Huron Signal, 1849-11-29, Page 4:Weng -
. f
e1! g e i e n t t a a l . which ruretsbes an article much rtsembheg of • bite of • rat. Abest two weeks pre
Peat. *0 leers that this /meek ter peat is varesellite eat bit baro is the stun- His taco
Csars.aet .-Fainters wall Arid It thrown into a mill sad grated, thee premed .ltetwaeds became retry much swollen, sad
teessary te go the r.,uods of their fruit in the shape of bricks for the purpose of isutwithstaadang that prompt appliance of
tree* at least two or three tures in' cater- thoroughly dying, when it is ready foe ow. every remedy that physicians could suggest
puler togs. In oretards that have not !r a considered to be quite as cheap ea be died as tb greatest ages!.
Immo well *needed to in former years it hard coal •nJ preferabl, to either coke or THE SIMOON OF THE DFSERT.-
will be a harder titbit to pretext their retia- coal for grates, there being no gas or seeker 000 PERSONS BURIEDT.SERI.
gsa than le such as have been aDouelly from it. Thousands of tans bare already Mr, Bu.ERSON u/ ►ALVE.
waleb.d. 1' is good policy to destroy sl been takes from a single urs a the above
is letters
the Nesta that aro found on any of the tree•vice icy, affording a nice profit W the ewe- gives as televising stemma of rhe simoon
in the vicinity of the orchard. The wild ere and u.auufacturer..-Troy Bridget. of ibis desert.
cherry eff•rJs a meet agreeable repent, and He states that from the i.securuy of per -
nines Deets may be found on such than on l•raemicE or ('taaesse.nco II WM- eons sod property, there ss little srnalug
the apple tree. Every nest in sight ..f the ri"u TON P•ACTICAL \'.ter or Foos.- eaespt is caravans. Three frcque•tly ewe -
farmer should be de.troyeJ. The value of food to producisg an *commit- prise 40,000 camels, attended by thirty or
The codec of destruction fart accord- eat effect teemanimals that are Gd rather forty p.taoes, Flying lionesses, aesmrgng
ing to riteumstance*. All the nests that toe w''Ik'or for the produetlu• of flesh or In full speed the surrounding country, sa'
gas well be reached ret low 6mb■ and b, milk, a ro
modified by many circuatasess cure them from sudJeo etta k, by the chief
means of fruit ladder* should he fulled t ff which it is of moneyradon to the practical dsager they Lave to eseounter Is the hot
by band. Gentlemen farmers. who are man to hear to mead. blast of the Desert. Its approach Is reeko-
1st. Warmth and .hiller.-Tbs came ned by a lurid stream in the heave.., such
afniJ of thein parents of butlerflies well
bile Char fir.g.'re way p't en gloves- aninun.. l cf fond l.bee* fitted to produce as may uemrhmee be seen to Americasome-
b. t tLe weight motto■ when the sets. 1t is a sins well understood by the
cheap woolen one. will do. Thr„ :ret
'peep were shtltcre•I am! kept uadifturb• d, natives, eel prepare for it immediately.
ter than m.;tenr, for every hiss cower ehot.IJ
be rirarthe'I and not rens worm should be and in the dark. It is probably from the 1t nomas I ice ars heated sir from the fiery
aft (.r a broader. beneficial efa ct of warmth that i.i the doh rh (tomb. e .nJd,'rly opened, producisg fainting
Fatly in the m. rnina Ile whole familyAmerica° States 'i d Ir•reac. of 25 per sad lasoitud,, arJ sotto 'weaving in vto-
will be found at home. As imaging callcrn1. is ob',r cd in favor ,•f ibe si ring and leiter, It rai.t, the soft sand -clouds, pens
I ere Ii more sppropriasein the cf.,* ry summer ever the eoeter fi•e•lioe of Vies.
