The Goderich Star, 1907-12-20, Page 5Escomr floc is
and fn's FurCoats
At Sacrifice Prices.
pod 'is would not eacrifice prieeit*t this *awn
ItIents brows' Wouthitt Costs. ...PR, for araeo
Uett'Xi Mark Chin* I.log Coate, select skins and
tfett's Coon 4,70, tor 00.00
X004 silk Heed, Oltitaitsetlleirigrteas.e to
Mee Linea ilehdlterabiefe* everiaelyie and,
inhiet,nalmirts a, .e• es.retaAg •49P.
..ehredth,'Conspileabtardreas, Of ditzeli 44111t),
k uei 1'sstl Nt imwt4tualt-s.
a. tire rote at epeeet4 *a the Addeo aLewis. of Morro. soma. so have
bond ]Gr et , ,-
�.I.. —memoir si hm: wpvtd IP." hi*
Ycmr �l ? ', he It pre:w*tt w tha t,7uat�aane
ula iFww all' the inept' a* w v�
Itx n*tn
w theashem is aotl+ia eft ^ wnra'4utF, .M% th CU. 1late 4Ue 4ti $ I t4 bt ^ iloyaeic*e tt4vi14t+itt�" �trt♦,
14a,aexiuct,wisukifi . itt n direly niiutwrrc »rereiu tbet?uwt* �$.w; ba8 nat'b4*rt'htr' ifta r y«►rr<.',
u* t4zt rr 3xv�1naW1 aress-''' k rKletxt tsrt+t east' etpa, ttte , K! levatacRa I+h �k^9attt� ti'Citit*t tl*t for Vkr1QUI
Goo4liratuieli last**
nuomuocaufiEn.,..20, 1007.
tam in
C He did not wait* any time thalabuiringt ottlw., put, , Ae(ua�titt4+t "
M M >� A at1 tAl r�tt>! .tr.
p f4* r tha'M . eche . apeasa* ea bine o egoaeleue ` ' 'uis.I1 ('btr with co> Stil*tlorw
ie rP ltwx outnlc�e the vicelk' *a bpinfi'sgAeµat; iaa tlrltxt >prov�t#s*a
thtTh felt by the teeettitge num.
etssah mat tars *wet deadly 0. Ice d 3/41 t
Macy 4i .1jo hiAtory StAtiot tat4 I:U*1ot 01 tb0 NW* 1101 WWI! elVtr dIttliri4111141, ttAt IFtfltitIthiAlt IntAig /011
if, sta, the att apeeareuee * wbo Coglesii t0111%, ei'llOtrYa Apg• *see teat reateasa res rata tn.
fiad, oath retteistso 3y0,4
tle Syrup
that the wt-ttpoo -may he ,teleele final. satiVell'"'"1,bota 1if,91111-1ffM. 'rah Ovil"
hurt and tint* given a htriiting•phject , Tithlete ',filet are cnricif.40 lama* ow,
.V$011 at hie vefV elltratute latet 4110 lite, 'Here Is 'what. ailla, Ihrtellt Ilivr
'ated.Alnder Urltielt law., lOw 404 la ,Xiltfliftick IR Stating 'Oat Z-.1tatee fettled
At. goad ideo. :Itt might aitio tti from *VANIft.tivea' the intik • medtc,far I
many * 9t4blitng tritgetly When these , Safer mewl tor Conettaatttee ands ein.
irriteet "' X eva 'Seed Da %oda Nerwey Then ',Iiir. Lewis stotild deet „more
xiirosPitt ter eaasalgralateltlat taut brew veariirely with aesaulte upon chilearete
abet IreesnaMeeded ittes one rot inet ithiah-, all felt theta the lase and the MOHO
bere and 'Ate Wa34404`ti `tItalk VW:fried %tie were aterdiv Iteaping pace with Public
WrapPeraaad three, roe treeS tale. aratte petalle opinion would sjestify capital
. Meta Refuse tatothatete,2cre la etuY putishmett. in line More aggravated
one If orway 'Pixie aims, .. that =O. h cages of tide .sort. imprisonment in a
Xte,. Wood% , - Comfortable cell; With plenty of fOod
and net much' to ihr, is no Puniehment
I speak in tide inatteras notch for the at all for Stich degraded creatures.
