Huron Signal, 1849-04-13, Page 4f
........•••••••••••••••••••••• .w .
.e .r.. a+lmrr..•-.✓. ...• . wwwre,w..+wt..ew•; .,.. - _- .4._. mmono• ,mr. 0 s.w.r
Ram des Qeardiaa.
Isaiah aim- 4.
A Christie& bey bowleg bees snit let len
health to a kweiga land. where the n.1d set ee-
ry the pablises.kaseces of glees, relented sow
to her ewe ce.ouy. Beteg asked why abs re-
sented, she said,-•'1laveccass bent to dee be-
aide:the water co.r es."
teat a ease le tie M1ltA eo neat to dull
'lfbe lad ><M heels yeutie
worked with the e►a/b, inewe+e tad seder.
sad by nib's, should he pleagbed .
Woofs, M *bat by the aetain of fleet N
rosy he wade perfectly fri.N.• Fro • ast-
ute of experiment,, the eater, a kw years
aro, L cultivating Mesa sem of Nutley
land, ploughed a portion of the geld twice,
(sad the other portaes three times, tad
asothet fuer crass; that which was ploughedtwice
twice yielded 80 bushels, that throe times
40 busbels, sad that foe, Woes IN beehele
per acre. No portion of the land was
ploughed only oncebut if 11 bad bees, tt
d,tub:less would not 'bare yielded moot than
10 bushels per acre. Between each plough-
teg, the land was harrowed lengthwise and
crosswise of the furrow, by. which means
the must perfect ,tate of tilt was produced.
Two perks of .eed should b. sown per
sere; and it is merle.. to sow flus crop epos
lead t.nlees it be rich, and in a high state
uf CLltnation.- Peruser tad Jleasko ic.
I come from the groves where the image bough
Booms white to the myrtle abede-
Fronr the murmuring mesio, soft tad low,
By Italia'. f.eatties made.
1 base bid farewell to the lure eery
Of the doodler southern sky -
To 1.. silver sus 1bal!aweless sleep
Where ..aotaia sha%owo lie.
1 have bid farewell to 'beaus" sad tower,
And cleric corms tall -
To Me stately academie flown.
Ariel the gorgeous pictured hall.
No mi re the balmy air 1 seek
Of the sweet Italian clime :
Vow wt Its bras my blueing cheek.
Cool stern the vespers chime.
1 come to 4441 bleak sod barns shore
of my owe, my eater home -
Te the dark plea wood, to the cataract koar-
To the a.ouals.n stern, 1 some.
►..r, ob t there are Reams Bette Scottish wild,
That my deep sots pine. to drink,
iaiur, 14101 was the 4I.ris of 8wtia'a child
By the soothers tuuota:o'e blink.
\Vhmawaren of grace in their (resbaua flow,
On the green bank let ate lie ;
By th.0 holy streams, as they wbi.per low,
I come -I cont. -ie die."
MIN/it 'lr ie
Dederreh. 80th Nana. 1149. 1N-18tf
Shefl:I's Sale of Land
HURON DISTRICT, j"'If arise of s
To Wit i S eat et !Hero
Penes eat of ib. District Court of
Huron Dtetritl. the Lases sad
l.seme.ta e1 Hoary Derli& to,, Richard
Dartwgtoo and Robert Declaims., at the
suit of the Bank of Upper Casale. 1 have
seised and take i& Ezec.lioe as bei menti
to the said ?leery Darlington, Rlchul Dar-
lington, and Robert Darlington, the follow-
ing property, viz.: Lou slumber 2, 3, add,
oa the seventh Coeceusi.a„ Eastern Divi-
sion, of the Towasbip of Culboroo, each
containing 1110 scree of Land, which I shell
offer for sale at the Court House, is an
Totvn of Goderich, on Thursday the 28/b
day of June, 4849, at the hour of Twelve
o'clock, root.
J. McDON.1LD, Sheriff,
Huron Dialtiet.
Sheriff. Office, Goderich,
tIth Marsh, 1849. # v! -&tali
Tl:e Ti anrc. pt, ',asking of the recent
er ties ul Goats of the pro.ues$t Censerrs-
t•ree, ca the subject of ace •zatioa to the
U.ited tittle., maks the fulcwisg vzry
The eaeaer in which the Pilot has
just %sea punished for only Vetting that an
Individual was it correspondence with Mr.
