Huron Signal, 1849-10-25, Page 3etf aril. tiliiii ea tie Mr Pare:•, "poatios
the H. IMhstalk Catn+oe le ih .y is/weevil
Sim M ti. Crewe Lwd•r Illrp•raweci. We
*PM 1j nor ItPrlyr R log
tees we as rAa)esee welt* w•nhy semeMl r
1I. Hoa: Ve.ireeel6 al s ttas 4,10414,1119441-
eee!4ynOltm•tae ate t.twk regained sal likely w be predee.
'five el swab ams amt Week& Mr. tsars wee
MA is his lowed... sf 'osigsing. tete. we ear. Web Mia MIs sppil•tttaret ef Mgr. caws'
n or s tee Mon .f Crow. load's Cear,-
aroer+, *Jo b. ml" .skp wie(te,ay se the pm.
pled Coad••Ny. but will •b., he d1w•t
acetic edosstyp is test impodest Du.prtoepnt.
There may be poster e0110r sad .rareomew. Mt
sreardy, g.-• saw..( erre sed Mrr'.er•aae.
• ma• h•vieg •a extensive keuwlsdg. of the
diffe.,.t 4.c.lides of Conde •ed to pesller
ad,•stagn sad resources 01 these totalities. and
es a mut peso rsei.,g • pastiest k...W,..1
',Miss and improving a new Country. the lion.
Meucci.* C..swuw has few equal. i. the Pre.
view* sad these are important g•a1i•eationn'is
• .(Crowe Lands.
Q Tn. Electors .f the Thiod RiJ:oa sf Yerk
are eery wisely preparing to noun Parrs hut.
AT, Fp.. of Whiihy o their,atulre, it
the vena d tW Hos. Vv. iI. Btrtst, who he.
been tomb Chasaell.•r of ,he R.ferwd (?)
Clain of Cbatreery.° Paws Prang so a awn d
lbs right .art. sad if the usury could only re -
ton • majority •(seek we there weala sins he
rower Coons 4 Law, sod fewer aseees lw.hlpe
Sonnet Dears - STaar►nao.-An least
wa. 4024 nn the 16th oar., before J..1. E. Lin•
Inn. Crooner, and jury. .. the body of Patrick
Csshen who was (mad dead oe the matte ,
in Stratford ori the monies .,( that isy. Tho
deceased was Anent the oldest twitters at SIM!
lewd, • nuve 4 Tipperary. and resit r-lw'e.el
00 • quiet •nd indeetriese farmer. It appeared
heftier. the impost that .he dec.•..4 lett his Inn
in .Ellice the morning allow •bree terin.k, with
him team loaded with whir. fir H.mhwre Mille.
and that itis eldest delight./ and • nephew bed
oreempanied him with a lantern as fir nearly me
the clearancesorsr S.rarf•rd, and that the de•
read lin coming down ,ehe mod by the Enelieit
('Lurch ground) had dnven Llawarrnn over the
deep water table near '4r. Rbeim..,'• (mowing.
.n' the dark ,bw eropewav hridse rinse hv,1. red •
• wee thrown nu.. and glut h- ',resin the eon' r.
sine on the road and one of oh. wheels of ,he
waggon passi it over him, Modest', was eins.4.
The vlr.licI seeordinglr by Mr. A R. Orr. fore-
man. -the
or.-man.-the jury editing that the ditch should be
centered is. -Cad. •
The Ilarporhey Brasih of the Huron District
Agricultural Society's Ploughing M to It
pence on Monday, the 15114 October; Io49 in a
field given for thy pnrpnse, 'nn' he Farm rel Mr
Narnnel!Carn•eh... in the Tnwoahip of Tucker -
earth. whet' the fallowing ['remotion were awn. -
d.4 to the .ueeesnful competitor,:
Jas. Brnidrnn,, -.1.1 - LI 10
Rob,. McCartney, 9n1 1 0 0
' Jr.., 3rJ 0 17 6
(dee.8prn•s, 4.h 0 15 0I
Robt.ICarnschan, 5th 0 10 0
Wm. i.Anshoroueh, 6•h 0 7 6
ale.srs. G.. Alexander, Win. Wilson and 31e-
G.oeh, acted as Judges nu the °erasion.
