The Goderich Star, 1906-01-26, Page 6'111111mr"
, lerRan 'articles
in Pieties in ILO*
doze Thar 1110.1aedid $2,04$ Unibrelles,
OM* paretle, end ;;*$4 bagel AMeng
Ott pr3f1.t1r ^ors Anany tlanta nekeS,
iswelterI, i le*binto le Ptileten, *
a dog.
ieehildria WOO. Gie flna intde
wheleSonte adage lItit iLt
t alma:01 trOlible- the etleefel
give Hby Own Tablets.. Which
iaure, -,.4ndigaslign1 .• co04:
ulutplelevers •"and.
'1ueflun tettlibleS, They: aolltoln 11•810_,H1•0,0,0'
.Pvinolu • rot Oinate..100. peleonotte ,epsottettesse:: „A Zoom vertroen ,te
111 SON
4401, nanta lerentrd %I
eoftly plielifiel the deer
n and peered reelfel It. •
fell back and -clilletied Otn Pi**
, for it Wee thinheati
•-d the old VOW he OW
Wit room; but am mon .
tidford Berton :etas Mot, Annie
.gethe owerd.:'•and line shack •'10 Ids
enteral nervea. teeillteneft .(he
MOM light* liPifil*:;;0114 ilot b'
eel deWte tirely leer.
- Alter noraent• ,or dia elleettel
Ilinteelf; • d .petired 'Upend 'the •dfier
404,01, Ned da tne start that 1o1::,
Ititeenstvea POI MOP Ina.• . •
pvying dal; With a tieSp
A Man Itea. 'kneeling . neatee tee: table
an by the t hi n an
ord.inary --Allele. hito it Mega ef
Weed :Maid Berton saw Mat the Met
was the aunt
busitY reyebroW
• A media* of an *tour leter GUndferd
Eter ten Weis W0Igng touittole cot.
I IIIVNTINO IN !OMAN. lege. Ile was burinng hob, us It with
gem jeeee or three. ma there„14 tee :revers:Mkt riatilitllf hie hat And let the
Olfeellant •Ceyiell, when to or tent:
400041g Ate low y04.103 O2vebe4
100 44 the lune beige lire Made prieene ."""•:-"e"e" •
ers, Iting 10;* GAM elePhelde TheeleVe PIA bed MP, We are told Mr
were egiltrlid III 10841 neer Xerox& enie Of theee„ plIllosophere who eeem to
ligtet etnetifteet fleMber of CO/Wee ktiolY etteryWIng. Is Very nem, oltin
reeerded etria' tele link, :sleet! IOW, ton •M *hid Inenleet 04114forel Her
Aleetber 11101104 of attotUre is by pleeing xell-nalti not :Vile sure Whether be loved
Sit' he as he
to Melte her his wile
tlie ;a y Ma
Meg neeites exellPeeed'eOf Mete
entelePe bide, InliViOg one cod fasten
10 a me. RY refaing eatdden MOM
the natieeti try to Acietter a lord Of ele-
and be their flight Setae Of the
ter ed Womb most.
tie 'firmly be had ever Meant it.
fie eettld$earcely Say not he Was mire
Prised or diseePointed by her refloat,
110 hild•net gene so far as to hope that
anithipa ttee Ohre lei get:vett!, hY the SiteekOuld eccept hint, And it was some.
i100 1110 tire Pritionekt thing that 'he heti, 40 10 Omni, broken
Ilebind inel,.11014 • fereehe Around,
$.he. litinterti Ara net•intrenuentlY • •mStie know e new `that 1 lave her,' lie
idliedear eterible lltertt Aad GOY .0M0Y-Mutterede tte he walked along wit
.Unaer the tante .0f vertele ate a end, keen s eves.'She
leg",etnft. yet:they :give reireening OlVePt
fetich adulired coran as giCCea/Xttt
-11,0figeMllf$4 UM eldid .asveltere
tirlglit end weil.••••• ;mrs. . Meade:eh,' 6°41°
.Wabigeen. Oiler fie.yei "13fibrg. Own -- • ireee• - • - .••••
Tenlete weeught lieWelederild M10110140 Itedilleeti.'llbel the, Blooet ho Kept Rich ',Ilot:.lpidPer.. Mote en. er .ventrall , But.
. •
' Menthe Old he ''hegete..•' -1411- and tided • • " • .: • 411241.Y._,10041L,...!#4e.0 Wird Ws forehead and
my • little ; Anpz, be wee -neje . and 00",, • .. th,aLloo.); ..,44,110,c face and -that 'Gar it
*Wiest Plglit..antt:' ut• atter giving 'rite :secret a .healtir4the secret Uff .4e1Ssiss,stkikUr4 4inna3nlir 'laugh' "it'was wa"e'
..thhtitIviisauatl,b10414.1ttne.ogrelltowiwelyliittitildstistrtenoww. ,tezt:.-tbtritt ftraeouReehstueodotelohoeselinfordallpinAlet.: 'tte,"""eOettese, wmord'asienint. httehtlleolibriet war.
talighea ageln.. If he did., have had my
kevengeeedreadyeeeiut 1 Most be careful
My luck has Steed by ma up lately,
up to the Loight I showed the old tool me
betide ' lit: going to turn?"
As he *eked himself the question he
reatieedethe gate in the wall, and took
out his key. ••••
teleildenet deemed it neeessary to ac-
q uaintetilee old Welnen his intended
return, end as he opened the door and
entered the..allent:and etloOmy house sho
nenel.netearith atenteeln her hand, ancl
'eyed `Ititetewith dull and, stolid Surprise.
"Is 51 alt•rightle . he motioned on his
Da •
be ause tin 4' Vemove cAt" Illeteder iti 10 Snein.
will grow accustomed to the knowledgo
nretlentlY,' nude -and in time wilt dis.
