The Goderich Star, 1906-12-28, Page 3STEEL CORP UlNs, rittisill In Small Apa House In flutfalos* A davgiedgia teem 1111400. N. Y... WO: 6161fr *NA looSawallilitAtit oat Imo pec - 14* we* Walla lomat lai emelt lee Ist the Deteellia itoperteseata hone* ea Proromet Arenas, ta the or at Visat anti Stoat, ea Wedateedey Other aseepirde of the pleat Itednerrow taleepea. halt AI 4010/1/ telefAat EVIIMIL • The 4:b104 erty.-4. M. Larebreoht, 40 • Elorevad Avenue; UM Litribreeht; Au% cools*thret yam ole, ditugh. 1er of 14rs. C. Crurdiek and Mee. I. Fishee, of New York. ,tue Tti,etblitnit4OWrr IlindwindinghaUWa3L IR VI* eie viettros ectattaeo by the tb• atiiider tirs sow* tam tit ifia = bei et UM Drowse, aid ossatstutisiat. here ersegOat tre Way yea manompealed ebefee he liseasr; mat. otrtfte_ must les 110114041 We4e4 /a No *WiAk seettsig pareliate behOee Prise. SW, u".----tew Some 111.114 sack, WS thele• Way wed -ektheartk.4,19 Ji Mr. Cid M. Isilatireekt et** TINIAN P.itstr 4 Ike. *wettish, *no oeougaed apertmeate Cidor. UN co, the Odra or. „They, with *aurae, Neridereon, Ida Sehteribecher. end Unt. Crantlistes 004,,,,, .Itagt he -hr. were the only other tonoperiter 0,1 Ille tlit' nese real 'skin te* ire oloram. Mrs. Crumlish bad Ione to s, &us iltor• to .0409 laid dtCtoe tar ibe bby. IL U ipo$id that the lAtenbreehla, It la; *wog that Gm fire W0111(110 be: me' .ilk "3 one, .44143red . Wing the- atelt NO Inn lit 1' into the Old air Inall It WO lee lets, genet and ellottheat Were telfeeeerne be IIMOM end The %RIM, wee hite Wet dimmed pr. $44 the tight, ea.:tepee byeitiMping trent leer `I bedroom wittdOw to the roof ot an ad, 441 'tailing hallaft. . • '44 111111r* *YVON& tise Veent'4014 - THE WORWS %RUTS .0110 tams 4,418.m. cal 14 MARKETS, t Dee 161 *Genteapelte, Dee. 24.-..Wheo =her 7allo; May., BR 00X01 exoneez. SW No.1. Northern, 79efo; Neel North. 14 4 ern, 7720; nteell Spr3 nifeleet47eee flonr con., araln, e-,Viest Sterne, asia. to $3.40: legend, Patents,. 4435 'to --$t.S4 drst cleans, 11345 te $4.35; eeeend cleato. P.tet to 32.60. %Any -418.5 in *V, lklilwanicee, Dec. 24,-AVIteot...No, , 'Northern, 81 to Stketeelelle."2 Nerihern, - to 1'Mo' 1day, 1*X0 blito 11Yee"Ne, Yee 0.1000, 1111 PINM111111111011 NM 0111110111BIL .000,0 CANADIAN DIMACNIATION. The Allataber lb* abysm, *Asia WigIrTietelir"hlweet, 111Peettgale. 1 NDEK Will0400. Pomo M LAM MAUL Omar*, lasalt lOweag-*0 14410 hake, wee ea Wok matey peat 10 4 A deepaish iota Mow espy Never earrytag SWIM la like vowels at lag Vas sews Inet Woad. A rough ea - paws plow it at 1111,00,11011 for eord, lea Mt, WO lad MOOS The MOM tho vossois ewe verbal* the Ivo* the lastury sit the Pike*. tAreful Tehisgeolik BA* tallao fietratelee CANADA. _ t:f-'7---------4--, • e 0000 t Famine Pollowis Totl of Crops. r I laillAlre411 %WC Meat 3$0. Mee 4"W' 14$14 til° """: Attiota 140411041 110.1 iirPteal steamers. show * net pro 011 een. el. IM LkS COX la 19011„ 1.10,000, In the ead ot Ittor sena snipe of 13 ner OR Weetese0 TO *UMW Ulteibittele *MAO eeeeee"."'"""*"'"""""'" DOTY thet HOPSIte4 rbk"elelle191; thesl*PleiVillitt3h*ictele4:114.angeittSt h‘ret CeVoe6rne$34446teee 0044 to ow 04:04,40,0et ottoterktiteettetiosoWoleeoribblifielertermell% uteuelleirveziwaY WitSsisofertelemosit 304er Vett, leith an eXeritge elteaerre ter weleepeeeeten Ime le woe. th t pow strocuiat be ileiele you. txrns roaAR00. - lenn vra fier the season was 10,613.5611 ea the, exotica or Ilea* roduchep. yosst, 0 Antong etul rung ToWnshipa Dots. Vie 1414441 It SA Mr. EthiQd r W" 14r°1144 °St tb4 01411 P" "nt' on Moir itulltoco s'O' Twentydivo soldiers hata bon Wont to . sint" 4 tii4dh'144$444 httil' 1;44 keketel Hfin 110nOkaieat. taintUtUen "nineteen feir Culdiatillie Sas nation. Tile effete(' et thee greet 'prove« viekoo, from zo Quo** goo. ltrat ,theoterio et *uttering ont win uweeet tee yeeleee sem eye PON sen infeeler Wheel inepterliesi intet +ty wee the demand eX dm country tor eon, to Wet MOO. Itt* crop* 401 rePtirted al outlet/0 which Nee ibevee ,1 ____,111._ li 1 11.1.Ve been Peeilinfle '190. Orfila irettt Delittil Meeen In * woe Ina 00latitree tertryWhere Is under Water bud stui 11* OHO *Wets e4lOttl- I, flewl tent litinetter ot. AericUlturie bee larger 'volume /thou Vier Wore. "there no, ve ev. i.oeue. %goer el ihs end, the peopto ere ortoeeneo. te weeee Nee wen eeeereyeee ny en, ogee, ftWettliolhe reensitikiii end 13rittah Gov- were etepped nein the need 91 Ligt_ett eeeehee tegistetlye Connell, IS dead. ‘ otton vadat AO* WI tet ACM* eeeetti eli ' Ate Ikeie41e410.4a le Me* $0P e lerrinients, tea the subleet est the, rennneill filMeelee ille_e00,egnebnehe1e'eefeee4e9e1Pireg Tha Province has spent IRMA* t*,.._tbalr,1140s, eta. MFICIDM P10001, WOO %IOW 91u$ IM AVM airtaiittw Pliotte* i° x''''"4 roads tit Iterthern Ontario this year. -• toltgotialrlt yea ft Mix pouitlry 1150. iron and The inaNemein Or 14ugaton ceder* oint vote on. litn. 11,1-1*11 *woo. it. Intel fallnrii nit Tan. 'et wader alvl 4414 only ho ' tam% art uwruse eAstes(43 We* Dcbett 11116) been likeerperalcil 4* tha CrOPS. PCiteticiiitY ere Antill, Fa/Itlfer. dostindion, itot ttk, kci the embargo on Clano41411 Oat le. Itho governosout any Moon ,anticipatia ;the rinaleVel et thiS *entire° et 103. eirlY SWINOMit eektIgfre deter to lelltele Mr:-Fietor ropiled: "It it* Ws jotti ot E*,100 iao 'parcels or Tenet eray a H.P. Tvototottutgot thole Rillanty, In additiOn ' Tker cant.Aink the. VMS rad, Prble 4 it net Mc$04. fattr/ allele enter, hereisteel, 1"01`91110tatid, Itlr, T. . Deamorit,' Ottawa,. the 00i4,-4.e.agAlt 4440 ttY,W104911 itt were reeetv 'net catilOt with the forma nt:lhe tendera tee seleaelY t teeth idtlieelelVeifthletteeeltere teneteeen te 114 eXtedient tie express 411 opinion Boo giegup °pewee le ecit en, at proton .