The Goderich Star, 1906-05-18, Page 8keels ,ot the nettvo gagster, a , gaim-
lirig the LtoWen Sectien, Whore Piety
ivytrsuttastant, te. etoperipiatetie ee4 n of 'NM
1 lie bad oceesion le relate flint the
I' Chilleae antler 4 geeteln uMmint 01
horooge to •lbe attendellts of their tete-.
' Ines, and OA hie passage IhrOligh the
e tteet wae not ept 10 ne 'otalrileted bY
evlIdisnnstd Peratina, ter ne- ,It linewn
berrytted eaperieneed3s mita 'Agana
ne ciaved roe one rtigliVo entertain.*
merit, •eard it giVen his way weetn .1411.1
kept the petite, betieefertla
'Ho mlase4 Me linktoss, with the vont
sentient glees' and mieiteMent ettendinie
his tattler . litumplial pazage Moog.
these senle facets; and It Was not UM
nage st Certain feet began, la lo0111 O
before ,•111M with - biementlints fore%
thrro yea it, ,stiong Polsittlitly that he
might get teat In hip laoytinilt Of ow
Inas' , which the ' fistnrintila naves
vatted etrOts, „,..t-- • , ,
And the odera I Ilut .Larry had hy Pes
aftest bepoine itcentoMed te their ineVI-
table Pre$ctleaction, ..heing. emoething
Of a .phileatpner, endured, wbat he
eduld not possibly van. •
It Might. be enterteining reeding th
tell how Larry Stumbled along once. he
Mat his bearings, utteely unable to ase
111$ WO' beerntee et the peculiar condi-
lions eurrointding him, and ivondering
if he were 'a child of misfertne,
&reined to Walk on forever, like the
faVolantidd.ering le/at-but nate and space
.. ,..11ealdea, other events of 4 more tras
sirenturdeeply intereaumr -nature-await
3itelr turn, and the,se miner mutters,
upon which no particular action ?dirges,
Van ba readily left to the imagination.
tarry: looked Upon his predleametat as
anytalOg Ind trifling, and was seriousla
'Conrad lest he should bring up again
in the street where stood the pagoda in
Wittelt die had struggled with the priest;
Ea had-.0eard Of rnen who were lost In
the desert almost Invariably moving
goad In a etrole, and he did not see
Vrby the %unix thing might not apply in
tt city where the miserable streets turned
atd twisted in a -most confusing man-
,lt•Svaa in this sore strait that hts good
epee Mal stubborn British . natere
oseypertw.ohtirstanga ftaovothre, flogrghhte, iresn oorlvdecler
reStst this tendency to hear toward the
left, end keep puohing on -that last
M„ ORM Victory its nine cedes out of a
O 0Z00, and with Larry the result was
leyful enough, for he detected a change
in the appearance et things, and sounds
tante te„bis ears, soulids that must have
tbeir -origin in the quarter where pago-
dits„ and kiosks were not known, and
Where, instead, the ringing of church
belts aureMorted' the few faithful to
seseship on a Sabbath morn.
," It was an intense relief to find himself
tiaain beyond the apell of ancient witch -
trait and mummery -that held sway
within the region of Canton proper, and
an signs around Min that told of civil-,
laittion,- enlightenment, p,rogress and
Christianity. After erossing the *bridge,
away went the sable -hued garment into
the canal, and Larry blossomed out as
himself, iu all the panoply 41 loud -
'Checkered garments, tourist tepee and
*Ovine little side whiskers; while strap.
tried to his back was a bundle which
Contained tab amount of his present
Warldly posartsions.
_ It was easy travelling now, for his
tOreltie coald aid him if necessary. -
salt° hotel Was his objective point, the
hotel and Avis, about whom he felt par-
tjetiasites' into his head. What if- this
larly anxious, since a new fear had
aerdly Russian, acting in conjunction
With the poweeful emissaries of the
Dowager Empress, and suspecting that
the vainalite. papers might have ah•eady
'teased ',into the keeping of Dr.:Jack's
tv.ife-as indeed they positively had,
though transferred by her to the secur-
ity of the British consulate's safe --
What lf, under these conditions, the
letterCinel conspired.* rob Avis; or
to abaUct her, after the winning fashion
at Chinese chicenery and trickery, and
'She without the aid of a stranger arm te
441ftenmdadllePrLal try groan to remember that
the arm which had so often and so loy-
al caMe between this charming woman
an 'trouble could never again be raised
In her behalf. -
Jack was no more -
Alas I Dr.
treachery had laid him low.
,•`With, such uneasy thoughts taking
possession of bis disturbed' mind, Larry
at length pattered into the hotel, totally
unprepared for the shock that lay s6walt-
Ing him there.
,. (To be continued).
Cab Obtain Nen, Health Tbrough the
• ' Use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills: -
t Antentiti lantana bloodlessness. Dr.
Willisunta Pink -Pills actually make new,
Mei, red btood and thus cure anaemia.
;When the blood is poor the nerves are
Valved and irritable. Then conies its, -
Lela, netwalgia, sleeplessness and
Other nerve disorders. Ileadaches, hack -
'tithes and sideaches wear out and de -
?press tbe poor pale victim. Dr. Wit.
Barns' •Piritt Pills soon being ruddy
Oat* end lively vigor. They soothe the
4tragled nerves and give new strength
,A6, every organ. Miss \tante Allen,
hinntreal, says: "I , was so weak and
SIM dtiWn that my friends thought I
tians.going into consumption. I was
It'Priale as- a etrpse, had no appetite and
014 litit sleep Well. The least eiertion
tired Me OM, arid If I walked a few
blacks I. wOnld be ainlost breathless.
My sister adviaed me to take Dr. Willi -t
anis' Pink Pills, and after using there*
aor a few weeks; I am again enjoying
geed health, end have good color. I
tffink .eVelsy Weak girl should take Dr.
"Willients' Ptak' Pills.
• lie. Williatrie Pink Pills wIll cure
'any ene of bloodiessneas Net Os surely
, +kii+XMOA
, CI4PAR . VII, " . '
— ,
Inn' Larry. ItennedY Wea lot la
WO le RAM* ilel the ,trttertige'
, , Itt4.: . the., Very'bret.,Ifteling that
,, OVer nini, IVO PleitSlire at: 1110
laiteight 4 i*Ing,,kiettned-11:Asteett et
Attar IMpOrtellete )4, Mete high and
Perileoggett• Oneernen in hie
•plet, tO . Me Detwegee Moores%
Ifni . attitseilen, hgvieNge, was- ntitY
.thitting; when* Man'tt lite iii in *Miler
.tingh Abilene are:ipt tra leatt /neigh enheir
, - glateette, , ' Late Wast. Inst att. dear L te the
' 'lane illide,TOM LOnteni,'0,4 le Mg most
':. livertedetind .0404404 iMO 'ea Abe ont-
* elglig tile ,Ntrekt IttereaSed in Vob
.lea' ',.kriesv.,Inil..'neeneteret frein the
' 'et the ittolanaker WO ,le. be
L. Mae ' With zinore'or' leSe fel:fire. -
,Littlebe ettrith c, - • '
,L. Ills. , teniltienee In. *i Wang was so
''*rent • that, tie.:StoOd'r, reedy to 'bat* htin
ttintlitst,00•Oettibinedforce ot *hoe who
tensPfted, ha " Oleg A anent Ine,' downfall.
