The Goderich Star, 1906-08-03, Page 8a•
rnigtt Omsk Qt Viet
tios' OSP**
leudiesse tor snout 444 ROAM
NO vitt tips.
otiorfPno voake fir
smodoess awl Vitt*-
, tory thakittr Jertr41.
The Sovereign
Bonk ot Quads
SOUKS IOWA Argots Shot
toollestw Poebiret 1010tet
Copyright Books, Regular
$1.25 and $1.5o, clearing
at 75a. each
Among the above will be found the
followiug books :
When it was Dark.
The Work of our Hands, by Keays.
In Heart of the A.nelent Wood, by
The Bar Bluster, by Rich. Harding
. Davis.
Tommy & Co., by Jerome K. Jerome.'
When Patty went to College.
Old Gordon Graham, by the Author of
"Letters al a Belfenade Merchant
to his Son."
.A.Iso many others of the New COPY -
right Books,
Clearing balance of our Boxed Note
Paper and Envelopes at 6 off.
BUSINESS HOURS -8.00 a. in. to 0 13.0.
Ooderlch Telephone 100.
Court House Square
Ebe.Gobericb %tar.
Tautancent Oats, tri.
•sFRIDAY, AUGUST 3, 1900
ft. R. Sallow)) visited Orand Bond this wook.
Mrs. Ausobrook is visiting in tho Queen
Misses Lawrence and Rhynas are visiting in
. &Maio. .
Breckerrldge, o3Clilcago,ta hoUdaYIOO
iu town.
Mrs, W. D. Shannon is visiting friends in
Percy Shopplud, of Toronto, is revisiting tho
' old house, •
Jae. Bays, of Soaforth, %ens in Ooderich en
Provincial Constable Phalan was in Clinton
P0 Tuesday.
r. 3, Pridisam returned 'from his Chicago vi-
sit on Saturday.
Mr. And A. D. Alm McLean are visiting the
lower St Lawrence.
• _Ake. 1). Johnston and child lett for home,
PTOSt011,r011 Monday.
Sheri!? Reynolds loft Tuesday on a visit to
' Toronto and Detroit. "
11151 51 Caseaday. ot Ottawa, was a Code.
rich visitor this week.
H. Edge and P.Outterldge, of Seaforth,wone
All teWn On Wednesday.
Canta_Wateon, of New York, 1E1 at the old
holm. moutreidetinet.
Ma (Dr) Milne and two children, of Blyth,
were* town on Tuesday.
Mho IffeKtenon, ot Detroit, was the Peet
Week visiting in tioderich,
Mrs. Junco Kevin, ofIretrott, is visiting at
Mr. and Mrs. c. A, Nairn a
Mrs. nem neneert, et Ingersoll, R visiting
her uncle, CaPtain Trench.
Mr. sad Mau a Lure. et Kingston, wore vi
siting in town ou Whew
P. IL Corignest, Of Niagara Falls, le visiting
at tne residenee at Judge Bolt.
Miss ream% Of Milwaukee, Is tbo sliest of
Mr. and Mrs. CP. A. Robertson.
Architect Fowler Made professional visits to
Clinton ane Seatorth this week,
Me and lir* A. Robertson, of Chicago, aro
vi ring (.heIr relations lu utwa.
Manager Therese% of the Harbor Lumber
Co., loft for the N'atth yesterdar.
'ULM W,L. do Long, of Elturavnle, is visiting
" Miss familia Buchanan. Much st.
ut.reatir Twoody,sot Detroit. Is spending a
holidey vaertIon at UMW house.
Misa thatte eleobel lett yesterday on a few
weeks' Visit frionda in Listowel.
J. P. Steven left Tueeday 01)3 trie to rieginn
.and ether points in the Northwest
MiteE, Beith, of Totted*, in_ vielOng at the
01331410000 01 her uncle, Judge Kok.
Mager Item tote allest Beatrice Peahens
were visititerte Mitchell nits week.
`Mr. and tirI. 37,11, Sp0001151111d OTOdaugbtera
1311101110010, Waterloo, Oh Menday,
MTV. Chien% Torotwo, was vislung his
menyuletitts 10 torre -00 Wednesday.
11, IC...Attat111, .01 the Bonk at Montrealre.
tuned IMMIlle holiday trip on Prides.
11110_,Wilson. of New York visiting her
netsrts Peter Adamson, Church street.
Miss Perelt rettened on Saturday from a
few weeks Y Us) Toronto and other points
Maa mid Mt*, 34. Astarowe ere oinking
ttiti :minuend unt.nua end totter St. Lawrence.
Tpie eng090.0050t annonnectt _of Minn M.
33, oVittle. Of (1040131111, 101)11 UN. Whitely.
%%Knuckle, Thema Iturrown and D. Ben,
the D. O. F...tesibtal Bentonier Lodi* ou
kits. 'tones and Children. of Dewar, aro visit-
itigtheir Potent% itita and Mrs, Leteueol, Not
•Mit aired.
