Huron Signal, 1850-02-14, Page 3s 'Ys t.-e Ilhis tear ,-
s. •swd• resent. l,. 7 711 wafter It rat: Mb /tsps tea It earl to ens
whl•b•titlat hie i Batey sawgapar Amos
11 ie yea whish .wt ass. 1Motmal !fib
17, Wine to set ease menet eves/8y, is
the ✓peat Alt" of the Ii.Mr sed sea
✓ b who AIMS 1101 band is. Aristocratic
self-eSmptaeasSP may gaff Se ant at the
djlros et this Pte nolle sad that ef ti. a .
public I toed been, tbswwtttg leant tate the
darken aewews WM bests the week. He
who dna net pba.ees the ,ieist Is vete,
will lest loth* emeetry .bar• sash ewe la
lbs enedrtbe u D•I reAteed the inuesb tie ;
and frost tiny, will proceed to •u..Ibtog
more. 1f Canada to nut Amencanised by
imitates, it %Ill w Aweticaused by *Aop-
velg*'Mm. sad baser at Ilse ten nee; ton.
but the "fart" knows Do **eh obstacles-- l am told that there aro serious party ob-
J.1.i.etd phtueus may cry 11 down, as jectiuns to an eitesdeJ suffrage. What
tsatpldleil int .ucb objection barb been are they 1 Th. R.( is afraid that
retired behest sed orerturs.d. Prejudice the newly arrived Etorgrest would give the
any Oft its bead agateet the democratic en- balance of power 10 the Tories t lb. Tory,, het that hand bit often been with much more reason on his aide, Is fear-
poleted by l•utIlgeoce. Property may tui that hoe party would never mon new to
not about Ile privileges, but the mere hid importance. Tb. apprehension of the Re -
dor of the dollar, will learn that the rights former t. grou•dluss. He need oely collat-
e( property are not alone vested in hum.- Jer why Lha majority of emigrants leave
What De Tnequeville said to the United their neve land to be assured of their sup
S lates, some f.11ower en his footstepe teal port. Bet 'ball one-half of tee populatlos
yet have to say of Canada. lee deprived ae electoral right, because the
The first ire equate• .tees of cert partisans •re r■
t) tip, the ..eun.g of the fvenchue 10 all the way 1 Shall a petty dread that the
a•esabove the ate of fl, peyote taxes, free annual emigrauou would crusb hberelis.,
frost crim'sahty, and to poe.esstos of be held as rand reasons fur a refusal to arty
sooty. Already is the principle that the 'beefier' men of the opportunity to "elect
owerwbip of property Is not the tight vena. their representatives 1 Throwing aside all
hficatioo for s vote, eosceded to us by the considerations of justice or right, the pas-
Elsettes Law, which declare* that at say sage of such • measure as 1 contemplate
future Election no man shall give a vote would be the corner stone of • large and m-
other thea in the constituency wherein fie fluenttal ptrty : it would be the passport to
u resident. Here is a direct a1•ndonmcot poser of the true representatives of the
of the absurd Wee, that money produces people, and form a bulwark against Tory -
brains, but with *reform as openly unjust as tom which could never ea
the evil remedied. Property s told that It 1.411113 but a Darrow vow, 1 confess ; bon it
le of no account, whilst common tat.11t- is one which must not be overlooked. The
I to remain wiebout u• rep- men Our brought into the fold would be
reaestative ! if property to jet to bo re- an almost unanimous addition to the cause
carded as the true exponent of public open- of Reform, and prove but slightly rectify -
ton, why hare its rights impaired! If it a ing to Toryism: If asked for proof of this
• e looter to hold Ib. iegielati►e power, 1 triumphantly point to the late !Municipal
why sot extend the franchise to every meal Elections, where malty of the men degtsd
Tbis is a problem Whaeb se legislator, bow- Parliamentary suffrage have been alluwed
M the fence of word,, can to tote for local officer.. bo far as re:uros
solve, without co.cedteg the right which 1 were made, (our Reformers weal elected to
stew set up, -the right of all good subjects -one Tory ! Would the liberal party suffer,
to take a lair share to the metope of the then, by the sys'ew of Universal Suffrage 1
laws. But it property atoms 'mid by the 1 have said that suet • oetticmoent of the
man who hes neared the writes title to • demand .f obs people, ezp,o,„soJ as it hse
piece n( Ind. • habitable dwelling. or • bona lately through many of their presses,
Ban hereout.l 1 Is the miler of sinews. who 'route be plot, politic, and economical : ober
toile day by day to earn a lesety pittance, gae.tion hos a more important phase --ii is
-who keeps trmesuiy out o(debt, and pay necessary. C.Jontea are 00losgar wa'e
• fell share of tela' f• is the toad wliich he trinee of land: whereon paupers or coni ices
este, t)te reduced were which be rece:teo, can be turned loose to fiat a living, and be
kept from cont3rurnation of borne morale,
and where ynnnger .On, vas de penance on
h:gh ta! ; but sturdy couetric., Incipi-
ent nation., overgrown ebiiJrea fat mer-
ging to manhood: if Sue is the general
rule with regard to the d . of
Great-Bream,et is peculiarly applicable to
Cantle. A I•ng fight for a theoretical
form of Gurentoents an intense agitates
for years, and a fierce battle of parties, have
begot a desire for political power wlech
meet be nut. The tardy attempt to satis-
fy, have, an their tiro, produce] (be filet
which night have been eepec(ed, sad ooe
alba oldest of the British Cologne is mut-
tesiag threatnings very seater to
ie their tenor to those of 1774. Bad colo-
nial legielaeoa has opened thus feeling : •
refusal to accede to the moderate requests
now urged oo many side., will *halm the
plum (rote the tree.