%WV not it is useless to flght against
It. It le *gueetion: of will, and mine ;s
e teen tem I had only Szept
eVer giveLanyettOuble Toblete ere the necessary ,,,material for rapitile dfrdlend what We were se ins?" and he
serely A bleeelng te bath .Motber and handl Watiteof nerve tleeues, reaches
All dteggiete -sell titeee _Melee .ke,Meeteef the SerieusedieeaSes.
et you ern) get Meat by Malt at ge eeida wfree'rth 81101:bee them is no medicine
lent by writill the De. filed. Can (eke the Pleee of De. VVilliams'Plnit
'eine Co., Otne ville Ont, Pills. • 4 , •
They actually multe new, riche red
bleedt ,theelleh tide flOW hldod
Mire soot) diseases as antenna, neural.
0, rheUalatieM. the ellesital ailment*
(1 1411S1 .,1l1.. W, eve the : Sorel, ef Wenten, intligestion. heart troubles,.
.1 LLfl niore eniting 00d tae0A4 4(1P en° n tiel a 1.* lk; Y 0 d
day' e Uteri ' " p d St, Vilna eltdale loco Moe alexia and
eig er,e, P Yet :0,, t Oil Veen ild ilYi qUde
wet eee, i ea g smell boy In en. Of toe vintie Of in every part
°AVMS ere,. Heill slices -got a good of the A Val, MiltelgOthees Mr, D. W.
eeed Pr. Win atria' Pink Pills with; ekrese, she mote&
WOAdeehd MVOS% At MOO was Iraqi ,..."And fie one has been here?" he atiked.
faittlirt1.419dfit.14,Tirobiet Mu_ell: keep lleettet....VP10,10e Weed 'Wite
sietet :doe Val& tel• poor. 1 was Week and nervous, suffereti_i"tallone`hrotdanite_woearehmdielo'notatuthee.r" that she
fir irk -°`--- - PearcelY ' lit for WakK' I 118e1e nil retied go to bed, and then, taking tile
'Mee Of the etills, ape, the result le imp Imo her, went foto too ma ott,,
Chap. VAR yoU e
• 1 od am email enjeiting the beet of health, ;:ttrig„rami .
I do not think there IS any, inediolneeelii • , ....
ne-"Whatl Are cow Dr. wrwerret Niyulis nuns whis„,‘,,,c, offilotteponno tsiadomerinddere sreoratembhanrbanackaa
the seatent le run &WO,' - f4-Ileece: Mal .
; ith the lull rune. "De. !Wants' Pink i
"zwe'111104 ,h of Norah that he bed almost
PeleiPi City, Says. '41 IWO
me a Gee
this is broke gate, .Jasper -"Oh,
,-is the ,Stitua fracture!"
; beetb.'tmares 0 'All.• -13t it noon not
;VA* Prentaturoly .epoper preasatiotto
rstf Alskdds. ,sodirsdo dr preventiow za
Worth it pound .,cti cure," and to have
eletetiOn ,itt, )1140:And snow os. dewier
rwinx • its will %ifs: wickedness. Dr,
1,1cleettio 'Oil not only 'alloys
itina -whoa uppued externally, but Will
WiWent; Megreetemenes resulting frOM
teste': end einiebee, 0,ny it and to oat.
Use not aediat to -morrow May
Wentenetthet leaVe'dliat to hazard which
foresight 'may proVide ;for or care pre.
g ze evesiateeis &tie
' ele liontemil miters
lefe mit steelier ies en seizes oa of the t oat
ger, Othlefee woe** nee
3, The
Vnlit op earth are,those
!who tenuniteol what they love'
-,:t !bee least of , Weat they are. "4 Waken
sike rt*egeite'..4hii6 A clock whleh leetn many respects, one
^ tette-woos • et tbe most, mitable }Reek, world has
:* -beep construoted, saye Atha Jewelers!
:Canute!' Weekly, after five years of hard
Oboe. Auguet Noll, a skilled-ewe:1MM., , owo the.poth to the beep 0 leaves.
e'en rattSt get the Uhl° 0144 ;Ia./. en so engroseed of latie by
witireptetter tolleundPeegtelehl hic)tx11.11teciAskinivothuer.,4910„broor'odthehth,°hor htg herehn wt h fee% h
druggtet for these pills or got them by •Ita asoryla all its patent horror. -
mail from (twill.. Willielefe eledie Da :lie sigk,ittle lamp upon the Obi° and
Co, at 5tecents a box, or six boxes for bolted around the room wake' shiver.
112,50. Dente .001d and damp, and it was fall:
-et the eible scene of the night :of his
MOST .-OLOGII .tgriva
ne,nicatinetd ociaatzs 141.
4 _ g it 0 the ei , go
out Owe' brandy and mixed himself a
• drink; but. even the powerful spirit cold
not dispel the chill whkh had so swif y
alma OF -PlvipOrEAll'Olimitli-OP -piece of the feverish heat
A cEstitAN- htEcumetc. whine, he had left the Court, and he
ete teematche-and. lit tee nriFteadv
ma aria the small and ooky grate. But
the' Weed was damp, and the grate
exhibits the Great Gifts and the Won ‘,001$1 net :draw, and presently the tnlY,
dertut Perseveranee 91 Pa 'Game died out,
IMO* that if he Went to bed cold
•obilidd „ha sbouttl.not sleep., and he
a lantern. to light him to the wood-
ynen he reached the garden ete
16 the left instead ot the right
Y9�3 the. shed lay, and si weny
• • •
'.10. i/P.0.", '.01ger
6Ju ,., 0 e.tifilitie'bilt
Is . •-enelting .exibleeseter
fileete".: 06;7„lillin MniteS:yfffletifiells
4448.1t1;300.0:elloarento$.tor :them;
'Ot 4 WI* '44 004/1
.4 : •
O1 and &OW Temper
ou4 and are the -Preen**
mid Physical wreck. 'Nina
ninaty.alue itmee In .4
fi riernient (indigo:4On) Is
Miuse, 'Dna, you States Pineapple
Tabletskeee the.e enveltrAid
gaslterei4On re eelthele Well.hee see later times came metalic eloclis with
arieedeethey*Pe natete. Palleeeti-Pleas• tuninsprings, until ROW 1110 mete ehlb-
t end lie cm eee cetitsee-tie te tile end artistica Ily designed. HMO -
pieces of every kind are sent all over
tiTnyce•--L"I' wOlildn't Ina lain it 1 the world, into the bumble dwellings ;I
Pee ir ,413.1co the middle classes and the palettes Witte
hes• such ugly wayse meets- wealthy.
