The Goderich Star, 1906-06-15, Page 1'•Y
" • •
" I
* WW1= MR Is Univalent
NawenanowlettliaCemsalty sr thaw. awl
frlaw. Quality. QuenUtlet anginas*
=ix:To raorcm zncovivms.iantrei cat' wxxma corm
Jr. '
be *stool to advise Mit you 'AS 10 the hest
Met,1194 ; •
anti vitt :treat yottr bestneis aftairS otIth the
t) utrAOSt Secrecy,
J0oioninotott` aittlrOrir.00 tO o0copt,otOpOolts,,
oppuittox ooze%
atiTILD. wor
p to: Mtg. 0 fietti ,
0011404 OL.,palitri. _Street. •
I -Apt OLER/tZWANTLfri;:41t11
scroaextemeocela orF. 9o4a*,-.440y
tol-fra .4,,rooderst,
Tiir.aNTgn likthodistety„ advisee genera
it Herron mealy • -
Uile.34sWinf11/10(04,44ghtkulil80 POW,
6 eiknaileapttieffse le:am ;e2t... no fRefi"
Man ter summer beeineee 'etwing
late removed tom iNeetli. OE' ante xea-
dance; cenffertsAble /Arne, Wass bond.
eetnuarient or _La.t44$L
. e
sons having' adtionieglatien Per,j311111mer v s
/3Y retthist 'ante. nearaet, irefles ask prs
ors to ifforlertolyere rernigetee. taleatet oir
names ante petueratitse tbe NOW4PaPer
°Moire thefewe, Whiseri Mate May be kept
which Will be aletilane fee eogeirtes.
A addresse egnaln te 'L'' area Mee
wit prom '
.seseeeeutt„Les Mierana
eese ezeereisara oltteiloards • a dime tenth; of the Men
1. Op the East side of CarnbristRoad,130,
tweeu East street ahd ,beglesea street.
'The ernimated Mat of the werk $693.00. of
). which 1317.26 la to be provided out of the gen-
eral tunes ot the IffunicitralitY.
6. On the south side of Nelson street. be
tween the oast limit of Lot 022 and Waterloo
Street. ,
The estimated cost ot tho work Is 41321.35.
Of which 1818.0510 te be provided oat of the
gone funds of the ,
n the south side of LIghthogse street,
n Essex otreet and Cobourg street.
The estimated cost. of the work Is $228.80,
(of whieh 81200 Is to be provided out of the
general tunas of the Municipality,
.2. Oh the woo Side of Victoria street, be-
tvreen Napier street Mid Elgin aVenue.
The estimated eget of the work IS al.620,19,
et which$884.9818 to be provided out of the
general funds ot the Munieipseity.
8. °nth° eastselde ot Victoria street be -
tweet] Elan'avenge and Napier street: •
The estimated -omit -of the...ea& la eleeeetes
et which $813.44 is to be proaded out. of the
armored funds of the Municipality.
9. On the south side of Trafalgar street.
Ileaween Victoria street and North etreet.
The estimated cost of the work is 1290.80,
ref which 1121.151s to be provided out of the
genera Din& of the Municipality:
And intends to assess a portion of the
filnel test thereat upon the real property to be
inceedistely. beuefited • thereby, fronting or
Abutting upon' Safi strata deiltroresaid; between-
tbesaid poluteand to levy such final coetiomord-
emu the frontage thereof, by twenty annual
medal nesessmente; and that a statement
rovrin the Ian& liable to and propased to be
Cement StdewAiks
. • theler.
tin etlfie • TO* et:00mi* r,
logo* Oa, to* or aoltootorto
tioltioad 81%or Now Cratot,
• thottott.
I...stn.. • ' '
EltelAS.Ilie Mains:ea Inver -Wear
C r.-14nalted;inhinditteeetwertat
River Meitiatte, ,eleettnee MO.
lee 4 .e.frost the selaTown et tio4erielie
sy n the Towneele tie ineborovezet the'
wevela .0ederieh.neanisepalitiee tmilicellt
Wale Gad WRAC tic/400h' tor 00 inalifice.
Of developleg pow„airana eppisieg alettortseatit
*gal nirreitisenler Ilesfeeriff PreCtleriblesfienutis
Ing the drilringef thit nUtabinorypfi the Writer:
warlek.aad-dgerteleleittilieininle et ,the said
Toyth ot OM oh., ,... • • • ' - •
• 'AND' WHEItEAS th_li satia' The Mettles
RiveePoweeelsen.pane.emniteilal4ae reeueste
elle Odd Town ot ooderiee ming- them 011ie e
eakflienertaltinZbY..enerentitellig the BO 4
.0S,P0bel1011001Obb'bfBiled, bYbbboald Mitigated
• 'zee rowet .Cozepeny Limited., to nee extent;
st esehole of the sum of $169,000.00. ..
le..Warliiitiettle itfet'extiediette. W._geset
tee eitilleicestetieet to elm terms mid cocanitial
hereinafter set,. - ' ,
, THEREFORE 0 itetlattedraild It /alone)*
.ehatitedby'thev (Weber (fennel) er tee sale
Toleeigetederieleasfollewel - •
I. .1t shalt belay/fel ter 'thellit4Yee &nage*
nethenenteendoe Wee* et the Corporation
of-..theeniat Of PedeetebittndutillerAtsDOrPer,.
arrathiaL0 Ol(90.140 ana deliver* Pue Ace aha
netelet. lee. Balet.gelTititgetell.M. "verntile or
tided guaratitee or guarantees ot tee sant
orpotanoweeare wow the dteepaFient of
allanalfra an ntercehof tbeiem " orDo-
bentmeeeterbe . Weed Hiver Posit ilera.
paneseedzeited, up, the mos in _the a -egate
oellaU.0110.00 (ono belated and tiny mead
deilatS) for mended, reetwable, in thirty an-
nual instalmente AVM the der of the note
theme with laiterest in OM:noontime et ten
rateefttaut ande.heet Por ceetum eareannume
WC?' lor ar.oithe gliroePittfitkrett t
that the WPM) naKb 0, tor principal and
interest in eon Year shall ee equal tO the
agreuntso payable in Oaf of the other years.
aeeleguarantee tram tee tbe effect tItt upon
defeat being Wilde by the saki. The loosed
Rtyctp Power Compeny, 14inited, in h9 RON
Anent a the principal or interest secured by the
sate:Donde or Debentures or ater of. them, the
coeporatfon ottbe Taint of Geffeliell Win PeY
to the holder thO amougt so in defisalt epon tie -
mond. such guarantee to be othersvise in such
foreland 14 contain mob other or atteitioed
provisoes or tendinous as shall bp apprOved of
bY thO Mayor and Solieltor tor the train Town.
2. Prior to the execution or tbe said guaran-
tees or any ot them, tho said The Maitland
River Power Company, Limited, shall: with
the necessary- approval of then shareholders,
duly given in meeting, called for that purpeee.
execalte and deliver to tho Corporation of' the
Town of Gederioh, A InOrtgage Aron their
lands, buildings. plant, enareatnery, fiXtures.
privileges, rights and easements. which said
rup orteagport shaUs be ab/lor: ehae4tgae upoapn all sucht
ro and hall MI nd proved o
by -the Solicitor for the Raid Town, end. shall
provide for the Indemolile.ation of the Corpora
nob a tbe Town of Goderieh against ell loes,
costs, charges and expenses, by reason of tho
said bonds or debentures and the said gueran-
tee thereof, and such mortgage shall -further
provide for the insurence of the gain, mint,
gaged ptopertyln favor of the said Coker:batten
of the Town of God -erica, in an amount
stellelent to indemnify the said Corporation in
Mae er loss by dre (or by flood, it the roma -cart
be obtalued) in such cotupanies as shall bo ate
proved of by the said Corporation and by poll.
eies containing what is known as "the mort-
gage clause." if demanded by the said Corpora.
non, end for elle continuatire of such insurance
during the currency of the lend bonds, and the
due payments of the premiums thereof, and
such mortgage shall ado secure tho due per- Savings Bank Department.
romance Or ail other ternas and conditions in
-thialtylaw contained.: .
