Huron Signal, 1850-02-21, Page 21 p f 1 1 i Aa*tvALor THE EUROPA. ' . New Yeas. P... 11. A.a....-Mk Market Arm. wet\ a fier hes mesal' Be re 60 ebb. at KYd, bar pryer Dearer wllesle meet P • kyle era vibe foe Weans tenterPelee of she w.edsout gr.de. bed • tend.•ory nperard..- The'rq.nry t..r the ret'.• 1. (sir wh.e' f p atasLMve d• staid. Tao seise aro 4.366 hide. •i $1,117I • 5 for roost to Female hist" 0.5,It • £5.31 fu, Mllhank• $i,`e s $5 at fnr pore Geaesee. Patna are Wog art, Grain II'•1:'at, of Wetsat are 1,.. at pt ere. %boas the news of ►•.yrs, quon eons ti nmsnaPy the same. RUSSIA AND TURM71b•. A complete n ron•sl.vt,os Is wail to hoer tek.n rimers het or. n Ru• is a••.I Turks• The letter baring co.*r••ed that all IA.. Polish an• j•rts of R••r-ia who w^re ass refried in the late Honest, .• m'ivee. r • pull be nhlyrA 1 • leove the Turkt.h than - r.ton•. A Au'r'a' aranyemrnl is via t e p ,a1 of biting entered tern A.•trsa e.,I Tn•k,y. The 'fireman Ise ret p' sun• pe . nto•rd e.'ntasn• the name • f G. enrol Bon. sad la .-Ic^ niher•. That • f .1,.etna benne w'th K.orush and .„n•aine 52 n.•.n... It la ennntso.nt th at 3i1 o laps E. south had ju.n.vl I.er hu•harJ. e' a harp r 'mem ..1 ,I,on Il• ng ry an the du*use of a menti cant. TI:F. MARKF:TS. (niton had fnrt'•rr a 1 d 1 l• 11. w t" nips PROM haiw t.., ws, k. jars on .peel. 1a/•n0. Moses •"nw'Iant, round. granted of 1i1!}. Visited Pales Peek. nre`.a...d, Lard silt eared 9.. Vora Meeker ennuis,,. 17 exhibit moat Internee. buyers corfi••e 'heir pnr.hasin to imsw►de••p want.. Nall et the present then 1* not murk hk•bbe•d ..r 'eine going leech lower than nut pre 'met gnntalinn.. The hese W. stern clear 1' Io.r r'•ld al 2 . Gel a lie. 1.1•laade'phia •nA Pella. Nis • i.s'&1: new 011ie 24s a 5511 6d. iedian Corn "Patty al 310 • 31s Serer white. 29. • 59. 3 Yellow, 'and 15.•. :ger *d for mixed. The last J,imeriran nail hraupl.t eo•sidrr •ie Arlen [yr (lads, and 'hare io ad .,.o. tIo. to buf for the ample floe or the Entitle!. Iines.Fer;trh Pig Iran has been i. demand, sed irate base int. proved. PRANCE. Bwi..ga regresses slowly/ in the Na- tl•satl Aseeeiblr.aiw, budget is still is com- mittee. . The 'Chamber \.ss been for *caw time (*copied with kir. Falloua . Educe time Bill. The latest Paei.iaa edifices re present Victor Hugo as hairier made a e peeeb grains it. is bleb wee •p.,laude.i frenzy. The debate adp.uinwl an•id►t area, . caagwept.. TW war epithet the I'rc-. enatinuee. The " Reform" has bee. res pen.kd and " Le Preen" se feed. The Menem Ayres expedites is Mid to be abandoned. PRUSSIA. - ' The Ihies tered dis.olnlinn of the Cabinet appears lo hove teen !molded he soave tem - premie.. The King ie now -daposerl to take the oatb of 1M Canatiteitios. The Erfurie Parliament 1s dertsred In be se im- perious poltt'r.t necesery for Prunes. In 1Vurtemborg there appears to be a change of opinion fa sombre to Ru.an inAuecte.st- The Hanover Clambers, rrfnrod to recng- '.ime the central commission of Austria and 1'rYNI AUSTRIA. Austria is occupied with the nun.berle.e eotati*ntione fur Ion provinces. The Pro t ineial Diets are toles eonvokr d in October, and that of the empire will assemble in 1861. 7. SARDINIA. The Sardinian Chamber of Deputies have approved of the treaty of peace concluded at Milan between the Piedmonteee and the Au.trisa.. Negortetione for the treaty of peace ham bas• renewed. . " New Voae. Fib. S: PoarwaeL•a are. Lows 'or Iape..-TM M H.ltfageur" sailed -from Lieerpnol Ger Nt r Yorb on the let of January. BMW iia bled two hen.lred sad nicety eaten and steerage pas•i neer, tngether with Caplet, sad crew of 20 men and Myr, and had a full freight of tarione deeerit•tione of roods. - On the monies, of the 13th the ship floated uiT BI*ekersteap Bank, and litre aw•v be. fere the wind, and struck Afklow Batik, where she afterwards went to pieces, end Captain Mode, end t..:ve of the crew who bad determined to he the last is the ship, were drowned. Al the time the pas- eengera left flee ship, the ship'a bold was full of water, and the pea making clear breeches over her. The peening.v* were amble to aye anything from the ship ex rept the clothier they had on at the time. The steamship (Min from Char[ree ria New Orleans and Homers' arrived here Mitt mnrning with thn ( ehfornia mails, and #500,000 in gold. She bee slim eb passen- gers from Cbar[res and 60 from Havasea. FROM HAY` I -ANOTHER DECREE. By recent arrivals at that pert from Hay. II, res learn That the Irked continued eons. p.rstiv.ly quiet. There had been a report that soothe, s.R.pe'nrnt had taken el... Wetly.", the Hayton ail Domieleete fMet., but no antb.nae seemed had ben received at On loess data(. soft.. or tere f.weige merchants having refe.rrl 1.. comply with alt the reveren.eet. of she sannopuly Mw, in regard to she tole of (meter pnrdecte, they were threatened by this ►lark °Seers sink the Aapeivaasn of their p•tienle sed a doe of ,I.o' e, end eves expels/in Irene the Island. Hoe ever, these thresh excited no fear, (rr the nut.er4,t of the Guvernmt•ra w ee car 11 kaewn. The n,.n.