The Goderich Star, 1906-04-13, Page 1es,
tivwspaperyt the County ot Miran,
/irttiait QuaMY* Qtwi Circulation
MB (100ER101 STAR ha* a, isnot
circulation than any other flowspaper
in this section of the County of Unroll
_ , ,
' 0
a -
COS NO, $40,1
thes hatilittitiOn itt Gedericit tit adopt
W111O14 flatfeet hi paid at liberal ratete
iLltet Xettellerta atiORX t/ileat tither by letter
94' PerSQOal. lonfiview. •
Call Or write for our little boeltlet entitled ''Ber."-;Zardinal Pants"
The 0Oveisunefit al "O' accept deposit', •
AND -SWJ'A. -W.---Ii.-110Rti* MGR.
Vt111,141811EP WANTIDD, Vox
.1.1 Couple with.twoeltildrent Parlor -and tea-
room -with two heds and, use of bathroom for
anoint months. State price. Box 102, °ode -
rich. • 0, tf
li)rAtiTED.-Girls for kitchen Work eadto,
sestet at cooking, at Hotel Sedford.
RS, WANTED,. - For Oahe work.-
.Ankerrtgh.Mrs. ging, King Edward.
min:1E44 NaiTlin,;-Tesder?
X calved' for the brigs_ and carpenter work
on tho Goaegetritaptist Cadroh, up•to Friday..
April 20th, at 7 p. Plans acid spooldeatdono
eon be seen at the Knitting Ccu's °fees en and
after Monday, April 10th. All tenders to bead.
dressed to J, LEWITT. ChairAnall Of tko
Building Committee,.
RobleOR SAL16.-Dot 033- Goderich,oroperty et
lot, largo hou e, and good stable and
the. late Mrs. West. street.
carriage house. Apply to 'PRoUntrOOT, limns &
Fon SALE. --Good Heavy Working Horse
for sale cheap. Apply to P. T. DEAR,
rocer, Goderieh.
ib -ion SALE. - Briolc house, eleven rooms
.11 and e 1 1 ar, woedeberi. stnekehoune.
stable, orchard, lot 877, St. Andreveir street,
Terme may. Apply to lone Mosetr, St.
David street.
1110 BENT.-For'biehed howl° on Britannia.
Road, reeidenee of Mr. John Bain. Da-
airablo location. Go particulars at Tint STA*
RTICLES FOR SALE. -Several useful
household arfales for Sale, such 01,4
h edge Battler, geed as now t Hardv4..od
Table. two, Sideboards, several Doors, Sofas.
and othotartieles. Remon for nailing, no room
for them. Apply at STAR Office.
XXX Shingles, Cedar Poste and Plank.
Hernia* and Hardwood lar -bier, etc..
etc. THE aoeittotni tuseeerVeeee'
ROPERTV FOR SALE,- Tlite desirable
.11,. proper*, on Elgin Avenne, Goderieb,
owned and occupied by Dr. Whitell: Good
hone° sod two-thirds of an acre of land, with
choice fruits. The house is heated by hot
water a,nd has all modern improvements. A
bargain for any person wanting flret-elase
teg.iwatRattingtif.aloosgu. Apply to or addrees
PAERS FOR SALE. - Several hundred
CI.Opiesof old neWspapers for sale. Just the
thingwheu you aro housecleaning. Apply at
For selling, baying or renting town and farm
property. Fire an_d Life Innumnee. Offloa,
North sip, Court Mum Square.
FiEORGE BECKETT, General Auctioneer
j..'900 Hamilton Street Goderich. P. 0. Box
fiS: Farm, farm stook, end all other sales will
receive spit Mal attention. I yarn buy your en-
tire stock otHousehold Furniture, and will pay
spot cash prices. Let me know what you have
to sell in any line, or eall and POO what I can
sell yen. - GEORGE BECKETT, Curionity
Shop, Goderich.
IN Tills iftssirgrt OP TOE ESTATE, 'Ql` MAR-
NOME irk hereby given revised
Statutes Of Ontario I697 OAR 12IL tha all
Creditors and Ohara having Otaims aga net
the ostate of tha, Said argent, ra .
died en_er abOut the 310 day Of December,
As IX 190A Are' retailred On er-befere tho lath
der OE Apr% A. it. 1000, send by pont, pre.
8010#. Or tleilver to #1.. AL hens, Dungenpen.
nts. cna Henry Hayden, ort Mbert. Wit,
the exeeutere IA thtLestfe, of the said tle-
mod, the full Particulars q their claims, a
etetement of their account and the nature of
their atteughesti£ any), hola by Mem. '
• And ftwther take notice that after old lest
Mentioned (late the saki ExeCtitore will pro,
cod to distribute the assets et the,doceoed
.among the parties °added thereto. havingres
Ord onb, to the Walnut Orwhich noticeshall
nave then been Wye% and that tho said Exe-
cutors will not boilable for the sald assets Or
anY part thereof to any persons of whose
elainie notice shall not have boon received by
them at the. thee Of such distribution.
Dated at Goderich, this zia day Of -March.
A. D. 1900.
Solicitors for Executory.
iresttE attilta 130TEte Goderleh Oot.-
1... Thereof ly refitted and modernized. .5.
hoinefor the traveller and farmer. Bent dollar
a day hotel to be found anywhere. -N. J. DIOR-
RISEY, proprietor.
pireferedtia7Se4r TB .,2
This old established hostelry will ho
• kept op te a high standard of excellency,
trldestgoviaioingTogetair general publics
Special and persopal attention yrill
„tbe paid to every department of tho
.'1 bosinese,and we hope to merit a fair
h., Khans& the travelling public,.
ot the C. B. Routloy Decorating Ce..Toronto.
Their full lino of namples aro now in the
bands of their agent, Mr. A. Shasel. who will
send the same to your residence tor inspection,
These papers are sold at Toronto prloes. Drop
a card, to Mr. Snazol or leave well' at hie re -
&Mono, Quebec street Paper Hanging and De-
corating guaranteed .
PPM Blikr1.4*111 t
mere New zackeofmnastsenanres., s
Tenderswantaa-t•eetriennentistesurcli, 1
vorge,.,,11041esses Wentetisalki$1114Stedes
*A4.44 444.441,,,••44 p. t• 4
.prepsrty for Sale ssiereutlie04 Sart ,
KliAir 44•4 0.14,4.4. .4...F .....
