The Goderich Star, 1906-08-03, Page 1too,.. •Ott O!gl'tflll+ *I. tgltl(iti•••••+IM(i•••• `i' R 1I RIct SCAR is thclar t Newspsper the County; of Huron, and • _ , Quantity, aatlty., Cilreuti .ttQ? Uoss Ai> .MtM..sommorl.s. ..i.SfMI!tMl(i1..M.!, ••••••••••••••••••••00.01•••••••••••••••• TI E UUOURICI STAR has a fir' circulation thAliit any ether Newspaper in this *yahoo or the County4 Huron •••••i•ll•R•••alt•(iMMf•••••rl•l••••••ossoM'MIMsi . W im' i PV11.X0« kn l', iiev+a,x" '* mi ' , o ' ¶RHE 00171•1311:3r03F awicrx4cm FoRlis 1imEo w'Y , i-JlNQU $TIONf"kDR-•C There as no thew le y one sure wan. at all *beety of acciour ding a unUl ting savings wealth. tint, and that,is by, saving it, A few gexsolns inhetiit wealth, while other,) }lain, -independence by a stroke of luck, but the vast majorityof people secure a competence by spending ess than they' snake and saving the surplus. We pay MIA per emit interest on deposits and money can be withdrawn at any dine; TRE STANDARD LOAN COMPANY AtUCTIONEERINO k4i O1 I EC1ETC, Qcncral Auctioneer wolltoentell h'trect Ulo4ericli.P.n. llex std. Perin. farm s nee, and Wl othersaes ` will tCSIvt) special attention. I will buy loose en. a stock et 1iloasoho d Furniture. ao(1i Ploy elsoteseh Pekoe Tote o knawwbttt,you have to Rollin any line or call and eco Mist I can dseqli Yolk. w- cqlailt0111 I11:Qlfik Tr. C.urJo1Ite moo. eodcrkCh -Gore tuna Oi cc :-COR. NORTH STREET AND SQUARE W. L. HORS ON, MGR. . 1 STRAYED TiAYED away from qur premises, a white Srmat[on leading to i recovery, or its return vg- aba4t 140a;160 pounds. In - to n• HOwllorewarded.Mo0u(oW & 1( N- TN Ilb WANTS. POSITION WANTED as housekeeper by a capable person, with beet of references. Apply at STAR ON1010R. ANTED -$y 8opumbur Ist a capable Girl for ge oral housework. Mia. W. Pnov0Noo'r, Apply to Miss Dickson, Water- loo Bt WANTED TO RENT:1.10 to 26 acres of cultivated land near Godorieh. Land. must ro of Gita; full partioulars. Apply C. W. )E se 1 IRL WANTED, --Good General Servant. Apply to Mils. H. W. TUOMSON. corner Se David and Victoria streets. GIRLS WANTED IMMEDIATELY, -To work in Bisoule and Candy Departments. Steadyemployn)entt,good wages. D. 8. PERRIN & Co., IrrD, London. Ont. G f HE ABERDEEN, Nelson Se, (s now open for summer business, having lately removed from North 8t Largo s sai permanent or transient Rates;1 Der ms, firet sday. 100 FOR SALE OR TO LET. NEW HOUSE FOR BALE. -On Britannia Road east of W. T. Murney'e residence. Apply to CI. M. ELLIOOT, East 8t FOR SALE. -A first class Dominion Organ, 0 ootavee. piano ease. Been in use only a short time. Icor particulars apply at Seen 0106'105. APRIVATE PARTY will eon. almost new, standard make, upright Pfau°, at a great sacrifice. Address X, care of STAR office. TWO SUMMER TENTS FOR RENT. -11 x 14, on reasonable terms. Apply to S,HAl 8TSAn, St. David street Godorioh. TRENT. -Comfortable moven-room House neat' Collegiate Institute. Good cellar, hard and water in kitchen. Terms easy. Oe OR OR TO good atalgar Street Godorieh.oonod house. Apply to B. CMJNNINOS. ne I3 Onorril of land, 011 Hayfield d Road, with 3e JE , at pro- sent occupied by the undersigned. Abund- ance of small fruits, such as pears, plume. grapes, currents., eta. An ideal place for a homoand garden. 1t lathe bust value in God- erich. and will likely double inpilot) wJhH four.yeara. Apply on the pr , 1 res MALLOUOR. ARM. FOR SALE. -100 acres berrik'• north Fhalt of lot 12 con. 1, Ashfield, situated on the Gravel Road, between Goderich and Luck - now, three-quarters of a mile from Nile P. O.. church and store; it is considered one of the bunt farMii in the County of Huron. Also fifty acres a ofdenon half of lot 11. Rthere aro being north half o running streams on bothbuildin a 80x,0 ,aantt stone foundation,oodfrtrains 20x40; a good frame house anditchan •, One young orohard on the homestead. Both farms are all seeded at prosect. The 60 acre lot hat, barn 30x64 on it. For sale by Mos. Hoon Gnome i ARM FOR SALE OR RENT --Lot 2, con. 6, E. D. of Ashfield. containing 160 acres. ole a olny loam, 75 acres grass. (eerie well fenced, good artesian wetland wind mill; barn • 40160. with stone basement granary and horse stable 22x36. driving shed and other building". llotse 20x30 with kitchen and wood shed. Good orchard. Half mile from ohurch,8ohool and post office. Apply to H. J. BLARR, Crewe1rn P.O. QIRLS WANTED. GITILS VOTED Girls wanted to work on Boys' Clothing; good wages and always steady employment. After an experience with us in Clinton, situations will be offered to first applicants in our proposed branch in Goderich. One of the best situations for girls today is running power machines. Write us for more partic- ulars. TII>; Jackson illfg. Co. CLINTON, ONT. QDI1RiCU, ONT. FRIDAY, AUGUST 3. 1906. •tmw IA4a*OYauru vv+„'* r d* WE WAtee NE\'.' ..Send; 'in naive L)oli'T FaiaEV,.--When you have items lid I'm rA) Stwillpublishthem. read this issue of Ttlli STA1i yen will MH it Phave visitors trout a distance, likely send It to your daughter, son or if accidents occur in your neighbor. some friend living far away, so they hood, Pe LU UIVCrsttries arc C('l orated, may see what is happening in the old 'let us know. Accounts of reniuvale, hemi neighborhood. That will cost changes of proplerty. deaths, pm ria es; ere., are egitinlate POWs. A pus al card even can be nrttdo hold lets of matter. Write pletely. particular- ly nameo and placer', and sign your name as as guarantee of faith. SCANDAL Is NoT Ne7Wls. The Nee - ter Advocate sizes up news matter very nicely when it says: "One of our subscribers took us to task this week, for failing, as be reworked, to publish all that happened. it was fortunate for this particular individual that dis- cretion occasionally demands the owls- •sioo of unpleasant items. Should we publish all that is told to us we would be with the angels in alum twenty minutes after our papers were mailed. We try to print all items that are news, or that will encourage, help or sneer any of our citizens along life's retied road. We all doubtless would enjoy reading "all the news"jwtten it's about the other fellow, but our policy is to turn over to the gossips the spreading of scandals that only leave sorrows in their trail." MANY HAPPY RETGRNS.