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Huron Signal, 1849-11-01, Page 4
2Ititsltatalti AMMO 00 Dlasoaa "ea Geese Lamm There ke essesely soy part o1 time eosin EMes hashed ashes cannot be obtained graste► or lees quantity : and ie the ,ieii of ah.ri.s, abundanee mai generally had. If the following remarks by Co Chapial are applicable to sell,, of whatever materials they may be compered, a knowl edge of this property of leached Rahes, would, in many instance', be of greet calec, At all evenly, the expe,ltncnt is tartly per - termed on a moderate reale. "The ashes, produced by the romhuption of wood in our common dote.•.tie fire., give rise 10 some very remLlal er IP 1111r.- Withoul being Iearbed, there ashes are much too active: but after having been de- prived by the aru.:n of water, of nearly all their mite and employed in thin state, in. der the name of tusk -ashes. they slid pro duce areal efface "Tbe action of the bock ashes is most powerful upon moist lands and meadow', in which ,hey not only f ril,tato the growth of nude! poet., bort if employed conetanily for several year., they will free the .oaf fermi weed.. By the use of them. lard conatanl- ly drenched web water may he free) from rashes and prepared for lief ling corer and other flints of good kinds." 1t has been frrq :cnlly auppo.ej that ash- es applied to wet, heavy poll.. In injurious Thls is probably no Ing in the application being in large genet:tire and t•t the want of mixing them intitnatrty a nth Ih.c 1oiL- Chaptal says, '•',VnoJ astute pes,ess the double property of amending. wet and clay- ey sol, by dividing and drying it, and of promoting vegetation by the salt. they con- tain." it Es writ kr.ou n, that t' a evenly Spread and intimately miens zed layer of mbar' which soils reeeee by horning the turf. produces extraordinary effect upon gram. lands.-Ceneare FLI. try in Ity be MARKT Or A Goop %1'oaano Ox. -Mr. ABS G. Sheldon, of %Vi'.mington, who hap great experience .n cattle, particularly in working oaer, and le regarded as the best authority, gives the following :- Long head, broad and oral between the eyes ; he eye full, keen and plca.atit. 8 ch 'narks denote ability to receive instruction and a readiness to obey. The short -fact starts mock at the whip, and soon forget. it. The black-eyed ox la inclined to run awry. An ox with eery large borne near the head is apt to be lazy, and cannot en- dure heal well. Forward legs straight : toes straight for ward ; beef broad, not picked ; the diptance short'between the ankh, and knee. There properties enable an ox to tercel on pave ment and hard ground. If Ihe ox toes out, the strain ccmcs nn the in.ido claw, and when travelling on a hard road, le will be lame at the joint between the hoof and the hair. When the toes lien out the knees bend in. An ox with crooked ),nee■ le apt to become lame by holding heavy loads down hill. - Breast full ; straight on the back ; round ribs, projecting nut as wide as the hip bones. Thee. are indications of strength and a good constitution. GaTeaelre Santis --Now IS the time to save many of your field and garden scedp- a duty always to be atlreeed to with the utmost caution and caro. The finest plants of each kind, having Ihe logeo seed tes- ticle, and the seeds should be gathered ■ sewn as possible eller they are ripe, and al ways on a fair day. Afterdrytitg them 1 the shade, which will generally rronre bet • few day., sod separating them from t'.i' seed veep -elle or husk., they .hntJd le bar• soled. bottled, or boxed up, and stowed in cool, dry place, until .they are ready fo ✓ owing or for rale. Be sure and save oral the best, eo that future crops may improv rather than run out. • ialaso . N e• elmi4. tm slam, lbow demi be no farther sempl.lst of the worts. Pee ny-oyal grow • spool aseoesly and 'headset Iv Is must el our bids ped paster.., .ad may be gathered in almost may quantity de- sired. It Is also a very eslsabls needic sal herb. M IMI'ALITISM AN F:rws•r.