Huron Signal, 1849-11-08, Page 4A • ScMiT.t»- *y yT4 r . R&RtogxeD/a Rot* TWO FMIN al.- T ,. never wee a class of people Plane 11111411011.1 of more prosperous that the farmers of the United States now are. Their crops are abundant and readily command cash at good piece. ; i h.le every Iepylrarll of life which they wi-h t.. putc;tsae, Opera -Melly manufac- tured artless, was never eo good and so cheap. The:, i ., f•tciliU. • of transport• riot and luc •'i ,1 un have been greatly 1111 creased sad UnpruveJ, anJ this la &nether on,lre* of poseurs benefit to the fa'10ers.- With tb,e phyticeebeu.•rite, thee° 011111n• t^Ileetrrat and moral kind !rive ke;d rapid pats. Books have been the, p,•nal ad 1:et1 'Ipltp) Iacaleulably'. DahtMd.--rrµcWlly d a higher wdur..-Laber iric,ra.,•.I: and eherebes 'and mhtrtere ohu.nd. D. rota think of these 'hinge a• yeu elsouLl think of them? -and are von stria.n! t, take ad,,n tape of them to ira;irubs time. moral. ;Biel - !refuel. an.I phye:ca: cundt .011 to a erea,et extent ! '1'h r -o wl:a •ct w.iet, will nuke the mu.1 of these great blas -in,. every hour ; for lhry /Ihmnt *leave expert lheru to be so ahurJan•, and be.idee, to unfr-we thc,n naw is Cie aurc.l Nay to ciutlnae them. Ono r,rl•,in means of 4R': ti• t! unprore• tocol areetie tho la'mers li what Ne have heretofore ,.fir n rocomrne,J,.1-the forma cion of (tubi in tech0el2hl'orborel for meek ly evening D1eut.ngs in the winter. It n u0l neressarr'n three tao.co•dine t••uiselbe. entirely 1., aierwilltural dt-co.aons, lett euelL LLi:M+ 10 Lase a collateral beano: on •gric•,lrtire n.av occa-iur.a:ly Lc 14'1;1.151) intrudnced,-such as the ge •1.•"v, the bot any, snit the arboricnanre of the country ' nor eh,'u1d we cnosider the mer1i cleans of improvement of the heart and mind, entire- ly 0,11 of place 1n the ,t' e. elung dticu-,:ons. i,iht's paper. THE V;1 RMl'it-A uxawn►ui, SKE'CCA. ET nny. r:uwanD ev0nttrr. The non who stands upon hie own ►oil, who feels that by the laws of the land in which he livor -by the law of cieihaed na- tions -he is the rightful and exclusive ow- ner of the land tt hick he tele, is by the con- it-.tutten of o•Ir na'11re, under a who;eronle io6 iencc, not eas.ly imbibed from any totter source. lie feels, other 1ltings being equal more strongly than another, the character of men se the lord of the inanimate world. Of l5le great and wonderful sphere, which faahioncd by the hand of God and upheld by his power. to rolling through tho heaven', .-portion is his; his from the centre. to the sky. It is the space nn which tho oencrr lion before hiss moved in its room, of dutie,, an.l ho feels connected himself by a risible • link, with those ehp preceded him. es he is also to thole, who w 11 5tlew him, and to c hom he is to transmit a hone. Perhaes his farm, has cum., down to him from lea Lather,. They have (r0'to their 'het !iamr; het ran trace their footsteps over the .cents of ha daily labor,. Tire roof which. slithers hits• was reared he (hse to when, he ()wee his heinr. Some interesting J i. mestic tradition is connected n•ilh every en• closure. Thr favnrt'e fruit tree Ivan plant- ed by hie father's own hand. Ile sported in hie boyhood beside +tie brook, which 511111 winds through+ the meadow. Through) that field lies the path to the village. school of earl:est dace. ..He still hears free his window Iioevoice. of the Sabbath bell wb.ch called his fat':cr, and hi+ forefathers to .the house of God, and near •n hand is the. sent where his parrot, laid down t° rest, and where when his time is enrne he ,hall be laid by kis children. Three are the feeling, of the owner of the moi!. NVorJs cannot paint them, gold cannot buy them: then flew out of the deepest f•onnlein of the heart; they aro the fife spring of a fresh, healthy and generous national character. F.Ncrt Posh. -A prartical farmer in- forms the °dem. of the. Hartford. Times that in taking tip a fence that had been set fourteen year., he noticed that pame of the posts remained nearly onion]; on looking for the ranee, lin found that than, posts that were set limb part Joon, or in,erteml from the way they grew, were around. 