The Goderich Star, 1906-05-11, Page 7tie
IOW 4111014113, Imes utplmak
100$11111 IMMTI011.
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CoiksPealket Wkottiowl *Moot Avro. CorkoOkstRitst Wu
As** sptcopuk MOS SPOSOF fele
• Mrtrtu Viitnesivot,
QM* Meta tile titiinsrot out* at 0.0
'Natal nativee has. turned .Man'st tleouttleta siding in Wiest Ittnnitetel, Undo. pathos in this revisiting,: than there Netitt
°Z Meet WOO tteta eseecieleted with. We act 404t t4e P4rt( Qt their WOO -Ow 9ther I 'boheld three weeks ago. writes eer•
.nellart ef Tystka,, the ruthless* Zelt1 OM* Mivrtillge ,444 theePtelete Ore OW 'respeuldeut Hoe Lielldon Telegraph At,
,Saerer, who wedded inlo* sWele Pt I th atleMell Whet vary, 114.- Frenee,e was nuerning. and
4-140 VICT0414 AND ,filtlita 0301. IOC Walt (to *mum yam AM
" WO" rtmWmalorsv.
moolsor *ad Ow
Mtpitiktte tor the ItIost Ski 11
The 'royal yetht el England,
torm glad Albert, 04 the p *WU
Of On,000,1)0di She WAS linenched,
tdaY, 100., with the Present: Prineetell
Wide4 ae, sponsor. film is 43* tot long.
engines are st 11,000 ber**.power
Belp4.1 itikietelt Ifikely
144.tif Choate sod Thu
A. party -4 elderlY Midden ladiSae To, 'Thet* hatt been * mere exquisite
le the famous Zulu tsetie.s. In the mauls tinglaud, Wean* the vietinis el* reel tn, tirst scenes of the diSaster Which.
the 4MetzUlu, .Psople sit the Ileavena, ewe oet 0, opeoa of jool, Aft,iisot get In Revery ezeart , death. brought Its everywhere Wilting
ta Ito Yettog men ot the verietts tribe* Thaw ag boor, oar coal supply will Plitt Altair 'took tau* * vtlla apactaelea. POW* vitioter
he cenenerent Incorporating, theM into ,eurry her trent gngland to the. PrIery feed eectipied by Vito elderly owe mere suitgo es'llte, days drew on,
regiments, onee tints ballot( In) fk vco-, The fitting* and tleeeratiertS •xtudden Iola", 14A ,keieeeg tAnd• t,ound barror of it an'
ektrerg. that the peel/time VneS dane Sari ,111,a deck fittings. All r eip.dinazos ref renece,,, end, his: service from me, 04 touches ouch more than
eMle CMISeentenee eit IlleOrtivet Plot 'Joined in thetorilitare. carPet$ en draP, I 'It- was, the ,e'ustem et "the Mis_sec trot crying ,tor the departed, enlenn
te seize up nte reins a power, Tiurin5,.kries. pao moo rota% doeNoirt, isoacsop periodically to Invite- a aninoer otesee 'tweet, put now to see them fond^
4141 Milit4r$ nattan. • avietly ,and stoptueus. Even, en, 4etne timo increaSed, wondorfill Pantos:
Vet it vies. Dingistiaye,. tbe. Wila-,Ine upper deck, r,olid 'silver is U•Sed ler 'teS 'PAW- Oernan widteIN gmgq. 'et these ibirteefir fives recovered, almost
South ItSr ekt,“ filalfiane the nell 91' le: (004 maga ,enerneli , lighile -gave ,.evory. sati,staelion, up fin Penn, tbe geeketle 404. seen belore, Wives
chtet• of the .1,IgtiArAt 1v0* driven . into• the neeessary 'wargith itt. color. 1, 0t4the 'robbery. . • god 701444er$, ,faint nod vacant -Minded
that eittle he lived he Pepe colenY :tbe eaeoet rieu -blue,: which, well et lady. triends 10 a Mewl Portitt.,g4 041 unit the 10v441; ones come be* from that
SW the military Inetheds and Oftgarti* gtie,tcneolte .blpe inerecne of the. cheirte ',Tet/traday night *Plot wee* tieur ot the. boo sum e (0004010 *dale CUta
can of ths l)eiusb, With insintettite All the fttrilltUre,here t3 Of ,glittlfted. PA' totter walX1 140$0.0- * leel.ings to tbe quick as with a
genius he saw lioW the Idea. 00144 be begany Icy w le .141s ert ienen-en ;they eltgaged tnit,;,., 4ely twoudy 4,0 leave %ha to„
tuitiPted /,0 hia QW/3. nati.00,, and,'On Ida woods. As o we, liMgo. 'bedroom, tt a ,gatnef ot poker, playing with counter% MOW driNeyed, I held, out, tor some
return and itecossien, to the chieftain* As sev,erele simple, with its swinging •Their chatelaines , or 140 etentaining minutes 'till a. stout, Mcmely woman's
EMI) he divided up Ids peoPie IWO recd. • bedstead "eh adver pIsto, without, drop. their purees sot money wtre Nog on' e os -*aught Mine. She was stan,ding by
ENTER TIIS EUTLER. - 11'0 bedSide 01 her boy, whose eyeee were
Clain Ids ,gtiUnt face. She looked back'
ments, dIstingUillehing thent by zanies Kies; BS SatinWend tfirnitere, SilVer ihs hack, of their etiatiN or were plaeed
end by a spe,clal color ot shield tor each le -lilted metal work and 011eclallY wove* in lbeir lops,' „ ' * ' nearly•Starting• (tut of their bony sock -
regiment, though ' tor a tinte tlley rg- Carpet. • • .
/apt as Upon WISAluiet aaana-a at him. Olen to Me again,. The nao-
tained the tunkonoto Or threteing tee' .
.. „ , Teemeeeriregers_1=11,00M but.