Wit 1.1.118.•5011 110.,tomO .• TUE ASTRONOMICAL CLOCk,
id of V ilingen, one of the old and plm
turesque cities of the German SchWaree Belding the lantern near the ground,
he Peered at the heap keenly and simil-
e ft Y,
It Was lust as he left it, and he seemed
16-4eMnillber-lho position of -every stone
wind and the former capital of Ine
province of Boar, which came into the
possession of Radon in 1800. Thepeo
-Mold sre angent atd 'ander: eoteherenee.
Wed, and the making of cloelis hes' ett: Is all right," he muttered bitween
been for 200 years a native industry 'we teeth, but lie didnet ga-immediately.
rantong Mena. clocks "Ostend he stood and stared down as it
Those first made were wooden
;AM it sort of bitianee, and were veil e °lig!? eerwithithans souadtideenheStpIlledr. hiMPeig
simile In *construction. Gradually the •togentete and, resolutely turning ins
work. mew in perfection and the tenth!.
han tools the place of the balance; in e°Yeeeel 'Iket\veaY4044)e einemtehew0h0e1P' Went te the
• finished by August Noll almost surpass..
thiee lett,,vtoe, voss, el in Ingenuity of constrnetion, voriely
. erect aith plintoeN „or atonglitit, It telt, of mechanism and number of allure
11 toxemia •irreguleritiee welch etioum not ugly tin-,
; -1010 elate -Nave Wen. reorreeteil The, A ee' - eead 'tbo kidue,vst aro not 'floptn.mi. N,oglar, Mit ev
lIvsr toen tee renowneu elms.
; lee ,.11,1teir fitiltrliOnsiiin -09 neckft,140 Way lefilieCe) of Isaae ilabreeht, the wonder
gr,vegatentivetigilltetro etulitg,tentieretclttt of he Sersbuter rattled:el. It is at pris.
ek,gleettifitit 4iveteititioe °A1rInto SPIkt,011 ON11111031 In Mitch. and 11 Is
•1i • tilir itostogehefresittlhiesive ne dish% unlikely that it wnl over he permttled
1 !elli jei afiezileiess tii4es trt's•tet4; 4:14. 1`.' isavneethat 'cite. •
A , olives, , , , , ,,,,, , •, , Thle-taefs, cie.wainut wood, Meng le
eeet bye 14 feet wide and 3 feet deep,
. :motions . design and pleaeing to the
seat hoe ,eeepte-yere the-etirly leilaIseance style:, or, tio.
,A II* :rid of il. • settee, us ea on: ex MCC 1411.
Ism, :remorse emmes, striking work% eime trineelddeelle.
. .
Weeltsi melilite and years, but nisei liA.
liertee*A :frieref of liiinte toils Itie yieit :toiltallie rilvels of the Christie!) year,
• tidied ale .t..doites the ether day." Peed The 111111e le days. and seasons bre tn,
.-"V,CSf" I liellevo 1 11hl.'' ,'Well,, .I.O11111,i 1,todateil ',,IIL ,Procestaloris of tippropriai6
It oment to apoleglee." "tee Ito ,1; , liguree, sweatily corvette aceomptinled,
'tell evlit deftelt 701:2" °Oh, tion't 'ware by ,iiillele, tath',bugle solos end wattle
t !tact iv: dtMloy,' . • . ,ttom ,calts. •.• , . •,... - ,
tik/itnmielt. tet ofletogiece lee lieet time' inn' holt% or with eerie crow and ..eit;
se I, . , .,......... ' . - The feline: le Oetaipted by an arlisit.:
' eglity•ieerii blee,(eatartlePlity Yeerii. ,telle deeorated end illUtnineted elienele
, -1)r,„ agnewe; . lattitieliol , Powder ellr41 ttlinge'denr;.„01telt;etVlI illOttlinft at n
11111, 'W:iint ittlY „elentlilee evidenee 'of (IVIORK illliL•Pleilil AO'. WOW a Vaalff‘14).
talters .",f11,..tata'....teionder1111. .renitily: lion, .Of „..Vonli idt, ..itt,,..11ut.,,,Sehu-plit.
4 ,,,,rielved with, pi,etetv, Is (Ash onedi in the form of ehtiretteet
1141 (1113011. inPuni • 11.8asel fostiletie ' TI 1 • 1
:When he got back to the house he felt
in lee pocket for his matchbox imd
found it, but suddenly missed his keys.
This Mongered tem, and he stood
sterleg ht the fire vacantly, then he
forced a smile.
"L env* toot," he muttered. "I've left
theta in the. gala'
Wittrihe lentern in his hand he went
4111 -tile aden, and found that, as he
ba thought, he had left the key attach-
ed to eee:botich, sticking in the keyhole
ofetbe wall door
Cursing Meisel! for Ws stupidity, le
loelted. the door, and, with the keys al
'bis hand, returned to the parlor.
Tlitellit was burning up, and he drew
h is etteltelose and sat huddled up over
the'billem., and went over the seems evith
eeoren, But oVery now and then there
nestle griestlyepause in his •tiffeetions,
t ea tlftt pause the.,ghost ot hie Ohne
Sielked ,99reee 1114 mind, and trade (lie
eilenee.xit the cold, eeelP little mom
4 .e.• sett, :se a., Ztee oreanged for 100. Yearse :Ile got Seine Owl% bra:1111Y at Intervals,
jeeeetee ieteleeseetTI.He tee, ee, Duthie. Whele eeettire OM ond eV lest emcee/Jed prodeclagethe
Y4be 1. loteliedittele"reteeelee'" elleW net 001-.e the seeentle, Minittee stettleti011e Whitt; is the glittstty
IW3cI trflort ishisitii! ator mitt ho „I eeee trivia
• Toil; Ite ,•eages.ah wilba final dralk
W-°11111t1,11:4eVillalYitettlePtist1)`astrgius woe. 'he Malin°.
tieely htfkil aside and attired
lbreligh Window at the heap In' the
gardent 011;,‘08 .USed , to, do liefore be
leitelorebeinden: the eight was too
'‘elittebe for to eee tittythieg,, find, with'
ba .drePped the blind and be.