3. As a condition of eireedieg theasemenee
antee, all monies borrowed by tho said Tim
maitinnd River Power Company, Limited. up-
on the seourity of the eald bonds Or doben-
. tures to be gmaranteed by virtue of this Bylaw,
Drafts bought and sold.
shall be paid into the Bank of Montreal at God.
erich to the Joint credit of the 'said The Malt -
land River Power Company, Litei sendthe A General Banking Business
said Corporation of the Town ot Generical.
and Shop be applicable ally to the cost or con. transacted. ------, ' - - - .- -
strueting and emiiiming the raid works, and to
lee pureboas of the lands, rights and owe -
melte in comb -erten theetreettli, and 'shall be
paid ont only upon the Joint cheque of Lhe said
Company and the Mayor of tbe said Town, and
no amount shall be paid thereout except to
the extent of fifty per cent. of the value of the
work then done, or materlat, machigery or
plant then (grubbed, or lands, rights and ease-
ments then purchased for or In respect of the
said works. and then only upon a progress cer-
tificate or the gogineor or Architect appointed
by the said Town to ineperit the tract work.,
and the balance shell be paid out only after
the completion of the said worke, and
atter the same shall have Repelled powor to the
said town and operated the said water works
and electric( light system Po the space of erre
month in a satieraotory manner.
4. The MO The Maitland River Power Co..
Limited, shall expend the Rum of 8300,000.00 in
the purchase of land and privileges, and the
construction of the said dam.. and the inetalla-
Don of plat% and machinery, and the same
when constructed shall be of the most
modern , typo and shall have all the
requirrite machinery and appliances tor
the purpose of supplying sufficient power
to the wad Town to enable them to preporly
operate their Water and Electric Light Werke,
and also to furnish power to 'all the manufac-
turers now in 113o naid Town, or who latty
berecatermeate therein, who shall require the
same, to tbe extent of at least 2,000 horse power.
and the said The Maitland River Power Com-
pany, _Limited, shall also keep equipped and
maintain the Raid works In a good. state of ef-
liciency during tbe currency of tho said Boobs
so to be guaranteed aq aforesaid.
5, The Said 'rhe Maitland Ttiver Power Com-
pany. Limited, retail supply to the said Corpora-
tion of the Town of Ooeerich, and the said
town shall take from the said Company, suf.
flaked power to properly operate their Water
Works and Electric -Light systems at tho price
of 17.000.00 per annum for the epee* of thirtv
Years, and the said Company shall also supply
all motors omd other appliances requisite to ap-
ply such power direct to the present machinery
now used by the said Town in their said eye -
terns, so that tho end Town ball not be obliged
to purchaser other plant and machinery in or -
dor to enable them to use the said power. Pro.
vided that in case tho ems mode by the (odd Cots
poration of Its sold systems shall trufrease to the
extent of twentydve per cent. over and aboya
the present uses thereof then the charge made
for such power ;hall incresse In proportion,
and upon the baste of the rate which the Raid
charge of $7,000.00 beans to the present riser
theeeof, but in any ease the said Corporation
or the Town of Ooderieh shall be at liberty to
apply the raid sum in payment or the annual Page
insutimento. due or accruing due upon the rend propert y for Rent -Young St Robertson-. 1
glInklaraitInatentd lb.avtehre"Power Tenders Wonted -.J. It. Craigie
Girl Wanted --Mrs. H. W. Thomson.... 1
Company, Limited, dial have the privilege of House to Rent -A. is Janes t
using the proVent plant of tho Town of tiode- Half-price Sole-Oeorpe Porter i
rich as an auxiliary to their proposed power Lady Cleric Wilted -tic Millar Co
eyetem. whenever Ramo shall be required for Boats for Sale- ohn Oakley t
that purpose, during the currettori of the said Public Notice- o'wn of Goderleh
bonds, provided that they the sa d Company Bylaw No. . mo6--Town of Goderlch :
shall at all MOWS during such pe od maintain et Excursions -410. Xing Edward. .. 5
and keep the said auxiliary plant in agood and Prints and Muslins-Acheson & Son
efficient state of repair and (ball aloe repair or silo Homespun Suits- W. C. Pridham
replace any part or such plant which may be Specialties -J. II, Colborne.
injured or broken during and by their opera. West Strset Hardwares -3. Nichols
Don therehe and shall further supply Rorneseekere Excursions - No. Nov. Co.
all coal required for such tmeration, and ale° Hotneseekers Excursions -G. T. It
all stich cosi as shall be required by the said 40 White Minato -W, A. McKitn
Town for the puroose otkeeping up steam in Prof. Tanbe's Visit -W. C, Goode.. .... 1
COnflootIon with their said plant, which the Hardware Hints -Paulin
rend Town shall be at liberty to do. whou Public MeetIng-Mttitland Power Co, B
and so long ter they deem trecressary during silks --Hodgens Tiros .. Et
the (mid periodbut the dald Town'shall supply
one man to take care of Lhe said plant.
7. Tath Bylaw (ball take effect on the day
of the final Footing thereof.
8. The votee of Lilo Electors of the said
town of Goderich shall be taken en the Bylaw
at the following timed and placos, that ts to
say: On Saturday, Ilse eaventh day of July.
190C, commencing at, the emir of nine o'clock
in tbe forenoon and continuing till live o'clock
in the afternoon of the same day, by the fol.
lowing denuty returning officer*: ,
Pollieg Sub divine -re No. 1. at Thompeon
Bros. Wagon Shoe. by Edgerton O. Belcher,
deputy returning °Meer.
Polling Sub division No. 2 et Thee. J. VI.
deateo Feed Store by Charles Bates, depity
retnening officer.
Felling Sub divbrion No.3 nt the Town Hall
by W. A. If. Cele deputy. returning officer.
Polling Sub dlytelon No, 4 at 8. Stothene
Wood_ Shop by John 1". Bates, deputy retern -
Mg officer.
Polling slub division No. 5 at Mrs. Wagons;
store, west street, by George C. Black. deputy
returning calker.
Polling Subdireolon No, 6 at John Broph-
eyturensinhxopomarceler.enry b. Watson. deputy re-
Po11In/ Sob division NO. 7 at Donnie he-
ville'a hettfee by JOhn IL Crolgie. deputy
8. Alll ThilredaY, the 5th day of Jelv next,
the -ewer ot tho said Towel shall attend ot
tbe Connell 'Chambers of the gad Towd At
ten o elottk in Om forenoonfe appoint person
to attend at the various polling pieces afore,
*aid arid at tho final (lemming ttp of the votes
by the Clerk, on behalf of the persons intereet-
ed in and promoting or °coming tho peeling
of UM Bylaw respectIvely.
0, The Ciork of the Coencic ot the said
Toten of Oritietich obeli attend d his office in
tis..03'eWo Hail at io Webs& in the rotenone
Or reelloaVi the ninth day of July next to sum
up the trotriber ef votes for and veiled the
itr_sr. r
o Doilerith Mut 12th day of. Jely 1.306.