THEIR CHIEF WEAPON-. ta nmate larger than tha-K1.110- it lo tor, who proceeded. to hand Mill liter's love in tier -eyes -was tho most e
• tl ,T0edel Pi firaer and heanlY. and its sweet* Suddenly he dashed his Argot *Ilene sight I have ever seen. She eald
He heard en the oreat nee made by the white,panalling end statelY can°11ted IWO a corner ot tpo room and made a nothing, she merely looked; but her
British infantry of their laPOIAa Well' bed4rusPended tronl the ceiling. Th ,snatele at -the bag ot tee lady nearest eyes were telling me: i'My boy has come
, tornitutle is ot , dainty grained !mein* 'to him. R was lying open her knell. baelt to me." Her eyes wanted to tell R
pon, the bayonet, end So htt fentneed
th‘ urnitiento by the 110Vai• OP breew wood with silver titlings. The noler The obain ot the bag snapped an it to every one. She could not keep her
e_ scheme is. a sOti 'green. The cetterlet fell -te the Boor. The butler, withoUt love.,, to herself. I went up to her with
bladed stubbim. assegai. '
The peculiarity of the ZUM Tattles pus ellbe Ica tos an elaborate monogram waiting to pie,k it up, ruelted rotate, Atte tears in my eyes mad grasped her Mind.
earned it the mune of the crescent ecr-Nt4UnnOttnted by a creiwth---QUeen Attex. table, gathering in the other hags from Then she said merely : "His brother
melon for attack, gee it 4. noteworthy andra's dressing room k a, large apart, the baelfs of the chairs as he went, died in his mine, monsieur." Yea, be
that, broadiy speaking, it wes the Me' ment with a bath or laaPer and dresi- while the ladies looked on in amaze- died in his arms, and so her look was
their employed by the Boers in their in- jeg tables of Inlaid Satinwood to an went too great for speech tar movement. fixed On the boy again with unuiterable
vasion of Nataleetme Adopted by Lord huormous elleval glass forming a mov- Then, as a young lady, ce the party fondness. She was devouring him with
Aelterts In his udvance through (keno able panel in the wall. gave vent to a piercing shriek, ete bele her eyes. He,' poor tenon:, could hardly
I) er Colony, and It was the fear of its oepoote the royal sleeping, aParl- ed through the door, which he slanunett speak, but he murmured, "He died in
si.ccess which kept the Doers centime melts is the ciraleing room The walls and locked on the outside. my arms," and trled weakly to open
ally on the run. The beet iteng with area. of eourse: Panelled In white: the One of the hostesses ran to the eleetrio his arms, remembering how as he had
which to compare it is the leead of the furniture is hane painted satinwood, bell near the fireplace, and gave the carried his brother, stumbling with him
slag headed beetle. Horns are thrown end the hangings df blue silk. In one alarm, hut there was no response. It blindly along the galleries, las had telt
Itor Acts as Master ot *swat.
les tor the Wire Town .01
fieraten Emperor has Paliiiled his
totokstanding prima to sProvidfi the
1`.4 Crete* With doming partners,
The Keiser is nothing a 1101, Neraatile,
atter liaving .911ed Many reles,dUring
' klt$ 'flOkeevoIllet he now eiiieleie ant
ee 4 kind et alliateler M. 4 ter ak Mir
tIrc town
111s, experhilent Itt Crefeki. while it
charmed every spinster there When first
enneeineed thr,Co Yeare eeeeetO ail SP*
pearances alienated Om rival ladies nt
Tettiscidort, and ereated Witte a breeze
in the Gerntiat
The aulelsing eiltstedo opened in 1993.
when the Kaiser paid. a visit to Creteld
for the plerpose ot opening the new
museum. Croteld Wee not then a ord.
erne _
In order to 40. honor to We Hoiseri 20
of We tallest and prettiest girls M thee
town were seleated on the eve of- hie
visit to not as maids eel honor, tor as
there were no. soldiers! bow could a
Military guard be provided t
out widely on either flank, while the corner is a pedestal writing table, Ilene trauspired afterwards that the butler the boy grow stiff and cold. He had
ntain body forms the head itselL From eil by two small some -circular tables; I had sent the cook out on a bogus errand i felt he couid not see him die.
the main bode a small force is detach- and opposite the big yet homelike fire- I and therewas no other servant in the
ed to engage the enemy while the horns place IB a grand piano. Bookcases and
creep round the flanks. Inenge seats make the draw ng r o
This force in the 'days of Tyalta was delightful retreat, in rougb weather.
frequently despatched with Ihe command i THE STATE DINING ROOM '
"Go, sons of - Zulu, go and return no
knows was the fate of those who te- eccupying one-third of the vessel's ponce were summoned,
more," and death at the hands of their' is an apartment of noble dimensions, t„ne end the
Med. While' this force was .holding • length, and lighted by no fewer Man but, of course. there was no trace of the
missing butler.
the ermy the horns carried. out their twenty-six windows wad two large sky-
The marl meanwhile made his way
out at the back, clambered over a wall
and made his escape. The ladies were
released from the front roo,n after a
task, if possible, and as soon as a sig. eghts. From oor o g
Covers can be laid here oe hir y gues . the robbery beforehand, Besioes sena- a thousand is his equal. He lay, his aliens of the Budget Committee of t
up tor review in the German
ment In 1903, when during h
nal was given elied in white, accented with a pilaster , The Misses Isaacson said that their to tears, but he moved one to meek and
THAT THE TWO HOlNS HAD MET ' ti•ea'ment of great beaufty at mit deiicactsy. servant had made all nreparations for
- . wondering admiration. Not one man in the deliber-
"Was of, LVERym FROM 1$11
:WM:* /41111) SHAW
%at k Gehitt ou Its 1141004* **4
lamsloode: vit **14
About two hundred membere bavo
Itoolvametgathute gt? jektwicl,obt OM is now being
DerNvIvit TM% Connell havo_litur.
elmsed Spinel:MU estate ter ,til.nou
connection with 4 tow water supply tor
13411,1043'lleed end Mei show, whiele
eVeiVed *mac ham op in Caltintesk ha*
not 'Preyed SUCCesS, 4nd it heti hem
resolved to gi,V0 itt up,
htle- been removed by the deat Mr.
hauler figure to aolasttlels railo
Robert Wino, Bristol Cottage. o had
reached the age of 0 year&
Mr. R. D, Thomsen, an Edinburgh
gentleman, who is he ids tiOth year,
learned to. play golt when he was 0.
Ile still does two rounds of Um links
twice a week.,
The Glasgow magistrates recommend
the corporation to adopt hy-laws limit-
ing the time when Ice-cream shops may
be kept open to Um hours between 7
a,,M. and lt) p.m. \
mr. Dewar, M.P., has been asked by
the Town Council el Fort. William to
preset/11a petition by the Council to
Parliament in favor at the re -opening of
the .obeereatOrtea at Den Nevis.
Mr. James Mulch, wholesale mer -
Chant, Elgin, was burled in the Elgin
cemetery with Masonic) honors, the
funeral being attended be all the lead-
ing people in the town and distriot.
Dumfries and Maxwelltown Town
Counells have agreed to join in the
erection of a joint hospital for the
treatment of Infectious disense, and a
site has been found at Castledykes tor
the building.
Mr. Andrew Lees, who for over 90
years was employed in Messrs. Wm.
Roberts Co's mill, Galashiels, has been
presented by a few friends with an
altiort and seal on the occasion of bis de-
parture for Carlota.
