Huron Signal, 1850-01-10, Page 3a.+werr•ery,.,..,,,•,.-«- ar... .r. arma.4.•a,arrrr,w•rraaANNIwrts► u. arswra,.aw'r'-"'
t..... --'!"'T . "'••'iia:"' .-,.,-.. .,Y•r. .a- awr•w•a..:. _ a ■ t. Z - - _I _ 4 :`_ ` v "
Pec d *clow original O tie Neldest d is a simple ons," said he. " bat I have
what're is the Greenland service -the Lady *ever known it to fed." Always treat
Jane ; shit had been enoidnyed in the babe- Tone bawband with a smile."
ries nearly 70 year.. The destruction of e1'ho w' roan rzpreni d her thank*, Jrop-
the four ships is committed at a loos of ;ed • co irteev, wee* away. A few
nearly K50.000. -Juke CI' Greed,. Jvw• month' elterwards she wetted on Mr. Mot -
nut inn with a coup.e of fine towels, wheh she;
_ hegged him to cccept. She told him
THE CALIFORNIA NEWS. with ■ tear of joy and gratinadel in her eye
The most important tierce of intolheenre that slip f honed hie advice, and her hue-
hr.•nght by the ('resent Cite, were these band was cured. Ile no longer snucht the
relatrtc to the n unhor of immigrants who enAnpany of inhere, but treater Iperwith tun-
ernved al San Francisco during the month .tans Ir've kind...,.
of October, (4089) -of whom 2665 were
American'. and 141-1 fureiiners. Included
were 70 America' and 49 foreign females.
The total arrivals for the three months end
tree wit h (knitter, weep 13,877.
A writer in the New York Courier sage:
-71oe 10'0 of emigration is rapidly famine
homeward, and sailing •ease's for Panama
are filling up more readily than did the same
the frarfel thermic whir*. la
InkedInkedI» r ► tile ssb`tiets, that esti of the above '.nils was the y
is Province,, Its• proved .o 1. We trate.
te.n to 61 *rueful : and I greet diet
e business PI the Court will apt prevent yeY•
estlemes. hos rneesiatg parr hewn mini
ioing with your families in Mit th. keei.engla irr
t the .'mighty, which at ud plushy ea -
quad.eprrsentativ• here has f
iniad upon us •o keep.
1 am aaaio■sat the eneaatencement •r this the
f duties ■s the presiding Judicial
thee: of
ityrfacknowledg1 p acknowledgingthethe nova. edkindnessand
*newsy i hen always experienced (rem my
*other M.gioirases on this beach, sod front all
toes a•wcuted is any way with the•rge
one functions as a Juice : and I have greet
t:id■erinn res prr.ent•ne my Wooer" thanks, not
my to the prevent Magistrates. but to all tier•
'hit formerly acting with me hove now born re-
eved nr have retired from their Matiaterial do-
es. for Ilse cordial and e0iueeer n••Wisner which
ley ;1001 ever bees ready to afford ne on tills
this ;wad feeling may remelt,. sod that
ur New C•.n 'y of Hamm mar continue to be
a remarkable for the absence of crime as our n' I
lioir deterrently has ever hien. and s.deterrently soled ('r
'te steed.. Indu•trioos and i,.reevPrina character
hitreit *ts Dreyer. Andalk•trust !hitt I' may have the
atishetinn, at this eommencemrel of f.tur•
can el -congratulating yew nn nor iaereased pro. -
writ". and (tattle Mill .0.1;001I morality of our
1 cannot conclude . iihsnt wishing all presrot
, h osier era year. wh.rh 1 .lo mast sincerely :
mast the woe time 1 would Ma In *.mind vets
.hat 0i this season of the year all snimnritire,
Fr', ether pnlltieul w nthrrw*ne. which mil Mer
"-reread doing the past year shenld new he (nr-
vrn..forever brined la shlirioa : and you
7100 rest assured that yno will lea consult tit.
trrests pronely..of onely.. and of Voir ebi!dree, by
rm uloyina your les isd g
o-e,aniving veer enr-
J al epar■ebcoming n towards caing not to the
anti of your ■►d,n'h- Dorene amd hums. laws,
wish which oar country is so happily biased.
- t -- -
tied s[►ilskere chemistry. Neppt's be
wore first to tell what are those "principles
oepularly and properly known as Conserve -
eve." It seems to us a fine topic for an
essay, soil reitee it ie, that information to
*nisch needed c4 Orin point.
The Evangelical Pioneer .nulled to hand
Ina new form -gum.. Its deep mourning
and the lark of a new heading, how ever,
in snr a owy
h Coact to take this public opporio. ennnderahly detract from its good loo s.-
Dsadus Warder.
