The Goderich Star, 1905-07-28, Page 7r
- i8low VOLM �� 94UM KA(Z ff"M 14LY AW ftwoo"Wo nowmaw tioueo bad Uft b" fm 'Ame, 3,1= , w=.. = so " I= T"T ift sea. Wt *A" r%~90"
"a 4M :2 3% go I TA" 111111101011111101 tA to a 4NOW, bot a littlile tArtalusiow as4 Um" IF. k" = 031' J" isiouvitt"060*6 111"t Ift SPIA 10111 WAN*W 0110MV0111111011 IAL 0100k0t TOM 110" WWAd go ~ fAW 4" *A11 3404 3rors," to XVW*V* 440 Ow"Iro" XNA Wv Vp X"o 111 411140 two 11611110 Vbw to wo"siose *A 4d QW j.V%AW~y zKoon" x0i" TW% ovot to me vat(oo" 44rift 1100 UkAK "444104 14 V" Wook Wbkm aft"haswo W40 ot,� V :" V bw liu. ftt w" NAWay W* , *A", of
b" Tbk Ita ""6d" OVW IV 0W 2`01,11. bow AM*AA*4W at c000ftiow, A poebw Ot W*V0011%1*9 *4 V1014*041 IK* WAWW 4114 30 1110094" " b" 4W 11or 1W 10" oft un was 06*w r"W0*" t��U v:Z, aavo jo 4***so" "40710%ho fQ440# '61itlick 41w $wthiw "t orVAU" Ati,4611A Alit OXW w" W" a* 6 SM7 I va"k- , rkw st* Jwd to so�w- Pau
*4 1;44 P0FW*t*^ 4A *0 J4#%J"" ArAbWwo to appOst a cososai%usit ovory king *Ww a Q sriaow Tak"w
UVM 94"11111110110- st Uit lWoop, 14 *bomt, W, I)* 47#04" 'aiii4ppoiiiii 16, 0^00 9 voisopw , *,Ilk 'the XNwilec. ow* axtoirl %V*W4 a lowit. 04 uto ior 16 ?!4 of What A mv* im 4TAW-414W *at 11""W4 oc WAY **A vkfty this to this, T4 W*Tck pt thlw Torouiow. wislich is recknood at alpsoiK ys,rio,vft h"w 104, , *#W 'Afirkiag *so ii%yor VWY qWtWAA Of Us 4s MMW# $at" UP kl* PUUtQX'X fOrtark AS ovit ot Itlito pity"t 4W.@1W*0Q4W oi- *tit** 0 VIAW"'too" has (iii4iltioIt
1Uft 0* *X51 *01111016 of tho kbia ritish jr4ce, related to powositiAr* wbick it. is net nii9ro WOO t4A that VU14 ys tb* SAQAdOa suck 4ttlehiritiOU teRn 4lisso JQIIVVW#ffg ask *4 bw 'low ow bwwlft %ommo . oVJW`L4W )r"" QK stot bsr4 t9 VQJ;�yJ#K4 U* *X* Wro4g)y QVQXV (Tay b9AIV 1CQ4dUCtQ Whili Q Usu Mail, ox tilo XW 00 *U* th4ot A 0OW44*st It Jodk- *Ad "4 PWOWO , r tk y 66000AN: tho "Now of 4 a So lovis to *sture )W 004 "qUltaito, go the, oldiVat hot 112 y0aris. At 00 7% Nowwwatsot cbwo�iw. 10Q. bom W Qtwv. I*ate% aind not him xhikt bftuoq0WW, *AttQ7104 UP *Ud 40WO Ot 0114111- "IlkO TAlkalilligO. lit0k, lima, tbo
this cloomwit r*- I ths-kod the 1*4ly iw how XW.0*3w. b"IntibW Of 16' OMO W01111,16#406 Will 4W asks( to 4WA Altv the Nov*. ]�Vfry lawilv "* its tr4411:104 of to tu 94 *A. "tut b" try- V0 V4004. swieltok AU4 10490W 9.4re, dockorliki. whom W44 bit'! iv -44 this O"t, vulch vc0unto. pelliape,I *bkk wim, AU 094 dopowtIA00 -or Ow Mel ug Irwoo 0404 wai0t, otlit"... 4t tt ap to, to this 4p" of Xob*%, 444, 311141411, MY XIAQ M$Milt t4, the AA kwd 4hat if) ihvoigif a0vil meat of Q aftr COOL Apposlotly a ot 44ort will hoory ot 09verm"t for he rpvliu,�w iiiltlii whip1s any AOM L , this roowk I* *10 thf� people. Itlis posoll. 'he 1019 ig voco"Aw, and Q*
at coxtuags, of i at tho x1ft frow such. A son a= aawt uAtil ^lwkV tu o "r"Vol6w JolprolAble otoir is, 0kr-,T1;it*A W1309 01XX :pr,' , to t *wAilatIm1W, oarvat Irow t1se, rotted sha wxmuw 4 wOr4 of *vOlogy. full abeolutw, JAQAAr4LW National 0 as "4*04 to "it, 9W lro";Afor, A* otiddiluly 4by Twly WAY ilaskis clear to the by the overoijius, at 0*0 "Iqws:, thrown. at Wirs grown sick wilthhop-0 ik %44140400141 T40coshl" X*09*1 Wqcattol sold ulfoto, wr000k **A drow,14W MI*r the pwtiou -cit 06 f4ir-mialw, uritiroket *1111 not 14114co, au� -of the h0WQVo0`# 44 *Pt fMPA 114 - ON0411ity. *1114 tW* t**WY "'JUt tht nid. vp of tbs upper "4 lowqt,,, *Xtrseall Invoiltisktor. "My ungrodi lady" has WIX&I's llaeft is a see# an Awlitit, r , And 000 example. of this PW.t is tho them kAQ.WA .1% QU4 stAQUAr'. ti L �Puqwlvw- stumps. Uw* howly *op- -0 uwd 1,90 to Ality, for, though spure, thimilt, Quo Of 000" 4R C104W of the, 4COMMUIlity consl5tv. In a "will" Web tutl*10 svoi W04 of bou"49 fo;rXIQ XW It I W ftimid'ay I*tQfit ;Woaeltit f1%. U41AR rough,
ich* 'be ntb#r0L wl" liket, 61jtna
wox wroth. Need, Ill h114 an **ovis tm �, wrixto A" a feOL b* -SuAdvtWo thees Xqq vA p," coitwitult" a -it! L 1"I pwil. from, the back 0.1 *U -ill!ot W the day Away ftm V* olukiao-OR' liv. froul Intellect? Von I a I only. tbi .4 has, allwok boft A 04vig. I ,l 0 ito 4)14C ittork L 0 ow %ttvw Wbvllt its wello inthic(I tq 4c (ow 1s`AV0V;' to lorw, not tb.0 howchoii wharo zoalit Wiit. *f4d Abu* Of U tu Of too "ti" wr"�") 1*� QUIY with- io,At4 of the Ahlimial 10W. 4 would 11 I the"* pvopertv milm, (PP44 nw. $11 ;AW to honeillts ght Ott d slo$ At tbQr I And Atilla. Itut *W 'With Xpind. I k%lwoyo, K*h III theQry Ail wortli milticto J*, 44 hadir at all t44t is, 400,th- cratheroforo, xw*ect- 40s b0ca, dollglit(tig yjAc4X trikiallf throughout We p OVO of 6-VIG 5ho, v4s !L":1 of Vk . .4 I .