O'Conner, ongbt to lead us to a counttaty
,lac:.iou. From this verdict it might he
supposed Hist our loyalty is peculiarly seo-
. five,-gottc safe from stain or corruptio*,
' a d defying the onslaught of party. To
make loyalty an argument &[meet oto op-
t ponents, and (Sen In the very same breath
east it down in the dust, seems a strange
The put yeai, having been an unfavora-
ble one for :Spring Wheat, it is nut to be
expected that are much ground will be oc-
eupteJ this season with this crop am has
-:been the case in former years. For fire or
six yyears in succession, Spring Wheat hes
yiel'ffAd more bullies jet acre, un tolerably
rleh and well cultivated land, than did'Vin-
A modest yourg lady, lMtnng the leg of
a chicken at table, said de would tale tpat
part •' whack uug&t to Le .dresard is paila-
ids!" A young gentleman oppo.Ite Mi-
med:atrly called for that part which usually
tent,' the Linde.
As every thread of gold is valuable, so is
! be
every minute of time • and as it woo d
great folly to shoe horse. (as Nero did)with
golf, so tt is to spend time In Irides.
The reason why so few marriages aro
happy, is beeadM young ladies spend their
time In making nets, nut is making eager.
The man who has not anything to boast
of but his rllustratwus ancestors, u Tike a Fader, Mooed out of the Comm of ers� file ria dissolvedy mutual eoe-
puteto-lhe.o0ly good belonging to Aim u the Huron District, against the Lands and
under ground. Tenement. of Cyrus McMillan, at the suit sea" J. K. GOODiNG,
The business will be continued, and all
outstanding accounts due by and to the
5rreeia be settled by the undersigned.
Goderieh, 5th Sept., 1848. 8911
Sf]l><AV, Sate et 1.
Te Witt writs el
J.ti•s, ls.e.d t ' aktI" Court
41 QA"'''' ).sell, ad to tae directed
&[&lost the Leath eiat T... este of Julia
Ann Kilian ileadllee VC Rlyytie at the
respective mall ps Relivoteees Robert
1[uderwell, Jobs Streehee.
etc. sod JamesClots
Oa by virtos
kiwi out of
Lift OV
RESL•ININO ts the Pest Mee u 1111adowl
ty to led AND. IBM.
Ural Tks l.ebeaete w
*der 3.s 9 Mau D
Alele Marcia Matron Iew►h
As, Mid! 9 Mersa William
Abergen Jobe 1 Jan
Adair Mathew 9 Tie Mellor
AWee. Jame 1l ally Christies
Adair Jed lulaayamen Tb..
&rename t s A uta Aram
Brody Joh* two write r layer Bary )Me.Uss M Mathew
Her kldiesty'a Hares IIIA. Up*
Ted Dons fulls llay Cedes
to me duetted against the I,ta�/ L &st.n&sr " M.tblew Mousse
anent. of Julia Aon !tepee flag Agee Ri(liam
W. Kiwi' at the respective suits of rt �eo� Malle�iay Patrick
Parke and Jerboa Callaway 1 ken kind sAeyjaft Mitchell J
and takes so Esecuuas the foWiwia,. pas. owns WiN•aai ' . McOssgea William
petty a haematite to Ataslin W.
oils of the shoat Defeadaita a pert or por-
tion of Block G. in the Township of Cul -
borne, Western Division, Itnroa District,
containing two hundred acres of Laid ;
which (.ands I shall offer for elle at the
Court house, is the tows of Godeneb on the 110th day of March next, at
tbo boor of 12 o'clock noon.
J. Mc DONALD, SA el H. D.
Bxarr's Ornca,
Goderich, 18th December, 1848. 4 fad
The above Safe of Land is postponed
sell, the First day of June, 1849.
J. McDONALD, Sheriff,
Huron District.
Sheriff's Office, Goderich,
19th March, 1819. S
Sheriff's. Sale of Land.
HURON DISTRICT, ji BY sirtvs of a
To wit : S Writ of Fieri
Facia*, issued out of the District Court of
the Huron District, against the Lands and
Tesemeots of Joseph Williamson, at the
suit of John Allen and Mary his wife, Limn
seized and taken in Execution as belonging
to the said Joseph Williamson, the follow-
ing property, viz.: Town Lots number 430,
429, 418, 497, 426, between Brittania Road
and Picton Street, also Town Lots number
380 and 378, fronting Elgin, Toronto and
Picton streets, in the Tows of Goderich,
which 1 shall offer for sale at the Court
House in the Town of Goderich, on Thurs-
day, the 2dth day of June, 1849, at the hour
of Twelve o'clock noon.
J. McDONALD, Sheriff;
Huron District.
Sheriff's Office, Goderich,
18th March, 1849. S 02-0811
Sheriff's Sale of Land.
HURON DISTRICT, t BY virtue of a
To wit: S Writ of Fieri
BOUT the 111th d May last, from the
. premixes .1 JOHN LINDSAY No. 110
Ijurcn Raul, Township of Godericb. e
dark brown MARE, three years old, with e
white star on the forehead, and one white
hind foot and a heavy mane and tail. 'Fhe
proprietor purchased ber below London and
supposes she may have strayed in that direc-
tion: whoever will restore her to the ower
or gird much information as win Ind to bat
recovery, will receive ill as reward.