', - 'InSN''clitiletki reereltant eeerned, to con
Oder: - Allen •."-Ite : toole, .' ere obsereatien,
rant*, Lerey,*Welted'his dechatm. tild
',14,, L _Wing: O.. .11, blin AO walk forth Into,
tue linnet OfIllabOW10,14 he would have
'4600 ,: 4$1) :Witb; 110.11111444 !aSsttratee thet
IIF. sintle'titYeterfelik Venner the magi-
rittla "Watild:,‘Initel.,,thit.Aiyee of ' the nifffi
141.. thitt ,''ibeY -4444. AielleVe hira to be
• , 'Ifni. Of, their. Martina; - •-
• WannItiONifingletnrned he declared
,Ifitirielet . lied 'attsunted greeter Proem',
MIS:Hole- no ',haft:, at tirst',' enspected,
Ind tiltr. chatigee • Werettle talotahl. have in
SNOW •It..,•• it 'of ,inia 'build**. lit be.
wished 'to' 004 ' it in)in intel' delnolgthn.' '
- Ale ' Shoveed . lIttte' *omen): regarding., .
tila OW11 Private afteleo, but Ives efiltiottil
with reger446Lthattertety of tins. triena,.
tor Whelp: -10 ...nen :Conceived Sio, great
Ina sincere kn,tettentfoll.
, . "Yon ,4nitSt Attettlill.c,' YedthOut 'flelnY und
fedi IltalirotectietrVor yont own people.
sfy 'house 'bee ,44.1itelleeed yeti lino the
• Wit moo,,Ixttkitt.14114 bee comeokhen
' il Oat no Litinget -tinned' an eSYIUM hi
alY rein** , . • Little .,.tlie .isverld ., ameneets
whet ' 'strange anditiyatecienstlitrigs are
hating plitetts In • <ffilneasonly those
Peente• of tafesNoetlisareSellowsdaa was
* Puled fll Snetrailltg on dealltiteli. . It
ts . ell wreOg. Made win brinif mtuth
. trouble to a 1001111(1ton •people. Now list,
ten to ine,,and I Wilt Wye you direcnonti
how to eseepe."
it Irma simple 'enougb. •
A black robe. it env , amino toochea
hom the resonrcetni hands el Kai
Wangs ands 101 for the lime being
Wry might pats tor ono ot the sombre
priests who- daily performed ita the
terignee where the great lose bold forth:
There was no need of 3erigthy instruc-
none. .
Ali lie tad lit•Ldo •wItS ''-to keep a still
longue,' between i Ids teeth i anti attroot aii
little attention ate possiblo,/
KW •NVetoet gave him a ,few directione
with regard to the intertiot et the rid.
joining Pagoda: and then. hustled hint
-*•11tes-rear•door, Which •Intretorineeted by
Means of' a •passegkivitb• the side 414the
temple. •
,•• Then Larry latinclied, afortb tot' him -
Oils leaving to the Other the task of
'''placating_ the mob.
---- l'atnalas• Trife 77Ittigat. 4 rdIst" balgive,
,. open seettig Lim Korn , . for the first
tiMe, thatlittatraie .capriblis o doIngtouch
thinking or capable ad engineering a
Calltpaign; hat that as just where the
Wale* 'observer virould make a ads -
• Throat then, tile l‘wn resourcee, the
Ilttle man 'wait towable of tieing con -
Werth% Vanning. Antnee all affectation',
-„' what his gets* mill hted to inning° in,
'" aer Ordblery coin tions, was tossed ,
e tor atm orlon a ,business in‘hand,
-Wally and , con ddeolly he passed
Wait the shOrt, vetted way that led
14.400 deer of Met mpg.
•Itet .Wttog hod sUred him there was'
mid realen to be Wis the place Of woe.
ip WOUld .b. MI !muted at that hem'
reve by, the get la figures of the ugly
leds. ' k
Thia .W4s' A tiOnstIttmlation ,devoutly
ki ,, be: Witted, itss -his situation gave
berry Mere or tont meanness. - ,
The silents stillk ontinued, only with
increased triger, p
At lent theta ,Mtia one favorable thing
ae tonld„nope tepo •edspring out ot IMO
' -;..initahiona , 'We
' thence' iht e Hi
• Moe. woolti," of no
%Vet 'whet • all.. th
.interit. . .
Corlotity sets many a man int0
leoubles iffit'.1t 111,.. 3 ‘00easionally servea
an • SOIL
•., Wit "ry pu led his way into the
..„ . tetra 6t.qc house .• le Mond lights burn-
, ,. .., toz.4$ Ming. etetS the, altar beton the
s'tore4t 10-0 ,it.itat •'.."i. represented the mas
. esty tal.'•ereation , ear, tne detiided 'dete-
rs,. . 't .' ..,,
' The ;!:' intOtort .tid t;,1110 tetra() was tea-
iirante with IWO tng .0tieense. .
betty .bad elt) new. obtained tugitive
glietipses .ot thlsitintertor. so that it was
ntit Wholly strOloge te ,Iiinte-tin erdinaty
London'. Man r toutd n live in 4 OUSO
an ,101)10 110X ber to to house of less'
. ' ler' triune Weil 'a, wIthotat itaviog a tuna-
' - • ral &site ' to ,' ow 'temolliing ebout the
petnlitte •MeY. Oda et...n*00111p In "Vegue
there ' . / • •
• i
SOr.. Leery prosited by Ws Opportunt,
-.Ant InaigLitstilitb re •mystety :of mystorles,'
het., ;mid ,Ittedluntl tormion: t* obtain.
, *kWh .lite der ur *,.nromr-urtbts-t1ot.-
'totes •ot,,tturfelua, ..aa so isanal thing,.
. kelt •stg' Yell ateisly front the profane
, ryes 'ot kW I mign. stetter. • . .. .
All segated lavorehte ,to. the terryttig,
out ol'hie :lit 'e miterptige. . •
Most- 'Mao • ereiett'sthe pelvjlego'•Ot
I lalll, ?house. .bUt. Lally wes Well rens
, tent na Witte %IS WOW Often nn ellinty
.mle. . ' '',. . .. •
Uirentattaiteka ,tattr rates, Shiee there
tad been haste Innis pest witert he lied
ert oillY Mot gled tet itraeke the . Ole
Ideate of tgalle iy Oda, Whereas now ha
anneareti ;bete o :a differen1 Class of
denies .:*tatt. 6 Metter ,hoW well be
?:,'.RlitYef Ills; na '.' ' totild eltpeet inaltilnk
.h•Orn two In ltas way sat appitMat..
