The Goderich Star, 1906-11-16, Page 2IM
1.0 1.00, 1.1.
his PWX*
SAC RIFlu. v,,
ACCRT 0, U loom
NA X* W, 0 1110060 10 k* by the Eli rar llife� day,
k% 0,19" THE
tb& rVOCIDDL114", a 6XQxVZ
i, soil, 7140 to 1100 F* W" so" V00"N" "SAW HOMM at WAM ar It. AW "Yom, bA Woly $0 AVI
UV Domm We J "W4 now 0"NA.. "Irlsid ss bayisig takif roolit Allet, to 00ow'Vo0wo
'alikie Ulm �w WULTay
"W" jo%CVjK T*� Molt ell #k" 4" jp"a ft4 N$ A MOWS WXSM obW OJi W, The 094 14040111s, jQ-to 40,104 ft"
A*. At, mokwy is loan 14 en �rowls $04", 1011
pro" it' "*%I P'A
-moot *4414044 ivo Ika W00o of No s000lt I* !Pory AW" 111"M ao4 Mftw& 1AS Virong-P, iiir�A` �Y`Aw MOW"
A I ok"
e 01 %4 1""* iw s" ua 4 Co 00
ANWItJ 111", Raw bat on, Pf p 0#
piloglia IrAk". sAwy .0t
7bom., simr, #I wilk-h regjrA4bW,9W. "W. Wbft,. qW0 "a po*y *,bkb h# W W,11111. 4 of tarm$ 4
Walling postym.4
it I wort 11110 y I I at 00
3,44. Aq full! toore Piano 4-yu,", W "4 *01% on 3100 LWA "'vig JA t~jL AM ussows 4 qW 11141tiftwo Mallow **UAW 14 Nickol"'L At D"Wall, on Sopt.
it a 00aww ft� ftiw 144
"X%Ms thoe;4wat WQrl 1 410 fp'Lo'�.V ItJ but�W'Q I of ow W. 4 mi j, i4tataAce uVillip r4t,194 will t*,
ep"00advi"W V*UV* Qd& 19 trim
Aw.. b6irls,411110 tins, A0101 r0=21voo U" 10, thfil ey"i, �40eg on, Zw ot 04wisk W -U.9 0 Tba tur "a to 14DIii to 1110
a lq� k", tb* 0 44 Pqw. They I%W- 41 1". aler toslr
gJVjn$$L S44! pljy'jh� V.4j�,� jo jho jija$4 suplilitio asm spirit"). Of 041P Oftfr*, -SW 1113 hittoolto 7WF.W'*% * 10 tbo -list' gad 1oro ii4 *111114 Milk ItIv.
W- ri, Vow 14 tuo W F lotiod. -
444 our, $6 am; ibe " 49pk gg Po4vorsalwA 1A *14 H%wv ejip� It ton$ . 1.
VW A M XQ"WWtjQ" L q4.,k be JoduCQ4.,t0 A,
IIRVM' Wu mAr bear Coill4li At%4 xlfM 'Wgr1*4,
I., Vtjt' a0w oir. Volt, 4104 A
01, 4114l, AX*0,4
_4,. $a *K' Q* AW"W
WMW* K A *4W.t 'got P, 9 1
AWA "q(n0tA1r4*-A AQ#. lhc%by XCI*� 0i W19fitili X09"1114A 1W W In' I* ZMAKWAt- O&W of Wsy. Tho;wxizoso weft pAulojif =110 y1tiop, gred 941
4 TOW 'Cold pro4w 0" #4 Wo Ut 111 04%011,
P lot, U vow Wxtom, WWO.