The Barrie Magnet, *peeking of the To-
ronto and lake Ile'rnn Railroad, Pay's :-
•* Lot Ito erect that Railwse. And. alter
ramping extensively the first (olds ref it our-
selves, deuiiee it to our children se the newt
valnahle Ineacy we can bequeath them. -
And when they talk of the monuments
of an* q,1ity-the Pyramids of Egypt -the
Temples sit Greece and Rome, or the for-
feited \Yell of China, and cnn'rast then;
with our railway, will they not any -These
exeito our wonder -this demand* net grati-
Uuln i O•or father. Mouthed the advents, e
of their children -the ancients onl, their ed.
nitration. on. The descendents of 11 5 latter
hal he -millet erections To L IOR AT -our
progenitors have left to the enjoy') tint of
that incnmparsble enmh'natinn of utility
with pleasure...A RAILWAY "'
C.toin'. t• 1790 -11 was stated by tiir.
Rattan, in his Moires* et tho Provincial
Show in Kingston, *' l'bat a great scarcity
of provisions prevailed for two nr three
tears in anccession, to consequence of a
failure In the crepe, and what brought on
the famine, nr • scarce year,' (about the
veer 1790. if i am not ,nietaken), wa• the
almost entire destruction n( tin deer by the
wolves f, or. two consecntino veer.. The
emote lay on the ground from December 1,11
April, al the depth of four or five feet.-
In the month of Fohntury, of the hint of
these years. a near relative of mine sent all
An impression has become very yerera' the way to Albany in the Staten( New York
'n the naohlte min*, 'het the lInn. Henry a diotance of more than 200 miles for four
John Ennitnn is to receive the vacant Jndee- h,iiMis of Indian Corn ! And this was
chip est the Cnmmnn Pleas; and it is unpns- brought all that distance by two mon on
foible to roveal that the onrnintment is re -
anew shoes ! It took them about eight
+rardol by the ce•nntrl• w.tlt little favor - week* to accomplish this Journey and dor
Wei have ever eutee•ni-d h(r. 11.-piltoo one of in the time about sine third of the gnae•;-
the tenet 'hie men in the Canadian bar, and ty was nrroosari'y coneumcd by the men ;
as •member of the Reform party, it is ria- the renetiedee of this precious cargo-poun-
viral, his friends h-ine un power. that he set) ftp -Fn a metier made of a maple .temp
ehonld expect h . claim• to sorb prnfre- with thejwinter-green berry and mocilagin- TIIE CHOLERA IN SIAM.
,ioea4 honors as fall to the Itiereow1 orf the our roots Wieldy bei tial with a highs milk A correspondentndest of the Straits Times
Government. to retie•'. consideration. A -constituted the rincieal fond of two pis
amino fceliog hhnweret
r. been raed families, cor,+i•ting ear seven persona, for writes,-" l regret to say that the cholera.
'toadied the enn•'imme•'i nn the Mnfe *las the space of four or Inc menthe. The few that awful visitation of God, has in tits on.
Mr. B tnitrtn'• nrnfe•at•.na1 carne► has been cattle and horses which the meUhre, at em
ward march, reached Bgkek and mode
sorb aa to shake pull a rnn6lrnc. in him, great cost and trm
ihle, had collected, were most fearful ravages among Its thoughtless
and unfit him for the high Akin with whirl) killed for fund. The fai'hfnl dog, in save multituo. (la Sunday lbs 1711 of lune,
his name in at present tad. Two rat matinees was raerificed to supply that a few os -
saucured within the city well and
transactinns have been hroniht prominently food which he had so often been the (nese• near the palace; by the Tuesday follow•ine
before the pnhhc an proofs of the improlore i of furnishing to bits then kind, but new it had so increased that 80 bodies were
tv of 'hisppointment, and certainly A free--urcwg, mailer. The famine this year taken to •sin y ' lfor ,urnin . On
dem e use
1+. bend is'he """Pr . was general thrusgbnut the Bay of Qutnte Tuesday, Friday,
, and Saderda it raged, so
for which we rprnNeet no nanflel. Our country • and such was the distress that that its horrors are beyond de.cription.-
lrnpreesine ie. that her. Bnulton's share in ,Itiring this winter, several persona decd You.mild net walk not evendir a short dis-
the.etrine-ctinn. hos been misrepresented, from aianahon." The trials and hardship* ta"tie without pee
dead bodilying i
and that lea conduct in there and other of (Inc early settlers part of Cana -la all direcupona, and pewees attacked whilesee
matters Aa. be" exaggera/ed *,til hlsciae- have oeldoin beim egmalled -10 any part of walking from One place to another, who
ed hr panne. beer;^ . heetil*ty to him the world. -G. Sngrite.-Ckristivn .9d- perhaps oftentimes never reached their
Violeta, the tome*. which have been ror•en
made no Mr. Studios in this light, we have
not parlieipnred in the clement which haa
tem raised against hie n'mn•'►ed.leval em to LOSS OF FOUR GREENLAND
the Brneh: and we have the rather refrained WHALERS.
from takiwg part is.1he eaw1ane.ra7 as it This sem*. has teen one of the mast
hes tereed mainly en event* of poet mare
sloop on their deportee° from the nkat e.-.
