Huron Signal, 1849-11-29, Page 2%RRlsl.s EIPLOSIO!1-ons IIUN•
DRED a.. tarry PSRHON* PROB-
New Oaa,aaas Nov. 16.-A len$►l.
•eamboat sapissies occurred here last eta
The steettasr Lap a .ns, baud te 111.
guts wbee about ,tains, frees her wheel.
urat both her boilers, shattering Ler to
lows, god alio badly wjunag the steamer*
lora and Bwten,: that were lay:ag slug -
The Lateran was crowded with worm-
ers, as were alio the other two, wile h had
tel anted.
It is.i pposed that •'together, 1ti0 lis..
tore lost, besides many wo,nded.
Already iffy deal bodies have been re-
The Levee is strewn w: h the deed .',I
dying, mei hundreds •t our r:t sons err
around the melancholy iron.•, renJenog sir
the nes:vt•ni•e et their power 10 t:o,., in
hem a spark of life rein ons.
Deed bodies, legs, Arnie. and head, aro
seanered in every dtr.•rlio•, and the eight
moment ea ,s ware
1l IS at prl.ert iiip-i•.1.1, to s•eerte,n
the names or needier of those who are Io.l.
As soon as they eon be collecar1, I w.l! 1 s-
ward yon snot*, r Jeepa•rb.
rmcove D1taNTcu.
New Gime tee Nov. 17.-Capiain Ken
ens, of rim summer lemi.tana. tits been
a•resl,d, and held to bail in the ruin of
.8000. The explosion harmer been afire
acted to cmreleesne e, a searching invest)
gilton wet shn•tly teko piece. M tnv
moro dad bodies have been Imes'. The
number of kele,l, n 1. believed. rid reach
200, battles limey dreadfully wnusrdcd.-
The flags of the shipping are all at ha'f-
We hare act mases s( the ask het
toe are asy who base apes
therm that tbtr are highly dirwn
dNahM t, the milltawilly tether, ur •at►oem,
wherever he et may
ay be. No ea*
with a h
rim seaU will er mkplt at approve if each
so aseeeei wIRs meds el st tae k t.g a p.►I.c
twat ; these eatseteee purport he
be whore by reformers, we streagly tae•
peel that they tomo Rom *other and wry
different source. These leasers, we be-
te ve, bate been treated as they deserve. -
i( millst.1e ars to Le condemned, it wait
he one of the merits of their re Der and
their cootie of a isizi.trauou. and done
up nly, manfe.l,. arid la the fate. of the
w ho!e world.-Zernti,er.
Copy of a Tetter received by J. I:..\ R •ens
k Co., ('uneignees of brig " Rea let," from
i.ies;pool, (nr Montreal, dated St. 3.htie,
New(•undland, 30th Oei, 1849 :-
"The brig ' Rowley' pot into this port
on tbe lth instant, v, ry leaky, and a wimpy
Was held on her os the follow ing day, when
it waw recommended that the trial ,hent d
he lightened mr part et her cargo, -w dh the
view, if pe•sd,!e. of •seertatnin;; the leak.
The discharge of the cargo wan cnnar gne11t
ly prverde(' w,t:e, .nd tiro cargo was leund
!shifted and much of it J•mvged. A second
and third rurvev was rubargnentey held nn
the ' Rowley,' and it was recommended
that the entire cargo be discharged, as the
vessel was found very much strained, and
tt win deemed that the vest's copper be
tortoise!, and that she be recoppered he -e.
The final discharge of the cargo was eff'ec-
re.l on the 971h Inst-, and the vessel will
now bo repaired forthwith ; but the se man
will be too fu advanced ahen the repairs
shall be completed to admit of the Roteley
attcm,tmg to reach (u •Ler, Borne part
of the cargo bis been ortlered to be sol.; in
conregeence of Jamago it bat sesta(ned ;
and now that Ilse whole has been laneod, a
final survey will he held, and such goods
sold as have"suffered too meci to be rela-
den for Canada. At the :nowt , wecannot
furnish a detailed stetement of damage, but
the same shall bot forwarded te you when
the survey too the geode shalt have been
comph•Icd, tied we will thank you in the
rneaneme to snake known to such eon.tgn-
Ies as may apply to you, lbs contents ul
Gee present comm.nication.
