The Goderich Star, 1906-01-26, Page 2JOE J=, WE" fiffo Ta A" Yom I 7V- TH PE ACE ova of M hr I ir Tn yWN0 SEATS& on - , fflft MON* poolm TM *"*a" o0w or FOLKS Thoa Who Are ContestfW1 Mov 10 ORNk. P"Ot 4C I&A *A.L TUVOKUMS OR SWIG W�, sellve* m to ft pitiedOt' OWWO 040ok - to Viso W wa. A;i rb;& no"101 WbWll usm" 1110", 1~ to ,4 3rb*, 00', UZ 000" of, 0 suitrt nog kw*� fu ba, -to, 0"NOW409*t * 00" 1w et, MW AW suppo" 111130 iiiii wilt W, to. 9`1" dipp"sc in *p"Ot wo xw, Wi4i, Wb*b ON Y4 Amt. then. 11 oy*. -7 dw . wwvow., so bow"* 04 who Mft IW V46*,4 T var, U00 14 40' pscift * *"PuVoo oiodove Lilly d" .10 O" thoativ. It 091), 41or ovywil"ott gay ot,tbai #*ft WW thfoks to W -cow antoowl illI IWAU 04 Lou Atore win 14, ;Wwo A fof 00"Wo *A' pw botwoml _*,, bowavar, *4 Doctor Kocht tho *4 sliw* Ow 94r*all P *l`" 440 140 W 194 bmVell-1wo Pa" U Vaut, pea 4wonteal, with tore lx*" Jo#W MA 40 It to bm*A the 40U"t AWAVOW of Jun"Ili A0, 'It wa*," *we 1110M MI. a OR*# that dlo 14 It . W A, luoly lh# our, III"* #OPM vo tloo* opmb* tr, VW bw pooft W" sharply WI*h 1* *0 oww of 04 4i"Wo 4WALW Zap 0 -,* '*A. I$Wid$ nd'MAU.. TAt in 14 d **it, .t a b=W 1* NONW04 WOIAW"W W*0* .0; %.4 w Kc *illio 011 ver Wom": kflaw* &I W1 Mhum" b* WW s IT ir4hor* 44 whiek wrow. A two 4W, bit UWAA040 tut %W* 1W M forther 19 loago, A"'W'. Ali IM 1.0 *e hx , veil, but 1piii 11,11Y 04 Or I -of 904,0M board 11101 #Y *A4 4% two 141 4woy ill M 4 04K #X04A Ilia fro-)Dok�q low to, 41=" 14 upor UUMAX r4o to b* Mr�" lamy, OWIL I4 V11110 S, 40W. not )W heIa tho twllom A Jilles to play, rf 4XImolit V10100m, I , Wil, WIlia WOW W 1404 $0-43W 1 Imm, larilcum ulmup iho�rdoof. ID4 morsh,oll I - wwo voloctoo to 471ftuon 4 "I, 4, ! , *a log; re"e $4in$t 4,14i T#'�IWX VM of 1W'-AWat or milk 0* IWO that V= ral 'is that we"imi W'. my 4WO04 I_m1W ,sea -YOU Is' rody'a"A %V# I "POO" 10 lommW"'A IW wbonumo, cattle. vAt low, 9410 1111 0 py ea 41, up M�10 'Vrpgrp I I sovelorm" 1104 lolqxy� W." 1W ten". . I I .1, I M of W,Pft SkAilush blown ior wAsw to, it* M, 01 %bo -fos � voilutiful, W, Tbo -Alsailoust imosural hko act AQ40by ttoro" 11' - lb* y lisood vlow of 0�p at what, 40* 4 kov Im for 4144 In it', 4ius vo,�#d %VinoQ�Wt L 'Or., i " ' P 40, W P W 4% Joe 4041 AUXWW romyillsent ang betwoot olrol, I�Awa 9"lly, TO0, 149, *A _bYAW41 W Jill fit �O I 4"I,W 0 IMOW b �L'* w P %#1 t orill liter, JFA e [Ch A" romps POW J4Q"$,WlpV Swept awy An IV Ulen way to 110 TOJIM IS. ha11M� d0cape. Tbo Yopq *irl *W"Alad 0, -"POK tA V4 *11011, NA40. bolow vio Wfv, ow180; 04 tOY4 'AWAY, t190 bAs it to, Ion t", tat _04i 4110' 014 1144 aIt 11 ti You, S00 your t it Any *04-01040112`9111 1010, t rtimv. tot$ !tt The tr—eq-4moift" or I.MWk ft 0-10, Pal 401144 Vossal"r, im"_ Q neirly, ZOVM' go, hlibito - '414(* tow Ish Ile 4 I � yo),� feel r fleotio W"Whi# APM ft 4.0uAd 40UM �1104404 W.110 P - aA&VO 10 Qu-mbillit 41" you'ro:-V( 'lay MAU wastnau JtiXgrOW under 14% A)rw4rd 00,11-104 in, *wIlffiC 94� P)Qr ayour Ag)no JA 0.0 zi W640i P. I .1 W own, Own, lilqoe� an, Im Tjowo, L ft ex who, until 4 k it, am or JA �Wl*lt &Tpup 41 Of U0006 top. had oferro, II .only -A ut IwIC4 4L, yar I V - " , YOU On I �W. kept lo suppf", or me 11 They A N A by the Ip"'PAIG 0110113t, tlor fod*00; the row I homany, a- . W. .10 w f and -4 have nAly NO$ h" IVIV04104*1 $04, 1910 ft,411 but W0001, AVA W �" , tnoV�a_hu .5 -QIi,..dosxyv.hen. anybody growl, ione ogo *11, owo$k 10190.4, but "Ould 0 lotPrIgto long it, of ft dep" bove. we gopmoo by. at LW Want �,V*A J94 0. W nI" U, 04 They�g en under, tile, 40 , paa nag 0101,0 ft IW; bq1t d 0 9401111! 4 Ou 134110,; 00.14 or mot 40, Wag T� thaft 't twor I -,, er -at, her 4xq4 regard, M Which luberl� -be very strAngot 4'ho T14ing Ab JW TboY log, AAMW s lowly beginAW0, FAS F 04'We 00 P YOTER S PAU erlaichler '10 YU* Ost palfl, -or L OKA DAV n 'till* for. 11W that InVWA Aft fly 1_441ing , v Qye lolmdalAolp$� ysila AurAe ;into anot dj:1 A aM I 'that' it Is 00,04,10;4 I wa� Wy -ten, nion vilght.to Move ito the,ppm M ol"144,10r, like to ch"go dam Any reverent 0114 46'. bow AW 11141141;04 A aThe r,guse O9,L 'renigrOpw W01;� low *00#,L I ty [aron QQ � Oro. pArtloWor the It 1,84ald IbakTo tarV4,T00y;00, - All W 4 (IW is tlm con 013%. 01 Wee", W two 00 InOMWOT �lo'k calm vol 4 e aii-3hek fl" oaW, the ftreA,�W To nITm,y0d*O14-49Q i1ron$11t thft4'or'.toUj of ber'f4 5 r - 'M A jO, Incle (1,; a an eirig" 0004ploa br lagono y6th, -We. M41;01QU 44F, lit Coln aye acting to me Tt* AbIllito t .0 a r 0 1 4S IfY I ., 1144,IWAI* 91, btfOra he world Is evft,. I* p,or., 6hii"ar.