The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1957-02-14, Page 1Eyfu r* +d Y
LI .G CHAMPION—John Etherington, 12 -year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Archie
ne won The Times -Advocate shield and the .inspectorate spelling
Ethelxngton. Usborne,
championshipnight when he defeated 10 other candidates in, he finals, He's
will com to
a rade eight.student of Mrs. 14I, Carter at S.S. No, � Usborne. Joh . p
against other inspectorate champions in zone finals at Stratford. —T -A Photo.
z ;.: tt r v. v :a 063“5
VOTING—Gettin out the' vote for the ,Huron Park elections at Centralia is
EASY al touch as .ballot boxes' make. the rounds of the homes in the station's
given a personal
married quarters' area. Shown here casting their vote under., the super-
vision of station personnel are, left to right, Mary and Sergeant Bill Hamilton, ,F/0
Lloyd Nichol .arid Flight Sergeant. Bill :li'letcher. --RCAF Photo
District ;Visit Disastrous
Theft Victitii In Ilospit�
friends at RCAF Station Centralia -
has been a disastrous one.
Barratt, 20, of Hamilton, is
in St. Joseph's Hospital, London,
suffering from serious injuries re-
ceived •in an accident at the In-
tersection of the (Crediton road
and N. 4 Highway Sunday,
The night before, .Barrattt's car
was stolen front the station and
he and friends were looking for
it Sunday when'the accident .oc-
curred. 01'P Constable Cecil Gib-
bons found the vehicle Monday
abandoned on a Stephen Township
road. f Ilton
Leigh Clowes, 18, o • Hamilton,
driver of the car in which Barratt
was riding, was entering No. 4
highway from the Crediton road,
when he was struck by a car
driven by Mrs. Wes Thomas, Lon-
don, formerly of Hensall, who
Leonard Barratt's visit with
Huron MPP Tom Pryde this the provinces which is not ship.
week contradicted weekend new. -lag the tremendous industr
Paperov ncia ' choolfor r site
rd 'expansion
e s d locattiion of thenand
the p•chant
ed•children has been chosen al- for retarded children in fiuroit •
"would .serve- the Janie purpose •
as a shot in the arm to a wound*.
ed man who has lost .a lot ,ot
""We cannot have a healthy'
economy when one segment oI
1vlr. Pryde told The Times -
Advocate Wednesday .he lead
been assured by government
authorities Hoa .decision will be
made until ,after the present
t cur ,
Mrs. Thomas and her five-year- George Mitchell, was $300, session • of the legislature is the populatiois wed thy an
• another poor,"he said,,
old. son, BobleY, were taken to! Charges are pending against a over. • Two. develpmentswhich would
.oath turon Hospital both with 16 -year-old R.R. 2, Grand Bend Newspapers in London and
l true]* Chatham .speculated in stories • he said, improve
.better-cfarrm mar.
keting practices and the attrac,
tion of industry to this .area.
Location of the school here, be
suggested, would help Huron'f.
industrial promotion program..
His speech read, in part:
''I strongly believe that the
:decentralization of industry and
was northbound on the highway. the 'midget mum i d
:Charge Driver
In Hit -And -Run
Following discovery of a dam=
aged icer in his .garage, Laverne
Kellett, R.R. 3, Exeter, was
charged by police this week in
connection with ,a hit-and-run ac-
cident which occurred in 'Decem-
OPP Constable John Forde said
Kellett's car was found in his ga-
rage at •Elimville, where it has
been parked since the accident.
It had suffered $300 to $400 dam-
Police believeit to be the ve-
hicle which sideswiped a •: car
driven ' by William Pincombe,
R.R. 3, Exeter, on No. 4 highway
Sunday, December. 23, The Pin-
combe car received $450 damage.
Pick Speakers
l At 1,1101 -Schools,
Usborne Boy,
Fail,To Trip
John. ,1' tMrington, 12 -year-old runner-up hi • the boys' section 1 Usborne, who missed "mar -
son 2 Usborne
son of Mr.:and Mrs. Archie
Etherington, Usborne township,
is South Huron's champion
speller for 1957.
The grade- eight student at
S.S. No. 1 Usborne defeated 10
other contestants in the inspec-
torate finals Tuesday night to
win The Times -Advocate shield,
$10 in cash and a desk pen set.
Inspector J. G. Goman failed
to trip John on a' single word in
the three-part 'competition which
was climaxed Tuesday night by.
a spelling bee at the Home and
School Association's meeting in
Exeter Public School. He wrote
25 words correctly in a written
contest conducted in the schools
last week, spelled 13 perfectly in
an oral test Tuesday night and
outlasted' his cotnpctitors .in the
spelling bee itself. '
Runner-up in'the competition,
and winner of the girls' com-
Exeter. Both etition was Judy
n T and n Judy
will represent the'inspectorate
at the zone finals in Stratford in
March.... ,
Leo Trberio, of Hensel!, ' was
and Helen Evens, , tyre,was Marlene Stone, who described
came second among the girls, Judy Tennant was presented deco sea• diving.
C am ion John gives credit to The ' s e ni o r s will compete
h with a compact by Jack Smith
his teacher, Mrs. Carter, and his Jeweller and also receives a against winners from London
mother for his victory, Mrs. desk set fronh p Catholic Central school
who's a stickler on spell-
ing herself, coached two of her
pupils into the finals, Mrs.
