The Goderich Star, 1907-11-29, Page 2IF 154 lb tad ALI 11SE OF, THE SAS NOW I I, I pvo�Z—,_ big $$Uft 40*"Weiki, AW 41 TUE. ST I T i4w WOO Ift adw '14T u:_ fly, AM" W Al TAU Will wo 1 129 7 tha T1* votc, plo,N "to:V4 TOANAZNO *XXkQ4 it V azlt4vt (Ale". iou 1 4 0-10 VMS$ yo olp"tAl, 14 V Vw#y* V v" -tot. no" 1440bood' �OVONVO aS hey - U" 1111W W*4­11 � --P;,. " 4�" *01,119 t 1401 and ift A Wwt o AMV1111i"I tdayA" A 1h: 0", *W 11% Wilk kish luyx" A 1�0` Not, tot, tio, )a Puta 1 0 US00 . 7 t for 10"*M aaaisavo t"p;* �Jws�plot WrAing ye T116 -41v 01, lww 14 tdfal$ i4l; you pt(4 . bout to re t*pwv hot. 40 . 4, the MO OW416 9.1, like sweto,makS not OF n to, Tejo ;k I* 411Y 1114lier km auo saw -4 04 Xv., 17. tecooly stinple—uW to tho foil tho HID I I Ur vaiguiticiv ii into X SlAo be IMPM40 aar-oaloul 14,44 A W rarko" man I . 40 al 00 40991y, 41AUr P AQW, 91 W Aho, Nwh au. 4floerw wule 1 11AV0,04 forge 1110 colW$ lot MOP. Ono 4"Wwr Asia a. OWS $4, -meny oyalem kii 406IN4, 4XIA cloth hil 1 *r" Up d$ Q1 rimlology b-41 py Rio 4*0 - Aii,,*o �7— '0064, A primg U0410,01 too 9149 sljipik, .� sitUlk JW; Ma, A A . M - th*- WVtt 4*P1.14 4, 101 qu tho�. gs 3t pie 44 A* Arlbur PAW JK lot eojp�v Abe is �wy 40 Alwplf* hot, to has'. 4.0 .403 a Age 4*X VO4 Din t 101111119 toothpick Z IW at ifilaw-6, 44� bms_�d lgine, ky iier-040 s9k for hiew to 40. qW. whic., r;vrvo lei, To. A*a,� w lllTOT. wixen spi tH­V* 0 WWPATY 41look y Varlo W .4ur 484 , A. 4. Ilion J!�' Siolling fo� 40. x(ilillng Ith to �Aol the power -of 40, CbII4� .4dio f lli4. Nwitiger,C40 4131ab tll� 1104 PlXlertf, OWUL W40111" old -cr su* e lotop 4pul or a little one, To a W& taps Ills VT U10414164tsi - VIM 4 et. busy; I 140t A 4 is htP1111 1p ICTQ It uttewif. oh to us for I �vb T4.04br or -A. N,9,9, 04A E.,0411 1 .1 iend W Life Is kulrUMN )VOO. by, 0441 *1 It III AP lot'. our busluells 0144 1110 fiet aut it* L 13 44 0. VA bu 10 0 V M, ATo jitqtj odet Alto 141U0 tbrg, Ailat no to t6 done, mitt of' hot 1� Aoq 040414et POI44 I th 1 now is—for 1W a Ono We sug m1aulim 04 spot, It o; son. Alraw.* Ftlye a IQ tile larger thin at sg� ly )to ew seklfrA 4k 4,1 Ninj �141111?41, 11W 0 pay" U A o4wg when 0144 ou y4,1Ry,:rUN S 1*0 0 )r � 9%1Tr4b10- At the iond 4 tile day- tile tile s�14 t4lqot� 00040� 'Pout Inko M14. 4 ttie, pros4wro Great Master w0l no 14090 . tor out, vims zio, qu.4rVO ntu I for A, that and lit, TT 04 Add k X09v0% till" 1. it Ono On the, to th4h Is to 4.0 but for tholvillits AN. 4,thik,P Or 14011i I putell 4rpin,' no 411; �Okw 1ppl,� #M; it4act The wollam ad ftit., U Aw -Wqr. is, bokepa� IthpAos hiJA a happiness, "tit pro A ut I As ry 4.4, b 0.44foot Ap the pw.wr4 long froalm l41 "ra tarall,AVO-t JA In 41'.1 offthula�nlly depend an its oat IV ill tal;la th to cSIZA 41 A XX 4. 4 so., APAURI visit IAa l� one X an ladiviillualf di ir ge. i........... . . . . . . . . . . . ...... tllqw IT41-4VA risimpti go till thl* T .,bo, erlchf ggAer411 All, sitte 04 Tbg tta e, got 4 life. NUD6 A141D OAKS Or. OTHEM. .1, Y4, �kw Manhood grows us motley grows, by A, A' era all. Will, nW111 $9011 11WI, he 11 imo 10 to 1p� Wen, no a ie44, der tit an 104 trot sa'Q NAL 4A�w by puttinr it te use. riew one me4suro Of man is the cifeuinkr- at 'ling, but enoo of the. 104vio of his 6ympatbl% huvo beilume rich wi hout. sa- 30get1te cp �OWA wag AP Don't tvorr over wbother 114rd Over them., 60r cold. none ever beew4a, rich bysaving U 'Ire 4 he 101 outright, 00� IIX *4K AIM 0110 talent manor a tell talonfoulla. 4000d za4tim. *llt UP 40, his is nol, the life 'It AbA# 68-11! ailing peirfQj"" Tality Tt 010 U kal, Is liparded PC uc . �Vlthjby '41 her (god 6 better to ba t C. one talent inon with was�, o4k, in bait, and C4 �T tgoted, ooddleit that develops mos s4r, ossipus. Thlic�ift�_X 4j) OMy �,bjitt ocssfully; It is the lite that is w'd epoill that 00.41bo r wis sill Hq* ver, the T4., ul W talent Inves bd than the A= talent inon wJIh -his WeAllh tied up Is a TUIP- Wit, la Un4el that is beat Saved. 