h 0A. I� V�N w1l[OWNx. To 4,040 1110, lllo'sland!, wrap 1401p witio, *ON in &, 1=1 ofo, "W Vijay Ad,
ladwMilkou coiiAd W -001W W09% MWtfq- P"IAM04 144 Iiiho pa WWII
.4 4W ut'lfoilyr., 16jwbor WRI: Vi, jjn,4�
ho difteo�j, jbQtjjj!% JbQ llb. Wti;A' throtigtj it$ W it F lout #Ad 4�w Cou"t Alt*
hA Wr4"*f at. Y01*101111 WW 4pillml
r" Corot lolly Q
jAb11J44 44110AW01
mq. 400 �jllpifed 140CIL.' 0sw
't Wf* 1 up loylog hons$
pow Old 00011w' of, WA# fthiliistj4 #effid
44,10lu .'a tppWorl Oe'O'W "U ff JtLjh*t.t 'njQXiQ, "%.A A M -W, wit" IhIN 'WOW
*kj mid. crqcU.' RAlber Jilt It jj* le4rol's 114 *00 Asia SUPPIleit 4114114k,
UntaAjo All �.C�jlj#t jatiPrLAAd.'#ra b f" t� not jjWr A" 0 "moo iboogo. -
W4ffe$%r1 1110 4 - 4ey 0" 4A.4 ft
., W%ftMdR4"jK W4 luxittient sovalt 11110i ww-
worlitt J4 d , ory ev*41; iioc ft* 4pot 0.91w,os tuwr Intiioiii; bad 00". 41141,1444W how Al -mopffly illilk Wig, 0.0aki possibly 5P0
3PR4"YAlt. NARKTOM& IsAA i'#AC A will Avo. 5,ou �T.0411 it: Iliver 14, Oil Awit afto4cj at iggs Ayer, I
lt9r. Wife 1400:11ift 1100 01411440 rid
J* until 144howlto *ajo flicit, *44,000 14 a 4"04", low 011ior Uiii ]6� 44UY04 lot, *YON, Th* to' I in CRY rOSUlt
xr,"Ir usA,00-, out ill OwOt our expOrlme-
Mitt'l P�V.'01 $004 irov,* lavolvo fs"Il, 04, *Q414 140 y 00j, An winter In
A-1po" W : ft.' Illinois, 4 -- - tho S AW is 0, good $11pply at
, , �! . s, , r fgljtjdso� ol*.ifig this. trww"t A�Q -
A03614"d over IWO v It * 'i " j W "Ic thiLUtt.''Ifoa 404 two Q jrQM tj*A
golpir, it to aft .0"My" Ib4 40 therlilla. TW 0y, 001 j4pois'wiJ WON
no r0sou
4* -not
Vj 4* Pot of,:Oullry 00 14W dko, soko* lew *0414 Awyiklbe. Milk 111bote Alloold be,
'ArA, DA9, elAs-001 Zia SuPply gj,c4k4,
rit"a' d-- it 4* o0co, At Iiubw Wvw j;Wj)J Llh**'' jjv�4 dj*�Jt Tho 0W. " Wld � J04: JQ4 k" ot
OF VIIANKS41 NO'. w �soft� oentaxt
ToWpiulAvau,'A' or4, will! will : 1.4� Al 0
altvaj�l Phor to 11W otftwdir M. oliq melvino 4 9004
A lbol Truq�pqm, 04=411" *of: roiloo for 11,11K
oplem 0100 OWAArdlty in, a OV'L litit., 1404 A at*' Kwvpeau AbOX he J10 IlitAP4 I at fd*Ak! 061111ft CAIX J00, AOL better
t ille"Wly,burtit 1W
0 f0ug Dut 04, illa 04*0 *Olk With
ftll there Is 1000 ANO -00*.
341(ft CQ)0A*`:,WII* ot ft IMT W vZoo "a 40 to laylbil he", inlin plenty of com, 19,
XI , %4*
'W,044. rAY& 10 i)4jq
s* I neat, idoplay ploni, 'AirlCti, Irpiq
to or ON 114 AJMJ�
Iwiowu lam "or, his jq* hird.:e - _ �d lb 6W to PUIUMP IMF
r oxv, slo�* _ so,� 14* 1 4
"'peoni"'tQ �# bel"Or Who jS Almigh 10 *gor 1114 041CM VfnjKb#L 4JJqW6d 1016#(W PlAft, 4� . 0" fqim 4yp� 700 rat pad mill;
'4; #Vftt$L & -
A'k litor 1% lifts Ivgor *01 to jtt� furnish the Age sory.;.,
1whout the, witi 10 04 vargol"'11111ortgo W their ]*"*I 14"Ook, bkomoved,the tbet,o -
0"I., 116,10t) Wi ex 04 Opltjjo�" rotion, and
0 4V 110 . 01 loo W *6. meots for eg production. N, here
W, 49 phyments th
0A bY Fko,44 4 IN 9. a N; eao$ or 149112 CA d mlors: from jh6,,sI4vI" -xil WA 0 AU
JA W 4yoo 't , .,
Wc,-,;tMt;.jW Ionf wtiyotf. The,ftinook, yk,
'ho �#QQ It Wiglblilft, A0jtOW With- OYAW jin- 3y 10 foWj$)'AQJMikJ
this 4oi It IS supplied liberal
Mcilling �iit olt jjj 11*11)0*141 Vt 1*41 Wait OA 0 IS #'BX`J(JAJj ctfoe�hatl` S it bo -40 /040-
4009go v 0#0 A"A WL'TA t . , f _Q 'IMW , ,
1 4 It M of clit gree
Whit# es"
0110 �11 -t to 4 cis
-plit'114 - , 144 it 01401 y40t4h 41,L jJl6W*- Mrl# W-14 (1' their IoQd In 1110 form
tO�40A� , " -9 so, of4t*jW t.
NVATC;JjL THE, TITI.1%, I* IML Milk StIppileg bit'geli
j*1 Walair, - A ,
0 * , 1:rl, * . zor- IJ a Wom po� 43b*,01, they, $0094 bp reduced. -h
4 *sJt+ borza or ilmlilloo Or oP lit In;, Iiijil I�JJXUJ Uo;*. �W"#'Aujkjlf ::41tcint" 411'atir, ow tolly-7 'rip relementa fouad in bane,
**�,too Oil W '61rIft ftm, jha� _r that t, QU arqLl
iwllftp�.Wo'� $W$ Ia Meq,bJ the 114At o6 �-i Wait, x4q," T14 -04)90 Oi%4POPk* C004 Id 440 'Int better 0=0001%
Op .