CAOing Oat vat Bggigiati iStkoqtal 11104")^- 1
J. It filawklue,ssfs .
Weluivo the Dests-w. As aNKUla
Plaut BargehrsSulith Bros
r (2410r05, for Welnen-sw. Acheson
4140n, • .. . 5
'trials& Cleih14Z4V;b: tri
The Older -H. .1"ark . 5
'Ettletrie Wiring-sChan. J. Holler 5
Itionassfe raintitssl. Worsell.",,,- • -
B4y. "MY 0:3floettil tietitels-H,11.0atiowts. 1
Oft Man-SeSereign Han k.. - 1
Sell Mr Oat! Selifort)ot tiawkilss.
Ferrite? GleveSS-0,Mlliar (Si 4
Salo Of SpOnhalei flaneeial
Pteentsen .. . •
'certificates t
Itt Memo ttipeetateotice)--Women's Aux-
--11teryllits-tieerite'frelaireit: --.
Iasuranee AllencY-Yeang &
We have constantly in stock a large
&apply of Cement Bricks for sale.
Call and get prices.
asset. Time tunas M. B.
ph, Odleen 102
Office% Hamilton St. - Residence ID.
Night calla for the firm uf Drs, Emmorson
and Turnbull will be answered either from
▪ their Mlle% Hamilton street, or from Dr.
Turnbull, s residence, Nelson stroet.
Tin. A. hia.CKLIN, M. B.
Prlysician and Surgeon. Speoial attention to
eye, car, nosoand throat. Wilco and reakience
Old Bank of Mont Opponito Post 01110e,
West street, Goderic . 'Telephone No. 162.
ROY ADAMs, teacher of Plano, We.
tireeft3tgerft " 31"tra"lock. mt.
o Bank
and Square.
oonERIO13. - ONT.
Notices urger this heeding to notradvertles
Ore will be charged 10 rents a canning lino in
ncmpariel, type, tattoos 03 the twill to Yearly
centred aneettisers whirrs envertestag ats
Poem in the timala issue/ 0 motets line tto
- dime who make a yearly centraTunder this
heading, and do not °thongs° advertise, 8
mints a line.
Lona Notices.
Baby De at Bellows' Photo Studio
ou Monday pal* Mark the dide. St.
• t
Hawkine, the hardetate man, is going
out et business. seo his advt. on page 8 it yea
want big values.
33, W. Thomsen, Druggist, Is hay -
mg a sale of Sponges, at half pries. tor a few
days at Ina nosy sWro. All good quality.
Wometes A.uxillary of St.
Obergee church intend holding a Missionary
.1411lome on Thursday evening. April 19th.
d leaionl6e. Programme and retreshinonta.
Mr. Jasper Nicholson is opening out
a now hardware atom on Weld( street, two
doors from TELE STAROLO40, and is about ready
for brininess. Call and two him in tho new
Enquire mv prices fOr. cash
before purchasing this sea-
son. Have also a quantity
of Hard Wood.
T. ;vying,' otoir, (Honors certificate
and Choirmaster oritntillidlauPenbg,*)0°o2Cearritst
teacher of Plano. Organs rilegings'fletiory ana
Harmony. Studio, at dire. MeDopald A. Bt.
Darold's street, two doors went of Victoria St.
Church. 112-3 mos.
4'1 E. HALE, I,. D. 8. D. D. S., McLean's Meek, elloderieb. Dr. Turnbull's old
Phone No. 70 South St.
gown Topics.
(301)111Clii, ON -T.4 MID APRIL, I
Omeittxrui.o.TtoVoV--Ur, .
COMO. 69 Videlt 14tOWn and eget*.
a)(1 depettY regildrer Or HUT0114
been appeinted Manager Of the fitelle.
rich branch of the 'Sterling WO,
which -will be opened tor busines.
2501. mr. ougmelro loeg t/iXs
rifitletigettl the regiSt47 efdee end *lfila
wide acfpiaintance throughout this
county make him admirably qualified
for the new post• and he is to be Cella
grate/Med On his promotion.
Snr TANG Otrr.-His many Mende
and patrons will be surpelsed to learn
that Mr. X. HaWkine. the hardWere
man, has decided to retire front 'bust-
ness,,and will make a qui* *ale of hi*
entire stock. Mr. Hawkins has boen
in business about a year and se halt
aud bee ledlt -Up- ea gOod, -huh
finds tbei confinement irksome after ele
Many yeara travelling, and totootto
taking np his old calling, a position
which awaits him. We regret hi* pro.
posed retitement, as Mr Hawkins la
a business man of progreesive ideate
and will be mimed from businees cite
annual meeting of the shareleolders
the Goderich Elevator and Transit
Company was held in the office of W.
le Horton on Wednesda.y afternoon,
president Hunt, of London, vice pria
sident Stewart, of Mitchell. and
Messrs. McLaughlin, of Toronto, N.
Dyment, of Barrie, sec.-treas. and
manager W. L, Horton, directors Jae.
Clark, GebeThomson and D.J. Nolte],
of town, among others being present.
The auditors' report was adopted, and
the president's address delivered. The
ballot WaS then taken for directors,
the auditors reporting the following
as elected: Messrs. Hunt, Dyment,Ste.
wart, Clark, Horton, J. Goldie and
McLaughlin. W. R, Robertson was
re -appointed as auditor, and the meet-
ing olosed: At the meeting of diree-
tors'folleaYing, Mt. Hunt -was reeslects
ed president, Mr. Stewart, yice pre-
sident, and Mr. Horton, seeyetreas.
and manager.
The financial statement showed:
Total receipts $103,135 71
(which includes $87,399 insurance)
Expeuditures ss2,637.7a
Cash on hand 20,497.0
- *103,135 71
Dickson,Huron Distriot,officially visit -
HORSES IN THE N. W. -All through
the Canadian Northwest there is a big
demand for horses of all kinds, and
shipments which have already been
received from outside points have
found a ready, sale, in fact, many of
the'carloads were sold before they
were unloaded. Two cars of farm
horses arrived at Virden recently and
were sold within an hour after their
arrival, the lowest price being $400
per team. Several fancy drivere have
been brought up from Eastern Canada
receotly, and were quickly sold, in
fact, a number of horestuen are an-
xious to secure.cttrioads with interest.
WOMEN WORICERB. - The regular
monthly, meeting of the Goderich
Branch of the Women's Institute took
place last Thursday afternoon, at the
home of Mrs. Swanson. The attend-
ance was large and the meeting was
decidedly interesting and instructive.
Much valuable information was re-
ceived front the answers to the ques-
tions that had been placed before the
President. Several good recipes, also
readings, were given by members.
