The Goderich Star, 1906-04-13, Page 2— ''''''"1711114W -11111R
p:ort reetarns Olf,4311,11errIsters
tors. Notitrilekt
sores Owl aver fjovo eitoreatee
eke" rrSYSIMistit esetatietWesS
DA-lialle, well •
11Gter, 4q, Peoctor la Let
tart. sotoy to teem .0 low.
est sets*. Gelte. Stetson's *tiger. Ore •
1,1941l4 street Iwo eielairfs Gederisea
Iran 110s110411, altItIfeTtlite
xs well -stem Notaries, et; Oster 110.'00,..'04k
eoer' 0.941 ilemegeopeeseek vat
eseaisstear, 0, 4. 141114Meer
3csas'EoR SIARDOW, Bareatete,
keliclusa. Vacs geleelfeel UP
vokoria,04wRowf;* fro
-- .=
V44$.trAositt. versa* No
tarn Cad 1141101-40
*Aida t4042tWeir 4/igfley fle IGO at
safest letesote,
gi En, 4. vlsarltnt, Banat:won.
six setteltor, Proc".4:4; In t Attritive.
"wart cleto tette 4'hilipsHole, tsi
Gee* eleet eicte Gosurt Dostea Square,
Endining Life Is ,Not That
Built on Dreams.
mc ivw oi. 4 vvotevnom
wax 0004041,
tkr of licodeefla CaelserVativea Xart
Om rot-U*0*o WO1'.14' • '
,... : :44;..1:1* lortortu:sruf14;0409;1400.4 boon7rtving' '14)4_ ,;14 bostd'ic: 44. -"*(14Q:0,
,,,,,,,...„,..., * MOW, ° to bee • vitent we, liatvo, wompuo,i4 the •mir-
erefore wheseever hearegt these) them OttlY•ngertaiVe te WOW WhP ntightt, ,, Tbe neelosnees ,of sexPeetin 0044 itinYaLtijdalt134to taar OM ;Wild 1/14 tf,,
ss ,FS Ofildne mul deeps them, l wilt desire 10 Practice MIMI. , ' g p s p . eh* rolgid Sire en &Sir party to hie 'Ire Aute last MAK 4eAleibing Ow pp* 'tort Of ilia kneeesatig 414ivillokslsat vf
les.'1,,,Ilini "/Q 4,,W1" ii3aii whiCii Wit t•/ftra IM401° 04 an tnliglii4h3s-_,..1' Mar 44 will hi anY wey Illaide the'Iltier* 119.1° 01.04*, eeite sse owning pm w2Jasw to Imposts 'the Ilteliet 1174411047,, ,,, It fa nit fgripiring
we...I-Also_ %TPA, toe rock,-.4tatt, vit., 24. assent_ WI CerOistri stidennetta =lees -44)48g ma grog& 1„e new ieeceptese ley:every -eitn „Mlle lam ,,reeesese, see** days. ant wt %at woo ploni, yor ,ff„ide ,elory,t Out It. la only part of the history
0,- Ow mahlY thintsand,Serininla have Ilia uhliren or lechitie or Jeses la aullir, ono M -st, P,etereburg, soya.* correie F.,tior_az. tovitillionts writhes on ag furti#e infekews. you. lb* two ,alhe -of C..anadiett nickel, Thera je another
been , vresehe4 on 04. test, probellay eent toStg lila life insetabllity. Out Vat Moll in that pity. The its's of Mow %,(4144$ Ugtgthet Wigs the moat thet Mtn, WhIell Mere, than ' Magnet $fririr* WU° vs# •40ttating, but
tow twit the way to build tha life en ele eo ineetrest whist Men may ittlita td ot,tsiya but It ha$ not by a long•WaY, and' 010rad aggS- '
nearly 411 of the% with !be lntent tit greet teRefier doe* DO. Plernithe ts0P140. glion is bovnlogeverYwitere go011ull" elt4b 41414 blinit 4" (1441441 h144444141 trItand.,1411"4447'41114 Walter44. jtliAlf" I VI4lere*i°1094ek,44434"14;"'t ''SCiiril-rtlinceill'Y iii*I%111/4ntret41411144nT " 4:11114;
4 NOR fiallidatien la IQ FOS: thrnngh hi* eharecter or tolabion, nor even, on horned plit or pplcusi put the ,lloverol . The two is 4* sialara ot the malt lone gtude gees ve, ewlio le the heev,.:11re4. To-moke.the story corell iis be.
per c . wp as comers 9R, gage hatte*t Venliene On the liseertea ef mem; pas distant. tss, is tial,,day_sapan 310401331.44403,0N * the *mons ne ma :wet 1111112 that sassss throusu semis lugs Wee Of 4t° MUM, be toirL Semethlog
obtain -sating fails and loin Out ehltreas 'She, pee Mid the Attune Which lows des Me , arnly Win MAO 00011011 4400 ' artY, ,and thee Useorating of. ths rooms' naves, you ‘,743iiicis astufkoty'riiswv."ohont tee 'Other Side 'will be fiiVell in
, This la typicel el a popular was NIP, lighted ,Illergat litYlnlituga Once th? With the revohnioneetee_'-' , , Pr thoPegasiOne 'nut urea *vat room !ere: But to reality mem Sig elearjg, the artieles Of -Ode aerie* lls,at va 01
ki'Prelhill the seriptUrea z; First, detee, world was young, to Ulna the Street Tile Present *laughter of Mister, GolO- wq tut • . ,,,e(I, , paper ., twic4 as maorpeenda ee sae moo; in„. te 'APnear, -
Mine Weed yeti wish theta le Mean AtitUdifferefittating fleet 'WOO ihnSe darngs erinnent ernplaYeett 1st Ohedtellee t4 the 014,0nes_14110 Pit of ritil'Keiter Oa to ,1c1410e.fttnittess' threngh.ttuvp90 that s. """"""_ "+"-• ;"''''''-'47,S ,, • , '
th.erl melte them meen Met. The put- Info'convietions, that are detterMinth41 urders of Donne Wittf. and folinister of refigt Instelnr. All'irbOtit, the walls, on We' eallttuyerea as or apything else. The nigst t . '4Do you thttilFoult, ,rovo, FAO
. to inierinr . purnnv049 g, ouent, (ss., thaleMPIttlatles and she/Vest _Were Wane 'Or ttarveit two porpesee. First et ,all, Yettr tether will Ponssnt IP' nnr; mar":
, "Illier ..CpQlericaesUctelohindstieirbe. tore creed. 110 tnre, Thirteen .postio pl4grapilero at Penes nests wish. gsndy, -„Ignes* eggs, it' keepe doe coke ,burrsing,,aint,',40- gen, 11400?". Angeir' s0f annraa, Papa *hi'
Long age took that Mottled of teeching TAD* 'wee stoned In the general alike' Annering• tntfteriliee, idso Slane, and 0.111144 beet. Thess it, bons Use„„tron,, or /re very *wry to loSe Me, darling."