Me the 00164a, -tho go .4 Make a much I
e$. Ip L col
be i)nj -4QW' FAIIJ J(j -pro" r l4, fill Al bwuw.
"A INOR40 of IUD: 010t at, iv0smp jfjf'� Dt 1110 llti,oli4 *fxet,to
P%(J?*4tjoO, of:,
x4golai'm W1 t4olili: FgOd
iq gjVo At6WOjr�f:, ptitj ."Ilio geptteri., vaq W,110 #g0jr IQ take t4olo, troin Illan milk., Wheat, and 08.b-
irl" Allo, 000*1 �slgW 1114,who� )A "go r;�JiA, Wo � ow*r% .101Y With
q1timri, iAtA,",Uj4,, z4pI.. !�WC are net la k
let$ cc and milk altemol -
Matorl4liblilgo, to 4, Olr "T14 b ieti'1101 LOU'
�klng? 'N ito""hill 011400, O.V Atwjn'11010 It I . ft * i I A a 4, 0 popfr4 71ve14,." ar fog ja Ina shape of 0044A
llont frotd, the Ch the 'W'- gjfsj� 'of the K, 1""Oni
A. 40 1 -lot 46,114*401ti- 1* v4s S� $jttlpjaLaa� 'itch sohaj#gs . If
serv.0ift 41', 11W hfo T Atio prQp4 oil
Will) 011ts . follsow 'l)g, C� L red c1Q.Ver, ajxffwQ have,46.
X 8 R, DIA tAti s Air
X000 Mt Out"I a 9 -Thg� #Qjo� Zq
Wo liCoor' �tlle 0.JSIlOC I
10 Cal' , onof la `CaAW#oA jWJ"r,;, ideal food for egg prodUCtIQA 0 ry
III it _P041hig Colors" at VIlick- ib INS ARM'NO
0040^� an j4$ woo, Jos- by, 101 r* irtry_,pMud fond of milk OA(t Ivolin,
C�. J)MAV. 1!qlh W lf� pp Th , Ore 4L.
I �
bu spookilf, #00
41,9.01 -ot thof 4W VeAL Atift All rd aj,� are, Pottle Wetly
tintl jljtIven in almost unlimite.
The, col6v$ results foJJQ'W
............... .............. rQVe
OR ItA WIR I* it'WhW
'tCb10 AsingorWAlloll lit 4.0 9 ad ces diarr oCC,L
000MA li �1' iwrl Y': fl,
ftmpla, wit out any, serious
00,;ttould be that feedlot.
w flell
1110, we so t4
040i rep ?look All. 10as Allen AlVill p 4, 10 0(� POLI . nee
Checks the suppiy of egos,
TWhete. I W"tho It "M;� TO: VgU0, flin Illick'am too freely fir if
'(do net p I
1114 64 .W ....I L. . _ �
71 . . Ing milk We did not exp(
414jits hey 'the F
I I 'M unfav,
werei no 910) ( where it is
It not convenient
14 4, 41111114'.clk -esults
llV4 e ' '.. .4cou
ar Oyt,, In 1 the q0til tryt,
L 0 09JCJL,� Water" the, �r j Drable, i -
CIO A -.41smor for
from the Ile
li"'jkloo �(Ito '14Sletid 01 geltqr� TQ 4PY 6 a lea lot klim*11 1011 MOW Ihoollor viorttipts. -thq counter
of li(JX0 a I.) 'get �one fresh
Jueblill h4tioo IOU 14, And at and riting e of thi, to Italle. of
180#03'00 t #41 "wit
instead, which can supply milk
1 a tire Mid, Jul" 'Poliniie': W*�-
'billiII At most or quite as good as
Ir"Aheat 4U6 fooi;R ltrp%jp�'K CIQ;Ilt In tled 1, pre, riage of tile Ibi Period Of der who feeds�.tokti 0
$trilcR 'by ltjoL '01 kno%v of a lady Drec
VX1 M-AIRAXT a'oat Cc45 fit
a tho"young and milk the year itoun(I to bothy011
Vj9tor1#r,,0f -,$c 1 W
h CS,
11 'hod aid, w in very s4tislactory r
laoi,- �d f -t 0,9100d, Where it using the sour milk (after hot
all ille �eu �o r1noc AkIlam, NVO Koj$or h
rice And 409� Stj�o T& enellt, M901APY
toot I Sln�
Mat h aper� no
hangs Q With the young growing stock.