During a general talk on paoking away
winter clothing and furs for the sum-
mer, kone meraber says after the coal -
stove is thoroughly oleaned and pnt
away for summer, to wrap the furtrin
paper and and place in the stoves the
tooth won't go near iron. Mrs. SWILLI-
son has again offered her home for the
next rneeting, which wit take place
the first Thursday in May. It will be
the annual meeting of the Goderich
Branch, when the election of officers
will take place. -Cos.
Cereals were sparely marketed the past
week, and prices aro practically unchanged
from the preview' week's quotations.
Hay advanced 500'31401, hogs sold on Monday
at the even 67.00, but in most other artioles of
farm or dairy produce, there were few notice-
able changes.
J. F. Andrews shipped two earn of hogs to
'Toronto on Monday, but next Monday being
Easter, he win not ship that day.
Current wholesale prices corrected
up to noon of Thursday.)
Spring wheat, standard $00 7733 tow 7373
Fail wheat, standard
2 70 to 2 70
Flour, per cwt., patont
Flour, per owt., family 2 26 to 2 25
Bran, por ton 19 00 to 19 00
al 00 to 20 00
Shorts, per ion
18 00 to 18 00
Screenings, per ton..
Oats 0 31 to 0
Barley 0 43 to 0
Peas 0 73 to 0 73
firkwheat, por bushel 0 48 to 0 48
0 48 to 0 48
7 60
Butter, per lb 0 18 to 0 19
Eggs, (fresh) por dozen 0 13 to 0 13
Wood, per cord 6 00 to 0 00
Cattle, expert 4 ' to 4 76
Cattle, ordinary and butchery' 8 to 4 50
110g4, live weight 0 60 to 441 01
Lambs or lb
Slieep, at towt)
0 16 to 0 16
7 00 to 7 00
8 76 to 0 00
9 14 to 0 14
Bnoon, long olear
7 00 to 7 25
Sheep skins 0 70 to 0 90
Tallow. rendered . 0 01 to 004
Chickens -barnyard chicks, per lb 0 07 to 0 08
-crate fed 0 08 to 0 10
Turkey'. per lb 13 to 14
GOC80, per lb 0 07 to 0 09
Ducks, per lb 0 09 to 0 10
Beef, hind 'marten 4 60 to 5 50
Beef, fore quarters
il 00 to 723
Toronto Stock Markets.
teuressa hesitant: you Telegraphy. Rail -
Way, Xxpeese Telegraph and Tlekot Am:tants
Mg- neW .and complete erstent which I
$0,0,6 0001.1. teetiting gives a thorough ko0W-
sodgo Mau bectir.iteeping. Ladies' receive DO
st,nd ZOOS permeate
4. MATHESON, Principal,
Office, G. W. Thomson & Son'a Muffle Store
4400.0it lymbroitor6v004ed!tat.oeyttettitsb,"tugrevt0401:
ItettlqltitWor so/ other kita at saver -
MOON, t yalro tA "keep Ulm witfli the
plibile• talk tO Otero direct/
and carrY ont ever)* 'wor
in the, sunionneement. here no
better Medium to accoraplielt this end
than the clean, widely circulating and
Well planted newspaper, and tiusineas
men throoghout the world, Whn hitY0
brOnglit InteCeis tO their Iry Vivo
oovropoport altar% fictvot t o whoka
to tow t o Oltotoo Veer ro,
elhlitliw"Rito7geololo'''bilaraoo6.2"4twibo*fgl Of'
stores a4 (Alton and tioderieb, ate
firrabellevera in the eflica0Y-04rint.-
oatoosive VOrthitiVI III the county of
er't• are probably the most
Miter'. hey Certainly spend Intis-
drede bf dollars annUally for newspts.
peeenlvertisitne alone, and it would
be% thapkleas task to try and con-
vinbe thorn that 'advertising don't
poy,t 'rhelr faith is shared by other
bueinese men, who are also liberal
users of newspaper epece."
r. Roliert Biol.:tartly, the well
knewn Evangelist of Toronto, is at
Preeent conducting evangelistic flee.
v12 each evenlog (except SaturdaV)
in orth Street Methodist Ohuroh,
b nning with a song service at 7.45
p. Meeks is a. apevial feature at
theie meetings, and a large chorus
°heir leads the einging; appropriate
soloft are also rendered front evening to
evening. mt. Moltardy is a very attrac-
tive:" speaker and sound gospel preach-
er. These meetings will continue all
ne$1. week and are growing in interest
eacb evening. Next Sunday beteg
Easter the pastor will preach MI Beater
sermon in the morning and Evangelist
Mellerdy will preech and conduct the
service in tbe evening. There will he
a meeting for prayer and Christian
fellowship in the lecture room Sun-
day morning at 10 a. tn. Everyone
cor,clially welcomed at all these set,
erettit for unfold Pft t el* 'Wee 14,4
ris for legitimate profit bugre,
ed Maitland Lodge, No, 33, A. F. and
A.M.on Tuesday evening. There was a
large attendance of members, and
much interest was manifested in the
proceedings. The R. W. Bro. made a
brief address, after which a candidate
was introduced to the second degree,
and the lodge was opened and closed
in all the degrees, At the completion
of the degree the visitor expressed his
high approval of the work of the offi-
cers, and congratulated Maitland on
their efficiency. Bro. Dickson then ad-
dressed the lodge on Mason ry,past and
present, showing how it originated,
the causes that brought it into exist-
ence, its institution in England and
Canada, and its need at the present
day. The brother's address, which
WAS attentively listened to, wits a
lengthy one, and at its conchtsion
vote of thanks was moved by Sheriff
Reynolds and W. D. Tye in highly
complimentary terms, and answered
glsfly. -Before the lodge closed. W.
o. Tye and the D. D. made short
speeches on the necessity of the Or-
der's Benevolent Fund being doubled,
so that Its beneficences may he more
widely extended. After the closing of
the lodge the W. m., Dr. Galiow, pre-
sided at the celebration of the Fourth
degree in the supper room, a most ap-
petizing bill of fare being presented by
the etewarde.
this side of the Maitland signs of woi k
may be seen all along the bank, but so
far as one can see there is no rush
cept at the Harbor Hill work, whichlg
progressing satisfactorily, and at this
point it looks; as if the bridge under
which the trains will pass is to be
put into position before summer shall
have started. A large gang of men
began on Tuesday the work of relay-
ing about GOO feet of the town water
main, so that it would not be inter-
fered with by any of the railway work.
The job starts near the pumping sta.,
tion and runs up to the Big Mill salt
block. It is in charge of Pigott &
Co.'s force, and will probably take
nearly a couple of weeks to complete.