trailerthe ryes, none end mouth, and in in•
towns than moro,r7 calls on friend*:2n,l. The Greed or constitution, racry tierll beneath the garments. The
When this bu.iresa is done!@ the moaMng resider know•, bas a great it faiere• on the can is ate halted by th. sound of a bugle,
early there will mit be moth an dome the arpareot 'elite of food. A tendency to or some other well-known signal, and
seamed roman I. gain at nee o'clock in Guteo w,11 aisle moo MOWS! Iwo Cr throe sirsog.d in Imes of a hundred or a thousand,
hot sunny day the worms will all be * *s pre fitable U1 *tc farmer as one in each tures' with their backs to quarter
napping N their nest. This is a good time which the trndeacy deem no' ear al. from whence Dal -Swain is expect.!, and
to take them. Al nigh inn they are az, in 30. The formin ukics it is gime is of beneath the sff
shelter thus a,rJed the men
assembled together tend n:'ty Le caught in a no Les imprrlanre. Gram newly col goy' prostrate ti ceselves upon the groued. The
Sieve. farther tbao when .1 le mode into hay; asd g .and, opposed io its course. rises in
But old and high trees long poles are re- ilia epioba is now becoming very generally a little while to the camel's back, and bogies
quireJ. Pickering's conical brush is the prevalent that, bsikJ or . theist., to pour down on the other side; -now again
best thing on the end of a pule. When prepared foal, IF Ron wbr.lsanme to cattle, must tory bestir themselves, if they would
this brush is used it ought to bo frequently land mare -economical, than the same food not bob rand where they lie. Althoggh
tapped into a pail of old soap suJs.This liquid g vin in a dry 'hs a!mcepbere is thick with the yellow
kills the worms as soon b. it to•eLee 4th. Th. malting of barley is by eery send. producing darkness so total that one
them, and much more effect will be prodee- matey practical men eon.idered to incase cannot see an extended hand -and darkness
ed than with the dry brush. has nutritive gt'alrtiea. Mixed with boiled tou that Cao be fait -a new posttloa is to be
The mischief that is done by the worms o''t+toes In the extent of 3 or 4 per test., taken, a new line of camels fenced, anal the
is no tailing matter, but the appearance of and kept warm fora few hourhbrsiesd malt same operation gone thrnegh with. This
as orchard overrun with caterpillars is still prodne a mixture which is relished by 1* often nece*nary to bat does many Uma*
more annoying to every good cultivator.- nail cows, and is a very profitable food; until reduced to.perfeet helplessness by ex -
No man would expect a premiu'n on hie and there is reason to believe that, in Simi• hauetioo till they sink and die, and are buri-
orchard if a single full nest of caterpillar lar admixtures with other kinds oflood, it ed her.eath the sand. The groan. of the
should be found on it by the Agriculturalwould produce a like benefirlal Offset. women and the blended cries of men and
('omnmittce.-*Jasseclusdts Ploughman. 6th. The souring of food of all kinds has, beset=.; help to make the 'merle awful be-
bTa.almost universal experience, been gond description. One of these cement, to
Stalks of celery, thirty inehep long, were found 10 mako it more profitable in the which Mr. Buckingham was exposed, lasted
exhibited at the •borticuttural meeting in feeding, and fattening of pigs. eighteen boors ; and of a caravan of 20,000
Cincinnati. - Many ether eireern.*1eces, also, modify ' persons returning from a piigrimsge to
The production of tobacco is thee rated the theoretical and practical values of food, Mecca, from the shrine of Mahommet,
in the several States: to which I need at.t bite advert.-.)gri- which was overtaken by this destroying
Kentucky, 8,000,000 pounis; Virginia, cultural Journal: blast, only eighteen escaped al;are to tell the
45,000,000; Tennessee, 25,000,000; Mary- talc.-.lnonymous.
land, 23,000.000; :Missouri, 15,000,000;
magi molt morning -took es all on hoards
,And treated se whin all tbe kindness that
disintereeted homaeity could suggest. ""-
THE Fuf.Lutt•i.NG
I`:Oi) i (i't
,. .sass.
From 'he eat• (Ole.) Thea.. Earn, loo. 11. LETT, 95, YON(OE STREET. TORONTO
DISTRESSING SHIPWRECK AND Awl by Arab Arabi* she iP1•wo.w.
One of the most distr..siog shipwrecks, Hew'lett's Restorative Balsam,
that his ever taken see on our coast, etc- Pries Is. 34 per Betas.
