Huron Signal, 1849-07-19, Page 1ewer,
11011e -Y,
hewed at.
r' -C+
,w. s...we,mrea+•s•
AT TKO ono or Tea malt.
c,AN be seee.lted at all boon, at lbs
Bwliel slid, (La acaiu re's• )
Oodelicb, Sept. lath, 1648. SS-
Provincial Land Surveyor,
Nov A4, 9. 43
W'LL attend BALES in any part of the
District, on reasonable Tertpe. Ap-
ply a the British Hotel.
Oodsrkb, Marek 9th 1849. Rv-6e
Cisinrittstroner Queen's Beta,
Match 11, 114E fv-bo
Watith, 19, 1842. vi -s1
Goderieb, April 12, 1842. 1v -n 10tf
April IS, 1249, ^_v!,-nl0
97BE BOLD by private bargain, Lot No.
3. on the 5th C000elision of Goderich,
eon mining 80 acres, 90 of which is cleared and
seder eshiv.tion ; tee acres are newly ander-
brushed and ready for chopping. The (nod is of
eacelleat quality and well watered. There tea
good submotial log Dwelling Hoose os it, and
one acted superior keit trees is Haring eoedi-
ttoe. And as the proprietor is desirous of enter-
ing into other business, he will dispose of it on
moderate terms. One-half of the price will be
REQUIRED DOWN, and the other half in
three equal anneal inetalmeate.
u r For further particulars. apply at this Office,
or to the Proprietor on the premises.
Goderich, 13th Oct., 1848. 37if
',rim: Editors of the VICTORIAIMaoaziss will
▪ devout all their talents to produce • useful
entertaining, and cheap Periodical, for the Cana-
dian People ; which may afford amassment to
both old and yowls. Sketches sod Tales,
in vette and prose, Moral Essay, Statistics of the
Cobol, Serape of U-eful lofortnatioa, Reviews
of new Works, indwell selected articles from
the most popular authors of the day, will form the
pages of the Magazine.
The Editors feel confident that the independent
sed rising country to whom'. service they ars
proud to dedicate their West., will cheerfully
land its support to encourage their arduous and
h•oourable usdertakieg. The low price at
which the Periodical is placed, is in order that
e very persoe within the Colooy who can read,
sed dant-one for moral and mental impro.erxst
may become • subscriber and patron()) the work.
The VIcro*ia Maoaxt,z will contain twenty-
four pages in each number printed on new type,
and epee good paper ; and will form at the end
of the year a nest Volumne, of 208 pages, to-
gether with Title Page and Index.
It will be issued Monthly, commencing on the
Past of September, from the office of JOSEPH
WILSON, Front -street, Belleville—the Pub-
lishera.d sole Proprietor, to whom all orders for
the Magazine, and letters to the Editors, must
be addressed. (poet -paid.) The term' of aub-
iseartia►i6 to be paid in advance.
Qodert*, Maneb 3, 1848. 5
STRASBURG, WarnaLee, t
• 28th February, 1849. $
?F1} -IE Subscriber hereby intimates,to his
11 friends and the Travelling Public gene-
rally, that he has removed from New Aber-
deen to the Village d Stnsburgh, and will
now be found in that well-known house for-
merly occupied by Mr. Jones,—where he
will be ready and abie to conduce to the
comfort of thou who may honor him with
their patronage. And while bo returns
thanks for past favors, he hopes, by strict
attention to the wants and wishes of his
customers, still to merit a continuance of
• T patronage.
their atronae.
1,500,000 .1('RES OFLANDJOHN ABEL.
FOR SALE IN N. B.—Good STABLES and atimative
CANADA WEST. C'roon's. x"-n4tf
d. nitre, plumbago, and even C.J. CANADA COMPANY have for A TEACHER WANTED salt, comines abound, and, properly worked, would
1 disposal, about 1,600,000 ACRES OF IPOR School Section No. 3 Tuckersmitb,
furnish, it is alleged, an enormous revenue.