*" We on tinit. tlitldF41(AND 1‘.%44441r* A (*natal Srellt Gait Orli; A 04Iti ftekerielt Berdelt thats Weelelt's NMI)! Petet0e Ine P°11° 41/ the runotints ettileilded by kb* Dominion led to AK Week of * men Ettly.ono manna* unintclinditica Voted ler tlko GovernmenVs telephotos scheme Ittut 4041111.1serte *Oust it.. Cbeptlet greeery and ClientandY Itr4s, do Olds itiWea North Der, were harried. The loss. $11tithei t tit eht he *delved 's delegate I, Otenti g COletital Ceilferenete ;open le befeellittle Iinetatients itt. is toll troll! nata"ril delay 41: 10,1011 nte lenteierfile el I se. Winesee'1119401 Seheel Metier le reeerel in the recent 010,011111diene eVere One vz4lite'41,41`,Zialedelt'eele.,NlieZ; ieti;,3" in,..e.onneenen With -010,-.Mitherr Mul ne, who bee•ocutaased lo being e passer ot r100004trtiP, "4*. 4144114 (1°t.4444,.. eavekuneili.e1. , vat stallons fli,heittift ehati, neat and Is tu be 'The tatiediell' NOtlhern HOMO" W.'S Th.0, ttnh mot bill Nosed id 'wrtlx,terp241140039,:,*' 01491.itilloktreolnrecrititivnetr.t. :trot liar, ltuerwtaktakeukkdirtoutiosit. usrlit:saut,; fro. pinlowsaatetrootiotraloto,rinsel,,v,edrtaxvoitiro, uppee tge eteeley ATRIATIVe1= aP'clottaiPN11. ,rgogr Itutzko'04:4,10,4) PA14,4-4•414tAtereclrot,9.5110P44 T.oronte, to Windsor. TO,t01110,.. feLei-Flptir Atita09, A • 4r4t, to,o. e .to ,40001.1x00:,11.x.,:int ‘ximertated eket i. Fee' eeete'PeteWee ete .atuotog Aapar40, 48 •in 04r40.-..,Cara44!+19. aiithe*.-.0001'-lhe-Gteeetehlelle vas, whea! 90 'hi buyevs!Aatica.ettitetda:,...t":0" 'casti.,-.0...t4-43X4Igaril.40404,' • ' ..offered. nw1h `010000. ala Pkoolt, 01. ,e1ieete '1119tettObe Ilekt 118011W44,?'Ifeeee ' - Eitheee; 0-oh-141intantnnall#5-1*-Toritm it 40' paterntti and" ;4triMg.; '-aaget, I.Narlhaftl;!.a0_0140,k 2 liatlh 000, w000kgeepto,,,, .Tho"- Government 4404 Teeeinef, , 7$1404eaanlbat, 7linni May, sosc.t._ held' Avauld not.„,holilangek In ldainthha.rial40.- deelating4r9teethe -advertiaed teepee', 1 ,:=•inale• fieeeeeltilts' ports; •No -el• Neentere ..", • . , `•','44.0 404-404. t sotwetivoMp. •••• Otptie (*tattle-. • eeel.at. •Ciattle Market eit patine 'Feten,ed.Acentoeilleet n Wu Tent.; Wirie• 604$ %AU- to, StrAt taws, $31,5 Au. Idarbilt.:ouroAy cleared' StittlFdaY .3-Antericall'..Yegemtv OrnAl OA:A*0. wittwrozt. low Olimots1P% ))'ittrla;.'1,*.:03:4;140trir 4k4t:. 444017:*,14;! SIJU 101 ut,thQut41,011 § -'uillterkert" )11' 6 : itrJv."1404°°'.111"T.tMni ta. at110'-*W1' '.°° IPA wail, $3,50 let $3.1 . night at 'here David. WOO loan efflee ioxiifliai at sagn'y la hP • .Voneinn, 1110 Ctty tt,-41100' *as' very ta.40- Osnactlanspknint4een repetrileted) etteeltlei she could spare. 4$ he '40 daily between Cebourg end Chen, , F91t WASHINGTON. BCL'=1"OsePe= getseAeleiii. net DPW einetelti90,, asleed, Veil Whether ahe had any Tho.Cicenil Trtifth terrY Will realm teeti" rofpsoiat.,,c' o-ttto,„.4' otot $4.0 10 to (A.90; dqoptgotV.torg 00 -' A witit ',,oft-Oro(t.,,e4tlae anisidaft, ,mdeher cattle, $440 ko at 104 Adeletde elevate east, where two .inhat tidox, `‘'Plihriettge, offered' 'et„ 406; choice, 44,35 to, $‘451 tnedturn, 111011„ t34118 AAP the deet's ee4 ex" etteee=eeitte`t/5(0)14 080 'en $4 10 le:23; eemolen, $3 to e3.50; Intl% its, threw atone scoria block through . o„ 1 24 le tha Plate, glees window and hiterunplicid -Kee. neneer'Keeeltelt Inetrucilletteia goenurege eueeteevenejeen, Imo en tee- eeeeeense Mrs. Mice Mei was acquitted ot the $11r," •04vtrulnellt. °Ore* 11 He WtH Thentetinfelliteeintillifirtnell, agents; ,ore. wanted to .1111,0inue out, Mrs, Heel See leHe" the, tepatritttiell ,ot our 'Oarrk• petinle, e sfefieedethe :glee!. ot ponce. who pieeee Charge of thild InUrde at tlie /MOW bil /Mental/le, ' .11.4130ALIZietION. LW, d ' Irters It ttraltintOte On Friday. A deefetels front WaShington 'loyal . , . " . , • 401,. he ptu/ler; in matting the the Man ender erree tc • the Men 94aS, taxed with being the pint? who bed worked the bogus ahemte genie in Guelph. At first Ike vigorously de, VA Oita_ chigoe_ threatening reprisals, but floelly evealtened and adenitted whele thileg, lie Saki he Waft the son pit a.tarrner named Horace 13rown,,Itv. Mg fleet, Cattleville, a *bort dislence .from Brantford.' He would make no hugher statement as to how long he had been operating. • stecorid reading of be bill to anienit the Naturellaation It WO designA ,ed 'Alepenatt'ntii the three Yore ee' gelenee 1110, 000 44.allell wh0,had teen nenire taen aohle other portion 01' the amillre,1 Oenling (he Demlinon. A1. the present WOO 1.0 Mtlaralltation leeve 1n• Attreeent' eerilene et the'Eneplre, did not anything marc Mare than civil Tights irk the Onlottrir in WW1, the Man batik out his -Papers., -Ali that would me nOessary alter' Oka' adoptam of this - ortheeneetteered al 810 Paint _Edward, steekets • and Feederse,Cheiee, $3 to to inalte.ofreelth the. thonsande ot dol. ith;Ilo o ki,:: n' de $3.40- eorneenn, 62,7S to $3; bulls, Short- eels' worth of preclinee stones on exee, Belle ., 2i.Weeted at Ma 01.11,44e. 1\ '-i.s eition km eChriettnas• eale. Two large . !o. 3. -ofteesede'eate 60,0" outside, rays el -diamonds. worth ti000. besides ettleeed:le ,i,_, e. - s r= ' watches; etteeeperestete _the windeve, but Petteee190.:4 grieved: at Mc butstde, the ,burattronirldr'eejew article$ of wit:here "gebide = .