This was the third \latci, of the )nci.ry, and J'
it wits very generally remarked by the F:.rms
prenen,, how peat ein had take.,
place is masher' a time in the ploughs that wire •
brought i.:o ih- 641. merit of them being of a
very superior kind. one is pv.iedar, h..og4. by
Mr. Saml. ('m sib in. at the Snoef rd Show,
"whire it took the 6,.t prize. gar. mnrh admirrJ.
When eh. Pinnehi..g Ma. -h win neer. the
worthy and hn.pioro.le Laird. invited the plough-
men and their friends. to ,he nu,nber of Omni
"fif y,
to • most snh.tanti.i repast, and ample
justice was done to e•,. z,.o•l thing. nr , , . ...OA.-
orld,th which Ilas ti,'.. err• : 'o. I••,I \ .
a a .. • we. r n,.. J., • .oi 1•H•1"-
• n, not Inrgune a•a i n, o .:r
spent mo.e pieavnily. the partynepar.eed, est.•
fid to their en.erteiner for his kindoerr and hoe -
I teddy.
MOiTnst L, OC t . 4. 1849.
Mr DRAB Si., -The rxpehiency ..f ap
plying In the mother Country to give t..
these Colonies a sepal ate NIm141e* S'ence,
or of permitting them to show thrmr'I,cs
to -the neighboring republic, ht. biota a or.t •only openly &teenaged in ro0.e
of the leading journals of the Prnv:oce, bet
.appeare to be entertained, to .no'e extent
et least, in ginner' where aye would natu-
rally have looked for the exi.tesce of very
different rcntitnents. It becomes neves
w ry, therefore, that no misapp-ehensinn
. hould exist on the part of any one, fiend
or opponent, ao to my opinion either on the
question itself, or on the dr. -et • b,eh a dif
Preece respecting it must neeer.aniv pen
duce on the political relations between me
and those of mg /tern&. (.4 any 11r.rp bp)
who take a different view of the .obj••c•.-
And i take the Phort, of addres-ink this
letter to yon, as well from the poshest con-
nexi.e whleh h.. en long .nheiet,d be-
tween n., a. from th eireitmatn'tce of en
election being *hoot to take piece for the
Riding in which von re.'d.. At that elee-
lien; who th.r yon mar become • reminisce
or not, of who'll, frmm yn.,r letter to me, 1
am yet uncertain. it ie dee to my friend.
that en room ehonld be left to.nnen.e me
either ondeterm'npd npnn or indfflurent in
• this question, it is tint right that .bey
should be made aware that i have nm
changed my opinions in it, but
that i retain unaltered my •rtaehment t0
the connexion weth mother ronenlry-and
that 1 be'ieve now. as 1 did when lest 1 a& -
dressed my conetittrents from the hnstin!r.,
that the csali•nence of that connexion may
be made productive of mutual good to both
the enlnny and the parent peau.
it is egenolly doe to my friends that they
.hate, is like 40111114, bo sande sears that this question there remains, in my
npieierh o room for emopremive. It i....e
( dtogerhet the vigil a character for tut.
Ail> Itwe.: , th.relar., .kat 1 eau look
asps.,*Meas oily win ars for the aornige
epee of Met enesesio'4 go political /eed.
...thea@ who are egotist jt, as polatiesi.p.
1 do sot legend to enter hart late 1h.
question Miall. but 1 will wive awe mufk.
remeek rleneetteg 41. Tbs mother 44114111'
hag now for years boost/ravine tee. sowers
at self-ge.we.mest vanes smole. than ever
we hl" asked+ --sad it does appear • ...m
fmpiese niters t. *Wet mesh • flew ter
erkiwg for a separating hent her ?mower.
1 can. at ell itermet.. M en freely to melt
11,90.1 Male. sod tents mot miffs, it to be amp.
posed that there a men ff s doth! Wiese'
is/ it; and let the declaration whM* i haw
_ahoy. made lead to what ig (Hite, se wapaet.
the relative political panties of either my-
9giitei toaeth I N•i ton 1 a* is Hes peri
,Ilwh in tidied/-a.T1kiis the sew
Rohantiro fewerterse
lef.w trwh.
Paella Poser. Req.