•p, Iv ea C.ie. was token raft Ih • foto; decree of the Emperor •nth• 1016 of 4,1 north. Some of the uncles .l If, (11(55 IP •'• M In11.. tae• rse,.LATI•I L „ettT T. ter Dram Do TCW I:11rIRF.OF II,1Y•TI. "LMve•tp. .1aTrctt' 2l. T•n it..ref...oh. 1 aim 111• (*emir et I',sing Coffin, at a ch prier. and 51 earl. gnen'IT M as oils m►, pule• proper. 34. fleet of Ilse quart ere n' Coffee pnr• t ha►ssl by the rnn.i.nre merchant., there . hoL: b 1.1..n be the ar count of the G•.v ',moon; no...VIA of the same Th'e fifth Melt a. eert'rd for at the market price, by etre G,.verrmenl-who ehal! not. liewelia. tee 'note than $50 t sr 100 Ib.. Theme, bot mice shell be area be the CumtnHN:on el Coarol, spoken of he•*aflN. 411,. Foreign merehasutee shall not he sold retires ',hobnob. or retail, above *be prre*a fx•d by the Tani. Mk. Shall owl! have the right d per h chasing Cs.ff.. for exportMiow.. thee, maw Ghosts rb. *b•11 make imp.et.seeee •diner. u eb..di m. .iib. Every week • Ceamotes of Cas- • oral, award by the liwwransest, shell eerie raLte '\air IfU cz w retie t dei w •way/ rt> a•t•, airy the. Mb* met meow* as the State. A deny of. we slier ger bee shell pseud. ll Lo PI t. . red sant c ted hgr As (, ommief.e u f C.. 1.d, as all coffee ebIppri. 10th. No q'sonsy of e. free .tail be per "mum! to be wine heel sad.htped tram the now. O.rsy. Bttatk al..d 1. ewes( 4r1'reoq mosey a Eareps them the ttl..,dy seen' iedKesiese el • chase' w oak led men 'Ma ogle psi« et 'bedew of She eastee,..%e dad is olds u nest -tilts. ee of ee..e 'hie. **weer hg0. Moog mods geeing tromp de eh, part of the wee sed the talented. le pep.laries the politi- cal power sod civil iastltstia.a of the Europese asos.s We are, t\eniw• of aphides that with Crustiest Ifen•e., **Meat ►.,ox are..mpamsed - s - 'y the ceri.fret.'d tr. herds' bean ...10.4 .,itstlasa before our ryes, it helm'', es se the by UK ('ou.s Ile" d Cuntr..11-1$4"1M Jr' 'Inhabitants of • yoga( sod rising oseesry, u• rale'_ -rig", well said oak mi'r'y, •• Are we to bare as Aristocracy 1"-(Cwtis.ed mow (tail. HURON SIGNAL THURSDAY. ►4RCARY 21. 1050. ARE WE TO HAVE AN ARISTOCRACY W mimic sse orerlusb the fact thee, in every country of 'be world, wet sae• on born with bigger and better braise than others ; some with more meaculer power. and some with stresses de.ires and greater (aciLs.es for maim( wealth. Is would Mao appear that as aristocracy a lotet- kcs-of strength aid of riches is sot &sly r.eng- ailed but society established in the very coosti. lotion of nature. And we may eafrty presume A at lhtt ram development of three q.alitir., in certain isdu•uluala, f• intended as a benefit to society "carrell, ; for - notate dol. nothing ierewg. These •nperior rndowo.ensa not only enable their possessors to derive • Nobler groti6 Ntion from •lulene.,hy ministering to the fleece - silica of their less ptiviliged fellow creatures, but slot serve as incentives to emulation, and exam- ples of extra setts ity and perseverance. Them are th. aristocrats of NA tare's nem making, sod to so far as they are left aotrammelled by the •n.6eial .ppe.deseo of law. and cestnm.. they will, in every country and in every smmge of mete - y, secure a hug* dare of psp.I.r respect. But the Aristocracy of the world's nuking -the Aristseracy mooted In law is ehogelher • differ- ent ease of being., and exerts a very different ioflurnce ou society. Ylie Bonnie Caste of Hiodosun is the oldest and certainly the most l etch:tout man-made ArisIocs.cr of which we have any kaewledge: It is a strange helmgr- monopoly of wealth. educulios, Divinity and political power, and under the impious as- sumption of Leaven's sacredness, unblushingly and relentlessly condemns the great muss of the people in perpetual ignorance .ad labor, Ihroagh all their coatis' greenhorns. It ba oo erect parallel) among the other uiateerecirs of the world. which can only be regarded is dim reeeg- 5614ms of she paw .eLariuos pri•eiple, sad, tin .Ilseien to it herr, is anerrly ioseaded to poi&' set the first aid wont sa.ts.ce of eaefuiet cl.as- priviliges. We think she British Arietnersry wry be acknowledged as the model bpee which all modern aristocracies are moulded. it is not an onion of wealth and 'duration, rine of wealth and *tarot. nor of wealth and divinity -iris essential- ly an amalgam of we.lih and political power, and asoppoOunit, offers, itanekesas