"Weare, kc.,k..,
"(Signed) R.'uir soi, Bnoot ere k C,..
Il[iit0;{ SIGNAL.
I. expre ring cur Lai seknowle,lgemeuts to
the Brewton' I'ovrier for Lis in correct•
.g sur erroneous notions relative to the flirter
of Peen Psaa,, to represent date Third Riding
of Yolk, and to wishing te ebeck the pernicious
tendency of oar het rising aenuineota iD ref. -ter : e
to Dr Bo•.vKlee ; we willingly give the Grainer
credit 1 Itis e.nteriry, and fur the bruevuleoce
of hie inteu.nna towards our. w'eyward s.IL-
The Courier el tern•ns sonic doubt that Mr.
Panay nwy !ant in a strict observance of the oblt-
eeti00 imposed by the oath of allegiance, and
tell. a. that " Louie Jorere Pamine bolted the
rr:h: end thought it no crime 10 commit flea..
roe.", 1a eh :rt tee C uric, thinks that in the
.ase of .lir, 1' SIlr 11.e re :e .f al'.•g'ance no
:uarantee of ...e.g:ere-e-th • may be so -wen
equally u gee', to a!1 outward appearance, a
Mr. Nast, vi,'eted obligations of deeper
;moult than the mob Cf alletianee. Cot wrvdd
i public wow -'-would acnchieg their names
to a fermel Al _1.:5 or Declarati a hese been
mor, bin•liag on thee, urn than the •-^red .bli-
gatimn. which they vino' ed 1 lt'oolJ Mr. Pero
ay or Mr. Po►l.aao be mare et!o'endy prohibit-
ed -from advocating rebellion or aooexuinn, by
signing; declaration of loyetty, than be solemn-
ly taking the oath of a1.giaoce? We think
not -but we have no objection that the Corner
iLell the,ik otherwise. We sympatbiee with,
the shock which the Courier's piety has received
by oar libertioism in questioning the propriety
of introducing controverted pan. of theology
into electioneering interrogator's... Ne' says
1f the old rutt!rtnake really helieved that'Dr.
B^w RING was • professing it.hdrl, he bad a per-
fect right to interrogate him a to his religious
opinions." We never questioned the tight of
the ru'..tile oIJ gentleman, we merely doubted
the prrpriety end ••levaoey dutch qut.tions.-
1 Dr. B. wausn is en far from being " • professing
infidel," that 'he has distinguished himself u a
writer against infidelity, and every man aegvaint-
ed with !English Literature will give hire credit
a one of the few Ley author, whose chief cha-
ractrristie a f,•rveat piety. But he was the pu-
pil of Jtai sr Balrraan, and was wppcled to
.11(1150 Lite relig0mo 00110115 of Dr. Caaaslso
Ile is, we orlieve, a Uuitsria. Now, we do
not, as we have alraly. observe 1, chdleoge the
riotr of the nod nrthool a f:.b r tv o illy* belie-.
vet i0 the I i '!ny.ol'he Sat:our-w • thank 0'e :mtiortance of the greet p!-icedan thr;r !tate d- A 1tsro :,INr.tTros BILL -based on p,p-
a;ul,to urge 1'tc.n to prompt and unanintaie 11:at:on-:s rrq'rrred, an•1 nolwitt>timung
aetwn. Thera are few men . 0011 ' hv:r' ice ratline of that mtrodured last eeesion, it
who was h:av„ the harihhoed to dory that I will 4e l,okci for, and. we hope. forthcom-
party infl•tonce•. when properly exerted. are ing. A good law of this kind will lied mesh
those tending must to the advance of the I in melon! the lertsteture of the country a
general mass, .or who wt:1 care to dispute, fair representation of time people. It a not
the foci, that a keen interest in the differ- so at present, neither is there that number
ent.optn ens of the dly !ends to the adoption of members in the House that would sutfi-
of the most correct principles. in eaying c,cntly protect d against corruption. A
this, I do net pretend that violent feuds are measure for this rnrposo is required ; and
the beet -guarantee for the peace of society so to some well digested Aeseesmeot Law:
-the i. rclf-contradictory-bet I intend in
imply, that w holeseme discussion, and par
ty warfare, are the surest method for the
preservation of political liberty. We have
proof of this up the circumstances of every
cinlized netton, and wherever we cast our
eyes see it exemplified. in every progres-
sive community, excepting Canada, part,
tactics aro resorted to, o the choice of even
municipal represen'a!ives ; and a town elec-
non is decided as mach by the politics of
the candidate as his other qualification!. i
am not an admirer of the extreme appirca•
tion of the system, but highly approve of Its
moderato use. A plan, which is (mind to
work ndesntageously in France., England, short-sighted Tawe and policy. The respect
Scotland, Ire,i"d, lite United `States, Ger- of the Bench for the Legislature and its
many, Belgium, and Pruss,.'; is sczrcely Acts ehoiid always he secured.; the sbely_
likely to fail in Canada, and wouru l o , 1: ing oysters has a menu, effect in this res -
am convinced. When the new act comes
into operation, a good opportunity will be
presented to us for a trial of the experiment.
