The Goderich Star, 1907-11-15, Page 7SES °A. Terri% \Minima° seWeot eep Ove 00*Paioli otroin Maris**, From*, , A hurrigline swept or* thitl 4itY Y night, intimettdd - age ta docks end ,eliter.weter pogr pro- p*rly. The gas *trite were aaenen by Waldo dolvapour that eceeniPalltad ibo Storm% Maithe eitY via* PhInitett into arkitese. • ;lain:her Of poop*. we ,1011•41 by vot1upIug hu,. but LrL the , oOnllisiotv and Uts.- darktioarat Is * , A B a lito, . • .• Sqww. Itt• nee utioaditton, rote* tesetvin of OK ler lowealit ot tracts ot 147.40 **mit titroatint Masiloask VOXEasitilelarroala- a** A:W*14-41W NI * 'Okla uitaraintent, *watt resierviw- 04 *es** u* bid previottely hest set *Ws brorder.imeetiacti: 41* *nano of ado* weete,. *Waver, .10000.44. vitals *• ,kar nant one* ware added, • The 4Ohtt ;viers now ao relervell t latit different :provfnes, art tatae, Atikre04 ittanitehti, 24•570! agora Allen iiestteteltawall,. 740 sOtterafaille; Athscht, tbiague* niitaal Oritlah CO1Uubii, OA WOO , In Staltiteba, %trot lieva $aels let *part obi reafirvait. .1014 Urgent Nattb •4-tht fOreet fieeerve, wdt an orrea ot Ugh *fuer* *Ns. diatertee'lo-ilianortb *104 DllOt untaln Fora*. Alaser*i eitgiPriffifit sibie to sta**** *sr scstent of tits CUUIULtiL , Ali or 4ohtit Vrasso* °Wino* to *tit - tor front lb* *ode **tow** tb* litv4xcS- rafna InMOLY Phileast tbe *IMAM Elena are WOree than V* honors which tollowed 14 *pion*. atom,. 11* ex, tniIvo Coil station at Orseasallio be* ben Pleteir "000440' and all WPM *ren itua Sligit0S!rtifF*;,: : ' •... oront44 Noir, Ig.-Onterio Nu. 2 White or reds* .W.OBNo; 140;:t ,Inxed; 90a; goo*. w4a1r:-sqe 141 000, Manitoba 'Wheat -N.?. 1'.hardi''Sr1447; No. 1 *Pribersi, 51,04) *43, Spiry -44o a gfo• NO '2 'IRWS No, 3 •extre, 40o; ,fr„ Qat4,,•NO. g whlte, trio t4,*40,'O*1400;. ' naitted, 530, duldi4A9, " Rye --8$0 Ontelde. Pean-4804 Ceina--Net- 2 tailletal, Allterthing• 00,4dt' • Toronto treightS; NO. „ „3 ,Y110we' 6930' Q,8uekWheat.4-700 01.11,4410. Bran -$21 to $21,00'10 .,,hi.ilk.etits140; tallortse $23 to $23.50r Flow' -Ontario, $0 Per cen Petentat *bout 113.00 191d, 83,0S'alkedi MOMteitia r- patent% specie' brand, $4 to $6420t 4sec- lend patents, $5.411 t0-$6,iiketaent hatn eas'i 55.30 to $5.40. COUNTRY Elt0OtIOX. Buttereeklarket is, very- strong, nut • quotations ette Unehallged, • Creamery, prints .,..4. ee,,ereia$01.930c do sonde 24e to 25o 4r.• Dairy prinot 24c 10 2130 an eolitts 220 to 24c Chiese-Steady at 13ge and twins at 14e. Eggs -New laid- rule arin,at 30e; ator- Oile, IOC. • , Poultry -Chickens, deesaml, 7o too140; liens, 5e to 7e; dueka, 7c to 9c; geese, 7c tO 90; turkeys. lac to 14e. • Potatoes--Ontarios are firm at 75C to 80c in car lots on •track. ' • Beans -Steady at 81.80 .to 31.90 for primes and $1.90 to $2 for hand-picked. Honey-Stralned steady at 11e to 12c per lb., and combs at $1.75 to $2.50 per dozen. _ Baled Hay -Timothy Is Voted at $17, 50 to $18.50 per ton in car tots on track here, Baled Straw -Firm at $9.50 to $10.50 per ton on track. 0 Nika. PROVISIONS. Sheoked and Dry Salted Meats -Long clear bacon, lle to lige tor toes and eases; horns, medten1 and light. 15c to. 15%c; heavy, 14%c to 15e; backs. 163c to 17c; shoulders, lOgo to llo; rolls, lle to llge; breakfast bacon, 15c to 15gc. Green meats out of pickle, lc less than smoked. Dressed Hogs -$8.75 for lightweights ,and $8,25 for heavies. Pork --Short cut, 322.75 to 3e3 for bar- rels; mess, $20 to $21. Lard -Firm; tierces, 18gc; tubs, 12gc; palls, 130. MONTREAL MARKETS. . Montreal, Nov. 12. -There are no new eatures in the local flour and feed mar- kets. Manitoba spring wheat patents, $0.10 to $6.30; second patents, $5.50 to 85.70; winter wheat patents, 55,75 to ,sa, streight rollers, $5.50 to 65.75; in bags 82.6010 82.70; extras, 42.05 to $2.10. iCrntario bran in bags., 524 to $25; „shorts, in bags, 325 to 326; Manitoba bran, in bags, $22 to 323; shorts, 325 to . $27. Newly -laid eggs are quoted about 30c to 32e per dozen in case lots, while tsales of selected stock were made at ie6c to 27c; No 1 22c to 28c• seconds, 16gc to 170. The butter market is quiet. Quotations teedey in roend lots quoted at 273e lo 28c, according to quantity ene district. Cheese prices show a wide range, and QUebecs may be quoted at ilgo to 12c. Townships, 123c to 12ge; ()Mimeos, 112gc to 12gc for current receipts. Pratisions-Barrels short-cut mess, .$22.50 to $23; half barrels, 811.75 le 412.25; Meer at backs, 821.50 to Me 80; long -cut heavy mess, 520.50 to 821.- , IN; hall barrels do., $10_.50 to 811.25; dry stilt long clear batten. lOgc to 11%c; brls, plate beef, $13.50 to 315; half bar- ,rels do., $7.25 to $7,75; ris. heavy 'mess beef, 610 to 811; half barrels do., $5.50 10 86; compeund lard, trgc to fie; pure lard. lleee to 13c; kettle -rendered, 18gc to 140; hams, 133,c to 16e, at:cord- ing to size; breakfast bacon, 14e to 16e: Windsor bacon, 15c to 16c; feesh-killed • abattoir -dressed hogs, 149; alive, 86.10 141" .10 g tow cwt. CQUijUOA and Inolad. lote were .01.1110knit lien1 Ilhein ;Mink Ilene Yelled !Ohl 44-54 10,11.25 Per owl, ‘Canners, ranged Mono 154 to, PAO per cwt, .g*itea et Choice cow*Yere record* SO St *A to 040. per cwt. A plentitul aupply of light stockers itteda Vim* week and business stow. 1,11/eir values ranged from St to sa,to per owit .0141ary reader* iota at $2.15 to 33.50 per eWt: alsad stook bells were ett rth 12 IA $2,25 per ewt, Good atilcit cows were sold at $40 to iSit Oath. COMMOn and tair cows brought $20 to S37.50 each. , , The Magee of ettivea ranged 4rotn 2 td 40 Per Th.' Export ewes sola at SI 10 114.25; bucks .ead evils, $2.50 to 43.50; lambs, $5,25 to 85.40 for Mode*, and $4 to $4450 for inferior animate. Pricee continued steady at en Per for selept hogs. taght rough hogs sold et 4% to So per Its BUFFALO MARKET. nuffalo, Nov. 12. -Wheat -Spring. unsettled; No. 2 red, 51.02; winter low- er. Corn -Easter; No. 2 whIlek 64.10, and re. 2 yellow. 