Huron Signal, 1849-06-15, Page 3ns al anseas setablish- -I brmiKM ad salestik seelesiesuety pgeeslg ako e( pesos. alias aad b rseass, sad •'Meg MMMeey M lb* peers - Medea d beam eyespaihere sad bewes t•oti- Mrs•• geggtiuste •' The Spirit of l►. Asc."- 1a start, 1. .sea be aware tet tree best.ry, or barter, ate Meow oa..tw is umpires ever "bbeipeWrr's," but is faboursee ed ie May ; in 'Welds( frets, alai repealstisg the meow ol.sgbsov d .as fellow nevem. sad to enssasedy lavolvlsg our owls abeuset, tedi- trideal Ribes, is to general interesse d the cm - malty. Thereinto ere meld sot be peneaded 1W the Editor of to Tao useipt ie • believer is abs desoiaas whisk be promulgates. There cans go emephoria of dignity la ib. set of Lewd Eight i• detepites ib. setbority of .be (haws to the Commander of th. Face., on the.eeuesi'a allotted to -there was of sacrifice el the prbfr tolerate in doing so. Lord Elgin bud s perfecerigbt rte act as be did. The Bills beams kw jest u really and as efficiently through the seamiest given in her Maj.sty'• W ee by the Commas/lee of abs Forces as though they lied ben esretiosed by (Ones Viawia is kit ewe penes. And although it mold be moven that Lord Elgin would have been per- fectly safe from 'welt sad ,ioleoce in going into Sim elm, yet 11 ewe • riot or a tumult was needed by delegating the C•mmender of the Verses, thee His Eseelesey's conduct is not .ale j•otidiable. bat highly commendable. The reretimat of the T/nrsuript about "walking .over bleedieg corpora," is both savage and ab- oard. If the ab whteb wan ta be thus butcher• d clad treacles ander foot, had assembled io de- tract o-trace ofa netrieoao mese, time, sato the darkest infamy .ad dlegr es could attach to the smartie - roes Nem, who wined trample.. their " bleed- ber emcees to Or. if ,b. Transcript admits that Ole web war • Maar d wicked and oora- •seable feeecity, wbees lateetio•e sed abject Imre deoper.tely etrocioss, thee, the Earl of Clgi• was tame to ►ie ma ; ie.omseb w he refused to waft .set lir •• bleeding eerpoes" of e re% abeadesed wretebes, and mereif.Ily spend diva Mee by a temporary sacrifice of his owe le- gal rigtit-thee sffordt•g to the Trensrise a f'e- rims opp.rten(ty of doing good, by endeavoring to tarns dews thee esearsesa dtbis iefateated enultitede, and 'reseeding to them titm tint prin. ciples d civilinctio•. la chert, whatever view we take d the peskier) of the Mootrsal mob, and this eeaduct d Lord Elgin. the former is alto. (ether reprehensible, and the latter praiseworthy red mags•nimom We are perfectly convinced that had Sir Free - cis Boedhed been placed in the mum eireem- staeces wbieh Lord nein ba occupied for the last six weeks, be would not only have walked Wier "bloodies corpses," bet the meets of Mes- terei wend bees bowed with (deed. Anil weak the Editor d Ike Transcript how far ib.. policy weeld hese .wMeed to the prosperity dib. previsee? -What benefit would it h... coat/ - rodeo the protwtiea of jatice. liberty. or be- eadity t is cond.eioe, we think the Editor die Transcript should is faun repudiate this seeooMoe, save' twiddle of the Greets, the esbwiee, and the Farri.e, .•d eters his miens ' Mame way that will beatific the e•eatry.- Llsred. peewee • wide and a hopeful field of , roe for res who bare the will end the is M.d dere se tutees yeadeadaa- 11a1 the tleeraty amp ma beans( a 000aasio- M is the *Mut ed at the woe ria Mel- d.akag a sweater awash a Leaps. is too appa- rels* to require arty eapesem• 1a all einl s l eo rme•iU.a every nu• who is deetpli.•d tad is tetbaieed by t be lithos to see e1 bei sine, is .vtheneed gm We abeam* credits, that he will protest end support tar laws .ad the Guver.m.at sudor whish be hew. And he never high the strife of parties may roe, he is Loved by u oath to know oo politics sad to ante with se party, bet to preserve the pease aotiesy, Meld •donee obedience to the laws. - Were it otherwise, aad wee mea who the train- ed teams, sod armed in their eo.atry'e defence, allowed to rage themselves with this or that political !sedge, then would be rte Gerer•meat • t all, and NO laws save the law of the sword, and the world wsivid be one weer of bloodshed and political confides. Now it ie sot denied or coaoe.kd that Msek's League is a political society-a•y. that :1 is a seditimis seeieti I that the real object of it is to upset the ensiles Gov- ernment of the country, simply beeline Mr. Mack took the liberty of suppn.ing that it was a aad Oovernmeet. Now its being good or bail does not affect the question lo far st least as Militia Officers are concerned -they are sworn to prosect the misting Government of the coun- try, aad to defend it agaiest all violence --even if coostitutioan metes are to bs employed io changing it, they •rd