'rhnsr that were set as they grew. were rotted oft. The fact is w'o'rthy the a•tenl on of every farmer. CO1111'ALITIt: A no :ter Laving put her son in a law yer's office called erten Irrv,,,Minirter to a•k hit pr . that Ih.• boy M•thl hr kept from evil. " I understand yon," sa`d he, " you' have stuck his heel into a Ilnn's lunette ant Vol want me 1n or to that the ferocious ani- mal may not Li o him." Tito. BE\\'ITt'IIFD II1IS11S1.\N. Among IL, crowd paraded brfnrr Iho po- lice josuce, a few mornings since, was a yrnor, n,,etabl•-look•ne, rlirtq nnehaton and un -i ern, w-hnee ' knotted' and ' une'n' bed lock-,' As an bcter lance gave it, n:ieht not be parted, even by the tele of ll*mires shoat. Ile had the remnant of a 0041 on her back, an 1 toe nr'L,-r extremities err, perttatly covered by the fraku:ent of a pair of panlalonnr, which were temporarily held up by means of a string, f.ntened to the burlonhnle of the coat. This wretched creators had been picked ep in the streets during the night, and paraded in the pres. mice of the sitting maristra.e. 1n the nfnrn_ Seg His eye was not In ' a Ane phrenry tolling,' but it indreale.I that reason wag at least tottering, if she not already fallen from her throne. ' What do you he shout the streets fun !' inquired the sitting 'encs, ' For went of a better place, ycr honor,' maid the fellow. 'What 1 got 110 hems?' 'The diet) a nee.' , Why, what do you meso t' 1 atm whets 1 esa, and elope where i tan.' • Yikt ate a vagra.t, then?' IT., may toy that, sad tell no Tres ia- 111f. Te tat you tlra tenth, I'y, just b. - w l l shed.' • Bowe bed ! yes, by sk. deed; Perhaps per right ; but Il'm Iewitebed 1 a ut.' ' Yee, by the de'gii.ed in strong Jriuk.' 'Be the powers, tbl, it tress 6o'n Au by. Jraut, and this rely loteselb abort thea ie that u'a sometimes strong of 6al.. But know Put bewi'ebod ; dldet 1 tab a grow con, and aorta a enibt.mer kern to it ;- d!d'rt 1 buy a ho se, and wsr'nt 1 kill by the baste !' '0, ye., i iIroeretandall netts, do we spin, lad yet of �I, w all his glory, was nut arrayed better than es, be'J many • bare neat scull nut at the elbows. Therefore, m place of the' poor' put in the word , chore.' and then it will run lair war. '111) that inset to the clarge Iendeth to the Lord,' which is the true and unadullrated nothing of the teat. That eicieg the test Thea row for the applica- tor!' :-I ', only la.t Tae+ I or since 1 went 1 idown In the fair of Lieu •Id, to bot • horse 1 and it rained as if the heavens and the earth _ were coming tortoise,. Well, there you were in hrtndred.. the wbnl, set i yeu- aot you 1''* ked on me while 1 was gel nap erg to the skin, and, so lar as you Mfg If concerned, not at inch deeper ; there wa: vat core of you who said. Father Preto will take a glees !' or • Ember Proof, will yon ake• tumbler of punch ?'or' her Prout I will you take a shabby pint of porter t�no, not SIM of rou ! wherehr 1 was oLUlel t.. go to the hone. of Yr. Mus R.arhe of Yy!•'- eau, a dace,•t fellow, and a honest men, al- th0o:h he is a heretic : and there. U1 yuur ever al discr,ce, 1 got u.v.elf as full as a t,ek, aril Men sent me horns to his won earr4go- which is a shame to you who be long to the true risen'+. 1e that fulfilling .I,0 ecrpther 1 le that following the wore. of the taxi, • Ile that gtnoth to the clagy l !matfett. to the Lord P What recount care I etre of you when I am axed on a certain l eeeaei00 that ,hall be nen:elf-4I IIt,w- ever, era .war, and think of it -and never about that -- You arae never in your store, but at the +eroo shoos, wetter dnirk ; and, 1 dare car, you mete in that Grate ere day, and gut Monett fr ma your wagon•' ' Fa•th vou'.e a witch for geearting, yet hover ; that'. the truth, Every word of it ; true for ye.' - \\'by J••n't yeti keep 1 Durso'( decent r ' 11nwv'il 1 Jo it s Welt, you might keep v. ur pautaloona 'P.' 1. allow would 1 keep 'cm a,., when the w,'rhea ate always a tuggioe at 'em r n nos reels seemed to sonify the jnatice that the man ate. not fit 10 be nl I hefty : so be was provided with a simmer residence on Blackwell' iiland.-.1',.o Turk Sunday LAt•unlaLw.