-Tho Wal - t QODERiCH MARKETS. Grain Is Otto sable old nrioo. but there aro preeticaDV no offerings. The growing seeps W ellje°. king at g too fine ern skeo and holders refuse Cattle and all meat aniWtnels, oxcopt Ilogs,aro loss Clem though the drying up of pastures in Meng' iocalitlen Mey strengthen the eattlo market. pp alt other dairy produce shOno w littlulcIIiallge. and R4porte from the townships are that the bey crop has twee eeonro)7 tanned, and is int aver- age crop. That wheat be falling to the reaper and is expected to thrush out butter than was wppell cam` and that barley and oats are looking Current wholesale prices corrected up to noon of Thursday.) Fall wheat, standard.......... S0 76 to 70 t•!n SFlpg wheat standard 0 76 to 7) our, per owe, potent.. 2 60 to 250 Flour, per cwt., family 2 20 to 2 20 Bran, per ton. 18 00 to 19 00 Shorts. per ton 20 00 to 20 on perton 800to Oats efts, l0 18 55 to 090 Barley 0 1100 to 0 43 Rye 0 48 to 0 48 Buckwheat, per bushel.. 0 18 to 0 48 IH3utyyterewper lb 0 10 teo 0 to 0 17 E gggs tfrosht per dozen 0 l6 to 0 10 Wooti, per cord 600 to 6 00 Cattle, export.. ..... .... .... 4 00 to 4 76 Cattle, ordinary and butcho•a' 9 60 to 4 25 Lambs, spring 4 60 to l) 00 Sheep, fat lewd 3 30 to 4 00 Hogs, live weight 7 60 to 7 60 Hoge, dreoeed 8 16 to 9 00 Hams, per lb 0 10 to 0 10 Bacon, long clear 0 14 to 0 11 Hides 700 to 720 Sheep skins 0 70 to 2 00 Tallow, rendered 0 01 to 0 01 Cblokens-barnyard ohtoks,per Ib 0 10 to 0 11 -crate ted 0 11 to 0 12 Beer, ford qunrtern 4 50 to 6 60 Beef. hind quarters 6 00 to 7 00 Potatoes . 0 W to 060 Haopberriee. 8 (0 9 Cattle and Hogs at Toronto. Weekly Suli a Report, Tuesday Evg., July 31. PROFESSIONAL A ItOY ADAMS, teacher of Plano, etc. Studio, Bank of Montreal Bloch, cor- ner Wpst 01:001 and Square. REAL ESTATE AGENTS YOUNG & ROBERTSON. REAL 1G8)FATE AND INSURANCE AGENTS. pFor selling, buying or renting town and farm North [side, Court HousLite Square.nnoo. Office, NOTICE NOTICE TO CREDITORS. in the mattor of the estate of Isabella Countyo Huron oWidow,dote ceasedtch,tn'the NOTICE is hereby given pursuant 10 R S. 0. 1897, cap. 129, that all orodltore and others having claims against the eetate of the 'mid Isabella Stowe who died on or about tho 17th day of February. 1900, are required on or before tho 20th day of August 11351; to sand by post or deliver to the under:lgee& their Christian and eurnamee, addressor ant. do scriptlons, the full particulars of their 0111.1ms, and the nature of the eecurltios, if any, hold by them. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTI(IE that af- ter said last mentioned dere the executors of the maid estate will proceed to dist.rlbuto the tweet' of the deceased among the patios en- titled thereto, having regard only to ellen r of which they shall (bon have notice, and that they will not be art thereof to aityable tor the nResew per100 or arson.Of whose themaas notice the timelof not,have distribution. by Deem this 19th day of July, A.1'1,1006, ANNIE MAY KINO, By M. 0. JOHNSTON Her Solicitor. FOR SALE. -Two pew Dwellings on Anglo. Key Se A comfortable Dwelling on Pieter St. Building lots on Elgin Avenue, Essex Se, Cedar 87 and Pine St. WANTED. -A few Furnished Housol or Room8, near the Lake front to rant for the summer season. YOUNO & ROBERTSON. OR SALE OR LET. -A farm of 1I1 acres of the best clay loam, belonging to Mre, ]do Fraser, Ooderloh, Wonted on the fleet ch n.. ()odortoh township, 7 mean from Ooderlo from Clinton and 6 from Bayfield. Fairly good buildings, 2 orchards. Roasonablo terms. For further partloulare apply to JAMES Col, WELL, Meeks street, Goderich, or len. Awn- r'wos, Goderich.• PROPERTY FOR SALE.- Tho desirable property on Elgin Avenue Ooderloh owned and occupied by The Whitely. Good house and two-thirds of an acro of laud, with choice fruits. Tho house le heated by hot water and has all modern improvements. A bargain for any parolee wanting first -cher p50 - party ata moderato pprfco. Apply to or address DR WHITELY, QoderlOh. APERS FOR SALE. - Several hundred Ecofag of old newspapers for sale. Just the STAR gve en ICA aro housecleaning. Apply at MEDICAL 1)RS. iCMMERSON & TUR.NBULL. A. T. EAIMORSON, M.1). W. S. TURNBULL, M. B. 'Phones1 Cullens 102 0(Ilce5, Hamilton St. 1 Residence 121 Night calla for the firm of Drs, Emmerson their officio, Bambe newred either from ilton etreet, 0r from l)r. Tnrnbull'n reeldenco, Nelson etreet. D- R A. H. MACKL1N, M. B. Phyalcinn and Surgeon. Special attention to eye. ear, nose and throat. Office and resldonce Old Bank of Montreal, opposite Post Office, West street. Oodorlch. Telephone No.162. VETERINARY. JFREEMAN, (honor graduneel Votorinlory . surgeon. Member of the Veterinary Aegoolations of London, opperatio a yip:octane,. Office, Bruce Surgical West, hone adjoining Stewarts O(Ireonhounes. W. E. KELLY WATCHMAKER, JEWELLER ANI) OPTICIAN. 