This Medicine is a safe and efficacious
eared st the meoth of the Kennebec, aboal cure for Diarrheas, Dysentery, Bloody Flea,
noon, ns Friday !sat, durtag the late heavy Relaxation, and that disordered slate of the
rale from the east. The ship Hanover. of Bowel.. sn prevalent during the hot we.tb-
Bath, Cant. Rogers, from Cadiz, with a full er, known a the Hummer Complete' ;also,
for the Chelera Morbus.
carve el malt, In attempting to run into the
river, struck on Pond Island Bar, and almost • IleWlett Y Tntbrocatiunr
him Is. 31. per Burda
immediately west to pieces, and all hands ..
For the Cure of Rheumatism, BURNS,
no board perl.hed. For en account of the Scalds, Bruises, Sprains, Swellings, Cramp,
cyre.vistanees attrwttrg this fatal thea•ter, Chilblains, Cute, (frees Wounds, Startle..
we are indebted to en eye witness of every in the Joints and Nick, Numbness, Piles,
thing that transpired. Mr. Oliver states Eruptions in the Skin, ILe. kc.
that when he flat
now the Hanover, she Hewlett's Stomachic Tincture ;
was about two miles outside of Seguin, OR. STRENGTHENING BITTERS.
S,ieCLA• HANTS or Maatosars BEAST&.
Ohio, 9,500,000. -A Writer Ina Cincirinati paper describing.
There were sold at the Brigham Ona ,a . visit. to the animals of Raymond
and Waring's 'rot. RerlJ. is the winter
Cambridge,Aimee ,Cattle Market during quarters in that city, w•iTb Prieebeeh, the
this month of September mad October 34,- (amens keeper nye :-'•Itans a eightw'n►ib
857 cattle and 44,725 *beep. • ' - walking ten miles." Weotind, contrary
Crapes are said to decrease in flavor and to seeertioes of natural historians, an ale-
richness. the farther they are removed from phant lying down. 11 has always been
•, the ground. This has been the retell of ae.ertc' that thew animals sleep standing.
the Frehch and German wine growers. The different caged animals were reposing
Nee. Aancr.e or I':xPiRT.-There were in the moo. graceful and c'a`ssical attitude..
/hippie,' !art week for it. Louis over 1,000 The lion and the tiger, the leopard and the
heads of celery. The lot, which would nut panther, wore lying with their paws affec-
bring over 825 in this city, will sell in St. tionately twined about each other, without
Louis fur $100, and leave the /hipper $76 regard to spec.mi and nativity. 1D cages
as shipping expanses. -Chicago Dein. containing more ten nos animal, it ,ie 1b
ReMAaaantn YixLD OF CORN: -The never fatting custom for one to keep -watch
Macon, Geo., Journal and Messenger .of while 16e others deep. • The sentry is n•
- yesterday hes the following: i' Our readers tiered with as much regularity as in a well
will remember that we noticed, afew•week. regulated eatnp of soldier,, although Dot
mince, a remarkable promising crop of corn probably with as much precision in regard
grown by Col. John Smith- of Ceder Creek, to time. The seotinel.aeos back aced forth,
Wilkinson county. Mr. S. writes us over and ie careful not to coach or do anything
date of the 7th hast., that he 'haul jest to arouse his comrade. , Occasionally he
finished gathering his corn, and that from lied down, but always with his head towards
one acre and •quarter he had measured one the front of the cage, and never deeps un -
hundred and fifev-eight bushels, one peck til relieved. This angular custom, herr
and a half ! . The corn was measured in Drieaba informs us, race his boaneaioe
anted measure., ,and weighed fifty seven with tbo menagerie, Ice kris Dever known
pounds to the bushel,' " to be violated. Thomas Cart, who is now
CAaninns. -\Ve received a fairing on the night watch of the establishment, and
Monday last, in the ehaeo of an immense who is also the ethical showing master in
Cabbage, grown by Mr. Doughty of this the United Stater, confirms bat statement.
town. The weight w•aa.17 lbs., and, be-
lieving that the size and bulk was some-
what unusual we hung it up in the office
for inspection, where it attracted consider-
able attention. But It was not dest!oed
Lig to reign euprome, for Mr. Tracy
brought one to compete with it, weighing
112j Ib.. tVe are not aware what we,ght
much vegetables generally are, bet imagine
that the latter one will not bo easily beaten.
We shall keep It hanging to our shop as
long as pleasant, unless previously displac-
ed by something larger.-Geelpk .ode.