663C. Oals-eEasier; No. , white, 53%c. Barley -4110 $1.10. (Bye --No. 2, 89c on track. II44,44/4141•140 NEW YORK WHEAT MARKET. Nate York, Nov. 12. -Wheat -Spot Weak; N. 2 red, $1.c4g elevator; No. 1 northern Duluth, nominet f.o.b. afloat; NO. 2. hard winter, nominal f.o.b. afloat. GREATEST OF DIAMONDS. ---e Presented to King ,Edward Ohehdey. 8 deepen:1s Morn London says; Popu. Jar interest et Sandringham on Sante - day centred in the presentation to the King of the greatest ellanienn, the nen. which will soon be added to the laritisli croaen. Extraordinary preoam tions were taken for safeguarding the magniacent jewel, which Sir Richert! Solomon, representing the Transvaal. Government, took with hint , under strong ascot Mom London. Weever - too railway station, the nearest to Sandringham, was closed to the pub- whert the train arrived at 12.55. The purty drove to the loyal residence ac- companied by a dozen detectives and were received by the King immediatene The ceremony of presentatiox was brief and almost informal, and then the whole party, including two Kings, those of Britain and Spain, and three Queens, those of Britain, Spain and Norway, inspected and admired the magnificent stone. King Edward has not deelded what dispositioa to make of the diamond. It will be necessary to consult the best experts on the ques- tion of cutting. It is understood that Sir William Brookes will be allowed to make certain tests of the great jewel with radltun and *electricity for scien- Lfic purposes. With tee best result possible in cutting there would be a single stone of four or flve ounces from the original seven. The EXceLsior. the largest peevious diamond, weighs only one ounce and three-quarters. But there is also a possibility that the stani might fly into fragments when cutting. is attempted. on His wale 1250 ;. aro. and io,. the v4roiAt Rotolo No. With: a 114 n . 11, of nearly 5$5-abuere,mtles.' West of Lake " OSA 11* 10,10..-joullabar Nvaat ,romt. RefierVei thei Mine of, whieh,la Atea.,r14,.24o 'square taw Perk of tlw aria covered by, the .Tiardn'Irkuntaints Is included in 14 Turk bf411414111. serve:, With. an iota Of abeirlY '110 Were inllas.pert of the eend,411 country 4(440114st Of Broaden hitS41$0 been sot an*rt as* torest'reserve. and this experimentat work: * .foreet planting bee bees done; the ares of the Spruce. woods Forest Reserve, as lt is called, is 110 square, 10 Easktitchewan, there are four re. Orate. Of.these Pareninne. Reserve NO. 2, the largest, *Akins, PetroUpine lieseive NO. I; it has an area */ 300 square nines. la the MoOPO bieunteth district, north of Arcola.. the Meanie- Motaltairt Forest Reserve, ot some 100 skean miles 111 area, hal. been °Matadi The Beaver Hills Forest Reseree, in the Beaver Hills, west of Yorkton, %vera. two toWin ships (Ranges 9 and 10, Tewnshlp 26h area, 72 square ranee. South-east of Prince Albert is "The Pines", Fairest Re- serve, oovering 145 Square miles. northweq' of: his reser* is Kraig**. LIVE STOCK MARKET, • TO to, Nov. 12. --Out of the latge DIM Were a few toads, etarcely five Were exporterCattle. Theee eald at $f 10 04.25 per cwt. The nrices of good cattle renged from *4 to 44.50, -and picked Iota wOuldbrIng GiRIS PLAYED FOOTPADS. One of Them Got a Black Eye and Now Seeks Redress.. CONDENSED NEWLITEMS auvitsw400 stmom ALL ON Too ow" Tafelle*PAtIrfik rtlialtOr O 14 . Ofanst Orraegfies . sot OHO .:CANAPA0 flie0ait tailautatturars boa 00404 :Priciso4 - The Urst tritn'ov.er Ow O., Pr,,. 11-bricISt* At Perry. Soinid was run onSalttalay. Doan esseetair'*. erainte 1413.ixi Panttlattanle. aaNg4-4 44 .PdPlgatteli Ot '14,COr, Daring the .yeer. Mattag Amplitt. lint the, **do OrCanada.aur *Sett to 36.157. • . . Th.' nitt4Catitolle otrurchit,. tongue POMO., Quebee, WO inirtied 4n. TOM - ()Oki 10* *75.,000. 'rwo'hundred and lifty.men tnitYie been i1tL•ottr by (Ito 4rattet.Ttlinit n Point St." ettarles- ..'• lu Alberta there are bit three reserves, The largest is the CeokIng Lake Forest Reserve, east of Ettraordone its area Ls 114 square miles, Right down in the south-eost corner ot the pnevince, hay. ID the O(0ternationel Boundary as its southern limit, while its weitern llpitt Is three miles east of the fifth Meridian a township and a hall of land has been termed into the Kootenay Lakes Forest .Reserve. Another small reserve, the Cypress Hills Forest Reserve, conststs cf half a township tthe south half of Township 8, Range a, west of the fOurtb hierldian). All the ,forest reserves in British Co- lumbia are within the railway belt, Le., the strip of country twenty miles on each side of.the C. P. R., ceded by the province to the Dominion. These re- serves are eight in 'number. The names and areas are as follows: Long Lake Forest Reserve, a shortdistance south- west of Kamloops, 190 square miles; Monte Hills Forest Reserve, a few...miles east ot the Long Lake reserk, are 108 square, miles; latartin Mountain Foreet Reserve, a small tract of 18 square miles lying Just west of Bolean River; Nis- nenlith Forest Reserve, lying west of Lake Niskonlith, with an area of about 125 square -Miles; Tranquille Forest Ile - serve, an area of 149 square miles in the Tranquille Plateau, north-east of Kam- loops Lattes Hal Creek Forest, Reserve, around the headwaters of Hat Creek, with an areas -of 266 square