LAND dispersed throughout most of the i and n the school is in a populous lo -
The Central Punjaub is mostly a bush
Townships in Upper Canada --nearly 600.• citify and woH attended, the Teacher may J 7 y
000 Acree are situated in the Huron Tr.ct, calculate on a fair remuneration. None jungle ora pastoral waste, rescued from
well known moose of the most fertile parts but each as are duly qualified, and poetess- the desert by its riven and by a. primitive
of tis Freshet—
sit be. toebad its ampule- ed of a good moral character, and sober system of irrigation, while its dryness keeps
tion in len years, and sow costaius up- steady habits need apply. it free from beasts or prey. Under these
mania of 20,000 inhabitants. By ordered'the Trustee.. circumstances', large herds of cattle coesti
The LANDS eft shred by way of ROBERT BELL, Chairman. ante its wealth. The plains, however, in
L E.4 8 E, ler Tea Fears, or Jor Goderich, Aprt1 19, 1849. .2 -nil the immediate vicinity of the Indus and its
tributaries are not surpassed in fertility,
Babe, C 4 8 H D 0 W N-4he pian e%
oar• Cask, awl ties Sa/.aes ill Jmrtrta)- salubrity, or lovelioees by any in the East.
J�l�► TO BE SOLD, The chief products which are cultivated are
meats king d.~ away with. Lot excellent Farm, being Lot No. 19. wheat and other descriptions of grain, indi-
Tbe telt. payable 1st 1seach Maitland Conceuioo, Township of go, sugar in abundance, rice, opium, cotton,
say, ars abort the Interestt 11 at Six Per
Goderich, containing 100scree-30 of which hemp, assifmtida, and various sorts of oil
Ceet.spetMl!rice of the Land. Upon most is cleared- The land is of a superior quell- erode. The gardens yield guavas, dates,
of the Lots, w1i• LE.186D,N0 MONEY ty, and well watered. It is situated exact- mangoee, lintel' lemons, peaches, apricots,
IS REQUIRED DOWN—whilst upon r y f 1
others, t ee.rdiag to locality, nes, two, oor eine miles from the town of Goderich on figs, pomegranates, plume, oranges roulber•
throe roots Rent, moot he paid ie &drones, the Huron Road, and at the junction of six ries, gropes, almonds, melon', apple., beano,
.but these ipor000to wilt free lbs Settler different roads; and as it is to the center of cucumber., carrots, terries, and a great
from further calls mild 2nd, Srd or 41b yea • 1109•1•••
09•1••S and eroaperoos beauty' It is ex- variety of (niltt unknown even by name to
atria term of Litems. +, , cellently adapted for a Tavern stand or • Europe Flowers, too, are produced in
The right to PURCHASE the FREE- Store. This farm is well entitled to the beautiful profusion. There are also trees
HOLD Aortaethk tare, is .sentsd to the at1ouoo of persons deeiroee of an eligible valuable for their wood, but those adapted
twos ata •.1 see •nasi 1r/ I.",,,, tai situation for business, arta will be sold ow for fuel are rare. Amongst animals deer
asaUswaw{a souk •eeerdieg to „tie/. very reasonable terms. For particulars sod camels are numerous. B,iffaloea and
r�'�� apply to Thomas Dark, Tavern -beeper, sheep are also found in large herds and
Wiest' Leeds, ani any further i•f.rma- Goderich, or to the proprietor flocks. The flesh of cattle is howwever,
lioness be ebeaitau, (► application, if by JONAS COPP, respected by the Sikhs, who only use the
letter pest-pled?� at- tN tt'�.ersvanr'.Orncps, Village of Hhrpurbey. milk of the cow and the wool of the sheep,
Terme. tall Ooisrick ; of R. BlwttsaLL, Jane 16, 1849. T2e191 in addition to the skins or hides of either
E.r:� .�lseliedd. Colborne - District • Dr. animal which form an article of export.—
Reese*, GO Of J. C. W. DOLT, Esq., - FOR SALE,The Sikhs are extensive breeders of horses.
