The Goderich Star, 1906-04-13, Page 31111331k A *ON TEM COME, Nom FA ENT ONTARIO LEOSLATURt Ilereltda Itentat 0$ a inviellatmdtt GM at Moseteset, NOM AM111 OF Tla Vtit.41 intit 114401%8TOMP AT 1 .'. I I . , , , .,. A Montreal Stattiaket Mit lot VI* OTTAWA, IMMIettl'.,, O. el414 a live Yew* lying isaktal 1034 a 1RONTO lat DOINA, et MO Ms et Si Pay AWN% Utlem t* * WO* el Cele St. Peul 04 WOMAN, SUER/kW. " fteCtiOriS field in the $tronghold Thurso' reeaht4t* th*e. P444414 n ter.470,....--' "WRENCE 4tICIDMS* ' ' .,, ' • - . , . , 04 *Om ma Ise nendleh it Mile* thet, 'ee.,-e-Le 'goosing% Wen WA by VA *0* Mr, SIllitbe 01 Peel, mood the SoCentl of the 13ureaucracy. , Ina whet. istaneref Aleintreel ill *Woke& ualtr that Atk tulektelite R44 hannetted Mehttn, Ot tete eneettentiiint tC1 ihn Rath ono beerier , nt tt. la ottotogtroo by 0,0,44 IN St.. LI renett belent h$0110,41 hetna net Well leneldeten 'Ill* *Mare tigtetteetitehl hire ltioreirtl= lirtOgra14041 Of VI:Idle?, 0414.,"114114i t1141 V44174%11 WrOIZIllit9 htehtl: , ,. , tho ooMmunety olcoent uonotteod, not' , Mat ot Quebee, ' ' i shali,loure Yetea tot tha Ledillative AO, , GOVERNMENT nag% In 160W/ince of KerSterieletiling tit and he had RA tbie tleteettleitentet Mid* of som Aggo:hit \tot, 1,112:ft rbiect hs * Same centlittorlit .4" The Louden Woe "oorosepondent en wottuding 100' Ot thelhe A '6141,0aft. Pa nht. Onlitteirebla We! Net only kid . . g MI Mk 1."oieri. Ile hoped st, neeeregers ohtaet on wottoottto, ite wet need., , tot littlterti bet* In It.VettY ROM her eo,,,,,* - 14, err teelliti She _ e u .. et tee e Wei wed eon, enonilitt e Called ens hen been 41., .telnat AN WWII **pert. r Nport4114fig let lett tO conipeete' thOe out ee VEGOTIATI,CrNr; WITH. CIIINA, . , iecretirla 1414berrfAitlide oh114"entel, 4gt, bluo ....e.killetLIII AA* ..ever_SeittutLi-Africa Lit, • sow op ek' imerams. rroe, MIgelP ,Pr011a 14 lite WOO Mak illteW '1"4"'Y'stfl to *Nor Wilt% anti 4n grenehGtIrtirnglet "At, 'Pall* In 'the rat 4 cleePet411' frent °S`ln ,ee'Yel. /,,,"-- ihat Moutons* had tioVsloppod at lot 'Altera/ Who a the time et their deaths' alt. LIAO` bill to *Mend the Ad tee ilittio-'t mit' -Ireenereeft "414" r"' Bil"C "neg°114149"**PPe*PIQ"'" OrdillarY 'Violertee.. All ehe glethimg eseint 10.14 geoid 14 Wen he Clilliellen agree ' aPaat11,Ill rontlithettel ' SOO Of enattela - Pe - ve-era ar0 1/1 nth eMPleeeh reathed te eledleek. At ally ..,,r ,,t,,,_,, sheen end gown w etnived!nwity. ,,' „ %ere S 1 * service in SO r ed. _ 1 ted th ' ' 14 rs, *et Of 'the 60Vernilnion. aod. ehe, oleo, ere, druOgtng along *IOW' y• In. 'omen oleo loom loft itireettaeoetat tie e i The attention of- the Government hat) reernetelltiner fartteltig eiirillMnentlee. 011t Ott WPtt '0441 'for their PM, 4ibr. no IA oxf Rtzsgin mugster to C41, P4' knet'- chip* Withio a ew innidred yard* of Ito-tothlen Called te the feet ttnet natant eot14) 411°r°O•Y'Goetliti 001 ac)t Itilla it Maj4fortologinbr/iIriodeeciretes114,4enf treellur, 7p UP 114 ttr nelrlitre gt4t!OftVes$41Me°41IttrW:11'' pillte"c. 144,skedyosongisg W.wiloTanitte of)rthele Ir11171 .1:413%44:rtintIble4'leln"Ittir 411 41T'eeeteevc!""! t"1-ract$44.14:::::saintr4fette4ireeeSetutt11511;14°111° tett thellterlete OPed WOW:1Y ' Veered Ine lineene regarding NOrtng4 am P *' CliMbing teter the lenea' lotting from erulent r'. 1"Uuit lien neteS. Uttle reeeipts, outrect* . coneghtlional " Dettmeretbr. : candidates, have•eonferred MO thot or three' i'lfilei tile ogled with the dallies in,lits ettrit4, BEAUTY OF NIAGARA FALLS. lier Cendttielnd Sate Or ellattehe Or Gillet ,I Every eltert eteth Mettle, le illeeetnealle llUelng the Past Moutt4 1111"ta 11" '44 and Otter* ethers raw 11W with Ole ti Centred% ehottld be milt VW void when 40. (Ilattritalltta the. Opposition ny ,uppee hand *cause she holds nearlY; ,Ail chm, ow ere ewe le umusuns,vmdable "Wttilirl a kW OW 01 the eleathinn Yet, theM. The: Chinese, Wing remained a dead' letter till demanding that China eilialaDY ttrti '. tde hes been nlissintl *Mee Tut‘deY /4= mogar citgietr: alroptram kte711 !Mat lietetti4e111, . Wilkid Lak6uNeurtti;avrinfr:teratilir hied 1110$ contained proviso*, eondlUons or 0410 Or'intltelreemPlent, TIM eight, Of h 1 II 0 he elentelleiS her. whlthe , 9 ' p , • 1,16 Shputatione that actions,er sults In ow 14 epito ot all *Se adveree gonditions, wore Itever se deterniLni% tittoe evilitstad741 asothttreontallwattvientfgarnottou"-„tvitra toirtol betarutybaottevNtrwlof throe tirtia04 rvitt!tot a 04 ,P MP Itoyie ouggeabst7thbaattrtihe4"con cern: 'beaten, and the Constitutionol. reenter are trying to keep the Mtge *tens . , the. °""ninfint 1114 i*n'.144791°44:444-14reigit encrrnieb41"** °‘411 Pal' " itclengleeel g"Tgitrettst=surphree." .supellosogo-kapi - ' , ditriral MaritigtglgganthewOrkE. trots hove Carried every„ eleeterat. seat, setret lite Waa the MO With the Cleillesh:e pared' the 'went tor the terrible rettlilot • eL, _. , even' In "1118'49•11" °Wcittl '11-114 401' 4Paneto tregY, °110 txtlle el erri'd she was eon to face. From the Ilia* tailittittruTeit tatli byu:a- trireicnkti .14/1Z7LNeViltter fotiktr:otTettar° "Ines - -neeretten--eleritenta, Prilfinnenthedeeenriet- ""tion-"--bollaved--te'-he-the Iniralif rt r ReSetef this revolting -crime et Angle TO .. secure votes. ' genetoa in .morioutele sive to Folsom, of mitigegon appears. tnd that is the 1AI% „r..Lota a.t. Lydneit., .fJ„_,.11,..., aa,yea.r,.einis I . MEMI/EllE . TOO DILATOR?. where' ev9re" ftetlee had- been strained" to other C011eeas elle W • Made, that the marderer was !Moon “1". hehtt PgtaVii 04 WV1104 OWY,,,,OW, Mr. Pratt Wee not prepared to move Persistent rtunors qt prejeeted JeieVIPIO welentrallons, and whteh RUSS* wants eetoe ef 41. "... 6..4 11,...6... net had.neoll Paid hY the raltnielPaulY uP the second reading ot ehis bill to Neu- notesaeree at Easier are teimeable, 04 lbe Chilleee 00Vertlilleitt to ratite. The ''''''' "'"v" """t.'''' ""'"*"" -- to dateZ' and the Department of Justice 'reactlettaret ftellrees. It IS. mere than Chinese, bewever, wen that toper WY' ragnieeent Of tne terelble deed be bed been Instructed on April A MI, and the Premier teak advantage of Ilie tete PrOprietary arid patent medicinee, delebtitil g \the Wel aUtherttlee` netinlit Government never sartoticined these eon- w" "r1441Atirtg• Deteetiveg trom both Abe Provincial to take legal proonlingS ageing the fact to read the meMbers a brief Wa- age* dare- permit *monies, otter the cessions, and that therefore ihey aro in- arid thy staffs have been detailed he MlnlIcipality. There were three MIMI- lure tor their Winteriness, There Were' -elealitiea similarly in arrears for the some bills, he seid, which had been ofileial PublIcallow of- Ministerial .ciren-- -valid. , . .