0104141I *Ad, terrible.- but I ise4pitziod; Ank disobeying tbe I*tt*F pallet It I - In r t hiii; Is .4 vwde#t "llt �el cotaporlil ofs: Of In feirmer days bliAhIlli, not actqa voi. (10 hot "orolso my, reason. I- 414 Plied fcuirteeav god % barnlike struco It IM h etMft ta Vain for tbQ'r4bJft but jU YOU to Wp. e. , aor-,014 to
, yon �Atirsly bwop, to omxfiatev a' oQuanittoo, ihoill Nvitli some nblclk 114, 04 CV4 A op�4 to form a, brau,WA In set. of tho dbtsqx�ror yo his people the baWidto 0 a tofx- , TOWS .ut 419 Uot think my efforts, evil?" 'And giltft I*Ity *44'clem� �for the porti(Alo. of L, Igo t0illbg PA10. of.lutcixt� ovom PLAolub, unil tboU to a"Qqlaltii, to tg)4— U U0 )T*po", 04 for the Q4h*zIL' I's lop,i, ut 9:11 fUoM , Ilowed . . Vofq�g. A d, 4 . )(41 cowd4wisig What pr*ct1gQ Away.c*A at, tk%go, vr� Mlsh% Avarqv. f t b *1113 i�911 toy OQWtk upon Ahet 400*0 14
41, 0 L Qt 1,$% lot L %he
, she '44 bite AM 11AQW" at� t �44:111 or 64 W bornticiA I -0 ist A Was *Uftfelnt to 104d tQ dj$trlVts` 4htQ county Or borcliiiilh their uWformai VARPW .0 the *dopt(A uplt.4, 4.ctiork, on; L, 441; 11w*r4o-"l 101* far* $Qrtulod, by ',th* cipw�U4,11RIUA, $04P YQU Are In tbik armpti, thcittghti,, wi,th, c eight pqttb, V<lu� must *ue 0A ilit #Ublmt Of Wo.4 c bing given to the . tiefi: in Copd loployW1 In t1j;j Zrade by 041 highoot, sluthorl � al re- '0bWVaAceA to L sa AMA- V44W tct'jolit feguV4 fog proot ot to 11tho ot which 'allibsoctuently Oft W011K To XW POMI.
loputh Attics, thlitt,tbli �>T of It- of ialliqlPat oustwill#, tb*t bat- 06wi cAa' The asan lotenoft, cold ifilight AB' h row J* not 1hi er c4 CitanW111,�er jhq.,aut ipt ei 0
to. 114R 1) "- roun(l "the gh bra ch 00� As not ovquo 04 J�hie r,*V of AaJIQ for sJL'$iy._4Vii yc'Urs' 41't thQ' C-PUrt'ot UAnJQ Vt two 404
anji ItioSt I with q goto ikol bulwark at the worthy lodyt as Cho to @eO'"f*gt $hstrupticin Xis furAlohod _ past I in sear0a got a'Itttio Ji%.S at b to UteJJ I ht, Wbon..%to Apolat
but WO ViitrtOli VIA1100y, A'InPst� 0iftettitin oChanctlr.. 4nA- 'w consists I comixt"Wdatk W 14- d tb Vol pt stocka, Spelling shows, hetwicat�-Ilvo naut cot tali*- mouth ')if _04 � Calth generally.
ly onds, Wma, In Uso'. but the PI F""Xt, WIlth t4 DORF, st at thelto own Part Arthur, and on cido -'Thei I ON,$ -.41q UZ- AM, Twoe, veno, 9T gengritl h,ist c 4WA, Will be *MOW it IiIi h4rQ_ riptit); �h health wid, on On uOrturp and Rare of the Vailgo struck 0, t"tor"'t with Itup. A thoroughly roproriiitktivei ouo�'Tho UPI 4 f ho r4oAt pril,WworthV Unro, As It would bealled -wlthdut Of hjldrc�, to glrlw on tho Method% AMP- couldraAko no pro, mine on her and a, ITRO �- , Arcbblab6p "live tb r.' or , of -domestio and ersoLAAA liySigno 0.0 terrible exploslog occUrrfd, the oce, Ono is 14holutgly, ignequalleili , Vila t W�Quidl , - h I.. tho. dioloot ollsloosi ispsay, a row,W0010, to th0w vTk'7 o roaligatiou, of his Ilibere *o not a6 great deal known 4L4 pin I"#, X 0 vorob *11 moverelIgnt eit to the coworg".., or ''a' .0 co e! U 10 X 01, q - .104 1;'hlgh punt,, Z;-Qn,: to tllQL_ origin phgya, *Xq,;qtIV0, the, aid Qf Afr� V111111 q to a M. opporturilittex took up their enlorkency post- XviXro4.A.klqd HlinuoMf AU4 rights' W crow
owli;i; no doubt. to the fact that the so 4Xe o* anti -opowair Ould Cilutte, the American Arallawadur in 'I $$I Ocins. The injoe,liad in fprepo _t*tJV
'"PthApyi, Pot Ohl� I . 4 , breach %)Qa 11*tQ� diat'i fcinsWith, the Advice, **00. M All "e, 'Lit.