1880515 OM 0100R11005 1.1014.04055 00050100, - HNT. Thele was a big run of cattle on the Juno1lon murkot yeeterday morning. One hundred and one oars unloaded 2,087 cattle. All kinds were there from the tat cow that had served her usetlllnees 011 the dairy to the .plump, well- rounded 1,500 ether, known as a choice export- er. Tho bulk of the cattle wore intended for export, and the run generally was not as good as ordinarily, There were It number of extra good cattle. but o barge number of poorly finished .tours. '1'tro breed and framework was there for beef, but they had not been "hi pus Lures green" or near the m081 chest long enough. Consequently the movement w4a.4 slow, and some cattle were unsold. The areal bulk (Manb'ed hands at $660 to $1.80. Tho delivery of hogs lu Toronto is not largo About 1,(100 came on the Toronto mamauu1 this past week. Prices run along at about the name tlguros us last week. Packers are anxious to get the hogs, bus they lind that the Old Coun- try bacon market does not warrant the high prices here. They want pigs, but wast then a little cheaper. Perk, Blackwell & Co. report the situation as being easier In tone,•Ine° last week, but.quoto the ,same prices of ,$8 off cars. In Toronto. Wm. lhavlosOa quote lower prices than bust, week, going below the $t figure. Their prices are $7.05 off cars, and $7.11.; f. o. b. country points. BUSINESS CHANGE. DENTISTRY. CE. BALE L. D. S. D. D. S., McLean'. • Block, BALE, Dr. Turnbull'', old stand. At Dungannon Wednesday atternoone, _..._...HOTELS THF. HURON HOTEL, Goderich Ont. -- Thoroughly refitted and modernizetd. A hp dayp hotethe l Colo found and farmer. --N. J. MOR- RIS10Y, proprietor. Mr. L. 13. Augustine having bought out the interest of Mr. Jonathan Miller in the East 1 -Street Livery, the business will hereafter he carried on under the name of Walker & Augustine. A continuance of public pat- ronage solicited. Everything will be kept up to the highest stan- dard, and satisfaction guaranteed. SPECIAL NOTICE. on one cent an issue or «u or 00 cents or the butanes of the year. Why not ro in and leave us twenty-five cents andhaveit mailed from this oMiee every week until the first of January 1007? It will then reach the person at the very earliest date and reggularly and will be appreciated. It will be a weekly letter front house. We will do our part. You do yours. READ This ADVERTt$EMENTU. - A kerton Herald thus refers to a worthy citizen: Mr,Malcolm McLean, V[tatker ton's venerable postmaster, celebrated hie eighty-eighth birthday on Tuesday of last week. He was born at Mull, Argylesblre, Scotland, on the 24th of June, 1818, and canto to Canada when a young nom. He is Watkerton's first postmaster,and has administered the duties of the position continuous- ly for sixty years, and is yet good for several more years' service. Mr.'Mc- Lean has always been a useful citizen, and some years ago took an active part in nlunioipal affairs. He was at one time Mayor of the town. Mr.Mc- Lean is an ardent upholder of the language and literature of the Scot- tish Highlands and is thoroughly convinced that Gaelic) was the language of Adam and Eve. He ie 0. lean of literary tastes and extensive reading. His many friends hope that he may live to see many more happy returns of his birthday. P. M.'s Coulee --On Monday, \Vm. Notices under 1hiS tioadtng to non•advortis• 016 will he ohal•5ed 10 cents a. running line in' nopariel type, 12 linos to the inch: to yearly contract advertisers whose advertising ap poets 1n the same Issue, 8 rents a line ; to those who wake a yearly contract under this heading, and do not otherwise advertise, 8 cents a lino. WALKER & AUGUSTINE. Local Notices. Fred Brophey will attend the Photo- graphic Convention next week, but the Kindle will be open as usual under the Outran of Miss Stvalllold, for the supply of amateur's supplies, et,. GoT'F of A14t1N.--Another stock of boots and shoes has arrived at the Uodurleh Bargain Store, this time from Sarnia, and Cho biggest and best stock 1 have been able to get. hold of fora long time. ICs a rattling good stock of all new and np-to-date goods. This will be a cracking cheap sale. The store will be closed on Friday to arrange the stock for •toning, and on Saturday, Rh August. the store doors will bo thrown open and the big sale will begin at 0 o'clock n, m. A job lot of boots will be offered at Mc. por J. p fix0ngr. tcg. THE NORTHERN NAVIGATION COMPANY THE COLBORNE HOTEL THOS. D. JOHNSTON, PRo'RteTen. This favorite public douse, under the new lnat0Q etnent, will; be conducted on modern principles, tinct The beat possible service is guaranteed the general public. Your patronage is respectfully solicited. STAND -Career Hamilton and New- gate atreets, Goderich. THE POINT r PM 1J11 Ot4TNNT NOTICE THE STR. BRITANNIC has been withdrawn to the Georgian Bay Servile NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Pa IVostern Fair - A. M. 1{unt . .. . Invitation Central Business college New }louse For Sale U. Al. Elliott 1'osetion Wanted -Housekeeper Ittald Wanted Mrs IV1n Proud fool AugustHpeclals- Worsoll's Hardware ... ('leaning Yip Sale J. H. Colborne .. ... Salo of Whits Wear H. H. 040110tt Muslin Sale 1), Millar ('o. ... Midsummer Bar Gina kV. Acheson & Son Now eminent Walks W. It. Phrd,r Save n Dollar \t', 1'. Prid hrarn.. .. One -Quarter Int' .1 -Iodine's Bros Best and Cheapest ('hew 1 .Lon l'noun8Clonable Standard Lona ('o Organ for Sale -STAR (1t eo .. Pig Strayed - Morrow and Johnston Oot' Nn, Again J. W. Broderick _ .. Special Notice 0. T. ey.. Baseness Banking -Sovereign Bank Building Sale 55 A. McKim ... All future sailings between Windsor, Detroit, Goderich and Kincardine are HEREBY CANCELLED C. 14. NICHOLSON, Trams Manager. Sarnia, July 23rd, 1908. SUMMED t I S('ll I' Osen for the, season of ifeet Equipped they op'ithtr for maser route. No' bolo plot to (pond the heated tafg, or to ettjo 'ta)Y 6151inx. P'1(:fot4%Iltirlitktand llostitlk Parties will And Int I'ois( nail the most pleasant eta* to visa, t Y4 f iy r ; L`(iiCif.p i.fORRPJa►1 BANKING lady who understands advertising says: "No lady wishes to ho looked upon as a chopping fiend; oho does not care to go into a steep and have a mere chant show all hie stook iu order to find out whether ho keeps what she wishes to purchase and whether the article is eold at a price she can afford. It is nluoh ender and pleasanter to look through the advertisements of a paper than it le to bore the clerks and waste her own time." Next to the lo- cal news items in Tun STAR, the ad- vertisements in this paper stating ar- ticles