- work en the tase,?'" A illItaber of priVate Service of troops to supPresS riots. on the order paper for five weeks, IRO Weening them to lake. preedutions, ettizmw are taking Part in the, march. and .OPeetalle otter the opliositione vie- TOBACCO USERS WILL PAY. It Is believed that the murderer can PROVINCIAL REPRESENTATION. though there was not the shadow of an excuse for the delay. The Government, ,tories'at the eleptions; the Cetraelitutionel , A despateh from St. Petersburg says: scarcety escape, so well do all the de. Mr. Hughes (King's) moyed 'a resolte he declared was doing ail it could to Democrate • being committed to de- The ektra financial burden wised by the scriptions agree. mending puntehment et the gUilty . tion that an address be presented to the expedite business and he thought Me war with Japan will be borne in pate Officials as soon as the Douala theets. ...........o.-......... ' King, praying for the submission to the members should lend all the assistance by tobaeco consumers. A project to ho i t'::-.) Creese the internal revenue Um oh en EXPLORE GILLIES. LIMIT. Imperial Parliament ot an amendment they could. to the British North America Act, pre- • average of et1 per cent. hes ,been ap- ENQUIRY OF MINISTRY. venting ally province of the Dominion proved for MIS/mission ter the approach - Mg .National Parliament. The increase The Provincial Geologist to Make Thor. from ever having fewer representativee Mr. Gamey - Is the Government ouoh Report. . In Parliament thaw it was gliten when aware that &Ir. Joseph Phillips, the (we- lt entered Confederation. Isident of the Toronto Life, Is a prisoner on the charge of misusing funds? That ;;, MILITARY BANDS. the two other avatars of the company ,f COL Hughes was inforraed by sir have discredited themselves. by their Frederick Borden that the GoVernment evidence at his tele!? Also the clerks regulaUons forbade any military band Lave shown an absent-mindedness and in uniform to take part in a dernottstra. forgetfulnese quite incompatible with tion or proces,sion for party or polite. competent work? Has the Government cal purposes. e .. FOOD SUPPLIES. I thought of appoinUng some •-rellable, competent person to take charge of the son that the food supplie,s for the sur -I Mr. Macdonell was told by Mr, Emer- tompany'EssTaIlfmaiArsr?Es PASSED. vey perties on the Ontario section of the I Consideration of the estimates was Transcontinental Railway were not pur- resumed, a large number of votes being chased by the Goverpment, but by the Passed, including a total of $412,395 for 84.95 to 8125, medium to good at $4.- Miller's reports on his work will be of Transcontinental Railway Commission, - works. $212,410 for colonization roads, g , . P _ I Export Cattle - Choice are quoted at decided to hold for the people. Prof. .AD„,sms 30 to 84.70, others at $4 to 84.25, bulls great value lo the Government. through a purchasing agent who ob- $427,525 charges on Crown lands, $160.. REPOWIS FROM TEE LE """' at $3.50 to $4, and cows at $2.75 10 84. Many reports are in eirculietion in re- sale rate price,s. No complaints bad been tallied them at most favorable whole. 172 for miscellaneous. / TRAIR 11113NTRESt Butcher Cattle - Choice cattle, $5.15 spect to action by the Govereunent re. received regarding the supplies. The ENGINEERS' BILL. to $5.35; picked lots $4.75 to $5.10; good Wive to the methods of treating the ores purchasing agent examined the supplies , t4. choice, 84.40 to 84.65; fair to good, item the limit, tillt this has not yet been and te,sted them before shipment and -. • The Stationary Engineers' Act was Prices of Cattle. Gram, Chem awe 153.75 to $4; common, $2.50 to $3; cows, seriously considered, and no negatia- i - they were also examined by the •com• bill provides that every engineer .oper- reported by the special committee The $2 75 to $4.2.5. bulls $3 to $4* canners tion.e are under way, or have been en- mission's agents at the paints of destin. Other Dairy Produce at Home 181.50 to $2. d Stockers and Feeders - Short -keep gestions have been made to the Govern- lered into, on thie, point, although sug- aUon. LORD'S DAY BILL. I cr or over, must pass an examinetIon I etIng any steam plant of 50 horse pow - 0 feeders are quoted at $4 to $4.50, heavy ment by persons with more or less ex- Mr. •Foster asked Mr. Fitzpatrick to to be approved by the Lieutenant -Gov - Toronto. April 10.-- Wheat -No. 2 feeders at $3.85 -to S4.15, medium at pert knowledge. There Is every Mete, plain the intention of the clause refen errionin-Councle wtto [lees the fees, en - 770 $2.50 to $3.50, bulls at $2 to $2.75, good however, that the reduction works ring to the continuance of trainloads -I taling,itetteee-leetfficate. This, how. white and No. 2 red Winter each cattle to their point of destination on a ever, is not to apply to steam heoling bid on C.P.R. outside, but. none offered. stockers run at $9 to $3.65, light al, $2.- which will be a necessary accompani- Sundoy, What was meant by the "des- „plants in schools and public buildings, No."2 mixed offered outsele on C.P.R. 71- to $3, rough common at $2 to $2.75, ment of the Government exploitation of the "mineralized" section of the famous tination"? If it meant the next place where the pressure rarely exceeds ten at 773/4e, with 77c bid. No. 1 Northern and bulls at $1.75 to $2.50. Mitch Cows - Unchanged at $30 to limit will be found to be all that is where the train could be naturally held horse power. The association munt offered at 82o Point Edward, May de- livery, with 81c bid. No. 2 Northern, $60 each. 803/4c bid, Point Edward, May delivery. Calves - Slightly lower al 3c to Ele I needed in this respecL i up, it would be very objectionable, but make a return to the Government an- ' It It meant Ms ocean point, no objection nually showing the number of members, applicants, those passed and plucked, to- , Sheep and Lambs - Export sheep are could be found. Mr. Fttepatrick said the intention gether with the reasons for the latter.. Earley -Feed wanted at 470 North p r . Bay, *pot or to arrive. quoted at $5.25 to $5.75 for ewes and CHANCELLOR VON BUELOW was that the point of destinetion