-Tbe following is rather severe upon the fair .ex : bet It is a good epigram, and cannot be suppressed, hit wham it may : Poor Nicholas bed a cl.morm's wife, %Vho filled his house with .nue and strife, And was the torment of las life, A., ii appears, A painter Intik his lady's Nee - Her huehand passed with quickened tee., .‘mil stopped his care ! Aa F;stir sly New Suer. -A man sawin with a saw that was not the sharpest in th world, after vainly trying to use it, brok out in the following exclamation-' Of s the saws that I ever saw saw, I never .s a saw, 11 that saw saws.' g e e 11 w n, s P• e The Albany boat bad just arrived, and the landing was as usual crowded with cabmo porters, loafers, kc. When the passenger commenced landing, a colored porter ate ped utile a country -looking chap, saying, ' Carry your baggage, sir e' 'No, 1 rather guess not,' was the reply. ' Shan't 1 carry your baggage e' • No ! darn ye! I ain't got aey baggage. The porter looked at hint for a minus Garr very coolly stooped down, and taken, hold cf hu foot, said with an air of Raton :ahunet'l- ' Why, masa, that's ore of your feet it. t ii I hang me if 1 did'nt think it was leather trunk !' .1 flood One. -A .on of the Emerald lee lately had eeession to tient our city in his vehicle, and hating arrived at his place of destination, aligbui and preceeded to Itransact his besiness. On returning to the place where he had left his horse and wag- on, he was astonished to learn Prim the -Mej tr that the horse Lad run away with it. ' Sure, an' did they break the rem. 1' in- spaired he of his Merman,. '0, no! 1 believe nut," was the reply. • %Veil, Thin, how in the name of Saint Patrick could he have goteet.e, fur aura an' I tied the reins to the wagon.' The Major vanished Pretty Good. --An editor of a Western paper announces that he hap a file boy. and exprcpscs a hope, that he may live to inherit the fortune hos father expects to make ht 'publishing a newspaper l' - •The latest definition of marriage is the following -An Insane desire to pay a young woman's board. Drat., ring.-' Do you know Mr. Browne' Yee, my dear.' is he not a very de.ery:ng man ! ' Yea, he demerre■ a flogging. and if ever he gallants you home again. 1 will gore it to him r Exit wife :n a fright. Hew they do it.-' Ike,' said a rusty old heathen of the depk, " how do astronomers measure the l s ance of the Sun e' ' Why,' replied the young hopeful,' they guess at quarter the distance, •u;l-Ihen mile Imply by four.' '1 he old desk worm fainted. Grammar. -A Yankee writes from San Francisco to • New Haven piper,-' A Spanish rid a the best Grammar in the world ; and, .:nee my arrival in low, 1 have been -Studying Grammar.' V. rnppoie P he'll conjugate soon, if the girl don't de. - ri neo' " A neer, :n Jamaica was tried fait there, inn ordered to be floere.l. Ile hogged to he I:eard, which hr•:rg c?r•ated, he asked, - 1f white men buy staler good., why,he be a no Veer,' ton r ✓ ' Well,' paid the judge,'se he wnuld.' Y 'Dore den, replied Wave a ':s my messa. o he buy toicn goods, ho ::new 1110 to!cn, and yet he boy me.' .1n l:ye t, Business -:1 Temperance lecturer a 'short teen azn finehed hta 1t< - t 'I'n,IATOP..s as )'.101) r01 M11.* t'ow..- Last year 1 saw an extract from seine of th newspaper, :n which it was plated the tomatoes were gond for cow.. D was not before aware That tl ey would even ea! them. Having more than were necessary for table use, i concluded ter try thein, which 1 did; and found that the cite: not only ate them with great avidity, but there wag • deed ridimprovement both fn geantity and quality of the milk. The cow rave more and it wa■ richer and of better flavor than before. 1 resolved then to sate plenty of seed, and plant them for the purpose.-- There urpose._There in perhaps no vegetable raster raised. They respire hot Utile culteat ion. and will grow attnoat any where; in the shade as " well aft in the sunphlne. 'rhe latge tome toe :s preferable on smote' 01 the size; hitt :he little round one is the hardiest, and the moot nnmermtp, ennatate and longest lea- rer. They should be gathered and fed when grecs do very well. The peed should be saved by inreading thein on paper to del. They should he floated in droll.. and then draws sad planted. Thu news shuuld be the usual width for such vegetah!ea.