04AW Oven and A1WW'R '0Fb*'o,;,r I h14040"SlU )a Inveisting what YOU same 10 ?bfA' goill'ilis lop making, m9ney-4 lbeiptioperty has 001 reeGROWTH OF CHARACTER. taVo-aad I, tile lives Q from Mobilmotedap, P0 g Igo! housl silly, skill ond 'rho lot:4 j44Agy In. Pulp, min Akiii, Only 4JA Pei at. at FrIdows WlOnQ and. Axrpg�jt Up 0� pass through '01giatter twice, well A(04 _af 4pd take an equal q MUnY expect Character to grow 10 4 StPengthl Cher or The sugar. to.. ftolalsslomill ISO foljrAvs-, your returns will b ad, even at 1 41 11111�, 41iti eW otbed., They water it wIth tears, they � all In' Cook together $Oc, At, 1044 11411 so 1100, 4, TROMAS 10""AT' It r4adLtliey Avill W seen in the 0% 11- taost of tho lu %Q i.A41h .01 11. �; QY149 proloot it from the mugh world:. tllQy wt . Bombay. They re�ted At, iviollin Ice 014 a r lob, 4riiz kqr� While 144t, assliluoua)f gather end feed It the Chafe, Tile report ths is J Weil, orn ment -of < lite In the thil a W, trUaton on their got p Q Tho Lo j SQ ­111T. W1 Privacy Is oollcor#04, Oil. am and 4eiiL U4. 14, test 0080M. and spiritual TOOP8013; IJ11Q.V learn tile simple months viloblig March. jv,g the greaiO P 9.11s*0 n, Iron it J 41 0114 sL 19.07 'a this world has ever seen, tried 10 orewd, him out. 64 4tole apart Iron,' the rest oL We nog of lusuce -for 40ait,o,r� 6 -JUIC. a spoto saw 0 **Anr'WMr* is vowthi every day nod ro. ttio Ile tut found is -done a m. I us, tin 1, at be the ug1xIJ �Ven n lssued� pad 441 onartp PiAtdo undying power proved more than se be, cord their oesorvatlons, lit a 4hlry, and estlilIg road thc., who are 4 141091mo nod oby sincerely 1011OW- He stuck and was oon Alg e.9g(p.6d at with a' vats, hall. 00r Or pIght hours is not too lan$� but, no. th Is required. Willi, the od classes,,, UiI Also, for ujt. should, lwooxto they take Partulor ptdas Otte" to PUR jag tho goo, und true. giving him- �htrfiaw Is Ali: are I FASTER TH) thowse. who. calling kv ''I till the roots to W that it is alive, kN ANY- 00 sth the vitbi disere OTA, for -the 40191, scheme, Wiling, and relery-'. f'$Ialad.—Take POP. From such a course of treatment the sell away In deeds of kin ness, in sYM- VdwArd the Seventh., t es- it will 40" not picked p, b palby, in helpfulness. Givin one's life But though lio bad inWrlor decorations Was, 0106t- equal parts of English.. -WralinuI4 or Arl arly �tliat ItCY40Y and mote haffn .4b ty atirgo 1� i ed Ime its and'delery out lao itrong lite never Comes, On the can is the opposite Irwo 11rowing It list be still clung obstinately e$ King, bligself at the raqUa4t 414T hil d 0 a arline, for'W1110% we ffopn lit T hry, babils of introspection, absorp- away our,�Owp, native nuts systex The - dr Cloyit it is finding and 41- pairlar.chal mode of life, and i'llisisted on, C11411, U0949, 18 small pieces, at, nded QA 4 cn in selkulture,-,produce only unin, away; JOVQ$tlng ) powers lit ine that art he atolaballs f his, janlij, r4 nluoh at'Ahe 41spe4ol, oqf- the, be In 11JA41% ulld Witter saints, flabby, use� 01'eub"ll; It- Using all ill( `a$ $ , -ean-be used. Mix All together. Se- e ber of pr ners, otdod, IMP04VOI, less, neurasthenic . cumberers Of ill() L4041 nerVidle we can find to do is act should votilln the ancient Hebrew King its If lie Owne _e I lock Some firm, round "s, all tne th -not XMUP wag )ste& It -I$ at- consideratign wfill nAso a great s4v Jume. Not until the some dze and boil until tender; s line jaenklis e. Ill (I of Canada during All gmunti, and breedom -of weakilm. and wearing the life awaY—it is tile Only way (Ilsooltraelnent. Habitual introspection Or saving and Increasing it. the mutiny did he Consent to lot t4dn v Aa' that it A s �64 n4th%g. Wb�u and iicoop out the inilde until nothing 1.42a. Of ill 8, or $5 per, coal., are it consists in 14 ' Is Of but a red (town as reps. Tile balanceAr. Iftey are 11 mouth ld P on, I shell remains.. Fill these s ­i 4own as finds nothing worth inspecting. HENRY F. COPE. wear European clothes. EA4 thafti 4.0 h r �% de UP of ah 110 �)W he�4rleads Or both put a generous spoWful 41 mayonaoise mdes Willi -awn fro] Ch lekens what side you a !1.% olmstpg and in, the celery and nulq 4nd ma gets at many different and 3 Qmttt hilistines, rememlocring the reputation re an," a row'di thus ralb the he gave them leave to adopt the, ht, bil =I, joker, garb f Weitern tivilluticift. lHo A"es, on,vach. Nish* 4 had of 1tiuce -leaves callings that ulre the �Dxer,4590 Of the it g supply ot fresh V111W. X 1110TOIX111 ON, Tonsert THL So So LESSOW ! Samson as a wit atid praotli to sit on a dials in the spactotia. all The Sasoons h4ve- let ad and an each. aves brain to tile i ist. ot4f g _�cluslcn of the wi stekushell grit ai�jd, rjeet�, f00L emand that the Minded captive be agd Make a,bed of lettuce lo tit ell$ roW* C) vtroo�, 11 11 r � was, t6risibl ., Bombay far liehiud.theoi, 1-hoy have Abb Centre. hands. T Ve haV4 2 littOrnOYS, 8 finety chopped up, or ch. relight befom thin that he may make Where his business I, s ioo4ke It& DO RX, 4to beir, an Spice Cake.