1 emotion the growing disaffection in
this Province, not as a menaee, but as ■
waning. it is an easy task now to repair
the rent in the dam ; but a 'Wort neglect,
and the pent-up waters will burst forth in •
flood whtcb no bootee agency can stay. -
Earl Grey way write deepatehes without
number ; Anoersuos may be de-
o-stroyed ; additional tvoupe mal be transpor-
ted bother; fu•te6cations may b. required ;
and Canadian Mitchel* may be manufactur-
ed by tee handrail': but timely re-
forms, and aomi.takeable 'reeogsiuun of
popular rights, in whole of these precau-
linns wilt aid only is fulling on the ball --
The true antidote fur the Anartatem move-
ment is attention to the requirements of all
classes of Caaadu.a ; its greatest provoca-
tive nabs inattention to the questions
now agitating the public mind. Cobden,
with that *cotenant sad foresight wbtch
have already made bis name worldiamour,
is organizing a society which will be the
advocate of Canadian claim, in the imperial
Parliament. He is (piety paying the way
(•a the future independence of the whole of
the British Colonies. He is a man of recto
and figure,, and with the shrewdness of his
class perceive, that the United Statce, cos-
ting nothing. are hetter customers to Great
Britain than tl.e Colonies, costiug much. -
He sees that Canada, at some future day
ere long, most be peaceably eJ from,
or rather east off by, Gnat Brian ; and
although be today say", "Give her full In -
cal government," to -morrow will exclaim.
" Grant her is . " Fur tech a
change remote er near, it tt the duty of
every Canadian to prepare. Wiest better
to promote the ability for self -
than the throwing npen of the exercise of
the franchise to every tax payer 1 Wheth-
er a Colony or an independent State,-
whether the Asn.xatlon atna'tne increase*
or dies away, -wended suffrage wall for-
ward the beet interests of the country, and
pence a check again' any attempted en,a-
sonw of the liberties of the peopl..-Torew-
and the clothes 'elect' be wears, --to be de-
prived of 1 voice in the kgtrlation of the
land, beeatise not the nominal owner or te-
nant of certain fields or housepl 1• the te-
n ant farmer to be secluded from the tren-
ches*, because his rent dots net reac4 *cer-
tain sum, -although he acts the part of a
geed member of the state, and gives his
quota to the general revenue 1 Are the
tbounnds of amenities., clerks, laborer!,
end boarders who form no unimpnrtsnt part
e,f a society like that of Canada, to be abut
int from the poli -book, because guilty of
'the crime of poverty, or unwilling to ester
este tie respensibltties of house-keeping 1
1f it could baostisfaoter+ly shown. that none
hot they now bolding the right to vote,
sake interest In the prosperity of the
Sty, else det/odere of exclusive- property
sights, might argoe for tkeer posture with
better grace; but it it an - amended fact,
Meat wealth shwa, *lila' pll(uMis, i•tallt-
g.nce, and productiveness.
We have the "feet" of TI. Toequeiille
to remove the doubts or scruples of all
sticklers for the system sow is verse in
Canada. Let the reader creme over the
boundary line, tett landing on *woad •i the
Caned States, Jook aro.rd and Roark the
results. 1Vhat does be see l A thriving,
ever -busy, plodd.og, persevering people ;-
factories teeming with life, and throwing
out a host of marketable pr Motel; terms
well cultivated; farmers well paid, and roods
west travelled ; ports crowded with ship-
ping, toles with the frees of barter with all
the wsriif ; wirehensee greasing beneath
the feed of forty millions of people; rivers
conned wee steamteus and convened
with evert ; and,-gre•teM wonder of a1f,-
twenty-three maltose of Inman beings pro-
tected by • mania( army, numbering only
10,320 ! Here is the great ° fact,' in all
its glory. Twiat it, tura it, pervert it as
ye will, ye.dimree of prnperty, the pell-
icle' egnality d,,penaes with all that pipe-
clay, muskets, and red clutb, which cost
England her pled -rap millions, of hard cash,
sad which are the train bolsterer" of those
Wes claims of tbe man orf mean,. 1 wee-
der a hatter Old Englsed, wrth more votes,
could be governed by lets bayonets}
There s another writ to be considered
in relation to the condition n( political
epashty. 1 see that the greater the somber
of rotes, the leas the . , of the
voted for. Economy le the handmaid of
liberty : political emiality makes sad havoc
with the preten.ions of ot5e.a1 artstocraey.
