The Goderich Star, 1906-04-27, Page 3iayest guy on the North American iZontinent 'Ream 414Weeed to Veritable Hell in a Few Minutes. "-tregerreveree A110 LEGISATURE AO TM 0101100110 AV VI' 1404111, 10 NOV* NW phovstom4 WAN, , sauctgo wogs: sk‘‘',Irookomt t44_114"4101, thok too4419111644. 114441; mc., --10040 0000. colkoemoli idte imeerillitd got* batella tor ful orgour milk laud a cupful, of sweet Italtenty. Out al lba 0141' :41141‘01041444414111114Y:rox144414! 1410114:44114"440W4144t "44401414364117 °4bWli14 StIkn‘Y';11:11111,114'1:4.4.°4144:11:1 '1:4:1314:41Utligeliirig.*1404.44144144;.YiP"44°44:4;14:::14:11 to be 140 004414411 WI" TO WO. Will not 18e'llettiellet 111114l elittele tender* Velith Ih411113100it WOO IAMB 1,14t11 will.ht MOM , 1ntr• by Moo Government. stee0th it le biked in papa West with Hon. Mr. Matheson believes pig should *nut) ina 00v*rwil wikh w 1100440, eUbOdy .be reettiVal UNA (he ,DOCCOtt 13#8134;y celge8.,-Croirn POUV4 tee tou the Oen still 1W autheloot to. 'EOM, enger With hall it Viand of butter, .0,04 • 'the sitootat oontreet On the road, eller threeltiertera of * pound of flour..two the, g, %dim. mid ellsoleolrOutuf and OW Lo2 whteee ot )7tmyt:. ,..vv.thil_0400m010,04: t9,70. 1441110$ Of turret*, an tithlee Of chalk ptoportionswod halt Pew* '4 , .ormliga pee p Peke. Jaellellittiree eenneetlan. Whet the tlaraelr. with' above allature. fold (110 4114004 bill woo. totr000mk "tet *OWL we role 'elle; into taws, eieetit, 'eight:tow *ooze 44 tt;o 444 ot itto, cottof Kure* oitkot 140t boo bow. Illleil! there* la be 1414. kt 1110 kiettlellattb over: and pros.!Illent tO$0111M Ould the uoyernor In -Council, who only' dlelloae..top viatt Nagar, and boko Ito eakee!11111. 11 Los'- benevolent IthrB880‘ ',•tfulels PIIARMACYefetf4.0, INUNDEr,, • Potato *otoct,,,,ctitt gold bona We' ;Mtn HOWletD4 teektielAthi'Phere MOO 'Ace ,ranalderehla OP 4111011' /0-;tha Stage4. htlk itity weatibrougit witn otily 'One •e,ei1e.nei,- 't14tMte,' arid' Wet g .VerY, imporletit ********** HOMt. Hui OA '1114.0 414:M7 060116:trool $44 ,Traneleee, elYel Qf ilia, .900Xteet -thst inaNktxltimr•triitut,' leelletetten Ot 1111•14 Ib e,Yeeti, the leieeel Jire1e th*-4000oniv,,inta, 'wreck ito4 itf'. htito/to *We,' :1,11,at tha day **led Yeldb it,"'blind -go, got .pAnto gette• 'without itaying;,- • Peo- FIe woke up with a start • to zo4'.-.11tetn7 • aelvea.Dounderiog on 110) 00or....„In„teueb. an earthquake as thla• huntan•: ot-dtairat'•=awar from. failing.. Walls, Titer $0,011bletiftergen ,the floor at itheir heaving, hetteeit'' to ,H•Ptat-thitt: 'everi. the good earth ";tgion, •‘. whichthey placed their reliatOcv wea' swaying. Itnd-AsitiCand Ittlitain.volhat fhe Altiewarta crectied,,and•ttreat.crents. ' opened In ¶he grawor, : The..three:.ittin,1 Utes Which 10101/0 Wgre,.‘411•,:vtiftrOy Of lerretr, Wo l.arn herCot two •peo,PW'WhOAlfect uf Pitre, fright In that throe Itnittutee,; Inere,.:]setnried no Wilk on efirdt• or •:eleaVers e 'Thera wae`le roar like .4. great .60rat/Ot. PO' ' der, and"„freell 011 000 Scemeelbe•eraals Of felling walls.' ' 'It tiled AciWo at test, leaving the earth' qualtiiiir' attdt';,q100- ing like jolly.; •J Men !Would.', run !',i fere • As' the daY wove" ani and the Wind Ward. stop 08 another 'idlocht.-;, *WO changed, the lire eking the water front Irrkes 4Cotilet'i '0,0a* sine might be greater any -,MMtient,:'settmeu Wetted Itself out. and ran on,. further Othee lialry„-rriiiiiiie ot 118a414 to take the earth -from rxiodot'ff,Ofe-feet, down South hforuet' street. Except on the titentlit In 'a ' pilled. agony of refugees' corning over late report that 1 *rid 404401-7 ' .. and throw thentstilites face,: downward'Or 113e' fire the city is kr darkness, The !earl „ ..., Mb' Perks are filled with people sleep. Teronke; APill 24.--.-Flouria.Ontarle, Frellillb THEIS, VOl•CSS. ' Ing 'del, et' doors,. under guard of the_ eglet eel/11 tytietsluenzte at Al? 1.1 If! troops. * , . ,.. , it seemed -to ls;s1Wo•-or -threltromi :, t, SAN „FnANCISCre IS GONE. ' 'Itdba, "fitst3 Patt5Oto are ilaatait'at 8f'S° lifter the great, th it Was_ipver before people found the . Ica, There -fellow- village in information is greatly elt. te $4.5e1 TOrolit0, and'strelig bakers at co the screttinit of- Weinen.• nestoe, aggeratede there remains nothing le8 $te!'$T2 09 Toronto. 121b9tilk,4ortatuildesin9Nniol.naSIA;nt et119eal of the 'city except outlying suburbs, a themselves with terror, and the • eeles .. . . . et men. With one nightie° people niado fc-w blocks On the water front . and e yellow corn is said to , be worth %No fpee Me parks as tar as? poSeible feom narrow lifstriet oi middle-class rest- eheetreach, Torenta., , qt,„ NOTES AND ,PROCEEDINGS OF" TDB 1..,..,•?g. Wane. These speednyebeethele deuces lying aleng Golden Gate Peek'. evueate-14°- 2 ' wIllte 1 °fIereti at — Pee ed with people in Mete , night ''N't' Arnerican city was ever so nearly ostiside, withe780:eild.'enil No. .2 misted OTTAWA HOUSE. clothes, Who Screanied and theaned at ',destroyed a*thie, and Outside of .he catered ati',78%0,...otitSide:eeeith -78e hid. . greateSt in American history. .Tfid city the 11_6. v NoylVtern,•93%etbld on WA* Owen the little shocks Which emowed . every eerthqualee '"'Mlets fire is probably few minutest The dawn was NV:break mOooll,. Ohrlinent • within 'three Weeks, PETROLEUM COMPANY. Ing, but there was no other1 104 els has a population of Mere than 400,000 and 83c 'bid Owen -Sound,, shipstient 10 e, the gas and .elettrie ritaineeweleS gam people. Not more than one-fourth et 044. but ,norte..0fferied:- NO. 2 Northern, , and the street lamps were SE out. efeut t1ese can have escaped to Oakland nr ago •bfal Point, Edward, May dative before the dawn, was white, there caroe the peninsula, and at least 300,000! people -.Jeteeleyee-Not 'le wanted•- at SOO MS de, n light from the ' east, the burning *arot mus be homeless in the parks or the with°. Vit 'sellers._ , ,...,.. ' -,, _.,.., hose •district. The braver men, with Presidio eie---1 l. tary reservatien. All the • 9a13-1414:84,-;141,411 •euere410 ooAo to no families to' Watch ovate etruck out hognitaLs except the free aty Hospital arrive, .:TotOrt_hir WI lr,.Vgai1)1(1. to help: They were in the .early-raerti- have been destroyed, and they have , e couwer, PRODUCE, Ing light able to see the bUsiniss di.. been dragging the injured, sick and dy. Applescheiee,Istoon.:$$,_.