- M frota:gg I* Avdit%Ok RM8 And Amon �Awm st Ao. �Iar, epth 46T. Waer. SoMo: of 6� 00 aethil, tbWp -)Olt W410 must (161 polItIcAl.i The orlWA4 To-be'left *P014 be 9401 ught- r Me re". he IWO n" .69 miles to But do you think1% ever be 13 L94094h 10.1*1.0 the, things thst, M, to be, muxt be so W-1114 lit. it Ill got too. before The lnoIA6AVW0', A 07i; on 41104 of Aw ti, c6r4l r,ect. 1.4 4.10erence in 4b, it imw two tAt - Js� e? .40 not too b a itaod'stoa �qndor the, Water. Ill 11 _t.,f6r yeAr : until . nfIA r i0re S00� ist"ft royal persons 00, y1ftlingin abili le4ty, retroat-slleot' dorineio Outface go tat as to' permit the TlIvrolo" t1w, Wjo� The 40.0nil, wwi molngst ilia cc IC4,1. V edenofd 41 Immovable 41 The � conduct,, 00c)(10t.41: cause ularW 00m, 1ht6 of-isma" ves"Is. into. the lagoons., Every Nd TRIP, 1mgtoollIg 'Ibe 041av Itt, >40190 40110s. WOO 40Y. He rut,$ Won �rt worlilt DUrin than AMaI4, . 4 III thopo at the window wont, far to 0 jeost of. the ruanjo; fivily. has several oft these passages. Ai,.jast the d&i'bs come," said Mt 11�,ha Boblin pa� R6b think . - sure'lilm, for thelp typow, nV Hpr�dtty, is, nots4ppo he Itirge , - *00. :, Ovotrf.d I . in, $'Wave 140 -workot th4t $Do- -4 OsPrM I : to Play to 'THE ITT�,F, ISLANDS- . - I tulper� ; yloo"t. 'imo thtough "Ll" worst- of it. They, 11100 401$04, 44 wai free and ifq unlettera thu 'floom ith, WAS, believed ST "I the I"It nd, nobliliik WAY. 10 waleg he irovelod about tho'�WOW :40 -riot UILoametoul; otth6$tshO))$ tonv neing him 1W tko tore rarely ove�t O�O feet �*,�Idq, and 11%, otnmixed With 411 sorla of codiinot dlscoveftol� I e fbelPr�'46w,la ris.orm M-seveli 'I bays pJAI44 41)AUt fOrlY 4021 men, 'so that hO g- ed a ate animated obs.40atolqnsi-i , to Tu011iAm t; bocomo witu .111101k With akift W119t 1,400101rity. oro oowand UTo*k*#Ai . - sQMqWh0_ More y 'Abovo the, s0tace of lbo'*oae Okfier,one, -J0W6r_d4W _. T y gQ1 1.r Worsor�_ *014 knowledge -of humanity fift W a Sol: tlit , sides of thQ billop-ean, IlaerO.V0111 inei an attentiva"4mr. 5 40enly t4a� alseaw'slin 0 lid the darlings an;no 40- quaintan 140 aTO ogo with t1i e manner in ',.lit voice, which W.r I �a MUqli Pose 9 er high aboya'Ali cip fta,uge 40 falmri OW90zer, 41"ngtrt unit e. tog of.'-sOcli 4. the best,defeage, ai off4irs of comip e, pip- Jaig to the old $qhtloe oil "AftIllot h ainst practical L me over We0tiolk Irom have Or 0 ro,71, sold Pa Boil, the, iforms q p00014144 With. "weeds 0441.x comp. 'tLoose a agi oout,, for,th fealibert foot"Y" %Ktloftatf6o C arent.: or thev or 'a set, their y 4.000 dt 111 I,*, theroforl tit diseases W Job -let 'in wait anothex of I Aoti, talidil, worII.A while, liv4s, 0_0 ou, In oil. llm,-Ov comes and evil $0 moo fit the pleasiol wn oft by y and other professions and 0ed, Ot *It tbo,opItp 4ur overooAl, tood th4t, Is ulidertakork. patinas are coa4uoiedI His VAStly erCbY Ilia P ierlenoo gave him a t la� th te Aye ro AO gro,44AA W. a the light, and feeyinF a Vill opal cutpf It, sale This was quito for at - possible.proc4plidils, mu4t; be taRelt dr, d, t ce day; some Of, Ism that toot hat ft 10169 Wa3 iloL A 0%1%rd Lilt 4 IS Ifliet, smaller,.,llm j'st" reason. Lifol; vauO to character and surlie4 him verriturous young man He Jobabitpol, ls)�V'Os, gTOW not in Its plories so: falloll as dgMent, whio tgrely lallz# It coward; he Would not �ave,b4do Wy a ittle son Ob., 1b6f Oilsin't & that, motl,)A**� nd "40. oiAhe 01.00, r*00tioni It ft.'. It, 14 lilt$ long. bitter, ft 018all- word is eserift . a, realist 0 .�been piled up. AThose 11110 ity Inch before an I erW4geitl 11#6r; buv he If klther,ia their sand which bay There,so a villainou. cal ivat waiting 0101ing liattlo4h% IS Aitkkjag -Mail Tki otber pro Pr, lit Ito iont Lild a German Emperor, op'tjle, would have t0avoTed a roxmdlhgs� Thotloale o fall or ma" reef Ia-.t4Q PblirOc for a chance o,orall �t b4a. OL �_m 'ft,ahlAdd hem� I've 1, YOU� � The. Warr PR reward Is no& in hand, Is ipi visionary Idealist. Broll ht - -dfSeasod an %te oil loot to avoid 11010 filials, should, 00,10440 form, IT36 or er lft lid I U.16 $01 r lo lr� a� aid dQ to do . owe IA -41, is M milg6le up Within the. a w It I$ 4011901SWOR tP till I cq vp hex Into think analso, p9mimen . i at the end n rro collifines 't 61 the utmost Im' see Alin cocoa -pal -floR o��11, ni _9 ridicule. Profltlntiv� impossible,. anal Ai VoUlAg to this log. our, ile.t'jkll her tree." OQUO11 ain Re4ner. vision, stronger arm, Prussian court, he ascended Itilf1hronot a moment whi egeefaml unobo .Cbrta a tip,0014 �lrtifiqlal.. feeding for pure sand. , Tile trees bear Rpm OD lq� ,.Wei Inn opt on. 19� Anil gulta# head, thoughts racti. ed