Paid Irak*, who wrote less for a coruidera-
tie% tell their readers that Amerces) Goy -
erament expenses are exiraagant,-that
Canadian is the nary pink of
propriety. A fouler Stender tbaa this was
never peeped ; but with it, I shall deal more
hereafter. At pretest. i'ball cutest sty-
esH with asserting, that is peoporuoa to
the amount of penesal liberty and political
equality in any State of the lininn. (for the
c.netitotid•e of some are more liberal thea
of otbere,) is the cheapecw of iia govern •
meat. The more direct the power of the The meeting of the Provincial Partument
people, the lees need for that cumbrous and is Norther prorogued until the 91th inst., but
expensive leeestetioa in esistrnce here.- but not then to ewe.t for the despatch of
The pageantry of a vice -•regal establish- bosuwe•s. its altogether likely (hat the
tout free set to be maintained ; unless o(11- next 0011 call Parliament
see will neither b. erected nor talented ; together, for the erns! despatch. of base
peculates ie ipeeddy uwmaked, and re'- netts. i' has been rumoured that the .d -
possibility in °Metals tit metspeloealy en- m.nistretinn did not intend meeting Padua.
termed. Th. ecoaomut Soda in the equate- meat until May. Bat an late a wenn, we
tattoo of pohtic.I nth.. a certainty of the tbtok, week' not suit the Cummetctel Mem-
adopttsn of hie pneciples ; ler ft tet unlikely hers. it might have done very well rovi-
that a self -ruled eommusity will plunge in ,led the seat of Government eras in Mon-
te that esIrataireseit on nsen•sary fur the treat, (or then the mercantile members of
w0►est of air airewuetatie essdihon. Until the Legislature would have an opportunity
eompl.te ete.t.vef pewee to pieced in the of attending to their spring purchase-., and
hoot" of LI" white Cetsadiaa population, Parharwent at the same time, to the tone
'breath retreeebaaeat need not be looked of $1 a -lay. Not so in Toronto, if Par-
fet : while the eneagw here is as axteuded liament .Aoold meet in May then would
IM to tb..dptwg 8101.0( N.w York• necessarily be a thin gathering. The mer•
•.iimtl.r gweeremRot meet will be at' het motile members would be in Mooing, at-
enewit•• Oe the ratted, Nee 'soiling to their private bneineao-and
0o etbr,1 elate U•i,,n•I Sider s, Dot world feel, whatever thew profe•sios, were
jts.tiee j.•' 1. 14*iid for tb givuag at the bustings, that their ewe priests re -
telt of •o o•srpd Watt. Fifty theeeood, termite, wore above thele of the corstituee-
dallMle-•UUed, (rawest, asked for if. Pefty . cies they rspreseat. We therefore think
tJtwuusd tsilug allques, erste' prodIt- that tete month of Manb would be • b' iter
owe, tbtwbers. we.brs, held s b term - time to meet tee Legiodatere thee in May.
MI the Lrghtt of Was, whisk y w 11 , The►ieg op, we teat, will be
.psa4Ny bong borers the *nut of pahite i assented of the ry dements of the last ;
etppe1e to fey adjndteateea . One boll .f the Ind be e harm • earl •dvantegeeee ties
edelta of Casada are shot amt from the frau- so :bp 'ouster. ►Ilse we bops for Lha
ehiae, •ed ens kwsehteag lolly for admit- state of things, wen must content we WPM
torts. Tb.y d. 1101 •r••• • bowl • tb.y ear fear,. However, the .dmt•ists•ti.o
1,0 pet Wggste Fey • (mow. *apdiRurcl here I.•rwsd a l.aeon, by the preeeedtsge
will beetle whet sway be se uwVMlheg we . se last .prisg, which w'll ba of bdeiIt•ps to
meal... The enamel. .• Now Ye* foe- lose. 11 tm.y eottemelats belays( any
•tie snarl• tb ..s.,o04p M Oad•, the Ili i.
hits chid atAf psssaat JsJ.s it esketnfatj to rale
street elipedtU•e dreg. Usher wpeee nte-
!M IF sum,- 'tilr,eb•whJ,ylt H» 1hefrfnelda- deer
lak op to Ibe spetweM of lietredtlging
them test par . M ones '
.t tbeir. test winter, IBM the. M.
to all Neer isolaMsa and pesdwed the kw.
else and skarn creakily few Sts.wg the
Owse.tssliyee of Meetngl. 11 1• new
*eel U.s to hats asnuunced through their
ortgi.,re (floor, what they cosussplate
demi, oto tbat between this sad 11s m'eloaag
o! les Legislature. as esprernoo of 'ebbe
esstimeat may he had, and tee way .ods
smooth, for harm".oust and usttgd settee.
