Huron Signal, 1849-08-09, Page 2Fern the Cassias heal floss.
aT SOOT saama.
Baas—Perhaps you might And room in
toot paper for the following, which will
Dore for a reply to the prediction of the
Har anew Spectator, that though the Hoa.
M. Cameron was feuted 1. Breatferd, he
would not be sod be awe CueOl7.
Oa the 9Oth lastest, a large number of
the political friends of the Hue. M. Carer
ee proceeded with Carnage• sad waggons
down the Chatham Road to Mr. Littler.
tares, 1 toile• from the vitlagr, to meet
the boo. gentlemau and Joseph C'aucbun,
M. P.P.. fur tho purpose of money iag them
is peoeeseson to the village, %hers they had
been bard tit a public diner by bis coo-
. tilueel., as a token of their admiration o1
11. coarse in 'Parliament and their approba-
ttoo d Ube ministry with which he le cun-
The day unfortunately plowed wet and
thereby prevented a large number of the
cou.try people from joining their friends,
but notwithstanding this damper, a Targe
Dumber turned out to honour their revere.
taure. Mr. Cameron addressed the aosem-
bly for about an hour, dwelling chic y on
tris local and general measures of the put
S•eaon : his explanations giring entire
.+defection ; when the procession was
formed in the following order :—Tisa front
carriage corned the British flag, while two
of the succeeding earriages bore banners
made for the occa,Ion, one havingfor its
motto "The dicers and British onte:-
ios," and on the reverse aide •• LorJ Elgin
e nd Responsible Government,"—while the
other wart specially addressed to the greet
of the evening, bearing on one ride the
warm Highland welcome " Gaud mile faille
ort Cballam (a hundred thousand. welcome.,
Mcicod !)—boring on the reverse side in
French the word., " A welcome to all true
Reformers. The lion. M. Cameron and J.
Cauchon, M.P-P. futlowed in Oho next car-
riage, asd 10 other carriages all baring
burro, with a number of horsemen,
brought up the rear.
The hon. gentleman wan mods gratified
. on approaching the village to find the scho-
lars of the grammar school, accompanied
by their respected and excellent teacher,
Mr. Walker, drawn up in procession to bid
hits welcome. The procession slowly
wound rood the town and afterwards dis-
persed to make the necessary preparation.
for the evening's fesuvitie.. Prior to ad-
journing to the dinner table, Mr. Cameron
met the scholars in the school -room and
addressed them in the most affectionate
manner, thanking them for the kicdueoe
they had'thewn h:m.
At half -put six o'clock, a numerous and
respectable party est down to a sumptuous
dieser. supplied by J. B. Swart, of Swart'.
Hotel in a large tent erected for the ecce,
• ton for want of a large enough room. A.
Young, Esq., presided supported on the
right by the Hoc. M. Cameron and James
Baby, Elmo and on the left by Robert Mo.
derwell, Esq., J. P., and James Flintoft,
Evq, J. P. Alexander Nidal, J. P. per-
formed the office of croupier, supported on
the right by Joseph Cauehon, M. P. P. and
the Rev. Mr. Macalster, and on the left by
D. Buchanan, Esq., and T. W. Johnson,
M. D. The Rex. Mr.,, Macalster asked
the grace and returned thanks.
Oita the cloth being removed, the Chair-
man addressed the compaoy to terms of
congratulation that the Reforin government
had succeeded in spite of the brutal oppnst.
tiun they bad met with, in passing so many
measures for the good of the country, and
referred to the liberal conduct of the borne
government in -leaving the settlement of
t'anadian affairs to Canadians tbeniee;tes
concluding 1'n the absence of ,!meting
toasts) by proposing three cheers fur the
Queen, which was respood.d to ill the
moat enthusiastic manner.
The Queen's Anthem was then sung by
Mr. Ford and the hand.
The Chairman then warmly alluded to
the conduct of the modern Bruce, of whom
he said that be was the first Governor Ge-
neral who bad the fortititude to carry out
the principle. of Responsible Gusernment
to their legitimate extent and wished that
his life might long be spared, and that we
might long enjoy the benefits ofhis govero-
meet. He then asked the mesjtng to ex-
press their admiration of hie conduct by
giving three cheers for His Excellent'',
which was responded to with the greatest
Mr. Ford and Rand : " Bruce's Address."
Alexander Vidal addressed tho lion. M.
Cameron, bidding him welcome as a private
individual and in his p ideal capacity as the
representative air County and of the Ad-
ministration ; alluding in handsome terms
to his services, anJ to the .sane the hoe.
gentleman had in maturing the measures
of the Administration, especially the school -
hill, sod likewise the dignified conduct of
the Government during the diegraceful
riots in Montreal, and their determined per-
severance in the cause of the p.op'e, when
their Houve was burnt down and everything
done which a preorganizod body could do
to ub.trtct the business of tho country.