-A. slide to carry the gravel piled at
the north end of Waterloo street to
the mixing machine half way down
the bank. was built the past week, and
everything is now in position to run
up the abutments for the bridge over
the G. T. R. treek.-A large number
of railway ties were brought to town
last week for that part of the 0. P. R.
track from Squaw island to the station
under Lighthouse bank.
Sun OfEco, Tuesday Eyening, April 10.
The cattle situation (ht. IA about tho re.
yore° of what it WEIS 31115- -4410 last year.
There was quite a boom in .April and early
May of 11105, followed by a depression This
veer the necond week In April nods cattle
rather depressed, vrItli the prospects, In the
opinion of the best Judges, of a bettor market
in middle or latter end of May. Thin opinion is
bithed on the fact that vrinter-ted cattle In the
United Staten aro now pretty well cleaned out,
and by tho art of May supplies aro expected
to been the short side. Dealors are, dentate
the fact that many of them wore badly bitten
lent year, showing their faith In the nituatton
by already making contracts for oxportorn to
be delivered at haulers stables. at a Rhode bet-
ter than Act at the end of May
Hog prices bare advancee slightly during tho
past week, and it deem not seem Improbable
that tho $8 mark will yet;be reached hero; it
has already boon reached in Montreal Park.
Stairwell St Co. quote ott earn Toronto thin
week at $7.60 to $7.00, with lights and tato 25e.
The William Davies COmpany cap they aro
Raying tH for hogs on wire at local pianos $7.211.
fed and watered ' In Toronto, and $7.50 otr
cars in Toronto.
Drovers who were At tho Junction yesterday
said that tromp lo $1.10 had been pald
bos.rd cars at mote points in Wellington end
Groy counties last week, the top tido being
paid at Shelburne.
THE STAR gives the news.
yott know how to snood bee then you get, yea are oe the right
forld te wealth aud comfort.
latvine is may a. hablearame its epoieling -but geed deal more
able, A savings amount at teleeank to the host eld whelp
.you break away from the attending Wet, eee,
• We win belp Our teatime to grow by adding te4rost to it
doitorkii, itakklio n. 014. sow, mosit roittiter..
Express of Thursday last said " The
citizens of Woodstock will be pleased
tot know that the well known photo-
graphic buainese of the late Mr. Mae.
Sifton is to be ca.rried on under a man-
agement that will, it is believed, add
to the standing and reputation of this
popular studio. The buftiness has been
taken over by Mr. R. R. Sallow% of
Goderich, who in known throughout
Canada as one of the leading photo-
graphers in the Dominion. Mr. Sal -
lows' reputation has been gained large-
ly through the reproduction of his work
in many of the leading illuettated
magazines both in Canada and the
United State% and the fact that he
will be connected with the filfton
studio will give greatly added prestige.
He has been in business for the pant 25
years. The business here will be in
°barge of the eon, Mr. D. 0. Sallows,
who was largely responsible for the
artietio work turned out at the studio
under the late Mr. Bitten's regime.
while Miss McDonald will continue in
her old capacity. Under these favor.
able auspices the public may depend
upon tho busineas being more than
kept up to its old standard."
Muer WAIT A WISH -E. -The Globe
13tiot Town Topic*,
lorge Op, tor dm Donk of Colns
trteree reaelted bat**, OR Wednesday,
AVeng the ohipments from the big
BM this week w00 ritie earIntaq of
gelltn tO ist118,3011. 114110114,
JOktiallisl P., is acting fon Mike
Magistrate Humber, during the gentle.
ritan'e absence Iluffalo.
The Godetich carrespondent,to the
London Free,Press *cents to have been
cif on his -holiday* for some time.
Oc•flericla haa the surrounding tang,.
ritory to supply the product to keep
all up-to-date calming factory betty.
The Council are to be commended in
improving Harbor Park, Them will
likely be level walking there this sum-
-The-electrio light on-Trafelgar -street
Wee turned on Monday evening, much
to the satiefaotion of residents mid
LegitImate businese and trade should
be encouraged by every tnunleipality.
Unfortunately the rule does not al-
ways hOld good.
The Central school sheds on Trafal-
gar street have been sold, and the
school grounds and street will conse-
quently be improved.
Harry, b011 a Mr. E. R. Watson.
found the fur tall belonging to a lady's
muff, advertised in STAR, and re-
turned it to the owner.
W. A. Cuff bas purchased the sheds
on the north side of the girls' play-
ground e.t the Central school, and le
moving the same away.
J. W. Broderick. of this town, has
putnhased a Bankrupt Stock of Boots
and Shoes in Woodstock, and a Bank-
rupt stock of Groceriee at Alynder.
1000 will be a busy season in Gode-
rich, and the contemplated work and
work under way will mean the legiti-
mate exchange of a lot of tnoney.
The attendance at the proposed
Meeting of tit° Daughter& of the Em-
pire in the Law Library last Monday
afternoon was so small that no bust -
nese was transacted.
At the Betel -monthly meeting of the
A. Y. P. A. in St. George's school on
Tuesday evening Rev. Mr. Hick. of
Dungannon, delivered an excellent
address on Missions.
A tvio storey brick dwelling for Rev,
Mr. McLean, of Blyth, was started
this week. It is situated on Bruce
street. just behind the dwelling of E.
R. Watson, Nelson street.
The Executives of the County, S. S.
and,0. E. Associations met in Wesley
church, Clipton, on Friday last, with
a good representation of members,
and held a two hours' session in pro-
pttration et the progratn tor the 431.
nual conventions in June, and in con-
sidering the work of Sunday schcrois
and township organizations through-
out the county. Reports were had
from several sections visited by' Mr.
E. A. Hardy, Prov. Teacber Training
Secretary, last fall, regarding local or-
ganization, but teems domed the work
accotnplished was not what was hoped
for AN a result of the series of meet-
ings then held, In view of this the
Executive decided to pOstpone a pro-
gram for a second Berms of meetings
which Mr.Hardy had proposed for the
last week in April, and the President
and Secretary are to carry on corres-
pondence with leading workers in the
variotts sections with a view to get-
ting up a report for the annual con-
vention. A. partial program was
firaWn up for the joint conventions -
that of the 0. E. and E. L. Societies
on the first day, and the Sunday
Schools on the secoud day. It is pro-
posed to have' Rev. Elmore Harris, of
Toronto, and Mr.O. B. Keettleyside, of
London, as the two leading speakers
for both days.
ferenee of temperance workers for the
county of Huron was beld in the Me-
thodist church, Wingham, on Mon-
day, April Oth. A number of promi-
nent temperance workere were pre -
sea, when matters In general affect-
ing the welfare of the county were
discussed, more particularly with re-
gard to the proposed amendment to
the license law now before the Legis-
lature, when by resolution it was
decided to communicate with the Pro-
vincial Secretary, stating the views of
the convention on what it considered
the unfairness of the 00 per cent
clauses. It was also resolved to pe-
tition the Dominion Government with
regard to a hill in the interests of
better Sabbath observance. A county
organization was effected with G. M.