Lot us not be taken by sarpriee. we be -
mooch yes ; but give time for discussion
and rebetios.-QsQsrst Courier.
Ma•aaTe SID TOR WRAT•R\.-We bats
had a little elbow state our last, but not
sufficient to mike good sleighing, although
the roads are excellent for wheeling. The
hart few days have been very cold, and may
almost be said to bs the find winter weather
we hese had.
The deliveries of Wheat during the week
have deco at the Galt Mills 7,000 bushels,
at the Helios 7.893, together 11,993 bush.
At Mr. Tbuwpsno's Mill they bate water
at present only esf&sel for two res of
stones, yet they ars manufacturing 140
barrels of flour per diem. The price of
Wheat at present is 3a 8ed burr; to Hamil-
ton 1. 94; to Dundas, 3s 1 Id, but we feu
that these prices will mot be maiotained.-
The Pork reason may now b • considered
over; the deliveries have been trofiug at
former rates. In other things there is
no 'esteem'.
We are sorry to be bearers of bad news,
but as we anticipated, the price of Wheat
to -day has fallen twn-peace yk. per buyhel,
it is now 5e. 94.-Rrforsser.
Lanett Mao L. -The Steamship Canada
brought the largest maul ever received it
this country from Europe. There were
forty -sifts hkonsawd !ellrrs more than one-
third of which were fur the citizens of N.w
At Stratford on the 2nd cur.. the wif. of Mr.
Richard Smith, Cabinet maker, of• Son.
in this Town, oo the 12th late, at her moth ores
residence, by the Rev. E. L Elwood, Jolts
Hat oat. jr. E•q., to Ansa Etta,. elJnt daugh-
ter of the este Rowland Wuihi•ses, Esquire, of the
timid of Jamaica.
On the 24th Dec., at WelksIsy, by the Rev.
Wm. Damm. W. M , Mr. Roa,RT CROOKS le
!11iu last OraKI.
On the 20th 'assail, by the same, Mr. Wie
'linen' to Miss Dasotas GLItT*a, both of
At efnifsed se the 291h January. by the name
Mr. Jona Bsiiws. Carpenter, t. Mina stswy A
Cowesa. • -
IN returning thanks to Mil friends and nu-
tnerotrs Customers for the Liberal Pat-
ronage w-bieh her he. reamed dialog the
past year, begs to intimate that be has jast
received an extensive Assortment
as 17.1".119 =0274 77CI3 41 ,
and is ready to Execute s11 Orders given to
him with care and punctuality as formerly
Gnd.rieh. Aprt', 12th. tete, 2v_nlftt
TAMES GENTLES. would respectfully in-
.) form rhe inhabitants ofGoderieb, and he et -
tierce. that!). will eneeia
Keep Horses and -Carriages
FOR MRF ter whieti be respectfully solicits
the patronage of the public.
18th sept. 1849. .2.133-r1
NOTICE.-Reeeieed in Ston last i\io-
semh•e. per Schooner .9awrxafiow, A
Lot of IRON. consigned to F. C.. Goderich
if the swine in ant takes away forthwith, it
will be weld to prow emote.
Go.l.rieh, Jan. 93. 1550. 2e-.11 tf
ALL theta indebted to the 8abecriber,
either by NOTE or Book account, are
regieestel to call and aetUe their accdunta
on or before the first day of Febrnary next,
as all aceoonts unsettled at that dale will
he, without Reserve. put out for cell.etion.
Ged.rirh, Doe. le. 14149. 9v-n47ttf
C o.N P.'lNY.
THE Snbeeriber having been appointed
Agent of the
is prepared to receive proposals for Assu-
rance, and will be happy to afford to any
person the n.c.sary information, as to the
pnnerpdee of the instuntinn.
(;.,de -re, 1311, Jeri -oleo. v2,11911
ONE within t miles, and the other with -
le Rhone 3 miles of Goderich T..wo
Plot. The int is I, .T 10 to let Conces-
sion, Township of Goderich,
ie bounced at the one mod by lake Heron.
mid at the utber by a Public Road, -and
the seeond n LOT 8 ion 81b Coseweoe,
Colborne, W. Dietitian,
and is 'dusted at lb. Junction of two Pnb•
tie Roads.
For Particulars apply to
JNO. bleDONALD. Five.
Goderich, 12th lime, 1949. s19-tf
Goderich Fo a ndry.
THE Sebectibre beg to inform the Iran•
taste of the Covet' of Huron and the
pltbile generally, that they have now ow
bawd, sad are moistest, I.
and .worry d.serfptdd M HOLLO Ware,
which they are od to drapee of no libe-
ral Terme Nth Wb01senb or Retail.
G. M. k Co. would aloe take the liberty
et.e.w,.tteg to all thee* whams Neese c,d
Aeceust. are Beer awe, that milers remedy
ars Step' ere take' le Walk that respe-
libe debts, nor vii be warder Me theare.-
able aseeselty .4 re.ertmeg to legal Ne se -
ores to eufes•e nett 'Wise.