Song, " There'. nae luck about the
Mr. Cameron replied at great length and
with much .ffect. He rapidly renewed the
history of Canadian relevances from the
assumption of the government by Sir Fran-
cis Bond Head, down, to the grand Anal. at
Montreal, showing most effectually the -
misgovernment and complies that ear
under Tory rule, and that to stall them-
selves they scrupled nut to humble their
country. Ile also went over the measures
of the peel sumo• in dstarl, proving most
satisfactorily that the ministry heed all
tbe:r acts oo the principles of equity and
justice, and that their highest wish was
to give all equal rights and equal taste r,
and thee produce • true frat.roity of feel -
The hon. member was loudly cheered
throughout i tee emir* renldeoee raring
between the represented and the represen-
tative producing air exuberance of joyous
D. Buchaman, E.q., then introduced the
member for Montmorenci to the company
to as eloquent address, as.unig that gee- t
tl.mae that his brother Reformers gave
him a cevdsal welcome, loth en as account
sad as the representative of s people con-
fessedly in advance of u* in pelu,eal reform
..d the Marty cheers with which Mr.
Caoeheo wag greeted sufficiently co.vinced
hien that Mr. Bucher. hat echoed the seo-
tle U Ia of the whole meeting.
Mr. Caoehnn, is a very happy sued als-
geewt .pe.eb returned thanks for the wars
weer'. which he had been received, arid
tock eicaaeoe to state his rears. for vid-
ung Wavers Canada. Ho obyerved Nue
bo oioddrwd 11i.•si1 a Casabas nproan-
ono •int out • reeth aro gee that be
wished to beeper •ego•f•ted with this
wants and wishes of a people for whom he
was to legalate in that capacit . He ex
preed his plessor• at fisting rte people so
unanimous in support of the gofer seem,
and hu airlines at seeing .o few Tones,
and these few po*se.sing so strong • family
',hams. to their Ersee leader ;—and con-
cluded by prepostag three cheers for Lady
Ors and Lord Brace, wheel wee warmly
reponded to.
The rondagi of Mr. Poetess in the Chair
rang hes suitably ack.Mledgsd by the
asoembly, n separated, resolved to' meet
+oma trier day. each bighly gratified with
the day'. proceedings. A. M.
Port li ram, Jody tt1, IRO.
We have been favoured with a copy of
the Dr fene(ine Journal for June, con-
taining the account of a dinner at the Elgin
Arms Inn, Charlestown, " in honour of
Lord Brute, leant son and heir of lila Fa-
celleocy the Gu,ssor General of Canada."
-About sixty of the tenantry on the Broom -
ball estate, with other gsotleteen, met on
the uccasio, Mr. Mansiea, Factor on the
estate, in the ebatr, supported os the right
by the Hon. Thomas Bruce, R.v. Dr. John,
stone, Lirnektlne, J. Kerr, Esq., Mtddle-
bank; and on the left b, J. Hunt. June.,
Esq., of Pit tencreeff, and J. M'Donald, Ere..
Finacal. Dunfermline. The crooners were
Mr. Hill, Fainter, Lockeratooe, and Mr.
Christie, Crombie.
After the usual loyal teu!e, the health
of Lord Elgin was given pv the Chairman,
and appropriately responded to by the Hon.
Thomas Bruce (Lord Elgin's brother.)—
The Rey. Dr. Johnston, i■ proposing the
health of the Earl of Elgin, spoke at con-
siderable length os the state of affairs in
Canada, vindicating the Goversor general,
aid explaining 1e a very perspicuous mae-
ner the .eters and objects of the Rebellion
Losses Bill . In conclusion, be observed—
What, then, can be more obvious than
that the ex-itement created in opposition to
the bill's a factious excitement—the result
of. strife, and of the skill with which
those recently dyrrrtf' of power have
availed themalAes of the diviaiona existing
Ig Ohre Communey to emba their oppo-
nents ! They probably did not contem-
plate -the burning of the house of Assem-
bly, nor the excesses tato wh;ch their fol-
lowers have been Warred. But while it is
desirable that the incendunes of Montreal
should know that their conduct ie univer-
sally execrated by the people of this coun-
try, it is no lees desirable that their leaders,
who so wrought upon their prejudices as to
excite them to such acts of violence, should
know that they are held to he the really
guilty parties, and that there is no parte
that sympathises w«h them. Lord Elgin
bad been placed :n eery trying etreumatan-
hes, and be has been constrained to expose
himself to popular odium; but no one who
calmly examinee, and who judges without
prejudice, can fail to perceive that be has
acted wisely, firmly, and patriotically. (Ap-
plause.) The approbation of the people is'
n o doubt desirable, but tat is not to be
bought by .ace (icing duty and principle;
nor is there any reason to doubt, that' as
soon as time drpele the mints which preju-
dice ail passion have raised, his conduct will
I be seen in its true light. The people may be
fur a @orison bighted sal misled, but ere lung
they will discover their error, and will not
1 fail generously to acknowledge and atone
for it. What public man as there who has
not sometimes 161 popular favour/ The
Duke of Wellington a at tbie moment the
most popular man In the kingdom; yet
there was a titre when a London mob broke
the"windbws of Ap.'ey }louse. He,dtas
haJ a proportion of them covered with blinds
that are Shut prof. - A year or two ago,
when he was ega:a the idol of the populace,
he was followed to hoe res:denee by a vast
crowd, and loudly cheered. When about
to enter, he stopped his horse, and after
courteously acknowledging their hinders
significantly pointed to the shot -proof blind'',
M much as to say, " Good people, tbkre
was a times whom you would not hays cheer-
ed so lustily." 110 it WWI be, ws eoeftdent-
I) hope, ie tat ten e( His Excellency th
Governor of. armada. Guided by pnnctple
not by passion, iolluesced neither by tnit
aviation, nor by the undue love of popular
app lauee,be will in all his measure. seek th
wet are amt peace of Canada, and the hero
of his sovereign; nor can there be a doub
that .uch a count: horsily and perwy.-
nngly pursued, .i11 in the end serum the
confidence sol approhettoa of all good men.