Comparatively few will return enriched, but
by for the greater number moat enme bark
to their fatherland impoiertehed and dir-
I wrote very diersr•;insly of the minim
in 11.1 last cnrrropnndrece. but the hotne-
ward emigration for the next three month*
viol) fully rub•tentiatn my opinion. • The
rufT•nn:•s in Californiadurleg tit approarh-
ing winter cannot be eotiuioted."Tho first
ttcavv Mina will dare tho.teanda of miners
from the mountains into the eiUcs. in hope,.
to procure shelter and employment. By
the middle of December the avenues to the
minim will be clna.1, and of cream, the de•
mend for labor Will nearly crime domino. the
rainy peason. imaeler, then, the condition
of a crowded pnpolatnm, dependent upon
their labor, rereivint daily accessions to
their number* by fresh arrivals, unsheltered.
*irk, idle, and with ton fair s °respect of a
general failure in proyieions and brtaadstuff•,
and von may drew year own conclusions.
Provision,' of all. kinds have risen enor-
mously within a week. and the market is
quite deatotute already of flour anal perk.
the two great staples for the miner.. The
snppl:ee for the immense number who per -
noire wintering in the mines is glen very
limi• o', and my own opinion ie, that in three
weeks after the roads close, thouvanda will
he compelled to leave the mines and return
to Sacramento city, Stockton, or San Fran-
cisco, to procure food.
Gunasatn, Jae. 10, 1850.
P. A.
18 0
9 0
3 1
4 91
0 10
1 1(1}
1.. 0
O 7
O 6
Finer per he -rel, (in blit) 0 17 6 a 0
Floor ter 100 lb. 'farmers) 8 9 a 0
F.lI Wheat per hnshel, 0 3
Spring \Vhru per bush. 0 2
Oats. per huobit, 0 0
Peat, per t''IYhtI, 0 1
Hay. per inn, 1 10
flirter :frena) per Ili. 0 0
Butter in the ker. per Ib. 0 0 5 a 0
luTontreal DN. 31.1, 1840.
APHGs.-Pats 31• to 310 64. Pearls 17e
Oil to 28•. very I ittle doing in either P•' rt.
Geode. k^. -Nn male of Soar, wheat, or
preemie -me reported.
Srocxte-Bank atnek cnntianes to im-
prove. Mnntreel Mining Conanle-a few
forfeited *harem were mold at auction at 12s
to 12s 6d, and bare sinee realized 13e.
Jan. 4th 1,050, 61 P. M.
As*xs.-The market ie firm for pot•.
with mates 150 table dome't is : 6.50 f Ir old
and 6.6111 for new also 100 labia Canadian
pets nn private terms.
Fronn.-Holder• of western furor ern
very firm and for the lower grades are ahle
In obtain Netter price.. The better gradee
ere quiet and **nal'. Canadian is
firm and in moderate regnenl. Tho de-
mand for the en•t and local trade is Ijmited.
WnOAT,-There'is het little doing in
wheat. Small sales of Suiten Island at
1.3 a 1,5 for red.
OATe in fair demand at 43 a 45 for north-
rer. and 39 a 43 for Jere,
Cos'.-Ceorn is very scarce and rather
better melee ; 6000 bosh. at 61 for new Jer-
sey ; 621 for old western mixed t 63e for
old northern yellow ; and small lots of
white on private terms.
of which we .have se perenna1 knowledge.
'hpsstroore on record to,/be whaling crewels
The strong objections to the apantntmenl intelligeuc• has already been received of
elect are bard from •eery t;te+*ter,-ohs the .sure destruction of fear.; and rumour
bNtirer hen it that others -have shared a like fate.
shnoe tannwisseee These titerate-the Superior, 400 tons
'rill parties to tbe'appnintment, however, are burden belonging to Pelrrinnd • the f..Ae
sot ter he denied: aria we'nitwit sen haw.., -
popular government ran overinnk the null -
cottons of peblie sentiment enentmtercd on
every hand. Thee ie an department of
their iInties wldeh the Execntive.outhoritieo
.are betted In administer with more ear.
than that whfeh Affect* the administration
of jn+lice: IMI• revere .ri1 which ran hefel
*reentry is the existence of -Lew Cnorte in
whirl the suitors have nn eonedenee.-
With the new jnd'eiery .velem pat going
into nervation. we think• the Gnrernrren'
acv boni
brined to axe .n40 elite prevent ten that
an set of their% should hare a tend.rry tn
injure.' ie pehlie h tiaaties the efficient,
of the Crewe they have erected: -•and that
.nob wnnld be the effect of Mr. B oulton's
appointment is hitt too ecilent.
in melting these remarks we may he
strivinr to avert a prneeedtng which the
Ministry do not enntemplste: we do p.. be_
cane° we have been unable to learn if the
current rummies as to their intenti'n• •r.
well feuded -and we feel that ie deinr'n
we but f.,181 nor dery to the enentry and to
the admini•lratinn which receives our warm
O ■ 0
6 a 0
9 a 0
9 a 0
O a 1
6 ■ (1
" So great waw tee namher of death", that
they freed it imprac:icable to barn them all,
and many were burned in moltitu,'or, more
thrown into the river jest as they had died.
You mar farm come conception of the num-
bers by kni,wintr that in a tiffany of the Ovate
400. or nearly the', were burned in one day.