IMMOlk Clio Slat at the
Ad' 'rclltyl of" ad sour ra'k
itMeal spr11*14,
ppince NVIII1810 Iwheat bran and earn
�'(the P
his iise- In a Willi pulverized charco
ut 1(� put' it Irk 4, dry Place for'a�
AV. OL Regint approutho of014 ��102144 d, �'And 4 drL
sap �Wlll L boyish, 4ticonsidorate, Chicks, belleveing; we will 1100 0, 00
014 palatable 4jfj
)let I:
lewlwoekt�aq iaqidr L " I ", "), t . .;
md t4ko �,wh6jh III$ Mot that will be wholesome,
Which really, ilksell win at for aur
a'pool 'WA la, yougg
flat comparallveIV 10 s0d)0 '0
11*411 West also ties riqys, Vith, -iii, inexpensive
tho '''To oyery, L P
ghla�,,Cuthorlly" It'v4s of:'Plilllt' ctit'lojo, Squareli in foods, now
oh, '01 -preparec
to linvo �S ..$HAVE the so tied
OV�, 14) P106 UP air of' 3estlis own.athlrd, Color, t.�c same time lid two At
iiW6 to -'a" on the market.
t10, 'bittlo; and, �',�Tho 101144011 sitall Provld s wa bUylit
fKo dients, 'I "
L, -Let! these ingtko a at nx
NOV. to skimmed milk a
b) �who a nQI,,b§Antery ith, Ine dying. Emper- lie fowls I
done tor t
T- VIIQ M&WS IT 15 A11180- product in feeding in this Ivily than titl�
4hc� Ettipt6ss" no
oheohim' to we can real12e 1110te frOM
atou no look �betfor� After,
eii� to (116, ''fig houe*, bblilp other
a6t, 'to
46tore 4A it -
way we could feed
ljj�d 0
bFor T
t in
0 ',his ban
4,4 THE' LESSON the �two,
own- riY InfectIDO From, The kind of churn that should'be usedl,
'0'i i ot%-Tha W1,101 *Qrso, 4, pu d ey co
, r, . � cry gPoN broice,'d
rqd as" a DDOW Qftezx on it farm uejd not be, long dens
JlVlhg'Qo(t- IN' S A S U of the best. Churns uras the oldi,464
a gum One
AhOus ond 0 Till not as good as I's
ak6 a Wh lium, but It was
-churir. The barrel clitirn-Is SW
bat 8cthk wall! Jilin PAW at Allo. �tt is 'at �_oahy, of' the
or'l to A, 0* t '01 't ply an empty vessel having In
ogc4(§ ao� difflotiltieS" amail barrei
add, 'press �Aligtts a, 0�
Ao famous tirgeo4 odij. physicians of to uctions.
Wer betric jacerived he -"Ill jftu� bQtWc O.Welf" uStig'lly reett'ifing, jilk'. for ttife �c t6 jfig�,Mc�a- Whion pijt7� wjl)latn,� 4, Ifshe, was,, 0, orys Ije 4ay dasher nor other chair
ilud moWracbes.. It
q alnoo., y 1 0 y� his, b' k down' ,s4df, nad, '�4
voxves upon a pivot, and as it reVOIf
aacth4V many hun0redo it 130 he 014
404, 1561f, j to
pot, jh, j�rk j,� heIno her, .0 ibelifolnts� '1po:ellIlr4L :local- pra6tfijop0'0� allow their lips and
to" Of 0j
wer"'Unid Cos lot chi
'A f Quit
ntb-'rtho-14 of his demand.: 'oup ly 'oil' L" 416 they term 4
, L . 9- 1 T �!ia to, the other. The first barrels had o-
9 �104�4 "�, 'T the milk falls front one end of the eb
-t, the lia 114da, after, twenly 'Wit Soto A Ats.'! Put tpJ(.,hCaAthy? CIJ In them consisting
id' and,she: 0014 ItA
burfC "w th jlill� im toile
�kcoluphfilil OW .004� S challonge't(f 404nifely d, against which tge.,e
5sing item one end jj
OIL tho Pro Pa.,
itIn tutz 1111b with dRArdA0 And 11111. the �ejg, is, J�it. icm6i,� 440 by a 400101% 0,0 tocArrying from at 01ro
Of hIghL,
T ol'Atitido 1*1004011,t5I ond ;j d gJ!, "efill �JoMg jmoa,�Or jks.9 Virtilailf L4 0
�oVe� udd 4% 1A 10 Me in
the lot; 00 lied fine germs of
was supoosed
life other. It I
tied, #rJ$IOCrAOy And derive Ing"t &'reeft that"When. Caused its
r to gather im 4
jolmotJ �Voolllx 14 '044, at It at .4her.1 I 6 le, W a a' wt1to'Jr in poifibuis thart time., �It,was soon tear
W 0. ly 40 -ft v 4040 44 ;c1irtati, 10; 'Who t'hoy N e,
Ild not help mucVer�
e butter, Someone d1ISCC
1114 sate of ell''IC1444 Of *10 instead, to ie� the trying it that the 6realli.
M dic4l. viali at
teboards - end moustaches
dr by a ally
With the stbtfloos� Yc�,Sha)j Soar Ihe 50,0 bf U M'UsAj of liyglone, Surely
ailly�: Yn
On ksl .2 tire two nds was afteatWL
lain anth lindets'. and
at AnoUS-AWAOM 4i4,us accused '09 in . a lo, Itheir ly as If the obs nt, , the qiA Lruclions were, to.
