The Goderich Star, 1906-11-30, Page 114400 0.000 0•041.40 11100.0401110.0441
Ttle..00Pumtri STAR Is thetargest.
Itia*apaperintheConnty at tittren and
2 0,14%00 Quality's quantit7; cirpalation
zox4s.z. IlaarvrtarAanou ON, 001:71vinr x,rcrx,40.tsT
There le flneaslien at all abent rale needing A 'PaVillgO OA -
'count,. tra there la only One sure WAY 02 eeettettliatilig
slrealtilt and that le by saving it. A. few pereOns inherit
wealth, while Otherti gaiti ingePenflenee etroke of
bele, het the Vast majority et people secure a Cempeteuce
bY opoo410$ leso than they make and saving the 61112111$.
We pay VOWS per Cent. Interest on depoeite aria money
eau be withdrsayn at any time.
F'"' •
'Owner dan buy° same by proving proi
.-Cla Huron Road, a siun of roomy.
perty, J. W. SenTil, Eas5 SD. •
-19GOY WANTED. -.To learn drug bitsiness.
Appli to ii. C. Donuts., sucostsor to W.
C. Goode, Bedford Bleck. Godorich.
-vvreNTIUts-At once, gond local salesman
for Goderioh aod /Astrid, to represent
Canada's Greatest Nurseries, Largest 114 a
epecialties ever offered in fruit and orna.
mental stook. Permanent, situation tor the
right man. on liberal terms. Apply at once
for spring selling season. STONE 60 WELL-
It_ HARD Ve000.-On hand at MolSwies's
out 12 and 16 !whoa long to suit their eas-
terner. Also en abundance at hemlock and
cedar slabs. Phoncie 08 and 1(D.
FOlt sA.LE CHEA.P.-A genital
Horse and a pair ot Bob-steig
TAOR SAS/E.-Strong sat of Single Illarnese
..10 for sale, cheap. Apply REv..100. 1.1,101T
ARM FOR SALE. -Lot 3„ L. S. It., eon tain-
ing 128 acres land, clay leant, 10 acres
u, der fall wheat, in good condition. 41 utiles
Meth, of Goderioh, Within 14 milco of 3
churches and P. 0. Price reason- able. on
leasy terms. Apply to Jo. ScoTT, Port, A bort.
101011, SA1.15.--A 50 egg Chathtai Incubator
1.2 and Brooder, In perfect condition . Rea-
son, no room. Also a good wood hoiltiir, and
Beyond °Pair artieles. Apply at San
ow FOR SALK-Jersey, suPPoffell to be
I goo.
in calf. A bargain. Apply at Tile STAn
sik;sitleig5fIthocNa043 %Mt
. Mark
noir At!matj.:. ot Mho. ete,,
nex rifiat"Bozaucereal EWA. PA'
§1 TRATED.--etray Sheep came to premises
Nov. IL Owner can lutvn mime by proving
of undersigned.2nd con.. Bayileld Head,
ownerahim 31.10HA.E14 6,10AVOY.
Lif-oOST.-Betwoon St. David's Street and Quo-
resent, with green leaf In centre. Finder
boo SG, a Gold Broach, in the Shape of a
please leave at STAR Office.
The Whole Family Group :
The Delinentor, 12 numbers
at 150 .1 80
McClure% 12 numbers at 100.1 20
Busy Man's, 12 numbere
20c . 8 40
-$5 40
price for the three, $3.50
asisEoltatli BECKETT, General Auctioneer
11.11 006 Handlten Street Goderich, P. 0. Box
183. Farm. farm stock, and all other sales will
receive special attention. I will bay your en-
tire stack et Household Furniture, and will pay
spot earth prices. Lot me knovvwhat you have
arrnelHastrorlineroe call and- r(00..Wliat_l Aria
sell you. .---0120R019 BECKETT, Curiosity
Shop. GoVrjoh. _
Another One ;
Pietetrial Revievv, 18
at 100.
Argosy, 12 numbers
London. -Free Preset
edition ..
Firsi solling,_buying or renting town and farm
Or:MM. Fire and Life Insurance. Othes,
N rth side, Court House Square.
• - - • -
Notice is hereby given that a list of the
lands for sale for arrears of taxes has been pre-
pared and that copies thereof may be had at
this office, and that the list is being published
in tho Ontario Gazette, in the issues of August
18th and 25111, and September 1st and Sth. 1901
And that 10 default of payment of the taxes
and ooste the lands will be sold at the Court
House, in the Town of Ooderich, on Tuesday,
the 411) day of December, at o'clock in the af•
WM. 1.10LMER,
County of Huron. Treasurer.
Treasurer's OfIlee, Ooderich, Ana. 16111, 1906.
FillYPEW =ERB of all makes rented, sold
_IL or excluanged. Ribbons and supplies al-
ways on hand. Copying work done. Ottiee on
Kingston street, next Yule's. W. E. 10)-Gtorm.
•- -
SALE. -Two new Dwellings on Anglo -
soy St. A comfortable Dwelling on Pluton 8t.
Building lots on Elgin Avenue, Essex St., Cedar
Bt. and Pine St.
WANTED. -A tow Furnished lionises or
Rooms, near the Lake front, to rent for the
summer seaslan.
- - -
pROPERTY FOR SALE.- The desirable
property on "Elgin Avenue, Goderich,
owned and occupied by Dr. Whitely. Geed
house and two-thirds of an acro of land, with
choice fruits, The house is heated by hot
water and has MI modern improvements. A
bargain tor any person %venting tirst-alass pro.
party at a moderate price. Apply to or address
DK. NVHITELY, Eiodorich.
PERS F011 SALE. - 'Several hundred
copies of old newspapers for sale. JUst the
g_when you are housecleaning. Apply at
ruPsi FURS!
equal to new- _An
Expert English Furrier
narantees sstisfaction. Yon make a mistake
you send send your furs out of town.
Mrs. Blake's residence, West street, (lode -
rich. _
IN Tait ESTATI6 OA WILLIAM Witits, naelt.tunt),
1 20
at 10c -A 20
.... 00
-$5 40
All three for $4.25
Business .Man's Group :
Toronto Saturday Night, at 5c 2 00'
London Free Press, rnorning
edition 8 00
Busy Man's Magazine, at 20e 2 40
---$8 00
My price, $5.25
Subscriptions received for any peri
odical at publishers' prices.
tIODURict.1- .S!`EAR ham
vii4ulation than anyother Kcwspapor
• . thia seotlan at the Onunty of -Mina
ScoVo Gamma. TWO Pt.
Andrew's DO. and. ow,. 10110Wing
greeting ita hew Of it has been re -
calved by the officon of Inverness
Camp 0. S.
"Greeting:I to the Scots floderich fit=
their brethren ot tirantifOrtlii
Prima% &rota, rvo seething medr to say;
ume. Aool your ermaca In tapir play;
MG, a wha's hair is setting gray can stop wr
wisliteg, that ele train= day we te way seo.