men who 'are eiriploased on the rail_ The application of the lash may help
ways as fer the travelling. public. An some; but a sickly. sentiment ton pre-
engitieer Whoodght after night and valent touching 'prisoners prevents it
(ley atm. data in the winter with the frenr being applied as frequently as
thertnometertarentY tallow zero. Or in the ease requires.
summer with 'ninety . degrees of heat, Then he wants careless sportstnen
carries his passengers' without losing more severely dealt with, and so do we
or injuring- any of thew, is a man all. He would bave the 'make base their
to be commended and admired. rate of intereet on their deposits when
These railway 'employees' owe a fine tbey are elm:bled to reloan these de -
body of men. When we lose an en- posits ta such , greatly enhanced
gineer. we lose a man who is of value prices. Ile would have the Railway
to the State. And it is hardy creditable Commission compel the rail we ys to
to 119 that employees of the rail; keep on hand an adequate supply of
wart of Cenada were killed last yeita roiling acacia and motive power, He
and 39t.linjuied. task that provision would stop the " putnping in " of un-
tie made in. the eritninal law --and I deer/dale iin migrants. and he would
have no denbt that ie making that offer the people a chance , to say in a
provision, we should have the con- referendum white they would like done
currenee of the managers of the tail- with the Senate.
ways—thet roadbeds and eeuipment Thesis are all good ideas, and yet we
should be inspected, and trains rim in seldom hear them putt forwa.rd in the
a certgin prescribed fashion at this or machine mule speeches which do duty
that obint, ns might be shown, to be as debalive efforts at Ottawa. The
neceseary by the inspection of the old stock phrases and stock arguments
government officer, The RitilwitY and stock prejudices are much easier
Commission is highly approved lay the to learn off and repeat. and much
managers of the railways themselves. safer te; handle. The average party
Sir Thomas Shaughnessy says be be- member of Parliament dreads a new
lieves it is a good thing to have gov- idea as an elephant fears a bridge. He
ernment control of rates. These rail- must try it Carefully before he will
ways ate like all cot,porations—theY risk any pot•tion of his ponderous
have no soul. But that does net alter weight upon it, Mr. Lewis is to he
the fact, that the railway managers thanked for a refreshing contribution
feel these railway accidents more to a dull debate, and it is to he hoped
poignantly than apy other pereons ex- that be will lie encouraged to go on
cept. those directly interested. They importing the results of real thought
earnestly wish that their roade could into the proceedings of Parliament.
be without accidents ; and while they
,ox,„ chnst,,,,Aht tr44,,,,,Qtpups whora.: ,oee. for sate none shop -wictioWs tha
asitathe'„gcateriirnent to consider. hes
rtterence to offences committed on
(Women Uhildret and the penalties
Gerald $enry in the city trilvotaitto
Made &presentment which dealt with
this evil as toilers :
''`We regret that in view of tbe heavy
infortoation "ice ed at the jail and
Priatnitaatvould appear that
crane, _ and esfiecially offences of a
grave nature, are on the increase
rather limn otherwise. It is fe be de
plored that brutal offences against
females are of shah frequent occor-
meth. We strotiglyrecommena that
the lash be note spared In the penalties
imposed upon those 'convicted of .such
revolting crimes..
If you Will take notice of the peeal-
speaking of a matter, in -which the
public is very much concerned. and it,
is also a crime ,which iaepidernic he its
oature. Look at the city of Vancou-
ver. .A man ahem commits tturglary'
and .be gets fifteen, years imprisons
ment and the lesh. Another num in
Iffentteat breaks into IL railway tar
and gels; five yeaws. Another in On.