forbidden to take any part is it ueept by merely giving their vole for a member of Parliament. But the idea of them Jotaieg a secret society for the avowed purpose cf upsetting the Government which they are sworn to. protect, is certainly very ridiculous it not treasonable. Smith O'Brien was a Geetle- mee both by birth and education, aad io all pre- babitiiy he st some period of his life held a high commirioe in the Militia or Yoeman Cavalry of his country. but it would have been rather an ■wkward anomaly to have subjected the loyal 'remelt of Ireland to the training and authority of Smith O'Brien is tbe year 1948. The casts WO exactly parallel in so far se action is concrete - ed. Smith O'Brien formed e " league" for the purpose of upsetting. not the Government of Queen Victoria in Englund, but the Govern - meat of Lord Clarendon in. Irslsed. Mr. Mack hu formed a " league" for the purpose of up - wets' a&. Gown -omen of Lord Elgin in Cana- da, or, to use his own sigoificsnt tangoage, fon the puree's of making mets English et the ex- pense of briny British f Both Lord Claret'. deme. and Lord Elgi.'s Governments arc Qoeen Victoria's. And the only difference between the league of Smith O'Brien and the ksgue of General Mack is that the first was an attempt d the people to pet down What they couidered •a oppressive faction : the ether is se attempt of • forties t• trample on the rights of the people And Qows Victoria has amph•ticly deseesced both Leaves. We understand that, in the event d ib. Militia Officers of the Leese. attempting to call set the Yeomen for training' e• the 28th Ludt., it is the lote.tioa of ,acne of the best Officers sod many oldie best men of this L iiriet, to re- feree obedience. We comm. approve e( this in- t+•tws. We A.r. die eery bwt of rnuines for spatia( thea the Oe•erament intent's to relieve e 11 members of blacks Leaugtw, frim the duties of Militia Officers, Jwt o so.s as the requisite ie(ermstson is obtained, bet, in the meantime, if then We kw rejoining the training cf Militia In and cot the several Cosgtiee. Chas, Turrets, Township* end Vil'latss inAltl/st Canada. An Act teenaged the Cban* elle iJai- vereity estabfl.bed at Toronto by 11us late Majesty King tieorge the 1'ouetb,.$q pare• aide for the mote mtufactnry go ■t of the sod Umlruuty, and for other p.rp- eee consected with thea rams and with t9le College arid Royal Grammu School form- ing an appendage thereto. An Act to provide for the Sale under Ez- •cut.on of the interest of Mortgagors in Reel EAste In Upper Csoada. A. Act to simplify the Mester of ROO Property in Upper Canada, and to rendes certain rights and interests therein Ueble under execution. An Act for the more effectual Admlols- tration of Justiee in the Court of Cbteoery of the late Prentice of Upper Cattails. An Act for the removal of defects to the Administration of Criminal Junin. An Act to repeal the Acts io torero in Upper Canada relative to the establishment of Local and Municipal AOthoritiee, and other matters ofa like nature. An Act to make prosi.tnn for the man- agement of the Post Office Department what wer it shall lio transferred to the Pro- viectal Govoroincot. An Act to make further provision for the adaiat•lratios of Justice by the establish - Cneat of an additional Superior Court of ommon Law anti also • Court of Errot and Appeal in Upper Canada, and for other purposes. An Act to repeal certain Acts therein mentioned, and to make better provision respecting the admission Land Surveyors, and the Hervey of Land in this Province. An Act for the sale and better maiage- nient of Timber upon the Public Lands. An Act to amend an Act therein *motion- ed, and to make other provisinas Inc ob. management and disposal of Public Lits.+ . and to limit the period for making Free Grants. An Act to divide the District of Huron in the Province of Canada, and -fur other pur- poses therein mentioned. An Act fur the better est ab'.ishmrnt and maintenance of Public Schools in Upper Ctnada, and forlpealing the present School Act. 1111111,t d. good. Tb• party which thea Tro• on them '�5tt last., and if these Lease Officers sgriigeeryes has never dine any ef-it ie ,pow are enelined to enforce that law, then, we en- pet.hed it is, to fact ioesp-b's of aero defog ie'nie ,hark it s ould be wrolg, even nn the pert bays ree faith in refusing to obey constituted of themoot Loral men, to refuse obeJience t\'e (Miter lamp. As iatdligeot pnblic optnhon sod its •we wast d soul sod pn•esple, haw n.sdeged it ea *Meet .I ridice!. rather then of intik Te a .try i• doomed to proepe ander tbe policy d Its pretreat rulers. and say oppon- ents whish cosy be offered to that policy mut boatmen -lived, !stile sad sees eonemptibla • THE MILITIA AND "THE LEAGUE." fm let week'. Signal " A 8ebscriber" asked the two follewieg straight -forward questions :- First -D. some .a Ike testier, of the Leape re- fuse 1. qualify s Magistrates because is doise .o they would be regeired to take the cath of allegiance! Awl se.eed-Will thew Leaden of Ike Legge, who hold Commissions in the Militia attempt to call oat the Loyal Toemen of Heron, for traioisg en the 48th instant? Sipes oar last 1sw we have received. from a differeet quarter, another communication in rektesee to the seeped geestios, aad hence we feel bound to Wise • caw remarks on the subject. WJth regard 1• the M.gietrsey, we can only say that • molar eonfedney has been entered into by meet of the Torii who were formerly Msgietrates, and wbow names were su11 allowed to monis ea the present Comm:wino ; the enn- • federsey is to the,yffeet that they oil! mit gaudily. We baileys the object seg to embattles the Goe- enmeat, and throw the offline of the District into e.efneies. Bet in defiance of this eenfed- esey. we thigh there are twenty-two who have ahiady gasli6ed, sed we know of twenty more *bowel de se est the ben opportunity. Bet we ,roast reasoosbly expect that, is this Auer sea- son of the year, mss will travel forty or fifty mile merely for the purpose ef guelifyieg es Miegl.W.aes. Ovr eerxapeedeat, however, seed sot be lie Meet afraid that say leave or coe- radeatioe oldie Tories of Moroi, can be attend- ed with soy swims eoneegceoee to the Di. - t. t ' that the not t t said d tlseta It rel e enol y spirit ie wilts, let the a..h w weak," endive ceps se 5 s. ploiet is male of hese eaieeee ries, west of Msginraw is lay pard. enter kc.lity, of will speedily be diaeavwd that three ere pleery tai hereat tree in the District wive will be wiUisg is mistily. in referees* to the miens( of the Militia, we we ria &ware Mit thew le my law ewe stele esjaiaisg net meter": one at ail meets Any is at amsesrity, at prewot, for werdleigaba sieglieting taste labor said levies their ties* 1. say each melee* eetrm"wive. Atm bad e *sense of h kms year ea Csur . Decal, 1, se aim W bsW s donees, M rows t. tees.. WItb vgv.i te OAeen is the Militia betas ...uses of wit. Mask's Leaps -them *lag is emit ea a.•raly fist k as eels sailer is easnsWmags .1 glens igaa..s es a s.M1 wase al •imus,. We en Inks* em dello As, Mille ilml M setae ped .r.1a.-mems gs,Iest 'tee tithe a» Mats p d eta UM/ft : bit torp Leve bath Isipnma aa. tier las* buss itched M pts it threw(% the authority, e.t.a although ite acts should be in error ; such • practice might lead to lamentable conwgneaces. And in the prewot instance we feel confident that souse valuable own have bees immured on by the pretension* of the " league," and only require . little calm reflection to lead them back to their allegiance and their duty. 113 We direet the special attention of our readers to the Official Dirpatcb of His Exsel ency the Gover0or General, to the Dispatch of the British Government in reply, and to the opinions e( the British Pree on the treason and house - horning of the Cassius Tories, which will be leased in to -day's paper. We do not feel dispos- ed to exalt aad bully as if we had obtained a vie - tory -we had no contest -and it would be doing too much for Toryism to give it the honor of a defeat. if a feeble maligeaat creature 'bond be vain and wicked enough to wire upon you violently, with to latest of robbing yea; you would not, after carelessly shaking him off into the peer, feel ieelit.d to degrade yourself by claiming • victory ! such is exactly the petition of the parties in Canada. But the artielee to which we direct atte•tioa are, theft's, valuable on their own account. 117' Our Stratford Correspondent widens, it to be clearly uoder.tond, that the Hen. William C.yley is entitled to exactly the same animist ei credit for the passage of the District Division Bill, that he is for the defeat of the Niko is the Peojeub ; •ix : as u'as ns: there at all and had iotrkiig to do is tAs matte f -r-----i.�. `+-eaisar'asl�•�. «-, �..eae sea-, -a se - From the Lodes Daly News ef May 10. it w IegaealW Se mad the nsedeee4s d the )recusal raw witless; help, stitch by Mar arose faraily Worms a 1M •' fro p.pwe " liege si Lend G•'sege Gerdes's fslllowers, orf the rise of the Wrmiefoso mob, wbieh plasdored aid .eck•d Prieedy'shome. The mese Waoptitode, amid profeseions of Wad loyalty, m aetrap the law it ism it is wet to their oied, the rare seek - lose ration, of • stiantiay d the people mode otiose ky amid/oast cireurrwt•seee r oar locali- ty, the now sinew deara.sivesses chrnctor- las the .crow ee all rhe ohne *warier we Were essd. 'fh. inerpbast tow .(the highly aol• .,red account* the Montreal dsoorb.aces,whicb, .t the late hear at rebirth the sews reached us, we were .ttlltred r w is part of ear yesterday's impre Moe iothe .bseoceof a more candid and dwe.s..ionsts.