G. Mfld.11R k C.,
Cleda,htb. rob. 141lIas fl -1111
OO8w Sheol
•e eta .( atopen et beelesisg .ftember
IM herdla
es nate lately hese thro.Is. , tweet
ss sommbese at Pert Cteei1
as Lake Osaaru, sed deheered l to as pains
•iosee appeauaee ennead w ry he was (Ubrr
first Mate, or Pereer, w Steward of the•
pereel erste ,. serest brows leper, sod edam -
ed to •' TM Editor et the Htrew -0hpd, Glint
vino" The pewee eke renewed it wss iserr.ct-
ed se leen It at the Goderich Stage Office u
I nmiltes, for wh.eb the rouse coo paid him
ipso Anew etarssey. Slave that time only
esgatnn ham bees none is Heuilasis sheet is,
bet the parcel hew sever yet bees heard of by
any person iatereated in its welfare. 1f mil of
oar (heeds or is Hami!tos .r
Toronto, who may be acquainted with the gea-
ilemaa who weeny takes charge of such ibisge
es board the Eclipse ate.mbet, would oak.
the freebie of giving him the bine the' the
contents of the parcel would be more highly
prised by the owner dies by any other person,
they would e.sfer • laver a.
Swear. Orrice.
Goderich, Jas. 31. 1850. )
RESIA1NING in the Post Office at Stratford
up to 7th February, 1850.
Alan Rev D Minces Achd
Atoll Tit os Monyghan E.Jew
Rickmeyer Augt Mitchell Stevens
Black Thos Moore k
Brown Riche 3 Moffat Geo
Barker Wm Montgomery Mrs
Bronner Thus Marna Joseph
Bell Rev Wm Miller Joseph
Boyd Jame. McCarthy Denis
Bernard .Ano McGunrtigle Robl
Carroll John Nilson John Li. Fleury
Curley Jobn Peddie Thos
Carroll Pat Pommy Them
Crowder Lawrence Pringle George
Curry Monroe Porte Path
Campbell Thos Pedar Thos
Coiter Saml Jr Priest James
Demp.ey W
Dempstead John
Dewey Mich!
Devisors Wm
Daucherty John
Enylusby Thos
Flanagan Danl
Golfing Geo
Gallyher Mrs
Haven Thus or John
Henry Sarah
Hunter Math
Hamilt• n Jelin
Hatherley Mary •
Jordan 1Vm
limes Saml
Kippan James
Kippan D
Kastncr Peter
Kruspe John
Liirr James
MungitIan Thos
Motgurdery Wm
1'urday John
Parker John
Q lin yan James
Qninitvao John
Ritter Valletta*
Robb Joseph
Rutledge Peter
Robertson Cath
!turf Duncan
Scott Alex
Shoup Valletta*
&Trea or Adam
8rnith Peter
To man Joseph
Turner Wm
Willson Thee
Ward John -
Walsh Peter
William. James
Whaley David
Z:mmerman Cbn.tian
Z•mmerman Jacob
A. F. MICKLE, Postmaster. •
Stratford, Feb. 7th, 1-50.
Huron District Building Society.
OF the Society wilt take place at the
British Hotel, on Saturday the Ord
Feb. at 7 o'clock, P. M.
By Order.
7'fi'/SIAS KYDD, Scc'y.
Godcricb, Feb. 14, 1850. 3v -n4
tHE second rolume of the Agriculturist
in its present form commences January,
1850. It Is issued monthly. and contains
24 Pages, double columns, Imperial *chive..
During the present year, the
sheet will be dispensed with. it will con-
tent n•rmernos 111 lone of Machisee and
Farm implements, Farm flouter and Cnt-
ta,eer, kc.. Plans for School House/, and
Diagrams in explanation of questions in
mechanical science, and natural philosophy.
Great care will be take* so the selection
of -matter, whether rebating to Agriculture.
Horticulture, Mechanics, Dneneette Eenno-
my, Education, or general Science. Seve-
ral tetetigeot practical farmers and garde-
-none have promised correspondence, and
the editors will he happy to r commu-
naetuoes from ail their evbeegben. Such
as are of interest wall be freely-publishe,l.
Two or three gentlemen of high scientific
w traiwment. (nr.e of whom is connected
with the University,] have agreed to con.
tribute to the columns of the Amriculturist.
Farmers, subscribe and pay for your pa-
per, and thee write for it: alt parties will
the• be pleased and benefited.
Tho Agriculturist is devoted to the de-
velopment and advancement of the real in-
terests of Canada. Much gaol has already
been dune by this paper, and these which
it is a enntmuation. Rot the proprietors of
the ('wftire:or, and the other papers alluded
in, suffered great loss: and the proprietors
of the Agriculturist have, so fa% been out
If pocket, besides the tome, labor and anxie-
ty rpenl in its publication. Is the reproach
that the farmers of Canada will not 'Omni
an aericaltoral paper of any kind, anton-
'innel We hope not. Let then who
love their country, and desire its improve-
ment, sake • little more effort this rear,
and the reproach may be wiped not forever.