=, = e= ittesitie, 3ohn Meitieen'eses9POesed be • one of the theleves, waieellased toeand at '36c on or nearly two miles and captuted While White eiffered -at We an • ; tete, %Me 353e.sineeee, (Inc car hiding irel,a banding at the corner 'dt Tcw110,4t.--1.413, 2 offered at 55c Out- such a eensational chase atter burglars, Charles `tend Jarvis streets. He was armed ahd had part of the stolen pro- perty me him. Not In iltteen years has there been such a daring robbery or e-tege en main line. *leato elms ..t at 36e43anuary shipment, Idle Id. s, No. 2 mieed Uttered at 353eo .5p rate to Torento, with 35Xc bid, nifteiellt bele. • eel) Mdch CoWse=Chaice $40 to $50; come moo, $25 to $35e springers, e25 to 240. Calves -Quotations ere Men at lc to oc per pound. . Sheep and Laml3s-Export ewes. $4.- 50 to $4.83; bucks and -cults, $3 to Jae% lambs, $3.50 to $6.25. Hags -86.15e per mete tee choice fee, leethettul 4.90 for lithis and fats, ted and walered..‘ Act Weeliet be for man who had been naturaliZed In Atelfealle or New Zealand and settling In Canada, to go before a 'lei Ole his papers, and take the oath Ott lieglanee. THE LARGEST DEMME YET. •111,•••• fUlb, a score of pollee officers and citl- sene, assisting to run the doWn. '0011TRY PAOtiuc.E. iartrnent Inc the prompt. action that The greetest credit is dite.the pollee de- • 1)14410ord-,(62; 'chorea Winter stock, eneyegnt about the arrest and the recov. i lete$3=:e0 per bbl. - Ory of most of the stolen jewellery. Tbe ratteeellstnitpleicen selling at $110 to 'robbery was carefully' planned, the ap- . - . pliances need for inaldeg the doors sei eneyeeSteleined gliotee in, 10 to 12c ems execitly fitting lace -theirs Place- ee endspriines at $,L35e , le.,..end.%deeatee at SZ eoe$2.50 per Ireeesee e, , et , e .. , , ens--Tlitinlinitet, te eteedy with neW HOWES SAVED PA.SSENGER1. lett et la to Ut, .• Receipts of the Province This Tear Reach Ili& Point. A des.patch from Toronto says; Hon. Mr, Matheson, the Proidecial Treasurer, Is a happy man because he foresees that °Marie will weather thestorms,-01- the financial year of 1906 with ease. "We shall make both ends meet," he 'has said. "The revenue be th,e largest hi 'the history -of the province," he added smillegly, as he spoke of tae eubject oft Wednesday. At the same time the ex- pendittuo will be larger, yet the.Trea- surer appears to expect to have a. com- fortable balance. Last year the revenue reached $6,016,000, while the expendie ture was $5,396,000. Asked whether the receipts Inc 1900 would be as much as • 140614 ANDAIUSERCULOSIS. Carcitees Exported to.BrItain From U.S. Not namined to Standard. A t'deseatett teen* London seys The president, of the Loma Government Board, Mr. Burns, replying to a ques- tion in the House of Commons on Wed- nesday. sald he woe' aware that the car- cases ofepigs intended for export !root the United ,States were not dealt with according to -the standard recommended by the Royal Oemenisslon Tubercula - ties of UN, but, pending the report of the tioyal Commiesion, which was now sitting, nee dld not think that carcases could he examined ,in accordance with these requirements. GLANDERS IN WINNIPEG. First Outbreak In Two Years, -Twenty Ilorses Shot. • -,esla. 1 tintothy scarce and t- Meonificent Exhibition of Devotion 1- A despatch from Hanoi says: The otatoes;-Ontarto, 05 to 70c per bag, new steamer Stre.thcona, owned in Hay trookt-ond Nev Drunswich 70 to 75c, of Nova Scotia, twit fire on Staurde fax and runnieg. on the eastern she night as she was entering Port Duffer in, and was totally destroyed, with the cargo, The passengers, who 'lumbered 30, and the crew, were saved. The iStratlicona left Halifax at noon on Sat- surday for Guysbero. and intermediate ports. About 8.30 o'clock, inside of Beaver Light, fire was discovered. It appeared to be under the saloon. The tames spread rapldle through the ship. Forty boxes of dynamite were thrown overboard. Capt. Reid, who was in 'command, ordered full speed ahead, and had all the boats gotten ready. The en- gineers remained In the engine -room until the Ilre drove them out The man ut the wheel stood at his post until the wheel ropes were burned oft and he was nearly enveloped in flames. Had it pot been for this faithfulness to duty all might, have perished. Capt. 'Reid sue" ceeded in beaching the steamer at Sun- ley's Point, but there was not'a, moment to spare, Although the passengers were almost panic-stricken, rendering it the more difficult foe the captain's orders to -be obeyeel,, an hands were got ashore. The passengers and crew lost every - 'thing, many. of them reaching shore only halt clad. Amend the passengers were five ladies. Capt. Reid himself was the last to leave the ship. roted at $340. tranee-$6.50eto $7 per ton. Duty on Burning Steatner. , quo at $100 to $12 on track here; No. ..eilogre:-T,Orkeys, fresh killed, 11 to $7,000,000, Mr, Matheson -wou t bag., _.• • V; onickerie, dressed, 8 he ge; alive, too sanguine, but the indications are a 7e per nig fowl, alive..4 to 5c; ducks, that they will not fall far short ot that eel, 9 tiel0c; do., alive, 6 to 8e per sum. The province has received an in- ; geese, 7 to 9c Per*. come _ of $1,000,000 from succession duties alone. There will be receipts from DAInet MARKETS. SetteterePottrat rolls Are emoted at 22 1234;hibe, 19:tete 210; large rolls, 20 to 4.4•••artkitery prints sell= at 25 to ece, cl,Ssolida _at 233 10 290. geeeeStOrage, 23 to 24c- per dozen, d limed, gee; new laid, nominal at 'eleiseeteetrge = cheese, 12eee, and er•••••••di 'HOG PtIODIJCIE. Meted hogs In ear lots are unchang- , • Darlitt.i long clear, ng, to 11eec per in ease tolS; Mesa pork,. 21 to $21.50; tiet-ectit, $23. 