Hawses. Mie Jose P.a•sue.-C•Nale Chs
eel .(aw aoego. air Laos of Sew rid, No
Deur. ares..., ernes, sewed was tse'wt.d ire
t.,dav, f teid.s iafmrtiee whist' will he reed
with were.' to the palled Woen awe *Weed is pari st'2. we 14. Ahell. Ass. Ian. Irbil"
,h. Naleilea der ....N.A. Bee, I... 74 41.-I.1e.
73 de -the esti... el the este es we es Word
'!'A4 flithria. as Roati.% wh•Lm.w, .rd pee
imtimauon by siva. that two large ship. •.re
then hong is Prise. Repot'. I.M.. sed have
been there flat is to era he Nor tisane.. sod
on Irina asked with ward to those on hosed
whether they were alive or deed, they related Is
the game manner. Roo were ser dead : it wee
thought M ('apo. Chenet Met ,h., were the
.hip...f 8., John Pr•nk';o. 7h. (Ade/ter. lend•
.d at Ce;.► I ley, same di -arse from Porde Rey •
q•tantity u1' coal and proruions with which the
.Sip was luroi•1,e4 by the Rri,ieh Gnvernmen.
for the use/doh. Ions mi•nins ship.. Would thee
,'ha .tee 50 come there. a, th.v wank! W obtigtd
to da on their yours 90 England.__
f aY k e t t1.
tourneys. Ow 24.. ice.
£ a d. A a d.
Flow per hermit. (in bbl) 3 t6 3 • 0 18 9
Flour per 110 b, (termer-) 111 /l • 0 0 0
Fall W beet per be.bel, 0 2 9. 0 3 0
Sprites Wheat per boob. 0 3 6. 0 2 9
0nu, per bombe!, 0 0 9. 0 0 10
Pena*. per bushel, 0 1 9. 0 1 101
tiny, per ton, 1 10 0 • 1 15 0
Byte,. (fresh) per Ib. 0 0 6. 0 0 7
Butter it the beg, per Ib. 0 0 5 e 0 0 6
To/Longo. Oct. 20.
a 4. P. d
Oats per ba het, 34 Ib. 1 0 • 1 3
flacon. per cwt.' 37 6 • 44 0
Rutter in kegs. per lb. 0 S a 11 6
Rutter ((reek) per,lb. 0 71 a 0 9
I lama pox Ib. 0 5. 0 6
Polk per 1110 11.. 90 0 • 0 0
Bret. per 101 lb. 17 6 • 20 0
Imo,. toes per hu.hel, 1 0 • 1 3
Pease lwr hushed, $01b. 1 ti a 1 8
Ih.y per Ino, 35 0 -• 60 0
Floor per barrel, 17 9 • 18 2
AIocT•R.L, Oct. 17.
FLova-Finn 191; tuner One 20. 81 *
21-: extra 21. s21. 3d: sour 199. Salmi
fig ..f rte .11 character.
W ug*T-Tr.n aacti,.n. limited. Canada
nixed 4. 4.1 a 4c 7.1; Red 4. 31 a 4s. 44;
otter grains I.
A•n••a-Puts in Knoll demand at 651 61 •
55s 94; Pearls dull at 32o 6J.
Now Your, Oct, 17.
FLepa.-Oor ma,ket im easter for new
winter •n;I pore Genesee floor, with a lair
lural demand, •nd some import for Cana 'i
an i.r export. 'rhew.tlee reach 4600 bbl. •
t$1 62 a 4 75 for old common Stets and
ntlxed 1Vectern.•
New York,Oet. 14.
Aensn.-Market (poet at the decline in
!.c., ere -moderate et 46 12 -pots are steady
at $7. •
B•i11alo. Oct. 17. •
Yesterday wan a we! eor.nul:rrtn•.le day
for u•.t•donr operations. 'rh' markot (.,r
O oar was heavy. and primes show a. decline_
01 6e per 741 Tem ..of.. th..t fell under
mit n:dire *me 4416:,1. M•ehyfan at St 44:
640 bbl. d.. t *4 371 .nal s.rn- Coo bide
Michigan in I. ,a; at Si 44 a 4 50, 619 bbls
,'una.lian .n bond at $1 90 and 360 do al
t$3 80."