, Eat* Ile :0101reil •altreta the Ileor Of the
I building,. *there, nundralk knelt eli
ft", tieetira',:.itt elleration before the
hki 'ilitatk la; inialatt hand% lait
which Milt 'no* ',411iptirently giVett Over
tightly to, littrie` .„, •• ', .:
• ,DeStrouti',..15f tontine* 4 ;deer ,, on . Me
• oppredles Ode She+, existence ,elf which
neetion *with the hYdniebeeded
menshonitY., for It audtlenly tegen
leatkvb nfol groan friontfully, while
tongue*, at hie *tented 10 ISSUe flora OS
&venal Muth*
Leery wee prOYeleett, but net at all
tfla, erntnall Olen beitSe Welatd have
been tt nittennord againat OnYthing
st Nada, ,sinat 'thtitt Were not enealeb,
ho bad, examined the et
these wonderltil flguree, 'se tbat, Melt,
ehilities were ,gulta (Millar to bite.
The enlY thing thet neve hint, Cane fer
Oxley virett the peasiblittis Of tbe heav.
intr a ihe great idel bringing fthuut
influx of viketabiperti Prteate, and the
conseqUent danger ot .disovertv
rt -Pearted--th“istressed
ged w en he elrrlott, aart Mks Oh arms
n eglire tied iri 4 oleo"( rObe Mintier
te bta own. 1
The' priest bed othlently been Welty
eneegeo soniewhere in me rear, aloe
aetont.lied et Me tweed, had hurried
round the base, tO dtseolter WI* had Me
eudacity to ette thei'ose,
Perlums that ',WO big 'eeltectel
ond he was indigneet ait anY Interior-
ence With his prerogattve.
Larry had hi guess at this.
True, the digintary of the tersPle Vioe
nopt bachward about lettlng°,1ilm Maria
What he thOlght of such a disgracetel
proceeding, but tbe trotible Was, Larra'a
education had been 001Y neglected, se
that he was not very %Millar with Chi-
nese verbs.
Ile stntply ew Instinctively that he
was being tall d dewn with ttio choicest
Xtl)ale scholar, just as any sena man
tettves to the lengthy repertoire ot a
'may understozid when he is being
Melded. no xnatter whether the tirade
cornea In Russian, Sanscrit Or Choetaw,
Taarry Waa a p'eaceable chant he really
wanted no trouble, and would go mit of
omy to .avold it, though, shOuld the
crisia be forced upen him he always
toed ihe ,Merh.
Hence, ',bent Upon propitiating the
angry telloiv of Die black tobe, be
raised hie hands aloft after the fashin
Kat Wang had taught him, ond which
was as dwelt, te'declare thilt, being un-
der won speeoh wos tor the preSent
denied ham.;
But even thls did oot ealre the eioltad
diseiple; Mebane etnnething about the
other hod ere now aroused his mason
eons.; be that as it mey, he continued to
bleak Lttrey's progress, even while
backing before him, and the volley ot
Chinese that flowed from his lips pro-
nounced him a man of tmcommonly
high literary. attainments.
And Larry, , seeing no escaiae,,iinally
can* to the ceneinsion that hls only
chance lay in "Unending Upon thin
heathen Chinees hip and thigh...
shipers who might
le joss house at Me
•rse. rush Out to dia.
tremendous hisaibub
„There was ti good quality about that
little Man.eXtied from ,London; when' ne
made up Ins nand to do anything lie
usually plunged into A with his whole
heart, no whether. the occasion
represented 4 season of "enjoyment or
some disagreeable duty like that of the
present-- - •
way he went et that volubte,
gestioulanng pagan was a °autism; It
winiklitave•rendiallett 101 Old 'IraVeller Of
the siren° Witippi4 along !over (Insert
wastes. whirling .tne sand to blinding
the Wont was mare sue-
priaed now than ever, but ono thing Wet,
ImMedlately accomplished, to Limo
aatisfaction-hts proMpt tunics `had
shut Off the Chitral:1'1M's supply of
wind so that the vocal ketOry close4
for lack oternaterial. .
It was a battle royal for a for brief
seconds, for the combative .prieet, re.
cantering somewhat from Ide surprise
end eonsterriation, put op 4 fair qtmlity
of theugh sadly dellelerit ixt the
Imowledge ef taetics connected with the
maniy art, which was ,fortuneter• for
Larry, ;as lie was' abetter hy helf.nhean
thaw bialkotagonist.. • • •
How that grim old heathen grid Must
*We enjoyed the, little WIMP Larry
fancied the lumffitton •groans to which
ha Wive veld had -turned into elitteldes.
but. then. It might be that, the euppry
air was Mating nheris ,
Shiee tonneltak taken
on this seriout plias_ ,e the WY- thing
that MO Caleblisb. Petite -tut
progress weertbit Onipiele erothing and
elimittation of Me mendler.
How he yetten, ed tor the. alltleno• ebill-
ties of a Tia„Jacit, to be 'oble to Whirl
the bleeittrotatil Iraud IMO the ,lop -of his
idol, end leave hint 'MO000 tatitonisheil
• bovellied Jar speech. . •
1.111Outain Mattes,. 'while lathing.**
dean, and vigor attending. Me •reielt et
'giants,. only be lust tee etteetive,'W tar
es results are eoncernede and Larryi
having gotten the rage at Ins adver-
sary. proceedett to land taleW Inlet:Vont
Where It Natal& be ineat,effeettail.
Sinai, Wan. treatMent could have
but anti resulte-thd (Met ktiotkout ot the
wen known. ti; tevi *Welk lirkstIT n't*
toreignig. MI004 ,Pfst no' toot the
Soh lust ntere Of ott,ring$
titelteed. ' "
In *4 44104 be Must 'gate steeped Wm
iten* *Or' board that 1314 a Mete( eon -
reW4Phieentlt. the' PoUnded priettt' did 'even -
Many, go. net lu a hop, Larry, wanted
es, he was, gave *Mem ot,his. !biotite
satiSfeetionv Met tis the hardens -rooSter,
otter down ng his ardttgatilst' int
tinninultyn wing°, 6nd c;',""W Inn° 'fa n;by Attey°etuta all cevill'i'moiTediseabsg
to between tlitii slid 3.00O Median tot& rai in fru reT CA kiC
The root IS weit as tbs 4.1makti Mated very. -jr- iv Irk g g J, g g....reg._ 114, EA. IR
tl • --LT
%tong, .34 'nowt wits* the naltvvs .. , - . \ .
require far their own ur*a 'DAY . . ' - ' - ',. - -
"ly eel! at IMO 3d. to ait..-each. • Times wily you ' shoat sag
114P.P4atalla Ont
. Interest in lc
Vet. last thue. Irian war were
"1,11 wee nuritigfian sen
%Ingo the regimett4 &Onto* • nit
Rri tole id Feine„neY. w wavy
eetirea a..• wethealted IlOtateit
service ot .yeters hestnt
thee on tbo itrntrea vhttte.A
A. bat* ettettt tell on hie ',,Kseter
le"drinagli ouree
struction, Fottr .Inen wera serlotad
ArgUred, OR Wheal Ono Sithiltieftt •
_There belies Bo crionnal liesines8 tor
trint et the Lluisrlelf CRY Quarter' Seso
slow en the g7th IWO ,Aitifittls.
