Huron Signal, 1849-01-05, Page 3el %lei Indkie IIP hall Helot M }Ig the Imtooded disUkt of Rises. l/'11e fl,llewug resolution Ives them pro- posed by 1). McPtireon, Eaq., .ecuoJcd by Mr. Jobs Mermen, &torsi s,th • retinue, mad beth were awasam iely approved el by I'm. tneellog. A vote of thwbe was pro - plied by Wm. T. McCulloch, E.q., and seeemded by D. Mr 1'b.rano, E.g., to Mr. Daly for bre sale cession M the chair, which pawed amidst the enure of the me:t- tsg. Jles.lod, That ties townships of North and Boteth Baailaope be not attached to the tmtemded theorist of Bruce, and :hat; t wall be import said impolitic tt any such junction will take place. -but that the said town- ships be a part and parcel of tbs intended District of /'eel, -and that the tolluwlag petition be approved of, is favor of the lat- ter District. The prayer of t4e peld,on adopted 1a- " That your petitioners poi unity agree to, and acquiesce in, the pruceediugs for the theories of the lluruo District, and the e.(.bliehmo0l of a new D.etrict to the east- ern portion thereof, and in the prayer of the general' petition for die°recouo of the new Dunne' a Peel, -ani therefore crave that awls may be granted, -and yuur petitioner* will ever pray." A Btu mese s. Rasees or a Mu is Now Yea.: --New .ss N'u.uaasoa £r,s..s.Ttos w ram MaossTa Taa.aeaara -It will be nest• Meted, that is the begi.sleg .f 1M year, Mayer tlNaey r.e0nimeWeil that some sestet= .f mist 1 0 000J1(JSIIFLS gond clean To l .Milt the 'reptile nand. or. t with t. assaerees tire costae houses ei this city -e. 8ub•eribere will psi • kither Prom a feat,, bis arty tether balers a the TO MERCHANTS. WANTED. should be adup ed ith respect 7 toothy SeeJ, for t market. that. fee manioc*, kern seem evil/al put ielbs- BUCHANAN h GOLDIE. mottos alight beeammeenicated by the .ketraal CueneeNoil Merck&0ie. ones, to .very bistros at ens sad the sato. time. Victoria Block, King St. sad w that *gain u(ors.•uoe alight be tram- llamrito• Iiia Doc. 1848. i 4811 noted, lir sue end at the sem* time from asp __.. ------ -- -_- one eagtoe hoes. to an the others, u hell se to Coao'r*a'r II1le.R: All inquest was Geld by Mr. J. J. E: Laxton, 'Cormier, on Monday the lttb inst., at Blanchard, at the house of Mr. James Porter6cld,on the body of his sun, George, a fine young man aged 19, who was accoleutally and instantly killed on the afternoon of the previous Fri- day, by • lug which slipped and fell from a log building erected on the lot of Hum- phrey Hays. The jury returned a verdict of ace idet.t death, and that no one was to blame. There hare teen in the abuse con- ce.usIon four sudden deaths to the space of 18 mouths, which circumstance bee attrac- ted the notice of severa'-end owing to this the Rev. Mr. Williams of the Metho- dist Church in Br. Marys, attended, and af- ter the inquest was over, gave a rely feeling and appropriate address on t'.1 snbjocl.- AIr. Porterfield with bis family moved to Blanchard only last April, (rout the town- ship of R•m.ay is the Bathurst I)tst net. BY TIIIS MORNING'S MAIL. Gosieme r, YAM'S 51, 130. • ARRIVAL OF TIIE EUROPA. - Ten Steamship Furey,' arrived at Roston It contain! sound :reasoning and uoewerable o■ Sued.y last, booting intelligence to quotations, end will, we rather opine, bo the 16th ultimo. The French news is eat- Round "a poser" by the llootreal advocate* necesssry fur carrying tots effect pro.. ... ` and this Block to the extent of too agreeable and useful companion to mecnaD- i&hdor so far a the maintenance of peace 168 Death Penalty, lay and clerical. • W e w;,ieb writ doubtless shortly be made by the Part'- ofornshi a is asked, and it is placed to the ice Seth.