The Goderich Star, 1906-12-28, Page 2pir°111.11.1k-
DE NNISIEE ORPOR(4414-,-:‘,-,161TED
PA,r pE
Ir f
.;') lr
'1 /
....-, .
r AT • • 141.46,1,i,
Ed. INI.O•111110%
$4•10•11.1.5 Obil41011/41.4
r‘„ ka:•064
4it..titigas. min
torte •,..$",,,to
re,,,,toteN to
.1,11 W* Q.
1.11.1101t.., .
tr iNitor"6
IsFiv.C1F14. ?strait*
. toe •41,1ret
A. .T. VAIMSIIrrallt.
(oticttor. tee 14411itterst
, tie* • et slot, se. 0.)
# met Sae 'itettse *tone 104
14,area roildiutitor
hoe rtalbtottoo. ft*.
oct,70,, 110.0:410
1 •
r Totes lieu
the Wit of ',their
ark dos we ICU
turn 0•• sock dowirerside. A-
be dry mad kw imge to* 1011013 010
gored. assolt *WA wit wipe WV*
sittssed 0,11 be hi*** Ihro, sad go eerie
vogionos will smokier be reppeeelsted.
Mike bleablets oe /On* Vez
Other two mew of Nary trasek.
4/4taciv, ot tram* 'dill ins 00 et lbw
SKI gym Vibe* time int
0 anualornatad nix fat * soptraii
tha Stored OW 11110104 W "Plod dratinas of sperm *IA *ad Az
th*E-lialect lb* cheaper fruit, .plituit it ot oh of vitriol,. Slitolk WI teg.titert
* 0, iltr. add It tittle wid4v. IL few IMP* ihe lifilikrk-br-41.
t flablonatila le Ow* la * talleia): of 'mote sad WW1 TM, Iva no r,
*IOW la .Sonlit, Atli* * Ones at Plito 14* Jo* clesely coVetedi, itt v. w
thinly.vailed - racorn sad contempt, to Ova* Ind cook for tela hoWit,
,i0 ail Ilya *1410.- the life that, alone vitt Weis t • tonftenux it AS tiresomet„ complain of It nasty Soup,i)tosolve a packet of , i
• , , tottgro: ot oup peitut, tips utfto au .. lie IlhtliterOstithf, lit II, writer in thit cono•Onated 44411. la Witiart lietSkat it. lo 7„"w' .r.," 4 Praisdria*
The new 4'4 which Ibe Ormud Trunk
Wilt Railway Company proposes efe
gitaiiikaut gt, weitient termiao$ Qrt
Wien letand tie already %lag Shane,
11* tray inta betwri wood Mut* Ito 1.
PO* a. Eughttliii wbo waa first 'Governor of tbe. our tante to honer your Cheque whoa
it•bss been eafsi that sit Ira* ***
had good mothers. writes L T. JIM&
It eau be said v.114 almost egela NIP
lately Oat ad ''goOrt larobio have pot
inothers. 'Whenever yrou sae gest
lamb pin almost invariably hod tt k4-
lowigg * good mother. To have /**4
itiOthers utUSt liat--$ foul MIN,
pod ittrd,'slalter Lind wear. Is Ilse
bier of
els nut 4Iter more Me. Tile" lir kit We that it brekt.3116 hounds PM! tiesalt* : Writ Is space -4, taste, Pa add s few drops of vinegar. " \49/91* After the, ausin of Klug Chute* I , id us vastiattble Ifl oPre
then, She lor With the otluotaSitt and 011thlt1913 WM, cwo-to produce. two, -g
Id91114* illtdit$ 1I4 lIPPedie ANIL* 01 iia tillteelut torders of 4 Spina M001.1.150001500 01 Apace. And that la Jest before? *MISR Of sun* 11/IelY
*Puttger Uttp oto5fop,, The Ittut tett,cpo# tueultow to up,ht, The pot In the past fie feels It he hair any garnish mut improvffiethit navor. th° • •-er made kluditowes Bay corona:0Y. 4744 have not 4 dollar ort depordt ared
ter IrthtlitY. Tha higher II* form t.f. tottt it caverS VII earth and MI 114 TOON& MIA the IMO/0 We* 011OPPIta 1)10$104r., which ;nukes Prtt1,1Y
444ir rt° rie•iirri‘ r thtiir IrVar" 000,4tmespocintu401.totter tor 141t lar4
hat th tanant, APPIO- Lttunplings.--.000 0uhrtut g event • 14 trip, to Priztes' ilupt,rt Otte, th.e'vialffi 4.1.0 means of piecing ooy• Mere as to **-
nod loots,
1,.....4,:lors,:°:,,,,:ildi"1,04:rxr:os.;41i4,1,i1:1:041°:t41:47,14,S1,77;Wiltio414.41,, .1.1440/141, ::0011gilwit.b:wtut:tiZIch161:11111:,..111:0:''s4ilt:a4;11,0k4a4 111142:14:01;11.1:7,.,;1001::;41)7:_ue:Ams:077:4:4toti:04;,:::;k:0404:48:14:sPoe'140:tito;::9:::::ilets::::(0‘017:pluPs:::;::111:17k.•; : ' u tlt .c.,1:1014:y ::, 414 41:a (1:11,44baYtlya. i ly .110.4:1%1,44' ,h.'.- t keit vs4;14 a nu . 40::110"1- 170 e hlur; it itieltre° °) t4O. dr rilln:ttull4inehi :: ' Itt te4h1o, 0?:',164 'lb ecttio ;tn.' W4:,1,4:tixcrot'pbotill1;n4tstc1.01:0:111:tis::41t 060;:ael,.._14:10:1111145c$:071. 1:'.,:i!i, 0 :'
I* nilt$It 01hCk .1114/ 0 larger:life rnr,t3teor.: -.LSO lives tif men '1101V,' tie lect, 1140'.140.• ty*totit ,., which:, .04- Abu, toot. ,:ettettenting• been, ,,,pared and' toreci,' find Platt to* '‘4rhve 14t4tc4 Um' 4"4'9g1W14 45t th4 I. 1 41 ' ' t it 'windward side of
law that At' nntst,,Itrow,.'frottii,_•010r0,A40 how.onicii a iii,,,« . Thil* how 14vAilo. Iltit leograiltil .tto moor tuivuoi, tilleslipac!aul$ :pt. 4041g PoWderi, 'Metal!'
1,00401 widen' get : ' ' -- - 'r -- '.. • •
,,'1,' , foritur 1,1164tarber itseiL sad 44010' idea :' I , eve a: small . arm o . , ,
tbtfroi4VOOr! ?II:41)4,m' e‘litettilsvtia, to.tholt0,1t: olisly;0'64gOrtqat,i1141, 4,401ei •Altiopiled.104tttoblulithvg9voold 61):44410i:Nvonasa 1!1:,ibetre:ists. (IR :echo" lot the .hurn of restless, Ninefitirs.*, Iiiiiellutioll end.lvoldllo; WI' ''''"t"' tatt terrfortlied lif the 'great port *fillein after keeping -horses „enough: to do 0/41,1*
1.„._'7' it mow beseid without wtaggernitelh Will work. ontordrivittACO:w$, efgatill1 frir,mak.
,,,_'' Lta tapittla:01 accouloodating, .44 the, .stat lottkir.• pr. the ietoidy.,bogs enenarit .
'"'„ ' "Seats OP iliti,.P0,01iici The apacicriralwar-. for'qur -Meat Antri‘ n few to selli alx or
*Ifti°4 ik43.4)ntll 14ille4 '1°' 4141-11":'le"4citli 4)r1/145144/4V°Iirtc:1°414*41-1,:;. in the ,hooir ortwialgrA , ., , tether 'the, 'dough,' ends, , 000, 1014 to.