Godencb, 18th Jan., 1849.
]sslbesisw U M.Do.s11 Dame 3
tar Puke cC.y Joseph 3
&dodos William 3 ldc;ote b T
Baster0 A McAfee: James 9
Reid Joh. MoCodeli Ceortst 9
Hester Valeause McO.*dld Wut:am
BrooksJal,a McOill Jobs 9
Brun Philip 9 McGill David 3
Benue, Thsobotd McDonald Alt
Bitter Peter McClafuty Thomas
Bart Michael 3
Boyd Robert 'heard/II James
Bart Joh■ McQsaid Nicholas 1
Carroll William 3 McQuaid Pataick
Cels Wi hi. ' McFarlane Alex
Clematis Robert 3 McLaughlin Robert
Crawford Robert 3 Mean Jaren 2
Crus7.pepls MrPsdoes Richard
Ce sen Mashed McIntyre David
(Aide George McCafferty Arthur
Cubes Patrick 2 McCarthy J
Clyse 3. 3 McGill William
Cate. B3chesd
Cashes McDawale Jane
Carr dooms 9 Me N. M. Mr.
Cbowee William 9 McCaeoigaa James
Carvers Dreald McIntosh 'William
Crater gam Niegb George
Carrie Niegb John •
Clyas William
Curtis Jahn
Canaria Ricberd
Clerks Theodore
Cdrr Robert
Campbell Jam..2
Conneaut' John
Cerdimerds Jolla
Corry Mur* 3
Cary Joh.
Coulter Joseph
Cards God
C.rbit Witham
Drugless Thu 3 Peden Joh.
Dogherty Jobe 9
Duoeaeith Semeel Phelan Jame. 2
Dewliag Wiliam Parker Fredrick
D.rttpay Mash 4 Pwbelbsry William
Douglass Alexander parker lohe
THE Copartnership heretofore existing
karate the undersigned (under the
firtq a Gooding sad Lancaster, Innkeep-
\Vhau a man has once forfeited the re- of Joseph Miller, I hare seized aid taken in
' ter Wheat; and, re might have been ex- putatation of Ilia integrity, he is set fast ; Execution as belonging to the said Cyrus
pected, It soon became very popular -so and nothing will then serve hie turn, nes- McMillan, the following property, viz.:-
niueb w, i.desd that sufficient of it Wits then truth nor falsehood. Town Lot °umber 6, North Ode of West
raised to Deploy the home consumption; Pride is never mord offensive than when street, or running number 995, Tow. of
and, besides, large quantities were shipped it condcaends to be civil ; wh • vanity, Goderich, which 1 shall offer for sale at the
whenever it forgets itself, naturally assumes Court Ilocao in the 'Fown of Goderich, on
good humour. Thursday the !lit day of June, 1849, at
to Ifritaln, which soon bad a• prejudicial m-
flucnceoo Canadian flour. The system of
mixing Spring with Winter Wheat wee
resorted to by our Millers, in order to im-
prove the character of Spring Wheat flour;
but whet wee saved in this way ears more it le nu wonder that it makes the beaus:flit,• than lust from the bad character that was sex all charms. Sheriff's Off, c, Gadencb,
I 21x1 March, 1849. c - 2s-aetf
given some of thechoiccet Canadian braods. ( The true art of assisting beauty, consists _ _ _ -e
The Inspectors of Flour tt last dotermined to a nbelluhi°g the whole peones by the Sheriff's Sale of Land.
that Spring Wheat flour should be brauded' proper ormar mots of virtuous and cowmen- - .
as such; and, by this means the two quail- dable qualities. HURON DISTRICT, BY virtue of a said JOIN BIGNALL and reeoteneg the
pee were kept distinct. The future the --__-___ ,�-- 3_- To fail: writ of Fieri amount stolen; or the reward will ►e is
at season ecu so great that the country N U T I C E Ferias, d t f Il ?,I Majesty's Huron proportion to the amount recovered.
A vietuous mir.d in n fair body is indeed Twelve o'clock, no„n.
J. McDONATI, Sheriff,
a fine picture in a good light, <d therefore Huron Distriet.