-Greif course thus-' Enally, my b`leth-sen, oh, phoild any of inn dank ardent alarms? My son Thema,. pat«,end the corner, has grit as geed root b. er as any in the coantrv, at ' only sixpence a quart.' C•saa.M 1Voetr. -These vermin are frsquestly very annoying to the fanner and gardener. A writer in the Southern Colt' voter my. that he had a sgo.re of very flue cabbages in hie garden, upon which the worm bad rommeneed nuking great sesta• gee, Pennyroyal was gathered and Scat - tom] eve► the cabbage -heads plentifully, ase the work if ..Iruction erupted. Hoer cabbage garde can be protected effectually *gales, tic ravages of Then destructive de - :'.throe rery 1: 'na•knble.-The T dodo RiAdc sate, ' A v. ung lady sot here Is pa:d to be too lazy to get 10ar. •103.' Poeh ! that's nothing ! We know of more than one young a gond deal ton lazy for any erosible elan t th:n`k of marrying. A rervona and timid dandy having a, length acme ml up his Courage to auSmm1 to a bleeding, 50.1 hating undergone the npe reline without farting, paid whilst looking at the blood, 'Doctor, 1 thunk you are a ern •t butcher' ' Aye,' sold II c doctor,- ' and 1 have been eta -king a great calf.' An !Hell vset nary student when under examination win asked what he would rec. umnrend if there was a horse brought to h:m with a particular d: . ' Och ! by the power.,' was the answer, ' 1 would rec nmmrnJ the uw•:,t•r to got rid of bun Imine, diately.' Pretty Keels.-' Me dear, .aid a gentle- tleman to a lady whom he thought to be married, ' do you wash to make a fool ma T No: replied aha lady, ' nature has eared me the trouble." What is that d g barking .1 eiaskedas fop, whose hents oro more poli rd than hos i4... ' Why, beeause he sees another puppy in your bunt.,' replied • Atstander. .4 Vieeriaei.atieg Shot. --Two men, hate and Martin, event deer hosting. After .auiMag tageller fiwhib they Appareled, an, ems*. Jones b.errag the report e( Mn. He's goo, west to him. Seefeg so game, be ..ked beet if he bad .bet way tbisg. ' No,' NOW Martin, very careleesly,- '4r1.1 shoat spytbisg,' 'Mat Al you .boot .t r asked fuses. Martin sosm.d coarsest, sed evaded • re. ply. Junes looked around • little, and sew a calf grains, • short distance off. ' Dad you shoot at that calf r asked Jones, ';Yee.' replied Mortis, ' 1 shot at u.' ' You did'nt hit it though.' said Jones. ' No. 1 did'ot hit it ;' sad martin went on to explain. ' You see,' .aid he, ' 1 esti un• certain whether it was a deer or a calf ; and 1 shot so as to bit if it was a deer, and to mus if it was a cell !'" • Detroit, Oct. 15, The Roer market hada downward tcnJen- cy during the last half of the parr week, and closed heavy. On Halurdse sales of lora were rnade at SI 50, which seemed In be the ruling figure among hovers. bale. avenge from 1000 to 2000 bbl. per Jay for .hinment. There is an Inc.tidemand for grain, ex- cept wheat, for, which gnntatinne would be nominal. Corn Arm at 38 a 40c. Oats ta- ken freely at 14 . 25e. Barley 4i a 43. ToaoYTo, RIwCnR •SID LARK GURUS GAWP RAILanao.-The Barrie .MJugaet of Thursday, publishes the following resolu- tion, adopted at the late sitting of the S:mene Dieter! Council. ' Ordered --That the Council do congratu- late the nubile of Sluice° upon the pa.aing nfthe "Toronto. Simco,, and Moron Union Rade-eel Art," expressing their belief that it will ultimately be productive of great benefit to.tt::s District; an .trong 19 this opinion of the Council. that did rho Council were.. Ihe hell and defied powers of the , r.ew Municipal Celine': bodie., the,, should feel themselves jn.uficd ,n proposing large pecuniary aid to tl.e same." Such a testlmon:al' frnrn a hotly of men. representing every township in the Simco+ D:•trirt, mor+ 1. highly ir.ttlfv;ng to the i eromoters of the Ran read, and cannot fall to hate great wei ht with the puhlie at large. Under the new Mumr:nat"Act the Dis- tr•et toady will have power to take mock of Ills eesenptien, to w ha'ever amount they may deem expedient, and from the feeling that appears to pervade the whole Senene Dietr,ct in favour of the uropeeed Rarlrtad, there can be little dor+.t that the views of the present ('omic:l'nre will be carried nut by their successors under the new btll.