&moire, caw dse.i,e no one, and w nseeescieue betrayal of the rabid state et the party wbooe (velure it speaks, can •sly inspire disgust. Tayiam is uach.ap.abk by time or place. So for as the xcerona1., eecese.rily imperfect. which base bees receiver, easble es weenie, Me is the slate of albumin Ca..da A bill k.s paes- eJ the local leai.lature, by large majorities. la Pia repre.eotstivebranch .(the legislature it woe imported, net only by a marmot, d the whole home, bet by a tn.jart►y of the members of die (Mtti.h rate. T\be Home Gosernmest haeec•re- folly .b•taisad from taking ..y part in the du- stier on. The pleasure erieio•ied with Candi- a.; IWO tucce•Me, lead ministries -use con- servative, the other liberal -gay* their washon to its general principle ; it was approved by a nt•Jority of Canadian reps..e•thttveee. 1f ever there ova a legislative sct'doti int Wanda of • sponesa.oes, rhewo.ghly users. character. if was tine of which we speak. These fret• ere of themselves s.ffreleat to a.op the manages which hare emoted on its recei'ina the (loyerrw's as- .eut u the lawless acts ofa muatty ton iss0t ant or too eel(-willod to eaboit to the decision d the majority for the time being. the only eo•di. nom upon which Item, peaceable, aonantetioaal governi*eat can exist. The next characteristics of the riots which ar- rests attention are their aimless de,troetivenees, and the indications of previous ageoisauoa in the rioter.. Several thousands of pereoo• were eo1• lecte,i at a late hoer of the miming in the Champ de Marc. A. sow es they there sot together they were told that the time fo- action bad some. and • cry was rased "To the Parli.menr-howte." No violin did to mob tach it than rhea work of demoiitime began. The wiooew• were ehailer- ed, and • band of ruffians ner.pied the hall of the Awembly, their leader vociferating " We ase ell gulag to bell," aad the betiding was fired. The announcement [:ortunately faIse] that the Enrich weathers were unable to escape from tho flumes was covered with demonise joy. The incendia- ries then proceeded to destroy to succession Iha houses of 3Ir. Mock', Mr. Lc(osimee, and oth- er liberals. This was am polities! einem, et in- snrr,etion--tb.actors were satiated with plan- deting cad destmyi.g, tad made n..urmpt t• n ewt the oldgoverameat or establish • new.- •lhe proof..( pr. -concert Ire to he found ie the fat that the authorities are stated by the oppo- siti.o leaders to Mee been forewarned of the eer• tainty that such scenes would he eiaeted, and is the lecalii es to whish this sod similar oIvytes have hero coafi.ed. bloatre.l, Toronto, King - woo and Brockville the the places named as hav- ing bete objected to such outrages -all of than ✓ otoriees as localities where pnwetful avid reek - less aeendeocy mobs exist. It is obvious that preparations for violence had ,been making" he- lureh•nd, aria that the rioter, at the placer named had made arrangements for speedily communica- ting caws of their respective movements to each other. As was to be expected, in the violent ex- citement of party spirit at present existing is Canada, imputations ere freely excbaneel between the partisans on either side. The arrests' which have been made rod the in- veetigatiope which have been instituted, TO CORRESPONDENTS. Had the eommenicatioo *boat the Trustees of the Disrrict Grammar Sehool beta written u a burlesque or • ear•ritature. we would have gives it a place : bet the columns of Ih. oig*af *ball Dever be disgraced by admitting serious aniseed- 'ereions ort the conduct of John Stewart, Ere., Barrister ! l%'e cannot insert the common:cation from Downie, about the "big two -legged Otter," be- cause it is anonymous , but we •gree with on correapouden tut " He can hardly be amphib- ious," •Iiboe#i he manifests a " $treage facility is decoying loose fifi." We have received an Address of Conldeeee is His Excellency, the Governor General-eigotd by sixty-three of the beet inhabitants of BitMalpb and McGillivray. We will forward it to Mon- treal by the Ent Mail. We acknowledge • mocey letter from Mr. 8. H.eiBlanchard. Netwitbdandisg the fary and violence of the Tory oppeaitial, the Legielatare has pieced op- era/is of 900 Bill dieing the Series ! Tbe fallowing we • few of those which have ea im- mediete reference to Upper Canada : and it mat be apparent, even to the meet eoperfeial tbiaker, that these jaw ere ealealeted to do mon for the benefit of the Province than ell the measures d the Metcalfe Government dating three years , or. is feet, thea all the measures ofTory- ism for the last twenty years ! We ally wast the Aoseeemeal and the Repreeretatioo Bills to seem the filters ty of Caa•ds. An