Rt 0 at line the barrel 04
his Falwo 116uso a 'Gdd� mftA, oitrotully� in" Ia; Worked U0 At I doctors Call be ac, ,r
. . 1. , ;I,,,. . 7 -44, lAd Icon In e�'
0rdi" .". L � , '\'" , L' L,", �'� PtI$C4 J4 t
00, ahi'*it 0-w1d ;� - , -,- I
tpe V48401 Alosmext am became the favorit, aud has rono
she terlag polidefit a ol?h ot'degree of tificlean,
und ent thille.
�#h C 0$00'of Mon, 6X Wlt�d TPO 4140ber of, occap opnJ e &M��
e'g, 9?!� do, not take, the the favorite to the Pres
hiid' driven' frO I the, Sao- at God. it does 22tj- Ititit
1ijolWbd �kcti jih�ough -h(r Orgss adde) h d The iMP10' to toll: grptostcqte� In. nopt-Alillip onlo.
of prcv
ciple will be Improved upon. A.,
te t it IS trite; OIL many differe
b r toursai that the jUro
nt Churns have been PU
Annu,in, h -of U4, .6606 After, Apd� who o Ca, ry Pot
I �a--44 1 h all kinds of JMP0
�of �ki't b mlddii_,� 4e -will to, he mmkt wit
Vol lr�
efore W ua
ir s(N.1o4 lh4k� the givater
)to o4146, a call,
f, � %" . Ing th-0 Isiolt, Was rQal YL� Ifi�Iftoab Olt 1,11 og� Jell Wer#.Seld:
I' - The' 'act 'Was be fic�� OUJOIber, af their ptiffonts, an dinaents an the inside Wh
in omco he ilia my,
It e -Cal a �jtb 0 be able to bring the butter In ajeW
as soiro%y on 040, 4101,� th (but the�Wbre0k,of agrievovAI14lieud
ncase of, n
Onto: is ltdy, tj d mThe fact of It is that 11110
F�aorg Olt' W08 '101' WO IN116100 that kho. tort) A In the vidlobborlipod roey 0 4 verit4thi
gooil, reli
chums weri
Phi Mine to thbril.. Ou
t t 0 prg
�feqsign I lo-eturerg know that It tho, �Outl
Vfsrtidrok�out 0t,th4r6cm.;, WWflaiai, IN a 4 it 'he 601%
,f nAfie,�Of sj�4,,o olvVys d made to sell. Ther441iJ
ehu L�� t 1, 0,1141, t and I (lug 11M, -a pleps6ol. bbdt4ble cap, t 4 complicated chim
I bad telted aj�entg Will
�"At to 81solk0k �tOror+ thatz
is oardol ;to,, Vol it pul, Itho Aolkft 00. ett by 9f,fi) lar&'roi*0 it In moUlitif
b .1son & $ patients haW�oniethtng to talk ahoV
ocotm Which thii, 01 or li an�thin$, i*OL )Ole, goss p,, and n lio'had fbIIy.S*44'dlgqao6 nies He will claim, and doa$
P ins and.14flithiiake W4,10 the avantages Over the, or4loory
enormous iii
�hpw .6f the xTiOnalech, boirel, churn. one of these arriliogd-
eIng, hour$, �14 to -men 11
laugh Ja': the Aart th, ,s co Urd O�,, I by,edleal il 'a)
6 4CW 'at. Whoritio. In La
9 were
it is ovidetit Ithalid f%I &� kill his 61 shlog. . The dangei, motits, which haa 'appeared great
Lhe llatrotor Was A01, �ftlludo�, ot6
A 11 " b6
aave( hot Wli no Olt ex9p
d S Many, has been to have, a pipe c6xivej lot '4014 dio. c6hired Ing the alria the bottom of, the 6114(loat
Cud ',MbM*.ta A�§Onxblod 'considered dls�kopeg Is that 'Atio, jgots�
tho Inot A at e � i the air lithig -1)
lactim e0t. tho,81 rispliroh "WaAi :a,- fiklib and, 6 rtlPit' assed 011t
I : � 'a s a aty chum,
'illy, Of a dl.,i, s 0 ge - I ", "
%V91 a 'hor I I* �Mjjao 0 V 'in 'pluiog,�
hoo.., , nP.4l1N4IINOt-Y VIOUS.
MCKILLOLLP I . M tll,,A�mc &d value or stbtiqugh throe or four arms that, 00
asL 1114M In JVC big 'has
�`Jo Ila t be iljk,�%4
orliq ht 9 prink.. Old can, e%V killed dUrg Vado, to revolve with real, 'rapidity
Veto Id but r a untidy 0178�0114 � 4 i,'wera be�llttse of ht$i'hfgk fee and is lac means oI coos,'wheels, Cad a are
ralnoliaSAL 'ION AVAS a Awe�Jdtit pIrAtO p1tais. the t k
tirvost , utlii 0 A 110) t eauim 11,14 ey �aui '6lien
t l$he
WICU04 charlitter. to lm*mi aVit, JIM nony, opera.
agent larmer that Wad btpids
A vok�', ulliptifid Ul
h ad s Wft Ifeth 4 116 Illaid., 'Pi'an.1dul, br.-doell
Var46 ono 1601JAW 11'01%� 04�tty t 1$ .01446 of W014, 6( air plasirig up'. through the -in
a!'ib. � dd ho�,r atialtnee to the V
phol, outry"i �01 p or P, ergonaLI: outo lilliffer,
t6i tu4, j U00. Olt lilitc.