-An amus ng score otear red ar•tcrday at the P••ntiac Deeot. A r, ,fain roInrrt loser, frim the nei;;hhor. !tool of Pontiac., lied tome to the ,age con - Clinton of taking his ,flamer nn the cars to viii& rho city of Detroit, rod learn the way.. of the world, as certain nrr.on of the 55100 eke have done be(ute. On the carr .riving ,.t t',o depot, the young Lolhari . resorted hie Lady -tote on to Ile hiei.r ..f tl:e'RaiIro.�J lintel, when the following &aloguo occurred • Now, Rican, did'nt I tell you i would s0mo day take you to Detroit, and chow you the •t„ ),ts-'idiot 1 T ' Well, yrs yeti did. Peter.' • New you Moist always love me, won't Too, for that? nor never speak another word robably a former to Jou P uleat:ing p Inver of ll.e lady'.. • The young country lover expected, as we might reasonably expect an atBrn.ative.an- swer to this tender snhcitafion. But alas Ger human expectation's, his hopes were dironed iu be bl etted, and we presume he felt the truth of the couplet, that "The tonne of true lure Lever did run sineut!,," when his Susan very emphatically answered • • lies, i will. thoygh, Pete. I like Ium a errvat deal hotter than! do poo, ar41 alwat s dbl. 1 think you area big jealous fou!, any 'Oh; ye-lei•era ! it is rely you who know how le empathize with the anecish and muttttieat:on of Pete. \V,1, mouth cxnan' lei!, ate! largo white eyes roiling in t I:cir I. sooketr, ae ihou.'h ready to leave their itron2 bony encasement, he etn:.d gasping f,r breath ; and what the drrosmcn( wield have been. it is impnesib!e to tome -Mel' had not his persecutor, Mr. Lester, the Ventral- ngo:.t, who to-r.ow perfonn.ng at the ct'v hall, !clewed, and rid:eyed the alarmed Ieyrr el his awful anprehcnaion■, and expbalnrd to hien how. throng:1 his ventrltogwd p0wcra,• he Lad'imitaied the voice of his sweetheart. and been the. means of her unexpeetcd an- .w'er. The countryman ahree,telate•I:N itis hie Su!na,sic:I !J"'fir,l 11 gas a,n!v a j kr • end ole preemie' Ise is .tee in pursuit o1 the elephant-Drfreit Bulletin. , 'Capital Puuishmcr,t,' air the boy said 01100•tle school mistress seated hnu w-i:h the gide. There is a man out west who has Foch a gond temper that lie.hiren h m,elf rut in the summer to keep people enol. -1 philosopher asierta that the reason why (melee' teeth decay sooner than gent:cumin's, is because of the friction of the tongue and sweetness of the lips. As two lawyers wore taking their gin at one of the reepcctable grogrrios, a person obsoryedlhat they were members of the bar. Yee, paid the landlord -practising memhere. FATl1i:R TROUT'S SERMON. Many are the et1rie5 . Qo,t of the real Father front, in the wild district in which he daelf, but his meat famous performance %vat bis eer1non. '►'hero I. au old story., resting, 1 belies. on no better authority thin dim Miller, or *erne of hi. kindre(, .that Dee Swat erect preached to the text of •' Ile oho worth to the pour lendeth to the Lord.' nod telt the sermon w.,* on'y .r 11 you like the security, down with yo':r Just." It 11.av Ie reasonably doubted that the dean, or any other clergyman, made sech a dl.co.rse : bot it is tolerahly ecrtaia that I';.•u' d .Lc •ted something like the ful- 'o•,I11gnn the same text :-" Ile that 'iv- , ti. to tied. poor !cadets 1" :he Lord,"-. 'I'!wa Is my text, and new I1.1tcn to me care - hilly %loin 1 rv;,LJn 11 to ye. In the first place, then, .tis nrressarv, according to the rule. ut bogie. with which 1•.I net trouble Nae tik.%) el )on, for that would be throwing. wool. bcfnre /twine. that w,' ere to define- f that ie to fill', to explain the meaning of i our word*. het.,re we proceed .n reaanning ' upon'tn. 'I'Idn, the eh n•( word here to be ' ex:dented, .f, a ht/.5 1!i,, • po•,, 1' Of rest 15 .isy enough. at batt s° I. r .o the explana- tion Noce, thoursh, 1 don't ft I4 it curve at.y n any other way. New, you'll p'raea Rev It'+ the beeger, and the cep p'e., and the blind trevellere, and the rest of thrum kind of cattle, ,tow. the poor ; it'. or, sneh thing -for that's their boaters* to beg, just as oociI as Its your Detainees In dig, or to 1h,ssh: they're uteri to it, and they hire H 1111 long may it he a prnvlp.nn (or them and (heir heirs for ever. Then again, ynn,ll ray la's your own.elves is the poor ; God know. you are pont. and nagtirly [niggard- ly) enough, but von ain't the poor that's n,esnt In the CCriother. Ain't it your na- ture to dove and t II ? To be sure It is ; and