The Goderich Star, 1906-11-16, Page 4/ / I ..I . • ,Y Hair is xtra .0 p.d. your ,Itoir nourIslt le; 411!I 4tiMetlgoll to 11YO on, Tittfit it wilt stop 'falling. and VIll Vey lOilt ,illIff Ile0Y. Ayer's lisirIripr is the iuly lienithte htilr.,40od., You cit buy: i itiiiiro* um Allo•-tO,010 hollOolbs ' -You ',Or itoit bili"11011. bitro. 104,Vt, more, go!). And.'k keeps-, tito, 000ll, Ptiont ioOltoiltitt., ': ' • %• - '1144 ler sense ,elier eassies ii4olitaiuraltt;p_eutrattoip. erstz, tili k l _2,..„1...,.,.., ,d•i, . ,„ "HID tat , NOVEMBEE 23, 1900 AS TO WHST 110110N. gglatintistion of the Evidence (Wee _ , at Termite Lief 'Week.' " (Loudon Pres Press leveret W. L. Mitten rentemhereti the- Mc. beezielloltnes eleeSion. , Pie did not **member seeing uliortnati .or Lewis during the bymelection, He knew Mileybut did not .rentembeer swear- ing to thereat that he knew 'him in Welt Huron. ife 'meows After the - election that. be Met (eGoropen,Levela end Mulloy up there, but be ,00ultnob remember them now. It was a long .0nm rince thet time, and he bad not *eta the evidence given then, and he hes no recolleetton,Orit At all. Mr. Curry objected to this evidence. 118 whateettrieste swore to_arennyears W ago Watt not evidence. itneme re- collection at the present time was the main thing.. , His Worship antlered DuVernet , • to'continuo, ' • Horton did not remember meet. ing Iffulloy n Goderich. t_He could net,recollect having met Malloy at all. O'Gorman was known to; the wite nese, but could not remember meeting O'Gorman in Galeria. Witness was poeitive that be had not received money, from any nereen, nordid he pay *ley money to any man. He knew Veer, dm deputy returning officer, who lett the country sheie th.e Investigation eornmenced. He did net Cronies Farr nor eve him 4%00 to feitDO the country. Horton more at the former investigation that ho had gone to see Parr at the polling booth ' and milled Farr out to find out ,tvhat 'helwanted. , Could Net Repoilect. Horkes could not recollect such, AI transaction.. No money ever Passed - between thane There wee no,buetness relations between witness and Parr. so there could be no reason for him calling Vert out Of the polling booth. Horton tO0h all interest in tho eleoi time,. He did %little work. , Witness knew Donald IPerguson, Relied Etat him at Loudon. Goderich and Wtarton. Ile bad met bluest the BrItieh.. Alex, Smith, the Grit organ - leer, Wea ther_e_at,.the time. Ilta you get .40,000.at one thtMl‘', ' Of sir.° Rotten was Otelitive that he got no Money at MWtire°. He swot° dis- tinctly that directly or ,,tndireedy he Paid. 110 401)44' returning Officer or rsmt Ole nWitell 11tr. Du Ornet mformed the witnese that be wee- Instructed. that Merton had paid largo sums "Of Money tc dimeties for switching ballote. No money had beengixen, Oa by Molloy or Weer. -Mae He Oltene ettete „moony over the bflr, wee biti own nismoy. Bld Pere bring batik atty 'ballots tO yottr "1)141 .he not bring bank No. 20 ?" "N o4 • Xopten tlid net remember Farr say- ing thskbe hadliwitelled all the bal. idts given IiiM, and had inked 'witness for more, • Pritchekt Pedalled. • Pritchett was reeallekittod identified' Horton as the men lie Wes instreoted to Send the 400.d -este fortiori "looney. Ile met gotten in the Oralte ttouseA where he Mut 0`tierteall, bed telked • th ittletter,over for Ignite. itohett intereesed Mr. Curry that • he had taken rya part" in any_,: eleetion •tame the W'Enn est a affair, He Would tieN. *Weer whether 'the Wed' Huron 1 Mr, DuVernet -"einitained at this Inneture that Mr. ndWitraD Was quite ill down Maim, and he *mud not call again, " Robert ,:tool'idbmi.00tietieb, IOW itaerit- tutee at ono a thepolfing booth§ at the election. Atthet booth 123voteti viete polled, but there Wein only 118 :hellete In the box. 0.446 Witneltel hoW- erfli,rbecitelts ellitingletl. in' hit Mate, Mat* , Medd • net rentembee • Whether there Were flee 'More bethita la the box: .thatt' votes, or ;,whether thendivitiorefile lode ballots than votes. 4 4 •Ta&litiOW Worithig; bow bete turately, but whetbee Ithatilre laidiete trent One Wayiaa the other dive. not wetter mucti,'! added Camel POMSOP*, • ' ' _ Five .flatiote Wet, W1011110, tilers Inte that there Weee veheitOttf %et' HO asked the dePidY ghat the.,114140teg tted the latter Mena net explain. 