should Every engineer of two yore standing, Oals--trio.2 white offered trt 353/4c out- fee50 to $5 for bucks. Lambs are quot- ' be the destination of the goods or cat- who ean show a cerffilcate of good char- s , t d Re d - ed 25c up at $7.25 to $7.75 for grain -fed, Fainted Shortly Atter Making Sweets tle, ' not the destination of the train. acter, is to be admitted to the Associa- at ase Toronto, with 34e bid. and $5 50 to $6 50 for mixed Spring - Confusion might result from this clause, tion of Engineers. In case of illness of Bran -$19 bid on track Toronto, hags , • • , • on Morocco. iambs at 113 to 87 each. e.nd it would be the duty of the Govern- the engtneer, employers must allow 30 'Included. . . I Flees - Unchanged at $7.25 per cwt. A Berlin despatch says : Chancellor ment to make the point absolutely clear. days before taking on another perman- en ng e ebate Another difficulty might arise regard- ently, using a substitute in the mean - COUNTRY PRODUCE. . for selects, and $7 for lights and fats, von Buelow while att di th d . Apples -Choice stock, $3.25 to 83.75 fed and watered. in the Reichstag on Thursday fainted Ing the arrival of perishable fruit at its time. This also applies to the case ef •••••••••••i00.4,0••••••••••••=. and was carried lo a committee room by point of destination on a Sunday, Fruit. gr. engineer leaving his employer. Ap- per bbl, and inferior qualities, $2.25 to $2.50. some of the members of the House. The could not be left on the siding all day peals from the Board of Engineers are Beans -Hand-picked selling at 81.80 Chancellor made a -speech on the subject long. He would invite the attention of te he made to the Minister of Agricul- . to $1.85; primes, $1.70 to $1.75. FIGHT REBELLIOUS ZULUS. of Morocco, and was listening to the all the members of the House to these lure. The penalty for violations of the Ifitney-7 to 80 for strained, and Mee Tbe Natal Field Force Was Forced tte _. answers of Herr Elebel, the Socialist points. They should have a reasonable provisions of the act was reduced en to $ per dozen combs. leader, when he was taken ill. The measure. such a measure 6 would have the advice of Hon. Adam Beck, making Hops -12 to 17o per lb. Retreat. Vice -President of the House, Dr. Count I ettind It the force of' public opinion, the minimum $10 and the maximum $20. Hay -Car lots of No. 1 timothy are • von Stolberg Weringerode, adjourned nnd not a measure which the judges RAILWAY 1311.L. the sitting for a quarter of an hour, due- and other people might consider it their At one point in the discussion of the ing which deep silence prevailed business to endeavor to evade. ' Railway Bill Premier Whitney made throughout the House. Dr. Mugdan and .......1•••••••••4 M.I.......M••••• no important deciaretion of policy. The Dr. Becker had in the meantime gone operation of electric ruilways on Sun - to the assistance of the Chancellor. who MAGAZINE POSTAGE. tiny was under consideration. and one appeared to be conversing with them Some United States Publications WM 1 r two members had expressed them - and the members who carried him from eelves as adverse to giving _extended the chamber to the sitting room of the Have to Pay More. Powers in this direction„ when Mr. President of the House, and placed him A despatch from Ottawa says: The SS hitney made the following deelnration in an easy chair, and he began to show eliention of the Post -office Department on the question: "It is impossible lo forestindose what !he situation may ne signs of returning to consciousness. has been called to postage paid on Unit- 111 five years from to -day. In case the ea States periodicals which have been -....-.....-. futere should prove that electrics1 sys- going through the mails at a lower rale tems will be doing thessame amount of tban If they were Canadian inagazines. ANOTHER MINER RESCUED. Consequently several notices have been work and extending over the same dis- tances as I he steam i itilways do now, sent from Ottawa to ',publishing houses ___. the peonle of the province will have to decide whether they will allow those , RUSSIA. WANTS $200,000,000 A despatch from St. Petersbeirg says, Russia has opened p,reltrainetry nego, tiatione hi, Paris for a large foreign loan fens heavily en the choicer oracles of tobacco, but even the cheap "mahorkti" of at least $200,000,000, and desires more smoked by the peasants wfll be raised A Toronto despatch says : Prof. M - it possible. The syndicate wnh %bleb over eleven points. ler, the Provingial Geologist, will this she. is negotiating Is composed -of Geri- - suiluner conduct a ihorough invest' a- men, 'Dutch and British capitalistso MA THIEVES LOOTED MONASTERY.' tion of the "mineralized" portion of t e so far as ascerteinable ,no Americans 0111les tiraber Unlit, which, as Premier e A despatch from Rostoff, Province of are cennected with it. i . Whitney annoulaced on Tuesday, is to liaroslay, gays: A gang of thieves loqt- be. retained .and devetoped..for -the bene - TROOPS KILL PEASANTS verthe TrottzweVarnitzke monastery dur- flt of Ihe Province. In additIon,"it 's Mg the night of April 3 and got away stated that he will commence an explon with 823,000 and a- quantity of valuable article.s. ation of other portions of the limit, which is in all about 100 square miles in extent, as it Is reported that there are was dull excellent miteeral Ineleations elsewhere than in the portion which It has been THE WORLD'S 'MARKETS at the Western Market this morning A despatch from Berlin says'. Rus- sian troops had a beetle with peasants 011110111••••••••• quoted at 88 on track, Toronto, and No. A despatch from Greytown, Natal, 2 at 86. 'says: The colonial field force, which was Straw -$5.50 to $6 per ton. concentrating at !mania, twelve miles Potatoes -Ontario stock. 65 to 75e per northwest of Greytown, for operations bag, and Eaatern, 75 to 80c per bag on against the insurgent Chief Barnbaata, track. thc deposed Regent of the Greytown ma; district, has been compelled to abandon Poultry -Turkeys, fresh killed, its longer after heavy fighting and re - chickens, 12 to 13c; live chickens, 7 to Lie lire to Greytown. per tb. 1 A portion of tho force sent to rescue • THE DAIRY MARKETS. the women and children isolated et Keates Drift succeeded in so doing. but while returning was attacked by rebel- lious natives. A running fight was kept up for six miles, the Zulus continuing the pursuit until within a mile of Grey.' trwn. Three of the Colonial Police were killed and several were wounded. The Butter --Pound rolls are quoted nt to 22c; large rolls, 19 to 203/4c; good to - choice dairy tubs, 20 to 22c, and in( st- for at 17 to 18c. Creamery prints sail at 26 to 27e, and sends at 24 to 2.4%c. Eggs -New laid are selling at 15% .0 16c per dozen, in case lots, and cold storage at 13 to 14c per dozen. Cheese -Large cheese, 14c, and twins at 143/4c per tb. , THE SEED TRADE. First-class recteaned clover seed sell- ing' et $14 to 816 per cwt., *silo $14 to 1118, and alfalfa $16 to $18. HOG PRODUCTS. 