It is urged by many, and not without some
show of reason, that polities in local mat
tars produce bad feeling, and injure tbe gen-
eral weal. Thio i am prepared to deny-
nav, fore ree,ly, were it necessary, to prove
that their tntrodriclinn ensure. the very best
discharge of public duties. Where the lib-
erties of the teeny are as systematically at-
tacked by the few as they have ever been in
Canada, it becomes an act of self-defence to
organise on a liberal bast., for the pnrpeec
of routing a common enemy. 1 do not care
what words are used to designate the dif-
ferent combattants-i know that the com-
battants mint exist. and that the people
mu., unite to cheek or destroy the blon'I-
suckers who prey upon their vitals. The
names in common nee, to point out the two
parte+, are Reformer" and Tories. i am
not called upon to palet the characters of
cit her, for their leading faatords are already
stamped in indellible colors upon the popu-
lar mind. A Tory in hie public ate, is al-
ways opened to adnse.ussst-a Reformer
te impelled by hie prisei
ward. The assoeiarioae
remote, hes education, and hi
him to stand roll -the tertb1'ist•nces of a
Reformer will not allow him torea na-
improving. The difference is broug honr
to our sense eery day of Dor live., not if
rceive It, we are wiled!y
ledging these facts, as .v -ry
Swot .radar h4M is Mir dries. sed wt.,
iso 4Maidst t5 grist espouse (..ogee lento
the Iliwaiet sad is individual* aad rime esmissa.
wooly talar, sad teastisses,emiese of arm .f
the emee (loch shit sad .Haiti' IM eetreeid
the seer of the Ceers, w, assts hot regv.t th.
ioly sadtiebw*a.ey thea Iced mos tote Isw. 1t
ia.erniny • 1•mestabe d&Maies...d em whish
is, gses.tly wears[ worse dnly. 7be.e was
see ciailssse s wbicb feasters Mitering were
•aseeMed, all of ebom Lad eon*. a1 Teat fifty
utiles, and some of them twice that datance,
aed bad remained a Godencb on (all week,
which, s i:1. the loss of haw to the parties end
tb• email of trul, must •muuut to thirty or per-
haps nearly forty pounds of expense, mad the re-
sult was • verdict b( ems ert.ffi.g jar as De-
fendant ! Now had toe parties Leen wise and
agreeable, twat honest neighbors could ropily
Mee errasged the whole deli -emcee, with /goal
equity and •1 eo exposer. .tad this, though • mon •inking can thea most of the
others, d -Ben merely in degree, t ut a ro reality
the aanle io substance, and we hesitate not to
sa.ert that will the consent of the Litigaota,
two jeer:iees Gamer. could have settled the
whole en'.1 basions s. satisfactorily to the par-
t -•, and o (ewer pence than the pounds paid
for settlement by the Court.