oceseeiooal (tarp at excloa.s religious sod edieatieaal pri vilige.; for, it must be admired, that the char- ters and rules of some a she chief sem.wr,ea of learninx, and she political prereguuees of the Lords spiritual are combing lee' than very faint imitations of the iniquiIio is class distinctions of Brominism. But the prevent formidable sod ova-, Brown grist, encs of Britain is • thing that could act be prod•eed in • day -it could not spring up from any ordinary sate of society -it resulted from, and doves its importance sed its overwhelming power to a long, rude age of baro. Dial feudalism -a peculiar species of kn,ght- erraa•ry-, io 'Lith the serf -people were merely the tools or war -weapon. by which the knights fought their battle,. of honora.d woo their laurels sad their Lady loves. The age of Chiefs mad Vas- sals was the prngenitor of the British Aristocra- cy which is the mother of all.rrtocracier where wealth.nd Birth alone can legally cosier power. Were the prtuesoion of superior political or civil power cDafised to talent or to learning. 0150 superior virtue or morality, such ao aristocracy *Mold command respect, and woad, io the Majority of sostaneee, be productive of good. - Were it even gives to great physical streegib there would he, at Inst, • degree of plausr.bility to the arrangement ; for, if the strong men could not reason well, they might probably jfght well. Bot, in confining it to wealth then le ao attempt to bow down the eternal spirit to the domiaioo of mere duet -a •ubp.gation of God's image to the coarse clay from which Inas was formed. - In short, as aristocracy of wealth and Firth is as extravagant eacrefence in the social arrange- ments d 1.1i0s.a1 beirg., ■..d hu, ronsei•teetly, ban the coerce of mueli mochtef and misery in all e'Meetriee where it hos been fostered or tole- rated. The twit, however, seems to bare at - Missed the monk sf its ;norm .grd is already M emir deelise. Its dors orf ■eml•ered. The rectory peeve, end• the pony-Iswses, .ad she work ileums. and the sosp•kiich.ns, and the heartless, half-starved needle--women, and the Relief Committees and the ragged, pauper pope- h.ion '•f rwntr.es groenin6 hestath a weight of wealth. luxury soil •olupioous.ees, have created a deep, hollow mwm.r which is missing Nod -echoing dolefully shrooghout the enure fnrne- work of whet a called civdTision. Ariai.eraale reruns are becoming uspepalar, and Arieaorrsite Mintounns err trembling and sh.ea.eeiog to f.11. The n1.1 legendary gamip shout Duke", Lord., Knights, Ramon., Bermes, Stan, Gaiter, and armorial hearings hes been kindly b.gaesebad to the prreloe• gust ban of the •sorry, Ned the rk,eksrs e( s'I chimes and of all minims, are heated sod pealed with the all showboat gees- tinne-•• Whet eon we der with aha people r - Hew shell we prevent •Ge.1•s indssir•o.o md- luna from eiemtn1 is she midstf pkely 1"- Ts.u. ire Ibe que.hnes that pdrplrm she w4.• dom of the age, ani utiles* they 1144. be satia(se• lord, answered it a to Le (oared it.. Wore the armour cealory shell oleo., saethar muse Mi- celi and ,wen dant/erste may be preposehel- eeaw arra, or perhapo mime millet My .alt maraly-•' Why re it les sisnaee•twea,ieth, of she hostas seek that God mods inu the world eve ae pereile d claim .r right to their Com- ae. earth 1" Eno she right is lin by Wer, the mmaiy Is wbla they wee' bora. i. 4.. ltd. The weed ba as Orly greats• -Mt, M N.w.rarsus -If ,b* ',ember of ?feww.pspen is to be taken u ea iidea d political Qr.grrso, ib. Reform party inset be wakes mums in Up. per Carted. D.Miy rhe het few weeks we hair tree. red the -Pert Hope Wstchssea" • reepect•ble sod cleverly whites Refer. Jost- sal from the thriving tows of Port Hope. °The Whitby Frerms.•' • vigorous little sheet from the rural locality oPeter Perry. 1.. is rubra►I1tis• grd Mitt /teatime's modesties boat is, aeeer- thele.., spirited, and, gesereily, takes whele- rem* views Mating.. And the •• Sectaries Re• former" from the prosperous tows d Galt • " well got up" Jammed. now are all en the side of liberal responsible Gotrtomeat sod when compared with the ouomes of good old Tory J..rsals %bids have lately gives ap tie ghees for want of sustenance or become repre'alicm• Iran mere ep.u. then is reoa to lochs re that the principles of reform are taking deep root in the mind o! the Canadian public (r' It win be snot by Circular in our .1Jsertising columns that Alfred W. (Jett', E•q., has been appointed County Clerk ad inter ion, and offers himself as a candidate far the office, at the next Meeting of the Conn- ed. We are pleased to see geatlelneo o' good alit] ty and superior gvahlcattoes prof- fering to 6:1 this situation, as certainly the eb!ictous and accurate ihteharge of es du- J r• is of inch importance to the pebbc, communications. To TO Tea - $Nlee. ey Tete 111,110. metra-. Su, 7ilivi•g been placed in • primaeval posi- tion before my mellow -townsmen, by being Nomi- nated to fill. the office of chief magistrate is our newly aeorporated tows. 1 mut sow request sou to insert to Foe, nest issue, my reply to the communication of James Watson, Esq., called forth by your account of that memorable meet- ing. And allow me to my, 1 regret r•• had not obtained, before going to prem. • correct and' ..