therefore he tat wont, give to you, would not be len ing to the Lord in the Iota degree. but Indeed throw mg away hie money. Then you'll ex me who's the poor ? sr? VII enlighten ynur blind ignorance by letting you know that It's the clergy of Gud. lee I sod my hrerhra that, the poor ; we do nothing whercb f we are to get nor bread, harting feeding you with spiritual ln•true ion*, sad ugly mouths you bays to I. -• Pro p.ctw sf L44• mount), • Wee */ Newspaper, l4 psblieutioa of a-4(ck le be cont,weocnf ieunediutrly t• the Tats. of Br•stfnrd. Oilko so Colborne S.S. over the old Pest Ojee. i,1I1F. rapid advance of Brantford sad ibis i p,orti-'n of the Province ie population wealth and imporlanre-tte premien de monde of the uWligent lehabnanb for r and correct iefremai.one-eba adrntaltan numrr• us friends, am,,) the inllweemson t a Nrw.p.per reeducated an literal led pe,emple', will ree0're 1r* betray Mari' ri' Mike liberal and the joer,�isfInese• the nede►.iglted to nnJer'•ke the r.' .l i•' ml•r' of a resi retable looa►aaf in this pito-, feeling armored shot (rein his know ledge .f row' - 'bans and Canadian off.+e, rain,' be area he re in this e..lonv et *early i enie rear*, he will be a1•le to rrr.Irr 5,. paper wnetbr of ole patronage of Canadian. reeerally, and esp...•i.lty of thee* em,on-it whom lie h-,5 rr-n!e•1 for the to -1 Are ••• •ix The lfrcold writ slrreat. Bri'i•h e.ntei ion, the re'p,nail Oita. of ruler. to I6, i ,.r wh••u, 'hey a -e employe.) sal pa d -•Ir right of the people to 1,anage (heir .tors a6'airs-!he can -g of bhrrte ,ted an 'di - ewe... and indeed, everything that may teed to nlrlinra•e 15.-rondltton ofC.mid.spe• To detail a'1 that the firreld will seaport es °ePees', w:,ol l far exre^d the Itemise vat .hi. advertotemenl, it mar, 1110nf ce. eafficc t0 ewe, that falsehood and..ibelJry be exposed In the same shams' terrain x'i I nof, in rte column., be permitted to 0f rc- fu -.,:g a loan whir, the Lord requires it-"- "tpurp the place of truth and sourl,k 5rpu. Literary Chronicle. went, and that the !realest care will be token. by the exclnaion of unmoral and valueless. and the ad. -mitre) of chat,. and useful readier matter. en render the Herald a valuable FAMILY PAPF't. and at the same time horn arrangen,rn's which have been made for secerine the uuost important and varied intelligence from every pall of the fl Hoe Frost/ the Flag of Our Union. CONSTANTINOPLE. 15 M•YraN M. •*LLOD. F.ir city of the dreamy Post, Proud dso,hier of the sea, With thy Ihoueand linguine" and minarets, We dip our pen to thee. Tboueh four-sn;l-twenty lines besieged, The tie 11.re pressed thy wads, T:.0 crescent Full in crimson field Floats o'er thy princely halls. Aa pearls ahn01 a diamond set, Its be.u'ies to adorn, Eo, snrlclnne br thy emerald hills. Sparkles the Golden flora. Boephnres sad Msrreora'a era Lave'thvch p:eshore; And murzei•, from minaret Shouts as in dsya of yore. Spices and perfume.. rich and rare, fly nmol. (non arm, With finest fruits, profusely crowd Each Sluesului,u's bazaar. And Loma den and incense wood, With gum from Palestine, Andtlenieni may the Prophet be- dlich jars of Persian wine .' Ilaw oriental is each scene That sweeps thy shores along. The gilled pique, the °plant Ship, The Turk:.h (ruatn:an'asoog ! Fair city of the dreamy Eget, • ern:;.l d: :ahter of the FOR ! From very obJdhood we have dreemed OC iomaoceend of thea LEAVES mod i1t 'INGs GOI,DSJIITH. Jruxs s AND GoLn,aunr.-in this year. 1761, Goldsmith became per.oual!y acquain- ted with 0r. Johnson, towards whom lie was drawn by •lroag svmparine., though .4,41.1, it will be found to posers* high claims for Ruppert omen all cJa•aes it the cnnlaluwity. As neither trouble nor 0x• pen,o will be •oxred to make the /liven • de rrmm. er of much inf nratior, and as it e de -arable That such information be as wu!eiy (Wasted as possible, the price of the Herold will he so low as to bring it w,thin he reach of MI; and whilst every e•tt,rt w,!1 be used to make it rank ',woe ..f the best, t 14,11 also he one of 11. ci ape.+ papers 'd he •ize in Canada West. Cite Herold till he !•rented: oD • Inge lu:peral sheet. with entirely new ntalertala, •nil wr:l be puhlshed every Sb1Imlay Morning, for t1i a ear. it paid in advaeee: #Y4 a year. If paid within its nionlbe; and *i3 a year, if not sat aid; in ell cases exclusive of postage.