with Mrs. James y g children enrolled, They expect the a Patrol Leader who was given
building will be ready early in full responsibility for the be-
haviour of his Patrol at all
times, The camp was an over-
whelming success, proving be-
yond all doubt that Scouting was
not only practical but outstand-
ingly successful.
The first part of "Scouting for
Boys" appeared in January 1908.
The magic initials on the cover
were all that was needed to at-
tract the attention of British
boys Who eagerly awaited the
appearance of the other part of
the book. If B -P had no inten-
tion of starting a new boys' or -
(the former Is Mrs. Prest's time .of need.
father) while returning home 13.P became a national hero,
f r o m London in Wednesday particularly with boys. lit 1899,
night's storin had an ante ac- before he went to South Africa,
cident When their car went oUt he had written a handbook for
of control and bit a telephone soldiers called "Aids to Scout
Scout -
pole, ing". When he returned to Eng -
Both were taken to Brantford land he found that schools, Boys'
hospital by a police car which Clubs and Boys' Brigades were
Frank Dalton, son of Mr, and
Mrs, James Dalton, will be
playing with St. Michael's juven-
ile hockey team of Toronto
against Forest juvenile team at
Forest on Friday, February 22.
having the dog with the most
spots, he won $3.00, being first
in Ilderton, commutes to NIT.
Weekend guests with Mr. and Dance School
Mrs. Eddie Gill were their The Misses Raise and Violet
daughter, Mrs. Melvin Ramsden Dykyj have rented the apartment
and daughter, Sharon, of Toron- on William St. vacated by Mr.
to, and Mrs. Jack Rosser 'and and Mrs. C. McLean and family
baby of ,Ailsa Craig. Mrs. Gill
accompanied her daughter to
Toronto for a week's visit.
The Catholic Women's League,
Dalton at president, held a sue-
cessful rummage and bake sale
in the Town Era on Saturday
Exchange Vows
In Ailsa,Craig
At Ailsa Craig Baptist manse
on Saturday, February 9 at
Mrs. James McGowan
Mrs. James Martin McGowan,
77, passed away on Monday,
February 18 at the home of her
daughter, Mrs. Verne Hodgins,
282 Springbank Drive, London.
She was the former Bessie
Bell Horsman of Elgin, New
Brunswick and forty years ago
she married James McGowan of
3 p.m. Norma Jean Fraser, Clandeboye. They lived at Clan -
daughter of . Mr. and Mrs, Gor- deboye until three and a half
dote Fraser, Parkhill, became months ago when Mrs. McGow-
the bride of George William an broke her wrist.. anizatioa he reckoned without
Bslid, London, son of Mr. and; Surviving besides her husband .are boys! Everywhere they be•
Mrs. Thomas Baird, Grand Send.; are one" daughter, "Mt°s. Verne gin to join together of theireown
Rev. A. E. Silver performed' }fodgins, London, one son, Rob- accord and to do the things
the ceremony. + ert of Sarnia, five grandchild- n
The bride wore a floor length' ren and one brother, Wm. Hors- suggested in that book. The re -
The was overwhelming and
gown of nylon tulle and Alencon man, Syracuse, N.Y,
lace over 'slipper satin styled The body is resting at the an office had, to be established
with bouffant tulle skirt'and Murdy funeral home,Lucan toMovement 'the d prmeic A
Y, new had practically
strapless bodice topped with a where funeral service will be grown of itself and had become
lace jacket. A sequin tiara held held on Thursday at 2 p.m. with
her fingertip veil and she car- Rev. E. J. Roulston officiating.
ried a white Bible crested with Burial will be in St. James cern-
red roses. etery, Clandeboye.
Her attendants, Miss Reta
Larkin, London, as maid of hon-
or and Miss Donalda Cadnian
as bridesmaid wore similar
gowns of net and lace over taf-
feta with •lace jackets in blue
and pink, shades. Matching head-
dresses and bouquetsof white
mums circled with blue and pink
tulle completed their ensembles.
Eugene Shaw, Lohdon was
groomsman and Ronald Webb,
London was usher.
Following the wedding cere-
mony a reception was held at
the home of the bride's parents.
Mrs. Fraser wore a blue and
silver brocaded dress with pink
carnation corsage and the
groom's mother chose navy and
turquoise ensemble with red
rose corsage.
For travelling in the United
States the bride changed to a
beige suit with white and beige
accessories and corsage of tiny
rose buds..
Mr. and Mrs. Baird will live
in London.
Town. Topics
Clark Fisher of Usborne town-
ship has sold his 100 -acre farm
to Arthur Rundle. Mr. Rundle
will take possession April 1.