3a1oo,--Idg1tt. to meditiie.'15 to 15%e; IA to UM; rolls, 12c; shout - :es, • 11 .to 11Xc; backs. 16 to 16yee; ealtfase bacOn, 153 to 16c. Lard. -,-Tierces, 12c; tubs, 12Xe; Phsliee the taxation of railways. The incom the Provincial Serretary's Department is larger than ever before owing to the in- creased commercial attivity on the one hand, and.to the augmentation of fees for licenses, such as to sell liquor, on the other. Finally the exchequer will be further filled by ten per cent. of the pur- chase price of Cobalt and Kerr Lakes, which must be paid at once by the pur- chasers of those valuable mining rights. ip counterbalance these there has, been eisiderable expenditure on the Wiper - ,1 projects inaugurated by the govern - tut during the last session of the Legislature, Deer Carried by the Canadian Expreae, Tee Bei tee. Government has ertqUired Co. (hiring the present hunting eeason et tee Slate Depertillent It bine Uryee, nUrgibeeed 0,100. Chief Seeretery tor Ireland, In the Gov - William A. Mctlonald, a wealthyeartin °element et Landen. Would be aecep- tree( Calgary diatrlot, tormerly• ot Chate table to the United, State* as the Ktqlfs horn, waS found drOwneg at Vaneollvere Antbasaador to sueceed Sir Mortideer Mr. G. M. Murray has been appointed Durand, who ts to retire froM active General Secretary' of the Canadian Wenn gervice soot). The appeintnient of Mr. tacturers' AseociatIon, succeeding Mr. Bryce, it Is learned, would be perfectly I. F. M. Stewart. Valises -010;T to this ' GovernMent, et - The Minister of Rallweys is about to though the State Department has made invite tenders tor motor ters for the Ito no format reply to the Foreign °Moe In tercolonial Railway. ' London. It ti exeected he will come In I Temiskamtng Beltway to connect with to Anierica to take up Ma new 'Weston tote In February oe early In March. Sir The Government la to extend the the Grend Trunk Peelle:1. Mortlitter Durend will leeve Washing - Commission Coomte ot the Salvation ton shinely after Christulas. Army says eight ateamers have been 0......"•••• ........ chartered to bring 25,000 people hi STANIP DISTRIBUTING CENTRES. Canada. Custom House employees in Toronto A despatch from Winnipeg says: The first outbreak of glanders to occur in Winnipeg' in two years was deleted Iwo days ago, and on Thursday 20 horses afflicted were shot' at the city nuisance ground. Local veterinary sur- geon* detected the disease, rind the horses were slaughtered under their direction. James Lightfoot's board and stale stables, on Bannatyne Avenue, lost nine, while Slattes stables, on North Main Street, lost ten. The odd horse be- longed to' a teal express company. It supposed that the disease was first contracted in the bush and brought to the city by animals brought In frotu the camps. nip French Government has ordered proseoutions for hOlding religious ser- vices discontinued Mr the present. DOUBLED FREIGHT TRAFFIC MINT CAST BALLOT On LOSE MGM. Compulsory Voting Part of the Election Reform RIO. A despatch from Ottawa says: The bill amending the election law has not yet been finally passed upon by the Cabi- net, but it is understood that compulsory voting will be one pi the features of the legislation which will be submttled to Parliament shortly after it reassembles. Any qualified voter who negleas, without geed excuse, to exercise the tranepise at a Parliamentary election shall be disqualified from voting for six years thereafter. Legislation in thig direction has been rettommended by two special commit- tees of the Cause In recent years. The Government measure will impose several penalties for ateyone Under this disquall; fletion Who attempts to vote. No one wilt lose his rights, however, who has been prevented from voting through !fi- nesse or Lny other good and sufficient reasen, and in such cases an application to Me local Judge win save onyone from the penalty that hts non-attendance at the polls would otherWise incur. keturns at , Fort NV BUSINESS AT MONTREAL. Montreal, Dec, 24.--Gra1n-There is no Mtge in The local market, Inc Oats; les of ,car totsof -No. 2 white were Ade tit 4$gc; NO. 3 at ellecc, and No. itt 4fleee per beettel ex stere. There 11 net new develepthents in „the local ntr eittlationk 1\140110W, Spring and 'interwheat patents, •$.4.io to $4,25; hod. ,21.00; strong liehero., $4.10; •Itlelkt rollers, $3.01 to $.3.75; doe in gee:$1.9-eetti $1.74 eXtile $1.e0 to 81.- F€ed_MehiitOba liege, in hags, $21; ES per. tom Ontexio brae. in es, $111 to $21,50sheriii, $200 to ,8251 lId M6111114 312• lo 25. per tont ond tight; grain. $23 10 $30. PrOviSkinses- .rrelS4atort: out caess, $24-.60 to 'VA lf 51e.25 to ail./O; Clear tot cks, 323.50; lohg. ea heavy wog, belt bine. dee $10,75: dry salt long Or bacon; itig to tleee;ehareele plate et, BIZ to $13; halt Wee* 40,4 $0.50 Itt„tarreTs iteavY Mess be, et,,,,1111; hag ibbis. $0.; ,,to 3o: tours lent 13 td 134 kelite tettaereas 1334' to ilethatria,' 13 to ItMe; breakfast ba - :on, ' tk 16' 10c; Windsor broti 13 to 16e; treSit ehaltoir ,drissett hogs, a9°10 59.2; elivof,16.50:tei 5616, Eggs- 'keleCia'i 23. to 164 Ne. -1 tandlecr,::212 ta Chee46-00tober ifialle Ontario, to 11.10; NoVember Moan. a to ig)ItePtlite6litt'l;t4 attogi't 1,6x COATS. The pohlem 41 Mt 44111100 coat tor thing a year is 4.4ellitieratItieter easY One thla 4eetioh. the girl who niUs, dreSS next to Vie- InTanit,ashlourede, fitionWtstintifot 4.414410;t‘tveheitelitiv 3, ,44 01 A reqUire 40 little Ottilig IMO sittlie Oft :n4ctelYobet afilti:41=eart ohr°14:Z111014.10107N.vahlde ' ot 4 good WWII, either