'tow vistt. ,rAlsop4ble men: :Isfcl/palt" 4 , Ito'lrapp ,a,,„fotowgr*trotn, fr'etrr:. 0Orms", • " In:, America Von ,01-0a4 a laile 41 Ille 44 •4441l.": ' ' ..-: ..:' ' ..., t
leCted,Itita, fit ittepte4 It has tint niteit;i0e taw goof *whit', itaW MOO." :foto*: irtii opt* 40,0 :iturital of inven/ , -httatitS*eO' •Ottatto-'04ta, allt!. Alt -0.0040•9'''
d' illei 1110 IltilltI• 'Pell lelis . Wiln: *Pi 114,4 10 0 0 4 ' $N 414 0 • 10, tina.warsifiee•i; ,utto :tfuoitts.r.:„ettert , away in-th0. toltntry' 'Seat 12#0. t000-et-PttgOr; 004.10000h,
el'i,,O0‘ to boAriettilugr 'Tito. Preachae , , , . ' . , . , . en e tirt .,010,.irno 9.. ;..1:orp)otxtii,,,,....1401,(1,....gttit.41,10iii.u,e,,v.! it. tp cod enotoigh, '''''' tor 0! YoilooOrer'104m'queotlYP referred ' Oven '.40zeit ettlekeio, tker0 fa net It
' 44 la,. one ,ot 4140,11ap,w an,,,tha Vacitto .!,prinit.'deril left. :Mot, little 1 deVete to ,
tnewat kitabitart$4
!Wm nor ee every*here mute)), efforts reeds
torte* orthreetleit. •
o or
Itsriator attitude
tug be,
/erred .
who -thus, at 4 1,h
ranks of the peen',
promotion oh recoV,1/4
tied, :MOW. rittrcelr . 01•!.itt.. al4e0f° ettit Of,'S eA*i FIL": M11Pert.: 2 • • • Trope:hire •breeditig' aweSi. gm lad
'0„Oa4t.; Ottglitte leSt, inthat•fd•Ptinee' sheep,..., -:t keep.. from •-$.4 tit Iid grade
"11134:80.1Irliltregit.'!I'll301140t $"AA. 01: It'eV.,01.101*(1404''f4e,•Ot 41Pitt ',411110" 119 11.4114e' . 4 4144 14'4' 444°1 ict 1144 "41'ss*s' 144' 11141°.'*Vitt.;414414 4r0P rtputInor. optt 'Lotion, rglot 'Iotr4etn'itg.14301:11111111);.1)411 Itannid.9•e5'ir' etehoO.70:,, 'tkefttr.:,11:116.7;1.°4°10hT Jelvt°4j1LtntSttc"'ree,
144° 44°4 ''n s;"*Al/fitIwt464 1"4 littr:0444:140.:44044ter 041 4tdIVQ1 lankf'ii4Otl.. IrstItlist:'4.114fet 4'41'41-74i t4t43.1'01.1ct" fait
04. ortox viqoaik9.000.0010)65,-5,01t", fro 1,, 410 ,tt.tO WorthY 4 NI% 'spot* 1)0•,!4•,. •The. Otte otbutter,' opo,et Water...Beer bOtO •t/ 410-141°°r°' ' upti• jtir 'enieltling the to*YOriiril .Wtods''reatAbirtit. it ewe- Cc% 110; WO tatit 4110
lqe19140.0 An P044 _A404'0 Otillt',,P*04 lid laiintadr,_ ,(1111, to, gin heettly et natures , ' " ,,,,., „, ' „„ ..,. ....,,,,,,;,,,, . . • 'Wigwag : cup Ot:butter,i 4) te-tion otip• of A '4. i. ' ' Vii1141/144 IitO skereS 0,4W tF0at' igOri $ 3 4t11.1 0,011100 1 414 O' Vtiii(1 P/aaa
Tito • OutircheS • OrliKt -agetttiVeatelrittOtti 4001q, Of ttelly living, Qui glary et 4:040.4! .. 81.4.wAt'S lei t'llr..b.ysit . ', , ' ,.. Iiiiik4.,00....teaspoonitti 'emelt/ tartar.: one- ' ' • !Wen VAN. nod the , etlittetnd, ttletniattp: to keep; tpOnt,,,,,1 hare: 'raiSed tad ,nute.
411441119.4, ft'ld 0140°Ire•Itg°111# 44 PS!! tnatiplaCesi:thO4recit WOrItti.OL,L0firlhatt‘,1 1/4 nel,eee. thn loaf motto, of',$outh toff teaSpoteillit•of sods:, • tout enciugh , To - Geer .,e. , et .06.. . . . .
inbtion 111144" re.i"itielellterce'sfi'tegii' ?PIK' 4:11,!‘ .',1,,ttil,„,' Pt.': elnfrA,(ta Contrasted: ,oreeelit , :a*. heaullie. •lk moo ditte0att, - .ihdter ..$.00011.•-'''MOti- '1004th"'• '144 ti -44 °3r• 1 %at T11/ ea drliv:i OrrOorfi. 'Mont/tonic' towering two Allosanil; to4. .Tinf hwes thug belo goad agruritio0+ I •
g 11 41 31"441* '3 1 '- r, 44 1 1 - '''',.---+.0'4or;Aoo •O'l!Ot0100-144 dr Me* front h;:tIfi' ..'''''rho veidt is; 11:.:4, leoltS• lablespoonS:of,shger, tares ot =anises,: JIM: !. , :WI at at, .06•160.1.,..11..drass!,. tthovo. the whte perforpt,40tteter loftleO, ,Avutita rutheg,,,,tbey were 14 for • I- do.
wooter,„ tee, twit the rape, .thet w 4 k onkt.,10 .44.40,throm ,Qt too; 5v410,..00,$,10, 1411.(04,0, otan, pricked/ oWOY to u001,. 1/4"'TP:ii ttP,41,4,:t ;root enameled bloWing oft• Toe green,.rinleV0I,' :flesh hiteVen Put 00 110O001°Elni°4 With
r.eit 9r 118 14eillitY 414' 1°Itgiit' 411124. ." /0 What:he 1104 ."' 'a* lita filithilable stiaee'' .the tittle tow/fa-Set Wren the ,necessory• a' ettthe titi(st ot,n4 4,0ungs, .or add cedar. is scarecti here and:there day ,exergise, ota sitoptieed
primal instineta (mad in0Y inacites the diving not I))'' a,,v4 aWct244taucos tom, .ono •anentn4 ,ponr wutcroijor thqui pvetf, , oteit cor lows. tlie iccauctt, gatups, a' the, server sheol4 :'proVide. wenn: Merlere hit
"11.'revi -a4,44 t10‘441,41r°1411h °i1r. trir "Ir 31;1'511'01 ;14211/'!' Ahr 4lue ta014.11, tiiblespoolliul • 'W.:poet'. Ai 4:41 1/,k1NOtrhtt!2, taloiaisly ThE siTe oPiw.tyviscl,e,nat fitg15° $11414°,spiao,rtheehtIa.r. •
$ W04* wt748./414. tt$ tKutitc glOthitiAttaltd$0 r d ritsuit to Atop. pp ..ttalte.untg'brOnnt #1. $10WoYen, 'ono. • • ' fent the peep annual pens Mr.:My, estes
°Ill° U414; Al *rd 11:5- ki$:ee °11 grt1Y0' vhet,Y. amt :4/0 lar 't0iva 111 We, wttb, 1114 '()ot,,P lacri ':ttplthe ,bitIv. ',theft i4 400 'Or tglaf :SPrnAkle the. '41:141 "6. 11011St at 140.100'., yey virgirt•wilderuess4 .