&Del et tho Connell Chatnbers of the Town
Mayor. tiler
TARE nntrrien
Vett the Menet 111 a le ram of a proWed
bylaw, Which ions bet Laken into ambler -
ODOR end *tech wilt b. 'today tagged lay the
conern on the tatthiethli?,t lin leo event of d)o
mead Of the -elective be. , °budged iheretze
titter One tbeettl fibril 'tbitt flea pubPeatIce In
'TEE Unfitattit STAR MK MEr, ihe rittes Or
Whith Peet PoblleAtieff St iiiailliw, the teath
day ot eerie, ieele Afin Wet: 0 Votes ef the
tblereoweittiffe afotisistsezidatintesiimitirellAtit410131 ottinfalc. aria
elettettlietehe 0 let
' • .. ' *MAL 47:441011TOT, Clitek.
ILLIOTI0IL Oat the Muntelled Council
of the Oerrieration of the Tower at Godes.
'rich lathe* to constrain cement stdowates
the OAK Tern( 11-0300210
4C111:11‘0 Nerth Sine of St. Pariek er streets
/One We r eolitreet til,(Ltthnr areas
Tbeeetimated 0004 the Werk is 1150.20,
Of Whir:111_148S a re be Provided out of the
general Medi, Of the ,Mgnelpelity.
2. On tbe want eide of Newegto street.
• ,
-between anoterizretreet end Albert streets
The eetangted coet fir the Work is $099.85, of
which $29840 Late be PrOvided'Out et the
general funds of the MitilledPOIRY.
a On Om south side of Elgin *venue. be-
tween Vlotoria street and Toronto street.
The estimated coat of the Werk is $382.80.
eff whieh$9332C le tope rovided ont et the
FOR SA14. 012, TO LET.
poATs FOE •Bakielee-leee edeot targeRore-
boat, &idea large Phut. Applir, to Jowl
Amity, Ithigewood. Park, Goderlolb '
. .,
rrottIeNTaeteven Roomed Fratee Cottage
.1 on Trattliple Street, mitable for retired
couple oremell Wale: Obi® situation. Rent
moderete to eeitablestArnent. ',Possession JMY
1st. Apply' toA. S. JANE, at Drs. EMMerSOn
& Turnbull's office.
1010R RENT, -A Dv/sailing on Reays dna.
.11.3 A Dwelling ittlmished or not) near ifske
front, modern Move:deuces. . LA'
FOR SALE. -Two now Dwellings On Angle-
sey St.., A oomfortable Dwelling on Pluton St.
Buildinglots On Eland -venue. Essex St., Ceder
St. andPino Se.
WAN.TED.-A, fetY 'Furnished Houses or
Rooms, near the Lake front, to-ront for the
swriusir Betk'sml' youN0 & ROBEEtTSON.
P ' FOIVSAL10.-A cOmfortable house on Park
stoat, easy terma. ApLly N17. &GRAHAM,
ewgatesetreet. "••
OR SALE. -Sealed offers will be received
Ewe'tip ba. and inoinding the 13th day of
by the undereigned, marked "Offers for
.June bistentsfor the nitderials of the wooden
fence surrounding Herber Park, The pur-
chaser to reinove thotence and leave the our.
face of -the ground in good condition-. Partin*.
tars at.Town Clerk.% office. -Iii. O. JoieterrON,
--1Y-Wiril 'Merle: s--- --
FOR SALL<I%''''," tNT.-A. farm of 111 acres
et the 'begs/ y loam. belo g to Mrs.
Ida Prefer. Gode lo. . e tua 0111.40okt.,
oderich township, 7 Milos freni Goderiells 9
(e9tan Clinton and 6 from Rayed& Meier special y aesessed for the ea ve r
t43.3d.buildinge.2orchts-rde, Reasolaable„terms. names of the owners theted, so flit. as tbe
or turther•-psaticulars apply, to Jetties Co, 1.- same can bo ascertained from the last ro-
wels.. Bloat' street, Goderich, or En, ACH- -sifted misesonlent roll and otherwise, is now
tiled In the office of the Clerk of the Munici-
es. siteDitisfi41101•101. reality, and is open for 'inspection during office
s.,..,,,,.,17, oTa FOR Est. have for sale somber hours.
Jt1 of fine bu ts on the Boylield Road, A.Court of Revision will be held on the 18th
corner of Brita The first two have ni-
„ day ot Juno. 1808. at the hour ot 8 o'clock in the
readY been sold. and tbo • beano) ar° equano afternoon, at the council Chamber in the
desiratle and will be sold at reasonahle figure& , 'Tomes of GoderIch, for the nervosa of bearing
APPLY to .. le,omplaints against the propesed ameesnlent or
W. T. MUMMY, Goderich. the accuracy of frontage measurements or any
rather complaint which the persona interested
rfeWo FARMS, FOR SALE AT A BAR- rrna,y desire to Make and which is by law cog-
nizable by the Court.
..L , GAINs-sLot Mconsa indafield, 100 acres
00414 5:010 10t all cleared, the 'other lot hal3 00
acretielearettand balance. rough pasture land. DATED the 30th day of May. wog,
Wellfeneed, sprifiCk. Good buildinge on l
both farms. Can, 'ACM to; boo or seParatolF. Clerk,
APPlY ell tile Pre ' s Or address HENRY '
Homer. Tningartnen P. O.
ElatiOR SALE.-lluilding lotson Market street,
on. Apply to Mrs. J.E.Williams.
neer OlDreerde Libeaty. A most desirable
nertoolwry Fon BALE.- The desirable
owner: and, occupied: by Dr. WM y. Good
-1- •Pr011atY On Mall .A.venuetiloderloh,
house atultwo-thirds of an acre of ea, with
choice fruits. The house iis heated by hot
water and 'has. 131 modern, improvements. A
birrein for any person wanting firsholass PrO-
Ii..-WHITBIN. GOderielt.
y...rite moderate prices Apply to or address
Vablic Moot14. OrIlt bo lottfl tot tho
Friday Everiing June 22,.
xo metCna$,TUlt
Power Compeat 040000.
,uvuevuoor up,mmp,
itAdoing tAily voto"; whoa the
*alloy wilt h000rrrott,
Ogatv to he tolottat $4,404k.
Mr, L, B, AllguetIne baying
binight Wet the,. Interest of Mr.
Jonathan Midler the Vent Street
Ltvery, the businese. will hereafter
be carried on under the name Of
WO,1180V & Auguatine.
A continuance of pubile pat-
ronage titillated. Everything will
be kept up to the highest sten-
-dud, and qatisfaetion guaranteed.
1110APX013 FOR SALE. - Several hundred
.1. copies -of old newspapers for rale. Just the
thing_when you. ere houseemattiug. Apply at
selling„htlying or rentine town and farm
ProPettY. Fire and Lite Insurance. Mos.
North side, Court Holub &Rego. •
W. B. Terectorm., M. B. °Mete 102
°feces, Balaton Eit. "le""eitesidence 121
Night cells for 'Um firm of lOrs, Emmerson
and Tartiblill_will he answered either from
etten °Moe Hamilton street, or from lir.
TranimreresIdence, Nelson Street.
re. A. It lietiMelaNa_e'llil• B.
FrlYSISittll gratiuttl= 88tionletia.lairti n to
zih3.,1 Of Montreal. opposite nP elf rt 4 41 r:e°, The land comprised in this description being
nebstreet4iGeneriells Telephone Nor • all that part of HaribejLane wing between the
Mahan' limit of Herber street and the
• DENTISTRY. Southerly limit or Harbor Quay.