q 0 4 f Q , r', time Xfoloter 'urcli 'ilt - for
In pra 'To , Jklid verV V410I.-A ane(YOU. , Uri ChORW took UP 4W - who Ara like a band of broth bo and girls, the desire about ed" uAtter, and Wrote to thin Court ot 0111, 014(11110t their business without at yet g ma to bjKom tours feet to dW40er la the the Ivit
be encouraged. and Ill
0 IfL'A tit' i '-*jin *14
A too with the, n4 middle Of the
ChRum.y, Willi the result that he formalit. and no dillillike records will Mon 09 side. The water rus'W 1.4 w0h. tro- up livg-boon kept of whaiv actually tQ6.19 practice and 41 mendous force. and th�2vhip IlstoO to illo L,4il- ailto to'"'Itatfour,
*At wiltbi a -Iqy�`gr an ooroft *toy ;otbera rocLo I t, I C � �* , o ''L 6 , . .. I �, was informed that the 06vey estate rd a r Place over a bundre'd years ago, .laiAlth a Their , re, fe, also. of $900.000,000 had no existience itt fostered. All *1 tho woiiw� bit, the left. Capt. on the WhaWhen the combWation w4-4 J40 hoiIN, TflE_QTy'V'T_R0y,'1N.y -t. be proposed league has already oo- ._ F . * f4c bridge, and ComhaaudW Nakayama Auk formed, It to known, however, that. cured pow�lirtul guppart. of thoBAblo, oin fvoAtte Undeterred by so chilling a Proco4- rop Among baside, him. It was founded by three throttle _110r. Tf� JA go' 'tip those who have promised to act as
Q1 91 b RV =0=1,t ent, as the foregoing, there came to joh ah or two later, Dr. _U, James and Josetill-Jolegig, cut- v=xI9eqtN are the Archbishop of The crow worked har& to istop the to 0 14" eegland. a mont ton manufactvrerw, -6bught L -thib, V Ur5F 'vmd - thief Afthbillhop inrush of the water, but In vain. In _41.SCqve� ", _ W^%vo -P order to right the vesset, coal and fight., , t' .4elf"tresAIM ar
iPp. t t 0 0. cr. Apkekburn, of MaXecsort, first iii5trumonts. music and uniforms York, a, majorit� of tho bishops, cuuban $0 ru to jig 11 ';I OWN antl :FQnnsyIvl%rja, to claim certain par- other heavy artilcles on the left side At all Are, "It 104? the,,, ho. and two at least at the brothem illititce,l men of thu highest oralnenco, rQ Ar tions, of England once ovgned by his wore thrown qvorbonVo. but the ship "O;d TRIUPIQ po`.� toa age To: him, nift.� Launde#ul� ALX*. the Chief played In the bound. Sincei then the grant lawyers. scientists. oducatinn- tinued to list more heavily. L There r.Leei$40 t ancestors. who had salled In the men have forried themselves Into a prominent jflteagif�F roo, I.. I I members of both con fio�: 4P0QfJ4ti.hoeAt eood ship Mayflower. His rese�arclies, limited liability company, each hoW Houses of Parliament and noted ath- 4vas no vessel in sight, so that the 00(yow QW.0104 T10tL*"I at the AXIA9, TIM nly 1,14e to light collateral bra fate of the ship, as wellas that of aI" the World (so whes Ing a go Share, and the proceads of late$. 'Ks been able to ff' their ., sklwrl, of his family In th6 crew. seemed wealeil. uld* *ay�,�4104 t114 whole, Wttvr� r 46 the w0ft the Old CoUntry. tbo� Contest$ and concerts are 1UPARIAL RACE NEEDED,
oeombluations of wild . Alza title$ 0, of 010cover) wliere Women earn higher They cherished the same traditions ad. . the tline at its earliest On a recent night a meeting f the AWAITP,,D IWAYPTI. ktiA,dnst s $title at 40111 I V. iO,:,. formalism leave; a . ray, with himself, and clearly showed that days. when it was it, reed hand and O?Cecutivo committee of the league lai, 'v - A. be" 0 JeMo vf hoh6�, ated, waslast than A*n 4 the City of 1," or, ifteen minutes after striking the I I L 190ii .
a of pleasant. ta the State,:of, Now YorIg. The chief Part of the family estateS had com� wou its first prize wtth "God Save Wits held at the Hotel Cecil, London, mino all the electric lights on board ro of lUdivioual 14.1th will to Industries -ionfAst of the mak-, rIsed the site of what Is now the the Wag" in a contest fit colobra- were suddenly extinguished and
0401 Juoo,lqu A -V, 1. u s9*00ous . t , _r �:�
h a Iteau under the presidency of the 111shop ek: P oonsaum, 1 IT,, cominutatAOU Qt ing at colilars, nd cuffs, and the prosperous cotton _'manufactring tiou of the, corountion of Gauge IV.. at Ripon, hon among those preso,it everything was enveloeod In dark- In a; Ifer and. the sulliring of laittUdering. of' h ther a the bond has won about L5.000 in were, Sir 1&uder Brunton, noral light
town of Blackburn. Alto nqss, with the exception of it 0st AeOkh s marciep, And Hip 7;dr� alf a State:s� liven. , thebta_ nper quip, 1xv. Ue factorteo. And laundribs are sum of $75,000,000 was at stake. prize mone, not to mention another on the britigo and tho,glare of the noof a*roeod I F. Maurice, Sir Vuglio R, Beavat ill be refl,4064 more Beyond that they could not progres. thousand or, two In Instrumenta, . r
BUffosod vith -444rs �jp In 4 eMplayLd rockets telling of the disaster. Owing
e hA somAltiag like 10,000 girls,
by i pilgrima , W.VrOW caM Sir Henry Lawronco, Sir J ohn M;� I 'vivid to you go to tafafni4 of,, h, L ' ,, , , i�_ wJ%O RAM 100L , 4ao'to $25 PC -they -moZ 4pots ivillch an "t ,6 araw a , 1al Y_ In top_ r Week. All that Dr. Blackburn was able to cups and medals. Since 1884 tho dolutioll, Sir 1-1. Cralk, Sir H�u h Oil� to the list the boats on the star- ii hot ortly-dioriguired IS, achieve was the redemption of his band has taken patt in nearly 900 Reid, and the Rev. It. CUS,311 board side could not be launched.