'the deputy pat the ettenterrolis le hie poetet and witneee and tile Other ocrutitter ob- jected to this procedere. bet 'the depat atenteted that it didno make anyiliW.i.nea what became of the counterfoils, 'Several titnco the deouty went, to, the winos, and fbrew %),I3,10 PW003, Of laud in tliat neigh upheeti,, and odunt(rfollo out of /be 444 tIlv N. bv104 t'he'°n13rPrO" Itiitluti jeeted rallwa thas dietelet, the %HA FA111 ,CRITICal&Mr. ''The 4)06^Wil! 4344eii 1-irifieWea tbo n1440110444 the railWay 104 tcgtila. Vona by oeveral ,nuentWO loco!, P_,/iieki bgen Made the moot nay Tilheral journals Witti the iivic.leot wisV Plekiw eapitaltand. Ounie it up in two paragraphs which we tbink are fair, impartial alail Vet in their conclusions, Wo (pat) tlIgin here The 0, P. it. being thn tincipal Window. During thods,y witneos saw ei ballet tying on the Boer toadied foe MeLetto. Be shooed it to Von, tho entity, wbeanatehed it out ONVItDOSS' figirt And tOVO it Op. Thor watt Asked Wistat he 'Meant, ' Hell," he ansWered, " there was any itreennt of then: On the streets ytnoterdaY•'" Arthur little. Ajthur Yule WAS Jautside scrutineer at kat* booth. He saW Parr tear up a ballet' and tbroW it 071 the door. epeciel. consideration, they did wrung, 1 They gathered up the pieces and it 'although, as tbo evidence shogta, no was fen$14 CA WINO been Marken for special terms nor information were ae• IffeLead. J Fore left the polling- hooth corded then). Our or five tltoes during the day and "There hi unfortunately another Vote to Horton in an abet point that in the opinion of the Old- • Pit l'itw* ZOn reflects roost seriously on illessrs. TaMes Tates heti take wi ton, and be objected, te Farr actin/4a papa and rociar, massy, Lefurgey deputy., as the letter was drink ng and Bennett put up their nioney to bald and was not, fit to act ere deputy. finance their interests, hitt, 041 .the ilret He sent to the sheriff and Farrto have two Instalments Messrs. rope aud his ballot box returned. 'Grant bed never approached blin rowler,raised the money to pay their nterest on two, notes of" 4140,000 °Mall about.elections at all. , lie did ttot rc- endorsed bv Measrs. Mackenzie dc '11014ev beelDA "°"nan G" 31°11°Y Mann, chief owners of the O. lq• Tt, there at all. e had canyasse a lit- Vitieun canna (Me any impropriety 111 eterobets of Earliament obtaining the sante InfOrtnat1011 as to the 0. N. By route that any Ono else could_ get Inc the asking., or in buying land from tbe 0. P, R. on the ettMe price and terms that anyone else could get for a simper parcel. But it thou, ntenabere epprottabed the railway eorporatiops in the hope that their official positiona 15 represents.tives of the people in Parliament would obtain .for them itt is true Messrs, Pope and Fowler tle in the election, and ha.d handed In paid the notes when they fell due with the- name of an alKientee voter 'En a their own money, bat It geeme to the stranger. He did not /UMW %411° I143 OitiZen they were not in a position' to was, noe- anything about him. 'He seen the Mackenzie & Mann 0.N. It. could not identify Donald Ferguson as . legislation with that single eel to the the Man. ' public interest that our parliamentarY Saw (rant With Stranger, , representatives should possess." Wank Unita sow Grant With a „ stranger 0 just before tbe elections. 'COMPULSORY VOTING. They were in a rig and drove, to the house of Mr. Edwards, where „PleY vie, Mail and Empire last week had stayed some thne, . . Witneos was given a severe 'ernes. 4 if)og editorial Criticising the suppos. examination , by Mr. Curry. Witneee ed.henoflts of it measure for compul- ceuld not describe the vent.* driven sory voting, which calls out,an equally by Grunt,nor any of thole clothing. ' full reply from the Hamilton Spec - \Vim. II. Thompson eery Grant and .....t tutor, which we reproduce in full, as it Martin 'drive tip to Edwards' house seems to us to form a strong.argument elhOut 12 o'clock at night. 