for sale, will keep much of the [Honey at horn that goes to the cities. NEATNESS V8. DISORDER, -Let any- one go around town with his eye open, and he will And many residences and properties that are a credit to their owners -houses palnted,grounds clean and attractive, and a general evidence of care and attention. It is unneces- eary to say that these places look nice and are more pleasing than neglecter{ or poorly kept places. But while this is true, it la also true that there are places the reverse of this; planes where $5 worth of labor and paint would slake $60 or $1(10 worth of difference in appearance and value. If every un- painted place was painted, and every untidy place cleaned up, the town would be inconceivably prettier, and the cost need not be much more than the labor required to do the work. CANOE REOATTA. - This (Ft May) MAKE DODERI4 U. A CONVENTION TOWN. A Movement to That End Which Should Do Encouraged. The manegemeut of the Hotel Gode- rich is endeavoring to no extend and broaden Ito business' that it may bo able to keep open from May let until October elst every year, and to that Destro and Thomas Filmore, sailor's off the schooner Atlanta. then unload- ing coal in port, were charged before the Police Magistrate with the larceny of two 10 gas cuspidors front the Huron hotel. The stolen articles were found on the hoot, a search wat•rant having been issued. The defendants declared the.articles had been taken as a joke while they,the defendants, were under the influence of liquor, and the Police aglstrate taking the leinent view let theta go on paving one dollar end costs. `Cho same clay, Dan Camp - hell, who had been picked up at the dock seriously ill, was b01010 Mr. Humber and remanded to jail for three days, with the view of sending hire to the House of itofuge,'as he is tothlly unfit for work. -On Tuesday John McDonald was steminoned for keeping a vicious dog, the same haying bitten Alex. Ore ham, a neighbor. The parties live near each other and McDonald hawing agreed to shootthe dog the matter ended without cots to either party to the suit. Bottom o}• THAI ls.-- The regular ge. 8 x 1 4 4 4 5 4 8 4 W,own WUp1CB.rt end are endeavoring to interest the many societies throughout Ontario and the Border Provinces in regard to holdiug their annual conveutionp in Goderieb, offering to place the hotel entirely at the (Memel of each ordin- ary sized society during Cho date° of it° convention, Already one or two ere being negotiated with. one of Which has been holding alternate meetings in the States and Canada for list" of sumntet' points from Toronto, the last 2A,yeare.in the months of May or June. The Hotel Goderleh people have not only offered in this case to assist in negotiating reduced railroad rates, but have offered a low hotel rate and also free entertainment of the wife, mother, sister or daughter of each of the delegates, The hotel peo- ple would like to hear from our citiz- ens who belong to or know about suc11 societies, with a plow of getting names of such and the proper officers with whvtn to OOUlnlnnicate, BO that the months of May and Juno of next year may be figured on. Members of con- ventions come from so tunny different localities they are very valuable visit- ors for both city and hotel, and should therefore be looked 013 ahead and work done to secure them, and also to arrange to give then[ a good tinge when lu're. Several school leachers' excursions from Ohio and Michigan are on the hapls for June of next year, They are coning to ['ort Pinion by electric curs, and retelling the boats there. The hotel people) are steering extremely low rates in Retell 0)1.806 for these 01011111s, realizing that it is the very beat kind of advertising, Quito a nunber of people (ant Sep- tember were willing to remain until the end of the 11100111, anti the inten- tion Is to keep open at (east, until the sal of October', and perhaps to the end of that month, if the August and Sep- tember advertising throue liout. On- tario produces ()rosperh Ve result equal to ane -third the ordinary eap:t- eity of the hotel. All May„lune, September anti Octtrlan• brides will be especially welcomed, and their respec- tive better halves will nnly have to pity their own bill, as It 118411 to he when they were, in Bingle harness, evening the Menosetung Canoe (Aub will hold a regatta which promises to be a most enjoyable affair. 'I'he pro- gram of races, which commences at '7 o'clock sharp, contains seven events, made up for single and double paddles and row boat vs. canoe races. An illuminated parade and beach flre will be held on Attrill's point at 8.30 p, 1"., with fireworks and instrumental and vocal musks, Transportation will be furnished the guests from the break- water to the beach, and every effort will be made to make the unique affair a success. The race judges will he Messrs. E. N. Lewis, L. E. Dancey and P. L. Walton, with W. 1:. Kelly as time -keeper. Dr. Walter Turnbull Is president and Dr. L. M5 Mabee sec- retary. }W. ANOTHER SWINDLIIIt-The Toronto News contains a despatdh stating that a man named Trenlaine, who claimed to be an agent for the Mahon Camp- bell Co , of Chatham, has been work. ing a swindle on the farmers in tho vicinity of Belleville. One farmer gave him a note Inc 513, and then 5811t, him a registered letter containing the amount of the note, The letter 50144 received, but the note wits not return- ed, and the only answer was an anon- ym0us letter telling the fanner that he should know enough to do business in the tight way, Needless to say, the furan is not an agent, of the M. Campbell Co„ but It rank impostor, who has been using the 110.111e of this well known and reliable firm in order to hoodwink people into his nefarious VETERAN CLAIMS. KMeal dine lie - urtoi Town Topics. Thcroltvill bo no Bitting of the Div4n- Fun (?hurt thio mouth. Don't forget that the soldier boys will by with unmet week. W r should sot gasoline eugiueo,be to ufautured in (iPodoelcir? mu It to tktlnost tou tote to turn the hono on Court Iinuso park to have tho do - sired effect. IF reeb tenderloin and spare ribs can D be had in Seaforth every Tuesday. y Why not In Goderich. 