MUD 1P11C0 \yli 4110
intendent of Common `Schools of the
Jlurot Distrtct, has absconded with • large
sum of Public Mosey, the above Reward
will be paid to any one apprehending the
a 'arras, t+sue ou o et 3JCa
from this source must
have ailure °ed a lou deb ed BRE\VSTER District C t, d t one directed ernes( money, Tkres hundred and forty eight
but it was general from see tree of the the Subscriber, are reyeither to settle their "[loan a n, The above John Bagnall s a remarkably
I'ruvinco to the other. There were, ter- 1 b A h "cud red taken Execution, Lot number
taiay, Isolated ewes; but nineteen -twen-
tieths rf the crop .1.1 nut mare than pay ttie . 11
J. K. GOODING. • acres: which Lando I shall offer for nlejat
expanse." of harc.ting, thrashing, cleaving. Godrnch, Rth C.'pt., tele. 1ttf the ('o:,rt !louse, :n the town .of Godench,
arid tion+ to and frim null, learn[ Huth- -- on S.tur,iav, the 25th day of November
equal w £400,000 ! The failure of Sprang ALL
persona is t to our en a oda, was in $10 notes of the Bank of
b SMART, through the agency of the bands and Tenements of Richard Dar-
ar- Yo
Wheat war not confined to 000 Distract, I be { t the amt of Robert Park• I ha+e 11 n. re
t al•
accounts tmmer e y either with him or seiz a en in large man with coarse features, about 6 feet
with Mr. George Frazer, Goderich, and four in the seventh Concession, E. D. is g +.
i coats. • the Tuwntlep of Colborne, containing 1110 3 inches in beigtb ; very round in his
ahoulders, haughty in his address, and &host
50 Years of age ; hair straight and reclined
to grey, whiskers white.
iuformatlon res ling the above, to
ins for the payment of rent, seed, and cul-
tivatiou. So that it will be seen, that the 1
Spring Wheat crop of 1848 war not only
a non-paying one, bat that it eebjectcd the
- Farmer. to a lose of some £1 10s. peracre,
besides a great disappointment. On the
farm occupied by the writer of this article,
upwards of eghty acrei of Spring Wheat
was sown and harvested the past seam),
which, to all appearance, ten. days before
the crop was cut, gave most satisfactory
evidence that it would yield, on an average
throughout the entire crop, a little upward
of thuty buabele of sound grain to the acre;
but, in reality, it yielded only ten bushels
of a very inferior sample -so bad, indeed,
that in other years it would have bees feed
to rho cattle in an unthrashed state. •
I1 will require but very little calcplatioD
to ascertain tho actual loss that a farmer
would sustain whose crop so singularly'
failed as the one alluded to. and which by
so means is an isolated case. The lore of
rent, value of seed, and the cost of plough.
ing the eutirs eighty Urea, in the autumn
god spring, would bo sutlicient alone to
maks a farmer very cautious an "ceding
down so great a breadth of land with a
crop that would occastonalty prove. to
thoroughly fruitiest. The largest spriog
wheat crops of which the writer Las any
knowledge. exceeded two hundred' scree,
which to all appearance a few days Ilfure
harvest, would giro an average product of
twenty five bushels per acre, but which,
in reality, did not pay the coat of harvest-
ing. The owner of the crop in qucetior
assured us that hie actual loss might be
safely estimated it L500.
Although the farmers of Canada may
look epos the business- o' growing spring
wheat with a good deal of doubt es to it.
favorable result, yet at must not bo received
as being more euhyet to risk than autumn
wheat, when a period of eight or ten years
aro taken into the calculation. On the
f ecoeuin rho should bo
Glieartict,, 20th December, 1848. '
THF. uodersiened basing been .ppaiated by
His Escelteacy, nth:Governor (Jeaerul, ad
iswrim Super:teeniest of Unmans Schools i.
the Huron Di.trict, will be ready 10.'11(0(1101
e11 correspotxleace connected with -the dutie
Tice, al his Louse is East Street,
Ga. frith.
Ir. o:
score o y, country
sopphcdowith a sufficient gnanuty of spring
wheat flour, to meet the entire local demand
ler breadstuff., and the flour manufactured
from winter wheat, should he exported to
the markets of the mother country. It is
suites to sow this crop upon badly pre-
pared ground, and it should also be sown
as earl! s peseib;e, or as goon es the
ironed beomai sufficiently dry to work
the barrows with efficiency. In most cane
its well to hare the ground well prepared
for sprang wheat in autumn, and when this
is dose, the seed should he town a early
a possible. When it is not intended to
•roes plough is epilog, it Is an excellent
pretties to pee a steel tooth ouluvator
user the ground owes er twice, if time will
admit of it, just before seeingthe seed. -
From iee to six peeks of seed vier sere will
sot be found too much on most soils and
before sowing the seed meet care Should
bb ebsereedie tborrtnehly puttying it from
all other drains, tad the seeds of weeds, as
end' v ieest. R Mia caro Ili this reopect
will meet more than ropey the cost. eV
larded lrfr ?fishy pert sample of grain ie
elwaye mere creditable to the grower, than
one abet is mixed with other cpectes el
grain, and that 1s ditieolored with smut.
Beattie . - This Brain beteg orieeI fif
seed for malting purposes, u out M tmppr-
next, at the hour of 12 o'clock noon.