• xrnl, dolomitic renanu, and each y' commend it to their diligent perusal. -.Nos- Log, for the establishment of COMMON p 0th none whose circumstances debar Is concerned. The Iei,uw,ng is the report treul Pilot. SCHOOL LIBRA%tIES: and on the section of mea of jilornington and Mrayborouph, and FRANCE. hooka for that Dmrpo-. by the Ho. rd of Educe- to l6e.sonth of Ittfigto-(Thi+ last toumehip them from access to the more expensive, 10 Weill ton District, as well fur and often, less useful ponudicale of the spelt vault lomat • lad tbw omits knew• 0s the NOTICE. seine instant, and all over the lows, the mie ret melte ooze sktl.ge of 18. DIVISION when sad the place where the fire breaks .et.- 1. COURT' will be held at the gaol, God- Last night, u mentioned in our municipal re- ibte.b, 011 Saturday the 3rd of February A. F. MORGAN, part, the 3layor submitted his report, mattes nein. Cly 1K Division (-'aur(• to that brief, 1004.01,4 and aosryublo meaner, Leh, Ju-, Bid 1849. 48 fee which all the public papers (runt his hoods are dietiogoiebed, that such a .7.tem had bees completed, and would be toned before the sod d the year. During the lasteveoiag, the Coun- cil twos a recess for a few minutes, and repaired to the Telegraphic Ota ce to 'lamina ibis new apparatus; which excited their surprise sod adrai- runee. It was put io operation, 'tad while they were presto, • C.mrnun1C.tio0 was had with New York ; the wires of that city, so many mike front u, beteg comtweoced with this firs alarm apparatus ,n Boston. The correspondent in New York immediately sent cm his reply by the same wires, the elecuieal action upon which iustantty caused the deep toned tell. connected with the apparatus ow the City Hall, to be rung; ibis great tire dorm bell being thus wood- ed in this city be the operator at the Telegraphic Office is New York : Directly after, and while the New York operator was treeing the bell, Me other bglla 8,se were nog by persons ;goo- raal of wIat was going en, and 'opposing then was in..reality • ire is this city ; sad the hole Vim Depart:neat a Dace tweed out ; and it was fortunate that they did, for •t the very same time a fire actually broke out io Washington street, near Winter motet, which by their thus speedy •tteadence, was extinguished without w Brea: • damage as might Lave otherwise urea place. -Boston Journal. Wasraas ExTLaraua. -Ninety steamboats have bees Milt o. this Obi. sioce December 14t, 1847. Their tggregate carrying capacity is •11,406 toot, sad cost !41,519,700. Of these, 28 were built in Ciaciaeati city, at • valuation of $687,040; at Elit*bethtowit, Pa., 16. et •v.les- ,, .f $424,O1a1; at Brownsville, Pa., 19, •t $178,000: at Wheeling 8, a1 $130,000; and the remainder, at small mune along the ,iter. The subject of Capital Punishment is at present exciting no emelt share n( public at- (entwD in the meter Colony of Nova Scotia. \Ve find the Scriptural argument in tarot of hanging so ably combated in the last num- ber of the loeaseelian that we bare trans- ferred the arliclejentire to our own columns. PROSPECTUS OF THE SECOND VOLUME OF THE JOURNAL OF EDUCATION eon UPPER CANADA. EDITED BY THE REV. EGERTON RYERSON, D. D. Ulnae IVraarnT1NDa*T Or SCHOOL+; AYSI8TED BY MR. J. GEO. 11OUG1N8. THE Cosdueten.(t a Jwunal`a/ Education purpose to eusuase its publication for the year 1849. Its form will be quarto instead of octavo, to order to secure to the sub.crib.rs to it the advantage of uaorps/ar in the place of pamphlet postage. lo the First Volume the Conductors have had chiefly • fourfold object in view. 1. Aa exposi- doa of the principles, and previews. mid objects d the System of Comtrwa Schools in Upper Cau- eds. 2. The goaliticet,00s, ubligatiuns and Outset relat.oes and duties et Trustees, Parents and School Teachers. 3. The importance of Normal School lnstroction for the elevation of Common Schools of the eoumtry. 4. The im- portance sod great advantages of a thorough, Christian, Common School education to the several classes of our industrious populetiee.