Huron Signal, 1848-05-26, Page 11 •-•-•,^1 • 4 """ .74A"Allarte gr. • • 4." • 10 .4 • ler ••• • en . • 4 ' • , • ' 4 TEN Bli I LL1N IN *PIANOS. VOLUMU L eljt 4uron Vim!, "THE GREATEST POSSIBLE GOOD TO THE GREATEST POBSIIIIIM NUMBER:1 GOI)EitICH, HURON DISTRICT, (C. W.) FRIDAY, MAY 23, 1848. ThVELVii AND KIX I'ENt AT 1111 &PP II/ TIM Vasa. NUMBEI: 17. 11 raterze *so evattslign swear roma Slf CHARLES DOLSEN, NAILT saunins etteitatella THOMAS MACQUEES, Enna. ETAII kinds; of Book sad Job Printing, in the aed French teagoages, swooned with swan" sad dispatch. THE MYSTERIOUS EXCIIANGE. [coriestrum Meal OVA LAM] Otte day, when inning along the Plea- sancsellamilton was observed by Betty Wal- ker, who --having resolved upon scene mode of discovering Helen,and in aeievil hour fixed upon the purpose of following her seducer —ran as fast as her poor aged limbs would allow, in the direction which he had taken, hoping, in this way, to find out the place of Helen's retreat. On this occasion she was unable to keep pace with Hamilton, and lost him as ho turned up a cross lane running off from the main street of the Pinnace ; but she resolved to perseve le her endeavours, sod, et the same hour, next day, watched again, and epee seeing him pan, again followed him. The' she repeated several tenes, not without being .observed by Hamilton, who always qiiicken- cd his pace and evaded her. Foiled in this way, Betty lost her usual calmness of tem- per ; and having come out and oiet Hamil- ton, as he was passing along, her indigna- tion completely mastered her, and on the public streets she upbraided him, mei charg- ed Inns with the seduction of Helen Morton. A crowd was immediately collected, which formed some impediment to Havoiltonas progress, and Bony, proceeded with her charge, gettiog more enthusiastic in her progress as her feelings wareted. "Oh, that Edinburgh should steed meet- ly by," she ejaculated, looking as the an- cient Pythia might bo wippoeed to have done " and see the sin of man flourishing like a bay tree, with its stem uncut and its leaves green. 0 thou sword of the Lord, to penetrate into their awful secrete, but how loog will it be ere thou be unsheathed ! being bound to wait the manifestation of Is the fire o' thy1rath, complained of by Ills will with patience and resignation.— Jeremiah, when he frisked ye to go into "Aud, oh!" 15 ho ended, in the words of your scabbard, to mat and be still, reiench-- Telma "deal with me as seemeth best unto ed in eic timer as thee whan tho king's advocat seduces the dochters o' tercel, and is inaie deserving o yoer edge than the Phiestiaes, the remnant o' the country o' Caphtor ? GIs one up my bairn, wham ye stolen, like a thief of the nicht, or I wilt - mak a wailing like the dragons, and a.mourn- ing as -the 0 MI6 . Meld him. Moldhim, till he confess whar he has carried her, and m- erited her from the eye o' her wha has been oommissimed to guard and preserve her." As Betty concluded her exclamation, she Lem, her forehead with her left hand, and up the spiked its which she -byre in her right. The crowd gazed; and one.per- son, who knew the story and sympathised with her, laid hands on Hamilton, who ',truck him to the ground and escaped.— There was now a general uproar. The consolation be could to her in her affliction. baring unguardedly left their child in the friends; of tbe person who was struck, Oa arriving in Edinburgh, be found ho power of this woman, they foetid, on their raised a yell, and a hue and cry was got up could not getiinte the prtsou that night, return, tbat it had been spirited away, and aftelellamilton. Mho passed down the trout!' and must wait till the next day at one another child, of a different sex, substituted in its place. This was the doing of the limner at the bar, .who was sitting with a book of incantations before her at the very retiring, Helen Morton rushed. In, an true to tbe reys of light. time the ijrcumetance happened. She af- with a wild look, inquired for Betty Every organ ci the body, there:ere, is terwards exercised the power of her charms Walker. As mon as she saw her, he fell not only fitted for the bog. on the child, who, though nursed by Mrs. 