They werebrotipht and tai 1 in piles and feel
anplie.d. when they were consumed like
h tap of loge. No Made: no testiest: se
other obrct but to hasten thein away. to
. s.
••n ewe matte. WANTED.
'WITH the Rise or Fa'; of the Montreal-
Merkets, guaranteed when fold, If
req• C. CRABS.
Gonierich, Jan. 9. 1850.
The highest price in CASII PAID for
TI\IO•i'IlY SEED. r,-49
NEW YORK, Dec. 29, 1849.
Flour -sales of several hundred barrels
nt 115, for come: on and ordinary .tato : >a5,
Ige a 5.50 for pare Genesee : Cern Meal
4,111, $3, for Jerary. Grain -Wheat, no
*ales to report ; holders firm. Rve dull,
54n. ; Barley quiet at 64e a 66c Oats In
fair dornond : Corn erarceogttotatinne nomi-
nal, old fisc ; New W yellow 59c s
60c ; Whiskey quiet at 29/c a 27c for Pri
eon. Provisions -a fair demand for Pork
911,50e for mess, Prime.$8,76c•
WHEREAS my w- ife Ellen Malo,te%
• holds a NOTE of I I A ND (torn nee for
One Pound Five Nhillinga, Currency, D w
on the eith Inst. I hereby caution ell and
every person a0nmst acorptini! or pur.haa•t '1'kAYEl) frolastm Ilioa 6YOKF. ubserlbOT eIr nsBLACK
tog the raid Nott., as 1 will not tear the ► Ido of Juoo ,
same, never boater received any Wee f• r OXEN nine years dal: one of Orin had w
it. And 1 further ;*timate In the p•.hl,e, I Bolton when he left. the other has a re 1
that 1 will not he respnneible for len debt. ; ■treak en the back. Any person leavlog to
which the said Ellen 5f slough ma) contract formation at the Ifaeon Signal Otilce of
After the date of thea entice. I uhus said Oxen wtl1 be sa•irfel for their
AshActd, 5th Jan. 1850. tr-.411-3t JAMES BROWN.
Ktoeardien, Dec. 10, 1849,
TAY COW .-Came into the Enefu,nr. of
the Suh*erihrrs, about the int Die. Its -19, a .2-411
' QTRA 1•ED from the seb.eriber on or
RED COW. The owner i• req -jested to prove ► about the 1.1 of Nnyembey fast, One
prop.tty, pay charism. and ihske heraway. I Yoke of Black OXEN, hr• wit rtreak on the
JACKSON & MARKT. back. six years .1lrn three on the
yl en, Loot ■smell red STEER Cdt marked. ono black, r angled 01,11 while son's• Onr►
Any received
aoinforrich respecting paid.
it, will be .Aukfolly lar a Red Cow w':h a white F ce. Ono
r"eeir.d and .barge* paid. J. st. !►1. k
Lot 40. let Con, Gnderich, tan. 9. 49-1 lined hack brindle Con', and ono Tw .
years old Red Heifer. A. y pennon leavirg
(CAME into the Clearing of the sobocribee infnrm•tioa of Uwe above eatt'e at Il. Sog-
on the26th December hot. 2 COWS, - nat'Oftre or with Mr John Allan. Tarek?
One Black, the other Brown, w ith a Bell.- Keep( r, Godtnoh, it ill be sati.6rd for their
The owner is requested tn prove property, 1 trenble. ° SAMUF.i. McCOSKiERY.
pay expenses, &r. WM. SMITH. Kincat,line, 24:1 Dee. 1149. 1x_47
8th Co**. Litt 20, Wawann'h, tan. 8. 19 VASH for WH EA
AT oke Goderieb Mlle -end C ah for Chen
Saw Lop at Guderieh sad Royfi.ld Mills,
Goderich 6lills. 5th December, 1849 46-11
8 TON OF HEAVY PORE delivered
at the Sable Mille, for which the high -
et Carib Place will be paid it deu teed soul*.
also wanted a beery span of horses for
Caeb. Apply to
Bay field.
Roble Mile, Dee. 29'111949. n48•wt.
CAMS tato the lockout' of the Sub•crl-
ber about 11:e first of November, A
RED HEIFER about three years old, with
a while spot on the fare. and the top of the
left hours off, with • wht•c belly, and spot-
ted white and red hind Irye, with the lower
part rd oke tale white. The owner is re-
qu.s'ed to prove properly pay 'mixture and
take her away.
(:.orleriefi: Dtr. 31. 18.9. 2v -1s48
On Monday the 94th December, 1849, Mrs:
H. B. O'Csaoer el a daughter.
sig-tkr4iu-Fest.; ky::•be Rte.. L
Hickie, Mr. Jon* Pismo[ to Mlrs Maeoeezr
REMAINING 11111IP Post Office at Stratford
op to 7th J ry, 1950.