- Clobe, Preop rtes .f the %1SRILD, a Ip'er41 Ares* pepee, tb p.Hisrfio..r/ wMrb i. to be cuwneered air-4.Ltele r. fhe leve of Brantford. fO.e .n Colliera. �It„ err the .ld Peel Q„%oo. THF, rapid advance el Brantford and thio portl•Is of the Province :o popnl+tine, wealth and iu.pnrlane.-Ihe preemie, de. mania of the i.lelligent Inhabitant• for full and correct in(,i' ,.,toe--Ihe solicitation el nutneroes friend., and the imnrcrrnn that a New/.piper conducted ori liberal and jos, principle., will receive the hearty support of the 'Mem' and the just, -influence the nnderatened to undertake the establishment of a re.pertrhln Journal in this place, feeling ss.ored that from his knowledge of Cana- l:ans and Cano tia,, aff ors, gained be s rest fence in this colony of nearly twenty year., he will be alto to render hu paper wort ly of the patronage of Canadian• generally, and especially of th•'se amongst whien be lea re•IJed fair the 1.1.4 fico a• ria yeare.- 'rhr Herald will advocate Brl'iall eon' es ion, the responsibility of rulers to those t v whom they are employed and paid -the n?hl of the penile to manage their oxen affairs -the rause of li`,erty Matti and reit- gimes, one indeed, evcryUune that may tend 10 meliorate the condition of careadians. 7' • ,toted all that the Herald will support or oppose, would far exceed the limits of Ihe. advertisement. 11 may, therefore, suffice to state, that falsehood and ribaldry eel not, in rte triremes, be permitted to metre the place of truth end enuud erg's. nice', and that the greatest rare will be taken, by. the exclusion of unmoral and valnelees, and the selection of chaste and micro! reading matter, to render the Herold a valuahle FAMILY P•PI:a. anti at the same Item from arrangements which hove been made for pet -urine the most Important and varied inLell•eenre irem every part of the 0 o!,l. it well be found .`to pnreces lith claims for support Anon all chases in the c nnrnnnity. An emitter trouble nor ex- Iwnpe will be Peered 10 snake the Herald s !Issen,inator of 'north informntior, and as it is de.rr1l,le that such information be as widely 417004 as preamble, the price of the Herold viol! he ,o low as to bring it within the reach of all: and white l.e every effort wit be used to make it rank as one of the best, t wit alto be one of the cheapest papers n1 the size in Canada %Vest, The Herald wit be printed on a lave Imperial sheet. with- cnercly new material-, and will be pu:l..hel every Saturday M1orning. for $2 a year, It paid in advance; Ca a year, ,f paid within six monilia; and 41.3e year, ,f not so p.l:J; in all cares exclusive of ploitage.- Frein the extensive ctrcuintion which i• w ill have, the Herald well be a desirable yrs, them for Adterti.emen1', which will be in serted at the imual ra'es. All communlee- tons to the Editor, thruugh the Post Office, must be prepaid. W. JOIINSTONE. Editor sad Prop,. fetor. Brentford, A4g. 16, 1349. e21130 C.111 E. into, the -,s^!o ure of theSul- .crlher os the fiery da, of ,Septem' e - a1 a RED- STEER, ab • it th-e y a s ole', with a lett,: wb:te o a t r• belly. T e owner can come and take him alai by proving property and paying .exp moo.. WM. GREEN. Colborne, Oct., 25, 1849. i2 -a38 AGENCY FOR THE SETTLEMENT OF THE CIROtWN LANDS, WELLINGTON & HURON DISTRICTS. JUS@. 