•stashed report t f our proe.edsop; then I should not have risked loosing the friradab,p of one gentleman, and have been spared the neeeeei- ty of commenting on my cs 'duct towards another, my oppooeot Wm. B. Rich, F..q. Is your report the following week you corrected your previous statement, bat ate, it appears, to the siti.t•etto. of Mr. Watson. My recollection of the paragraph setsliag s myself is this, and althnegh 1 am *opposed to have replied in •o agitated mangier, Meson %Vithce and Horton will p!esse correct me it I •m wrong. At • late bout Mr. Wallet. came se inform me, and my supporters, that Mr. Watsw was coming forward, sod Mr. Rich would be prevailed upon to withdraw; my fnendsdesired I should' not again offer the proposal• refined is the morning,bet this I should be governed by their wishes, sod such was the ,obanece of my reply to hlr. Wueos out his avowal DIMS inteoties. Mr 'Rich, however, *ruled the Mimi, very summarily by announcing badesermiastioo not to withdraw. Thee followed the Meese, for which Mr. Wal.on censures me for not endeavouring to check the " unmerited ablate" beeped upon Mr. Rich by my supporters. 1 tamest to lee th length to whicb'party suirit extend* its iefluesee, ad 1 feel compelled to declare my eonvscsina that as the time the agry altercation took place the supporters &f Mr. Rich would bare *fawn more respect for their candidate, and more nerd for the public morals had they withdraws him from the contest, and bad they done w Mr. Wet ane would have been Mayor. it 'tierce me in write to censure of my oppo- se's', for as ■ worthy and as honorable ewe is pri•aie hk, the lows does set eootua his seise ria. Bat then are certain duties which 1 owe to the public and certain priocijalea of morality. which 1 fondly hope shall he negIeeted or •iolsted on my part by any feelisp of friendship or any considerations of private re.pect. I dud not, nor do I now, reel arhamed of hay hog, "eyes tacitly," given couotreuee to the laminae' of my sopportem: hasty espresrinna were used on both *ides. It weanot, 1 consider, private character, bet the public character of a public man, a.piriog to the office of chief magis- trate, which my supporters disapproved of and *poke against. In eondumon, i trust it is not too late for the Council agate to meet, sed should they egsis tome to the aeketroe eta Mayor, if my former op- poseet would become en •eeeal •obscriber to • certain society is the t0.wo, 1 would with moth pleasure second bis Immigration. The Conseil would thee have aa able president, send IM town be presided over by M mygntrate of groat os'frls.sa, 'sleets sad experiesee. i am, deer air, Your obed't'fre•t- B PARSONS. I(e*s.-Wo wish fro- m the depth* of ear deepest Matnity that we had act written it... same " Anal* of the Corpnti.n," we are like the old man with the Are -we hate pleased so - body, and lost our article ice the brows. W. sad first 'hat Mr. Wawa dread hunsab( N Mayne at the ".iveatb Mor" -sad thea we hid 'bat Mr R-stost did .on offer himself m M.yae-eau then Mr, Motion says he diet offer' Wreath a Mayor, ad .ow Mr Parsons cerebra. . Weir Mr W*•.o.'* statemee., add M•► confirm ser One verse's of the matter. The firer ID of whish ws myth eerie/td ie, Met we omit um. tett artery Mr V►eeme offered h.m.elf es Magee IN had beet solicited se do le. by is. Mine owe party. -.N of thi• we were entirely ironed el the time. Th. ,sww.d is, that Mr. hese* is replyry se ler. Wasose•e prepped did as ems the asset weds which we pm is Der article. obit I•, he emit as say 'her • eipmUsw. Std .limb car hoe hes *mphyA alms wads w ipt m imedp the wee eking 14101.1106 "411111•10/11111.1011111111. ewe Isco :lemaat 111 the powwwflkp sea admesll.tIy .awes', slice. 6, 666 sod the sweeties- pbeis elegy base estidstHsss isedvwwetly atdueL -L H. S. IT We refer ear 0.ders► rsd.ra to the fel- tswisg C'mm esteauea which W it loses amok .t the paper M e wadi hese pormasd mesh bad fee1h g. Need Mie Imre from beteg made a• reproach sad speed as the sad.cu&s e( rayl ag so mach 'ewe's sheen die .• No Mayor al*esng.' Ursa... Fels 19th, 1630. To Tea 1D0Tea M tea Nyasa Mee*L. esu, -I ha.. s... i. e'er edeas .