J. NleDONA LD, S.1eri H. D.
Susau•r's O/flcE,
Godench, 14th August, 1848• $m29
Router Pure,
u. })
RrcgAao Daaeocrotl.
Le fho above said of Leeds ie po.:peaed
CHARLES FLETCHER. sold the first of February, 1649.
304 November, 1848.
FOR SALE y the Subscribers,
'� For which Produce will be taken in
payment. M. B. SEYMOUR k CO.
Sheriff 11. D.
8asatrv'. Orrrcz, GoDzatc-a, 1
20th November, 1848. S . 43:3
(G0= -The above sale of Lands is postponed
until the first day of April, 1849.
Sheriff H. D.
Snnasr► a OTTICR, GoDRRICu, )
January Ytith, 1849.
ROBERT PASO, The above Salo
es. is postponed till
RIc.AaD Daau:07ox Friday, the First
day (glens, 1849.
J. McDONALD, Sheriff, H. D.
Sheriff's Office, Goderieb, j
Marsh 24th, 1849.
PART or portion of BLOCK G. in the!
- towable uf Colborne, Western Divi-
sion, Huron District, c..ntaininj TWO
2.i acres cleared and in good order ; fences
in repair. There it a good Franio (louse
[Cottage style], upon the prenusei., 35 by
32 feet ; also; a Frame Barn 50 by 35, and
Two Frame Shoda, each 80 feet long, with
a Log Farm House in tolerable repair. -
There are three ruining streams of water
through the Lot ; two of which are in the
clearing ; a small orcharp about the Frame
House, and a first rate Well inthe cellar.
The price of this desirable property is
£6:70 currency. For pert titular. apply to
Messrs. STRACHAN & LI%Alia,
Solicitors, West -street.
Goderich, %[trek 11, 1848. 11(
THE Subscriber having leased that wett-
known 'and commodious TAVERN
STAND, in the Township of Hay, 18 miles
Dom Godench on theL'ndon Road, lately
occupied by Mr. James Gordon, begs leave
to intimate to hie friends end the traveling
public is general, that he has opened u
Inn on the premses for the accommodation
of travellers. Asd es h. intends to con-
duct it on the most respectable principles
and to spare "either l.bour nor expense 411
misietenag to the comfort of thooe who
may patronize him, he hope to serrlt lad
Mitsui a share of the public favor.
N. B. -There is gond Stabling oa the
primate, and teamsters and other" may
depend on every eeaeemiry attention beteg
pad to their horses. D. G.
Goderich, tan. "Rh 18p$. 8111
V the BesehefL•le Hem, Morgghtea
miles ray.1 UN of Lodi,
n g-glaene sae
quested to prove p eprty tai �M bad
timer.*of the
Asb1e1J, Deeamber 1116, 1048. deaf
be forwuded to
Treasurer threw District, •
Goderich, C° W.
Goderich, Oct. 17, 1848. 38t1
Nies► Desist
Nelson Ileaakiak
O'Donnell Mre
Oliver William 1
O'Brien Mr
Ofeild George 2
O'Do.ncl Mr
O'Brien William
O'Riely Michael
O'Dea Michael
Paytoa James 9 -
Petrd Robert 2 .
Sheriff's Sale of Land.
HURON DISTRICT, 2 BY virtue of a
• To Wit: S writ of Fieri
Arcus, issued out of l er Majesty's Ilur•a
Dietriet Court, and to me directed seams*
the Lands and Teneme.0 of Gavin 1larail-
ton at the suit of Jostles Calloway, i hall
seized and taken in Execution, Park Lot
somber one, on the North side of Melbourne
street, and Lot number forty, of the East
side of Wellington street in the town of
Albert, which Lands i shall offer for .ole o0
Saturday, the 26th day -of November next,
at the hour of 19 o'clock noon, at the Court
House in the Lown of Goderich.
J. McDONALD, SherigH. D.
SORROW* Orrice,
Goderich, 15th August, 1843. t Utr39
Jo.aci C.Lww.v,
we. 1}
flute lt.aur.r.
D.asstch William Prosser Jouph
Dempsey Dae t Phelr4 Dennis
Dont Peter Quirk Tftnothy
De"'". Joseph 2 Quinlan Mr.
Deimos Pstrrck malas Jobs
Deikmaa Christian Q
D..smw* 3•11n 2 Rankle Charles 2
Duna Edward Riley John
Drueser�,.l aceb Rotataus Mary biome
Deists tjeristis. Rabb Samuel
Devitead G.bbeartt Rufriage Valentine
Dewe.adCored Ritter Valentine
Donnas JacRufriage MichaelD..aeitk Daniel Rem John !