1Dreased hogs In car lots are nominal. Bacon, long clear, 11% to 11y0 per tb. in case lots; mess pork, $18 to $18.50; short out, $22.50 to $28. Hams -Light to medium, 13 to 133/4,c; do., heavy, 123/4e; rolls, 113/4c; shoulders, 11c; backs, 153/4 to 16c; breakfast bacon, 14Xc. Lard-Tietees, 103/4e; tubs, 11c; palls, 113/4c. BUSINESS AT MONTREAL. Montreal, April 10. -Grain -There was a good demand from over the cable for ManitOba Spring wheat, and bids Wert somo cases about a cent a bushel higher. Oats -No. 2, 393/4c; No. 3, 883/4e; No. 4, 373/4c. Flour-Manitobn Spring wheat patents. $4.501 strong bakerie, $4 to 84.10; Wiener wheat, pa. tents, $4.15 to 84.50, aed straight role. Ors, 83.90 to $4, in wood, in bags, $1.85 to $1.90. Rolled Oals-$1.90 to '82 in bags, 90 lbs. Feed -Ontario bran, in bulk, $20; shorts, in bags, $20 to 820.50; Manitoba bran, in bags, 820; shorts, $81. Hay -No. 1. 38 to 88.50 per ton on triek; Ns. 2. 87 to 137.50; clover, $5.50 20; do., mbted. to $6.50. Beans- PrIttie pea beans, 81.60 to 81.45 per bush.; hand-picited, 151.75 per bush. Potetoett-Per bag of 80 Its, GO to 65e. Provisions -Heavy Canadian short cut. pork, 821.50; light short cut, 820; Amer - lean short cut, $20; American cut clear ' tat backs. 820; compotind lard. 7 to 13/40; ettoadian pure lard, 11X to 11Xe; kettle rendered, 123/4 to 123/4c; hams, 13 to 143/4c; brealefagt bacon, Mc; Wind- sor bacon, 15e; frestokilled abattoir dreseed begs, $10.25 810.9b; country dreseed, $8.15 to $9.25; &lye, *7.75 to $7.85 tor *teats. Eggs -New laid, 10 to 1133/4to per dozen; storage and limed, 13c tterninal, Ettittero-aggeest creamery, 223/4 to 92e; undergrades, 2034 to fne; dairy, 1434 to 18,3/4c. Cheese -Ontario, IS to 1,3340. UNITED S'I'ATES MAEKETS. Believed Thal Others Are Sffil Wander- In the United States advising them that remainder are safe at Greytown. The ing in the Mines. they must pay postage on third-class railways the same privileges on Sundays police report that the rebels are in strong. getter Instead of second-class. The perio- es the steam rallwnys hnve to -day. Un - numbers and flushed with victory and A Lens, France, • despatch says . clients formerly passed as second-class thnt time comes the Government sirs - (he officials fear further excesses. A' Another man was brought up alive on under or as newspapers. The difference poses that lhe present law shall remnin strong force of artillery, infantry and Wednesday morning from the Cour- le cost is one cent for two ounces ins „ it Ia. tt. may he changed next year steed of one cent a pound, which Is tlidi or the year after, wheosssr ennmion mounted men moved out of Greytown rieres Mine. which wns wrecked by en d Les it I on Thursday to operate. against the , exolosion of gas on March 10. He hail 'guise nifty decide. That will be left 1.0 A longer has been formed here and It is believed that others are still alive I been In Abe mine for twenty-flye days. 1 ed Stales. Pe decided by thn force of public opin• Ion. There Is no Immediate hurry or rebels. every preparation has been made to .1e- ' in the workings. The name of the sur- FOURTH TRUNK LINE. 4-_--...-- - neressity for a eliange." At another stage of the discussion 'lie Y • vivor found on Wednesday morning is The bulk of tlie reinforcements sent Berthou He lived on fOod which he ' -Leiter From President 11111 Explains Premier stilted I hat while el ertrie rail - from Pietermaritzburg and Durban have found in the pockets of dead compan- Great Northern Plans. nays deserved every rensonable encour- arrived, and will join Manselie's column. agement. he would' not take the respon• Ions, and slaked his thirst from puddles. A despatch from Winnipeg says: An- sibility- and he was certain nn one PISP Berthou says that he suffered terriblv mow Strang, President of the Board of in the Legisleture \mild --of giving from the cold, and that he removed the trade, and an old personal friend of Councile,whiell wore elreled one Janie TOWER FELL IN RUINS. clothing from several dead bodies and President 11111 of the Great Northern, ary and might be turned out the nest - put tt on himself. He was knocked has received a letter from that gentle- the power of grunting perpetual tram down at the moment of the explosion, esse, explicitly. stating the intentions of chises In his opinion the tIme had his conipany to enter the Canadinn not come when the public \vont,' Jit,iiiK- west. The great railroad magnate will the Legislature saying that any reilwev' visit this clty immediately after his re- should linve the right forever of going turn from the cast, about May 1st, In or a highway. minutes to twelve on Thursday morning the new tower, which the Government inaugurate the work of construction of TO STOP LATE REGISTRATION. has been building in the north-enst angle Canada's fourth great trunk line. Premier Whitney Introduced a bill to nf the western departmental block, repeal this law. He does not prepoee known as the "Laurier tower," collets, lo put anything In Its place, but simply sed. No lives were lost, four or five t i wipe out a measure which, he sii)!, workmenimployed on It stepping off on has proved itself a perfect nuisance. '1 lie to the rpof of the main strurture Just law as it now stands applies only to time. The loss probably will he 512.5.000. Cities end county towns, and the Prem. Just before noon the building begao A despatch from Abbeville, France ter pointed out, was not in force in many to crack. Two men were on the roof says.: The striking lojsketniths of Fres- places considerably larger I hnn some i f and stepped off on to the root of the scriville on Wednesday sacked the resi- the county towns. The only apparent wain building. Two or three others donee of employers and foremen, set advantage of the system, he said, was wore in the vecant upper room of the fire to the furniture, prevented