'I'sm (iODuRtt'n STAR le 'just a lit- tle bigger than the rest, just a little better than the beat." Mitts firace Strang has been appoint- ed teacher of modern Fanguagee at the Mitchell Collegiate Institute, 1911 STAR this week contains no toes than nine columns of new advertise- ments, which moasurea 210 inches of apace. monthly meeting of the (council of the 13oard was held last. Monday even- ing, President Nairn kn the chair and the following me mber4resent : J. II. Colborne, ‘Val. Campbell, J. A. McIn- tosh,.1, B. Hawkins, 1I. E. liodgens, 5, E. Hick, J.A. Ruulball, Alex. Saun- ders and James Mitchell, se('retttry, The secretary read correspondence from outside Manufacturers and adver- tisers, some of which it I8 likely will feature In the near future. A couple of small accounts were ordered paid, and the president reported the ar- rangements s.gree on for Lhe visit of the 21st Essex Regiment next week. Mr. Hawkins resigned his position as a member of the Manufacturers' com- mittee, as he will hereafter be absent front town most of the time. The secretary was authorized to insert in Toronto, Buffalo and Detroit papers advertisements ,invit.hig correspond- ence from parties seeking locations or contemplating the establishment of factories, and )Cls() to advertise in the Toronto papers the "week -end rates" now in force front that city to (lode - rich. A TORONTO \Vict,IuN((, The follow' NAM 1C ON nig (lairs.-- A correspon- dent of the Farmers' Advocate thinks that municipal councils should em- power every pathmaster to ;allow a ratepayer a rebate of one day in his statute labor who erects a tablet with his name on it at his gat e. This alight be going too far, all the same it would he a great convenience if every farm were labelled (1s Huggested. Pulite' Ltnun No'rlcs.-•The reg- ular monthly meeting of the hoard was held on Saturday evening, Hix member's being present . The librarian repotted receipt for .lune from earls rend fines of 51.2:3, and the 148110 of 1)1:3 books and 111(1gazims. "The Commercial Handbook of Canada" for 1003 was ordered to he wirehaired, and also Winston Churchill's "Conis- ton." The bank committee reported that an order heel been given to (1erp. Porter for n list of hooks. (`tvu' 1101.1OA\',.- \Vedneaday, civic ♦ The Sterling Bank , 1 OF CANADA HERD OFF 16f - TORONTO incorporated by Hpocial Art of the Dominion Parliament to receive Deposita Highest curren, rale of interest ;elvers) rm=%)marts Inspector of season end ernnent derld .,•ding 0m170 a ,) the nppoinirn accordanee Cult a recent doputd h . waited on lite ,11I,'0 wit b'6 X16 rel Prof. Raker upon hie walk at in our Department r and upwards, rl compounded 9 A V13AR. and cold. eking Dentin -sr) I1ANCII : E, Mugger. Worsen'° hardware, tin and °cove stole, with the extensive alterations and additions, is now one of the best in the county. THE STAR jobbing department is kept very busy, and still we are en- abled to handle all the work that comes along. Robert Elliott has a portable engine at Robt. Young's bush, in Colborne, and id Gutting his purchase of hush in- to lumber. Yesterday Chief Sands showed THE STAR 0 last year's golden russet apple, grown by George Collinson, of Blyth. It Is in a perfect state of pernervation. The other day, while attending r.o hie duties In eunneetlon with the ce- ment walk on Ilamilton street, town slant Johnston loot hie watch, but has not yet got any trace of it. Thos. Davis Is the owner of 0 pretty grey hoist), 0 pacer, which 110 bought in the noig(,hborhoodof salItc.hall, and itis n real addition to the best branches of the Goderich equine family. Mr. John T. Bell, tale of ,Clio Col- borne House, has bought Cho King Ed- ward from Robert Paisley at llderton and takes possession in a few days . It l8 sn;1 Lo be a (sod import y. While the Toronto papers are boost- ing of early pe:ao1108, wt+ may remark that a (loderioh gardener, Charlie 'Wells, had ripe peaches and fully healed cauliflowers on stale hist Satur- day, Thu 1011)01' that Ukd(1rich is to 11000 to Re('011(1 up-to-date planing mill 88011)6 to be well founded. It is Said 11. Iv1I1 likely be tweeted near the 11. T. 1{., probably on the boiler works pcupe,'. t y. The Saintlier School. Tho following will be the. coft1ibul' tore to the program of the sated con. curt, it E to bo given in North street aod t charch on Thursda r etetet In of next week, and it Will 'be seen from Cho flet that It wibo an enter- tainment of unusual merit t vocal eokcaticnn be R. Norman JolttfTr. of Tee ;Onto l".encorYatw¢y* of Music. It. 1a Willie, ey TWeonto Conocrvatory aP Muotd, Ohio Maude Tilt, of Toronto Conservatory of nude. Mies Mnyp E. Tbotnppeson Sy. 11 ary'o, Rraduato of Heaton C'davervatdry of Munk). ie. Roy.T.Stoodmno.Hayfield. %Veleticld Malo quartette, uetr omental nook, by Mr. Angus Wigle, of ugavlllc, vlollulet nxtrnulcntal colo selections export UMW bens of the Mat L'uutlloru Bend. Windsor. Ruadingn by linea May Tbolnpion gold medalist Whitby College, and ox•AuporvtoQr oP oratory In Asbttr College, N. J„ - and 011:* Ada 0, Beatty, of Scaforth. in the program of the; Summer School an ubliehed !ant week, Mrs. Gordon Wright, of London. will bo unable to take the place announced by the committee, who have been most fortunate in being able to secure Mr's. (Rev.) Norman, who le now on fur- lough from Japan with her husband. Mrs. Norman, it may be surely eon- eluded,wiil have a distinct message for all who may be privileged to hear her. She will speak on Tuesday evening. OBITUARY. IRRWIN. -There died in Clinton a few days since, ane of that town's best known citizens in the p008uu of 1{ieh- Ord Irwin, ttged )1i years, The