Etherington typed out the 3,600
words listed for the competition ' Other students in the finals
s4John could•study them at were: Margaret Elgie, Hensall; at Windsor.
home. Janet Henderson, S•5. 3 Tucker- Judges for the SHIMS enmueti-
smith; Robert Sharpe, S.S. 7 tions were Rev. H. J. Snell, Rev.
The Etherington youth was li Tueeersmith and James Hanna, A. E, Holley, of Grand Bend, and
concussion and bead and face in -1 girl, Rea Van Dongen, w ion s -
juries, Marshall McKay, 20, of the rear end of an SIIDI-IS school Saturday that al location near
Hamilton, a passenger in Clowesi bus Tuesday afternoon. Leamington has been picked,
car, suffered shock and erten* 1 OPP Constable John Fordo said The iereports,by however,
evevernnient of
injured of all but he was reported ° to the accident which caused $600 as the best speeh pot i made
an impassioned plea in the
the bus. to have the $20, -
sive lacerations, icy pavement and poor visibility confirmed
what other 1VIPPs described.
Barratt was the most seriously due to blowing snow contributeds dis. ri i d
i ronin g on Tuesday. • damage to the Van Dongen car lative career, Mr.y h
inp g y
tt and the :other two. and $5A to
Hamilton youths were visiting Kenneth. Kraft, Dashwood, was. Douse Monday eected in Hurn the creation of more itaaaiifac•
o i driver of the bus, owned by Exe• A00;Ap0 school ' a w ley
LAC Frederick Wheeler; who s r lake,
tuning establishments
from the highly industrialized
sections, would be of inestimable
value to our whole economy;
'"The Trade and Industry
Branch ,of the Department Of
Planning a n d Development is
encouraging. the creation of:Re-
gional Development Associations
and we in Huron • County belong
to the Mid -Western Ontario
Group. I believe they are, doing
a splendid job to attract indust.
ry, be it new factories, added.
tourist business or otherwise
creating interest in the area.
'With the completion of the
hi loos ital at RCAF Station ter Coach Lines Ltd, Only a few near the ak • b d Huronas
i e he ac- which was coming to. a stop when p areas of
they were driving when t
Centralia, It was Wheeler's car students were left in the vehicle, ! Mr, Pthe descri e
! one .f the "have-not"
cident occurred,
•' E.IderIy Drivers
W. Read, Exeter, attended the in -
Car driven by William Wilde,
20; of Crediton; escaped a 15 -foot
plunge into the Ausable River
when it struck .a bridge near the
Devil's Elbow in. Stephen town-
OPPP t Constable
Values Land
At $6,000
Coroner's Jury Urges
A coroner's jury, investigating north on the concession road and
a fatal accident near Brucefield a car driven by Arnold. Makins,
recommended Tuesday that all Hayfield, was going east on the
persons 70 years and over be county thoroughfare.
once officer or .cap- Makins testified he saw the An -
able official„before being issued Berson car approaching the inter- -Seaway and the .power develop
licence to drive, ; section and it appeared to slow ment of the St. Lawrence and •
The recommendation was made down as it neared tire stop sign, the undoubted importance of s•
after the jury learned that Arthur Just as it reached the corner, Comic energy in the days that
Anderson, 82, of Kippen, was however, it jumped forward onto lie ahead, industrial develop -
killed instantly oil• 25 i the
in pact spun the Anderson d. ment will greatlyincrease. What
t inter- effect it will hae on some see*
tions of the Province, as coin -
pared to others, is not yet clear;
but I would like to see•all parts
of the country share the bene
when he failed to stop a an vehicle sharply to the north east.
Huron County Assessor Alex section and collided with a ear Police believe the driver was
A 1 e x a n d e r told a three-mantraveling on a through road, One thrown out, run aver by his car,
Auseble Authority board this passenger' suffered. a fractured }and .igen thrown in the ditch when
week that value of 77 acres shoulder bone and two others, his clothes caught on the vehicln.,
expropriated for construction of both children, were hospitalized. t The elderly Kippen man was
the Morrison. Dam in Usborne Besides suggesting that elderly 'found in a water.filled ditch. All along the shore ot, Lake
was less than $6,000. drivers be tested, the jury also Passers-by pulled his body out Ontario industrial establishments
Mr, Alexander gave his evalua- urged that "age on the licence be before the doctor arrived. A post are increasing by leaps olid
tion Monday morning as hearing carefully checked. Mr. Ander• , bounds. The South Western sec-
began on the expropriation die- mortem revealed -he died of mul-
pule. i spn s age was recorded as 79, in- brie injuries to his chest and ab- tions of the Province, say in the
h' r it I Chatham Windsor and Sarnia,
The county assessor es t The inquest was.conclucte in Nits. Makins, wile
actual value of the land at $3,7301 >ibroken collar bone, and her two; but from Sarnia north along Lake
and provided other allowances of r, ensall town• hall and Dr.. J. C children were treated in hospital. 'Huron in: the Counties of iiuron
$2',175 to make a total of $5,905. Goddard, Hensel', presided. f
Landowners, who ,refused. ,the 1 C r o w n Attorney H. Glenn t was. revealed at the, hearing ,Bruce . and Grey we are still
'Autho ,it 'sr- offer• amounting to. Hayes; `who'' questioned the "wit th ” Anderson "was ' cntieicten h t largely
ar clytee gave atura of As a con-
y I.
st oven;