'He' Was Watching for thr. There were"three tor the principle involved in such a ger, whom witness ma notremeniber. when the State sills a man shall paY I To Mr. Curry witnesb declared that thenteo were walking. He would not taxes and perform other duties fa- h° sure that there was snow on tile volved In a commou citizenship, it ground Cr 1101. He would notowear ehould with ConsisteneY require him ?positively that Grant wait tbe man, on the 'nor was he certain that Martin WAS t°' "Pres° hig itidgment present either. selection of those who will EOM to the ..,.carrying of the public goverment. . Chas..A . Humber Goderloh, wl,a an Weft were in the same yeigc A 4, tit Write:Wither acenwtte in the rig, Mart n, Grant and a dean- • measure. We will only add here that •deputh returning Officer in the a. The Spectator's =tick. reads thuet ',Lean. elutes election. Some deys •Tbe Toronto Mail, discussitig cOrn- tefore the election (it was ft 8U0d0/3) • pulsorryoting as &remedy. for election he. Ives sent for, as a man wonted corruption, says: to see him at a certain hotel. reptie theory that compulsory voting tbought it *as a. commereial trate. would be an efficient remedy- for ear. teller Who wanted to see him. He {Sot ,ruption is entertained in many quar- there,and Km a stranger. It might ters, and by persona whose opinions :have been Pritehett. The. latter gave are entitiedto respect. It is supposed, 41 denionstration of his methods, but and indeed, argued, that if the elector witness did not like the idea. roust go the .polls, or, failing that, "You are adengerous man," witness incur a penalty either of the nature of said. 10 him. . aline 01' 01 disfranchisement, the purr Humber did not have anything more chasing of a vote will be rendered -on- to do -with the stranger. Hunaber put possible. But is this view well found - the counterfoils of the ballots in his ed? We all know what took place in pockets but did not re.membee the London. Agents of the machine pee's- tiooneervative scrutineers objecting. to ea around and purchased votes at the eucha proceeding. He informed Mr. rate of $10 per -head. hi it probable DuVern00 that it waethe night wateli. that this operation would have been exemito introduced 111,r. Humber to prevented by 14 NW forcing rnen to ritehett. Witness wae .positiVe that vote on pain of fine or loss of citizen. i 'Was not &Moot Teacher Ginnt Who ship? Would any one of the bought introduced him to Pritchett, • erten have refused the money if the John udwarde, wawabm a deputy 111.W had made the polling of hie vote 11. cOmpulsor Y It does taot seem reason -- bank% officer -4n. bigiderbiti,Nthe Y ha paikek.0010 Yoatit ago,' de, tYonisee ,;he remembers the.nnra, , .0s, litin$0,00#011" Wh4tn th.'lloortstoissur outcr thot rqmoisit is Costtlgt it is Bilietnitier* Constipation. ''.rfetpidl,tiver ot ‘,:thelvitotai . the tronhle. Aid it t4ss Itruit-s,tives to. untke that lay Pm •od Itmai. fruit Is too for tb,ese troubles, ciustegi 049414001 todOnitiekg0041-, &Peat* are lit too 4610,4 04)0111.0111.16 titt ripe fi A clever 'Mks*, pllyalciatt tii#COttered; *method. bY whigh, fruit J1411>te gold cbe ,einuhinett so that their Itsttli*al aotionvonta,be in.eres..sed Irony tin** Vroit-st-tives are Or* truit,i_okesigtamet form. Tliey sweeten,. Atal tone the stotnaohano liver, cute Ponstipstion and remove blood imPuritlea. One .Xtriaitivtive* tehtet.luot•the, . same unottivo eiteet liver snti bowels 4egtos ot oranges, apples, *sapid mats, And this action 1* 4, $0* ti$'114, fruit Jutctro themselves. ••. tha_,P l*i's4r6.iel 414144'4"hisitiratriltt"Oreq..._!°44414*a: '.t.,19"1"ates ' Leese Poe 412910e late4a 034PRIRFCKCTI will _ 114,14.WWWIttfttr141;:itaras1404.,Lar* " "'"9771111Perinir'-f- .'"71711,111,11pire, -7111`"--' -s Is an Conte lilei(iti:Itolie$* 34 gra Wo, length le0Sn' tact; Tweeil Coats, inostik light colors,' tailor, made,. 'neatly trimmed, .I4test styles:, ,Sx240 to $r.4.00.' year (choice of the lot for $ woo. •'Twenty, semi -fitting, la' eAram anit short " efngttkre firr f n'o Q$ t. IT°Ct$ 7*t9146 ,*$ OR,Q9'e g1,4, 1ar P good algae to get a gepri Coat at hail pricei ; Stockings 'IliO,Ixavellers' %en* rot' of. Rose , are Ong fast. '1"imy are it.flues l'ot and very eheap 04-4)at PirceS Come. end: get a pair or., two before 'cll.r:411goi • Ptirtebjek PerS IS:001n: 49MPIOte, and • our prices are at rock 'hOttopt. and . cenarsts. of Ruffs,,Qaperittes and long lioas..analbe prices. - ,.