There were moven or eight criminal cases, al-
Ibnsgh, grope 1y speaking, the only one deserv-
t.g t;,. bathe of cruise, was tLe case of Matthew
Lewis, •little boy of eleven years of age, for
stealing a purse.osraruine thirteen gold sove-
reigns•, sod Dom. bills and sitter, smoeeti•g i•
•11 to twenty-two peones or upwards. the proper-
tyufeli. DonaId sutherland, of St. Mary's. la
enorequenee of his tender years, and the feet of
LSD Laving I to 'on ly to trial, lain four
months in Jail. the Conti very leniently retra-
ced bon to nue mouth of hard labor. The other
ease. no the c,,nkal Calendar were those fre-
quent outrage,. f as•soli and battery. that are.
from the .•rife and t.; 1 fee!irg of neighbors, and
might far bet:er be settled by the convicting nta-
gistrote, and then prevent a errat u..!ea, expert,
,u the D:str.ct. The per:ie. 'with] to our
chi r(oy:opetby i. .ueb iretaneea of prolonged tLitaev•e't flue .-A Ril! for ap
sittin;• cl ew.rt, are the Jurymen and the Wit- tr the Reserien to perprues of educe,.
nese. • nn criminal cars. It is 10 iotol.ra,.. 1 to looker for. Mr. f'ameron'• C'1
hard,h;p. ,o4 en iufrinf- -meat of the yrinei;Icsof • t : tet .S.'rrrmn, setting open 1,000,0''1, a
•1riet Js.tier, le c.mpel a e. 10 travel 6•rty nr 'Mus of nor awl l lanais for t'nmwon School
hey nu!e• from their oro honor•, st this ••tees pereene led Reformers to fear that there
-.1- .!r y.•u, td is fact, at any seanoo, w sent the wan no intention to meeolle with the Re-
but et it will be some years before
public, hr' then own .teens- 1 mese lards will ye ld a revenue sufiictent to
\Ve believe ie f•nheriag t' -e ends of deetiee, snpp,rt Common -School. a part of the Re -
lIoi*et t.a ATTIAT -A fight took place
at Columbia, Arks sae, on Sa'urday the
eerh tee,.w eirh has prohab!e proved fatal
to both haute. etnea:ed. Mr. Arch botii
Goodlow and Romuiouw Payne had teen in
t•ma'e In, -ode and neighbors of the highest
respectability. Some time age, Guodlow
becoming intoh•ed, sold out all hi• proper-
ty to a brulher-its law, thereby throwing
upoo Payne a I atelity, as hi• endorser, of
ten demean' dollars, whreh Payne had to
pay. Thio begat a misund'rntandrng end
hastiltly between theta, Pat no charging
(;tomb. *Oh havinu, defrauded him by a
annulate(' elle. Goodlow protested but in
reveries., end seserled that 11 was a bona
fi.!c transection. Payne at -last was indu
ced to enter a stilt in chancery, charging
fraud and ether bad- conduct against
Goodlow. The Court met at Columbia on
Saturday last, when Goodlow, encountering
Payne, commenced an •'tack upon him
with two rt velvet", firing no lee. than se-
ven balls into Paine'" Indy, and wounding
him terribly, and it is thought mortally. -
Payne at lad succeeding in getting a pietol
eu.hed upon Goodlow and shot him tbroegh
In heart. B ,th combatants then fell.-
f;oodtow was found grits dead, and Payne
was .peechleas. and at tart accnant• watt
rot expected to live m le than a few hour..
'rho parties in thisdreadful stfray were feeb-
ly respected planter', and were euna,dere,l.
until very lately, the mootintimate and con-
fiIential fiends. Me. 1,,odlow leaves a
widow and a large circle of rehbyes and to deplore his untimely, end. Mr.
Payne was a young peen of high under.tan
dirty and peaceable demeanor. --.Delia,
The Montreal Courier, from which ver
ropy the following extrac', was formerly
one of the moot "raiment old torte." in the
late metropole, but wuh;n the last few
"reeks ■ change has come over the epos( of
his dreamt, and he to now one of the meet
mnserupolous organs of the Repnblcrn par.
ty in Lower It wield appear,
however, that the annexation petty et in
rather a sickly condition, aed that d *owe
geed Si naritan doer not pour a little of the
balm at hard cash into its ter'ering wounds.
it will die a natural death before it tee rex
montes older. Is . really amnaing to Its.
teeto the half despairing, hall coaaung
*one of the Courier. while he is expatiating
upon the renews of war, aed encouraging
the Repubhrans to anion by the .:ample
of the Manehe.t'r polll'eIlmI in E'gl,nd.-
'They mutt'„horeire fond, an I tory must
oleo here piths! r leeturee, nr Beefier Jona-
than will get paa...ion of Canada !
