The Goderich Star, 1907-04-12, Page 6ti• ars MtQXe aod eels
esteeleine* 1.
tlettitiw,t 1uportae, and to
er eacattoo, nu
meMelae izilkete
enr the sittill And
terery ezeontree-
t 4 Snob elite* re.
-meat • 1 he telt Step in
this Saha Hbaction. alte ittemoselon, basi
brought out tate rivet that the beat
ethaidetethe la COMM and onteto on,
Vitkint OPproVe Of and preemibe
Pay -
V12101 to meet' aho, moit deffieult
eIntraeter, 0. eV:cot Ilietateee of
ietinA"eterIOUrt throateiettr trouble
alle PIAUI* bad been un Psyeigne.
TINO. Tendiree Teritted ill* es apteciallita
Wr £jI,ufle th 01441tIote to two
smIn.ot lein' pltentelens. Upon
eanI ,NST the pane* tees itistrasi
itrnp. tree woe taken and
*flayed, tho mutt that the
WI continuance.
anted see <Ober mesitetne but
hID, lend the reel* that ai%0
neocovered anti le 4
404 talking Adeor-
, wendereua curative
_ o pror"aLand
tietent end tereateve As a builder
Am Of the eyetem anti meaning ail
eotsrattleno, Eityclitne Ma no
the beat and wort earnest
reeeintire thee fact. "At
of 99 abli lunge were in a
terrbIe mina*. 1 had et arinoe the
yaL testier% It etittted on roY Lour
arta' kopt• stealer cowing worse
tilt T out down .,ow ; wee In hod
, for olx weeke• T Md consoltstIon
ot •doettetw, and they they vould
do •nathitut more for me. Then a sleet -
tet tenet Printable a Loon the Modialqt
toe otore than a rase. at c.rtatniy dui
for me. I aril now no II
Wow before nix alotinees
• "Jeteroneth., Ont."
l2I6O, pr000ttneeo atoreeo, le the
ot tonien, buildner op the eye-
ineeeseano the elements. nurita-
the bloat, aide dlasation, and &eta
raptly upon the throat and bunco
Immo tone eind vigor to* the entire
ay.tsrn. etAt all dewiest% Otto and $I.
. T. A. Slocum, Limited. 111
Peewit omit. Toronto, . .
Ledet Escapes to the United States as a
SeMe five hundred Carnorrist Ong.
leaders bevy been armee:id at Nattiest as
ilia --result'ot the -determined crus
undertaken by the Rattan Government
agairtiL secret criminal societies. The
eapolltan prisaliS arp full to overflow-
ing, a.s many es hversty culpeits being
lodged in a single cell. On this account.
and because the CamorrIsts' were found
to.beholdteg ooramittees among them-
selves and regular nommunicatiem witb
comrades<intent° by means of their own
slang codeaathe atilborifleis have now
begun transferringth* to different
• provinclal houses et Attention tee the
blot is fixed, :which mobably will not
begin, for another :twelve months.
The authorities leave been obliged to
transfer to Calert Signor Capezzult, the
Tetrad. Mersitaleof earbintert, who su.,
nerixitended the military pollee raids,
ant „his repeateely litto,ritened ossassina-
don should be realized, and thereby In-
rrease tbe difficulties of an already
• owe 441101010
•• Desjolie „elahorate preettedfons =taken
ti 'ailed Ins thathlre, Errieone, the no-
torious supreme °beef of the Naples
Comoros, fuer etteteetINd in getting clear
am to' the Wilted States. whence' be
• deentlehea 6 niessego to les pulse*
saying hebad merely taken a een vcy-
at tte deeloraaerdere, and his a
slime from his post was °nay temper -
arse Erticone managed to board tut
Migrant Inter in the disguise of a coal.
heaver, and crossed the Atlantic as a
Mr. Sellie00 Higgs Is a schoolmaster,
whose pi -'pt and praettee of the bless -
hags of Penetuality are, as a rule, fault-
less. Sheuld 4 lad bo 11vc minutes late
an the Morning, ho is "kept in" ten mtn-
Wes atter 60)1001 11 lonminutro, a pen.
V100 of twenty minutes Js Imposed, and
an. But even limner nods, and to 1
Mr. Sam,sort Wag wets a whole half
beer Into !emelt one morning. Aimee
the pupils there wits the Usual smart boy.
Who lilts not slOW W remind Min of las
Offence, nor to Matte frOm son* of les
Man. WetUreelol the enbleet.
'es, bleys," said Shbeson, When he
had lietenettio the smart boy. "Nichol -
ten Is quite Botta andets I puniell you,
it Is only fate that you should purdsh
me. So you .shall all stay and keep -me
In for an hour after sehool this utter-
Alt applleant tor the leost et mistrese
ar a Country sehoot was being quos -
Honed by thoeft In MettOrity. "And what
I PUP pnisttion in regard to the whip -
Vag uf hltdrellte ,nne member asked.
My usutil meettiOn, site replied. "is on
rt-ehttit, with the child rieroes• my knees,
face downward r' '
Eleepleisnesso-WIten the nerves are
tlitstrung the whole betty giveft up
tO teretellednesse When tbe train) Is feted
Welt otoom intif thalitat forebodings, the
eesuit et derangernent of the tilgestive
es:Organs. eteepleesileas opines to add to
ebe.enslreee. It enly the subjeet eietita
*WOOtherealettutit be oblivion tor 4
as'bita nnd teteporery hetet Parnieteeet
Vegetable Pills will not 4miy Joduee
Weep, bat act so beneficially that
Iftc subjegt wiU *aim ffesbed and re,
*NMI 10 itoppiness.
ere4 tt years tame° "Ea
she unlit gave .1.nt tier brinif In mar.