`Are from ' 0 rectorial(' eta , • , A" good 'Week Sateen Underskirt tO eel) tl.05. Warranted fast black. . A iirted, lillpOt .Sateen Skirt, just 1110 thing, fOr cold weather, well made with dast ' ti 11 attached. 011,00 VAIPtairlia TO Cleat the whole lot and will make priceS engtigh t4 CIO it toe, ore air at marked' down prices. We want Woollert Things porseiS ••• for Ladies' Girls and Boys, in MittS OIQYes, Clouds:Caps, Toques. • totheSib,;Ott • forthAelWpniceesbuays Sr Ai.); itclelesy 3 5C cre Mod t� wear arid perfect fit. CASH or PRODUCE The Oiiiiak Sign of a Cc should remind yon (hit the hest time eeetinence taking somtething is at the begintting. BLACK CHERFIll COUGH BALSAM Wog par,: Yeur Congh, Better take a Vottle at the comniencement. We guarantee it and refund, the money to anyone not satisded, $UCCOSSOP to Goderloh, s , . OOodo, 289 et Bottle • Iledfortolock DUNLOP ThR opuggist FAL!_, MILLINERY. iss Cameron Announces that her display of Pall Ana Winter Millinery is now ready foiiiisTectien. a mired by ;visitors. Following my traria custom, here no special opening display—the-stock can be seen at any time, and I cordially invite a visit. e* All the new fancies in sIxatfes or trimmings are to be seen, and be • Ir..,004bit114;0111. tihmTIONi Taint,: I eroatinV.--Paetnelvek'e 'Vegetable Bills ,st.,, ,clear the-40104QU 014 b.CTOs g bili" ;".""ne 15" 000.Matter,Vanee,the excretory' vee. ' okeleTatlienw OffAtnriftnt—fretintite" nieed into. the bo,We.e' and mei OP' gOlOtetiOuti Mafia :Trona the boa.. ,They ' do tine withont, Pain or inervenience Miss Cameron H=Pi eery atterUlande at the poll, with the privilege of voting or not, just as the elector pleases. MEANS A WOMAN'S MEDICINE. , Crateful Wives and Mothers Testify to Their Value. able to assunte-that..catityaltints ' dutio on -0.- mer..-6atm mob o Ile . was positive that Mr. Grant did, not come to his home Previous to tlin, election. There VMS 11 midnight visit to his place, Mr. Martin. of Goderlah, Wan one of them. Ile did not remem- ber the other one, He was positive that it was not Grant. Ile swore peel. tively that no person ever explained it syetem of switching ballots. He may have heard about such business, hut no one had offered or suggested to him to do an7 eiteh switching, "Did you know that you were given 176 ballots and there were NT ht ,the box." "No, sir. I did not. 1 don't remem. ber that there was anything irregular 111 my &Vinton." The Wibleth) explained that he did riot remember anything irregular at all. He wee sure that every ballot marked was ntarked for the man it was intended for, Witness did not re- member having given any but the Offi- cial ballots. Mr. Edwards could not remember getting any more ballots then those given him by the returning officer. To the best.: of hip knowledge he never got any bogus ballots from any person. Net To His Knowledge. Mr, DeVernet subjected the witness to it seVere crees.examtnation, but the bed Int could get out 01 1110 witnetes was that to the best of his knowledge be got no bogus ballets front any per- son. , "Ara you prepared to contradict any Witnees who swears that you were' given bogus hanotsP" "I am. To the best of my know- ledge I never Watt glveit any bogus ballots," • Witneett could not remember Martin oftertng bailout to hitn. Ile did not re- member Any mown offeling hies hal, lots. He WOUltillkely remember elicit 45 trantstetiotto it he did not remera.; her it. Aftet a otpiAderable nUeatiotting Ur. EdWatelt eollepised in the boa and was tool out. no hi gUlteVin olti'man and the strain was evidently too amen for WhlIe tiontt Ilepoiter A.ngus `'riaa reading the witness' teetinlotly to eleer up 41 point Objeeted to, Mr. rgl. 'motto Attliell over on his desk: He Was eatight by the eterk and the In. Timaiii6Odi hate Vilisw Slight Meson% hate negiset..4 to etetre the *1141.Titonsitatis it*V*11110d* 14)4440.,1$414131,' ,negiss.t$, r.xseeresesete,eoutatoe tan bonsbet to *Walt it 5441, li strikeita tbreet Of halt • 044 Cett Creilasio srid specter; Tom Signal's "neldeg expetlition" Nettude rattier "fishy.° Tlaat Mr. At I). (keret Wee itt ooderlelt in Minnie. don with -the West tialktkno ono *in, deny, but ItIs un. tair,altditntriitlitui on the'part of the 004 thglie hatnOk, that neefvkte Or tate isitt.tireigek 14- lion, ot, the editor or the- Signet te not gk'en at. though he and4oletti well hnevin to him 1weret ettlierti, whose *MAW the Shintit, tittaikeitint refrailetenntlibl.0* tioning. hfr.431torge, the *outman :hbett ,ourn'tionteotperaty has *nal.