Widen modern pedagogy appreVee. He in October have jot been sentenced AO Quaint r,,abbits geeeding ,ther sreeeiree 4 Urge pOrttore ol'it," *sleigh le in Me Algy s' "ilUt 1 Win ea testihn thtit, 11.14
taught religion by the menual MethOd • death. The rorellitleruntea dreet gas' Or.14/ ar..liael. ' . TV' 44.0 0 -31541*Ye sesnAlgscitguttIt` 404 sof -19sing "ailf4lt". ti.° ‘Nvilt gcj'i4
tnstead of saying, es theelogittna dos end similar ewe estrety, itil kil,11)41VISIt' "I" 44041/ .Z00m, WItIter Went festOnned 144#14Waritt*. bar; 04 lin Anvil eauttilig a Sent" Angellq "I wouldn't de- Watt'
ttIgh Yr* . WM' °f1 abe to do 4tem, tke lultran4,11!tggrItistsnel/1:Yar biz. '4%ittlittlioThrti.,1),,tireaititriz"1:.::::;,'... '1.,r.4044,77`14,,i ,,0rt,g1;411SWil-111,11011i 1,„e:,;u:',t'ireilZillIfyi ttl%411:11444'..!WIS'
grist efilnpreltend *Use doetrines ann lost in yap,
saya, apt, do these hinge*,
, town= my.rnemers, , y Of tbe adenthistretive 1141011therY denLitta trader.Y.'' r Waning : ka and, (Ad .* ' ' - . '
.from Within. Street fightfletr lafiCother PrnOng the Alitheel, Houio..ty• *,14040 ' i
end tbee will ere long become...I:144140 .dteerders aro not part ot their „Spawn); rtikopt;nor,140,13410,egints pat •1400,1114.,041mOrgraP,,gur4eisoonr.s.
3,,00. men leonn reogion‘bydoing, Be- .The leade.r0 4re notsUkely to Call
M -40 -(lo We- right testi you willgetthe
ii. =NEW STROM k " twmallikkll heby,„atoricsi, and.a. tiny hapy
, .
. . Ast--10-4-4411--chiMiusyy`-eod'irr-thekheitt,
1710", QlarliSecill4s citrITthrpol:otivhernturofl'ethoe4 treirea:' at present because Ole installathin)et the- in Wax, Arougctribe feet ne mg,s,,pfoon.4
Tee hoUSe of life la Mfilt .differentlY Dellnia na pert of the fahrth Of GOVeens bart CIL'. Vella Wien' nestled in IOWA
Ment •offers qoxtre hope Of ornreifing the mo , l'h°0 MOM .aeSest raids Melillo
' 'Dmitri Shipolf, the leader 1:440 reed* allt !Iliad this r-',eirelect,..iiin are\ii11,'W' lei' in -''
whole systenf
trate eonservativek, makes this follew, wales; (mew wgb..a. grodi nx,nnee rest;
Ing : on IL- *-- 4)14tRatig- theen:n Ittliiit.'St '':
ligouesintilutoatewhel it7mhaetetatil. e.ThprielrnttalitlYi: n• estle .moss in .deep 'maligns, In Watch. ,
will be peasants, who will.arriVe qillte tioas
words usedswidch, will be of the .ofileitil all sizes ands calera, TO had these to
wail Pet AIR filleg: At each end )
unprepared for the mode. of priieedur,e. 9 h
Many will not even unneretand:the h• iolielengtaab4rtqua tliglf Ci/41:17:4filitt '
question is their paramount Interestsaind
kind and wholly strange to tnede The plarcoer set listheemlle;rellti:,sdimeeePraiSeWdlaliti nanod, ''
peastuds will maintain thesthe agrertan cover the boaciestvitk paper or mass, ,
ned ont a brief prograinMe. First rft ,.
:go" or'euitsuiscie to0f ItIbi:st- letswns°cIrar,_„'-7ttn4 recited a short Easter Priem- One Or •
is met the agrarian questa:el winch le the slaters teldthe mlaint legend et Ike.
bound to meet from the' begiOnihg im stork, and =naked it with the tender..
surnictuitahle diMoulties, which win eory of the lime, The Other sister:told '
serve the revolutionary propegande." of the part the rabbit plays in the Easter 1
Shipho holds strongly the!. thtscletible stOry. TUro. gle :Kende told.Stories, brie '
and triple system of electIon.melkie the .glying
resurectiOn; the other telling. goy otoriSs '
the !hie wonder of the butterfly
intentionally complicated and- obstruc-
tive. fie emphatically denies- that the
people regard 'the whole procolism as
'alTlelgieng r°florlogwse.d. an egii-CraOking (iii.'
new Council of State will scree in any tests in whte..h.4,11..theschildren_look-parte
THE- S - S. LESON- and senates elsewhere. and crack them together, 4,110 qte hay -
sense the- -purpose sof-supper schumbers- "7We Persons weed each choose an egg,
theHeSammajentbeingureatftchraattioit wwalli bwellittelinlet it up to the other. At We end of the
Mg his egg broken. Heat liavfng to Tien
-- 1sts now as
AN ENEMY OF PUBLIC LIFE. ceogn_tesint, hlisheor Pici:rs9blaret."11hae. priileciTYL
part'ited egg a$ a prize. ,
.... sisters had hidden all about in the elt-
Next came a grand egg hunt; the
ting room and hall 500, candy eggs.
Mary did not know et Miss so she, too,
wag given a tiny basket, and allowed to
join the half-hour htmt. - No ono' was
allewed to eat an egg. till the trial was
over-under the lounge, behind picture
frames, etes were they hidden. Time
UP. one girl was found to have 15 more
than anyone else. So she received d ways stands on thestraek below each Eight sisters, Me Misses Gallon,
candy box in the form of a rabbit as a furnace. The Slag is carried out to the Wen the four Peck brothers are out,
prize. The baskets we're given as sou- dumping ground. As it cools it forms In Mr. Bushel's quarters,
yetlirs, and each dhild was allosved to good solid ground, on which It Is hoped, Have room to Move about.
eat the eggs she had found.
Several games were plaYed before the some day to erect
little guesta tiled out to the supper Th‘irvthya-ttwwoilleouhisrins. hmthhaelQudaor?ts-ah, met
room. The simper consisted as much ' NEW SHOPS AND OFFICES..
as possible of dishes into tho'composi- e • Polite and open he smiles and says,
-way and ace)
wiches, eggs cooked in every possible.
tIon of which • went. eggs. Egg sand-
14111ill and. 'to the bottom of the "settler." As yeu
slowly down, the building, ,earrying an
watch an electric Crane conies Moving
The matte, as' already explained, stnks
• "I'm alone, so there's room for you."