tioli oare4)�, they W4111 be activ- tlircuSK and tO t4olr inau&try and Pa- zean by filth and chi "od T4attara
raged bqyci -recog4i-
w sitions. the heads of certain de- fanifly c-oat-of-arins from the College contests, and carried off no tower with the exception of-cong, Of those
tion by time. bit(i �Vhldb are 'ef�6r with' the advice of the Diet, Utch Whkellold,
'edUnj 'Of th L and I first prizes, launch
g Condats Of two boallops_Peare of Heralds. The rest at tN Black- that' 18 on the larboard side a steam
very uncertain or palpably false-, Partments VO paid as much as 0 a The Bishop of Ripon, if% outlining day, -vlomq had all been legally The conductor, Mr. Alexander (or i
til burn posse& wait destroyed, and only a cutter and
Tu6 summoulng, the scheme, said It was a healthy
d4' on' of 00ir by being nauseated by silly tradi- Representatives. Men Are, employed both In col-
qh closing. prorogLUIng and, dJi>- lar -making and laundering, but as and properly disposed of, and the due �Alee, as e mly sign that public attention was lcing one other boat were avatlIons and worse thilA silly 141bles;, by opow uown) Owen,, is a Stalybridge man, At i2.42 elm. the vessel commun- In a tiny;rectalagle, -tu6h as' solving of,the Diet or, of the Empor- they only attend to the rough work, order of succession, unimpeachably more and more directed to the phy- In but all the man livw and are employ- I 11 slica condition of the otgat `tbeo, 0 Joro, 21dre. use- In make-believe play. In- or's broroi;*ttAves. such as running the -machinery, s-tok- pbserred, Boss S. people touted the disaster to o9ir squadron and
a Ing, attending to the eugires, dtc.,' FORGING A WTLL. ed in the neighborhood of to which are hi�ddled porhaps''n dozen The ealkace of,tlie ])let does n to and that a wider and nobler concp- by means of wireless- -telegraph, u 13g" my ,14et d For the most part, they are ongag- tion of Christian dut, the crow had nothing to do but to historic events, where 'the garidott. of however, 'lixot t1jo legislative power they recolVo, wages, which do mot A Alitcham family had as bootless ad in bleaebing, printhirr end dye v was flow (on- JoIr oalo)-A' I went 1hiduglit 4' recapi- Christ's tow the average more than $16 or $11 tertalned, A great statesman had await the sinking of the vessel. b is the size of 7i Rmall cd tUtf Etiaperor at tli4ie when a a chitse after u. sufaller fortune, and works, and spluning mills, one, in- Capt. Ishlbashl. Oil the fore to gaege. 'AV suci� week truly said that it was of little ad- it" room. and wherw �Golgotha Iq on Driet Is not sittIng. thneo all the Year round. in the end they had to take criminal deed, being a coal minor. vantage for Britons to popess , In,- bridge, addressed the (wow. 5Q0 in blth� havo.. been libattilroh4 - by the first. floor, first ,turping to right," sudden . emergencies mat, be met by A short time ago the head women proceedings against the man who a,'io�kdqtj�,ll re- Imperial perial realms unless they were an Ini- number, who had assembled on the Ulu 04riotivao Da and Good Friday ox'dinatices hiqiVIng the at- of certain factories and laundries in had instigated the hunt and caused AN ARTIST IN WORDS. perial race. The proposed league upper dock, saying that everyone on P 0, c,brds will sound more solemn 4114 feet of l4tos. Only Iliepo ordibittices Troy Arranged a mammoth entertalzir expenditure of the sum in which, they wished to impress that truth ,Pon board should equip himself with a *itlt Intrige'do' With the P1610 titto it you dismiss. your att er, a�ccdr US to 'the Coo- inent nod dance, whicli was unique in had been involve in my (11 ,q. Similar results Remarkable Gift of a Frenchman the people! litc-belt. lie continuqd: 'No one rtfiver-, verifications and your realizationsof stitution, chage-or'dify any of its way, It took place in the biggest attended the "witiMall" of a young to dious to the the Ing to King Edward. They wished, then to create must leave the ship until she sinks.
pasoe as a guide p4tional council. alive and vigilant, §ANC)=OXIP BY 77AM 4,000 girls and some ,are ac6urate Pictres Y4,4" yr-aalf- -, DIET. 500 him with $200,000 down and $30.- the vessel.' After this speech there
itexisting laws hall in Troy. and was attended by man who produced a wilt endow We will together share the fate (if about The King has accept d a short his-
0*61t; MYself.,to the Ajiom one' WOU14 ination, tory of his life, extending to some which could aupervise'and encourage men. Each girl contributed $1 to- 000 a ),,.car. On the etren-,t.h of the thn siloticu. At I a.m. the 'ove to - . Q existing agencies and which could eg- was 9010
and I gg*ln' sty 'Projects � of law �may. be initiated by wards the entertainment, which en- foged document he had proceeded lllb_ 45,000 ords, and tL fimall pen par-
tablish such where they did not at crew sung the national atithem, and
at -I
a vifithusiabliji, e t In either of the titled trait of himself. The peculiarity Lit the instance of Capt. Ishibashi.
her to brivi,; a �jentlemaa erally to "ralso the wind." preaent exist.
Rope and gratif4de. .'In AFRICAN FOREST PIGMIES 4fteuse's cofthhweettlet'. an either house Irlitivil It she chose. about the two gifts is that they are re shouted for the
Another such ruse placed the "rich- new rousing batizalb we
and (cilfes. 'are too 'to the �
may imake repiesentatiolle ona..The portrait has been wast itl- A meeting to Inaugurate the
r Oaks', thd I'Vi, to ONLY ONE GIRL IN EIGMT, est man in the world" in a folon' le u will be hold at the. Manslou Fniperor, the (,.mpire, and the navy.
SEVERAL OF THEX- ARRIVE Government' or present' addresses this gonlously niadi:i by an arrangement of ag a
y, saved U e the words, which are written very
frol' howevr. as able to secure an s- cell, ' where he languishes at House, under the presidency of the Then the crew sang a naval song
at IN. LONDON. the Emperor when'public business dia nt, This was James Ali-bers Lord Mayor. ilors.' On the con�
t or y contempt. ourtoexx a- mome t styled 'Gallant Sa
IcOrt, and It Is declared by those who minutely. The portrait is a very
mands it. The voting of the annual 4". 110na, of he itb Maratan, "the Sheffield millionaire," clusion of this song the crew were
cross' t to know -that some men re- good likeness'of his Majesty. Tho pormitted to smoke. th,
sitm of a, bread Famous Dwarfs Diecoveied by budget is, in the bands of the'House push celved us mAny as thirty or forty in- as he was more generally known. At artist is At. Safer. it ikaturalizod of Representatives. his trial for obtaining huge slims of Frenchman, who has cultivated the TROLLEY UNDER -CRANNEL. SOME WERE RESCUED.