• •• • ,;( • „ n er, P . • , , • • . • . • , • yblvidus cotittelle oa-. 10 " • . • oat - • • • • •
1 1014011 13t1t.' 1W' 111'40140 010-0t1t.: -11°114"' ' 4 -4- i* tart 144. the $ceult lind-feacove. the • rot eiteh, 4 Pa. °kg 0 vir• • ti earthen- Perite5 wiille 'Et ‘5M4111 Whatl' PIN)Vide$ ,Phee,p'st4 that:he con save yoUtig '1114ths
• ' ' ' 1011.0 11i1vs,'40- f0" "14- " - Y ltre 11101.0, .1*1s. btlt they' too .410, 'AblictodS, • itel Aulo ,tablesPoonIul': • • • ' , • , tandlog accotrinodetion or l(P "' ,wbetttite merourY is below zero. .•
I"Uataa Ina-4re'd''•er !ledd OnO, not: tit 040:Petit:II t% ttle-Orirdng 're4t. '4otoo 01.,tvt Mt' mix ,,welt and allow '‘17100: • - ' " " - ' lag 13t0101'SA AP41:( fiQkn't1,NSO A114 W) 0,1Cpctitla, 14121bg 'sheep
that OM OMNI/ Ahottlet haVe gived pr thai SattliWer tstglAta airOw of 'ha in ,:the pictutiff. the malt- re nt t tree - at seveuty fitires„ ,,ott hour, has ct, tfem ond tuc sena
1V10104 SIMS toe It lathed the " .,„ „ I„, ',111,11,4„,a461„1',,,?„1,t4„, ac,,?waccit aloha qttli 'tectiolotmlly OttuWg; Ott pato- 'ha he °nee told the lorrib°45 ut. 4'4
The loapitation to, nehtee it 0110 n..,0 MacatoonS ,--Three-qUarters cup bin- AtttonlOhtle Cluht hoS C°0 ilit° a thn eS. rengingltrout halt a 4414 ter ""4 1 ettelltiOn' neeeselti` ill°
The '440r 11'140 '40gtgailee, 01)004 ;WO ta'1144,4 114)1' lanr" ‘000 a thipoht ,411;,,,,s ,,s4eotg spoblivintlitog powder, two 1.010poos elands. has hod to IvOth-ttloo tt410a f°l',Aenesstiry -fait for draluago $014 SOWer' duos, 23$ $eer, btah AO A lett
N144'3,1040 ikt4e,grate stmeth 1014 - d hi f 11, d tthe $.8 'WM tIVO tas00011e' Atter Olnonnde, twO tear, Pasha tt Oar lltra° I Lea -4 ground r*Os ebtantlY. plan: About tear Years ego •
swum/ill, es his' service tils Ainnoledge searehlight plereing' ihe dark/teas Lan tort QM- POund ,wt ter sugar, bra°. eggs, Yu c't dre 4"4 :la -A- tier 111011101-0J 111\tentiont4 (14vi4ew• *61, iwat
11 iod „siov4 pcctt. gently tt21"11.,,la,,* ond hunbS 40 that 4°144 °ivoat
‘4\e'41444,1/vsel ;g‘litlor;i1111,t4L,...044 1,1s),'tsra:c114.?1,11.110S !n,:irava,'%1111401. oTsjilkott:dinhuterFtYhilerttitiffit 014.1nne4.zinktily,ohogtos, 1001,4,TztLif„Poolt4oubrui(t.theritclot are C;(141141,* witc4ctrdas)-hojr144 'tit441tfirslintlYi'inisTleitdV"IPe‘'°v°1qbm_e 'tal rs banartin'Artker.kistttufleato.lt191101(wk 1°' t"
ONKOKIA ‘1:1111est, MIlut at-04ms heritage ante -iii, pt in; peleasuL‘only tifrioatterut Aro 0mb:es:with tit* tsphrtifott Iteillo4telitofnowan,to,ouute-intoupsasntylrfucizaiicrli.c... 44v‘ovitteeovheardbltytabis•attt'ovv• 10114rAlr% '44 Otis ,,tcoeitietri/toitgici Oonowtin,totooliiittoosilwe:ilelorr,e --101* so that, they wookl come near 0°00
the ends to reach ,stettles 401ven .tho,
tzh, c'Norrlatiglt ,EtrIlirgrietito bo,53'sitotvo ftow to vite, the ivihshir come return, rent .ps freedom 'bell phhetted by the leciatmeryginget, ,4nd flour. • goad tO any'Cxtent, Ant etdin$1 anarac tordoitS In4tAt v/114.0.'At Witlal'lla 4; 5 feet onp ,prove in lny staples at the
Wotitt(rler tit:1'11011'4nd Imola( Wit the t° it Tart 1,1)pt;t1 ilttltiforts ;/0 1111YR 1.16,4 attps dour, ramie lu petrol,. IntS••••five tines' 'been NO .0..Y,.'e.l,'",a$0.4,,pte 0 Shore tine; Ave ,obt.tntlatt • 1,purchssed.3),i.doten- honti5.-fotch
Ing4''!•tc."4.14' 114° V:114i bs'1* Ii4,44 wt., 4.11!' d '1/1 t Ca giot, spaceS. 'COolties..-.;,,Xtree.rituarters POuntI Sitife4.•Wil0 (lWica'-f01R4r4l'as 40'1411° • ail41*" in'Olttent•07,teetts or0140d, traalt 01,01°. yoti boy".: to p14,".0p. the InpittApf .3
.01,00141 .106, • '11,(000101? titoth) it, • if men be lit ita the:: Veld There te a. st b . 611 Aoh ;butter buttemuitt, one' The • prineess.. NIVettt,S'' haS Ila;`7.01" To lhe noriftwestt.,Iltritugh e Aetna, stain rn I begun t4 cer-
tioa onto, Oat wotioe Otwoai • , • progross. „ , • ..att. hour 0.ounct of .peari boric; Kew 'cliffe'ren't to tite2A004.1n.olotn,s, , .14,10v -i7:1,' 1714 odir'ilia::,a5 til:414e; 6111e4ealath: d4011'n'te,,4. I ttaten.testen'ed t'ho 0000
Ttner Is' fOttpel for ta-day. life Wilds%Aebii Mud the'llootte" of 'Ids, oragatit the luIrtider. flit coon e „
• • • Arils :boxig to ;two thawrta of chicken, She troops 24p,' her musio; hitt is:nude sionory' .pulicart, Dere Ito taught als 14 in di tier Titis•made
'11:H460:4:AV pore abuntlan ia Open (.44y%, •,iite wile", 1.• frellt whence he agei.aud titouglit to to. aid:to. pro, e3g, r two deasP000s teklfig• so a) 040. pared for sny..-10ris, of 4 /1104Ps. ne. s eit wit lun , nor of tuatara ondintasured eatil welt ,
, .
vt, v t,d.t. stro..,, am- 1,1,....iAtla, .ot Ito art ,Ot 'tilting Opetis the door•toth ' '- ' i• IICNIIT t. 'ttl brute of . eIVIllistiOn - nd the tomiculfe" .1Xerley. Soup...401i -in wider -iOr half tg.11isaPproveS,or bleyalligi::, and,16, 111't kil‘vti Ort the CeaSt7e2 '1110.1.'101Y -0V .10,..11 h t• the
it4ry, ocrthwar4 er• aeshro td, Irma, um.. hoir.00144,y.teF. 4fvo „hours, ,,seasuo„)..oth blesi), oxd 44.0.,.0..0.0•0'.....0.0,riug ,coem spore 1011144 whitt . WO Intentlett to ho 4. nod the. other door of pen tie, 2 Ia..;
t- ' .-- -' Ei"-etti.' 1 1 1 1 'led '14.- rt (visiting Pie- f ', e i red discfples to ernbrade the ge er , 0 s 1110 itti , . , .
co pet 0 0! " . - a p ,lio; -1. i fastener] Otle door ot I,
• f'ASOINATING SCOV4. ,....' 'beet. or . ' don .100 h Add re genii ne v., • 0 Ores , u . , . •
don• :irt *Milo it'prilhute" elipiess tho Olose eatt, •end,•••PePPerx told' *lied 40o. Oar. V.: thettleni ' - "ei*:', 0Ati.- f'.1‘tle1cii! . fr991 ' Otilei' Moder s011101110t. , L'al°1' ir°1471°- .411)1 No. A. . in this way .1 made .,ltielOO!, n
.00 ,Artnages ily past, increasing. the,:ita,., ::.4,44;tt, tosTtgregoi,Patta oto 11 Pao coloq.t. dullea. Whitec,Oli'llcir,.I0helika triPe all.° '..betWeett Dilttaall' O.od iils Bisilgill nn pens, an, ut a rote ,,aa4 eot/gthltice a
frttsSIOri et haste: but,,let tire ' same enr, : :Seer trinn.-Take four: , pounds ...of sirored ad *totted...4mm* 'garments. tor 411 iholatisAlgrated tO 4 settlement on .aheep in .:.inw °nu et. it4e.. .., vit u
bottorn "aufl iniohed
next cocoons* Out 3ot
Twomey', et -ever/ Itooth, , Prurtato
*fillitilr to Jen can got tat Otorttattittro
von itintmink ttotunicttok &von, PiLt10.00.
JAI, II.. TiOt tiortPoirs. .44tetee
Wagon.. .Oreeta. • •Vititter 'orate.
• el rcios. s' ' •40etti
Os tt. phi., .,Pourth, 'Quarterly BevieW,
. • Oolde4 TatInt, Ian. 9. 4.
, . „
410 lessens :ref ',:the lost Quarter' are
AIM to the 'CtiOsIgitt faith. both witivre.