$,o $415. per Riot of the city, burning 'beck. Mem. lug. from place to place; of safety all bbl, and inferior 4mi-hafts:SS to $3.20. From every direction calm* the f ire en. day Thereday. A Tate report by a West- Veanse-leaiid-itickedeeSellisig at $1.80 gine.s, called from the outlying dietriet, ern Union, wire dh•ect from San Fran- to 81.85, and prude at $1.70 to $1.75. by 'the general alarm rung in by the as else° confirms the despatch which Gen. Honey-stneined• hooey quoted at a aistanta of the dead 'chief. Fun.ston sent to .the War Depidernent to 836 per ,11e, 'and. combs., $1.75 to$2 . . l 'FRIGHT Early --On Thursday evening:, He said per dosed, . . CHINE -SE feA : • , . . then that the Mimes had crossed Van Hops -12: to 17c per lb. The spur of . the quake leen Up, the bat Ness. Avenue, the dividing line between Hay--Cer.. lots ,of No. I limothy are cis wIlleh. Chinatown is sittlatee, and the better residence distriot and the'rest qtioted at $8.50 tollO'on track, Toronto, shook dawn partof the' - crazy Oldie _of ,the , city, and that • the town Was and No. 2 at raze. ,• , .. buildings on the southern edge. It dbomed. As a matter of fact, every- Strav50 to $6 'per ton. ' tore donee, lode some of tho • Italian ten, thing worth mentioning' except this re- ' potatoesesootateo stock, 70 to 750 per emefits. The reiett/t0 Portemoutti-Squaee eidence district WaS burned over or on bog, and Eastern, 82 to 85a per bag on went* -011: -111MOst unchecked by 'the po- fire by the afternoon. The flames ' fin, track. • • • lice, who had more business elsewhere. iehed %Atte-the district down -town, ran Poultter-Tui•keys, fresh ' killed, 16e; 'The Chinese came out of ,their under- ,pcuth through what remained of the chickens, 13 lo 15c; live chickens, 10 to . ground buirdeva like rats and tumbled en Ls , ug 11lb. • tuto the square beatirai such gongs the mission, n ' region' of cheap res- C per and playing such noisy tilitialMents PS dences, and leaped to Nob' Hill, where THE DAIRY MARKETS. they hatt,anatched up. They were Met stand the great mansitins of the early- Butter -Pound rolls are quoted et 20 Oh the: other side. by the refugee of the day California. millionaireS. Before Mat f Italian quarter. n 91 , . time the water supply had been wholly - e'se laege rolls, 19 to 20e; good to The panic became a mintL,esAt e s, ehausted. Even the sewers were choice dairy tuba; 17 to 200, and inferior ee, • • s least two CitinaMen Were takenqo -Dm sucked dry. At two o'clock •the &men 01. 160. Creamery prints sell. at 24 o Morgue deadof kidte wounds, given trough& to the Volunteer helpers the 25e, and :wilds at 22 to 23e. ' for no other reason,' it eeenlitie than the •news that there was no more dyne- . Eggs -Sales at 15 to 15eeso per dozen in machtes, I • of tile panic. There are tenase lots. mite. It passed fron1 mouth to mouth. c thousand Chinese in the quarter. • And "NO MORE DYNAMKEle Cheese -Large cheese,' 14e, and twins there are thoueands of Italians, Spent- This cry wag the doom e:''San Fran- ot, ugo per lb. Niny cheese, 13%c. • aids and Mexicans on the .-other elde. cisco. ."..: HOG PRODUCTS et seemed ae Miotigh. every one of, these, As a last resort Gen. eeaston emp- . • together With the riff -raft onto Barbary lied the artillery magazines of the Pre- Dressed hogs in car lots are nominal. 'coast, made lorethat one block of open sidlo, and the troops and firemen tried Bacon, long elver, le% to 11%c per re land. The uncontrolled streams met In to make a last stand at Van Ness Av- in case lots; mese Pork, 820 to 820.50; the centre of the quare and piled upon eilue, west of which lie thehomes of 1 short cut. 1E2.50 to Va. the edges. There they fought' all the the rich and well-to-do. Funsfon's tele.. Hams. -Light to medium, 13% to 140; morning until the troops restored or- gram ate 8 o'clock on Thursaay night do. heavy, 12e; rolls,' 11%c; shoulders, der with their bayonets. ' thowed that they had failed, 114 the 11 c* : ' backs,15% to 16c; breakfast bacon, BANKS REMOVE 'GOLD. late news over the direct wire c,onfirm- 15e. el thLs. . Lard-Tferces, 11c; tithe, 11%e; Palls, Then, as the ee-dawn broke and the Many must have died in the fire. At 11%c. timer city began to be oyerhung lil -1 least. four men were slat during the , the melte of buBUSINESS. AT MONTREAL. rning buildings, there day for looting. The unburied dead, e, Meadv Caine a back -eddy. . Cabmen, tuickmen, many of them half burned in the ruins, al° - ' April it -There watt Borne hired at enorMotiS prices,. began carting come necessary for Mani - drivers of express wagons and trucks, are becoming a preblem. It may be• itnpro COMMONS INVITES KING. vement in, the d to sitik many bodies lobe wheat rota. 0 1M f f rei sources to -day' Both sides of the Commons reined away from ,the lower city tee valuables et the hotels, which saw their deem in In the bay or ocean, • Owing to the flre, and cables' were about one cent, per enthusiastically In support of a resolu- the (tree which Were breaking out every- Th t market contin- tion inviting hLs Majesty King Edward which caught many sfruetures ',before bushel higher. e oft . , I