(The .entmments expressed by the Rev,
Dr. were frequently and highly applauded
during the delivery of b,s speech.)
" Long life, good health. ani happioes.
to the Countess of Elgin and Ktncardtne"—
" The accomplished mother at our noble
Lord of the Manor. the Dowager Coantes.
of Elgin"—" The it tn. Thorns Bruce, and
the other jen:or branches of the family"—
" The Teua•try of th. Estate of Broom•
hall"—with other toasts, followed, and
were drank with -doe honor.
In the evening there was a soiree in rise
school roots. to which all persons above
fourteen years of age, readier on the estate
and in Charlestown, were 'petted. Abouta
thousand were present. The grate ry was
tastefully adorned with flags and gins.,
and net apart as s dsnc:ag hall; but tie
number of 'meets was eo gnat, that the
dancing took plus me the green. The fe.-
tm,tties were kept up toll 6ve o'clock to the
morn ng
The Deaf creek n. lone -nal says— " l t
mum be gratifying to Ihs Lord.hip and to
others to know that throughout this large
assembly there was no disorder, •o coofu-
ston—alt were animated by a spent of the
most perfect good bnmour, a.d by a desire
to promote the hammers of reit other."—
The Hos. Thoma. C. Bruce very spore-
pprenaly remarked, .peaking of the Earl of
El, in—
Theism towards whom hit attention has
bare esclu.tesly directed. is virtue of bus
station, to whom intermits he bat devoted
without reserve .very energy of bi. aid,
have repaid him with treatment .such as so
Coverer such a. no Colony bad .ver ex
pertenred before; while amoaget those from
whom he has bees .o long separated, sed
to whose concerns he has, from the call of
duty. been obliged to rooter eompvalisely
• .tenger, In name .till receives a wet
Come as warm a. ev.r.
Th@ Dams honorable gentlemen warmly
eulogved the►y on the estate for
tear skill, i.dostry, sad pormverasee. "It
was only the ether day," he ohrrved,
"that i etas gang over this property with
an English ge.ttem.n win est nw.e►linen
is Soothed hefor, 1 know net whir were
his previous ideas of our eowtry, but whet
b ►M is ,s he amid not centals her astoo-
faltm•ot. The leak Weald. t. like • lud s -
Yoe., it le lake a preen, and it ie
to Ore te.atry of this ytopay Nat that
result a owial."
Mr. Hill, one of the t.caats, is utterer(
thanks, adverted to the fears test had her
entertauoed by agriculturists, is crew
qu.sce of recent changes In the logislatioe
.,f the country, and concluded by sayteg—
•• 1 bare no doubt, (roue the iapro erste
that are e•ily going on is argrscoleare, sod
from Ibe liberal a.tdsta•ce of the Proprtistoe
in carrying out pisco impro.emests, rtes
shall continue to hold that huaorahle ase
tsdepsedent punnet' to lift we have here-
to done."
It te very rudest that Lord Elgin i. •
good laudlurd; and a good landlord makes
good tenants.—Pilo/.
From the Galt Reporter.
The Court for this divicine of the Gore
Duetriot wesJ»W is Galt on Tweedy, be-
fore Judge O'Reilly, We notice the oc-
currence fur the purpose of bringing before
our readers a new Act of Parliament, ase
its consequences, as affects suitors is Leis
The Act to which we allude is the 19t1t,
Victoria, chap. 69, "to authorise Attech.
meets against Personal Propert, for eons
Of £10, and under, to centro cases.
This Act creates *revolution is the pre -
lice of Division Courts. as relates to Ab-
scondin, or Concealed Debtor., or those
removing their property from one Dunne'
to another; and before we proceed to Notice
the powers it bestows upoo Crediton, we
shall give an instance of its practical appli-
It to known to many of our readers, that
John Jones, a stove -pedlar, and general
dealer, travoll:ng chiefly in Dumfries, Wa-
terloo, and the Huron District, had lately
absconded from Galt, leaving considerable
debts due in Galt and elsewhere. The
Landlord of the house in which hie family
resided in Galt, put in a landlord's warmer,
as soon as it was discovered tb.t the family I
had fled: and under such warrant suffcer( t
property was *old to. satiafy the clans for
rent and coats; leaving a considerable gnatl-
tity of furniture undisposed of. Under the.
old law, this remainder could not be touched
by any creditor. Under the new law,
Memo. Batters k Miller, of Galt, made as
affidavit that Jones had Absconded, to pre-
vent legal mean. being taken to recover lb -
debt be owed them; that they had seised
hos property in payment of their debt, sod, m
as the property was not perishable, had
given it the custody of the Clark .f
the Division Court. to abide the decia re of
Judge O'Reilly, at the sitting of the Court
n Galt.