3.11roeS trances itebbeek tot„a Mateo Shaun\
• iet Bettoits aro Yititing with mos Mortiatied.
hoe blot%
OrattitvPleat Latino& Engineer Patten.*
tokenize tatbatetton mimeo, turitsuting eons
ilk/Ail, of the sovetehm Ilank,11ruce.
finnites- with 'MU Elliott. at the samo
.10 Getter ch.
liCtileettatetratt, who had been vititIng his
tsiumus Arldtershateets left ferias house, Win.
nip*, Betemay.
---lititstfitaileand delight/sot letttat Therralay
'One, WeelleaVinieln bee sister. Mta Munn
Wooftfautt OuOgfibunn.
go *OW& tatintoe *Ono Olt MtilidaY
'OW * king vset tO meads at Iteussil end
eatierpointA Ontatio,
and Mta, jo11 iteyle teetotal to thelt
etZetrettstal Utley.
131(00 3.36* wooko
sit Da their tald,
hlayttichieteh. It stsslett t3ii4week fat
,Terotitete1obt yr* lean*. for s long tfir-
tastato the tettivell DOr.
ta39J9330 aol IdOnoti Leant me:Dew*
Oteenizte.esettlatehenuntraeteer. Me. Vets
kWh helideSillit OtnebtArille, ,
VtOMie.F.'Etilldtithlith Ste(,Ste(,It1.11tot
Miett Von., Whet been on stens Weelue
ther Moles Otteleti. on ender.
Muss Tanner orgaratorkelualleco visiting
MiostKoinrs Jithlltftee street. lett tor home
tho gogif *Ord on $rittai.
Me *IA littot Aleit.3telinteth, et Bettit Ste.
poottwook 'width* tee oboe.
_ ert Moeda,: aceontititlett
.sam, IL asineti SWitter end Child,
'tMer1.t1fer1ieine, MAde,
He was seeomeenm
41 Airdle Wilson Mice
it with releturee viott
50, **Mk M lorebtan
Met tift.Z.$tate. *We No fooOlk vt4tin
chit Atm Red 9)5.8.8ittiottow
timo, ret58i54 to Tolviete
*A Iletitittorigat vit
87 184.iatwipt,
with kV Mull
the 1. A. _TOR SiIf IWO*
VO *4 OB/ *Ws tnp.s
Itra.4". Pareltam etel 044, ot Ditreltswio
boa ett seat twat week* Vint to bet motto
toreens stel_letter relative*. lett PP
PO WO 'ging waWerd 00 reittim
MP% Mirth*, et Vett alurowsat his
a sod Is Boy wood, or >tont eke, Me,
in, 4 titatericich4 miss aettli Um
tie. ex* Nntitlei` *as * 0 eldthetee.
Frieedi et Citole Will be ettasod. 10
beittleittwee-000w In the hat Of Su*
0.1tdidate* atthe Rgaintnationg lin TO-
' heft indeed tax 4040
Maj. Iltsaks, the Mater 04 Vidal,
muter at nieteilleento secunat *good pooicoo
at Liston), anti will take up Modems thottlia
witio end bottle ale rouain Jo Desloge!' for
*shaft, Views °Veit to Me Onset() WADI of a
A. Minna_ of niagniten. Alberta, le visiting
kis Inner. *too A. S. 'Metowee It in thiftl^fhfcp
.slstra tiara tbo genthilliatt left town but Iiore.
tenet such a rceollectien or theto4,gaccs that
he rceogeires twee out ot tour o the adult
resIdenta et lala
SIIMiller Visitors.
arecia =sisals at Itotei Dederick - Mt A. N.
and amigo atargarct ad Batharipo Andersen
nue 3.1). Connelly, Detroit; airs. hi. Bolden
d e,
maid child, Ms BellisiMmpbell, air. W.
Atm view Carter clad dOn. London ; Mr. and
Mrs. The% Muse, str, see mrs, 31. eaeancr
seri calm; platoon; auss pare ereetend, Dam
pekoe; Mr. and atta, V. tit. tralfu end children,
Ray. Buffalo ; MM. j, sea ms nyarteen
wiaaaeri e. r4, Hewett, Outik Chas. V. Sol.
Cullogli, toss Maggie Atkins, coda, lit, Wm.
Prange arid daughter -in -13W, Mrs. France, Chah.
PUBEISRERS Norwm-Mr. Thos. 0.
authodzodt.,.‘,....b.......„„ and take
ostders toriob printing and advortising,-Pub&
11114 STAR.
O. A. Newton, Dentist, Lucknow.
At home every day except Thursdars. New
Mundy ler extracting Meth, (Sonmeterun,
better than gas. Crown anti bridge work, e171.6
Aluminum plates (nonbreakable). N.B.-You
can alwayshave your work much hotter
done in the dental ofilop-moro time, hotter
facilities for dotter tho worg-and 'ouch more
comfortable tor too eationt
Do you 1103, agree that THE STAR Is
a big dollar's worth
Poraoro VILLA0E. -What is the mat-
ter with making a police village of
this place? It on be done by simply
petitioning the County Connell. we
think the litnita should ,be settled on
and a petition got ready for the next
sitting of the Counoil. if the County
Council granted our petition we would
then elect a Board of Trustees and be
ruled by them. They would have the
power to levy a tax on the village pro-
perty for local improvement, and this
tax woujd take the place of the present
township tax and might be greater or
lees, just as the truetees might decide.