Aa an to extra exertion, we
offer the following Premiums: -Ova Ho'v-
nRRD DOLLAR! ! SRVi4TT-p7vi DoLLa.a!
rirrr Dotta•t ! Every portion who will
procure 200 sn9.erihers for the Agricultn-
reit, at the snhaertption priee of oat noL-
Laa, and remit the money at the time of
ordering the paper will be paid *100; for
160 , *75; for 190 ditto, *50;
for 75 dello, *30; for 60 ditto, *35. Agri-
r..ltnra( Bnetetie., and thenen persona who
obtain the paper throneh their society, are
excluded from the *eve. As we have no
travel's', e5IMte; the ef9rrs ere open, sad
sensing'' to ell, with the mrc,pte.w jest
menteon.d. Nn paper* well ha scot isolate
the stab.enption sero.pseies the order, un-
til the .ta•Ileat number (60] u realised: af-
ter til, t .we UV the peen* melt be retained
by t eirepeutee, 1111 the cnwpletie• o(the
WI eh lm muted, t• leeward. Who
w ill 1 1 When to Ibe teweehep ie Cam-
e. We't, fe*'wbieh an yeast man son be
found w1. *peed tonft s er theweek"
tbu .5.0be rine el Iwo the *35 prize 1-
Agrieniteaval Rosalie• matins, 25 espies
and spwurd., will be repelled at half a dol
lar; Swetve epic, end epeayde, 32 3d: -
Stogie M.eeptieet, nee dollar. hoes'
Agents, whet wilt prospers err three stub
embers. and rarest es Om .,$benptitrn, free
of portages, will be allowed 05 per esnt.-
Onewes Roc ttaRtw, Seems'- Agrivoltu
rel A...estio., Priw4 ie4 ladder, sonnet'
by Ww. McDeneaat• Ptsprirf•r.
AU Settees sheaeld he poet }•r4, and •d
dianeal "To fbe lhlNsro t• ebr Ag'rieolt.-
netg tstappie
TEwesubscriber set ler SALE bin
GRiST and 8AW MiLL, situated in
net Township of McOellesiay, os the Btg
Nable, within throe moles of Mesta'''.
Career. Th. Mille are •ow a:operatiun,aed
ossify built. The Pnnlege s the beet on
the Raver, and Ntw'ed is the beet Town-
ship is the C••ualy of Huron -.wee tattled,
sod Roods opened to all dtroetivea to favou•
it. Th. Machinery sad materiels aro of
Mee very best quality, and put up by the ve
ry best Machinists. For Particulars tai
quire oflames Crsmbte, E..q , Galt, ur ap
ply to the ,u1enber.
Mr( lhvrsy, t5tb Jasuarv, 1550. It /Off
3:1'1'h. Galt Reporter ,ea ueert the
sbooe until forbid.
Excellent Property
rrIIAT Hasdsomc and COMMODIOUS
BRiCK COTTAGE situate on the
Northern Limit• or the Teen of God'.ciich;
lately occupied by John Riad', and belong.
Ing to Henry Horton.
This Cottage Manila in a beantifel and
retired situation, and is welt adapted fur •
genteel family. It will be Fold on mnder•te
Terme : or otherwise LET for • TERM of
years at a reasonable Renr. The •ubecri-
ber also wishes In depose of a Span of good
Working HORSES, one three and the oth-
er four years old, and well broke, both to
haroees and saddle. For Particulars apply
to the Proprietor.
Goderich, 22nd Jan. 1850. 'et -n510
THE sobseriber bas just received a Large
and Complete Assortment of DRY
GOODS, GROCERIES, Hardware, Crock-
ery, Wine', Spirits, lee. lee., whtett be of-
fers at low remunerating price. for Caner
Ready Pay. A Large Stock of very Supe-
rior Canadian WHISKEY, for Sale to any
Quantity. Al.o, • good a..ortment of
STOVES, fcons:ating of Box, Cooking and
Parlor,) Ptntegb'c, Sager Kettle', Bake
Oven., and Bellied Pot..
The highest prire mud in CABH for any
quantity of Genii Merchantable WHEAT,
Pork, and Timothy Seed.
All kinds of Country Produce taken in
exchange for Store Goods.