-0....s^......"''''''''"7"-'-''slailPeletl '014.011-11!:Dfiri.l.knruelli'ma
a nit At DiMmuition Virednesday afternoons.
...---- -
. Eturgielms member_of the Ve riflery
PREEMANethenorgraduatel Vern/
tient of tandem Edinnerstie tario.
Burgled oereatiottit a spettaite. mica. Breda
street. ameiallard somata Greenhottees.
We have constantly in stock a large
supply of Cement Bricks for sale.
Call and get ptices.
-Tug Vanno---tionno* s
Mnrlettle •61114 -Oa M. OiltOtt Were
ereak.,eleneateling for. witorti*OutAtiw
tgr Joettion. Ow Of the
11, and, are telad
AmantUnne that theY` 'ILILVe Met
with AL heartit .reitReesel 1)411194r'
Anode venality constentin00 04 le
thie0/01*.• "The Hotta rIlt :pronto:14y be
le. the Printer'S Jungle next, yetel4 toad
thita 'be Out earlier than ite mune for.
Illee Oteleollit, • • .
VdlL. $1711MILIt TO110.101%--The
mos hotel le now teady for tomato* and
the MenalieMent expect* *
tont:Met 03! the King Laward on 'Sun*
dol. /Wattle Greellielind' 011 Mondisee
The -bowie leelta Ste ttiellgh It. hint been
'well looked after and ne- 4000 pinata
will be pima with,the now ntonogo.
moot. • 4.Yet`y care la being taken
and every. provision made. that will
wilt meet the %unfelt and Welfare of
the pests- •
Ontaw.owe AT Br.l'ru.--fin Mon-
de)* evenllig abeet 20 mealtimes of
Ifilrou Lodge OS* I. 0, 0, V., drove or
tailed to Dlyth and spent a pleasant
seotety evening. There vinte.a. Meeting
ef the district lodge In the Myth
lodge romn, hut most the large dele-
gation from Goderich captured the
Opera House. and turned. it into a
lodge roo03, and it made an excelleee
one. The Goderich brethren put
through seven canelidatee, the beide..
tory. first, second and third being opn.
ferred firetadass 'Style. After the
degrees ha.d been conferred the bretto
ren sat down to an excellent aup_per,
and. then the driving parey *tatted for
home, reacbing Goderleh shortly after
6 a. nt.
Tile Sterling Bad
Incorporated 13y Special Aot of the
Dominion Parliament to receive
Highest current rate of interest
paid in our
on deposits- of p- and. -upwards)-
1ntereat paid and compounded
0=1160 iilts1F44he MeettlinS
th, Wren County Orange Lodge
onset oo, Wednesday was *moat
seseellefel Oint. TheItith July cslebra.
Sao Itt Beitferne 41400104 10.04
toted upon* and the *trent promiaot tO
ha one of the haat yet held. - LiberSt
whoa are bolos WOOL good apentker*
1400 lanCureklOw rs.11way rate*
,itra bidnit Strrallgest, end,* SOOL
,w1:01:44:040:40:0"117), igliiii403:011104a!ref411141::1116144y8Axi°o'Yf:$4114h41:461:10ftgebATteWt411°:_v`hn.
The Xune lone of Catuallen Idtti-afa
Rooeurooqcooto,too **vela ot Sititowa'
famillar photo vietva of rata scene%
luclotitnin 'the no*/ wen known "Din.
neoevrerT.troda"vollwicitblewItasadoolvrgena ft% fprrctet
in a 40mM:talon by the pub,liehera.
Tne uumner le an Usual bandommely
printed and mattes et very Interestiog
and attreotiee advertisement for Can,
ada. lodged this monthly continues
to justify the high expect/Along and
the good oPinione expressed by Tog
STAR alpee ita Brat putiliCation, s
TUN II. O. Bea VIBIZ-The annual
excursion. of the Mitten Old Broel
Aseeelation of Toronto will take
place on Saturday. July Ith. The
exeuralon traine this year run to
Goderich and Lucknow. They leave
Torouto at 7 a. m. aud 7.16 a. m. re-
speetIvely. and are expected to arrive
at their destInation about noon. The
fare is $1.85 for the round trip.
Tlekets are good to return on any
regulac train Saturday er Monday, or
on the specials that leave Goderieh
and LucknoW at 0 p, m. Monday,
July Otte
A CLOSE CALL. -On Saturday last
between 0 and 6 :Moak, three Young.
store named Doutney, Book and An-
tietam, capsized from a boat in the
river, some distance batons the eaw
mill, and were having a difficult Mule
hanging on, as neither of them could
swine when Eddie Watson gave the
alarm to John Phillips, who wa3 in
his boat house. Jack and, young
Watson hurried to the resell° in the
former's boat and reached the young•
stars just in time, as one of them cling-
ing to the breakwater °was nearly
exhausted,- while the other two were
helpless with the upturned boat. They
are none the worse from their inishae,
but their lack of experience with the
wateruearly led to a very sad tragedy.
meeting of the Goderich Branch of
the Women's Institute wee held. at
the home of Mrs. Lewitt. when a
pleasant afternoon wee spent. There
was a good attendance, showing that
the voembers are interested he this
work. After the business of the In-
stitute had been transacted- the deo
tion for President took place, when
Mrs. Lewitt was unanimously elected
to that position. The program was
short, bet interesting. We find that
on the °Idea questions and- subjects
many new ideas and plans are sug-
gested; which proved of help to some
present. The members of this branch
have accepted an Invitation from the
Farmers' Institute to join them in a.
pic-nic at Point. Farm on June 22nd.
Members Wishing. to go in band
wagons will meet at the residences of
Mrs. A. D. McLean, Elgin Ave., or
Mrs. M. Swaiiimee, Bruce fit., at 1
itTIENDERS WANTED. -Tenders will he re -
1. caved by the undersigned un to the Seth
lost. for painting the brick work et the Cent-
ral School (two coats, and Rooting rooms Nos.
1, 2 and of the same school with maple. The
lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted.
W.ci3ALL, Seeretary ; J. R. CRAIGIE, Chair -
Man e n. Com.
'‘etRAICHE OR013.-Ice Merchants. Ice sold
lots. 'et e make a spade! of season orders.
As) ansi delifored promtly In small or large
Leave yeur ordere at ce, first door west of
Squiresweetsteset. or it task -mince, William
street. tlioderloh. Tolgoone 24.
1%;TOTION le hereby given, that the Cmusitli
, of the .Town of Cinderich, will et us
first, regular Meeting after Vim expiration of
oone month. iron:Lite date and posting up of
, this, N, otice. proceed, to pase a_BylaW for the
eteptring up and selling dr Herber Lane in
'the Tows bf Goderich. described as follow.:
COMMENCING at the iriterseetion of the
Northerly limit of Ilarbor Street with the
Westerly limit or Harbor Lane, thence North
110 degreee East along said Westerly ihnit of
Rarbor Lane 20 feet 5 inchee, thence North 12
degreee 30 minutes Ewe. still following the
'Westerly Minot. Harbor Lane 250 feet 07 in-
ches to tho Southerly limit of Harbour Quay,
then Easteriy along the Southerly limb of liar
bor (brayed feet more or lees to the EalderlY
limit of Barborlano, thence South 12 degrees 33
minutes West along the said Easterly
289feet mere or less to the Northerly Ike% of
Barber 13treet, thence Westerly along said
Northerly Ittnit of Herber Street, a feet more
or leas, to the place of beginning.