Mr. James Henderson the doyen ot
the legal profession in Kilmarnock,
died at his residence in Prestwick. He
was.ln his BAth year. A native of Perth,
the deceased came to Kilmarnock near-
ly 60 years ago.
The widow of Captain Maxvvell, Ter.
regles, neer Dalbeattle, has gifted a sum
of £1,250 Yor the erection of a hall in
the parts of Kirligunzeon, to be called
the Maxwell Memorial Hall, in memory
of Captain Maxwell, who died In 1899.
The Royal 'Mall turbine steamer Viper,
built to the order of Messrs. G. and I.
Burns for their Ardrossan and Belfast
daylight service, was launched recently
by the Fairfield Shipbuilding and En.
gineering Company, Govan.
The Braemar Royal Highlapd Society
has acquired from the Duke, of Fife, on
excellent conditions, a piece of ground
to the south-west of the villoge of Brae-
mar as a permanent site for the annual
gathering as well as a public recreation
mend jor tho benefit of the village.
The grofinds cover 12X, acres.
It hns been intimated that Dr. Mac.
kay. ryf Elgin, Is about to retire from
practice owing to falling eyesight. The
doctor' will resign his public appoint-
ments, which include the medical
oMcership of Elgin (landwardi- which
he had held for 47 years -and of Dallas,
etc. lie is the oldest public official in,
Elgin. ' ,
Mr. William Storey, who may veell
he termed the prince of ilortier anglers,
has etc& at LangheineeseViewes In hls
Reth year, and had fished continuously
sinee his ninth year. He has fished the
Border rivers and streams tor three.
quarters of a century, and musty and
varied have been the baskets Metalled
by the veternn. Fle celebrated his golden
wedding last year.
Controtie is at lest to have ees • town
hall and municipol buildings. After ex.
hnustive inquiry, a site In Shore Street.
near the Commercial Hotel, has been
secured for the purpose. As, however,
several of the leases have two years to
run, some time will probably elapse
before the existing building 0 can be de-
molished, and the foundations of the
new edifice laid.
selected, having donned pretty white
eesesecifinueltie, -WhIto elethe-and lam
were lined up on the „steps of the mU-
seum, wh'ere they weres while the
Kaiser was being entertained with offi-
cial epeeches ef welcome inside the
"After the speeches," wrote an ob-
server of the scene, "the Kaiser nsked
peremtorfly Why they were not -brought
into We reception room; so the maidens
were sent for, and came in blushing.
The Emperor then turned to the pretti-
est and asked, TM you have good danc-
ing with the officers here in winter 1.
The fair danisel was at a loss for an
answer, but one of the quicker -witted,
stooling by, answered well, 'We have
no officers in Creteld to dance with.'
' Really I And which do you prefer,
cavalry or infantry/. said his Majesty.
'Cavalry, of course,' responded the
' I
Think what the tragedy of that moment girl. Then up spoke the nip ,
must have been. The boy's name is will order a regiment of Hussars here,
Castel and he lies in the infirmary In and see that you dance well with Um
the bed next to that of the leader of the aims...
party, Neny. In fulfilment of his word, the Kaiser
On entering the humble, whitewashed, ordered a regiment to proceed from
room, with its ten Iron camp bedsteads, Dusseldorf to Crateld, estimates were
where the men and boys, nearly all obtained for the building of barracks,
looking like ghosts, tie. 1 first shook and brief accounts of the episode were
hands with the wonderful Neny in the telegraphed all over Europe.
cot next the door. He did not move one The business side of the affair came
chese•was launcited Upon the positlinw The grand staircase leads from the' Mg the cook out, he had barricaded Um
house, and apparently he had an aceorn-
in the rear of •the enemy the liead or The smoking room is close by.
brawny, hairy chest bare, his bearded Reichstag the Minister of War, n
Ione of tne tue tested the assegai. ha' most of which is occupied by royal aped- plice who helped him in his a ven u . face the picture of manly strength, and
he told us eagerly. but quite collectedly, to persuade the members o
asked. Ari electric elevator, assuages the trials . the same evening stating that he had
come for the bntler's washing. which were nights, too, down there. In mitme to grant the appropriation of a
end in tne uPstiot, as a ruie, me whole receplion room up to the state deck,.
nernaps no grander military spectacle el seasick royalists. 1 those ceaseles0 blind wanderings did he cienrtain amount of money forming the
in that war no quarter was given or nients, including a private dining ropm. A strange man had called at the house .
about thbse twenty nights and days.
vas et er seen than that winch "narked 1 There is also a well-appointed hospi- ' jeweliry from a room upstairs. The
The butler also took some valuable never despair? shgare of the Government towards erect -
scale. In the gray, cold dawn 01 July a titled physician presides over the knife and sharpened it." Here the man I THE BARRACKS IN CREFELD,
thr last use of these. tactics un a grand • WI And dispensary down below, where tctal amount of the motley in the bags "Oh, yest I did at the last. I took my
4, is97, the kiriush mounted men begun health of the King and Queen. I was somewhere about £14 or £15, but
passed an imaginary knife backward prodUced the photograph of the your.g
bentr:eound the camp they held for ten The officers are selected from the best
-8° men. which fell on the floor, as that contain -
have been the last day before we were
"1 , The members of the committee must
to cross the drifts of the 'White Univol -1 The yacht Is commanded by a Rearlthe robber made a bad "miss" from his
and forward over the bedclothes.
(Jays. Forward they went as a screen • cf the navy. eil the largest sum of all-over £9.
Scotland yard detectives have the found. If we had not been found I have been fully satisfied that the beaute
osi Inver, where it swept in a horseshoe Admiral and he has a crew of 2 point of view in leaving the chatelaine
meant to cut my throat. That mu 11
Lefore the infantry, which had been I Although the Victozia and Albert is a niatter irrtiand. should have done it. There would have of the Crefeld maidens deserved the
formed in •hollow square with the big commissioned ship, .she never' fires a been nothing else to do." proposed recognition, and reported so
Lens and GaUings at the angles and in salute, not even, in reply to the guns of Nony, certainly would have done it, , to the Reichstag.