* two uipinlOfl otA ileos not .teqatte eettillesteotthertetertrorotbst ile virm le criAttitit Ort peale4l7 legitimate bosh** istt4 atil ametiot of fabeleatiOn octti, holster up* NA tato* Our confrere bee is *try. bait roemery it It 'tame*, win the' pones ot the .notorroots gong litho Ito tested Witt 'nor* bt th* ble410.4kirt Oak Or if 14 tos;aets this Wholesale pdnUnrn ailtehing **it swotting 'et wets** &Wed mit oath st Ott***. fiemetwnitehsts .toosty ehert me*001.. have affected the situation mater- ially." In the modern election campaign the "getting out of the vote" is the chief trouble, and the chief item of eXpenee. And some of us who have beep favoring cotnpulsory attendance at the polls have been, and are of opin- ion, that it would do away entirely with that considerable item in the expense of an election. And we think that, incidentally, compulsory voting wotild have it tendency to reduce the actual bribery to some extent. In many oases the bribe is paid, not to induce the bribee to vote for a cer- tain stun, or a certain party, but to go to the polls to cast his vote. Under compulsory attendance at the polls, the owner of the vote would be obliged to go to the polls or lose his stock in trade. The proposed change would wipe out this Mass of elector, and there are many of them. Then direot bribery would be stopped so far as one class_is concerned, and so far as the cost of getting out the VOtt is concerned, Innen of it goes to the ownere of "Volunteer" vehicles, tvho are ,subsequently paid, and this transaction is distinetly of the nature of bribery. e think that it law Web would make these two things impossible would be well worth enact- ing Bileane have been called ' woman's medicine" because -of their exceptional fitness for the various (laments peen - liar to the sex, /18 well as for liver dis- order anti stamealCailments generally. Unlike most liver and stomach reedi- °Uwe, Bileans contains no bismuth,' mercury or any mineral whatever. From coating to kernel they -are pure- ly vegetable. Mrs. J. Whitfield, of Swan Lake, (Man,), Bays: "Bileans have done me a wonderful amount of good. I can hardly describe bow I had felt before I took them. 1 eduld not tat but that Ib caused pain. There was a constant sensation of tightness in my eide, and my liver was entirely out Of order. I could not sleep at nights, suffered also from kidney trouble, and was alto- gether in a run down and very serious condition. I had been ailing in this way for • years, and it is gratifying to find that Bileans were equal to my ease XI'S. W03. Hail, .of Dean Lake, says: "I have prayed Bileans yery good for constipation, from which I suffered a, great deal. They cured me." Mrs. J. H. Thonipson, of Cleveland Park, says: "For irregularities and painful periods I can 'highly recOm- mend Weans. They proved a great blowing to me and, restored:: Me to health when I had become Very ill and The Mail pays: very despondent.' 'A strange situation, however, 18 Bileansare absoltitele unequalled likely to arise under the policy -of die- feorfemalo ailments and irregul flies franchising the man W110 Ilann pot stipation, plies,_ annetoia„ vetted. An election takes place. Car- rheumatism, blood impurities, etc. tain electors sell their votes, and duly They tone up the aystow and mittble record them. °thee electors who are it to throw off colds and chill% not purchasable refrain from voting strengthen gide just ernerghig into for reasons Of their own. They may Womanhood, and speedily restore en. not, approve Of the cendidates 10 the Orgy and strength to those who are field, Or of the volley that such can- run down. 01 4411 druggists at tek45 (We, atts represent, The honght voters, box, or post free from -Are llilean unless discovered and presectited, re; Toronto, Oft receipt of price. boxes • Main OID the list. 'Ilto unbought gee. for $2.50. tere are diefranehited. What Serb of gratin sad Mr. j wolves t "I feNd wit* walk wile& selleeds se ee lop we Oess. OM satesed "Nrillita imam me se IlittotY.