Mr. Dave Laing of Winnipeg
Tdan. and Mr. Wm. 0. Laing of
Steinbach, Man. came to Exe-
ter during the past week owing
to the serious Illness in South
Huron Hospital of their sister,
Mrs. James B. Simpson of Hen -
"Did you hear about Smith the
bank cashier? He's taken fifty
thousand dollars from his bank,
and run off with his friend's
"Good heavens! Who'll take
his Sunday -school class tomor-
row?„ •
ATTENTION—Martin Luther film shown at the Legion Hall,
Exeter, on Friday, March 15, at
8 Auspices Trivitt Memorial
Ladle's Guild. 14:21.28c
TEA & BAKE SALE --The Local
Association of Girl Guides and
Brownies are holding a tea and
bake sale in the Scout House on
Saturday, February 23, 3 to 4;30
p.m. Tickets available from
Guides or at door. Everyone
welcome, 14;21c
"Father's Been
To Mars"
Directed by Cecil Porter
March 4 and 5
8:30 p.m. Sharp
Courtesy of Samuel French
Ticket Sales:
Choose Book Shop, Centralia
United Church Young People's
ICE IsROLIC—Presented by the Group, James St. United Church
Exeter I�"Igure Skating Cliib, Sal- Federation Group, Thames Road
lln'd to March 9, 8:30 p,rrr., at- bUnited Church"3M Club, Saints -
iter Arena. 14:2tc tnwdtA Memor aI an
Churchs Ladies
Guild, Main Street Evening Aux-
Holders of season's tickets may
& DANCE - Fo
obtain reservedBook seatShops. at Choosy
Mr, and Mrs. Keith Love (nee
Pat 'rtiekey) of Hensall, Hensall
Town Hall, Friday, March 1.
Music by Desjardine orchestra.
Ladies please provide lunch.
Everybody` welcome. 21:281
with school music' and public
speaking representing the dist-
rict schools, Zurich Arena Fri-
day, March 8, at s P.M, Adults
350, children 250, 21:28*
I11i11,itisitivi.III. I. It.III,ILI,1111.I... 1111111111,I111i,1111I11iiip.. l„1111.11i11i1i111t.11i1,1HM1111110i....
Friday March 1
at 11:13 p.m.
Legion Hall, Clinton, Ont,
Guest Spaiakert
Minister of Flnante
Everyone Welconi.
+ohinimiiitiYiYriilitiYiiom. i,ihilithiiiiiiii,illtialio1Yfii'(YYiuomiiii7YYii1'tY11Ytr,YilriY9nmiwiVoloiimYlifi
'Head Clerk: "1 am very sorry
to hear of your partners death..
Would ,,you tike 'me to take ;his.
Manager: 'Very muclit, if
can get .the 'undertaker to ar-
range it!"
(nee .Manion Madgre)
Friday . Feb. 22
9. :.0..
2 i
Music by Melody Makers
Everybody Welcome
Previews Its
Coming Attractions
February 21, 22 and 23.
* Paul Newmand
* Pier Angeli
February 25, 26 and 27
* Howard Keel
* Anne Blyth'
* Colleen Miller
* Tony -Curtis
Holy Trinity SION
Sys �ror or .
HOLY 1'*INii ..' _ '
Luce n
Molts $1,2S
Children ;7$0'
Thursday,.February 21:
430,5:30 --Pee Wes Freckle'
7.00.11:x0f I:,.G,A, F,
Friday, :February 22
83o--0HA Senior"69
Strathroy Ys, Exeter
Saturday, ,February 23
a 00-8,00— Pan
h e
vs. Flashes as
9:00.10;00—Royals vs. Hornets
10:00.11:00-.-Winos ve. 'Flyar%
11:00.11;30—Red Devils vi, glue
11:30-12:00—Bomber' vs. Marltolii
1;00.2;45 --Public skatlno
3,15.6:00 --Figure Skating
81o0—WOAA Bantam Semi.
Finals—Milverton vs,
Sunday, February 24
2.00.3:00—Oashwoed us, Ace*
300.4:00—Mohawks vs. Kinsmen
4:00.6:00—Flqure Skating
Monday, February 2S
6;00-7:00—Hensall vs, Centralia
Pee Wees
Tuesday, February' 26
5:30-7:00—Figure Skating
Wednesday, February 27
Round & Square
. starring
k ie Jones
Don't Miss I t t
Exeter 4egion.Hall
Thursday, February 28
9:00 p.m. Admission $1.00 Children Free
South Huron District H
gh School
Official Opening
of New Addition
Friday, February 22
2:30 .p.m,
The e _pubic is cordially invited to attend the
cerernoniti* and Inspection of the bulldiltyi ...