.4Peet to "the red0lese,ritation which' they
' liktral'ofilattrOli*rttOtat 11-440tts--auttiolae•
Witt re ebt,'td.the ',Wogs illo realization
'of Whic, •:'infetd/eifiliaAllI :OVA es_Peow•
' ?tion..0 . :,lift*.,1' „,_:.'zisit,esperisamil
' ItiCiluf,,tevil5nr,..Which 44•4etlerth In the
eS50ne lielti.lisl.te antlePeten4 the' Per*,
tidn, Of his , thwareriter, .4114 are, nuip
WM of ,., what may 14,, rind, indeed,
het `Must herthe Wt. of tech indiAdual
'.w.lin frillOw4 Inlila atelior, •ThelOnto be -
cornea 'essotially ihe path °Cilia dr
artafociarrriorouttl 'Citcatere
in ell Shutt et, Bandies am,.
,tertelt serhasLumbartRoars.
hitch .1.0tho $1110/taesi gooSte.
tlooltgati mothgattoa Corollate& +013
rikAehanta,riot ltk Lawson.
. .
Dintano Do
.060. arta, Ittolatid iOntr, trorierty tra,
•. • ••.
vsloe piOtiortv tositro4; 4$1,'
or.o.vai,44,*od Dutoyrow,,,,„r44.
31.kuoko Q.; %.
rotor VIts.kosidint, trog4i100,
144 u*,. Trayee•''Sricretiery-Treasore
tornetorfperfedied through:Suffering. •
,Prineiples` 4,40/vice. • In tito.ftrst
three. -•leaseng.,,Itteru itte•tatel •.410W4',40.4-.
cloter:ltintlrea,:of sew -Vice 'which. peettfin
',ported on ',•:rof' teliariteter. ,T1114-'fatra
great etartrinuidinentn of tette to tied rind
'love to , mint indieate ging* of, lite
putittotty. „tilting '.'tviileh hinittln• citttraVer
ltittst' PrOgreSS•iotorirtla ,Itiest, Oht 'Ice"
they perfection, of . ObeeacIer .14. olst
oge64sorst. thot' .ttioto wtiox9414.. wolok
end • faithhtioess. . Mese •prinef,
lea'ate iliusirated lite Verahlo ot tho
fen Virgine 44 the 'Parable 'of the
, • •, • r • ,
4. •Pershoat ol4pOtert,o0,, letlitOtt
Wow' *got Perlettet
Witit .respect.14•11at. tild •.festia,r, the
anointing y*t: Voillattitt •the Littd"S".40...
per and Jesus to tiellisetnane, Anse
lessens site Alitstrativa of lint lititoutto.
personal carpet:0.000S `1,vhicif teen •fildiv„P.
dual has Mr tire ualor ,Of his own ten',
sehillSnets, and pertatir to liter
daVolOtrinerit of otilitAttYft -eilltreetew
the anointing litert IS Meted 'titc
Itlaiteir the, perSona‘crins.olttilint' .„nri.-
preoutive eympotir, lug 'is one (if the
t,tefiest, needs of lifilutin ttaitirit,..*Etterl_
le be :1111Stinderstood•,and10 1)0 'IdtSidseli
,reierdeft of men: can trborne Who/
Strtligtheited lis s4411' torisollitkm, , The
Ot1P01`48 wasIt and 1hO spirit .• •
untcrMod'Avho,gave ,
4. less= or the risen, Lord
the alititag of the Christian, story. It
is the reason for chardeter and the ex,r-
plahritiOrM life, in the.preSence of the
ItiOrietiV i'estirrection. and 'eseenslon.°:
."The Space- ;destrny* Yoe( POI, •Pir0,114 414 Other vegetable$, cud utregancroa(la• tea/IL-00e :of ...het bob., or s and ,teades, ot die white man ea 0. g te the,barn tem, trorn.ven
woo. putt the- tram ,nordwoord, troth, 'the meet :not too' fat, four witele uteditufb, ,tio•or chAttit'ext, •end Olte'vt3it/ 4,4 the 'Ate•Sert :(51)13Qsit°: meleatina the others. : •
othe or:hoc:end, passion; the preopm ,the head ,el Aicicar arid flItS. Aga: 91110119 OP, 001411 tore ..0I14.`.countrY house , she ntlitet4401.Y .13rovides Pert rises liaYa; Da91941 at19r. - a „Aaltief ae-nly,etitxtsiganie ,ntethet
deatrtatidluttale seem. to be shadows In -efietd 400111;10,,s140.h0h,. 'S1000140, •0000 t1 -11&.W oO a . hersalt, With, tt piece *OVertiir:r)icier4c • Pre"nt 11°114ei hiLL• 111?re• Utaa :91440—, them -in these' intell, :pens, so ,t tat
*40iisrck measurftr add' salt and- pepper, :also •311104,40, inigitItt• tears!' 11)4oe .CtteetheWitattteetelliees la /019 rig '4
p, PrdidetIVROCisevelt .;.kas travelling:In 14ririsa44'144 to. I 'Oen ilvellieorperriniud,ottention tii
° and deing-well;;;Thettrre 'then taken. Wrt:'
noler4r.tesi.gldiror otrettlie:dayspring .:rtprilittatiir,:e;2.0..,,,,tutzt,it -tra:01;151.,7(%ttc17,11,Isolostymrli„va
“ • - neat laittlioarkav't* g, The ratiWait ttlei2 ate P eeeeni g rir their tkinliscore jrourtorith be, all: ri
. . tiOtt all Its own. blo one can- Paint the. earrot.: -Strata lite soup, then dim. a eeitY tate tiltun boo lp most.1,00,400 wbon 01,6,0010d, la , , sn apstorn
day' •entering. a store An vii tip P4itca,'0 ra?1,4rO of -tenet is -Put on „. ; „
faec:i 41eateVe the beet' aPd vegetables. shve 'filen, scone irtutag flarchase. he saw the' 111t1t1,Atr. the- beat exPert 'advice:W.0 ..,41aA.„._"1:aaPaci IttYangtOrintent torelttrespd
belibtnined,in ,pletning the Letty",ort, the gargles,. The • cptestiorettir •arls01,hi'•: put
- yet‘enen leurney...ninn,ntenee4 as itra;_night... est day' 4dt:a all tlie grease off.
•,•• ' the onward rush. green PieePer, set lit a cool Voce over rest eat 0
DAWSON IS A DEAR Gill 0,1)141149 4ce"4 Wh itr - ' VI
` • " iverdS or on caPVtia lbe 'beauty' bt-tt: fuer Until weltheated. Add to this Wiled °It tile ./Y14t) ttq Pi°4 tt:tig 'and ParlY 1)1. the ralirljaci Avella'14.4 tile. 1641 in a a414kji 1)6° Sit)1!,41Y-0..inrnen
".4"" COOKING: • storey bruise 'hod ,..inevittible (twilled Ccittee Yeast er,d1S4 Wra11011Or SoOteWhere;lipthgerr 'Vas the.
gradeS and cOrreoting*Other drots
Bluetits*, Oahe la Otreeltit1011 Ticeidi; scope holds -nothing ternt „ inten e to e call 1 U 0 - . ,
• allege; IMP, the . sunshine -4s somet e• When 4)0 ad(' ,,eriell!‘“tee, Oen 'hitYttlh10 ballet thaq$Ilia 10o$L. Ftv.e Racliett t570--iiatv'eugagaci s
Bughrild neoet, Inditys, lit air hite- 91 911gar. 101a teaePeeeht1" se -11, eltelg Mettle ei 45114-Citttta.-13Ildlter a cardui tOpograPhical survey of the Old; 1-0ara la the tentre
el , ro;• then' g?„'tort lieruj ourbt--,01, •
gaunt Airtaall nroraitiVittOt :atter C11) dSle.„6, ,wo:OhoPPect rvItn..,tue:uct:tadt Jet e4tutreelfs'erroi4/4.ta. Cpdastbthapn tas• stt,i1100.0
WO/toad 1111 t. 1111 4.4bIteing... torn doWti, • 040440" inY: arOtSt. Ott apou,
tree, Ativa,y4. fis fate as.-thf,'Oya-Citt7-faek;.:;Ao144d:io • ono-cloq,tor..,pg.t-rpt ty.41.2tir T
, way. ode, atathmi• 41., solitary ' flavor ts 'estraoteiL• , , ::11000eveltr-'dle"efddrf144"0.!••11°-.. -order-to-perialt,of Ithiverin# the,street do; she':,cerriO, he ,I.dterttti:', inch, is
argsiiisoso EGos 'mg -um) ton. tiger -Tar ctirridgcntandrattillatranitie. 11
la islet, hos of ointment:stands OPPO",
sito moss' 4 life tout. 'Tito sepa.
er. Sortiorth Q,„ °oniony,* rettOn .Olun ends to04 4 Vert .01
„Porter's gip. .04 -41. Ord*, r-Olitto. llida'deStItlY.' The 'lesson Of the 1000
Ann cA.; 04; StipPOr ticePly's.vtilhalleel, 0! illa‘10,Vt.