de- ceased, who was horn 'in Dalt, 11011 emelt forty years of his life in Clin- ton, anti wits known until a few yearweine'e as one of its most ,active business men. lie first engaged in 1 he grocery business, afterward entered 1 he airy goods let)-oIlt('s4 111 partnership with the late J. 1imigene, and on re- tiring front the hatter started in the grain business, which he 0,33 ve,l until he retired front nlereantile life softie nye years since, The hate Dir Irwin is survived by a 501113030 told seven children, three boys Hud lour girls, tall of whom have the 'v)l( sympathy of the residents of Clinton and 501• 1.0(1odi1(5 tuWu4h)p4. MAI( R. Suddenly un Tuesday morning, Charles Wake passed to his rest. He had been working tit. rho view: 1'he time for Ming 01111114 to land grants under the act to pro. vide for the appropriation of ('et - t131111 limits fur volunteers Whn serv- ed In South Africa or in the Fenian raid, expires on August I next.. Vet• ernes who have not yet flied their claims had better do so at once. This does not refer to the location of land by those who already have their cer- tificates, They will be given ample time to locate, as townships 11.14' sur- veyed and open to settlement. Peder an amendment 10 this act passed at the last session of the le'gislalnre, ,1 veteran may hake FON) in lieu of the land grant of 160 acres, the (lovers• ment having set aside a 811111 ()( stoney for the redemption of snob l:ltid Set M. WORTH KNOW 1NO. lteporls or the ing report of a 'Toronto wedding will he read with interest here, the bride having been a pupil at Goderich Col- legiate Institute: "On Monday morn- ing at 7 n. (0., in St. Francis church, Arthur street, Mr. Durand, jr., of the Durand Plating Works, Queen street west, was married to Miss Wright, daughter of Mr. J. J. Wright, 10)) Claremont street. The church was crowded at this early hour. Ftev. Wrn. McCann o111clntell, The bride was dreoesed in cream silk and eolienne, and white hat trimmed with white phirnee, The bridesmaid was Miss Ethel Durand, nister of the groom, dressed in silver grey eolienne. The groomsman was W. J. Wright, broth- er of the bride. The flower girls, Miss imeld,a Wright 111111 MlsA Helen Brod- erick. both wore white silk and car- ried bouquets of lilies of the valley. The Sodality girls of St. 1'rancie, of whirh the bride wa4 n member, sang, MIse Nellie Corbett taking the solo in Bonner'H ' Aea Maria,' in splendid manner, n.selated ),y M iso U, Kelly. A reeeption and hreakfaet.took place at the residence of the bride. Mr. end Mrs, Durand will reside at 40 Hender- son avenue, on their ret urn." HARBOR, 1ttV1 R AND LASE. - The holiday, wen the record on Mimics, for never in the history of Goderich were there so inany outing parties 00 any one day. Many were held at Meneset ling and Point. Farm, along the Maitland were a great number, and all around the town, particularly the bench and the parka, picnic parties were seen from morning to sundown. in the liveries not a horse was to he had by late npplicante, all the aril. males being out.- The bathing hollow keeper had a harvest. on W011needay, ,u' the beach 00(10 crowded with prui• filers nod hnLhern from Hunriae to nun - net. - The bowling Orson had players from before noon til) darkness stopped play, and there were onlookers all the day long. Tim FALL. SHoDM. Two or three residence of W. C. 1'ridhnnl, \Velles- ley street, lied WIL8 on his retort, bonne, having eru44ed the'1'('(1, 1.(11(1 lv,tH n) 11,' ears;'; ni' (h'. JelInston'e reeidene4, when the still 'nue'. \Vhell proeeed;ng lu Ih idhunts 4.111100 in the day he Towle ,t 011,11 ai 1'(111'•+ 1481104' shop (hill Chatted for fifteen minutes. 11' mole no complaint -1 nt' tve1(1Ules, and in feel his good nal tired remarks betokened heal(3) and runtlnt0(01)) Itis deet0 cau44d Innrh snrprist', n4 he was i0010'd upon 04 one or I he lu•1,.1) 0 its) Ines 10 (bider -ill,. The dece;w(sl g4'ntlemtut worked seemingly for the jtleasltre of work, for he had (1(011114 to live without. it, '1'I1;tl he slid not labor In pile up tubes I4 eyldwll. lu all who knew hum, owl he was one of Lite' kindo4t and most considerate of neighbors, n4 Ihe• writer Jill testify. IL I4 H1,1d 1IIal kind arty never (lie, and Lhe Hhalenaonl. IH a. true ant•, for alt, lill.kr'4 death Lting4 10 mind tont)' incidents. (Ince he visited Ilie house I f it sick man, and lit woelt. cle,red Ihe Homy sway frust Ile' hoes;, and cut ell Ihe wuod ne0de0, all unasked and unknown 111 1Ile people cemented for 10011y days; rood on another nr. r•n.s(orl telling It Inns his clung„ 1o11' some work, startled that. person by tile smell 51101 asked, tool in answer In his protest ()terrn), said, "Surely you would not have ale 'bergs n sit k loan mere," Such 00114 the wet Is of 1'hietees lIltko. It man whose word was his bond, and who in his ratan loit't way liter/411y "lived by the 0tveni of his hrnw,e 1,1111 !nosed ), Ihe great. bwyund •jn'l' ns he woul,l 111..00 wished. 'etre deceased g fill l,'tlll'll, Who w+t4 7:1 ytvu's of age, 01n4 1411 11 in 17ntlerich, nod muni, 1 11i." Jenkins who 4IlI't'lV('14 hint. For It long pet i .d he 11 Veil un III, Luau uppos3)4' Ihe Hawley estate on the 1lnron 1{sell, hot 1138 for tunny ',eats Ileed in lawn The' finest link pie, e ye-der•d y nfternnon from his late revidenre ('othorne sheet. to ,unit Intel cemetery, and n 0H t cry I. , gely nl lei,l,sl. (let . Sir. I►n'.en, p3wh,r• of the Not•I11 vt reel IIsi-hm,llvi churrll, sondest est Ihr rhnrrh servi.'1', and Messrs. P;, (Town ing, \Vol, Arhrsnn, .ler•ml, 41,,ke., .1. 