int fly right :to, 10, heln� A Men, op p he still from the! ables. whenever' $IbI its a Y04r h 41 I 100 n -to. ts lot I before� he had time to qicqulro� 4 I, 100H O the ways of tho lad are ile, sold, -We must Dog, art world, t field, and,,e Jelled Jbio L boiglit I a it , 44. %40 Star$ alfta� catch, call knowledge of tntoro$ I 11, 4 plteio of ttbti . -plenty, of.surighPo'a da4 air, 00174, ealik of tho-Islands, day, R1 Vill .1410 41, "ov Ptoo 09, 6 l of his ke sa 0 "A JlLrI$hf, You help, Pa, slid W01 he All branches of human activIti be ha' down ban 910re he� bad the J1104 And against the kissing of 61111- Varaball IgIdnds.b Iaglory to be, In burning No tust in spite an at a tat, , -somewhat fartbOr ulpaei, cleao110.8s paitiolarv, At .Within the, vidWory,of the a4tily tit 1, rder toll, StOmer 004- t W qd never: been visit- Come 'wi- e r lfenM This dqnOt 40, tol;U1094-i his . . . . . . get them Out on ibe 1(mb. har IQ Iremained. an unpractical theorist,', I'ta, a any on ex 0 1. Wo Od t, a is, I it accom Bob. as out of on is ilufok,tomliered and, entlivilaMle. and sith the dle 44 1 and )ant twdat* lot 1017 Ms 04, 4; Im 44, S. 9; Alia, Olt 22, 10. 20, 211; 17. 15, 01 Policy z1v He had gone but a'14w,atps wb6n' 1141 redo. Ili k Is th that dMe next,,, said pi rough his impetuous teraper� g the *I can eat ament. In brief, the two monarchs are he heard behind him the Wild b4lidn entrb, on 0 m at .1 WIp. 1111CIr Wit 0"'S41 LE'S 10.5, has committed many serious m(Alakesbas a.right to'l 4s* pny the P n eu no dam-' sthe shell halt a day ahillot thoot aS tie Tth�" Df'A� of I zhoro or Ily as far removed ^from Ono ta dog, which proved his'petreat ha t ops Ither of you.' mp on. a 'If p000rwee dn't'Amy anything, She pan a The storm I t'strue the, island 6 to Th Greek word means US the two pples. een a Most 0 oartuno Oil out he ea., it .116i`0 wal I 'had scrambled g),ly 4 change of mind, 06 ealally. I itern p rt of the Prarm6a he flail -noticed . too until t 0 others the greatest damage W dox INUMATIONAL Some It t- 11 LESSON, o from an aftert'oll ht. I KING EDWARD ANTI -GERMAN. hV before* w.ore7still 2ut Wd­thoo �AheJuot, climbed nto the Omes .4 40k 1010.V as he passed' HEALTH HINTS. s6,. 11ji 1-ftonSider,on0s. action, i I she MT., Irm, to one u, A long series of personal bick4ring4 Aay. Where- it, a are now, se standi at little -Knox Islan w h" JAN. is. 91 life Of 610 ng 4eir 'doors, Stopp'Jag, be, Apples should be eaten to stimulate 4 W a t1rely 00 dge of the. nest and'sat there as I the o fore one of them he Usced,. the brain. loved home too well to 104,Va It, or.i"is It 0) qll -tk to t0usafts. and bollassatt Is Joyepent, has fomented and increased I%ly friend, In ov In cases In Water with only two or three smal samillpankg -well, I bote to. say It --as If sha�hkdwj 99K- full ?. , of poison wall AD STUDIES. ,Aj; All Ibe country of4udaq4, and all Of mutual antipathy between the- 0 in a of trees. the moral or/the p�y%cal outage -&f Ur ;14.0y - 4f, arusalem-A hypepholical a* men, King Edward's personal grudge Ore, 40ag the, USSON WO house below th SIn, large' quantities, forl mass Of W or a 911'as her brother;;, as a quick q,ouixtdol by a few stu Nola,-41pese Word Sbl4fea fire based road, belong7" emetic. ti I 0 a it presaj I list as it we should read in a against Germany and Germans . Was the browmns of I a called to her, but sheonlY oil tile text thl k% as �011 as I," A headpho, can often I allow of le)A_ Swept everything �taovlseo Vorston. tile. w1liolo 01y bad turned originally due to the fierce and "You probably, hw, W relieved.. by saH 'arents i&!�Ip vtb Y. Ii a Go It With the Tolson. I'll watch Pit arid His Life ALT unscru replied the man, a dl� n1bbing the temples %Vill' t I b or bear the Preptlopt,, pulous.hostility which his sister, the; "Had I known, I sbipolii driven by the Is fail so e while." Jc,;us,-,To our second Gospel -has 1*04, "oll 'd 4c4rdeli have on. Vthod with cmel% halt-ClOthes late Empress Frederick experienced 10 as the Johnstown floold. i glVoyallaot,the llebrqw asked you," it the Olrofi. gor.' In extreme prostration, a small quall, So Pa and.Ma I a .01',coorso cloth' Woven ftm her adopted country. �Ipe late, Empreso n a,glss 3f Of the 60 natives living on the Island but his ROMOT1 014� .3 : ', which wag 'rederick was an exceptional womanft The farmer did not defg4, tartheir to- tity of extract of meat I were borne off,on the waves, crushed was a great � Ildlit0ing 'and flapping I atuns, �Vjiinh,: wag Mark. 114ohn yboso Swo hait, olther - claret Is a good restorative. 5� wings. Bob and Pillo-Wip went at It ply. His wife stood near him*. 