.ga. oftEttl(4114111lahree‘ °plied end everything la itr,
isgrottetenAisyno Iola bed.. wish
I were' Intent down.' , •
et lige itiliveTeet dieelieee Want the Weld costume, who Olt ilmst tho altar Then no olleteetled Itt •distrectind tile
...eth et lite ease rengreneee Nyrite ornm.the 41ro/us ar o thopol. tioeelversc loin& froinitie tato 1141141111p fear, 'and
04.orge Lawts. ststaoLitt, Va. Ile saysj hour • ,• food himSalt to IMO olt Norah, anti al
foog meat fity tpreil c nereoe. Thn, tilnuko OL yevrif feti Into itituneos,9* 1eAle,b1,- Ooze. tie
it Wellies la lett ,itlinUteeeeeFee ar*,.„01 At the,: loft Naha rola 00,,e,,e, „eel, .htett.eeleep hiebilltan Oa lintle
• , it t woke mikroo loll the dim
""Vro titt mate a great ffpn'y Antgin: 00osel0115itesR that:lie laid hem awalt.
tolltkian: 4VittlY'?" °1,, tO trawl -4 AixOln era son passing Vlore tho Om 100 14 0141.40,
e tt lite right Of thO rOttal,:abhilYI4 a 'fill Was leWe 411(1 11°'149
-.; I I
veree Qom of 'the Totirsttap
, henfatil moratan
filitahlil li/Offkg
n._...-:fnirtiallment' of tlittilttit:Allo llm
cfrit„i of a (limit Mitt their .pleihr.
431 eSe3yillittig einsV,p,," tip or cbrisk in on %Hondo bles.§13 oaf ult aud•lislanedi ter Al UM about 1
tbroW• 11111140f bask, Wien. he betted:
feint holee, 'Width tafilett Id Minitel)
t4eiti' beneath'', the; tepid 'whit
floe' toda411014..
the eold sacat Othereil nuoti 10 Atm
se. ------
treetiteeletsi reeziesencen #14 r`d?f bit
eeszieett wee Laza melt it
Mien's?*Ii4 a rt.:1'0'
'7 *Id so
. rititoripl martuto
• *1 StM ote. 4-T 1114',45
•ttilloier tee,
teitad dr "Ask*. ")
Ow kind ass. No ot
Wow* l'ot a Mei
frigA. bOCIMGM Tiorktly ittbilded UtattlAi
sea Wag A.* loom* all lehater et Sues Oka ortitiosxy t•ollt latatte
AUX =MOW is eitX.1*14 watelset =OM eeleAliTATION 'TO SAW
a* **Me ttlt.
ittl the AellgOd tl$'04 AO'
Who had Utile One the
bench Ottleidelbe. ix on itintittylle.had.
been Making illgter lleeee South':
„datapPetirenee, , • .1..•
4tOretidir trotchl3inergtoulitt dpre*ittaibbavaelt ciAdti-inuent::
and holding hie breath.
That the roan Wazi a Wet or an °reline
ary housebreaker .he bad no doubt, but
he was puzzledeto account for hie 'pre-
sence there, No burglar worthy of el0
Salle lie thought, would break into so
mean and unprozeisine a place els `the.
cottage, unless be were sere of finding
van:times, and it was -not likely that any
hardier would imagine that a Sensible:
man would trust his money or jewels to
a crazy old desk.
Why he had broken into the cottage
to -night of all nights -the night of the
owner's return -when he might ham
done so during that Owner's absence?
Ho could find no solution to the ents-
ma. Suddenly the suspicion swept over
eilm like a breath Of ice that the marrhad
Come to find out something about -
about Beecti South, and the sweat broke
out upon his forehead.
But he thrust the susPielon from litin.
Even if he had done so he would not
have taken the trouble to break open a
desk. West was teere in it? lie tried
to 'think, • bIlt -could remernber nothing
but some papers, Of no importance, r,re
leering to business ef• the estates,
he had flung in carelessly from thne to
Lime. There was absolutely nothing
there -which could repay any bUrglale
hoevevet hard up. for his trouble.
By this time -a period of only a few
minutes had elapsed -the man Furlong,
for it • was he, had opened the desk, and
was turning over the contents. They
were, as has been stated, papers of :no
nearest to any one, least of all to a.
;granger but suddenly Guildford Berton
something -a piece of cardboard it look -
saw the man start,' and, catching me
ed Witte -hold it near the candle.
Whatever it Was he seemed absorbed
In . it, and Berton seized the auspicious
moment, and gidetlyalid round the door
and presented the pistol at the man's
"Move a step and I tire," he said.
The man raised les head and did not
move, his Wind sIld into the pocket
of -his •eoae and remairmethere as be
-said, quietly and •slowly
"Don't fire, Mr. Berton. I've got you
Covered by a revolver In my pocket, and
I'M a dead stmt."
The next instant he had whipped out a
revolver and presented it at Gulidford
"Now," he said, deliberately as. before,
"we are on all fours, and I fancy my
weapon is rather a better' one inert -that
here affair of .yours. Shake -your finger
on that trigger, .and you are a dead
Vuildford Berton lowered his pistol,
and confronted his adversary with a
white. face.
."What Are youAdoing_here2"
Mr. Purging kepi his reyolver pointed
with deadly precision.
"Put that thing down me keep .quiet,
and VII tell you."
Almost mechanically the pistol was
laid on the table. •
Still keeping the revolver eiointed,
Furlong took up the pistol and thrust it
into his pocket, then he laid his revolver
on the table within reach ot his hand,
and looked at Guildford Berton steadily.
(To be continued).
The scarcity of good cooks ntey be
due to the overproduction of lady nov.
Principal -"Well, dipl you get that
money owing by Smith?" Collector --
"Pm sorry to say t did not. There
were *number of Smiths at that address,
all of whom denied 'being your debtor.
One Oen Threw ree Mit." Princlpal-
"That's the mob Call cm him again.'
J There is no specific for
consumption. Fresh eiri-ex.
misc, nourishingfood and'
Soott'S Emulsion will come
pretty near. curing it, if there
is anything to build on. Mil-
lions ofPColoto throughout the
world OR living and in good
heath on one lung.