( the 9N1 of JMMry, MO, •aa. •.',rheas which 1 thought looked very ievd.eea add disagreeable 1. sniff of.ir aew.saea. 1 a110Je r. rear ■•mist three iadi•idsals u the lead'.g roes of Uedericb society. sed 'milieu' mete I admit that they are smart, Industries, add rnterprialog men. add Witte aloof* be.. so. Bet i' it simply biases their politics setts yaw party chat this hearse to cosfered tel them is yoga muemr•n 1 As for ray port 1 dog•' care ts, Toryism .r Radrealisi.. Aad Mstsriag that yes would wt meddle ao severely with i t tr so the 'aadidat'a • B . Per Kk's 1 Ward, if you really tbo.tht obey weeld tore with your Forty. I, Mania McLessea, tithe Bain' Patrick's Ward, who bis brew elected Commit - !or for the said word. M give Pablic Nance, that .• esworgereee of Maier N mesh besmear to weed to. 1 *OA to retire hem my sere u Co.acillar. std haps .s rowel's' the apprabatw army brothers is draw a ',sisals'. 1 trssa, therefor., tam u the first m.etwg.1 tee Cwa- etllee• is tilm taws a( G.derieh, den dais date. my place as Cwaesloe few St. Patrick's Ward will be feed by ou that hes more time roadability to devote ...alto dishes et Meet impnnatt t e. - The.letTorie.aad Rda1in.rs fight till ides for 1 here te battle at the work -beach. 1 have the house, Mr. Editor, To he your moot o54't sern't, MARTIN McLEN:(Ei4. Pwvmurst Coc.c,L-Cov.T, ov PiaTw.- T e Toworeeeee of the Eames 11aree have been called to meet at S•rttfnrd, on Monday the 25th i•siaot, at the Union Hotel (Woods), to form ,be Provisions! Co.oeil for the mew County of Perth. It is to be hoped that they will be myorosa u :he fulfilment of the important duties entrusted to their care sad masageme•t;-.ad is is to be expected, else, that the farmers mod others will 'import all she righteous acts of the Council when formed. The Circulars are issued by Thomas M. Daly and Wm. Smith, Esg'v , Toworeeres of North Easth.pe and Downie. - Cow. STRATFORD AGRICULTURAL SOCIE- TY. The annual general niceties of this Society took place O. Satarday the 16th ism., et tie Uoio• hotel, ( Woods) foe the eleelioa d Mesa - gen for 1150. The follow's( were severally Dominated end annotated. viz: William Smith, Esq., President. Jeno Sherry, Esq , Treasurer. Mr. Johe J. E. Linton, Secretary. Vice PrcMdeota-Mesrn Sebastian Fryfngae, $oedt Itapabope: George Hyde, North Esetbope; Alen. Gourley. Ellice; George Wood. Doom., Caamittrt-Meosrs- Duncan Headrrana, Jae. Creme. Peter Crorar, Seo., dames Patterson, John Kelly, Andrew E.oto. William Bradley. George Scott, Andrew Helmer, Andrew Riddle, Jr., Mathew 'Sedition. James Mooteilh, Jaynes Simpson, William Donn, George Girth, Joh, Bellaoaee, U C. lie. Valentine Ruffridge., Peter Kamer, Antony Kettler,. The Treosarer's aecousu were approved of - The saeul subscription to the Society 5s.- ennry n( sew members 2v 6d. It wee resolved that the Stallion Show, in April, be Risco up - There will, therefore, be no Show for Stallions Mi. year. The time for paying cub criprione.s- tended to the 20th August. A eibsoriptioa list tea. recommended to be opened for the •• Agri. csl+ms5," pah!ieh.d ho Torsos. Th. seat roe'ria( to he es the lent Saturday in June . - This Soci.ty,p to 1848, ,nele*i•., bis expended is Prswirau, the sum of £413 a, which with the Premiums of 1849, atmo,ahag l• *boot £d0 •t1:- Geoerel Show in October, £61 14 Stallion Show in April, , 6 S 1.4! Wheat Show September, 5 15 Ploughing Match October, i 0 £79 14 Will awake the total expended, in premien,, since 1842,.mouats to near L500. The re-elec- tion of the President. Mr. Smisb,(Blaek Creek,) was unanimous, though be *tithed to withdraw. Mr. Rm,th wen floe of the founders of the Society, in 1041, mod hes invariably siee,, done a greet deal to advance feu interests, supported by the ('.mars of North Eaa.hop. mai Dowiie.-Cos. MEETING HELD IN NELSON, Qn Thursdoy f'vewinF, lke ltd instant. for Me par -pore of re eieiag the try(aaafi.n of tie Hon. Malcolm Cameron on kis Re- signation. MR. CAMERON'S SPEECH. u voting ageiset the remo.L1 af the pest of Owers0* kaw atee to lr.alr Some aim oaf LIM• he 0.. tutee aim - bled : het aeras as•etsre, psptscal amass - ten sod apiesetere .1 pail``s••, ''rima e• stumble, W Detre i j afo also stumble, mte,. appo'w' pwple t. sac* who also stuable fur 'noisome, lobe H. Came's' stumbled when he advised Vawhtart ac/ Potts : we sert\detrthe meek& Yleletsy-ln*te pieced Aim in the senate of the Uesv*r•ity W e. Robiaso• often stusblef, or as we R (omen thlak, never the prpeeol *Glair) have appointed hue to ►uy ell lb►'i•adt north u( Lakes uron and Supercar front the Induns. ThoHmas Parke stook hard 1400 per year ever nice. kgertoa stumbled several acmes, or rather baa been always sluabltng, and has now about £i00 per year from lila protest Mowery. But to return to the Bill. introduced and pissed by the Ministry ; they carried the Untveuy lien, thnMpal Bell, the Schoorel Land B.N,e theew Seboounicil hell, oleo e- ciprudt.y Ball sod the Road Bill, which Iasi. by the bye, es properly Henry John B,.ul ton's Bill and u f t1` othe beat ever panned t° the Province. Of oar Lew Reform, eta ny people think it was reforsYn( back wards ; however the B Ih were canoe during the hurry of the seess•sn, after obs lwsirag ef ,file Parhansot IIue.