4. Sloane., Itecehtrocel. .1,0. Whielt.';g1VOS Ifs pOtvers,to satire,- pttk
• crieve, Wlethrtip 'Oo; *bow :'ffigs Wolf :CO 06 Sited toely
*Tele, 1:iseetormu *4 lit. Owens% • !bia, trot:kit the •00/apietertes* 01
Seoforth T. O.; each the tilifieetVer Oi; Thla (titer all, 111001111
lires Oratett to winch they occur:. illemorint, is. tlie SYsttibel ot,pertelliot
'4°1523113' 4AV,••V'op* Serviee the One tote Is 040100
Joule* Cumming., klgittoridvitiou k.1,0 yjeftling etlet lintitte hi the 1Servlee
Selferthi Snlith. iftq', of his felloWS Wallta ItnlY itt 141,101if
1441°'' lite. 'Tho third leSson pettillerly
eltilwo ctn. pay assaw Ike 0;00006 or the todivttio4i, vtio
rmtutst 404 Ir*t ellr411 ****!tto sottl5 tithe "'Inst.' hide 41011a and Vit*
*t. Coats Otto:too or at *co
team Arai. Moftittig Stela*
%Rif (04 whi I* •••• „ •
ttaot gatitiolle Add lg. cups of hour Bee:CVO-1r and lOt "tog anCit oak • c."' tit" .1? t 1" f t
'stretches • the thin gitigAiditaTite vitatelt.:- 7:Add: le 'One .. oup sea t _
ttgAtxght ef oragite, 150r,Velietts• "Itt00 0.100e) „hee•rteette,r Oen Lot the 'fltsliop• oi.: %Arrant, cites b,goT in whole. townsite. Viten ads is eetnaldte !w1let yell, a ageali;a4401.*
'clearhesS• tresktieSs4-uthich alike/3045- t000c 4 *liarite ,, i141 cuocose,„...„„et.,104, boo. tiveir loans will 49 before a _board et' lambs, can get ..erld 'the,Arifear;Ottn
sett's fer 430er itY041,YrihrU -Yeattr •l'i5) engineers and landaeape gardeners -and this eeeeP I, Phtee liougit',"-wil
tag ao otteresting accoUut ot 11,4c and bre ei yof SWItte the 'dud llamas, the' trit? ope,ttUarter Ahab. nu: .rettier UAW 1ourtepic -or .4.0' faintly *re they will decide. upon atliti best ones in edrit. Meat itt It.' -Yett,:tylar,-..lititi
Miter ifutd eau 'oUttaigite tie‘v lite; lib 'Nri, %rut At..rise and 4.4
the dog, 01,11110g to that far northern, All the World is still,, as theugh •heiter. Att. PIO actiVe worhers the rateSton • field •adopt in buildidg: the' city .proper. tried: it *111.1be stIrPriSett,.at:hOcit
lave cents and It Nyill Day
advices from Dawson City, "givr.
ce iter
s Irt,
‘veth$ _
e the -
ot.' lit
saYi--"*Preirri earnumer Indian itstp- bet 30 silent 4,orsidp,,,ntylelevaltriealel (Wet
T. 11-, VA VE one-inch.lpleeesqn elly- 'abroad.' . The- Itrst, ,BurOpealf•MIssionary : 110ItN Tce,,,THE tiust*q. art agejterib'S will. eat Th
t b
. ea she d ...corti y Abe' time
illf. etthcp •DuWson City has grown'Into-a tite mentent.... . „, , ., , • , „to settle -I.rr an .twiteribr Magas ty
ti Iveat tawri with a pepulatirin• of Laisin is, gitt,, ri. 01/4. t:OgOOOr''In Part8*, P°41!°;',' It, aweJ*.lrom a treittY Pelt;'131411hr"3111e* * 'Illa'cliY ttselt 18-14° 14.41,107111-a--tilbailit allietgrn-grathruCtiii; 1w0IV:Int Lu°,jrviii-
., - very thin syrup of conieetiOta ll-getaYr Tilihtlete.e Ylleaerlita;eWar III% ah4eaad4441.ters. U) 11*Plirtile. Nfat °I41
SiereS *lid Iwo up•to•date oews,P4Perst color, ,•gaze with languid eXes at till, 't. oolit* towarnibichakalid'eas been bo ed, tntr.O scum circuit, stupetunes op. foot; Some- ontinentto systdrn lit America, *Ith the
his WOO. Pact i terminus of the shortest, trans -
niers BUM eight thousahd in hot Wee:. .
ther, with warehouses, churehes. blinks,' A tew eleepy Itters, wrapped those in
pow-. et Wbiotrigrth oTrr.yseinvl . -1 A 0 . pug 01 em4t ute hill!luuS:ddialitopetes.ti.tillettly-$;tall:lv.4.,461:1116ilineteA. ,iihictflIktsbs4e: 'Nwl°:';asiut Aritedriessat.efbuant ytholluslite4trittlaversgaintaag
electric Holds, wholesale and ,leeten, venuets which display a tattutoilr't4 _nlaninduitter,
'The dwn lings are either frame or 4 his ways are familiar to-otaY la tha'11001-eran e snood ,very Dna, add a pinto th., slicaits. chm.ese Dye a native, ' "`. thicilit ipingeurtothtehevoasputiewnest to,hotteutiltd, tirms:etill...
Which', ter tWerity.itre. tents u ci3pYk Doting Munster. ... The _vvbite- man •thie :4,4 &oh
.;:ltialty, el the log Cabin:a were built mei living who reutamber Ilia. (hue
• ' , al thdr Doric Continent. Net, ot'..,e ere .,boung water stir end let stand ever ,,,,, .,,,,,o, oerviert arid MeV behind it ites a virgin terrikiry of
legs.' ,^ . th 0 at
In VIA anti 14.44, when carpenters wore Nvnen me eesat tribes, behoved that will? 40110t1-44; ethires.tee°46'4d4heovlieNi,rY,eitstiettit iahnedatere P11.11111 E0$4,‘Vilair01111Y--4.irr4"'il- kiltSb' 1111.14:11a-5 .entrallslie70141)(inthielletrla)eintYd' not"icituelinergatilallanliict
420 a day. The twerage,540 et, a huh wero preduction of the sea, whit 1 Water. Strain Wash the ends: of e felr kanwIage alt 011° W°g, to the southern portion o the province.,
Oenifortable, hut little provision Is ntgdi: -bong losks elePhaatai .redgegesteane$4,4t;inet•4:igely.Sgitillt,tifillePheatgettlp044 elltdelePS014.450;Y-?ttihti'ilotstitter.linorg.Uoistliiiiiittrnq.totkiett...1A10 r,ecoaileYn uPprePteurelikignasent, eullt.ibdelunpgointse..duet
40,601310 Is 1644, mull they are ow; traversed 'in large shell* thekfeoti ,
101*-.Ilittk the windows being exeePtiod' they. Weedd tette 'trete Iho boleti lr'Intd through' the ,Arifther auct add tei the la tala' °I 1/1111 '131atilal'are CI 4 thp Tattle, 00 the main line of the rail-
tti% attialL • titege' let- placing hea s their mixture text 'cousiderimie joy Military review$,,lie resistear venuti: vay.
hera were tio shingles in these ,k '13 11 obtain teth° tilO Otago to .011 the' villa partS, and 'the levant' regrments-G:314T tuuttitrq lininediatelY fri 11.°14 °f f4a all/ a riCh
-it' 417 -:, 'water. 1110 tvicitteS it off, added to *tie .