- While the subjects which Gave given character to the Fiat Telugu of this Journal will sot be lost sight of, another Medias object of the SO - solid Volume will be SCHOOL ARCHITEC- TURE ; for the elucidation of and improvement of which the Conductors have already procured several Engravings, and have taken steps to pro- cure others; .oil is the comes of the year, they purpose to give engravings of all the best and most settaWe PLANS OF SCHOOL -HOUSES, (with accompanying eaplamauons,) which have MOR Nf(MOT01'l AND WELLESLEY. rJ W FAIL Temnid pe ere u pr, saw, lecloded .r 1 the Welliag'es Metrics, earl held bye .ery doubtful elan•. Nig elegise( et oversight, ib. rn,.LaIe-.s it ',dead, ,. sM-Lu •,,-tarred NW has it tees tried to -he reraeJ..d erase, ibo' the utest of rhe Huron 1.1111017 was Womb! Wort, Parluroest is 1646. Nor have the •leg- itrate is gamier feew.ussat Gederich, is tbtu apphsat.os to the Assembly, claimed 4e fall swat of the rig:it. The fotlewutg hl.ta.raa- dao moms • Niemen? w ihe ab re,. was Mews ep in J*Iy, 1847, i revise 18. da.n, sod is mew ,,►muted to t►. martin JCLT 13, 1841. II.aOaaonCa -tie phew that 18. Tows - ships of Mornington and Wellesley were reserved to form part of the lluruo District. Oa the nth ori March, 1848, the Act was ,sed, erectile( the lluron District, (I.t VIC. chap. ss). Jly the 23r4 clause, Iwo rights wire 'stab:lobed, as reserved for this i.ietricl via: a range of townships to the Durlb of the lluron District, and the division of the Dlbtrict of Iluro:r fat afu- (ere time) into two counties. That ',Lamar is as follow.: -"And be :t enacted, 4c., That on any future survey of the territory Iyiag to th. northward of the said County of Stirs•, uric range of townships lying iryaediahly contiguous to Bks northerly boundary of the,said County, shall be at- tached to and become part of the said in- tended new District ; and that at any con- venient time subsequent to the surrey of the said range of townships, a. aforesaid, at shall and may be lawful to and for the Governor, Lieutenant Governor, or person administering the governineot of this Pro - "ince, by and with the advice and colleen( of Her Majesty's Executive Council for the affairs thereof, to divide the ■aid new Uta - trice into two counties, udder such native slot w:th such linos as may be expedient." i By oho above clause, the anticipated diri- ' Sion of the Iluron District was contempla- ted ; and as the townships of Mornington and \Vrliesley aro in the range reserved, - and though Ocludud in the Wellington District by the Act 8, Vic. chap. 7, (which act describe the limits of all counties and districts), it was done by a mistake, or tbrough the inadvertence or neglect of the thea member for the County of lluron, Dr. Du 1 p, a d be ides is only in the s'kedule been recommended by school authorities is the neighbouring States; sod also, if possible. En- gravings of the aerie. of plans of Common School - boasts which have beeo adopted and recom- mended by the 1:doeauo*al Committee of Her c nor-: c Do n ea e W that act, DO enactment being made to repeal the right. The 7 Will. 4. chap. 116, (assented to in 1838), established the Wellington Dis- trict -and in the preamble a triangular piece of land is referred to, to the north of the Huron District; which • casual reader of the act might thank referred to the land la the north range behind North Easthope, Huron District) but it does not, -for whet that triangular piece of lurid is, is fixed by the 8- Vict : chap. 22. sec :11. [ 1845] and is referable solely to the Township of Arthur, -which the Bill fur the District of Peel, Majesty's Privy Centred io number d. The Es- awe, not affect or touch. To prevent pre- scription will exceed ie the month. of flier. encroachments on fh h, Act 9 the you., tad will . iolume. he. be worth the lob- Viet : chap. 47. [1846] was reseed, which sen Another r objiceect of the the i Another slyest of the Second Volume will be, declares that the territory to the north, to explain any modifications which may be made (not then heretofore included io the Wel- ts the School law in connexion with its present lington ver Siwcoe District,) should belong wui0ns. . to the Huron District. Of tine territory, A third and prominent object of the Seeomd the Beck of Land to the north of the Logan PROSPECTUS or Tan Chemise( Nersispaper 101 Snook Amerriee, TES AIATIS/113. AT ONE DOLLAR tea •Ilintlal-114•Arti• 51.1 in rinv•70111. 