Oewege, Ott. 13.
There ua: n F.,'' i•ectrr,;:n"..f kbit !•,n•
I'll,. 1,0''., 4rm.r ht 111 I'tr• 1'e;. •
9913 naw •ren. ,v. dThd4 a t,•rnn•.u, check
rd trinsactnw.s, and no• other .slew Iran=
1.2.12 l: rutty toe encinsure id the Seib -
scriber ..n the fr,t (14y of ,September
:a -t a RED STEER, nitwit three year.
old, h*littleh t
with w .te on the 6.•111. The
net can come a take red
ak . him
Huron District Building Society.
OP this Society w11 tabs Owe at the
erujeh 11.4.1, at Suurdsy obs 27th
last. at 7:clock, P. M.
ay Order.
Goderirb, One. 18, 114• N-SB1
WM. RRBI), • .
Outs S1G .HOUSL 0T. OODERIFI/ oval
Ploughing Match.
THF. Amstel Plosebi•g Marek of llama
Diarist Aeri..h.r•I Society. will mt.
Pine, os the ram $ Mr. Mother alsck. 311
('osaeeeieo. Gederioh, w W edaeday, the 3101
4ey atOrte4r. 1049, whoa t4. following Prises
will he aweeMd
'rw Ca.areili'wa wet 10 year• .far-.
nig 46. ant Pbyhiso, Li 5
Ind de 0 bS
3,4 de 0 10
T. way WWI .ester 28 yens d me -
rut the Best Plwdmg, AI t
2nd ds 0 15
3rd ds 0 10
RULES. dka.
Is.. The round to be Ploes►ed, u. ba see-
'birdnfan sere.
9nd. The klatch to be apes for Hermes god
3rd. The Caul@ aid Harness mart belo.g ,e
the Comp►dro► nr hi. employer He may gee
his Plough where h. Ibbs.
411. Any blowier of the Society, kis soma. or
eerea.,e.. may compete.
Srh. The time allowed for Plo.gkiq the
rimed siell J oat. t h • lose haste.
6th.' The Judaea wall remota oat of the field
instil .he work i. finished -and .he Competitors
skull kat. previews to eateries it.
7th The work .( the Jeeinr Plo.ehmr, se ►-
compared with that of their rivals, and not with
the work of .heir Penton.
nth. to eater their manus with
th..A.ererary on or before the 30th Oetelder,
)be Ploughing to commence at 10 o'clock,
R. G. CU:(INGiIAME, Sec'.
G.rlerich, Oct. 20th, 1849.
NO'PICi'.:-To .5Ae Iak..2itnats o/ iME
:Town of Galeria ,¢ serruradiag coralry.
trim. S..bacriber having erected a to,AW
MILL, which to n.'w in operattnn it
the Township of H111.LETT, within Ten
Al les of the Town of G•derich, and sRven
miles and a half from the Corner.r..Maitland
Con. 1.••t No. 1, nn a never failing stream,
Where Lumber can be had
at alt times. H. is now ready to contrite.
'to foretell any gnantity of Lumber
of mostly all kinds, wh•eh will be .awed to
prier, to tult•purchasers., Lombetl can he
rafted from hi. MITI 10 any of the immediate
shorn of the river Maitland from 1.1. Mare
tb, the Town of Otelerieh. PRODUCE .4
all. kinds will be received in payment for
(timber, delivered at his SLll.
Moller*, Oct. 25, 1849. 2.,36n3t
- Notice to Creditors.
ALL Persona Claims against JO --
r‘• VCRPiLL.AT. of the Town
&hip of North E4 -'hope n the Huron Di. -
,net, ales tripe -V.4 to loud them to the
Subserllier for Exaol.natiop and Adjn.Unent
W11.CIAM SCOTT. A-eignee
Fur 1.•n' Fkrtale .d J •.erh Verptiter.
Ilambury, 27th Sept. 1849. 2vu37•f
- - - • --w
`t•-• IITE into the refloat'` of the Subscri•
b• r. n!.nnt the first div n( A'.1,.., last:
11,,i1 1' ,v, iv'it:, .wail crwko•I 1L.rns.