On the ease coming on at•ths erten on
Tuesday, the learned Judge first required
Mr. Batten to prove lits debt, which was
done; be then ascertained from the Bailiff
that Jones's goods had been taken press.
aeon of by him, and has been placed to a
place of security, to abide the decision of
the court. This was all the proof required.
The judge gave judgment in favor of Messrs.
Batten and Miller, and the goods will be
sold to pay their debt.
The whole expences of the proceedings,
where there is no mileage, will little exceed
four dollars, paid out of the estate. Where
tni•re is mileage,' of course, the ezpence*
will be greater. a
Mr. lienry SmAle Sadler, and Mr. Bar.
Baby, innkeeper, obtained similar judg-
ment* against the goods of Jones.
That our realer, may more fully compre-
hend the powers of this Act, we give an
outline of the proceedings, and those whom
they affect.
Theperson* tte whom it is intended to
apply, are: -
1. Persons ab.cnnd nue from the country i 1i
:easing property, but owing debt,. ,
9. Debtors removing from one District to ,o
3. Dehtorigenncealing themeelvew from
the Bailiff to prevent service.
Now, thy way of proceeding which the
Act presenbea ie as follows:—
First, An affidavit must be made before
the ('jerk of the Division Court, or, a
Marianne, that • Debtor has absconded,
e or concealed himself, or is removing his
, goods, as the case may be.
• A warrant will then be issued to .size,
1 attach, and safely keep, such goods.
oTwo freeholders are' -then called is to
r I ,slue the property se seized.
The plantiff ie ties to give a bond is dou-
ble th- value of property seized, In ease it
has been *sited wrongfully. r
And the defend -ret, if he give severity,
eas get the use of the property till the
Conrt decides the matter in disp•ite.
If the property seized is perishable, it can
he sold immediately. if not perishable it
abides the judgment of the Court, and if in
favour of the plaintiff, it to thea sold by Ane -
Such is an outline of this important Act„
the chief purpose of which seems to be, to
put an end to the eyetem heretofore peer-
ed, of parties sbecnndtne, or remnving, or
biding themselves from the Ratliff to pre-
vent *ervoco of summons upon them: for :n
any such case, this Act Allows the Planta!:
immediately on 'Mien.. hetet made of such t
hiding or running away, ear concealment, to'
ooze a much of the Roods in the hoose as'
will satisfy the debt and costs, take them
away, and sell them, and thus eatery the
But the Act 'implies some further impor-
tant defficinncte* in 'review, Acte.
It provide* that New Trials may be but
by any party. If applied for within 13 diva
after the triel of any cause, in the discretion
of the Judge.
The judgment* .1 Division Courts shall
in future carry interest.
That F.avcutnrs may sue and be sped.
That the Judge Mac, on being eatie1ed
with the general correctness of a plaintiff's
book*, tuna, them i. evidence.
That is the event of either party to a soft
dying after judgment, hes or her repreeesta-
ure may revive the suit, aid carry it out to
Such are the Iwais provisions of this im-
portant Act.
Wa wry saltire fad la eileslai•g the wolfs
1 retied ne.oamw es agit aeons bet w• ad-
mit that we he.. hese du pp•iatd M egad to
the n' of the " Leegee ie Canada. —
Want is immerge, dud • " Cwee•ries M
Drkpats.." ►eo actually tabes plass m Rag.
toe ' sad t►a far we see diespgaiare We huh
ear 'toper the armee 1 the itwasted Isaias.
We WI set restos tat stWapr• ad abaLte
e raise flub, eves is these hard times, ire W
we Ike slightest iseipadss rasponse that the
• ttaebaset of Toryism es pawn wee is nay
way Lmiarhel : hat we did limit if mates wave
see hundred or is Vatted Cards who weld
he derehiless or ts.Iii week ei errata
the ascot sad 1.2 1 s•wembls. as • sire
✓ at a the Promises, for wee a sally, se.slese
project ! Thos fete, we say, we bora Mee Ii.-
appastel- A ikesdr.d D.q.r W Mod1—
Bat .1 we Mm bra Aia.pp•iassd a the feet •f
the nw,'meg, we lore ser bre di.ppwatd is
the remelt. Th. •' ►sail, uasperteei hsafyl' did
meet, .•d 44 ?ors • ssaaer of wry harmless
Resetatiae, ad proud is sad haw wuheet
basis' decided se agy dream hese of policy for
'•e redeemer .1 Cesar ! We wilt see sell
hem sesta., ewe ktw3iodq nor igswessswe
bran* mom are pies Bally ae1• wit► •
number of than. W we bare coat then wee
many re.pret.ble. sod some eery• ..
among them . bet we her geed mired fee be -
Irvine that thew wen also a samba et whet
he Donegal Ira w.sld all " repos.lMas. "—
They penned a ,.•eerie ee a rele that the
CMvami•s wwil "sprat .wase( ily .f the
Ques sed the Regal Fairly ' "• New is •
meteng composed d dewant. reepeerbte inns,
w elt a resoled.s would b. e•se,Jer.d as 'seat
Supports( a tressed pohetal ..mage we* t• .
be held is Gwlerieh, : .need pr.mi.ewoesy 1
Torn and Radials, we verses a affirm that, -
lie idea of pwpre sed • nmetatem waaW
Reser ester rhe hr .f • viers render .—
Theo opposite retire G.dmrieh, and we belie.