10 now published In the City of Toronto, • weekly quarto Newspaper of eigbt pages, deemed tu Ildruelaneous Literature, Moral Philueophy, Political Economy, and Greer - al Science, comporting such eubjects as, cunt ributs to the instruction, improve- ment end amumnsient of all classes or Si et. ety. llut the ware design of it is, to inuiice the elevation of the Mechanical and other the scale of being which it is the privilege, Ind ohuuld be the ambition, of ell to sttetti. Among the numerous periodicals of the day, there is not one dee.ted to the more, improseineut of the people, but le chiefly dietinguisheal fur its pertizan zeal or religi- ous peculiaritiee. It will 1m the protioce ot tn. orepueed publication to fill up the vacuum betwoen these two unavoidable extremes by prosentine, every week, tu the reader's consideratiiin, sucli all Will strengthen the intellect, refine the Miner and abut • all, mend the heart. tre lamentable prevalence of dishooesty and thlechood, iliecuterable in the bemuse transections of every day life, among seve- ral cleaves ur the couneunity-whu, from customs, regard them as essential to "occur to their %WIWI' enterpriser-e-Jewande that eoreetbing be done tu arrest the progress ut these ignublu sins, awl there by avert, irom the next geeeration at least, their tearful concomitauth and conecquences.- The effort now about to be made ; •nd it behoves all who feel an interest in the advancement uf their l'ellow•countryumn in and encourage this humble enterprise. Other subjects of vital importance to the working •nd trading portions of the com- munity, from time to tune, 'engage the kl,litur'• attention. The " truck" system, or, "Store pay,' so generally in vogue in this coentry, and *loch is the source of so much fraud, deceit, •nd diecontent, it will be the titian. of the forthcoming Journal to induce Society to The current news of the day, condensed also receive due attention. Party politics and sectarian religion will. be totally inadmissable to the pages of the Artisan ; but the fundamental principles of duty to God, to our Country and fellow- men, shall be duly inclulcatedaud enjoined. As the usual amount of reading matter it contalue, must involve • very large dis- bursement, it will be indispensable that • proportionably large eubscription hat be obtairied.o The projector would, therefore, urge. ulnae all friendly to his undertaking to sainet,ya Promoting the circulation of The Artisan anion 'their friends and neigh - To the youth of broth next's, Tke .frtisan will prove a valuable and efficient adjunct in the work of 'home education." Particu- lar attention will be paid to tender it an Volume will be, the exposition of the means GO DE R ICU FOUN DRY . Beg to 10110wie that they have now on head sod are making to order a Jorge •Amorlincol Or Cook- ies, parlour; and Mx ems plough molar. •tie every other awl, amen, coreeeeted wale the wade, which they will be happy to *ell au dm most rresoostil• terms Mr cash. meet oi eembliatinient, by the it [reduction of eelf-acting machinery, oar ouw enabled to exceute •'I orders with which they nosy be estramted for the supply cf thrashing machines, grist sad raw mills geeriog •nd every other dm- ettosuinteal peinciplee,aud with the greatest legi- bly and diepatch. The eubscribers would nleo inform the public that •• the lowest cash price will in loran, be charged lor all goods manuiactured itt their lishatent, their credit toraineee must necessarily become extremely limited. They would slut request, that all throw indepted to them either by sotto or accomar, will come forward ttttt pieced in the hands ot am mtorney for collection FOU ND. ‘.