What do you say -will we be it?
TELbsetioNic. - A couple of weeks
ago we advertised in them columns for
some ono to bulld us a telephone. On
Friday a representative of the Bell
Co. was here, accompauied by E. N.
Lewis, M. P., Morgan Dalton and Am.
Schoenals, and it is very likely that in
a few weeks we will be able to "Hello"
to whomsoever we like. We here
would like a direct line to Cioderich,
but the present indications are that
the Boll line will be continued along
the L. R. to Kintail, and we will con-
nect with it at Port Albert. This
might not be very satisfactory but
would be better than what we have.
IPISHING.-Walkoto and Jones were
at the Port Thursday and got some
fish. Walkout left his in the buggy
to cure and on.Sundity when he went
to get 4ady for a drive he found they
hadn't outsid Much-nifit the buggy had
t* futnigated.-While Robt. Lowtie
was cleaning 01(1 311)0 e.atob basins of
our sewer on Friday.he arid Nat Why.
ard found some kind of •fish in the
water and mud that wore thrown out.
Nat put three of them In a large jar,
one soon died, but the other two are
doing nicely in tbeir new quarters.
None of our old sailors or fishermen
can name them; they resemble a brook
trout, but have little spikes and are
rather too stout for trout. They are
a curiosity and are worth seeing.
At-mg:Yrs. - While Will. trews'
boys were playing on some tables that
had been built outside for the raising,
one of them, Warren, about six years
old, fell end broke his twin just a short
distance above the elbow. The frac.
ture is so close to the joint that it
makee It a bad affair, Dr. Case set
the fracture and the little fellow is
running around as though nothtng
had happened. - Geo. Begley, our
builder, had the misfortune to jump
onto a nail while at work on B. J.
Crawford's block. The nett went
through the heavy sole of his boot
and made an ugly wound in hi9 foot.
Although very painful, we are pleased
to say lt did riot lay him off work. -
Joe Flynn, the framer, fell off a scaf-
fold last week and got quite a. shaking
up. Dr. Case had to fix him up. Ile
will be laid off work for a while.
GENERAL Nomn.-J. hi, Reberts
and Jack were at Port Albert Thurs-
day last on business and for a Ley at
the fishing. J. AL says he can't fish
like used to. -Rohl. Moore has finieh-
ed veneering his house and it is much
improved in appearance and will be
almost warm enough next winter
without fires -eh, Bob? -The builders
are busy this week at Geo. Horrea
house and will move te Ide. Hender-
son's next, --,.Our cattle dealer, Durnin,
took another load of cattle to Toronto,
Saturday.-Robt. J. Finigan has the
contract of delivering, a carload of
salt from Lucknow station to Jasper
Walkout here. isie brings 8 tons every
thne.-The apple buyers hal* got
'tufty this Week getting promises of
orchards. Pride, for fall Mill Winter
feta aro not yet forthcoming. Frank
McIntyre is buying ter lifillott. of
Ooderich, and we see Harry 33OCIL111101
!URI 'Itobt. 'Warm spying mit the
gl'OWId. and the barrels have even
gan tO Mere nt`Otititl, 1.00k8 as
though there might be something de -
in* Melee evaporator is being
rigged out for able toetuanett Operation.
- The Presbyterians Very thoughtful-
ly have given thole minister, Bev.
Chas. Rutherford, a triontMi holidays.
Are they not taking big deka though,
In undertaking to do without waist -
&nee for a whole roonthP--Dave Glenn
has been busy this week renovating
the school, putting it in gond shape
for the work vrbleh will have to be
token up moth the third Monday In
August. -Make good use of what is
left of tire holidays, young lads and
MOtua SIDEWALKS. - On Saturday
De. Bice and Pattillladter Walkora
at -
(01010(1 the Ashtleld Council and Pt.
wanted that body with a largely signed
tition askieg for the ristomary 49,
r cent -for IMO& Of.. tent tilt
or as many rods as the Cannel' felt
like having built this year. The total
result of their effort was le teeitre the
10 1331 scot, old to build toms 200 teat
from Walkorn's menet, to 'the Meth°.
dist there)). and no arguments venial
tatitiett_the dO sty bet-
.0betild, Of fent eel t
tot ilvtrit etnnit intrele* In the
coca* of 300 ohs the old trookteps
rosy bete disenttettred.. We otitis*.
etotut tho pathniketo iatcaa* to:Trut
ta Itoute eragotato and bob tbe tOkt of
the *Mkt patehed -opt** Well et positio
Atter all, thelledidloappointed In
not getting Mete welk, We, feel that
the Mined mire, he jettliird In trying
to econothies. They have hail. At urt-
usual lot f te -titr Ott thn
roads and !doe this 00000. osvioit
310 denbt to the open winters Ishirtt
*PO soy herd on all toade. Then
again, the county mils for an ev.tre
large ievy this year, the amount asked
from'. Astdield To. ' being $4.074,24.