18Se. 11 IIE undersigned, Agent aerie •Intel by -a 11;0 F:xeellencv'the .Governor-General for the Settlement of the Crown Land* in the Townships ot..Glenele, Bantinek, Brant, Greta ok, Kincardine and Kinlurs, 1n the Counter; of %Vate(Ino and Huron, hereby gtvea Notice to all pereocs wiling and hating means of Locating thereon, that hi. ()thee is •t rhe Pillage of Durham in the Township of ilentinck,• on the Garafrara Rood, where he will receive the appllcetton of the Settler,, every day of the week, be- tween the hours of Ni*x and Flye o'cloc't. 1 Fifty Acres of Land a III be given to any T .Settlers •etghtcen *ears old, ani • nthjeet 1) of Her Majesty, w'hu will present himself w provided with • Cert;tieate of probity and . soberer, •m ncd by known and respectahle u per.ogp, and hs,in.• the merino of providing w fur 'email( unill the produce of It's Lame Is soul ient In ma:resin hon:, .The bearer tit G chatCeruflc,te shall mention to the .'gent S (who w II keep a Registry thereof) hip o name, age, condition, trade or pr.des+:nn in whether he is marred, and If so the name and age of hie wife, how many children he ha., the name and age of each "f then, where he is from, whether he hats sumo• when. •ny property an! 1n what 'fownshap 1 he wisher. to .tattle. o The cunt tions of the Location Ticket t arc -In take poaaim:en within one tn•,nth . ). de alter the .tate tit th'e 'Picket, end to pot en t'rum a state of cuttiv,tion at -least -Twelve Acre. o 1 the laud en the course of four years -to amid t house and to re -:•le on the lel notil 1i the cent moose,/ Pt -Mil -nen, am duly fulfill- 1 L e!. after whoc'I arcompltehment only shall Al the Sexier have the melt of obtaining a t;- pa et- ni property. Famine. 'seve- ralcompr:.tng Settlers entitled to lands, prcterrin1 to t: 'mottle 0n • single lot will be exeneited fromi Ir the obligation of building and '.1 reanlenre, I T (eseept upon the lot on which they resole) provided the required clearing of the land ,e made on each lot. The nen-accomplish- ment of ,here conditions will cause the iln-, med'atc lore of the e'arenel lot of land, which will be pout or givep to another. The land intended to be settled is of the very best description, and well timbered and watered. The Roads will be opened on a breadth of 8K fee', and the land on each aide well be divided onto lots of SO acres each, to begra- tuuosl, given. Iles,dce the principal Road there will he ton °there (one on each ride of the princi- pal Road) marked out on the whole extent of the trertfarv, and on which free Loca- tion. of 5o sense will be r,,4,. But se the Government only intend to meet the expenses of aorvey on therm ad- ditional 505.111, the Grantees, will have to open the road to front of their I,leaunns. an The Dinar direct root, to resell the Agen- the ry en IM Garafraxa Rnsd i, by way of mo lueIpk and Flora in lhehVellingtnn District of GEORGE: JACKSON, lin Arens fen Siert/emus/ of the Durham Road. not �ri�ty Church in Stratford. eel $FLEt) TENDERS will be retried(' r akP Commit nn behalf of the Preab)- ten Chinch B•elJtng ommit tee. Tllra - ford, ell n, a of the 31.1 December next, fir prove lin material., re, Bucks, Ltpe, Stone, Sand Seasoned Lumber, and Work, far the Erection of a BRICK CHURCH, proposed to be hu,i1 at Stratford. Teedere 'nay be anther eler fur the whole or for any particolar pert of the mat.nal., sad Rerouting to Speeificaunn. • propn..d by Mr. Peter Fergusson, Arrhirt+t, Stratford. J. J. E. 1.INTON, Acting. Secy, Stratford, 30111 full 1.49. Iv -met( e iNB • fOis OWIXQ 111111111111111 ♦REPA E PRRID • 11104.11211104.11211104.112RT J. H``w- tyE 1'r, Ike. TWtOR •TRRL7, TOROWTO ' II /gems OW Prosiness. sinesr. Hewlett's Restorative Balsam, Pare 1s. 34. per /seC This Medicine uefficaciousa safe awl efficacious "lire for Diarrhea, Dv0,aterv, Bloody Flux, Relaxation, sad that duosrdered state of the Bota-ele. en prevails*, during the hot w.s'h- •r, known •s the Numtner Complaint ; also, for the Chrlera Morbus. Hewlett'a Embrocation, Price 1s. 3d. per Setae For the Curr of Rheumatism, BURNS, Cralui , Rrutper, Sprain,, Swelling.. Cramp, Chilblains, Lett., O,een %Vounda, Stiffness in the Joints and N •ck, Numbness, Pile", Eruptions in the Skin, kc. k.e. Hewlett's Slumachic 'Tincture ; OR, S'TRENGTIIFNINO BITTERS Pries Is. 101d. per Bottle. For the cure of Week 1),Qwstinn, Bilious D*.ea.en, Pains in the Stomach. Lusa of Appetite, General I)ehiluy, Palpitation of the Heart. Consumption, ke. ke. This, Medicine is one of the best and cheapest in circulation, CANADIAN FRIEND; OR Hewlett's Universal Oil.tment. Pries Is. 3d. per Bottle. For Curing C.,rrupuons of every dererlp- tine, Uleereed Sure Legs, Bonen Scalds, Chilblain's, etc. Hewlett's Apperient Family Pills FOR ROTHSEXES. reedy for Cost,wencep, Pain. and GId- dines. in the head, Disordera of the Liver, Stomach, and Bowels ; also, Indigestion.