- 'rom the exten.tve-elrolatton wh:ch 1' aa 111 ave, the Herald will be a desirable Ire. I111111 for Advertisements, which will be in - cried at the 11.ua1 vies. All communicat- ions to the Editor, through the Post Office, lust be pre -paid. W. JOHNSTONE. Editor and Proprietor. Brantford, Aug. 16, 1849, a3n30 C.4 kI E into tic r nr:or,ure of the Not sober on t5' f.rt. Jay of Septen.' er la=t a'• RED STERit,.abont tb ee y.a s el 1,.w :5 a loth: tvh.te on the ball; . T.e o•.inee can come and take hint asap 5/ prottiog property sod pay,ns expewe... WM. GREEN. Colborne, Oct., 23, 1849. - x3-139 LRF. PREPARED R SOLD 17 J. HEW- LETT. 15,3 OBOE STREET, TORONTO Bad at' /gate doing* tAa Provinces. Hewlett's Restorative Balsam, lives Is. 3d per Jh.(ale: This Mrdkttys 0 a safe IDA s6kaeioue IMO iw Dteerb.a, Dveeotery, Bloody Flux. 1telayattee, end !hal i:teoedarsd mate of '5• IL.e.ls sopeevairni during the hot weath- er, kr•••wn as the Summer Complaint ; &leo, tor the CS'lera M..obus. Ilewlett's Fin brocaLion, . Plan I. 3d par Biala. P. r IND ('00 of Kheumarism, .BURNR, Nrable, Bru,se., Sprain., It 1weltlemo.Creesp, Cbtlblan., Ciao. (free %V Ude, 4t*i0'hesa ea the Joists and N ek. Niisabtaess, Piles, roupti.ne to the tikin, ke. kr. Hewiettis Stntnachic- Tincture; OR, STRF:NGTI'ENINfG BITTERS. Price Is. I044. par Bottle. For the care of 55 rsk 1) 411.tlon, Shone Dteeas's, Pains in the Stomach. Looe of .1••r••''•tc, General Debility. Palpitation of the H.•rt. Cnnsainpuinn, kc. kr. (J }` Thi, Medieire is one of the best and eboapeet In e'mcedatio•. CANADIAN FRIEND; 4)R Hewlett'!! I'lli\crsal Oii,tutent Pres 1s. 3d per Bottle. For tro I°0 COM11.11o011 otrvrry deecrtp ,inn. Cl. rotted Sure Lege, Bi Or, Scal'!s, ('hilbla.n•, ke. He%ylett'a Aperient Family Pills FOR BOTH SEXES, A remedy for Cost !Penes., Pains end (ltt- dtnna in the 11rad, Disorders of the Liver, Stomach, ami Bowels ; also, lcdigestton.- Price 9d, per /fez.. HEWLETT'S Apperient Family Powders. fr'OR BOTH SEXES. A remedy for ('osnyenees. Pains and Gid- diness in t5. Head. Domeier* of .he lover, Stomach, and Bowes; also Indi,peetion. (17' To the ninny re rfnns who object to the taking of P.1!., these Powder., are rec- ommended, an.l for Children are preferable. -Prig le. Sd. per Bottle. Hewlett's -lntibiliotls Pills. Petri 1,. 3d.. per Bottle. An eircellrnt reined', for Beiotis Complaints and CosUrrnr,.. They remove all oJstnic- n..na on the Stour.ch, at the same torte Strengthen the Uige.tiveOrganr, Extricate these Pains attendant upon ihrorders o( the Stomach, act as • Tonle Upon Relaxed Constitutions, and produce -Vigor k Health • Hewlett's Pectoral,or Cough Pills Price le. 3d. per. Box. For the cure of Cougha, and Asthmt.- These admirable Pills are meet beneficial to the .ieeedv removal of Coughs, relteee diff.- 0wAy'.n t.reatl ing, so try nn to Asthmatic. +uhj'cte. and eroeuro the ref eah ng COM - Tufts of rest aid .leen. Hew le't's Dinner Pills. PRICE Is. 3d. per Box. 'For remnc:ng Uhntrectiors on the Chest, felt aflrr eating. particular!Ye y ager Dinner, raq•rd by great %V, aknear and. Debtllty in the 11 (envie Organs. Hetwlett's Infant's -Soothing CfrRDldl,. iMPORTANT.T(, '1* )TliI!RS k Verses, 1,500,000 ACRES 01e LAND l Fur calami Pains rn the Buwcls ind Sir- their irtheir natures trete widely d; iercot. B,tli I POR SALE IN had e11ugglei from early life with poverty. but hail stnreeted in d&llere•it w are 1, 1.1- -e..1;; b t..t.u.t, her.!'• - b: ary l t.1;.orary rxprtent ; cast down ,:1. every turn, but rising a.ain with indomita- ble good -humor, end s':11 carried forward b, hoe talent at hnprn_. Johnson, melancholy' and Lypochundreal, and prune to apprehend the wolet, yet ste,•nit• resolute to battle with and romper it, ,Wade his -way &teem lie alit/ gloomily, but tt nth a noble principle of re1Lr-I:anee and a disregard of foreign ai.f. Both had bean irregular at College, G.old- em'th, as we have shown, from the levity of his n'tere and his social and convivial hob its ; Johnson, from his acerbity and gloom. When, in after lite, the latter heard himself spoken of as gay and frolicksorne at college, because he had joined in some riotous ex- ceeace,'• Ah, sir!" replied he, '• I was mad ant violent. It was boterncss w•h•ch they mistook for fr.