1n other wares the ;verge of this Prot Ince
must be deceived, cej •b d, Mir badgered Mtn
annex.linn, nr tee scheme cannot morticed.
'The Cour r bay nor ',neer, thanks for
, this adman on. 11 is more them
we swspret d from the itegimmti, bet w•
did lent expect that the L. C.nada orga+ ..f
T)e oera'Ie institutions would be the jjr-t
10 tiff It to the public.-R,itiA Anvil- ,.,
Idarreent.r.-We have be -en tffurnov!
Duel several annostul• us letters &toe been,
N tressed In j.fferent leading reformer", rr
this part d U. countryt containing whole -
11•015416111 snmitspetel abuse of Mr. 11•Idwin.
ttarkal th---'- . s, M beset -et
thi.ha it is -to .fees iso ler
asythieg ie tbd pimps d pines. We Imo.
w ell ...ugh the eoa..gemheo of t sod
will be wore. time idiots it ere allow the
cemteg January lo,pmee by without a titres -
for our right.. I say, if the Reformers
so neglect their rstero.ts, they will be rota
than idiots, for thewill he criminal. Yes.
enmioal, tf they do net make the reentry
Reform in practice ov Wall as is notonety
- tfthey do not fill public offices nobl,ber.
a1 mended men -if obey do rot shake off
thou apathetic slumber, and rouse to active
- d they do est bear is iniad, that one year
of wire local government, by practical g.-
a-leead men, is worth more time toe years'
milk -and -water law -making, by prejudiced
Tome, who look upon every Improvemeet
as an innovation ! There are some, f robe
b•y, who will °l jest in what I hawsdeaaced
and think that I am extreme. No good re-
former, who has the welfare of Canada at
heart, will so misconstrue what I have writ-
ten. This is nip common time ; Cattails is
not always to he what eh* has been. The
ver.ei is to fine railing trim, there Is a fair
breeze, an open sea is before us, a prosper-
ou• voyage Is promised to es ; let us be
careful that we *elect a good crew ; and
that we do not founder, because we place
men at the helm who cannot box the com-
pase. There is another figure more striking
still. The harvest a ripe, the heavy ears
are drooping to the earth, and the garner
stands .pee •welting the treasure. Shall
we set to w.,rk cradlere who cut lazily,
trample the gram eerier foot, and think only
of the day'. pay, or engage meo who will
cut closely, lay a straight swarth, aed dou-
bly earn their wages? Thee ing month
of Jtnuary wee decide, and lope that it
writ find every Reformer One to his inter-
est'. AN OLDIll:FORMF.R.
Tow ..ship of Brantford, Nov. 19, : - 49.
ea the pert of the Preen would brie; about
the Sofas rsgutred.-Preeseciu/isl.
J. 11- PRiCK'
The following is the ripely of the Com-
mt.aruner of Crowe Lamle to the Address
of his cabernet/eta, to wbicb reformers has
beim made is out paper. The Hoeora►le
Gestlems• bas been invited to a public
dinner by his friends.-Proeiacialial.
GsaTLara.:-1 slacerety thank yoe for
the kind and deleting wanner'. w Li.•h you
have ex pressed your ceatidencc to my con-
duct. It would be alike ungrateful and im-
proper In me to Mimeo 10 serve you during
tee residue of this Parliament to oppoauioe
to yoer wishes ; 1 therefore yield to your
enttasuas on the express cosdrtipa that 1
ass at liberty to retire from the representa-
tion of the South Riding of Yi,rk at the
close of this Parliament.
Public life has long since been dietastefnl
to me, and this is not the first occasion on
which I have endeavored to escape from it.