'y, but'is also upon her neck, hugged her, arid wer so to be punished with ere and faggot: that, oeverthelers, Elizabeth or Betty Nisbet, otherwise Waller, relict of the detested Gideon Walker, skipper in Kirk•Idy, it guilty of the said hateful and abotnioable crime ; at least the mai Elizabeth or Betty Walker did, in teem and by 'mane of a treaty, compact, or copartnership with the wicked one, cause, on the nth day of August tbe child of Richard Murton, dyer in the Luckenboutln, being a male child, to &appear, and to come and be pre- sent another child, being a fetnale, in the mous, and to him desponding sentimeuts of place ot the said male child : that the said his mother, wag occupied with schemes for Elizabeth or Betty Walker did, after the said female .ched, which was called Helen herepfety--asked her for a copy of her in- diMItent. Ile read it in the intervals of Morton, had resided with the mud le,chard Murton for a petted of eighteen yeare, cause hi" frnef and, having again kissed ber, be her, still by the E nefarioue power of witcberaft, to disap ar, and sato has not since been heard o ; tuoreover, the said Elisabeth or Betty Walker has procured, , met, she wee placed at tho bar, exhibiting by the wed wicked ate nsetkle wrath and the mere wreck of a human beet:, and more misfortune in her neighbourhood, in sae I like a person raised frotn the grave than one menet Thomaa Adatne's cow died on who had a life to lose. Tho usual forms the iuth day of May last, and three chit- were gone through, and the questions of courses. There is Another greater than he, wha, when the wind 'minim!) as blowing. to the cast, can make the vessel sail to the west ; and wbs, when there le nae wind in the heavens, ran winnow the coin mid drive the chaff before Hun, evee as Ile duce the wicked. Leave me nbee iny dear Robin, for a part u' my battle is still to tight, and there is naething on earth that can be a help to me in this day o' my ad versity." Robert—whoee mind, amidst the reli- left the jail. The trial of Betty was hurried on with most indecent speed. The court having dreo John Baxter died within a week of each other ; besides many other devilish freers and tricks which she had played off against the guide and effects of her neieh- boure ; at least the said Elizabeth or Betty guilty or not guilty pia and answered.— The depute, Hamilton, thee addressed the court :— "My Lords, and Gentlemen of the Jury, —In these times, when the power of the devil is seen in diverse places, vrorking long raw form was extended to its utmost (JN THE DOMINION OF MIND OVER III m spirit tin:ire* matter. . They have length, his anus held out to heaven, and hie 111ATTER• wink i• the scale of rational beings., and lank leathery checks 'neatened with the may be tolerable as servants, but are usel cos tears of his labouring spirit. Richard Mor• tun and his wife wrung their hands in 'gone, old twiny groan,' of sympathy resounded in low 'Imp mends eireughout the court. Just as the video ended his speech, 'Robert tVelkor was seen to force his way through the crowd. Ile seemed overcome waft violent exercise and grief, for he eta:t- iers., through phyrocul exhaustion. lila head was uncovered, and hair was ea wet witb perspiratioe, that it lay round his temples like a wet mat. Hie eye was swells and infiatned, his mouth parched and open, as if gasping fur air. He held by the hand an bid woman, upwards of eighty years of age, whose thin clayey cheeks be- speke the colour of the ground. Iler eye lacked the lustre of life, and her limbs seemed to sustain her only as one last des- perate eflurt. Robert Walker pulled her forward with a violence which seemed to shake from her body the lingering spark by which it was animated. On coming near the bar, he pushed her forward, holding up, in mute eloquence, Ms hanee, to procure Inf her a hearing. This woman wee Lizzy Gilchriet, Sir David Ilemiltun's old ecrvant. The silence of death now reigned as she Walker bas been guilty, art and part, of held up her long bony fingers, and opened these crimes, and she might to suffer the through the instriimentelity of old hags, her Ips to address the court. pains of death, by fire and faggot, as a ter- who, being done with the pleasures of life, '1e it Betty Walker wha is hero arraign - for to otbers to do tho like ln nine corn- _and stung with envy that others should, in ed for changing Richard Morton's bairn ?" Ogee! their turn, enjoy what they are no longer began the old woman in • breatblen voice. When this paper was served on poor permitted to taste, it is necessary tied the And wha arraigns ber 1 le it. Sandy Batty, she knewat once from whom it emit- nated. 