Tac owner of J'ue a's•ve cow ren cone anu
take her away by proving property and pay•
ing expense..
con., Lot 12, township of Colborne,
October 12, 1849. b2,,37 31
BY-LAW of the Municipal Council of the District of Ituron,
Passed ata Special )denting of the said Council, held at Goderich on the god, 5th and 6th
days of October, 1846, is compliance with the Act 12 Victoria, chapter 81.
BYLAW For carryitlig out Certain Provisions of the Act 12 Victoria, chapter 81, preparatory
to the first Election+ to be held under the said Act.
WHEREAS in accordance whit certain requirements under the Act 12 Vrctoria, chapter 81, a
Special Meeting of the Municipal Council Was hes on the 2nd, 5th and Gth days of October,
1649, for carrying out the intentions of certain clauses therein : Be it enacte:l by the Warden and
Municipal Council of the District of Huron in Special Meeting assembled, in pursuance of the
p )ever,; vested in.them by the said Act, 12 Victoria, chapter 8l, An.1 it is hereby enacted by the
authority ofthe same, that the following Townships be and are hereby declared to be attached to
each other, viz.:
. The 'township of Hallett t:1 bs attached to the'Ibwaship of M :Kil!o .
The T.)wil3hip of Wawan•ish vibe attached to the T )wship of Ashfield.
'rhe Township of Stephen to be attached to the Township of Usbonlle.
'Cllr 'fuwasltip of %t wiling -ton t) b3 attiched to the 'Township of Ellice.
The Tow.i•ships of Elm i and Wallace to be attache:l to the Tow.lshipp of Logan.
• And all the "1'Jwa4hips comprising the intended or Junior County of Bruce' to be attached t-)
the 'Township of .'% slilield.
2rld. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, that, Whereas by the slid Aet 12
Victoria, chapter 81,.the '1l.ivn of ao.lericll is• set apart fra:n the Township of G)(ttench, and
divided into four Wards for the purposes therein mentioned, the following parties be and are
hereby declared to be Returning Officers for the respective Wards iii the said Town of Gaderich,
set opposite their names, viz.:
WILLIAM ROBERTSON, Esquire. for St. George's Ward.
A-DOLPHUS' F. MORG.IN, Esquire, for Si Patrick's Ward.
GEORGE FR ASER, Esquire, for St. Andrew's Ward.
J.) iEPi1 WILLIAMSON, Esquire, for St. David's Ward.
3r 1. A 1 t it. i; further e t tate] by t'ie authority af. re3 till, that the place fur the h.ldin; of the
First TJwaeship 11l stiu, wider th3 slid Act, 12 Vict)ria, chapter 81, for this Township of G>,ae•-
rich, be and is hereby declared t.) be at or in the School H )U3'3 situ tte in Sch;J1 Section' Na. 3, is
the said'1'awuship..
4th. An') it ins further enacted by the authority aforesaid, that the Township of Downie b3
divided and i4liere`)y declared is b3 divid31 in Five Rural Ward 3, as follow 4, viz.:
Ward Ni. 1 t3 cJasist of that part of the Gm! and range of Lots 1 and 2, from the 1st Ls the
Sth Concession,
Ward No. 2 to consist of Lots 3 to 13, from 1st to 8th Concession inclusive.
Ward No. 3 to consist of Lots 14 to 25, from 1st to 8th Concession inclusive.
Ward -N j. 4 t) ciasist of all th'tt part of the 'township lying east of the line between 5 and 6
and south of the 8th Concession. -
a1brd No. 5t) c )a silt of all t:).it pin of t!t.' 'Pima ;hip lying west of the line between 5 and
6, and south of the 8111 Concession.
3th. An l b it further enacted by the authority' aforesaid, that the following places be and are
hereby declare:l to bethe pl.tcea fur holding the Elections in the different Wards in the Township
of Downie, viz.:
For Ward No. 1, the School' House in Stratford.
&Lard -No. 2. the School House on Lot No. 11 on the 5th Concession.
'. and No. 3, at WilliamSmith's house, on the 3rd Concession. •
Ward,No. 4, at William Clyne's house, on Lot 12 on the 9th Concession.
Ward No.'.5, at Meeting House, Lot 21, in the llth Concession.
Gth. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, that the following Gentlemen its
and are hereby declared to be Returning officers in the different Wards in the said Township of
Downie, viz.:
For Ward No. 1. William Watson, (Township Clerk.)