.litirattepre icaeutareiname lailir:itlFeFiliss? lin: igril: fc2141)1tedtlp
enormous pot which ls carefully depos-
0"asttlerm cilraeseteTidunai Mr, Bushel ktughs, "I'm empty now,
A•Tilno sglirCheigtercrtowliemtnhoe fsubcntlY•Wur Pints'
Walk in, come, every onel" _
cakes in. egg shades, and oval jell
at dies and oranges ' Y this spout a steel bar stick.s into the
The 'tiniest 'friends and shy -
tarts. The finishing dishes Were the Two hundred and fifty-six baby Gills,
a"saectattemesanear the bottoni. The fur-
ongs and a geme oe two more, ahd therseesasostiagsstiaarh, oaonkd obveenrditnge teontdhecirl "Can we all come in?" Mr. Bushel ie-
. rying in their tiny baskets a dainty egg sledges. In a few minutes a stream of "1 crnetold you and not half try.
Mein' the children went home, each car,
WeA010WAAAAAA#110WVIOVerw painted by the big sister helpers. These wink smite ft on eithes stde with heavy
customs -the Christanas tree, the egg .,.,
kast end the decorated Easter. egg. The
Germany has given us thenY Pre"Y u ed in the custardis_.„. etc ..., s_o cost no -
ming but a little work. • Sinthi:osiwit:111Y .Talithestruanipletrelaalcatussfirtsrwit°,13atabltood-eed and
ling in a brilliant orange -colored cas-
tif oerctea,p sph:ril:
lie takes them only one group at a
' A jollyunglod fellow to entertain all,
This Mr. Bushel ,raust bel
„ were made frOm the shells of the eggs
in, a mining village in the •tiarz moun- taAdes• the metal falls beneath you tor)
fin'. egg feast of which we have tiny re- And each group -makes him, you see
cord occurred many hundred years ago
tains. According to one ackitint, a -- es tapper watches It critieally. "It, is Iii h
gftde," he says.
techounctreusesl ewxalsgedrnoilveesnottrowmar,huter thheottaneobty, Workmen in , a Bristol Street Make a "„Hwoewwdohyeourelpinnoewas t.h.laft?1"1 yrouun:s1c.
lure Find.
• out It was „a beautiful summer morning,
Workmen frequently come upon curs cold -looking „and thick like this," and and Uncle John was obliged to drive
with her Iwo little children. A-iiiithfuI ' •
serving man took them to his, hoine be pointe to the glowing stream; "that's out to his farm.
lolls things In their street excavations. good stuff. But if it runs out thin, and "Would you like to come with me,
and his people in this vitiage nestled but it is not every day they disturb
high in the Harz mountains. the there are sparks, then It is low grade." Teddy?" he asked, as the horse wes
last resting -place ees a geneene giant It goes \llp the converter badly. "And brought round to the door.
The woman whose naing was Frau
received Scene workmen had ,thLs uncanny ex. teen, you see......" .
Rosalinda von Lindonbueg, "Yes, sir!" Teddy answered, eagerly.
much kindness frorn thee° htirrible folk, Parlance while diggin.g in Ttenehard Ile does not firdsh the sentence, but el just guess I would." '
but she missed many of her ltixurles Street, Bri.stol, England, reeently. pimpe into a sheel4ron shield which he The sun Wes bright, and the country
oi her former state. She Was. parte:ell- Their picks and Shmreli3 grated against throws across the stream in front ct road was green and sweet with ifelight-
erly fond of eggs, and these were not 'the leaden cofilri cif Patrick Cotter hlms In his left hand he seizes a.. long ful odors, and Teddy trotted around in
to ho got. Strange as it mey seem, 0°Orteas whose inntletiga stature of iron rod, on the top Of which a pointen the fields like a young colt. Uncle
there were no hens in Germany in. those eight met three inches Ma& his mune ‘ead oe clay is fastened. 'Watching hie John was driving along home at a smart
days, or but a few imported at greet a riousehold word a eenturY fl%o. chance he carefulty places the wad cf trot, • when all of a sudderi he stopped
expense from the far east end ofted There is no n'ilstaidng Me identity of clay in position, rams ft home and the ,horee iptickly and cried out:
by the very rich. At the earnest id- the, coffin ter the plate thereon bore the doses the spouts Along comes Uur "Teddy, do -you see that?"
her home, which he found burned to PATItiCK COTTER O'BRIEN, crane, drops its tentacles or hooks, And there, right under the pony's feet
quest, of the countess her host, visited` following Oland Ingorifttfon :
the ground, and carried away babe coy- W.hose rianie wad Colter, which attendants fasten to the ' sides ,almost, were a whole family of little
roosting in the trees about the ruins. But he called hilneelt O'Brien, . of the pot, which is ntheiewpailttledis twitsithd piToyeerddsy. was
e. of darkness a few chickens, that Were g o so delighted that Ise could
"strange birds;" the eggs they laid sure He died. on Sept. SM., 1800., up and carried`down , he long building, scareely speak.
MI it reaches a ettrIbus barrel-shaped The tiny birds were just as , quiet as
1 wing metal. Sleseli
The peasants had never seen such Wheel stature was eft,. ain.
prised them, and the brood of downy Aged 45, , " vessel with a gaaing ntouth. That, your, could be, because their • mother had
chickens hatched trom the eggs fined Patrick, It itnneare, was as glgentie esuside informs you, is a Besserner con- taught them not to make a noise when
them WIth ietonishment and pleamire T * ord, perhaps conveys ne any danger came near them. Rut
But the good countess prepared a still
' sale, reland, local ,hietory recerds that esa -sir /leery Bessemer discos- y ou see they had been nearly run over.
hi: graieen as sweet.. A males be Kit, verter. tie w
, meaning to „ Yen, u e P ne
b t Is ex lal that they were dreadfully frightened; for
greater surprise and pleesUres for her his matusers were amiable and -un- years 6
Easter morning, after tho religioas his eonduel. thrOtigh" life, united to the blots ids thrOUgh it you could burn along the road fir a short distance,"
ered that if you meted pig iron an "You may get out, Teddy, and run
kind friends. . offending, and the inflexible linegrIty of
talked to them, and told there. sthries, Prin i c wero strict y virtuotss.
p ro in , no_ut the impttrities and turn out first- 'said Uncle John.
inns Meet About twenty years ego it And then Teddy saw that the little
service the countese gathered all the ,s„
calm resignation with will* he eiWalted
children of the Allege abolit her, and ""' a a I of treat proved that iiis -- - " ttigeerrsaivivderilzetr awl Tin:, whirl! gall% .. thregre
and then sent thern away Intel the grove : '11 cial) gig_ thitigt Ci'Bur -hs thed t ' lit sis macilisturgy dP.'ef
minute Teddy's feet touched the ground
to play, to build.nests, as If they were Is
Of exhIbItieg nese an e directed wee discovaaereed tl':aat tthee ,
the old birds began to make a fuss.
ceased eggs and egg eases wtezi made Idlest the grave robbera,:thist gave 4.ddi- awiackseia.ppli bl
en a Mr ea
birds, while a teatt ot milk soup and that hls bedy Shottid De tia blieled' de to THE POT OP MOLTEN METAL. Probably they thought he was a cruel,
tad boy that was coming to steal their
and presenting to 'each gue.stat lier de- the sides of the rwk to'remlet r6In°val 4".