'Strong in her faith, and trusting to the power of a good God to deliver her trom all the unceinations of ber enemies, she re- tained all the calumet; so remarkably .pre- duced by the upholdinedenduences of a re- ligion superior to all others in this effect. Her first act was to pray to the Almighty for a holy resignation to His will, whatever might bo the Issue of tho ternbie trial she had to Undergo, declaring her readiness to expiate, by the threatened. fire, all the .ins dune in the body, if it was Ills will that she should be thus condemned for what she was innocent of having no authority to investi- gate thaiwonder of His ways, and no power A mato filled with setniration of tee as wastrys. achieveuiente sciesce nv ta the As tee eye of the body is turned towards amain engine, transporting its lead bet h bi Ian oaject before the feet can carry it thither, sea and lend, as one ot the fittest elite OM the eye of the mind mint be capable of trate," that could bo found of the dominion levatirg itself towards an excellence, of mind over matter. otherwise no power en earth will be eq.'s! Let a savage sou a gun deeharged, •nill to the Oak of raiserg it. On this account • bird upon the wing brought to t ho grimed. ' it may be that the value of lard is so ram - and !le will be ready to worship you as a , mos d;fferent parts of the country, bow- euperior being. fly his surprise and rester- I ever hale die real nature of time soil and ea of reverence lie will con,...ce yeti that ' elevate may vary. As the soil is alive to -he regards it as ten of the. greatest the iefinence of heat and light from material triumphs of mind over matter. Take the lereetton, so it is also susceptible of en - trouble to make him acquainted web Hie! pressions from the love sod the joy of tho mechanism of a gun ; explain to ben tee Mame tnind. Every wise farmer knows nature uf gunpowder ; let him know the the intimate relation that subsists between weight of lead sod the power which a heavy the cult ration of the soil and the needs body possesses of overcoming obstacles of the cultivators. He knows how his es when impelled by great velocity. At each , ..r hie horse thrives tinder the watchful cars stage of your instruetione yenti I 11.1 bit of • loyalg eye, and he tees how soon his admiration declaim, and by the time you man of evil thoughts writes the Negroid have made him acquainted with the art of , stale of his own ailed epos the coats ef his gunnery, you stand dispossrssol el his oesetie estimation of those attributes ot superiority nu the meta es tee peasantry with with which he at Met Mewed you. Ile.' image. of death and nielarcholy, and the has no didiculty in paralleloar gunpowder fields will be covered web desolation, %int- end ball with bow and arrow, and he regards ever the amount of skill or quantity of you Mistily as a brother or an enemy. Tlie winter* you carry to them. Breathe into triumph of niind.exhibited in the tleTevery their souls tbe life of hope and lore, and of gueoon der and in tee 'emote:ea of the every „,„ed,,vrar will witness improv_ pistol is of the same nature as tbat which ed cultivation, although it should be ant off is displayed in the coostructiun of the *team from all seem, to greater stores of keen/ - engine. The sante illustretion may serve to ledge and manure. explain all the triumphe of mind of sorbet is In a neighbouring country ere witness a conservators of the public good should ex- Hamilton whom 1 Inc dandled sae aft on called Hes wonder-working age. 1 be condition of thing's which may be taken as an ercise teeir ower and functions with ado- my auld knees 1 ! teil me if it is sae, t-' ;whir et nitre over matter exhibited by approximation to a time of trouble rich as (mate and salutary vigour. Fore. from the that, before I gang Name to my appointed time of Amadeus, who killed the Peirce place, I tray save an innocent life, to do husbande of the daughter of Ramie!, there justice to aa 'Bused bairn, bring down con - bath not ouccurred a time when there was fusion on a villain, and diaburdea my heavy more need to substitute for the smoke of heart o' a great crime. Wha was it, think the heart and liver of the fish of Tobias, the smoke of the heart of those who make e covenant with tho devit. wherein we only obey the word -of God, which nith, that he resolved to banish all manner of witchcraft from the earth. No crime is half so hein- ous in ite nature as this. It is rebellion against God, and worketh mischief to man ; and seeing that the power of the Apostles, In casting out unclean spirits, is denied to ye, ye men o' the law, wha are sae wise in your fully, and sae foulisli in your wieacim, tbat changed bonny Helen Meilen for Sandy Hamilton Is Sandy here in the court thieday ? Let me see aim, that I may try to find in hie Nee the lines of Richard Merton. Wae's ....oat for worlds gear, Lizzy Gilchrist shotad hae consented to be the instrument o' penile Ilelen elorten, Sir David Deunilton's bairn, into Richard the Humans an their convest of Om "Grid, tl.e world never before saw. All men look by liannCual in lee passage over the AIM', to the sod as tbe source from which alone or by Alexander in hie conquest of Asia, , amelioration can Come. The owners of the wt.,re all of a very different. character (ram ' Med aro not ignorant of the responsibility. this. The mind uf the ancient warrior bears that lies upon them. They ere bestirring theniselver, bet in what manner are they doing so. Why it is by teaching chemistry sad awarding prizes for high fed cattlle and well cultivated fields. But in doing this they never dream of coming in contact wite tbe minds which are nearest the soil and have the strongest influeoce upon it, viz, the Timis of the poorest peasaotry.