milee; Don- ald Forest Reserve, adjoining the C. P. R. on the north and east sides for some distance on each side of Donald, e2 square miles in stent, and the Larch Hills Forest Reseate, lying between Sal- mon Arm and Mara Lake and having an area of about 25 square miles. A despatch from Montreal says: In the Recorder's Court on Thursday a young man named Hugh Reid was tried en a charge of assault, preferred against him by three young lady friends, On Thanksgiving night these three dressed in male attire, blackened their faces, and started out tor a frolic. Seeing Reid coming up a dark. street they de- cided to make him believe they were holding him up They grabbed him, hut he did not catch on to the joke, and started defending himself with his fists, end gave one of the girls a bLack eye. The girls then started to explain who they were, but the damage was done. Reid pleaded not guilty to the charge. Reid admits that the girls' were r".1e- qualntanaes of his, but claims tbat they did the hold-up business so well that Le did not reoognizet them. ORDERS FOR COAL. Pittsburg Concerns Decline to Supply a Million Tons. A despaloh from Pittsburg says: Or- ders aggregating 500,000 tons were re- ceived in Pittsburg and refused by local coal concerns In the past week, In spite of the fact that premiums were offered for prompt shipment, and it became known on Saturday that the amount of coal orders declined within the past few weeks have aggregated perhaps 1,000,000 tons, and all because of lack of rallrnad transportation facile les. The shortage of ears. which has been most pronounced recently, has become more acute through heavy demands by the South for cotton moving. and as the lake seasons ends Dec. 5, the Pitts- burg coal kings could not see their way kJ lake on more coal orders, as it Is thought they have more orders now than can be filled. The great bulk of the coal was ordered from the North- west. GREAT MAJORITY PURE. Report of Intend Revenue Inspection of Goods. A despatch from Ottawa says: The report of the Department of inland Revenue on the Inspection of foods, drugs and fertilizers shows that during the eleven months ending March 31, out of 155 samples of rolled oats 'end oat- meal analyzed 91 were genuine and 64 doubtful; of common sea 81 genuine, 6 deubtfui; of tomato catsup 26 genuine, 23 doubtful; lea, 82 genuine. 7 doubtful; butter, 871 genuine, 10 edulterated. ni gm fir ci BAUD tutlIUOAJi Rate of tionligro) A despatch frotri OP Salle firer nine *at! ver anthill/ Sentaillb Anunigration to eeitede 1105 alt olt 54.1. With the derresObfallat et 10tat, The Merritt' e! *tilde . the total ittiMigra.., end for the nine morttnrtt3 Von, kr near', nine ton" 'pie Ittigrallott of lliett year. For 11.1. drat six ova* 0 aeld Racal year, beghtnine 11, the totel 16'16401i* haa. be* e( *Ittrh lisis *WNW oeslisol, A Div thou 0 Canada Since Last, it United Minis was 35,00P,, and the num. • ter via ocean porta was i5s,598. The total therease as OeMpared with the carreepondilig Menthe Ot last year LI 45,910.or gt pie cent. Vie percentage \,ef increate Via Otealt Mill ft 41. Inn ' ignite:in ROM the United Sfates shows decrease of Lief, or t per- eeitt. Pot plerriber the Iminleation frOM the gel Sterne Wite nearly 4,004). The 'mbar (If attlattle,telti Oaten porta tor i teronth Weil 15,004„ , ‘ittet the 1st of April fiat inliftifirettle ve been atriVing In Canada at a rite •'titaiCtig * little oVit tau thratuarirf le dire. ,,, , The 4(40 stand at the afterareel base. bail grounds was destroyed by Ore on Saturday, „ Engineers 0,4 Omen on the Temie. kerning Beltway 1110/4 Plied ter in. ereued Wag&. inuipag oompanies nave re' duced the pee° of, ell grad* of flour ten tent* it seek. The Nivi 0;4NQ-section of the Trans. collimate' will be the last to be oom- WOO, The Ootarto Government will 0014. - Sider the appointment ot an agent -gen- eral for Ontario in England. • One hundred and twenty -live men have bean taid off by the GriffIn Pack- ing Co., EdOnintOti. • Ince-Preaident Bosworth of the C.P.R. announces a reduction 111 freight rates to paints west of Winnipeg. Toronto bankers and grain dealers deny that the banks are not furntshing sufilc'ent funds to move the western crops. J. S. McDonald was sentenced to four years in the Dorchester •Penitentiary for robbing North 'Sydney Post Office. Blame for the wreck near Regina last week has been placed on the arew of the passenger train by the coroner's Jury. The Ottawa Cabinet has appointed Mt. W. L. M. King to Investigate Ja- panese Immigration into British Colum- bia. James A. Blair has offered London $20,000 toward an isolation hospital if the city will pay him 5 per cent. unill his death. --Alberta has over five hundred miles of tongedistange telephone tines and several local exchanges operating, all owned by the Government. London coal dealers say they are un- able to get their orders filled at the mines and a ma famine may result M that city. A young matt was drawn into a me - chine In Brantford factory, and had his clethiug stripped off completely. He escaped with a few bruises. The Medicine Hat Council has dectded le mortgage the waterworks and gas plants In preference to selling deben- tures at this time of tight money. The Dominion Coal Co. denies the report that they are bringing in 2,000 FOUR MEN SWEPT TO DEATH. Tryintsto Cross the St. Lawrence Near Montreal. A despatch from Montreal says: De- tails of a drowning tragedy that oc- curred on Friday on Cote nt. Louis, near Beauharnois, have been received in the city. On 'Thursday night three Polish Immigrants arrived at Cascade Point, opposite Beauharnois, which is situated about 20 miles from Montreal. The night was stormy, but the MIMI- grants staid they wished to cross to Me- kichaville, so that they could take the train at Beauharnois for New York. No one ,wauldnate the risk, and the rnen stayed all night at the hotel kept by Mr. Arthur Perron. In The morning teeugh the weather was still stormy, Cam Vakas, telegraph operator at the Soulanges Canal, consented te take them across. and Mr. Perron, the hotel - keeper, else decided to accompany them. When about two hundred feet from the shore at Melocheville 11 sud- den squall upset the skiff. as it enleo tel the rapids of the Nettie Au Glissent. The three Poles, who could not swim. were immediately drowned, and Mr. Valois was swept to death by the cur- rent.