Lino OIL. -le Cincinnati, it is calculated
that 11,000,000 pounds of lard will he run
into lard oil this year, two seventh of which
will make 'tcarate, the residue oil, say
about 20,000 barrels of 43 gallons each .-
'Thera is also an eslabliehment in that city
extensively engaged in extracting the
retire from the residue of the hog, and will
probably that year operate in this way on
3,000 hogs. This concern alone Is expect-
ed to horn out this season 3,000,000 the. o:
lard. 3,000,000 Ib.. of Menne have been
made to one year info candle* and seep le
these factories, and they can make 6000
lbs. of candles per avenge day tbrougho•ii
the year.
A Nuw Aeries., or F iert..--Our atten-
tion was drawn a few days since to • load
et the door of A citizen in Albany, wbi.-h 11,
•ppearanee rru.mhled unburnt back* -
Ups Inquiry, we found that it was an mai
el. of fuel, munufsetured in the Vicinity a
Newton's Corners, • few miles ont of the
eftiO►oal the resume! piece of low land
Pries Is. 1041. per Botch
standirg in ender three reeled topsails, For the cure of Weak Digestion, Bilious
reefed foresail, •n.1 (nretopma.t staysail, Diseases, fains in the Stomach, Loss of
with the wind, as 1e judged, from E. by S. Appetite, General Debility, Palpitation of
or ESE.. apparently making rood weather, the Heart. Coneemption, kc. Le.
This Medicine is one of the best and
and a (sir prospect of making a harbor with- cheapest in circulation.
nut diffirn!ty. lie seeordinj ly got his boat CANADIAN FRIEND; OR
in readiness for bearding the ship -which Hewlett's Universal Ointment.
he intended to do as sono +ai she was up t'ric. Is. 3d. per Bottle.
with Pond island. Ile soon discovered, For Coring Corruptions of every descrip-
however, that owing to the strong ebb tide lion. Ulcerates/ Sore Legs, Moate, Scalde.
Cbtlblaine, kc.
that was setting out of the river, ase west-
erly,Hewlett's Family the ship was rapidly .ralfieg to Ire- FOR BOTH SES,
ward, and as she approached the shore the A remedy for Costivene.s, Paioe and Gid -
wind veered more easterly and headed ber dine.. in the (lead, Disorders of the Liver,
off, and under these circumstances he soon Stomach, and Bowels ; also, Indigestion. -
saw that she most fail to weather Pend is- Price 9d. per Bar.
land. He accordingly landed and took a
position on the point, a little to the west• Apl)eflt'llt "Family Powders.
ward of the Leland, and at the same time FOR BOTH
setting aft, her stern struck hearty nn the A remedy for Ceettvene*s. Pains and Gid-
diness in the (lead. Dieordere of the Liver,
ber, carrying away the neater, and lifting Stomach, and Bowels ;Elsa indigcetion.
the stern post and the wbo'e after part of To the many p reons who object to
the ship. She. however, played off rapidly the taking of Pills, there Powders, are rec-
and the after yards not being bawled, swung ommeuJed, and for Children are preferable.
retied with her bead inshore. At this mo- -Price 1s. 3d. per Bottle.
IL errill=1171,111
mens, boarded by a heavy tea, she was
thrown on her beam ends and her topmasts Pries Is. 3d. per Bottle.
carried awe The crew gained the ride of An excellent remedy for Bilious Cood.truts
7• ft and Costiveness. They ratlotie all odstrtm-
the ship, but were swept off by the eecood tions on the Stomach, at the same time
sea, and the standmaats fore and aft were Strengthen the IhgestivsOrians, Extricate
carried by tbd*boarJ. She was literally those Pains attendant .pon Disorders of the
Stomach, aet as a Tonic Upon Relaxed
W at.t.ns. In the almost incredibly Constitutions, and produce Vigor k Ilealth•
short apace of twenty mtnutee after the iiewlett'a Pectoral or (',►ugh Pills
Hanover first struck, not an appearance e( prim lit. M. per Bor.
tier was to be seen, save the fragments that For the cure of Coughs, and Asthma. -
were rolling in the surf along the beach.-, These admirable Pills are most beneficial to
The broadsides came on shore quite entire. the speedy removal of Coughs, relieve ()inl-
and also a considerable portion of the floor. cult! in breathing, so trying to Asthmatic
subjects, and procure the ref-hsbing corn -
The mast and spars were wholly broken to (orts of reat.aod sleep.
pieces. The beach for nearly two miles is Hewlett's Dinner Pills.
strewn with the (ngments of the wreck.- PRICE is. •31. per Box.