*, ud 1 •o.etted to them aid must share the sin. - We puslpoi*d the Clergy Reser•. Ques- tton, and I thought properly, and we gave out to Ole country that at could only be ar ranged by neguIialieu with the Imperial Goverment. Mr. Honks contends that the power tie legislate oo this question has been taken from us by the Imperial Legis- lature, sod 'bat there are very grave difficul- tae nn the way of recovering the power thus lost, bat the caonot be. Eoglan) is 1836 distinctly gate us permission to Le gsalate on this question. sad actually decli- ned ioterfering with let aesll•'mest, coo .wring it to be ono of those local matters with which the Homs Government should not tsterfere. W. found IL smposoable 1,0 ',tree on the basis of a settlement, and, therefore, te(eriul the qucs:ion to deem as a sort of srbiratson. 11'e yielded ao.rights aid cumpromuwd 'oo priscep:e in this : if now we can agree among. uureelves a. request England to give ui back oho pro erty which we bare placed In her hands safe keeping uotil we called for it, the can surely be no doubt but hila will readily aid willingly meet our wishes. it has al been said so extenuates° of the neglect the M,ustry on 1ltia question, that th French influence prevents their muviag this is not au- i sin at ■ loss to cuuce what good defence can be made by th Ministry for their inactivity on the tit matters of the Reserves and Rectories. Unfortunately fur ere 1 know of notbtn ,they have done to redeem their pledge 'tare them scatted - With regard to Retrenchment in our ex pensee, es bate to fact increased our bis dons. It is really bumtlaatsag to be oblige to make the coal... won, but tite truth mit be told, .ld while the present tlliwstr went in pledged to a system of Retre,c went, t]ey have in fact saddied the countr with increav:d burdens, and that to a enormous extent. The changes in the Ju dietary have fixed several thousands pe lieu on our necks, which must, rental there for all time to come un'ess an unusu- ally vigorous bane be applied to their remo- val. I went Soto the G sveroment pledged to reduction, 1 prepared a general plan of Re- trenchment, which would have effected a oscine of about £15,000 per year. The was of course but a begtening ; but i tbo it safe to proceed moderately, sod 1 propos ed that the sum, with such sums as coal teeny he shoed off the expenditure, should be appliedto the f'rmarion of one Rre.f lea- ding road through the I0.triet. 1 wa• over- ruled, and Me Ministry have actually set- tled upon the determination. not to speed awe penny on local improvements_ Alt attempts at Retrenchment were defeated. 1 was sot long in office as Assistant Commissioner of Publse Works, when 1 discovered that in realty i bed eoilting, or very tittle to do. The Department consisted of Col. Tache, Chief Commisnsoner, myself as As..stant Cepmasioner, and of -no lees than a Rego meat u( 32 clerks ! 1 found nothing dome, there were no Public Works in progresa of any „ . - , and bow to keep myself and my 32 wutanL. employed, 1 could not discover. 1 obtained the dismissal of half of them, and 81111 we could not keep busy. 'rho Globe has tauntingly asked why 1 did nnt•diecover all this when i first took office -10 the first place, it took me some time fairly to understand my poet:ion, and ascer- tain the actual work to be done ; and when 1 found 'bat there was really no means of David Pitcher, Esq.. h•vino been called keeping myse'( busy, and really no use for to the Chair, and Mr. W. Kingston, ap- the o0iee at all, 1 told Mr. Baldwin that 1 pitinted•Seeretary, Mr. Cant woe thus ad- entered the llmtotr, pledged to.retreneb- dremeed the meeting :- ment-that i found 1 had nothing to do -- Me. Csusrax Cala ()WITLeal*N :-1 that 1 could not consistently retain the of6r•e have been regneeted to attend here this eve- and begged to be allowed to retire. He 'Hog, and lay beforeyou my views on the wished me to remain until something could present Date of our political affair", and ex- be done, end said that if 1 persisted to feu' - plain my own position and feelings on the tog then, i should trammel them- On the. oohing of the Halton Election. Al the last i consented to remain for a tome to enable election we were very strong, and carried him to snake other arrangements. 