•Cage* Ott',
1ett1iete;441%09. I gutee eat at feel/
elta lietv Ilee tete Otelletaler
444.1..pri 4 • • • ,
yam, tineder to rental*
it,tiv throezgltord, MO lawn
116 * out of the NOM; Met alltaef tee
Mite/ before his eceepatzleee ;Pen Wife
rawapeon tei diattielteeratteee otet'
mane titzio will;. alona Mato*, Ina
mind a fumble ot misery, end MAIL laa
Inareehil eneiely awn Aimee.; intelera
nide emanations hetteeen• lee peen let
anti les friend's; sheep Itnivea al lean
555 A° alien as-,-Widell L5 niiiinat infer -
• Atiles tnis'incatil"
hottitt ilLI1-I(top 1109 Jo be twjoe raerge
white); buroet Wt' forcing the
ara itOt .44 ' intrtOiltat
or 'Me. •petnall WhOOietunt Jetee, do
sae It irettide • • -
Rylig has wIpcd bts.'eYeg fie Clear:hits
Warr ' of; lite b/inditeet 'teen. 440 1144
dire Aireeted them in the notewadileir
has. Alt-rtho while been alternatel,y
tigoinat hts (Wort., .1sylpg, ppm
Is .torehe ertianiatiV-AtiatiksV iui
01 ;IVO AM' Sign of having heard it. ill'utt).
itiO eato4nuat no 59- deeply enzheuded ecerek8.4274Spilenl to 'sa,V .s.° 4iii-
teldnow the passeter folds hear. thIng 'Mat ante font er -jonArlig4iro,
4 g. Idecliert. ,11 thet the inte.rro,: tiering .guu nuluirelitn tiole'over each
Patine 14•:.eatt it eeeinet 1100a tO a Ultige.r . .. ,a r, i ' , ' WO Vane'
I ritzy eiara oecompargee by a not very .tell-', v445 44 itt row neeerioierese
ad tattle -Ills lineeinatien : mattes 4 5" . ' ' ' .' i YA4 t ) 115-V409 r4 't 10 gioreli^unY 94)01
yruel was' fo Ow l'iatze tAiliellto MG e shekel el the.nlionider, Met no A • .
through one ?meta week, o teeoZ., teent .16oks up,,, and remits wno • 1. 1 but 5h5 7/59-14 r*
At this mermen -ails moment, Wale tu'• anli''7et 143 °11341(t 411 )1"11.44e4 his
ile44 '1544kY:'4'
(aim 'Cade° :Pet are treading gealleas Joetoilnleing, as the features of "Ilata e411 I teltr
tuft nags that for tem toot nowhere.. lagleeeetektteree. so alterod„ no distorted, upe it PeaSibittP4tillitig
11)4 Is enthroned with her le iteet* so ,t3W°110ta bie°X°143a_.---" lytePing* °int nQ 1115 ti(Sligtirtia 0
3 In 11°ccincli
ten of Me mean tittle *alone tie enema, otte Wee nitiriattelY aequointed with Pleen be„iS. tt10„n„4„'"),1,,t,,,,t,
etiouely shows his teeett to tools ego Wee Ina neetent who We been (drawly e,ee ok,Lt","1"".' 11W
te the aurprisiA peesers.hy, lie bed conternplating --tent wider tee itiftectiee 'oreget intelligenee WOO Altheleelitate-
wereti melee for fits hyperboles, and Haw d vin404' 01 alraninstance,s for lb t °vie Mat her dear Ilttleolatte Were teeeban
le: ts oulOtypertollug him. Wee! 4 de. of months, pessmy put flip len ell% wrote thlar' ;
taugh3 out loud. Are they *Wing at the lhat 144 V°°1110 rPte°4 w°1114 6klenci spull3 “r4)44.11"
wind". leaking out ut the ?Odes tree. Peetioa or ;144 any 141 oryttig, itnewing It00a oinert4-aand, „ag 410p ' entella are
end the Puutiovine ? Not hey 1 The wen lesqt tils peWers of, end his tuste frelvtleelvelYe elotoattLallgoollis f ealotroO- AM-
indow cattunanded Lt certain ex-• rola "'Wallet; On the ,aater-Woetts," es he t,°° -",r°, fraare,--eauea alaYe",°g;Oilaa
halt be* the roadway, The Nykadow ito but lately erectly rinf etteivilly phrased t hog t a' catIta ,,,P0WAghtatietmo-uport
testable verb fat has tevcutec owneen haute to then'. Jirn hae expected `Nta. I o 1,01 thetas
let 4equatteunees, banal uequalotaneese A, to eteri gene. ut the mien tears Ana? o.,1 thee nalehrtaaa •Wheifeeelettf,iftee
tete himsell-no tepee for Me permitted 4e1 entelinn. few Med tiOntsfigurbto, Whit otesCtileaeae4 Ite4alit taer°
Which Ile bad grained hen, huve. not Yee,' Manner that brititittletirt bootee hat
freedoms of exquieite new love. Are
they lben on tbe sofa, .11m vulgar waken
sofa, twee which Ellzubelit hue thrOwn
bur blue Neapolitan tabloolant ? It 14 11
tittle sofa. seemly mono far two upon
11;0;11(11f= Plitte:tnYitientorel wrist tetshellteetrIttlettill(gIritniteel)
2301/10 SUgUred ditty 'lovely well" until
he breaks into her Rung with the Mom
ias kisses, end her little white bade
drop • from the keys, and Mee Ile eel);
bing with ecstasy in oath otherae evens •
It is quite certain that Ityng wtli sele
He Is always delighted et having en op-
portunity for turning an the miter -
works. ts there a Moo possibility thAt
Mrs. Le Merchant ntey carry her diseP.
hPelTbpaitivsanencic'e ttilit:irPteliete-ha-IerteiTI"ThIleigldbeIa
gives him 'a momentary ollevtation.