64 sherry oi '141110n girdle --Compare the des- high ideals and noble plineLples, and I on the reef or'drOwned In the fl Pi Wtiobusiness style, and before long osuptupgo was MaW (Acts 12, 12). W40tl4a! ElTaffs raiment: "He was 4L she exercised her Influenc a gainsit the young man"had Irealatk641bot a all A simple r1emedy for insorma, is 00CL ER on 4 0 1 classes of society women b0o'nidre dip a serviette or handkerchief I Then they g6t aillithdomt of BorAllbas and Saul IiO n cold ONLY TWO BOYS ESCAPED. they could fly from one branch to an- pah -, no 10A with. a g1tollo- of ernicious p911% of pollitical reaction t. and In the wild whirl of other one Iowa r down. ret miselonary journey, and a ItgthqT� ObUt h1i 101AS" 10 King$ I.. 8). avored by the eman court On this relpre he urned,tq- hor-404alcl. Ling lettuce'produces steel?. the �iraters the managed to, get hold A qo they ould r1se to a h1gher perch, and ood humor than" Weir husbands. water, wring it cut, and lay it across with their lives. the eyes. Eal wild honty-Several account she wp violently attacked ny a Y u see, fay good.w4pnion, I am a &ratero- with a teaspoon- the trunk of a breadfruit tree, to which all the time Peeny-Wee sat on the edgi (MIS U. 25;-18. 5), 4111 till PC lq,�er a, s6oroo -of contention betwe Is A cup of cold i 45400,01 locusts furnished food for thb Rismorck and Many other. provinent 'stranger here. To whom does that tul:.pt salt, taken upon rising Ju the they clung for 24.,lloura, until they word of the'nest. superiors lActs because 0 '09,mmo 60 During all the Years of lisp house belong? Probably to the Rev- morning, Will set as�un excellent ionic finally washed out on the.shore of the � -"Why don't you tr, Peany-Wee? Yom i4� .p Fle of Palestine, especially (,,ermans. blyforo the com I " 6 flat ot, Amino. By wild honey is residayin. In Gem --up, to thp time of any -on. the -.system ---4hey -could not have sur- brothers -will -beat �oiz, all -hallow, --and- tand Doctor Orayr­ -Fess-4PY409- Of AlleWildl 1168 Stored her death Abuse and insults and Jndig. .'No, no," replied 'the woman "Dr.' than any drug.--- Aved suoh an ordeal If, they had been some day you'll fall off and the cat will * AgA vA in coves and nitl (Aits 13. 14 But.fix the EpPlIlo lti, Itow,,troolrunks on - her. C lives much farther on." portant for children Lti cast away in colder latitude. dot YOU." ol�s to the loclis. ' 0 Gre6k word The Kaiser, although he never.lailed Calciurq, so iM rm- getl foyhea gs of all Soria were hooped upon the formationof bone, v Milir-Atoll to the -Colloblads he Again 11TIP00_340 4hl hen who lives. there?' nay be obtained The hurrican struck the Ing the theor 'stoiiia�alsq to have designated the sap in fillal' duty to his mother, neveithe. "Why, Judge lilrath H at first before, I practice,", said Peeny-Wee. the companion of Paul (IQOI. 4. 10), pa endorson. of by the eating of eggs, Ties rhubarb, at 8 a. in., bringlifig, with. It three gre Of, cittalli rees. leis, regarded her, politicall . views wItU is nlontinuad -also in Tim...4. :Ili 44 in 1atchel-The strip of lesther course.", "_;oihole wheat, ano, the lrinking of milk. waves 'following one another at inter- "It's easy. You just spread your. wings nolipubtedly sym- r1w"im. 24, Peter alsOI in his 600114 Intense aversion and 'Ahl Judge Henderson. But tell me# An irritating cough, is often.coused by vals of.about Wee. Minutes. The third find flop them, and then off you go. 11, sandal or'shoe" T 4, Eagilsh' pathivA -in the, ITZ7raillst depw of Iiii � does not live alone? -Ther that. sp a of Mark, caIIIn&*bIM,6Is qnIq Veil, or, looi, ii6d. with the opposition 0 is A th("uvula (the fleshy, conical body sus- nd -bighest'wave towered above the ThAt's aft th,ore ts'to It, Bob and Pillo. 'so; In., the Will Pet. 5. 12), audit direct ' lady who sings --his wilet-his sister? pended from the 1palata'o�#r the r)dck orowns-of.1he., palm trees, around which Wip-,Make awful mistakes." 0.1tbm which COORS RIsO the noun against her political Influen ver r. 060414"' 00 a oe W is a UOu try, Peeny-Wee," urged Ma Bob ta, the bomb of =1 mathei In U . ho of t6e,tongue) being enlarged. When the nuts grow, and literally swept &V� t pill, any -kind of cord holding to. than affigra. King Edward, who w as& "Ali, that is his ofece, Mrs. Stanley- this 1.9 the case, consult the -doctor, Ls erything before it. Tile three waves Ntlh Art$ of a garment or'shoo, most affectionaw brother, fidreely M Agnes feet "But try, Pepy-Wee," urged Pa RoN efed rayer for Ilia , . or t ,Ah, who medicines and gargles only lemporar- rose to d height of from 25 to 50 In the Holy $plkltm-Or, the stilted the crual and unchivalrous hos. thank you, thank yOuf my 9004 Ily check the annoyance. above the usual water level. in, upon b 11 bw �S�Irlt.ol tility iyhloli his sister experienced rIously set free from prison (All In woman. You have children? Buy 1 After bad food, the next greater cause The whole outhern coast of the atoff. 