was preaented with ta, ,prir ritotn
glom , "
InAttel3geasecin olits °S en t CL ht ren. 2 4Otily
Robinson against a Belfast clergyinan
named Smith, pleintilt was warden
gsso slumps
WoGrring1401erse:170f Ultiretrannd: 4131%111 f‘r"
=nay tem -thfs vomplaintedie-thohnh
to' he duo to the feet that their fend eon -
Opts largely ot Winos, ,
It le stated thet the residence,/ ot
Thomas Mehterney, sltuated ,nattlway
between Ennit and Linterieh, Witn et"
tacked by parties unknown and eaVerel Novp,L, AND topookung pi -AN Dp
shots fired through the doors MI
dews, Luckily, none of the Manatee CAMPAIGN.
was injured. Melertrney _is' far/Or ,
and land bailiff on, the-sialng eautte,
7he police are investigating the 'mats
Mr. Jhstiee Johnsdn, -the ,oPeelltig
of the Cork Mains, counteract en in
foot that, while the general teondition et
the county of Corti WO favorable, there
was a considerable increase in the 11414. -
ter Of persens under special 'ponce pro,
Within. He cheraeterizea as Otafftchettil
the canasta at the tumultuous, galleries
'which, with* a few,ralles of Lori; eitY'l
ostentatiOnslY assailed an alter Of lite
court while engaged In servieg the
King's writ, and dared him to ten* Ono
John Desmond, aged 76,1 4 farmer -te0,
sitting near Kinsale, recently visited
that town and purehased half a PlAtt
carbolic aold and, half a pint of MI
key, both being 'contained Mint
similar bottles. He put the bottles in his
prakets and proceeded home. Aitea he took a drink front What
he suppOsed to be the whiskey battle,
Ian discovered, when too late, that lat
had swallowed a quantity of carbblic
The Marquis of Duffer*, who weil
40 the other day, has glen few sign
as yet of inheriting his father's WI%
ant abilities, although be ma4e a good
start in the Diplomatic Service. He
entered that service in 1891, and served
at Constantinople, Pads and Stonhohn,
He Ls now an assistant clerk in the
Foreign Office. Until ia few years ago
Lord Dufferin had little prospect of
succeding to the title, as he was the
ssoond son. His older brother, hOWever,
was killed at Ladysmith during the
The report of Mr. Drury, Local Gov-
ernment Board auditor, on the audit of
the accounts of the Dublin Corporatim
fcr the year ended 81st of March last
reveals an extraordinary state of af-
-fem. The aeditor.atates that 'expends.
hire is steadily mounting am. Without
apparent proportionate inarease in "ob.
hgatians, wages hed risen from 45,000
in 1885 to R81,500 in 1905. In accord -
_arm with a deeision of the Kings Bench
Division, the auditor dleallowed the
paid to 'the Lard -Maria- 'diming,
the year ended March, 1895, tor his own
and his secretary's salary.
rwoireet HOW ot Me Trani* VI ,tt
Hitrain * the *et Which Alkittiad
1110 hldrieis-e0Distere ,KitIney St*
COO* Witte
,,Ardeell, Ont.. IstaY 1.40-4$140114-4-
itir, Anil Isenuagrets of thle• Piece, ghttai
very interesting a egoutit ,of ,exper-
*see with IchallTe Kidney Pale, Ile
saYa ' „
, "I Imet beck and, atetilned my 'WO'
nesaa and for • la yeare Venttered
end Ott' ititense toieny., I was ealeet
to •sitteeXs Ot Rheitolatisto end bluilbage.
lginta Isereistitt; my muscles. cramp,
ed. '1 'teal nay appetitek 110011 bonen
,to r1.111.'10;04.- woo welt o4Reg,
goug Teet or sleep' Inglit and I
Vale etelting Antq4t,gleplotable contlition
when A wait idetsed trle Decide Xid-
oey 014.; uotia4 ,s1X,,baxeit :and 1.,•asa
noW tie ..etraint end nealthy ea eaftr-1
l'ant Ortein I owe ley cure wholly
No mother would give her little one
poison if she knew it, and yet the
so-calleil soothing syrups and- many ot
the' liqutd medicines given Wren con-
tain poisonous opiates, end overdose
will idll. When a mother gees Baby's
Own Tablets she has tee guarantee sf.
a government analyst that this Medicine
does not contain one particle af opiate
tv• narcotic that it cannot possibly de
harm. This assurance is worth muctli
to the mother who cares for the 'Safety
of her Mlle ones. Mrs. 'Chas. Mc-
Laughlin, Dialled Station, N.S., aityst
t.ave used Baby's Own Table* for colic
stomach troubles and ,other affinetts sf
ehildhood and And them ee valUable
that I would not be wittiouCthem *the
hone." gold by. medicine dealereorsny
mail at 26 cents a box from The De.
wiliiams' Medicine Co., BrockvIlle;, Onts
Partlas ace •DcganIzed Throughout hio
',` 144041* to Shout the
Borderitie the eietais‘of Ggypi ihe
biotin 41ffivial, Aelta, are, Several, intend
antes, three attieest of ttlleae
to large aS a, geedalSO4 Englian !Minty,
le very, ffiW par s ere A ,,eys MOM,
'six ;Met 4e4p, the, Aveeage deetb hang
obitut tem „lot. TheWleinas. 00,0 son
• to # ,grettier or testi degreo,..,,botzabetind
41sh Varieus aneOlea ',and onOrd
Menteeue..elmeti fee• taxi ,vaat, 'hocks .ot
'wtldftwel Which vieit tneM in Winter;
__During the .antainn noonths, trot
september enward, tueSe 'birds ittelude
several vateeties .ot dnek, ',widgeon .end
'Mgt, also eseterattle Sinen4tles latge
bleak coat lie Well as Ottir numiaer of
Wild geese. All theae 40N/ref/Me on the
lakes. 'The •ntives beld•orgardZed par-
tleS thraughont the winter aboot these
WII0foWl. Each partfaa'estilel "sed."
,Tae Nan of aermialffit,itt sed mest
never and rematkeille, Says P. IL Legit'
An the tendon nem,: and it is. in Me,
number ot gun' niere.the4 the **1° tt/r
tal et :•the bag Met the'racerd consists..
Qn the given morning -at suoriee seine.
twenty natives,. ell arVed wIth gueee
Won or.:-nutzzle loaders, Meet at some
prettatinigea Iffitea an the link Of the
lakes. The small party el .4Ortipettaa, of
whath• T have, more . than -once ,beert a
member, turn up In email mints, .each
calnible of ocommodatirin. two guns.
Each' mint, la . •
who' puebes froni bellind as lte• wades
along In the water.. 'There are usually
a OW natives out * shiftier craft, but
theao they,nastigated-braneris of ,thin;
bambet rods, Wafecaliey Werle; One in"
• • •
each hand • -'•• •
When ail are ready this huge regi-
ment spreads out in thes forn of a 'Ong
chain across 44 Um take, There
is no attempt ta. keep at Ageless spaced
411ffintes of;-Tiatit;-111t5, •Yarde.-Idr
this' were done .the guns would often
sween, a stretch of nearly six milea.