•l,e. 1 tars miserably poor, and 1 thought to fight my .ray by my litera- ture and my u -it. So 1 disregarded all pow- er and all authority." Goldsmith's poverty was tfrvcr accnmpa- nte,l by letternea.: but neither wan it ac- romranied by the gnardinn prde u hoh hoot Juhnenn froth falling into the degradlnj 'shifts of poverty. Goljemilli had an .nfor- tenate facility at bnrrnwir..g, and heluio_ himself nInug by the centnhutinns ..1 his (needs : nn doubt trusting, in his bra;•efol wav, of one day of -making retnbntion.-• Johnson never hoped. and therefore f,'ver horrow• d. In hit sfern.st trials he proudly bore the ill lie clink' not master. In his Youth, when some unknown friend, scone his shore completely worn 011', left' a .new pair vat his chamber door, be disdained :o secret the boon and threw them awn. Tnongh like Goldsmith an itnmethn.l!cal attident, he had imbibed dceeer draughts of knowledge, end ma L: 1(1100.11 a niter schol- ar. While G,ldamUt'a happy Constitution and genial boners tarried fpm ahro,1 tote on -hilae and ',nett mens. Jnhn.oree physical -6 rn tie• and t,uiial gloom ,trove bun up - .n hemeeIf, to the reso'tre,s of reading 11,J ueJrtatron; threw a deeper thou -h darker enthusiasm Into his mend, and atnre.l a re- leopco memory with all kinds of knowledge. The Canada Gazette of Saturday, cen- taine a general or.lor fromtheAdjutant Ge- neral's Office, removing Lieut. Col. Ge K. Gowan, from the Willa of this Pru incr. We leant also, that Mr. Gowan 54 been dipmis.e.I from the Magistracy.- ITe Globe, 30th Oct. New Church in Stratford. EALEI) TENDERS will be received by the enb.crtber on behalf of the Pre,br. rerun Church Blanding Committee, Strat- ford, till noon of the 31st Deer?nber next, for providing matcrtals, v,z,, Bricks. Lune, Store, Sand, Seasoned Lnmhrr, and Work, for the Erection of a BRICK .CHi!R,'ll, propnse.d to bet built at Stratford. Tenders may be made either for the whole or for any particular pert of the maleridle, aid according to 8p.cl6eatIona as proposed by Mr. Peter Fergnesnn, \rehtrpct, SIri1(ard, J. J. r. LINTON, Aceieg. Seri. Stratford, 00th July 1049. lyittt8t/ roach, so resent with Infant!, expelling the , Wind. and pr.:curang rofrr•hing sleep. CANADA WEST I Prirr l s. Sl. per B..Irle. '1,11E .CANADA ' •\ll'.IXi Sate f,' 11 ' :0posal. abo:.: i. ,ieeo O'.1CP.ES.UF I.ANDdist-creel thr•.ngh.:ne mast of the Townships 111•L,iper Canada ---nearly •500.- 000 Acres are Rlt:tatcd uLthe ilsror Trucl. ! well knnw'n •30 ofle of tut fittest fertile parte of the .Pros- ncc-it has trcb eel Its papilla tion In five years, and now contains up wards of 20,000 111ha5(tanta, • Tho LANDS ere offered by way 0 I, l, .9 N I;, for 7'ea rears, or Jo Nair, C .9 V Il D 0 ff'.%-t.5e plan . one jtflh C,,h, and the balance ire Instal merits bring done away milk. - The Rents payable Int February eac year, *re.aboot the Interest at Six Pe C.••1t.upnn the price of the Lard. Upon min ofthe lots, when LEASED, NO)MONE 1S REQUIRED DOWN -whilst upon tl others, according to locality, one, two, o three years Rent, most be pad 1n advawc -but those payments will free the Settle from further calls until 2nd, 3rd or 11:1 ye of hie Term of Lea ,'•. 7'he right to PURCHASE the FRE IItd1.D Jurwg the term, is secured t0' tis Legere ata .tel sent named in Lease, at an allowance is made according to antic pate) payment. i Leets of Lands, and Wolter ther inJorma tion can be ()berthed. (hy application, of b letter post-paid) at the Com eaarea Orncer Toronto and Goderich ; of 12. limns al. Esq.. .4spborfr!. Colborne Dirtr.ct ; Dr At•L1s', Gnelph, or J. C. W. DALT, Esq. Stretford, Moron Dist,urt, Goderich, March 17, 1848. 7 f f h 1' ,f e. a E 7 ti CHOLERA ! CHOLERA ! PREVETTIOV I•' BETTER THAN CUR HEWLETT'S RESTORATIVE BALSAM roe YRrt (URN OF Dir.rrhan, Dysentery, Bloody Fl.r, fielerahew sU%1MER COMPLAINT AND CHOLERA MORBUS. Price Is. 3d. per Bottle. \I •-••. 1'. 11. Clark k Co, P„rt i, nil. Mr. Wm. J..111.0 tydenhah1, Owen Sound 1; ,derlch, 20th August, 1P40. 