-"' miles worth of Goderich, a ease of Look- ing -glasses end Fiume. The owner is re- quested to prove property pay charges •nd remove theni from tbe pellielinue of the Aehtleld, December 17th, 18411. 460 ing 10 o'clock, say. :-.-Up to this dote tr3n quility eoet.suco '1 ho latest election re. turas •Ilow a majority in favor of Prince Louis Napoleon, ever al competitor*, uf Prince Louis proposee to raise General Comaignac to the reek of Marshall of Franc e ly to be presented to the Chaother of Depu- ties, either by Giraffe! Cavanenac or the !Ministry ef Prince Louie Napoleon. It is understood, however, that it would not include the .prisosers Vinceenes. A well reformed Pans paper says far as the urcomplete returns citable us to judge, the suffrages were divided in the Louis Napoleon, • • G6 per cent. 31 do. 4 do. The Comenssioocre who have been ap- pointed to exualine the votes will conclude their labors on Moodily sett, aril the Noti- onal Aseciehly will, on Wedneeday, pro- claim. the Preeidest a the Bipublic. We shall tken, it is lioperl, feel assured of a pen - The electirisa fur President commenced liseadeptihe 10th 'stunt, aml terminated oe Moine rioting took place ea Friday end Saturday. on the part srep• porters of Prince Lowe, hut it does not appear to h•ve been more than a street row, although the Guortla were doubled. The votes east for three of the Candi- date', Lamartmc, Rasped, and Rollin, were we insignificant that they ecucely deserve General Cavaiense, 07' Feiner Evlitmea.-We had Bogie hope that before the close of thi• memorable year, we shoulO hare been able to announce the result of the election of President of the French Republic. The election WU to he on Suaday, the 10th. The steamer of the 16th his sot yet a-r;veil. By her we shall,know the general result of that important election, altItoogb the full partic- ulars could not hate reached Lo&lon in six days from the time of elution.- Toronto the Troy Budget tells the.following "gored on." It recruit the person who blows the bellows of the organ at St. Luke's Chumls, also attends to the furnace fur warming tbe building, and having occasion, during, ser - tient, short reviews arid charactermitic notices a is in them will be given to the Journal, together with the present, as Mo:thington and Marybo- day. the best awl cheapest Modes of procertog them. rou h, and Wellesley.) "From the, quantity and quality or the rt We hope also to find room ia the Secoad signed] JOHN J. E. LINTON• material the projector has at Hs dispcmal Volume for some accounts and notices a die 0„.,,,„„o. eo,e, ow. independent of any extraneous aid, he feels systems of public instruction end educational . • , ----- ---- - confident in being able to present to the 110011e1Deare of other countriee, beth Europella THZ APPROACH NG SESSION ublic such an attractive and valuable corn - and American, as well as for aqme articles of miscellenemis literature, such IS will be specially Pilot Clothe, istheep'• Grays, &user Cloths, Kentucky Jeanie, Tweed'''. •nsi • kale variety of Englith sod heavy Blanket Coating. Also, air extensive variety of Vesting* of the most fashionable style. - Fur Cape at all prices and of all quainter,: Hats of the latest anal Volt 8PP"veli shave; Winter Gloves and Mittens; India - Rubber Shoe", and, Is •hort rivory thirig necessary to produce comfort, neatnese and respectability, su far ors drees is eoncerned, will be sold cheap fur cash or predate at the Store of THOMAS GILMOUR it CO. Goderich, Nov . 16, n848. 42 HURON DISTRICT, tN 0 TICE to that the Court of General."QuahretCerbSYcsirslit7n: of the Peace, and that of the District Court, wilt be holden in, and tor this District, on TUESDAY the second day of January next, at the Court House in the Town . of Goderich, at the hour of 10 o'clock, a.m. at which tune and place all Justices of the Peace, Ceronere, Keepers of Goals aad Holmes of Correction, High Conetablee, Constable", Bailiffs, and all others con- cerned, are hereby required to attend, to do and perform thore things whicli to their respective offices appertain. JOHN M'DONALD, Sherif 11. D. 30th November, 1848. 