'All right. Here goes., Look out ri -; - 0, Nnt0oth of Oalfte-o--Tho phrase "of, Germany and extended * bib .Anget them presents with this,",and dropping of disease is look 'of exercise. Specific. consisting of inhabited islands, thickly W y Mark's psgel Is distin hed 4plilde' to one of the many little ex- against d6rmaft� and Germans thosil of Matt * and Luke by its b to the a piece of money Into her lap',he'walk-' I t strewn with palm growths, was swept mken4yl-�Vee suddenly. spread her wings found in Mark's 'gos� present Emperor, perhaps unjustly, Pal rtoldly Away. cas"' requ re ap dfi�k tile life of Joisus scoindA indicate that it's circle Of Ths, personal antlipathy thus created but It Is safel.10 say that ii walk of three clean of everything rising above the and away she went, like tiny real bird, Be urning home the road seemed less kitids,ot' Boil to- jj�ve mge the impression of a f0tioirs t miI4 each do In all weathers Is the sand. , Only two 'little spl5ts were left But sho hadn't planned where she would swIft: I .0 which the 60SPOI Wag in- and Intensified during earlier year's by glodmy and far shorter than when he least amount upon wfilch, health can Je above the waters. their Immunity bew light; go shd kept going -going -down M, N.� It " -,*as C I n trivial ctiliges of a person4l natuli, came. As he stoole on, hiahming tfie � 9 -wch.a&Urnbri066rs arell Of lalpottant events town Wilod senti)6 and ouliside of Pal. maintlained. Ing due to the protection afforded b $611191084 tragic 01nitting all mention .. L . ..s formialible ollmorliL Wr-bb had heard, the moon arose.- trio --olown-and -bef6to She knew It sho Ibe birth and - 4hildhood of' Jesus, uddenly Assumed Sugar Makes beat, and niso gives Knox Island, a little toqhe South. S fotiiid herself 6 a rosebush by the.porch 10�, Straloillway-A favorite word of slobs immediately,aMr the death-.ct country looked more beautiful, and, ev- uscu ar an r . In times of great ex- enty lives were lost on tile Milli Atoll. slid a uttio girl cried out: no gin Ith Which It Is, as - touching but briefly on vhosio narrgtiLve'thight be �Queen Victoria sad King Edward's &cy Ia veto lon. morning, tits Itto'Skotoli q 6 led *!"the straightway consion. ertion, the r Ity W "Oh, see the dear little baby bird," itta `v short, when he perceived at tha sail Fifty miles further north the Arno APO, r � ly Cal of the elon-arched avenue- his. own housei I strallat 0 9 a r A at 4 v nisge Atoll was greatly damaited and on lbo rind own the steps she, ran to lool; at Jesus Is devoted almost wholly.to th Between the late Queeh and the oer. bathed in the white light, he foliftil the eor )qrlod of tile publid ministry, "a briul. Rdtii,aa gr -In the Greek, the by too a., u or she I be southeast side three4oirths of the rand, It 0_1 .&.Law P man Emperor, who was. of opurse,* her s0edtaele rather enjoyable, them othdr- n is usedt Indicating -andson-, a partl teat . en *Otto Cd torse narrativo of..A three years Sparta one he has a torftid was washed away. Only eight,Jives were Poerly-We did I ot mind, but Ma Rob. Pre, gi aillarly 'wa ion wise. And when -he had at last - I at, and not at all one tiffectell'with lost. however, this being due to the fact Ill did deeldedly. �40114ai -being teat asimileri, Pompnfool." ex1stod4. and the at till sconced himself. Ili- bla 6wn#roaml. tie diabetes. that flier east side of the atoll ts'go nor. Daligerl Vlyl" MaTtobin fluttered and Ifliat 4Mark wroild for Gentile rilth�e atoned to bece Tail for Jewish renders IsvMent Own, as soon 0 I?und great consotolion In the reflec- now that most of the natives as the wfail Circled- madly about In dreadf I fear. ntly oxpIa1ns.TTp,. 