- Peke 9d. per Hex. HEWLETT'S Apperient Family Powd€rs FOR BOTH SEXES. A remedy for Cosuvence., Pains and Gel - illness In the (lead, D:porders rf the Liver, Stomach, one Bowe., ; also iudieeetlnn, 07' To ;he many pet -Fens oho object to the taking of PtIlr, three Ponders, are ren_ ommende1, and for Children are preferable. -Price Is. 3d. per Bottle. Hewlett's Antihilinus Pills. Price Is. 3.1. per Bottle. An excel'ert remedy for B, lite, Cemp'ainti and Cnstiveneec. They remove a:l otlyhtic. tions on the Stomach, at the same tine Stren_•thcn'h' lbeestiveOrgan., Exile -me those Pains attendant upon Demeter,. of the Stomach. art as a Tome Upon Relaxed Cons'it,,hnns. and prndoce Vigor k Health• Ilewlett's Pectoral or Cough Pills Price Is. 3d per Box. For the cure of Coughs, and Asthma. 'rime -able RIS. are meet beneficial to !the speed, removal of Coughs, relieve d I3 cults in breathier, 50 try tie to Asthmatic subject., and prorproem.*the tef•eshmg cool forts of rest and slept. Hewlett's Dinner Pills. PRICE Is. 3d. per Box. For removar,g Oboe ructions en the Cho felt after eating, parteelarly after Diane caused b. great Weakness and Debility Int' the Dtgepte Organs. Hewlett's Infant's Soothing CORDIAL. IMPORTANT TO 511)TI I ERS k Neese.. t' F" esarog, Pam" In the Bowels andeo S" I;J0�,000 ACHES OF L.:1'�D mach, so general with Infantr,expellingthe %Vint, and pee -urine refreshing sleep. Prise is. M. per Bottle. Sold by B. PARS,,NM, God60,64,01Mer,er.. P. B. Clark k Co, Port Sarnia. Mr. Win. J•.e'es Sydenham. Owen SnSneedGoderieh, 90th Aueort, 1140. 2v_199 3 • 1, 0 FOR SALE IN .CANADA WEST. THE CANADA COMPANY have for M di.poaal, about 1,500.000 ACRES OF .ANDJ:*periled throughout mast o/ the ownahips In Upper Can/Ida-nearly 500.• 00 Acres are situated in the Huron TrTrail.ell known n. one of tie most fertile parte ( the Province -it hes treb ed its popela- on to five years, and now contalna up arils of 90,000 inhabitants, The LANDS are offered by way 0l E .1 1 E for Tea Pearn, or for ale, C .1 SH DOW X -rhe plan . f ne fifth Cask, and the balance in Jnsful- eats bring. done away with. The Rent. payable let February sac!. ear, are shout the Interred at•Mux -Per ent.s upon the price'the band. Upon meat .' Fehr L,, when I,E.INFD, NOMONEI v C n STRATFORD IRON FOUNDRY. HONI MANVFACT('RE. ' 'IIE Sehacrrbers in returning thanks to • their Customers for the liberal sup- port they have received since commencing buainesp, beg to intimate, that they have for rale at low ratep, Cooking, Box & Parlour Stoves, also Ploughs of eight description, and c..n- swung of the meat improved Moulds. Self- arung .11i11 Dogs, and various other cls• t 111•ng'. 'Haying engaged an experienced S RleattIRED DOWN-whdpt upon the Vachmmet, the pubacnhers ran confidently there, according to locality, one, two, or I reeommend their THRASHING MA_ nee years Rent, ,neat be paid In advance, CIIINES of ;he newept design; both ate - bet these payments eel free the Settler denary and moveable, and would solicit a farther calla until gild, 3rd or Oh Vert call from intending Purchasers before buy - f lit. term of [.rare, I Ing elaewhcre. All orders pen tually •t• The riehr to- PURCHASE the FREE- I tuoded to and executed with neatness and (J1.D during the term, to secured to the despatch, roses at a fixed sum named :n Lease. and i nlluwance is made according to antlef- led pay inent: Lista of (rands, and any further informs - on can be ollalned, (by applcatien, :1 by Iter met•pa:J) e' the COMPANY'S Orr -lee.. pronto and Goderich ; of R. Ittaltaael., Esq-, .9sphodel, l'olhorne Ihatrct : Dr. At.L,Yo, G.r/ph, or 1. C. W. DALT, Esq., Stratford, lluron !battler. Goderich, March 17, 1818. 