Thies. however; 1st Mate sintiteassarysi tor.
ovary ratiohas, as a rule, aa much shoot.
ing ks he can well menage when the
guns else much more concentrated.
The awful array covers a width ot about
two Miles long, and the drive is usally
about three Miles king, oettioying some
for tours. During this time firing is
gractically nntinuous.
The nativea nqt mitid the water in
the lent, be wade along quite com-
fortably for home together, in water
.varying in depth from the knees to the
chest. What is trnore they mange under
these conditiona tes keep their- cartridges
posvder dry, and\ those,with Muzzle
loaders seern to experiefice but little
difficulty. Needleasaa say, these do not
fire unless there is .every probability of
an addition to the bags.** those with
cartridgea are surprisingly lavish with
them, amd do not hesitate to take very
sporty shots. Here one can see shoot-
ing Of every dna. '
•The drive •consies in merely aditanc-
lug in line dovin the selected arm of the
110tWailallig4 NAL
vtiora-Ilote. Wass Cs* Slevtdc
Them is 6, writ. a Gains, vebto 4o,
artves fet be widely Mown; this
"lien-tien" . terolleellseed tiarlawn. tea-
yowin tmeacentuit tif it* cry. bir4
et reined by netiveit for ite brilliant
' ceneeleal.y tbi tetithellit
wbieli Ibex ". weer in ttwir head -drew,
and •triteee elothing et; hut Ma nicat
terestIng eberacteristio grange
bird IS Itia Oultanve faculty.
A netitrallsk became acquainted with
Pit .'hietre nowere In 4 curion Metier.
Ho IVO *Wakened front nis 'lawn .One
night by !retiring ctles, ot distreee' in 4
Feemb. Sonicooe maul being neirderen
not far eo touch ibeelutely
certain. There were eriea for.„IttercAr
ond help, uttered in excelleot rrenek
Shrieks of agony and, groans. liunping
lais, teet he Neva% Inniert PRIM
#eying thet they rri ,ust, All go to tile, asr
,SISIanee ot the victim. 41 that 'Vert'
jnOtetAt the %One V0106 littered n sbeut
et tronteat letaglater, followed, hy, Non.
ttohtft end the guides `tinned' Over wan
grot ot vexellon. - Tile leerned An -
frifitieRd 41i!, ,fsavitersktid tefsst of 1*pm:is
„, Al IAN 41000,44
ariongel A - LCD"
A TERRIBLE STORY. - lake. All...tnonitin froot serface of
the Ina Is seen
1111d. BLACK willi wit.ttFawb. •
Row the Natives ot Fast Africa Ain adv.
The Hamburg correspondent of The They •do ntit seem- to trouble themseives
London Daily. Stall sends, this story ta to realize that they tire tieing enclosed,
InvalCcheis.buPt i'etvilltYty're,' htzteWdeveetli ht he elly nbee gait
tat paper of the triumph of civiligatiork end then they rise in small detachmenta.
in German laast ;Africa: -
elephant hunter, Mr. Southerlerin; gave they seldom attempt to, do.
0 Tinhgeytt emitteguttitt
an:el; tebnesilialroje$,CfaePreth.beY brne nalkt;
ss s
A stirring account is to hand of th
valuable assistance which ah Extgliiii ate, 9.4 a rine, quite uoguaraed; but this
the German troops in their indite in They seetri iike tlie stag d me otter,
IteceArfiralienti.station was in great danger, Ityb-atelYsorfir:yitillatteigPirdallrtith, 61riwtleetl. 1°Nreistalitee;
when the detenders deterroined to- -an. go they seem ko learn Wisdont by expo, -
tack the oncoming Wagotart„. The lit-
tle exepeditlern only consisted at two rkthd 'twice wacitty, eholet when pressed
lent* for fati natives Matte a thootot the
ihirty-two native warriors.
Genntill °Rice"' Mr' S°tithAvialrd and tint btrds olwaye rise end dente straight
stEtt beck over the Mine. Ati toon es mit
morning the enemy, 700 to SOO strong, flight songoonaes an assaut. benibar -
•ae, ther _tilted htise Allen. The pale The enemy -badly armed,- but willt..fite
ap n se e e ea r tv th mato ot torttle taint MOO ee
Wet% entiountered.
loot tollowii, Enerinonil ellarges o
turalitt had a great deal le learn, theY,-, toe
romanced, atreistiticaily•„
sie the worsts.atalieltea-,-
,'SOtlit:na; il0ttiLe44 'aThr nti4,.. oh4:0 ut 4441, riel 1 Itsi titettevi tivitbry:0 );:!
Orener accent -144 hatooetkine WS' in
a stronn:titatement, hut A is. correct. n
wIn abOttt ter essietenee in the best
Begtish or .retrinen; And you, sent mall
iiirn.dietceni, until the bird interrupts .
iiv Ovin-WeadIngeNvitli o =derisive isuglit•-:-
Then. yojk ieeVillte one- who nee been '
+.flOtita if 1st' at Anell joke.; Willa
nied ceillel eatight 4114'0 tan' ilOnleati;\
eaten, as . to ,bif Iteppy Pt co nente0
the Parcot vv,ould go out td, fashion ha a
b,onm pet, , '
Cooteibuter "Y44 see, I folieWed ••
your rules and wiate billa;,ort one side
S00t:it'141.1::hsettP,0416;e'.,IT•i C%cinkffit9izitlX;'‘ffielTuaietelenriadiat•
"How ?" rPoolt write on
'11-IpoWulloh:c galy431') ClIW:Lineinti:ul:r ;245:111°73 Arlii blvfet I 0°Inl
'Owe A e trim and you, wilt not regret
It. '
onlY one Nome -now riattcal courege, attaclied undtat led °IQ n „ 6 ,,,id
gond. De. 'W1111ains' Pink Pala Matto C tot Ftl ht r t lied to ir I de t Tae whole h-enven reeourtdd•
1°40 )an t 46°°°t reit°, 210P " tow Mit ni cl I With d T
like elitteMta, lodigesilon. neuralgia, p0 -
It veils on eNent of seine ttnI"41.;44""e -filletten of the heart,. headed:1M end
to hitu, „, A OtOadikS. Sts MINS mince, parted pots
, He did not fotetet -Whet% he nate, te..„,nse Myatt and tha•Steeret troubles that make
hOW esSentad SIMOld he.,tt siten1 the of thousands of women miser-
eXit lie ItoPed tO ell fart VeAtuto,'„ithles lart. Willialos' Pirtle Pills are sold
al his vitiory, • Ibte Meilletne dealers or bg Mail tO
$4A With 040 14St lipviltet look et the ,icente ,a • hoe or ate boeo t* teem
gel -ming Inentter befOrn -Ws 'The, WIltherer Waldo Co., Matte.
little battle Mild lied been fought,: he egte, ottt,.
ogain headed kir the doer that liati been
In 14O mina at tho time he was batted. a•
g Oure trutstdrt, Ile readily found 6 tVat
to the Street. • VISION ON neAvitten,
Was in great tortanotIon.