In:11142 i made the attempt -you resisted
that attempt with reasons ton strong for me
to overcome, and from that period to this 1
have been unable to find a fitting opportuni-
ty to escape from it. Yuur confidenee in
me has for the nine years during which 1
entre served you been kind, confiding and
generous. You found me amongst you -
you brought me forward and chose me as
your representative -four tomes have elec-
ted me without trouble or expense to my
self -I never asked one of you for a vote -I
never received from you a reproachful word;
such confidence -such generous forbearance
cheers on • public man to the performance
of that duty which nothing else can give,
and it is painful to deserve a bond which
has PO lung and eaharmoniourly united us.
it is to be regretted that all lovers of free-
dom do not imitate such an example, and
exercise -"eh (orbearanci' and patience tow-
ards their public servan•- ',.haat they are
maturing the great remedial measures which
in 0I! probabrl+ty Parliament will bo call- the country hap a right to expect : for r' -,h'
J tugetb.r io FtLruary ; and by that time out such generous end honest forbearance
t`,e c...1 try w.:t , xpcct the ministry to be •10 government c'• i' be ealiefactor.:y and
lire:arei w;'h come new and wholesome aucreos(nfly etrr_J ua.
rvr teen of R (nen. 11'hen I aamoumr,f my :election of re-
tlr:n;; ,rem pubic life i wag easier the uo-
presel.,u that ti e Legislature would meet at
Montreal, ami in that .•veto► lay circumstan-
ces `would not jjmo.atify ley retnaiieng any
lot.der matte ,eiblic screen* The fact of its
meeting at ('urontu bre, to i eertate eateai,
tended to alter my nee-!.
1 reluctantly accepted office, and the lac•
r,fi,:e 1 made on ;hat occasion is known
owe to a f w. i abandoned for ever the hu'si-
Isis sad adytotagoeus poutlea, Otago aay
11111W11 attain tinder imiseastus
Cot dolts from • Able el allseace and
pr•wwity to a medic ma of mewl easy by
the tajestaes of Impanel l.gWatiam, 1 can
',towable,. wit!. thee, Ore eider meet
but 1 can dueorer a remedy, within the
bound.' of the BAB% (' •estltuil.., for the
evils from which 1 6..e suffered, witbout
meditates[ that whieh 1, at preoral consider
cow;nal, and that remedy I sera is havtog
the elective princ.ple adopted he this colony
eve. to the om,. of ;he Governor General.
and the suver•'Iyn cu•lrot 10 legislate fur
commercial and mduetnal tntereate,-4a
which q -mai ons the Uritt. m Awrncau
Learn neer •ppesle to the jerigrw.ot of
the reentry.
For annexation the people of the coue.ry
are sot prepared. Th. discussion of the
go..uon re preruature and imprudent, and
it per. ted in, can only lcaJ w commotion"
ant cent war.
I.rt me, 1 herefore, entreat of you, and
many others of my tenets who are acting
with you, to abandon your presaut course.
All are agreed that we cannot remain Ls
we are, au.t (veiny th.l ans.aatien may be
netesseiy, but only as • la -t 'top. In
i este.
1 ass your's very Irul!,
Montreal, 91h Nor. 1 819.
It is the duty of cou*istent Refirmcr,, to
oppose alt abuses, and not only to (repose
th.Is, hot to l.rret teem out. Tuere is one
which hes been overlooked in the press of
matters more import ant, but which most
not be allow.] longer to drain 'tbe public
runes without rendering adequate returns.
\\'e allude to the Canada Gazette, and the
enormous amount of patronage seoereed to
it, and would wish our rontemporanee
geeetaily to pay attention to the matter. -
An intones of the ab.urdtav of the patron-
age, and of its Injustice, is afforded .et prc-
tient to tl a the oocclrjly of advertising the
1 ....,* of townsloos into wards, in the
Canada Commie, and in one *manly paper.
The and a few!ar rr.. ;eate e, hare
doubled the fiez,ttr in the 1•.1 month or so
1nel-eased tie euo.luwents of its eub!tehcrs
a0•1 -!ho benetPa hire en.:e4 there. The
4uzet:e State received by a few ori.
ter •ughont the country, and nip more Jt1-
fusee information for the ai ii on, than the
but we do not bet ,ve there ie;unn.v
;ee in bringing server cdd lin wayapplied in that which nese by Kath 1 (lila nod n,y living for an unseen flower of the desert a.lrmnisterrs to
poor men from Stanford to stay • whole eight would immediately lighten the pre.cnt appointment very uncertain in Sint tenure,
days in the taverns of G,.Jeneh, and defray the
costa of their travel, board and lodgisrs oat of
their own pocket,, on cars in short they have
ru more interest than any other members of the
community !. th.s is strange lustre .' and beret
we trust that 'the next Sesames el tbe Provieeisl
Parliament will abrogate this grieving, practice
by amseding \!r. Jr•uv R'ax,s's Bill of tat
-Session, and making competent prosinio• for the
payment of jurors and witnesses.