soberest butt reef It Srat Onti 413.114.93t
Arid the yeer bel'Ore 0111'403315s Mtn
*pint *hilts the Athol tikte, may not
be Melt blither then lest veer, the, Tp,
should figure on hitting an tette anto.
idos 114fi4 to tatet *to flUdIterl
paytneist *theme. Of ,ther tine tie
Art next yet% So tithing itserything
Into ascent% petbspa the OotInell may
be inetinett.
nit signet, end risoldent
vlt on their tuthual tear reb
dtlng for the,
,416*6 1110
SU Ulric this opera
page*. Mr. Bailey saye the prise net;
hail undergone ,considerahle
tide year,-, much better Prize* beihit
offered in menytipegs especially intim
horse cies* Ile Sterling, and'
Bank of Mentreal will LV[ olt'lv i 411s
nrize nod t'oc,,iCtCe
Medd, Intends offering a
' °oil thing foe anyone who elm show'
a better lot of eeint than. be will be
eldo to produce There:Will be ether
epecial prizes, end tho sPeelal attrom
Woo will bo stwe to eclipse any we
have Yet liad. The prize lists will bp
nut shul LIy. being printed as ferineriV
in the Signal *Mee. We have been
osked by many members ef the So.
clay. and even Borne of the directors,
why TM BMX never Opts any of
the prize lists. Well, we do not, knOWI
but the proprietoro of TIM tiTAXf
claim they do not get a Chanel).
Norro.-So far PO TDB STAR
etIneerned, the publishera feel war-
ranted in replyiny, that for years they
luwe been completely ignored by the
fall fair management, not only With
reference to the prize list and other
printing, but not even lacing notified
of the datea of the fair. Any notice
Of the fair has beeo obtained front
other etturces, end the prim list, and
report of the fair have been as freely
and fully published by TIIE STAB
fls those of any other fall fair. Even
the above geuerous advertisement
is not curtailed, though worth two
or three dollars at our customery
fulverasing rates. This very one -skied
treatment has no justifiable grounds
that we know of.
PERSONAL. -Jas. Whyard left on
Friday on the King Edward for a few
holidays at Detroit, where his daugh.
ter Ida is also visiting. -Mrs, (Rev.)
Hunter, Miss Ruby Robinson and the
Misses Minnie and Latella Durnin
were our representatives on the excursion to Kincardine on Priday.-D.
E. Munroe, the new treasurer of W.
Wawanosh, was in the village Friday
taking over the books and papers. -T.
E. DurnIn attended a meeting of the
License Com. at Auburn Friday, the
chief business being transferring the
license of the Hotel Nortuandie of
Clinton. -Miss Lulu Robinson arrived
at the parsonage Monday, and on
Tuesday the whole of Rev. Robinson's
family now at home, enjoyed a pionto
at the lake. -Mrs. Roe.% and Arthur
left here Tuesday on a visit to Mtn.
Horton at Dunlop. -Mrs. (Dr.) Case
and Miss Ethel left on Wednesday for
a holiday with the doctor's folke
around Exeter. -hi Ise Daly, niilliner,
is here this week, the guest of the
Misses Sproul. -Miss Mary Ryan, clerk
in Charlie Elliott's store for so long,
has resigned. She intends going Weft
when the excursions start, and some
folks say she will likely strike a better
Job there. Mary was a, general favorite
and will be missed very mech.-Will
Elliott is back in Charliers store. Be
started work Tuesday. He arrived a
few weeks ago from Now Mexico and
tells of a very bad w,ind storm tiome-
where In that country.-Lafay West
went to Wingham Saturday to see his
parents and sister. -Ed. Robinson has
rented the Ivey's house and will move
in at once. --We are pleaged to add
the names of Charlie Fowler and
Stewart Mallough to the list of suc-
cessful Entrance eandidates from
Dungannon school. Stewart did him-
self honor by tokingthe highest marks.
for Geography lo West Huron. Our
"kids" dld well. -B. J. Crawford went
to Goderich last Tuesday to meet his
partner in the Cobalt venture, Mr. E.
P. Kadlecek.-Chas. Moss, of Kings-.
bridge, cattle dealer, was herb on busi-
ness Wednesday. -E. N. Lewis, M. P.,
called- on friends here Friday. --We
are pleased to hear that our old friend
Thos, Anderson, who was reported
last week as being indiaposed, is^ not
at all in any danger, beingoble
abouThiii work as tisual.-Mrs. D. f.
Bickle is visiting friends here this
week. We are pleased to see her look
so well. -Three of our young lade, Roy
Medd, Jno. Roberts and Burton Roach
are away camping this week.-Jno.
Medd, V. S., went to Listowel on
Thursday to see the Old Boys of Lis-
towel celebrate. -Glad vs McLean and
Clem. Sproul are rusticating at the
Saunders farm in Ashfield. Thos.
Elliott, painter, is at Tom Finigan's
this week. -Hugh Rose, who went to
Saskatchewan this spring, hue had
typhoid fever, hut has recovered. He
reports splendid eropa.-Mrs. Manning
and little son arrived here last Tuesday
from Clinton. they have very nice
rooms over the bank and get their
meals at the Mallough House. -Give
us ofo
hnt aOlotf.or THE STAR for the bal.