.4 Foga time butamorialilte
'doctors prescribed cod liver
oil for consumption. Of
course the patient could not
take it in it* tila forth, hence
it did very little good* They
vatia tors!+ hortattago la, The flalxvi4,. and Ii tal Si%trat sad quelongo.WitIt
fin*. tnittkat /he' ritx14 ftp /04 eAne.etretinteditet WWIt,.0
the niutor part of 'the mitre/ spimik, muodh hisieelf ,that it was only 1811q.•
gpolappyv bandits but by 'grotto fait e h14 11Siellotit WWI fal eeenieel
Anti tho tGraper moment artifetiess_ tie dialiticlist litard 1114 ilidSe
tha emirs, again, II ails Mt sound ot ffiotstera%
tatter' - la -the eide4ti1Ifltd atid MOW% 831 1101110' *no' ploy,"
legg end Vire!. Rif itit the robin below. _
ter ie lietw tle got Out of bed.fliialwAlipping
flOthess Ale* to -the door.' •
iitinett et ghastly. atniht. of *test%
tuiett: the *lee AO *DM wso MOO I/
the tik1 Woreetti' who wila.ptying a VIA ,
to the- *MINIM ott Abe. chance Of,bbs
up, ,•,
I'll %ter', Itte bat a' ftiald," be mit.
I-hbewl, end h.5 want 10‘,* thart•ti• andlitat akttaahletted. pittot* _ant
loan( with,* Merl chew
wale it his htektli to ille Witt
human. was . MI 'win silent ;salt% new,. but I* Mew
therite'lkatt bowl the Mee *Rd ROI
awrely downed that helot doe AC tad
slowly end dereendsze Abe
Allieryk bo An* Peell**4 (hoat tea 'etre*. At 110t iambi
'lleills iserwrig et Os
earst, auk *Mt
the -44k
the titee
time. TM
via lett he , brandy deetulter not
antl rate it for a long
time. There is no Oat not
excepting butter* to oily
Jigested and absorbed by tbe
systetu at toil liver oil in
fot'rn of State*.
andthatisthe r
"We will • a
ClydesdaleStock Food
out& wise." Si
hfogelag lainekeea ta it andean atop
Hanson Wage vale take it th bene
kaow its cotes. 10 neede g
efgeet eatieeed yoqe Money will be ebefeldellee ratetstdad tf342 deldan•
TNY 41011104/2111 ki•oolottr....T0T Itt004ortot,
roan BegAnt ...ron ACK rAns.
British 'Iteltle41191 Be Famished
. • ' VIM *Aerie*,
The . various Ohatigett Vonneetion
with the veolting'arrengenlente Of the
„Royal. Navy, announced eome months
siriee, are abOtte to. matertallse.
Not only j4 the Inge:Ale nettles*
the Dreadnought, to be fitted.' with et
bakery in additteel to her regular gelleee
but there is to be. an all•round general
introduction of "sett lack" Mit: the'See
The weevily biscutts Trafalgar dejte
nave lone WeeePefirecl. New the khaki,
metered, ilint-11.101:adUarea •Whiele $0:14
the name of fiblee bread. are to go awe,
and Jack Is 10 Ileve bet roller for breate.
fast, dinner and eupPer, whether In
bor or at see. , r. •
Great Britain has lagged ,tioneiderabli
behind other sea polvers 111: -thea `feeditin
her bluejackets on fresh bread. ,
As to the quality ot tio feted .ite Jae
British fleet, the serene in the .11100
Book on the health .Of the navy that
13,000 men were inedicelly treated, Ifli;
indigesUon during 1004 etwaeepe certit
misgivings. • Naval doctors, however,:
say this Is due to the fact that tne bine-
jackets are overfed ziOevadeyei
'Inero4134PH: #41'74reteteder#747444":".7211:livire*na*I4y7;;;47ser4:1;:anteleat'411).:,
"We eathee' 10, 10,, 'she admitted"noarly alt xnuch a*;
beat, but then i;000g. th,V,40440i4!.1tro;en...pI;;:'
for etyle,"'That's thtrtoen • • •
mdreeneted to myeelf."
, Sylvia se,w •neet lips • MeVos
'it° errata, , :Stetter.: Oar," 00,0„
'ochda,10n9,10:401,9:,1-010T4koernonftt --1:•03111:Wyerlee.(? ,,mItscritor
Wane to go to." • -
' p.O8k4ede'u bgeartrefag43,-' dannati tita*hilit's14rtsenet 44Hni
sae. of Mod to huge -abep on the
other ettle, apparently sold •
every artkie . 'Of apparel a .women
could wad! I or.,
Velum eve. got inSide was toratot.v.
reminded eje the Maze at Efteeeptoe
.Court, 0)4 I teel sere Alio had it
.'.onaOstaireglealearowtharthlorwyeltimoclieghests Qhfpx0-0
fil/tOit many happy hottre heating for
.the glees; counter: leere eliedeisz chose
huge- quantities of : glovem -while I
gazed around. I naked portico.:
lady pretty. quietdOoking •girl serv-
ing a stout old vionnen, who looked
.aa Ai Sbe• Would sheltie? end her days
int agrirere;) vaguely BIM Paid
wei °fez' 01herit„I 60 pSundaye001 0q
oot Ifs aor do di; 4:4 (iv whetbar
enfiztoxq nilAS X eniod einte Tte.
.!14104 -11e -SAID
BY DODD'S KIDNEY 1'1!•fesl• •
Was so Crippled That ile Could- Raft
Get Around and Could Get no Rolle
from Doctors or Medicines,
Dresden, Ont., Jan. 22--(Speciale-
"Dodd's Kidney Pills cured me• of Rheu-
matism • slick and clean." Mr. W. 0.
Gregg, the well-known merebant and
ex -reeve of this- Tiacer-was. -the--speaker
and he evidently meant every Word be
'It was the lnflamatoey kind of Rheu-
matism I had, and it crippled me up so
that I could hardly get- around .to de
my work in My store. I hail tho beet
chimers and everything in tha line of
medicines I coule hear of, but nothing
even gave me relief, ' -
"Then I tried Dodds Kidney Pins and
six boxes cured me completely,"
Dodd's ICItiney Pills cure Blieuzizatisit
b) curing the Kidneys. etheuhietism is
caused, by Uric Add in the blood. If
the Kidneys are right they Will 'strain
all the Uric Acid out •01 the breed and
the Rheumatism Will go With it.
oit'fffe:* irs ;Off Odif)f" Ipqrs•:*4•4•41140140114
Not so very long ago it Was borne
in upon me that man was net made
to live alone.