— What a wide chasm there lo between the a nearer affinity to the mind of the savage than to the habits of thought powiessee by lure. the writers and readers of modern litera- I.', then, the state of mind pommeled by the uniretructed savage um of truth or error ? Is it trite or nut 1 Almost every journal of modern France and Britain will answer, No! The almost unanimous voice us, what can we do to rave our country mon" , cradle, and teen therefrae Sandy of every generation of men previous to the mass of Irish mind and that state of mind yes.— which can bo improved by a knowledge of last two Lumbar' years u ill answer, chief, dentha, and burninge, exchanges of Ito do it ; for they brieed me we steer, end from beitie overrun With all manner of mis- I te of i --amon. But sae it was. I was forced The belief of -our ancestor's in demonology chemistry or stimulated by the rewards of ityi meuilnaptleoyneiden as- I boitghherf,athruotinigr.isheAfgitriwcueirteurpaolessiobeleiebtyy mweosunide children, destruction to goods and gear, and l tauld me that Eskdale wouldna be left to the family, unless there was a male -heir and witchcraft proves the truth of my sertion. It is further conerined by the fact 0bef Plreigzei:im"atee i ntodelvoovteingea icti: rn o' the house .u' Ilamilton ; and sae 1 deed vrhilk has been a bereft to my of oracles, and instructed tem, gree,ae, to to/terra! to thee object, and not inferior to that event ancient smite before going to war . palmi the most religious regard to tin dietaeesi Thee, and commend my spirit to be taken, a universal overturn of the laws of naturcew from me, that 1 may be dissolved, and be- bat to burn the unclean spirit and the 'Jody come earth ; for itile profitable for nie to die together In exerting the king's tothori rather than to live, because I have heard in thin matter, who himself has said, in re- fills° reproaches, and have mach sorrow.— ference to witches, that no sex, no age, Command, thereeore, that 1 may now be , and no station should epared, I conceive delivered out of this 'heiress ; turn -not thy ' that I am serving Gera the king, and my face away from inc." When Robert Walker heard of the eir- :cemstance of Ms mother having been served with an indictment ter sorcery, Le was so overpowered with the fearful Datum of the intelligehce, that it was some time before wooer at the bar is one of the worst of her he was ablevither to givaeitterance to hisiuncican kind : she has been guilty, as 1 grief, to prepare for visiting his unfortu- shall prove to your lordship!, of diverse un - nate parent. Having taken some restore- holy trafficking* with the evil one. About tier, he hurried away, as last as the shock' eighteee years ago; when Richard Morton he hie received would allow, to give what and his wife WO walking in the Meadows, country ; and in such a cause to allow the heart to melt, because of the cruelty of the rleath, is to sacrifice the best interests of the kingdom to that which concerneth only a weak and womanish spirit. The pri- back of the Canongate, he heard the crowd pursuing him, like a pack of hounds. a_ This affair struck deep into Hamiltines mind. Ile saw that he was detined to be followed by this woman, like Orestes by tho Furies, though how different the cause and the object ! and he ret to work in devising scone method of wreaking hie vengeance on the poor creature, and. at the same time, getting quit of her. In this he justified the prolific character of Revenge, in devising the means of ber gratificaticl. He know the story of the exchange of the children, and that some Boating euspicions Mill at- tached to Betty Walker, who, in .conee- queue° of her enthusiasm, was alleged to have been guilty of calling In the aid of the author of evil, to assist her in amemplish- ing her object. Her appearance had latter- ly become more like that of the "wise woman ;" for grief and age bad sharpened ler Intern, and she leant her attenuated and bony figure on a long staff. Her exag- gerated and unusual affection for the girl was also remarkable; and the dinppearance of Helen way as extreordinary