- Mr. Perron clung to the over- turned skiff, until Napoleon Fortier, a fisherman, repelled him ,and dragged him safely into another boat. KILLED IN FAMILY FIGHT. Wile and Stepson Said to Be Respon- sible for Death of Indian. A despatch tram Btantford says : Word was received in the city on day that Richard Battice, an Indian, living on I,ot 1, lin. 3. of the Six Na- ticas' Reserve, about four miles from Ilogersvillehad met death at the hands of his wile and stepson. Battioe sold a load of hay in Hagersville cn Saturday lam. and upon returning home became invoived In a quarrel with Ms wife and step -son named Fred Seen or Fred Tay- lor. They beat the old man unmerciful- ly, breaking his arm and shoulder, blackening both eyes and fracturing the base of the skull. It is alleged. The Ccunty Crcwn Attorney of Brant County has ordered a thorough investigation, arid It Is expected the arrest of the sus- pected parties will follow. lisente 4117 oIllier intwarer-frosits oottalry lo work in their sollerieni A Montreel Jur)? has .ewarted Mrs.' Robson 43,00) mot two childria 41,060 Kele len the 41.11th et MO Itabe 4011. YAM WIWI kilted ater TWO as were streele4, Ibolt, Skil Merit, ,on naturday, with burglars,' pro, petty lik their poeseeston$ ailtO ere ink lieved, to be the authors. of tion toitosr. tt,i9ttarauo, thntll at Ilobean GiriMlatect OftElt`i AMAIN, \vtrcl•Plilint *t Kedloston wut imetteet, 4 IMMIX far theBritten liquaa of eat1tr0009. neyo Cunard lour trAntraton*V11 a. speed Lilal on a eir• ocurSe avereged 21.36 knots an hour, Thc llritI5ll Ward ot Trade return* show Wows ot ovet, $15,000,004 DONT*, sind of over 145,000,000 in co- llo* kr **month. of Oetcher, $Pealdng at The Lord StaKr's henattel in LOadon, on Seturder. Sir lotat Fah- er vidiettled the idea of Gernmay's being tible to invade Britain. Tna BOO birthday honors Induct. a Privy 'councillorship for Sir' Chalets Tqtpar, * Knighthood for Chief' Justice Mos, and e C.M.O. for Deputy Post. anister•Generel Coulter, amm41.1.44p, 1******* *00 ut folealatatt Fip 1P*Ii*, A, otespideb from Parill Saaal thnisseen Qt. PrintAaa 2,413a i‘onliPtSit wilose marriage to Nage Setirge totteica will to Caletrated MI4 *QOM traapt..,, 13,14. Win pot 0. exhibitiOn, alt4 h* gualtft,- 14‘41,44.4*. and 44.9,1 4.11,14 it *11 Paria to 44seusa1it :dr $*04 * - dieptey of ftoutaisse ' lts4 ACI been ratan ttere QM* Oa %here siattltV* dafittent • 0044444*Outallteleo *On Ws, * Pro, UNITED STATES, lohn Karim, a loronto youth, Ls held at Butfulo for larceny and burglary. MPS. COPAN MaKelvie used the American nag ta hang /tenant at ORM- more. Residents, at Mantolain N.3,, are plan- ning lbe etatabllsttMent ot a Competvialve kitchen tor the whole town. Prof. Drake of the University of Micbt. gen Is advocating the nomination at President Roosevelt for WAS John Bjorlin, a butler at White Plains, Netv York, shot his employer's son and then committed aulottle, on Seturday. The Santa Fe Railroad was fined $330,000 at ios Angeles on Thursday for granting rebates on shipments of lime and cement. Women of Yardley, Pa., worked from dawn till dusk one day recently sweep- ing up leaves and rubbish on the etreets. An appeal has been sent to President Roosevelt to relieve the money strin- gency In the west so that the wtieat can be Marketed. The United States Government fore- caster has estimated that within twenty years the country's' thnber supply will have been exhausted. By throwing pop bottles into the flames Pollceman Ward and a few others Stopped a disastrous fire at a roller akating rink at Pittsburg. The report of the Interatate Commerce Commisslon shows that 5,000 persons were killed on the railroads In the United States in the year ending June BO A celluloid comb in the hair of a Legg Island school girl was set on fire by the flame of a lamp near which she heti fallen asleep. She escaped serious injury. GENERAL. A Berlin floe will manufacture mili- tary arships for all nations, The Persian city of Astrabad has been looted by Tureomans and the inhabitants put to the sword. The Presidents of Nicaragua, Hondur- as and Salvador met at Amapala. and agreed to forget pest differences. and to abide by previous treaties of friendship. BRITAIN SATO FROM STRI Dispute Between Railways and Employes Settled. A despatch from Londen says: The dispute between the yailway cotnpanles and their employes has been settled and there will be no strike. Eleven of the leading, companies and the representa- tives of the Amalgamated Society o( Railway Servants have signed an agree- ment drafted by Mr. Lloyd -George, pre- sident of the &aunt of Trade, provid- Inv for the consideratlen of disputes by O board of conciliation, composed equ- ally of directors of the companies and employes, with an uppeal te arbitration SHORT OF LABORERS. Report ol Work on Western Division of Grand Trunk Pacific. A