Rea Bt. Andantes kleclety. itee.1151.1411tar. •
To Wirth UM -Today the members
of the Dominion Draught gorse
BreedersSociety, which waeorganIzed
and incorporated, with ita bind
office in Goderich, over 20 years ego,
will meet in Wotan to complete the
winding up of the society, whieb was
decided on o,t a special general pleat-
ing heldiast January. The fourall and
final volute° of their stud bait is
nearly completed and will be destribut-
ed in a couple of weeks, but the soc-
iety will pros/dually cease to exist after
today. A. report of- the proceedin
C}C. tiALE, L. D. 8., D. S.. MOlisan'o
. Block, Goderich. Dr. Turnbull u old
will appear in Tau S'TAR next wee .
SAD NEwe.-On Sunday Mr. and
Mrs. Wm. Lee received intelligence of
the death of their eldest daughteta M.
- Jennie, wife of 13. L. Shaw, of Oak-
land, California, who had passed atiaty
mills BURGS HOTEL, Goderich 001.-
1 Thoroughly refitted anti modernized. A
home for the traveller and farmer. Bost 81.50
a day hotel to be found anYwhore.-N. J. MOR-
RISEY, proprietor.
• ---
Scarcity in local markets and a slightly im
creased demand for shipping and grinding Poo'
poses. hoe made the grain market stronger,
causing an average rise of a cent all round.
Primo cattle are at old rates, but there are BO
tpany botehers not up to killing standard that
prices for these grades will likely outke a drop.
J. F. Andrews shipped two cars of cattle for
exoort to St. John's on Monday. and a double
decked car ot hogs Pa Toronto yesterday after-
Current wholesale prices corrected
up to noon of Thursday.)
Fall wheat, $0 68 to 69
Spring wheat. standard ...... 0 OS to 69
Flour per cwt.., atent ' to 2 50
Flour, per cwt., amity
Bran, per ton
Shorts, per ton
Screenings, pin ton
Oats new
Barley new
Nan new
Buckwheat, per bushel
Hay, new
Butter, per
Eggs, Brest)) per dozen
VVned, per cord
This favorite public house, under the
new management, will he conducted on
modern principles, and the best possible
service iS guaranteed the general public.
Your patrouage is respectfully solicited.
STAND -Corner Hamilton and New-
gate streets, Goderich.
. „
Thoroughly modernized, good rigs, good horses,
reliable harness. Rates reasonable.
Vont' patreunge solicited.
Phone 51 Walker & Augustine.
Notice is hereby given that all parsons hay-
elaitna against William Ivan. late of the
Township of West Wawanosh in the County
of Huron, farmer, deceased, who died on the
8th day of October. 19011, aro required to send
ty post prepold or deliver to the undersigned
admlnistratrix on or hefere tbe first day of
January, 1907, tAteir names, addresta»; and de-
scriptions, and statement of their claims
with particulars thereof and the nature of the
soatnity, if atiT, holit by them. And notice is
further given that after the first day of .Inntri
'try, 1907, the arlministratrix will distribute the
assets of thodeceased among trio persons en-
titled thereto, having regard only of the claims
of which sho shall then have notice, and she
will mit be liable for the said assets or any part
to any person of whose claim she will not then
have notice.
Administratrix, Thingannon.
Solicitors tor Estate, tioderich.
Goderleh, Nov. 214, 1006.
The Connell of the County of Huron will
meet in the Connell Chamber. in the Town of
Goderich. at 3 o'clock p. rn,. the first Tues-
day in December next All accounts to come
before the Connell must lao placed with the
clerk before the day of meeting.
Dated Nov. 20, 1966.
/SSP= orr WanninOwl,ICILNSEA
2 `At to 2 20
19 00 to 19 00
21 00 to 21 in
18 00 to 18 CO
U 34 to 0 35
to to 0 44
0 76 to 0 77
0 48 to 0 48
0 59 to 0 50
12 00 to 12 00
0 20 to 0 '12
0 '43 to 0 23
5 00 to 6
Cattle, eyort 4 00 to 4 5
Lambs, spr ng
Sheep, fat lewt)
Hogs, live weight
Hogs, dressed
lianas, per lb
Bacon, long clear
Sheep skins
Tallow, rendered
Chickens -barnyard
" -crate tett
Beef, fore quarters
Beef. hind quarters
Geese per lb
Decks "
Cattle and Hogs in Toronto.
Stin Office, Tuesday ovg„ Nov. 27.
Hamitic); of cattle at Toronto market today
were not large, and the tendency was towards
a firming 01p in price,
crawford & Hunitisett furnished the follow-
ing quotations Exporters, choice. $4,50 to
$1.75; medium, St 25 to 31.40; heavy export
bulls, 53.60 to 3%75; light export bulls. $3.25 to
$1.50; export, cows, 53.,50 to 33.75.
Hogs hare gone up with ajuntp this week.
l'ackers tiro paying on board oars at countrY
points, 80 to 86 15, with tho latter price pre-
vailing. This is about 400. higher than the
price ruling last wook.
the previous day at her husband'S re-
sidence in that city. The deceased
lady bad been ill for nearly four years,
hence her deaths though. Jit sanrlfa1/2
was not entirely unexpected. The rite
Mrs. Shaw, who was horn intliderichs
was married nearly fifteen years alum,
and left with her 'husband for the Pa-
cific coast, but during that period
made several vieits to the old home.
She was the last of three daughters,
her sisters, Grace end Nina, dying
some years since. Mr. and Mrs. tee.
and MaChas. Lee, and deceased's only
son, have the sympathy of a large
number of friends in their great be-
reavement. The late Mrs. Shaw's re-
mains were interred at Oakland, on
Tuesday. At St. George's church on
Sunday evening, "Peace, Perfect
Peace," was sung by the choir in meurel
ory of the deceased, who 110U3, until
she left Cilocierich, a member of that
church. '
Owen Sound. Nov, 27. -The atautuda
little westing steamer J. 11. Jones,
whit% for yeare has covered the route
front Wiarton and this port along the
met shore of the Bruce peninsula to
the south side of the Manitoulin, has
gone to the bottom, carrying with her
over a (more of human lives. There
ban been more or less apprehension
since last Friday. The Jones left hero
on Thursday, and was not reported at
various points of call up the lake. It
was thought at first she might have
sought shelter at some inaccessible
point, hut the worst fears were real -
Cattle, or inary and butchers' .... 3 00 to 4 00
00 to
3 60 to 4 00
6 0/ Go 6 le
7 75 to 8 00
0 00 to 0 00
0 1.5 to 0 15
7 00 to 7 25
0 fit; to 0 60
0 04 to 0 01
chicks, pur lb 8 tO 8
9 11 to 0 12
0 00 to 0 00
0 en to 00
8 to 8
10 to 10
13 to 13
0 50 to 0 55
0 35 to 40
ized today, when Mr. McAuley, Man-
ager of the Dominion Fish Company's
plant at this point, who has been fore-
most the search for the 1U18$11113
men, announced that the Indians sent
out to look for traces of them had
come upon evidence that one of the
saddest tragedies in the history of the
grent lakes had been enacted. Two
lifeboats, a section of the cabin, and
Home freight found by the Indiane on
the Christian Islands left unquestion-
able evidence that the worst had hap-
A Prominent Cltitten and Enterpris-
ing Business Man Passed Away.