I am a bachelor, my age 82. nt
Income .C.600 a year. Six hundred a,
;year for it wan with 'simple tastes In
comparative affluence.
I cannot recollect what it was tleat
suggested matrimony to Me, but I
know that tly1 idea was dennitele
connected in my Mind With, a Von*
Pretty aod charming friend of Sylvia.
Sylvia is my favorite cousin, she. has
been married for two • years, and
have always considered her husband
eerehie one of the luckiest zaell
Work at the office being slack ene
tine lately. I called on her early in
the afternoon with same vague idea
at the back of ray, head •teesther
pretty friend might be theme alto
it was eminently politic to stand
with Sylvia. "
The pretty friend was not •thetet
and Sylvia was on the verge of go-
ing out. flea- face,hoWeers bright-
ened considerably it thesight.eetnett
and •sho exclaimed in benevolent .6a
'I've got some •ehoPPIng that tidbit
be done this afterhoon.anti, yondelete,
eolue and help met Steller.. dear. -
If may here melltiori 'than MY roll
Mune is Christopher, • but • Sylvia ite
sista on giving- tee. a :tektite:Eno iftt.
oriCe ridiculous and Unpleasant. note -
neer, as she iisee it only in private,
"Will it take lenge" ; fila6k Zee*
ly. • •
' "Oh. no," Wee •hee aley reply tea.
ehe hailed a pessieg. Mimeo*: "about
half an hour or eo."
"Halt no boort" I sittlie WatericatA,
ty when I %bible of ite. •
Wof got out at 0..telleeka Ilalt Wa.7
up Bead street; tetPlained
that he Wisht1 t0:4tdOr -0!reheh 011V•1
•Skirt. . • •
erittidr you mut help me' to a
1t4 tor you have -MO:400d titetel"•
Wan .once Incautious enough to
uklatfro•a. gOWit " that aka bad denten-
ed Wolf. - .•... . •
The tailor, who otissetteedthe true
leapoleohle tooperanteett, toninintd,
with et doWlen eteterlOre bed * 100g
diseueston with her te. to 'the gbeell;
tb6tIOtIl, the thaele, th trheditifite.
Meteor twite iylltt uollettled to rim,
in the Metter et veer, but eVen then.
toy adviees WO ignored. Altogether'
we spot utshour mit IS :rtdiatite la;
the sitop;, It -wan quarter pest • tout
When Ire ('merged. • '
• *Ilya charging hie nib lett -
tattler 'ate nalindiseedi t•ftelyg •
IOW; ...44altd )1iiliceitt had to
tWelVe Rir bet IOSt go*tt titotti
irent is ter 'pretty' Wen .
0 141,411 Itbe aturietlitula *PIT
fitliced. filterlitleYs 'rot' '104
&nem r renettect, 1coOld gat a
•eepitet 1411140 wilt at MP titilOtoess
lies" WAS 'bolt 51y. 4%/010
oltntdO. /10 thittgelt stroottetrit and
elahtteri Itutuetis tor * owe'
At this isolat eittered * hot
alm atut Z thavoirthetot atartlai
ilteetdatiolk as to bet* %okay Stooks
efinefltatit •Itnissits
teflulta !teat.
la the stutter tit she at, -illyttlet
*Omit / Wee beraleable. I Utak
sake say without *who peii that Z
AM *end etts'Sittnttilof pretty bate. It
woe veri aim** lot* lief* leolosd
**le* lo
• . ei4eq
veto eoti•Pollatele ens eetteerbte teeelloe
veigniemoaegate pogenee Atop tem
-mon PItion solenett eeti Poleateleetieme
whether wouln • R.:ethane like to
attend the rest of the eiteenoon in
•the glove department: I hastily
turned and followed her as she sane
ed witn her noel) slightly tilted past
counters heaped up with silk and
chiffon. The sight of aome 'blouses
marked nineteen -end -eleven, however.
caused. her to pause. An eagle-eyed
shopwalker bagtened eV like Mbehle-
toeduiles to tenant her.
"Straight over from Parise wonder-
n:havde-01.417qothtlieteri ad at her, watch, -gave a -cry 'of sue- •
via was bored, for she suddenly look
three Minutes later she seemed tct be she must hurry h'ome, as they were
surrounded by blouses of every de dining out that tight, and the hair-
, elogstrt: prise at the time and declared. that
dresser was clue at 6.15. I drove
andstilliasth her home and then went on to the
who had been called to servo her, club. Archie was in the billiard -
there s no compariami between rale room playing snooker. 1 wont PP
-and .she held the-27-andesie to him.
this" -here she. bald no 'Don't forget -that you are stifling
a •blouse with a lot of leo on it out to -night!"-
marked 42 -and -nine. "By Jove, I had forgotten," he ex
"That% very znuch like ono „Milli- claimed. "Been round _to see
cent got here the otheredae." said then?"
Sylvia; adding, in neesterioes tones, "I have spent the entire afternoon
"She paid 45-aled.sit for hers, shopping with her," was my reply,
thong as I sank into a comfortable choir
"If you'd care to Pity Sig Shillings and lighted a cigar, one of the brand
• eneem." went eeet_Abei earehile-cottemplated reneranc-
can give you a Moose amart'eamieh ing.
for any - oceasror.'s ,Here she He said nothing, but I noticed that
brought forth hat Miglite be.e de- a sudden famine had fallen on him.
ocribed as a "dr y creation," and
Sylvia gave a gasp, of joy.
"'Phat's lovely,"4cle cried,
just the color / %Melt. 1.dmiet thine
cite resist that,' 'else aiMealed The Southern California New Train. -
to me. "Isn't it too tbeentifill?"