now dishes in which egg* were used. great depth, the building, Is poured into the moutn
ht do .
along Ut front of. Teddy, back and forth,
wade a feast a few days before tor ' Aecordingly, Ms Mende presided a
leaden coffin an& had it, interted at a
terror kr death . in thoso days. which the crane hes Ilist breitig
fte family followed her Into the grass
The mother "cheeped" and 411 her itt-
live beautiful (lglitst ell (UMW' 00101.81 Hark! the Cheer !MOO, tre ritighitt,
ttne7084tiett h4041 "nal
but just es soon es the little boy woUld
parture several fowle fti bikes tren bait being Weed !A ed steel vessel, -
cif the converter, which is a barrelshap-
It seems a trivial matter. as In
' lined with quartz and
and seemed to want the little boy to
itt the roadeide, but the father bird ran
Wil ith her. Hot Easter Wes , far the ,i-tv The Weal cadhorities .` et Bristol are aaitiii -r----- ' -."- - OW with hime
-eNtc/Tle,s*when the Children had enter*
. mod ot eibtr find, .find 'it te.thoueht
nem° iMpossIble. . , Litt all the work done by the crane •
t Mal' hitt here is a vessel con-
aTry 'to eateh him, Teddy," he said.
Teddy tried, but fotind it was not c 0
pe.epiega cind coedneek in the .0We end ' , EASTER, Inty ned into anothee vessel as„essily as yoU
would pour out a dipper 01 WetesseAfter
kilning live Otte Of Molten metal amp-
neeseenveeter het received the eottents easy thing to do. It was queer, too. ter
the plover drugged one wing along In
they heard strano Mlle Ohlieklifigs and
their fill ot the good, thingh of the feasts. Green Lee te '.ressOVer the reshainlmi,
they will reSiat isoY overtures hem
with texts and mottoes on tbirm There , *44
ettelt cir tree el eardwoml. Then the h
el the pot it stoWly lowers Its Rooth un-
itoor, to permit -a mart to throw In rt
in it, ie. within etbeit% eight foot ef the get near the bird and think he could put
is hand ori it, he would find it MS a
they ran ten and found )n...0 eels -neat
4 the dust . and seemed to be quite lathe,
,„,,. Filling all `the .aweet spring air, blast le turned ors sind the etelverthr lIttle ahead of hilt 011 the thee.
'of fleets and conjecture Ware:, they ' ens mew FAstet prayere tier a hood Which Ala ' Oolely over it or knir inintitee. [Mehl Iohil, driving
Wcil grettt 410, illughltig "rthcali.eeraPeriun List! the hirde thee natittluit singing; . Ups back 'until tile mouth is bropght un- lie VAL:need it along the road for three
.tame trete, _ and what hen eitild lay • - - ' ' , , mid, gathers Ms sparks. od game 1nte sloWly after Wm, till all . Of a Midden,
seeing a here Junto otit frons.behind a ite,,,,,,d s entitle of Holy ,Natne,
such hPautilllt Mg, Ofttslittle eta, ' I ih 1 it d ' are bending'. ' the atiohomoott. , • • , when the father plover ' theUght'S die
ego. The children 'all believed It, Mid - 0,401. jay nrnelalrm
Lilleg ,ta I e t ea if
'the. celitterter:„‘` your* guide informs mother bird had, had time to get their
hUan, declared it WW1 he laid -11M Eager' . --' i I ' .v le blending, "
the countess bed ealored tbeeggs with ,
With UM telered eggs. lltit lis reality_ intifin dim„,ealhedeed stillness '
, yen, "Will blow for about,two tours wee way, turcogh. the ftneninto the
10 the lining' rit the Vessel and toms end away he new back to them before
quartz piss, -he rose ,,stetight tip tole the air.
ea cattle the asseetatton Ur Die here . •'-' -- • .
IneeiSe r a nah 0 ex
white the tree la burning °et* Ag the field end IA hide then': barely in the long
, Later ifnthe tley, sta Die tiehlteel eid Let tte enter tett,. ,
tioStel and WS. ` -' ken burnt out it unitet with the
tomb tre btnding Invo• in Istnier,„ stag„e When the eostrerter, lite tiro :13 Te.:10 Is1.0 thee T 07*. a . Inc
iii •Iste teittage Sider With her elilidrCil, ' ' •
.° • • VOICess OA tto 1111%1112h the pert**
* Work the prodtiot Is 'earrlea onta a an %yam t 11 me es 0 reel briy 0
Peeleod filto long lOrt ttiottiP, where it that," /Melo John saift, as Teddy eilinbed
Is &lowed to tool arid Virden. Atter tt teselt into the buggy, "you of* the 'fat
she saw a Irian ginning Up the Imo tat „...
• tito. heeeree,eoldrin the rnoulda it. is direr WO Vika Only Pretending he was
°It Is tensed' tkiii ten ',Meet IOUs .0.ess-st is, 'wont Andurn I, . . . mat ,ittettes, Tina •M, melte.' That st$ otItch hini, cind then, while you Were
Tite tetirtleitit bed 'believed her bliablied '''' t en n tUriled glallOt*
th6..mcnu'ial6' net 1'116 f,t,d '0" --, sm iht, whue.robod ,c1)011 illVente,40 trelteri on With .sledges Into Melt ,About late, A yea would think yeti eatild
Ast Mal ft burst" 01 Song ingellot
Ilea& killedititt Itie bettletlekh • SWet te „ P the tintabed Prodoet .to far es• Calladk chasing him, he knew the wittiest prov-
ietoncerned. It earties axial, shay per ee would be hiding We little toes, ff
• " t,,„,4 ii.8 *iity, iii* haa't% Avila' g"ilth.orn tit Iiiekelv And tWerilYttWei, per tent, ,iteu were ta go, back OW you e,,luldri`t
' vg*****"6 'Ilit; ‘egg'''''',' ' ' ' '-‘1,,, r„ ,„,4-„'-',11\7,-1 ortit,--- --zi,,,:-0„„,--„,,,,--,,4' C6 ' .•Thit teat is. mainly atilphist, the and UMW entrWhele.°. es ,
SA 6 e-, - : -•-..----''' ,Affenfiliit7.iee7,5`....nigii-,--' 7--- ken having mostly diaaOpeated In DM "Oft !Said Teddy, "brit t wouldn't have
Seperlibettgetti al 'Illellsing Grainia Rt. ,Peeite bite colon et lesti trimitirtg. 16 MIS slate it is shipped to hurt enr. fly d y With 0
thee dtehli otrlit Arroro, ., ,--- 4 ,,,,,-..„*. the refinery- In OM United' Stales, *bore fro,tn leier • . . *
. , . . • , ,,,,,,,s,,,,, - , the moor end the. likkel are finally ' Well., YOU see," tom .uhero John,
trjeo,e,,,..entt 01‘,,,,v, ,
,, Prank Shooter, Who has luld ignkt ,' 'Zkl• 'NAIL...". 141 ...."' .."”..... sestereed, 2 . • . °they didn't kr100 yeti Ited an Atfekt, An.