Mr. James Clark, wboso illness hao
been noted for some weeks in these
columns, passed 0.wav YesterdaiSa hav-
ing taken a turn for the worse early
yesterday niorning. Mr, Clark'e death
will be a gteat loss to tbe businese of
Goderich, and all over Ontario there
are warm friends who will regret his
call, while yet In the height of life`a
waren ou KIS EWE.
bringe scores of Young People every
year from the farms and v Wages of
our country to spend a few months in
our eplendul school, -The
From communications in hand, this
month this year will bring as many as
ever. If you have not though/ of it,
not hira our catalogue, write for it, at
once turd you will likely plan to join us,
W. H. SHAW, Principal.
Canadian Northern Ontario Raillvay.
No•ricit is hereby given that application
will be mad. to the Parliament of Cam
ada nt the next session thereof for an Act
nmending the Acts relating to the Canadian
Northern Ontario Railway Company? ifermerlY
the Jetties Bay RellWaY EomPanyi Ma follows :
Anthorizing the emistruetion of the follow-
ing linen of rellwaY :-
lel from Washago westerly to take Huron
near Kincardine;
66 trom A:eerier southerly to SG Law -
route Weer. between Kingston and Brock•
to) from Pembreice southwesterly to Lake
Ontario. befWeen Toronto ass nosevine ;
011 from Toronto-ostawa northwesterly
to Georgian Day. near Collingwood or Owen
Sound ;
tel from Toronto -Ottawa lino westerly press
Mg through or near, Hamilton and
LOndon to Windsor, with branches to Ht.
Thornaa and Sarnia, and a branch or loop north
ot Toronto.
If) frem Nineara River northwesterly, pass-
ing thrOugh or near liatnillon to bake Huron,
near Godorieh ;
(4 trent 1.uakci Erie reeet of Port Colborne,
northerly pearling through or near Brantford
or Berlin to Georgian Bay ;
On from a point near Washed° to tho Geor-
gian Bay dant of Collingwoodi
tn trona Montrent-Ottawa line north ot
Montroat, westerly to connect with the auth-
orised lino in the °aunty ot Leeds or lsoutrirt
Also aging' and extending the Dine Mr m
mower/mut andeomplettem of authorized lines.
thangthe Mutt ot seenclum Which may he in-
Clited In re., (elect of above Imo at evaded Onr.
mile anti authorising amalgamation ot leas-
hig agreement* orlth tho Comedian Northern
Quebec Railway Company.
Astistant Solicitor.
Toronto, titb November, teta.
DRS. EMMEB401.4 &11/1t14111lit.L.
Elitateseen 24. D. '
W. Testesnett, m.
°Met.% aril:Wilt Bt. 'Phone
tYr,. VitierMga fleardeeectl batld
Mitments IMMO," thereat Moen
thbrilfit Vitteliate,Neleilit Cts
'eat Shan' Steret Phase 111,
Z litAcgta,
Atte atteletree
The Sterling Bank
Incorporated by Special Ast of the
Detnittion Parliament to receive
'Highest current rate of interest
paid in our
Savings Bank Bepartment
au deposits of $1 and upwards,
Interest paid and compounded
Drafta bought and sold.
A Oeneral Banking Butariesa
A. G. GAMBLE, Manager,
Your Subscription ?
ls it paid for 1906-'07 ?
Do you not want the two
beautiful Premium Pic-
"'Ruth, the Gleaner," and
" Rebecca at the Well"?
13 Kit are the equal of the
best , Premiums offered by the big
city • Weeklies.
V Veld, hurry up and pay for tooy
-t itersthe only condition to se-
mi is them, except that the sue.
t is limited. Don't delay, ot
yo shay hate to do whittled.
Puha. The Star
The exact quotations riven by the Toronto
packers for this week are as follows:
The Wm. Davies Co. are paying 86.15 on
board ears, at average Ontario points. $11.40
for hogs fed and watered In Toronto, and $6.65
off ears in Toronto.
111111Malritia Ur" 111,10,1_14AillAt.
04.9"11R Irj
colluvo 141 stroaltninOrainntastiOTIIII tlattoevilrt?' fret: troYcietalotee.i. grtSot°03:12:111:Phigia:tLtiviOe00004-tatgatitiro
ovet entered this barber, arrlYed 'With •
tripe" to Toronto. and endeavors to
cost aspe.reiona on one of the pro- about 110,000 bushels of Wheats alla
priotors of Tan Saari bectmee he was
subpoenaed there. If it ehottid so
happen that both the proprietore of
the Signal are subpoenaed to the high-
er court at Toronto, they will learn 03
much about " free tripe," au their own
friends mut inform the Signal about
the recent trip to ToKinto, because
they all know bow " free " they had
the trip.
The tato James Clark was born a.t
Orkneys in the early forties, and canto
to Canada about 1800, settiing in Gode-
rich. Although brought up on a farm,
he saw the opportunities open hi mer-
cantile fishing, and entering on that
business it proved a success. In a few
years he was engaged in the business
at Wiarton and the fishing Wands In
the Georgian Hay, and later, Lake
Manitoba and Lake Superior fisheries
were included in the list, from which
the Dominion and other fish companies
On which deceased was inter's/dad)
drew'their supplies. Nearly two years
since Mr. Cloak resigned the manager-
ship In Ontario of the Dominion Fish
Co. but retnained as adviser while he
livt;t1, Among those who fished and
dealt in WI, no man was better known
iu Ontario and Buffalo district, and
during nearly 40 years dealing with
fishermen and fish dealers, his mealy
businese methods won econiums from
-buyers and. sellers- alike, For many
years Januar A. McKay and deceased
Werepartners ill the ftsh busineasi but
a deeade nt. more ago Mr. McKay retir-
ed front that branch.
As deceased's business increased he
looked around for investments for his
capital, and soon determined to use it
in forwarding the industries of his
adopted town, Goderich. In further-
ance of this object he invested 101 the
Knitting (extol y, of which at death
he was 0 director. lie was also large-
ly Interested t Lake Huron and
Manitoba Milling Co., doing his best
helping to start. the Ilig Mill again,
and was president of that company
until it tVaS merged in the Western
Canada Flour Mills Co. lie was large-
ly interested in the tlielerielo Organ
Co. and the Godeticii Hnglne Works,
wars president of both, and was 0t. di-
rector of the (ioderich Elevator and
Transit 00., the Gialerielt Harbor Mill
Lumber Co., and t he Marlton Dredg-
ing Co., in emit of Whieh he held stook.