2v -n29 3 STII.1Tlt)RI) IRO\ FOUNDRY. HO I; MANUFACTURE. ?VIE Soh -critters in retornto thinks to their Customers t •r the liberal sup.. pert they have reeeiaed ,'rice cummrncing businre., beg to intimate, that they have for •ale at low rate,, Cooking, Bon & Paris)ur Stoves. alto Ploughs of eight de/lemon-me, and con- testing of the moat improved Moulds. Self- acting ,Hill Dogt, and various other tat- ting.. Haying engaged an experienced Machinist, the 5ubecnbere can confidently recommend their TI!RASiIING ,MA- rHINES of :he newest des:gn,'both sta- tionary and moveable, and would solicit a call from intending Purcltopers before buy- ing elsewhere. All orders pun•tually al- ts deal to and executed old: neatness and despatch. ORR k WiLSON. Stratford, 13th ,Si.o1;09..v2-nt8tf. PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS. THE Subscriber begs leave to inform the Inhabitants of the District of Heron, and the nr.iehbnr,ng Districts, that he has ' Established himself in Stratford, and ti prrpard to give, Plan* and Specifica- tions of Public er Prvvate Buildings. Bridg- e!, b1.R Dams, kr, kr. ke., and will take the eopenntendetiice of such Erectiune, on the meat reasonable terms. P. 1111 thorough knowledge of hie professlon and hie pr* -lice as Redder, qualifies him for lane undertaking in the lino. Address post paid, PETER FERGUSON, Builder, kr. kr. Stratford; C. W. Stratford, March IOth, 1849. 2v-o7tf (37. it has been attest, by experience, and fnun'ed 0o the fart, tk*at an attack oI the Cholera is generally pleceded ht Pre- monitory Sympt.•me, principally lis -order, of the Bowel*. This premonitory R-laxa- lion and Diarhrea, being without Pain, and not interfering much with health, re gener- ally not noticed, until it is followed with decided Cholera ! The time to petrels( the Dte.ea.., is t0 herr reee o, 0n ire first ap ranch to Ile S,U s Rnaro(irr ?i.i raw, bleb will prove efficacious .n staying 1111 pr rem,, and preveWin, 1!'e Cholera. in ea iee ofecid0 d d Cholera, the .bore Ye- dretne will be of 114 00nse service. No Family should be witboet a Battle of this 16alnna •e 6154. Prepared auly by J. Hewlett, 93, York 81141714d. *r.•4d. ToreatoA, Pnlby B. PRSONS Goderich 1• Mown. P. B. Clark k Co. Pert .Senna, Mr. Wm. Joey 8yde.hant, Owen Sowed Oedertabe Beth A.g.st 1 see. v! -as/. STRATFORD HOTEL. (LATE Nay's.) THE Subarriuer informs his friends and the Trsre111111 Public. that he has leaped the large BRICK TAVERN, at the Emit end of Stret(ord, (now the rnunty town of Penh.) lately occupied hy Mr. Isaac May, -where he will be ready at all times to afford the usual comfort and ,applies and promote the personal convenience of his • guest,. 1VINF.S and LIQUORS of the beet de- seripnnn. .1 Meade Hostler 'twirl 1n auendanrr. ALBERT G. HATCH. - Stratford, lath Jely, 1849. 2e-nt6t/ Ull P9IIVNB1T! THE Subscribers will pay the HIGHEST MARKET PRICE for Good Merchantable Wheat. JAMES PORTER & Co. Goderich, Oct. 17, 1849. n37 rt t, 11lLwt1rr M0Irl1rAT'll - VEOETA/LE' LIFE RILLS 11 PHt NIX BITTER$ The high ail ,.5.d 55,41551i, •55.51.rases n .&tees Morro bre eyiad fee their WIarN alV., le as uywraareo•, Ara yy perms litl praelloor polleg rot or ow her5s.•w/ w ierreary, bee spy._ Sy le trio. They re brow dear Bur , Irk teed .+r5. Iwufy tar a.i% w Noy Mira .w y the Na d the .0.10 vee. arr•Me NO ANL ININI>nam W IiTly* 4( •L see CNWJLC RALIWIIITAIA. IIrttTION1 of aM IILIDILR rd LIDNRTS. scum* ro•aas a LIT= owtrLAUrts.- la W .Yea W wart. Are Nee are= orae. Ore ode b. (.oil lar rible. florae. dorm awl arae, .re acre rye tree Illoberse..N are atrtere be weir. ire. IILga/ VNO& . lee .atom &«.ewer. /lose. COSTIRLYLaa 04414,10 de QOWam, caul c. cvNrnMP 1105. Uri web arrr ewere r tho rear c0Rt(Pr HUMORS. D•UPl,Lj. DT$PAITR*. n. per nab re ryosaba r. no omit eau www meoamoisme bereaery. a&WPTWS'r r ilsr Mew, sa norm -4a. PLATO LLNCT. ?EV MR soy A ITE. ew tin .exp sly we. sae 10.015 Ire. entire tea be Nati a sea. weds. or 0.115 lads- Maw soder. Ira Ne moo .stem N e Mars d 1*. Arora man Lr rhea. melons. r eeaaara- TOv TIIEN. BS awnerILD. A9n 5C CMMOWD. tlOLNtes ar CUIPL LYIUN, •UEMAL Dssss.sTiff DuuT. GIDDINESS. ORATLL. NLIDAUNLa. VOM, IOW. /NW/ Pt INFLAMMATORY Rtt1Vall Tax. IMPURE MAWS. JIUNDIVI. Lusa of Arra TIT& LIVIOOt OOIIt?L*I1!Tf, LLPRI(a r. toosx.voin al r: &l0 l'1taAL DISC./aa.