Want No. 2, William Byres, Lot 11, in the 5th Concession.
Ward No. 3, James Redfunl, ,
1Vard No. -1. William Clyne.
• Ward N.t.:,. David Mier
Goderich, Gth October, 1849.
THE Subscribers will pay the
for (hxsl Merchantable Wheat.
Goderich, Oct. 17, 1849. - n37
GOID3rwIC3 .
1 •j
THE Snberribera bee to inform the Pub-
le and Partners of the II.,ron District,
that they are now Manufacturing and have
on hand a few
of Superior Qnahty and Latest l'r.nciph',
which thee will .all on Liberal Tense for
G.derirb, Oet. 17, 1849. 2v -n3713
away by
proving property and paying expense. -
Colborne, Oct., 21, 1849. s2 -n30
1 ISS F. 11. MANN. float London (Ens -
la -d) begs to inform the Inhabitants of
STIRATFORD and its vicinity, that .h. hu
commenced the Business of MILLINERY.
MAKING, and :rupee by strict attention and
Moderate Charge., to merit withers of their h.
Stretford, Oet. 20, 1849. • 33.38-3
t. Ir( nr about the 15.1, October, a POCKET
MAP of the District M Heron. honed is •
Bleck Leather Cower. ( & Salient) he.
!oaring to the District Surveyor. 11. D. Any
.me Intim. it and tending it to this Office, or to
the nwa.r, will he paid for their trove:
()Werieb. Oct. 25, 1849. 2vn38-af
P2133raeil -Se Qt1z3!i1,
Corner 111Light-Hos.,8,...',,
October, 25, 1849. 2.038
QTRATED from the BnMenlwr show eh. i.e
t:17 4wv of Angst inn. s RED HEIFER, runes
rate year old, with s *hue lace, wad • bre white
.pots en the head end no.., w,th hony standing
altnoaI .tnight sp. with • s,ntll piece listen of
the lift ear. An. person leaving Infnrm.'ins ter
.e the,s of the said Weser, est rhe
Signal 0164., or with the wheedber, will be
satisfied fir their unship.
• J0218 SAVAGE, let Coo. Godetieb.
Om. 23. 1849. 9vs38-3
PROS PEC7UN of ., foe Mi..ins.ry nod
'1,4.,14 .ekes/ Record." Pol... 7.
711E"REcOR0" is published monthly
at Oar SAillistg per aanam, payable In
advance, std may be saw.. ss •q other
uewrpbp•r, to •N pert. of the contort., cad
charged no more than the tonal raw of
those pipers. 11 is made ep in a very con
veniset form lot andiag and &ting 'Rostra -
led with own wndetots in each nnfnIer,
makes a neat volume it the sed of th
Tit profit. of the shove ppunblication, yo
to the feeds of the Cauda iSunday School
This proepeetts M treat u the fries& ref
eke Rabbetll School eauas. In the hope that
they dull Tend their aid is ernm.dreg the
circulating of the shove p.rindieal. W,.
.hall be, Ago, to peace oe tier list of Agmen,
*d4I tee..)' IsiOOP, to whoa the "B1111,&
will he mist grssi..
Ali Ord... and Consere.k*ti000 to he
«a Co 'OMNI C. >. -teles P.
FAWN. f Polarise .tirwbw/.
D EMA1N1(G ie the Port Office at Stntfnrp
IlL up n 416 October. 1849.
%Iden R.. D II ddefor4 Jobe
R•,yd James Markey Thor
Romani John M .kin. John
Raker Wm Murdock David
64r9o. JIM.* 2 MoGre1nr A
Brnomheod W J McClelend Jew
Cariboo Pa•r Mefre1or Gogh
C+.'key James Meg -mile Noe
Cornninthem ilegh McLeer Mal
Chewer, Mr Mel..erten -
D.n1Ise Mn Oliver W.,,
Digmas Ree 1it1P Powder Win 3
Plea Kath Mile Phobia% Mlo
Pox Aso..,.Pim 3•4in
Forbes lhe Redford Andrew
firmly Stewart Denial
He rigout Daniel SeeryTho. Peed
Ilett Andrew Regm'll•l Adam
1141 Thos Smith %Vol
Johne Reareed ttaeriwt Tho.