the thee thal it permitted electors who were net timer, and they took alarm and got men from extinguishing the flames, and on the roll to have their nainee Insert. away. Then n crock showed on the out- smashed the machinery and the fae- ed Immediately before an (+scum end side. a piece the size of a man's body tory windows. Reinforcemenes hay° after the lists had closed. The nilvaill• felt to the ground, the perpendicular age of this, however, was more than crack grew larger, and then, with a loud teen ordered to Fessenville. doubtful, while the cost was very excel. emelt, the walls fell outward, burying considering the meagrenese of the ret- itle derrick at the foot of a mass of A NEW PENALTY. sults. In future the municipal rolls will stone, brick, rubble and ironwork. - be taken es the sole basis of the tutors' Immo Man Condemned to Abefain lists. Prom Cigarettes for a Year. CHEAP SCHOOL BoOKS. Accident on the New Government Block but on recovering himself found that the at Ottawa. air was breathable. He was found be- hind a sort of door that closed one of A despatch from Ottawa says: At ten the galleries. When he caught sight of the rescuers lie sold "Ifere am." Berlhou thought that only eight days 1 had nnssed since the explosion. Once, he says, he contemplated suicide. His hands were bitten by rats, which sever- al times attacked him when he was sleening. The finding of another survivor has renewed the fury of the women against the managers of the mlne because the work of rescue wag abandoned so soon after the explosion. It Is reported that four of the thirteen men who were taken out of the mine last week after twenty days' entomb- ment will probably -die h^em the effect of the privations which they suffered. A story is told here that these men were reduced to such extremities before their rescue that some of them ate flesh from the dead bodies of two apprentices. HAZING IN RIOTISII Afte1y„ , Four Lieutenants are on Trial Before , Court of Enquiry. A despatch froto Aldershot, Eng., says: Four lieutenants, Hamilton, Dal- rymple Hamilton, Jaffe and Harford, were placed on trial on Wednesday be- fore a court of enquiry which is malt- ing an investigation Into the hazing of Seedqd Lieutenant Clark Kennedy, who MISSING CREW TURNS UP. Sailors Prom Nova Scotia Eitchoner Were Regcued. A Lizard despatch says: The German steamer Assyria. bound from SL Tho- mas for Hamburg, in paseing here on Thursday, signaled nun she had on tcard net hands from the messing Nova ,Stotin schooner Carrie Easier. The Carrie Easter, coal laden, sailed front Canso, N. S., for Halifax about hiarch e,„„ wag severely maltreated by his fellow Pito Until Thursday nothing had been Mittlisanotigi APril le.--Wh6-11L-4-.1 • officers lagt month because, it Is elle oil, beard from either the vessel or crew, ite was too poor to meet all the rgege and both were generally believed to % ta Dn. July, 1230; Sept. 7/3/4 to . g _ 71 et Nei, ; heed, 783/4c; No. t Northern, metital subecriptions. The court la com- p ct No. ,9 de, 703/4c. Fimiti-Ure posed of four generals and two colon. have been lost changed bron-In bulk, 1014. els. Lieut. -den. Sir Gerald Morton pre- siding. Milwitukett, • April 10. -Wheat -No. tentiherti/ 90 to 81e; No. 0 NOrthern, 70 tO ?We May. 1904c bid. llyo-No. is gsgd, lierley, No. 9, 52c; sample, 29 to 5te, torn. -No. S, cosh, SI to 4230; MO!, 450 asked. TitittlIlle April ft1...- t Nertitern, Ittafet No, do., 163.fat May, Me; Yilly, *340: Sentember. 78,14e. XL Louis, Wit 10.-"Whetit.Cash, RIO MO, Met KV, tw. tivil STOCK mAngtr. toottd$ As* ,""4 erlie tattle tre * JAP PAIVIINE SUFFERERS. WAGE DEMAND FROM MOM,. Entpress leotettoer of Chtna Subscribe's Operatives In the Lancashire Diettlet 875,8411. Pile Notice. A Tat deep:itch ariya : The Empress A deeettieh (rote London nays: Om. Dowage ot Chtna hag sent 150,000 yen olive cotton splinters and cardrombere (MAO r the famine aniterars 61 In- * Lancashire to the number el 950,1)40 pan, T1 bast informed pentane can- ard settling in a month's MAW to their Wet 10414 emetributions unnecessary. employers ot fin application fer ade The Rest ete foretan contributions re. mite of 5 per tea In Mad' WI" Lat more Ulan 3250.000. (:) SOME STRENUOUS STRIKERS. Sacked and Burned Factories and Em- ployers' Houses, The Government, lion. Dr Pyrei said A despatch from Philadelphia Ram h reply to a questien by Air Dunk+. Jud•go Staples, in the Criminal Coitrt c., Wednesday, impoged n peculiar sen- bad the question of nioder•n, cheaper isbooks under pf and unIforin school tex fume upon Charles Hollister, Jun., consideration, nnd hoped to make a Delmont, N. Y. Hollister pleaded guilty statement on the question before the le indictment+ chorging false pretences, close of the °elision. rnd Judge Staples suepended sentence condttion that Hollieter make on ath that he would abstain from the use of cigarettes fee one year. POSTMAN FOUND DROWNED. ME JOSEPH PHILLIPS. Hon. Mr. Foy, in reply to a questinn by mr. camey, flint ihe Government wag aware that Mr. Joseph Phillips, president of the Toronto 1 ife, was a prisother on a charge et misieene fund., A to whether they knew ‘; heftier k‘o Tim Body of Robert Loudon, of Toren- other ffirectorn Ms eompriny had dis• to, Recovered. credited thetnselven by iheir evidence n1 the trial, that clerks lind nhown nn F11.• A deepatch from Toronto sayte The sent-mindedneos incompntible with good dead body of Robert Loudon, the letter work, and whether the GoVernMPII t carrier whose disappearance hao been a thought of appointing a competent ntid myetery eince November Iasi, was found reliable person to take Margie of the (tooting in ihe bay: near the Spadina eerepanyie affairs, Mr. Pay alined that Avenue tvherf 00 we'dn"dar atterno°n. the flovernMent Wag enquiring into Diego The remains were so badly decomemed mum,. mot it was impost:010 to recognize the Med man'a featurea, ond hie identity was ascertained by maim of letisee And During the past month the dentha papeto found in his goettots. Ilia oliver Winnipeg exeeetled the birthe hy 25. itio watch. two tinge. $3.75 In money, end flgureo being, births 23:1, deaths 2511 other email artielca were ail recoverod I Mr. William Power. eLP of Quebec from hie elothing, and this feet, (word. Waal., wises Canada's lumber trade svith Mg to the police 1110017, indicates that seretatult 14wirlutaIntakel9 aildeeadu,ragnurpd titos nunntentleerel to death was not duo to vitionee., tiiiiiiit**44 __, ,-. I *Mt 11.111" of AnYthinit., lera alhth yott Wive le . .._ „me , *erre' Mead sutli lit *Wino Iliat Is , mr AK :much too Allaall Kt tit the stove:Italie-I, omE,,,,*,1.