'AT WAR list the :V116en the, IjWr,to tile away from him a young. woffilm. who 10 that Ito cormtol within, where Wii your reach the shallow lagqon ill the rosdbush� but, she kiiew she. tail 44101,09 end %vag approaching. tion that there noli'very 'far r ellITAt and illistolils. The fadt'014t 0ST, . REGULAR EXERCISE. rose to hurricane force had Whe to -Peeny-Wee didn't see'anyt ng wrong uttes to tile at 103usfilern throne had many well po�sessed a charming face, A Melooll. biet and iixerclso will reduce.,,, thev remained immersed ul) to their must fly away if her mother said so. ;;o All; cS till, OVeot till Ili Wo futuro. lboxigh knowni 4nd'it Is deolarpil at. vouirt that ous voice, and a Sweet name. eight if you"po4lst. A Do you ex. Cro, be Coatinue.dj until you pi 'fusell And 1#'kWJierW lit tri )raplit pro 10 necks until the storm subsided. The she iprvad'h6r wings and bew-straight tj * '- . dorla ber last hour '01ileft Victorla hia waves soent tDoir force upon the ono the, shoulder of a little girl. lwoohsarl W 'Ilia d I f 'Ton, ayssmo ItubGST PIACEs IT sho 6o much more - regard. fOr , -the you abstain from all,tweets, cereals the -coulpt laillon Ulf Clcoglospel b ilk' land and the natives In the lagoon And than, ob, how, Me Robin shriek. siiiiirtil up to Kaiser than she 414 for her.oldn6it son starch vegetables, * butter, obeaa,. I , r ' ed - It wag- awful. to hear her. A-� D. 40. :'TfAd1tlOaI P011118 110, 85010i'AA also pork, veal, Salmon ESCAPED THEIR 'VIOLENCE. find chocolate, , that the ipoSO of thl PrI440 Of WAIks WAS '!� In OThere's something wrong -with this, MEN'S HATS IN 0%1111"� - , I don't know where to o Ow ploce *1 Its Nveltinil, and vierWint general, avoid Several big waves swept over part ot Ice;. but out out of Joint hadlY, Thig Oplooda and hearty soups Latin words cullar to this gospe'l 400 -would have left latty. starchy" and ,tweet, foods. Don't Intuit Atoll, destroying the. houses of 0 trnolition. . :.4 . i in any event, rt to itx$e next," said' PoehPWee. 01111) JIeI*ItIatWfi 401 %voops In For, CuAt. ano promptl - r6adei'matt&S Their Care a 'Tiroublesome Opestion be discouraged. You will.succeed un- the entire European population, The but Wilhol' 11 ly less there Is somia'SOKOUS, reason for missionaries hurried with their pupos She how again. This time she lit on *drso by, v ondly Awalting Soludold, g, t T. V, m i;y Vksrso 4. Tito boginninf-This vetso a4loorl,o Jkrfoy Ari . � l"eAg flad 04 king frf into the gr4at warehouse of the Jalult, lit 0reas, 46, t hill,viod In I 0 we ydur stoutness. hf ITI holi h6 c%1d ill-11fie call the calt" screamed Me: and *4 0,046ou 4t cost Of historical record that Tvadinl Company; whiell,,fortunatelk, paboth at once. 60h, YOU heedless the pap4gr 000 to Veto# Il!ph In regaril to- the woX rofathers in the seventeenth CM- DANGERS- OF MEAT. was no'llpoved from Its, firm foundation 'Peeny-Weel" 4 4obnAlie 11311sti, whoo 13000- budget st4tefoeftt)fOY 19M It Attoft tury'word their headgear AtAivIne, ser- red that vWe and also at 414A Average woman who I has reached it 'jL 11 -a Xing ftvard;' conslile Once a day is quite enough for the find all taking refuge there escaped on. *food, t4 0 1 Y. Tj* Aent'Ot Q40 COXWOU Of 0 6 I P. er th,46 Shovi Jh4t. It Will to ntoessary to vaisO Or (h4 But the cat was off In the meadow, 004PO The doxen Years of inxperlonc� -As a; r, but it boa re- I the harmed. '6nd belom she came back Peeny-Wile Iletwo. he had gained Avhen. � at to age lot forty to ebt,theat. Mdst -women O.- J, .11finselt w" & Wfiflaillit of tie 00 --hy credit, 1ppeiiatfts to MO116 mWiled for an Entl newspao Jalult Is the Cantre of the Island trade. I end; (Jueen Wity th�t Ili its 41010A, Jtldtlola to% f&r,100 Much as they get on in years, A number of balling vessels, at -anchor had manWped-Jo scramble up again in. is alarl ex0e lalleth Inc od6,R.0e,5( his uncle TioNy j�e � %ti$h si re, and don't you eVictorfa filed gave him 4 rightlo. Instuct in the- apple tree, where the -nest was. the iris 1, 3(sw �Irul, sometimes refrain ae Wore a rind he. a 'result 1090 their cOMPIOxiOns In fro t of th r at 4 d had on the noillo bt,our Lov4i. 11) MAU, 1. Oil *6 txpevides of tho *146, ORIV 4 W4080 of is r4M000 ruleol'. King Edward their hats$ AaYA 0, 100440a gid 'Ibir figure. took$ and wrecked. The ateaMer of the Attr apa'tn all day -not a featherr said .0,4 tkut ia� u*w4nes6 w Of zette. J�J# ft�'Iho r0palfitifto Jalult company, moored with two big �(�"Ojjn the far, eitn alid the, rtolud- 06W,Atog. goi6il that of s4vioull., "Allou .9lialt call;aw to$tfited A daily paper hoA re6ni. guggested HAIR 119$$ORATIVR� .Anchors, ptit on all. afeam to keep Its Pa Robin alornly,, dvillit" U , and administered 4 shuh to "I didn't want to go In the first plaiia Vise loy*� sootorthl, It, lslwtj�, halue je�b%fdr It Is he that gholl 600 oil, ot Aho army Uk 41 400 toqung,, V or that the very Irreulqit alk'notaft0b of head to the wind and thus escaped de, 11 tit a Which left Its sling,jor,-Mirly i. 40, oln their sliva," T10 Ir4 upber class Males a 'ethir hAoybo due o two Parts or'fho beat olive 11 add structlon. said VdW:Vvee -'W.ia made m;. W614 lo,tit tono the lots ,cost of' the wall* ye intido eoRall � I I . W41t. ,ot (06k place At, the to the respect Wj b llhOy 03 run" The eastern Islands of the Jaluft You're all mbxfnT A, good deal of fuss. 110140t 41VO' Tito '0 onih of I 1. dnd the twq ais, thq.