1 waited one uten tnonenhantly. We soon made the mouth after month, until seeing that there d no*htng and omelette/ vehemern, wbo were was in tru h no dlopostlton to adopt, my neither one thing nor another, give way be- views of Retrenchment. 1 peremptorily re fore the famous promisors who had just got signed, 1 could not with even any show of to, and I was one of these selected to carry cusveotency remain, for i know the office out the views of the Reform Party. The , to be altogether usneeeaary. Why, gen- musky demanded. ani we promised, satin- I Heenan, for the last few months 1 managed factory scene on these several important the whole Department alone, and eonld only gvphenos--Clergy Resenan, the Reetenes, then occupy myself two hours in the day ! the University, the Assessment end t usury When Cel. Tach* resigned the Chief Coen- L•wa,M.nefpel Reform, Common Schools, arsas•ership, i offered to do ali she work Public 1 , sod Law Reform.- of the IMpsrtn.,•t without any additional 111 these mese moven was made; a Uni Salary. Thu would have Saved the salary versify B.11 w.. prepared , • most excellent o1 the Chief Commimoa.r, £760 per Tear. Muoielp.l (3 iI wee brought in by that kW- but the M*.ietry would not consent !! i ri.us sad i.dumtnnme man, Mr. Reldwin-a said 1 ceold peHorm the duties with perfect Balt whoa$, nnght 50 cote? • multitude of este, .t all events until the next Session wee ; bet, oppropa of good works covering which wined only he a few months, and save rise, our excellent friend, Mr. Hopkins, this eatery o($3000, but no -1 was desired ogee ga.. a moon important -tri truth, eke to .ec.pt the Chief Cnmmissionernhip, and ease/ i*ywrtaw/••t•msg vote ever gives a t the would appoint 40 Asetutaot i my til* Hit • of • C"lewdnn Pwna'e -a vnre D I said 1 would not accept an o ce wh•eh gave yew the rarest vatnable rusher. w!!!lffftiil aa Zkkh was not seeded, and that 1 was deter those ever deemed in any of England'. Col mined not •o remain among men who was "sires, 1n the (see of oblige, temptation, resolved n t to carry out even the smallest and almost perseeatton, from • rombfnatien: relrer►eA et. They th.ro offered d 1 .f •Nn Tor,.. a • few Res men Mr. wm11J rem giv* me the Poaf-Vater_ Hopki.s gas * vet* wh(eh i•ai•bbhh•d Groner ' mer Distrte*Cwdei's ; sod, 1 emr44y add, this nletsl lttann rest wets in e • d P- TO a, of annual sore to in.iney. rrpresealiog a carom• the ge'e's. wn\p•t •b•rwme.Nabi alae -yw Aerial eemmese the Prs..4 whelk seek r pnwsl11, Ileal O.* yew' Metz If you miters Me. 1VglrehNl, the ewyry Deet c.petdet that gen, at all . ei 4u aa.oisk Refmc\eNat. Yr. WatewkaII will 1e11 you 10.1 it m a Slats• tory once, sad must be fiUed- G*atlemea, 'Jo I01 ke Mulcd asck a LIL•y . to rue the dime is created by Statute, wad se la every once, but 11 by an as.sa follow. that .e meal throw as ay $1,600 per year in ono °Ike alums. because a Sistine per- uses 1111 enation. The Aeljelaat Uelawal- stup a oleo a Stat utory ofIke, ad there has been so Adjuiat Goueral for fuer year. 1 -- The Solicitor Generalship is a Statutory office, and how often does it happen that it Item uo611ed fur months 1 This arsenical a so weak Ibet it is ea worthy of tefutalism. With regard to the choice of the peat'. - men whom you may choose to oppose Mr. Wuteohall, 1 hast, no desire to interfere. I believe, however, that you will Bad e. en. wh one lategnly a mote u•sented, %he.e Ft aciples are more fixed, a bore chandler If ao well calculated to purtt.• steadfastly, and in ao undevsu* Ito. the laic princi- ples p pr ache plea of e'eaistencr, as your old repre.eeta- rye, Mr. Ito,ktos. I lee' he well vigorously and honestly adtcca:e Ret.cccle.tnt to all departmeota of the Guvernmest, dead so ev- ery q Darter where the principle can be used, to relieve lbs burden of t0• people. That he a rcaJy to apply a sharp peso:mg-knife to our law Courts, and carry Law Reform to its greatest attest ; that be will be ready to carry out the moat liberal mode of set- tling the Clergy Reserves and Rectory Qne.liun.; sad 'bra to all the other Wotan which the people wish, he will be reedy to acquiesce, sad actively assist in obtaining them. Reorcrloe DI Rtesres -Ma. Sue Rea• Caswron° -We, last night, received a copy of • printed tweeter, winch has just sees, i.sued hp Mr. Sharman Crawford to his tenantry, and we regret exceedingly that weeatnet po•sebly make room for tt in the present somber of file Banner ; but washed' take care to poblub It at length on Friday. It is the only jud:ctous, equitable, and rca'ly philosophical dtrquaitton upon the subject of rest, and of the general reta- liate betaseen landlord and tenant, which has appeared from the pen of any landlord - proprtetor doneg the present discaNton.