'braver et Upper Canaan, may, fes •m.seaest•
or for the sake 1 bellying, tee each ether
about ess.niios cud Ii.l.yalty, sed there may
be inJitidoals in herb prow who Monde thew
senninne•te, yet, as poreia, we are per•eeded
they have the fullest coe6Jraee n .sett other's
mow, whkli Mr. Ea.aria•aa el d&. Thomas,
prop.' 4 to lite Re.ole desert raise of Mr.
Wow, was ea thea rifest ibe' the British Cee-
Maatsw se tat carr u prsant, is as s 'bar
CwsYreee that the people aid the Cosies -
or an wail ssu.6d with it, and that all 'bat
awed he dwlyd a jest M leave it piasiples
My and freely crawl oil is accordaae..Ith
the weir of the seat mayorsty or the people, es
espouse tbsagh the tour of their Repr..ste-
tiese ! Thr her exact, the doctrine whit! the
Reform pony ase the Rrfsam Press of Canada,
her fee rears bra lebonas t establiatt—it is
die drums which the provost Clerremest of
Lad Foots is practically illustrating, and we
w truly delighted to hear that Mr. E•aaTu-
eaati sarsdesest,.ia behalf of this glorious
detnries, was carried by a m.p,rity 84 to 19 is
the Leave . Coawotioa ! Harmosy gad bappi-
see are rearm to dawn m Casette.
Ta. oat regional speechifying is the Cos -
mi,.., aimbeegh a little republican, were talo
apeehr of Mr. Bocaus of Montreal, wafter
of which will bs ford is soother eels..,
"So far as our ewe - good town is con-
certed, we under,tacd the arrangements
for his Lordship's reception have been fixed
for some tar. Two poles will be erected
on either end of the wharf. A black Oag
with his Lordship's likeleea, suspended by
a rope, wall unite their tops. Should say
attempt he made to remove it, then will
come the ' tug of war,' and it will be seen
whether the' Elgin Gnarde' or the Brock -
rills Britons are the stronger. Should the
Bele be allowed to keep' up their arches
(for we understand three are prepared) the.,
a link music, such as insulted Britons know
'tow to nee, will accompany bis march, and
no doubt give life and vivacity to his move-
h if blood ,should follow this election
roar, et It be traced to the footstep. of the
wicked nate who called it op ! Two or
three weeks at the farthest, and we shall
have Mr. Dignified :VeutroIily it our
Tess above is frosts the Brockville Suoseues ;
it u • crag transcript of its Author, full of des-
perate, bloody, revengeful, dark-soeled user -
ssetiae villiany. The man who could write and
publish► each reeolliog end blood -thirsty senti-
meats, is fully qualified to apply- the Bernie'
brand to the dwelliagie( his sleeping neighbor,
or to ,men the brains el the victim of his
malignity, with the midoiaht bludgeon. Be io
a etas es benignity, •ad •hortber unworthy
tq.seieg, of civilized life. We do sot writ*
thre bluer sennmwats bemuse the author of the
faregeiis brutal paragraph is a worthless o. -
principled Tory wretch. who can only be a dis-
loyalty. We disk it is aaerw:op with the een- grace to any party. We would sop the very
wrestles party to LOOM. Cards. and the some language if he were the palest radical
resolution about opeak.ner "re.peetfa"y m1 the that err wrote as editorial. Ht is a disgrace
(lira" 'hews that the Upper Canada Daewoo even to common brutality, and hie connection
core*, 'f.itbealy party can neither make him better nes
erase. Aed could we believe that,Jhere is asp
dries is hernia form, who iwaseRi4rehrisbe•
ouch sealimente, and who could publish themn
with the hope of seeing them petieally restated,
woad we solemnly declare that h• •haald be. at
eemo lepnv.d 1 Itterty—he is • living and a
desgeres eats. in society, d road be treated
as n
a meaner. We hays so fear the bis reedyMuregradeddense the 6.e days that the vesss •tack prepositions well be regaded to, he is to well
braisetogetherbraisein the emplace, it MSS mere. rows, and too generally darted: bat still, we
I,1 verbatim edition of the sorer. that has prple of Brockville is having the Solo-
hienp-ib'iehed re
by ibe Tory pm for the Int re reth
l beauties, sod taste, and intelligence sf e
tweet' -.,o Fact, we sr. not aware that the eel.' pret::err and I mhest town in Canada, dishonored
core n( she ,ori�u. be.iira e!ie,,ted on. fps,' : h sudh aver productions—and in being the
he delibenti ins of eat Coeco
ee•tiee do not e- resdeace of the wretch who could pee and pub-
ic, a single ides, that hes •at •gals god seem lir such herberoe.'ratiment.. The real Tory
Ives tortured end twisted sod wore thread -ban ee Conservative Party in Upper Canada oa• hv.