Pi)to.mll' '!The or jpf4duca suth a disturbance that It,
noo44�jy'. 10A "from All Cllse, the butter to Collect In tw- a
it eThe'' thor 'Un 8 40 ft Piro as.5
which, 't,� �0 thirt'$L liava
Pi6s of (�el "V "a aus dliatoor AMOY
't�ptty Ito tw� bier upon the n0et Is live 'p ed,lindet Some of those chums,
r, �ftL be gustid at jh&, denko'(geollb6li) bf he nutes.
)f th(N 110101 dolho th6 like 4 Avere d6posit6a 0141 j�omaa ej
64 art dal College, chums. In, t 0,
haV6 iliese
'A ff";
wet. 4otlo so �Wojl by' atiXone,'as by c Ito ifor ad " ded m4q. 4 Olt dallba "tiovo
hatt tbar;Ojd� MK
sIM OSS11 'a or h M. AN
V631 itritatirig
*eie; 4f i chum's do not tj�fjng
for Totinitex lin
p. Cori he bUtt6r Ift. two
heI OkL, 4", '' *' ' ' �6rcatn 14 raWed to a temperatut,6.
ir, it ill to' fqtIIJzIOk�,h1s beard
04, 4u,PkeVdntIMkL the
Light In mtry) P fit Oxi�. s,�s and'jjCouSt4dh4, and to be� allowed in'llib mAkIll"
lot Pro Aco r 4 huslAud"P1 t6 ContinkoLd 'kdjdj#g�
WA - It to
P, 0 j 1p4UaI*, the P rd j*t 04 of, the mc_ d I�s in the st000d.plaoLet'
Obrdlni(L to"Wiliell I hill I' _eaS6,6tt4dkh1g hi§, a" system* but goad butter- d- ,
1na advitfita9t to have tho Churning; Q116
lodged, is, Coiop8, 1h th time# (OaS7
FortArlo 11114 0, tile, prooss -takes time, go wouR not
joh P. J. lyatt. litarl Was, h Ohl in Iwo ininoW,
W a 00. Almil4not'Able 099 100 4
1441, , , poh; and on "n it that ek P,, Of, I P�Irt ht turning, Ible. The ordinary time for'01i'dr;
rh6 eXtent rt doz6a operatl6ns.
s6ven yebrs loder,,eb I A41 o W se T, Bismarck'a �61110�
0,; theal.L The, Patient under the, alMsth4tj is 001114 be 1004,90'10 WmIlitifes, a.$
'ok :for,, they :,are. ftos�A, itiolt 41wo
naturally #C. 4� Very 1 wauU, 660411100-a ehhfcajr1p
-to tQvi IM, An. M4'IVL 'T'h� pldlyL
nMill ftocic No
'VcrSo Irk I
n4�4' Ceetito a, cornpjlcilfl� bf aShe
or beat, The Cori hat4o; WWI bit op a WOys. seek. sheltoil, frJoixt: tout
OL angtills
oloetbaW "p4to loll .'hts bon traded evOntuolly 10 the
IN ATI, froCtreyA 01, thb diM #11' dily.
0,14og -1 1p�,Cft, Moto Sail � 944 jr, 'IS ",It Veq, nifilts �&Ud get thkir twc wdlifti oiliero Is
ktL Wj6 00&tS, 0, Ing WOW iffok J, lick oArSf grold- ��r atL,fdod hild ed sved,
116V 0S an art% a
adI'U0 thwhich, tho, �40alc!r I& dAlWvourids,
tin�,.'afid x0au 'gigs, jKlisto �qlort T Jif*NVo3 _did' Iftelt the, �14t to bo led (kWJ(iY a' t ()00 "All (bi: (he orfilea tia"Opinion a , 11
wrap$ WiJ bo 46ny aIt qZ h libility n' each COW to fttll6' %"�,Ootf
dilfit' qf h(- P a -toot. 'dhd IeVerlShr' e6fidillott
UPL anIly'Vo I U I III profit toerthe J44
Tho 4 it �Wer V00
of, tho chea L 0j, I Bismarck dW
Ott* A"
0 ed
e:0041K, %, it bf P414n. Was dlicoVertd. teftot& #j0Mf;'h4Wo0v4r* OW day mp, our
0 ALL,,'. �FOt J4$jQM(. In140 111'� kilhout" (Prot at laflueriza TD, ! z;,
go, �h rlo� 4", ov .