torte sends indegent postcerde through
the mail„ititd. bliepstadshment is two
years. 'Bat here, to a city seit bin fifty
violatinga, childenot More than eight
yearaeldewasonly given flfty days in
Jai.. That other :day' in the cit y. of
who had a shack outside the"eity, and
who was. svont to ,entice little girls
into it. front eight to twelve years old,
and to outrage them, war' given a
punishment. of three years peniten-
tiary. In cipinion thats crime
should be a capital offence and the
ponishment should not be left to the
discretion end t4e kindness of a jury
or arson hearted' "jedge: Thepuniah-
inent should be obligatory. Wbe0
such 'otfetwee are abeoletely ;Ironed,
the critninal slietild be adequately
punished. . Thief crime should he
other eases of this kina, which 1 cottld
There is ;lordlier 'ant'endnaent need -
in shooting, who me accidentally shot
in the womb. A poor habitant or
native. tieing th,e woods with his
441.1e wbo is in Virlint of food,
and wins ehoots usooge, which turns
tint to he a cow moose, 'is hunted out
Of the 'e'ttintryea-Erut what is done to
rnisteke for a deer? You read of
such inistakee every day in tbe paper.
Here is one instance :
Last week Tun STAR refeored te the
41alt Haase of 'Cloontions 'by Me. E. N.
'Lewis West Huron's common leM.37-
dati-Membee, and it Ise° good that we
ere pleasure in reproducing it from
Hisniard in full. ' as follows.
g, tuivi3 , (West Huron)
Mt. Speakers_ for tiles last four orlifse
daye tile 'testy weights have been
peundingeech other ecross the Hear of
always owlet thee ,flitsgeis of Queens -
et y 'Mks. itaware permissible
r it stranger to tiehrthe gallery and
e thig houth opened with prayer, he
nade by a celebrated after-dinner
sPeaker et, the Pilgrim,' Olub in New
loaded On this., to theb); foreign 'shore,
'grabbed their hattie-axes end fell
'MOM the` aherigintha mica Speaker,
,in'a"hte Weedy warfare, thge heavy-
, weights have gone long distances
but these loagshoteheve, I am afraid.
whom I represent and of avhorn Late
'one; einal ask' Von,' Sir, to listen to
Inc while•I try to bring to? your kitten-
• j think Would teed the 'enintorei
morality, _Fiettee and happiness of the
liNeigletnen •Who rise from their
end_eity. 'had it, not been tor
bat Some hon. gentleman• Said, I
'0014 htit baee taken Part in this de:
.1)40.4 and lath they producea bundle
the recess, Mr. Speaker. As an
eery Vain bitieen, I'do not think
00 to p-erform the duty which I
beersItelted to freeform by my
Oonseifuettly, during the
eta been -bury.. 1 have. bete
ratotetions, which I ban
e astorrect what tatty,
an3r of these docu-•
COW lltjha WesTd'alietriesa/Pinefitykai. eollutetes, it is ten attics as neceethey
shall aiit. quo
the honourof
the day Wilt introduce the
greatly -10 Die morality an
peaca of the people o
Th0tr are, Metters Which are tit
-7 Vie lsittlitlits PeePle are very much et
-"Vat nOt think it is the prorince o.
member -Of the Opposition to ititrodii
s' 'Cho' ituveretaittit in introdore
leta,tiots mkt/ Intro tin dotiht the goy-
satfttilelit Will he Only too to do
ft*Ife4 foe it right and proper. The
,Netteld ata aittelatineent to the firm-
' teat tredittegerding itijueies be Persons
Auto, 'renittier sif good till, -
soot beams beets, killed ese
en years I have
cultural anon -
that there
the Critni-
nnignt of
will tend
ar GINO' t4 arfrale; angering treat Vow'
eta ettmukint. Vier act atrect-
flarametion and tineramins the
flow vf bile. Beale" insurIna com-
plete Memnon, bile talkie* tho boweie
move, That la why alfriatea.uvee"
alert cdre Constlpatitith They are
foteSts60. At all areasiets. or emit
on receipt of price Vrttit-a-tIves,
Limited, Ottawa, Oat,'
PCN ric
T,,,.,4^, ,I too
o or Ch
Pett Attlittr Mel to Bata lita; tffatiar
and thltolok N. V., en tale et
64404 gal,ng 24 AO 05. Tett-trill
relurnitNt until pm. 19.4$«
good gelug 21,s22, 23, 24 dtql as,
also Octr'ati. A9,49E1431 end, Jen. all
Val latnaistlisi /ma
• their ltandsaniQ,.re.built and renovated
pareliasine:' pnblie to see their Holiday
rulor Meek cull figured, Vahahr pathos'. If**
10tUctit \Wittig DrIlloatplatter Oak :• 44...4 la .54
Ohina Cabinet', and jiteditIna C14111001.. effnattiff Oa.
flotal variety' of Oil Mid CUOMO Atattitsl dither's II
sacrifice, frottl,fe,sio Up, •
Various Uses of Electricity.