�n "Aq balbri0a the b1196 1 0 ofia of Spirits of *file or of I Atoll 6h, i wish, I lilt a good worm!" Oro , r400 h tnto a*bottta.40d 04RO well womidniost wholly swept away down klay *&y,t! 0 t- nlean* 10TA, , (110 onolute4; oil "Moq. PJ0" gear and thef In so- sril I "it �&t to I pteir head adeoluat ut them I to Tiot I'll I h dirk Until. KIfig In #a Ait W. voat4 culito thri&V, t)j# Mea oil .10 attored edifices art un 400�0(0 Pot I In I a for ilia safe liestoftl of the ofietitu well morrilng I Using Over the Pl4ces where they -11h. Tho ox goap I'alitligivifton f i 6mmodati6h provid6d in 0. j liftastoll 14 r gothlor., With tlif# anoint the h6ad I, he )r, 8� eflected as she sat U_ or VM v h(Irgt, 'of so that Small vessels wal III Uned ,am I It 8 (sow. W orttulliy -Seventy-three natives of cold I righ.v OiAidiogs 4!00q#Ibg J ��beel'i Used o _0.114i;V� �tllb this CAIT;at; Minh, 'r;1owd! d W atoll "lost their 11"s. ece of he. quote a P10% Iftel It, the Pa 11114 Fin noel MIAlster Soo Otto, A log;I "I receive Mom"'ll Is 10,010014 dst a otm � a or - %flat time Is, 46w, thfopoAt taftle to his knowvIedge MQhdoly M04 the at (a not, , to Injure the VW100 In its readollig ri Abe group Wore 4196 damaged, but the los pr -fy objed b'f 00(jUtt r, 1114 pro- thlit tile fletinaft U Fear Is Spent kind of forialght. M from th Air .11110st as compared with - I -)t � 4 � Mporor lilitI, ant opolicallon inority 'tit 91*00 61',lihe WeT;k, end JUd ng was it hat U P A VV 11 bp,,ret0t0Q fili'PUlso lutlor4ho# 10 All sorfs of gerVations I hear, I 9 Ould. sky th t 0 Every word Of 0101daitY 19 4. prayer. e bb, �Z, - I 0 The western Islands of the Marshall SENTENCOSERM6N.S. In t4iy o -the 10 vidi ThO 40,100h 10 !t btAIIII( 10 Wg6�410 Ilia roYal uneft lu (116 eastern titolls, Love 144ts long, after "Ity Is worn out. foillowo i's Wetk i's Alh&r*t4Qd .6 OMera benefit Very 114101 The atolls Of this group Wero scatter- . Little dUtift are.4 athdol for larger of the of life. Thtf-,Xslso,� Who faj ell Over 6 Iwo ores SO. that Some of Ono$, 0 ata* thwh. it they' pla�elhelt ats','bindelt a�4.. y"o at 1i onif Jhe �Noftd'Alotu 110N)i 404 110,, 'I tho. seats thoy:a OcOAP I Jr. LVO kbhjulIft, lrbs'tj, iilfig d6wix Ili a theryi are huddrgols'pt miles from thelt, A little moidesty I latint. f6 h1l'tho, other ZrigIM viattipra ot, often hides ; lot of dock ttaeo�-tn 11)6 6111gilial 0- 48"o.mit �%Nb mm. Koiwnl�. lion.' Most.C.&V60, Who held ortV.10aly ants.of the pews behlod. Wing rketted. Win Witin closed eyes and neareAt nelabbors. Tho result Is Itittl vanity.. Most as carbim 6A .3nothl 'Re ",is 411 tovardo who refuses .911 iy. ftgJ,*wlIl brightoo a a art faird. lid, ttletidsh(p Th mag tiolb at 41, ir- llleal. s�4yg, V0116144 st U4 no- n, Mls respect. Theri, it, t4of6,ajt :wII4 bag boon hard T, i insibility. r L ut nturally ngwod eoon the $04% A jIg iftor Time withou, a k A U0 44*11 64SCO who sba, pk�po lho! �'N%y #Ing t ffoa. An illustration, otihis to the toot that Tlfejo, a of 1(lito donvinde . 0'0740-0 . ­­_; a more than 'the owneir 1.111. f4 the helawl 47M. 4 1110 fi*,00114 he p" aco re 4 4 1% ThO TAWC 0 0 txtx go, Shim ek Ito 6. tloy W which ada's d0001l'the MAIrsball 181ILY1110- (bitt fAldna A golden, heart Is not gained by tel'. 404 $4000 i )rePANA U hollo 01110�! 0140 604, (A� 0, oil them. . why MgAhlt 00k&, 09 man at I 0, haa, $let look Vk% "4V I'M, W4 thig tht. hehit on gol 44+ ti pa1116 01spu yours to a A it + 0 be- Of& huflo A el w oplmatanoo slimd. which goatteiv wft�ti W bOuge lwd§!� Oth d Won the tivo fth 110m, 1006 their batst, This Augges, graftTly Atoll) aWhy� Aler level Iffid Is 10011od nly h3r 6Ip7 �Iaay a man is brea 1bg s back un. anas otteAtUen to 00 AtUo I f: If0000tv tH tW06tv oti, o, bag of'shad6wo. A. Tlv� total �Oqvpup *64 0XV, ell-argtd 04 dovoIN, 164t I I Bouna. dftfr0vPd'bV the, stohil. w*8 0"I apt n9i on, to the t4j" 6f tiriekory ends Qfi' JhtL hen $$*#I VU oNedllf duly Island ofily onoo,1XI tit lie to 6,0k6,ff g than . 