where. and the spurts of the gas mains. bein 40% to 4 c for eo visit Canada. The motion was intro - the dead could be taken out at them, ues very Strong, g Even the laankS began to take out their the real mortality will never be known. No. 2, 8914 to 40° for No. 3, 38% to 390 It is hard to estimate theloss of mon. for No. . - Flour -Manitoba spring pa - bullion Med securities, and, under guard ey. R may be said that practically ail tents, $4.50, strong bakers', ,e4 to $4.10; ot half-drested elerks, sent them to the, improvements on real eatatea•and a Winter wheat patents, $4.10 to 84.30: hills, wirlee eaMe toslaY the salvation great part of the personal property are straight rollers, $3.80 lo $3.00; doe in es San ranotsco. One old•-inighthawk gone. The loss will certainly be more bags, $1.70, to. $1,80; extras, $1.35 to cab driven by a cabmo mdd with ter. than $200,000,000. The last assessnsent $1.45. Feed -Manitoba • bran, in bags, ror carried more than $1.000,000 in cur- roll gives the value of hind and Improve- $19.50; °Moto bran, in bags, $19.50 to re ncy 4114 scour es. - ments in San Francisco et $402,000,000. Sew; shorts, $20.50 to $21; milled awake, Men PenlMill vorpses or broken peo lite insurance held in San Francisco $20 to $-' Rolled oats -$1.90 to ston. traight grain modille, 428 file (core fallen buildings Stopped is is estimated In New Yory at from $4150,- curse theie piteeseforis as they pasted COMM, to $390,000,000. This estimate is stees te $e9 hper e bop of ao Ss. • Hay -No. 1, $8 Time and again a line of wagons and lased on -the payment of premiums.' la cabs Wraild ism Oh to ith'ittipassehle the housing Of the homeless people who to $ .50 per ton on lrack; No. 2, 87 to learrler,e0f debris. •where sorilp b1111111# iire sleeping in the parks and the Mill- se to $6.50. , eleans.me pea beans, . $7.50; clover, $5.50 to $6; clover, mixed, had fallen int* the street. and wow., tary reservation is -going le be a great through the etreetS. . • . No supplies can eeSme into the town _ ...e, - . $1.60 to $1.65 pee bushel; hand•picked, $1.75 per rhel. Potatoes -Per bag of pile up till the guards Cleared a way problent So, indeed, Is their feeding. ., , inp on the supplies taken from grocery in eu s Wee' lioney,-Wtrite clover, • SHOT DOWN THIEVES.' at present . The people have been liv- . eu wooemb, is. to, 140 vet, tic 000ttonti ex. . but the wholesale houses are gone with . Provisionsee eavy Canaan* short cut t. 7 te Itiov buckwheat, 53g, to 6o. And, then the vandals birdied and stores and handed out by the soldiers, 'tree • went to Work. - Routed out. from the Amor- the San era else° Water front, the tion is "Intillinent. . $21.8(t ito hott. cut, $20j Amer - dens along 1140 Wharves, the rate' (I their stores of provlsions and starve- ' Pork, .1 4au. , so. compiritm4 driftera , who betel reaehed. the back- Thera is plenty of money In sight for lard, ti renderea.,12y to mot lean cut clear' •fise s, . eddy of European eivilteatiOrt, crawled --- relief. The Government has appropriat. to 11%e; ket e 7 to 7got Cattittitattisuro lard., tig out and began to plunder. Earl in et a millienedollars and at least half et hams, 1.3 tee eed, ,. , " '44 • breititfte4 tuella, lac; the day a pollee -Man caught otse of hese million is Waiting order In New York. Windsor biekti,,1 , ret kiIled a bni- men dropping through the WhidoW , ef the iproblerne however, is not so much totr dressed lusgse. 00,25; country .60 tee that ever oVereatne th greatestIellim.edrliscaasn- etor7eaml5teilisereT:t;ito.ozet:405:::',1111' 6nulte.dietv:re4rgie:oi,ceti a small bank on Montgomery , street, one cse money oe of Ways end means of dresSed, $9,25- tee ,ge.legg Is yrougeh .city, and ono 01 (110 great tires of his- to 21e; dairtei 18 to 'ede• '• cheese -Col - tory. liestde it the Chicago, Boston, end ored, 12,3K White, leXo• .1taltiMore tires are almost unimport. Mayor Sehtbilt,, and, it Wilt this as 'ant. . UN1TkD STATES .MARKETS. o. „ . muand Gen. iktisten came over front the ! sunium Bitn. No mAiLicr. MinneapPlitee April 24 -Wheat -May, & tiv anythIng Which deterinfried tern' .... ........4............. Reid& oft Ilk double gulch Willi...the ..., • 78%e; 'Any, 80% to 110%ce September, Mk ,fitt OKI lroepas WOritiog...taltalrablf "Passed Om Word "(het. the deed ittrett4sbottitEbet4r011$111-lhertri-elnee the 110SPItotit 4104 ellieegtleS had beethotI., choked, and toward 11141 Point. Dee early foroo004, utoctrays. exproct wohP 0011. 11114- 1/40114,1111Prelatad 44 ,'1041P8e. tal tunhniellers,, tea' their (MAMIE • There Were perhaps. 400 injured people:), •ineleYsfeteetietteeterriblYeenengleete- Uhl eut on the floor 'before ".tieellt . • ,. ' . -DEAD. AND WILMS% - Seery Physician, in the' city. welteateere ,ed, and ,they, get together el19111411 .frained.nuries. to. db the work.% 'There of tr. LOCAL TELEPIIONSS. ter cUtiels, sal344 tarlers. atok, Ida'dre dliotah. IlE,AVIIIKt. SHAN 13SNNIES. it two' QI the greet Rawl* in avi, Wing plegagolly 047040 92 clitleetiefe uo clogging is pert0410,1; thwg irellatioti to WA impeded. - A %-ery wank end sigetiolde 10411)014 '05 0.4112 and. getting from it good re01/144 lik•bi W404 It tato littlie eakea ee1144 Prima bonoise."' 'These are tiellefoOSI when wenn, with pones or tee, tiod *gladly is good. when cold tor * Itus$1. They *re * neturst eeliNtitbie lintettee, Curing Pad forma ,of .coostimdlen end kindred 011,3 middy aar4 prising as welt ils agreeable: OR THE FkPi Rog cutoro to oottood oituwut__ttottstro44101604 a *bids I fate. Well Illiet Oeatir ea 1144 Bina, weds* IN. 'r, 1$4/Aler. The der* litey Ile ma. vOIN1 by ototoet flikeilltail klut1 Oa b$ moved Irodi ease IVA 10 tineeher. 111 110.414 elsalara. 01' WO 01Mit tail bav4 :•:40i."7:lartehe4'' 44440OrAjAr4444:10141111470:14Aa*:41:42841444e°1""s' loatist may carry tee dIfteeee. 