the centre of each force. On the whole foreign warshins. lf she ts at anchor, He Is the man who does everything he I In open eesslon, however, an antag-
lody oi picked soldiers marched burn- . the guardship of the port answers for says. Some of the party which he led ontst in the person of Herr ICh•seh, the
ing Nodw.engu Israel as it went forward ;hew If at sea her cruiser escort re- state that he bullied them and cuffed representative of -the town of Dussel-
on the previous day. At last it reached , The present roytil yacht is not the Ile had to do it and there were terrible clitattlivsee tOoWlif .the
t3 take position on the ground chosen ;pbes. . them. I believe it and understand • it. dcoonle, varogsireistocif Ithgthst ot‘tvlen n
its bourne. The mounted men carried first Victoria and Albert that has flown scenes, that inferno. "I had some- i .T.Ita.parents of marriageable girls in
out the orders, fired at the Zulus wher- the royal standard. Her earliest precis- The cochineal insects furnish a great
times to drag them along. I had to Dusseldorf, IL was reported at the, tirne,
eter they appeared..and at last retired cessor was on insignificant paddle wheel man fine colors. Among them are
bully thoseewho were giving up." Neny held Indignation meetinge, urging 1 e
to the sheltee Of the square. Then the auxiliary yachl, With 'a big spread tit the Yorgeous carmine, the crimson, ecar-
has. brains of course, as well as cour- representative in the Reichstag to do
onlookers, of whom the wriler was one, canvas to help her engines to let, gand l 1 1 The euttlefieh
purp e aces. his utmost to preeent the transfer of the
A POOH TWELVE KNOTS.. . .. . _which the fish discharges in order to re riment. Herr Kirsch,. acting on the
witnedsed a most awe-inspiring sp e _, I gives thesepie. . It is the inky fluid
in triple lino of columns abreast (these; She was broken up in 1868, but In 1853
- render the water opaque wherliefiteeeted.
tacle. On either flank a force advati ect l'
formed the heens) and after sweeping was superseded by tbe late Queen's Vic -
grandly past us at a distance of 700 torte and Albert, to which Queen Vie -
yards or so, wheeled into line and swept
rapidly inward till their extreme points
met. Then from the royal kraal if
Umdi marched out/the Umcityu regi-
ment with' their shields of white, .
00W tr *OS AWA4 MT ,
Wu* Straw littandostatio***0.041
IreutP4Mere k Degrees
Xokw loth
41.04 out, Pr yOu will drop that
chisel P
Vetere tho Seetertee Wag tiniehtel the
tool had alit/lied Man lanitt ot
asiliSttlell striking anon A01110 her
Irem, fiew.into pieces gm it it lied Wu
gloss instead et Wel." TM* reads like
a bit out 01 .u.kliCe 'Weelderlandt° but
be Sober tact, we 400 told by Maier
Tellnallt el Dawson, Terri.
4111 writing this on January 0; tar
WO weeks wo have had a 'told spell,'
Temperature hos ranged, trom 44 We-
gree.s below zero pp warmest) down to.
08 dellites below, Some of the outlying
Ytikert Pence ratatiOnS report SO degrees
.below. These cold waves alternate with
warmer periods ot 10 degreee hole%
"Strange manitestations appear as a
result .at lite extreme cold; QUO lei the
way a Ors burns in the stove. It Nara
and crackles like a great forge, and
wood in the stove seents disSolVe
the riaMes like a chunk ot ice; the wood
la gone and we Wonder where Ito heat
"OA 0 degrees below qvery stevepipe
thrOws out a great white cloud of smoke
MIT venal; rezerubling-4 -Ste.arniklet 111
its whiteness, and this cloud streams
away tor fifty to 100 feet, mingling with
the other whlte-grey mist or haze that
rernalles permanent in the atmosphere
of the town like a great tog, when It Is
40 degrees or„ more below zero.
is not fog as you know it, but is frozen
tog, and every man, woman, child,
animal and even the nre that burns is
throwing out moisture into the air
whioh is immediately turned into a
cloud of frozen vapor, which floats,
away and reclaim visibly suspended in
the air. Very slowly this settles to
earth, and in the morning about the
steps and any protected place one eon
see a very fine film of ilourlike dust de-
posited, which is composed of frozen
Exposed eettrs, hands and nose, Mr.
Tennant tells us, freeze at this tempera-
ture in going the distance of ebout one
block unless well protected. The breath
roars like a mild Jet of steam, while a
dipper of boiling water thrown out Into
the air emits a peculiar whistling hiss
as its drops circle through the frosty
attnosphere. To quote again
"Prospectors, in attentpting to boll a
dish of rice or beans upon a camp fire
unprotected from the weather, find that
the side of the dish which Ls In the fire
will boil while the part of the dish ex-
posed to the weather has frozen. To
remedy this, the dish Is set completely
Into the fire. Edged tools subjected to
this temperature become es hard and
brittle as glass end will break as readily
under strain. have seen a pop safety
valve blowing off steam when the wea-
ther was below 60 degrees, with icicles
which had formed by the condensation
while It was blowing off hanging from
Where tee Different Colors Are Derived
age, and is undoubtedly a leader of request of his consHthents, ma e a
the Legion of Honor have been as well strong attack on the Government. He
men in his own world. Few crosees of
deserved as that which the Minister of eat!' eersiong otlier things, that he hoped
the representatives of the people would
Ivory chips produce ivory black and Public Works has pinned to his shirt shot's themselves stronger to the temp -
Indian yellow comes from e c r .
toria was almost fanatically attached. hone black. The exquisite Prussian this afternoon as he lay in bed. How tation of beauty than the Goveroment
Itere again was a huge baddle wheel blue is made by fusing horses' hoofs dirt he live with the twelve others in had dohe. Ile also handed round a
yecht, quaintly honeycombed with cab- and other refuse animal matter with the 'hell don n there ? How could they phmatrob. ,
ins staterboms, boudoirs, and the inipure potassium carbonate. This col- keep alive? I itleed.
"We ale oats,' said Neny. "I ate about! The "Panting Fiuesars," who have
ily and aged retainers of the old Queen. Various lakes are derived from mots. so much," and he put his hands out, wcat„„.
now gone to Crefeld, are superb
like to actommodate the extensive lam- 01' wa§ discovered aceidentallYi
For when Queen ViCtoria went to eels harks, and, gums. Blue -black comes shaping a round about the size of a
• • from the charcoal of the vine stalk. melon. That, with a few carrots and
The upshot was splendid British she usually took her entire family wi
ter, so that the big craft became a kind Lampblack is soot from certain resin-
ous substances. Turkey red is made frnm
the madder plant, which grows in Hin-
The yellow sap of a tree in Siam pro-
duces gamboge; the natives retch the
sap in cocoanut shells. Raw sienna
le the natural earth from the neighbor-
hood of Sienna. Italy. Raw umber is
elso an earth found near Umbria. and
I d'a-ink is mode from burnt cern-
victory. In less rt em hour the
. niilitary organization of the People ef cf floating nursery.
thr Heavens was being whipped along The decorations were extremely old
the Mahlabatini Plains by the "long us- fashioned, the walls of chintz being coy-
segais" of the Seventeenth Lancers, and ered with•long lines of pink flowers on
the vicious bullets of the Mounted Vol- e white background-exalpy the pattern
unteers. It is doubtful whether the one colnes across fo-day n remote Eng -
warriors of to -day, unused to fighting lish farm -houses off the beaten trait
for a generation past, could ever make of the railroad, far from modern inno-
so grand a stand in the open as did \rations.
their forbears; but in close and broken Yet on no account would the late
ereintry. armed only with their asse, Queen permit alterations, either struc-
eds. they could give even et strong tLral or decorative, and to the last the phor. The Chinese are the only menu -
Iii iteh force some unpleasant memories old V. and A., as it was called, remain- lecturers of the Ink. Mastic is made
to take One thing should be added: ed exactly as It was in the days of the• here the gum of the Trieste tree,. which
Pr ince-,Consort. •ows In the Grecian ArchloeIngo.