1'. �! t-- '' hol. I � bf,sldos- Ch $6 "Is motator a thin 'V Atrita of the V ot Ot boo & M6 Imost tho� clothIilj 'of 0ollid I4' ito dain I M Is g1kat to-ber,01" illi, 6. hot bo WhIbbd un t \,Vllh: iif� to tho 16§6 tiar. 68 920JWM tho, tot nothing, s ,I � & Wilst 'end it thft �, lhelm th(A 41thoult tb# to Carry I)MV1.4folihs. to the 'I"., Is.4 lot thii go' (6 -Ohihleh- ny, for, I or4nio'but b 1019: W I And Atilt. Igilyd Im ur nipallikillp "ftbfltaat� And Wng �oflr ifto 061011A IMY f6it liflowilig too Mud ftady I q 01,14M ot,the 11affift'itl "I it, I ; 'Voke r0ler I If 9114toft ItoU), The boa aobld I "Ilw 811047W MA16 ., for tho tortliall protltv� All k1odt, Of COAL, Ato Is- 21 way hot 00 whit You lAvo 4101 100-1 W 90A en Ri'llkao Orilliklot And Titialdildbif U Il 1:10 # a The Jail 11tout U. ollife. 00, , .. � I I '""M , 4100 by M�y you tud i4. As good, 0twit CAT ft�, ,Morlilg J&,,A&nf meill WAY it '61ittice Ill, All R41ftg WO 411WV $kftolf IDI lit' for,tf% WAYOL on ho"(1 lot.. , "Whok, how- the =v sit it Lt h. MkIft Awor bo Wild, vdV41 0 Amut. to iew Vdwa`e7 tout b td. tneddle IA, othef OC -601614 affil 1101"if 1hfWft#d The Mila;Who. rAftift family di P'lly, , wrf$ t(l Wkti A. Wo Itieft, U4WA: to th-6 lit Ia IM061*0 bible tPOLIO. i(11160 W14 64; vkhty. my a 41 VbM&fi. ow ura 1016*ft., undde tits, tift May t 116116 *10f* _k %1 I# lit h. o ft ly'f6 �A 'jif*K� V-Yk-h tho ocit" 110 twot Aftfi4t,&6 not "thefti to voixt car dots Imt 91 agi W, The 960 OW Is like Athe . I . 1. ftZ att. o"t 1614 W itIQ% 690,10 il" by" N b adhIng. ho, of It* dily, MOO M�� OK0411f, ill Important tfttuft, V ft 10 T I r ot wNdiw 4 ofiiftit.ag "MOO Aht Old wotliift "S fie""t "Or& Ifidialt AthA4 Ili bblot I$ Abe edvisibil on tho;bhott uao.fln4 -trio, to awtod out 4*lkliilly 04t, 0*0 w- 'ftu�%00$4 -04 this wul . it14"Onto tutu. thal *uvotwa hats, 104 trio whets'lim I"M!1 16 bft1h6%eor-. ifor Ajid5tial aftuolhif $10ty Of on #X001MMIL., !U* Md In' the 0109 line, 1114 11"11- ift tit tIN& ukomitri, 14 u tri. V. 6, 6w, *ith,- I 'a 16Vft bliL C an pq bt M 81v (11111MV0 that bolng-liftted by fdlor4 febtaff 'to t6lItle. oneffif ulteft" wom ewj*6- mlok phl) that *oOWn 160011A WIthIft it r'the kloot, of 1116. '$aid,* t h 11* p ee0ft0lid be te sw 1111 at A IIUYIA�r ol;pt'M th" 4A. '"Mugm 10110woo. ftul AM *bolt 016 v *JIt y1el 10,11be stiMplitte mmil ht, $Iftldlp slUtott At U. C. h it Will �110 NmdA at U6 atill b 11# 46% not d#PWA th" WoOft Of tujf#(,�' *MWOd it 310V blAllk Iials, ThI* *—U *11 A dsi I"" So. btft to Iinit, Ah -0 iii*4" 01, OgO� W#ft ftIM ht, Ot taLlt. IWO&- 11 I till 01% b U 0 Old tlft#A t lui IN phitm1i lofth, W" uia in n your 0"Itiod t,owde. oboa , Iii, ibighly, mtbolilda 14 0max SO0119 "Aft bio *dV *9 V&S $hovmi For *ho lie vx " Ion$* but a, madly d6flelftt 151114 whoh tim 1*101. Ift �w *#If jorftrli bJ oTIW, taftoor Of IL p)un 6f "W061 041"t+ Jbi"04 1*1 411101 11. liftelift it to"� to dfliVftl#g the''#WS, fwt who, 1%04 W'. W (a. I aftk ot"A , wt ft4ill. MIMS his hAVA on t6th FWA Ift, 111110 wh" Ill W odu 14 eAll, "IdifligA "k011ftO ehfifift 16 lb#� tbid -Mm this Sav a -0 kOk4 ftrtty' Ato " 4we Wk" "WhIm "4KMII� 1,1116 "*Wb tt,� lato Islobo, moftw fod ot"AkA to 11 fST thio p(ayla, *As * V" whigh V b 601R" _bt 04 Cy, 0 to Or"Itt �V- Wo ahould hew folly' tftlft* bdo 'iIN 060fthAt 1,101, Old 0" #1 00 4ft 4t =010 food. nfif-j!)v ow. 0 (A 48 MAA'* kAVW' hi0ft At"AftW 00, -1hr" M0W, th'6 shp (41 lilt Mum, W" ft tm towns 11" taw*" 20 r, tm I t'i"d0l"ll At lh#40#bV*W *U #4 W% 40V un �m M4%p , dy to I 11* J111d164W low"hotor jkt 0d Jn#A;A fWAaft or, hft No ollils Aho t ikliemy mity whon't er art dctiow* afindenGp tolts, yft% IW bot*.* MW ft holf, AM; JOK PeWfig tw ft of Cie udy. 1�6 majoi a the WNW tvl P i 11W MI. iWIN woo M WX swod ** ft mot tot 1W $60MAI '61014 with, WOMmIrAI& t6ble Afortr '061611 WW '" hiiltt brift, . I*rdt *,#A m We it, 4bf b"t k* Will bo tftdY at O& Tboy rc*h. PW Tbwmwr "'Yeft. fio�fpr,, t som, 64000 tu"W" W-11114 Md A W. M A,0 1010 W" *0 #Ulftl ONO OW"'tiAt 10111`101* Ili ChLirl" 'ffftt�� Ia Jh# tft'& of It* 0'1#,A *k,* I*" It* *M' .04 ttffl. �j"Jii M. OYM Ar4_ 04JAr U4 Watow fit "W Jft &Z limpot lift a #ftftt to low" "$I**$ lowy. d0*44im" bowwadilif 60.00 h* hamot 110C Ho it %** who Ifty" h J*ft -ft It #4chbw VAMI. Vo ftbod of 1h# NNW" IOU. *"t" *1* Of ftm burial, itt %Ii* rAlff"Iffi# Wh LA Iw vw*. silatm a4p lit". will ii tftvk or** of ** pm*t* 10MMO OM Ktk*wor is bloom 4", R -A slillhws of usioill bli to tow*,11a 11111011 Val.' 0 QWA *81, 16 14*, ftv. Ia, Nkwsok, WO V1 ftJ#t AM jo Iftf, jIr,oAId ibb #AnNopw pi"&M. WAOV t~ 61*010"WrA 41hit em fiThlil that * famiff this 4hmvy M, 16 talk hW Mr. XON*M Nftbo",, ik* C sowd 1* tt*, b0NOMIA th 11, ft-rr FAWM le W Ik(" 14VAd PWAVWC 4 %A M" lie 11M *rvkdos I 111i owtoftit votwft 42111 - Ttvw -_ 0i at %6 SAP~ AV Z"i " t *** ft*W.1h0 AVINH11111 UM %10, A *A* ft6y Oft *pit, *A"W Ot Im f%wkv* "" = fmANW. lit woo= OW. bot aA3L_ �AW I