---.1)0 not les A ettlst PA Ittrill if s' &mettle Ofi ente* 001" 416d to Meeree appear. It y sapisast, Ite Wiser. Ter It Old tui. electorate will we have in. etnirse it is said that typhoid fever le quite °flew years if tint honest men ere ayalentitticany driven from the polls loll Y. enwe entitle diehonest men tab protented, nme rom that vidage., tecentiniaseed i4t;rt the viltirit of Ziriett. The balance of power will surely be through a von/ gove10 urd * /nit turned over tO the purchabable eke tants' net would Indeed bc a bad date or effeirs, ,but it would notoccur under the protemtl plat to effMtel. fibt0itttl- MD% at the polla D no It Iproposed Odiefrettelilive the Met et &refrains feeert vOtitigt it is Indy-the men who litedeete or refuses to go to the pens WhOisto he diarta'nehittell. The elec. tor 14 not to he eorecelleti to Mark his iwsliot-'-1ot even to "spell" Vtio.ltfail Myst ,01t ia soratumo* argued that the honesttauten who does not 18151410 votentiey protect himself by appear. Ing At the pollitahoothAtotswiiog his biliot. But What beetteasti Of the compulsory principle 11 11118 allow Ole? It. seente to be absurd tit adept' le/slittion retain% Vett% tellfisOrif theinhers of the fetidly having been lakt up With this ailment, and three or them dying within the Itnit month— tste gills and a boy, ,over ,t‘yootY years of age. EVERY PALE womm Inormommoemorimil•••••10m.moim Rubbers needni-the flimsy tobeetyliala; needn't be .clurosy to be staunchrii needn't cost nto to be better then you've been baying. They give you Doulgewearfroirt eVery pair. Look for the trademark. The Daisy Rubber PeoPle At Berlin Ontario One of the209 Daisy Styles. Ask taut mu.'et* Thislight stepn, rubber is tastivin theright teeehaps to feYOURviutea sseseeeesseseeesessweetwessweesseseesersers • t;o. tatient,whq opeedi y realizes their gooclotdAes ,.geort ,ne they he - gin to bike effect; They .inive strong recOmmetidatiOnli from All 1044s of , • _ , liTh9 'death oeitiltkaereeently et the 'reeklente Othielelaerthter. Ides. Obey- : les Abethart. Hjhhert Toevesialp, of 000.13‘aideie, Vale tftb pioneers of 'flibbert Toveneblp. Until quite recent- ly decensed1Wee tereeicient of Seaforth, but a few months ago left there' to re - :side With, his !,ilitughtet. Ide had •,reaebed the advaneed age of 00,ears and . two mentlis;„ and...although. ill Aglin4 healthirocAlitaPaat few mooths, W147( until that time sinart and active and to possession of his faculties. Ile had antaseed.. considereble wealth, much of which is Invested hi property in Seaforth and Egototeleille. Like Thief in the Pktoic.' • That's bow .pain comes. Wi§ tit near an open window, get stiff neck Or sore back. Perhaps -cool off too quickly after exertion—rheuteatiem develops. Spend what ittu trlaye but meney ean!t buy anything better than Pot - son's, Nerviline. Its penetrating poW, er enables it to reach deep. tissues— thave why it chrea aches that all else can't touch. Per outward application we guarantee dye times more strength than barmy other liniment. Inwardly it's harmless and as sure as the here- after to ease at once. Don't accept substitute! for Poison's Nerviline, whieh is the one great hoUsehold panatea of today. 1 I. Read This and Learnt, the Weer. ,t pood,, Color and Better Health., , • • ' • 4 Palopeopiebaye psiehl000. In other wordi the bleed le WittePP arid lads reit corpuscles. The soot& is Wrong. - A.tetitelletiell is poor attd **oats net ousogea IDOL blood., waturaily the systeto is, **lea of vItalitY, streuKth mot woostruetive poorer. • Dolt t SHP from vigor into weak,netts. on 1st lodualt Beal eitOiethe ltPPetite.itrukibbt ylototut Under 'which the tomptasory. bitittlig,,*Isettotorit, locedOttgrOt 1)6 bY.tbel'Ott, teToterettohod to he, rejuvenated soul o elgthetted et once, , To total* unto to st • through a Appetitele braced, iv, tthreat la certain performance to retain his nate5 etitoohttet4 vigor tmosetea to the ou the *outs' Oildthrom to emu* ,tuotttsch. Ural Ailing yea Ott is pet Mut to vete ifr4110406 Aa WI ialt ttattaf011101 into nutriment that SUP,. litantia it IS every metes dty to seo plies Whet yoar thin:week system thatbe he on the Itst.011.1 be, or son* nteoe, stetitut for bleu 'must do that Meat lifetbriog blood that) Makes it AMOK_ be ,testettieVeCtie Iteed tote eitteetit