Wittillit, WOW, makes her own eletlieS. TnetfY Mid elei ver !lagers can Week weildeee In, OM wcstal;aw:: toretnilcieP:Pae:1):5Ctrveitn;14Ittehl:11:1;ti";":0,„71;:i coots. - • ..e..., t. ono young wontan,' 'WhO Otteentle tergeo. ly on her wits for her good ,eptwileil ,liori has lust made a atelliltig threeeellaelee canton flannel, lined with an Old white elehltlisczoorutt4 uonftLetinricillul:havidiethieil tvreitl. ling collar of tea* lynx trOM e Wont* 'out fur -lined circular. . . (Inc of these circulers., by the wolf, lias atogodsend,1 vwehile.n eateowtheettld, tontigr"wykrit,,x4P41, ....... it lining for some pretty Miter Severielis -say, one ot the hangelltles ' POP 49 popular, or an ittoepentaint pottipadour ' silk -and finish wtth the tur Vane ' A very inexpensive tamer oat naty be made of the soft furnitere felt to tee found in upholetery shops. It comes 1.1 lovely shades Of blue, tint, veil, gray end pink. This materiel Is ow worm and thIce no lining Is necessitry..theeith, if a cheap white illk Is uefie, It la, Iodine ally, much handsomer. An old Paisley shaWl, with a colored border, can be turned trete te •ve,rY Ur, Usk cloak, on the enter of the dolmen- , shaped weep shown to-dayr Ilse lite border to edge the fronts. 404 the flow. —. Ing sleeves; or, if there lit ellOnght, NM It into it pointed eape Miler. Or it can I finished with the chenille hinge seen an much this anion. Feelett with pos. sementerie ornatnents. lucky Is the girl who Ones One of tint big lace shawls, bleak or white, Alen Maine, identified with the Berlin • . as are handed down In Many a WO,. Y Paper Company, -have purchesed the that has seen bettere qr. et'llellt: Wier, i gyeakey syndicate ct timber limits at La days. A. fascinating Avoni,:svas,--made- n ue for a querter alt. million dollars, srveheeitnollytafolotaa.bloock late,ilitnc ni nes,91plitted with '' caught in a }aunty 0.41044110 the entire cape w,tui edged:Vitt) ti doter ruffle of white and black Chiffon, e black on the outsIde. Then the girl who een afford to pay , a little more for her materials -which she eau easily manage, it she Ls her own dressmaker -can copy aome of the moat costly evening coats seen in the stores. Chinon Velvet and bengaline silk aro both more _popular for evening coets nee winter ihan broadcloth, and very little more expensive. A charming combination, modeled on the dalnly coat of the central figure, Is of red bengaline, lined with white and finished with a facing of black lynx over o deep -pointed collar of the bedgaline, with black silk tassels and buckles. It Is wiser for the g:rl who must use cheap materiale to confine herself to capes, as the quelity 01 (110 material is less notic,eable than in a coat. The tat - lel, moreover, requires skillful cutting and pressing to look well. Fortunately for her, the vogue for capes Is steadily cm the Increase. The cheap Pompadour silks are speci- ally lovely for such it wrap, while many, Inexpensive Japanese silks can be recit- t.. up tor the new kimono -shaped cloaks whieh are frequently seen the, winter. It must be confessed this latter style lees more of novelty than becomingness or real attractiveness to recommend IL In choosing an evening coat Ihts wie- ter be sure to select one of the pale pastel shades -orchid, mauve and et faint tone of violet and pink are especi- ally good. These lIghe shades are more in favor than thee slewhite coat. An oyster -white broadcloth, brightened with touches of saffron velvet Is, how- ever, really lovely. object of securing it) higher scale of pay, Ilave Been Established at Winnipeg, have formed an organization with the Hon. G. W. Stephens, Messrs. C. C. Calgary and Vancouver. Ballantyno and L. E. Geoffrion have A despatch from Ottawa says: A new been appointed Harbor Commisstones doescaertiptire has been made by the Post- e( Montre0 velment whloh will be wet - Winnipeg, hos, been purchased by Jo- owned by pastma.eters In the west. septi 13ernhardt for $125,000 for hotel purposes. Heretofore these postmasters were com- pelled to send to Ottawa when they de - Hired to rephnIsh their stocks of stamps, The JohliKLesite ellook on Main Street, The transcontinental Railway corn. !nit owing, to the repel growth in the mission are negotiating for the purchase demand for Stemps It lali4 been decided of a tract of land about tWo miles long to establish distributing centres tn the at Winnipeg tor shops and yards. west. These wit be at Winnipeg, Cal - Shortage In weight of Canadian cheese gory and Voneouver. The new system exported to Britain Is complained of by WIII go into effect on the now year. .•-_-.4....---..... SintrN.laPn.ohBe.stMeraDnamara, Canadian agent BIG TIMBER DEAL IN QUEBEC. Chicago capitalists have purchased the corner POrtage Avenue and Mein Street American Syndicate Purchases Bradley Canada Permanent Block in Winnieog, for a quarter of a million' dollars. Limits at LLA TuQUo, Canada's exports to Great Britain for A despotelt front Quebec says: Thurs. the flve months ending August 31 day afternuon one of the largest deals in totalled $55,653,099, as eguinst 941,153,- industrial pursuits was completed. A 071 Ihe previous year and $43,403,420 in ndicate if gentlemen from Portland, 1904. Mioister of Agriculture Talton of art. Usti- Columbia has arranged for sante thousands of Salvation, Arose inunt. grants to Increase the labor supply next year. Caneda's Imports from Great Britain for lite five months ending August 31 amounted lo 932,754,296, as against $27,847.e90 for the year previous and $25,934,295 for 1904. Our imports from the United State* for the five months ending August 3I9t totalled $83,420,899, an increase of 813,- 323,606 over the previous year. 