ItutIdreds Of eselletl Pelealtatit w 6 teethe* thh Death et littAtheing
clanloritig fa trent et KM Weng's Ito
A8 Yet be heir ha atkoitte4 61 thal*tStent1111Altlirfitle*I4t:iS ltilintOtertedlintoitnnstaAnce"rlitigt.
Meb, but Was prielettillg With them 4"1",too, haotashire„ Englond. A yetIng:
his men' inintitablh stYlet egothttf tn wooed' Ott her tieethbed, not WS ail"
SearCia Of Ids litaise Innit fte- teal the owl tio.unier,.0 detail, tut tweroh.
tilholI 'but ih6 ty6tk 1609 b6 t.',1 the notenniere his body lay, the feet
order not to 'bring down the teetagetirt, ot tkiltit .1101 -twig knoxat to any.
Of the onlogint gads,. by itt mpeete ..„.„„,„ Ha,
orninittee loptAietd by the wen% 40,0o o. 1,1.7 UMW* AIWA' AK trial
lltrOOtirst Ihey no this, for kat la tit treg4t;s6.4,trigt$:
.Wring had it tdraftro ihtutenq hvo'1116' ion. Ilia laughter:, :veara PIO, nail
tribute 4)1 these sot* ,o,sestog away with. ,eortatiliaptielt
with MM. $6 that they Satre 111 Meat, .
atella 0114114_ ofitt Ono Oda. Wee t 2thant, tt week ago ZOmdgtt tiht
date ine ineter ot Oa§ woulit oetteidlovtomel ttoti liana yadot, trot,tentim
alettliett .tellunittee mutt Ito kid ittO tesou
14bAting ''Cille411116tlellellleC.14tilce?411)11 lattil'kei4nItIloottlettistrod4lsgtIlI341Y.11.1"tcte'rkettee'thIlifiNg,'
inteettln.selieduele sval 's eadily moo motAeft
a greater elistente betwtvn thh tot& tryzi trod; en uturatink tot awn,
Of danger end tit$ 'A1'0.4.01'60114 ' who were at lire, ttedidete thet tan
Larry Oistnite 164 toek et inn ncie• ,
"Inn tirid la "the nailer
at. Asecri ,Iteitige; Vsscaldesistlan site
Auld. •
Abent Rant late_se Nike Ittemilint
rtied. Mr, Marsetert's Noy Nos found
in the atiel at tho tpot netticit: by tie
of turmoil, .and, *MOW Alifinked
lucky . eta* he *es 'Aellevatere hoot
theInkt4 nt those Matt ‘Velestiets, A
mob P. tad vaemsdi ei..111 under the Most
festwidne tonditions„ end Intrieettletly
16 he dreliktt When COMpnled of timer.
'Ant benthettAr inflanA by tellginuf
blentry and hated.
Then he moved "
theariere held De flooreitiaeli
setts artaglithoht peoliew- to,‘ hod
'skill? IN VIP, ittsurin SPASONJ
Etihe Noir hint," reituitlied the P1Pft4R
CoetWita Ithft PO‘Ifig Vitserer PhOttaishot. nosy retch the wore but
me pow *Am, AM *OM fft * fioble nest it he seas Manta alt#0 thit on-
Dittatingtave; AIL he hid NA inSleit of thweitteele anther hii* been *oft ow.
10000161141i through * num* sight Scir b611.'"
n •,i**
ortirigla 'hoed distiotly EA dialence o/ lour
T4ti Situalloh wonted critical, when torttiblit__- hot4 Tha Whole 0010800e
nines Wrote:0 tho clear tdr. The bars
meat havoc, ut still the savages sWeld , oart focally, itocom„,
tera MO. t • eels.* 044$ 44,4”
the Englishman. a sinettdid Shot' began Stalks of PosVariCTIllette-laWeeen-dro
According to. indliatiens, tattes
quart of liquor to droWn spoOratil of
.I4Atte ipto paiita4,:or cAtvairmil wol. Pet664 VerSting from se,35. 'to Von
.ner nuildred equere tot, etiVering nieltnne- ltne is the' mot desirable oov.
011- t4441141444t. and Weak OoefOnit toe Minot, litres, 40016,Sle-
, Won, 'Churviies.; eta. Ang 31104 Man, nit 'ley *tie “oStlawe,"' eleinglat. A
haniannr Med WO ari oniy. toots -floured.
We ere the lergest,••end oklot egenharlY 'PT We. itind tattler * littlish
:,..utfiagatdn' Irli*trt '"7"1. :4;/°"444's bd.5,t '1°2944. °Alt
• 41fAi*Ii 'AO
niaMatikenne teat'yUgaid,, kb?* flt. lelig Oink ei?athittee inhe and
."11IINArral-DESIO,47 ,bliciriar /time:
warm pruniNgSr, An magi*,
tor rAttnientte I fuut.,trao'i,auUttbia- ot 00.$660.4
, • .
. ..,', *
/ , .
loofa im, QIN* NI. Vow, Oa'
to, Oros st. 4 riesseiet. notateweite.
_ ,„ „
' vr ,. tountinitliSeX atialos. ,, ,
cad 0 lice and Ayeilcs,, A A Oaltsovs; ban., Goiania
, • =
' es ireenwsiesa.
OS law**
vevektie terse et theTrareess Ric Oa alanc
inul tadl,ount taaarorion, from 'Wm and, all Oita;
Annus 'Sacrarium' U. Minn Ian teats, ,lientese •
eat the name, "ffilltintitrist.,
."Miss- Sillye, what do you think ef
tins autornibile scorching as sport?
"I think it is jUst perfectly, kiiiing,"
A Liniment fee tile Logger. - Loggers
lead a life which exposes them to many
perils. wounds, tuts arid bruises can-
not be altogether avoided in preparing
tubber for the•ncive and in river work,
•Where wet and dold combined are 01
daily experience coughs and colds and
rauseufar pains' cannot but entre. Dr.•
Thomas, Centric Oil, when applied to
the injured or -administered to the ail-
ing, works wonders. •
Main the Man whit °blots ice stepPing
en tacks would like to walk all over the
tax collector.
Sunlight Seim better then other mpg,
hue le beet wheu wad* thx, iffindget Iva*
When t mina gets the worst at an ar-
aliment e always tries' to act as 'if he
Oad inerely ben drawing the 'other 'man
Mirrors lira • tudsenee'in tha MM. of a um*
*base flOo le 'branded with eczema. .13lisn °WU
tedintniOnt &moon bfra., lAt arnioint ald4
Witarat's Carafe and purify bin blood with
Humes syrup,
"Hut I do not love yoli," objected the
young . woman. "Then, whY," .howled
ha, indignant yeuth, refeering ,hastily
lo divers memoranda In his. pooketatary
"did you eat, 4 taut ot eatyalvir boxes
of checolates I bought you dorina the
past year It you dido't ine me?" "13e.