Electricity for power. lighting and
heating is common hough. and most
people are familiar with these applIca-
tione. Among the various other toes
to which the electrical enmegy Is put
are t he following :
Electric (emir lighters.
Elect rot yping.
Electric sealing wax beaters.
Automobile battery charging.
Electric glue pots,
Eleatic welding of metals.
Electric furnares, laboratory.
Electric furnaces, dental.
Electric branding irons, meat.
Electric branding irons, boxes, etc.
Electric soldering h•ons for every
Electric flatironR, common.
Electrii. laundry irons, special.
Electrically' heated laundry rolls.
, Electric silk hitt irons.
Electric embossing press heaters.
Electric vulcanieer for rubber tires.
Electric massage and laboratery ap-
and light rays.
Electric sterilizers for surgical in.
Electric ratite' ies.
Electric (bronze) Witter purifiers.
Electric time stamp.
Electric lifting magnets.
Electric ore sepat•itt ore.
Electric thawing of frozen pipes,
Magmectic chuck for lather.
Electric culling iron and grease
paint beaters for theatres.
Magnectic "Old Man " machine shop
and construction work.
Magnect Ic dental hammer.
Electro•dragnate for oculists for re-
moving Metal splinters from the eye.
Magnet ic, Max coil for producing par-
tial anesthenia.
by, yet. if the government will eay to Have You Bronehial,Catarrh ? 1
them that they must do certain things, It is easily recognized by tbe dry
those things will he done. The rail- cough and hoarseness. Not difficalt to
ways may not make so much money, cure with Catarrhozone, KS Mr. Xavier
but it will be much easier for the IIIMI. Rabin, of River Capalin, Que., proved.
agent to run their roads without ac- e No one could stiff's'. from bronchitis
eielentaand the managers will be as• more than I did. --.1 had a hard, hack-
aisted in. managing ,their r3ads with ing cough that eaused me great pain.
teethe accidents. Those men wbo took .t4 sr throat was hoerse and I had great
their financial liyes in their hands and distress in my chest. Catarrbozone
built the first railway across the con tie reached the sere iipots and gave itn.
nent on Canadian soil, have our admit, mediate relief .' Sinne using it 1 have
Atkin and I am glad to say have made not had a single ai,tt.a$,Ic." Every phy-
million?, end I believe they ere entit sician who is asked about Catarrh°.
led to them. But today is different, zone rays it is a sure cure ---so will yott
the realWays ere . making million.; if yoa try it. Sold everywhere. 25e.
Tbere Le one raileety corporation in and $a
;this country that has a sorphis of
P.39,600,000, and they added to that Goderieh and the Railway.
company anti everry other company
that runs a railway through a thickly Oodeileli will vete on 0; railway by -
settled part of the cosine y -as for in- law el uli le t -to those voted upon by
Kincardine, Huron and Ashfleld. A
stance that pint of Ontario west of
Torgcnt—ehould he obliged to double hyhtw was passed some time ago fiy
tat their roads. The government the town or Underieh to guarantee
the bonds of the Maitland River
inepectors should decide what roads
Power Company, the concern which
are ro he provided with donhlearacks,
and the surpluses might well bp timid was to supply power to operate the
for sueh purpoges ite these. Our made electric railway, bus now the promet.
today are like a carpenter trying to do ere desire to change Ole guarantee to
the elect:Mc railway end of the propo•
work with tools of twenty yeats ago.
The law ought to compel them to pro- sition.
vide proper wotking tools, and one of The Goilei•ich bylaw provides that
these is a system of dotible-tracks in the head office of the Co. and also the
the thickly peopled parts of the coun• railwn.y i
saope shall be in Goderich.
have to make money, and put money
Freeiton, Opt. November 14.
While hunting in hiuskoka Henry
Chambers', of this -plasm, was ac-
cidentally shot. lanotbee• naember
of hie •party mistaking him for
rieer in the distance fired, shoot-
ing him through the bowels. A
doctor watt sent for, but Chambers
died before bis arrival. A coroner'e
jury exonerated hem all blame the
man wbo did theshooting.