.er u4stimv:00alms4 gt
Atut Mu. Also proceed to pass a Bylaw
for establishing and opening np a Public
Highway or lane by the extemion Northerly
of Water Lane through parts ot lots PM and
Ma 'Harbor flits, bollix more particularly de-
scribed as followa
COMMENCING at tho North -Ease corner of iot
1027.1Iarbor fiats, thence North 21 401'009 40
mintitegiFestan feet mentor lone,to the Sonde
Feet corner of solmeseCoai shed, thence North
12 aogroOsatitalautos. BMA alOng the Easterly
lioltnett Coal shod. 82 feet mots) or less.
ter SttetherlY linlirof Harbor guar thence
EfulterlY along Southerly limit of Harbor
QUel-41 feet 0 inches, thence Bottth 12 degrees
so minutes West eci toot, thence south 2i de-
grees 40 Minutes Weit 111 feet, _mere dr less, to
the North-Weetcomer of Lot uoa, thence North
OD degrees west along tho present Northerly
limit Of Water lane 40 feet mote ot lrelk tO 5150
Place of beginning.
m. 0. JeerNOTOST.
TOWn Clerk -
DOM) this Oth &LI of Juno. 1010.
rola torcorrt Wee rod. Auctioneer
eatiRemiltran nheet 0 bricii,JKOLLitnt --H11
„FarM, firgketetk, and other sales will rearm .Y mired. A
'elittedireaPerbittliSIM14-1.willisnyArtwe.sen. ..horaeleff_thil trayellor_and farmer. Best 11140
tire Idea Of WM* ld Fernittffel, ited Hill pey darbotet tole/ rowed ankancrs. --R. J. MO 14-
000440,0km, • ite knOWW14140irdit_herve. RISKY. proprietor.
to sell Itianylitte.ortitill and loON WInst I Can
riell yogi ‘...0.E0110B tuanctret, CiirlOsity
R. JEFFREY, Manager.
.. 41.,
*riot Tova Topics:,
The, 4ouo$0040134 Or eta INIllifia f
tlitWeit thole delivery Wagon, jury. The grand ideree lite60.,101411:3.
como to tiedettellanly thul,
ItAltionalkoloPO pagea4, 0 awl& thoft MI tArilltrdofx14Ttlaitt %At*
Leo night the Dominion Day Ilse- eweemren 114 99 trjc)11°V utel i'`. rthotnixt0
Stet& et. 00,. the Meets, have re. og which- were put down, for, trial Dy
Ulialt Ogling OIL Atil0 1401 IA Oleg* avlett % dOekeii et 40 civil oat000t alaPO
coottwouoen$owrettro tbrittwohootolittgouTimick."14'ILI tc,tbfalltoolotiltleAttlitbkima 1.,t. tIltwatt,u4ottereelp,e4t,,,,,,
ite true. till Wednesday noOn* in cue oul-
1,4,1146632 Eot gtilogulryn 04 e04 )te, 4 04 40 le.reui 36 t' tb el tint) gr on thhoeng. OCCUV that $hQU1,4 gC/R0
ItIfOrtlla TIDO SrAn that the force wi ...... .
ist- about full strength, WO men and __ Wileie tug' Steed JerY..tetteel. the„
1.3rOWIl Attorney root arta as __
apfaruored, 41 oursigovenortitya to: tTnor:rboighz.,, 11100tlf00111 tlittn9,11litlyco...t+ 41..xtke.,eatlio4.01,0wraotal taL ern:
oroot, to the romovoi \ of the „roue Wined 11 easele a sfdsv tiotlAs ing0
and ° created considerable Interest*
!ewe the Goderigh Square at. 0.45
:Lt. Wed Mra 'WM, Midland will
°El 8lltkirdllY* OW" 231' . Members factory, 'It created some tots a be
please teke notitie. Band wagons factory charging the owner Of the
the neighborhood of Exeter and ata
no magistrate in that pert. Of the
follow the sante good eztainple ell it was a case of a, patron of AL batter
The Leoburn Literal Society in. faotory with not affereing her t.he
tend. hitefiUg their pion o at BeYfield prOper Ulm' for the eteaill LUPPlitt tug
county wa,s willing Whew -the charge*
The sunset after the storm on lial- P. M. Humbee. accompanied hy the
day wits one of the. prettiest seen in (hewn Attorney, proceeded to Exeter
Ootlerich, as the sun% reflection from and tried the case, and after a very
lake Huron's waters lighted up our long session dieneissed the Omega. In
residences with a brIllitincy that can- was to settle the question of the, right
noebe described. of the plaintiff to receive the proper
has been known for decades as Joe- tester, that the case was resurrected.
value for her cream aa shown by the
His Howie, however. did net grant
The Ord. plate glass front put in any
building in lOoderich was put in what
dates drug store. It Wee taken out oa the necessary authority, so the appll.
Tuesday, as the stem is being turne cation falls through at present.
into an office for the Sovereign Bank. A jury was then sworn to try The
Ki 1 i nwga 90 hdaurKl cos uf rotritneg or af rttiaho daabtoeult07136 Robert Boll Engine Co., et al. vs. An.
ziliveranolinassottvyn action to recover en a
note. the note being part
M. Nicholson is tho possesaor of a
feet deep in one of the foundations for Price of a traOtioll entail.
the bridge to be built over the 0, T. The following formed the Grand
R. track at Maedermott's stops. Jury, John S. Platt, of toms, being
Mayor Tilt bought the Wallace Pro. chosen foreman by the_penelt Jno S.
fPoerrtY011 ,40"11 OW,
bargaiu. The bidding was not keen. Mosier.
websitrelbtriseeroanankeixorteaHaarpgeor9eld Platt, foreman; Hugh Mil, Ashfield:
Hent7 Diluent, Turnberry; Jno. G.
although several °there would have Hovvick; W. S. McKee, Hoveick ; Jas.
Blyth; Alex, McLaughlin.
Colborne House, have dissolved pad -
a the Mustard. Waukee; Prank Powell, 004.
lIng,Bertforth; Jae. Van Egmondea oil.
liked to have been the purchaser.
erich; Joseph Reiger. Hay; 0. SAa
Messrs. Bell & Johneton, le
uership, Mr. Johnston now being the lett; George Wray, Huilett; W. ite
proprietor. The hotel will bo kept up Clark, V.S., Goderich.
Btoaan himgha;tagnodarwdraotf. enbitoiltenielyn2" l'iti The following was. their
definitely decided. The Grand Jurors bog to pregent that they
suit of eye.strain. Proper MORI; 111r5ii.idin, as icrler. and Mrs. Origin, ai mat,
glasses will give permanent relief, it teen, being exec ent anneals. WO faun tha
CT v° in131:41 Ike gaertittrItEtitillf illit) MC::
85 per cent of headaches are the ro-
om' are troubled that wig, consult nalt,i,,,;,?,,,zyn.P,Z'vrt°,micittuRitiratibltatger-,
Taube & Son at Goode% Drug Store per an thoritles erect a suitable eaddltion to tho
on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thurs. i‘tva.o.1..Lin the south yard. for storage of coal and
day, June 26th, 97th and 28th.
At the last regular meeting of Court to.erlir ear, onnovierPtri"hrentitemanl threell° galorl-cr-
Hoderich No. 82, 0. a F„ teed on saner: °au males,
TRtal enVeary. Borfo.lairsitiouweseku, atChtig We congratulate. your Honor on the ab-
sence of severe orbit in this largo county, and
close of the meeting invited all the twoocirotrikto thank your Honor for your very
WW1 44 1110 ELL the opening or tbe ewe-
metnbers over to Pringle's restaurant, done, all of which is most respeetfune Pre -
where ell were treated to ice cream, rented.