11 ('nllnrne, II. 1V.'ticKeu'ie. \V. It. 11.lee tom were Cllr poll h. u,''' s, destruction of 1100 IROVR by lightning, when adjacent to wire fetteett, are be- coming quite numerous. in fact the occurtence is too frequent, and the losses too heavy to he pleasant. and the situation is aggravated by failure to apply the precautions that wottitl avoid the losses. A ground wire every t wenty rods 011 wire fence will ward off all danget. Bend an end of pound wire- plain fence wire around the top wire of fence and '11'11 emend each suceeeding wire, and finally run wire into the earth fully t wo fe.'t 111' where the Plill Will 10WILyli 110 moist. An Iron rod Sharpened at the end will Make a hole f or t he wire. The job iv easily done, the rust Is almost not hing, and danger tit animal rnan is avoid - wheat still rises from the bottom of the hitcher near the elevn.tor, and t,he enginrer eaye it gets Into the boiler. - The steamer King Edward when In port on Huntley I‘vcinIng stopped over night owing to the rough weather, leaving at a.m. Monday, She had a good potemenger lief .- The sehr. AZOV left, for Johnston's Harbor on Friday to load lumber. She had quite a ritini• her of remelts on hoard. The itch. Jelin. Lamm brought in a name of lumber from Big Bay for the lambert/0., and RA a return cargo took on flak. - The ache Atlante. brought. in a cargo of coal for tho waterworiet- The Har- hor Mill Lumher Co. have leaned the lots on the dook for so long oemmied by the Dymentn. On being notified f the aceeptanee of their tender fnr the 'ember lone t e o. a machinery at that pilule, to be at, 11nee of draft hrtroeo, four yeal fer there beech. tinned 1)0,111 it1)51 proem., it y Rhipped to Underfelt. Thin machinery which he pald The rewrote", for the Maitland epeaking the teeetteti Hit -Intent practieally the name as that, de- st rayed by fire, no the "eut" will he about tho name.- -Newn crouton from Ottawa that the Battle Compstny le mit (ef the breakwater job, and that new d n for lite completion of that months; more and the gaten will be opened fel' our fall fairs. The time in which to prepare In none tem much for any man who dealt on to win a prize or attract public attention. The whole problem of nuerensful rompotltion hingen tint on breeding but chiefly on preparation. No MOM deserves] to win who taken Ina ntoek directly from the parttime to the nhow ring. No judge ran figure an animal on what it ma -y be tome other time. hoot meat credit It for what it In when brought before him. It paya In dollars) and of ail doen nhote the ntook in good oondition and educated enough to do wbat is required promptly, graoefully and with good temper. Tho nubjeet of too much Importance to permit of neglect, end now le the time to mari- ne:men pot* dons. mooting of the tioara held Moll day evening; prenent, 3V. Aelmeon, rhairmon, and trustees J. W, the meeting Mod been rolled in ekInnee tiOrl with the appointment ef a. teach- er to take charge of the prineipitrot class during the model term. T1111 vf, cretotry infortned the Hoard ilea the two teaebern selected had each 1'1441 that they Ilan areapted other post Wall carried that the Hoer! advert i41. in the Globe and Mail for a qualified teacher to take charge of the prim. i pars clean during t he motici (wheel term at a salary of sit 175 for I be term, the neeretary to call a meet I ng t he will request the town to place 0, being proceeded tvith Nal MA, I ,11 ilv the credit of the Pointe SCh0,11 11011,1d for ego during t he err( n yea Daniel Campell, who 3011.13 (.0111111U! to jail 'leveeing removal to the House of Refuge, died it) lb., lad yes- terday, and ftti inquest was being held in that institution last evening as NVV went to olives. An auto frightened a horse last (lay, and though the driver of the gam. 011110 Mat:101111 811.10 t he animal gallop away, he kept ou his etitorote nntlis- turhed, as the run away 30/18 t'Vr1.11.1111Y 11011 Of his 11111, driver's) bushiest.% Largely brotielo repeated eitorte the 1.1talerivli Teethe tiliv I.u0v It iltl0 .1111t, on " week -end Ilvt " summer points Ity 10.4(1. 'I'. It., lend tie1.1,3" /OP 110W 1.11iti from hat for i.110,411, out reader.. win 111/11' 1111' 1111111.14111 of to, to all Interested in p r • I husk rits-, education, 1 4) w do 1'111 It copy of its iiiteiesting This 8011oid Thin.illeiviilk emit) actor j,1 1001, ing fah. iigt will) (tile linediton, ate Iitte.led, and part. of 11110.111V 1 he love, mid 1he ite• 1 Ito took el I he neighhorlimal. AMONG THE CHURCHES. Rove. G. N. Hazen and W. H. Ora - ham will exchange pulpits on Sunday a.m. The annual Sunday School picnic of Victoria street school was held Wed• nesdny of thls week, Civic Holiday, to Menesotung Park. rho day wan de- lightful, the crowd hilarious, and the fun contagious; tho place is very suit- able for such affairs, tho only lank he - Ing a supply of tables for the acoomo- datior of the public. The W. M. S. of Victoria street church hold a most successful quarter- ly tea at the home of Mrs, A. Nichol• sun, 4t, David Street, Tea was served on the back lawn in ea beautifully Shaded nook, and was greatly enjoyed by all present. The program began 111)1(11 8.15, and lasted for more than an hour, and was very imitable for tho occasion. the lieges,' hotel al CitrIew II 1111 14 IRIW Ilk. %%111 spend consider - aide !Hooey in onto 1.1.01111.11t4 kiln! SUMMER SPORTS. in the intermediate lacrosse match played lit Kincardine last Friday be- tween Cluderloh and Kincardine, the latter team won by so score of 1-0. Next Monday evening Clinton and Goderich lacrosee teams will play here on the Agricultural Park, the last of the intermediate series here. lf Clin- ton loses this they are out of the series, ttnd our boys hopeebeir friends will 111-11 mit in force to help them to ;hut: Yl.)6w ling tournament opens 00 Monday afternoon, and the sigtas are het it will be one of the most SUCC060.- the history of the association. Tointia ward on Sunday evening, and to en- able the Southern teams to reach tioderich 1,1118 way was the reason the mooning day wits changed from Tues- day, 71 h inst. to Monday, the Oth. The Luck mow nine ran up aegainst 110 001.411'41i thttie hall teant on Friday evening last, here, and the going, proved one of t Ito best. Every score 3011.4 141.141tIll (on either tilde. The leader.' of t he north from the Sepoy town are a. gentlemanly lot of fellows, told stood well by their guns, but could not stove off 'the inevitable, the snore being 1 to 8 in favor of (lettere:he Maxwell pitehed tho Met innings, but had to retire to the fleld on account of 800. 