During the tact few years of Queen Meter Ls the soot of wnod ashes. Chin -
A ictoria's life her grown up family and ea white is zinc. scarlet is iodine cf
their relatives were constantly com- mereitry. and native vermilion is from
plaining of the inconvenient accommo_ quicksilver ore.
dation on the royal yacht; and at length
the Queen reluctantly consented tO the
tuilding of the present vessel. Neverthe-
less, Queen Victoria never so much as
went on board, for alli her affections
were centred on the old fashioned yacht
-which. by thg way, was finally broken
ur in the Portsmouth dockyard last
thc Zulu Is not naturally cruel. His
mullletIon of slain enemies is no token
of dishonor, hut is done as a safeguerd
fie himself, since he is persuaded that.
;eyelid the .victim's body swell and
beret. he will himself die miserably tri
like fashion.
And for the name he has given to
Iiie guns, Umbalmbal. it is most likely
only en onomeive used to express the
lemming of the ,guns, Ihnugh there is
s else a tradition that it is a reminiscenee
eI the !testy answer given a worried
neerseer ewhen first Zuhts helped to
lond soash cnnnon upon Durban whnrf.
v. hen fleeced whet they were called. lie
snid "011, bye -and -bye. bye-and-bve," and
the name has survived as the Zulu has
it to this day.
The Industry MinesProspered for 130
Niiieh care is expended in the menu-
feelere of leaden or tin soldiers. The
leis 'realm) of these toys Is mainly per-
formed al Nuremberg. and datee from
the tninlary enthusiasm aroused y
Ft oderick the Great in Germany and
throughout Europe by his sumrising
exploits in the: neven Veers' Wnr.
The best artists ere hired to furnish
reedels for .the soldiers. and they are
scrumilously careful to conform to the
mililery costumes nf the period and
country to which the (levees are ken-
eed le belong. The shapee designed
nee engraved tmon monide of slate er
tense. into tvhich the melted tin nr lead
ie poured throngh smnit orifice.
ee'hen m0,41111,4 the soldiers have to bo
pf,vocd. and this is done by women et
Mow davn homee. who receive no more
eintee then St it week.
care, is token to select renedy colnre.
The ecing' also ietrustled wo-
me`• if Mode of tin, the soldiers ore
rnol,-.1 in werente bnees, all of wbleh
erme from Sonnebere, In Therinela.
trerne cheneness of these boens
indicates tbe low wnges of Gm Work.
men. poorly all of whom. it has been
pl-wryerl. die of ronsionntion. When
Ilic Uwe ere mode of wend lend. they
Am peeked eardboottl boxes with
cipqo tons.
Thin toy -soldiery indostry tins moo.
rrrefi tor 110 vefirs., ihnurth the demand
ha, 111 nerindeeet ettedrintredspenen.
tn revive again wben war Is in the kir.
A itinin% popularity With avernen ig
ellen gunfire'. Le a ears pepillarity with
mtre. I
Father t °My eteris did yott laey the
Inatehee fer Atter .4Vite." .fette
Poi °Woo they good +blear Sor t
'011, yeSt rttla every Vag s"
'"A pedlar wrat fo
sell .eiter e1Oek toArty-tald Wit
gitarbilfee 'WoUldeil late .100.° torte
hothd. r‘,Nflitht oIt .10Yr /Wilt Abbyt
tOld Ms. t1,11S. to$iiis tryln' to
Childien Become Intoxicated
High Pay, But' Deadly Work in the
Quicksilver Mines.
The chief quicalsilver mines in Europe
are at the Spanish town Almaden,
which is an Arabic word. meaning "the
mine of quicksilver." These Mines were
formerly worked by the Iberians, and
after them by the ancient Romans. Be-
tween 1645 and 11143 the Spanish Govern-
ment employed galley slaves in them,
nit occupation that soon ended in death.
The fumes of the mercury produce con -
"The best way to prevent alcoholism slant salivation. and the system be -
le to keep the digestion In sound condi- comes permeated with e m .
tron," - sold Dr. Harry Campbell, who At find the victim is seized with tremb-
opened a discussion on the alcoholic lines. and theft Inc teeth drop out; psins
einving In London recently. In the bones follow, and then death. rile
Dr. Campbell made one startling annual yield of mercury is a million end
sieternentt Stimulants, he said. are con- e half pounds. to erre-lire whet 4.000
[eine(' In/ many kinds of fond, and It :8 men are engaged in this unhealthy ern -
possible for a man to be intoxicated ity plovment.
etrong stimulant, hut he has seen chil- quicksilver Le cancerned. COMPS Idten
After Almaden. so far ne yield .ef
n meal of meat. Not only is meat a
then semi -intoxicated after a meal en- an Austrinn town. twenty-eirtht Mile°
Dr. Campbell said that the crnvin a ofrnoeme ‘Tvr,,iretsmIrt. t, Ty hnersiennmnnirr vri.,,lueno nwwierraie
teeny composed of vegetables.
for stimulants is n craving inherited tn the terrible quelittee of the mineral
from the ancestors of the Minter% raee riertred rifler about hen veers' eervire
and that the stimulent sitbstances nnr- There ere nnw nenriv een miners en.
muse the crevine-exercise a beneficial teetered to enter the reinee hv Merl pay
gritted in the work nt Idein. They ere
really present In the hlood - wheel
remnbell, men hos been accus'emed io widows and childt•en. Ottlhe"foarrethdei'lr.
From earliest limee. contintied Dr. ,P;,.lepedosinonnritanrn,11‘rzenrni wi shemn
Itilluence or function.
stimulants of one kind nr another.
PrimitIve mnn found his In the &nue ---4— —
nna fn wnrinre. C.IvIlired man In n RUSSIA'S GUAIIDF,D SECRET.