Albert Tho or john Johns Sam''
Arrol L A Jordan Mr
Alexander John Kamner Jacques
Baker C K.ppan Alex
Ilnhrn M Melon'
Badly \\'uu Magnin David
Brown Robt - May Mich'1 t
Buckly John Mnptin Philip
Barker William Moss \'t -m
Bannon Pat'k Mnddeford John
Brennan Jas Martin B•yam
Byers W E Murry Jnhtt
Bickmeyer August Murry Henry
Brown Miles Morrison Bart!),
Curt' Monro Makine John
Carmichael John McTavish Jnn
Coegrif John McWilliam. inc
Clark Thee Mci.ennon Duncan
Cembel James McFarlane Andrew CAUTION TO THE PUBLIC.-LOSTst
Cline John McLeod Arche'd
CtJnhn McKenzie Mordock the residence of the subscriber, in the Sad
Chaota-enu11 Thos 2 Nnwlan Patrick Cot cession of the Township of Goderich.'Mont
ise \VO'Donnald Fadith the rod ofNovember last, a Promissory NOTE,
CCasouhlter Memer. R k SPringle Geo male by eke Jacob Willson is favor °(Joho Gal -
Curtis Gad Phelan Micbl Jagl,er or bearer, for Ll I 15s. and doe oe the 8th
November 1849, witnessed h Robin Elliott and
I! arney tYm Russel Leotard , John Healy. This is therefore to ogee_. my
Doan James Rankin+ Jaines per ion. Lending or receiving the said Neste, that
Ditfnum John Scott Paler the lame is still the property of the eubeenb.r.
D►iewem Christ's Simpson Wm ants that he has not assigned the 10105 to mar
Davison Wm Scott Capt I on, , and That the same may be delnered to Dix,.
1 Watson F.sq. Barrister. Goderieh, or w the seta.
iter Ju Stn.dee John act ober.
F•eber Dusian Stetlinso0 Wm i 2nd Con. Township )oGoderich.
Funck Alex Slimy Mimi'4:11 December, *849. 2.-045-4Henderson John Stewart Dunkan
Hey (.n1in Taylor Wrn 1 *T OTiCE -A Toone Man, of good mord
Hamilton Mgt'Verner Moore .1.11 character, whn holds a certificate of goali-
Hmtghtee Joeet5 Wallace Thome' ficatine, of One. of the first clave, ,n desirous of
Ilei r'p \Vin %Vood Gee'rgo . I obtaining a Corneae) School. Ile has some
harper James :Veit Pratte knowledge elf w
f Latin, aod`111 be ready to teach
Hamilton James a few d fast elementary books is that ms's,.
A•. F. MICBLE, Postmaster. ApSyr if by Letter, post-paid, to this office, or
to MIND. $eMilltn, Teacher of School Seniles.
Lie 4, T-iselesmeith. London Road.
.Sept. C. S. Doren District.
tti01idba 81617, tineas VOID, t,
Gadsriob. 1916 Dee. 1849. 2v -a46 -t[
'1'O' BE SOLD,
l N excellent Farm, being Lot No. fl.
A/1 Maitland Conceaeien, Township of
holders of the Huron District Building
Society, will be held at the Oritt.h Hotel,
Godeneh, an Satutdav, the 46.1 instant, at
the war. where they of en were Nett to lin 6 dr'ock, P. 111.. for the Election of a New
Jane. 390 tone, Captain Patereomy of New- •i,urneil h rhea. why wnmld attend to it, nr Direefcrein the room and place of Mr. Galt,
.*elle ;the Prince of Wales, 380 tum of y Resigned. By Ordeto r,
11e11 ; and a largo Amenean ahtp - the til eetdoya Nrify onet meet onedPn to leai*at►+hin THOMAS KYDD, Secretary.
whole crushed to nieces by icebergs. The from 2000' to 3070 diol daily; etas at the G,adwrich, 7th tan. 1830, 4rIN9
partieglara.arc thus described :-On the 19th end of testilye days it was known that more
of Jotao tweet, tiered of the above named seem- .than 40 000 victims had fallen. Since that NOTICE,
rim. it has very ranch abated. hut Iris bo no
eels were fi•htng in company •with eight
Ithet,veeichs in Melville•Bay Davis' Straus.
For Jaye previnue the gales had been fie•
q.te01 and erri6e, and the sea tempestuous
to the extreme. About eleven o'clock in
rhe fore nape an alarm was raised o; the
Boating Ie. settling in tapioca them. So rtd-
deniv did it bear down, and with such force
and immense masses, Vint the Superior, the
lady Jane, end the American "chip :11'Lel-
lan, of Ncw Lonlon, hit not the slightest
client to c•cape It, and were rpcedtly cut
in piece,. Tho }fret vessel destroyed war
the Superior, and immediately afterwards
the Lady' Jane was literally cut in two, the
masts at the same time falling overboard -
and In lem than two boors tint a vestige of
the ship war seen. so cnmple'ely had the
ice cnvered her. Frottt the time the Laoly
Jane Will Bret ..rock, to the moment she
disappeared, the crews consisting of fifty
.iseeecded in sectoring the seven hoot.
helnnging to the the *hip, together with
'mime clothing and prortatons. A• to the
American revise', althougI dreadfully shat-
tered, the crow, sided by throes helonging
to the8epertnr and Lady Jane, made an ef-
fort to keep her *Arial. A(ton rnmatning in
the its till the 1611, end finding all attempt.