7 CHOLERA ! CHOLERA ! PREVENTION IS BE:ITER THAN CURE. HEWLETT'S RESTORATIVE BALSAM, Pna TRP. (TIM 0? DI'rerrhran, Dysentery, Bloody 11.r, Relaxation, SUMMER COMPLAINT AND CHOLERA MORBUS. Price Is. 3d. per Bottle. (3/°it has been attested by experience, d founded oo the (act, that an attack of Cholera a generally preceded by Pre- nitury Symptoms, prmcrpally D' -order. the Bowels. Thus premonitory Relaxe- s and Reit-tura, beteg without Pats, and Interfering much with health, i. goner• not noticed, until It is followed with ided Cholera ! The time to pretreat the Decrease, is to have reenurw, on its first appearance, to Hewlett's Rratorotier ilol earn, which will prove effieac,00. 'n staying ea progress, end preventing the Cholera. - in eases of decided Cholera, the above Me- dicine will be of Immense service. No Finally should be without a Bottle of this Balsam on hand. 'repered only by J. Hewlett, 95, York Street, Toronto. Sold by B. PARSONS Goderuch Meese.. P. B. Clerk k Co. Port Sarnia. Mr. Wm. Josie Sydenbam, Owen Sound Goderich, 20th August 1340. •2_1099. ORR k WILSON. Stratford, 13th Atte. 1349. v2-nt8t(. PLANS AND SPECIFICATiONs. T11F. Suh.cnber pegs leave to isfnrm the Inhahmtan's of the Detect of Hnrnn, and the neighhnring District., that he hap Established himself in Stratford, and iv prepard to g:ve Plan. and Sper,6cs. teen. of Puhlic e C Private Bulling., Brldg- ell, Mall Dams, Eec, kr. kr., and will take the superintendence of such Erections, oo the most rea.onable term.. Ills thorough knowledge °this profession and hes practtee as Redder, qualifies him for any uodertaktng in the lino. A.Idrr., post paid, PETER FERGUSON, Builder, Ice. kc. Stratford, C. %V, Stratford, March 18th, 1849. 2c-n7tf STRATFORD HOTEL. (Lm VAT's ) rliF: Subsenber informs his friends and the Travelling Puhlic- that be bas leaped the large BRICK TAVERN, at the East cn.l of Stratford, (now the county town of Perth,) lately occupied by Mr. (ease May, -where he will be ready at all times to 'filed tete natio! comfort and supplies and promote the personal convenience of his guest.. WINES and LiQUORS of the best de- scription. A steady Hostler always in etteadanen. ALBERT' G. HATCH. Strat/or,, 13th July, 1849. 1vlrt5tf ffIffiT! THE . ubacribera will pay the HIGHEST MARKET PRICK for Good Merpcant'tble Wheat. JAMES PORTER & Co. Goderieh, Oct. 17, 1849. n37 LtR7t! t1i• lief b. 110FFAT'b VESETA$LEa LIFE PILLS PHCENIX BITTERS at The hh�i� waded.siseety tsbtta tato. t•w+.lssse aq.nee.Is law Moister .Arse, le se mesa owsliee of the er Mem Thou anpang brews ••• •Myy motipeasfy. bet meow - by am ebbs; diets aro i* est lbs aime. Yma *ilial .e _Mir Ar LL tt)iIMIS MN:1111 (ase ASTEDIA. ABUTS was C9tOB10 a11U1ATMX eerammesi.f 41005,40100 ars xeaMI rel SILdoUS mynas t LI1ta OOMPLAIIITs.- I. oar arab awe welt. wire Ileo +arse. wn.,a. Orr well ho fwd as.ar.h. Pbaya. OiOrtw a.d 'Ear or aa. ars Slow lipow.a w,s Mow tae.*W a. wftlny tar BILIUUL CatuL(C. red *C*OPS Loos. MILta, CONTI/SNW. COLDS • 0L)Vmya, cNaµ•c•, C0 .IIes.11On Used wsa Over some r'ln emus CORRUPT NUJ/u*s, D0urafsa, MYSTI IPILL. tw map .ase ase. dr.earp die err, tarsi aro ono these week.. sweerd.la`. swemores f W eta. EX rSIPALA*, PLATY L1ICr, YIN VMR wag AOUE. ►.ataM sow sunt »..• la. error these o.410.. will be heat • .dl. seedy. ad SWAM wester. Otiee quires 1.•••••• rsat.ar Wow So r 1i.• of tea ,lassos -a ewe by ere ..*s.. sw..s,el - TRY THEM. Be aeTISZI1D, AND a CURCD. FOULNESS of C000SLIZIOM, oaxaatAL aaazL:Ts 10WT, WWDDINL.e, 0RAY1L useoecrltfl, Werra hloe, INWARD verse. MNILA*MITUAW 11111INA Tf.91L 15PURi BLOOD. JAUNDII:& W00 f Arr1. TITS. LIVE! OOaIPLA=ATR. L1Ptu81, LOOPSVS8E M.RCUKIAL DISEASES. - laws./ Orb is wsi.l• mum, ase we erect. ammo., i.4 wit.,, row tau O. ..m p..efel growth. of 10eW.nita NIGHT SWEATS. NIR roux DEBILITY. NS* roue COMPLAINTS f wl tiro USBA;t1C A/ICUTIoo'at, PALPITATION of Oar 1141T. PAINT1R•a 010LIC, P IL a ■ . Tr .tool prwp .wa.r of Orem .d,rne e wes send eV P4..O N yews Mambas by ear .. d Owe DA laySiewei ale.. 11.18 et lb* had, aide, Msec. Moho, sof sed memo. It,H E 11 M A T I e 1I. Tun •111%0•1 .aa this 0.47.4. Ara....: ho saw of whet by tar tilt aWianrw KUell of BLOOD 1e Ilse meets, s0ORrr. SALTRN0 UM. *iILLLIIW1*. sC4O1'LLA• r RING'S EVIL, is h• lininhaws. U L 0 t R R sway Menest.. W0111111111, limb. we aer.'sall, s.t.M3 b, these IMrie.t.s ra.seY *Miele ,Na t. eeel.