—Three accountant raster and, are hardier slid 10A wrt for them. AccOrdinglY,'8811113011 With his flowing beard, turban and, always stuck le the -tafth.4j., ' - -quarters cupful.of All 4011 n1ajSt.;',0dJ todd�,'A - A 3 bank-man,ii; 31 cl%,CS. Wifte art those vaige4 4 linatlon alwa*2 &0110� mW he was an imposing sight.,,No one cesthrs. Even it the King as their sugar, one-half cupful of sour cream. INTERNATIONAL LESSON, 1 llrau lit out of the prison house, and of the protee I sch�ot, teacher; and. rboea, the clhlo�en At aced Ctween the pillars: and when ventured 10 speak to,lihn unnea6marily. goest, air the, Itimp, his P fners one-third cupful of butter, one and nollist. The total of unknown amOng air tht faithfully observed� the Jewish D of one-half cupfuls (scantl of flour, two iltl till 0 & ibis DECEMBER I. ho people saw him, they praised their In his own house lie exaitQ called 'easily re4*1 ill mi liounwhat might be they are More U., Atonement in silence anfl, testing, a I teaspoonful at soda. one tht% "genteel" cup4tions is only 62 or gre4ti4vin 't time ered Into 8i;I;ViiitM1qT SOCIETIE& ad; for they said Our god both dell deference that is usulilly.acoorded only i%,sWm there is a our banA our enemy, and the te royalty.. out, of respect for . Yheir feelings, zIpionefieded raisins, one-half tea- 4.36 per cent and trouble' no 031 At Abdollah's house In Bi*n no Waste. estrilyer of our country, who both slain Majesty's gun was sUent that dily an Spoonful each of craves and chnnamon. otlaw AODMI10112. o. as. 0.0.v Lesson IX The Death of Sam, b;ky, one SFVF.NTEEN R CENT. IL TERATF Ing sour or dirt), cod, ine 1 -764 I.t ,i era Golden Text- Epb. 0, 10. - f his "Seept, lbou a, man diligent in a jhe 'yolks of the loggs, -1hen the Another v ice that it is the or nany of us. if Arthur Sassoon's, sisters, AgizA $as there was no slaughtering of gre, a, Rub tile sugar and the butter together. *Ieuons -,rallw 'a reased ptreentele of.� F0 -50 0 26. The Ina, that led �tnt by the hand— seen, was inarried. 'When ond. 0 Ind ingree, pro t to'tbe "eder. ravath. Fatti hilding the blind man, from place to nephews was at Into gaol Is that I Pei F61a Can got fail paru Rare THE LESSON WORD STUDIES. married later n,. Kigg ness,",sas the Talmud, "he shall stand our eeoam, then the soda, which must chiefly, who 0 lace, Edward, then Prince at Wales,illttend- before Wags.' To *uIt those raodern be dissalvM In hot water, (lien the cent. of the Ideitts-of ADUA peniten- LIVE pio% NOTES. fEb i a tail. Afthle UAL don. vised Ver. Jal Based on the text of the RLY t, t Trt". Burrowmt. Jamoo 27, The house—Apparently not the ed the wadding. The deseriptilbil, lrl�. days it might be renqred: Soest thou Spides, raisins and flour, and last of tiarles can b. r read nor write, and vialti., sicn. but a larger buildi 01 Get winter quarters reud3l� lhe'ficcks n. only 10 peri. have the advantage en by An of Azlza'. mar, a nidn diligent In spending mopey; ho all the Fhlta�� of theeggs well beate ft OLIL in the pirst, 'Id -pttrm. —The story i -q g situated near shall sit down with kin^ Before putting the raislias-fin roll them a good oont k Wheel I rings reception is Worth recall iro not le tory of Cason =Ient1D at haff education. I' Now Samson is recorded In chapters 13,161,o, I( t may take six MO Centples In this early period were Can- a surely requ no demonstration nths to -rhe girl­ahe was onlril"alixteen in flour. it*hrogh alwilliti' Abe book of Judges, and falls naturull) li-effect of'one Idered as exclusively the dwelling place y Is into thive parts, in the introduclar) ears, old—was seakd on a -kind of Frlea Chicken fill 0ys&ers.--Cut up a prove that it oor are they who Mo wea� )I the deltyj afid not generally as -a those, wit* have no. Urn Is ftqtiix rtion ichapter is) we are told cl tho ; tIlrone in theupper end of the room, young chicken (afl;pr It has been'clean. Olt the nuall Of . �at.. lifie, The calf I, PC onle Aillding in which the wershipptrs as�- I n sohoo her to keep UP lit 14teried", ce! lit to the mother of Sanisor the advantq a "good Y& Pmbled for their festivities and merry-, education." railed off from the part where we uii� PERSONAL NOTES. d) at the j4ints jo I as to have it ready iimply being gr'Dv -)I the birtli of a son, Who was to Alt nakIng. in I Sam. 9. 