Why snouki out he go and see for tette
self whether it is so? It be A Method
el passing the 'tedious Interval beer° be
can hoar the doctor's verdict on Amelia,
He must at BOMA lime or other comply'
with Jayng's presaing prayer 11110 to
end he may As well have a &Fat cone
ilrv mete and perfect pain -pain of various
Ilavora and essences mixed into one e04-: 'throat will let -pass nothieg but a
conclusiere, Do Yoe know-elleee yom
heard anyttOngr * a •
"I know nothing," replies Jimoslowly,
anti looking uncomfortably meite from
tne questioner, "but 1 conjeolittee elate
believe thea -that----"
"Thut weat? new Clodat sidtP, 'be a
little quicker!" •
"That -'l -there is s. -.a. -,,a •eo
thing in her past." e •• • •
Byng falls back patze Or tweeatela
puts up (its hand to Ms hada "
'Ore You , talking about? • er. past, 2,
"Whot-whut 40 you ntetilp .;Wit
Wbote-seating into extrav4:41110.' dptrx
can there. be wet* 'QV thiit
white pose ?-so white that trbedageleft,
the eyes of ewe the angels teleoreedeltal
"I do not know what there let" retell
Jan neserably, telltales' elneostsee,yoo
endurance by this Poetic' rtililit'etafl 011-
dered even more wretched lent he Was.
betere by the role Mat seeme to belt:Weed
((p00 him. MM. of conjecturally blaekeinn
Etizatiettes ehniteter. "Hew mane, tiat ,
Retail toll you that I know no more then
you, telly tun -from varkols indlette
none hove hem led_111.,DiPfeve, that,she
has ecinething-s.ome great ,
hind bar 3" •
(TO be continued),
nitieb 100811111 with tee scalding torrents
"Mat, have merle Itis hundaonte young
aTeee'llteee red blurs. On at$ ashen IBOO,
that have fuerowed elmetts -and
&Opener) his dieoraered curie, ane
telteli tat the aturett out of his Inimacu.
late anteetier" collar, "Tttey have wetted:
too, ette A state of airnost India ocentelt-
Ied alteet Of note peper, iits heatl
the. pitiew.
ACAMS to have been burrowing In, upon
"What does It mean'?" repeats leur-
loylle, for the third, ttnie, a hideous; tear
assailing trim, at ine sight of the young
reser% enguiste that be inmeett Oleg
bale) ,mistalten Meaning;
teat Ater 'gone" may have atood for the
Ante one; that seine instant stroke may
titiV43 .nnatoliod lovely Elizabeth away,
oUL of tbe world. Surely no catestrophe
less than death out acoetilli for smelt a
lueleinOrphosie as that wrought in Beens.
"Why, do you woe like 'that? he goes
on, itle.votee taktog tweent of rage
whit% extreme fear Sometirots glees.
"Why ate not you speak ?"
-Ttiesether,-thue abjures). rottenly_ milkier
vtoteot effort tor Articulatton ; hat Tim
summote- draught -a deY whith - "Whatitoes.rhat paper raisual!!-Vies--en
(Inc bebr ki be without its oche. ,
lettrgoyne, realizing tho Impateoce Of his
}laving come to this coneluelon, hts moo, to obey his bette,et, and rendered
aimless walk quieliens, and °halves Inte ;
fi purposeful stridieg through streets' ,ddc,"(,,,s111,ft(setarylled DobYealt ;$1.-"vgast
and piazzas, till he finds himself standi eleatettegot
Iflj at. the door of 12a. lie looks up at lie points tts he spoke tO itte blurred
the entre.sol windows -they are ell roe and rUfrinted.billei., and Being catches it
but no one is either sitting lo or too ine Ito conyuisively, mid thrusts it into his
out at them. 11 16 as he had tboughL The had.
window ts too public for•them; nellhet "It, lie the first letter I ever bast from
can they be at the pilaw, for not a here" he says, the words rushing out
sound of either voice or instrument Is broken /and scarcely intelligible upon. B
wafted down to him. ele runs uP the stolen of sobs, and so Mugs his head•
stone 'titters, and rings the, teazle bell. violetitly down upoo the Maw again in
The etanding befere the uttelliened gv- new 4404$4 of furious weeping..
tal and the trembling Jul- ed the BUrgeyrie hold's the'paper his 1ln-
bring back to him with a vividness ti ,gens, but for Lt moment or Wm he is un -
could do without, those other long -to isble to lead IL There is an ugly swine
lie stood lam Je.91, with no nosy heart unto or, nynaes . treatment ban not am.
even then, but yet with tiow different prayed e specimen of eatimalmi, ;
anticipations. Ile has found it hard oette oeyer ?4tisraeatately tea,
gays -they seem to hien long ego -when yninftik ore his eyes for one Hung; for
nough.--10 the„ brunt 01 BYA been a -Veil • ee eeoertie000)0 nt. Ann yet
Maces inhuntart Jeiviaien -WOW -TV is -4W long. Mr few "words; he at
him. How will he eland it when he sees length lie mikes them yule tem tbus :
them together? • * 4'000d -ben) I was Med • yesteedayeee, I
Ile Ls recalled from these reflections Shall never merry you ; have no riot
the opening of iliadoor, and the appear. to nem any one. .For God's sake do
Mice in it ot the mintstering angel who not oak ow 'what I Mean and oh I don't,
has usually admItted him Into hls Eden- deretodon't come after trie I"
Atimitiztata. IL strikes him that Armin- There is neither date nor signature,
elate looks older and more disheveited M altu stands elating at the five
than ever, Med Is without that benevolent crooked, straggling seetenees, a great
smile of welcoming radiance which tter sweltittle tortipesslon fills his heert. Did
haedAttured face generelly weal's. Nor eta poor little seribble mate it so easy
does s WM-111W been--hee-wen iesconetettotjameernati shaking. hand, and
baok to let him puss in almost before be the lender breakinglieart that penned
has put his question, as it she wind riot ita An itentense pity tills his soul ; yet'
admit /OM quickly enough. But to -day does It -quite flit 11? Is there room be -
she stands, on the contrary, lit the doer- sides, In one anneto, tor a small pineh
way witnout a stutle. In a second the of devilish joy? • • •
Iden flastwe ocrose Jines mind that ilyng "Ttere's many a slip
/* \
hos forbieden anyone to be hit in, It
eerwixt the cup and the lip,"
turns NM half .sieh ter the motnent, anti
it is with an unsteady votee that be HIS owe words of ilenatured crooking,
stemmers ; tittereraoot an hour ogre to Cecilia Wil -
"The si twine? The Signorluar Sew. reettr to Ids mind. flow Mlle he
Annunz atti efts het' shoutders in a stlokstonegley truhamtneittatiprieervarneettyinswestouidionstro
dismal . s rug, and etretelies out her
mottenless and silent, ttis fingers still
hands : •
eaane a I
' .. ;lemma, the paper, whose contents ,he
hea Wog ago mastered, Met Byng-tbe
uGonee You mean gone out drtfing?" v1°4110 • of his pitroxywn oi grief at
Then reolembertrig that lwr Ong:esti ta as ,oeptb esbaus.tedeostragoes to too foet
MillUS A querally as les Italian, he mitts awitut •speahs-espealts as well as We ealett
In eager explanation. eeri Micro r
She shakes tier tier, and then hods 1110,4tUrffhilrath and i"8 "iVePing
vaguely In thediree Ion of the whole of on le not her anolgt you may thanb
the rest ot lite world -the whole, that IN it leiter doing, but I know it IS not 1 I
that Is not 12 Bite kterte her bailee thtut you do."