141(10, hitt Belcher, who took hitt place. proved himself a worthy sue - remoter Abe Iligginson umpired the game to t he satisfaction of all. 11.0 Court Iltnise timiiire for the cloud y It n. north of the entrance, stel eyne phi veil Ho seat 001411(.1 bovines,' (lining the dog day4., as after it 1).111.1 conevrt, 1111 It 11,1. 44,0.411111 4 I 111. 1.11'11 1 Fele n11 nAVay limn the north side 10' the I 'our) I low, Square. 'Alt% Itobert..Ifetev 11.1, completed 11110 t'atet Ming I 'I) at Toronto, '11111 rti• en, mei built. of ( leorgitt Ilefore 1...t ving NI r. Jones tyro -4 pri.sented wil .1411111 moimted k hie fellew wielonen, and 11. felt 11,1 by company. regiihition number of black bass, the smallest tieing 11),, awl the lergest :1; lbs. Mr. l'hillips seems to 'filmy leek, if eileh it le, ie eurel v in the e,io 011 only .4110, which %%Ilk 111,1i0,4 limg mid weighed II ni-t Albeit and Ifitogantem, %tit it el E. J 1 ,. Ori Civie Holiday the to. T.0. (Egret - 1.1111h 1.14.111 Itt1t1 tioderieh played base ball on Agriculture! Park, and the were early winners. The well knew it eatcher Mellardy being away, ,beteph I Foyle, an ()Id tittle tioderich player, took his plaeee rind the score shows that he vieright on all right. and hail lie been given (letter support. in the field the 11. It.'s would have lean rims to the:r credit. The St rat - Peril nine were a likely looking team, but its) match fin. Die ioderieh bunch, who, vomiting Wednesday's match, have made four straight wine. The billowing +dome the player.) and the result of the game ; Barrett Wald can her pitcher ora right 1101,1 len 11i•141 '1'14311 I 11/1, 11Y 11111111g-, 4.11 14144,4 T It. 'nit 00 111.e 1111, 150101Vr. Th...iiiilerkti tenon W III piny a return game with the 41. '1'. It. club in Strat- ford next ‘yeek. (Roderick 17. Doyle Hotelier jileldruni 111 Ineore Melia trail::: Lewitt Maxwell Tait Special Reduced Rates to St. Paul and Minneapolis. lic Nal meal Etteamplitent Minnea- rdis, Atigno Pah to 1St'', the (Irittal going A iigliet 111, I I, 12th, also for 1 muleh t en Angina 1:1I11, r1,51 Will Mkootein ()well". "'One 1" "'""• '11' , August else .vith extenalon un- emettemitatien with the t it seta :Sete en payment of roo ciente. Lewis will Hilereed in NOV11111114 it. ..... Antal ica will held their etintiel een Hest( v ote Time.. ft:::,.':1:3111,15:3.111.1,11:,.,11‘111);(.1N1i1i:Tri,n; '1,11,1,14,:,:..:11..11.1:1.)1,1',.11.1.2‘tt'li.ti.:f:11:1:2\tAITI;g::‘,177,,till:-1‘7,1.: II(' : 11: : ;1,:l. lit , : :: x 1(.0bl:11,1:it i nth tPh ..,e1 Ibi it tOL r nO et .: tl:r 1115 111111h, north of ('Obtilt. VVillet1 14 .14•mir , no( plee" oteelite, mid in ilt-ilo,:tt.tt.:),. 1 IT:ilieull r‘e5ntiltit, n",..,e,vV2ii),Iili:gisifik.tIitilli,:e:It.loihk,, ill-tlint„t. C. P. P. Construction Netter. me el to, Niefeeemi, after putting je the lag i] II fee lhoe,n moo Zion .doircli, has lefl fot Myth. where he will la, the hief inmectot The Contingent commit toe will sower ' thin what, the 1311(41/3 on Ht. Pet 111-k .1 ward nebool lot will fled for, and loper t to tho Board. 2Z rents will pay for Tote e t,, to any addrens In the y of 1 1 11 ron to the end of 1000. abut melds for t he bridge, noel , bee been 11111110 iliong 11).• • The pile driver lilts horn 1'04'14. J11 eV elder'. bank, and i4 nearing the eievator, which it A1 -11111. ol, NVrditesdiov tti aliV number between OftP n1141 nine. id to 1,, „ejoi,,e-ireey Iwo. one to it. l'olultiply hy nine. .4,1,1 The priigrittlifliv• et :meal and c root mit the left-hand figure, Aa.I wit./ ited) emental meek, emilletiene and Ail,' the original mineher 1q.1. 101 Vett (L1111 I.VOI V I 11,. fel tame 11 lie ren• clies ads point it ,v ill it. graphed to Stokes Bay for their mill Salkold, of Wen -rich tow n 414, n teem elm., the rend to the WU! and 1 114 ern er work will he immedtately called for. The dredge han been worked tho whole week at the harbor ontranoo. rho, upper block of the elevator in mote than half finished, no for ao the cement work is concerned, and this line of the job should be through by next week. The cent of living keepe going up. and compared with what it wan a few yeare ago, It rohown that t hp t imp fie, economie adjuntinont. in drawing dime anything like no cheaply aa fete yearn ago, on acoount of the 1m -ten,. of wagon, and even tho Inereano wages cannot keep paee with the coo of norm produce. With meet Roiling at 18e. per down, lamb at 20r. and ha eon at 18e. per pound, the lahoring man Woo all he ean do to eupport Inn family at Steeper day, pilvcin‘t one 113 till, 1 win 511.11,1, 111A1 protoisoot y note 2111. 141.% parahle lo form tip. emithern Won of 111111 1 it, 41,eleri, 0 ()Egan , the ingiirante sl rilet ore. 4in Sittorday, hot did not nod Finale,' fierier icle. HP \Ion( real, 11111-11.1 end having bent with the g , ig entoing a et oppage of 1 he wet I:. The hill and one In whir h n meter Rd alter. Root end ineehinery. tepontrentl v. 1, mein had heeri made after the eyeei) worked 311 right, 30 that fglil el' the 1 Him of the inetrument, Bank man TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY WItnena the limn raising of it piece netnintorn of the Bank of Montreal to of the Maitland Hirer bridge. have been." Use Ink. hroigele 'Merl" i0 a way to gain 41108001, Wit h vier and paper and a press: There's wealth In it and Mee) fame, If you MIMI, gold or Want O. name. 1'411 Ink. girder was lifted rlear oft the ground . sore) n ca not oo entirely verdant its Take 'LAXATIVE BROlttO Quinine f 1 T11 Meth. torugg,ists refund money if it fella to yore. le (0. Groyea *mature Iti on each box Mc.