Act for all the territorial divi- sion of Upper Ca into Districts, and for providing for temporary unions of Counties for pelletal and other porpoise*, and for the future dissrh.Unli edema, unions .s the in- crease of wealth wed population may re- quire. An Aot to repeal certain eta therein mentioned, aad to emend, con lidate and redoes into one Act, the me 1 statutory pn.jd.oa sow in force for the regulation ofEIeetiosre of litemb.re to rep».at M esopfe Of this Prortece Is tiro i.egteisllve Aly Aa Aet to seed extend the pp*rnvi- thre�tep of ill A of this Province, intftnled As Ant Co e meel0uw aad rod hits se* Peet the severed Nos brow 16 establi.tfsg or ritttMM$.t dm Mortis, M Ilse DieMHee Ovens R Me t niere1 of %but part ed Ibis P,••bea f rmarly 06666a. /(. Alt to prsviie b y eN Isw till► rN intistlen of Mos kllsel dsthl dl t ------ -'- -- ------- i omnmun1(atiotl8:' Dowels, Let 11.. 2, lust of the Thames,; Jaw 8th, 1349. TO lite nonoR or our weenW aIOCOL. Ser, -Pleas, permit me through the column* of your journal to 'expose the meaner in which the Tory •noexatio.ists get aignetures to their petitions, alleged to be an numerously signed, for the !veld! of Ilia Excellency the Governor Getters!. Happening to be in Stratford • few days ago, i was sot • little astonished at seethe my town name as well as some of my neighbour. adhibited to one of these Tory indignation peti- tions, lying at the store of Mr. C. R. Dickson, and koowing that there is ant mother individual of the same name within a circuit of twenty miles of that locality, I was satisfied in my own mind, (not only so but I was told) that it was: inteoded for trey signature. Con.egaerlly bar- ing procured pen and ink from the young man attending io the store, i had it effaced on the spot, but being eine infoemed ibat it ewe after- wards added to that same infarction list, 1 wish to make it publie, that it is not only entirely without my cannot and against my.will, bot that 1 signed the address of confidence to His Eseelleney the Governor, and atihnagh I had not an opperteniy of signing the petition toiler Majesty (o numerously signed in this quarter) praying that Ilia Excellency may be sustained, i siseerely trust that the prayer d the petition the ptMblIMMIrst 61 aggregate oslsrul. Of rinattab'd so lety, who loupes aad e'awl ► frontier. Were it possiole to imelN persevering ie the seers, they threaten to begin, they would be the arm to be tem- pled dews by their.ellies. They keelit, and *III hot Jar• to proceed. Dot ey here done enough to outrage public °palmi to a degree that has for aver closes/ tie doors of office against lhsnt- Thu; Msdoelniclies • riot a• tint tr• have lines callod WI to r.eerd wilt'ht take plan iu more than asa Camelia* loasilty sem were prepared to expect. That Many ouch may recur at iptervala is highly probable. - The past history of th1 pronoce declares thee, to be inei;tabic. The 000q'. st of Canada (unfaruraile we admit on accovet of the eyetetualie attempt to tits ,,*clew urs gine of France to encircle sal crumb the English settlements) entailed upon the Bei lish government the most difficult of tants -the government of a distant dependency the population of which was of alien origin. The notable wheats of separating Freecb from Jb:t lab Caned* effectually precasted for belie century the fusion of by • gradual and natural precede. 'Che vesting of all power and patronage exclusiiety is a fami y compact necosearily led to mi.govern• merit to tumult and dieeffectiein. Tse elsp- trap baste with which Lnrd Splayfeet" hur- ried on the tic -onion of the provinces by sot the moot *crapulous iudeencee, witheut is, mitring tou curiously wOotber ptiblae npneiOn was nos for it, aeutraltred to • co.sa:nreble extent the immediate bete6ts of that easel - table utoasure. The policy of the ilritieh Government has !from the first, till within thew few years, bees ofa nitro to lascepe- att4se Cie colony for cal (yto.erntnegt, to pereetiate and exaggerate the prejdtdtaee of race, to encr.wage •m insolent anJ Junin eeribg spirit in the Brit ah. The wteer pol- icy of leaving the coliniste to manage their owe local affairs is alrt)ndy developing • better spirit sod the requisite atlniioistrai.ve talent. Yet the harmful influences of the old system uiu.t continue to bei felt, aad they will display thequela in much sunless and roeulting outrages ss. have Just Peen perpetrated at Montreal. Bit ones, the Home Government is weak enough to re- linquish its late. adoptedsystom of lion-in- tervenjinn, they will pass away wilb as lit- tle •biding injury as the kindred mole of Lord George Gurdon and the Birtni.gham anti-jacobtne. This truth cannot, at present, be tee em- phatically or too often pressed neon govern- inent, parliament,, and