-.44Tutd*J16V4,01114):i4VOP aid hal 41 ewe i fide,. beiteiging IQ _Oho int forgotten' sikqeVerte. n1.1 cane/Vetter Cet O ********** . II: litattreitta 441117444ettneiethrillitilt e ellet"*Ullett4titt: ttileth Yegl/MU rierlr tbee eifirrerrIallik "g"r6alf44° 244:"Wilell. '4rigliktOr iii' le;;:111741'74'1"*V+41)ot:t 0:7114:::telitroullii, kuwo ruarssf:gp:::ilmsgoily 14:1511, 4kOkitiliv19111141:7114i;, rintuelt Pitab.itilVuittIZI" "tochatlIteetloi7heeetIO***°40041144H1fusettri4P74"11Wia '''' chle5eu Sated, .0,!Cut gold 'Wiled ft4Vil eld lIzt rk'Pluttal.t Pan tbatr 4141 ot 'PPM Itt AO 091044 aaalt 4 "1"114 4Itotecelas 4,imehtlidet4 tiullwatiiitiotweloroa;,nrudrelneoritel. tt°113*firto Ura‘ell'uotile°.ph4o la iha we. It ia uen big*, 0. dim* wiliolit m emotion toe 0014tett tytth 4.0104 ,ott. or mayo. r to have several of theoe rings, M' Mistime Oat it viill get book Wowing tits g id 1 dish t,t_avq11_,te tenet] eittleepens. or even tineoptteslie tette**, ineeetted 'owl gennith with yo, • nt he/4 tied it" Mal %nit forget hi drtee I nal) Cr Ott tertill* Where WS Soil' Itt eery Miele ui..1 lorcaii itavaaa a 11044 ricer, esr, WO behind the eteVe. tO hang them Mat WO CM fiet PriciParli tireasetit it is ile ,.., ....,,, _eel_ „„,e ee .,, treeereee, „ot when net in USN Alter a IllUe practice van aate, to save moisture gor kV Oa ,(11V,;ile`4487-rironrV;iviiiTil ‘,..1c ,,..! o'a e'tureegott eell move Mein tram stove to nail, It Well he sheet nest *Wainer. 1 Dattella‘ 4eled. - Remove exte**Otion ‘,11,v,;"'nit V we Yort,deftly with the Move lifter. thus' When ttot__„.aneW ORO 4404 ePti*E11.10 sollIng a holder, or hUrnIng esoinocep it% liournottl/Oun or tilith WM, eaCh et tour bananas. Take '-- tinge"' I farmer* tO kw that everWillialiwAgit3r""144414" • ' 010 fruit ocrape ‘and cut truit trove.' ono benalle he Mill *Wei, fruit front .„--,„ when the cepa t h A DANDY CONTRIVANCE. Itime in 'My or AV will wither awl the Unt1 er40(' ttPW. 0 tZtlif° lingerXti9sucnItni14°.era.1,01° tOrt"tehttela41*4"1".41001‘" . out when spring tomato PIO* orbe Pt lizuereeP cannielaftoer eivwaprrerns Mettlail*tr* IVIWI*111111) with Mites of tenons. Stack around a exPetereel lento Mere of butcher's lin eubee. Marinate ctsbee with French A Very useful traveling.case ean be en, otey two feet square. Turn u arei5trut. 110.411 sit* and garnish 000h made by oneself, egolly and with littl bunch a lettuce leaves. Oyster Soup, one quart oysters, ehtottord of the length to term a sor lett unplowed. ureic btt of be leaf one-thIrd cu s/elks ceterYt two blades mete. sPrIg of Iv uPe' tour cups. of Milk, one slieti twO ;tarp, seavtkedruibillodockaelts1 aro:ditewreintht _ t t gioduce one ion of . tuatter, corn owe Sulonvide the Uclitutned bsentr,„.; oeettIlli „salad hultuietatt .16,Alatto,003Ot,,, sizes, by stitching bands of tape through butter, one -Mini cup of floUr, salt en both thicknesses of the linen. One Flipper. Clean and pick over oysters as pocket will go Me right size tor the hand tor oyster stew; reserVe Utp.tor, add ay - Mirror, another far the hair -WW1 and eters slightly chopped and heat sloWly comb, a third Ier minors and nainfile, to boiling- point. Strain through elecese. end so on. The upper thinl of the linen Cloth, re -heat liquor and thicken with Inids down over the articles, and a nibtlitocterwaitnild ollnolounra,c0000kteedry ougient hoe, en. aSrcatelyd )41.eccoaoato,latpeo bliss faarsoteunnedd itito wthneenbaiet onit 'end bay leaf; remove seasonine, an4 ii•Icemlled up. A contrivance of this kind add to oyster liquor. Season with salt is very convenient On 11 sleeping car, as and pepper, ono can stow away in the pockets hairs overnight, then rub through a, colander. bread tins and combs, and all the little articles 13read Pancakes, - Soak dry bat one will require in the dressing. Au two beaten eggs, two tablespoonfuls of baking powder, hint 01 swect in" ,genanable than it tumbled into a hand - room next morning. They will 46 more and flour to make a good battere, Fry , sutchel. on a hot griddle. I For "the girl who boards," and who Princess Soup. - Peel and slice one likes to have her own room look by day large Spanish onion or two small ones.. se much like a boudoir, and as little like Cook slowly In two tablespoonfuls ot bed-romn as she can, such ea :held - butter for ten minutes; do not allow , ale, can be bung in the closet or behind them to color. Add one quart of chicken I' a screen, or somewhere, to keep her tot - stock and simmer for fifteen minutes. let articles out of sight, and out of the Thicken with two tablespoonfuls of flour dust during the daytime. blended with cold water, add seasoning to taste, simmer for five minutes longer, strain add return to the flre. Add two conned Spanish peppers cut In tiny dia- monds, keep hot for five minutes, add one cupful of hot cream and serve. Potato Cakes. - Take twelve ounces of mashed potatoes and rub through a fine sieve, Add two tablespoonfuls of warm butter, eight tablespoonfuls of flour, two tablespoonfuls of grated cheese, one tablespoonful of baking pow- der, half a teaspoonful of salt and a dash of cayenne pepper. Blend these ingredients ttywoughly and mix Into a light dough tvith one tablespoonful ct cream and the yolks of two eggs. Roll out about half an inch thick, out Into little rounds and brush over with beat- en white of egg. Bake in a quick oven until a nice brown. Split these cakes in two, butter and serve them very hot, Banana Cream. -.This makes a de- licious dessert. Mush to a pulp some bananas, and then sweeten with pow. dered sugar to taste; to each cupful of banana pulp add one cup of thick sweet cream and beat till light anO foamy, Make ice cold, and serve in tall glasses, sprlekling powdered almonds over the top, and placing two or three crystalliz- ed violets or candled cherries at the cen- tre of the cream. Cocoanut Pudding. - Prom stale tread cut the crust, then butter and cut six ordinary slices, Put through the food chopper sufficient fresh cocoanut nom which the brown skin has been pared to make one cupful and half. Separate the whites and yolks of three eggs, beat the yolks with one-half of a cupful of sugar, a half teaspoonful ef %entitle, and one pint of milk. Cut the tread in haldinch dice. Arrange half e( it In a baking