22, and Judg. 9. ielievens were permitted to come In tu serve. Dredge . with salt, Pepper "it- Is illum g to observe that on], hould be taken in fWflile. tit up front childhood accordini, .,. w6 have Indications of the customer -order to view her. She was oli�ouded Interesting Gossip About Some alpd frou in buttler or . brougl of the' I made, 901"all to the mus n, p -QW Worl r and try MVwn ou. per cent. -nlarrled�- While 66 pL nist'*L omji, i0ftle Of .,.pert dair 094TAKERS Strict discipline of a Nawrite, Ir arlaking of the sacrificial meal in a; lit A veil Of V111% it dored cys Proukiftent �Pecple. fat. I akq� a Cream t sauce with one cknt. were men, is _16ding reaching adult ullaphocic r 19 ulldlog separate frout the Immediate with gold, 9,144 literally looded Mitt ljeaPfzg tablespoeftful'01f flour mixed all too shly duill �Zlp The Marquess of Stafford, who recent- dier, A 40. LMERS '101rederilghhuttduelpiocir Israel from the haVl#,o Pq LYOU,' elir it. lot 'ancillary. Jewels., Long necklaces of -,pakrls. with -one tatlesp"atill Bees will not r Tilt ly cerebrated his ninelaelifix birthda), ur�plj is`sfioit, S: opressors, the PhilislInes. 2$. Sallisen cdUed upon Jehovah— strung and unctit jowele, tito -gold add'gradually one,'dupful at hot crean� The nip you�bg n our i1e,1- i- load s its 04 porWn of the nqrrailve,,which I, bell, to the most extensive domain, it, I C,,,Iolvy may go Into $,soon itimson's devotioii t6 the God of his coins were iled Upon her slidulders. 011 milk, season with salt, Pepper and 0XIT. h,, ties under ears 0 8 Is 156, 0 TO's ters 14 and 15, eon- not ill# largest rent ivil, enjoyed by any �4r Cent.; W" I I rong in t Street.. 001 bar. u er I itained In chap of Sanisor Mille was, like that of his- generation, Grouped about her were a n%n* of sub ect of King A Juice. Cook Onet pint of oysters narriage Edward. ore than a #am') 11 P, Carns limit Willi the I )f a primillilve,' though robust, Witum -old wonten who sprinkled (114F ta ' 1, In one ' lAolespoonfut of bil n ne early fe'Ifte phiustjon Woman In Timnall, anc wi mil Ion acres In England -and Scotland I age plualp. Nuo them Ater until years 0 nd matulA th,) riddle Which ItO gropounded', to AN A14% note that be prays. not for strength danted; o6hgniiially aro und�qr the Icrdstilp of his f4ither. the ever the chicken years Zft4lin 787, or 5.6 per cent. I hat the name of 34hovah may be ex- rose water and A, to give I In a sort of mournful Duke 4�1 $utherland, while the Marquess, (Ind pour the auce over A this not us pause let. Be he Wbole. ray philistines at the wed Ing fell 11ted In thil eyes of the Philistines, but sumably blessings and wlShet,lor the of Breadalbone, wbi; 19 probably tiv� Sotatio6o a Is Foomage.--cut some Mo 411 'the, population r, 'tills, tht, d by his wife, who tells the answer to re than a hilly ant'," at Canada are undf, PCILLOP alat by the - death of many of those i he . future joy. The wledd4g,' jt�a'klfut -ne:Kt largest proprietor in the.1,kingdont,' boiled potatoes InA6 sirens, the pen tenti A countrymen, S(knWn and prRpare aer, till - ose the :.5 the riddle to her :,c, at once,avenged, for the losst his was conducted an "We does not own halt that aploulat of land. a sauce of one cupful Of in er4gurus in anger to )Its faUtWs house, ilk thWkened years of a In his subsequent visit himself with all his might— sot about the room In groopS, awk On Although Caruso, Lite great tenor, is with one tablespoonful of flour and P of th4e, bjL . A It MUSt V only,to find upon Pulli='both tildrs forward and rcut of tr- k0delve $9,500 his t is not to Timnah hat his ife has been Stygn as be $0, servants,,eama In Willi diShes -of, silv. a nyht- lei- ainglog at with two tablespoonful$ of butter ad. Into 00 the, Iqipersel; Op. flrmst byll'act. I. to the ie it will tie 10111x�, 'atoted 1ruwa '?Mpwly n marriage. Thi5 leaO to a place sweetmc4f4.'-AVe bitd. . < ed, And mix With One cupful of grat: first 6vil'a4t A, I ulift h Ion; L 11 cry masts and ouse, Vlonne, the d I j1, they that he steur in big no and atpcuut is not a r"o.rd. Mme. Melba, ad cheese, U little capenne, two tea. lary. They urp $35 to $60 each, also sor between sdii�bn and the Phills- 14pre than rJorty" Insured up to which former first sets Are fife -w -here to no specific emphasis placed': 'I . a. Instance, redel�ed,as much per night spoonfuls 6f mustard. dish prepara call d a what a dit prubs. only $15 to 820. This latl -lass eta "' rain W ­ t 11. ans, arrange Line , a it t who are yet der l, enl: ad 9 the elosilig verses of the narrative on I tt;r'an