bause,"• she said, With' a rapt expres-
sion on her lovely features, "I da love
chocolate." , ,•
• °MY Siomath gave out entirely and I
suffered untold agenies.y Thg was the
experience of Mr. p..G. Whidden, Post-
master, East WentsVorth, N.S„ after
three attacks of La Grippe. Doctora and
doses geve him no permanent relief, buf
Dr. Von Stan's Pineapple Tablets had
the permanent virtue -that woe him back
to perteet healthr-pleastuit and hunt -
less but pewerful and Kuick, 85 cents.-
. Miss Kuffiher "Yen can alWays tell
a %Oman White has •enatlyett the benefits
ot higher educatien." Mr. Crabbe-"Not
mitchl You can't tell her anything- she
thinks she knows it
WOW as srlisans
The stakft.s id. Da LtionhataTit
rtem.itoid (the Wald lineoino) that wait
put out neat to itaantuvnt
It eured tow of Pilee thet wee cosi&
ored hopeleia - •
The news Flood, sea althriegit *at
eedy two year* ego, ram deatenetprinneted$
Dr. .1'. S. Leohertlt, et /shwas, Neb.,. the,
dieeeverer., to preetee A toe general' uses
No* le bes vent to ell pieta ottliewerld.i
It iti11.11ste Any 4104,4E , Thetis is lit
ettnithve treetetent each •
Siod foe it.00, with attetotete goatentee.
It le foe Ws tit,dritittegy.1 Or V Tiat
WileowdEite 06,6 Elegies Vette,
Oat« 4 "
.., • .. •
"las, PM In the teethed butiriesa7 Said
,,,,,,,,,, he-lorig-helited-- easels et, - Pond -ho-
ts use ins honey No, a elephent. gun Ping-. itt nil diredthihst white °Pent, P"S"' 'ranking. MOttnYe.. Ivo 80 a sant/net I
with esnanslon bullets. Every . roof rettlea on the teater.ftretilld Gee. „
Mined at the head, told with leartiti e -: Theugh the ininaher' et goes is 'quite
tett, The enemy retired,' hilt otitis. tat 'PhernettOrdds Ill*.b*if al*.q is. 633.'1100' 'Yes- I tritiVe advertise that .my lee.
ntteett twin end agetn,' ..Thoithillett.' eltteret,4 autouotittgi Ats itx Itsuat tte08't totes are eagotelly for women tinder
taco however* atayeg .ae. las post ubto r(„.,,„..,,,„,_„.,.,,,,,:-..,--„,:,-,11-7--4,,,,,---,-++,4' thirty' yeare *kap abn men but Of debtj
.tho irettild Vat tooted with nis Ileums.' ' °I A . ., 10 I, You lust ought to , see the' way pea*
, The . rest of the sttveges thou. ileai 0
la a iluestialt that animals to -all in these busy times. To the
, Business man,. this 1Professfonal Man, or the Workingman - it is
question of vital importance.
As an OW ready and economical meens of quick locomotion,
' whether for business, eicercise or recrestelon.
A: Within "Fran* Bicycle fitted with Hygienic Handle Bars
-moats! Coaster Brake, and Bahia Day Mud awards, is an Ideel
ssIt-Indocessthase io-ride-who never -rode -before, and-thoser who
Mount. '
ride 10 •aide the snore.
aLEVELoolo. sitvan mr*BoN mAtisEY,
' *ido Modeti.
GAHADA. Gym AN morn COMPANY, Limitedo
• "Makers of the Worlds Best Bicycles."
In Western Canada zw41-7:11
00.4tastran, "48.n...from twa axpe,
Soros 9a par tent plough lmad, nprinz orooko so senuelin.
Aboaa 40 sulks N.S. of ludlaa liteadL Pidon $10.40 per acea
Write for mmp and full pactlaulats,
g. PARSONS. ft Welk:stay Steeet. Toronto. Cinaids.
The cook was giving the new house-
maid her Impressions of their emel9Y-
ors. "You'll find them just about the
meanest people alive," sbe said, with
conviction. "Regular misers, that's what
the,y are, Tett must be economical,'
that's always the try nem. „ Why, do
yon know, it isn't Mare aban Me days
since I see the master and missus both
playing on the same piano at the same
time What do you think of that, natal"
Itching, DignIng, Creeping* Crawling
Skin Iiiseftees tanned In (view minutes
by Dr. Agnevas Ointment. Dr. Agnetv'a
,Oftstrnent relieves Installtly,Nand cures
Tetter, Salt lihetun, Scald Heed, So-
"zema, Ulcers, Matches, and all Erup-
tions of the Skin. • It is Soothing and
quieting and ads like magic In all. Baby
Humors, IrritMlen of the Scalp or
Realms storing teething time, 35 tents
a box. -159.
Marryat-Hello 1 old man, you're look-
ing prosperous.
Munnirnan-So I am. I'm in the lea-
ther business now. I tell you, there's
nothing like leather—
Marryat-Thlnk so? Say, come up
end .take dinner with us tosnight. My
wite's baked some pies for dessert.
. 1.• moomani•••
sal Mat BIM 1,01114 Wait bettar.drad. if no atoll
!of nnirlin Sur town, Preto deed moneteal, Rog SA
AINEN100114 mosisto
"Whet do you Mir* of that appoint-
ment?" itshed thesstatesMart.
"It doesn't seem like an appointment,
te mef" answered the disapproving mit-
rote "lhets a disappointment."
tight& vet -Danger. - Have yoU lost
Your apPetite? Have you a coined
tongue? Save ye* alt ,unpleasent taste
in the mouth? Doee yont head atililrinid
haVe you dizziness? , It so, your Stomach
Is out of order and yen need Meditate,.
tut „yetaAnjaatgke medieltie. Ho tbat
*gem sickliest: hi medielAditiliar stirrer,
boa, aria wOka into '4. charm. .10 but ,1•0100,, tilireoeltor :ilttgetrflvitereigt
homes, whertotiec go." "A, •seltriM'er' lifen %Mid
,ltegetalile Pills , tpt3edily. get moot
'in healtial ,end Arita to keep eo„ •
attgey,repeat ,the alpliabet 'Mae°
Alias Ware You speak. very angry
count 2:50tfiff in, 4 •slow :eon rammer,
, f i i : .
A rtunibile Ot the riffei had tallerittito ' ' ' her l'iliiies' Worin Siderminatoe %lila Will gee you a chance to coel aft
.ctitttin,t1:111testbo.. fIliall&thiretitt dtethotrooy1),,tv4;rh,4dettrit-ro,r,,i The:. '‘..e.aEteiir.:ti, .,„.,nr...6.,4.,±.—t.', :0, o'igi,..:;,,, 4"ttS.1:111.0°10tesittrohasin0'0i611'.•tottlyaketsceultztaxiitidtme4ofeetittikaal., ,01tiliftri..0-nt011.10 tigia0tjt ,,,olloy.e, •tiL it ,,till:Owtliaa!r.iffeltIckOWivisba.
.ed Petty blithisnesialogiva rotomgeac tti,,,0 be. sug. ht,-,...letay yidit 4t 'With 1.6/t r'411'4" . ..'" .th ' ' . ten'tkiee ' •
ion tautly toetted toe vilio title% wore 'NI, ' ' , ., , .. - ',0.'m .. rr-',-. : :iv - ., ..& - , it 01 114016 toi'
Meta, tri iliht theY fall 11'0.10 01)0. ttk.e4tly treatmelitt :tea the- 8116 7 Rit:Ji 'sit:31137,mi; tou,nus‘tkohsit., iittitiZZA,:mtqt'ital0: yout Mtn,.