I.. avoidinft nr seeking for his enemiee.
hentlby etnte finds stimiennt In the One of the secret processes which has
struegle for existence. thealre-entnon, for ages openly &flea the world ol Set -
rare Meetinrs. gambling. or even hnni- enee is the iron trnde of FIUSSIO. The
irenism. When work Was unneeessney Forret of mincing nussinn sheet iron
end amusements palled men had to in- te owned by the Government. and when
eent some false excitement. n workman enters the service he bids
A Onetime! nneht he defined as some- a last fnretvell to Ms family and Mende.
thing which rendered available for me e
ord. whether he lives or diee. all trice
o • eelensed nent-un Peereweend it wee oi him Ln forever lost. There have been
uhein Ihe blood was defeetive. nr stir- sc vend desperate attempts mncle in
eltareed with deprecennie, non the Me sleal or betroy the secret, but in every
Witt *Wee felt fora glass of wine or other the' WeiltiTiVein Ifilliter. tit inin tlaWe a Ten
Instance it has resulted' in the death nf
0116111a/1f. lei attached to a elle. which was allow -
hated only by liming bealitty. 0. to escape. wan picked up hy some
Therefmee Menholtem meld be com-
'peasants. and. deepite their protesta-
.1........֥ardimuhr bons that they were unnble In read. they
were at (Mee put to deign by the smartie
te whntn they delivered the letter. it
"Some Menn emelt; tan off with my was asteenstird deemed that the (sutras
earibmila toslay." "WIlit your umbra,- therneelvee eshnuld pase the reenainder
la?" "Well, with the umbrella I've of their 1149 within the warks. rind to
bun carrying ail the week." this dav the eeeret remains as hidden t a
Theeridel "1 discluirged the coon (hie the PhilmOnheee ciona-'
otiornoon." The Hubby : "Rave any 6.......a........÷............
difrontty about it I" The Illide : 'Not A Geboolhny fiOt up to read e comm.
a hit. excePt that 011i0 woaidlet Ffat" ellfen ori "The Tree." He got al far na
Meneher 1 "buten, etiftt yen len me "This subieet as many beam -hen,"
nopgate it's a yard that Rao (hildren of tottupt tne ognin von have
Mitt fie ereciat by A &We yard 7" when the terteher • agtv- "mewl!
Mince: "I don't know exactly. but 1 not mode gout Iv ph yet." "Tf veil In -
cat purfli." - bald the boy. 111
s. leave "Yon give roe any roor fumy -
some pieces of rotten horseflesh, kept
those thii•teen men alive.
In Neny. "Seven of the party have gone ANIMALS FEAR DEATH.
"Not thirteen; we were twenty." put
I don't know where. They disappeared Seem to Dread Separation From Human
horse were what we ate." Beings.
somewhere. Oats. carrots and rotten
----He— is near. Most animals -excepting pet
Animals realize intuitively When death
LONDON'S NEW PLAGUE. animals, who are assured of what one
— might call a Christian burial in the back
yard -have prompt extinction and have
Sir Alexander Binnie Says It Will Star- no flowers to look forward to. For
Ile the World. haven't they often come across the bones
Replying to the toast of his health at of their once loved mates slowly whiten -
a house dinner of the Municipal and Mg under the blue of heaven?
County Club, at London, England, Sur Savage beasts actually "prepare" for
nifIcant remarks about London's water death with a line composure unshadiev.
any possibility of subsequent
Aiexander Binnie made some very sig- ed by
Sir Alexander said he still adhered "will conleets." So -celled dorneetic
to his scheme of London obtaining a 'animals, while not shuwing the fear
water supply from Wales, at a cost charaCteristic of their masters, be,corne
strangely clinging and dependent and
The future destinies of the water sup- seem to dread separation from the hu-
nt) of I.ondon had been placed in the man beings to whom they are ntlached.
of 420,000,000.
I.ands of a body which had recently lt is natural for most wild animals to
proposed a bill in Parliament on the die in combat with an enemy, and while
ground lista the. supply derived from the combat lasts there is hope of escape.
thr old East London Company was a When a number of elephants are
polluted source. shipped n strong structure is erected on
They were seconded in that opinion d...,,ee„1:‘,and there they are stabled. cretin -
by no less a body than the Consava- ,cn,,I,,,,ty the ifecet. In ann emriergetrireyo t,hley
eagle walk awny with their
said that il was dangerous for the peo- - • . ' t , n
chains and the deek oo ng. ir vi, iig
tile of East London to cgntinele to the stable aside if It offered any impe(11-
tors of the Myer Lea themselvits, who
It might not be In Ms lifetime, but ment to their progrees, as was s 1 w
In the case of the sinking ship Agra
rot sure as they ere gethered round thin. Mg at anchor off Cetvion preparatnry to
Rome years since. The Agee was swing -
drink water.
fb,cloardln thIlmrecewopunR11,C°IrTheerea twinloetildvcrilit4ene' her journey to Amerten, when she
among the teeming millions of London sorting a leak and quickly sank. The
on epidemic, thet would startle the world. elephnnts set up a mill. hut there lyriA
Chemists might tell them that the no despnir in the noise that followed.
water wits pure, but. as Sir George nu. Mg timber. and before the Agra Mid
It wns the businesslike sceind nf ernelo
‘evhsasrinsnweiniif_ournmmevnd trhnect cinhmstmAspluonis.unnist srewarmhmedinteuitttonmr.aevhi,emni. of elephants were
of tenter for n loin time. dent of animele. tells of n lion whirh.
Ni. Jules Gerard, n great French stu-
might go on drinkine a polluted source
wil-;liellitmenMeiltriv. noittnt,weptd•emr,pmedtr.nrint tonensme), having fallen into a trrent ditch thel had
eeverel In
and the peo- heen dile for litre. reeiened hireeelf Finer
n1 Ilarlt eerl"Ot rp•il•lleq. erns -hull ellnrie to esenne. Ht.
Ile tens menden! IMO 1 (-envie woos heard the eriet. of delight of tee men
ple dferi by the Ihniisenil.
Wive to look for ils inerensed sunray
In en arm where there wee nn ample
rsinfall nf enmething like forty-eight or
fine Melva
For n 1-0mm-tenth-ens ters11 expenditere
Lendnn (meld hove n eitnnlv Inclinable
ef enntaninefinn. A \enter enrinly was
the very essenre of municipal life.
The icicles were not melted by the out -
rushing steam, but remained there for
many (ley's, through blow -offs, as I
passed this station every day and
watched the operation. All vegetables',
potatoes, apples, fruit, eggs, etc.,' can
be allowed to freeze until they become
like bullets. . To make ready for use,
place them in cold water half a day be-
fore using, and the frost will slowly
withdraw without injury to the article.
To attempt to thaw them out by more
rapid process by fire or hot water spoils
them for use."