American tour some years ago, li� old be weeded out; yet they a -flen $3,048,975-M lortly of Jehovalt ever, the god' Willi crQut around. them 010 arri at e pe lien -,opt yloar: after year*, simply ause and n turn . rMoven supet nd ften she toured the States last S. CIO W of d have —J.Di nhouselir Id of the W U)e Philistines. This lAdIcates at once 8 0 'Ono elft"iff 4UtUqlll every night In (Ito, concert plal, fees, and -tier This further Illustrates, e nt, heir oWners do nct know wb h their 10rop eil waid, line 'a'ake NA of hly lip"o, 94 c, tUgPAO A - to k h I, R -ft the and of a r Wit v - t It it it We themselves oil t and . to b " r 'I , lie, so to the. potato sl Udalkit", diliat'. loppap 'P. 0.; 1. ftan of Timnall sainson's, faninwer- 'a. an important d g� rawt, tea... ll�ead ad tie Cover 11h the satWs, repeat Ili Riter. ifference between tills and fortin . made tier the richer by 34v0W. Ole lQAr covering the, w)tnie, iwith I of tile Work of the Chit ren'L oor Cows ar�. . Weighing Uie lWor e��Jltli*illdtat. larmofield lie for their `ArCUL le. other narratives of the back of lildgm ABDALLAII WAS A. P�PVD V'Abf., Milqe.-Path has rivalled and excelled tills d This Strom of the Voutf ach gow. and toUng her milk nc'6A whant they blul 1$ilude. =le 1191111PY With- graed o!.,our country which is flowing Into tilt nontli for, a,whdlb Thereupon ChO . ese slid very brown erbutns, and ook rester, ill show Awhidin are e best Samson, sinle-handod, eyesight. aAQfmQU9 figure. , For Sixtioe pear- , season with' B41l, filiftv villeb Fie had a high appreciation:31of ills' ances which she made at colear cam gctqls and penitCftilaria sgquid bb di Or 0-4 3- QQ`aAQ`I17o sailtes the Philistines "hip and thigh , 29. TM two middle pillars up�A Vw4r . C The 0.: a. tau. 0114. �vlth great slaughter." . Shortly after, ljt,, houso rested—No reliable repre$eji- own, lineage. Ile would do nothing, to' den,;.,Wndon, so long ago, as 1810. she bake lit' The Oven lo about twenty vorted�near Its urce. en W ;nd'whi are tbo 0orer cows talk Watt. Varlock IN 04 wrd the people of -Judah. threatened 6ition at these - ancient houses of the 16s. Like a received the enornirus. suni'tot s4rip&i minutes- men, no matter what th*k PC 3 lie lor, Its e, (in Whrew Patriarch 6 cupry faVor with theGenif 0.; J. a. the hands .,of tile Of old h�,­abldbd by Cranberry Jelly. to a good deal alih t re Willi dim,destructloo at Philistine cities is at hand to enable us 600 for ekel(performan6r, WP "Boll two quarts her. in ente Ifti and eig 0.., WJ- 140110"ll' Philistines. deliver Samson bound u. give any accurate description at the the wayo, -of Ills, - found her in America, where� ries in oft* pint or wafer until soft, gliplifes with tar till roflt&hlo,� the progr ive ymen into rll� 111.1-0;� 11 , is lot OI-nAly- the hands of tile enemy, but, 090411119 sholla and plan of the building. was di&*nt With big three oas,,Ab- as.otNew Orleans, $G000 was. her then press through SlAve' metisur�e­f 4ten. The child of t this COO each tba Juppeator of once more bts'great st",111 the call' The Judges mentioned earlier in 14 alid ArWr. ' Y4 Eng- nightly fee. his evil 11 lit e book dallall, 'Reuben pulp and add ame, amount of sakar: inado evil by evil u a d I AM-=t16t*0t't0 Which thIlY,00"Mr. live tears the rops which N;a hon and were wurarous leaders, wh6'vlt the land they came. Abdillak bad his Parisians have lately been inforlmd boil until it begins to Jolly—Wign child of evil -par-oft 4e d b VARN NOTES. it gfilft'Sullies'llis' k-nemies wilIX great head of th4F)tl1be aild-AlatIcAl delivered Dome changed to Albert soon aft*r byOne of their mst reputable JoUrnWia -0015 -611 tL 134.1100r. Then stir into he 9ocVnI1Uen0e3. '04 10,00MIns. Ei;a6indvine. EL I*Ite third division of the nliu�- Isrul out at' the hand -of its enewlesi arrived in Edgiand—Abdallfth. bi W?t pulp one table poonful of g I ne -------- MaUe y4ur bays, junior partne a the .. y y9u W now. rds the attachment Of Sam. fighting vays Ine the name cl Jehovah. suggestively Orlefttiltm��and , boupht On. 'tin), Pita n Was I n e W, 4e2_ rs I ty .qlaughier that King Edward carries with lifOL a -s el ttifartb: R. Sinith, li�twe 11000 raphle comere, which Is at- 4issolved In t little 'told water -,,&turn F EX a wonian lit 1116 But q8n;tv leads no fin"y into b41110 linftsc ficusi In OuetaA Go over- Inched[ to h s watch chain, and I hat while into a wetted mold ixrid set, in coal -.dobuig -e marice assort. sell for Dollish, on deris can pay asssys� Or Screk, between and aces not What% gp to Hebron and tile PhIlls- fight so much In behalf *I looking Kensington (344delUk. 