two, gone r of never made any pretensions to
"But where? Dover cries he, Mottle knotvitig her well," replica the other
with Irrliation at his own powerlessness ;sadly, end relinreashing as no spIts
either to understand or be Understood. the mato to its °woos
Again she shakes her fiend. "In ii 114, iy ,,.t ask you?" eries ilyng
"1 do not !mow ; they did not say," etelltelly. "I put it. to you fairly, is ft;
He gathers:this to be her ineauing, end lie* that she, tvith her swamis nature.;
hurriedly pUts anether query, ell bine and hurtling, she that Is tende '
"When ? Quartile 1" ,
But her answer being longer amOntora,
volaele, he can't take in Its drift, seeing
which she retreets a ste , atul. motfette
Mg hint weli her hand o enter, pones
to have the dumb -show, of invItatto
twice repealed, but rushing peat Iter,
hurrtes down the well:known little Orel,.
der to tne salon Allot it Is open, oral he
stands within. At the fleet *tine et
sect* to -bhp to wear Muth ts MUM
f T7
*Care deciding Where to *ate
in the Vilest, let ,O$ telt you
ahout these bee
eehent fleiclet the debt* grazing
landare to Mfg province.
'irate us for NH infOrtnathan
451,0Pt etrOPs$ etiolate and spade)
railroad rates.
'fecal representativ wanted In;
each ecottity.
'Telfer ft ,Osgood
' Eastern -Selling
ald ORISTINE ault,01140i,f1,
root, with Vegetteblee, plain, ewe. el. W-
ive, With itgueun wine.
. afternomo-Walk through the town
l.riset. to the cafes or an excursion. ilitto
the mountains. •
0 pan. --Supper, followed ItY 4 411141cei
.and nwre games of cards. .
9 p.m. -Retire.
...S,pine of the prisoners objected to re.
tiring se early, but the chief swarder
pointed oet ap,alogetlextey Iliat it. wile
tieeessary for the prisoners to Melee
Mope concessions to eiteciplitte. Tito
;convicts held a meeting,' and eater; :t
itteralobatioltowakototeel to adhere to s'n
tl 0 oalock
under and Gerber are to be tried •P
aor "eseeploga seed further Inier&utlnsr
itelpitdocIs if, love 14
oeutehneee. she
*3N.111=0.01. Atti; Self•rtspc4,, I
'atoralay is Mere Mai Olkiler of),
,•415,44,71pronxit.r. remains when, . re.aetelleie
Iligaleenetteee AVM Inatt abellte
tot% out of fail, •
lo Iliown•
- 11' •,Attl_tring, then
•''TItild%rts4411ilecs'7targailti,114" °'''?'1414t43
"NoPtlitt; itteog. people' :faithful better
xtino, bIttati: of$P111,011,11pwi4she,nitut., to- Is ,
Withold the rell;gon Of tile 7,' y.
Thalautroirinitish, knit:m.4 the mOre
will, •itio eatircas oral he flnYekilieiL •
'Tikene IS 0 geed,' deal." Of apparent
takerly that needS. year; Silsireirtore then
bad one Up. „ • _
Y°0111;Pnlare,g: Ind allaeg4Vit4trililti*:.:'.1?1147.,114.,b9Ullr,
Manly. ' • -
• ..Yeett are Uot 111.00: In 4:t*iti1/4
ethere,be Want ilowtyJn'Ibenrrouth'
outIft4°Iret; .orc14' .4"1' tOt. ..1krool:
rtrIS Iratmvonr. relativeir n1tiptilearrt
rfornnos. ',-
nature Of . goodness until. Nee.aeletv that
11 is easy toetiettllit-it!'et' fee° Wr. ;our' '•••-f-e.ti•-'
iews..but Rm. teSt.yonies whelk' We tied
ihe perlieulee lent* ill need of. our love.
The mutt wife .sals .1m. Wilt ne.:';Ittitled
by 0'4 1-0104 Of oensiciencO. Often: mot%
Mat lie is ihriening • , photigreph rc!,;
cord of ina degrefi. •-
The preatberWhe avonirtRive: KS'
owinte tig000aide: evilleethr`rrei.on. 4,0Stionftatolf,yo,artmotaida'be.
Uttar. •• - • .