Various articles of furniture belonging to For removing Obrtruct'nns nn the Chest, le bounced at the one and by Lake I!uron.
From the Mobile Herald, Nov. 8. the ship, and of clothing have been picked felt alter eating, particularly after Dinner, and at the other by a Public Road,-+nJ
caused by great Weakness am' Debility in .AND LOSS OF LiFE. belonging to Capt. Rogers. Ile chip's Soothing CONTAINING 100 ACRES, the second is LOT 8 ret 8th Cooeearton,
WRECK OF THE%BARK E. SWIFT, tee. and among..them a trunk of clothing the Nowt", Orgen�. Colborne, t1'.Dins:on,
The following patGn particular" of the wrecking ecmpany is believed Infant's S
eveJ to cons et of seventeen and is situated at the Junction of two Pub-
of -the bark E. Swill, of New York, is (urn- persons. • • The body of Capt. Rogers IMPORTANT TO MOTHERS k Xwrsee. Ile Roads. by henry W. Ray, flat officer of the was found on Sunday, and brought to-ibe For easing Pains -m the Rowels and Ste- For Partieuhars'pply to
bark :-Tae Bark Elijah Swift, D. A. Nye, city. That of a man was also tound,' but mach, so general with Infante, expelling the JNO. McDONALQ, gig.
"'►k, bounds New Or -
recognized. The Hanover was built Wind, and procuring refreshing eleepc Goderich, 19th Jews, 1849. .I8 tf
as=ter, from New x.. Price 1,. 84. per. Battle.
leane, had 39 passengers a.: board. Our sed owatd• by Levi Houghton, was eleven Shine
1 1 1 by B. PARSONS, Goderith : NOTICE.
cabin passengers, 3 :in number; were n,;' years old, and carried 5i3O tons. She was hiessrs. P. B. Clark k Co. Fort Sarnia.
women and children' -two infants, one six io*ore.: for $16,000. The cargo was area- Mr, 1Vm. Jones Sydenham, Owep Sound THE •Sebseriber having RENTED the
weeks and the other Aro oaths old. Ori *tired. The w Juote 1088 On etii as i carpo Gndcrich, 10th August, 1240. 2v -o20 3 WAREHOUSE and WHARF bclerer-
rel tog to the Messrs. Davenport, of thea place)
Monday, the 29th October, 'at 1 p. m. an- to estimatetl'ai t>jiG0,000. STRATFORD has established hinted( as a
shored of£ the Great Isaacs, about 2 miles! W e !earn from several gent!c en who I R 0 N FOUNDRY . cosmetic** Arlo CONNIS9IOa aelrawa%T.
from the shore, in nine fathoms water, the 1 Lave oi.iteJ the scene of diaster, that t.`.' Any ordsn or commission from the Mor -
wind olodante from S. 8 IV with floe ! timber (gibe Hanover is much sounder than HOME MANUFACTURE.' chant. of "fie.
w• Il r,ceive 'prompt,
tiTU 8nbeeribere Is returnin thank. to .,,ne;. JOHN MCFiwAN
Hewlett's Antibiliois Pills.
The hick os egged mid., etrMO hems r sE
M. Mu. Mn acaund k
me ammo .►.es ta+y*reik. u mem a.. me.ds.d w
.area proms• of yin i...y ea.essmery, ba «a.
' pm
...I. testify of
0. Mem. GM they me ea ~y Was..alb dote
the erdsie ra
INC Lir AM. MILL 401../1111. MOM/
*IT*CTIONS of 1e. 0LADOBA a.d KUDOS ra
MLlo=S nIMI • Lana moa PI..& rre.-
M W web W ma. alms Mee Memo Pawn, leer .11
bb Mad asws.aa► rt..a... atn......d edam. Mei .res
a. Mem canard, r erelong w..
0000 MPrlonaosauer pYUNdaq.D•0.ammos� ms's
=� He sear .W tri. dMrwbe die
aim show .roes Mem madieime i...d.rr.