Elliott, Esq., of Godei ich, as president;
Rev. J. L. SinalL Auburn, Vice Pres.;
F. Buchanan, Winghana, secretary ;
W. B. Towler, M. D.. treasurer. 'rhe
following Vice Presidents, who, to-
gether with the officers above men-
tioned, compose the exeentiye-J. 8,
Robertson, Ooderich ; W. Pickard,
Holinesville; J. W. Moore, Clinton; J.
Tiffin, Nile ; J. MeKendrie, Lochaish ;
Geo. Webb, St. Helens; NV. G. Salter,
E. Wawanosh; F. Metcalf, Biyth; J.
IL Hopper, Ilelgrave ; T. Strahan,
Brussels; Rey. Mr. Perrin, Wroxeter;
W. Wetter% Fordwich; J. Hutton,
Ternberry; A. Cosens, Wingham, and
W. II. Kerr, Brussels.
ANNUAL MEETIN(1.-The had weath-
er and the attraction at the
Opera 1101110 taut Monday even-
ing were probably reporalible for
the email attendance at the an-
nual meeting of the purling and
Shutting Association, held io the Grand
Jury room of the Conrt House. Dr.
Hohnen occupied the chair as presi-
dent, and Wm. Campbell secretary,
rend the annual financial tOternent,
as follows :
of Monday last geld : So numerous
are the enquiries from shareholder° of
the York County Loan Company as to
when they may. reasonably expect to
be paid a dividend on the money they
paid info the company, that Mr. W.
T. Vilhite, manager of the National
Trust Contently, which is lignidator of
the York Loa% was asked on Slater
day for a statement on the matter.
" Shareholder's and creditors," said Mr.
White, " cannot possibly receive any-
thing for a long time yet. The affairs
of the York Loan Company are being
wound u as fast as poscrible, but hooks
are sloW n coming itur. and until they
aro all in and the different claims are
decided no payments can be made.
There are now about 65,000 hooka in,
bet aeveral thousand are still tines-
relved by the National Trust Com -
Pane>. Even After all the hooka art
10 the tenets will have to decide epee
the Merit§ Of the different claimer --
that it elite‘ify them, and that will
fieetettefile eke eonsiderable thee.
en as
tO be Old.
kind, tateribt
Itteekih. It
.• nititaill Sr*
frrnf the company have
n organization of this
I* wound up itt a few
keg a long time. and
, though anxieue, will
are tvait till all these
Balance from 1005 41194
}tont, Mrs. role . ..... . ..... 60
" John Craigio, 413
" Marino nand .„ . 5
" Dowling Club , 89
Share of alterations, Bowling Club
Principal on mortgage . MO0 00
Interest/en mortgage 00 00
Taxes ..... . 80
Planing Mill ( 0., reonfra. . ....
Wm. Campbell, four years postage
Rutson, painting ..
J. Yule, electric wiring
Holmes, Woe, oto.. .
Provincial fee, ()Mario Unvernmont
C. ('. Loo, alterations
11. Wenger, servicing ......
J. B. Hawkins, hardware
Gogh on hand . ... • .
II a. tu., Mattlns and Holy ComMnulen,
Opening Hymn, 318. Jesus Christ Is Rp!en
Wer n
yifr cum
Snili van
Raster inthoms
" oil
To Daum
Jubilate Deo
Thoy have taken away my Lord. and I know
hot where they have laid
Woman, why woopost thou? Whom seekest
Sir. If thou have borno Him hence, toll MO
where thou hest laid
Master I
0 Death, where hi thy sting I 0 Grave, where
is thy victory 1
Thanks bo to Ood, who giveth us the victory
through our Lord lame Chriet. Alleluia.
Kyrie Etonian Tullis
Gloria Tibl .. Brown
Hymn 135. The Sb:ife le O'or Victory
Sortnon by the Rector.
23 14
61 33
11 70
3 as
. 2 07
8 07
(`ash on band
Rent due .
Rink and almonds
Total . ...... .....
1 I AWL/TIE-ft
hlortgage • • • • • • . •
Assets over liabilities
288 42
$711 2/
$ 258
.. 20
Deneld Maga' le %Stratford visitor WITH SOWS PretenSientl Pialtiallta
ing a good point fee reantlfeetUring
iladustriea, and a profeitsed fetal- In
the developMent of our town* tit9 AO"
tion of the Town Uounell In turning
down the invitatione to be reprettelattd
in the Monster convention which loth.'
°rad hi Toronto on Wedneaday leat
consider electrical pewee rievapnisnt.
by the Provincial Government. Wee
surely very narrow and short aighted.
The ()Sponse involved was not thought)
of in their hasty Miley of the invitationa
nor was there any attempt to disetwe
the great lumortanee a the qeestiett.
which is now the most hnportent be-
fore the people of Ontario. The flip-
pant remark and careless inattention
with which tine matter has been treat.
od at both SOS/4MS of the Council are
not such as should mark a sitting of
busineas mon.
this week.
Copt, Doter left yesterday morn,
log to join lats boat at Depot Harbor
fOr the season.
eaptoltk &to. McDonald is fitting
out his schooner the Azov for the scar
son's sailing.
It Is said that the breakwater con.
tractor will make a start on his =-
Greet in two weeks' time,
Roy Thomson has purchased the do.
lis, Lsrson from the Messrs. Strong &
OftirntePort Digitising* left Wedneeday
morning for that place to fit her out,
Capt. Iohn 51eltay teft Monday for
Owen Sound to take charge of tug
Minnie A. Clark for thie eeiktiOn.
obert FL labister also lett for Owen
Sound for the season's fishing.
The rlso in the river a few days
since, caused the suckers to run up
freely, numbers being caught. off the
mouth and at many points up the
river. The fish caught in thin town
seemed to be in good condition.
The tug the Two Macs has set out
the Motel number of nets, end the
gasoline beet Bruce has her seta out,
The Evelyn bee made a few lifts, and
the other boats, it is expected, will
lift today.
The steamer Punkt left yesterday
for the Soo works, where she will load
a cargo of rails for the 1.1 P. R. for de-
livery atyWrt William. The Turrets
Chief e.n ourt are scheduled to leave
next We nesdey for Lake Erie to load
coal for Lake Superior.