Monday a man named Beattie, who
had been sent up from Exeter on a
charge of stealing a buggy, was tried
by His Honor Judge Doyle, and after
a long trial was declared not guilty.
Beattie, it appears, tattled a buggy
and haxness for a broncho mare, anti
handed over the buggy, but the bron-
THE Powitn 00. BYLAW. - The cho being uncatchable, was left in the
Town Council held a special session field. After a time Beattie went to
on. Monday_ evening.' &eat Neale on plaintiff's premises and took the bug -
Wednesday morning to consider the gy, iincl" was 'tlefi ehargede with- ite
first reading of the Maitland River theft. The case was tried by two trua
Power Company bylaw, all the :nem- gistrates, who thought the case not
bers being present ekcept Councillor one of theft. Mr. Humber woe then
Young, who eves ebsent on Wednes- called to Exeter to try the charge, and
day. An afeeineznee. to -the motion sent it up to a higher court, hence its
to pass -the bylaw was nand° by tsppearance in court on Monday. In
Councillors Elliott and Clark, to defer rendering -judgment His goner said it
action until October,. in order that was a pity the case had not been al-
more- information- might be secured owed to drop after the_declelon of tho
from the Government commissioners. magistrates, as it was a proper one to
After considerable discussion, in be taken to a DivislowCourt, and that
which every member and the Mayor as the horse had neyer been delivered,
took part, Mr. Elliott -withdrew the Beattie might have considered he had
amendment, and the bylaw passed its a right to take the buggy, -On &a-
ttest reading, the company to pay all urday, Theodore Heidemen, of Zurich,
expenses in connection with' the was brought before Ills Honor Judge
publication and election in ease of Doyle for sentence, he having confess.
defeat, if successful the town to pay ed to a theft of $48 from a atom in that
the expense. The same polling places village. At the opening of court a
and deputy reterning officers as at largely signed petition, to which near -
the last municipal election were ap- ly every businees men had attached
pointed. The elertion will be held on his signature, was read. ille Honor,
Saturday, July 711]. after cotnnienting upon the seriousness
of the offence, took the plea of the pe-
titioners into consideration and allow-
ed Heideman to go on euspended sen-
tence. -On Wednesday, Daniel Kamm:.
appeared before Judge Doyle on a
charge of perjury, and elected to be
tried by His Honor, and the trial was
set down for next Tuesday. The charge
arose ovet• a trial for theft, it being
claimed that a part of the pyidence
given hy Kaitke woe not true.
evening about 7 Mr. J.S.Neebitt,
owner of the steam coal hoist at the
dock, fell from the top of the machine
and was so seriously injured that he
died early Tuesday morning. No one
saw the accident,. but it was known
that a holt in the upper part of the
unioader was loose, and that deceased
intended to vemedy. the defect after
tea. Deceased was seen going to the
dockoind that wen the last Been of him
until Master Freddie Tilt 90.4V him ly-
ing on the dock and called the atten-
tion of some men to the fact. It Wan
seen that Mr. Nesbitt was seriouely in-
jured, and Drs. Whitely and ()allow
weie soon In attendance, and found
him unconecious. Hie nose,cheek and
jaw bones on the right side of the face
were fractured, and hia right 'eye fie-
verely injured. The wounds dressed,
he was carefully removed to his hotel,
the Huron, where he died about 2 a.m.
Titeeday. It it is believed he tell from
the top and in falling hie fium struck
the machinery, as there were marks
of blood on it. From shortly after the
time of the accident until death, de-
ceaeed wan conscloim, and asked that
a bolt. he placed in the hoint eo that all
would he well for the work next morn-
ing. He bled freely inwardly, and
this with the nevere concunnion doubt-
less hastened the end. Dr, W. J. R.
Holmes, as coroner, exemnined the
body. the dottors, and those first nn
tbe ncene of the accident, and decided
that an inqueet wan not neceeertry.
News of the accident wan at once tient
to Mot. Neobitt, at Sarnia. and Aro de-
cided on Tucaday morning to haye her
Lnethand'a remain') forwarded to the
home via Sarnia to St. Clair, and the
rentable were taken to that town by
3 p.m. train the Flame day. The de-
ceased Wan an old Mason, end quite a
number of members of that fraternity
encorted hie remain(' to the depct. The
late Mr. Nesbitt wan a aplendid speei-
men of manhood. and well known to
many porkpie. At one time he wan the
DOMMION DAY CELEBRATION. - In owner of eight or ten Dail and steam
accordance with the call of His Wor- craft, and freighted a great deal of
ship tho Me,yor“tenunalutt_of_cltizima coal for the G. T. R. to Point Edward.
met in the town hall on Wednesday At one time Tie wee engaged In the
evening. Councillor Col. Young was salt bitninese Courtwright, and had
voted to the chair. and the town clerk as a partner Jameo Carter, a one time
acted as secretary. It wan unanim. Goderich man.where both made a great
°Indy decided to celebrate Donanion deal of money. He wao twice married,
DV. and a good, otreng executive was leaving a widow and, we understand,
s_appoitited follows: W. T. Murney, two daughters; The death le a most
.0. A.. Nairn, 0. LI. Elliott, R. E. Hod- sad one, and everyone who knew the
gents, county clerk Lane, town clerk deceased eltend oympatby to the be -
Johnston, councillorn Clark and Elli• reeved once.
ott, and Mayor Tilt. Mesera. W. T.
Murney, J. B. Hawking, N. J. Morrieey
and F. J. Pridham were appointed a
canvassintz committee for (undo. and
they enteral en their claim yesterday
morning with marked euccese.
It is underetood tbe Connell will
naske the retual grant of 0025, and
the conernittee expect to increase
this amount to about IWO. The
executive were to naeot last even-
ing and appoint snit committees
tea Peat the work, The time la short.
hub:hy effective combination and work
Doritinion Day est and should lie
ramie it sums% 1.4et, everybody put
their ehoulders th the wheel amI help
the work. as the intentlim is to make
the day mad timer, rather parti-
Mara Will be glVen Ott Week.
Oats were more in demand the past few days
and rose a point, but all other grains were un-
changed in price, deliveries being light, and
with tbe exception of butter, for which there
was a little better demand, all other, products of
the farm end dairy were unchanged.
Strawberries, home'grown, were sold hi town
on Wednesday, for ifle per basket, and yester-
day thev sold at the same price, though a few
were sofd at 16c.
Current wholesale prices corrected
up to noon of Thursday.)
Fall wheat, standard , .10 77 to 77
Spring wheat, standard
Flour, per cwt., patent 2 50 to 2 50
Flour, per cwt., family 2 25 to 2 25
Bran, per ten 19 00 to 10 00
Shorts, per ton GO 00 tki 20
Oato 0 Se to 0 i
Screenings, por ton .18 en to 18
Barley 0 40 tO 0 43
Peas ....... ..... .. .............. 0 85 to 0 05
Y 0 48 to 0 4$
Buokwhoo.t, per bushel 0 98 to 0 48
Ilay 8 00 to $ 25
Butter. per lb' 0 16 to 0 le
Egger, (fresh) per dozen 0 13 to 0 14
Wood, per cord 5 00 to 0 00
Cattle, ex ort 4 50 to 4 75
Cattle, or 'nary and butchers' 3 60 to (1 75
Lambs, Spring 4 00 5 00
Shoop, fat (cwt.) 3 60 4 00
Hogs, live weight 7 25 to 7 25
Hogs, dressed 8 75 to 0 00
Rams, per lb 0 10 to 0 10
Bacem, long plear.... . .. 0 14 to 0 14
Tildes 7 00 to 7 25
Shoop eking 0 70 to 0 90
Tallow, rendered 0 01 to 0 01
Chickens -barnyard chicks, per lb 0 10 tO 0 11
" -orate fed 0 11 to Q 12
Beer, fore quarters 4 50 to 5 50
Boor, hind euartere ti 00 to 7 00
Potatoes 0 50 to 0 65
TEO BOD/01I014 STAft IA not "ptulded*.