'hti"°' Wil"11S°4 WY' 'IttitUit; 4114 . t . L ld *'11 liolg' Oft °Iti$n"?* d
eVittences of plo moon krul ot tuottt uto toil ei .. it,, im,. 4,e, !.ntiototi wet, at sotteltOdtt,eltett 00orito:' • tUrthg Ygtli'19114 •t11111151/FouttYs2g.
Tts# I n. .,.,
eeyerid eines were tound Is se beetentt, ilex , t?, , , 1 . , 17 'WOW ti:tila'uf,vti,,,,t:t::a. idtte 'unless .1(d4eititi3Ottle.htleonottl_1.40,1,1:;Sia.0,,0147ttie„,,t1,11.,d_11,1,1,17.7,
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, : -
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lit11,11,0 FOR A IMAM, ..,., ,..,, • ,
boils thatt 'rani mut to 'this* , .i. $3' Itintuntstioatt* °;:daPtIpree'4'v,een°,tti.v.t.:11,1,:tilear°431retiri: ttiWtatttitt' '444t "tI "It! It''4111".''1414-.4* - •
r.illiteh Itaett. - i'
n in lim London .Sreetettie As;*elk AO a 1..te.` ' T-Ilte
ipri'.hy•salifelt. rt releeno -een • ••'-', . - , • ,
-h.t ' to any autuuDart ba'eL.gat,.. ki 1,4 I ,, , .
i Eli ere.rnspellist.11int.niatile. -sq. ,_ ., ,....
"Witter* pereolellnlj Through tho' 1, I , °Your daughtert hit fi(ssibieli !Oily
Abe:Va.: itS eliitedt 1011Dertlitle6 ,i-. ati)41 WAACU 1, viljAktO 4Ativi.4111.4 (Lim :tinned The !rasa rii t
toteik ilohtim. at ' ultivit it IA. teis-ed .,..,..,.. ....,,,t..11, nt,...,..,4 ,,,,„„.1 1 ' 4551.1rO yen she IA ,hty :Iiribt 0/blighter.'
rivita. he gays., Hen L._ shitortg 14, thu iiit ' ' ''. ' , . 4 f vo.41:iookkliao:e.10:43,:itvi:h:rf:tertt.A.'n476,
MIMI an epejled it All b 1h°
..V.,,titZlirlitT4T03.&eeleg ZuotioAtt .:Ottctilliht ."cttikeetkixo (14(‘ 1 Takteedit f/eaettlio:01 '10 be eel.;:ritltrilfiy, woks ola
.14;tts4anfitt• et Uld be dug elettitIllit
! F,',:1 11.4)tCrta 13 ilhalreted. . - . hen the old la contrac . 41g' '.."1 ' '11 '' Y IT.
„ ,:.__
t five tilt the " ventliliens nre.64ty to a initimina. '
'oil) ter reach ,Illet evlitetrarieftit .fires.
tied a liver turned eatp ii, we ithould
: - .. -
stint a sinw lino NOklq16. 1114Wher6 in:
ttli'. tteitiJ11,14e6, ,
, '*Fertaliktely 116 ife%14 IAA yet been
trientited ler Intifiellturt In the nei•elAttft,r,
,ttepth, tfciturti something might be denu
liv &tilts dawn a mite et, as ininti 'RON
! espleiling fifty *ate Of denamIte, and,
. worsting the ovvvat. unlit iialtm* took
it ear: ., ...
tome troopIng in."
7142 R13'‘ nRa.w,14°011E64C1044..,111)e)
......,.....?,.4.-- IN —,..-.....
litirrlitt Intrabar et eandera Sbaton
'far nal* Atnat tete Par thafrit WIN
't411,1411411116a ineladnaiti, patilimOr011: :Ycle0::ac1101;
lionsuri", m ens in ixbeiso ii:6:11' on
14;0°04f4LedereDeu Ltflautixitt,dili:rirattted,'
WIAJALt. rtav:ittlirliiitettitobtlintottoliptitiopentiot ttiaLit
AtiONTS Ards0
11".1"WAIMOISteitatlijA, liLLI.1,447411**
netieliiket W1,614044 nue
. • (St 47:04 :I I. ri:‘, Itt, 4:4
The. O.'S, Nesbitt Col,
. uolootitet otsittstk ..
. ,
Parha, CeMeterlear Publio grid Ptivate
GrottnolA. , IMO '<knob& a '0001034
inenti, 'And . Opeditationg tivegOrekter
'MN " , ,- ,.
l'e-tnetlY 1_,O,Veireil ot iny,.lite., 1 hod , Proipeett/u duest k -e' utin y.041 tet *.: o tutt,,,,44
lillin flittarb and''Ogitain, Prostradorti good table hear Hefei Clerk -0. "Well :,,,„,,,,,,,.„ .,,47„,,,,,t,,,,,,,,,, .„,. „,„.
000,date ;elver nle ninth toilet mut' ouae. tumor. Why .folits ettliitt here brrhiellk
helix awed me.: The intiferingv of y4re, licality. tea go' away with t4o gent and '
tlYVVI*.F4.. „ „
fivi litod 'Popular Pill. -•-• TIM pll
t*,11t6 racist oeullts of rill forint lit litedi
it',,,Intiternq g45.01 pviollxgotalttle jeterstiniropnixclattautt.
they do Mitt it is *Wiled they ten de,
,and ere tot, rout forattit 44,410. net*
tioni heals the membrane*
of 'the throat and lungs
and'arives the cold out.
soot bo, tip:0 um*.
Times*, '
soh sad sim • • • AII*00111411
one tleims. Menthe& Thee' eto
et,rnpect. and peelable, Meg hter faidly ,
' 1)t, 3. 11. 'Kellogg's= OyAentery Cowie iskevt. they' vie net tuuDeate 'DO grim.% <
is * erritilY dice tor 011entecY, diet. end "they give valid In the moat stub.
rtatet, rhalerts, Stlitriner ceniplaint, Mt titles
lisilDlidt Dtitegiost stof
sod lig mit,
iticatetSPONvstat atoll
A.11C1-1010.1E, *WILSON.
tuan.torip ow.
taiiiiiksi-ii. -..4- -"`
ititlines.4 efel corimitteite Incidental to
itelliieldrettlo 4teettotmlail itertint,t gfiremtee limitothemotiod: !Mlle Tentitty We* ver# quiet' during
thb OK mart, And eververnt tergoA
tit indierretign ri iketiris untipe flint, hfi wad there. AA the ttoiett we. teeing
ettetnnbere. eir it ttele ailh artoderhti *fwd. however. tan tatit VIM * billitY'
tit~611441", allo" noodfailAf4te _ i,einsehoifyl Dirt eirpoiti'.01,1Artiliesandhist4httotillshi„ Airs Euler smiths
Dot *cm * el tits Voss* tizt. evivanted. &Nab y. vh. P410*.
Wit Om other erte." : ,,/