The tug EVelyn, Murray Bros.,
owners, Made her first lift of nets on
Tuesday, the result being 510 pounds
of lake trout, Including a few white
fish. Now that the lay of the ground
has been mapped out, It is antielpated
better results will follow.
Among the many mariners who left
town this week, were: Ed. Robinson,
for 'netted; A. McIver, Time Babb,
Milwaukee; Jas. Hyslop, Wisconein;
and Allan McAuley, Peter Stewert,
P, McCarthy, M. McLeod, John Mc-
Iver and D. McLeod, all for Buffalo.
The ateamer King Edward will he
on the Goderioh and Soo route again
this season, and there will be another
boat put on by the White Star Line,to
run between Sault Ste. Marie and
Cfleyeland, calling' at Goderloh, so that
%veleta have a semi-weekly service be -
tweets the Soo and Cleveland all the
B. C. Meanings has almost complet-
ed another cosy and convenient new
residence on Broek etreet, which
will no doubt be quickly snelpped up,
as euch houses are in dernand.
A change of advertisement for Wm
Sharman WaS received too late for
this issue. It deala specially with Just
Right shoes for men, and particulars
can be learned on application.
The old time foot paths will soon be
on the Court House Park again. It la
up to the authorities to take quick no-
tion and insist on pedestrians keeping
off the grass. Now is the proper time
to act,
Mayor Tilt's idea to extend the
cinder walks in town, when possible
to Becure the material, is a good one.
Many walks can be made good, while
granolithic for them Is at present out
of the question.
On Wednesday afternoon Sheriff
Reynolds and Constable Phaien left
for the Penitentiary with George
Reid, who was sentenced last week to
25 months in that institution for hav-
ing committed a number of thefts.
Now that spring is hero you'll be
thinking of your garden, Iola can't
afford to overlook the advertisement
on page 5 of Smith Bros., BeachvIlle,
Ont. They offer enough fruit stock
for $2.75 to keep yott busy all Rummer.
At the Clinton stock show last week
Joseph Reynolds, of Hullett. sold a
team of heavy draught geldings to a
London buyer for $490, which were
let prize Winners and a gelding he
also sold for $2'iS5. Joe is 4 noted
stock breeder, and these pricee are
none too good for his clams.
We understand that Craigle Bros..
sons of the late James Uraigle, will
establish a fruit and fish market in
Goderich in the near future, It is gen-
erally conceded there is plenty of room
for such a concecn, and both young
tnen being well end favorably knnwn,
Hytnn 318 ; Bread of Heaven Maolagan
Santairs , , . brown
Gloria In F.rtoelets. Seraphim
Setoofold ...... . ...
SEV1331 P. 51., EVENSONG.
Opening Hymn 131. JP/fifil C111143 Is Rises To
day . .Worgan
Proper Psalm exili. Bet 041111
" esiv. A milord 1311tIsli
" " . .Crotoh
Magniflest .......... .... Marini
None DinsIttlx„ . . Marks
A other!' .... ... . .. . . El vey
Christ being raised front Cm deed. dloth no
more; Death 114th no more dominion over him.
Hymn 140; Josue' LI YON Clauntlett
sermon by the fleeter.
Hymn 31; Saviour Again., .Dykon
Sevenfold Anion Stainer.
$1278 42
(11800 so
8478 42
Total $5278
One of the hest and most successfnl
lacrosee meetings ever held in the
town was held at the Bedford hotel
on Friday night last, about GO persons
being present. Proaperte look very
favorable for Ooderich having a very
fast. team this yeer,and the public aitil
can look for clean lacrosse, as the
managetnent and comtnittee will not
Bond for any roughnese on the fleld.
The officers elected are : Hon. pros.,
Mayor Tilt ; hon. vice. pres„ B.
fit/Within; prenident, W. B. Turnbull ;
vice president, lack Tait; manager,
Dr. Ohne. Sale; eeeretery, Norval Da-
vis; treasurer, 11. W. Thomson; cap-
tain, W m. Blackford; Exec, (tom m ft.
tee, Dr. Turnbull, Norval Davis, Dr.
Sale, Wm. Black ford , W. le etc hisop.
A committee waited on the Town
Council and got permission of the
grounds, also of club rooma in the
pat/1110R. A rrangetneets are being
made to have our (drib represented
at the annual 0. L. A. meeting at To-
ronto on Good Friday.
The report wan adopted and a mo-
tion (serried that $200 be paid on tbe
mortgage. then redueinp; it to $1000.
An offer to lease the grounds and rink
for a term of five years was not acted
on. and a committee was appointed to
endeavor to purchase & reasonable
aelleast 20 feet of land adjoining
the went and of the rink. The tild
board was re-elected, mfeept that D.
Gantelcm replaces A. MeD. Allan ; Dr.
Holmes tut preeidente Wm. Campbell,
eretary ; W. II. Herten, Mabeger.
d Sheriff Itoynolds and WM. Lane
a diears,
A MEASURE ROW before Parliament
which is receiving a good deal of
attention is the Lord's Day Observ-
ance bill, in charge of the Solid -
tor -General, Mr. Fitzpatrick. While
not all that the members of the Lord's
Day Alliance would wish, the bill la
said to go farther., in that lind than
any previous measure, and they are
therefore disposed to approve of it.
Archbishop Bruchese of Montreal,
whose opinione 114V0 been asked by
Mr. Fitzpatrielt, also approves pretty
generally of the measure, but the rail -
wage are tend to be opposed to some of
the provisions, and pressure Is likely
to be exerted to have the bill amend.
ed. Mr. Fitzpatrick points uut that
the bill having passed its second read-
ing, the principle is adopted, and
therefore any changes must be In the
form of amendments covering ptirticu-
ler oases. So far et9 we have heard
the bill discussed in this section, it has
been approved.
Jewicf.L. - Tryphena Walters, be-
loved wife of Thos. Jewell, died at
the family residence, Colborne, last
Saturday, at the age of 41 years and 3
months. The remaine were interred
in the family plot, Colborne cemetery,
on Tuesday hi presence of many rela-
tives and friends, the pall bearers
being relatives of the deceased lady.
Rev. Mr. Hazen, 'pastor of the North
St. Methodist church, of thie town,
conducted tfie church EOPPISON at the
house and at the grave.
StArrsinv,-Olive Tellier, wile of
Edward Slattery, died at the family
residOca, Newgate street, on Monday,
after teratiser long illness. The tuner -
at took place on Wednesday morning
to' St. Peter's Chiliad), and from thence
to the It. 0. Cemetery, Colborne,
w here the remains were Interred, t he
pall bearers being Messrs. Edward
Acheson, Thos. Page, \Yu). Warnock,
Wm. Tighe, C. Martin and Jaa.