4541 • OF PARLIAMENT.. Filiation as cannot Mil to meet won general estertaining and instructive to young persons.- approval. But the educational wants of Upper Canada will 'PARLIAMENT meets for the MS- Tho publisher being a practical printer, a- PATCH of BUSINESS, on TIIURS- and for several years having been cowma- n kY the 18th day of JANUARY next.- cd with the Newspaper Press of Caoada, first command attestion, and determine the character of the Journal ot &location. The Conductors respectfully and earnestly solicit the continued and active co-operation of District Supennteodents, Clergymen, and other School officers ead eland@ of Edweation is pro - curia( and forwarding subscriptions. No part of the subscriptions will be applied to remune- rate the labour a editing tbe Journal : but the whole will beTexpended in defraying expenses vice, to mindthe fires,' HI the bellows in ion with its publication. charge of• coachman lateIy imparted, and Trans: -Five shilliogs per annum, in so. fore, who desire to watch the proceedings 'green' as the emerald isle of kris nativity 'ince ; sod no eubscription will be taken for 1 of th(ir Representatives, will be enabled to before the spearance of the potato rot.- lees than one year. District Commas ordenng I do so (as we shall only moon the speeches moony too otw000to ,e, ri Gloria ,,, Eood_ oae copy for the Trustees of each School Sec- of those who confine themselves to the Ms" came in the order of the exercisers to tion in their District, or an? number, not less questions before the House ) by becoming be chanted, and Patrick was directed to than fifty, will be supplied • three shillings and SUBSCRIBERS to the TRANSCRIPT. furnish the organic element. A short tilos .nine pence per copy for 1 e year. trr All communications t• le addressed to 8 As the sitting of the Legislature will be of • no considerable duration ; and as our locipula- We have made ample .arrangementh by hu some confidence, by his experience, in which we shall be enabled to give AnrtinG- 1,i, ability to accomplish this desirable en - ED but COMPREHENSIVE, and EARLY terPrme• REPORTS of all the Proceedings of the ____ 11. C. GRANT, Publisher. House on the evenings of Monday, %Vednes- day, and Friday. will be inserted in the LADIES LOOK HERE. next morning's Taeacscairr. Thou there - elapsed but no music followed the touch Mr. Dodgier' Education Office, Toronto; a ITALY. Rens* continued tranquil. On the 50, col• liery to invite the l'ope to return to Rome, left for Gaits. " Marshall Itaditaky has published an artier, dated Milan, 8th December, announcing the secession of the new Emperor, and calling em Ms army to show tbe same devotion list they have hitherto dew ie the Moe - we understand from k timt the Pope has hue divested of his temporal power, abd that he is noir a refugee frees Rome.) The reanimate iatelheemee is of little esomerst of the lady who presided at tho instrument. all letters not contenting venuttances, must be Dun will be tire uring at ime? o r Volume well be the conclusion to report the Proceedtngs ot Goilezich, Nov. 16,1848. 42 "Blow !:' whispered the fair organist.- post-paid. ing longminded speeches, ne have coal° to THOMAS GILMOUR Et CO. e Blow !" repeated the leader and "Blow ! I i• • Complete sies of the First AN eiterftive stock of Fall and Winter .."•• DRESSES of the tnost fashionable colors and patrons; also • large assortment of fancy dress goods. French -worked Capes. Collar*, Etas, Muffs, Shawls, Man- tillas, Cloaks, Lace", Gloves, Hosiery, Dress Cape, Ribbon., Shona, kc. 8.;.c., all of the very best quality and at the most reduced blast. you blow !" echoed tho entire choir, furelshed to parties wiskting to obtain it, at Fire the Session in an abridged form ; and we but not a puff found jig way into tho vacant Sbilling"Per e„ -or. promise that we will do our bcst to make SADVC•T10,1 writir t110 TRAM/Wrier a faithful record cf the 48 pipes, to wake the slumbering harmony Toronto, December. 