despatch from Ottawa says; The monthly report of progress in the West- ern division of the Grand Trunk Pact. fie shows that up to the end of °etc - see 2ele nate& of track had been laid from Winnipeg westward, of which 53 had been ballasted. The company Is still short of laborers. Two hundred track laborers were required for work near Edmonton, and after the most strenuous weft only 22 could be ob. Mined. ItANDITS IIELD UP A TOWN. South Dakota Sank Robbed of a Large Sum. A despatch (tent Canevo, S.D.. siva: Seven armed bandits held up the town DI an, early hour op Thursday. They Wee Ihe tisfis tn the Inter -State flank and secured 06.500, escaping without playing the elighteet eine. While two bandits worked al the bank the Others guarded the alleys and WON. The oc- cupants of a hotel across the street were ertnieed by tiny explosions but the robber opened fint and drove them back, threat. ening to kat the first orie who appeared. lin) hotel was riddled with bullets, csitiere tight* were baning in, homes titer taindits, at the point ot IDe On- forted lke *after*, 10 tingulth thcfn. The *ieretrcttiric, 4 Ittittian !at 9414 'NO *Ad $111)3410. tit 'Linen and lit* sit) 4•04 The lingerie 141401041, 4414,00 tbe wit* glut skirts and -OW tiffiritglkti *Wait the brkto wth wear *Oft her 9,14.ding day attracting *special ototion. Tut Prima hal hear the atibleet ot Maeh critic** Or Perla*** because lent in tirs tratilamtle was purchtmed at * slink house, end Und not Freneht but Aux' taittan APPLE GASP IS SOM. Th. Valt,eti States' SuPPlY Is a Sand %IMMO Barrels. A despatch from NOV York. says: The apple grop Of the United Stetes.lor 141471 es estimated lay the American 41401401* turiet, Lii scant 24,000,000 /Artois, linte terlitly short of last year, or a Minna even more marked wbelli 00mpered Witb 1905 and 1903. What is of greateet pet:lance is the shortage 111 ouch -00M - morels, orehard Reetkets Weetern New York, nearly all of Michigan 41341 the entire tanith-west. There te What may be set down as an absolute failure in Kansas, Missouri and Nebroilte. New York State lute u good many apples, but they will be neglected, end (or that matter the total is only about oneetottrth to one-third of a full yield. Pennstyl- vantaebas fairly abundant White. 'New England hs,,s rather more apples then lust year, due solely to the tact I, 1 Maine surprised asbest Mende by ally bringing to maturity a good main. FOUR DREA»NOEGUTS NOW. • Dattleship Superb Launched at Slaolcit Yards. A despatch from Newcastle, England, says: The British battleship Superb, (M- other improved Dreadnought, was launched ut the Elsweok yarb here on Thursday. The Superb is a sister of the Bellerophon, which was launched on July 27,, end of the Temeraire, which took the water on August 24, Site was laid down at Elswick during the aria week in February. The three new ves- sels are essentially replicas of the Dreadnought, and in outward appear- ance differ but little from her, though their lines huye been somewhat altered, as it result of experience gained at the Dreadnoughtts If the trouble cannot be settled by the board. The agreement Is terminable by it year's fleece al the end of six years. The settlement. which is regarded as establishing Mr. Lloyd -Georges repute. lion for tact and diplomacy, involves ecncessions by both sides. The corn - punkas are able le claim that they have not yielded to the demand for reoogni. lien of the union, but al the sante time they bind themselves to compulsory outside intervention in disputes with their 'erupt/yes. Both sides profess sat - election with the result. PRIEST ORDERED OUT. -- Abbe Lucite Interrupted Judge Pierre in Montreal Court -Room. A despatch from Montreal says: "Leave the court-roorn.',"chis order was given by Justice St. Pierre to a priest named Abbe Luche, who persist. (d in interrupting the Judge while he as charging the jury In the Superior Court on Wednesday, The incident oc- curred In the libel suit which ex-Ald. SI. Dents instituted against the Citi- zens' League, Abbe Lune interrupted several times, and was ordered by the court crier to be qutel, but paid no at. lention. When lie said Judge SI. Pierre was not telling the truth his Lordship ordered the prLest to leave the room, which the priest did. Ald. St. Denis sued the league kir $10.000 damages, and Abbe Lucite became connected eliti the ease through an open letter he had erltten to the league, saying Ald. St. Denis was a man devoid cif principle. The jury awatiled Aid. St. Dents 8100 datnages, 51011,400 FIRE AT TORONTO. A nepetItion of the 1904 Holocaust Was At cried. A deepatch frum 'Coro:Ito says. fire, winch for a time threatened to develop Into it repetition of the .thsas• trous conflagration of kern 19th, 1904, which wiped out nearly half if the down-lown whelesale district. destroy. et it wholeeale house at 76 Bay Street on Saturday evening, inflicting a loss of 6103.000 or more on five wholesale and manufacturing firms. The fire broke out only it short distance from the spot In which the big fire got its start. and the fact that its pr,ogregs was checked Is due to good work by the brl- gude. The building Is five stories in height awl 13 tne of those vilitch was rebuilt since the great fire of three years ago. YOUNG 01111:9 DISAPPOINTMENT. Fiancee j Arthur Russet!, Dead Near Cobalt, galls to Mem Him. A despatch from Mcntreal says : Ar- thur Russell, the unfortunate mon whose naked body was found near Cobalt, was well connected In Mayaie. England. and left it good position In the C. P. R. here owing to Ill -health. His fiancee is now an the ocean to meet him. TELESTEREOGRAPHIO