He was a director of the Maitland
Rivet. Power Co. and the Ooderich
Cement, Brick Co., nnil at Hines had
been interested in Government eon-
tracta. He was a man of man y
strong will power tend clear reationing
qualities, with great goalie:OW venoms
dominating his life. ibit he wits not
always the strong 1)11011'105.1 matt posh.
ing the interests of fitalerich, for he
thought of others, a teatime brotight
to the reportei's notice on Nov. 1st
on Hamilton street, when a widow
asked, "How is Ali., Clark?" On the
reporter answering that he was very
bail and Unit tile doetors lied said he
could not recover, the widow, with
tearti gathering in her eyes, strict, '"I`he
Lord always takes the good tuatiliest."
lames Clark had been III for some
time, nine or ten months, luit his
strong will power rumbled hinilo keep
up with his many businees hiterests,
and the very afternoon when the
seriousness of his illness became evi-
dent, a meeting of the directors of the
Harbor' Lumber Mill Co. hful been
held at his residence, and so the man
whose memory will be revered hy the
flaherinen of Huron and the (leorgion
Bay, by the emplo y Oen of the Ooderich
inclustrie4, and in fact by all who
knew hint, passed to the Great Be-
The funeral will lake place tomor-
row, Saturday, to Maitland centetery,
at p. tn.
To the Widow and relatives THE
Srait extends Ito sympathy the loss
of a good ritizen and ft lend of the
people, Alla a loyal supporter of (lode -
Folrowing is the list of the crew and
passengers known to be on board:.
PASSENGERS. - T. J. Donaldson,
AidtcTLyetls,-Mrs. Lyons, all of Owen.
Sound; Jas. Fox, Frank Felon, Geo.
Felon, M. W. Peterson, Louis Allen,
J. M. Wagg, all of Toberniory; Daniel
McIver, Providence Bay, (a Sioderich
man); other unknown men.
CREW. -Captain, J. V. Crawford ;
mate, Ed. Lennox; chief engineer. C.
Shaw; second engineer, Wesley Sad-
ler; firetnen, R. Slannionds and T.Sim-
tnonds ; dockhands, J. Tilley, W.
Smith; wheelsmen, G. McIlwen, W.
Ross; cooks, j. Jackson, M. Olark.
The Jones, as she was popularly de-
signated was well known all over the
northern part of of Lake Huron, in-
cluding the Georgian Bey. She was
of "tug" build, and was the work of
Wm. Marlton, Goarich, in lS88, and
was for many years engaged in col-
lecting fresh fish, packed in boxes,
faona the various fishing stations-
Toberrnory, The Ducks, Cockburn Is-
land, Killarney, The Bustards, and
points on the east coast of the Geor-
gian Bay, completing her journey at
Owen Sound. Of late years the fran-
chise of these stations had been under
the control of the Dominion Fish
Cquapeny, and the boat was formerly
owned by that organization. That mho
was staunchly built was proved con-
clusively when she was a few years
ago stink between Kagnsvong harbor
and Clapperton Island, as the result
of a collision with the steatner Paci-
fic, of the Northern Navigation Com-
pany's fleet. She was floated and re-
paired the next spring, and put on her
old route, her first captain after the
accident being the 111011 WhO Was
mate of the Pacific at the time of the
collision. CuriOusly enough, the sante
season the Pacific was completely de-
stroyed by fire at the owner's dock in
Oollingwood harbor.
The fate of the Jones, so similar to
that of the Jane Miller a score of years
ago, should be sufficient in the way of
warning to deter any small vessel from
venturing on the Georgian Bay during
the season of had fall storms. The
Jones was a good vessel of her class,
but was too small to weather the
slornis that have proved too much for
larger vessels such as the III fated
Asia. It is not necessary to suppose
that she struck a rock; to all appear-
ances she simply foundered, as the re-
sult of being overwhelmed by waves
too high to be overridden. '
Tromanhauser, of Tromanhauser
Bros., who have about completed the
big elevator here,left yesterday morn-
ing for Minneapolis. Since residing in
Goderich, Mr. Tromenhauser has
tnade many warm friends, hnt none
more so thanahe workmen with whom
he has been intimately associated,
Learning of his contemplated depart-
ure, he was on Wednesday invited to
spend the evening with the Shaw
Bros., on West street, apd at:the pro-
per time escorted to the spacious din-
ing room of the Huron Hotel, where
the workmen tendered an oyster sup-
per, and Mr:Lionel Parsons. on their
behalf. in modest terms presented hitn
with a handsome gold mounted um-
brella. Mr. Tromen'hauser was a sur-
prised man, and thanked the donors
sincerely, expressing the hope that the
good feeling between employers and
employees would ever continue. The
gathering, though limited in number,
was a most pleasant one, Atr. James
Shaw rendering several numbers on
the violin. Mr. Tromenhauser leaves
with the good -will of all classes of peo-
ple. At the conclusion, I3rophey, the
photographer, took a couple of splen-
did flash -lights of theparty anti din-
ing room, which will prove souvenirs
of the occa.sion.
Money Found 1. W. Smith
Ilarners For Salo -Rev. Joseph Elliott
Guessing Contest Book Stem
Horse For Sale -Armstrong Bro.:
Furs, Furs --Erne4 Harvey
Itediteed Prices- li. W. Thomson
A Tost Case -W. C. Pritlitam
Oreat Stock Reducing Halo J.H.Colbortio
Paturday and Monday Bargains W.Arhi
eson & Son 5
Right on Top W. Sharman ...... . 5
A Magnificent Showing D. Millar Co
Winding 1.4) Sale Hodgens 110014. ..
Skirls Mi. A. McKim 3
coming -Prof, 1'mill-sir 8
Brood' host STAR °Mex. 1
#44.0111641$ te, =At A...
" •• KM V100 riZ3
come:moiled unleatlingt The Mae ) 11* ,
ry Rut raoro smoothly than with Oa
first boat and the large °royal of oh,,,
tierVella was delighted with the Ofteeit
and ease with which the unloadh1g
was being done. There is yet
chance of having the full capacity of
the elevator filled.
IN view of the requests of the Pro-
vinces of Ontario, Manitoba and Sas-
katchowan, for the enlargement of
thole borders by the addition to each
of a slice of the territory of Keewatin,
it fluty be of interest to give the areas
In remain miles of the several Pro-
vinces as now constituted
Withal Columbia ......... 373,1t30
Alberto. .................. . .
Saskatot!aLwan ..... 2500110
Monne a .... 73,732
Ontario ............ ' . . .5*,862
gmbee ..... 351,871
Now lironswlek 27,085
Nova Scotia . 31,428
Prince Edward islaud 2,084
Brief Town Topics.
(See Supplement fot additional Briefs.
Mr. Thomas 0. Kerr left for South-
ern California on the 10th. The em-
ployees of the Big Mill presented him
with a beautiful suit case and a gold
watch chain and locket, before leav-
ing the old town.