dish, sprinkling, ono - quarter of the cocoanut through it. Baste over it half of the raw custard. Add the remainder of Ihe bread, another quarter of the cocoanut, and the rest of the custard. Bake a very moderate oven until barely set In the centre. Spread the lop with a good layer id coque or other jelly, cover with the re- nialnder of the cocoanut, and over all hean a meringue made with the whites of the eggs whluned to a stiff froth with three tablespoonfuls of sifted powdered super. Siff stignr thickly over the 1.00 and return to the oven until lightly col- ored. Serve warm or cold. HOUSEI1OLD NOTES. Cold sores will generally yield to u. application of sularulus. .livinuve warts by rubbing severe, times with onion dipped In salt, Place an apple In the cake box and cake will keep moist:much longer. If you gel too much bluing in the rine. Mg water, put In a little household ant - A little milk added to the water In which silver Is washed will help to keep il bright. Hold 'a piece of white cloth- back of the eye of a needle and see hoe,/ quickly the thread will go through. A little flour spread over the top ef cakes before they nre reed will prevent the icing from running off. 1e, revive the lustre uf morocco, or nny other leather, apply the white of an egg with a sponge. Sausages should be served with apple snore or belied towlines. Either makes them more ea.,Ily digested. U -,e a little ainniouin In the dish wn. lei when wishing glasswnre. It will 11 sparkle eut glnss In•growing rue -nails should be sernped -hill in the centre of the mid end then 'lid there mid at the corners. When cleaning knkes mix a tiny ht. rf carbonate of soda with the hatlibrick and they will polish 111(q. enslly. yereals are seldom over cooked. but rather under rooked. Thus always al. low plenty of time In preparing cereals. Wring chamnis 6tit of the soapy wilii,iiit rinsing. \Alien it dries it seri end serYleeable. inskeul of stiff. An excellent furniture polish is ',nude 1.3 mixing together equal parts of boiled iiiiseisd oil, \inept., and methylated st•trils. Enninr 11)1+1 111+0011P burned or ,liseolored iiIrty bi. elenned tiy rubbing voth a paste formed by roars., ealt and vinegar. If when ineking coffee n little salt I., added before purring on the boiling miler, II will be found to greatly im- prove the fliRor. Heti lenion dipped In sell will iie ali the work of oxalic tv 111 topper boilers, brass teakettles, I1114.1 other soll utensils. 1 you wish to have the reolhea more glos,y, use some( Asst.,. to riishinr; lrlits nk... render, Itu. bkely to idiek. celery should he alium.,11 14, b.r n1 least riti /Iota' 114()re SOU% in Ir. V. filer to which a Mlle salt has been ad Grand Trunk Mollie to Take a0.000 n smell opening In the rents, et' the Tons from "Scar Mlle. 1 hie melees rri‘p. In making fruit pie he sure lo crust. and keep 11 cleer with an ehrth- bee water in which n tablespoonful of T. runts Perin.. Beltway for .4) WO tone of irteel rens to be used lo t he , e e - hal received 1111 order tr.mi enviare r•r prtper funnel. the Grimil In rases nt Inflanimation of stomach raid bowels try (lollies wrung out turpentine hns been put. tinn of the spur lino bete. Arthur nod eke Superior Junebon corTaihienudia,rtieegennoonrinhl,ayodobro saprtetvasornts07111si,,y1 CLO1 1114 641'11E10 OVER Et ROPY.. _...- ttthIrrowwiontger nwhaimirrObi mii.Inee; of bread into Germane Reteeee to Recommend Ruo 8corcheel fire-prnof distiee thet boy. itie..ftearinein,lirreewninnwfriirthiy ()non! annolincemei,i that the 11Inn 1.01111. 1hr Inn, tilemfer veer-, ilOrlr.11 I orris And wnler. Put grime grind pni.bles froni I ondmi ,e!, 4 • A iri,(u.g%ernitietit IS (0 re...mown ft ling !Tow. rs In them. them tipping over. __This is ill prevent (+ •141...niion in all ihe Eiiropenn despil • tli th-tt ,.• e! Is Ink inn lean to the Gorrnati ienrket I hi - Is wi,lesprend optr. STOVE relate; s refiutri •• intended 114 e ee-hen oopert elormune at Hue Algecipoe oot 1,,,t, 111 t'Plt1111 be. Moulin s failure ti, you week to cool: a amen veep. tercets. CONDENSED NEWS ITEMS CIAPPENINGS FROM ALL OVER TUb GLOW Teleorapble Briefs From Our Own and Other Countries of Recent Occurrence. CANADA. The salaries of the touchers at the iSntcrretstafoarded.Collegiate Institute neve been The Montreal Board of Trade have collected $12,000 for the relief of Japan- ese famine sufferers. London wIll have 95 -cent gas after 00.Juleyenntegxast, .and in live years will have It le' estimated that the cost of entry Into Winnipeg to the Great Northern Railway was $3,000,000. Glanders have. created great havoc amongst the horses in Elma township. To date over forty have been shot by order of the Dominion Government in- spector. GREAT inuTAIN. The British Government deckled that it would be a diplomatic impropriety to discuss in the House of Parliament the persecution of Jews in Russia. UNITED STATES. John Alexander Dowte has been dis- missed front the membership and de- posed as the head of Zion City. GENERAL. The Stag, a German hotel in the Black Forest, collapsed on Thursday while the guests were at lunch, and 55 were killed. --*-- MINERS ATTACK POLICE. A Desperate Encounter Near Leth- bridge. A Lethbridge despatch says : A ser - haus clash between the striking miners and lielounied Police on guard at No. 3 shaft of the Galt Mines, about two miles from town, was commenced on Thum - day by the attempt of the police to ar• rest one of the strikers for oblectIonable conduct. A mob of over three hundred rnen and women attacked the officers, outnumbering the latter fifty to one, and a pitched battle ensued, the pollee using truncheons freely, while the rioters re• sorted to stones and missiles. Constable Fitzgerald was seriously, if not fatally, injured, and a number of the mob were badly clubbed. fielnforcements were hurried out from the bnrrucks here and ;dispersed the crowd. 1 About the slime lime despertte dyne - mite outrages were perpetrated by the strikers or their sympathizers, who at- tempted lo blow up the residenees and fatnIlles of Jos. Oros and Sieve Ungary, 1 norounion men. A charge was pliteed under the corner of the house of the former and exploded, wrecking that por. bon of the building find smashing the windress In the IdJoining residence. A shot placed under Ungnry s hdUse little dome, hut about an hour later It was set on fire, nod thi• police found the building kliturated with coal MI. Further outbreuks are feared. rind the police force here are utterly inadequate tor such an emergenv. GREAT SEAL CATCH. - - • Newfoundland Fleet 1Ine the Best Ben- son for 20 Years. A despatch from St. John's, Nfld.. says The sealing fleet is back, and the oi epoi led 1,) t... the begt r liventy years. being more than 300,isin seals. 