to save the veseel *battens, the provisinna
were divided, and the crows got the bosu
ready an I launched them, and at seven
o'clock P. M.. with the wind N. E., and
clear weather, they pilled southward along
the edge of the ice, sometimes having to
encounter large Gelds of ice, which caused
them to drag the beets over .t to gain the
ripen pea. Captain Paterson's party made
land on the 19th, oho -ugh the weather war
thick and foggy, and after each.boa►'s crew
had obtained refreshments, they set 5111
again and made for the nearest Danish set-
tlement, keeping the teed in view as they
proceeded. Thus *t?oeed In the weather,
sometimes rowing and someumee patting,
and contending with heavy fall. of anew
and gales of wind, they succeeded in gian-
ung Opernaw.ek. Leaner twit boats With
their crews, Captain Paterson proceeded
with the other ova Moat•, all of which reach-
ed Lively another settlement of the Daunts.
500 miles from Melville Bay, on the 39111
of lune, where they were kindly received,
and entry hnmpt(ality shown them, ea far an
the means 1a pusee.ston of the natives
eonl,f afford.
The nnfort usage cr.vt of the .they w-
eels were, we era happy to ay, equally
.nec**sfel ; end not • life w*. Ie., sod
they eventually reached the letter named
settlement ie .ahoy, from whose., they
were (awarded to the Orltes7 Iolanda by
the first .easel that toothed the .ettlansnt.
The Prince of Wiley, whaler, was wrecked
in another part of Davide' Straits, ender
preeieel simile, efreetlMasu... Shp was
eb*gbt by huge mamas of lee, mottling her
*p is • very short time, the erew barely
having time to aye their boatel. They
mined th•OrbNy letasds is safety, ea
agtiaa% eye seer« eta Mid wseb4 *sir Ns-
pselova beanie. rt le worthy of ,Mliark
Mf• Coo•'ry -Tho flow Mr. Da -
Iv having accepted as .SFcial equation in
Enelanl, t1e representstinn of this enemy
le likely to bsenme vacant. We are happy
to rah . that, on the invitation of a Targe
number of .heeler., J. M+gnire, E.q., has
come forward s a candidate. He is a
thorough•enine Reformer, so will he, seen
from 11. following extract from hi. addnes
to the eleetnrs : " As every cnnstttuener, in
a free country, ie alive to the importance ••1
• good restart of Go..rnmest, fee the penal@
of which it ferns a part, before r,pn.irg
trout in any Candidate, you will no doubt
regoiretn know what are his political prin
tildes. This becomes even more impera-
tive with ea, where it appear.' a combat for
the mastery is still maintained between t wit
system.-respensibie end trreoponeih'o Go-
vernment. 1 have always 'minnow' to, and
assisted. as far es ,ray iefeenoe extended.
the Liberal party now repn*enled by the
present Ministry -1 look upon thee, con
tinnafN to pewee se **.•*girl to the main.
tenaneo of civil and polities) liberty in Cana
da, sod. whether in or alt of Parliament.
they shall have my cordial snppart." Of
big retern there is a very good prospect.-_
means.eased•• Among those who hare THE PARTNERSI1IP'heretnfore exist -
died were very few of the higher ekes. . a ing between JOHN STRACIIAN of
"The mdrtality is said to have been not Gmlench. R.pire end DANIEL ROME
.n great among the Chinese as among the LIZ %lt$. of Stratford, E.quire, is Barrie.
otherportions of the inhebrtant'. it i. ter and Attornieo at Law, Soliettoa in
thought that within • radium of 2.5 Or, 30 Chancery. Neter! Pubite and Conveyan-
miles not Ins than 30 000 have been swept nen, is this day die.olvn,J by :Mutual con-
Wore.. -A. W. ST•ACBAI.'
Goderich, Ind January, 1840_ 2110-49
off by this (Ital senmrge, within the I*a
two or three week.. The Singapore autho-
nties have directed all ve•s,(s from Siam to
be examine 1, and those with a foul.bill or
health to be placed in quarantine."
AND for sale by the Subscriber. Cheap
fur Cavil or Produce.
45 Cheats Teas. Muscovado It o:hcr Suers
Sem Tobacco, Do Soap.
25111s Jostles Beat old Ohio Whiskey.
40 bbl* McLeod" double rect. Whiskey.
1 11°4/ahead of Cognac Brandy.
1 Pipe lligbwines 50 over proof.
English iron Beet Brands assorted.
300 bbl. fine Balt.
Woolen Shawls, Do Plaids, Prints, Le. ka.
Gnderich Dee. 19th, 1849. n45 -est(.
Noumea t:r CAI.Iroa.•lA.-in the early -
•lag• of their proceedings the members of 'mit g* doe hr the lateu Bfleet of
the California Constitutional Convention I
STRACiI.\N k I.1ZAR8, aen:-
were res thoogbtle*e am to adopt a clan.,
pedaling free negroes from immigrating
into that Slate. But they had the honee
tv and wiedont to re -consider what would
have been a blot upon their good names. -
The clans° was stricken out and free ne-
vem., rgnally with other free men, may
take up their abode in California at pleasure.