ytrrw�jj.r1, iia Di.tnct. Common domestic foal n well as game
(ie�seicb, March 17, 1848. 5 THE MAITLAND BREWERY exist in abundance, and rivers swarm with
P R O P E R T Y• fish, such as mullet, carp, kc., and a great
MARBLE ACTOR", KITTS property consists of three acres on variety of unknown species. Thos bee and
the bank of the river Maitland, and on the silkworm thrive, and the fruits of their
sours �ir� ry lblL'1'• the road ride leading to Mr. McDonald's industry constitute valuable articles of trade
GY1.1 Mill, near Goderich. Upon which .and of home consumption.
1<1 et tar. Ht.O I eo NES, to man- p In quiet times the commerce of the Pun -
1J• *fatten HEADSTONES, MOND• thrill(' a BREWERY with excellent cel- sub has been extensive. it reached its
MEN('S, OBELISKS,TOMB TOPS, heroes. a Malt house and Melt Edo, all
int duringthe latter ears of the
1CaaiProstitute,ate., is rbls d Prostitute, as cheap a. complete. There is also an excellent site rule of point
t9ioh, since when it bis
u] u the Prevfaee, all work wartaated to for a Distillery of the lot, and the owner
declined, owing to numerous robberies,
eN, of ss amp will M mode. Pries hu &right to the water oe the bank on the vexatious exactions, and the withdrawal of
s[ Yu
flu Hestosmi from 10 to 50 dollars; opposite side of the road which is sufficient money to places of security. The manu-
retesetswe free 8 to l0 dollars ;Moen- at all aeasois of tiee year for three aitch factures consists chiefly t silks, cottons,
newts Ino., from 60 dollars upwards.-- works. loather, arms, and shawls. Next to Lahore
Written e. e.satitase addressed to the For particulars intending porch may the chief manufacturing towns are Umtit-
u sestetsitlg tho Iesettptbo.s, apply (if by letter postage paid) to Jnr, ]i(ooltan, 8hooja bad, and Lela. Most
r[ reeldh_ DAViD DON, Ooderich.
awill � trItitit
' t ha arble or P sh, of their productions are remarkable for
Godkricb, May 11, 1849. as♦ 014 quality, and nothing but mi.goverome•t
LOCH. coold have kept the commerce of the coon -
try eters ATRATFORD HOTEL. try from rapidly angmeetiog.
��y+,�����yy� . i�}y� The transit of goods through the Pon -
/ISAAC lIMVaA �� *ISAAC IIIIY, informs kit friends and the jaob, from countries beyond the lode. to
410.11411*" r. 1 �pswII►►�1teie,,tleii b hu token the ARiCK Hiedostan, mud Mee aeras, forms •. larger
TAVERN, ie tbo eeenp.ttnn of oar. snores of mercantile revenue thus the re-
.. Main bili appointed IM'ew's, at the East end of Stratford, where terse atop the home mannfaetnrel ; bot
T or nilWg'h•11 be wander on bits port to pro- We agate, frees the absence .eourity
"CAM Eel.
00.," Weft j� welt u,t�vesienbs of hie and of • Air ')atom of tells, has been far
kr ed Ines thus wosld bo, beim secured by a
titre~ ori ttlMbl k�71"^^" to NbW t� r r�11. letters Mattel( that Air/ sloMies of oleo and hbM►1 (3nver•tisnt. The good.'
puma oho aMegeery toNusishos, a M the Whys mid Liquors is equal to any in the imported frees British Indio, and carried
prImelphe dam betiestiou. *every, *ltd his Stabling departmeat is Of through the Peejanb to Affgitasrtan and
JANES W AT1BON. the most weskit deserlptMe• other parte of Clestral Ada ID proportion to
�9bt'ig�tr 11N1 Jtt ., 1 .sst9tt Stretford, Seth April, 1848. 11111 the gond e•dsru2 dlee that may axlst
Utopeaa Nem.