New Method of Transmitting Pictures by Telegraph. A despatch from Pans »aye: Several papers hero print photographs from 0410 tvhich were tionamittal over tele. saapb wires by an invention of Edouarni Ilelin, a Frenchman. The method. which la purely electronics!, ts not lito that 41 prof, Korn, who usel selenluln. tatri IllethOd la ratted teleatereOgreptis A :despatch from N'AbanYerv-11, Opt; Surprised hy tour Weer* who „414 flu* at Iiia beasPahd. then bottnd bin Wads behind hi* ha* and threw *1314 **Oar table, Waiter Wittinsym cower at tho Vinton* hrewerita, waited tor tt.a boilers Of the plank to explOe and blow blot slug the Ma- ker* to pieces, on Tuesday night. The night engineer wee lust *ming water *to the boiler atter histclunch when tour masked men Covered him, They knocked hint down, lied his hands heldaid"lila bark and carried httn to the NATURALIZATION TOO EASY. New Brunswick Judge Would First Ex. amine Applicants. A despatch from St. John, N.B., says; Judge Forbes, at County Court on Wed- nesduy moruing, spoke strongly about Inj. present loose eystem of allowing for- eigners'of all kinds to take out natural. trillion papers and become cilizena with- out any inquiries trite their general character, poliiical views, and know• ledge of the ,thilies of citizenship, He , said he wus atictreseing the Minister of 'Justice on the subject, and if allowed would hereafter require all applicantet to: naturalization to appear personally before him and submit to such extunIna- don as he considered advisable. MAILS FOR FAR NORTH. One Will Leace Edmonton for Fort Meltherson Nov. 29. A despatch room Ottav,a says. The Post -office Department announces that O mail for Fert NiePherson, at the mouth of the Mackenzie lever, and all intermediate points. will leave Edmore tell Gn Nov. 10. Another mall ter ptints r-e.i far north a.- Fort Sneth will be sent early in January, and a mall for Forel NicMurray, Chipewayan, Smith and Resolution in February. By these muds l*tters only. each not exceeding one eunce in weight. '.vii be taken. Prefer ence will he given to registered letters, and afterwards to ordinary letters, ac- eirding ki the dale of posting. The Nleunted Pollee will lake a moil from Deegan Ly the overland Ma114' via Fort Meltheeson for llersehell Iuiid alart• Il_ out early in Deoetriber. Two mails will alio he bora te Fort ilteeehei en fitidsen Bav. Nal MaIiskilig, \114004.11.air NEW DIPIITHERle efunich Professor Says Pyocyanase is Quick and Sure. N despoth free] Munti'll says' Prof, itudolph Ernmere2h, 01 the Ureversity et Munich, announces that lie has dlsooy• erect a new cure for diphtheria which he considers effective In the most dan- gerous cases, and whin acts quickly. "Pyocyanuse" is the name of the rem- edy. it is produced from the assimi- lation of pyocyanaeus develop. ed in Itqted cultures. Application is made by blowing It inte the throat. PASSED CENTI RY al ARK. An Matta Man Celebrates Birthday. deepateh from Otiawe sleys• Peeing businees a' 102 years ef age Ls the unique reverd 44 !ernes elcEivey of 11 l'Ine street, Ottawo. lie eas born No- vember 2, 1005in the tounly lyrone, Ireland, and on Tuesday quietly cele healed hie one hundred and second birthday. Wedneeday Mr. NIcElvey bearded a street car and raffle up town alone to transact tome bltaineas at the hank. Ile is otill In possession of has faculties. is In good health, and is en. !eying life. He came to Canada dur- ing tile rebellion of 1837. and leared a fartn lit Gatineau &atria. removing to Ottawa 90rne years ago. Though only len years of age at ttte lime, he distinct- ly remembers news of the battle of Waterloo reaehing the north of Ireland. Ills 142nd Info .ot -Bra it' aviaty,, What% tio artnel throw% tattier * fable. „ fie wolChed the t urgZaf4. prepare i4g .g**? tita 4ate with Pliteettleectripm Mem 4.911,it nilitin a very few minutes the lack of. wider JO the boiler* cr In* plant Weald. eallea art eapleeinirt that would bring the 4tithttlf: (WW1/ About their ears. A,t the first attach 40 tho area with explolvee One pollee tie- rive4 and opened tire on the whe anCaneit ,Thts engineer polled out to the boiler and was lecee. ale rushed Iii the engtftenown, and was nest 10 Ilene to seVe tho plant, GOOD °MING IN lAt4N, 01111.0.1 Moat Skips* la Geld Storage Would 1$4Y4 Ready Sate. A despatch from Ottawa says; Mr. Aleseader Maclean, Cenada's trade 00111. tainstome In 3PP4 reports to the de- PartMent the (snivel of 00 head of Line restiatered peaty" oows, pureheaed Canada by repeasentatives of ei leading importing flrui. This firm says that a buttiftecui could not be done in live cattle beeettlie of the tariff, but there ought to be a good trade in slaughtering and shipping in cold storage. Australia is delng a good business In that line. MILL AT SUDBURY BURNED. ' Paining Factory and - Lumber Yard Is Noe a Heap of Ruins. A despatch fnorn Sudbury says: A serious fire broke out on Wednesday evening in the plan,ng mill and lumber yard of the Evans Co., Limited, situated In the northern secUun of the town, and before it eas got under control, shertly after nine ,clock, the entire structure, with the exception of the boiler -house are& the offices, Wee 18 eithouldering heap of ruins. The buildinge in this distriet are ulinost entirely et woud, end as the wind Lire blazing brunets freely among them It was feared lir it Unit that the whole of the section. itilget be deetroyed. The brigade, ttuwever, eueoeeded in cc:n- (1101g the flames to the mill property• The lOss will aggregate e50,000, elth In - swathe of half that amount. NO MERCe. FOR TRIS MAN. ...o. 4. The ,atesit reports from learalagh, the 11 Icaran town destroyed In it landslide. ind cat e that about 14.000 PeOple In the vicinity perished in the cataetroptie. 