-harvest lies waiting. . The richest hali-
Itek 'So. the roofs -were covered with bottoot” :et the sea, IIISt it bee
9001)1'11:tett Which the 0:tass hos grown., titedn..tidtekly in South rr•lid,..uire, makee twit rriecli tehre nor, banks in the world, those of the
nreverkting_ ille *niter Irate ge11irl4 ' shrill.' Whistle, tintl on 131553i late" oitilede, "Er" . (oleo/ Charlotte 'IsTands,. Ile within•five
11,1Veilttil•:',. The re0i Poles pretrl nue space. Alt•tlaT, you clatter forWard.44t‘• hat.. et *elt,s 1143.0.glidYtto601146;10 to°0 t° tto°41. tniteevtrY0Inbirtattelir 411\rvall' Ira;c14!;00/1, botirs steaming 011ie Ars Of the new
101-403'00,-,`.50erehobt abort! The or, Thlr tout nneettalti y' times. Thererar,a- ?low n4 our .:frequenbly unto the Ina. when GOVertiori ell
y It Ls to those bit that the New
littlitgY1-14tetell *lathe cache, Is built On mygettout waysate taltarla thd tvhderr, nintooan, tin& -nno nottisni lolectrifiett-ids. itudiertte by ,caddr,ossinf England Irish Compant Of Boston sends
the ontnnth and is propped by tent nesS when you' stem to have run out eit 1,4,soiceu, Orang0 muctuurituic amok id rirt$t .M0001. t°11„goeterftb blyz iLs Acct. ol aleaine_ra and loads tram their
he it deep voldish YellOW Wfigh Ache. Archduke had -over. tar irrieiten -.I catch the halibut specials which, carry ply wimi, .rieeded, ena tivo, irs, tin
y wilt'
y are
old April, .1000 -Mari begin to 'de,
crettat the Intinn;
gradually. until •tibo.tit the , middle!' of •Ilus • '
month. I then 'turn,11144/•031 MISS '
and the lards:grow
011EEN BONE FOB .170t,‘
Animal food In, elle "lerin or other
is necessary *for fowls." Preen at ei-
neritnents aod observation both prove
this to be true, writes Mr, 13 Lisk.'
Itt suninier bogs,,:wOcillS, • gtessii alters;
Ott... ore devoured With. d it is-
dUring„iltia titrar,ttiott•he heti in her
Tteterat 'State the:most cif he eggs:
Anima food IS 4.440ral
and We Itieg.'ittanther, laYing
the hutUrattreeding';,SeaSen.,:,..W,,.
prooido //loco eleMentS"'thet fgo",.!
eggetitot rnorely
ae. In otiterHso.ords,:ii
eggo'rin 10.404 .wititer.. 'We in
r her,
out of.
1 toed.
11,...611% ',..,k16141 8taege' edli ees1 Y he 016 gteltVorld ond been' Side,traelted far:from.
Ipifft Vir/littigglilg a hole three or . tottt the haunts Of melt; theta are Wailltitts,,at,
feet deep'SniP•putling in a wooden btor, tiny &songs, &too which not. a itabda.
life' ORONO IS ALWAYS PrtOZEN, lion is visible, encl,tvitere•the.only pp*,
, .. , - able iraift6 apPears to be a wild hut*
tfr'r%44°I,P114°' r°0l° 1St Ili° salanaal- or an octaalettal StraY.ballaelt.,, The IMO
'plZeo of,inoney in choulation,-ornt Meru /s eloty. Tne swarms of /tattoos yell
are ellildttn Who; never saw anything reapktieted: to seri lite Ahtietlit 015,AeUrttry
lore. They sprang torn r sect the frozen fish te the tables of New table fere). is flot 001)g') S,OPPIY
Tta. §ipopir,deitpious- waved theitt.*WOrdClii.• •..fretir of en' TOlics PhilaClaiOttla 'Old lite New P.14,.' food figemy t6 fill': theta.- UP.'the LAittat
• thaatoom, 40011110d /lie Not with land States. Salinon, elatost,;. herring get What bec'essary Thatitt"* gait
, linos ,01A Triz tioltsg. thunderona 14't and other food Ash abound in the natty, wo enliest„, save a imehy
,,t hl ld The.gart• ot-fiatitqly day, . tic borhO0d. The railway company IS ok-• .
I anything co c let ire w e too 11g, - .6* . .41.0...e. tit the tulle "4 for •
inror sen; opoo, otice, to. prevent it was a very. popular Governor of ,,ew tering organise ens ,ta explo44, thin years, v „ •.1.• , f
Low,. t as, if mil' on tria
'cli5rtVe°t" :Zutanelati:44110ahtir‘lkirLiadiraawrIll:$11estbl'r°farluttul?4d1:14.".4iV'nsretonswiltedidnliggitift:Onlat7.1:11111441:. $%IvheePtilriiii:ble:tlam111.51111eleaYnlirWe*er:*;koll:e$esdlY-c4tnirWriel:11(111'161'1811°' ti°11,1kne 'PIthat'r nalt" t44,14!iireVt4silit' n't11:3714aihr•rit:fOothdYhtt!dkj:I•g'IS14 ds;6444:t!
. • 0 emu a
ways essamot•n 6. eggs In, Omani
farm otit fle•t$ described. ois eene Past tow weeks Ilia wait et OutveYing' Greeu-dtit, bolo Is 0111 begt g tittit0 "1"
or those Merl who, van. plough, a tieht ono the •641,ual llue of the „ railway from 'tor • toseutsti oott":;jr Jed privet) in
141 riv'"villeit 4 1444 '1°Q desettett` Ncit‘r eikUlt Ort HUM Carp be tai. -en ou
111$ debt, Thm winner was *0' own ' name lifster1)-111° Tina • Shellid, be .alletved, 'ter
front -1110.Out$100.1es at card,s, Ile paid ret Thettlitherek•gi des into the picture ,itlto.tidered math apgied, et• mice,•
iltggu$10,": thtlk, the 1,4eNv them, Into the site et ir siege, lite, field of tt battle.' The eeverat hare. , ,
Littrterst; tinere they lay tindlaterbett. tispresslon If leaves, is Mutiny Otte of Int corks that 40 iree 1,arge BettieS'„
°"Irdis•-f, :Pet *re IMIVersally useu.. eigetlicaliro. , Ordinary, tewo,,erreitt iticlu tiniinia.,svner,„ wnon "her
'13Vaperated OP -.ere tisvi until told^. lampOsing auet'' tieectiii.e. soft mid eti$J In 'Put 10.14
atinittlert.'Winin lite %than bents' bring „, • blittIeS‘ ' ' • "
SUPplY. and' 4Vtit DOW •sell s' ,littiViDitt Nvilerx• maliili0 ridtee la a log, piece
•A'air: cook" 411114Yrviti6t.ittVaIllitte6c1,15' ::%VitIV1.441f:b4:: it G 'MUntl'461ree Ili 4'4111)311 41>t14" 114t
opted the vrolletn Of Oittilettee., Ift;Itoaltt aaaratioa''Vlt,t,14:1,‘'f',Attaurlanzae°'''s1,110t444,ir4,gte414`
,reoroseedett tot ilia, $ttifering cle,40144). $1, ad preha , $1611
Yowl xtoub‘, 1A116taull'IY 'RI'''. Carlton steak fa ' 40111M04 ultd May to
'whielt ;gathers, dlidUt the .betrititl,....4f 'the tett tor,
Ttia tire 0114 04 Vt*"' •• 01X light lthiett, eattedstilli itt 1)06.
terlion of„eiteraeter leads ler evcrg ferop 064 a salatt glas e4,14,
on AltroliglI *Ito • valleY,ilt theihuSifiett Man 191roui#, •Atun tat-
051teStt delel'elide4 1•W 40"°- denced milk, tearing the Moor tooted:
Oat principles; tohielt centrid exictenre 01.0ht,t, ,nt a 401,,,,ov tow ote„ 004, on:,
'.111t1 faraa riot ritr:,,4101" all' restaurant bete 1S'
"Barden...Of tle lseldeeN, unelltkI.111 the inp et true 141,4
•Oreitt ttectielis, lite three 10`sititl% • Ottred..hatti.11uf
Ifith 'Oft . fresh ertel are 'elteitp 1111114 lag Wt:1* 11 'ttiws milt)* 6tit)
day and' oat as loyd,40.erattibiest4 itts Flupert east het beat*, Several tsir rivel, • „An,: ounee a 4ay t
Seivereigtilile, next: The; veer 'woe- preilminarY inirreYS were torde • IO.O! toWIS is• a lair 0110*(0100-Whew ri with •
;chinned hint: und doWered with, '1,a01,01,ert to„,:t toe te",!Iew.liellia ue• ; proper • gridn'taut 'vegetable ration. ,
toast ,uttoohtink.,fitonts,',Uttd, the •COloe.' • llieetre4 ' Greer, cut 11006.1s flite,elleapest a d' best' •
"loan .generatiy esietined. hitti, so :
poultty 'feud- knoWn 11/-04c 'it ut the
th Mitioned tor a: /tumid of bis • htileber dad' rUli Of Moat tad' fir.