Dean. The deceased lady had it large
circle of friends in Cloderich and vicin-
ity, who will grieve at her passing
away, and sympathize with her be-
reaved partner and children, left to
mourn tier departure.
ligzzo,-Vena Victoria, she eldest
daughter pf Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Bezzo,
WIll 11 01/1/310 38 be their reward,
The closing entertainment ot the
popular course, given In the Opera
House ism Monday evening, with
011100, the magician, as en attraction,
was largely attended, find proved to
he all that was promised. He Is a
clever fight, and his myifferious per-
formances produced lots of fun and
were quite bewildering.
Clinton, April 11.--A drowning ne-
cident occurred here today whereby
boy named Henry Nelson, aged six
years, lost his life. With hie compfin-
ion be was playing at an mimed mIll
pond, and they were running bad( find
forth on a log stretched acronn, when
Nelnon slipped into ten feet of water
and Wits drowned before be could be
At, the regular meeting of the Col-
legiate inititute Board the following
accounte were passed ; W, Ach,Ron
8,,e, linoleum, 810.45 ; J. M. Field,
books, etc., $18.4G; Huron Signal, pa-
per, $7.50; Hart Sic Riddle. atathmery,
$7.26, It was (reified that advertise -
The minuet meeting of the GoderIch
Lawn 13owling Aasociation wan held
in the Court House on Saturday even-
ing, eighteen members being pronent.
After the minutes and the financial
statement hall been adopted, the eleo-
Bon of officers forthe current year was
as follows: Ilon. pees., Judge Holt;
pres..J. D. O'Connell ; vice, E. L. Dick in-
tern; secyetreas., W. Lane; Chaplain.
W. L. Eliot; Ex. e,ommittee. F.1)avta.
Dr.Hunter, H. W. Thomson. A motion
to aasess the members one dollar each
for the past year carried, and presi-
dent O'Connell was appointed to re-
present the Association at the meet -
ingot the W. B. A. recently appoint-
ed to consider mattern in eonneetion
with the reception, thin summer, of
the Old Country lawn bovners, the
seeetreas.,_W. tame, being elected al-
ternate. The fee for 1000 mut placed
at $4, payable in advance, and the se-
lection of skips was left with tire Exe-
(-title° committee. It nine deelded to
bare a, tournament the e,oming sum-
mer, the dens te be named at a future
tneeting. The question of the water
supply was left with am Exee. rem.
and meeting closed at a late hour.
R. 8. Williams; received a hearty
vote of thank* for the trophy he had
bought when in England year
and presented to the club. II. W.
Thomann was also tendered a vote of
tbealke for hie present to the club.
Features of New Educational
The appointment of 41Superintendent
of Education.
An advisory council of seventeen
members; represent ti ye of all
branches of education, fifteen elective,
and two, the Pretrident of the Uni-
versity of Toronto and the Superin-
tendent of Education, bolng ex officio.
Supplementary °adulates to contain
a. special grant to the rural, public and
separate achools.
Additional grants to the territorial
and poor schools and the continuation
Increased grants for' education (not
including the normal school project)
will coot about 500,000 the first year.
Additional powers to educational
boards to acquire and expropriate
A minimum salary fixed for rural
school teachere. ,Awerage salary rural
schoola at last available reports was
$1372 for male and $283 for female
teacher% Dicipline provided for
teachers who accept entailer salaries.
Commissione of inquiry, with erten-
aive powers as to securing ealdence In
regard to any educational question.
One commission to be appointed
shortly and to deal at an early date
with the text -book questiOn.
No school inspector to be dismissed
except by a majority vote, foe cauee,
and with the approyel of the Govern-
tnent. Increased allowance foe in-
spectors' expenses.
In addition to the changee outlined
In the acts, reference was made by
Hon. 1)1.. Pyne to the Government's
plans regarding the normal schonts,
which are empowered under existing
legislation. This contemplaten ;
Tbe establinliment by Sieptetnber,
1007, of additional mental schools: the
nelenher and location of these not yet
decided. Their capital cost will be
about 5200,000, and yearly 'mainten-
finee will emit $70,000 to $15,000.
This involves the abolition of the
pre writ comity and city model school%
The dintrict model schools to he re-
tained, and petseibly the schools,
in one or two of the less advanced
High schools, the truancy and the
public II brarleioacts, are to be amend-
ed and consolidated at the next aession
of the Legislature; find
Steps ere to be ifikett next session to
reorganize the system of public school
passed away on Monday morning, af-
ter a short illness, aged 4 yearm and
month% The funertil took place from
the family residence on Tuesday after-
noon, to the G. '1'. It. depot, thence to
Clinton, where Interment took place.
Church eervice woe held at the house
by Itev. W. 11 Graham, who also Jiro-
ceeded with the funeral party to lin-
ton and committed the remains to
mother earth. There was a large at•
tendance of friends find acq11/LIIItall(T14
at the house find at the station, and
much tiympathy was expressed for the
bereaved parents. The casket wan
covered with pretty flowers, many
of which were placed thereon by the
employees of the Goderich Organ Om
SHARPE. --The Toronto News gave
the following particulars of the death
of a gentleman well known in (lode -
rich, sotbi n -law of Mr. James Buchan-
an, lit': "Mr. If.F. Sharpe, menior mem-
ber of the firm of B. IP. Sharpe Sir Co„
photo impplies, 78 Bay PLEPPL, dled
his reradence, 20 Admiral Bowl, early
this morning, ahout 24 home atter be-
ing ritricken with a fits The (helmeted
gentlemen wee at his °thee last Friday,
but had been indisposed all this week.
Ile WWI 40 years of age, and leaves a
widow. For the last 20 yearn, pray -
Really, he han been In linsineaft here,
having mune from Hastings rotinty,
where he was horn, and where hi.
11110t1 11 IS 110y hood daye4. 11P WAS a
prominent member of t hn !their Street
Presbyterian ehtt reh and t he A. F. and
A. AI. ' The ILI took place in To.
ron tolon Mon d a y afternoon, Mr, Jas.
Iturhanan, fir., Meoriamem J Mlles Iiir -
antrum, fr., and Waiter fitiehanan,
find M (011•N Emily and Niny Buchanan.
being prenent at the 0111.0411111.H.
The People vo. Corporations.