1848. COUNTY OF WATERLOO. We are islormed on what we eossider, good erode -way, that Janson We/teeter, Esq., witl sot offer the alighteat opposition to A. J. Fermium Est, takiag seat as dm Posedeas Warier. An inveetigation took place, anti Patrick was found nettled the organ -with both his hand. tightly clenched around the bellows - handles, (a some 6ve feet long and two inches thick,) the end sunk in his mouth, hie cheeks swelled to the utmost expansion, his (lee distended, end the perspiration streaming from km face -engaged in the vigorous but vain attempt to force his breath through the pores of the wood tnto the body of the instrument. It perhape, unnecessary to say that some little time purred before the choir were able to screw their mouths into that serious pecker requi- site to the proper performance of the musi- cal surmise. STRATFORD POST -OFFICE. T 1ST OF LETTERS remai•ing in the Swat - Anderson, Robert Newell, James Branton, Catherise Porterfield, James Powell, Jame* Thimettm Richer dans, Joseph Scott, Capt. Ales. Stowers, Neil Mehra y, Desist BMWs, leho S testhdee, Jetta Tracy, Jaime Tilton H. Mumma. George Watt, tees • illepe John et el matey, James Woods, Petneh Winter, tirtoriesh Wanaeley, Joie Barley. James Bellantine, Robert Celery, William Campbell, Moore Corry, Munro Dew, John Ihtmsmore. James Dosethger, Peter Dopers. Charts. Dempster, James Grantee, John Hunter, John Kelly, Mesh ',meg, Peter !Amhara, Richard Jmn Mean, Thomas bteLeesehae, James I. LEWIS, LAW, CHANCERY, AND Immo 1849- DODF.ILICH. SA1 INGS and DOINGS of our Represen- fil)criff's Salt of Lembo. tataves. In addition to the Proceedings of Podia- - *Tient we shall, as usual, lay before our rea• HURON DISTRICT, t lippY virtue of four dere the latest Europe•n and American To Wit : " wrII8 of Fieri' News ; as well as •uch a variety of LITER• Forias,leetred out of Her Majeaty's Court ARY matter, as will alone equal in value of Queen'. Bench, and to me directed the priee of subscriptions. against the Lands and Tenements of Julia Intending Subscribers will be furnished Ann Kippen and Arnelius W. Kippen at. the with the respective suits of Ross Robertson, Robert Tae-Wsznior Tartriscaner for 5 months, Moderwell, John Eltrachan, gentleman, one, at Frye Sercurres. etc. and James Clouting ; and also by virtue Somr-Waithoor Taortsclurr for 6 months, of two writ• of Fieri Facia*, issued out of at Flea Snitothes. Her Majesty's ninon District Court. and .Weeetr Taenscauer, for 8 months, st to me directed against the Linde aod Ten- Flex SitiLLiNos ; or TEN COPIES for emeata of Julia Ann Kippen and Amclius TEN DOLLARS PER ANNUM --all %V. Kippen at the respective suits of Robert payable in adVenglis _art postage paid. Parke and Joehria Callaway. I have seized The Weeett Titeeiscnirr contain. the and taken in Execution the following pro. whole of the reading matter of the TM - one of the above Defendants a part or por- Those intending to subscribe doting the lion of Block G. in the Township of Col- session, will be pleased to notify us art soon borne, Western Division, Huron District, as possible. All subscriptions roust be pre containiog two hundred acres of Land ; Paid.' which Lands I shall offer for Sale at the MORIIIIAL Truntemomr Orrice, t Court Houle, in the town of Goderich on December 14th, 1848. Tuesday the 20th day of March next, at .1 the hour of 12 o'clock noon. Goderich Mechanics' Lyceunir .1. McDONALD, SherifH. D. PUBLIC DEBATE. Gederieh, 18th December, 1848. 