Duerr Michael Rin -oh2
°Decorey Marlin Robert Henryy
Dille. Daniel
Darey MichaelRobinson Robert
Dian Mary d Daniel
Eiekrmeyer Aagost tchardoon William
Eickmeyer Daniel 2 Sherry Andrew
Eickersiolkr Josrph 3 Smoker Aodrew
Kagan Themes
,l*IP! Ulf SIM..
td�w elk dry o lbs` oar, &r elrserF, las
WOO et maw or Welk dry p�aelles essass�r, z.�. �..n
we iessu sal dly Wine s1 Al r ori e!
ribs sosibisob
smog . .- -� - tpiveriat_
1f�� a�I AACHra ash C*&O4JC g�ptr� 7r$R
sp` rJi%s1wws ga[1tsQttma 123111
be 4,r/lssasra► Maim..aa•l.�mr.rvs.s as. eersaLw�L. *
.m eMm�seCa11��m� ro��le eJt[oaa aft
cornese5 pe oK•� • oom1reWW��p,� ewe"
ceentarres. wawa Soar ,e ra rW Tawe.
per [Ir110[R. D1Orftf&
sag JQ/EA.
far loom oak sou atiamow i
11110,710811 OM IPILY, PLsrnt
LIn Or.
1SYSR eta Aotls. for t4srsssyss.tt1s
tea mwbe okra .sine.•.& W tad a ods. isab. W
maw wear. OMR sr3ltYm hese rlo lotus oris+ r s
,.a 4 u5.,seas&--a saw t�tbam eo4Mi.. 44 nssowssa-
T rlttll, n.A'Mn . Atte as Afnt..
VV UL11141 4 COMrLS11016
•s2v*Et.a assPLI?s
aI n Otoors ORA rimMRAOACet&4o,
aro. ytnapp .' /LOUD. riaU CLT141F SJISVMA•
LORI e/ 4f,t
rrsaL nappy.'
LI�s! O.
L[PIUST, Loo I • s.L
RLROV RIAL 113111Aa=/.-
1N.w tads to w*Yaais weeds all dr casts 4 euro., J
simM tram taws Me mini amm ahl nssmaL's1 b se/wrmm
tdaiK? SWEATS. zurous Du,LzTr. wurowa
COMPLAINTS 1 w tad,. OSe4ae0 A1/a?r1M.A
rALPn o toY d rr [MART. JABfrt&•e CLOLIQ.
! E L L S. TW minket srwdwss 1 urs miaow
sea std 1 Pass 4 r rare wasalws b las me 4 taw tai
heelers Woos.
3ALvs is nit
rias. trek. arty. Mlrt. sd rm.;
namva*teaaa[. Th.. i.wlwan1111
oar diem* sin W soma ole, b she tet Naada44.
RtU*J1 sir BLOOD is Ma imam, .avtrr.
.ALTRMtelr. DWILu1Oe.
wool air. U LC SR 11. ef were asrepssw
W 0 It MI B. eta U.i. w Ares amid to
Ors Mrfslam. haws earl as whet r s.tsumw'0 ween
sew lair s ismer 44 ~wed. neat will be esnat.
And au remove .11 disease from the quem.
A inat will lea the LIFE PULS aed
PNO111X BITTERlwyea a.r.etasrm,.
Wino r nM soOM. 1 marl p.timtt.
Tia [malas dawn mdkiae.memo pe 44
rappel' .J MMi, togtr►er rose a ,ps.00�pr�f t. malar
" 11.5t'. 0.d ss..witr," . .•l•r. lasar.e....•. a..
w .U.0 h e 1 araaw.y *um WsO bots ail
0*.., y .Ura r.+.�y. &blit as • earl ..s wry
W .. no mil li msre.......allgrrh _
t5.s's r. aro robs pramw r0 wlb •waw w. as .d
W .rove [War r tm•a�0* r elk ►. eta l
Way ansa was 31c..i s aMst yea
esu ta.y Sema Gro use, w 6W roma rhea
1 *. WILLIAsi s. �Olrlss i
sea Sr..awq, sonar 1 £alas., 00.
r«►y °
TSAAC MAY, informs his friends and the
public, tbat be has takes the BRICK
TAVERN, lately in the occupation of Mr.
Brows, at the East end of Stratford, where
nothing shall be wanting on his part to ,pro-
mote the comfort and cooveolesco of his
1. 5d. flatters himself that his selection of
Wine and Liquor. is equal to any in the
country, and his Stabling departueoet u of
the must complete description.
Stratford, 28th April. 1848. 1311
Lest Call! Last Call ! Last Call !
Cr The above sale of Lando ie
evil the first day of Febmery, 1849.
Sherd H. D.
Sasater'a O►ries, Guanine, 2
91hh Ne.“.6 v, Ittte. S 43,4
-The above sale of Leeds is po.tpe•
ed uelil the Int day of April, 1849.
Sheriff H. D.