ictuDoi,Dtt kAct$014A141), D. M. STEWART,
,I.Vreotient. General Manager.
aenera)-13atilang Business Transacted
0 It; tin,t 041titit..ttetr.teartt lottrot sea Yet ho ao much at
ftier realt** ho "tint pecket tit MOO Other Insecure pieta. YOU
ellet tha ittilaripat aro cloy *Int toterilt for the stilt/it time it
641 .41"posit. ItrOtt,t0AT COMP#0114DIVI) four that a vat,
lt,on notti kit attottet,
FRIDAY's RAIN, STOR31. - T h e
storm of last Friday was one of the
most severe experienced in this
section for some years. The atmos-
phere bad been extremely cloee for
several days and nights, and the
majority of town and country citizens
were beseeching for rain and if
change. The rain came and a much
cooler temperature as well. The
heavens seemed to almost open for
nearly two hours, and the downpour
was such as to create floods in VatiOUS
parte of the town. Hamilton street
held water above the granolithic walk.
and the choking of catch lumina
caused many overflows. The electric
display did not cause any serious
damage in town, but at many prritas
in Western Ontario there was con-
siderable loss to life and property.
Goderich township suffered consider-
able loss by the washout or the re-
moval of several culverte and small
bridges. Colborne altio suffered. but
not as greatly as its neighbor. Tele-
graph and telephone wires Buffered in
many sections, lint on the whole, the
welcome rain will probably do much
more good than harm.
Notices under thin boadioa to non -advertis-
ers will bo oharged 10 cents a running lino in
nonpariel typo. 12 throe to the inch ; to YeerlY
contract advertinere whose eutvertbring ap-
poem in the name moo. cents a lino ; tO
those who motto a yearly contract under thin
heading, and do not otherwise advertlee, 8
cont.; a line.
Local Notices.
Goisto To Stespoirria?-"Say, where
are you going ou the 12th of Julyr "1 ran going
to Serfforth with the ceowd, where they aro
offering good prime and many attraction:1."
Dille giving particular% and low railway race
will be out in a few days
..._ Mr. ,D, Alexendeta• of _Bruce et reet, The . Foresters ,at Church.
met with an accident While ai bin
work at' the Organ Factory one day On Sunday morning the local lodge
of one of his thigh hones. Ite was tended their lodge mem, and trona
last week and sustained a bad break and visiting brethren of the (3.0.F. at -
reported somewhat hestter yeeterday, thence marched to the Victoria. street
Methodist churchto attend the annual
but the break is a serions one at his
On Monday P. M. number reheard dLivine service. There severe 150 1130111 -
the case of David Gauley,who was ee- uers In the lino cd numb, the hugest
nuznber ever attetiding a church ser- '
lunacy, and itt the conclusion of the .,
fbrc him 1"t wPek on 0 °InLI'gn nf vice from ono of our local lodgee.
evidence declared the defendant of Mere were visiting brethren front
sound wind. The evidence ehowed Bentniller, Port Albert and Clinton,
that (Wiley had improved very much l'h° 11°4 "H" c"trilltitinll ft)rtY to
the past week, anti he left the court the parade. After service, at the re -
with the intention of proceeding to ittist of Alex. Kirkbride, the mem-
Hatnliton to work with hie brother. ere tuaeched home by wager Kingston
The a.m. or the plitiliolera made street to allow our old invalid citizen
last week, to sood THE smii Inc six an opportunity of seeing the Foresters
months free to twet y Juno bride who march. On returnipg to the lodge
applieki for it, has been taken adean- room, commendatory addresses were
tette of by five young latlieo, and made referring to the pastor's egoellent
three of the happy evente will be an- sermon and the sweet musical pro-
nounced before the month closes. gramme, and Jas. Tait moved, second-
ed by 0. Washington. that a hearty'
They all say they'll not be able to keep
house without Tule STAR. Join the vote of thanks be sent to Rey. W. H.
proctiesion, girls, Graham for his able and appropriate
sermon, the organist and choir for the
, sweet musical' service, and the trustees
MORE JUNE WEDDINGS. for the IMO of the church. The march
Hobo K INN - M CC A LI,. -- Man y form- to and from church wtui witnessed by
er Goderich friends *Ill read with crowds of people, and the large turn -
pleasure the announcement of the out of members and lookers on shows
., „ that Canadian Forentry is one of our
wedding of Mlas Kathryn W. Mcf""'. most popular friendly societies. The
14 former well known and much es-
teemed organist of North street parade wee in charge of James Stew-
Methodiet church, which occurred on :rt_, fk most efficient officer to control
parade. The pastor, Rev. W. H.
Wednesday, June 0, to Mr. Charles 0. Graham, took for his tett, "The
Hodgkins, at the church of St. James Friendship of Jesus," John XI, 11.
the Apostle in Montreal. The bride oln spite of all the selfishness which
was pernonally very popular here, and chitin like emit winda the world, the
her removal to advance her inueical whole human family is bathed with
studlea in Germany was much regret- an °lenient of love like a fine ether."
ted by all. Jenun ban establiehed His claim to
Aneue.i) -WEI:wren.- Thefollowinri br man's chief and ideal friend, by re..
from the Belleville correspondent ti
the Mail and Empire of the Oth inet„ eroding filmeelf as the "Light of tho
World," the "Shepherd of the Sheep."
will he read with Interest by many (4 '"Eite I mpereonated Love of God,"
since, was 041 the Bank of Montreal The Truth which makes men free,"
our readers, as the groom, some years ..
iind "The Resurrection and the Life.1
staff In this town, and had hoste of yet the people of Hirt day hated Him,
friends: "A pretty wedding °roams' even though He were ready to die for
at noon today in this city. The bride teem.
w ara M ise 0 rare Webs te r, olden t &tug h •
ter of Mr. Wni. Webster, collector of Man has rained great benefit from
cuatorns here, and the bridegroom Mr. the friendship of his fellows and it is
A _ruddy drop of manlY !
Merareal, SralltiOn. The) in blest -fields I be surging ace outweighs:
were Mien May Arnold, of Boston, and TI,„ wool „„„0„.tain comes and weee
Margaret Webuter, aster of the bride. The lover rooted stars.