There are too niay figiring •on ans.;
tearing present p11110 heavenly
who are always .alisent, freintethe eerily
net muster: a • . • •
, -
Many ReOple **nee lereir Syeitarei ItY;
. Dosing .;w1M.• Patmative illedienuse;. •
10 0i33(iQb3-.
lug the blemi• and Searrylno.loa
puiltles Mut 'have' ticounadated'nueing;
the indoor nf. tho winter loofahs, -
Tit ivr hmeomssw.s ee ltdtehssi Is: ip.14toot nipt:isttemf:iceo, ggeAsr;iiino:0.1111i,ylitcornzi'-.
eesay 'for a spring meeloete, dose
"tor andatie wet tell you that the else
ot purgallee medielnes wee:Nene Message
'tem end catiobt possibly ' cure ellsease,
ri- pie spring ine,systerry.:needslittild..
neeopeasettetes, weakest. Tile blood
lantla he mate rich,- red end pure --
talativeS, cannot* do tlds,"1 •Vilhat Is
eeded ii•ak aud the hest tante
nterileal-,seienee-hus-:Yetonetrieed- sDfo.
entente Patti' Eels, Every' terse ot
revelotions ere ,eapected. • av
is medicine aeltiteiy. mew newerietz
• •
That. is why t wee ell s tanieb &Impale
blood, and thei 'neer blood .steeilgthene
every organ and every pert of Mel:wily.
II our readers oould epend one Mena and unelghtly sitcht eruptiene. het is
ing lookidg through the letters receiv- and tha Rome ril All the Creatures why they cure • headaches; eackaelies,
eel horn all over Canada be the ?writ- of the Hem. - rheum -ate*, /newel& aed at host, of
fltei co., it would bring MAW In tbere other troubles that tome '''froin poor
will) ireestsilble force the heeling vie, in mid -ocean? if A is of wend
What becomes of the ship abet einks
tees of this &eel household*balie. . 'Old in the first pliwe, 'a vensiderable time
g takes watery blesol. That Is why
Women who izse De. Willionts• Pine
Warne). young women, eviVea, nit:anal loreit to reach the beam. In a 'heti- ailetttiotel.,1oweetil,,,'"loa tirejTvrwala oanetleareefil
the men and
and even young girls have eamettang dred or more fatboma, of watee, a ,quar- 7.`'"' -,-1,,,,,,';'-'-,4,,,,,w„.""i- "-„y1,,,---„,,,,--)k,"--fi-n-3
io say about how Zanoleuk did 00 OP tett of an hour will elepse 'before the "e'aa --- a -"a" -ii" --- "--" ---
that good office in etheir ixtme. 'lltanY ship reaches the owettnet bed. - It sinks weak and Bettered eereatly from head -
of ithise islet
era give perroiseloo elo Slowly, and when the. Izottom is moil- aches, and I efinued nothing toonelp me
Make extrecte front their grate -01
were taken at random: ep; a 'sblp becomes We . prey of the
timeny. From these the fallowing witb no crash or brealdag. Once sunk- Pills' Taese
las-. o it lois gently into the soft owe bed
my neatth arid r bless lite del/ I 'bagoal
tudit I begenslektag Dr. Willietne' reek
leave' templet*, reetorta
"I was troubled for
asozne weeko-With countless trazabliants of the opeao, who taltthg them"' ......„,
But he sure you .get the geneweetee
salt rheutn In hands and aims mot' was, sworn: over and tbrough the great boat
fif •a*:_'' .:ve which did cial-lifle„,gnod: and make it* their home; e. _ with the lull mime, 4"Dr. nietimns." PM
On reeeietnri stIPPly "afletunaalakarep• Beeltlea ;this, glut- cover -every liebOt '..,,„-..,434„.;.1,..,43f f,,,alo teettelfeo? aleoeolherjawaane
plied it, and lt ,really seemed.' to act like* tha bola With a thick layer et Em.e. "'"`a".. "'''''t ''''''4."1441 ' ""c1-8°-°°33
triagior The tithing and burning iteas- This takes Inn% of nourse. and When elle ',pills are fraudulent imitations.
ed. runt in a few days the sett was ape generation dies another toefinitee toa Id by medicine, dealers or• by mall at
cleared and healthy." So writes Mies teetrork Wen finally the ship ts so laden a').aents a 1 -/ax or u1•1 kkui•e4 rnf 44°
et' A. Butohard, of North' trappel. •' with heavy.incinidetions,-coraponas trOm -The Dr. Williams' Medicine co
"Three boxes GI Zanolaule Oxen me end barnacles, that the creaking, lith- -111"36"411eQa
of ReY.eina, from which I hed:enfiered bere fall upstate and slowly but I
sure y
tong time." So seise' Mee. Gladden, Mei abeorbeet In tee waste at the sea -
et Itiansonville, Que. • bottom. THE WARM'S LOVE aT4titY.
"Zam-Buk cured a ease ot Mood; not;
1- - . .
yen for the great -tile ritaott 'bite ' a • • '' The 'waiter told melee -love story in
proved," is the effect of .a WU& front He found hts hair was leaving the top" -•"et ett°1tillig on
Mrs, weela of Dorermara i of les head, and look his barber to task "Yesstr,"it tees heartbreaking, for be -
And so ode eould go oxiagastteg ee- Mazza it. "You soot see two potties 01 tween me neer-Your porkthop sir, yes.:
'met atter ogintet, emwittv.,..hto ztim. eteff to :make the hair grow." "It Is very str."-"Marganh, air, the young atterian
-BIM cures -chronic sores, ellsers,'ab- etrange it won't; geese againel inter- as had ranee; an impressioo int" -"One
reessas, bad leg, flab, and wed odt. ruled the Weber. 'T paha understand Stilton elieeper-"I loved Itar oe no num
1 ' "Well, look here,"
son: takes the Baroness net of,eiths'and it,•• ,, . , mind a I 4 said„ the, man, ever tovedN-"Celves• fiver and beam ?"
hurne, and growe neat, healthy . skin `"-von't. Prabling anotherOhottle, -“And 1 Maught she had 4 regard for"
4l/er injured or diseased eetaeas, , tal but this:must be the laet."
store s and druggests sell at altar Cents a •i -s. : -"A pint ef mild and bitteiaa-"She was
a cook. Mr, os good ai"-"Muttort eln-
Eor Sprig Painting
Wbotkor you *r* t* " tQuolA
wOodwork, point tbo: floors,- briglAtro
thr porch, or mak* *hi whoto bongo fresh
*04 Uright 4tvi,-,7p4 Ikxons#W11
Ilinto`g **tight kiatot,46tho right' Oat
Olor-for every etees Milteet last' a4glit"ea
�Et right 1(i*t9Wear fig4 At$4
, yoar* of, 'paint enabing have tttght
right 'tow tAti* Outs. 415$ Y.40 .
bna4egultroyo. tb.ot tbeto tight'
-• Wrftue itg, So* tow0gx4 $0710$
are painted. '
RAMSA * 11101NTRF4t.