There were three hundred and seven-
ty five 'pee killed last yea.r in the
Aarrondacke. We are told that every
immigrant is wet h a thetumed dollars
to the counts ye If that he the ease,
every man who -goes far his vacation
tor two Weelce inerethe woods and has
the money to pay his expenses, is
weft h $10,000.0 An amendment should
be made to the Criminal Oode provid-
ing that the man who. shoots hie
pureacaident, whiett wits unavoidable,
should be punished. Why should he
notjake all the precautions nervasary?
I am note fleeter myself and at one
time I thought that the fault lay with
the long dietance rifle. 1 have confer-
red however with p'eople who have
keowledge. with men who have been
the woods this year. and they tell
e that the long distance rillgabould
a preventive. Deanne, instead of
'ug to etawt up to the quarry and
esttiekly, ste seas the else when
the ishort distance rifle, you can
ny distance when you have
deb carries two or tierce
here 6 no necessety to
noting at.
te0' heat' Mie atUr
liAn with a •hisife. In my op mon
we ahroidd OM the poter to Mir Nod.
,!:stathorities to deport ,AnY
Islet ea patent Of tither natiOnelita
httfratatnd With at knife ana:hielnat.
4o*. IVA. would wipe out ovil
I Lad that ht the.pregerittnent of the
arattd JtifY in tur., tiff. of T..otcsitt,(1, different. from. tile rast4 and a contrn
ilokatn4 the,' ref -extol tu6"" eion for thovvit, so that the la
front the carrying of 4letellf cold Is hooka roperis,,
at•e ha
shoot a
Miles, an
ahoot bleier
what you ar
I Would add
Ca the Criminal
-admits otcrallwav
people. think tit
the Railway Conimi
out. was glad to se
t a few amendments
ode regarding ac -
would henefitsthe
the members of
in tie areal)
ad. They
hive that
0 both
Sava This Anyway. teok the nelaw (1.41 it was handed to
them by the railway promoters.
Here is a simple home made ire etto e
as given by, an eminent authority on •
kidney diseases. who mekes the state- A Pmant,y nonTABLE PILL. —Par.
ment in a New YOrk daily newspaper, melee's Pills are compounded from
that it will relieve almoit any CIISP of roots, herbs and solid extracts of
known virtue in the treatthent of kid-
ney anti livet complaints and in giving
tone to the system, whether enfsebli d
by Meer work or deranged through ex-
cesses in liv•ng. They require no tes-
timereal. Their excellent qualities aro
well 'known to all those who have usea
then:, and they commend thetIlSeivt
ounce; Compound Kerwin, one onnce; to dyspep. irs and those subject to bili-
s/nee onsness who are in queSt of a beneficial
Compound Syrup fiarsapai illa,
om the throne that
otramestoti es to he Mara.
are doing good work, f
triallnittuldie Add the tailteti
instead of ineteasing the ;Wm r
there should s commission fm,
western roonill which is entite
kidney trouble if. taken betoee the
stage of Bright's disease. He states
that such semptonis• 119 lame back,
pain in the side, frequent. desire to
urinate, especially at nigia; • painful
and discolored urin'ttion, are readily
overcome. Here 6 the recipe, try it :
Fluid Extract Dandelion, one-half
otasaring with alarming' feetioeilok.
aplatnet that warty of these
roar& of the rarryint tit deadly
aoinalt that *trees
Shake well in bottle and take a
teaspoonful dose after each nteal and
at bedtime.
A well losiown druegist here in town
is authority that these, ingredients of a load of coal newt tie provided with
are ail sharinlese scud easily mixed a c,ertificato of weight of coal and the
tst borne by ahaking well in a hot 16. name of put Ailfier. The chairman of
This mixture has :t peculiar healing the 111, la and P. committee and town
and soothing effect nprin the entire constables can have any load of coal
kidney and urinary structure, mid weighed on market scales, and it'
often ovetrcomee the worst forms of found shot t of weight a fine not ex-
rheum:aim in just (tittle while. This °ending SIN or less tban $1 will be im-
mixture is wad to remove nil blood dis- posed.
orders; and mire the themnatmin by --
forcing the kidneve to filter and strain The effithey ef Bickleat Anti -Con-
temn the blood and syetem all twin Gummier. Syrup in curing coughs' and
mid and foul, decottposed waste mat• 'col& and arresting inflammation of
ter, which cause these afflietions. Try sea war. „„ aetatmseed by Imo -
St. Marys Council has passed a by-
law regulating the weighing of coal.