J.,y.t Rath Mks Sherwmw John
Rein Chute Mewktgeor AMR
Raw Robert Thom Alex
Kohler Ni. Trhnw I P
lo'V•! KWh Williams Jobe
Lenard Gogh.. Whatley W■ I$
Leash Genova WIN, we
i eh...s Chris Yater W.
tm.tor.erklar.r Jen'.
A. P. MICLLI 0 P otsgater.
111olillwA Qct. ON NM.
WiLLIAM CHALK, Warden, Il. D.
_ ' 37
TEAS!! TEAS ! !! 0 P s s td _ 4),.3
ri HE Subecnber,n returning his moll sincere m S 3 ; Rl
thanks his friends, public, =. 8 0 2' = s e;i
heir most liberal patronage, begs leave to to -1?' i e e e s sa
i .i i e' •I. l
f:Tyi i i o0'-,
m e
a4n_a:esw .
s a n r .
Zg g
0 ' 9 r-'ePrrzP' =1
. to i r e and the
p a R
forte them.h•t he has jn.e IMPORTED n rhoicr' -.
Lot of TEAS. Qtr.. which he offers for Sale for 'o
Sl F.D: WHEAT. or any other kind of Produce,. io
lower than ever o11'< -red here before.
01110 WHISKEY ! !
And FINE SALT for Sale, cheap for Gash. I
Goderich, May 10th 1849. 2v-11101
LOST-!! •
itWINGINGthe .nb.criber. between'
his Store awl the Divi.ion Court Of -I
fire, on Friday last, 13th instant,
- Sheriff's Sale of Lands.
1 ON DISTRICT, { IUR 113 RICT, ON Monde), the
{{ To Wrr t First 1).y .1
SOctobsr next, will be Sold at the CetraT
iiot•r 01 rhe-Ga•d of the Huron District, in
1le he Town of Goderich, at the hour of twelve
io cl4,ck noon, the undermentioned LANDS
re•e-with the Tenements tied appurtenances
C thereunto belonging, by virtue of four Write
2--^ J•eedilioni Expend", issued out of the Court
V` of Queen's Bench, and 10 ma directed, at
•ho resuective .uits of Ross Robertson,
ORobert Moderwell, John Stnehan, Grp.„
•,o•, etc., and Jameq C10ottttf, Plafnti0.,-
also by virtue of two Witte of I'e.ditionii
,Expsaas issued out of lgcr Majesty's Huron
District Court, and to me directed, at the
^^ espectiye suits 0f Robert Park .8d Jahoa
'e r r ` el Calloway, Plaintiff, rp.. Jnfia Ates Klpp•e
n = O'4nd Ams Lis W. Ktppen, D.fe04.s's, to
Two PROMISSORY NOTSS y ii vit., a Wet and portion of Bleck G. In the
..- ....
C1' M e C Township of C„lb•ute, 'Western Diouw.,
Visor One JOiNT NOTE against -Jowl' '.Z.' a !tome Di,ttict, containing Two ilundred
F.oaaa and CHAaces Doonaarv, for £3 18. e'.'s = i 13 si $' 73 S
91., drawn payable to James Phelan or a 'J 2 Aces of Land m •re or Its..
bearer, and endorsed by Jame. s".,Ian, Wet x n Q en i i' R > JNO. McDONA1.D, •
sg $ = 1*
9 " ; Sheriff, Iloroa District-
dne.-Alan, one acetest MICHARL f*TOaeo►/ R i - $ G . 4 - • t Hobart s °clic'', Smith, for £3 12. 6.1., -drawn peva- i'i • m i Z' 3' •
la nlench, 15th Joly, 1849. 2r -N•
hie to Chastise Seager, or hearer, written i POSTPONEMENT.
in Germ•r, den past due. This i. to can I ' a -el' l s poised to Jammer
tion an' P ._ % ' E n .... ., The ahem Sala is postponed eefy iK
y person from pen'hui►g the Rome.' 111.50.
or the above parties paying the Note. to 4 O ....
n A v JOHN M•:DO!tAD.
any person but the suherriber,-and .o,. r 'i 'T C le Sheriff, Hens Daniel.