(leo. M. Elliott has been receiving
and packing poultry the past few dayti
for shipment. to Winnipeg, to which
city it will likely he despatched today.
The shipment will consist of dressed
turkeys, geese, ducks and chickens.
The last regular meeting of the
present County Council of Huron coin-
mences next Taesday, so it woold he
well for those having ac.e.otints to see
that they are in the elerk's hands in
good time and save their reference to
their new Council.
Notices under this heading to nomadvertis
ers will be charged 10 rents a running line in
nonpariel type, 12 linos to the Inch; to yearly
contract advertisers whose advertising ap-
pear. in the Helen mettle, n cords a line • to
those who nutke a yearly contract under eine
headitil and do not otherwise advertise, 8
Local Notices.
Craigie & Lee have removed their
Ofitco one door west, temporarily. until they
move Into their new oftlee between the 0. 'I'. IL.
and the new 0'. P. 11.. uniting.
The hest guessing content, yet. Ev-
ery customer purchasing one dollar's wort.h
of goods at our store, beginning the first of
December till the first of January, 1907, will
be given the privilege of guessing the nearest
date Ghat passenger servlee will be started on
the C. P. It. between Oodorloh and Toronto,
The winner will bn elven free ticket to To
root°, and, in order to clear, all goods will be
sold at. cost. Kum's 1100K SIIMIL.
cont.° a ine.
Puutasuptut No/rim-Mr. Thos. 0.
Allen. who ts the ren'alar correspondent,. to
Tuts BTAR tor Dungannon and neighborhood. is
sattitortzeta to receive subscriptions and COM
ciders for Joh printing and advertiaing.-.Pnba,
0. E. AUGUSTINE. - Dungannon
Chopping Mat Dealer In Flour and Feeds -
Three Star, Five Star, ane Purity Firma
Danish Stook and Poultry Food. --chopping
promptly attended to.
The general blnelonnith firm of Bradford Moe.,
in the vglogo of Dungannon,ditaioivedparnier-
ship on Nov. ist, and all accounta duo the firm
aro horotof roiniestod to be nettled on or bolero
Doc. 15, Mi. The business will be continued
by thoundersigned.-Ocottos BeArirOan.
0. A. Newton, Dentist, Lueknow.
At home ovary day except Thursdays. Now
remedy for extracting teeth, teoutnotorne.
better than gen. Crown and bridge work, etc.
Aluminum plates toonbroakahla N.B.-You
can alWay5 4avo your work much better
done in the dental office-elem. time, better
faeilities tor (Ming tho work -and much mere
comfortable for the tuttlent.
PERSONAL.-Messre. Willisand Mole
spent a few dart of this week at Seas
forth and intermediate stations. -We
bear that two of our Dungannon boys
who have got out into the world,
were this- eveek married, we- mean-- --
Herb Whyard and Len Westbrook.
We believe it, but have not thejsartis -
cellars. Both the boys have been
doing well and will doubtless now do
much better. -We are pleased to re-
port that Fred Motllynn is improving
nicely. He is still at liugh Stewart's.
-Sorry to report Mr. Willie Oliver is
again under the weather, but hope it
is for a few days only.
Dominion Minieter of Attrioul-
Lure hits at length signified hIs inten-
tion to do something in the way of
procuring cold storage foe the fanners.
The Toronto Mail says : "Two tuella-
hers of the House have been laboring
assiduously withsa-v-iew-to Impreasing
the Minister of Agriculture with an
idea of the Importance of tide subject.
One is the member for Wentworth, IC,
I). Smith ; the other 18 the tnembee for
East Huron, Dr. Chisholm. 'rite inti-
mation of the Minister of Agriculture
that he is looking into the matter is a
triumph for these energetic friends of
the producers. It can only be hoped
Oust 0 really live policy will be intro -
deceit and that the fanning cotnnatin-
it y will get the full benefit of the agi-
tation that lins been eo well vont-
Pigeon thieves are working oyer -
time in Ooderich. The three pair
stolen from Trafalgar street, whieh
were under lock and key, will make
trouble for the guilty party. The
offense is acriminal one and is liable to
land somebody in jail.
The Iroquois club are again in the
bet of hockeyiste. as it haa again or-
ganized with the intention of putting
a strong seven on the ice. Tim racers
are : President, Dr. 0. E. Sale ; vice-
president, O. L. Parnons; Recent' do,
ILO, Sturdy; treasurer, R.W. Critigie;
secretary. A. F. Sturdy; manager,
John Tait; captain, A, McLean.
The Meeting Calendar.
'Replier meeting of the Public School Board
next Monday evening.
0. I.. 182 will hold their annual nteeting en
Friday. Deoember 14th, the regular ?fleeting
falling on the 25th. Remember the III h. oleo
Lion of °Mears anti general hominess.
Regular meeting of Town Connell next Frt.
day evening, Nov, 7.
Regular mooting of the Plinth, School board
next Monday evening.
The formal meeting of Huron District Conn -
di. It T. of T., will lie held in Seaforth,
Tnesilay, January 8, MO, eommencing at 10 31)
it. tn.
Regular meeting of Eureka Council, R. T. of
T,. next. Monday evening. A full aft:m(1.1nm
Is rorlocottod for very importnnt business
Court, Onderieh, No. :r,„.c. 0, 10., will elect
officers newt Tuesday evening. Dee. It h.
The regular monthiy meeting of the finder -
lei) braneh of the 11 omen's Institute will he
held atthe home of Mrs. T. Swartz, Waterloo
ntreot, en Thorulay, Dec. 6th This will he an
afternoon with fancy work, and talka on
Christmas gifts All noplesof Mod llousetomp
Mg are wonted.
A Kindly Offer.
LET Ull PROGRESS. -The petition to
incorporate Dungannon as a police vil-
lage will be completed and circulated
for eignatures in time for presenting
to the County Council at its oession on
Tuesday, 4th Deo. As the time will
be short, let all have their mind set-
tled whether to sign or not. It will
require a majority of the free and
lettee holdere to sign. If we become a
pollee village it will mean that we will
annally elect three trustees to manage
our affairs. Our revenue Will Ile what
ever tax we choose to put on ourselves
up to 1 cent on the dollar of assessment,
and whatever share of the hotel
License fees that the township of
Ashfield will allow us out of a total of
about 5100 a year. We will have no
township tax, but we will have tbe
same County and School taxes as the
rest of the township. We now pay' in
township tax approximately 5160 a
year. This sum and our statute lalsor,
which, commuted at 75c. a day.
would amotua to about 5100 more,
and our slaare of the License feee,
would give us in the neighborhood of
$300 a year. Surely MO a year would
soon put the village In good shape.