Mr. John Sargent, of tide city. waa History affords many ehiningexamples
the groomsman. Rev. R. S. Laidlaw, of the devotion of the human heart in
r 4' tit. Andrew'n ebureh °illicit/W. The the role of friend. David and Jona-
eouple left for the West thM after- than, Damon and Pythias, Petrarch
noon." and Laura, Dante and Eteatrice, and
Wile W - b'A I Mr I FI II. - T o r onto Tenn pion and Hallam, in their own
etibIgh, tratritaivrtrifiagthenolfihamipiln); „Way impreen upon our minds and
(a)nliyib,ePaz:ktillantleth, hearth the value and abiding ehaxacter
Evelyn Orace Daginar Fairfield,daugh- of true friendehip. Much also has been
ter of Mr. 0. J. M. Fairfield, Cowan written upon this theme, but however
aVetille, to M r. Chalice Alexander eloquent, still the most eloquent and
(law, wan aolemnized on Sawn thrilling proof of enduring friendship
morning, the fts.v. Bernard Bryan re
tor, and Rev. C. M. Barrie, Ma.rmora,
(-main of the bride, offiriating. ellen
E. le bicott nang n. solo an the bride
entered with her father, wearing a
drone of (-ream silk with trimming of
Valenelennen lace. She wore a pict u re
hat and carried a clunter of mem
The brldenmaid, M/00 Florence Cald-
well, wore cream eolor with garniture
of point lace, large white hat sind car-
ried- pink moron. The best man Wa9
Mr, W. MeNab, the ushers Mr. Bruiser
and Mr, A. Oraham After a reeep-
don at the home of t he bride, Mr. and
Mtn. Metlaw left for Montreal, en
route for a journey abroad, I he going
away dress being of einistnut brown
cloth tinselled with blue, with ninall
1 mean het with blue vvingn. "
Masonic District No. 4, South Huron,
R. W. Bro. L. H. Dickson, of Exe-
ter, officinily visited Morning Star
Lodge, A. F. At A. M., 'at Carlow, on
wednesday evening. There Wes a
large attendatice, tile following heing
among those who drove out from
town to take peat in the prneeedinge :
R. W.Bro. Beck.W. Bros. Dr. Oallow,
W. D. Tye and Tigert, and Bros. 0. L.
Parsons, J. IL Hawkins, T. Nairn,
Thos. Kneesho.vv, 0. C. Lee, F. Martin,
R. Williams, J. Tancott, E. Downing,
C. A. Reed and A. Goldtborpe. Bro.
Jas. Oliver, of Aohfleld, was ale° pres-
ent, as was MS father, who hae reach-
ed the patriarchs! age of 87. The old
gentleman doee not belong to Mait-
land, hut his son and grandson are
members. It is not often three gene-
rations are membere of the craft, but
the trio of Olivero form n. very inter-
esting link In the history of the fra-
ternity. V. W. Bro. A. Robertson,
who presided, illustrated the let de-
gree, and at the conciunion of the
work the brethren sat down to a
sumptuone repent, which was served
In Morning Star% well known style.
Among other visitors] preeent were
Bro. Dr. R. E. Cooper, of Senforth.
Remember the date of Tanha &
Son's viag Goderich, and if your oyes bother
you in any( way, make It a point to cement
them at Oooen Drug Store err Teeter, wed.
oestley and ThiresSak, filed 2iltii,27t and %Lb
Will those still indebted to me ;please
settle woe me or at tho Maple Leaf Grocery
before July 12th. After that date tesounte
win he banded to a colialtAw tor collection.
G. M. Ettrorr.
Bargalna, rattling big _bargains, at
tho Goderich BarBillo Store. no great ebelp
raio goon on. Another Waal Bargain Day
on Saterday, Wth .1 ono.
Lose of eyeaight ia worse than loss
of fortune. No matter how small your eye
trouble may be. have it corrected. bee Taube
St Soo est Goodrea Drug Store on Tnerday,
Wednetday and Thursday, Jane estb. elth end
Meeting Calendar.
Ticznikar meeting et Town eouneil ties (Fri.
davi evening.
evening, tor mal business and arranging
Special meet of 1. 0, L 183 this (aridity
for special cer n Sunday. anlY let.
The rendannont meeting, of the Comity 140.
L. of North Enron will beheld, in the Oholge
Ball, Wingham, on Tucedity. ;atm 19, at twe
o'clock p. m. sharp.
still true that •
Henry M. Arnold, of the Bank of • b
When Tan)* k Son attend to your
eyes you get the benefit of °vet 45
years' experience. Cell and commit
them at Ooode's Drug Ewe OA Tne"iP
day, Wednesday and 'Thuraday, June
Sikir, 27th awl 2Stlt, •
McGsw FAITIMEL.P.- At the ( %arch of th0
Epiphany. Portaale, on Seturrlay. June 0, by
the Bev, c. M Merritt, tsousin of tho bride. roe
tor of Marmora. asaishr4 tw tho Nov Bernard
Bryan, Evelyn Oraeo, daughterof Mr. ( . J
?MOM, to t'harles A Melees PM of Mr. 45.
A. MeGaw. Goderich.
tiencrneost. At KlogsbrIdge, on Etzasi.5
Juno Oth, 19011. Murdoch Murchison.
Menne. -In bechnors, on Friday. ,Inno Crib,
1000. eatsob !Adz/mewl 91 years. Interment
took place at (111n,
MeRAY. Tonlifro. on Thowilay, Jen° 14
John U., son et the ears C- MeROY. et 00410 -
ch. TM lemma Weinale pines from tho
OIL citation en entre et the 1.20 hale on Fri.
Y. Jane 15, tb Maid col cometerY.
Itemettibet ilnly Ind at Goderichz
ei' ..1,
to tile example of Jeans. This a .
'friendship woo intense. He did on/
this necaelon undertake along jottrne
by foot. and face certain and avow
(menden tO give proof of Bin friend ip ,
for leagartis itnil his sinter% Ohloh
would have been a comfort to the sor-
rowing, but when Ile raised their bro-
ther from the grave their joy must
hitve been complete.
Thi 4 friendship for Merl means
liberty for the race in every ascend-
ing ntep of the upward toiling of the ..•
great family to better conditiottt,'
When Ha mime more than 0130 half ,
°ePhIalliftnttil,liktilt)rnoa(w)Inthawt"grbtatuuttt i," '':''''''''''''
''tehtel:vrPliidee ita head from the eee e
thio Pi tend of Man. Np longer at.
soldiers ngbting Ira a foreign, cove
as. with no knowledge of thermian 61,
campaign, hut we are "f ends." '1'
reeeive (1111 infortnatiOn of the Wt.. ,
porpone of life. Through Mendel' '
with Jentln We become cm:melees of t, •
righ, raved m 7earg. Thc, retinal no, invaluable truth of inunortedity Witic,' ._,.....,
mei a received through a tango of it bier -
were brought to the old county
.. patted by =sedation with lEtite. lee
token to the renicienee of hio oon-in tiler than through an argument for
law, Aleuander Davidson, corner of
the truth of it. The most vailled '
irioribbo. frrtousmanwti lei elai'lart:rtii,:eo orturtelemtuni ( 4 toodoek.
the arguments) tulduced for their goo.,
truths, ef thin life come to U9 Mit br
place to Colhorne remote on Monday
ainorital.hut hy the rovelattell of them
through potential contact withellanize
beet Feiond. Friontlehlp withejeslis
gives life% labor permanence aliti Vats
ine, tor Ho Earth!, "I eheso pou ridt1 lit.
dalnod srou that vo should go arta briar'
feuit and that 'eonr fruit eit6up l'a•
UU4111" Tho exaltation 'Of eentir I 0 Ale
pewit) upon eloi-.Tafe8'..-f -0 tellowelkIP
with Jeouo and It 400104401 1010,ter
tultlee.% .-,......,-410,--------,,,u ,
tt ‘ -Nlift. the il4ttlile st
Inly ' tk_.,,,
a eleeN - , eesee,
Monne:ate-There died at Boineevain.
Man., Thursday, June '71 I), Thos. Mor.
aftorncon In presence o many relies
Gime, old frtemin and acquaintance°.
The church aerviee wan conducted by
Rov. O. N. Hazen, B.A., nantor off the
North ntreet Meth/dint church, and
the pall hearers wore Ategoro. J. 0.
Martin, J. Meilen, Robert Young.
Woe noddle, Alert. Sterling and Jim.
Stephene. In the 'We, "70'n and %We
the derkaoPd WWI a prominent resident
of Celborne, but at the end of the
te 4erado ho moved to the Nottlinrcets
iers ho paTted to the genet beyond