during the leaf es mouths. Andw
, is the eead
elect, we atonia frees trivia, ear reel potties
of the prooroinre of the C.avestio., frees a de-
cided eeeei.tioa that web proceed:ore though
legal -606h perfectly Lesiru, are r
op verthe-
ledismrseef.l to the 1atee
elligee of the Pr.
Var. Whet wes
. eeseider the hte,1 " Coe-
from i. Naar -ten.
tthatld GrasatD tIu
Meta. Paulen.
and Nauen. hetheir ss ..wratM
.l rm0
In F.disbergh a e etre.. 1 the est mentor
when we re6.ct that mese 1 this mock Paha-
had some fears thee they had get late bee'
petty. The oseeaties hobby wee set riddle
(Inooaly in the public dieressees at least, re -
Lady from aastaeem pens is the event deiih-
nations. that it eoe!J tort welt net oympatay
mon, the'isteltigeet pepsin.. 1 Upper Cana-
da. We have we wish re a.evis mor readers
see to weepy re limited gree with the • esltrb
sod .ioMitig.soi • iasma which was talked
Aaarvat or M. Lasso Ror.tiv._'Thie
leader of the Socialist party, who made hie
shape from Parke during the last outbreak,
hae arrived safe% London from Ostend, for
*ocnrity. it appears be had the greatest
difficulty is evading the vigilance of the
Polite autbor:u.e, notice having been neat
by the electric telegraph for hie approbes.
Ong, to Calais, Boulogne, Dwppe, Havre,
ad the frontiers, to Belgium and Swit ter.
load, where it war ezp.ctead he wooed most
likely try to get .a it wee elated rate
day, is the vteisity of Leicester Near.,
that eseeral ether., implicated in the same
affair, were also wore in the metropolis
Magyar Ie.—Lembo 8u*Jey yeriper ,
ruents were sa- oeet d he • vast nsjnnty el' the
population. When we know that the Chartist
Cannes/ion of 1639 meshed her the most pow-
erful pohioal orptiestire, seiwenoa!ty eeserfer-
ed, that lees ever ,tined in Britain : and whet
we koew, that sotwi.hstetriia, the etas es s1 the
casae, and the ability wiry which it esu advo-
cated, that rcovntioe. like -all its predeeewiws,
aided in the disenmtt.n sal d -gess of it.
'embers, we are neatly sorry that is a limited
revelment !eke that 1 Canada. then .heotd be
fogad • hesdred ween op infatuated a to buses
that their esck-eft dehb,'•iiowe wo.W hove
any iofieence ie alien isnot the *Soder cf the
people from Briti.b ro.aitetioaal gorersmeat.
or 1• inducing the Go,enrast to cheer its
policy. Still, it is perhaps well est the coo -
Testes met. Whelk we eerider the rektor,
lawless, inflatable materials a waleh the
"Learn" eeitieated, std the nnir,ng of
esi'eee, and the bellying brsggadecia with which
the Tory press had .toggled to keep it is r-
ioters, we would rw•n•bly that
weem sod childres might :simile estsmethisg
very formidable tie tat doretie pease sad jsve-
sih.lkgsemesta 1 tab eoa.wy, ed aw•meque.t-
ly aright have their iassreot L,.,.ssw esseiders-
bty singed thereto fes:. Thew gtoewy leer -
Wings an sew diseipated—ti. "berm" dad
mad and whatever ethers may dilek, we are
die,dedly 1 opinion that it was jaa no rears..
a sires,—that they were L krrs.lase • body 1
tees, aid as harmless p►eevedrp es the Mat
ptwtwbte and WN. ./ her Maieet,'s Credim
ealassei mold reatrsahly Were.
The oily npsbtieea oe reelseerary swim
peeped, Was the meian of Mr. T. Willem, e1
Q.eb.ty hes teaat.Aenrisg Legislative Create,
sed Greeter G.o.ala by Iemoorstie sodomy,
intend .1 brig, thew impisted se at preeset,
through the exercise 1 rhe royal pwo'tira.—
,T1i•. M fret, might property be called de m
'tie, tad soli for the feet 1 its brie' hew ae-
rate the L egi.latira Cenci! a few
•.sa, by the Hoe. T. McKie 1 Ryusw.,
it wield ter W the beer of being tarsal.—
Bea if we sated to reek dews the C..wda-
ti.e ss eel, Irby tet de it the right woy, by
edgdsg the 'hoary 1 Darn O' al
ease, nod dewwa.g tea tiptoe Does ma 1 or.