S11.arrr's Orrice, Gonave'',
Jaunty 119th, 1849. 511d
J•seoa CALLOWAY, The above flea aid
is pee
Clever 13cialts+i lir. G• LQ ride., tho `+
dry. M AVM 1M9.
3• McDONALD, Sherif,
Huron Dtatriel.
Sheriff Office,
Go.eriob,14(8 Maes, 1849.
EJgre Mathew
Elsie Thomas
Elpr Joh.
liner Asdaow
Frazier Mr 2
Flyme Joh*
F risk, Messrs
Flirty Hugh
Fisher Christopher
Freak Adam
Fisher George
Ferrsly Thomas
Fox Anse
Fletcher James
Feiragan Bernard
Getter Joh■ 2
Glee.os Cornelius
Goetze Michael
Getter Aathooy
Gimbkt George
Gibhard Henry
Grady Michael
Girlies George
Graham Andrew
Heiser Mrs
Hodges Miles Smith James.
Hester Heigh Schrader Gotlsite
Herald Nicholas 2 Scott John
Hero. Patrick 7 Sp*rr Casper
Hamdan George •8pillen Jeremiah
Hyde Adam Steeen+on'Hugh
H.deldt Andrew &memos Henry
llesnesay Richard Sebaeh A.
Howdah Cenrod
Hemsley R illiem Stewart Donald
Hueter Mathew 2 Terry James
Heater James 3 Tracy Mr 2
H*6rye► Conrad Pracy George
ALL penes.•lad.bted to D. MANLET &
Co.. re as IBAAC C. SHANTZ. will have
as opport.sity "(paying the respective mimeo is
to Wareing CawaT. ea that 4th end 5th of 0e-
tober.ext,.t the HURON HOTEL. 0e4ri.8,
after which time the Bailiff wilt ern ups s6 de-
faulters, as farther time taenot be given
Timothy Seed, takes a payment as lb light,
sot Merkel Pries
1r September, 1848
Swit-er George 4
Sebaeb Philige 9
Sabach Nicholas 2
Stetson :ohs 5 '
Subach Jscob 2
Sebach Peter
Seegmued Michael
Stewart L•:i illiata
Sullen John 9
Stewart Mrs
Switzer Jacob
Seheiek henry
Stroch Mathias 11
Smith Caro
Scott William
Shaul Mich
Skillets :can
Sklltenburger Jacob 2
Scott Thomas
Sega Christian
Bkillen Samuel
Sebach Francis
Stredor Peter
STRAYED from the Subscriber Lot No.
7 16, 3rd Concession of Wawanash, a
Black OX nine years old, blind of the off
eye with * Oradea hole in each horn. -
Strayed from the owner about the Bret of
April last. A liberal reward will be given
to any person giving information of said Ox
where be can be found. GRATTAN.
Wawanaab, Noe. 11111841. 49tf
IAA November, 1848.
REICEIVED rise ships Belton. and Souter
Jamey, front Liver•puool, via. Mon-
treal, and for sale by the Subscribers at low
Meow 111 q.antitiee, or otbrwiee,
Bales 1 paaoy Prints, bed Causing,
Do. bieaeoNd and . ase Cordaro and
De. Cotta. Yue, Natey :
Tela Bu fro., averted Mae, of the
r creme breed."
7►'rbey also offer for mile, of rceeet
borpeoctathtt bea the Ceded Stelae,
Cbiste TBA, of arias qualities.
4i►4 Y. B. 1SNYMOUR Lt (X).
Hawiek Fnikrick Possma. loath
Hnary Thee Voogh Carol
Huy Philip Volker Jobe
Hillill Thomas
Heyensyth Thomas
Hemaley Thom..
Hamilton James
Hero. Mary
Halpin John
Judie Christian !
!ache Theodr
Jacob Jacoh
Jeftereon Johs 2
Irwin Daetd 2
Jacob Miehet 2
herr James
Ketze Thobold 3
Kern John
Kean John
Kelly Ruchad
Mroch Ootteieh
Karagbar George
William (i-ouich
Kelly Patnek 9
Kelly Miebast
Keeney Thiers ,luso. WtRiam
Eley Henry Watson Alezaadsr
Monody David Wald Thomas
[line Ooerp _nd 2
Wilson James
Lessee 344•s
A. F. 'SICKLE P..toater.
Stratford, April aed. 1849.
J! the S*Meribev has as bead a e.mher s(
FILL ARMS, •e dose the yo.t
ems p 11191. by pereswilli W Iepat.J. if
they es sec rag aid abs Adak* swop en w
before the rest day .f Mrd alts&. be .111 M
seder the n.smiy .f Sento[ them is pay Fs -
f. Ma( STOW, Ow %
Cedstw►, 'eh. 11, 1149.