And are commemorated .... v4th In- Staniley'On a Visit to �ed of vItAticiffs- %criptions .which Thtf House of Peers is ecompol
rhily It not infrequently happens that a man'
all members of the Imperial fat I The Tuznol Project :CAR1w No CONVIernON.- wedding takes place in Troy, and resented that he had really believed shows a visiting card -w.ith ther Nix- thers assembled oil the bridgm, and
all Princes and Marquises with here -
Col. Harrison has arrived in Lon, in the story of his having Inherited Revived! y by'falso pretences, it was rep- art of writing very small letterSL He Has Been 0 owing to tile list the captain and
To, Alexan- d1tary tenure and of a certain num- tlien,"when, the bride comes from one tional Anthem writtAin round the in the masts and netting, and wult
talr6 a few "'ba , it- We don by way of Naples and deceased uncle ah a-itate in ad for the hour of sinking. 'rho have the spot where'thbclmss W4 of the factories at laundri6s, there from a edge of it. Another curiosity was a Thu close agreement which has been
dria, haVini;- OntaTio half the size of Ireland, upon grain of w:icat, on which M. Safer 4boul-clora of out Se. accomplished the jour-. bar of Co'auts, Viscounts, and Barons ne�t from Uda, 1,,100 miles beyon& elected for periods of raven years. , Is a big turnout, for these niarri- reached between Great Britain and wtiveti rose higher and the tatiow fell
�whcro 06 mot His ages generally take place on a, had in6cribod: and the astabli-ibment 101up, : OWn '6f Oyrone was� I mother-, and one- There are also a certain --bar of which were gold and diamond mines of an thicker. At 1.10 a.m. the vessel
-Khartcount. in twenty-three uqir-iTsi- day. As it body, however, the fem- galore, making him, as the papers &at His MaJesty King Edward VII., entente cordLalo has revived the suddenly iticreased her list and, after third days, says the London Daily persons nominated ..for life by the Iden ed' to bear the cross; Where, Christ Mail. Needless to say, he ownpd Emperor in recognition of their Inine Tro�lanis do not favor matri- forth at the time, the richest rnail born November 9th. 1841, succee0ed of the building of a tunnel under the once dippbig her masts dgil� vo4k under' the.weight-al: that in the orld He lived in the great- to the throne anuary 22nd, 1901, waves, raised herself with a convul- to being ready for 'a rest, as the dis- learning or service to the State and many, probably from the fact 1"11.411511 Channel. M. Bretton, the - and then plungk-d to thu thoUglY all earlier station affirms He tances alone were very great to cover EL " tePreventatiVe of the highest they find It hard to divest themselves est luxury upao. the money oorrowed crowned August 9th, 1902, married enginver who had charge of the uper- 81ve shuddet
Pcinces" ntions on the Frau�h side of the lHhibushi and he bepo already, relieved oil the streneth,of his great expectu- March 10th, 1863, to tho botlorn. Capt.
was stripped, outo Owtherte; !it the short time available. from taxpayers( in the country, elected for of an uncomfortable notion that some on ''The three bi.�ats which had boan Lado to the Ituri Forest and back Periods of seven years. The total of the men have axtful achemes tions, kept fast �orsys, wore the Alexandra of Derimark-born Docem- Channel, and subsegut-litly paid a crew were thrown into flat, live. wiped tke sweat trom richest of gannents, boasted of bar 1st, 1844. being over 1,000 miles, which was number of inembere of this house is hand for getting possession of the -N li,lt to the works at Sangatto, bidt�. 'Trace linq by line the yachts and palaces and Itoyal invita- Their Majesties have had issues: lovkared from the ship were fOrtuu-
lished in five weeks' journey- 869. "higher wage." tions, Brill went alwas armed with, "cargo Prince of Wales, born JunL, a) out seven miles on the coast west utely afloat with their regulation ccintompdrariecius, record'uta'Inted . by accumP I 0 f Calais, under the shelter of Cape "and which al Infir. The 116use of Repposentatives hae Weddings have taken place in Troy some half-do7on revolvers. In reality 3rLI. 1865, married July Oth 1893, crews oil buard. They 4id their ut- and Is uncorrupt The return journey was particular- 879 seats occupied by members from at which ever 100 bridesmaids have ry 'of 'Teck, iliac Nw.. states that a strong el- ticartiiin votco of tradi- he was a drapr's assistant earni to Princess Victoria Ma most to remetio the officers and men,
elect- been present, while t4 -ty or forty ng ImIng, made I
tife I ly arduous, as all the donkeys were the vario, fort In 0 open work net one syllable In sup- us electoral districts, $7 a weok.. Now hL Is undorgoing Princess Louise, born February to but the rate of the boats. thetusuivea port of Be . Verall alleged incidents In- given up to the piginies. ad by 'a secret single ballot. The is it very ordinary ifumber, Fortu- 20th, 1867, married July 27th, 188�j, again. rhe French Channel n n0l seemed at thnes precarious. A few -ka are on it scale which quite put 1erp0Iqtcd* by a posthum Oolonel Harrison tells an interest- electors wro male, "Japanes, subjects nately for the groom's pocket�bocok, three yearW Penal servitude.
A couple. of years. ago the Mile End to Alexander, Duke of File. woi minutes le(o, however, a searchlight ous plAglar Prin the Channel tunne -ing story of -how-he-came In touch of not less. than 26 years f age, who gifts to the bridesmaids are not mis- ces Victoria, born uly lith, Ifito tb(r Ahado was observed In a soutll-t-a.�Lprly dlk- loil. to, AcLoVidiance which toinarY, white, on the other hand, workhouse was ringing with the tid- workF ()it the foot of shakespeare s ectiou. lllight approached and Q41!k locall-10 some of the principal with the pignales, and, as 0, matter have paid ten yen (about $5 In ings that it emkrtained a million- 1868. it Is very unsual for a girl to ac- a 04 a, W fell undoxittefily occurrea. of fact. it was perfectly well known American rnoneT) at least in Imperil- Princess )Iaud, burn Noveniher 26th CUIT, I)over. Tho tunnol oil the disclosed t,) view the warship Otowa. cePt an Invitation to attend the cerE" airerg. The heroine of the story cer- French Mile Is constructed for about voine to tho cescuo. The It is. .41414lt to kealixe that even the that one of the objects of his ex- al taxes for a a year previously if InIN Ii%ed up to the part. 'I Io I ho 1869, Marrikd uly 22nd , IS9(3, to which had Dolorossu," I the route podition was to secure, it possible, oil land; for two years if in other many without providing sonle little in ' Prince Chack'S of lit -11111111'11. thre"uarter" of a nille under the latter Htopp(ld ,It a distance of 00 taxes. present. chaplain of the in�stitutlon she pre- W901iiist on His way to the far ructilcal and scleintIlle purposes, Executed by J. Soler, sea in the grey chalk formativa. aucl, from the steno of the iisas- 1 1 Officer of tho Academy, Miniature At,- except that water han been allowed ter, illutined the scene with all Ile" Was not expressly men- , few of thn tiny inhabitants of the Candidates, must be male Japanese In order to assist -the young couple sented h,r disposing of $3 - $2,000,000 'until of in the early days of their housekeep- 250,000. in sums such as tist, 11a.1,18, to acounulate from the "wooping" of mearchlightH and despatched three Vaned the siAeonth century. great forest. subjects of not lessthan 90 years a evout Itoinall "k F) 000 for chwritable institutions, and The writing was w'alE �.TANLR,Y DWARFS- age. The following are disqualified: InIg Q, Party" I often, ar- eg quite logibl,, but thv unprotecteod svrntvt. the tunnel boots to tho resaue, At sight of 4oho