Thn Wookly son.
speedo -a of Hon. Adam Berk
on the electrle power problem, and t he
report of a einem iasion recommending
that a number of municipalities jein
I n t he Installation of an electric power
plant, hair called forth a hewl of pro•
test from private rorperetiens
Ing eleetrle (1.1110.h isee, What else w
to be expected? Morne of the !nen I fi
theme electrie eorporal ions have been
trona ormed, largely hy 101'11nn of
favoring legislatiog, from 515 nod 020
per week employes to millionaire,' in
Ilinbryo. They had flied to 000 110'
electric fran dikes t hey 1101(1 /04 a
meant] of becom ng mill tonal res soy era!
times over. Beck A speeches and the
commlaelon reports have blocked tlint
game. Hence the howl,
Meeting Calendar
Itojvilor moot/oaf of Invoronr, 'an19. (1 A
numbs he plate- lit Mall and NM IllEe
find (Hobe for a inathenuitical special-
ist tearher, at an initial ealary of IWO
per year.
Mr. find Mrs. James II, Johnston.
South street, were bereaved on Pt i -
day through the death of their infant
son, WIlliain Hamilton, the rouse of
illiath being n. ruptured blood vessel.
mrs. Johnston in still eonfined to her
room. hut it la nincerely hoped will
soon gain strength again. The Infant
was Mr. and Mra..lohnston'a only son,
which makes the death all the more
Last year the reaidents of Church
street had a %dialling robin that was
named by Councillor Mailmen "the
white" robin, tlfl itn bark wan partly
and Ita blatant all white It went nouth
with Ito kind In the fall, tout returned
to (Mundt street this week, where It
has %min mule ita home. Itn eturn
ohown that birds after wintering In
the south return again to those Mares;
where they anent the prey Mug nearam.
If anything could he worse than the
barefaced looting of the York Loatt
eompliny to which the evidence given
In the Phillipe ease undoubtedly
pointo, It la the flippant and defiant
manner in which the implicated Wit-
nesses give their evidence. It is quite
In keeping with the heartlessness
which has been the meann of robbing
hundrede of widows and orphans of
their little savinga -Ottawa Citizen.
There wan a good attendanee at the
meeting of the Collegiate Inetitute
entertainment on Friday evening.
the leading item on the pregramme
being the inter -collegiate debete.
Clinton vs. Goderieb. Meagre, W.
°tendert and Taylor reptesented
Goderich, hut the oratory of theee
gentletnan and the many good points
did not win the victory for Dederick.
the Clinton school winning. The
other members on the program wet*
exceedingly well rendered and the
whole was one of the most enjoyable
'Rotaries of the term.
thin 'May even ng,
neautar mooting of liorm hnotor, `se 311.
It. A. M., next Tigeeday evening(
IlLArrunv In Hoiterich, cm Monday A aril
0, 1900, Olive Treter, wife of Ed ward glartery.
it Red yoara ana 4 months.
Jo w rms. -In Colbornetownsh I p on Nat order,
April 7p, MOO, 'fryplema %%Worn. beloved
wir of fhomaq Jewett. agod 41 yeare 1 menthe
an 11) days
Take LAXATIVE fiR0M0 gialnine
Tablete. Druggint a refund meney if it
toile tar mire, W. (Iroye's aignatitre
In on each box 25e.
A PPW days, ago MI beautifully
vainted glaso voinflowo were put in the
Iteman Catholic church at Lucknow,
Which greatly oriels to the appearance
Of the building, tnore espeelally from
,the Inside view.
<*'\ ?
Clinton's Live Stock Show.
The experiinent of holding a spring
live stsfek and sale show at Clinton
turned out rattly satisfactorily on
Thursday of last week, the display
being largo rind of exrellent quali t y
We ore Indebted to the New Era for
the prise list, RA f
Clydesdale@ -Stallion, 3 yearn and
fiver -1, Leiner & Moon; 2, Bell &
Spho :I, Jas. Snell.
Shires Htellion, 3 yearn and over -
Dominick Reynolds. 'Two years and
under, K, Disney
Percheron Stallion lat, AttrIll &
Davis 1.1. P. Pishert Goderich; 2nd, S.
Chtimbern, Kipper].
v y I/MI.1511(P 1r0041 mare, 3
y0/11'4 and over J V fin Hamoncl, A.
1 IMPS; brfifid mare, 2 yearn and ondet
.1. Van Kenton& A. limes, W Nutt;
ge.1,11tig, :i yearn and over J OM. Rey-
nold 4: gelding, 2 years and tinder -•W,
Dale, A Chellenger. NV. Connell :
tenin, W. 11. Cartier t, J. Ilay
den, F0111' (.11104 N. Horton
Swffepstakett• Bent heav y horse, Lei -
pe r & M iron .
Roadsters Stallion, 10 hands and
under, 3 yearn and 11V1.1., 1 10 55, 2nd $3.
3rd badge int, T. Murdock, lienetoi;
:and, 74, McPhail, PorterS# 1101: 3rd, J. -
McCaughey, Clinton. PI
bandy and over, 3 y1.(11N4 and OIPE ISL.
P. S'eott, Brunrielo: 2nd, H. iflovenlock.
Teem In harnena - W Doherty, J. W.
Elliott, J. Caldwell. Diplome -- P.
8,olt, Mingle horse in harness -John
Torrance, Oundry FIE04., J. Sparrow.
A grif•ult tt ral Brood InfirP, 3 yearo
or over A. Innen, Jas. Mahan's,* 8.
Chambers. Team -Jen. Reynoklit, W.
Elder, lash. Bros. Sweepotakee-Beet
mans, any age or class, Jen. VanEg-
Saddle horeee Dr. J. (harm, J. W.
Davin. Pony, in harneco--
H. Scott, M. Oraharn. Special prize- -
High Stepper -R. Grahrstn. W.Dale.
/Short Horne- Bull. 3 years and over
W. Doherty. JAIL. Snell, Jan. Shots -
brook. Bull. A years) and under 3 years
and under 2 years J.Cotvan, E.W1(11
A. Elenat, I,. Tyndall. Bun, 1_ year.Vavt.
Jan. Sinell. Cow, 2 years and overel if
find 2, W. Doherty. Dairy Cow -'4
Polled Angue Cow, E. Butt.
Hereford Iluil--24,yearn and
1, Farnham; 1 year and under,
M iddleton. Hereford Cott7-1
((teem, W. eitanbery, L,Farnit
Sweepatakee Shorthorns e
Cowan. Female -A. 0. JacteM
Judges -Heavy honest, Re tu
M.P., llowmanvitle; Light
Routledge, exstiLP.P., Law
tie, T. Russell. EXAM'.