'Our ex - poets to Itie States for the same period totalled $47,036,371. The imports Into Canada from the West Indies for the five months ending August :11 amounted to $3,106,646, a gain of 8336.922 as compared with 1905 and ot $675,143 in 1904. Exports to the West indies-tnialled $1,0764)68, showing gains of $187.274 and $178,814 when con- trasted with the„ some period of two years hnmediutely preceding. — iiiiam Show an Immense Increase. tan from Fort William, Ont., . ng the season of navigation just .436 vessels arrived and 854 departed- at the port of Fort, William. k trifle more than 2,000,000 tons ot freight of all kinds was received during the season„ and about 2,135,000 tons for- warded. six hundred and seventy-two vessels arrived last year. For the last time, 1,200 truck handlers andscheckers, employed since last Fell at the Canadian Pacific freight shed ei drew their cheques, thus marking Ole close of the season. There are still engaged -at the freight docks 300 men, most of whom will De „retained during tht Winter. The volume of freight handled M Fort William during the season ex- ceeds by far that of any previous year In the history of this port, and although the officials' statement has not been TOOK dattOLIC ACID. Otath of Patela Lengane.'Foreman In Umber Camp. A desPaeCh from Magnetewan says: Patrick Langahe, foremen en Burton Woe" Comp No. 3, north ot here a few nines, took a dose of carbolic, acid on Wednesday night about 6 o'clock, miss- AMOR 'it litir-etiugh mixture, and died front the aka& in lege Onto tett Wes. The unfortunate matt Waft a geed foreman and hie untimely death is very much regretted. DEAD AT THE THROTTLE. that the tannage received was GO per centgreater than that of 1905. During the last 65 days 280.000 tons of freight and flour were unloaded in fort William, as compared with 191,000 tons tor the corresponding period a year ago. The Increase was confined to rm.:parti- cular commodity, all lines of meithan- clise haying shared in the advance. Of barbed wire that arrived since the open- ing of navigation fully 15,000 tons, or enough to build a two -strand fence around the entire world, is stored here.' Enough -soap was unloaded at the docks &mini; November to keep an average city of 15,000 •inhabitants clean for a year. Four trainloads of farm imple- ments were received. From Oct. 31st to Dec, 1st 163 car- goes, (lye and one -haft cargoes per day, were transferred from vessels to cars. This was exclusive of coal and grain and was by far the greatest number of steamers that ever arrived at the given out, it is comparatively estimated Cantuten Pacific Railway Engineer - Killed In His Cab. A desnateh from Toronto says: John Paul, of 91 Mulock Avenue, Toronto Junction, engineer on C.P.R. engine No. 210, was killed In big cab on Saturday afternoon by striking his head against a sernaphore arm just weSt of the Union Station. . The train waS composed of three coachee bound for Hemillon, and it is euppoeed that when strUek he was leaking to the rear to see if the steam Was escaping from, the exhaust pipe. The unfornMate man's skull was crushed In over the left car. The acci- dent was unnoticed hy the fireman, and the train ran through the city yards at a high rate Of speed. Wben, however, SunnysIde ctossings were passed with- out warning, the fireman `entered the cab and found the engineer dead, with his handson the throttle. The train was stopped at Muslim), where telegraph Messages hate already been received from persons along. the line Who had noticed Patin condition. The autopsy held on SatUrday shoved that death avast have been instantiteeous.. IL 1 011 itla OffieOr Commits Siticid .-Vvhille Insane. , At the 10dr Or dy cm* trtillerY , which South,. 'Nadia relght bheds In a single mon 1. FISET SUCCEEDS PINAULT. A South African Veteran to be Deputy Minister. A despatch from Ottawa says: Col. E. Fiset, D.S.O., has been appointed De- puty Minister of Militia and Defence 40 succeed Col. Pinault. The order -in - Council appointing Col. Fiset Melds po- sition -was passed on Wednesday after- noon. Without doubt the militia f Canada. Will receive the news that an °Omer who has shown his sterling worth upon the battlefields of South Africa on more than one occasion ts to become Deputy Minister with satisfac- tion. Especially In Ottawa is the ap- pointment poptlar. Col. Fiset Is a son of Senator Fleet. He went to South Africa in 1899, on the first contingent, being connected with the Army Medical Service. tie served In the operations tbe Orange Free State, and at the en- gagement of Paardeberg helped to bear off the field on a stretcher Capt. Arnold, Who was wounded. For his distingu- ished bravery on this occasion he wos Mentioned by Lord Roberts in de- - .patches. METINOIJS SAILORS SENTENCED. The Lender of Potemkin() Rebels Gets Four Years. ta.......rar LEAVES FORTENE TO POPE. ‘Sealthy Prelate's Will Gives 81,000,000 to Pewee. A despatch from Rome say;: The death was announced on Tuesday of Mgr. Adaini, one of the most wealthy Hainan prelates. Mgr. Adand made val- uable presents to Pope Leo XIII. and Pius X., his gift to the latter being a gold pectEral cross set with brilliants. By his will the left 81,000,000 to the Pope. NEVE *CM. Collision on the goo HAMM at Ender- lin, North Deena. A despateh from Enderlin, North Da - keit). says: Nine dead and thirlyeeevee iteltired ja the' rest*. Of a wreck on the St., Prat, Minneapolis * Sault Ste. Marie rtalitvay here early on Sunday morning, caused by a licad-oti eollielon. Most of ,thele tieeetteis were in the sniOkidg car, ond only two escaped Injury. The wnistie had Init peitilded cis the teeth approached leedertiri, and tiko pocon. ,gera 'WM nearly Mt standing In the aisles when tlio baggage or crashed tato the stnelMr. Seven were killed out, right end WM hot*. shir40 dii'ul. IlosPi• tam, hotels, and 'prlitalo hottsei twro $011; LORA With the itilutedewlio Seer° irtitettded 1)y tent Ifflyeleillete: A. 