The bylaw provide; that every driver
Ily giving a better come of training
than that given hy any other similar
inetitutiou in Onturioswe hove become
one of the leading bueiness training
schools in Catilnia. Our graduates are
denuttal as office attestants end host. .
cIllege teachers.. Ottr courses
teingalhe best, our graduate:a alerted.
If interested in your own welfarawries
now for our catalogue' ; M free.- We
have three department's—Commercial,
Shorthand and Telegraphic. "
Good Situations
Pleasant as sy 11 nothing equisle It
as a worm niedicine the name ie
Mother Graves' Wortia 10,4:terminator,
the greatest worm destroyer of the
NeWspaper "Ups and Downs,"
Toronto Globe, Ism It.
Tlie..entinel-iteview of Woodstock
is entirely Justified in saying that tut
advertisement which appeared in The
Globe on Tuesday last. and which ex•
presstsi °pinning contrary to The
Cilobe'm editorial opinions on the ques-
tion of local option. ahould been
plainly marked "advert isement." The
truth is It was through inn.dvertence
that it was not so 11181 ked. The mat-
ter was furnished through a regular
advertising agency on an unexpited
space contrnet, and ems inserted iin•
awares doting the absence from the
city of the business manager. On his
rein( n on Wednesday t errot• ;vas
rectified. On the tare of it the matter
W119 114.1VPItimilig, arid (be intel-
ligence of the average leader would
so regard it, despite The Sentinel Re-
vievv's doubts. The question Of ad-
mitting tuivertiriementS it, such which
the editorial manageou•nt may not en-
dorse PR another matter with which
newspap*r men would do well to (1(11,
It has two sides and it wide range.
it if you eren't well. Have the pre- dee& o testimonial. from ail siorte
Eleetrieinn W. it. Itayneeas pum. ard remedy in these ailments and all
transformers; he grounded hy a wire vendor% because they know end ap-
running down the poet and connecting Preelate their value ag a curative.
with a plate buried in the ground. Try it.
The object 6 to prevent the poseeibility
of any one handling lighting fixtures a Vaccination NecessarY.
receiving a shock • mid 6 an absolute Maitre:id Mar.
ingh electric authority.
Careful observation of the effecte of
e Parmeiee'o 'Vegetable Pith Imo shown
' that they act immediately On the die.
ate them to healthy action. There
v. Ise rages in which the dithaee hao
tre.proveiliing acctilent§ ea the
methods of pteventing aceidento ori
eatnimithe The gavel violent' Mil not
bp mike', to36•tectitt3 IOW a, atetonboat to to out tinfiVella
k dew or "motive *leftist Not !Ong ogot
and Amman *tern MOM. It,
,t1corittigenti wtm 401 abet .1V
finebe-ahne, entre. they, eetild drive
bar" Iwo* 1111,0011Ittlitta WM& *PAM net
Mow node is isitpossibea, 'for likri 41e04 k
to medicine, hut, even la 'Carle
sae Piga leave been kiesiOnt ta
apse assettione eat he
.1 7 many who lar4earteed
ediad men epeak high.
Imre fc
the toittok.
leo ion orttlattnat7
-0e OS DlfaCeall
9, itherlesed
The sprouting of meditate epidemic
in a number of Ontario conuties abould
awaken raw atithoritite bore to the
need of seeing thatt our Vitocitiation
reantationn me being earefully carried
out. 4s. arell vaccinated community is
better elffeguarded agalifit 1110 ap-
proach of ;atria an epidemic than one
protneted by the Sttietkar quarantine
mecoutta. It will IsAccalled by Sense
theft Ontario had tterantlY Ian 40epillera.
that even some Of the !Wing' heat.
Mate. bow they lInslie the arrialipos.