Our taxes need not be any higher titan
formerly, and in all probability svill
not be. It has been for years back
that if the township councils grant
511111 of money. however small, for
repairs in Dungannon, the ratepayers
in other Hections of the township find
fault with the council, As a police
village we eould at least hove our own
townahip rate without the humiliation
and trouble of asking and begging for
it, and if we wanted a little extra for
14(11110 purpose at any titno' we would
have the power to levy it on ourselves.
Not only that, but we would have the
privilege of issuing debentures and
thus seatter the cost of any consider-
able improvement over a number of
years, We do not see that there need
be any hesitation about signing a pe-
tition asking for ineorporation.
(11EVILItAf, Norics. -- J. R McNabb
paid out over $1000 Wednesday for
fitwl. I will take four teams to haul
the birds to the station. The mer-
ellantri iLlao got a share of what came
to the R. J. Finnigan is also
oolong the farmers buying all kinds,
Intt his are mostly delivered at Luck -
now. Speaking of fowl, onr friend
"Shorty' , from Clinton, and his travel-
ling node claim there was foul play
with their fowl, li.4 they missed it
specially fine liird, and chum it must
have heen taken off their wagon while
in the village, Surely not. --The Ace -
t V10111. Gas 11110811.n has not yet been
selved, negotiations are progrea-
sing f0t. 11 Sell10010111, 011111 th0140 0011-
00)110.11 110110 for more light in the
o very short time, either f
000111 the 01,I plant renovated. or from
it new [Me. VV. 11. Robertson, of The
Signal, With /0 Dungannon visitor on
Tuesday. - We underatand that Mr,
I .ong has been re-engaged as principal
ter riga, mid that Miffs Corn, Roberts
will take ch ergo. of the Jr. room, Alias
H01,0011111 having (leri(1(51 to engage
with hi. itit.lees of C. S. S., No. 17,
Amlitleld and VV, Wawanosh. --Mr. M.
1 len i ngl•t. lora been re-engaged as
better nierker for River Valley Cream -
v, for 1907. Mr. B. hoe proved him-
self Vel ell1/11.1111`, giving general sat -
i„,1 t„ the inaronff Re well 11,8 io
his emplitvers. It has not yet, been
ilei•ided when the factory will close for
till' Sration • A car•loati of evaporated
smiles was delivered by our evaporator
to D. F. liattilink, of Goderich, on
Mond iy. This week will finish up the,
atm •• The italanCe of the fruit on
- - •
The Signal, ONO week» ago, publish)
ed a deprecatory report of the visit
here of Mr. A.. D. tleorge, of Chesiey,
who WaS vollecting ev Wetter, of the
\Vent 1 hirloi election frauds in con-
nection with the conapiracy elorrgria
then beim./ heard by P.M. Dennison at
Toronto. The article named Mr.J11.111e8
Mitchell, of le STA (15 one of the
"Valitti ConserVatiVe5" W110 Were
assisting Mr. George in his cdot•ts to
collect tin, evidenee, but 415 M r. M. Wits
not in any way assiiciateil with the
matter, he wrote a, COrrentioll of the
844110'0 hlai(•1111-911, though expressing
approval of the enquiry herr., The
Signal publitdied the eorrection, but
asked why, If the enquiry NV11,0 a pro.
1101' 100.', 1\1 . i tchell WIVI not helping
it, and then ilf Lenipted 10 argue that
the ties t het ti was an improper one,and
that save for "a few irregularitiee''
there 1011,11. no wrong doing in West,
Huron. Mr. Mitchell was not actively
engaged In the work for the 8100110 reit,
0001 the Signal's editor is not doing
St, S. and Al issionary work busy with
other mattern Fed quite in sympathy
with those who do ilnd time to do such
worlc. 'rho trouble with The Signal
is that it will not be lioneet, and con.
demo the rasealities which it knows
1.00101 perpetrated. aitellipts 1,0
treat them its mere trivialities. Hut
elIorts will not. make the electors
of Went Huron Itelieve that the gang
tlitl 01101.10,41 hot e,n11011 it) 11'11111
st010 1111. 41.111m ill Toronto Mal 0100011
1:\l'it,1111,1eNaln11,10r .10,301111 Beck and 11
The following letter addressed to
the Public School Board by an old pu-
pil of Cloderich, the clever bon of eX•
Principal Park, now of Chatham, will
be read with pleasure, and we are sure
the prOponal will be at, Once adopted
1)1, the bOard in the Keine kindly spirit
in wide)) it is °tiered. it. does great
credit to oar former Goileriell tiny,
whom we are all proud of as or rising
sample of Canadian ftlithOrtt. May his
generous offer be imitated by other
ex -members of our Goderich achools:
Chatham, Ont., November 28, Ilion,
Mr. 11, W. Ball, Secretary Public School. Dud
oriel), Ont
MY !MAR Mo. Hsu. I have Just learned
from your principal. Mr. Tigert. that there 15
at present no Inc( al Or priZe given to the head
pupil of Ooderleh publie school.
I !shell he ples,ed, with the eonsent of the
Board, tn present ench year tfd the popli front
Ooderielt public school taking the itighost
itintaantidolnn.traognoliihtemTig1,11i. School Itmtrame exam
A few days since a resident of town
who Inul for many weeks complained
of stomach trouble, had an attack of
vomiting, during which a snake Wan
ejected. The viper was measured by a
person who was present; it was twelve
inchee long and was alive, and is /nip -
posed to have been swallowed hy the
man while it was either very small or
in egg form.
M, NVIilte, of the LOndon and St.
Thomas Rag and Metal Company.
made 11 two -hundred -ton shipplent of
scrap iron, purchased here front D,
Brown, Victoria street. The latest ad-
dition to the heap was a quantity put,
chased from the Ooderich Lumber Co.,
representing the twisted remains) of
some of their machinery in 11140 before
the recent fire.
Itching. blind, bleeding. protruding
piles. Druggiste are authorized to re-
fund money if PAZ() ()INT M ENT fail
to cure in 0 to 14 daye, 50e.
Although there was coneiderable
broken weather the past week, a fair
amount of work wan carried ova be-
tween Ininlop'e overhead bridge and
theengine house on the lake. Squaw
island and A t LOW() bank are now joined
together by the new Maitland River
bridge. The treetie work nf the C.P.R.
track at the southeriat corner of the
elevator is still giving way, and onlean
soon stopped 'nay COMM! considerable
'rite giving of this owlet is sulkier' to the
expreas stipulat loft, whielt I wish te 0,11,,h,
understood, that tho pupil. in order to qualify'
for It, mind have completed the entire feourth
Book course in two years' time. Should the
/moll who stands highettt the examinat ion
have taken Morn titan two years in the It ?mill,
Book, lion the medal I. to reVeit to I he pupil
next In .M.1,0441011 who has completed the
retiree In the required 1,00 yeers,
shall Wrench obliged lf you will kindly Inv
this communication before yout Board tit their
next meeting, and lot me know whethor Of lint
18 agreeable to them.
The modal ls to 1111 pi von for the year l's17,
and earth year thereafter.