W Sao, 1a r0/P1Las. PLATY
raves ..d says. re. m. sm.w 11M .w
NM d.. mriieams .al M Lead • mk..PWy. W
wale wee*. Ola. •edgme Mee the gees ea41.oi . e
Twarm of iho RY THEM, e'�t -0
eateM iem emigeme n IB a1Damoot
.1 APPS.
Nem L.. u engem,. WWI all 1►r eaten d Mans ia►
.Rear 1010* use Me err r••••Ial geranium O sremanMa
Naar SWEATS. NEIrOO9 oa.alurr, Ngn'uue
COMPLAINTS of .0 Mats. OEOANTC ArrzcrtuNR,
F I L D f. TIm. enigma ersrriii•r (Igoe .threw
was rood ef P,I. d M mem .a.dbe by ti. - 1 Jam I.4.
bloom a air..
PAINS i* M Mad. ale. lock. a.0.• isms .01 mem
RHRUMATI■Mt. Thu.a afamal.*a MY
teras. dt.e.e...08 be are ef meet M l0. Lob M..1srrr..,
RU5I1 .( BLOOD Col`a IIaLAD, .coirr,
acnOrttLA. .r ZING'S EVIL, t•ir
maw a r.., Y L C I R e. ay awe
W O 8 I>t a, 1.1. ►u.d...w .as.romeltr footled be
tow Mr.bcmw. ,lo .eat a.dmimmr then oleo
e.. wee .0.10.6. r .*.sae+. 1e1.f .01 be mneme
And thea remove'all disease from the system.
A.�. trial till I�le.the LIFE PILLS and
PHRRiX BITTERSwywdthe rest%l...p•
tato. u W ..b..tb. 1 erect patent.
'The se••�•• el Owe .ilk iw..n r. gel .p Is tAu*
wnr}er�red glade, together .roti • t ire (mealier, a wailed
. 0.ed M.atma," anaemia(
elk .bleb h • drewl.g of sr.a0**) from w.11 Wool to cess
thee, h .Aie0 urger,i.a the city n• vp roily)
0.0 es. Tb. wrappers Raoean, cep,nfht.J,
1►.re4x. *0... .0. prone. throe .Iles .bid .np.,n en
be •eared IMI .IN.tmH. a...i.. Be mnhl, sed do .a
bey tame WO g •r•ppant ►a if roe M. b• .Wad
that Doty care dime ham e., or Mel tomb teen.
Ire Prepared mil mu by
US Brmd..y. goner .f Maim,
wow. Newes, sat. 07 .
Bolo Agent.
Goderich, Jan. 28, 1848. 1
NE within 2 miles, and the other with-
'''. In about 3 miles of Gosjerich T• ww
Plot. The first is L T lO to tet Coocce-
ssop, Township of Godencb,
nr BOLLoces.-The China Mail costal.,
the following edict of Yih, prefect *Man-
ton :--B illccks aro anisets whish in hea-
ven are represented in the stars (Taurus),
and on earth are ;useful es they injure seer,
irohibitory regulations were Iongago en-
arte.l agal6<t *ha killing and skinning of
th • indu4thous creators. Since i have
held the office of prefect I have sought out
the benevolent -hearted, and thereto. thus
*peek of kinder's to dumb animals. Con-
sidering that our government with-
out a' Ifi:eot cause put* any one to death,
how due the lower cleaves clandestinely
slaughter these memo's, aliltonnh it is
strictly forbidden 7 'rat. more so becauee,
far stuffing your manta'. and filling your
airtime, you boil, fat .beep ant petal, pgs;
marl whoa you gibe a feast 1.'r the entertain -
meet of your roesr', then are the delica-
cies of the sea and the niceties of the lied,
watch you reject sad will sot eat, but wish
10 Impure Live hu! workrsg, induetnoo.
vast of agriculture. This or -whirl is unac-
countable. Wherefore I mono a severe
prohibition, in which 1 a•td'sw mv..lf to
the mileary and people for their tsfurma-
tion. If after this any without fur open
alines roe the a Ile .of beef or establishments
for the "laughter of bullock., 1 allow the
local offerer, to inform me of suck, that
they may be tnetselly rooted and punished
teen drag in Ism. A •, eels! edict.