and thairrog eyes.thare ship. ,Ner shottid itbehrootiderad AO the ktod that Feerneatellinskee. hardship Inc 4 tinsel) end en *lotto to Tb# at '&1 he the, poll On eltiet100 tiales that he ftes •miry km* his right to vote, Thet the *sty irk*** for 14. aeon but It vlMstea no *SAW* MO* her Mac On the other leeteogotte, b tit fled htteysney thattle. on mid „get With FerrOiette.. WOrtlen tr11110(filit' (IIItappeatanee with The Prince Albert Times has thia to' say of it well known Wingham young roan, Dr. Jahn °bight:dm "Dr. Chis- holm, ' Witighate, Ont. 14 bleating in this city. He hateitecored quertem in the Andrew Holmes Block on Cen- tral avenue. He Id a eon of Debtor Chielmitte M. P., for Huron. COD*. Ile has pleasing peesonality and will notoubtpeoper in his chosen calling. He comes With a, good esoriebee having practiced for six: years in Ids 1101310 107011, but like all yotmg men got the Ate/stern fever." head, to * to sets ter one 1.tot only win It item* teeko aea 11( the rood tee nominated when be etdritst, but bYrebtaiding ell Week, iota riot wont to Vett brow of then t begat% Veeeetterie eettehgehee Mlle PiSest et tlerntIlt thtbetinhl emend:teat of health that's, stutrlolbffs mot b�petaiittd fit a fere eentettry.. In Maeda eltvel Mee Matt Ileitee eight ti tefillee th vote toe any lute. +no wro mit 4 tonadslytee the tarawkidsaty *alit steam mastitis* Mae 4 tite t. Oho, For ',roma end giris Whti Went to ithei Weiii to Inok W,41, to he Well and sexy Well, *Obit* lutonet lh the an Ital. of Skid tre11 ee cartel tt MFerro. some ' '1 38141 try Formosa, , tinsioadttweed eat* in tablet forth, ratroliono,1100. ttie sla *IX $11" threiner. ' LIVERCOMPLAINT. wpwwwwww., The liver a the largest gland in the body; its (Mee tO.take from the'blbod the properties which form bile, • When tin liver ie Mrpid and infierned oanttof furnish bile ta the bowels, causing them to -become bound and anstivo. Ths ilyalptatls Sts a feeling of 'fulness or weight in the right olde, eini shooting ;mini in the same region, pains between the shoulders, yellowness of the akin aid eyes,• bowels irregular, coated tongue, bad 138(0 111 eto." , . LAXA:L IVE R • PILLS ere' pleasant snit easy' to Enke, do not gripe, weaken-oo aiekea, never WI in -their effeete, and ere );.y far the safest and quickest remedy Ear all diseases qt diptclers of the liver. , . • • Price 25 cents, or 5 betties for $1.00, all dealers or mailed direct on 1-.?fteipt of price by The T. Milbinn Co., imited, 'Toronto, Ont., • r W. ,,R• • *AToristmara, JornaLt.** AND orlimAN. • utensil Os MAARIAGS itOSIOSES 000ERI013, - ,• 03.141t. HARRISON'S "rarte . Ihort l37.tata • Pastry ' • - •• Centin. offs Rissi38 ' 1061:4 On8 Ideranalleg Itedy Fingers Macaroons • Brandy Snaps tve as good *1 tho best tondo lu any oity CanatM.,. ' litttriamileada the trade It; Wedding Cakes end ?noes Designing. - Litt order and Year satisfaction will be assured. ...ROY N. HARRISON nagstou $treat . - Oodeiicji eleisewsweessee, 'rile Leech In" erninereiai sonnet OMR SpIendid Values ioHOflsehuId Commodities •fiattnality win be a very' special day in our Staple Section, when We wftI' •• offer some very exceptional values in Blankets, Linens, Cottons and Towels trial.purehase of 64 Inch Unbleached Table Llnen, a good heavy' quality . Another 15110, fall 2 yards wide, extra quality, Unbleached Table Linen in A designs4 was made to retail at 50e, our special price goe per yard. Better lines at $0c, 7$c and $L00 per yard. fluckahack Towels, size 18 x 34 inches. This is a splendid wearing ToWel at a low price. Special per pair 25c, • Bath Towels in large variety, in unbleached. bleached and linen. All are the best possible value at per pair 35c, 500 and $1.00. • it ce Relection of designs. Special at 30C a yard. ilTriatrdriu, oarr. twos receives 'This term we re- eiVed 1 napplientiontr froni &ass- in six large -American dittos and from far More towns Mid- cities of Can - ,This school IS retognized he ODD of the best Commercial Selmeis ,A,Metion, 'You MI safe- ly judge a ,.13ehool by the 'hoodoo- ada, Inducting Saskatoon, Seek., Old the west, and Oharlottetosvn, P. E. t„ tin the east.:„" ,.Our reputation Merino much. Inc ,otir graduates. Write, for our eatttioetie. 