Mone altogether I The " AmsadmeaI,w bete -
so sympathy with such opstimee'e—they an
the satimeets of fiends—they have no nighties
whatever to parry political feeling. soil ma *any
be cherished and breathed by each characterise
the Editors 1 the Rockall. Btatemm•n, and the
Montreal Genettae, whoa hellish malignity wotW
peril the fate e( Canada to seeking retrace for
the low of office. Why then does not the Tory
party, oh, doe. not thea respectable portico of
the Tory prow tome out (sullenly, and for the
credit of the cause frown down such ferocious
dermas= • Or why do not the intelligent po-
pslatiee of Leede rise opus Doe ern, sad em-
entr.te the moral reprobatico of the entire ca-
meaiy es the miscreant of malignity and blood-
shed, till the Naturism ,hall shrink from eris-
teneebefore the Withering and righteous indig-
estion eras insulted people. The ;eternal which
wesW, with approval, the Paragraph
which we hat. quoted from the Sesesse ala, i.
a (seal prnleeee a thousand fold more desolat-
ing than the cholera. It i. ealcoletee so demi-
baste all that is valuable is humanity, sad seeks
to implies is our saran the w.ret dispositions
ofdevils : the author should he deeded the nm -
s« eseriesir 1 life. Had the .pmt Of sub-
. taaee 1 this parsenph formed mos of Ora R.
Gowns'. Resolutions is the Leags. Ceuvuatim
e t Ris'etea, wit vesture to affirm that 1 the
bended ad three tree wrested, .we kswlnl
at art would iedigrerly bays voted arias
him. Bet he is tee ks.wiag sad tee satbtile a
try each ea. ezperimest. He knows that the
great nsjoriy 1 the party with wttieb be set
will ere allow their political fuller er pre-
judices to brutalise their beraaity ; a•d hom.e
thaw diabolical dispel noes are erred he the
les1....e which is .baoed ty every party to
Cama, as the Mere meter he the perrese
red wont pewees 1 aegseity sad tgeorsss.;
sod widish pewit? will .item for the minay
which it hes est.iled as the Preview,.
Aa genre 1 dee eats bl..d•lhirety same. ap-
peared is the Mwtreal Orate Sot erose, ad
w. were extremely phoned to lean that or .f
Ole Met and most iniaatial Ceeerwtiw
Oars 1 Hees ; a Member d begin •(-
Ser reeding the smote, threw alb *sr bine
in steer agree sad solemnly that tie
writer, beef Mem "wawa, coolie ewe se be
tolerated is nosier. W. repast spate, des
respectable ewe will tliw reptepakio
with the bsalie•g the Brockville
wrsmas sad the M..ssd Ormessa
W. are es edema* 1 s em •bene -mss
ere ham storey, deabeed tis oath of tame set
gsmiossl the propriety 1 amities torp Moen
Less, era dough the oseiio.ot aimed b d
• )wy(wl t4seriptan : het we diet tat maple el
theekuJl..4 all routh sed preen, were raise
the Imre 1 Marg sal seam so tow tear •
mail iip.iw to tediums tab Oeessew tale.
eel wish . doenswin. ft Iris be s enol.
crate et meg it ohs polio ailed is Is he smell
art erawaii b, mesh beams, lima of Ilene
violates as Omit R Oow.dtr shakes a tis
pats alt issiotIo We .sus Imo theme
will be asst as they thew ad o N. potsm tad
crew s(mew, dsrd.
Cr As r. -Mood dtleoe,p.rpy i."..,
lbisks we night w hot burs reda.rd r(e-
death of tis Horse antiew. 4 is hood& of
thew who etektopd with k. Oar wens M
w see was in ohs eels piss thew we did
e st .sisags mit .—aa is roved piss is
issdle woo Ohs maim flkieeir walk Is hod
•• s finites ee awls 1' .. to Irmo set sestet.
what/bee the pws..s empmirs wee the • • ewes
death" or set. We bel, beweess, berm t•
.aspect ties it W died la seers., (hese ihe sat
that fee sear weeks post .e hese beet •ar.ped
item ib serears dee, of ease elsting tem
atsssw ageism pommel skewed&; sed mos
ars truly hep, is imdf•g that mor .tsspiebo Is
fully verified. as. is 11e rlyrasaat r W oasis
1Imo ws.h, we teas Ihe Peer tial
Type 1 the Hews Deeted& awe adeemed da -
tale. We thick the proprietor. .1mow of
maser cssrtery. might hes gim ea she pea
viler of the edvertlrs...0 : at. if b 1.e..r
that scllag Mauled Pwuwis • paileb a speca-
Stir, we tisk he asst silt khat we helped
hie to the &meet,
lT Des 1. R. isu.w eat wiped W pals..,
Maim Pbystei.s sad Ills...L lss•ttwd. sad
we uaderwd that Di. Hiram 1 Emate•, W
n seewilod ria We me w pwataby tirpai•I-
ed with Dr. Hvsa, ha hem rat testimony of
thaw who have Ivy rows beta es • p.efeoe*s•t
mem i. dm Dietria 1 Bleak W OP b«
lisme icer b a.bsesesb has primes•. sed we
have ao duvet 1 ha .seesse is the emery ef
da Wa waned throat aanierdse .steosise ie
u article which we haw espied hem Me Galt
Reporter, is relent . ss the New Act •.here -
:sg Atratehesear ageism property, fee
saes withis it. jarisd a -tam of the Peres
Coen It ds .a imposer Act sod @Wald be
generally nadent..d.