47td Guzman, 20th December, 1848. Oil-1HE undersigned having been appointed by His Eleellency. the Governor General, ss Minim Soperioteedeat a Common Schools in tbe Hems lOiskiet, wilt be ready to •turnd to all eortermoadrieres coonected with the duties ,e11700•, at Ms bones is F,sat Street, CHARLES ELF.TCHER. ()NE HUNDRED BARRF.I.S choice "1." Grafted APPLES, for sale by the sub- Gederick Dec. k 1848. 45+13 ed tint the Goderich;Meehanics' Ly- ceum intend holding a PUBLIC DEDATE: tbe School Room of John Haldane, Esq., West Street, on the First Saturday in tbe are respectfully invited tn atteed. Afelojecrt-" Has the ARMY of Great Britain done more to promote bee Isdepeo- T. P. DICKINSON. 81141'1• Gederich, Dec. 90, 1848. 71111E Undersigned being about to close hie preeent business, all those IN- DEBTED TO IIIM. are reouested to call and settle their Accounts on or before the 30th ,Docemcer, inst., otherwthe they will be put suit for collection, without fail. 'AMES. GORDON. NOTICE. 1 apply to nethermost far ais Act le Icarite- mi. the mid tows. TO 'THOSE IT MAY CONCERN. A" I R. OLIVER. Waving left the whole of I.V1 his uneettled accounts with the Clerk of the lot Divis•on Court, Goderich, advises all parties indebted to hint to see that gen- tleman before the 20th of. next month. - Any information required, will be given at the office wily, where a person will bo al- ways in attendance., Goderich, June 29, 1843. '1'0 PRINTERS. TYPE FOUNDRY AND PRINTERS; FURNISHING WARE HOUSE. PIM Subscribers have opened • New -I- Type Foundry in the City of New York, where they -are ready to supply orders to any extent, for any kind of Job Fancy Type, Ink, Paper, Chimes Galley., Brass Roles, Steel. Column Ru'lee, Composing Sticks, Cases, and every article necessary for a Printing Office. - The Type, which are cast in new moulde, from entirely new sett of Matrixee, with deep countere, and warranted to be never - palmed by any!, be sold at prices to suit the limes. All the type furnished by us is hand cast." Printing Presses furnished, anal and also, S!eam Engines of the most approved pat - Composition Rollers cast for printers. liditorm of Newepapers who will buy three times 8,4 much type as their bine amount to, may give the a -bow eix-montlia• insertion in their papere, and send their pipers containtrig it to the Subeerthers. - No .78 :hen Street New York. December Ith 1847. .10B DODERIC11, C. IV. 30th November, 1848. F.CEIVED per ships Belton* and Souter It Johnny, from Liverp000l, via. Mon- treal, and for sale by the Subscribers at low rates; in quantities, or otherwise, Biles I Fancy Print", Do. bleached and unbleached Calicoes, Do, Cotton Yarn, Pieces Corderoy : and Tons Bar Iron, almoner' size., of the "crown brand." C.,7"' They also offer for rude, of rteent importation from the United States, BARRELS FINE SALT, and Chests TEA, of venous qualities. net M. SEYMOUR St CO. GODERICH, C. 30th November, 1848. VOR SALE bv the Subscriber", s: BARRELS OF LAKE HURON II F. It RINGS, v- For which Produce will be taken in payment. M. B. SEYMOUR k CO. Cbnunissioner Queen's Bench, AND CONVAYANCER, Provincial Lana .Sturveyor, Last Call ! Last Call! Last Call ! ALL persons iedebted to D. MANLEY Ifs. Co., or to ISAAC C. SHANTZ. will have an opportunity of pn.yiag %lie respective amounts to WILLIAM COWLS. on the 4th and .ith of Oc• tober neat, at tide HURON HOTEL, Goderich, after which i'mie the Bailiff...ill call upon all de- faulters, as further time cannot be given. Timothy Seed, taken invirment at the high- est Market Puce. 1st September. 1848. 34- NOTICE. A PPLICATION will be made to tbe nest Z-1- Sutton of the Proeincial Legislature, for leave to bring in a Bull to constitute and. form the following Townships and Gore, and Block of Land, •iz :-North Fouthope, South Eastheme, Downie end Crore,-Ellice, Blanchard, Fullerton, Logan and Hibbert,-.- Wellealey, Mersin:rt.:10 end hl ary herring h, and Weutern hallo( Wilmot, and the Block 1st of April, 1848. S lame I) WATSON, BARRISTER AND ATTORNEY AT LAW. OFFICE IN THE MAREET (WARE,' e. 8 0111. •