I may ads thra it was In (Indorl,
aeho01, n.11 yen 1,11 awnro. thal I -*uncoil pr...
Really all my publIr.chool mlitnatIon, and I..
cause of 1 hal, nntl Iowan.° of (110 ItImlh, re
collections shrill al wain horn of the old to,
I feel 11151 the co Inn* of 1111.1111.101 111 1041 111
ly apprepriate Yours very stneetelt
VICTOR 1.4I 11.1."1,Y.
Auction Sate Register.
SATunDAV, DEC. DIT.--POstpetted cale
of homes, clank., huggiee, harneen, far-
niture, etc., at 2 p. in., at Iteckett'n Aire -
tion Roomo, Hamil=otreet, Goderich.
Take LAXATIVE 13HOMO gdmine
Tablets. Drugglate refuntimorlity if it
fails to cure. G. Groye's aittnature
is on each hot Ze.
Steil to the eta of Or tor $1,
Mr Bryan, of idieknow, left
on Monday last for Medicine Hat,
Alta., in the intereote of Mr. George
Andereon. to cloce ma a deal oovering
hit) nheep ranch and etork. Mr An-
deraon is devoting bin energies] more
particularly at present to the apple
trade. The ahipmente of imploo from
thin otation were fairly large, being
about 20,000 barrel°. Several bnyero
and a large number of handl) were em-
ployed during the buoy time. In ad-
dition. Mr. John Joynt ran hio evapor-
ator about DO dayn, aboorbing some
45,000 bucheta, and tnanufaetneing
about 3,000 caaea of dried fruit and 100
tone of vraete. Joynt run hie
evapOrator in Walkerton about ten
week*. Witb Me. Robert Johnston in
charge. The topply was steady, and
1110 output told at a profitable advance.
ass -
nth ftrAtto Cho ohli of 1007 for $1.
i ass Hamel moires !WV, In Suppletmmt
The missionary meeting next
day Evening in North Street Church
under the Auspices of the Epworth
League. prontines to be of special in -
tercet. Only men are to take port.
There is to be a male quartette and
nolo, and the pastor is to give an ail
dresci. Everyone !mule welcome
The dictionary servires in connect-
ion Ith North Street Met hediat
Church annotineed for next Hondas
have been postpcmed te a later date,
owing to the fact, that Rev. J. li.
Oliver, who wan to take them, is ill
with typhoid fever. Rev. 0. N Hazen
preachea anniveraary sermens on
Sunday in Exeter and the Rev. E. A.
Fem. of that place will preach morn.
Ing and evening in North St, church.
This week's sTA 00111aing 0 Stip-
plellient, gives about a Rolla
page of reading matter, Goilerieli
Promoters in ()wen sound,
Grain Cargo, Among the Chin cheii,
Mid Town Topic's rinil other local
matter, Fiitiipliwtit of school
Grounds, 'tits tric Light ItispeCtiott, Vinyl Means, Rine ttepotts,
Legal Notes, County Coiloril
lets, Country Con eapiiiiilelice,
will he fotinil in the supplement. Tlir
reading ia all live and interesting.
1,nrle.. 114,711 left 011 for 11,,lieler.
I I Me) or; IP. of bin , in tow 11 114,41
It. le. ?4,:tfot tit. 1,1. 1;o4lcrn II on
Ja.. A. :wh•Into,11 w0, Ihdroll on 0 I01•
Tu... trip
, .+,11011 mad., 1. 1111,1110,, 1/ •41 1 0 11,11e1
Th11 . 11•111•11•) 1141 011 M11111111 y on k • III/I I
1 1.11 10 D1111111.
J.(1 'lib. of !,eafol 111, (gorily
11.11 tol In, of !-41. Jo5e1,1,, yen. g ltetito,),
1.1Ior 011 T111,11111 •
111/r1011, 111011,011,1 re, Mee 141.11. 111 1 he
91114,1 ttv tor II few Ito. ps.1 )0),(4 -
%Vet 51tittay end 5Ir and Mr.
A f t• .4 1 ,1111,e1. 11,10 01 101011 1)11 ,411,i
liartiiltrai 1,1111440 Monday 1, etlInn.
fllpoi A litter. loorol t.iat 10 frionilt at lit, iilti
home's Pontlint
Mr, J . hope. oa. Torontn
attention? he funeral or httl• brol het Mr 10
.1 Ilta,kliaw. of 11111 ,Ity.
pollee msgie rate S J. A riiirewe, of I hnion,
All ill I .)411)41.1n111114 111/1141111.{ 111.1 rel urn.. ill
1111,1i rfoy n
1111.,. Mangle Itt,prow., we rtre plen,,tal
1)010, I. geentIngly slightly balm% awl all vt
hope the ImproN .104,0 14)111 4.01,1111101.
.1. 11,111On, of the I. P. It engineering .,tafT.
left Tot.o1ay for Id, erpool. on a three reordh..
hollAay trip to hi. 01,1 horn,. Ill 1'1N/1111414
John Martin, of 1.0 Ishrnage, Wait ni town 151
umok, Ing _1114 parmd, r It lid W i
MAI1111. Mr. Martin wa., ell rrmle ta, ;
1111 (14vernment
Cyril rarrle, ho Int. hmm with a 'party of
.1.., 1,1•01,4 01 1.1.10Wel ,00mool.
rt ed Immo on Tensility. work ha, 11114 110.'1,1
The Hospital Opening.
Remember the formal iipening of
Alexandra General and lariiii. lios
pit al, ill flotlitriell, 11000tiow 1till1111•
till)) rate! OM, 1 /Pc, 1, ( ,linilletyliOl.f 01
:1.311 o.(.14)(.1<, Tell Will Is. Merl/ell kill!)
I :SO 10 S,:10. Dill1/11601,1 f win 1111 feel-
ing tift interest in the I losnital will he
gladly timeiVed 1)), 11, committee 111
wail Ing• '1110 11110101(1111010 111.1:001,V•
ledge with I honks Ilie followaitz, ii-
eeivrd 011101, 1:101 report : A ft iiitiii, S71
wort 0 of kitchen 100114111; T. \VI '10)1,
Montreal, a roll top ilestc, Mrs, llor-
i on, t wo i•el 4 of rill tains: alr Vied.
elentrie light fiXtores lot five rooms,
They me in need of it second hand
wood 1114101' I'M' the latiodry.
'1',, ,(1,4,1 ritiwiling timing the tiner•
mem) mei evening, 101, children e ill he
admitted imle,ei accompanied by par-
ent 4 or gtifitclian.
51r, 11. 1.141.ellonala, Regent of I'Ltightor., of
.lo 1:1001., llodeln h.
11) 111 M 11104, 1•1 141111 el• atIon,ith NIr A.