a ruagn
0 tholic at Jorsalem the- glaring Offy-ers of the Imperial household, ranged, some time prev�ouq to the "a forth. ITer beque6ts were r ar((- flying glass ninde the task of Is In prAeticaUy tho same condition Otowa tlip liLkti, who had resigned falsehood Of the Idgendd, he ffilly 10139 judges, public auditors, revenue col- -eddiny. when all thosv invited are reading It tiasy. Nr. 4ofo,r doos its when the v�urk wa-v stopped rome themselves to) He has brought six of them a ed us bona lide, and the )ad * v had an death, rutted cries for ploaded to the chargc,,bu� his d,- ith him, and all of 'them are lectorg, police ofticials, officers In expected to bring some girt or Innings of luxury and coin fort. w It flat use it magnifying glass Nvhcn lie iarq ago. ll'hiR is also the case bj�lp, thua increasing the sadness of 100co, wa§-"Werer we to admit to tho the g6kildne Stanley dwarfs, at the either of the services (army and A CULINAT(Y, NATURE. all endefl In tho police-couri, here is writing a neat, Clear hund, with with tho, tunnel hentling at Dover, the scene' liked, alleged spurious sp-clatens whtuh the lady was called to account for letters about the size of a pill's which -rlins about a nille to sea, Dospite the efforts of the boats, Icatbil the slightest daubta can- peared In one or two 'coull- lauvy); priests, teachers of prim,iry Much amusement is occa,sioned at tht,.sp said iuxuries-for which sht' head. He uses a special ink of his. M. Bretton said that it Is d only 133 PertiOns. including Capt. 04PWng the inipst unimpo ,tant I the have a, propo I schools, Officials connected with the these parties as each guest arrive9, had not paki, nor hope#] to be ablo own manufacture, and he writes with to make a doublo ]Inv through X. Ishlbashi, were sved, more than 860 Itkiidition's; we might - saw the seeds tries. elections, bankrupts and all who one bringing a. rolling -pin. another a hp being lost, Including Commander ir con, it quill peii. M. Safer has all albuin tunhel, and the dbotance would ot Reopticism, so wo d6clarei that they It was not easy to win the have been or are set of sauce -pans, a third a ntmeg- it died AW, all unquestionably true; and frdence. As the little � "pecittieni "UqCLE, HOLLAND." full or appreciative let(orm from dis- cu%ered In al'out half -an -hour, electri- NakayaUla. A number of me After all, our false ads do It foun-d small vil- UNDER CRIMINAL SENTENCE. grater, a fourth a kettle, and so on tinguished people of all nationaltles. cl-ty b,in t exposure after being picked PAM, lap after village. The natives were The presient of elthar house re- right through the whole gamut of reccritly still we bed P I orre g he motive power. The tun- from thp Spanish village black- tit I could be driven at fifty feet a day UP." YET Ulicoisirvlkcm apparently well-disposea, They came ceives a salary of 5,000 )ran (about kitchen* necessurics until thelve to no and enold be completed in fram three figuring as clainiant to t lie WHAT'S IN A NICKNAME. 'it last tesourc6l aPpIv to- the in in the evening and danced before $21,500 in our money) per antillin: thing left for the young couple to ast rstates of the Marquis do Casa to fivo years, according to circlim- LOGICAL INPEIWNCE Woli'arit, at ither "SJ�tfrs �f Zion," the visitors, but In the middle of the the %I cc-pKesi dents receive 13,000 yen provide. Riera. Iliosts of PPOPle accepted the tAncei. From tho engirwering point $1,500), and the ordinary It is computed that the laundry IV "Tommy" Costs Britain a Million 'Auto which is built part,of,the "Ecila I night they disappeared mysteriously. (about of View, 111. Bretton thought the Francis Bacon had )list written iThis happened on three successive oc- members 2,000 yen (about $1.000), and factory girls of Trov are paid docurnents as genuino until five a Year.
1003op" arch, Whellce, It is said, "I onlhg ago. NNhen It wag discoven-d construction of a Channel tunnel these wordw ''iteadIng maketh a full ' ILUO' 4`ho,WQd 'Our SO.Viclur, to the cantons. Thai% at last anotherito vil- besides traveling expenses. close on $200,000 a week, or 810,- MaJor-Oonoral Moody, npeaking nt wotil(i be comparatively simple. tiatill. pi . " As a matter. of,fact it is I ]age an encountered, 'where the In- A menilbor may, so It ig not that the pot�ntial millionaire was hj� t4topped to reflect p oulaC6 it ne chaosir;. do- 000,000 a year, and the utisophi"ticate(I tw)l of an n n- a inocting of the Army League tit 0 411:0robability the reniains of 4 e -,habitants wore more friendly and ag�cllhti to receive a salary, anti there surprising to learn that rnanv of 9LruPI1I0I1F- band (If adventurers by London, said he strongly objected to If that is true," he said, "writing 3h4h triumphal arch f,tha'.time ot'luck would have it one of Oka boys have already been some Instance" of them 'vcho are of a saving nature w LIENS RULE EAST LONDON. Ulaketh an empt man k4rlan In Col. Harrison'& party could speak'this. The Diet Is to i.a convoked have conitortabip little fortuncR to hoin he and his - ympalhizern ha�t the use or lite vrord "Tommy" s ap- A this Idea, how- The lad� who 7conducted ibeen inerefle-;sly Pxplolted. piled to soldiers, Wisely suppress4ing
Inie'over the bullding,was not only Swahili, which was understood by'every Year. The first session was In their credit In 1he varloing Wine -tuno-hunig aTe the "I bot6lvo Ole word In costing 'he Have Driven Britons From ever, be continued to writt, I T orne of thf-Re fui in Wof Informed and *011' Oducated, but the pigmice. The question wns P�L�.1890; In the fifteen yearn since there banks a6d other Institution.. bay I .1 I Trades Contract There. NOVIINO WRONO ON IIIS SIDE.