' !The- Monter It a 4kserteittlan very . tat atifserin ended of the atter, Terittriye.POP, Int ,teeellitt` tOld Us tete "Ini'W Hindi Melte' WM YOU Thil4d Oat ‘V;11"aS taagat Yatt r° 136141416
Skilful in Pheptsting tocd,antt. 4 .igeo", rou ' lod, wog. itthiihai Ma Lit the 'do that Um mime Aditrit Means Sarni* 10-dayr „ , etesserS tering itring.".. ' ,
eN°1*''" /4(11° t6 laaa4 'thCrC, "The lo,C4tiforter tiT it terlttlet StOlet eVer 100 Eather.4haTs ROM, thy ann. , ' Well let ite see, ' ' One, est ti git nista% So; geld TeddYs SOertYs find
night I wet there ll *ens ph ot, eilleiS' Ihtli. 1 ' , ._, . Tencrey-Thert the Original tirthle Mid Id in lh We Witty wIth,probebq tin woutleitcl it he Wanild avtt knOw SS
tfg tittlkot!iy,ioktiy itheo..040. lt. He he* all Bit Oriente* livairdtt " ef name we* Mud. lied 00 ititee more, befra• ths Atorei ' Melt ite Utiele john did".
e me.',1110ther Of .4 eml iho rtiliAl IlltnisOi) Sorlett Itieleiting ' FatiserAwitir client* et the red hi0 thottgo,---AlY•10. 19Agir etzt rig:
P.eelhe hat Dia Celeriliee, • •She lodfed tl him with, 100 tievettigns by the Ratio, *eeseeree4erf,eesese • Ille reek' is net Me bett, Ve Win tO • .0............e.......,
Who vottrerfts lls. the Affititant ill the gold Medal, Writ& Wilikpeeeentea by ee Ms lantseas,MIt's right, tee, '1',, It is net .,isit bleb 23 ri he011 4 * It e . ,
I Mr. thmto thee ' ilVielit VG YAMS '08Ittiplet NIX 10 Yi)or - Plat VC' to huttatid Mtge' l'etbalreet,"
lfft tbgt Ott ,.
tfte Vellr, .Oblattlitot, with 1 *would ttuttui4
dee.* alid emertalettati.
*WW1 the Irronettrintri knew I Wes airgoing 4' mill *freltItt 1166°1 "4111 ill , WYrithild itit'r TAM
. Wier when we get MO a new bed.
FM, Weft wits Ids good ittifete kr Mee., tOMPligig dititiltgif arta Silsklirtf * hoY Rtelle"..0ThaY itadt that Heltitt Inettred Mei. Callert-nit, dee* bet -filt:iays 'pay.
sm Ni 12kt ihtit I should teu *041 eet -ttroM iltAll/t Its,ssiSt al rht 1441 totett04 '*
Itis kikettet. and be leek inn thererihttle wittSrwilrri-,
$teenfteal Senthel the Wealth tr ow whit* Olgt(61" dr*W"Ot 61" -448 t°1*tItt
wow 4itte antcaparse were ethic Nu*, red ft Fletet bating *Mid during Mildred-41'rue. hut );;Itiein he tomes ' fil%,.s*Zekisititi tin
iliwitltibte OS* dome labe slatte *edit MI Ise all IsialeS1' '. inalaw tot Joititt
there wits nol'inug Isere where ,
but 4 MeV WI.* linel OW
leek money and lariats to; WI
ebootit. loatt MOM, It teOk
the NOR* it toelk bee** and wiefsey
1121144,04* -02•02400* WOO and peraeierance to produce the
it toele feeestaltit Paltrage
to find MORS end. to seism it. tt
4140,11Qt otiose WO *dee us oilo to
grow wIstef volt grow hetorn,
shako lwe poet of Matta whets
,...,,.......„.,.---..„------"•-•••—••=7-- pose being to perauade peOpie to lulu
- Me PIOAL, the ehtircii, then by hook or crook that
1‘1163. iiii,Wr,,i; 04,432i.m. duty must he discovered in every &its
, eser es -es.
Fieveleleste. elergeones se. Rut tins is simply to iMiore thi; Mein
atneet,--Norta strcet. formerly occuple words of the great Weber. it would be
•tie oy Prnediteet & Soya. _
Onree houre-ti a.m. se Se p.m. impossible to clarify his statement 1 lf
.., _ . f WOO, NO any man heare and 400 the Mingo 1
wPuiiii 'nor,: 3.1)1,1,0.,11,10 =L0411;0,...,84 have been teechinii he to 'like one Wile
`.4- Heption-Vaitiii;1‘n,p,fetinitorf.' IA blitlds on a reek, One thing marks 1110
8.0, .
lt,I3, 11,13/41, te,e. deeds, The course of cerehlet, Me kin
rock -founded MO, the doing of Moll
ef character he has just Dialled In th
sermon on lim-Inceint-gives -thosestass
hailed stctple character,
The enduring Itfe le not built on
dreams, Many people think that their
lives are rock -founded because they have front Mist Other; WO «et the plens by
nebulous admiration for the moral erecthig the structure. 111 reglin of
teachingo et Jesus. On the whole they
having token the trouble to say us much
as this they sit back with the comfort-
able feeling that they have set them -
verse, that the Almighty will be delight- Dootriees are but teachings intended
selves in their right place lo the inn- of
ed with their indorsement. to be done Into deeds, Doing them you
One of the most dungerous hypocrites gain a larger peace of mind and sense
is the easy going,sthoughtless being who of stability of Ofe than in any other
Mimics OW the indorsement of a duty ivay. If you want the equilibrium et
equiveent to the doing of It. He Mitt you will find it by simply laying
evaporatee his convictions into compll- deny details on the plain founda-
manta instead of crystalizing tlkem into lion of his principles. Nothing could he
conduct. So far from being built on a pleiner; there are nO Meta -
rock he floats around on a whLsp of hay physics, fto subtle queations of policy
in a high wind. A butterfly might bet- here; do these things and the heart finds
ter hope to drill and quarry out a faun- calm, the Ufe certitude, the soul sans -
dation than he. Besides this, his hypo. faction,
oritical praise, ef right precepts makes 1 HENRY F. COPE.
Ltatiottagt. -
TisittEn ot• mammon
' Venal* eart.
1.1veStoeloutatlenerat Auctioneer,
Iliplittia /Urea% Gedirkeis.
todesssilde sverywhero snd ell Works made
Steve, yen sittatreetiad.
, S. 4
•-• ----
It• V. rat% v. 04. amounts or tau
Oaten° outlaw Toronto. T
meet -tonere l klitettration of hone (macro
my approved me hod of opernelmon horses
WO. Atreth sumay of veterinary inNitemoti
2,11014/0 on Wind, omen end atahles-Newysto
Iran, netieriele
11. nUTCIIInSon. Tonsorial Art-
ist,#) Montreal otrcot.