There io GO penalty. which is ithate ter.
tale to he inflicted thew Mitt, WItichl
efitate front disregard Of settled tide,*
of medicine 40 unto ot. health.,
eniehl de de harm finder the eireitin-
with vary Ineate ot lotting fritele sea*
cfne, cool if lifieeittl' Wavele hike* tee
iteettliet Orr *client 'Childress
row o Mate Ole 4141Qpt
Iare always available with the
renewal of indiistrial activities
in early spring, but it is 'acme
sary tb enter now, if you desiie
one, We have incorporated in
the counsels of our twelv ig
broadly educated, widely ex-
perienced teachera. Day stu-
dents attend night classes free,
individual instruction, linter
any time.
Three courses—
Write for Catalogue.
GEO. SPOTTON, Principal.
The liver le the lament alrovi to the body: Its
office IA to take from the blood .the pmperties
causing them to become hound tr, reiLive. Tho
ilymptonti ere IL le,ling ,,r wnittht in
the right ode. and mlinot.rnt k In the anrao
region. pain, betworn the yeilovnen
of tho skin and toe. howrin frrProileLf, coated
tongue. bad taste U) the flinf 11 it1C4 ete
Leading Furniture Dealer*.
Undertakers and 10.thaintere,
run Will 111364 real bargain+, if sou liu y
before seeiug them.
Good Cheer Ranges
Good Cheer Heaters
Penn Esther Ranges
ore titi;.attud and (may to Lae. ,10 ant etas,
weaken or Melton. never lid the, effect), arid
aim by Mr the e.gfed and dm, t"..1 'senate for
Price 25 cont.. or 5 bottle, for St.00,
ail dealers or mailed &tett refiCipt of
price by The T. ttilburn co.. lasaitcd.
Toronto, Ont.
To Ise 1)1241 only lit
Vser voile goo ranteol.
Nothing just sin good for the money.
5 ••ff for Spot Cash.
_would be) most appreciate
it's always needed, and otta\o/Mit
of• it, In a store like tills one, Avh
stock is carried, it will be easy to
thing a man or boy would need.,
permit giving details, but will
following :
Plumbing, Heating and Repairs,
Electric Wiring and Fixtures.
GiVl• 114
The Brunswick
'Phone 155.
the Pipe, Cigar rind Totra,.., line has
eon fortahle smoke, s .r assured
the Brunswick will iontoole 11.4.
headquarters for ibe last ,,..1 moat
reliable on the market.
The Billiard Table.q
have been r verhauled aro.' pot in
Vi sit Street. Ooderfeb.
(like Dunlop'n Tires
-tor wheeled veliu len i
mean Correct Fashions
f.trod Quality
Reanonable Priers;
OporitiOt the 1..0
Suspenders :T.Pquee$*,ot
Fur Caps.and Collars_
Linen Handkerchiefs
Special mention in called to aete of Suspenders, Carton and A 404.; -put %IOW
l,arlien' Purdined Mocha Gloves
liar -lined Coat, muskrat lining, otter collar
Black Dog l'oata, reittdor $45.00
5 &yeti ol uld wool worsted Stockings, a map, per pair
doren of Men's Pants, regular It t.75, special ....... .....
r. xisttrit.
irmica Ilona
the •,teares =de to thy
3.0o end f3,so
Men's and Boys' Overcoats and Suits
Fee ..ti I Sp.( 'loth Century Brand hlack or bane
Worstrds, S15.00. .1
WALTER kfr„ PRtai
The right place to buy Men%;
;I 11(1 1 Christmas Frew:110.
This lo the gtoriolt household economy
Vend 0/1 relish rest, goods They are
1:11411tItalcited far anything you
1101{3 for flew Pruita.
orse Blankets
(Tral;elers' Samples)
To be Sold at Cost
Christmas Gifts
peat etelp in and lots will bp eorwineed tbat bave, the
kind of gamin van x7not. niai at the flelt pricea. We belt it
china. Ali kind') of Cellitloi•1 Poxes, Coat and Etats Stitt'
Dolls fro!'n I cent upwards. ale* a large variety el A
c-Intottore the rush and get you! ellolee before
nicked orlyibe children end ;lanai etatie tit
*low, ChriCt*IW Eve.
Don't f et to get a trod I60k at til