the home public at .uige. There aro sinister interests in Ibis country bent upon wing every tranacient disierbaoce in Canada as a plea for bringing back the old system of misrule. The pro- lnc'ioeiit L indon merchants, the kindred and allies et the tartly compact, will slick at nothing to attain lbia end ; and equally unscrupulous ate artiste jobbers in Utopian emigration schemes for Ireland intimately connected with the aspirants after office who wear the Lincoln green. Greer to Perycx rt. Too Pass.. -It ie dintetrtening to all lovers of Free and (.mo- stitutional Guvernment, foe a element to faoey that any power on earth could be found who had euf5cient authority to gag mod mon trol, within narrow limi!s, a Free Press. - it is true that limits must be set to unfree - dote. A freeman, or a free press, has no chow that the ministerial party are dieponsd r ight wantonly to injure the character, or to attribute complicity in these riots -as bring into cetempt, the meanest - but we to the extent of foreknowing without st- find Colonel Ogg!, inMontreel, absolutely tempting to repress or discourage them -to making • very handsome income by his some of the more violent of their opponents. actions, instituted for the 'bene ofa choreic - On the other hand, the opposition inveigh ' ter but too well known : and Prince, at the against ministers, as having, by persisting in carrying an unpopular measure, drat pro yoked • merit of turbulence. and then une- lected to take due nree.ntion spinet vio- lonre end tumult. flow far the charge laid a: fbe door of ministers of not- having'made proper arrangements for securing the public peace, and not having stemmed the oot- bresk of a dissolute rabble of incendiaries with sufficient promptitude and energy, 'fs well founded. dispassionate inquiet alone can show. That their ad,ereariee hare ea- gerly,grasped the opportunity to 'represent them m incapable of preserving order in emergencies, and therefore:unfit to govern -hare, In other words, lost no time in tur- ning tho riots into political capital, is appa• rent. And the readiness with which "this tleclubs" and "curling clubs" hare come forward to make the riot a pretext for de mandiog the recall of Lord Elgin as incom- petent, combined with the influence ekerci- eed over tbe mob be Sir A. McNmb, and with the reported readiness of the Glengary men to march in arms to Montreal, is sus- piciously symptomatic of the old secenden- We Ito. newilli t 'j' e} -vier• lite lest Ikmei•s will ltmilltetretr 1► Awgaet, Idbo. I.$* . ties ale, njw►(y( replied of Missiosvy Mims MOM glees ns., sod several letters were addiiiA4 to M u, - nth in otter ieiw%artitu lar i • and OW Cal ails ► �1'..ters A t Tb. United J ssionsrlae sowed the fullest ranee. • ►eprw eetati • beyey-one Ruling Elder roam oath °seyeregstllrt• hav- ing a seat a the C.sert, sg% bolsi fib •wry r.►pect on an equal footle, will else Minis - II ere . The Sy and currLn(s ay 1141/bYriate■ is a way perfectly open to the pabhe.- Cuw.- Prot'ssesdrt ,flInrkrts,• Monsnel, 7e p. as.-J.ae 11. Orr market air Woods' war team changed, sr..] but lit ile doing; three moo he 'Viotti" 2.1. 34' to 21. 9d. 1e Foresees so charge. Aibed hal• Jec lewd to M Pete sad V7. lbw Pearl*. La- chasge ops, jf;•glaod lee per sear. Toronto, Iasi 14. Wheat. per bushel. 3s. 94 :o 4s.. Apar, by reral. iu bags, 16a se 21s 3d pee 196Ib , .Y Cascara, Jane 6. Fell What 75c. a 130o : Pprin*R Wheel ,Scb• S8e. Corr40e d 1,1c. Wool RSe t 29e'per a fon was hed, and lSc .10e per A fee swnN•hed. Detroit, Jtef 9. Act lie demand for Wool, at Inn :;6c a Seo per ib • (Oswego. Jane 9. W heat is good demand st 83e • tole per teaks( Salt 834 a 84c. TWO GOOD FARMS FOR SALE. ()NE within t4 miler, and the ntbir with- in about 3 mile"' of Goderreh et, can Plot, The fitenis rams/• 101s fist Cences- non, Tobin.hip of-Goderi5h, C'ONTALXU1CG 164 ACHES, 1s bounced at Lbp oar wad thy l•abe-kioron, and at the uther by a Public, ,-end the second is LOT dis $$A oaths iof, Colborne, W. Dia ision, CONTAINING 100 ACNES, and is situated it Sha Junction of (wo•Pub- lie Roads. For Particulars apply to J. O. M.DONALDi E.q. Goderich, 12th June, 1849. r1 -$f 'i'O 'BE SOI. n, AN excellent Par, being Lot No. 12. t.Maitland Concession, Township of Goderich, eonratnieg 100 st x-=30 of which is cleared. The land is of a seep 'int quali- ty, and well watered. -le-+..noncan exact- ly pile miles tram the tows of Gods,on the lluro■ Reed, and at the portion air di(facet reads; mid as it u In the ceq.