Tun GODERICH STAB is a winner
and leads in all lines.
PunsoNAL.-Miss Alice Dundas has
left for a two months' visit to Boston.
Site started on her journey on Thurs.
day. -Miss Emma. Rockwell, who has
been staying with friends at Rocheeter
for upwards of two years. Is home on
a visit. Her many friends were pleas-
ed to again meet her. -Miss Maggie
Davidson lefb for Saskatchewan last
week. She will be tniseed in sooial cir-
cles here,
Ornsarrni. Norus.-The fell wheat is
a good somple,but there was not much
harvested, a great. deal having been
plongbed .up last sp ing.-A severe
sickness is going the r unds. It is aro
companted with a
tszleat of fever
aud terminates in a mallets-riedc,
-Varterly meeting services Were
held at Walton on Sabbath last. Rev:
Mr. Birks, of Settfortii, conducted the
ineeti tor.
Cpunep Nivres.-Next Sunday will
be ouarterley meeting day itt the
Methodist (li)er(3l), and incrementab.
seri-lees will be held. On Monday
coming the official board will meet.
PgitsoNATesehilss Lula Rankly .left
last Week fortroledo, Ohio, after visite
Ing friends around bere.-Mrs. ()row
and daughter, of Guelph, are guests Of
hires Hint. Swann. -Mrs. Do Cook and
6011 of Itidgetown. also spent 11, few
die at the pareenage.--Mr. 0. Crooks
au daughter, of Atwood, attended the
funeral of the late Mee, Win, Crooks.
Onre-One of our most esteeneed
elagella anti neighbors, In the person
of Mrs. William Crooks, died on Sat.
orday morning in Clinton, The fon-
eral on Monday was very largely at-
tended. as she Was beloved by all WhO
there Irer. She lea*Unt to iti011ta-lier
death the Inelband. two SOON and 'one
daughter, who have the einem*. vie-
pethy of many friend*
Peasoset..--Mrs. reed Topp and
four eldltifert, Of Totanto, aro itpetul.'
ing otottie Weeks with Mrs. Topp'a nor,
0 rites Mr. and Mrs, Itihn MetIonegay4,
Miss Meggie Mellook, et Brantterd, is
the Ineet of hor aunt, /Rise d'unter,
gad. iirentroing Itenneintanete in this
nei51;norlioodt-Miss Moo and Itugh
Att Ilinittuot tateknove, spent last
wat r, Isaac Aralrewes,,-.1‘liss
Rey litothsrv, ot Mettiting, levitating
behttivitotiW this virittitye#-Sent, Her,
'vey tout Mite very RCM spent Sunday
With their patent* ,Mr. and him Hato
11.1)1, libehereek--Mehnd SIM Ihdleh
Nixon Allot temilY tont seturdo atni
Sittalay with Hollerith Wendt-014ra, ,
we« I.VOods and Misses 8llei and
tegateti Mrs. It Andrews end three
bOlfst MIS. IX Anderson and Miti
Litato Webster, from .liet‘e, attended
the, Winglwan Sunday *thee" eAtentelort
fromMitehell tO Xlitearditie last
ititv Ther Melt,* deighifel tit**.
and reeenfreend Bitteatoitre Int ith
OrillettellY betteh end tileide
groureitv-Mise Atte ilsolinte is or*
ot the boo nottibtt *he Vowel the
*tent ontrinen cettoonlittstiontdifiot
Mary Jt1ni, Is visiting het...atter* Mee.
Artgrorl Idtdsycend one*. wok Attd.
rem% of kahtking. 10044,401ln
Heim liiipttilittne WM*** *OW leak,
k feta. harem vr replete the 0118 1)0
Ailirsted35 Wino** loot Prk‘r.
Rs ate% for Tun Su* to tud of t906.
G31S$Der.ICargo.,--11/r, stalwart), Qua
hardware on -chant, Is got in coal
and iime......,Anburn'e civic holiday Isto
be on the Sth, of August, to Point
farea.--A number from the villsage
tended the fouere.i a Dr, Itoe0 Oder,
in ilieafortit, On flunday,-4ley.
of lMn,lesblIro, nrearbed in the Press,
byteriao, ebureir on Sunday lag.
Pnnetria,t. Miss grew YOUng-
Mut lo on Om shit Mole, of
Seafopth, visited at his herne on Sun,
dey.-••-•Mise Alica Clark, hag KilaUt to
Toronto for a While.• --Mise 53098le
visiting the Misses. 3fe13enabl..-11obt...
Dowoo, of Olintaneolaited his tblueA.
ter, Mrs. Joseph LaWeen, Otte day tole
week.--Miso Una fip_renic is visiting
frienda about the Nile.-4tra. Wm.
Pollock and efilldreklowe eeturned to
their Immo In Mint, Mich.
TOWNSHIP cOuNeit.,s.