4tatted De Leek. The sholee Mtntreer of Foreign AI - (etre has notified the representatives of Bellain and Itusela that they cannot by The Russian reovernMent has given on hiefine of their reeent treaty interfere ord,er tor ten new torpede-boat doonoy- %vita Penetes independence. era to cost 814,000,000 in 041 A FAMILY AFFAIR. light at 1.41Allehill 'Welding in Winnipeg Claims Another Victim. A despatch tram Winnipeg hays; An- other viethn to the Galician wedding orglea was added to the long list en Wedneeday, when Stephen l'epzinakl Med tn the General Hospital as a result et a blow on his head by en axe wielded ay las brother-in-law, J, Belinskl, at the wedding feast, it week ago. Belinekl has been under arrect, cbarged with wound- ing with Intent. and the indictment will now be changed to manslaughter or murder. Brutal Murderer ot New litruniviick WM Surely be Flanged. A despatch feint 01141%11 says. Mr. Sherrutg, barrister. of etuncton, ens t,ere n Wedriceduy le urge the COITUnd• !atom uf the death senteace Imposed upon Enink Collins, of Albert (Oun)y, le the murder of Miss MacAulay, housekeeper to the Roman Catholic priest. The circumstances of the mur- oer were ::it biutal. and It is under stood the capital sientence will not be leterfered with, The curioue feature it this case Is that Collins was convicted only WI the third trial, At the first Iwo trials the jury disagreed. ADMITS BIS CRIMES. _ llbe Mystery of Berlin Murders Cleared Cp. A despatch hole Berlin. Germany, 81i5S "the ‘ettre .1 "Jute( the itipper" crimes meet Mlle girls has leen (leer- ed upthrough th, confeesion el a prin. hes apprentice, Paul Nitriew, an eph leptir, teenty-twe yeara of age, who fieely related hew lie had been taunted ey Ills arid stater with kiziness, had gone eut ink) the streets in a rage and stabbed four tittle girls urie after the other. !Ls confeesiun bus been vele- fled by the police. • CANADA'S FUTURE. FIRE cut& AGAIN ARRESTED. He is Charged with Incendiarlsca at Dlind River. A despatch from Blind River, Ont., 4eys: Chief Raymond, of the Blind River Fire Department, was again arrested 'n connection with .lw incendiary fires, and at a hearing on Tuesday night, be- fore Maglstrate Vealiarns, was remand- ed until next week. Three others, the Ouellette brothers, and one 1eurian, were also tekee be charge in cionneetion with the fires and will appear with Raymond. WALKED LNTO TAIL -RACE. Unknown Frenchman Meets Deata at "Soo" -Accident or Suicide. A despatch from Sault Ste. Marie, Ont., saya: An unknown Frenchman. was drowieed in the tail -race near the ship canal on Tuesday night. lie came ie on the Algoma C.entral from the lumber cunps and either intentianally tir by accident walked inte the water before a number of spectators, who In vain endeavored to save him. The body ts Atilt in the water. ..._.- GREAT FISSURES MADE. Violent Earthquake in Spanish Pro- vince of Huesca. A despatch from Madrid sae. A vire lent earthquake has teeurtwi at Torre 1.0 Rebera, in the Prcvnice i ilueaca. he earth opened leavirig great nesuree, the disturbance) being acesimparited by subterranean rumblings, which caused a petite among the population. Many heusee were shaken dwell, but the num- ber of lives lost is not knew:,. Will be (he Dominant Slate in the Em- pire, Says Strutheune. A despateh frem lonsion says' Lord I:Tirana-one. interviewed by The lie. I., tine, rel I era lc $ hie prophecy Mat bit- re Ih. end of the century Lanada will be the dorninan litist tied the food marl i/ et the etiip P 1 1 4' trule n, thn ere la ot the remote ehunee of the Uerninion eter bereming a republic. There is no vlelble redeem it hy in lite faiMe the %MA pepulation ehuuld not remain loyal to Ile tleown, ,....__,_......_ THREE COUPLES DROWNED. High Officiate of Holland In Carriage That Fell Into it Canal. • A despatch from Amsterdam, Ito!. land, aoye Jonkheer van Panhuys. his eon, the Mayor of De teri,. and their wives were all drowned on Thursday night hlie drIvuig. their carnage fat ling Into the canal at Iluegkery during d dense fog. Jenkheer van Panhuya was 70 years old. Ile WW1 formerke Dovernor of the Province of Groninged nnd Vice-Preeident of the Loutio.1 t.f State. On retiring he wa4 made an honorary elintster of state, fie ovej mos ty at hia country ploce. near where he krvas drowned on Thursday night. illa eon ens Mayor of a small p10e- "44444414+1+14411; "144114 1: Fashion I Hints. •44-14-14 SUGGESTIONS FOR MAKING TAILOR- ED WAISTS. The tailored waist should unqueallow ably have the regular ehlrt alcoves with cbtfe two end a half inches wide. The etdf ahould tit snugly uneund the wrist, hut be euffielently large te give the mugeles full !play. Neck ntilshinga are of several kinds, und, while UV: attif ,men (*liar will be greatly worn, the soft collar.s are eon - entered annuler und are shown on many of the newest medele. When making these should be cut iti tem straight of the material. Do not curve the. 10Wer edge so that lt will set down below the throat line. It must bit urved ut the upper edge, however, to triuke it at least half an Inch tugher in the buck tlian in the Iront. This kind of a colter will be very Much prettier if made to fasten in the buck, even If the waist es buttoned in the /vont. In thls eue the collar can only be fastened to the waist at one side; otherwise it should be fastened ail around. The echoes are made inde- pendent Air the waists and tacked to them by hand. It will be necessary to bone these milers to keep thorn from crumpling. Cover • the bones with a double thick- ness of 'mishit and place one on each bide of the centre Mont about three inch- es apart and sloping tow urd tee back so that they terin u V. Arrange the bones straight up and down ut th.e aides and buck. A YlOW and pretty N% t.1), 10 close these collars is with cleth buttone and button- hole loops. The loops are worked on the trissde edge of the hem of the ie.elur and de. slut eetend beyond the edge. 