• allaying, hail\ cutting, oliaropoolng. eta.,
, eityle. Nevins sharpened
find none2, thitUfaction airVO#Y6 1160*.r"
II minx, ritODUITIUTI. No. 32, 0.0.P
lactitings tho 1st find Aril
TdeedaY2 of every month, Parties
erishing to joie cou get full particulars
bahrait Cainoron. A rch le Ilneklen,
doe. 0, Palt, hos. narrows, Jamas
Wilatirt, lifoOrenth. ViSitiba Broth-
10110PREY& SON
woo Street..
tioilerieh Planing Mills.
1 11801
sad Builders
itiantiragnirers °rand dealers
. to alt kind* et Ma-
terial, such fastumberNoors,
bash, Lath* Shingles, ike.acc.
Oen, end estimates furnished on appy
• twitaa,
firainsiblkshod 10544
• Ekscharletsit & Lawson.
Nike Piro Illoaraueo Co
Perm and Isolated Town Property In-
Value of Property Insured up tcy
January, 3.904 $3, 048,975. oo.
hlottaiti, President. 1iippca 1'. Q.; T.
,Fraser. Viee-Prosident, lirucefield
OA *R. ,t1,. Itayelk, seeretery-Trensue-
tr, Seaferth ().: coououy,
Pnrter'a P. 0.; a, Dam, 0.:1111.
ton P. Gs; .1: Watt, Hat -lock I'. Ct.;
Iteechw000. p, .1,
Geltre. Winthron O.; Benne.
wake, tkeenwood F. o.; W. Chesney,
IStafortli P.' 0.; each the inspector or
firee AteArktib to Whiell they occur.
AoL.*biTs - 4.1v. Yet% lloitnesvIllez
"Iftedris Cumming, Upload villa;
flinebtey, Sehnert)); It. Smith, Hat -
" Footle y folders can pay acacias.
ineltte 4r, get their eordo receipt -
ed lat W.: teats, Clinton, or at.bles
HrOki. Palate Clothing Store,
Teleigtolles and yard* a
24 YoVr404,1t
When you want the best
0 be had -in -
Ap kinds of COAL al.
on hand. •
oal Welgtel en the Ifarket
Ileetirer, Whore rit; get i;00t) HA, for
et tifitrahlr ProtePtat
cheracter it to housea rather then arOld,'
Nears We need. Build but one how's
cooduct, squarely cm the plain, ea -gent
teachings of the man of Nazareth and
you will servo the world -better than if'
Yeti gave a lifetime to the explanation
PreiteliSed medlta_ef thialting..the words
and Works of Jesus invariably revealed
the power ot God.
17. In the whole of Judea -From this
statement some have inferred that Luke
was under the wrong impreseon that
this miracle wes performed In Judea,
but such an inference is not at all war- He Is certain from long experience (he
ranted. What is intended by the phrase was chairman of the Moscow proemial
is a statement of the fact that the news zemstvo for many years) that the Coun-
cil of the Empire and the Dolma are
foredoomed to a disagreeable strUggle,
inasmuch as no decision of tile Palma
can be brought direct to the Emperor's
notice. The Council, in its new form,
not only diminLshes the authority of the
Bourne but Concurrently reduces the
prerogative of the Emperor. 1'
The majority of those who have an-
alyzed the constitution of the chambers
agree with Shipoff that they have been
so drafted under,Count Witte's pa:lance
as to strengthen the bureattcracy at the
expenke of bpth the Czar and the' peopk.
Lesson III. Jesus's Power Over DIsiase
and Death, Golden Testi
John it 25.
Note, -These Word Studies are based
on the text ol the Revised Versibm
A Shorter Account of the Sermon on
the Mount. -In verses 2Q-40 of the pre-
ceding chapter Luke gives a briefer ac-
count of the Sermon on the Mount.
rho main differences between the ac-
count of Matthew and this briefer one
in Luke are explained by the different
objects and intended circle of readers of
these gospels; but in both the Sermon
is given as the Immoral discolirse of
the kingdom of heaven. Matthew, writ-
ing for ths Jews, records much that has
special bearing on the Levitio , law (5.
17-38), while Luke, writing for Gentiles,
omits much of this. Luke, however, re-
cords -some of the omitted parts of the
sermon in another connection later on
In Ills gospel narrative.
Verse 1. All 1313 sayIngs-Those spoken
MAIM Sermon on the Mount. .
Into Capernaume-Near which city the
sermon just ended had been delivered.
2. Centurion -An officer ot the Rotnan
arnw commanding a company or one
hundred men, as the name impliea.
Servant -Literally bond servant, or
Dear unto him -Ori as in the margin-
al rendering of the nevised Version,
precious to him, or honorable with him.
3. Sent unto him elders of the Jews -:-
Note both the modest,' and the propels.
ty of this action on the part of the Bo.
man soldier. He knew Jesus to 130 a
Jewish rabbi, and ids respect ter. the
Jewish religion pronipted him as a
Gentile not to go himself directly to
Jews,' but to approncit him through the
mediation of retognized representativee
of the Jewish people.
I. Ho is worthy -The respect with
wheel the centurion eeems to have
hahltuelly treated the Jewish people, as
exemplIfie4 in his action referred to in
the preceding verse. won for him In re
turn the reaped of the Jews. It Was in -
OM a high tribute for a Jew to give q
Roman to say Met he Was worthy of
allentien end favor el their hands.
5. Ile loveth our nation -All that wo
learn eoneerniog the centUriOn indicatea
that hts rollgloue onnvietions inelteed
him tewerd the Jewish faith.
Our synagogue-Thts refereere to one
synagogne dew not imply that there
WW1 but 0110 synagogue In CaPerniniftl.
hat, simply that the ene to which these
partleitter lews belonged was referred
. Not Mr Oren the house -The alarm.
Kee of !Ado at tins point is more de -
Inflect than that of IttettheW (comp.
Matt. 8. 3.112).
Lord -The word Lord here flees not
neessemely Minty more Then "511." in
which settee we find It, used in Salm 4.
10; 10. 01; Acts' 16. 2fi; end other pase
7. Rut say the wortI-Or, sPeak With
n word.
of the miracle spread even as far as
into Judea, some miles to the south, as
well as in all the region round about.
14#44.44.4444. .104444#44444
Alter Ceremony Ile Has a Sumptuous
-.Feast:at a_ilestaurant In
the City. II
A Fijian who witnessed the opening of
the British Parliament by the King wrote
a most interesting account of Ill.% experi-
ences for his native paper, Na Mate, a
translation of which is given in the
London Spectator,
First he deals with the, causes which
gave rLse to the state opening.
"Parliament had been considering for
a long time and divided councils had
arisen," he writes, "and it seemed to the
lUng that its reports to him were way-
eritig and that what it desired was not
the d'esire of the people of the land. So
he decided that it should be dismissed."
Then he discourses uport the "ohleflike
tor', who is very good-natured to us
Fijians. the one who fed us with crabs
and gave us pipes." "This "boy" got a
"mOst useful lettee' from the notice,
which 1,1irevented the people of the land
from otewding us, so that we might
well see the King."