between the respective countries, are cot- button. Alter touchier/ no some miss( points.
too, woolens, sugar, spices, dye stuffs, silks the hen. member eoeeluded by Goyim Mat he
__ ivory, glass, hardware, copper, iron utensils. should he cosiest if be saw bat ons such treaty
precious stones, drugs, rn uietts.— entered tato, and he eared not whether tt was
THE COMMERCIAL ADVANTAGES p a R with one of the reroogest ur one of the weakest
OF THE PUNJAUB. Those that come acmes the Khyber moun- 500055 of die world
tains into the Punjaub are gold, silver, {
Io connexion with the annexation of the horses, the lapislasult, cochineal, madder LORD J. RUSSELL'S SPEECH ON TIM
Punjaub the most Interesting point of MO- safflower, aesaftetida, fruite, wool, Russian CANADIAN REBELLION LOSSES.
ry is (ta commercial value. A summary of cloths and hardware, silk, and some coarse
e ach few details ss ars known, and for which cloaths. The exports from the Punjaub Lord J. Ros•stL.—`- lir, 1 derived much
we ark chiefly indebted to the recent works are grain, hides (of the animals that have eont elation from the commencement of the
of Colonel Steinbach and Captain Cunning- died, for the slaughter of kine is prohibited), speech of the right hon. gentleman when
ham will therefore prove useful. Extend- wool, .ilk and cotton fabrics, ghee, indigos he sad be w.shros
d not to pro,ie any parti-
ing between the 2Nth and 38th parallels of hones, shawls, and carpets. From the cuter course this evening a. be was desirous
north latitude, and between the 71st and north-west to the south-east transit is ef- that the tone of Parliament upon this sub -
77th meridian. of east longitude, the coun- feed by means of camels, mules, and don• rice should be an united tone, and he did not
try has a medium positron corresponding keys ; but generally throughout the Pun. wish to make any proposition which would
nearly with that of Northern Africa and the jaub the five rivers afford the readiest chap• call forth division of sentiment. 1 heti ha -
American States. With mountain ranges nets of transport, anfrom the south to ped that the speech of the right honorable
in its northern portion which reach an the western point of the territory of Seinde, gentleman would have been in accordance
elevation of two or three miles, and with Cutch, and Western India, the boats of the with that no doubt sincere desire which he
broad plains descending towards the south Indus convey produce and manufactures of expressed, and that he would have given tit -
till they are scarcely above the level of the all descriptions. The various chiefs exer- terance to sentiments in which the Govern -
sea, all varieties of climate are obtainable, eise by prescription the right of taking toll went and the members of this house might
■ n well as every description of natural pro • on all merchandise passing through their have generally concurred. But, Sir, as the
dime. The five rivers—rho Indus, the territories. These charges, however, ire right hon. gentleman went on, I found that
Jhelum, the Chenab, the Ravee, and the not oppressive, wince they ars regulated by 1 was doemed to be disappointed in that ex-
Suttej—whence the territory derives its • kind of competition, the merchant, when pectation; and I am now obliged to say,
same (from the two Persian words, peer, any Q( the chiefs make an exorbitant that if anything could aggrevate the miler -
five, and ash, water) afford a navigation of demand, taking, the remedy into his own tunatedissensions exietinz in Canada, (hear.