11104ben pretedding to toy with this he snap- place. Unmoldand garnls6 with me %kt t' V- Sometimes in Great Peril FrOTA I dA- lor., I es to fir cards rocalt- lAn" Cities to the west. It is thts,404011- Israel as Ili setillnt his own personal �Cok a big house It atlstctrotI6 j3tl, shalS the various personages and offi- Ingue made as follo*s, Beat th4p.whiles - Jim, putting 4,40.4 0. serous Fish. .1 leA slid -the wh to 6r, So or ^,t ment which brings upon Samson his Uh- Trats With Pie P listilles. The trou, are pvesep;Aod frorn time to of . thr4ce eggs until feamy, add one. In which he Is all,4ost Constant -grave Square. Arthur f6ok 11 nionsion hills who ros, Palace ClotbLiag, Stots, &Ing. Having confided to 04111411 the ly In- .-S to U Siren in Albert date. Society gutffo'llt thela, time. The 11hus. which are almost rior teaspoonful �reazft of tartar and Fishermen d4 not always have r let - at tie Is be- narkets prefer Asr whitb .0 secret of his again, is not occasioned by at flrst4 ut society 6oloitj: 11tit rogist atleroscople, are given over , Into tile M11, until drs-, fold In threequarters ters enth-ely their own way, even w Ich lir Am by �.her to Abe hands of his Phill8tine o remlon ct Israel, but b their dinners. $0 rely ' rosll y no thitriia of an expert photographer, Who cupful of sugiir and onehalf teaspoon. sport is good. A man -has playe a see ocforiW I I ers. en=-, -having first been shorn of Ills affectIon for Ilirst aln trIaijes. them. The temptation to take rs, a ad an his own tin Make 4. ob�).Cdah t ,of d W tile Nazarito anotier Philistine woman. 11 ld&s, the lyhdge of a picture of a well-known statesman or lie tar cutlibl a riej.A.. Hoa and then call" (a sniff at Them at all Fite 61 vanilla. DrA?i ft, erred paper at Pterida tarpContorftehou 40n (6 ad At tills Point Qdr lesson naFratIV6 The story, thmfore, lacks lite morol Abdallah they had filherited Ill press through St" Jilbo A looke In t-een- forced to cut his line bee e 4 the fi]6,.fh ally A), UP "for thirty r (ript-a. *hm neat). Then at LL W. 4% Court official while enjoying forty v4e night was oomingnand a gale spot ir- old li pfInt. and emphasis which Ito eikViter Ilgence ar'Well as was h; And as fir rJ Slow len, about gins. ' 01) , b- sisted, and the colleciloo Which His Ms - stories at the boot, 001italo. -00 lis gentlemanly behavior wefi� old wfnlw is sometimes too great to be re- Ing up. 'Two years ago, one -of fie ne Inchfthd 04go'end In to niga'Ja Mot edg end 1 then, be a for ne c.ther hand, it Qbaun& in rude hulloor all had ught thtill that ImItallon. . GInger.--4o every pound monsigir, lealAn tuna of (Abe C�s will then be Veme 21. put 0_0t Ills eyei—In Par- Jesty bwrW is perhaps unique. 1 ad YAWS at Is"Or 8 014L Calls A r* and - tiecounts of practl6at lbk6s pIrpe, line Ilion rnost of rho sbroina' of a �0, apples allow thrve-quarte t laws a Wat flye miles A cold ciaw., WAtch thv olook -ith the Cruel, pipugll coulmon, Itated by lite here, Saftison. on, bis per- all aristocracy ever lon. was Tho Gr4nd, 'Duchess Cyllfl at Russia, Ond of qugap a hall -and then It began to bloW I the s dauge %A ginger. P&I, the 004 I at str'w' Id custom at (tie times. leon 618 the fisherinan was forced to abatl all seen at 6 sonal eneiniog. As it stands it -may be belliftse Ih tv9 and QrlenjilIls w Ing Ili LOW1610, Is b bhih a British F incess, belift*16 dpug- 11061 Of '1110 be eke for the beach, 0 !b to. eI the willbe be (ulza—One at the fiVo PrillclPtil ClUes -4 as a typical bit of Sehittle soiciel at t4r of the tate Duke of. Saxe-Cdbueg Up town com a# tile Philistines, dituoteil about two vonsiderL that y illd Olt pare. and.quirter the 4PPIes, and put hL- f1sik and m a foAlk-lore, which was without doubt in them With cordiality. would never have feacheil It had I a Irmon U That. -did not the -lialred,walmin, the ndt, ginger, and sugar In layers a launch come to�bis help. bre its. 'tilterron. SUP Is a handsome, &tk 1061111 the Short Of the ?