I'hdu 1'.t n., a yooeg man, died a few
days ago, re's I.,rton, Pa ., from t10 e�ets
pleasant .weather. At 1 p. m. the wind could have been expected in a *Lip of ber 1 their Cu::omen for the I sup• Yhrindaors Mascb, 1849. sv-700,
port they have reeeb od since commencing --
inbietim►te, that they have
bussaleeae, at loweg piletos,
Cooking, Box & Parlour Stoves,
also Ploughs of eight descriprios0, and con-
sisting of the most Improved Moulds. Self-
acting Mill Dogs, and various other eas- IN returning thanks to his friends and rot-
ting,. Having engaged an express,"need I nitrous Customers for the Liberal Pat.
Machinist, the sut',cnbers can confidently i rooage which he has received during the
recommend their THRASHING MA- past year,begsto intimate that he hes jaat.
CHINES of the newest design, both ata- feceived an extensive Assortment
tinnily and moveable, and would soflcit a
call -frontintending Purchasers before buy- "' ' A►ia.e2Ti 2z9JQoa
ing elsewhere. All order pato tually at -
and is ready to Execute all Orders givea to
tended to and executed with neatness and him with care and puscluality as formerly
despatch ,- Goderich, Apti1,121b,'11I4•. 9r-01911
8etatrord, lath wog.ORR k WILSON.
1849. yi sstr. Upper Canada Rebellion Loses.
hauled suddenly to the N.W. and blew vio- ago. There is but little or no appearance
Wetly with constant heavy faire. The ship of decay, and so far as soundness is concer-
eommenced dragging ber anchors, with the ncd, she would blare run for many years.
entire length of both chains out. We cut '
away the forein .t, and while in the act of A dividend of eight per rant was declared
cutting away the mainmast, ohs struck the ort Wednesdayilaa by the Directors of the
rock, and in one hour she went to pieces.- Montreal Fire and Marino Insurante Com -
During the time we were on the wreck. the parry.„This does not look Eke mss ruin and
sea was continually breaking over ue. After decay P"
several ineffectual attempts to get a shore CIABIE into the enclosure of the Sub -
we at length succeeded, and landed all on scriber os the first day of September
board -many of• whom were very much last a RED STEER, about three years
bru.ed and I:cerated with the drift wood old, with a Intro white on the belly. The
and the guff dashing them .gainer the sharp owner can come and take him away by
proving property and paytog expense*.
coral rocks. On landing wedeemed it ea- WM. GREEN.
Colborne,,Oct., 25, 1849. v2 -n33,
fast to gain the highest S. E. part of the
island, as the sea Lad already commenced
breaking over the north-western polo', di-
rectly opposite Iho wreck. Webad scarce-
ly proceeded fifty yards on oar way, leading
the lathes at a very slow pace, they being
to their night dresses and bare footed, when
n tremendoes tea broke over the rocks, sod
washed ofrtwenty of our number, nine of
whom Nye saved -the other eleven were
drowned. Among the latter were Parker
Plower, second officer, and James I.ane,
seaman, both of New York ; who lost their
lives in nobly endeavoring to save those of
Mrs N. A. Bally, and Miss ilenrietta P.
Ray, two lady passenger., (the latter my
daughter). The rest of the number suc-
ceeded in reaching a place of safety, our feet
lacerated and bleeding at every step. Many
laid down and gave up from exhaustion -we
were obliged to carry them. The next
morning in searching for fresh water, we
found as infant six weeks old, son of Mn.
N. A. Batley, -it had been washed ashore
upon the rocks the morntag before, and had
remained there to hours. ft was alive, and
had apparently sustained but little injury.
We immediately conveyed it to the survi-
ving ladies. to whoa/ unremitting care it
owes its life. We recused 0a the rocks
two day, and a half, destitute of clothing,
fond or water, with the exception of some
salt provisions that were ea+hed ashore,
but which we found impossible to cat, In
consequeoce of cresaag thirst. On the 3rd
day we were rescued by the ship Banger,
Capt, W. T. Philbrook. from New York -
booed to Mobds. He sew our ngnals of
distress, anchored has .MA tad relbluned
1,500,000 ACRES OF LAND
disposal, about 1,500,000 ACRES OF
LAND dispersed throughout most of the
Townships in Upper Canada -nearly 500,-
000 Acres are situated in the Iirrom Tract,
well known as one of the most fertile parte
of the Province -it has ,trebled its popula-
tion in five years. and now contains up-
wards of 20.000 inhabitants.