not leu than 1980 miles, together with hand. of passing through the districts of hear)—i( anything could embitter the feed
such facilities of irrigation as may be turned othere, who are more moderate. logs of hostile parties towards this country
to account 'siren by the simplest methods. As regards population, no regular censer —if anything could have revived a violence
Regarding climate, it appears that in Cash- has ever been taken. 1t was computed by of contest which we might have hoped was
mere and the northern district generally Burnes at 3,500,000, exclusive of the Caeh- abating and sinking into oblivion, it would
the thermometer during winter often falls merians and snme other tribes. who might be the sentiments expressed by the right
several degrees below the freezing point : amount to 1,200,000 more. In 1844 the hon. gentleman to -night. (iloar, hear.) --
that in the centre, at Lahore, it is seldom customs and excise dollen of the Ponjeeb He has stated—and he has stated most
below ':0 or 80, and has been know to rive amounted to about £250,000, or to ono Chir- ably—the case of ono party. Ile has stated
in the month of June, the period ofgreatest teenth of the whole revenue of Rtmjeet every particular which is favourable to the
warmth, as high as 112, in a tent artificially Singh, which was estimated at £3,500,000. views of that patty now to opposition in
cooled ; and that further' south, towards The chief portion of the remainder of this Canada. He has supplied the arguments
Moollan, the heat and dust storms are op- revenue was collected by assessmeeta on which have been wanting in Canada; he has
preeeive. ilsri.g the principal part of the the produce of the land.—Europerbte Times. filled up the defects which appeared to com-
year she heat is accompanied by great dry . — mon eyes in the case they here made
nese, except it Midsummer, when there is HOUSE OF COMMONS. . _ against the Administration of Canada: and
rain for some weeks, especially in the Tuesoar, June 12. he has endeavoured most ingeniously to
northern districts. The diseases common Mr. F. O'Connor fixed his motion on the meet and to overcome every argument`
to the country are the same as those,obser- Charter for the 3rd of July ; and Mr. Dian- which Repeats strongly in favour of the
ved throughout British India, fevers, liver ell gate notice that on Tuesday. the 28th of course the Governor General has adopted.
complainer, and dysentery being the moat June, he should call attention to the state of ((fear, hear.) I must say. in the outset,
frequent. The readiness • with which a Ike nation. however, that 1 entirely concur with the
change of temperature may be obtained Viscount PALMERSTON stated, in re- right hon. gentleman,—and it is indeed in
presents, however, a val uaf'le means of ply to Mr. Milnes, that the entrance of An- c2nformtty with the sentiments I exprosyed
miligition, and the climate of Cashmere, strian troops into Toecap,' had been at the in a despatch written, I think, some ten
as regards healthfulnese, is asserted, not request and in aceordance with the wishes years ago—that there are caeca which most
without some show of proof, to be the of the Grand Duke ;.and that the Papal au- be left to tho decision of the responsible
lineal in the world. .With respect to the thorities had solicited Austria, France, Ministers of tho Crown. There are cases
products of the Pnnjeob, those of the north- Spain, and Napier to interfere in the affairs where the honor of the Crown and the
ern portion, including Cashmere, with its of Rome ; and that therefore the entrance safety of this country are concerned and in
harvests of oaffron`and its important mann- of Austrian troop. into the Papal states such cases it requires the utmost temper in
future of shawls, estimated at £300,000 must be taken to beat the desire of the Pope. the colonise, and the utmost temper and
annually, together with plains of Attock On the swirl.(the Frankti zpedition,. firmooss in this country, is order to prevent
and Psehawoq which are covered with rias Sir R. 71. Inglis took oecaslo0 upon the differences being pushed to a collision
crops of rice, of wheat, and of barley, are production of certain elate papers, to pay s which might be fatal to' the connexion be -
extremely varied. The mountains mare- h gh tribute to the governments of the U. tween the mother country and the colonies.