Mr. Tennant tells some remarkable
tales of thawfng,out a frozen foot, ear
or hand by immereing the member in
coal oll for some timee-often several
hours. lie says :
"This is absolutely a safe remedy, and
one thus escapes the surgeon's kM10.
Rs no bad results follow. This Is not
hearsay, F18 a 1111111 WAS 811Vell a few
years ago et our erne° by the night
watchman,* who found hint in the snow
(15 degrees below zero) and both hands
frozen to the wrists. Ile was taken into
the office and treated as above for about
five hours, when all the frost was drawn
ut without so much as losing a finger
Up. 'rho physicians Were amazed, as
they thought amputation would have to
be resorted to, Hie hands were as
white and hard as niarble, and when
placed in tie> oil they snapped and
crackled as the oil began to act upon
the ire erystals, Tttis remedy should
he remembered liy ell residents of cold
climates, as
The Newfoundland Natal Reservists'
Crowded Day ol
London again entertained naval viel-
tors the other days -this time almost
unawat•es, for little, had been heard of
the coming uf 120 naval reservists from
Newfoundland, and there W6B no de-
monstration at arrival, although when
seen on the streets their greeting was
most cordial.
To the majority of the men the tour
of the capital wee an amazing, breath-
less experience. All their has have
been spent In the distant island.
When they got out of the train at
London bridge end made their wey to
the Tower on brakes, they were speech-
less with wonder. The teeming life of
the river, the Tower bridge, the motor -
omnibuses !tiled them with admiration.
The party had enly time for a hew(
tour of the Tower, for they were due at
the Colonial Oiliee at 12.30. In Corn -
hill one of the brakes broke down
through the enapping of on axle, end
une of the melon; fell eut, suetaining
wily a few bruisee. however,
At the Colonial Office they were re -
vented 111 the quedrangle tiy Lord
Tweedinoutte who walked up and down
the lines, followed b), Imrd Elgin and
verities officials of the colonial Deport.
men'. Mr, Winston Churt•iiill %vas al,o
preseni. but sear, Ply %nue,' ,n fed Me
Nev. beim) nd -ten -dogs a ginnee. Lord
Twielmmith get e them a a arin greet-
Thin( were driven 1 the populer care,
,Nlth trill •Irje, repreetint-
I n I ho Aar -Welly. mid tonere/Mei.
criortiley, of the Navy Lenguti, they lied
In the efterneein they vi0e41 \Vest.
flimsier Alibey did Wesiminster lisle
and nt their own niquest were iiiken
he Zetim glen I Mime. where their in
lerest nnd delleht lit the sight ef the
sleht of the inertinis eon, tenintlieee
The nem rotten d to the Popuiar
nth, 1 30 fnr dinner.
Then they wore 1.1 Me A I tin retire II nil
I he, r enjoyment ran lie ime gi ned when
It is remembeeed that to the majority
thiS n fled e \ e ef 6 thentrtl
or meek: hell.
••,,, v.. • r••••
whn SAW him Irenned. iireleronott
that he was lost- that.he wry; insole lo
die an ignominious end defenrelees
Ibit it wee hle wets to receive the in -
tunes that weep to romn to him v.1111,00
Round of nree"Tst. After inkine n (Itisen
bullete moving he Ilfted his line
head n maieelle. movement rest
WA( of Penn\ on the Arehe who werf'
Riming al him their flnal ehms. Then
he lay down reeigned to denth.
Ills nnme WRA Darling. and tug noqe
wag a large and, florid affair. So promi-
nent WRS that it had enrned him the
entiriquet "Trunky" from the lads in the
sehool under his control.
hen recently he t had neertelon to
severely punieli Tommy' Brnwier. On
renehIng home, the nngelie Tommy
poured intn the nonmetal ear IhN tole of
Mr. TrunIcy's (Teeny. And forthwith
Mrs. lirnwler, eager for the fray,. visited
the scheol and asked for Mr. Trunky,
which was the only name she had ever
heard omitted to the Master by her son.
The teneher who hod opened the dor.r to
her. although surprised at the nye rit
nickname. die not corrert her. but sent
for Mr. Derling.
The letter received the irate mother'e
"dreesing down" meekly, but on being
repeatedly called Truntcy at length re-
"Truntcy in not my name. medome."
he naid. "Please call MP Darling '"
"Ilnw dare you, sirt 111 fiend my hoe
band round to your shrietred Mee.
Brawter. as she went into hysteties.
$$009 rlientgt
taltalittelie yteseite,
titioWoanitioosoLser say
is a perfect cleaner and will
not injure anything.
Best for all household put.,
poses, BUrdight Soap's super-.
iority is most conspicuous in
the washing of clothes.
Common soaps destroy
the painted or varnished
surfaces of woodwork and
take the color out of clothes.
Even the daintiest linen
or lace, or the most delicate
colors may be safely washed
with Sunlight Soap in the
Sunlight way (Sallow direc-
Equally good with hard
or soft water.
Your money refunded by thy dealer
from whom you buy Sunlight Soap If you
find any cam for complains
Lovor eroteers Wens& Tweeter av
Experiment of Anon log Soldiere Ste
for New feet a Failure.
Aiming Of& re -Tontine In n report
heated. 35,351 recruits jnined the reenter
She Only Place Where Perfect Stones
Are Produced - Starlling
' Stateintid.
The only perfect diamonds which are to
be found on this globe are thoee which
fall from the sky in meteorites; all dia.
:Ponds which are mined In the diamond
lields of the world are only fragments
01 gems.
lhal Is a startling statement, but a
still More startling one is that all the
diamonds to be found on our &net
have fallen un our earth from the skies
and have •nut, as most of us thought,
Leen produced here like coal and other
mineral products.
Yet Mis is the latest scientific asser-
tion with regard to the world s stock of
this precious stone. The whole stock
of the Kimberley mines, with their un-
known resources, end air the gents of
this character to be found in any part
of our planet -all have fallen from
space at some time or other.
Solliewhere in the illimitable distance
that surrounds us, there is a vast dia-
mond factory -the only place where
perfect gems are produced, and from
this factory we have received Lt large
supply, and are still occasionally
receiving an odd consignment! What
reneone are there for believing this?
I f Id I th t tt
The temperature of the oil should he
about the settle of that (if the living
room (about 60 di•grees abate zero).
Great caution must be exercieed during
extrt•nie cold weather so as not to frost
the lungs, which 0110 will quickly do If
he hustles about at ordinary pace.
Quiek and fatal pneurnenia Celt be con-
tracted In a few minutes. Many a flne
team of horses has been lost in this
wn y.
"One has to be careful about touching
thinge with uttprotected hands. It is
dangerous to lake hold of a door knob
when 11 is 60 degrees below zero or
thereabouts with the uneovered hand,
unless you aro careful to velenee >me*
hold Instently, for if vou do it will
freeze your inner palm in five seconds,
be very painful thereafter, and the re-
sult Is the same as from touching It red
110i hiMre.