teorno of cruel hoaxes, Typical wrts co u " try a toillion a year,'' �WAII df�tfngutshed by, cartalln charoc-'to lhom as to whether they were have been.. owing to dissolutions, are, moreover, well looked after hv "It is breaking down the self-respect rho ina,i had been grunibling stead
the case of an old rnnn name(] (lood- The annual report of the Chief III -
Of Mant r 1� b twenty-four sessions their amplovers, live In comfortable of . funny soldleTs, and it preyonts upector of Pactoriva'af Ureat Britain ity for halt an houttipto his seat -mate. to the win, who. in answer to an adv a otherwise would be contains several interesting references whoin he had never seen before. TIC g er atta—_ of t6611,11 life, hunter oft big travels folt- invot, �old all that lie he(] Iner IdlerR." had grumbled about business, Politicil @A' tu fit Win "drii or tti� PT( -t ay titifirlers, 'have fhelr own clubs an Mon Joilling wh
It Aiddtoliped bar, 111. am . neither a! nitiono." They were told that be said to have beon ext)erloictital. societies, work repular hours, and r
to conie frorn 11glatird, o the
1110046r,hor A aceptic; I wish to be per.: wollid lie carefully looked after The personnel of both house% was lead healfhv and pleaqatit I-1vios. Alto- A(l0ralln in The Ocneral alAo ronsidorA it to the Influx of foreigners to war, police, vacations, church, child- I' trades of London. INUAded Of thi- authiJ16CRY of the brought bgLek again, and they readily !being trained and disciollned. and gether there Is littlo doubt that Troy to rlairn $4150,000 which, it was an- scandalous that th(lr,- should lie tit The Aomen inspectors have perti- con, railroads, schocilq, farnis. news- 64 esi, of ho Most mom�litol)4 even ti) hild heen bPrIiienth,,d it) him present 21,000 men confined In niffl- cularly noticed thin displacement (if papers and that unfailing scapegoat
the principles of vwrty governmod possIcssrs the best-pald and most con- big "I'ricle Holland " The okat- tar prisons, and he thniight *,hat the n4tive born British subject in —the weather by IOU ples%q: OLD AT T11TUTY-TIllirE. of out Saviour's it were 1:61nig clearly establIshd In prac- tented factory girls in tho w9rld.
1, , , " ter Mine Into 1110 ('01111P. Uhon It it ��n onen it soldier wuR linpri4mi(id the En"t-Fild wholesale iothin
1111&ohadd, mol" I The man beside him had borne all
Irout of them are males and two was proved that there existed no,ither the armv 0ould let hini gn, und tty dressmaking and othor don n to silence am sure �l I For, executtito purposes the Clovern- tph c f. - that neemed necessary, und at last
thitil succeed. This Stolle oil whIchlof them are females. Their height thent in it h, Ided Into CHANCES OF MARRYIN(I. will nor thotirand-, Thp poor old something else. Stepney preforonce Is shown f(Ir for- bethought hitri of a Way ou . , by ; varies from fl feet 8 inches to 4 feet A woman*s chance to marry The ob%olete Ballot Act fur tho mil- eign w�rkpeople. were
UrO standing wtW,On6 trod molits, iiii-niely: Home Ailairs, Par- at man wriq now ahsolut,-Iv estittite. the grumbIvr if such n, thing
feet. Froln that, jurio, possible
lirch the 6 Inches. Taller than thin threy never olgn Affairs, Finance. Communica- from flitee-i to twenty years of ag is and onl% I hroligh iiii, ox�rcli;o of Ilia, hi- argued. might with AdN n7e There 14 no sign yet of any TIO"1114h Od'vetirtotil ovelAtIned to the grow.- Of the women, one may have tiums, Agriculture and Commerce, said to be 14J per c(.-nt. From twen- prl%a(,, pbilnnthropy wnm li� nblo to tage ho revived. nod boys sho,ild 1) of foreign worl(A-rs to the retail "Are your doinestic relations agree -
Mob, li'lloblold the Miltnt " #kh1s slab " to be left behind fill Cairo. She to twenty -11,e the chariot, 19 him for he ruy s I hey (It (1, widdenly, turning Is -essinaking trade of the %Vost-F.nd.
I,' ducation, Justico, thin Army and Ily In- collect able?" he aqko
was barely tw6t.V, ards ori—'old, and, unfortunately. Is suffering the Navy. Fach of these 4epart- ereafied to 52 per cent,; from twen(y-,back to iho land which h� had lilft worto for the navy, en which thig w an inquisitive ga7v on his companion.
trado no )"W40f the PIB66 Where 1,10 s1iink fdr f. -o -n the a0lbets, of wou-mlo Inflictd five to thirty it diminishes to 18 per to claho file fortune declred to be Major ploper Cahlberk aininfolned "Yes. they, are"' rnapped the grum- mento comprises sAvoral btirenup and th,, West-Fnd Is r f alod by
.41 qt'. time U)Idbr the cress. by Poisoned arrows. presumably In a in ubder the control of a Minister of cent.: from thirty to thirty-five It rightly his that tho degeneracy upparptit In tho one of thn Inspectorn. Thereevis hair 4 r bler m Ivif,-'q relations that
diminishes to 15� From , of nt- roinks of tbe llritlsh arinv was caliq-1 tribal raid. Her age Is about thirty , cour-P iilll,; flo turn IT) in o ly a street in that district, she sayn, Make all the
�4tftte per cent
*,StQP," said I, thtot" w ve a- thirty-five to forty the Chances of all of-thn-wn% plarflii. and hrin? nl)()Ilt by the necessity for fmll4t Illg 1H ('t' w it hout olle or mor,,. atid sometimes jitflig her three, but then to natives li le I These nino Ministers, together with unmarricd worann sink fl� per ;:PTIt.; ittariling rl1ninxPg In thp lhoq of uno-lHirablos In cirder to maintain III-, P�- many retail dressmakers. They give
emotional �Ofotihetide, "thik, vand fort In anv ctreumetaincee. Her a Mil nister-Preal dent, r Premier, from forty to forty-five a still irtb- otinnPeted Ieziltdes. Cho, T)(ihl,,tyinn'ialtal)lishmt-iit. lJoyn wern I ik -n employment to crowds of woman and ANTI XI'4SINO LEAOUP.