91,4:0404 Illy intsiAlou. 1'4 ' ire viry ,aN1r:•1,0111111::}el°44:1*1-111:911'ittaLt4110,tiiir!pl, 6W4t115140040144tIle:Ootl::;14,;(704,41:004.4:m11;170t. 0119"1110r11.41:04. .alAiatetr04: '4 h ,44 8411 and 8 level ! ,., With lKief ettoiern 100Y nettlYeee. the dire • tirhte WO net peek 10 ttto weiours, but Nfilitioglirom 0 toloatiod tormstrootit, mkt 001.4 41,u web, loot 1,4 Ilk in az short ithtioiii, .0. taclude meek 014 and tieop rpm * 00004, eel. neutered. • Might occaalo_„.ttallt blow Die lerittit.., II It CUISOlYika in. milk, ,Stir the uglily .twit* A% thw ,f,ina belovi Wind ilea steady oven. unlit ix oleo .brOwn. Thtrell `Othet rile411C9t 'e'artYlgiir nis dtaallatt tale- Will make three delete or gege;e41, lotto Or Isla 'difficult avid surnetkrate keo,p144 quottiteo t Palatal. teat Tay law treeliS4' hOPelelft bet' 0°0 .0111 EvYadityna'3041anrlavettboreen)001111o1 InorMee tritit , A3pane4titlitnl'''PlItLIW' ,i°111***:911ent/41114111t4LitlirVittl 4. l‘'' toogirio, 14,, tacao cat se eige to inspetieo, 'tbe Oonnittr• no hog should be allowed 4t0043 ino•onvuotittiavotitnolooe.tibiottatt. 14.,0,04110040‘01 w...44,t,,,ttt,...:4.141.44141°' 0 "41 CleS°11t1C)n' irtiorir tYlihrieje4rinhogtv„Y,woL ersto.,..41. p_ wale from all Otlatalr salt atta one.hatrth teaspoon peptlert , t for 41 11/411V NI dor). AU . 0413 6 . dying e......... Add' Nur tablespoons oil and Mix How. , oprys To tiouetKeEpEms, should he Other burned or btatt", tint Oughly; then, add two tablespoone. MS' .; dee tWO:ingli4 Of little'lind led , . r. A few drop% of onion julep WWI% tillelap,, denied: With „011.110.calt(11101.: ot sog,.._„cootowt.4;41044404$0 tenlyd cut. Intriggetatilerltutt IIVA IsigeoVatetheepaltitoirfettoitigth lo:otter, Ltilig111: turesor10:;:igutilliebil, str444g121t4ii, epx0lintt • Hon, Mr, Deck)) Ineasttra was report. garnish with, whites and Yedlite Ot WO for iteas or elitiniar,00103. N hole seri:, eneo Of the disease then imargo wood ct.lid 'SfitY ono elinelldinent, edittoett• hard -tolled eggs. cold, WW1 rod beats Or It Can be roade-4couch eeVer and pastures. Wain% ,MOre 0114 iftilltdild• ted4) tOleek by whien aiming. lines and peysiey. chop whites end arrange screen, pillows and table covers -at rhe anirnais. Manua be VIM. a Varlet": t• . ,veeted In the rrionteipallty with on onedesirtle or the mound; chop heels Illtie cost. . of food Inelittittlir something greet). All WO 0003ettl at WI, -0Wrtere• Enely, mix with, one tablespoon vine- In boiling egs hard put them in boil- nens,andjais should be kept tie free as _. „NO -SUNDAY-, TAO-ELMO- ---Ort Oil let stand fifteen minutes; then lug, water ten minutes and then PO possible from dust *tee intldhetes. Uri- theM in cola water. It will pragen1 Om do a, shelter, where the Minutia cot j bave ocean to it. place Iwo bliShela , 'arrange on fourths of Media -n.041 to yolk from coloring. a . thrown tPiboteltsan' eteevhtledileCoulkliamedneepgaviln‘cerlattivfintnaesedts;tiGht:seto*dwatt:eoaor:ttikisonr.'1.°Ithh...iliroeate:::11tetuptolltill'ern'ounutl:ses:Incilo:ItnridftosItlt:iptareetotttnkre301:14ethtli.ldt:Qobet:".gbillIkIdardteaM":Pehl:oos.v"ItIPioth:Nk°4t.ocetl'uLe°1":"1:gfersoiniti.. ef borox in water to Which one -third - kept brtght as seew by rubbing with n to, move itto well pozs.tioto. This pun pOush made by dissolving twenty grams Jeapoe out with, fresh hot Water and roaches away. the quantity of ammonia is odded. weed el..neee ee, ei, ..,,,e,e, ..._, ,.. Shake the bottle of mixtare befoce bhoeledeliorr Xseins artilistorstFoopertanettilirlay esbmey using. _ Lie recanit'covios n Albuintnum cookina utensils den he To kettle a teapot clean and sweet ostthoeurweebous :loeilvve::eptie twit II :Haig. boa ttneee:eitory. ee develop. • horouittly glean and dhl- sWeabglillibilti7Tol 5a0Oh°:artsTPLfer!Istir, Piero of a roonn lay a fir or,10111410^Iter tilled pillow on the registers with caienne pepper in a' solutionPatia+1° Imed,,nW,ItiabillodkitittibillitLlia,lise3nedd110, ottnhe2QrTea°1111PgaPehLY, :111:14:1 flepo*W;e4r.rd drAivehaurwmatramiacendiseltoaanslayttitrareatotmae stuff it into til0 hole. Dry oeyenne aL:eavr 'a elboeeel'esiceit soli:: Ow1,hileireelinetellhoyMaro0Y4. I outrilli:lenonlsihe.oe tp.";511rkttls5sIorsg;10wever, when the wipe Requite dry. Oda to become Stained Vilt4.dthe old , EVIL:219nPQII1414 sietttavinesa (10 good Ttehtto csmanellbel"Tonned°shiouulda folillowed with from flve to ten drops ear, reveal tide, and yet many persons take ' btionloto inaclud tainttdie aoltie.a eet, from two to foul! °dIntirehlamIllan°11111ofteulhyrPIPOII: sulphite of soda may be given to ad - 1 vantage. Pig lots ohtund be arranged w ith movable houses so that they can be changed every year and the ground CURIA vatedl before being used for swine again. Places exposed to sunshine and rain may be used in the oeurso of a few , nienths after an outbreak, but pens and shelters must be thoroughly disinfect. ed and left vacant for at least six menthe. Hon. Sr. netAri$8 ktallwaY %Iftti Whites, Arrange on remaining fourth, el '11Joilitrkt 44.0111111 Town* glaidly wiuked iellY.elleed *loather *rein commtee moutto, yolks chopped or forced through Ile rePerted In the US Wint certain. `1;;' a potato ;leer, IPu' small sprigs Of pars .;1110-14104014014 j 1 aaloAdaleata to be eUng'"'"'''' "A ley in lines f &Vitiate beets frOM egg.; .were. fewer vorpses1.1o4, 1M0Y., were the • tome$,' order In -wooing Ilia' Je,004.1.1, iirAgliver,,..14 purrs 0411011- and caring tee' the living ta Info IT V hi,A4 RI4611441 'care. lar too dead. ! The.. Ord.: wagon. • . brought ft, who% fanilly-Seathereenother, and 1hrOa dea.d Wept . . the ;baby, who had 4 terrible eut UPON'S ' EOM TO LIIADINO across the forehead and. b broken' erm. These had; been dragged, out from illo tenne` Of *heir houSeson theewater front. • . 