AvEsT wmAtimo$up,,
Council met OS ,pr edietirlfinent,
hlentbers all present. *Mutes of t Isat
sneeinig nonurmed. Win. Vroudioot
was appointed toWeshin relisikart On
motimi of Anderson And Medd, - The
Collector anti treasurer were ordered to
do their businesa threttgli'ate Sterling
Bank, Dungannon, en riletien, of Ander-
eon and Thompaao. Wm, lififfS011, Orel
jas. Young presented a petitien re the
cuttiug or Shannon's Halls COR. Xi, Mid
on motion of Murray and Medd the
township agreed to pay dollar for defier
with Collaorue township, over ited above
the private subscriptions. On Motion of
Medd and Anderson the Board *greed to
pay ao per cent. of cemeet sideWalk at
Dungannon fro.ui it, J. Crawford's cor-
ner to Dr. Case's corner. The claim, of
P. Walsh re stoning roadway, van. o,
was left over to interview Councillere Of
1e03. On motion of Murray and
Medd the auditor's report presented
by Crawford Lod Girvin was acCepted.
D. B. Munro, of Auburn, was appotuted
treasurer on motion of Medd and Thomp-
son, and a bylaw drawn up confirming
the aatne. On motion of .Atiderson and
Murray the reeve was appointed to exa-
mine the securities of the treasurer awl
submit them to the auditors for approval.
The reeve and clerk were appointed to
meet Ashfield Council re the settlement
of accouut re 1J. S. section, No. 17. The
reeve and treasurer were empowered to
borrow the sum of three huudred donate
for township purposes. A bylaw was
passed adding 5 per ceut to all taxes not
paid by the 15111 of December. The
township rate was struck at 23 mils and
the county 2 TU. OR the dollar. Clieques
were issued to the amount of Sam for
payment of culverts, grayelliug, etc.
Council then adjourned to meet on Aug-
ust- 21 91 at a o'clock.
W. S. MCCRoSTIE, Clerk.
By the Industrial Evangelistic
The following was iasued by the
Executive of this worthy Christian
work front their headquarters at P1011 -
bit, U. P., India, and, is of interest to
Canadians, as there are many who ag-
ent in the work. Anyone desiring
further information should drop a line
to 'Miss Mary Middletort, whose ad-
dress Is given at the end of this article:
Dean PRIENDS,-For the last few
years it has become very popular•to
support native workers anti orphans.
It losa worthy work, but the demand
la fat greater than the supply. Some-
times a report from the field reads
thus f esifsjs,had., theatconey-Isegold
"-fe-rin a hundred workers at once."
Now if the word " men " were to be
substituted for the word "worker,"
then it would he true; no difficulty to
get men to support, and unconverted
men they are, and this is what aits
India today, The sins and inconsist-
encies ot so-called Christian workers
are keeping back the non-Christian
people more than any other thing.
Sabbath breaking, gambling, thieving,
adultery, idolatrous customs, laziness
and dishonesty of every kind are rife,
not only amongst the congregation,
but often the preachers are leaders in
these things. Many people at home
takenomfort in their substitute on the
foreign field, not knowing that in nine
cases out of ten, if he is doing any-
thing at all he Is doing wror g. How
long, how long, must this t.00d, hay
and stubble work go on ?
For three years God has given us
only six workers. ticorps have offered
but their motives were not right. We
dared not accept them, In the mean-
thne four of the six have gained a
deep, Hob expeelence, one (a wife) has
dropped from the lint, unwilling to
work in the Lord's vineyard, and one
is a weak Christian yet. Just recent-
ly two more have come to us -the
man a nominal Christian and far
from God, the wife converted, but mn.
taught:in deep spiritual things. They
came to us in our December conven-
tion. The husband confessed his sin
antl It'aq seceittl. lfst s lieteoed in
astooloisternet titte Sull gavels
Imo howl &raking In time truth.
wondering 11/47 if• win tweed them
before, no Iee Wu given worit iu
the nr:4"t
Ar re.0014 by thia Mission
doge not call for eeppOrt for many
werkers is that our people are becom-
ing self-supporting; work for their
IIVIIIgaTILI preach Ibe cape/ without
pr±.04 Perefore this *Wien never
win make a tell for the support ot
many workers. We would like to
hare. juot now, three Workers and
enicl ne gild to have their 11>POrtE
DO We ask, ore the Mende will ng to
have ire Pike innninel Christiana put
them tetethe work obev, teseli them
sod pray theto through to Ohrist
Now whe is willing. to ;Ake U4n,1111
through, to keep him in ,the wor hop
till he la really and truly oaved, and
ithendsplan. 0131' 3.0 IIWO:4{41.:QtaP. tChberset8tPe%0Wir°
hove felt aml woulli have us *IAA
3.everta get to us te hear the trialt?' 0
Hilltit be 'honest an11 tellyou. the true
evittitet onto oaring give
e 5„aOut4 Ww0 I I 1a
0 rk 04 rn git)
who wao living in elu and make you
think 110 wao your substitute. but you
owl help in the way just intitcateds
and, together, we will win thee° pea,
plo for !Test*. Some of them are well
educated, and this talent used for
OhristWould mean great thing* De-
less:you are willIngito help thuswe are
helpless. The werkehops are au a
bueiness basis, and ettnnot PaY man
while he is learning. fhttlaft When
saved would not reit:lain in the work-
shep, hut go Into evangelistic work,
but the workshop plan would 'help us
studyand train these men or Women.