[[[CCCes of a populous and proaperuua locality,; it is ex- cellently adapted fur a Tavern stand ora Store. This farm is well ealiAlsd to the attention of persons desirous of as eligible situation for beelines., and will be sold on very -reasonable terms. For Nadel/Isle apply to 'Dams Dar., Taeerb=keeper, Goderich, or te she proprietor • i.. JdNAS COPP. Village of IIarpurbey. June 10, 1349. v24191f late Spring Ae•izes, in London, criminally prosecuting bin indictment against George Brown, E.q., Miter of the " Globe," and peoi•hing him with a fine of £30 ; for what ? Simply for reporting s law case, in which Cul. Prime was engaged, and which it was° end he had neglected. The criminal in- dictment did not allow the defendant, Mr. Brown, to justify the libel, by proving the truth, which it would •ppear he was fully prepared to do. although, if Cul. Prince find brought a civil action for demagog, Mr. Brows would then have been at liberty to have rested his defence upon the truth of the matter alleged. Nothing could hate been more disgusting than the evidence of Col. Prince, -nothing but that was wanting to stamp hie Gentlemanly and Iloporable character with the Vanaittart us,. The one took a solemn oath in the inners box and the other, whose arms Cul. Prince may well aesuine, took a lake oath to act impar :ially as returning officer for Oxford. The indignation expressed by the Press in Upper Canada of every shade of politics, must shete that there as vet one thing needful,- cy party's foreknowledge of what wan coot- the passing of an act which will define whs t ing, awl determination to use It wrecklesly( freedom the Press shall enjoy, and prevent for "their own purposes. The speaker's such men se Cols. Prince and Golly from matte, which was carried off by the ruffians I -maliciously trampling on its sacred libor- wbo demntiehed the houso of petite- I tics ; for, if such be allowed, the light of meet, has some how or other found its wee I knowledge may sink in darkness., and the into the keeping of Sir Allan McNab, and woo rule of deepolin a once more usurp the Col. Gugy was carried home nn the ghoul- place of free and enlightened government. - den of a body of rioters. Tbe hubbeh bas ' Barrie Magee:. been got up by the pendahles of the " canny Vikt- or end it is the Scotch bode -guard Peocsnoteee or Tem Strom Or T*s y'nt- oftheascendency and the Orange -lodge. ITRw Paris eTTRaIAN Cicaat In CAlvapA.•- that are bestirring themselves to turn -it to The synod of the united presbyte►lan chore+ aoeonnt. • in Canada, met in Merrick -tercet Church; may he gncioosly responded to, that the Bragc The riots began tie the evening of the in this city, on the evening of . Tumidity, 26th, and by night -fall of the 27th ostler had June.tb. After en sppeopriste sermortby aad the prewot Minoan' may be long coolie*" been eptirely restored ; and this, nolwith- the Rey. David Coate, Moderator,- from at the helm of our glorious Constitution in etauding a tardiness in the movement/ of Palm 128, 8, the Syood proceeded to elect Canada.and that the dark decline ofTory annex- the military, which, considering oho prep°, a Moderator for tha envying year. whom the alienist' may eventually be frustrated. sessions of the commandant, calls forengnl- Rey. David Caw was chosen to fill Ott of- ry. Attempt* wore made by the ascendency flee ; the duties of which he timbered very party throatghoot lbs 27th to disturb the efficiently during the aeeslons. After apo public mind-nnw, by report. that ministers pointing various committees, the Synod tid- ied , arming the Fre' h population -now, journed till the following morning, 9 o'clock. by stories of Mn.lreel's beieg.about to be On Weminesday, after spending enure time declared in a slate of siege. The govern- in devott"nal exercises, the Synod entered mast wisely took no hoar. of thine eSorle upon buerneas. Among the various meter* to resew thedietnehances, strengthened the which engaged the attention, the most im• polies, urged on the preliminary eternise- portant and generally t ' +►t.tin4 we ro the Theological institute and the Missionary Reports anti Correspondence. The report of the anther committee of the in•tltute was deeply interaatistg end htnhtr •atief e - tory. The simian* wore said to hate die tinguished themeelves for proficiency in the canoes branches of iiteratere and theology to Which their attention had been turned : and frnm the ability aced piety evinced in their tempi on various subject*, as well es from the very showing% emerge of mental tr.lmnq adopted by their able and cf cieni professor, there is great reason to hope that they writ become .Me and earful nenisters of the gospel. The Synod next preeseded to make arangeiinta for eff,ceng se ii - portant cheers le the stroma lar of the fad - tote, occasioned by the alcogel sbfe of r►iwge, f* regitd rfi the Premier's! Httiter- eitp. It was IMol,ed that owin to rho ehaap,,tinned ter, tit. f.etituw .ball eneie- termini ►o of purely theological ektrseller. le the emcee begot the. Is,titsN well be oes- slimed at torsion, tell afroartsgaM be ad I am, Sir.. Your meet obe49 eery't, FREDERICK PARKER. Dowers, Let No. 3 le the 1st Coe., luso 11th, 1849. f TO Tit zee eR lar lira *OROS notal. Sem,-Being credibly informed that my earn* is attached In a petition b.Mked 'bean in this tions of suspected parties, and allowed their quarter is, etgwtar., pnyieg Ker hlnl'•ty 1" political adversaries to hold meetings and reed His Exeelleney the Governor General. .p..k out e11 their bitterness to their Allow me to stets through the medium .f we I beart.'