55,,,,ler,.. he Inf,,r1,,,51 ,,,,, 11,51 1 he 1,,,,,n1tcl
1,50,11.,1 n ••Inall 4011,•0 04..4. nue! I let, r Ink',
I , • of IniN mu 111,1. rte n .11111.11. W1111•11 0
1101,14 1111, 110.4111AI 11111110114 In, tviii.tirti•iii a I ,,
1111111i The I iiek le Co. of ontertainera
,Iii• •iiii .1-s ).,'-' .'".- it( . ("ttittr. h "111 hand lots hien sold to hien. Powell. of,1t.. i1s..11.1,1 itf V Or 14 , 111, 1,,,•.1, • ,. .),..1 1 1
14.1,1 11 11' 01 11 0 11 1ht , in . lf, :% , „, t.,, ,s41titnie,:ki,,,,,,iiilotiliii:.,,:iii„tearittott.„1,i(s)tk iellsairir,icaeli.e, mAntri
0.111151 to appear at the concert last
sir .olin114 , • Iln 1,41 •,. ,n,1 itn.,,,,ii , a 1 , , ,
411,111 e
t he 11,111111‘114.0 eepOrt, 11. Very pleasant
wiaass iisi tiny v.. i lir ',Minim" Print'
101trit.lititil0ni. Inatead of the ad-
..,.,-,..... sist we i. i rr ' lt,..1 Irwinl /, tulle, e
Yon . tem, to?e,ty.‘s ,,,,,,,,
lect ion Was taken, and amounted to a
mission fee advertised, a silver col-
!m"1,*ii,. rear 'Co, . 1.5.
good sum. -A representative of the
air WI 111110 I. a 4101114 11,11 1.1,111.0,1411•. :11r.,1
Slieby (if114 l'el. wan hero 'ant week with
J. virmto. ,i,s1 well k,......,no,,, n, (1,,,,„,„1,
A 1 {01V ( 11 bridal! one of their machinee
to light the village, or several small
Nothing Wa..9
f1111,14 (10 individual use.
11;100 hewever, pending an arrange -
went with "'the kurtze people re the
old plant. Word comes from Itobt.
Kirke, who went two yearn ago to Al-
berta, that he has mahl the farm that
he purchased at t hat time end cleared
1112:10/ on it. IDS many friende here
will he plerieed at thin flown. Mr.
K irke has nftw gone forther back Into
a homestead, A. It. Allen, from whom
he borfght his Brat farm, hag lately
Rola the ()no he bought two yoaro ago
ist it good profit and has refused an ad-
'vance of 54 an acre on another section
glart acres), which he purchased thin
rammer. Almost an good ms Cobalt
Mocks. Tommy Anderson was home
Sunday from /Minton. - Freights to
and from the village have been so
heavy thin fall that Afr. Horn hase al -
meat lined op hia three horses, and ho
ha/4 had to hire other teams to help
oet We will have to build a railway
of 1011. WWII. - Aren't you going to subs
seribe for TfIG1 STAR P Better do it
now and get the premiume.
It le the intention of tile Caneo atilt
to put a Meyer seven ma the len thiS
• . .
Adopting the report of the tiom rn i t -
tee on church union, the General
Conference direeted that a day be get
(apart for special prayer in all chtirchea
for direction regardlnet the proposed
union of ehurches in thin country. As
the Union committee will meet Wed
nesday, Dee. 12, Rev. Dr. Carman hen
asked that epecial prayer be offered, in
all the Methodlat ehitrehen on Doe. 0,
the Sunday preceding the meeting.
Not only In congregations, but In fam-
ily Worahip, he thinks) ail wotild
well to oak for guidance regarding the
prop/mod union.
to ands for TUB STAB to etul of gefi.
for :he wi Met on 1110 11110 0111 ther11.
.1" "b4111 m""thiv """c" n't"'" "1"ting • '1?"
0,0,11,,1„ina Prof kinileld is visiting
been 'nada. anti One elnlro ham been 0.14 itt• ilia al ilitr rittlitWing old acquaint -
fore leavina limlntieh. Mr KnIlv Informal Tliic
11111 II do volonmont enmpany would 1.•
otgantrod In I ho rwar fo urn,
the following from Mat 11,1ay Night will bo
rerni Inteleet Ity the many Moods of Mt
lay. who arta for long (Imo re.1;tent of
lIcninT1,11 "Thil MlfpnITOrnonl. *f Miss Jon.,
Lindsay King. donafitor of M r, John
tog. and Mr. Harry Morrison Lay, ,,f
the Reek nf ( °megrim., 4.111nOner.11 Mr
Lay hoo ham manaaer of a bronoh of !lin trtnh
• Skatro,y, Ma I. rooting to Int,orlo oarlv
ne'st toinnth Thr nlarriage will dalm pint,
g liIntly in 1/neomber.
Decisions Respecting NCWIlf)flper'S.
Any pornon or pnrxons who takes a paper rot;
hh name or another's, or whothor ho hry. mil. '''''r"ninnv the rorfillany, 0101°11410g 0
Marty from it rrn,1 office, whothor in
neri tool or not, In ronglonalb10 for pavilion?. I relat iVeg anti a few of t he moot, Int -
tainfoae P'tor7enn14",10it"uhrli;itrj;yrredoili7 ta."11:,lath,:: 'fit/1'ft: evf,ritie:(1:::::,,t,rh::::411:,P:::: ft6ori
thnn oolloct rho wholo amount. whether the
ockot. Atnong the gifts was a Silver
twat pay ail arrmra, er the pubIlnhor mar f'oll MOnt pv014,111;4 dinner. Th., prr00111.0
t.Tuhoonerw.onInttepoltivavort, ordeetiodrIcdiealth. attrotron fitteingp.1.4 enad at c;;Ive ee g presented by the officer)
and pantor . memo% who, it is belleVed, w PAO
paper totron or not.
°film or crimes:Ina and leaving them uncalled
Por while mgrs.:lotion =mina Unpaid, is
wieheo of her many friende at Nile. do their paddles.
Mrs. Harris carries with her the best ithalr hockey sticks as smartly tit they
Mhos facia evtdence of intentional fraud.
l'Enotts %I. 1NI/ 11 rs.
Citrlet, (if 111,11110nm., is visiting her
Mother, limit v iiry. Not man
Synder visit ml hoi brother, I lenry
SN'teler, this week. Epworili I siague
next T111..011,0 1.nieg will lie t he
p pal.. A ri.ry pleasant event
took MAI 11 1l1 N1.11111. IA.00 P111111, the
home of :11 r. Henry Homey, on \Ved-
tieralav, Nov ",tth, when his only
daughter, Mien Mats.), wan married tO
Mr. Arnold Harris, !if Farquhar. Tifie
bride W110 daintily attired in a gown
of orOndo crinpine, trimmed with lace
and insertion, end earried a 'beautiful
Isimpiet of ehry earn hemline; The of -
fiein ling elergyman was Rev, J. C.
Reid, of Nile, ansistad by Her, NI. J.
W ikon, 00 Tomr0fittor. After t.he