He was found a stand In Parliament
Street, or, as he terms the thorough-
fare, "the path of Parliament."
"As we waited we saw pass the great
chiefs and their Itelle.s in their car-
riages. Who can tell their splendor,
the chiefs in their robes of war, Eind
their robes as nobles of the land, and
the ladies, with golden crowns dazzling
like lightning with diamonds and pre-
cious stories? Who can tell M. It was
like a dream or the giory of the fair-
";Vhere we stood we saw all sorts of
people. For this Parilainent have been
chosen Many working men by the peo-
ple as • ,their messengers to the Big
(,°,0tIncil.srThis is a new thing, as for-
inerly member!: of ohleflike tribes only
were chesen.
"I saw one of these messengers el
ihe working men to Parliament. He
Wits wading where we were. The man
had red riecktie on. I was told that
It was a badge of a workman, as it ts
not the cult= of PeoPle of ollierldie
birth 10 Wear red treaties.
".htst before it struck 2 on the Clock
the band,a along the path were heard
pleylrig 'God Save the Ring,' and the
volees of the Lords of War callhig out,
'Present antler kma then appeared the
Riunlgti. front 01 hiM went four carriages,
With six liorseS eilch to draw them. On
tho horseS Sat 01011, tUld other men ran
Servant -Lit. in MIA ease. hey. mon 5ide. TheSe earriages had in them
the igit thiefs who servo the King.
Then come a warrior band on horseback
with handsome yotmg chief In the
tentre, who earried the standard or the
"When they bed passed by, then canto
Ilse Ebro in a golden coach, drawn by
eight white horses, white OS follIf. As
he appeared everybody took off their
hats mut shotned, 'Hip. hip, hooray!' and
me soured of the ery wto litto the roar
et the Mill on the reef to their great
toy at 'Seeing the Ring,
44The elentlettd"r oppKIeNsit to us were
Mwered to the ground tut salute, and
th: bells Of the, big Church ogf WeS11014.
isletro-A town on the ntwthwest slope Mitt in resOott$el. end touched his Oat,
of Little iternlon neat' the aneierit MnItentP Watts to tho glad.
Muk. Within the territory of the tribe or,;3_0k ..411„0 PeOPItt Of hie land,
or ftSkehaw. The flume itself ttleanS IOW hinideamethe
leVolYr alid. Was given le the tolvn. ,'it,!,ug 1* Wile test deStribe Ire fs
411,91.111}11141rtintiVe 704111t441(41h)1.4114 4.41Trditi?1141:111eAtIfflil 4°41 rrti'V' "
°Illi,141%. it110 61 111"41Y`'''‘11 1°M* fltligt1 4711,1ZIC:1106111111;tirtlii Illf°11116
et importuner, in the ancient Orient ,,, ,„,. en S., and Wive
Were surrohlaged I/ %lilt') TO Ut6 0)16 or etruFeltriwit; 411Alotut)41111110: 019;h:eott luta:
Protection. Nein Welt is appreetheit 004 we tett ; os *PM*,
front the told ftedlOg. from elher4 coed the lifoustone g
nem% by rderroW reci417 pith on Ai.311cli
B. So and ‘- getth-The tenttirions
argunient seems to he thiS ae he, 11101,
self colnnutints and Is obeyed by these
OM Whore he hea euntority, no he as-
siM100 Midi Jesus, who apparently has
newer over unaetn forces, and over the
Welt world, cats commend and heal dt
a &tante.
D. He marveled -We have hero one et
the Veiny little Indications found U10,
,r,(401 nOrfative3 Of the truo hutuouhy
ot Jeses. He svas rieluely rleteillehe.i at
Vie fen e centurion. •
• net In Terael-e-Whete 'Mere than
anywhere else, such faith was to be 0: -
peeled. -
II. Soon tiftertiettle-Ge, no ManY
strident, autitoritieS ott IN nett
free, while "the qUartz reek, which you
sine added, seizes' nue Iron. and unitei
with it 00 form slag."
Out of the /enlace at -this erid, flows
matte end Mag. Matte contains topper
and .nickel with a little .sulphilr and
iren. The sltig contelas the rack that
was in the ore, aim rock abet was ad-'
ded and Tittle of the iron that was In
the ore and was burned old. Both of
Mese substances fall , together Into a
large teak, which is called a "settler,"
The matte ,is heavier than the slag, and
So sinks to the bottom: The slag flows
oft into the slag cars, one of which al-
Four brothers by name of Peck,
(All Mr. Bushel's kin).
Ah often as one desires it,
Are taken by irIT fn..
. lig, SMILES. ' - o, ,, i t - .061,, tifea Met .. .
A ttttiklYt Illelegralter temp gays ,,to ft, Teuched .the bier...Thereby 'hen. ,
e lady tu3tonitt: -,,,X:4‘41 1Qtt ,p1eavint, icelifitt biortmell 14 "111)114!110 1,11*1"11*
inlifialit, if $ii.•tii Pleaw' nese. lint bete. tiS hi thil_ase 01 114,?:
He, 1.110Kie a ferinuitt tonititely better ,,lept,ltbifol 0. frvi'; 4V44$ $.44'1'netl Itne
. then that. • • . 1,evitl.„al erten le ISM. with its toles .
Its the ' fricqf talural founts', In• 11111 Odd untlefulneilk. 10 et MOO 1•0( of
rld. ne telliaeltSt tit 15 tinnea53ary leVe.
to)k tilsilinn Ici trik VireSant; sho titlat44A. 'itfigfe VII ,of' eaftberffV.
not look othetelse.q, ti-'',:ettio., tuh# t ti; loot it 4i; Mt*.
eel( ftlea„the ,eittrata, hod. the Ii. 404 •,..7-•
, , ,
never itt doubt. ,, It Feet It)* bold ton ellAtt ill*, Ore.
4146440#444.4+44.4444:4401111 ' MMOOk Of this Manifested tautherilrever
&Atli, 8 wea tititeril that Mee along
, ,,, ,
to diatastragas S4sy ;two. aioroor 404.40 1*** *t tleatad* to.
*Meant 14 111(10 let Uhl* " •
fee tooney.“
Miktrogi-Y1 Were IL"
Skirt --*Ihst ftiatbarl
marks; and yen ternplet to answer, Airn finnitawny otte
°YES, Wlikti KNOW frOW.t4 Mts. Centre-44We% r Judge ad tram
Then your gt Weenie, rtmlisteA Stieketli eXperietree. She let her
u knoW 11070. 'lel h Ye Pin el,Ogg' the inherited
I rourego sfultfrom htir tititnothne end be lost ft ell
Three jeers agolki
• tl
oe Ars_
IN SApIlt,
th* 6.*** 1$104 lbw hs,
9esont, there 11,re Ineta 00$4*** tan
oboirvod• *look .0441 trleati4 b.*
flendred. Id yore. itni Welt met lies4
tiP PriotiolYtte In 'the olden dims,
That ene. Of Ow moots
thigr csItsges, early in -WY W
we** horse 104MJ, IS* C
Ott *PORI eaese perdelly hove 410d,
,fit true, but -tne luthtt of ninini
herseinite. thet tan door .for Aimee
ly the lame .purlAtts on the Sigurd's)!