%It -orry as*lons. and * perfect dreWr., is -Clcvef� witty Into a Wide MOuthed far. Let them re. ikgk mile aknIdA trees alid gar- great favor among the JA Ish �Q kv, �5 I X -La Thloy $�i their heaft tog6thor. r4ode, %Xlhoii on* speaks of dangerous fish. to any lullinull eon -00 A IfW hill, tU ves us, moreover, a 9,Vlliil atitUrInt the queeA Cons, nod in close proxltnit� Atn tho tuain r rendt ano an adjolJii�able Musician' main two .,days, then Infuse an ounce u, in Evy A to Jaffa and prctrffy� Opololly an is the i6of at produ 0611; Pod ov tw4litthe beSt ,ravan route fro ide of early Hebrew life avid chora r there plahs and waited. And i4hey'hadn't S0 fflort is �, used I ft,.k elsewhere represented In (Ito Old long to walt,� #flhb*r, jugi. low thev rult of ginger vW4 halt 4 pint f bo the first thAt come to millit are the U topen poodiidlloo uifd, tat the ancient Aburk and the clup in �o Way in' Abe 4. Is k th Fast. 'It Is A i lft—stn to nand flowem, abd 1100 pictures t*vo been water. C4vor it caft0ly and let* .0. llu� fielther of ahthese is really lbrintilablo (0 fto it) 61 rho. tiMPO i - JudigM 1: bilril! diiiihaildd it rybody knows, c-1 iew in London akilibitiona. The, main a day. This quantity dt gingor. rul I. oil ealh the InflnnsO solid hills Whit 311, JudgOd Israel twonly yours --This Y161, long bi?f&e� the King. then'Prince d�4114 Duches takes rattic as �one of tile and.water Is ror lljl� PQUndS.L 'The sharic never ottacIcs a boat, d yaAll ap. is Abe sum total of lite Intormatl6ft Which at, Wales, 'had taken dinner Wltb �sclk W$t #porAgwaliion in Hurtpe. ingrbdJ#nf, y rarely, Th6 :11 supplyla A. impriet 106d, 10 bo. follyid littween A $40 is a ples. with . (lit or) I in The octopus " -1 " retnt 'the -Wt alwilya, aoft dent dullienticat0d c4 aor a ft It$ he present city have concerning fSanisou as one of aRpor them In hIfft. Society 90SOM. OOLS" with gant rifle 44d revolVdr' proportion. Pal, all' Ift -a Preserving -Actu 1Uct%n_'i0r to 14 r;ratonst. end 0tch aM 911k, an u tap of fismjen , inDmttabor Inst. Off ir. est your ne.ods, d%millog 10 $ta drive the loose Mind In, hill regarding Ills Npablilty as boll until the doples 'look clear Irl . el, We are act told tile Judges ol''Ism kus t ( snifted no mope. riva tandem or four-If0aand And, When pan With the A8946rtald '.%vliaL fdod Is yn A gtond1fig onstw4rd as the winds urge. fut we mav 060i tit* , THE SASSOONS HAD AAfAJV8D,. WOO 05M 10 Water *&Ifled fconl'L the being vethally in pM1 from o=pl v as Ilma, at 1010' 10-0011, 118Mk- tbv� btad Q.1 oor own I* Alelit, She AV" Its 605t,, Then id 4111, r&� of Inoral fdrenk 'alinewhat"11001­ bav&oecupted a, f � Ih he #,xhlblted. thfit hom'at M itie and 1116 WuP 19 1q0b, wWh will be blk""t WAS Set open bY Ali kiftdill COAL M- A' 1 1 N".urd be regard for Ills ph),814111, It %vos lieubeh hium the slia. a a number of these 9trange gea 'creatures �;Illtt W d what 0a, 0 L , ove oaza W141 In'about, An hour. Tho tiod of a lornon of bot� ou to rikf4er ap Impa T1W lOunce, 00 Aho i Melte" but is knwh " rowids more Ilion (or Ills talent for JI& Prince WOO most 11001111, wtillon U1110 WOO rWaftal to, may be added lost beforo tfij� oppraS which lostelleil on the sidet,pullIng All 6 most"ouvor JIM oil ullutuy, �10'her 16111fly 4nd, intimilt - have finished 'hWjbig, lie down level ith the ;ate lho. 1, awe Tntafixod V1111 careful. net 1044 10410d in, WeOalanod, Ira dtl, f tioe thal Would Inculcate respect. (*:get UP big luncibe4h parites, tp iaWft of ltl* DAiUs oct Alball;�whii Is 04W In to break tbd U -of tila until lite links .0 BL At Abase entePA0101114 04 fhe 1001' ocell teat. ond liet in psellculak iro t"WollrA At' hill 0044tot Pertbishiri$ tt%e Olson hotisk—A Ciftlims OMMINO Ill lively Avo loliftilteg, t Ile did i brot*bt Into piror clkstleA Is tit# 140, 1 over 'for des- tel, Wllli,� R01 �hXc.44 fqdt ind it � jilags disW 11 taolital, Inloor for nitionee, J10 4 Aer Vding 0110 4 dospera E; NOT MAO. �q n)lad 440w, thriquoh a a% the r befaN iteviod trw* -Indfa litox Pt Notives at WP Ivaq lot, th6� boniijound,, mar# - dolloo 'ad 0 r rakt$ soQr3 -of Italhol tentacles 'did the TitatkA04i Zoafilloy�4 OIL PlAntilt*,. 9 00 'grain ill tude ra Ago, Vita thfin, ally other nan, th the, In, Ton Von, Igloo lit 0( Ills bead eggil Ina( tltjei;� f�r besitifs b&' #r6o IlWay. d Ill, 'rhe halt rl Of ortgrin. And 14 104*0 110t. tho A *—It I% now 6.01 1 01) 14 00 1161,41uy alar Light cift tit ilk, or jell, ieTwo to lilt lum" $Ar tsy aupposo soino Ten years, go delNtlyp MAW t100A 00tr --a larle XE r. 9 16 fe: I. tho kast 111006fiN trilne. De �rtpksoqs at file Do diall OurrIOL11. A41,11116 IMit, a ellosp, raLte t a it: Aba 60"1 V f0'. 0 hated Wore posted upon CV00 P01IO& 808000 'b 44106. 006iot IM IWACI atfo Ot bu&- roy Jilait Ig 'do WA,, hi.1h "WnrIll Watt that IAoftd*, during whteh WOO %i� 0410. by Vuldth "L40114 Op flow**. 