"You haver•ze geed many 'breutzes.",
I said 'with an effort at severity. I
reznembered that only the ditY be:
foie Archie had confided to me that
Pow •IroM KgP000• or Clottlongek at varying from e2.85
,per: hundred Altera feetr ;getting; Metteure. • Thia. is 'the 'meet desirable "ogee
'aline on 'tile markt, 444: Ac .14041.gOvOring_:f00 /10Wiee. Patitet Stsrsseglt:
vators, chord:ea , eke Any• handy OUR elttiell5'" the '1`cq},i4WAI* shiugle'L "4'
nenulier mid ere the Olny tools rech rod.
and have covered thousands of ine best buildings them,1010Ut Calindat,
Making Mein - •
We are the largest end oldest oeintairele, of Die Idixd Under .the Britten
wATItft-,ANO 1,41010011044000P
eale !deo Ineutifachire Corrugated Iran leng;pheele, Conductor Pipe 4014,
'ME .TR011011,.Etc.
METAL garntwqs, smoo 4esigiap,,
'Vele for Catalogue No, •uod free:S*0es of ."CISSAWA" Shingles. WOW:
ITIOnelL 101001Ciailii:Mer 1.0!311tifOXPLX110
,tietrfliettne Inc 'erre*, tat **IOC *gr. '•itatietkaiii, veeeeeimi, *tie
' lee *awn. '423 ileteete ;s11 0101410 of leteitte Ts teettero Penew
' • eee• 00
Waree•Veiet ki**/*T. Oreice: •
Wad Otlice oat 'Work". • ' : %haws, pit., Canada
METAL SION /XS, in imitation of brick. or stone.
1 oN Too
Grand. Trunk Pitoille
1 WPM twO sections of land for stile
eritfre or la Part. cm Jim, Of Orend
Trunk Pacille, now under 'construc-
tion just west of Pertaiies‘Lit
Ploughing in the Northwest will be-
gin as earn: as February. You can
sow oats potatoes and alfalfa on
breaking 'and get big prices from
ralleoaa contractors . the sent -
Then hire out your teams Jarrell -
road grading at $5 Per dee. You
won't get such a cloaca for a start
another year. Don't 'west° any
time, as there is praetically no other
land for 'sale of . equal' quality in
such a situation on such terms and
at so low a price. Price $10,50 per
acre; six year • Jenne.
- 3. L. R. PARSONS,
,92 Winchester Street,
. Toronto, Ont.
make." • . . .
I ageeeed with her thojemlely . Mu4.
unreservedly; r- even went eo far as
to dissertate upon- the speeulateve-
nese. 01 1110' in general. I think Syl-
/times' 'robot hoolN,
Tie 'Lady Staiii0y White, Ottawa
rputiOaD woo.
, 2cZettlia?laptritt1,1%?ifigg
;- nity Hopi the Iodation Hospital,.
Ottawa, Otos to woolen% three year.
COM* Of nucidet The work is prootioni
Old Oiettgckght_.0444 0000 rises a course in
abeettee and sa ineseage,
„etnit #0,11, CO) litelding is separate from
• oollOint ) it le comfortable and °qui
pee for team zus. This school la TO
semi teethe Regents of the Univers ty
of tug /State Or mew York. Correspond-
ence invited, ;
Ifor prospectus 'wily to
ittil LADY SUIPHIVIN we N ben T,
71110 Lewitt ebonies institute.
;Ottawa, One
and a few zainutee later he lett the
club.-Lontlen Mail.
Best Route.
The Los Angeles Limited, electric,
lighted, new. from the Pullman shops,
with' all latest innovations for travel
he would have tO go in Ler a cheap- comfort, leaves Chicago '10.05 P. M.
er brand of cigareally, arrive.s Los Angeles 4.45 P. M. •
slowee are all old-fashioned."
Sylvia looked at me coldly. "Their
wee North -W a
third day via Chicago, Union needle es
estern Line and The Balt, Lake
-Wyatt a thecullatio I Rave you Sciatica/
10.00 will.oure or your money back. We
Lowithin 50 rheumatico
, ol eleormitpand magnetism in the earth. -
Wet systinEhirnishes the ,.chis and salts
nom:musty itoonfulation with our Disc to
Inachanceetw°rItilit'erantitettarlo. puroYhguasotakmeonly0
refunded kOttdd at the Dim if it doe' not
41,411101,101411"411,4ANTIOSINTrIslrovitibito ouNS110.
Maim lealoPelfestlyby PreadtProofse. Topa
lfOlfinftfe YO)tefiTtk WITANAL a Wincan0
her brief reply* axed, tering to the Route. Pullman di -room an
s -eves. new," 'that. .win you tonrist, sleeping cars, composite (Meer -
enter it to my- aecount, •please?" vegeta car, dining ears, a la carte ger-
Befere we. got out, of the shop she vice. For rates sleeping car reserve -
ordered a silk petticoat and a waist- tions and full particulars, apply, to your
belt; aild by this tinio ft WAS a guar- nearest agent, or address, B.
. Bennett,
ter past lire. took her fitealez by 2 Batt King St., Toronto, Ont.
the arm and led her bite 'ilte Plean-
that makes
£16; petticoat 25 and Six, s81/ five
Mid six. Let M6 see, what wore the
ogt hirlv°10 teo:::Se'huatau ttu 03.1 m'ret°tut e rd °O, t .17 ely'oru*
to -clays Are Oil composing poetry
akelaimeel• as/via - britably,, as she
ordered Plate of eclairs:- T can't
• "Did you got some tice gitevese'e
asked carelessly..
"Oh, yes, all riglxt. I always get
the 8040 hied, three and- six a _pelt
ea et kott Aput'kOa 1.1 t pairso atlitat;
It's such a
WOO it you vett Short."'
"Nineteen 'pounds seVen and sbtl"
"/ knowl" Weil- Sylvia, accusing..
1y; "you're betting or apeeilleting, or
soM_ethieg borritr '
"Peet bettinee I aseured her. "1
tbe greatest iniettute for A man to
A hilahty Good Sort of Neitilibetio OM*.