P"ereding 'ROW is still atrietly,ad,
bored to In 1,..etvets SeXeny. It Is eget
thet Satunitty -of Hely, We* hal ONO*
helm elmeen'_foe this especial 4* I*
'Abe alnaple -Saxon aelinirY tiO*,
Bud Aliens 00 Ottit
oecasion,' the yeerf 'An earth
entirtaY freed ot aPitite, al/ hieing
thew nengregiktad A* bell,. what* Chriet4
Arno ntItti .eruelflot the detIvfore (Coed
&goy), had '*ftervierds descended, ands -
there Showed Pewer -.9Yer Atm IdaYil,
and 4116 evil .spirita by preventing them,
trent Ourying oot theft' Vielfed, designs
tar Mat ahert I:Paget VP011 tee' earth.. -
And therefore there could be no better
oppertunaY for nelling'119 the, ItOrgeginaa
the n dergsg_ ,ibtAna. thet their_tormens
!Ors are on their 1010110,' Vet wise, litioh
their return ittsthe •of them, will
tear to eater the. court, or yard.
The game 9f 'hall upon the village ;
green, on Hely Thtireday, Played by
grewnefp and semetimes aged eountrY
pepfite, trideea a moot cuttiQUe.
mon, -but it is caroled out as religiose .
,doty, and with all .zest possible, though
also , watt superstitious fear of tasting
drop ei water or a crumb of bread, no
matter how exhausted, until the game is
ended. "c
On good Felday, In our Episcopal
churehes at home, the altars end chan-
001s of the: Lutheran churchae
draped with black, but the organ is
never allowed to he touched until 1122
4,0tting 01 the statewh,en there is alwaes
trelllendelis ringing of bells and
congregating' of. people lo sing that.
touchtng hynin, "O Traurigkeit 1 0
Ilerzenleid I"
A Roman Catholie custo'm, on ihe,Seme
evening, is the consecretion of fire and
wester with steel,. the Making of alone
fire, and the_lighting-or -Eester- can--
egnifying eternal light.
Many of these people „still believe the
morning aun on Easter day hops titre.
times for joy. But befere it even arises I
above the horizon the village boys and
girls are off to draw the "Eaeer water,"
daring which process it is forbidden to
speak a word or make a sound of any
kind, er the water will lose its freshness
and Moen so until the following
Easter. -
But it must be. confessed tbat though
silence may be maintained as religious,
ly as ever,..the present day German boy
and girt make Easter a merry occasion
by playing dumb pranks Moon one
another, and so getting some tun out df
it. Upon their return to their homes,
piles of colored eggs await them, which
they have always been taught to believe
(on Easter day) are hare's eggs, svhIch,
during their absence at the spring, dal
busy little animals have laid in nests of
straw and Moss beside the breakfaat
Perhaps the queerest custom of all,
and certainly an expesive one, is the
destruction on Easter evening of all the
earthen pots and stone vessels in the
household, typifying the sacrifice of the
old and the resurreotien of the new.
Such broken scraps, with all the sheik
of eggs eaten at the Easter breakfast.
are thrown upon a great heap of similar
debris collected upon the village greet
weeks before by the village boys, which
stuff Ls used tb cover up the Easter fires
it being considered good luck to kee
them burning as long at possible.
Another custom here very, very old
mountains. And as dusk approaches i
is interesting to see the village peopl,
Issue from their houses, group, together
and watch eagerly for the first spark a
flre , to appear upon the distant hills
There suddenly appeaes only one Uns
flame -then another -here, there, ba
fore, behind, until finally it actuall3
seems as if the pretty village Was en,
chtled by a beautiful ohen of brilliants
As the . fires are continually fed with
peat and twigs, the excitement of thi
watchers Liereases in proportion, thi
boys and girls showing appreciation b3
briindistitng torches, swinging lanteent
and screaming, with sheer delight, It
which joyous demonstration the grow
people join. To a stranger the sight fot
the first time may seem odd and Minos
weird, but to my mind, of all the curiout
Easter customs in Saxony, tins the
most attractive and impressive.
Egg shells must be saved in advance
to prepare this dessert. When using '
the eggs break a piece from the larger
end of the egg, turn out the contents.
end rinse ttie empty shell in cold Water.
These mar- be filled with blancmange
in different colors or with jelly, colored
yellow, pink, rell; brown, green and
A very (good rule is the following:
Soak• and one-quartee tablespoons
powdered gelatine in onesquartep cup
cold water Mr half an hour, then dis-
solve it with three-querters oup of hot
water, and one cup sugar, two table.
spoons lemon juice, and one-third cup
of finely grated preserved pineapple.
Mix well, and let Cool, etirring it once
In awhile. When it begins to jelly beat
it with a wire whisk until white and
frothy. Add the stiffly whipped whites
of three eggs,. and beat a little , tenger.
Fill gently into the egg shells and stand
In a pan of meal or flour until firm.
Is better to prepare them the night be.
fore Balder.. hi arranging for the table
these nifty be alternated with pink cr
red jelly egg,s, and served in a nest ef
rich yellowscuelard dovered with
candled orange straws to imitate a
For some lithe 'Afore taste's*, When
baking, e.rapty Without bre:Ming' the
shells, tio ytillc§ and whites Of Bit eggs
from small holes in the large end of the
shells' for molds. Make a bland:bangs'
using, 1 qt. ritilk,;% trup sugar And 4
leblespOtois e•Ornstarch. Divide the rnix.
lure irk thrtle parts. Calor one Part Yel-
low with the yelks or eggs, arid flavor
with lettesil, another part brown with
chocolate, leaving 'the third white and
Boating with , Pour the mix-
ture Into the shine and stand in ft pail
of oorti meal or fleet to keep the aperi
AmtVarti. Pnt CdoI gime over "
8otik boX gelatine hi pt. told
water for no Inimites. Add 1 pt.
wider and plate 'over this •fire„ unlit die;
solved, stirring ell the tiret, Remota
frOnl the fire, add 1 OM gressulated
gee end the grated rind end Riled 'Of 1
orangeti 4. TOM pie plate, tipeide tow*
in the bottom of IC 2414 granite been 01
tot,ealitieriWere dish Of about the sem
site. Strelii the aliithire lids AO lei
istitten. Tide fertile the hest, to 104
riternitig, NM the telly onto a hill
OW dish. Demeve the plide frOM eefe
ties and half MI tho hollow whit Whippe4
trona, iteineve the stets from thi
eggs end oritnite 'prettily nest
Serlfa "Parlinfis of the nest with eggs ent
gam *MVO rrearn with It ititi
*pre to pito the thildren,
Mr& Slabdongils-hil SOffh. but flit ".•
eta Iny do for teklit4 Weigh
Taniti-Don't Mention 14 take, a
,pueluto * woe.