over, yield drugs and dyes, and fruits, while States and Russia for their sympathy wit I fully admit that there aro such cases; but
their sides are covered with gj,gantic pines• thecae.. of -science and humanity, displease when the right hon. gentleman goes on to
Ther: to al- r mineral wealth, although, of in sending exne litoos in search of Sir Johnsay that he eon'ider, Loral Elgin has re-
eoerse, under. Sikh rule and an cart -jai Franklin and tip. aaeocietes. I ceivcd some ins'rgcttnns from the Govern-
ioalou0y of European interference, it' ban Lord PALMERSTON Mid Mr. Disraeli i nient of this country by which he is ds -
never beet' developed. limn, -topper, iead foUawcd I• the same strain_ barred from asking the advice and direction
/R'fttmiflorai ♦aarntarov. of the Crown upon questions which affect
• Mr. C.OBDEN then roes to bring 'reward his Imperial policy and the national hotter, he
motive for so address to the Crown for treaties is totally mistaken in- that unwarranted as
binding nations, in the event of forsro misander- sumption. ((Tear, hear.) Neither to Lord
staodiigs yrhtch could not be arranged by arnica- Elgin, nor to any other Governor of a pro -
bie.egotiarioa, to refer the dispute to arbitration. yioee, has been committed any other than
a brief exordium, the hon. member proceed- that general discretion, which must belong
ed to say that be represented two classes—those to a person in • chief situation in a great
who objected to all war upoa principle. sod the possession of the Crown, to judge what are
nations.— workbag class who elected to war as ntio.rtsg the cases which. however important, are of
with the commerce and prosperity of ona.—
These classes had found a mutual ground ; and it 1 a local importance, in which he thinks the
was a ground the hoose might affirmy namely,— I honor of the Crown may bo affected, and in
that war wu a gree calamity. Now, if that' which be considers in necessary to ask the
we. admitted, one half his positibo wee admitted, I direction of the Government in file country.
for they admitted the desirability of doing all they i If Lord Elgin, in pursuance of such a die-
coold to prevent recourse to enc la order tocretion, had conceived that to be • mere
effect that great object, .N he desired was, that I local matter in which the honor of the
disputed questions should be settled by arbitra- Crown was concerned,—if he, acting upon
ties. The prissiple of arbitration was no mer -
eke. his own jadgritent, had acted in 'a manner
On two oeeasiops, io 1770 and in 1814,
we bad had recourse to the decision of commis- by which that henot had been affected, and
atones in regard to dipoles with the U. States. the national dignity and the national safety
Foureommissioners were then appointed. two on had been impaired, our coarse, however
each side, sad those eommtssioeers were to agree painful. would be that of disavowing the
unanimously upon an arbiter, or to select one by act of Lord Elgin, seeing that his judgment
ballot. Those arbitrations had not been ansae- bad been erroneous, and that we could not
resale!. But it would be said a treaty 'detail the Crown to confirm the decision at
.P he proposed would be a piece of wuti paper. which lib had arrived. Sir, however pain-
,.n was the use of any user 7 But each a ife might almost answer that, by isquirtog,what I fel that course, I trust I should not shrink
treaty wee, surely, quite es likely to be nbeerved from taking it if my duty rendered it necr-
u any other treat!. 11 it was broken. with who, nary to do so. (Ilear, hear.) But if we
■ badge of bnramy would the nation that broke it believe, as we do believe. that Lord Elgin
cnfdd the b.anen of its w•rrievs, (hear, hear). has rightly consulted not only the interests
it would possibly be said, also. that the interests of Canada, but the interests of this country
of England were too large to he left to individnal (hear, hear.) and the honor of the Crown,
cmnrdiesfnoera. That was an assumption, that --if we believe that he has been guided by
the graind of oar quarrels involved the fate of the a knowledge of the feelings of the people of
empire. But at was not so. Generally out Canada, and, at the salon time, by a [eyed
iheitet. arose from each muenhle tnfles, that and patriotic attach to the country of his
theft origin was not traceable.once Commissioners, ort, birth and the Snvereign be is bound to eerie
however, had more than nose been appointed with
hear, hear),—T eat, if such be our opinion,
full pewees to represent the national interests.— (
i.otd Castlereagh was stet to %icor., Lard Ash- we ahould be the basest of men (cheers) 11
borne Is Washington, a arbitrators, to conclude wo wore to desert Lord Elgin on this cwt.