liblij, 14 mot -Aly 4r0ftt Att�dddVeflQrg lien In the fact form the Cabinet.' One 0 Voting gir1q. who floch westwaid A fillip r,d blittoll norn by noolo other official , diminution Is seen, her chance ,,ill lnV hiddon for vearn III th,, 1�g frorn th, poorf-st and Imi-st via , fbigo W110 is the authority and that facially she 19'stronaly sulWcs-,enjoyn inininterial rank. out without being but 2J. From forty-five to n Pr cnryw lo light who wv�rp frequently deficient ilaily froin the muhurbs. A01.0 k4060, "the authb�lts, othoil Cn the other liand. the Younger Cabinet—the Minloter arier the ship in :stainitin and physique, in moral 800 wont".11. ('101 and Young, tuarriod
thili tivitleand0l' "Alithorltyl�' She tive of bitnian'relationship. a seat In the fifty the old maid's chance (if getting If a befNtvilll, until lst vear. III the I nited Kitigdoin, and minglo, artionf: tht- ILQdintr nocial
4 of the Imperial Household. a husl)an,l Is but three eighths of I .* and Int,,111genco, and thvy ll-,-rro
JDa,yotj require irl. hich It rn cnrr1(-(l rroin Now there wero 4.000.000 persons employ- et s (If lb., (jfN. (,r xii-xico. ti)(11-ka a
who 1.9 onl about twenty-two, I rbe V1.1ptero of War find Marino per cent.; while from fifty to wty_ " seldom lacking fit rouragi, proof Ulf Stolt Will ba,- In o Zeabwl to liml ed In 104,472 facl,,rivn. and 700,- new a now stell
Xceedlngl goodlooking. Santa of In are independent of party politics and n (1pniing with what i., rtill little. round ied
five she Is supposed to) have but on fy the ;Cfllv V,f nolh,r laqt 000 employed in 146.172 worknhops III prok�rv
sathe Worran are retilly vary Hand- do w3t go out Of 61MCO at a change quart,er of I pet, cont of a chfince. It 0 1 %raIrtage," Major 'rho number of accidonts rosto from nionitiership in what
1APIttly, joAding. . me t6 tho voot, and teRtAMPnt wan *shewomi IVIT all t same. Thorit weloo two ,daughters of of Calitniii. Ministers of tate and should, however, be added that tho niT the cirdinni-v Itol— (if n flav beck said that Inst yenr run 92600 in 1003 to 92,96H last year, is kno%%I. a. th.- %nt 1-10834ing League.
116 ihivopidit -lot 0.10 thtef who Vreto dotallill) for t1foir Governmental Delegates have the table of averages (loan not apply to "'no r 7,162 des, -rte
i0tror', "Ah'& Wilt-voitit out to v6o there was aoino, re(Inction in the Mofinhoir� ,( th, lilagui. take a solanin
'brift's cj,�01� I h nrgi-d for number of fatal accidentn-1.04, to pledff, 11(,t it, ki-%q vach othor in
cood ltyol�*, but itinfortuniLtelv their right to appear at anv time in elthr,r widows, Accurate statisticians, who ;(,fl�pr-n plaov In which it np � e I, In vnli led,
lip 46vilry IiL6)t AldrRng, father would hot allow them' to 93�' hcfAlr-a of tfild -Difit, and to address the would not be caught in a mistake for lifflo o.1.03 werto (Ilowharged as ,ot lik'L; t') 1.ois, private, in the groundthat
011if"Vildoubtedlv the tr "' Well rill -no bo�re fn q 10t, fro,n nd['hero were 3,000 propecutions f(ir kisning tor rather, the Ilio tlovgo to, the the world, affirm that. a widow of NX
likviiiig ithick 11091 toot alruilist, tkn , k 4 VjrVpt, to nrownt th, Aprond of the committed to military prisons 'A rf thdi any age has at least soventy-six- violation of the In%,. an Increano of menoR of conveying c,,ntngi,)Ua Is -
indicated drift rld,"4 and ddt,k dOniplWons, vVith-1 CURIOUS rimnip"NOES spinster drawing power. and p)ogui- rsning In #hp illpfrict where 305 over the preceding year. pages fi—ni .mc rnir lip to thero�her.
whero %to met vfto " duffst Vair. place her figure tip to lb, will hn,l lwpii r�saffol. t Abt reC6Vd0d Ohio" 4 11 CUrioun have been the nintrint'inial The widoWo chances at any age are T1117ANT(Al i�� X obooWd'. �*Tbolo<e for tho . or enbei of Urg, rIf2albeth Bu2zard therefore seventy-six to eight -f%,i Ihe into Mills oil 0livrInn(I left FAIAS FOtt .14141PI4. lJOW IIAIIJ M(OWq. 8 WEALTH XIIIIIJUA, Y
swiofith of lCentiaek3r. She began life an Eli- thyles better than that of a spinster, OA e, foul. 11 - dd hat 'rmtl to Divorce procedure: In Durrha, to gim- %cory of �xill- " III i 11h Ships %%III Noon have earq—varni It is a eurloun furt that a boy's i) liockefelloir In it few yeara f ?r . Comity, m4uk 61the eonI nod 0111V Initrurnpio qvttlinir t he Her (ItIA venture (out- lie did nat that life togother ih An 1hipossibilitV, id 1ho hOlYm lifoi;it Waiii made whon podo-bunt that the captain cannot girl'a. In boyn the nv(-rng4l rato ,I rrst btlli,,naire the %%orld bag ever
villo. 'A . " 1. oe. 71ONY ORNAMENTS. al-nii, ,( flip lot, I ,d that will hoar the approach of it tor- hair growli onco-half mlowiw than a "ill be wolth $1,000,000,000, the
tal 4"06im titm, it wila t,,b,n bv a bnqgatz,� lhi44 on 0 rhe 900 out 0d buys tWo 04ndleg of she married a Ur. Martin. When Mr. A farther nenr Sunderland has POP (11 � that will hi -or the, ,ionod of growth In 3(t. 1n. In Taix youts. ip- ncen. nec"i-ding to the New York
IZ 'three. TbftNt. lhe hiniiness publication
Able iAq0ft17'8IdW, for the V90 Martin diod she married VAWAVd erected a fatmirav, the front en'- Mo. fog -bell fit' it)(' t-aling Ing oil average of .019 in per flay iftbout 18,t- Of thd ItUtUIPPIlk The thn" Cro. a faroter. At his death she trance to hin yard. which IN eornpCIA. gojng�t a dang4,ron;4 rock off n During the twenty-firtit an(I twenty- %kith tru%t%,orthy goorcep a( financial dl" kid lightW fift tfib ordmo Uibm, from the eaprice of tho t�tafor 'llilfo t,lorniv mghl elocirital (Din fodrth yen ri a rnan'o hair grown information Fintiticitil exports, at-
tudled withVIIIIaln Rabin and lived ad of bon n of varlons; kinds, all f ,
ii 0 lo ),,, the rol,, lf a u,nitliv growth t, Wild 0110 the huslinnid, Ila 11 Untl the inoVitable, dhLange. which bel'onfred, to favorite ay In niq nio mort, oensithe than hurnan earFi. quictwr than at nny ther ter iatud%ing lhv marvelous
Milo' , 06 tillo the ;6*011 Of, Wife. The Vale watch ban U�Zard. a widower, Up- at his ittlaek. His fondnefs for , thepe r,,r wiv I h4, �ouiid,. they u ill hear nr, It takeg oil eyela-ill tw,ntv k,,t-vkn to of s f,,rtanv. CoMPUto thfjkt
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