ed �jqfjj jojrjti� aby dam"Ild
L j � Malik � in
J%V'j�jg' Wiffid of 1*14W o'coMild do- heart, and, ntthffooft soveral ot
'Tel (00� a I
An, AtAt , , " Moment tt
In h; ' L � L 'XA#b 6$Pettally, during tiara to
4c,1406yed, Iti, their, PIX iti. $UPP04 4 is 4w
thoir pal%tlofk� lt� I$L I �Ykft U.JR01- :dlsft'"
nd to Jb0,jJeWjSiIr( by to reful, hatieniftni:,
0=4 11100 ow to by tvtr�Y,04 0
k I 'lf6hChloh1$ .,,, It' lCoh 0; upon cily)(-
� taciojiirg "' '
t0, 1 Atli ecret�, Of "Alatty 4, suedits0ol Neoax,
"Its -iot $unft a �00 ?a
iisthrlaj� MIS s p
Wft tall Vitt. I olk4ld W water",
jJjaA4 AMVel. oj 01(l f�ojor§ OtL'I'lle g 11 140, COnW6469, flit" flit; taro, VVIlh
�Wljh 611011: Man itsh Into.
btjo& A\fi'44% , Visitio, 0"r Old MikM and 'Often Pi dt A Y a4�gk WOIb "porl; ot, Atid Abbso' 1001101141,11
J54 ttlurb'Ot theft, ikod
lilc . gd4 The Of 0 464 JAWAI, all itt* giittio' 'Un' 1ho Pro.4efil, C
W'h L Pda large nutilUt; 61 bleas alla OD',VX-
ft lilt 0 RZ, *Idt ot W41 00V lot JJW Bettjgr�
13 somo peopw
Act L a 'J14
"fft 91t 109. �.doa% feW IIIVJ��d agd,:,
We' it'sinipw- to 0614i,
. 1. 1 1
4W jjj`tftV0'j V4Ajtj#.L'4X who tiriss 14c the 11WItV �be% v1#10 tjotLj*n,,jP0$Cd, iltobtlifting beat4o,
When Au"w4vit tit "IV tWrap 6%W tbod Inj It, erj4tR:'1at tpftb 0
Wd who, howt I 'ki men.". tind
Its, 'AL 041641, 6, pt 1 Wat nots y 0xj*,tItn0#',4X 11
ot tw, Whedrin *4,00 -114 ill cortem, Wt he old, and moo 1 ocillatig. I.
to*lk 1:10 obi
thtin 1 with ilwhe VM03109 .110V bog horm-moggly jPtJak.1Wjth," Ifit *jJ In fogi Ablo orfferI,kidfljjhfUj
eii xw* f4,y ati 10 \1 Irt, I Wo
lharlbf, tolle'r- M, I 'flit ftoforl Od his Aim. only Itt All IV IN Pro41ft mloh, yet, go A .- W .. wam, Me Wn �WAW�
Otir8al. 14,0011101) fr4 b twrt lit"s him 1-1 1
11101011 evo". ;To,
IM Very *hot10VjJ0W- jl*lble�
'Sion h livid ate too �4 id, low it *boL Is ftot'
C 0 t%U14'' 114 hing. Wttt-� ;I1 only 4* Mark, it it
In 10, *ipoo out, 4T Xist" Irk tow, kokft 100 -liftoyd. It ti fQrAytk*hy'" -ep MIS I t Widul" litkl'lhd$ 0tL"j:0A'j isb(I
IM '401
All MI'lisilit IN-YA, 17m, W, IM Au� W Nnete, isidolift, todw, Maw AiAw ailorntuat *
to , ;oivt sftd &Alftylhii wr,ty worm qI114 lael IVAI. thw e ho 100k � Offtink. to, 9MIJ
'(400. 'T I P he. b zwl 1VOWIllut
y zew o6w, wavole Moilvhl* , ., . I , 1 11. 1 .
16 fjc�
-%, tho, ftmont Dismal* 0 11,
1- arit`Rwik fiftily 11411, 4 i"Ut, WA lho or � 114, tolbot at., the "W" uAdo high � I AiA
t6 t 'Wh um" tott of t*
-ftshifid b w *411 � S but Wht% I*" jj" CUM 0 %liegaany' 80a I
t6 t "Wh _fjO, big_ d(41h in IML ]J C tiocit 4" Delitfa t6 J* ItMed, rd to, 04 oxatti
lit. the, 1110Aprim
P, Tw sphod
aid. 11JOY 1* illo th
fircei y4eht �W llllApt, If 0hied up quftt his'sm. �Ubyj
10" flW� Afka&j. Ift&Ot' as a ft In Zwk Irk.