'the Bleolltiound 1..n4 licet steamer h. art] e, with ta,000 shins. 1 he Adventure made the best record wit h 36,000. 885 cAns L'EFECTst, Striking Evidence of the Ilush From American States Into Canada. A ..lespat'll froiti N,rth Portal, N. W. 1 . guys Fight hundred and eighty fly., car, (,f q.111erm and erlerrq from the tvt to th,, western prairies punsed through here In Mar•_11. Dui outwit F011 ROILs, A despntch from Written! suys • The consolkinted I.ake •-:iiperior oinprinv tons or 241 Ine itte Petellette 422 Iona or $.75 1130110t end" irs4 MoVelr al tons or niche* of Wider tO duee one ten ot dret Matter. That ifip oy that tio muet water goes into the Plants tO, grew UMW Or is lost troth the soil by evaperation Or McMillen While the plants are malting that wowtb. The greatest amount a plant nee& derfolf the warm weather when, too. the Stow ot evaporation takes place -and that Uf•ually is the time when rain fall SO , - the toast. So it stands to reason that ' - better crops can be grown if the tar. now can prevent a waste of Moisture et a time when it Beems superatotton. atiL Late fall plowing has a tendency 10 save moisture becenge it loosens the :mt.. face soil so that the snow and spring rains cen soak down into the earth. in- stead of running off, Prof, King state* that he has found that fall plowed land held nearly 2.5 per cent more -Water than unplowed land adjacent, the test, being taken In the spring, Neither neld had received any eultivatioo up te May 141h. Tins means that about she - pounds of water Per square Mot 13*4 silently and unnoticeebly lett the un- plowed field. In this case 13.5 tons of water Per acre were lost. If the fall plowed field had been disced etwly 'in the --opting and cUltleatidn eontfirined elltil May 14th, the difference would have been a great deal more thau 13 tons of water per acee between the fail eloWed end the unplowed fields. When early sitting plowing is cam. pared with late plowing a almllar tcrence is seen IA the water content ol the soil. So then, In order to have a supply of moisture in the dry spell of stunmer must be saved early In the opting. Plow as early as you can without spoiling the texture of the soil. It will not pay to work in the mud for the injury to the soil Ls greater than the benefit. Then keep the surface disced or harrowed after ettch heavy rain and you will store away tons of water tor future Oa that will surely evaporate unless checked in this manner. POULTRY NOTES. Eggs for hatching should be fresh - esner the better. Now is the Ume to got the incUbator. Get the order off to-diky. Hens should receive plenty of exer- cise when laying the eggs you intend to set. Don't be afraid ot getting hens tco fai as long as they have plenty of exer- cise. 11 a chick is, allowed' to atop groW• lag it will take a long time to gat 11 sterted again. "Don't put all your eggs in your bath ker-put most of them in an incubator at this time of the year. Put fresh straw in the nest boxes es ery week. This helps to keep mita from becoming numerous. A bob -tailed pullet on a rickety hen roost la a auro linlication that these bt to money in poultry. The eggs for hatching should be only those from well-developed, full grown pullets or from vigorous hen& Feed the hens' roosters well on o vs- riely of nitrogenous foods during mats trig so as to secure strong fertile eggs. Eggs for hatching should not he WW1 - ed. Keep In a cool. even temperature and turn daily if they must be kept a few days. Mate the hew with a full-blooded cock pi merit. A trap -nested bird is the most valuable. Be sure be has ILO phy- sical deformities. Early -hatched chicks will get a good start before hot weather and be better able to combat lice. The Incubator is the thing for early hatches. Mule your best stock a few days be- fore selecting eggs for setting and you will be more sure of getting ferUle eggs, und of the desired mating. Are the chicks dohm as well and die hens laying as many eggs as you rea- sonably expect they Should. If not, examine them tor lice and the retesting places for mites. Chancee are that you will Ilnd some. Dust the fowls with fresh insect powder and apply coal 1.0 to the roosts and fixtures for the mites. It a scaly looking powder la seen around the roots or nest boxes you may iOgns aro unmistakable. Where? coal oil cold. or hot Imiyehawteevleerr. I e sure there are mites there. These :4 objected to. use strong brine, hot or the mites. .11suswedil,l or°Ppu egain In a week or ten days tor new crop will be "on" by that time. Dig up fresh soil for the hens and chicks to dust In; add sifted &sties to tine soil and mix and pulverize it up Goa, the charcoal to the hens for their health. and the fine cinders for grit, al. so fui•ritsh other grit in abundance to both hen and owner. DAIRY 101TINGe Cheap .alt in butler ,s an expensise IP" 1 Ulu I ,an pr....petty look ate'. o.o,ivnoemy.yi h wise dairyman keeps 0- 11101'0 't he woven wire b rice is almost a ne- Cit.sity on a (artn where sheep are 111 not depend too niucti upoo the Nun for improsenietit, ielect your em,s • WPII. GNP PN,iot de0v exerelse and fresh air. but do not expose them to storms The COW14 need end like fresh air but 0.n.it,aetthnoerr. need or like exposure te Corn and (orn meal, 11 fed,too free- ly In cows, hese a tendency to fatten them Balance the rations with bran. alfalfa, clover, oil meal eottonseed rlIPF11. The more cows a !armee keeps and the better ears he gives Mem, the bigger tte• hank amount.. It you are fl dairyman keep up with the W105. Keep growing, keep on read- ing, 1?IteP Improving. .•;tir the crefun twiee a day, lining a lentobandied spoon which %ell' reach to the bottom of the cream jar. I lettere require a tamer amount of teed for the production of a cortel^ 1 hey have to grow, amount of mile; than do older Don't forget the cows that ri calve within the next Pe fiive them some grain and e fortunate enough to have silage to go with the rat! th(te'lab°nytiPteP. eo-calied dairy .4 o dollar's worth of feed le' ei Ms' worth of m1111 and ii.rocalueptentfndsTehl? til"irtt ert.,6 tecol thlVe Or eta% f too Dts Ittr,Jkagg Ott* It.7' jot Nh. 414 - ,No