"Canned gee& undergo frightful con-
liartIon during extreme cold, and suck
In air: in surnmer with a temperniure of
90 degrees, the merge condition oc-
curs, cauelng leakage and loss."
s'111.1. ttoom run TA! rvr.
rtril.ah OrMV end 29,9t1 entern it 1he glen/ of iiiP age
militi-In both' COReq a deerrap,e in e emu, of edentate diectiverera rind In- i and before he mite% et plain meltera
1 to its hewn the city (Irene up an cement,.
numbers upon the previone yen r \ sinew-. The etientiets of to -day have the rogue had disappeared. I (orange fleet of epertilation. Sitmeose
In the ram) of reensite with rt fie!, e eioreerei 1 he &mitts of space end mate Move were to its ta zrnall ghower of me -
teeth. the (thief reason ter rejection, the poi out the star -strewn fields of am
the firs p ece o ev once s
whole of the rock in which the Klmbefk
I() gems are found is similar to no-
thing else on earth. It has been given
distinguishing ntime (Kimberlite), and
It corresponds exactly with the matter
if which meteorites are composed.
In plain language, the whole of that
vest mass of rock fell on the earth from
11 skies at Annie late period of thn
world's formation. Thls is rather stag-
gering, but It must be remembered nett
there a mourgeln In Arizona which
is acknowledged by all scientists to le
ne•teortte mountain. And diatnonde
are being found at that spot.
Diamonds are found particularly tn
superficial lavers of the earth's crii.1(
another proof of their celestlat
orlgt n Flintier, the diamond crystal,:
are formed like 00 others het are of
eerthly thie is reetirdisd as a
sleing proof that they fell from above.
It ie curious that our diamonds are
net perfect. and that grime of them,
when nest frnm Kitelierley
mine); end expoted In the air. explede
reel erase into several nieees. N.M.. the
81orteA hich rnrne .1.0.Vn 111 meteentes
Ale° exrende when they nre hikers cruet e•
thr preilecline mass wheel revere them
rfirrmietele. Th., is due 11-, the peruliar
v. -hero lie.
reYtrilr'ileitekmeli4e• wpir'ii‘:(11'ilee(Ple.ennniill I h,
leme eannnt roCtrVtlii on the earth. rei the
oxygen prevents Item.
A gentleman dreseed In a loose rent
entered a ledies' outfitting establishrnent
,11 tiriii• when the proprietor W114 Lli011e
in the shop. Thi• gentleman asked to
be silent) Wag. ladies' rendytminie
ns he wished to give hie wife a
little surprise. After ie careful inspec-
tion, tw fixed upon one, and asked tee
shopkeeper, "Have you not a young
led, at fiend to put on the cloak to see
how it looks?'
The ;Amender regretted that none nf
the Indies of tee establishment were in
al that monient.
"Well, perhar,q y IT.011idift Ubieet 10
pUtting it on yourseif
"the shopkeeper slipped on the coat,
buttoned it, anti turned around in alt
"Magnitloeni !" exclaimed the pur•
dieser. ith seeming eeetney, tut at the
slum. MOM(114 hp MRiir grab nt the
e -r soPTI1 POI F.
In order to make a diamond a is no .
ressary that the ronelituente sheled
very hot and then rooted nude tn.iden-
nnlhing dee will aceount fi r tee
peculiar (Maw of the crystal); and the
general formation of thi• gem.. lite
earth did rub enot suddenly . and
gems enuld hete been r,r.,dueed
this planet
In every RNA where de ctiorele .re 12)
found. th, finomr1 n nature %%111,•lk
exactly reqemblml the matter of manse -
Iles. end le different teen other Invent
et the earth'a eurfnee. The beet places
Li flnd them elionel be In the lands 10-
N:tent,' Ihe Sonth Vole.
"Ir het nenrer the 5. iith Pete the more
boy. I of money in the till and emptted
it into hie wicket. end boned out et the nrobablItiv Is thfit. If Man PN.trt renetiee
rvtai.rwrientrifildsie,,enovoefrtinceg, dbilnitrmair Tir,iten,t n,:fi Le.
41111). The horrified proprietor rushed slim' end of the Perth end ,Itgr ,,erq that
after him Inlo the streeL But the reel TaniT ?inverted With Mew. Men ne Witt
primers hie ,weing his strenge rot:mine,
oleo find that le Is the richest diamond
draeged heel: t 1 the shies, In the be-
Lq UP het that Ile. r 14.11,,% ha.1 lione mad,' 000" I" the 'Wild'
Thie enTio•tS tart of diamonds eoming
report tenteg filet the experiment rif n'
lowing .,E.3 on enlialment for Orli(loin I
teeth hoe nnt mewed a RlinteAR. it wag
fnund that many recruile, in sptiTi iif
ri treeing 0) the conditinne Imneeed. did
not fulfil them. nmi ftho ha( hi other
eaqeg the amount wee Innttermate.
Dunne the pap, year the (rental Medi
eal reteetione per thnuennd mounted
to 145 Rt. feluentien is tereerritee re.
(weed on. 70 reernite per 1 nen wog
wpti cdoesfru. and 910 per IMO being
able to read and write.
. '
mensity "I hey have intent the dors f.r
rsrm sod twr tnyrtaci children in the
rocks. wherever it. woe written by the
hand Nniure herself. end neither the
Inflniteie groat nor the Infinitely little
tete eat -aped the vlailanee of their
Rename Rut the genius tete yet to he
horn eh° enn plate and explain Ihe
Inns a hieh tmeern the gyrallong nf
eollar-s'ial. dropped by an angry man
nt ihe dretzeina table. end I(.tinti a week
teler Me wife among rubtash
under the grate.
14T -
kite, gerere her "Ne. te I rn
I don sr \ 1 ,• ,11 SI/Ig 111••• n (he piano nil
Greeting "Itallea. old man, Iv
me ,trm 1 hate of see • G
(leen t I r
(J,04tigne "5,14 401 the co
It nut for therrisett es. •
1 te
d "
V, 11
1: nriteg ronlotning theee mene. If it hrel
hannaned before. ae erientlete eentenret3
why shouldn't It happen again?
"Parla " gold little Johnny, "fruit bib
'" ar" from a tree when It le ripe. doterft
if youi eye,. my gem.. ropued
n mom
!Wad -
n yoU,
tree parent. "Apple» and geolet an
1)111Me fall off Orel they?" "'Yee, yen.
emiree." "V. ell. rope, wee your heir
riper Five m'nutee later tte woe maw/.
MG in bed to stay then for Wo thy.