•:ivott pukoosinct 1.642, 02
ON"trirRYiSIT' *Wd
fir4 T C4()
. 174-176 BAY' 'Sr 1.,,,..h14
••'••• ' '" eefelot mai.
1.1 tato taeolou 1. l'iWrigx .1 ••11.111.410'sii•t•t. APV•
et 12
• eeo"......0.0esosa
A teeireftioe' t eineetary ereeproor e at
. • • .
-1• 144".1:trereTelinv*ieeetefr414;"Iii, iteeiretstittliP4U4g 10 terler ;tee A:6 1:03,pso coff:pktoted_, Ea_ akin!! this, fsulous
gbT OIL° 1.1474,134:174,":7".irmilElaehrilyeartit2r0e°0137:1401440,:trk: r4ib:1 49;hea6' 371r, Itwt;04:44 VH:t. 4:it ;1- "t, 04;17 gareet4W;h: 4:4 • 1;1 tuT°64O ittuaaji
CHAttiog* frimmuerie, TRAV•ttitOrietioi,Ett. cortpA.riv,
,• • outunger. "1".. wxret,President.
et box, or the ZartoBuk Co., Terrine), 'pie planate BeeiLgie/ifievived, eerdeme?"--"es mice yott saw. Our
wilt Meta for, price. ... • • 'eatostren applicellon to business letra tai everting went on as nicely.
, g ' ola r-laut soon trouble, etotte to,
linear the rnergies, arid if there lie pot
, eammeton,, lassitude ; end depression ...1:,, IA ttlere fat? Yessir."-
LIFE IN A SWISS PRISON it* sloe. intervene. These eetnee. heh t 11(110 saw her with to hese truard,
ais"-"Fteaet pork's • haft.e-,-1 "choose
111°114°11141* trt/111316s' The 'Want " between oe.". And sae'tud, the pair go-
014'VMM -1-V00.0 NOT.
eeeeelse breve on neevous" irregultwe •rta Off "likeL6aPOCIC a eggs? Yessir."
alite, and the genteel) Owes to )asslatt- Loam 1 teat eves the bum knew was.
tete feod properly. In this eondttion ....coming, ear, coming a
aeeernelees Vegetable Pills wet lie Stand
ANYWHERE CISE. kecupertatve or rare power, restorlog
'the organs le healthful action, dlepelling eas.----,41-----•-•-•
depre,ssien, and reeiving Ole flagging
talons and Afternetoill 'itif0,
to the Cetese ... .
By (he arrest of twoaaeOlead• Convidis
named Growler and Oerbee. t 14tider.
tog ontocing rovelnilent!'.. Vo been
ladeirreflarding oenvlot lite 'a 'Silo) pil-
eisof horberg, near the ,1`Own 01
Wassen, Switzerland. •
In this penal . practise.; =fagots,
ii as they lilted. 'They kinett:41.1Milin,
usly,.)1queurs being ,.4110,43f?„thelp
ries and the ecOontinbtiallog'.whndera
Unwed Iltent to .vIslt, the . Cates attd'
laces of .a.musement the, leWes
:Geettder arrd Mabee Weeie. The 'afavolk;
'et the prison . hkomisel,.• they; had
pioneer,. a Welch, they lieellt _11,044'0n,
'10)Joe,go, Atteriag,litent
the 'Intsanott; tind'r 1114' WulttIC:ms',
Pinang.' their
buiveVo, IW &Mitred 41911Ve Oh.
seactit ,fetan: peleAtt Water:exalt:0..4)h.;
tattt.lehtla by. highway .ratiliery
burglary: • ."
TAO "•"Werketla the..ehtfro: tlItliMentittfi.
Vallee% and Weete Vetitritifigl`la Thor/writ
fit their .booty ',When rireeeteta Hone
vohowelishat thar
teteted eaeeptilgt, th,etitribg (1011 Ilzcy'
t`4 neVet. tOtlitellablei 0.92.1ixt7prI8011.
in hi: defehee 711 001.1 geloted- lt-**
arkablo aterrot itt the' id'- .113 to
1) atte,t rat
over drowning •Ales, hetet mit tree: 6
to lids horrible paln 0-0 Ged, you, do °
not know what pain 11 16 l"Doeue, e"
astditeeeof ber MU tree will." '
ao pot know ; es you sar, do not;
know bee welt,"
heo oh fort how thou o
dldst murder Ms?" " a
so,,vs Ilyng. beginning to so up And
dietetic' the room with the s stilt von.
There ts even n score o/ musle Ing
shuttling on Me plane, Mc coPrer Piga afire
deW11 tits eheekss but l`kl` •61ente.,
, aigetheei volep whit% at 0400 404
a. J<tin of Port: filnellOvatioft
000 ot Mee leaneltes, Mitt he teale
dint battening with larenzea own Illiese
OM bit elred Velletten brocade. Willi' the
little old tinsel fringe. Milt bangs Over
the arm•eholr by the, end flut
Neapolitan lehtetover stilt diagaises the
vulgarity of the sofa. 110 taut intsunder.
stood Artmtliciato, is realty mem,
In be .41,11.eirolcaslY ignorant nr the
fang/toga at thee etettntry poet Mat living
in-ur sift has 14s1 Wes.