Ait to orpbans and widows, it takes
dread famine to make these. We
would rather not have them by this
method. We pray God to avert every
famine. We praise him for the copious
mina that came test month, though
late. Fanaine there will he still, but
not so terrible. Perhaps there will be
no orphans arid widows made by it.
We hope and pray not.
Our orphans are about all taken,
but here is a difficulty; while all are
taken, some patrons are very dilatory
in paying. This is a great inconvent-
ence to 118. We want to ask some
friends to do this :-Will you not give
the price of an orphan, $15 or £3 a
year, Without our assigning you a
special child, just to make up for the
oss of those who neglect to pay up.
otnettmes it is one patron 009 37031
and another a second year. Helping
this way will not be so interesting to
you, but it ineans a great relief to us.
Will you help lighten our butdens? If
so, tell the secretary and be sure to
say it is for delinquent patrons, and
that you do not expect a special or-
phan assigned.
Then, too, we are ready for our
Girls' Industrial School. God willing,
It will open July lat. We are ready
for orphan girls if cruel famine comes.
We have only two Orphan girls now,
but there are a number of girls whose
parents (some would be better off With-
out parents) want tot send them here
to learn to work. We are glad they
are beginning to desire such a thing.
People are beginning to see the ad-
vantages of this Misston. We believe
it would be just -as natioh a work for
God to support these girls while they
learn, ea to help orphans. It puts
them here whole we can -give them
the pure gospel. There are about a
dozen of these girls. Each ope will
cost, till she can support herself, $15
or three pounds a year. Please prav
In patrons for these.
Now we want to talk to you about O.
'subject -asst. neansto, sone
hearts, viz: the printing press. Would
we could make you all understand
what, agood evangelizing agency it iss
With our Roman -Urdu Gospel paper,
we can reach hundreds -rit -nominal
Christians. The first issue is ready.
A few copies were given out to some
poor, spiritually starved Indian Chris-
ti:tea. They read it and said, "We
have never heard of these things be-
fore. We have never herd of the
Holy Spirit.' Why havewe not heard
before? ,May we have this paper reg-
ularly ?" Here the paper is, ready to
go out, but no money to send it. Some
one ought to pay for the printing,
about $10 or two pounds each issue,
and some one for the postage, about
po or four pounds each issue. Here
Is a cost of $30, or six pounds an issue,
but it is the same as sending out 2,000
missionaries on a t tour every two
months. Is this not a good substitute
for several to take up P One dollar, or
four shillings a tuonth will send out
100 copies, Thirty people could easily
provide for the whole expense.
The we print tracts-Elindoe and
En ;11sh. Our first Ilindee issue of
10,110 is out; others ought to follow.
One dollar, or four shillings, will print
and scatter 1,000 tracts. Would we had
40 persons to give a dollar each month
so we could have four issues monthly.
There is a good demend for Urdu
tracts. These are lithographed, $25
or £5 will buy the simple outfit to
int witln iltii one pound vor OrOtith
would _pay the Viitiotill4 308)1 Who
N170needbuildjogri, Oh. hoir .
weJano bledred for went of room,
or 0 *billings fourpenee will buy '
1,00n brick.. The foundation Pt *neve
hate* le in; the work Iltappedi In3.
mene., y. Our new printing prose is'
P*i-Tor ati4dreur itch, 0 NIVillwp aYvbOovIr
t flarernOrltsli
Ontlertilly* tiiiing OS Uri
our hearts long fog thee() the... .c.
II W .
We are inet now in the in t Of *Ds
Othee revival wave, nave been in it
for two week* litany Who were not
Ole to 'nand before the/ ettacice of the
etlettlY after tile te Iva). in Au net '
are beSorning eatablished. ' They are
leaning hoW Riese they must keep to
'the Saviour's aideof This etiviesti 40
characterised by. great joy. We be-
gin meetings 1113 713. niLand it is im,,
nos been it great confession of ohs,
TP7tail;titleo ebetroop:t1; jloya: na4. f1:1;e:
port of it will be Munn in tbe March-
teptruilogUreeraelod,t0Tch4irorylittbtlee geohst tprer -4, i xi xi I.
37001' p011133701781 hew we do beg for
oberetariee of the Itialletrial EVollge*
AnneY tlIttY be sent to the folloaing
Betio Miesloo ;,ea, A. ti. Dyer.. Aid.
Ington. Bythe, ent. Begland ; Mr.
II.: P. Ifietzing, 1l Washington St.,
Chivas°. ill., U. S. A.; Mies Mary
hildilleten. )10 Hayter St.„ Toronto,
Canada, or direct to Paetor T. O. La.w-
son, Supt. ".E. Mission, P1iI1ib4, T.I.P.,
f, S'''..,.."VO.7"...VIAM74-11W4=1457474.7.9'‘Wori
th.. Correspondents Wanted.
n - .
TIM STAR has a splendid staff
.N.. of correspondents, to whom it 1,A,
14 owes touch of the interest float lit
is taken in the paper; but there ,1A
6; are a few localitiesin the district N
cil which are not represented by a N
correspondent. Anyperson who ‹,f
would be tvilling to aet as cor-
respondent in any of these unre.
presented localities is invited to
write nit and we shall be glad to
4 furnish the necessary supplies.