'special Italei front Vollo City 'brought phyht, dam, tied tatreeS. 111,1 dead t Charles MOO.. N:11.; 11. L 11411106„*. 14, D,4 Pilot Statterberg, gunabse, N;(1.9, 'Teny, Mons Velva, WANT A BRITISH PRINCE. -- Would Place Prince Arthur al Con- naught on Servlan Throne. A despatch from London says: In connection wifb the recent rumors of a plot to place Prince Arthur of Con- naught on lite Servlan throne, M. Mija- tuvitch, ex-Servian Minister In London, itt * publethed interview, admits that twice within a year delegates from Bel- gi ade have vainly endeavored to inter- est him in the proposal, asserting that King Peter would be induced to abdi- cate peaceably In fever of a British Prince. M. Milatovitch said he declined to have anything to do with such a fan- tastic suggestion, but declares there is a definite political party In I:envie fay - ming a change In the dynasty. mid I,a 'Fuqua water -power and -o properties, involving one milieu) dol- lars, and Will erect the largest pulp and paper mills in Canada al La Tuque. The conipany is capitalized at three million dollars. and will be known as the Que- bee Industrial Company, with Mr. Her - bort J. Brown, ot Portland, Mo., prtsl- dent. CHAMBERLAIN'S MEMORY. The Past Has Become a Complete Blank to Him. A despatch from London says: The long retirement of Joseph Chamberlain, owing to gout and other ailments, has led to constant assertions and contra- dictions concerning (KA gravity of his condition. The Chronicle states that he greatly oVertaxed his etrength at the celebrutions in honor of 1115 seventieth birthday at Birmingham, with the re- sult that he lot his memory coinpletely. The past became a blank to him, and he could not remember what had taken plan even a few hours before, and al- though his other faculties were and aro unimpaired, his memory Is gone. GREAT BRITAIN. The British Admiralty. have decided le fit all new battleships with turbine colones. Negotiations are In progress to have Sir Algernon West succeed lion. bides Bryce as Chief Secretery tor Ireland. The British Parliament tias been pro- rogued unlit February 2tul. The marksmanship uf British gunners has shewn a phenomenal improvement during the present year, It Is rumored al Dublin that, Mr. Bryce's retirement from the British Cab- inet is due to differences with Sir An- thony Mardonnell, A clause hos been added to the extra- dition treaty beloeen Greet Briluiti and the Untied Slates including bribery ornong extraditable offences, Colonel Gerald Kitson, Commandant at Sandhurst, has been sperially selected by Lord Kitchener tu command a bri- gade in India. Dr. Wei -lumen, a Cena ian In the BrtlIsh Rouse of Commons. is mentioned as a possible successor to the Earl of Elgin in the Colonial Secretaryship. A despatch from Sebatitopol says: Fif- teen sailors who participated In the mu- tiny .ot Junes 1905, on boerd the Russian battleship Kniaz Poternlelne (now the Panteleirnon) were sentenced on Wed- nesday, The leader was condemned lo four years penal servitude, and the Others to serve terms in the disciplinary corns, ranging from six Months to two years. 'rho prisoners were those of the crew who sought refuge in floumania when the Kniaz Potemkin° put into Kustenti, where she was eventually sur- rendered, and who subsequently gave thetztlelves up to tho Russian authori- ties. ganger under Oile of the bridge3 teat, ifig the railway near Coshent Stehon, WO milts from his residence. +me, medical* op:nion we* that ,the General had deliberately pleded his heed on the line bereft an approaching train. o, Oen. Tucker, who WO oil the Mita lIt MW serVice In tho ggir011an earn. *get 183t, end tolled' fit tbes engage. t 1004a0sla and Te1,01-1teblit and we' Mentioned la eirthattlirl. 116 served the Fieetcril Sentleet tam. laign MO, end wee nientioned,10 bpatelloslorseiting GOA, ref the mealy% Ionstoed the niclt-nssat *Knipp end turning` It noon thrlit. '' that „Opted. e Dit D. 1. IlereS ord# Medicine- list, !St 11. HOOlibeollth Veva* N. 1). 4.,Danieterin.Sheldbri A. p, 011,00011, stirtittox. mittt4 .4116 hoiden111511.. , 0.took.40.404. ltant VOttigti fit4A 04 Ilea I *If it thillephetelit Anne redUce tUrOpe h banktiOleyi, NO FAITH IN RANKS. 'comets Touted Pocket Alone, Out the NMI Vanished. SAVED FROM SCAFFOLD. _ Woolly Bear's Sentence Commuted - Cannot Live Long. A despatch from Ottawa says His FIxcellency hes commuted the sentence t death in the case of Woolly Bear, an Indian who was tried at Brandon and found guilty of kiill4ss. a fellow tribes. man. Ile WO9 to have been executed on FrklaY. It was reported that remorse rind confinement had so affected him that he could only live a short time. The Government therefore decided that nature and not the law should be al- loWefl to take 110 course. A dopritch from Philadelphia, Pa., op: Mrs. Oita V. Kober was robbed of 146.00 by a pickpocket In a iteliday 'MO In the, *hopping district here On The Medley Wa9 paid Mn. Kober hy PeilittYletilillt Hared 111 0Mo:tient clalut on Gig death et her 'husband, Who Waa kind irt tiro rec. 