11%1 thought the fteth 'empty, an Ito
advoitors o Meet (01.3 0, it, tie dee-
Oitteee That he' IS fiat the atennant.
thal Virtu streteittd ttpolt the Willi
.21U , ltad the aanie Mild? Have tits her head 'Lltr10.1 n Unto pillaW.
hfweg 110110620ps itgaitipt Wrath irien IttrVerialten gem
tern caret . ?JAY it Wile, teillattne athatlatehlee
uSt :01e: infiltutfaire, °Is. 4
Mettle Mt io
"1n' 11 t avi one Mar Olbliq
ogt-Itte wItege Miens,
knt hoplamt; be tett Atoatett, tilt‘ owl
03'31'0 Wirns.kirtg •trii loot ,tettilintoit
lihn -the sPlendal 411-Isloaca lot
11 of an 1411elly laying beside Ind
ottf talogn he hod
*haul his feta at it C, thunght 01
"Ahrtit 3,000 rascal.< ulty alfo'c'Idi!1:41izwi:1 a? thong... ot hint i$ing
hit.IPY; reldiNt fxlIt's *mist! ,
elle bordello Iiisliettrt
against blow •As broad rule, Ifuleedi
itoliti$;110,1014,1 down Mat filet etirrout
Widen .enitesee through ono nt the num.
bract* elumnels cin by the poets tor it
Witt flat bring its owner to Waterloe
Thep, • .
Oat Whet ern t saying?" loPabii; nut
al tie' qttelation late beefletolleallett
pre0 foto, "It West not abet , 1
titer it were elle. eetthr Itte it Ina.
nit% It It la bee itlether.; no Unit per. We
son eat* tlettle that la her mother's '
Ina I 1161 Wrrii awaya an amity tleelli*, 4ri
roe? et 1% ,Itentyily h ree I ft
etel her toelher he,s oeherttrit taloa Pre- p
u on one omr,ston the ratter zhNr,
tto", ettaiked
ithe to go t4_..,Wagaell, Whet) bought
hvc, Ttleoa Of winectOlmem eteesti,cte.
bbyillg Settnailps. fink the eietketnotvilik
Italltxt,ageltht ate. - !tit, yes
tow butttereustp she shut the -deer tape
tee lei; olOtt t.,Attott the deep of ine
ein h 9 tom be wari riensurig ,Det
ittY loco /131 (I.1 1 114)11011
(1 ttale tree:441M et Miter 1 t,
• Id i4 1 • ear VOA
wit4 hod 6011 Ita together to titalnimi,
Jilt* WrithM _ -
41);* neva, leirtd the,WOOrt WWI"
• le%*tateectlie taa PreIllafeed her ogains
diCt net.totaw thAt 3 111,1
3111 eittlity fit Ilte world. Homo ono hes-
4 lirf obottlA4Allent 43ftiol..-about
lite Aott , • a
itn l itellfe •
rll ct‘ctity s toout
wry .bziglottni: la tstro4t;
*quoit. •
mn to Holt 114%4 •
bt•te. 1II5 On SO6.1:.‘tit 13I?
Vet 1th3/i, the *
1.1' 'e.Aig3„, nod tInt, old *eV:
Ib. hot .1,VA4t *.ep. tu'ontd. thotnIt
0 #f1' 11 Joie eietea 0aeR3ir3uglitg.14
16.'ritilitt Yea net intr
Tpks, ort ttikl trdt.tauptico
1ttr iedio„*orito, o.tvetquittit4 113.1 NW
Th(irg *look el filleMidt. Ittei sl(
uni•av 1.111.4)disul4 it, met Jim Is
tamed, to r;or*Weei • .;
end tarly litetrittlelelioAweed
1%0177 -lo the lowi,:taka atirehtlearfave
Ilefrerbettles: • "
t EX/NV:It:TS:,
„ , •
IV! 0Ve10,oil4 toot tqr.ite ti II1)0'OuIlfl'
%ph vrt.u. WOO kutt tir tuteroing
cm 1
Grefilate eteseete "%Vold lar,Atio.1 bo. tht:i
trait wortlei!. • ' •
Gruialer t41.1.1 Ay.kttid *ever
lava Mt thert.:oak:to tobiltrolses and
4'41.11,47s tt her Irtil net kill all hi two.
1' 4_11ftl')1"41_min( ttfe 4ittto
loco11 II *tit)1 motto in Thiele ea
lirLs•Ait, it CrallIci• 1011 ilitrfier dc‘,410,,
st leagfeltettee-e
t-' 1:4 to'd sat r frf.Tt.
11 varkiVII eityt ('Plbt: •
c.en.,hting" rd.
tot*. 14 *AA et Rewire,
imewto rtt be**
111 0. r.y3tA soutti. rotor Steitttirlq
fs.ortidirtg t Otklp;
*J. ilfroje
A.' goad story Is 'told ot antes. Cho,
° ifteen years tigo the average norobee the enenent aemerienn lawyer. Ey the
pahata accidents, in lite Swiss Alps was wdy, good many skules are WM about
'2tre Now it is /wetly three times teat him but WU Is a zlaw exte•
Whither. Otte morning when he entered Ids
ofilte, hia clerk rose an(/est It for'eteeald ei-
. "Mr. Random .1tne jnat telt
11 ( h 191fli WtitifOrt OtSrAta Ott, ents, n
;tett* tite Are' le o het, itchin..
g, ahealthp .
WhO wants you to undertake a ease
.tte tiii ewe, tetteemal sate Moue '100 .hife." o
ot-e--. e. "3111 and 4103yott ti011eet. the regular
' Hainburg has more Hymen. ift, =II' retaining fee?"
pWrisbyt with her populatton, than any •"1 Only colleted twenty4iVe Ruinetiat
oilier ., city.). ,Therc ore 300 firemen to sh..0 *
ry 100,000 peopleo, The regular', fee Wets 111 13' gumens„atui
Mr. Ciioate tnld :-
X, Rood Nitrite is AO be PrikerlooTheris matte ama was navraressianai
itovn-hterl. iltillattaasZ-td lhao-_1 hoolas. very onpriefesettentil." . 4 ''''
teleofrie ..01/which may intro been ata, agile, ettee bral tim elm*, doologsti,,,,
Orions to its good 'Melte. hilt if so. the catty, and anitiatit to exenerate himself
*try had oillY hoed telulierell• tooth the Merge get all he laid."
f3110300 11)0 ninat 1I' 1?,, Mine le the "Aft 1" sad lite. beetle,. with re differ.
wrik 16 wortultss# So 11 has 10001) with ro .'
trent and' lttle the satedOW that olt expressionieastenalluniat wps,prelessionai ;
Ee *elide 03; Ateitettoo •utalutein yes,, Mtge p
bout Ogling; lite', genuine 'orttile.