P• Sstanr's Os►rct,
oblige thesubscnber by '.turning them to.
° tidench,,.1819. •v2m,,rd
him. nlRtrd, laky lithoT1829. •s. doer NI -
Tailoring Itstabliahment C0roner's Sale of Lands and
-_-- __-- -- - _ IN GODERIOH Tenements.
'l1Ua')N DISTRICT, t Y vireos of
IIF Sub.crib.r beg. to snaonarrenaln the in-' Tu Nit : B %Vel 0f R.'d
h.h,tanm of G.drr,eh, nisi ire.ny, ,hero feeies, Issued out of Her,ct
1 he hs. Re menewd bw.inw., in tea N'S Gtee.,(.,,utt of the District of iiurnn, etreetad 1.
• •''n the Remo aljn.nine II IIORTOY'd Sad
person finding the above Nntee will mach' or.'. n
Ibdle Shop, 2.larket tinware, where he will be pre -'the Coroners of the horns District, and le
',pared to eseeete ell order. in ,. line os the ns delivered. *genial the Lauds and Terse•
THF. Sebseriber hereto ingwm the inhehitante
d Owdensh end its sieidty, the. he Mr re.
eeiveel s Lir,. Seeply .f the LATEST IM-
shortest notice, and el moderate elms... ',tents of Frederick Clarke, at the putt Bf
N. B.-Cettieg throe on the sinr.e•t notice.',John McD.'na1d, 1 have seiil'rlasd take. d0
J011 ADAMS. 'esocp'ieli T..wa Lot numwrEleves, north
(Jed.rirA, Oet. 17, 1849._ 1 v2n37 'sante o' Light Ile Ise Sir s't, Sr L t reaming
e,UUKING, BOXY N U 'r I C it e "umber S.xty n the Town of Gdkrieh.
' enti nt g onog tarter .f on acre of Land..;
AND PARLOUR STOVES, I'Co -the Clerks and iliff's ors, . me more Ar lee*, trip titer nit the t
the Division Courts. iFrame melting Ikons mod other septets-
hoteliers 6w PALE at very TILE iuteras.ed demon/ int ftowwolnsut.t, 1n tin nail t't.mtaM ►el„atisR•
REDUCED PRICES FOR CASH. j, BLANK WRITti, n eon-j'''""h 1 wall 0A', fu► 0410 ani lee COURT
Thr Seb.criher alio keep. no Woe&&.. es coral. newton with the butemeee of the several D• ```ROOM, in ll" (toren ili.tria Onnl, n the►
very S.. vision Como to the District, Ins warrentedi i.,vn of ...'. tel►, en Tharsdey, thetrigh/h
pulse asss.,meet d •n rn posting them in masa larger twist' 's'I•r "f 1Nnvsmtiee utoxg. aI n..out,
1'IN WARE of every description, Fl1e• thee beretofure, and en..ego..ty et%a- (iPARGE 4140 C"R,
felf. its Is sell them melee ol,v.ppr-dere-t One of the CHS Mf.
Th. e.bseribe' lakes this p sty d mast fare we intimi to In the several t)9ieers
nisi hie mincer thumb a oM Prude rev M. "l quwn,g these Black Perms, that from this C w 'e Owned
l In g rel" hew ro.etM .4.e. Ie 1i•"Idol., Sne.mon,ee sad all other Write I..i - 0.--- - nth Am1er,• ,-„
•""'""b es hew• GedetitA. she h•Pn by wrier longing to the Division Court. will be Sold+ `-- --. - _-
e..risr wmeet..• aha gipp.',, ,,; ttrnom p t•ii%e slgm.l Dike se Ilereer.d erree WI rv300 STERLING.
0. a.-RRA1NInG, PAI;ITtno. GI,A•,(d` Two Swrtu.e• are Sillro.KR MM•lt0 he In..otod is DISTRICT DR$KNN•
LING. PAPER and IILU.L HANGING serried11060•00:_434
l TURP. by IRA LEWIS. k'rq•
w r be,,,. ire.Owleife WILLIAM STORY. Smoak OW, deal rich, . 11,rytste►.
k •+ Sep(. PM. !.-Altf b► S.peemet.e tore a' Os, ort. le.