'Flue eveiceuls the buttons tied /nuke% a very pretty If a small lead"peried Is usad In mak- ing these loops it WIII be found much easter-to keep them the proper size to slip over the buttone withuut trouble. Put the needle In the material and car- ty the thread over the pencil to the op- posite gide, where the needle le again drawn through bie material. In this miestner bring two or Atireere" strands ef the cotton over the pence be- fore tutting it out and commence fo buttoehule stitch the Coop, All seain.s eliirtwaist made with Freneh tells. bottom eith 0 iiirrow hem. be careful in the eerlinig tenholes, ORIENTIAL IMMIGRATION. Enna Thousand Japanese Arrived Isa erttish Columbia This Year. A despatch from Vancouver, B. maye: Figuresupplied by the Dommien immigratem Agent, Dr, Menlo, show that fully 6,000 of the Japanese arriving 14. Bribeh tolembia since January I are 31.111 Ul the Free Mee, The flip MS 4 f Orientel immigration are Japanese, 6 000; Iluidue, 2,000; Chinese, 300. er-- MYSTERY NEAR NORTH BAle Body ot a Man Found in Barn Covered ith Straw. A despatch from North Bay says Deep mystery surrsesiuta the ending of a bay covered by strew 1.11 u barn, etrieut two miles north of here, on Fridey melting. Every effort has ben made le identify the dead muse but up to the preeent Ilael. been unsucceseful. l'p to the present bine the authorities litive been unable tu say whether it Li mur- der or not. FlIFTEEN K 1LLF.D. Fatal Boiler Exploalon on !44•110o1 418 li, N devalch flom Kiel says. Tb.. 15,1 1 tr ef the German rodiuul ship 131w Ite eAtilkeled tel ‘ketilleeeittS ttwe'llInif mill' ttie vessel ea. near Niurielek lefteei men ''ole illloi nd thirty molted a German collate they piece on the ehould be Finish the Above all of the but - NOTE,: FOB Tin.: ,•-•,F.wiNi; BOOM. 'rhe new eliedes of blown are the popular colere of this seasen, and fol- k:wing popular.ty cuines green. It looke as if tins mce neglected color would remain u permanent favorite. At tikenornent it le te be found In all pos- sible tonal fruni ttw ealest blue green te durk emerald. Scree cure lutist be telten, however, in the selection of the velure. IL LH Ill) eXagfertakin 10 say tome ehude ef green suies aNery wen I ut It Is not ale eys easy te wk.& and seleetIng the easing shade of g !non' dLsastrotie than Ui any col.r, A pareetilar green suits y, tt dues not, Thew 1, no eornpron the T! there else heir that tide of green I Often Ls qui %hen it ,LS 3 ti be worn tor should he ji, Ind in orp.u..sler lion *if I and event, by loth lie. The plum lien of taffetas, litrisrl. tin, or velvet to a transparent go v. nether lot day or evrtung we'.r, I been t,s oiltiablo MI idea 4, 1 fil I I, 1>,hut it hag 1,f,(I I I 10 newer idea is the p)uAed hem 8e8e1'a 1111.114,4 deer, 4,1' yule narrio.t, 114, l,juf ihe hollom ‘1e11 • al the r 8114,vre1 lid 1 14 The, telt.eg he repealed pr.!tte) ite wee1 terming a !klrt ef drawn tricker fr., !•Nening kNei,t. or h. ,•1 the gli 11,41,9 (,1. oh,)s Ir Illailings I. th, nee in but ere,. ' - rsit 411'. 'I 14 haiRi1. r fr,thug 1 la,r r/uind " 1 tratryparorit norlitryn,!, airveryalh Ntr9411 r 1 preYerit For liddren in 11r. fro, 11,114111w ,y 1.') Ir Inmr :1 I lotted skirt 11 1 11 1 04. serge, !A, 1Ili 1.,orlser. I Ow mune inateria... I • vervi,,utde cooluinr and km, 1 turthei ailv.intage tnat pe'ti tr.al• are Twt EPIDEMIC: or rum. - - Many London School Children Confined to Their Homes. 41e8FA1t 1 I frum Louden, (int says etadeniii 01 WI 101.1. hrukon out aiming the school children et the . It) .1 p„, , Han—, Many 0005 are reported where trIldren 1r -r. .r Tarim' demand 4.rr are cantina] 1.4,1 their linineY, and Ile reyt.,rattorr rrt p,,nrshrrreill tin! Lora state that they erre Marling Ile* 1 1, N,Irth 1,,r1 1 I 1. 1 141 0031,3 ever) day. 'I IIS (1)5541)4" belie\ er1 I 1 I 1+3 1.1 hot ty the do,tt,rs briaighl hen. 1..r errogirrrii, from Manitobalianeeireiti. r_._ ILL RESTRICT EMIGRATION Japan's Foreign , Minister 2ays He Will Control It. A despatch fremi loIttf! aays 10 an Int,,rviow v.101 the ,sstretated preys im Teureday alinieter 41 toweern teneo Ilayaahl saki that the relattong between Joplin end the I !Med ,!•Ialem tverri 44 ontooth and cordial all orer. arirl rhe Cause of civilization es well a'. I 1 111 Ill' ItY of Interest deirimeleyl the ra.1041; Melee and friendship of the lee palerne Minister ilayn.shi adueltett that the iternigretem twee:ten %-oes tbe must ser 14 usi Matter. and was liesermoet In the p4blia inind. but 1:e was pm:Mee that " vaculd ba settled without frlation. - it talle 'ren1‘ hri••• l",1 rly rierl 1!•• Jay:lino. l'rieiermitent, propose., rc, rirtrol rinrgration ift 'us h , r000n,r4 .,, li t.rnellt Japan and et me same 110,e c, lirorlit NI 1 4 1. %kites ..1 the. Ameriran 1., ‘ernment and ry tale-triii tarvil arti‘o ..lr ()., in !lil., dire( lion. me rir4e0.11 Alintyter heome. Oral 1.,,,le .8.11 re ,ri.re to rr.rIve !lie rit!e,tYin ro !nii e at, ,4. t rNuirinr; OW% ;he ! a- 11, li/lIffie l't 11.114 ',unit+ s ' 4)1' 111,1nr! , . ! E 0 1, !nal 1/10 .114 nirese 1t,1ar4urrerr' 4 rt4,4 01' , I 4.1.4 for rise 1 As igraLion r.)f .,,i joss.. 1100 ally come to, 14