01) acting' le the% Stuiday °lenses WIC. e 32.50 $3.50; baps 112 10 12.75, good lockers run dit 10 $3,05, light el r75 Of rough cernmen 41 $2 to $2.75, and bulls at $1.15 to $2.50. Mitch .Cows, -1134) to.b.%) each. 'Calve.s4,They are, quoted at it to tic Per Sheep and Lambs ---Export sheep are quoted 25 14 750 per elW2, _lower at -54.50 le $5 _for ewes and $3.30 to $3.75 ler hue104 Oraire.fed laMbs are 25 to 600 lower at $0.25 to $6.75, and spring tanks are also easier at $3. to 1110 each. Hogs--11nehanged at $7.15 per cwt. for selects and $6.130 for lights and fats, fed and watered. DOMINION,' PARLIAMENT Mr. Barker was informed by Mr. Enirnerson that the New BrunswteK Petroleum Company hall been Moor- porated in 1890 with an authorized capital of 111,000,000 in • 100,000 shares of 810 each, and non -assessable. Mr. ,Em- merson had not been a shareholder or In any way interested at the ;time of the formation ef the company, nor until June, 1901, when he purchased 10,910 Count declares that the crops this year Shares, and he had no 6ther interests in his country will be good, and that by than these in the comparty. The sub- September all danger of famine will be scribed capital at the time of incorpora. over. The biggest problem, he says, tion was 32,000 shares, and at present now before the Government of Japan is A wits 76,889.9 Mr. Einmerson had not the nationalization of the railways, and disposed of any of his stock in the corn- already they have decided on taking over seventeen lines. Reduction in the pany. BORING FOR OIL. tent of military service is also recetving consideration. The soreness over the Mr. McCarthy (Calgary) was told by terms of peace, he says, is now sub - Mr. Oliver that *3,000 had been apprb. siding, allowing the Government to de- prtated by the Government to assist in vote attention to domestic problems. boring for oil, etc., near Edmonton. Although thee has been considerable The North-West Gas and Oil Company, consumption ef flour from this courneY, of Edrnotdon, had enelied to the Govern. Count Aoki says the Jap is not likely to ment for an advance for this purpose, abandcin his main diet of rice, nor does and the Goverrunent had advanced them he look for a big market for the ores of $1,000 for the same purpose. Mr. Mc. British Columbia in his country, which, is also very rich in minerals. Carthy was also told by Hon. Mr. Hy- he says, man that the money voted during the Also on board the Empress was a last two sessions for a land titles office band of Sikhs, belonging to a Hong at Calgary Mid not been expended. 1Kmoenegriariegaimutehnotiityrec, wenhtoly wdalisbsaenekdeldvobrky GOVERNMENT LAND. Lb the mills of'. Brflish Columbia. Mr. McCarthy learned from Mr. Oliver ' that an epplication had been received for ARREST C. P. It. EMPLOYES. the sale to a syndicate of a large tract Of Government land in Alberta, between Calgary and Edmonton, in the vicinity Systematic Stealing Das Been Gohm on, of Lacombe. No price was, proposed for and Many Arrests Follow. the land, and the Government had taken A Winnipeg despatch says: A whole - no action in the way of having a valu- ation made. sale arrest of C.P.R. employes, includ- ing yardmen, switchmen, brakemen, WIRE FENCING. conductors and engineers, on the charge of stealing merchandise from cars, tot - Mr. Clements was told by Mr. Oliver lowed some good detective work. that the Governmen1 was neither build- Robberies from cars have been syste- tog nor proposing to build any wire matically carried on foil years. A short fencing on boundary lines between the time ago the C.P.R. imported a pro - United States and Canada this year. fessional "fence" from Chicago and he has been purchasing the etolen goode and returning them to the company. Gradually he detected the men involved and the arrests followed. Fifteen war- rants !hive been issued and the majority of the accused men are under arrest. duced by Mr. Belcourt and seconded by It is probttble that other warrants will Mr. Northrup. They made eloquent be issued. speeches in favor of the resolution, and were followed by Sir Wilfrid Laurier, Mr. Borden, Col. Hughes, Messrs. Mil- ler, Bourassa, and Chisholm. On Sir Wilfrid's suggestion the address was amended so as to leave it an open ques- tion with the King, :should the invitation be accepted, to visit 1he Dominien at a time most convenient to their Majes- ties, instead of on the occasion of the opening of the Quebec Bridge, as sug- gested by Mr. Belcourt. LAKE UNDER LARtE CITY. Charleston, W. Va., in a State of Great Excitement. 0190 gentian with p rsley at base. Bowyer noted- 'that many roads running hettueo.-Lettueo Ls especially vale - able caning the winter end spring, when other „green vegetables in Market cone - mend high prier). Lettuce ehould he seearated by removing leaves from stalk ,•• alLaearding wilted outer leaves), washed, kept in cold water until crisp, drained, and so placed on a towel that we.* may drop from leaves, plitee in bag, and hang In lower part of tee.box to drain. Wire baskets are used for the same purpose. Arrange lettuce for serving in' nearly its original shape. Vanilla Wafers.