From the Journal and F.xprees.•
ilt'a1BER t'tlr. -
Doar Sir, -Tile diyiaion of various town•
ships into war:le apprises me that the new
Municupal Bill will soon come into full ope-
ration, and it behooves every Reformer to
be en the alert, so as to .enure all the ad-
yar.lagee of its free and Iihr-rel inatilntinns.
It tip, perhaps, necea.ary to call the altr',,
lion of nor fellow Refnrmeie to the vital
claims on 1 .e geceral revcr':e fured'uce:iun-
There are in Can+da twenty Districts ; if
total the resolution of lett"' _ ,t 'ho fir -t th•! contort of mankind. It's, in fact, a
moment that presented ascii, and whtht 1 J• ai legator to timet m ort interested in ilio
adroit that under existing circumstance. publicahor, of the matter wi,n-h it cur tree.
each of these Districts had an efcue it, pub- von have a right to cavi upon me to tun••Tt,,, nau•t be reeteetod-1f lbs "opt, pay
lm Grammar School, with suitable baddings untie my parliamentary services to 'youI fur in...ling Chcv noun have the roadie, of
erected, ithe Councils would erect these by dortne the period ter ebich 1 wars eku
teted, i P ."g
taxation), and fuer or five energetic 'mite- I respectfully s,ilentt that 1 Kee e•'8 right to ; it. and not contribute their money, to the -
tete, each school receiving say £ 1,000 a retire from the Government whenever 1 may keeping up of num extensive establishment
year, it would aor for an incalculable benefit deem it expedtent. - in Montreal, and recent nothieg in remora.
on the youth of each District, and excellent - J. I1- PRICE- 'I Connor buameee must hetransaeledthruutth .
preparatory echnols would thus be furnish- - ._ ___ _____- __
of 1.r.feedmg the Provincial University. -
From s I -the medium of county newepapers. We
Could £40,000 of the Reserve fund be bet -
the Ike 8.ilk Recorder,art not .elfish in this -the public good de-
ter app;te.l 1 This wool) leave about £20,- THE POST.OFFICE. P
There 11 one eith'ect which all the mead. the change, as much as the pocks
000 more for „doe i„ r, „e other Seem„- J papers'
Ilene atsay one for the Blind aed another for
in, tee Province have long since nasal' of the local newspaper proprietor. 1f we
the De•J and Dumb --a use nearly allied to °p'aku'g ;shoot, !allude to the P. at Oft... 'look at tee Uaited ferrite, we see a .cry.
twat inientled by George the Third when he Of all the dep.rtmrnle this to one of the gond example act to us -all eoi•11ty papers
grartoJ these lands. greatest tmpnrlance. arid one whic'. caltsl
RRWCTmoa or Sam.aares.-A Buil to re- loudly for some alteration, not only in thejStitt public ty t, county advertisements--
duce salines has been promised, eo we ray
Woof postage, but also to *Le manner of Twoeor three men are not there beet up at
nothing on that enhjest, farther than that conducting tote affairs of this •I.p.t-t•nent. the expertise of the whole Press. We do
the country; both patties; exoec: that a will Just tek • a glance at the state of thin•.- int like the plan .d fu c ng prop{e to take
take a %ride rsbge, mrlteling allrelic:ale in Mr. Sta ner gets £,5,000 a yrtr. and for rertatn news a ors for the sake of apsin
the Province. what(In' -nor /nipper_ For ,• •u :'r dein•• F P
i 0, o:t any -:: an of .••':' '..1 n - ° ,', •1 • ..t . .a,.. ere 5' ail rot : •
Chnm'r . f England- me0 had exactly an equal
right to ask if he believed in the thirty-nine
Articleer-the Roman Catholic had the same