North. Weeders Advocate.
Ws notice .sversl rhenium in the Cana-
dian Preva. Our old friend the T...g Pant
Advocate hes ehanged hands. Mr. Hensel
being the new editor. Mr. Foley's,.ledie-
tor7 will be (omit] on nor let page. Under,
his management. the .4dpnrste was a warm
eepporter of Reform prineipiea.-indepen
dent in its sews-a^d misned a enasistent
and hens.( enema. Mr. Foley retiree with
our best wish** for his enemies in life, god
we hnps to see rte .gdsoesre cooties* is
well doing. A,
Fenn) St Cathorisss, wo here a.lgo,
asp.,riw•od-sheet, r.jin,,icise in the.tlMi of
the Eh. Cugkwr4an (wstitetinwel, ,.Alish
Ed bpr the editor of he late Huron Gazette.
ltta need to advneate principle which
tis•tBfel a T. At. pota+ietly W t I
heel se 11.aary.ttV*." a two prI 1S, d
Fenn JAMAICA...- Seats 'Alma. -The
Kingetnn„ Jamaica, corresonndent of the
New York Express, announce. the arrival
in that piece of Dr. Foot, the charge d'ef•
fairs of the United States for Bogota. The
.ams letter glen states that Ge•neral Santa
Anna a••d family are becoming quite poen
ler at Jamaica. ile is about applying to
oho Legislature for the priviege of beeom•
ing a cit;z.n, thereby revering every tie
Ow hinds a Mexican te his country. -N.
Western Advocate. .
ter and Attornie, at Law. will be paid by
J•ihn Strachan and Daniel iimse Lissa. at
their re.pcetivn offices in Goderich and
9tratfnrd : And the delta doe to them- are
reg, be fsrebwitb paid. Thee, doe
the elfin. et Goelerieh, to the said John
Sheehan. at Godpnch, aforesaid, ami the•,
dee the office at Stratford. to the said Dan-
iel Home Lixar.. at Stratford, aforesaid.
Godeneh, god January. 1850. 1w -n43
Ernanslnsaar DaAth.--Os Christmas
Eye, *mare informed, among the the num-
ber of persons present at the Race Course,
witnatsIng the Sheeting match, was a little
boy. When the .hootiwy was ended and
the end .pectatnrs retired, it wee
ob.erves that the lad enntinoed in It. po-
sition withorot attempting to depart. Some■ went tip to him to discover tho
ranee, when, to their ametemeet, he waw
fowled to be perfect) dead !-having died
where he stood. 111. eyes were neon, as
of 'seine upon the merkamen, sad hie atti-
tude onehanged. He was frozen to de*th
Stratford, Jan. 7th, 1350.
OFFICE, 1st 'mealy, 1850.
Alexander William Lavin Dnmisiek
Anderson William Leys James
Asdr.:ws Jame* Leeett Charles
Aclaod A Esq Morrie Thomas
Solicitor in Chancery, Conreyoncer,
Has his office in West Street, Goderich,
Godericb, 9nd January, 1850. 2r -n49
iltrwa•ca w A Anun.--it i• related in
the Wife el • celebrated mathematician, W m.
Hattie, that • respectable looking woman
elated none rim see 4w. snsles to apsak
with rim. She told him with an air of s.,
eaey, that her hn.►and became tinkled to
her, and .ought other company, (regnentit
peseta/ his evenings from home, which
made her feel .rtr.ms1y nehappy, and know -
leg Mr. Rotten to be a wimp man, she
thonyht he weight be able to tell her how
she slaoold manages to enre Ise ►.abseil.
The care was a common nos, and be
tho't he eoold preeerihs for It wit/soot loaag
his rspatatioe se • yew}rev. w The rein*-
Britton Mr 3 Maaery James ! Gtxlerich, containing 100 acres -30 0(whwb
Barreks Mr ' , Magee..John ie clsarsi. The land is of a superior quali•
Bell John Hitler Tbomu 1', and well watered• it is situated exact-
Jane • Mersin E lv nine miles from the town of Galeria► en
Buchanan William Miller Jacob I Ib. Huron Road, and at the junction of six
Blioth Henry Martin Madam different roads; a' d a It is m the center of
Booth Robert Mitchell Samuel . populous and pat d as it locality, it is ris-
Bruro Hubert - . MaieDon ty Samuel ee!lesty adapted for a Tavern stand or w
Butchart George MacDnngsll Min Store. This farm us well entitled to the
Bray Robert McCnlloeh William ; attention of persons desirous of an eligiMh
Bntenla J J McGrattan John 1 aite tion for ersi•eu, cod will M sold on
B!atofnrd John McKie George very reasonable terms. For particulars
eCMbb C
Calbeek John
Carey William
Churchill John
Cameron Alex 2
Cott Margt A
Cook Joseph TO LET'
Clark John McMillen Wm
('oak William McLean D HAT handeome twe•story haw, opposite
E,11 Otter A W E• 1 • the Steamboat Ta.ero, betengteg to John
Doo D E-9 W11eeo ;the tied pre✓5117 occupied by Mr. ilea-
Doa James O'N'el Nr E: J roan. It is large and well odaptrd to the nae of
Donohue tlLchael O'Connell Dennis a respectable family -having a loge garden aed
Donohue John Potter Jam".}.4"1 orchard well *locked with excellent fruit :ries of
Dutuio B Peck Leonard Fart varicose deseriptiees. is prnaimity to the Aar•
Donegan Samuel' Nalame Pierce boor o(Oodrneh eehaeee. the value of the *ilia•
Dock Thome. Papel William tion and a the prenhanc Oa desirous (hath shield
I occupied, it will be let coo nee•
Dean Andrew Peoehaekh Henry cooties/ w he oc p
Desmond Cornelius 2Reach )oho retable terms, either for nee welfare years. as may
Dowel J Reties
l 1» .greed upon. For fer,ACOB ensLSOP Id
Davidson George
Ooderieh, 4ed February. 1849-___--. *fa -
28th February, 1849. {
►itHE: Sebscr,ber hereby intimate* t° ton
A friends and the Travelling Pettit! gene-
rally, that he has rem* veil from New Aber-
Ntewstt Robert
deen to the Village oil Sera.I rgh, and .oil
Ntee,y Jatnea now be found In that well known boor. fen.