-Creara half a cupful of butter with one cuptui ef granulated sugar; tidd one beaten egg, a quarter ut ettphil of sweet mfilt and one tea. spoonful ot vanilla; then beat In two and a quarter cupfuls of flour, one tea- spoonful of baking powder, and half a teaspoonful of salt sifted together. Roll thin4 cut out and bake in a quick oven. Hamburg Steak, -The Hamburg steak was so exactly to our taste, that we de- sired to know bow the cook prepared 't, 'it is after a formula of My own: said our hostess, pr,oeceding to enlightelaNus. To 1 lb. finely chopped beet stir In a eggs, season with pepper and sett, and flavor with parsley and sage. With 4 large spoon dip out the mixture Into hot fat. Salted Almonds. -Shell 2 the. ithnonds end blanch them by pouring over enough boiling- wattle to cover. Let stand for p minutes, then slip off the skin. Dry the Ws between the folds of a clean, soft cloth; let them cool and then plaee in a baking -pan with 4 table- spoons of olive oil. Turn them over and over In the oll until well coated; place the pen in the oven and let re- main until the almonds are light brown in color, stliring often so as to have them evenly browned. Turn into a colander, sprinicle thickly with fine salt; shake the colander quite hard to dis- lodge all superflous salt and oil. Keep tn a dry place. ----- . out at • 040tiao Iota the privilege of twining- MT SUndeos 'ea did lose these operating;, undereDommion charters; 't WOttld -he denied to ,provinclal hues, 'To. !tits the Premier replied that he, believed the' people favored the pro - Wintery elintses, and the Government intendedto stand by these sections. REGiSTRATON STANDS it YEAR. Premier Whitney' announced the with- cllawal of hIs bill to abolish manhood ettfrage registration in Ontarici. The Premier seld that there would be a gen- eral revtsion of the election law next )ear. n" the meantime there would le no election,. and..no. harm. timid. ba dono. by poStponing the reform. • FRANCHISE TO WOMEN. The -House 'divided on Mr. Smith's (Peel) bill to give the provincial fran- chise to women who vote in municipal elections, but this radical proposal folindanly e.ighl- supporters besides the mever. The members generally were Inclined to treat the bill as a joke. REFORMS IN JAPAN. An Interview With Count Aoki at Victoria, MC. A Victoria, BA, despatch says: On e Empress of China which arrived on ednesday was Coent Aoki, the new Japanese MinLeter to Washington. •Tho and shith,h1m dead; Out the pollee were keeping fleneliegicle bettleng letlek Over- zealdUa,,reeeeseete frepa-thee falieri houses and the burning tilleks, Midler a time. these Men plundered it will. !stews at thie developMent Carried --eittly to ...... 783/4c; Not I hard, 61a; No. T Northern, whale garrItelf of United States 'troops ' A„ mim was Tascharog got Stamina et 81%e; No. 11 do„ 76e; No. 3 Spring, to put ihe City ufider Martial laW. Or. Runt*. SL ' Loins, April 84.-Wheat-CAsh, anyOnc-ettUght in the oat 0! looting, and AAtspatch from leufittIO Says: Rudolph 87e; May, 440%01 $111Y. Miee the Sables orders, were Wiled to the Schilling, 19 years 014* who faintly stab+, mewitokee, wit., April ft. -Wheat, - First ilogimeat, Naliontit Gusta91 Ottli. 'bed Peed I. °retiree,' during a trielal leo. 1 NorThern, 82 to itteeee; No. 2 de., -45 ono ouvlaterAili ty—jkli.1*.iLthl:Orth-COot t -1..11uffitio.-AbOlit..tenLdayaAga, I . t ilf te0';-Iktdolo410e-2e'Vs•bs-55Viio; tomtit, when 119y were fatiSitkeil end tffiartel at the plant of Pratt Leteh• 78 to fif.4.11111Y, 8/ • to I,.o. YO- P. LrOde; an/. ofier Untie • hew, the Vas" discharged by Judge Murphy on Immo& oeta gee, corie-No. 3 cash. earth evair shaking with' little freewill, Wednesdat. (*emus formerly lived th 0 tbv4e0; May, itleice many et Whieti, breeigilt ddeen Willie 'Ilittitford. Olitt' Ithlge Murphy con, 6i1utl, Ntrio.. April 4.4.--Wheat-NO. and ehfnuwys. At telt Of these„the oi., &toted an Inger* Teter/ay,. He -bee r mittetiv.inkt: No' 2 de , ?WA MItY eUCtat Mita tint iireineitt. Wellid stop Iieved the Stabbing tkfite done WIthOUt solo; kw,: 8#,61 4tooliei; 7gxo; ' for a fflOthefit, peridysed. The $ emelt* Or Korethought. drove teen 1 016 11, 0 ild eterrnined . _ ...,,,......4............,-. 10.1,1 11001k SPIRRADNO. - 1.010 MOCK NUMMI'. o'clocicf" the heaviest° ate Akio 10 One, . to stay Ly ilia *Takao eq lo -Wok for , Tereeitet, April t4.-4 foilly heavy run raelditt +51 oseepii Ily Water. Ot tatBa leiete "otititing,at the Western Disnaletirtg NOBS kg* Netted-lingteia4 mod* thal"rala-g' , 1. 'SAFETY 'costmtrret, .1toopi ate neat. , Expo4 catt•—ctioce are quoted at , $4.110 SO $3.0, SWUM) to Ovid at $4-40 A'Lotiddit ileVetee eh e i 1514atileling t• $1.10, others at St to, sus, buns at City Ital). Itete, itt default of tt-bultd. nets toott a froin Neldh $41,50 to $4, andcovii at 11.75 tti $4. In, the Hoard of Stipervitant met and where the Zulu* are either befriending Dutcher Cedlie"Pletteft tete* Si," to foiled, itigethat With 50 subetablial ilia, x0e1 chief, Battibtant, Or are les,, oS; *ad ,10 lac $4.40 to 4145, fair ecitraitteo lot eltfelY. They logo Net thld hre bring Made* to capture Mel.' gat!ffialtre 75 $414114°T1111s4"41.112i0 it ellieene Moth they had tethered,. a leaking Het infislatinthe 1131 WOOS to"014d, theintelves to the Urablein Of ,proeittleg Tits 1041 tribes Mt Mobilizing, end the ritattletts Mr IN) tlyazg att4 geed: Me. renieelitned1 fit 00411124 Idkaalel Fe1e 1-8120,6111115 eh/41nel' Tae111011. WM* 11'001 Use CitY leer force*. 