*Iw Jr. ore e.W atop aenroce • seepaetd. 0.1K .,11 be emus. TDB LIFE 711.14 11D PIIQj8iI BITTERS PURIFY THE 81000, And thus remove all disease from the system. A WV. tris? will _ekes 1.s LIFE PILLS and PHR11I11 BITTERS be).dthe .ae..re..pa- 11ti.. +e the .oieatke of every pollee*. TM pe..lse of ,bee iseditiets are sew pot op 1..bla or.ss re sol 1014.4, together 0.114 a ws.mM1,L talld .31 •ret', O.r,d S..e,aes,' ...menet doe Jlreetka, he, .i,Y 1. • dra.0 wg t,r lrwdw.) fro,. W.11 street t. cur 100..,4, .hi l sinners ,6ni.e Um shy nil .cry ru,1q7 AIM 11.e reaper•• .4 Saturn.., tie cepnphtoef, Mew *Lae node who pros.* these .115 while senrr.neo be .care4 that they are poseur . Ye careful, stat de M buy Usage ruts bre.. wrappers; bet if 1w els. be ouYiW that they rare dire., frim r, or duet ICwh QQ �' Preparyl ed wed by DR. wxLLIA1R B. ItOPrAT, .ys liresdw.., sumer of Aelbaeyiwyee4 Stew Teals Psr Sale by BENJ. PARSONS, Sole Arent. Godericl,, Jas. 28. 1848. 1 TWO GOOD FARMS FOR SALE. NE within 2 miles, and the other with - lo about 3 miles bf Goderich Town Plot.' The fi:at to L'.T 10 a 1st Conces- sion, Town.hlp of Goderich, CON'TAI'NING 164 ACRES, la bount.ed at the one erd by Lake Huron, and at the other by a Publ•e Road, -and the second is 1.0'P 8 in 8th Cooceuioa, Colborne, %V.Davision, CONTAINING 100 ACRES, and is situated at the Junction of two Pub- ic Roads. For Particulars apply to JNO, McDONALD, E.q. Godoeicb, 12th Jew., 1840. stet -U NOTICE. rrHE Stubeeriber bovine RENTED the WAREHOUSE and WHARF belong- ing to the Messrs. Davenport, of ,kis place hes established himself as a views AAAA dna COwwlsppoy 0S1Cw•00T, Any orders or commission from the Mar - Chants of Goderich, will receive prothpt attention. JOHN UcEWAN. Windsor, March, 1849. tri-^,otf. TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT. A. NASMYTH IN returning thauks to his friends and na- inerous Customers fur the Liberal Pat. ronage which he kiss received during the past year, begs to Intimate that he has jest received an extensive Apaortment r' '3r7 7t.a11E=2 7©2/11O80s and :s ready to Execute all Ordere given to him with care and punctuality a. lnrmerly Goderich, Apn(, 12th, 1849. 2v -n1011 Upper Canada Rebellion Losses. Receirrr Generate Offer, Montreal, 12th Marsh, 1849. pt-BLI( NOTICE is hereby given, that Clements for Rebeil,on Losses in Canada %Vest, who have not applied to, and received payment of their Claims from the r4.pecuye Agents of the Bank of Montreal, in the several Matriculate heretofore notified will from and after the first day of June next. be necesa,ated to apply for payment of the same, either personally or by duly appointed Attornme•, to the Parent Bank 11 this city. (Signed,) B. M. VIGER, H. M. R. G. 1-12 Cie Duron 11 Pw1.TtD ars reerma of tooth T?7.11111ISAT BY THOMAS MACQUERV, 10,105 •.D PaOPar1TOp. • OPTICS OAa*$T-.QD•�, •00551 . Bosh sad Job Prelims, .averted with neatness and dispatch. Tanis or TYl1 Hume. Rles•L.-TEN SHIL- LINGS per aasam if paid strictly a advance, or Twn.vt •rep Six Plums with the 'spiritism of the year. No paper d.phereW' up, toeless tbebh thike It bis edvsa tage to do an. Any ,.derd.al is the eeelery bee mis5tos. spons,ble for .a asboer,►n1,, shall mews • seventh espy gra us. TT All toiler' addressed to the FJitor meet be post paid, er they will not be talkie oat of the post office TIMM, Or •IWTIrr p.ma. Six lice. and ■,der, Ent i'antioa,,,.. L0 t Eseb sithweeest issettlee,...... i • T.m lime tad eller. Als•ertle..,.... • / b Feta EaewbetweeIntt I.artrlest••le Ow*, We time, bot i.asetie.; pat lanes • • t 17 A NNW '••seta nab Se M tllhw "dearth. 1, the peer. -