1* , 6031 01. AUtTi" pst"Itiag.—Ok ap- Nveight of %oh Od 4 hillf, And t be- -01 cudild r of 460mel no Ow 0o ATOA i46"AINOO AraO x4allt AN to Awwo Willi W6- t: ed rtpoo WOW or 8*46 An 111410t. V*li), ATId fft.. by; MIL to PON "to �Povtqtty, dad V= x1ldiall, Tildse'ash getw Ain a fiovgh� Now, ffiii aft sNailld -aw tq Wear lrst� 14011 %Nbuld bNAW at"Orit W* bolt Intibea, 000 Ilittlable atined with "14 thot dli%#�Atth of lillit ��Of)42 Tal 11 Iel, it, glit qO110, b4t4 0910to f)ftdJ*4In A 4 00 A'draslit" d Iron MON of 4 0 INO 'Or g1114141c. si&& i6ir out 91 te: hillipliolo boW, ond pblog#0 spike ton tbg& 0. T110 lyllrft -of 10L#4 tw IV 41110 thou thm1w Illy A t T011111 ON" g ; '' plito ' R *t' tl* tau, 1, A" a princip I. pblxw. AND vATIlos. 1 b0d b trnl 1�'J W ho OAII 'N(It 116111411. " , _ . . ' A bdaf§4 _e, elovap VAillsixot d)i*�pad, U14 111144, W% sldv6 had. risen 19 k mlling it otaftsAw 41rall 1, ftlloti TWo Abbe Wei* got atted WistO for t%Vpnty itilift- porly in 0 jk 11011, i1d&,We4 10 bat'. vviddlii thigbil'sd I , , 04T 'I, ondmg .1*04 0 � i XiaLftitillfbot "Alt a 0101 Ied , 111an U 1 A _0lfA%1f6V f4sullawo (m &11164 (WeL for tot lti� s -died; is $to %of. I#Ai6, (10, to 14406" JIM ift,1110 bol 60600- . 5111V� 06 Attort, tItIlit t4oulth 4� t it TEL$ 13 Ufa 0 )lad Mo - ftQv4.FW Im -1tilog ot be ly Ir"t6d DO'S , 6 pt*ft, %#Jtlilf. I , ox pwo 4 tw 1001111000. 441 'Wwa vitl A" 40 y o. ro : "I Alt VM111 (Ito 1011ONVIng. IM14 nRoll f4srp gwlilwt tilt a, 401ftlive, lMFAn4,"Jb'bM Olt 'rosti'L #Itd VM. near . ly (afigi they 4upp. ,40 S41 Unto' I Ito ikA 01111010 IQ 9. $.eWljPd lito X"Il 114V ]got ro wo y imlvstry� � A laVL oumber tAintio(i lit ftAt, JAuffQh* 11 NA 4' V 4kve 10 1519 1* t410. WhOWtv tWed �vr 101maysir 1#0 - 11 "1 iif CIO. IlItin '14r.tlh, IiA An dlfdr� %ftivill Iffil �ke 00, 11of I. 4101111TV full vAlps,thill; I oat) 'At AM root 1,1� till af fro Aho list lw� Ill% "ady N'the &X. pimt,ov tile 0 41 a PIALRO 00- 6*0 A his. *Ovy JU1190 per-341tq *ft* -kq (i I tar, #Wr$ tit me, lit Ito *W Iun an f6im III* aftoift I 144to ku rill Arlo, ed to �'J tktkky* At hatilld 11% U01i In 0 N' 4 lit tly AIM dispOtft A ThAt I an It R or r4lick I fog 11h utf-Ir tit Idb *M ,At Ar <� A�.W 04 f6fit stalw* 'Olt $6 Ito witbOut. U #01 I%U *lit VM.. Wtell IT WO trio lbt,. risli that svit00 Alone, W45 cii6 �bi*, b",, ObOt Itt"Ork Is, Ow dq Vit. WW a Ury six 40 Lgio-e�,ibILINIiiek,.Ltofp$llt.tL* 10fog I", 01-V for. 0, akfit ileivoL *W i4ii1wir as muNg to ht010014ALJM�,6t I WMy, totrfil*. L Na "Wo lit 44to "o Ill it jh'�, 1%. Moo _WbbJV 1* i�i der OK *11h 0 trimykylgled spirit, It ­frn silittlikk Milt ft oft I A. 161 Oita th I b ferof Ile* to out tbo liaLk, I'm ek(, Ji tied itt Rtalt1i'. 'f�� JAktil , 60VK% Ais ,, Mr 11, ARON Iftl re -but whort %bolil 101wely sot dt *#Nifll 1411 Vw-m 44 tok fth Ii Ion 11011. *ntl, #it, -4 llt"AaGo de find Ol I* tion aiso, r"olveir lila the, W 'WAS Mull1k; vowr Was' ft 'b 10144 lift 1318111(L. if;�� W fie aCKV& tis 'arA fek oft s" bag Am It ffWAS At' J* J161 eQnV'4Pnlf`nJ% W ffteVe '#If 4fS Oftr' WdVA h) aft"Afm soom ItUT11 . I r "L . Y0 1 41 sn� firm Ehilikind4 *0 P, 41 aNihlt fit 00 v 0,41410 � i 160411 16 the, 10 ft''11111111, IV WIS; it, Omit JktQV," 'tf, of,4'Ak I' h.JL tali 161 0*1414 '40 1% 10 101 AWOY fftf* "WAV $1 tit. ft, ­ ­_.­­ft�"­.'�J", 011W liqlao d, Trein On, .. he 4prEll"'Itfid Af"We 411� 0 hiev lltioir� Z100 4h) 0111111 War- DO" IVii*.. fir an lKlat, (W _11" "Wy-* 411WIM, smtv* 61 L, K IV I*ft 0*&A Inlo, Tit$' ffiJ6 tbr Ulu" of y^16, Jk*X up W',11 77W p4tv twak* bo W n"t 114 111116*00* wo a aind I" Tkk;" T, 1. bmAttsO. ii4d1611f tri- rnuiW 15 V 4% IT4 lfwtit MIf -a Salo of Wit 611 Ono 11"ll 610 th as 0 it I - I fall 40. tfti", 1!jp IV, Ifillet 4006, at "M #II, we* 4400 100, P . rl" I u'A lilt+ I *4 h 'it. Ilitilf ff*y *it bftw A lit, tf_t siII111016, an it, pof'* bililokolog 11�� fte 41 saft Y'vo row, Ift 1, 4600�wvfft* -AWA1*' 4 tl�i# *Wfk floti'l' Il* IW it *0001ki 4WIlly #A OK(o, lit" 46MA 104600, Ill *Wft Wh0ft Wod IR tw entm"lity *ft, f *A 1111111141 Ill I VW y xv Ott k*4 to I*W±,d A I - #N, mor jIN"valifto wom b"01 tho alka 14 141111 tr� 40 Tb@m *dd Ift 111614"Wk 01 11w IW# *M 11011L Oikt #MV9b 110111if -A0WX VA* ***Vift Ift. t" t4ft* k. With Ifife, !0, Mrolow. *mob infot. sod out am At** 14 1 tile ft0l* "" vs so* Wft ""06" -Vhwl* �4 Im -,rw ims, f4tv 0: W 10 144 e -jot -k bl" Is "O""Obw 04* k ONAW no ;=!4r* liew tAws*