'Illa Imperial fetiopil at f re i 0 $4 11144 Mil 600444$ 41,10 ib 'WM 1/010000 )440100. Aft Wit 4 ,011411MIL. tiOditAt It There woe on open park oPpogita the A despatch from Charleston, West Virginia, says: The city of Charleston was thrown into excitement on Tues- day by the discovery of a gigantic cave directly beneath the town. The cave contains a large lake.. Men blasting rock made the discovery of the lake and env. ern when the discharge caused the earth to crumble and fail in, leaving a great hole. Workmen venhired into the cavern, exploring it for a consider - Mete distance. They disedvered the lake, and, returning to the- euritice, procure ed a email boat, in which they rowed about for several hundred yards. There at limestone formations in the cavern similar to thoeti in the Mated Luray ceves. The water In the lake In retnark- ably pure and is Cold and aweet to the the taste. A systematic exPloration of the cavern will be begun to -day. TI1AGE1W IN NORTH VICTORIA. HEALTH GOOD AT COBALT. Resident Inspector Scott Forwards Few Facts -Measles Only. A despatch from Toronto says: Sani- tary inspector Samuel Scott has present, d to Dr, Hodgetts his first report is resident inspector of the Cobalt district. In all, he has covered thirty-six pros- pectors and mining camps, and In these ffeven hundred men are at week. Co- balt is estimated by Mr. Scott to have , and about 700 houses. The erinkIng of watertiat has not been Lolled is prohibited. One case of meas- les Is the only instanceetcnown of a con- tegious disease in the town, und thet has been isolated. Dr. liodgetts and Inspector Bell will likely vistt Cobalt in the near future to push the health compel gn. SERVING TIIE RIGHT SAUCE. • A well -made settee Is said to glorify any dish, but this depends to a great degree on the selection of a right com- bination. The sauce that enhances the flavor of flsh‘may add nothing to meat. It is generally true that the combination wtYch seems to be no more than a mere custom of eating certain things at the same time, has in reality a hygienic reason for its long continuttnce. For instance, a meat, like pork. or a bird, like the goose, both require an acid sauce or adjunct because of the excess of fat. In the same way mustard ls taken with corned beef to excite the di- gestive organs to greater 'activity needed to take care of the salted meat. For the benetit of the Inexperienced a table with snuce combinations is given. Raw oysters, quartered lemon, horse- radish sauce, tobasco. Baked fish, drawn butter, Hollandaise 504100. Broiled fish, Maitre (Motel butter, sauce tartar°. Boiled fish, egg sauce, drawn butter, Hollandaise sauce, sauce piquantc, cream sauce. Fried ash, sauce torture. Roast chicken, bread sauce, green grape jelly. Roast turkey, cranberry jelly. Roast goose, acid apple sauce, bar- berry jelly. Fried chicken, cream gravy. Roast duck, orange sauce, currant jelly. Boost veal, tomato sauce, horseradish sauce. Roast mutton, currant jelly, soublse sauce. , Roast pork, apple sauce. Roast iamb, mint sauce. Roast beef, brown gravy, horseradish. Roast Met of vent, mushroom sauce. Roes h ven kon, barberry jelly Roast quail, currant Jelly, celery sauce. Roast carivashnelc duck, black cur. rant Jelly, olive sauce. Rolled mutton, caper sauce. Boiled tongue. uuauce tartare. Corned , beef , n led aril. Metalled fowl, celery sa tele. Pork sausage, apple sauce, fried apples. Frizzled beef, horseradish. Sweetbreads, sauce beehamel. no pains to keep thele je pato elean int. side, A now teapot hus tm reated fro It/ the beginning wl give little trouble and never beco stained. I , FLASHES FROM THE WIRE DEL MONTE HOTEL AT MONTEREY. foculla The Very Latest Items From all Parte of Ihe Globe. CANADA. Winnipeg will spend a million and a half in local improvements. J. 13. Brooks, lately of Owen Sound, wee run ovee at Susicaloon and hilted. The 7t1) Regiment (Fusiliers), London, will go _to Montreal oL Dominion Day. Five thousand dollars has been sub - In Moose Jaw tor a local Y.M.C.A. The Winnipeg Fair directors will offer $200 for the best 25 bushels of red Fite wheat. yaluable discoveries of silver hove been reported around the upper wattere of Lake Winnipeg. Mrs. M. Murphy, a tialf-breed, sentenced at Lethbridge to nine wont/Ls for giving an Milian llquor. . The Quebec Boned of Trade will ten- der a- banquet te Sir Thomas Slieugh- flossy and other C.P.R. officials on or about May 1.2. • The house famine In Gait has caused an alderman to move for a by-law to exempt from taxulion for ten years all houses worth up to $700. Mr. Frank W. Morse, general manager of the Grand Trunk Pacific, announces that 200 miles of tho G.T.P, west of Edmonton is ender contract. GREAT BRITAIN. The London Post advocates Ric sale of liquor licenses by public lender. British insurance companies will tom $100,000,000 by the San Francisco fire. UNITED STATES. ••••rmm•ynp• TREATMENT OF YOUNO CHICKS; About twenty-fotu• hours atter Ma chickens. are • hatched they ahould Ea removed with the hen to a 01.421 coop, one Warms been -thoroughly- disinfect- ed, so bat every form of parasitic life 18 deglroyed.• They should be fed small amount of hard boiled eggs for (lit. first two days, then they nerey re- ceive bread.orumbe, or cracked wheat. Clean water should be Supplied in a shaltow Vessel. It la a geed plen to cover the floor of the chop with sand, by so doing they, in picking up their food, 17rollivegeblenals°firecial7..-1-e°.-1411, d which will . After the etitealipsie Week old they will enjoy a mode ly soft mash ct ground wheat to which small amounts et sand and bone meal have been ad- ded. It is essential that they receive more of the minei•al nutriments than exist In ordinary foods. The organto lut•ms of phosphate as found in ground Reines will prove more efficient than the Ick phosphate. Experiments have domonatrated that it is not advisable te mix ground oyster shells with the food of young chicks, although 18 a ,god plan to permit them to partake et :It as they wish. Early hatched chicks eelll prove less troublesome to rear than slide hatched. They escape In a measure the torments of parasites usually so esommon during the warm season, and Rio pullets will lay well In the fall when eggs are a good price. By tapping pipe lines in Texas cors - panics were robbed of 200,000 turrestsee oil. An international Salvation Army cob- gress will be held In New York May 11 to 10. All records for Immigration violume have been broken at New York y the arrival last week of 45,000, the teeurest being 30,506 ln 1903. Governor