n erotiations and to .vert war. not, it would be cal occasion, and if we were not to take
P aid, this pri.cipl• will be carried out without upon ourselves any share of responsibility
your seetlee. II. angered be New so likel.heod which this Home may think fit to cast upon
of *AY melt result. Our ordnasee stores were us. (hear, hear.) it is not, therefore,
new past 10 n' mttom iiof as the right hon. gentleman thorniest to
war, wad ws wan15 veaueaallyeo.set.ereasiag
pa — � imagine, in pursuance of any instructions
We lied far mon fevered to oar steam ..sesta
for purpssse of war, and our yards for their re -1 fettering' Lord Elgin, and placing hen in a
pairs, tMu in all ...ream vessels for eomrnene, position in which it is not fitting to put any
and is yards for bending mud re eines them.— Governor, but It is in the exercise of hi.
We were ep•ed",g men sow in ewe arm.meats, ordinary discretion that he has meted, and
ie time apiece, than we speer Insley year.f,h• it is to pursuance of nut duty that we pro
. eves ysan' war dairies the last scale!. Bat pegs to act in deciding upon the conduct of
he ought las told that his plea w..ld set salt all his government With trepast to this
e.ssa. 1•t would, at .ray rate esti all cess. butler
Man th. plea ..w adei,ed. He i.eta.eed the
rase of the Vias., the Amato shoot the Oregon,
the M'Le.d trial, .and the Tahiti Quarrel, •s
owe is w►ieh arbitrating' weeld have ►see most
desirable as valuable Hs aught be mid that
noon d these were eases that led to war. Tree,
het they led re ati iwmea.e swteest sf bad ►lend,
end relat leant fifty minium .f impasse. He
might be told, too. that AO, an,,, eeeld wieeee
the award. Tilsit. alas : he die use leased to est
o r • ago Holy Allier* by way depMnt. That
which followed vi•l.tms of • trusty seder t4•
pretest system. must fellow 1M violative of a
treaty seder bis sy.tem. Bet. he repeated. that
. sirs smolt a ee.etry ger to w•r with se ted a
a eels as fa mks to swede the dedeies of the at -
rebellion could not but excite bitter feel-
ings, would bare introduced a bill upas the
subject of indemnity for rebellion looses,
unless under a strong sense that it was im-
possible. cuoaistently with their duty, to do
otherwise. What are the efrcemstaaeea
under which the recent act was ietrodseedl
After the rebellion of 1837 and 1838 a bill
was introduced in Upper Canada, giving
compensation for losses caused by the
rebels. to a subsequent 11.811100 another
act was intrndneed to amend the former act;
and when Lord Sydenham was Governor of
the United Province, ao act passed for the
purpos. of giving compensation to a cer-
tain amount to persons who Rad suffered
losses during the rebellion. In some parts
of these sets it was provided that the losses
to be compensated should be only lopes
caused by the rebels. The persons who
were to receive such indemnity were not,
as the right hon. gentleman would have us
now suppose, persons strictly definfd as
having no part in the rebellion; the were
only persons, inhabitants of Upper Canada.