4`I'es we tiro in 116611 id a
,you • elliPloyed
APPIleind 041
"DM Stn.:clean a outV
."Vn iSir. The Cashier did
RAW ' •
amber' Or 'Red Indians In tile
Stalea 'hos deafest:C(1 .31(1,p0odd. ift ;711
A pure, had
• -
• AtattitOpa
flour for Etrakesa and ethers demand':
ing etratiatlaf,totor and uttefoladity.;
& • HITE*
aefeeteoGiROOHE ,
'ozetetis eveeyozteee seretteis otolt
oteoutt FAtl% . r VS,
rfiti.kT seeteoett4ef FAVOR AA; CERERM•
tesesetioroo' 3. 50:01003' FLOUR
W04041014- dig riet ; Hsu Dumomunm,
174,4170.*Isitirattlbetir:TtWoett'avito:60.* '
• afeik tIrtb *PE,
plittotoryorysr 11 frac, hs-420,do
* ilutUrt* 41 'Arita tri MOWfl.-
" iT.4 10)16 v= 44,a, .1A. 'tat
210F. LtAM1I,ll1q,l, 33,
He was a youtlg Man, Mee the *ay in ,
which he fondled -est few -heirs whioh '
sprouted from hie ,upper lip seemed to
irritate it fellow -Messenger, who, unable
to bear It longer, legeea forawird and, lit
a whisper loud engegh for all present to
near, said : "Do yeti know, Ye/ling ntitn,.
*nee had a ineeetaebe like Mat 011
yours, antI, l'eut it 44." "Strange, sir,
isn't fir tolled' he of the struggling
hairs. elliatlY; "but I once bud a fate
like nun of youraeand, being unable le
eut It off, I aro &owing this moustache
to fry' le hide it."
Business Man (es applicant): "wen,
you' references are excellent, and you
eppear to be 0, pushing traveller. I sup,
pee() you have never been irt trouble of
any kind fl APPAcent °Ye.% Sin 1„•wli
Once' in praeort tate three weeks.' Bus'
noes Mart itaken aback): "Well -et -1u-,
deed, 1 am °feed tbat-but what weed
you lateen foil!' Applicant; 'Tar
hearty Lenten a Man. who refused to allot
.nte an order." timeless Man: "You aro
Son'te Persinte aro: raore susceptible
to colds 'then" °fleets, contraoting de-
rat:Valenta el 'the plamonary omens
froin Me sligniest tapes/ Thefie ahould
aiwititehaVe at hatetaobettle of Blekte's
AntleConeteriPlive •Syltitry, the preseet
eae, satiereteple reneedy • foto eetughe, ea -
tette and ingtelernallert or the lunge. lt
will effeet• etre no Matter how severe
the eold auty,lie. You cannot afford to.
wilhotit *oily like Meade's; for
it Is Me best
iitt Sante leaebeett, Catifeefee, 11 00
orelitird containing ,10,000 InlYe.
lt,0011 • riermettten, 10,1106
,-rautititd and a •eitliele frail trete
'titan* 'kW ifteitta 10 tAiIg 'rari,5i,,
•s the bon 16,10, ayltr5Miiptu,led, One lots
And eagtheee her Veen& vete*
"%on 3117111'.Vette text epetteh will Tooke
0 re ton "I- de, 'Orristv erect lite
crintlidittO ,Itavo AVM: Ant bevy arga
Inertia 13Y 01400' before Pane opponent:?'
add,: "114 tar yOnr bat* doesn't
yet t Moo anta. Saine eget' leo.
Vottr, .buloy eta iceth let?" Todd
"Nog floold of Illetn.
"rod's' Ialktu road t osnt CAIII
,"Ortat Schf. year
(deStiotilit...,1V1:1.16,14 lie Atilt birk
N Of, go to ft tathtes *
• Visitor: "I dir hope that poor 'bet,
Skint' brother, does mt. grkte tab ninth
braaen tele engageretelte
, feel ettrii ha mte,t be: Ved,r unliaPPY.'
11141 410 he taY. 'The
tto said that }Oily ittel thing di
vaq s'att broke it off thIa wok TeIl'.feed Of
alfarle eaci'a hint re.)1), hating 1
9. SOO: hittlidee prelieriV."
• d
Allittne*:. "Whit would you do If was
10 oil Yoll a par?"
Bigkins 1.0 mention your i• n ere.
tion44 tfto coroner at the logudste
Tpm: a:you say, Pearl le ouch a
jewel, whY don't you merry her?"
- 3718L "Pin afraid. there is a flaw in the
motherelleart.,' •
' atm. Aelp lieges be mingle with the
best oat.lot
Um. ittitteItent; "No ; jie just elbows,
'l,,tialtes and shoVes."
Whenre•ritertied man goes strike his
hia ba5holer.irleode.
' glow dISapPeiretta leant
t 'and: nionnIng ankreathiltical
01 3lbgb;ere -gate ,AtYmptuftla, worths
Itt children. „De.tiot het,* get a bet -
114 Of 'Mohler ,(traves", 'Wain EXternifiro
elot'; ":.titeeteet ieNtettle,
Tagetty,, tovr, takt
eeptc,w11 pit: I. travel. Idol% 11411134
1 berths, hit oanliary, and bestdelt111
"e•nsti!!),,h3ttlittbNI,..I.PtVti .611 ,
bupplk,e • •