VQlker Counter
Welsh John
Walsh Richard
William Hugh 2
Wan Michael
Wick Fredrick
Wares Thomas
Wehmae August
Wick August e
Whelan Peter
Winter Henry
Widmer. Hoary
Webher Jacob 4
White Robert
Wares Jaynes
Watson Jobs
Wrill Patrick
Whits George
Wane W
Wicker Gott ib
Ward Thomas
BENJ. PAR/30118u
fodarich, Jas. 211, 11148.
or userea A.e sITaaTasatx• altawr-xnet�
Edited by R Cosenza, Isobar of Cyclt►
is of Ea list Lateness*: Ai+b papalIlastrati.. l;agirari.p. Pow- `111 emim pe
No. -
happy t. Rousse" that they ban oowple-
ted arrangemeas with Messrs. Chambers, at
Edinburgh, for the re-pablicatiou, is gout -
monthly camber, of Caa
The dooige of the Muccurev is to sepply'
the i.creesing dental for useful, issuestivo,aad
eatertai.ios reading, and to bring all the aids of
literature us bear es rho celtivatIw of the feel-
ings of the people -to impress correct views os
important moral end social gwsuens-suppress
every species of "Milo sad anragery-sheer the
lagging and despoadiog, by the relation of taies
drawn Iron the imaginations of popular write:,
-rouse the fancy by descriptions of interesting
renege stele. ---gel, a zest ie ovary -dry oeeape-
une by ballad .ud lyrical peotq-is short, to
famish sa eaobtrasive friend tad guide, a fluty
fresid..ompanwo, as fu as that obieet cases
attained through the iostnmeatatity of books.
Thr .cks.wldged merits of the
Crcto►iwa os E.otma Ltvsuvea.. N the
same author, co..ected with its rapid sale, and
the en►ssnted nmoendatios bowed by the
press, gin the publisher. full ooafddesse is the
real value and enure "access cf the present
The pablieatin ►a. already .ommeseed, and
will 4..sstissed semi-monthly. Each umber
will lora a eempteto work, sad every third som-
ber win be furnished withtitle page awl tabto
of sestets, thee fermi.[ a besstifally Marva -
ted Toloma of over 400 pages of useful ase
ent.rtaini.g readies, adapted to every class el
readers. The whole to be completed in Taint,
.n.aess, forming Ten elegant Volsmsa
Tran the N. Y. Commercial Advertises.
We ore glad t6 sae ea Ameriesll eine( this
peblintiw, a.4 esperiatly is sir seat sed rases -
meat a levet. it is as admirable eempileties.
duuog.isbed by the goad taste whish hes been
labors in all the publicatiose d th. Mews.
Cambria. It ammo the Meld rod the ester -
'siert. W. bop, it. .iresfaties hem will be
are .8.s a sapplant, to a ped "nosey the
Manby -p7 and immoral works which hare
M loss horn UM widely circulated
IT This work as be win W mail tem, pert
Mao mieetry. A direet r.aitaueso u the
V1Mltbsv11el Ilia Dollen will pay ter the entire
work. This liberal 1ia.e.*s for et/vanes pay
will .early neer the emit of purge ea the
work. Them wi.M.g foe se w more sands
.amb.n qa resit them aesordiagl .
Bookseller' tad Apats *applied ea the most
hint terms.
P.btiabero, Besse.
THE Go4..4 .sbd Harperhy, i& this Dia.
lriet, eider the tame of Thomas Gimoer
St Co., is this day dissolved by mould tree -
sea. All these iodated to the ail=
will pay their ►adpeetive be asa dr
to Robert Medieval, ad all tigae to
whom they etre ked.MeL «ai1lM �sM�ylttgwL
seas wls!BMi16ise�
0eduiab. Here. District
Farve f IM, 1143.
tt •-8
Ilje 4uran Signal,
w r.tsv.n ase vwscra>m rrvtaT 1111Di+
envie nes Pso►IQve14
Or WOOS steam-IQDaae, 50etsew.
• • Beek ad Id Priatias, eeueasd wick
sateen ma &.p.teb.
Tains s vea Homo .grw.L.-TEN SAiL-
LiNOS per ammo If pard .tri.ty so
or Twsz.vs an Bu Paw with the sseisaise
of the year.
No paper d'nso.t tteag errww as
tenN M sew the Mlle it les
vp=dei hr gm i ti twaaiu =t\
peeped,▪ UT Al haters tiemplled M lie 1811iw ttarU�i
peer albs
--ads* 1+t
SUM or asveretam►
Bix f�•«� mad .dmf, fill auwabees.... S * 1
ittA at seowithrie Ma,.'1' 1:t.. B"1 re
'[flair kik ad emir. Mgt hyg„ptisq.... 1 94
Own eta i am the
e(veniet M the pelma