Fergus JLit Store, Jan. 1, 1850. 2v-n-$9tf
Blank Deeds and Memorials,
NDu)ds OUR
•SOIIY NOTES, for sale at toe Signal
(149... Every decriptioi of BOOK and
JOH Printsng executed with settees* sod
THE PART NERS111P heretofore exist-
-a between JOHN STRACIIAN of
Goderich, Esteem. and DANIEL IiOME
LIZARS, of Stratford, Esquire, as Barre! -
ter and Attornies at Law, Solicitor. in
Chancery, Notary Public sed Conveyao.
ears, is this day dissolved by Methal cos -
1V•doess-A. W. STaacssic
God.ricn, 3ndJanuary, 1849. _2v -n49
WHEREAS w wife Lass Maloegb.
holds a NOTE of HAND from was for
One Ptwsd Five Rhdbeg•,, Due
00 the t7tb int. 1 hereby cantos aft seal
rrery person against accepting or pareb•s-
isg the said NOV, as 1 wilt not pay file
same, newer hats g received any value ler
k Aad 1 further int (nate to the pb6e,
ii.t 1 w,11 not be r• spur ••'.:.- t..r any debts
"shin the sail Ellen Mal• may contract
•iter the dais of Iles notice,
Ashfield, bel. J.n. 1's:x% tt-n49-•4t
STRAYED hum the ounce: er on or
about the lee of November last, On
Yuba of Bleck OXEN, brown streak on the
hark, ,,x tears cid. Also three COWS,
ore bla. 5. wrangled with while e; Me. Owe
Targe Had /'ow well. a white Fare. One
'mid leek brindle Cow, and ewe Tw•.
years old Red Hester. Ail perces leafing
iwferw,ahns of the Joveewu7e et tt • Pis
sal Office ea with Idr. John Allan. Taxers
Keeper, Gnd.nrh. will be.aute.6-1 lar Ibeyp
ta•wld••. VAI.l'EL 1lrt'OPKIfIY.
KuesolMo. 24.1 Dor. 18.49. 2.-47
MANN for vv HEAT
tbT iwlerieh MIs-aud C A f.► CMnv
C Saw Lep at Goderieh nod Rsyb ld Mali..
GnAerieh Mitt. Sal neem ire, `t i 45.4
JU-Sf ltlit;FIYED
ANI) for sale by the Sebaeribst. Obese
for Cash or Produce.
15 Cheats Teas. !tf n"totado k ogee Sugars
Boxes Tobacco, f1, Soap.
25 bbl. totems Wet old °ttin %Pbekry.
-10 bbls MrL'-ods d.o.!?r• rect. R bskey.
1 Ilodgehead of Ceenac P.raody.
1 Pipe Hm bonuses 50 over prof.
English fio• Brat Breeds am ogled -
900 bbl. fine Salt.
1Voolep Shawl., Lei P.aidr, Pi iota, In. tae.
Guderic6 Dec. 121h, 1849. 1145-t21f.
the residence of the sutteriber, in the god
Co, cession of the Township of Goderich,
the end of November la.t, • Promissory NOTE
mak by one Jacob Willson in fairer of Jobe Gale
Imo er or bearer, for Ell 15e. and due es the 8:h
No ember 1849. witnessed by Roble F.I!iota sad
Jot.o Hedy. This is therefore to caution ay
per on, 6sdiog or receiving the said Note, that
the fame is still the property of the subeeriber.
end that he has not assigned the same to may
• and that the same may be delivered to Dia:o
Watson Esq. Barone,. Goderich, or to the en -
2ad Coo. Township yoGedericb.
- 4th December, 1849. 2v -s15 -s(
*'OTICE.-A.'Young Man. of geed moist
- ebanetrr, who hold's ecru6eate of goal -
neaten, of me. of the first close, is desires/ of
°b;tinir.s ■ Common School. 111 hes some
knowledge of Latin, and will be reedy to teeth
• few of the fiat elementary books is that evasive.
Apply. if by Letter, post-paid, to this *Moe.
to Mr. 1). McMillan, Teacher of 8cbeet 8eetw.
No. 4, Tockeremieh, Leaden Rood.
Sopt. C. 8. Ilsuee Di•uiee.
• Education Office, Varna District, t
Godesich, 18th Dee. 1843. ( 2v-se4-tf
THE Debts dee by the tate firm of
STR.ICH.AN k 1,1ZAR8, as Barris.
ter and Attorntee at I,aw, will be paid by
John Strachan and Daniel Home Lear', •1_
their reopcctive offices in Godencti and
Stratford : And the debts due to them aro
r.gneeted to be forthwith paid. Those due
the office at Goderich, to the said John
Strachan. at Godench, aforesaid. and those
due tilgg office at Stratford, to the Bald Das -
lel Hd}Ire I.tztro, at Stratford, aforesaid.
Goderich, Ind January. 1850. lv-n49
The Seb.criber. ,have *Posed a New
Type Foundry in the City of New
York, where they are ready to supply orders
to afiy extent, fair any kind of Job.,Faney
Type, Ink. Paper, Chases, Galleys, Bea
Rites, Steel. Column Rutee, -Composing
Sticks; Cane., and every article neeeeery
for a Printing Office. =
The Type, which arstaat io new moulds.,
from entirely new sett of Matrixes, with
deepeounters, and warranted to be wirer-
nrunpassed by any, be sold at malt the
times. All the type furonhed by us is
" hand cast."