- Mr. Crawford expresely,aesomes Hee poos- tron that the landlord's rest le " a certai e proportion of preface.'sod be admits 'bat Iva !hat the. " proponton, .o arranged to money e may tease to represent a just proportion of eoroduce, and may barrens entirely t1. re- verse of a just proportion, by a change in the markets." On this equitable principle to of political economy, Mr. Crawford propos nes to eller iota sew anaogemeaa with hie tenantry • Ind ee suggests **rens ' of adjostmeot which are worthy of the patri- arch of " tenant right" -but we mut fe- d ( verve details for our neat publication- • Gisler Bonier. h -I y 1 Ta-Tlafo mAL TO TOUR Rev. Jur, Ewan, n D. s. - P war or £800, -Last eras- - Deg this dutangteshed diviee was presented r I with a Rift of £000, sad s splendid edition of. a B'eater's Polyglot Bible, by • loge and sahuaotial number of his (rands aad admi- rers of various religious domrnalio*., as • mark of their appreestsoo of of hit faithful and successful 'services in the cause of Christian phelaotbropy, both at boa. •ed abroad The meeting was coo3eed to s those subecnbera who resided is or at such 't a &elutes from Belfast a to esabte teem to - ha present at the highly i•terestisr pro- d crediegs. The presentation took plate, af- ter tea, in bora. Fortifier's, Ca.tl. Plans, the Rev. Professor Gideon presiding. B. - sides the address and reply, several sloq•nn& and impressive speeches were delivered, during the evening, on sobjecis most tndr• matey associated with the name and cbaracter of the Rev. Doctor. Tb* crowd- ed state of our columns renders a detailed report of the gratifying proceedings moos - "Ole to to -day's publication. -Ulan. Min- na ••d went Det, 1 feel at appoint, w to Mr. liberty to etebtlee tete offer, became Mr. Baldwfw•e view., who eedeavored to defeat Hinck. toy 1t to. geeellm 111 H•infltw. the Sill. 1f liberty hes hem" e.lar[edt', if Mr. .---ba 011eaUe4ee,-My Daly ori' INs11 neatl*re kava bee• better mans peoMe are helm served in their own.ik this, k epee the 'ret emelt a%obs Election Y deeyiag the Ass roar thee!. *n de* to oar std (rimed, Mr. of a great prineipb._kateassmemer. it mode. fee, t. be Kaes.*, the sewer, is • totted mot thiep teen, hot for xseeere.. Hledebied Ar all '0... hea.fit. Mr. it le a esetset bet totem.. Mr- Hopkins r•pkiee, os, was tmiseeetly patri.tie to mad Mr. WelatI B,but Mtyfte. Mr. Wet - tees the tM lsswq M uw..f Mg kiss& wel.iI .y tot *geld /maids apology for appearing here 4etd t•keag pert TEMPERANCE ML!'I IM. red, .r set D..triets are oat rf debt, if the in the enntMt, 1. til that i en s 1arkcts. New York, Feb. 13. Ashes -The market steady for Pots, with ales 50 bbhi .t $6,75: Pearls 6m. and is foie demand, with sale. 70 bbl. at $6,06. Floor -Then ie mere deieg is Wester* noel Floor, bat at lower price. ; ler the low grades of state the dma.d is inere.aag, and (hit for the lo - ed trod* i. better ; Cased's* is heavy: pies of the day reach 4,500 bbl..; 34,31 • $4,624 for common state; 5.06 sad 5,95 for Miebipo; 5,10 • 5 62I fee prime G....te. Whe.t--Ther. i. ■ fir baldness for wheat, bat below the views of holden : Genesee is held at 1,25 • 1,30; Ohio, 95 • 1,125; Upper Ink., 95 . 1,00 and Southern 80 '1.15. Oats -are not pleats, particularly Northers ; sale., river and easel a 42 • 45, .lid Jersey, 17. Cora -Rather easier, sod lea. platy, ...leg to the trouble in obtaiai.g freight; sats 96,000 bush 59 • 60e. for Soothers yellow; and 61 eta for good So when white; aoshiag d.i.r i..ld. Pork -There is rather more deism 1. Pork let the borne trade, •.d Saporta alas g..41- aimesl.- live demised; the sales for ilstedtste tot ear - 1300 We at $10,68 • 10.75 fee caw seem Mfr sew; prima e1d i. e.11 .d wmi..l. Pbiled.lpbi., r.►. 1t Th. .chisel p...eript •.f 1tp'aebisgtee•. Farewell Address wee rid by •sans at dee Ez- ebag. this .vwemig. It was started at $SM, W ra try to 31300. et wb.ch pries hews sakes by the Rec. Dr. B..rdms., ;wet perebessd it for. gentle... at . 41....e*. New York, Febresrytl9. The Ceftin' Jaques' oa t0. cameo "(deed b. the km 'spinosa i. Hage. Swint, woo eon - chided to -day. .ad the Ca...., delivered ►i. charge .. the Jury, wet camp proceeds e'edw their ..rhea The whets smeent .aillnad le .id d d. wanes y IM weeide.t Is env l Now York, 1.10. 13 -The C.eeser's Ism se he explains Dass heve pnwted Teytsr, Nee. ...., said Merphy as all dined, ee imam* Staged +lib Maass. QBE Ase,wnwry T.epsweee Yratltsg J, rake phew set: 61•sd y e*enie, lib1114 '..t. h its, W M, C0spwl he ibis Team The R... Jobs Wel, Witham Mkfteel a and Saimaa Wilkinson win Whew the Meeiag Ts mum wooer ea seeels*, !, M. A gamed _• 1110 saL.III1 A,IIi 4 ST