14° 1117' 444° °!•Iri"e"")*'-4 ternt 'at tnteer le rd sir who is 4' "."-4*".:
1..2‘111°4' ° 4/Y. ngara tlit aal'ace' se/IPSO gravies tett over -shwa t put . „der' . of "Pelifts.Ylvtinioi 'Ay0.0 • ,•00efiY „
Wittett..inaliec •yeit Mink of tho harria 400,4, tiasib,s 4r, pae% aro •ht drolOnddliS, Atoiya: tioy cto
stretOtIC iktle34.. A. few. h'erds of goats or, . 'clearing tite4Y dinner', 'any ...ileS00040tIl' el" '1/4\11111°1n Pr°11'+ 'the ;°1'n* ' scANDER LoNt,oN ,
. ,
aPittit.$1• a,P,tveelas;',Unitidtkel: •:.4,wafigrottiv't:yel•!.,11tri'lit)2•1 l•it):bet°t8 .:10b.Seu. ra;t4 t111.! 11.14. nay tr-tv-eck OR, 30_1, ,AVeraIr.
ARO $01100.tre„ 110j_12.0 1!1,c,1", Senp. lfulting....411.6 object, of this' :: Avery. dor ifte ,YOung tltdro ,of WeSt,••• • It is tit& conviellen many. tottrists
00111,', no' Ili'eli'*"'!leV"r 1'133 Irr°'surl'' lerin ,Cooltery is. to etirtitt goltle minster geti tichex`• London that; :there is 'fog in that
fot Coniure two ,siewing gletliteSs.'of flie viands landlord Of 'idles •ar,id 311110 of ItoU.Sas-- Ineirepolli945 tlayS In 040. Year With
different pleittre.,, tiV411:- ,front, •tvittelt • it att made, bo it blet.ito lite' whale. Ot/Soutit.:13elgr,AVIA--alitt•,•fer. the exdotion..01 leap yeor,g, whrrt.„'ilirre
,tho Nyheit poshtd, Dour elibling. water apples and. • r corn 'rent m4114,11110 lellses felt le; exaggaraoa Lendon
ugh, nestiet 4,o-Litto,4410t, Oltitt tXtVtiti• L awn otAta. oirtals...tittkotatret.' t.o'f seltletheitts 1.11to Atte tlidintavn, it '19'411119 and tot it labor' hatzed MIA IS OS*
,yetr,eattnet transferal. to veldt,. ,It wha De ..vogetnmenu , • L.c4c1,1 Ito tiilei,m3 suitriutt 18 Iowan 366 daya.,
.0 , .tchreard ' front the Shelter ot colts 'then. inn mons ,ean essiy. relnoved,
#%x.tiatl°r!t. re6*01111°)$64 li4t04ikeressil OlttgYlitIletr)1111.4ve*;t$11bialittelltlilskc'a4)iltrigel ;"4'61Priag111,..e.Stirtis,g4tht,ntlir eiteter)/Thtil .fillilk.11.1.%;Cahrt. '.p°04riftlifpst tiliii,‘‘Vietill IteP;1551Atil 11' 4 . IllaTiallY' 115411 $bv 4t2111.° 1)e :454 In'",,t
,st.-A yott w nt tht t,t2t, tit tIldSe lletstitilig:tle1OLV ta tile P*1111 a Illiitit: iVotalkl-4..aniditre vegetable;;•pig
, 11%111: .116:17- 61 te:hielialrdiri„ nla tA"11116*Vitttlia47- itetftre‘t4e1.70111rittelTtl. te*%**94hen• ° l'i'aPInte4 'taar6 " - '- ' - -
*OF lquivie. in ItttS 1V1)114 "kiiith respect to woo Ite t -i bt Ow tibuiet) vitridp poi-co/I it vory
i., ,... ,."- twit tdittt he- IthO 4.411ti. 4:100- 11).,unikutt , pairsbit, - Thft'ditittri-eattStits IA :seill .0.i-=;,..i-ot s"si".'"
Ito" Anil t,006 iiitaIN Whitt 1)01 te wt41 aXpensivr. A tollorrmedd WNW', rtotistions itt Wtumbr-toitlish Ill'elritt vegeisbieA weil;;Ters theta in Icilti6warelle'rer'of toabli'441110-014 trod ttfereetsPon"t"d11413bIT .5Cineottvw ;.,14.,Y: t ::::.7,,..,'.. '.::::::..........,,.
datiet TheSiS SW tire Vital. Ittelattett Avii0g: out tvotnvvt,htte ,elit„ ter *to, , _ _ _ _ . . sbboilifig Witter. bring nuichly to lire
With reVittt 1C• tVtry 11119. 'rite first It mop, stoo in ,flawsen. lvt„.6 ,Talres up Matter oiling point again. tug altrasiag them
iicatt itornortli *nut, iii% undying spititi $00 frzln 'tli ta so, and ss bah aril ohletf ;5; ta awaken bublio opinion nh whielt tungbects them. and destOyel LORI
'Deflector, bleached bones' or th ora
used.- )thot ot W.grifla Ill0
is !let. groat if .one- hes use*. It,
hod lid* 'is really ,the ehlY expeh1O,
lit settle 1044050S prert, bolle$ 'Oat
seeareil tor:, 01.06 nottitog. Ge
epoug3t tor' 'pregellt, aid per
sible future lieelet. ona DOI) that Mita
Vdtver, Ihn tel*, te en teutplilletto.
old or diseased 11100011a .alleitttt
not, a, hand nutter does nice )14'
facrareils, tire -Ow making hone
goat Month Iresit' 101909. fidi eite3.119 foga IS antis retUted art MOO puh,, rtneOlther Ilona Or 1)090o
handei. tit, the ettd 01 'MAY Yeare 416' 1104tfeirl 41.(6 the ffntritall OeVernment, The' OeVtiollf gr h$'
Nieltoki •Ine DraffertYi Willett is now, which igloo eompilairon of the of•oa., green cut tote -soon° 'ys fort
'Werth Orally millions. will 'be ole• titer .roinditions','hdon toga a flay and. 'chino.. Thes .thererfert *Wing t,
lirelk. Ott, which r was lenelita 004. resnit 'tor: tni littrettle ht. the tuitultett
tty ht$ eheeSte nearly tyVe Oenittries• Jett year: • • laid. Width' Moths double' prat
,,„4. cold.-Weatirer. • ,Beti strap. -135tt"
4rockery' in tile oven. Id' Web -a.' tO Wig :tit It- Wete'ilrOcnild, ala 4ho' -lend- let' to bvereast fparklut ...,;....
Its '
, Tligm., vAngorgoor Je.As..,, . utork 'e*Ik, utter -costs Si 05 tettle„ Ind dam. liwItCNIATIlt ant Ict chtelt /tacit, besides being tuadt, peg lea,se. , Iclw, fits. Su denlY Peg (dense) b„4„,„„„ „,.
Itit'Sh11)". 'these Were •tho .q,Ufstikilgi cri end ta or cotteN , ,
iphoi.'it'aq.list-ed the 4,0011611, NVII414145: Ongild IS ilit a .gitert.- ilicohtng ts nke. ,
kinas CO
4A1 *1440
varia4 )4* tx•,t ',004) I
Wit LE
Irj4ty.5,,,, (110, 'filStetld Of alt itxpensti
Whill" 'ti 1101r -'relatt°4 19 ibe ill'vinesi 0 lingerie. toolsi *esti IS Wearer fit Titiw. in Vaginal OM% IS '4 risDe:ely who :sieen. Ill the •00! Wtitet tofur0.4011446
rt 00.0. '01 41)0 41110 'scrod tluOlUort 001W 1.might ter' , ' tbe' talipet of premature( 'burial and to firivor And color, . ., : ,..
with toped, tr.,it trona ottirat ill tratik. • f k ,A. vit},55t{. im„.1% „nma,A,...„ WO* 5t0t6 ilit4 P0144116 of Talcs whieli*Will!, •.,'• ler0411-6 wilt rentitogglilst 'and tied
rid. ' Ituntial the/inlet', depends upott . ' ":".4.1''F' 'A IC/V4 .14L'Ll 4.4'.'"'"'.'1" , tnali:e preatettrre bode impossible. - • Mains Ina ainfast oery 1:itld Of tunas
tainft.*0431*rittkta tXtXX XiOX 114 .1109*IXIR Tallattr, Is Oft 'It Pat nitti :- StaitstIts berm txrit prepared, to slietV' Without ltduring.thlt fibril,. c,.LiKasti. the.
atop* or human rooduhd. $uttlreikin AO, :r,'nts. lite twenlyllte reni, Varlely,rod‘ /tough mem 4 of the Medical proles. spetaino 'Wetted With weer, to be eller..