Folk, of Missouri, sales the leaders of the lynch mob at Sprin gfleide will be punished. He says a few hang- ings would be a good object lesson,. In the course of an address 14, the Democratic Club Mayor fdtrCiellai 1, of New York, saki a spirit of unrest and hopelessness, melting under the tI ame of socialism, threatened the country . Benjamin F. Esbenshade, of Lances ter, Pa., aged sixty years, a civil war vet- eran, has just ended a forty days' falt made with the design of curing storni ich *roubles. A pint of water daily was an that passed his lips. From 104 poun 18 his weight dropped to 104 pounds, at he is weak as a child, but he belieu es hitriseli cured. Man 'Found Deed Millie Hush with Head Split Olsen? A despatch from Lindsay says: Word was received on Thursday from Kirk, field seiving Derifeldefn of a terrible oceurrence in the neighborhood' a that' %/nage. Two meD, named Miller and Dillon, had heed In tho employ Of ft fernier lattlned McNulty. living about four miles tiortb. Wednesday morning at an carly hOur they were, giVen a Job of chopping wood in a bush on the farm. Their emplOyer, after Issuing necessary directioncreturned to the barn to feed his cattle, About ten o'clock McNulty returned to fInd Miller lying dead he - ti& a log he bad been cutting, the greural deluged with bitted that had &Med from a wottind In the heed, Dillon WO rial/bere to bo seeth et Is supposed the two men Bed quairotei. ittllott hat hew placed under arrniL Whets three thitritteys tell thetInh Our root, kitting a bridal couple and a hotel litnetlink and WOW. other portent. GENERAL. The new Russien loan will arnouist to 2,400,000.001) francs. Prof. Curie. discoverer of radium., WW1 idled by being run over by a tag on In Paris. Three hundred Russian pollticel i• sellers have lust been deport -sl to Siberia by way of moscow and Hortin- soglielisk. • PIIILLIPS GRANTED HAIL. Ttie York Loan President Commities lor Trial. A Toronto despatch nays . Joseph Phillips, president of the York county lAeol and Seeinge Company. wag on Thitraday cream -lite(' for trial by Police. Mn *Wire le Denison. There was a long conference betweect Col. Denison and the Crown Allorne y, and subeequently l'hillips Mimed ovt ir to the ahareholders of the York Loan a 14 the property in dispute. Includina aboutt 87010 In cash. Phillipa wan admitted to bail in tw o securities of 82,500 each. PRAIRIE FIRE LOSsEle. Enraters In Boom District. Stanitoba, Stiffer Severely. A Portage la i'rairie. Man., despnleh nays : Word c.,ateg from Bagel dis- trict, fifteen miles v4.1.4f , of ,IrriCniq 105.4 tO frirtnerg cis a result ot bush and prairie fires. On sl'inday Itte outbuild- ing; of George J. 3(11...8 s.vere desiroyed. They eAnight frtim a torah and in a uery shot! time the Inaildinga %sere In lwinos. Two tmrseq, hen eown, two cntuez and three pigs were in the 110411(1- an4 wore burned. TREATING OATS Mt SMUT. !Any reports from farmers speak favorably of formalin as a preventive et oat smut. Following the directions sent out by various experiment stations thee' puretuuse 40 per cent. solution of forma- Idhyde from druggists at about 50 cents 11 pound and add it to water at the rate it one pound to 45 gallons which is suMcietd, where there is no leakage, for eating 15 bushels. The method of implying usually prac- tised in to spread the oats Ln a layer 2 or 3 inches deep upon a tight floor, pre- krably of cement to save leakage; to sprinkle thwe wall a watering can un - Id wet through then to place another layer of oats upon the wet ones and sprinkle again4 and to continue unut Me whole amount is wet or until the pile is as large as can be conveniently handled. The marls is then thoroughly mixed by shoveling. After a couple of hours the oats aro %mead out as thinly as possible on a floor swept by ui breeze and turned sev- eral times until dry enough- to sow. During the process the mass of 15 bush- els will swell to about 10 bushels; so allowance must be made in seeding for this. Bright, warm weather favors the drying and linmediate sowing is follow. ed by better results in germination then the seed is allowed le become as dry niti before soaking. a•=11001.1.1. 0 UWE STOCK NOTES. The whole secret of good milk may be stated in few words. The eseeielee, fire healthy ebas, keeping the dirt out, cooling the Milk Immediately: In other v.ords, tinsiing it elean and cold. 'there- fore, the find requirement is that the conditions Alder which the cows are kept should Make possible the produce lion of clean z,111h. We seldom hitir of "sorrel" colore.1 bore's now -a -days:, but the terra WaS much used by the old horse mask"' one of whom deals teat it 08 -kind of raccei.bay or cinnare van color." Several gredalions of FlOrrel` tvPre recognized: "'rho bright sorrel rest `Mbling the com- mon color of a mew: the common sorrel, whieb tq mfslium botw VSn brow!, end light; the bey -sorrel. Met 31113111a.10. Evo or rueset; the dare and dust garret, whtch is very deep and eltrown. In teme honest of these rotors. m,m, ane and tall are whIle, and in ot ner9 ac," 'the eommon sorrel used fo.lw,hertYto be held In so high an CAMO 11:On bat the Spaniards were wont to ally verhia tly "A sorrel horse to s.00litei• than (free." A ton at coal en he eeneungetd frit the C)rehnx of a boiler end the Indicator not ivgieter n einil of ateern. The coal vale not judieuesely USA and no power .5048 generated,. The eeme to trot, with kVititering sleek- Inefficient retinue oth OA. and the enlinale fall to alarm nimbler e. Sleek ere living machines. and nueiriee retell; ISI 050010 naernpntatn• umfrorc to In ;aro nrailinble thritlinmk The voime ghee ettorde 41 traeOittih 140 convert info each tito gtrain and roitg,t cm produced on tho farm neissAi Aleos.1 t( V=Ziaki ir.rwar