IT Tots Hermes la p•geeoiag rapidly, sad
w. •w glad l Were the awwitbowediag tat
partial asters 1 the raw sed • e susrpiU.r, the
yield, is Mewl, will b very superior to that of
last year.
Seamus. News lees Cai.eanru.—The
New Haves Peileatims ,obit.. • Mow from
Dr. Rats H. Copier. a•a.unsieg ib doe* by
Cholets, of Mr. law O'Reilly, late of New
Haves. The letter is dosed Panne, Mesie,
Ism 17, sad ewe: "Tis saws Item Catania
is very bad. Trees will its tar agarg. we the
Fer.igon sad Amerioi.s balm had . desprato
battle us which 700 ,ala IOM are hew."
Thee fellows • P. B. status that .atiraatise
of the W sewn feta Caligtssi•bl jots arrived.
Boreal Compares have paneed d.ssgb to Ms.
mdse, sad Webb's Now Fork Csmp*y h won
of Chihaab.a. I !ten he the City a( Maim
shortly. The OM* hem C.hinia is 1 the
meet diwoner ebaraetw.
It us s per(ret Peedamsai.m there, and seri.
is deg in es.simerea of the .0,1.1 suds whirl*
Ilei above wry lases rasher
teed 6sty.—J7►•
Di.ceezarpe is Arra —It has bees repos.
ed caul eery the' ibe era •f Otero, sank of
rhe Celesta Riese, was wider iodvratios ea
barbers. Esplot tises fee a seemiera►k the -
mem mouth of rhe Ceimbia her area trade.
which is predseiy to setae sheep is patio
.nista Na Sly an. blip hood, bet beeerife!
prairies, 6w amber, deer sad weir power are
discovered is 41._k.. dineaseeev.enee 1 W. prairies.
sdjaetat to is with■ est heard
miles of the Da h hie, varying (ma se. ad •
half to three aim in width, sad eight miles is
length. A lied leidxlkst etw.-ca1 iia bees
discovered se W basks 1 the Choleras river, tan
mike (rem its eetnnee ist1, the Cheler hey, ea
the tree. Then an also es ibis river. several
small, rick, level asinine The Tamar bey is
three (earths d • Milo wide at it sheath. fr. s
mile to two sod • 1.1f sheet's wide, •rooth
parallel with the Ira art (res is w tea trim
ie length, sad at ptfeetly sasirtsl foam the
seem triads There is she es..ilunbl• prairie
is eke immediate eds(ty dib Tarsier bay.
Alt the riven emptying tete des bey. abased
with rimer ad .user ii, sad the here ell and
slams, cabs, hes., is eked..,.. Witbia wase
1 de keys, ds wets w asp. sod die were mil
into thea swath hem tee mesa miaow spp.
rat •bswgetiw.=161616.
2T lathes Igasbw •daioiweed tat
is Feaail H•Il, Bo••••. e. hrid.y ashes
1,900 ju., .m seta, .0. Muriel Y h itt;
to rimier it from W bast —g1.Be.ia •
IT lather Mathew mor eei.wd very sadly.
seetacatly is Bowan by the Mayor end Comm
C,s,etl : as issmorms ameserse, .oriented M
30.0110 pesos., iMlaing a asst meltiade 1
Yuan Mathews Weer tesewy..e, saremadad
ea the Ceseme. an Tows, sM.ran mese mrd
Mar hie. W. would imitable Vast @Mpg hens•
bee rhea s hevitersdare6UA.. is Mae pier
trek —Jthi.ab.
Maass..aTSs* r.ww.—Ws ham loan
.i th,awr0 i10 widows grtees it by As
parties examined reelsetve be Ni. horrid M•
s'ssea, as glass to the Ise* strobes either
Bt CatboirieesJournal, red aro *seised d&-
err views that. om-idsri.g 'elm needier
posterns of Ommeeese ami Oesheiiw, the
O,eeg. Isotitmtiee is the sole tow et the
sectors so the litho( Jody, mar II,G1*,,
arises. it will he tw.SeMei ehmt isle welt.
sl..em ed the medial of 1d& J..y wee osUI s
to tab Oepn,eeeg, esti este Sew fie• sir t
Bt. atherfw lama Nee • lees her ism
nooiwd from the Awns, general. be ti..
*amt... that tab goodies a.teeeedh ilia 3.'
i mit wf.twt er eatlhosNe the i.sisrt it
My eserine. The o..eep cess .(Ler
sow mashie mesa M the weft Mol 11111
tts behoped Net tae paths mIllibm
brew the rani MS OS *11111.
a11, am ttheme is gl
the ilk IMrr`i
fbelnal .e1 K 'ask 11. "t'
mein Yee we Ile 11reee d t' .
b.l stay I. Irak bssollRw,