Vis...Ve.-VZMVstsia t,V.I.NZ:V.IMP4N77494.,,..N
"The Star" is a
Leader -sure.
25 cents for Tuu STAR to cud 0f39°6,:
Tarts Short Broad
'Pastry Cream Pugh
ICissoa Cream Rona
Maraugups Lady Fingers
Macaroons Bmndy Snaps
aro as good as the bent made in any
eity in Canada.
Harrisonleads the trade in Wedding
Oakes one Fancy DetegnIng. Give him
an order and your satisfaction will be
Kingston Street -- - Goderich
every parent, young mile or woman who
Is interested in any way in
Business Education
why our students succeed so •
well, WRITE Al' ONCE
vas :stetit".".,31011'term 'from
• ,
Minion Business Gallego,
Affiliated with Wingham
Business College,
Opens September .3rd,
in the McKay Block.
GED. 'SPOTTER Principal.
alio Dom WasT 01*
SATURDAY, Aug. 413h, we start our annual clean up of Waists and White-
`-} wear. Etnpty shelves before August is out, and a clean, new stock for next
season, is what we are after. There 'Mist not be a single left -over to show you
when next spring comes round. There is not much chance of there being any, for
one quartcr off the regular price of Waists and White Underwear, such as we have
shown this season, ought to clear the balance out in short order. We will not.
reserve a single garment. You take your choice of every one in stOck at exactly
The assortment is not as. good as it was early .in the season -you couldn't ex-
pect that -but /what is locking in quantity is made ttp in lowness of price.
Better come early if you want the best choice. Here is the list we start selling
Saturday t
Regular $1. SO6tO *S400
2$ 13,AD1P$' ()OWNS
i!,egulttt 75C to $31.
CORM:it tovnks
Itego10 egc terlt.go
JONIt QUARTElt tittoo
30 W111113 SKIRTS
Regular pse to $2.50
Itegotar sec to $1.15
fiose QtiAllttit OPP"
fli ISM Wow Oakes
litt as*
cotton See0i:
Refolar k5e.
2410 peire et
gale kik
We *ha tO allh011ide* that io *be coursa of twO Wesklos we will bars
Owe Plumbing and Tinning
Department in full awing
" We. 'iT(esewiUlg to psy Mt price for 4 first class toccbside and
Pave been fortunate ia .sgeoring Otitu o large experienee 10 teito
'clw140. Ott1idelwIllineutf Der motto w41 1)e
'quality Firit
Watch this spAce for Stoves.
iYe*Ole'follewitl# goods will have to go et slaughter prices, We
Mug li/nliladGittilett MOSe.liawn, Mowers, Refrigerators, 'coercion PreeZete.
• r Ilammock, price k, ROW for $3,08
2 ngottplog,to, price $, now for $3.15
1 n33141904t pica $4, znaW for $a.05
2 _fianvoqatal Plc* 32.75, Sore fox' $1.90
2 riammoeks, prim $2.25, 110W for $1.33
• X Bolo Hammocks $2, uow for $L40
naby Hammock, $2.0, now for $1.80
A few et /5c each
RelklOneie 777 PHONES Store 57 ,
Phone %As McKim
No 20Goderich
Second Week of
Building Sale
A few more of our many SPECIALS at
2o pairs Men's Trousers, were $1.25, to clea
at 90c. r
24 pair Men's Trousers, were per pair $2.50,.
for per pair $1.90.
15 only, Women's Print Wrappers, were $1,
to clear at each 68c.
20 lovely White Quilts at 98c.
Muslin Shirt Waists for 38c.
Pure Silk' Waists at $1.35 and $2.00,
worth $2,.5o and $3.5o.
Lots of short ends of Wash Goods, Mttslins,
Prints, Ginghams, etc. Long enough for waists
and girls' dresses, and short enough in price to
suit the leanest pocket book.
These are but a few samples of the BARGAINS yon may
expect here while the builders are. extending
have the best P It is the cheapest
in the long- run.
We claim to have the best which money can
buy, and we know that it is appreciated by our
customers from our ever increasing sales.
A few of our lines are
Plymouth Binder Twine
Gold Medal 65o ft. Green Sheaf 550 ft.
American Pure Manilla Rope
from yi to t% inch diameter.
Dillon Scythes, fully guaranteed.
Sherwin Williams Ready Mixed
Happy Thought Ranges.
Kelsey Furnaces.
Hammer Brand Calsine Plaster.
A fresh car load just in.
National Portland Cement,
of which our sales already this year have
been over 4100 barrels. This speaks for
itself as to quality.
ideal Fencing, all No. 9 Wire.
American all No. 9 Fencing.
Our Complete Line of Hardware
is of the best we can buy.
In Plumbing, Heating, Eave Troughing,
Tinsmithing, etc,
we carry a large stag anti eau give you
Inotopt attention told guarantee you
fitit4n Huh
p Show eises fors4e5(Wand Sti wue ata4et pricet4
An Empire Typv,wit for SW g