The LANDS are offered by way of
L R .1 N s; , for Ten )'par,, or for
Safe, C .1 8 11 D 0 If N Ike Alam of
one flffk Cask, and the balance in Imolai-
mimes being done array milli.
The Rents payable let February each
year, arc about the Interest at Six Per
Cent.upon the price of the Land. Upon moat
of the Lots, when LEANED, NO MONEY
18 REQUIRED DOWN -whilst upon the
others, accordtog to locality, one, 1.0, or
three years Rest, must be paid is advance,
-hat these payments will free the Settler
from farther calls until Dad, 3rd of 4th yea
of his term of Lease.
The right to PURCHASE, the FREE
1101,1) during the term, is secured to the
Lessee at a filed sum Named in Lease, and
an allowance us made according to antic'
patrol payment.
Lists of Lands, and any further informs•
'ion a*D he obtained. (by application, if by
incur pat -pard) Al IAN COw►aNY'SOvvtcss,
Termite and Gnderiet ; of R. Ly
Rsq., Asphodel, Cnlbers, Dietriet ; Dr.
Attila, Chetah, or 1. C. W. DAIT, fes.,
fig+ Here• District.
. RMah 17, 1848. 7
THE Submit*, be=e Immoto Worse the
Inhabitants of the District of Heron,
and the neighboring Districts, that he has
Established himself in Stratford.
and is prepard to give Plans and Specifica-
tions of Public or Private Buildings, Bridg-
es, Mtll Dame, kcice. ke., and will take
the superintendence of such Erections, on
the most reasonable terms.
His thorough knowledge of his profession
and his practice as Builder, qualifies bin for
any uodortakiog in the line. Address post
Builder, kc. kc. Stratford, C. W.
Stratford, March Isth, 1849. 9,-o7tf
(LAD en's.)
THE Subscriber informs his friends and
the Travelling Public. that he has legged
the large BRICK TAVERN, at the Ent
end of Stratford, (now the county town of
Perth.) lately occupied by Mr. Isaac May,
-where he will be reedy et all'lims to
afford the usual comfort and 'uppiies and
promote the personal convenience of his
guests .
WINES and LIQUORS of the best de-
scription. A steady Hostler always ie
attendance. ALBERT G. THATCH.
Stratford, itch July, 1849. 2v-alAtf
THE Subscribers will pay the
for Good Merchantable Wheat.
(Werier 9444.
Receiver Generals 0,Pa,
Montreal, 19th March, 1849.
PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given, that
Claiments for Rebeiltoa Leases in
Canada West, who have not applied to, and
received payment of their. Claim from the
respective Agents of the Bank of Montreal,
in the several distracts as heretofore notified
will from and after the first day of June
next, be necessitated to apply for payment
of the same, either personally or by duly
appointed Attoroles, to the Parent Bask in
this city.
(Signed,) S. M, VIGER,
H. Y. R. 17.
doge Karon Signal,
NINTnw AND ►aoearrrnt.
Omcs MA•w0r-aquaam, •OD121CU.
•e• Book and lob Priatte., executed with
"meteor and dt.patcb.
Tames or rem Huns" 8,esai.-TEN SHiL-
LiNGS per annum if paid strictly is 'denim',
Of OND Six Ptrct with the expiration
of the year.
Ne paper diseeetineed ntil arrears are
paid rip, •eku Antpsbli.ber thinks it bis advan-
tage to do es.
Any iadivi.feaf is the eseetry b.eomiag re-
sponsible far .tt subscribers, shall receive w
seveatb copy initis.
LT All hitters addressed to the Editor must be
post paid, or they will not be takes eat of the
pest o•lee
Taewe M •MiRM►re.
Sia lines and Rader, first insetting LO f i
reh ..Banque« carmine 0 0 71
Ts. fines seri ender, Ant .'601(405,8 f 4
Each mbeesatet i.seties 0. 10
Over lwM bowsOahe •�hct iF
ETA Mewltl u, ifidvigt anempie
'dmitihrrats et ands 9. ri e+ • , s ts