- Nero 0.115 to emirate weir all the airs if Newer, vas eelr,e.-ae Una t5....t errata OreiNrd ar.aewira. 1-ilWsT ,,,-ijT.11. NLR YOUR fzl.ITr, lMLRrut'a COMrL•re •a 51 W nada OR0ANIC IIRLTIUNN, rILPITI TION O 4* I11I1T. PAD 7031 UIUUD. Taa er..t retwa..1 tyr m.i..w Ire read of ram 1 memo eteedr.5 br the re d ire Lib Medre•r ail PAINS at Ib rr, side. kak We. lids ad e'ee•a R/IaUMATIII T►r diced or trrir dieam will berm 1.bre M W W 0w10.5a RVSaI of ■LIUSD to the RZAD, SCURF •ILT*NLUM, $IILLLINmL ac.Roen'Lw es RI7f0'f Sell, w wee &sm., uLCLA1. .f,,e, dowereprisa W 0 It is II, 1.a Mire. are •leer r+r esti Y. r Noe Noisier. Perrot .rt it notroioibsw ,bra eye .res the. rearm r .r.Mror_ Serf ..s r ewer THE LIFE PILLS in MIR IIITTfI$ PURIFY THE 111009. And that remove all disease from the system. 1 0l I. trial .ill w t►a l I F E P1 1 I S lad P H 0:11 1 X BITTERS Mewl Mt rr.a, .t..alps- ti,ir t• 11. eMitamioa of easy priest. The Mori.. of these eerie ire er.r. pt op i whir Mpr 5.5.15. taeetber .ra► a ,aieriber rued '. Mt•en .ffa-a float $.,o,1,••,•' .orate ea l4 'rMeair, be, re .Loth i • a drawls( of Br../..y 510 Well ,Woo te w viae., 5. .hie. wryer .illi, Meyer re retry trey 1.4 u,. '01.. .rape.'., lad Sorrow are eeperaM.d, nut/Akre th.,oe .5,, porters alas .145 ASN .rumen eat N •wooed that they .n.•area ryes .4l. .51 d..0 5.y thio .,tis y lire .appy, bet r p. de, 5. retrad Ser they doer line. iin• or, se dor orb thaw QT P,.pr.4 d old b, DR. MILLI*>R B. liroPlrt'ir, US Broadway. e.arr 1 Arley ever, New Terle. Per Bele by BENJ. PARSONS, Sole dgeaf. Goderich, Jan. 08, 1818. TWO GOOD FARMS FOR SAL.E. (AXE within 2 miles, anti the other with - lo about 3 mules of Goderich Tew. Piot. The first is 1."T 19 to let Cowes - sten, Township of Godeineh, CONTAINING 164 ACRES, lelsouoeed at the one and by Lake Huron, and at the ether .6y & Publ o Road, -and the second is LOT 8 in 8th Concession, Colborne, \\'.Division, CONTAINING 100 ACRES, and is situated at the Jucction of two Pub. lic Road Fur Pas.rticular. apply to JNO, McDONALD, Esq, Godcrich, 12th June, 1849. n19-0 NOTICE. THE Subecribcr hating RENTED the \VAREIIUUSE and WHARF belong- ing to the Messrs. Davenport, of that place hat established himself as a fu0WAanla 1110 CON111Iaero11 ■0R0a11T. Any orders or commission from the Mer- chants of Goderich, wilt receive prompt attention. JOHN McEWAN. Windsor, March, 1849. tv-7otf. TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT. A. NASMYTH returning thanks to his !pends and nu merous Customers for the Liberal Pat- ronage which he has received during the past year, begs to intonate that he has jut received sn extene've Assortment 17zt ItdJ21=D7ti Immune, and is ready to Execute ell Orden givee to him with care and punctuality as formerly Goderieb, April, 12th, 1849. 2v-eiIOW Upper Canada Rebellion Losses. Receiver General, QQee, Montreal, 1115 March, 1849. PUBLIC' NOTICE is hereby given, that Clatmeote for Rebeihoe Lewes in Canada %Vest, who have not applied to, sad received payment of their Clams from the respective Agents of the Bank of Montreal, in the several dostretsse heretofore mortified will from and after the Ant day of. Jona next, be Decapitated to apply for p.yme.t of the same, either personally or by defy appointed Attorniee, to the Parent Bank in this City. (Sigoed.) S. M. ViOER, H. M. R. G. 1-12 the 4aron Signal, ate 11 PUNTED 150 emetaN' ROBOT rfe•ap&f BY THOMAS MACQUEEN, aDrTOw a.D PaoPaIrrba. OPTICS 0Awc!T INCASE, •001JmrR. • . Root awl Job Priming, executed with seethes. a•4 doepetet. Tram .r TNa Resew SI0AI.-TER SUM - LINOS per mom d paid *trimly is.d,...., or TW*LVI esu 81x PARC* web 1js erpientles of the year. No paper diseenrinred moil armee Go paid op, oleo' the publisher tbiske it hie adeta- tape to do se. Any iedividal i■ the eos11►y beeomi•g re- sponeiWe for Or Meerfben, shall receive • seventh espy gestic ET All letters addressed to the Miter inset le Host paid, •r they will not be ohms set d Ihs poste/lee TIMI1 Or aDvwaylarrae. Bit Iinn a5d .•der, Ant baw,yn LO 0 1 F.aeh nl'•►oieot Seams..,... . le 0 1 Tea Iin.e lad .arse, iriaieoprtiss♦ g 4 Over tea hies first ,tache' 0 0 11 Geis •' ' '6'wt Ii t'I. hr Lissy, � ` 17 A liberal Aidsert r j� sd,wN« b1 ohs ytM.