'cot electrie refitted *reek near Allan - tie City, ,Mrs. Nober had lie faith In hellitlf arid hail refitted to eeeept trOM the radiNghtibtt,payment. al th elttitot iloirierNp0 teab. ::co rteriVett thirty ttlOWIpul Als 1010, 'width taVeit In ye eeerkt pdtkt,t tuiderskirt, Whit shopping Waft r; Blend, diseareer) that 11* VOW& had been rut Wry her skirt end the nog stuett, ASSASSINS SHOT BADLY. Desperate Attempt to KIII Chief of Pollee at Lodz. A despatch from Lodz, Russia, says: An attempt 10 assassinate Chief of Police Chestianowiskl was made here on Wed- nesday, but the official escaped with a slight Injury to hts right foot. The would-be aaeassins hurled a bomb be- neath his carriage and opened tire on Itim with revolvers, but did nut aceom- plisti their object. The terrorists es- caped. The carriage was wrecked and the coachman and three dragoons were probably fatally wounded by bomb splinters. ' UNITED STATEs. Lindsay B. Writs we'' re/trued on Set- urduy alter 1131 1'. rtt (-Vomited in n mine at BIllsri11141, f ir te. er two weeks. cushier 11. F. filnelinre Of elosed Farmers' and Drovers' National Bank of v,,nynesburg, Pa., tem endered iiimaelf on Tuesday. end wns admitted to bail in the sum of $10Q00. Discrepancies in hie arrounke, aggregating $950,000, are alleged. At the Inter -State Commerce CAmmis- gem's inquiry Into the car shortage, Slinnwila farmers testilled wheat prices v,ere abnormally depressed, with ole. sators full 'and no market. The coal latrine forced farmers in burn fences and outbutldinge to keep from freezing. Viscount Aoki, the Ifinan'ese mixt», sador to the United States, said al the dinner of the American Asiatic Aasocia- lion, in New York, that eastern MAO wits large enough for the commeeeet of ail nations, and that the dream of the pessimist, who finw the phantom of a struggle between the United Slates and Ripen Inc tbe supremacy of the Pacific was ridiculeua. The Pennsylvania finilroad Company tine notified 115 employees that after Janitor/ ihe company. which owns ninny mines, will not sell coal to them I, the rale whieh regular ettippere pay. Aa roneequenee no employees will be rompelled to patronize retail dealers. About 60,000 of the 190,000 employees oro houselceepers. P. Is estimated that the nnnuol eaving timer. wbo bought thetr coal from the company was e675,000. OF,NERAL. rnptain Magntee. wag degrsdid at a 011111011 inventory, the Liverpoot Scheel of Tropical Medi - tile, Frew, for refusing to aid In tak. man ie snit] to he planning to raise eine, Dr. II. Wolferstan Thomas, son of lent wheal in Menettorta to flattery the tate Welferstan Ebonies, a native Antic &mend. el Montreal, and member of the clogs •zio bus .doo(writed PromiPr Sion, o' nialleine '97 of WW1. Dr, Thome)) '119rerg tri the Omit of the sm. tiaq just auteeedcd for the fleet ihrio 1110C1110Ufitt a chimpanzee wilt( yellow aced notional et opium fever from the bite ot a mosquito, willett South China will unto a Pad previously bitten a human being ,•td, iutfcted in, tile disease. This le Itice that each of her first experience that haa over been sue - .1.01.1•••••1.4 d•=1Y...• sAPAers MERCHANT FLF,ET. New Shipping Company With a Capi- tal of stsoioceee. 'rhe Londen Times' Correspondent at Tokio seilde the following cable des.- pateh•,--A 110W shipping company has been formed in iapan. It alr,,suly 1 a. 600509 it fleet of 150.000 tong, ite cat ' 10 0,030.600, of Whieh half reps's, the value of the existing fleet, the ntainder to ha dedeted to the humi, ttew 61114. The company lidell(14 tablish eerviese to flormogo, Hots Sava, Viadivotott, North China Kong, Manila, ilaWali. Amer S,03 orui 111419. It Lc said that the 110w el ttottx preparing at Ottawa 0 comput.iory voting pfoleSion BIG ORDER FOR RUSSIAN NAVY. Krupps WM Supply Over Five Million Dollars' Worth. A despatch from Berlin says • VIP Kruppg, of Eseen, have received un order fur warship materials worth 22.- 006,000 marks (83,500,0001 tor the Mission Government. This win be used Inc building new warattips. Under the conditions of the contract the [Maslen Putiloff wort.a will participate to a cer- tain extent, and ihe Krupp company will advance the Putiluff company C,000 000 marks (81,500,000) to extend Its works. The AIM:mien anti -gambling bill has posed both !louses of Parliament. Old buchelors are men who have given marriage a serious (bought. EXPRESS MATTER BURNED. Third Car Consumed Bound From To- ronto to Winnipeg. A despatch from Winnipeg says: Word was received 011 Wednesday to the ef- feet that it carload of express packages, whleh left Toronto for the west on Mon- day, was destroyed by fire between that city and North Bay. The car contained a considerable quantity of goods for Winnipeg and other pOltits in Manitoba and the west. This Ls the third carload .1 express goods deallned tor the west that hes Leen destroyed by hre during the past month. The origin of the fires la nut known. srimi.....••••+•••••••• A eletbourno despatch says several 111g gold nuggets were discovered recent IN near Tarnagulla. and two were fowl sseighing respectively 907 and 3' ounces, the largest seen In Australia fort/ years. IP' Former rlontreal Doctor Achie Triumph in Science. A despatch from Montreal says: Otto V ihe greauet achievements in modern medical science has lust been accom- plialled by art old Montrealer and gra- duate of McGill. at preeent attached to cessfully concluded al- um of an animal. SD deal to medical ceten, The chimpanzee tome of yellow fe' bitten, and now. fully established to given from human being, de le lite dinenvery chimpanzee. I' serious nature hies whoPe 11 e0,1 to find 1 stilan Gayer of,450." edy. •