. ,
"A -little "Wow, ; a.,nergidiorof aide,
-Petnleded toe to hit Oropeilhts When
MY, atiribleoh Wee sn'sveak 0*111 would
riot istain food nt OriP oilier Itlitd.°Avriles
o griatiol *01110%. Mint atm ttet11.1*
Ida. C.d.,
.natt 'been 111and leerithied/to laY
bet with fort, 'and .rierveu$ Proslfelleh,
for three tong rnoatns the hirth of
iny 'second boy, NVOwer# 10 despair'
until the little .vvidow'u 4,itIvrets brought
relief • •
"You say your wife doesn'tese,y tilueb
to you when you stay out late at night?"
"She doesn't say much, but the trouble
is she keeps on repeating Iti"
Have you a Skin Disease -Either Salt
Rheum, Scald Ilettd,• Ringworm, Eczema,
Itch,Barber's Itch, Uhlers, leteteheis,
Chronic: Erysinelae, Liver Spats, Pruri-
go, Pedrosie, or other eruptieee of the
Mao -what Dr. Agnew's Ointtneed, has
'done for egehr It can 'do 'Ito you-eure
you. Otte epplicatiOn gives tenet -85
""There.was a Serlino kive•tiftair on be-
tween Jinx and the Minx girl when
Was her last." "Yea; but it pen 'utt.'
hoppitY."...„'Iou astonish rimi iwas mire
they. Would get Minteed." "Thee, did.,"
Vbr $AilittnXattticht Of tbd 09 iss,s,
Abitiing the amity loot aeseitieg wee&
Parinelep Vegetable Alf* ipteseeets
alOsi atieg ehe relgeeteve 'often*, ls
their eseirey In veduenig llelemnisttion
of .thil eyes. It bee eatted.torta mite%
lettere of recOmmondatioct from These
Whit Were raleted h Ullawiteeleplelets
end Mahe tote le -the eine. h
likirti,t the ilegite tentren nisd- the bleoil In
sentelefellY totber wee', and the re.
itult it elmese immeeletay sews.
' Fend Pathete.40 Yell went to mnrry
my daughter/ Ardent Admirer - Yes,
efte Pend Father- What are $'ou rd.
pester Went AtIthlretw+She Is wllIIng
If you. ire. . *
TIM best help isnot to Pear the bolt.
htes ot others for Vieth, blit to tinentrt
em • with tentage and ..eitellY 14 MO
ok burdens for then/8010M
rem dittivetaista 01
Doti * 'ate co.
boil draneNtits, load' tem • the
beninliint, and Ittr intredibly short
time t .gave r Me doleh elan that I --tu ttmdis ,rdY MARX leimMg ltl Obit
was ohs ete leo% my ,bed 640y my PrIVI4OYSa .,aWhy -rid in pilblicr• "SO
three irolt 1.1*44-a day, la tat #10nulstis to Vold the Awe II& that belde
weight Iner*thied. tont itt 113( .111.10lft t!irdWIIV'
pounds, my, Melee hod steadied; flown mete irk fio vkitotim, Itts *.t
/ few relay for oohing, mr tha: 'e**4 a:Intro* IStIliiiggotl, tax
neighbors Will* *Mated to titt sie *do "P ttlt: yrup tt 7_1;
r*alli and Mill aloe so Whet% Ility pgdpinglit 'dortrIlisratit atilaittir.LoL
"44 ',GrOe'NU.M 0:06"Ilmlbralitht IA suicide tit aeglaet sornrl. ciar""TrY
th: tli(u/gt 'th* h444'1411tglitiol"Pitit ef flrburv
MY IontelOotql14. tid t'elinlit 'Igor le 0, *out t
vfiti 10414% IMIgPtinit astd toot MI 101*attar suet *wit It win ways bit
ftitirelt. VOA% midA Mtn trOfei Ind as a *vertigo sociiicittli.
peevish.1 pot hint of' Mune,
Num, Irak% Ifs Eireit the man who denottatui espllal
ec- fie la tut* newt Opt* It the cut*
tat end cornea bob* to rood,
henrowd , horn begin
relleeinOPId no
a. dimwit:ma rad
Th.Orase-Note 1.t M11. I
=1114111 all 1:twwwitGo,,Settle
Thera% a rotto tbs,
*ft* avid W41ftt0llit,"
aver* tun It Me :who, fee*
m wit twit he le a httle*hreve the ilkytteet.
SSA few people are so lucky soCnek' tall in 10” wItlatut *Mot theatielree.
bark Art awl it the glee that mew a
potable* aiiik is Ili Wig'.
Triblrithe WILIAM Or OW year when you
need to Aria eters priseaution with your
deck. By 513. 1151 of ottr
sina ether riteedies you hare Is. best
guerentee of health to your otook.
Valutiblii Advice Free
molt ea, become :your own veterinary
11114111NaltY sertnever ea, unwed
sat rithwas 11, TORONTO, ONP.
A elevezeOld lady Who went into soci-
ety_ In the days when conversation wee •
Melee finpotteint than • cooking, asked a
niece on her return from a recent fungi,
pliedtion. 11 11 had been enjqyable. "Very," tele
ha 'niece "The menu was great"
My dear'," • said. the WY, severely)
Bit the„ therm thet makes a good
dinner; r At is the Menu sit next to."
''What/hitve you in the Shape of eta
cambers?" asked the Would-be customer
as he entered the shop., "Nothing but
bananas* sit*" •allawered the new as.-
14111are41)1'sY 'Onto PesitiVe ern of Kidney
DItease.,,,Ifirsa you any of these unmet,
signet Puffiliene under the
dyes? •Swollen eSmothering hid-
ing/ Change of character In the Anent.?
Exheutitifin atter Teed, niortion; If you
have, there's dropspar ,tpadeney and you
shouldn't &dee an heel, in petting your..
self vadat the great American Kidney
Cure. -116
t IT
1-,, ar.sar
thesafe_. meatiest ha( efteetziki
*ewe killer, mother Greets. vesfes. Bre
litzenisittorpnething fteuele IC Procure
* beam ised twee it home.
Most Mete:few Old to do 'it lot
.neft:ottleonlettoorgsr:h.tzthtt:,lya 170Vearte do.andthenktadwatt:othd.64 :abaii
igairleie, *yeti 115011 10 say thew wasn't
and bow,' re e, .bitterly,
vor tis.4ast:::,thinoolvtt