2/04,LitrIrt And: CLAroib nittoinIttai (keit 011ittelp Irk Her 'nhroitt. Not an uneolitinen eXperieriee was that -of airs, it S. Wilinet. of Shuler, N. S. Moto** it tit4e1P No- onHthis' atitfetnatitt " "1 114W41 been it most dreadful sufferer trims brenebia trolible.iitubairtarehr 4141131)41 wottld 14179 andsoffer great distretel In ley throat, I 'Attied au kinds of medleine but get rktonsent tenet tuft 419ed Catatr1ioannt. It has etrhogthenol my throat, enrol Olt „ilAlgit and niatle.Mttenlirely WOO enbetittitati'far the Onetellable1 'broliehlitiand throst Mee. All dealer* seli idatorliotene 14 2r,lo. ntlit 41 alitta! 11 1)15 it 11. tonuelsereneret or wlin ever may he the outlet to .the joh,, net get tie work quickly,. lk• large 060* of the bill below Mrs. Widder's reMtlenre, and the eastern out of th. Prather Petit Hill, Will he dOWit on the 0,Tk lt, track. 44 'bum kovittereas thuossetroses..- tmmeeistety they.***orterea 117 11141 public Parineles's vsteiehle Phis, be.. tame popular beNitilsetor the Iodate. poot they made for thehtseives. That reputation Us firewfit,*114 th .esrak among the !Mit etioditineit to ettaelot of dyspepsia and • I betel,' Plaint* Of the liose an. kid. hey*, teilitiern, 101140457(41 the *hitt% Mother tor does tt lottifolk* eats. Olve it Sinolag OomieTIO In eVerv reepett The truitswiek cattle§ 'iiiMoAtifOtito* f, tIUe Tot:Alcoa, Chianti:end Anit1ker0, thit1es VA404, GhtelitY boll be fotitill liare, whtft you *At yoiti vottit,4 attppluti tome ‘to thot, -ORONSWIOK OlORR STORE ••••'' atinstacti Extrairalue In Bed Quilts Speolal impo$V5BeaectlbQuilts, size 66 x 84 inches. Tbie is a splendid quilt for Ordinary use, A splendid line in white Marcella Quilts, just the things for the best rooms. $2.1$ each. Blankets and Comforters IVever befoie were we in abetter position to offer such Blanket velum • Betra quality Blankets, size 00 x 84 inches, we will put on sale Saturday 20 pairs at paa pair $2.75, Otherlines at $3.25, $4.00, 94,50, $5.00 and upwards. • Comforters in a nice assorttnent of coverings and all tilled with best qual- ity down, at $1.5o, $3.00, $2.po to $7.50 each. 'Phone 54 MILLARS' SCOTWI STORE 'Phone -56 GOOD CHEER ,Nothing just as good as those celebrated Good Cheer Ranges and floaters For Baking For Cooking For Heating For Looks and Economy in Fuel. Every Stove 'warranted a perfect worker. A full line of those splendid PENN ESTHER RANGES Always on hand. • Call and see us. W. R. PINDER NEXT BANK OF COMMERCE. 'PHONE 165 JNO. BROPHEY Ss SON • STILL HOLD:THE REINS POR Bargains in sFURNITURE. 1 Parlor Suite, 5 pieces, oak, frame, upholetered in Velour, assorted colors for $19.00, was $22,00. I Suite, 5 pieces, in polished mahogany frame, upholstered in Silk, assorted eolorti, foe $35.00, was $38.00. I Rug Suite, S pieces, Plush banded, 415140171041 04,1018, for $38.09, was $88.00. I Porter Solite, heavy raleed 'flowered work, in gve pieces, atisorted-colore, for 444.44, was gam). 131t8Y lirillifilaterqd Chairs for $,4.00 upwards. 0 • Cotte 00, pled value for $$.00;wati $0.50..in asserted Velour colors. 3 Cease es, Plush .banded in Velour, Inc $6,00, were $1.60, Ail other lines of rurniture at 0, big diseount for the ttext.80 days. Call .and examine before you purchase. Inn tertuble to show goods. • j; BROPUIEV (Se SON The Leading Undertakers and Enthalitters West Street, 00derich ater Night and day calls will receive pernonel and Vernet attention. Thone120.• , Resideece—Eigiu A:vegue, • GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY SYSTEM JOSEPH KIDD Neariamby • • copertiotio oNir. eaJth Resorts cr. P.i.:Telegraith anti Cable ' A few daya at the Mittetal SOAP a 'Oat1i24'26,M. Clemeas, mid Poston; boo benefited the health , rdsilothing e4titi1 to the treatroont, IT est of hotel egeootodatiott at tootietate tato. *11 TRV totooktod Ofl tto tieket# to)a tut Intotthatico tom oft LAWRZNCit. irt*nt Agttft oftboa HOttritOtt San to *.0041 T. m mo.1014,44tlit A1. JUnlit°. Linea Around the lAtortd. Tioliets to all Pointg, Ocean Tidieto) gleeplug Ac- - eotomodotion Reserved Pree of Charge. .018te, nolo t8 i m. to 40:m. it yea *eat AN EXPRESS SONEt ORRER tmi on or sena fe , •W* 094s6192,,kketits• tot TRE 11041141014, EXPRESS et •8atiafattinti Altattiltt1Aatir •-1,04,1! Bo 110 in th sio, gr 50 sh to st it co wi