teat' *11 'hisi i*ft Y*T
* tot,
jifiaE feel
seato, 3 j Vt 2m, Ikof 14t, Itk job" IN. wolloilft AL it ktttit wl" r6610tark oftfoo "t- lI - Ig W AjtUjy: Mott
I6hbsgJki%* d, $tell: to See,
�4, that'*1
too. rAilooft.5, Its ,F" T�m t iffist
'hj t in
td f0m at VA %W art kmI ithaft U is b0ft "tivitl4d Ibit hoftlo br:IhA _L , t0w qoaly . r A L r4 I Io . milk *tove 3,(W a fwl� IAI%SIA* tw. loft, SrA 11,1110y Ot
FADWIMA AsIct mmily oil", swt to AW Illo ftlq�, at 110 1 ll Imlisift ott to th - to, 1*6 1161, 10 -Ing htllevl thhu is V&M
1,�o fitst ""Im tftv () �jk%u* Abolit 0110- ft", if 6 'on VIA to wftlhiii And,
. " *ft lorably Alsolon thit "y
out Ly
PW# lComp., torthitolt"1*4 *4\1* to tL, ilift.flill
in Ito tA '. WWI. ft Itn%Arl"� '046hick AdA VMn tv*. pwnit of view �Ot. tj*,j)ot f4t, trion, CWM. Th
&M AU4 at 141VAU% PrOW4*'j, a. *K.OM' aM MW fafifilill (fis) AV
*t the IkO 41ite 11111% Wake *'At (&* Wft%ft.,s4*tI WO4444's d"Ib It fir
Aol A 0 Mul AA
liad It* 11,00 InliAblInts I ta , IL %sy "to k",
ft 01onilt" "kpj LW ft fosh"L Mft ft A##, fit it, h$)s bft tft IM CkjK*lftI *ft% Word' ifitst b% Q Ito, "A, MIrstinS b"*riik ft4*h triiet. lh# ire
4 gr: it. is, in*
alt7. 1, 1 'fig" CW
VA UN* 41, 1" jocet 4blAtilicilot" IM OWY W" 1tvt W twvlvi Wk" 4*rM Mtn 't Afty. &M114AlWUtWjfIW -"K*60" �Mltv obo .0W
. n
tWeAl b6- 'to rxim *I 0"is WM* no vtoolt okillufft" who 'amilft. thilt qu"-w t� be oraftary JJ&ptw, of,
Wr *As uf. "It
to It to 144� off file 41#101 jy* 'OtbaLIX lho A -Alt lkq "it, 610vinakolm by *ltalt
^%14, "t UAL *WVW b#ft%d t* V& %0*0ft at )ior sillot bi&. it Wq4I term I ' 1fiWt* 1110110140 W ttft at AW hft`r*i14y A lit Is %lifift, 4 M1,16t of 1 *1*0, 01ft sit suff toll.- I,344 "If! 1111001111y.
Amu, A 814*1VII41 is no 8, nly fif Im mKi'la reftya rok"tho PM -W
r iti-, x in jak#.� olf:1he josk. hy Pit; Tw illry.. 00 In* orn*wMit, 41PAt am 0"NiiI ft Iky- toly fL" 011t4blM.
of . I ff� Lviko V. V". *it. W Vat#. Tuld, Will rod"* a* ofto** *=111, ft""A, flillil- olfrild WMW116.0
saw Im JS� f.10. jf**L 10, Atil. Pi6pow-rot by )*at. 44A*)y *#k" 4**W*4 t0a W o" *Qf IhIs UperWa VftrM; *ft TML VMU#r, lhft*t bolt, tho *Ugv 11, rclat", *M r" b*
1�4 wil#,, *M X Aftloohlo I* 10le". � thr"A &via. my**lljo
ftmwomft� 01rA tho soo*, Of j"*". 4 *A 4m, WAVIkAo low kw*%A ot thlo. A *1611011041im Ahd Iffiftra *AY, , tt*t P" 4XV, 61 0A lowlk
t%iftVt J, *"d An AV* %-. V%4A 11*4 no" Is A R4) tip
*tv aw lay** 41 r"t sit thid. IV" rM161 U Or* PrA no booforft 40K*g P"no ft"V4 balf4*1 to a mWiftl sallin, but, a 6*06 ilmpoew A
A �r. YM*,- The tn�N,W* Ott fol, f0f, to big 00"ll.
in Of an I" ?ft W11111 4 N*YL 0*yj�r P.Mos, of rti"Itit now a I* W" lloyl-llw tooft k 00 N** ed fm "so ylriv* lmooi 4.10011, V4 h W" a )w i4m says: -of this Tuis oh(ww bo ft %W& ot, J -ft rt4 ti 4" *a" a k)oft 1& 1 W1% M 1 a *WA***. girl, wM It" mW Mfth"d l6p iso ifif N* 4M *a jw a bi boW4 "rho It"Nos to" Whk 06
hftvr. *M jobot to. .6004ror Ift *w#*. "A,Olilfet' Wils""A WAR 411Y"600. 0 sooll WO 14 L40*W 06 Owqft *a X 11169 trIX MO is odwill **y avil a 9 Itimity by W.a a
*IN "fift 0 up." 44 V"M 4000*4 *At iii"am WW vo%&, (*Iwk V. so it vom" bo am ft" k *4 wwol" a* W M W at WN "ADo, -Pa A 61 badd vr 04 1 "14 f46 Jot holl. at dmmmww bot"" No 1111141111 "t W f Ak **k am I*ft sisilea oftiod 40 bb W Jok tisifik* ON 404 ft WA*, lkpo *4 10 Noi Willis bol "it a U
meow joalit in* oted tom, "lift 111M do^ Pa a a OWWAO kft4m* Yom "w Am$,