Printing Presses furnished, end and also.
S:cam Engines of the most approved pat
Compositino Rollers eat for printers.
I Clttors of Newspapers who will
buy three times as much type as their bills
amount tie mar ci►e the n-boes st.t-montht
insertion in their piper., and wend .char
papers containing i1 to theSubsrrther,.
No 73 Ass Street New York.
December 7th 1847, tri 15
NOTii 1:.
A therm to where PREMIUMS error
awarded at the Anneal Exhibition id
the Huron Dretnet Agrienttnrai Sorte•v.
for the yenr 1849, at• requests l is rale open
the Treasurer of the Society, and receive
their respective .wards.
Trsaturer, 11. D... 9.
Goderich, 30th Jammer!, 1930. 511tf
THE General Meeting of the Sorer',
will take place on the third Over -lay
of February, (the 18th) al 12 o'cla'k neon.
at the Helen Hotel (Mr. Wwnfu') wh^n
the Mangers for the ensuing year an to
be *lee ted .
J. J. E. W N ro N, Secretary,
Stratford, 99th Jan. 1850. 51
if 1111E into the sriclnrere oft a .,ub.ce
nor In Deesm'er tont a Rlarkl4TEER,
coming three yoars nIJ, with a w' Ito feet
slag born, • blank ring round both Free
the tip or bin tail while. .ed toin whet• en
hu holly. Th. (meet i to prose
r• rt epa. .h.' .•, and tahw h•
ttw away
PW RR (i T, Stanley, I.sndm, Rp
Jas. 11, HSI.N 2r-7.'
t ►
N excellent Farm, Leung loot No. 1L
:i Maitlani Concr...ion, Township of
Godeneh, containing 100 aeras -30 04 which
is cleared. The land Is of a superior quali-
ty, and well watered, 1t is ntusted exact-
ly nine notes from the town of Gooier:eh on
the Huron Road, and at the jenctioe of rax
different roads; m' -d as it as to the utast. c,`
a populous and prosperous locality, it is ex-
celleotly adapted for • Tenth stood or •
Store. This farm it well entitled to the
attention of persoot desirous of an elarhle
situation fot, mad will be sold on
very reasonable terms. For particulars
apply to Thomas Dark, Tavern -keeper,
Goderich, or to the proprietor
o i'ittag• of Harpurhry.
June 15. 1849. •2o19tf
28th February, 1949.
rHE 8mb.enber hereby iattmates Yn bio
friends and the Travelling Public gens.
rally, that he has removed from New Aber-
deen to the Village of Siraeburgh, and will
now be retied in that well -knows boon for-
merly occupied by Mr. Jones, -w hero kes
will be ready and able to conduce to the
comfort of those who may hexer him with
their patronage. And stifle he retorts
theatre for past favors, he hopes, by street
attention to the wants and wishes of Lis
cu.tomere,'tell to merit a contfouaec• 91
tbsir patronage.
N. B. -Good STABLY•;S and attentive
Grooms. 12-440
Drugs, Chemicals, Patent Medi-
cines, Perfumery. Brushes,
Pains. Oils.' Varnishes,
D e Stiffs, &e. &c.
tll1; unbeceiher• Mer to in(nrm the iahab-
itanr. cf b1'U.* TFOR1) nil the our
reendtnl T.•si•.hip•, a well as the public
to, 'hat eh•v barn opened th.aber. in ti • Tuw •, .bree they
will N••, tee' .: •n.tierly on rand a choice
eel.el•.,n •.1 .
cn')c!nt8 A7.1 F.V, tigrrg.
HARDWARE, kc Etre •
W .n they by 1.4 roil s geed
•a,,. it .t 1,•w rnce. In receihs ssue.1
' ho rottener-.
Ph. • prewcrintier.s and family es-
^ nee dt•tret.a4 with the greet.., greener
.o.t prem i. n. tp.
N. it -rem-feel k In 1s.1.'. Itrc..e,4
whnle.!e In retool.
R. :Vll.ft M5 k f:•
Santee..., 14th 1•,.'.i•. 1*.fS0. 27,30
.11 '1' 1 t; i': -tom
To the Clerks and IiailitT's rel'
the Division Courts.
TfF, enrr,•er.l MmanA fat Ptrwrn,ttew
1111,0.wBI.tVK 1VRITS, to ewe -
vonInaw til theh.t.innr of the 'emirs' Di-
van M C rte in the Uiunet. hem warranted
nip in printing then In, m.eeh liven gnaw -
tee Goon heretofore, and 1, as -
►fee us to oe11 then mach ehesp.r-ih^re-.
for. we Inlet te In the seveesbtt/"en rt-
onne t'ves. Blank Fenno, that free, aha
4ate, Ssmmo.a•• and all ether Write to.
louping to the nicotine ('nerd. will Ir. H-44
at the Signal (Jftnr el lbs Federal pries .f
two Fallr.uous aro IrtrePtt1 rim
t+.nasi ..