*Futon of ri I or sarattg, cyttvIMna else trc pfiee. Ten eent nuig« that in EOM* t049! everY"5°11 SI/ 5°11W XlIrts ke""na l'.°1* V411)6
Tehird 18 4."4.1"11° 4" 441P1"1**t* 4"" 1(!:1 Yer IveotPlIce-'tties le firlY. deaths 5115 -rersItt'JS Itttetti0ted. Al' IA water, This must be done before the
scait Itat Itnel leit 'chew:tie* the **lir dotible lei almoner and tour rion reilite to take ant Interest In the ow,
and Obtdielt* tif Ma (Sewing And *11.. :Atrews 'their mire uittta., cost xt Imittoi it, Prehttht, *Ate. m*,.81113Nrinlirt 4n thlt srtlY and
ampto is the tredettial tt IR* Rout. ,tranaporlation la the .Vouse MO. Atari. ha 'Lel!!!'d 'Vet %di Ilet• Mitt thertOtrie Alf"'
Over lba wok St Ilk Vddl riestis in • , Mule itv.a ,ateltz ot- atisperided anima. trod: prneeed outtly at it sno wefa
*election st,, chat/Ott ,Iste trail a*
1441*t 47' 47.`lbEetil Et, It* *oolt *t the rturilltion It the
ei *gust* We/watt *To _Woos et ilestiv. it * II* Vint /410-'
" NIL nt 00 Mil ,rper*** et huttsliallY.
ljte ever A to be born. to bare *or*
with heavenly peonsiseahsver over lb
read*. to be asilaaa, *1811 ,t2st
lattnel. htl. *IWO to the Imo
dit 'Mahood a*i la kW tlie
"veva revise in the whaeneest," la
paid °Wyss/ la Wes mans. **
is a atiliernacie lo
la. Os* and Misr* the mow *
amotre rostuess bardetee. aehisvit
iraindiewassis. ate wag Orthari-
ismoir. tailed No Coker/ ,81111 Ka tillas:
sit iv* *I thei n ls ills*
law Is ties sea -trteatiPITIV
sed ashishialact 41111
*rooks retires% WO at 041 a reOriErt
with board and *sat. A worsen who hi stated that ift the reftletery lust yang It up pees the right4ta loop
isolate* * tO prover alifittOr *Ad *et* ..oldosid6 the Mat Vilthiler them it Meough the kat% then attni *toffy
wit*, 101 otsw twittvoi *Ns e* mu stittiot petition mile u* dart- ssidt to bath loops and the eying sent he
mooth, while the (+Minato slab ViOnitkit 'Or Ot PtPthlattrh hhtitti !Nth 1-11)4Piehded 'tegkeliett secures. Tina till be etwirtly
TitAlSiNFt Mit
d*lisier4r sve teeJlel
von. Hi metope hert
411' keit. en we newt
sr; 11:174t
" Mom 00 see
\‘‘,441411)cser.,,, •
telet tag tet trt oransry b4Av;, but before
toolwRimel* Pa • Itt4F. c ananatiott. NO hst.t-i era Pared to tbe linbeeby swim the eog,haild gli.100,
Mar** VIZI) In Nolnl.00 In anallate aton*d , WWI Iney have *nerd a ton' Ntightly talohtt *est *rid yotalti,
rsreoatve Toreisastty. Wood . ire siderahle lime * 4 V#V44i$0, "WA- $1"0/41 1* *11WW41* "Weir *nct bc61°4
NA. 401 teat *later it rod In Mr &lees ot Ms rorote ant phioad 'AIM a pieta et ereirroll tied to tiniallti
-nift, tk wuitie. is the wall strict. wIliett NIVRavaleste. 1011 *R In "hoe wet*. 1104 Valor should he
a roan totter tor Ws assagai
hit * *ler roar et Ismatalrie btR itt an adloiennit chaffiber. where* ronkiit snit tees* woo 'teammate* end malr
Worm- 7114',X4likt stgremmt AM MIS tt poured utt when the water it halt
Dairson. la wer ilke Man is alwaye on tbe watch., To lora Rah free% for sane Wee.- moot is ao
WOW* be % A Overol IpstaRpe* kky Rits WO* Itnot oas font la to* Irma Ihe
11, 11041X *I 'Koos pr******17 bowled im* woka,,
rnicald. I* lo nal *At Me prop 1 um Isla A Is see lo
Warn atm* toe 'imp. 9 .............4. --
volts ntli:. won Vero arwiredaie* *et oss TOV cm? mgAi
64; Ited tin ottfor, Ootihf1.40,1 dried
• „„, 60 Todd Or tale art ot great Value to
le, 16 toeu,, het art ettpetiSi've Slid 3e
the ,dutel farttO Winne 005 ,flaii 5 IllWaT4,* Pere gooda. Thei
rerun "Vcr00.000 a year, lh GOP ,ttref Is to lender, jetty ii-eist
.thirIt,ftkr0 Wilt be4nerelt*Akt h-vh‘thith °sale itadtat hem weld
• Thd, German Eroperbr upOri• * • long lit illetding which Ittwoult
1(4 of In riling ,harti is Ono Of hia • Limdon. Itqf lastilettr 1,440 Itintra et There I* Ile *it'll* thing of 't
that •the Chad, hal* Shall risitig end Oro 'letting •ot-Itte sun. In Winter la /Mitt tut *ore
rieptiat,itt teratir:: phlte.g( Tittintierakiim 3, rotliP0Ved !melt tut hone e
good dativithit "tt'fifittrt, and the Arran* , . ti*5 "fei his: Winter's eupply of meet.
fertirltaltas initS.,,, /16 is manst Mittens stinSlittlo'dttt rai OA hotn's between the hld *kettle** otitiliftletorY rg
gashed tat Melt, Aegatsee, * ,enitt* otbrr word**. Albeit threMterier'S of the• equally valuable In siding hen
that Ote Smallest *tails shalt Irt rare,' Atthe taken by ch5ertationn res over- the ItIOUning 'Alien ha Ark
fully planned beforehand. Beth yeer, east. and the befantO WAS tiettr. . %king tiglitit• ' It.„1°A We
thercioNt. tin eintiosts tither from his In .I.Orklan foggY if0Y.k Art 1116 AOC brinilling liti Pv matik
hod lizard or Pool the ltt egimeot of' and clear daps are the ,exceplion. lt Jig Making ltitni Se ,PkirtL
n .SAli
Citvilry ut 1.1* Ottani, tato brilliant
berA, wha are excused from all roliftary
&Vet These officers' matt &ben AO
petbriklii; weir toir inotorimi watts
411.stinetion. avid lead * cottltott"wIth
meltod tinah. Dery open the halt
with a prioress et' the Mood 'Mel. and
they snd their;, partneri by** the law.
tin* te * that With deep obeleistiee
Woe* Maly 14010016!". Upon Maar ale.
Mit rale Mir Mara
== the Mew oTteel seld *it 1st
nee prime* ei Seart•Wewresr. th*
lvfa isirsing Ids*, ins * es * mess4 110 004
pots ors 10.0,7
sievor Mew Mb OM With& WI lant IX*7 Ai X
at rourse,,,not possible to snaty
.usys A* mantes. etissr or wholly top
git, and es fa 'these the ei,pression la
adopted or variable. •
i,00don owes tit fog, to * triple coin.
bine lon '
sottliticesterty;wtoda :t5 out of lho 1049
days ot the year. salt' triarshies through,
much of the territory met which the "
wisterly or **athweiltrly wind; blow
east *it *Int*, universal war of soft tot%
last "ter %err aere tvrere dolt SuP
Vett in London Map Ihnte hest been
4* average los twisty pan bett:0
?red: *They telt *tit Year at
yeit IN* ershr toe ei -1terfo,'
AN Isola wee d1/010,s,x'
1 ie. 1 Moon Ile*
7 5•• . •
111,111 N()I1VHOrie10.-) 11.SINN 1(1
3,-1 1 V.1