Steway (renege mer!' ocrupfed by Mr. Jr'r,e..-whey* he
Stewart Ha 15114.0 will be *rosy and able to ee,e-w Ir the
Se Smellier
M comfort n(thme who may hnrnr been a 111
Stewart Jame their pair"n+gr. And white kis return*
Nmriz^.r 1vepli 4 thanks for pa'ft Inver", he From,. by inlet
Stevenson Robert 2 sIle*u..n In the want* soil wi•hr k( hl.
SpoOng i Gabriel attention
nmerr, ettll to mired 5 e' nee, • of
Been Wildnrn their pauoaagr.
Stiles Simon JI.)IIN ABEL.
Sutharlan 1 rt N, yF.-Geed 8T.1BLLII and el'•ntiv•
Taylor Robert ornnm.• •_'-e4tf
Vanstnne S.tnnuel --- --------------''
Verney EIw''I COURT':;.
Wt,k neon Daniel -
The Court et ginner S.asinne NO ^mon•
'y Court will 1,e hull .'n th. First Freday
,f January. bout. July, sod ';'haul Tres-
d..v of N •umber.
and Conveyancer, Solicitor in Chancery,
Hat his office as formerly, in Stratford.
Stratfm/I, 2nd January, 1850. 2'-n 19
N. B -Mr. Strachan, of the late fire of
Strachan k lows, committee to eel as
Agent ani Conner,' for Mr. Lizart in all
mutcrs referred to him from Stratford,
McMahen James apply to Thomas Dark, Tavern -keeper,
McKinnon John Gudencb, •r to the proprietor
McInoald John S JONAS COPP,
McFall Elijah Village of llarpttrhey.
McGuire Michael Joao 15.1849. •2o19'f
McDould lasses -- ------
McIntosh D
r1 11E enbeeriber has jest received a Large
mid Complete Asenrtnlent of 'DRY
GOODS, GROCERIES, Hardware. Creek
ere, Wows., Spirits, kr. foe.. which he of•
fere at low romunerating emcee for Cash or
Ready Pay. A Large Stnek of very Some
norCanadian WHISKEY, for Sale in any
quanta'. Alin, a good assortment of
STOVE'S, feoeesttng of Box. Conking awd
Parlor,) Plnoghs, Sugar Kettles, Babe
Ovens, and Palliest Pot..
The highest prixe paid in CASH for ani
quantity' of Good Merchantable WHEAT,
Pork. and Timothy Seed.
All tinde el reentry Prodtue takes in
efell•ege for Store Goode. Lemeohne lest Young (' JOB Pf1+l:(giNG of every d.esripliee, seat';
L. W. WATSON. ( ,THOMAS KYDD, P. M. 4J sad persawly'sheeted et 6,4 Aim
Fergus Mill Store, Jan. -1, *790. Ifo-ts41tf G..d.rieh, Jas. 1, 113). Alum alt Deorar of fp, *IMO.
D iloue Johanna Rotimeon Hen?).
Doonvan Richard Rees Alex
Elliot Jame* t1 Reed W ell am
E:nterton Mr Savage Mrs Wm
Fox k Co Mean - Switzer Jaines Al
Flernin Patrick Mtothers Stephen
Frit Koch Soothers \Villiam
Fish. lichee)
Fergttsion John
Fry James
Finn John
Fisher Joseph
Grant James
G -bion Jamey
(;tillage Jrp mos
Griffon John D
Huff Isaac/1
Mealy Patrick
Jarvis Jneatbao
1.. .aa John
Jeffery \Vtlltam
Jordan Thorns.
!Arnow) Jame•
Koff Cornelius Winter Richard
Kerber George %Vitsnn Jarvis
Relty Thema. Wallis Cowling
Kempton Thomas Wheaten John
Remo Thomas Young H