When these compensation acts bad passed
(omitting all diecuasion on what 1 think
was a very futile objection. taken in Canada,
that the indemnity was charged upon carr
rain tavern licences, and other sources of
revenue, and not on the general consolidat-
ed revenue of the Province), it'was obvious
that the courier taken, of voting a conaide-
table sum, and of baring paid a considerable
sum, for rebellion looses in Upper Caned.,
would raise the question whether or no
any such losses should be compensated in
Lower Canada, the other part of the United
Province. After these acts with regard to
Upper Canada had been passed, without
any notice having been taken in Parliament
with respect to them—the only objection
that I made to one of them being that there
was a claim upon the imperial funds, and
not upon the local fends,—t'ue considere-
tine arose what would be done with regard
to the further claims which it rap obvious
would be raised. What i aro going to
rote from is a despatch from Lord 8taaley,
dated the 8th of May, 1844. Lord Stanley
'.aye,—"1 find that in Upper Canada an act
was panned with the intention of providing
indemnification, by the means of debenture.,
fur a certain number of persons who had
sustained losses by the rebellion, but which
act, if I am rightly informed, never went
into operation. it has betYi'Suggestsd to
me that if the claims from both sections of
the province were submitted io one applica-
tion to the Homes of Assembly, they might
receive favorable consideration, and be com-
pensated by debentures." Therefore, as
fir s■ regard. claims for compensation front
the Lower Province, the ■uggestio• appears
to -have been made in these general tertps
by Lord Stanley when Secretary of State,
and to have gone from him to Sir C. Met-
calfe, then Governor of Canada. (Hear,
hoar.) Alter this we find that cotntois-
eionere were appointed 10 ascertain what
were the c'lirns which might be made in
Lower Canada. The right lion, gentleman
has quoted certain instructions given to
the commissioners of inquiry who were to
ascertain these claims. I find, as be
quoted, that on the 12th of December, 1846,
the administrator of the Goveroment, hav-
ing appointed certain persons to be com-
missioners of inquiry, said to them—" You
will, in the ferformanee of the duties de-
volving upon yon, under the present corn -
mention, carefully classify the cases of those
who may have joined in the said rebellion,
or may have been aiding and abetting there-
in, from the case. of those who did not,
stating particularly, but .cccioclly, the
nature of the loss sustained in each case.
its amount and character. and, no far as
possible, its canoe." The cnmmirsioiere
enquired through their secretary what were
the powers conferred sin the commission to
establish the claudication required by the
instructions, and they were told, on the
27th of February, 1848.—" Io making out
the claeoificstion called for by your inatree-
uons of the 12th of December *tot is not
his Exeelleney's intention that you should
haguidcd by any other description of evi-
dence than that furnished by the sentences
of the soars of law." Now, the right bon.
gentleman tries to get rid of tbat answer
by saying that no doubt there bad been a
change in the opiris of the councils; that,
whatever Lord Metealfe had thought and
done, with that spirit of firmness and loyal-
ty which distinguished bim, the Govern-
ment then existing in Canada had departed
from his ictenuons. [Mr. Gladstone.—•' I
did not say an. i said nothing about inten
bone.") Tho right hon. gentleman .o,
there was a different •pint, a change in the
spirit of the instructions. Now i cannot
soe why a,y Lord Cathcart is to be put in
this invidious contrast with Lord Metcalfe,
nr why it is to be supposed that be was
lee. anxious to preserve the loyalty of the
province than Lord Metcalfe had been, for
an•efficer of more distinguished loyalty, ono
les. dtaposed to favour rebellion, or one
more fit to he entrusted with any matter to
which the honor of the Crown is concerned,
could not well he found, I believe in the
sertice of Her Majesty. (clear, hear.)—
But, Bir, what seems to me to have been
the case is this—that t he general instruc-
tion given by Lord Cathcart was intended
to distinguish those who bad aided in *-
transaction, the right hon. gentleman be- hellion from those tithe bad eat, bet in.
gan with the act which was recently intro when the commissioners of indemnity e-
duced, and -he fluty went back by way of deavoured to carry that iostrection late
mower to allegations which might be made effect, they found it was impossible to make
to the former acts that had been adopted such a distinction without so 'equity, which
In Canada. I think, however. Ono it would would in fact be • pew trial of all the per.
have been the fairer end better wiy to have sone who were charged with taking part in
begun with those nets, as, io fact, upon lbs rebellion. (Year, hear.) Now that h
those acts i think depended the conduct of in fact the considenUen whish governs l►a
the Ministry who were the sidemen of Geed whole ease. The right bon. gentleman
Elgin. i eatriot coneene that a Ministry. bas spoken of what wee don. nadir the ia-
knowing that the finances of Canada were demnity acts of 1839 and 1841. tied he says
not flounsbing, keownt that many per- it is not true, as was alleged by Mr. Macke,
mins were suffenng under commercial di.. in the Ase bly of C.aaada, that eertais
tress, knowing that the recollection of the persons who mtecetvkd tndemnuy weer N-