..enteol, joern.I that if such is the caw, some person most Imre signed it veitheet either my know- ledge or enaeeet, w 1 have every eee1deeee in His Eat.ihecy sed to prawn Admioistratioa- 1 ass, lir, Tear .o50't..re. TH4 M'iAN CA WSTON. We beg to russet attention to the last ewer from Eivessd; recefyeed at Termite by Telegraph, by which it appears that the Home Gnvrersuiegt h.veoomplstely sustain- ed Lnrd El 1M in the ditthl8bd ted eons utu ibMaI coins erbi9b h* has 1'dfpd. W hs' wNi 4Tle ebrtreetivi et to tale/ • Will *Ade Stern -for anne lDbe, of l Mt4t� apse Robelttob on the'? own MIN rii4' are 0111Priem Octet -la for gbllul !lovergipt.with " the other McNabb" as kill Opp* Mi utast 1 --Barrie .111001trtt . +t it to clear that no polities! ovewteof Mt - pentane. can arise ret of smelt riot*. The "respectable" toren, while availing them - Wye' of them to the simnel, are compelled to eenSSre and dietlum them. Taro umlaut ray lashes ba phseed it.111 is .w eminently false re'sist's. J)westedly attashod to m. - earthing tr. droves. greedily anth,tione of the moot trifling titles or honors .ernes min timid sneon- learn bellow. spp•alleg fee s•ppose to u who sbcl•b from ail tar awy pepolar stratums as unable to di•lingnteh 1 their veracity .d reels tri"i•ee.. aad Irivet*. irately pee}trdttod aisles% Yasheee sad R• ptsMiessy they baei.giwrrelld with the law sad s.ewiatated authorities. sod town to AA novo of • roma! in abide their arsly sem tiMN sod Mas, wet M the edeas-dw of Meloglitistits6111 tt1, Meda. albl the loaf 0114 hSlu V woo, s pathteen-them • CANADA LIFE ASSURANCE COMP./1.NY. THF. Subniber having been appoleted Agent of the "CANADA LIFE ASSURANCE CQ.;" is prepared to receive proposals for Aas11- wince, and will be happy to *fiord to arty person the necessary i.formalinr, as to -tilts principles of the Inetetetinn, •- • JAMES WATSON. ' - • Goderich, I3th Jane, 1849. - �4e1lKf SHAIIESPEAR R`FkD11t§y AT LANCASTERS'. 'UR. MARLTON begs to rneonfice, that he will have the honor of trading Shakeepeas'e much admired play.ef " HAM- LET," oo Thursday evening tbe 28th Jrtpt• Between tbd,cti, Music itInging,,Jute '1s Ethli,plaos, et ct. The play over, the will be removed and those who like • dance, can. No free list (the Press •xj ed) as the funds derived from the 'theft ment will be devoted to the gqaidallen the few unpaid debts contracted'tty - Marlton, as one of the A nmturem. 4, mens at half past 5. Admitt*keee, to each, families tickets E1. Gode!ich, June 15, 1849. v11o19$1 1.i81' OF LETTERS ' REMAININO in the Poet Office ar StratAsg op le 4th June, 1849. I Allen Rev. D Lee ehlia CatkSag Carrell William Leith Andrew , Cnylor Henry Moir David Greeley Michael Madden Eller Flynn Patrick Miller :week Eli 'cher James Merlin Cethriee' Fisher Alexander McVittie Witham Printer ?'laden fgilb-te James Garfish William Richardson William !leery Robert Smith Mee. )arse'. Higgie. B.rtholeroew peheirbrf 8eiwaba • Hay Andrew Peggint-Tha es -Hamilroa Hugh BebhoiGe.rgpa -, Heenan Thomas Seeemeller Adaat -s Jeers air. Verlag Monrot:'ey Raley Jnhp Wiester Seeryf Kippu Duncan A. F. !SICKLE, Postmaster. Srratf.ed, leas 4s►, 1849. err • TAILORING ESTABL,I1!$MH,W r. A. NAISMYTH IN returning thanks to hie friends sad ta- merone Customers for the Liberal Pet - renege which he has rammed devise tLe past out, pegs to intimate that he hs, jest received en attentive Aseertment • - • Ct? 4'111C1 viheffi!L1Ef8 9rortasO , and is tendo to Execute all Orders given to him with care and pueetuillty as former(,. Goderich, April, 12th, 1019. 4r-et0[f FOR SALE, THE MAiTI.ANI) EREWESYe PROPERTY. THiS property ennoble of _._-• smog Oil A Oita bank of the diver Maftldid, sedan the read ride leeching to Mt. Mahreek'a Orad} Mill, sear t;,.pe•lob. Upon iamb th.r% i• a BREWERY with eseelleN4l- Iereg*. a Malt bete. sed Yoh Kia. *11 eeomplete. Titer* le aloe se n:suUe.t site her a Di.tilkry os Mee 1st, end the owner M a right to the wsSK.ttlm Astra the wel/essiN &lie et the s•••111•114'is isf.Msl MA W .awes sl l w joss be fleas cab wpbs ' - ss/ tin • o s$J.il, . r,. For pert Wiliam int.silssRAasjprioem Bay apply 'Orlon• Wadi. *ma ) 1. • 6 rot ogiolr POI m'ys" N� gerst14 •