as her first enrages iota the house of Kuban] Morton. out of theee materials the depots odeorAte could frame a indictment for -ittheraft, and ho reeilved to bring his enemy to the stake. Previous 10 giving out this intention, ho bribee some of Betty!" neighboore, to circu- late additional stories of ber imputed sor- cery. The moment that the seepicions of the public of that Aiay were roused against a %opposed trafficker in the black art, every undertone that occurred in the oeighboor- hood was laid to her charge, and the poor victim was bound to the affiliation, as reli- gionsly as if the had been the true author. One person was get 10 .17, that every child he had, after Betty cants to the Pleasance, died. Another was ready to swear, that he:Dever had a cow that laboured under • distemper, until Betty came to her present residence; and many tninor charges of be- witched churns, charmed ehoese-presses, and enchanted ale -vats, poured in 'bun - Aimee . liamdten new thought be Stight venters upos his charge. Betty Walker was seized and dragged to riams, and served with ae indictment to nand her trial before the igh Court ef Jeelleiary, for the eeme ot iteherafte The indictment wet forth, that • Wherein, tee seeming into • treaty, t, partnership with tbe wicked fee the object. Ellido EN 'Grebe*. of reel" et then goida, gear, cattle, soh, beep et ooy alter of their guida, mearior filberts, Isibeieoue crime, wbwb ought o'clock. The sight of his mother, whom he had regarded with the most tender filial inte- rmit, lying on a bed of straw in the corner of a cold cell, under such circumstances of daager, end exposed to a prejudice whit!), in these attys, was like a withering curse cr the spotted plague, bringing death, and shutemg out sympathy. the only consolation of the weetched, ho flew to her, and, throw- ing his arms round her neck, wept and sobbed like a child. The recollection of former times came over him, and ho saw her, a woman h000ured and revered—a pat- tern of every godly excellence—belmed by her husband — worshipped by her, son, whose only aim was to do good, and only fear to do evil—about to perish on a tlaming pile amidst the yells of an infuriated popu- lace, excited, by the powers of prejudice and hatred, to tbe trenzy of demons. He continued to hang round'her beck—tbe subs his bursting heart echoed througb the cell—and it was only by the calm ex• postulations of his parent that he could be made to eit down beside her and endeavour to moderate his grief. Robin, Robes," said Betty, "tbe son should love his mother, bot he should's& forget that she who beareth cometh after the Lord. Think that our enemy, Alexan- der Hamilton, wha has sown this mil, is but an instrument—the harvest may be tbe death o' ane whase 051 35 ripe, but the reap- ers will be angels." "Ah ! my dear mother," cried Robert, still sobbing with the intensity of his agony, "1 cautioned ye against interfering we the fierce ways o' that roan. Ob, that hye had taut taco, for aoce, an advice fate int wile has received sae Emmy wise ad- monitions from yonrsel !" "Diana repine, Robin," said Betty calm- ly. 'It was to do—it WU to do—and it is duns. 1 hae bad mousy 'MEOW*. When yoer fsthee'ri garments were riven to Sc, without his body, I WAS in sorrow. When 1 was in travil, 1 was in sorrow, because my hour was come. When I was delivered o' ye, 1 .till remembered my anguish, for I saw ye the image o' • dead father. When I saw linen Morton lying the cradle of mature balm, I was in sorrow fer the arigloah of parents vim had boat tbeir only child. I reared her in sorrow ; for I thought I was made an instrument for a dim purpoim, which was fulfilled darkly by ber backseding, her ruin, and her flight. And f aIn seeress thus day, no because the sic- kle is tinteing ower the ripe stalk, but be- cause my iroo is impatient is' the way..' Goil• Let Alexaesier kiaseiltoe foUow bis conscience for mony a day. I tric.1 a' that ascertain by de ,cat:on ettether or nut the f this would it be to inake them believe diet free Helen Morton, but it availed not ; and lay in my power to keep Sandy Hamilton gods would be propitious to the comprise,' they were loved. Are either of these ob. potholed by Introducing agents into it would appear, therefore, that tea belief rjoete often, when 1 saw the two thegither, I oftoe savage bus at all tunes been, su pre• : tbe ceentry who ride through it with pistols thought that Ile rules and semi a was working out o' our crimes an awfu' retribu- tion. But, when I heard that purr Betty Walker was like to dreo the punishment of my eriroe, I hurried ale albeit my limbs are aad protected by police? who reflect back valent among mankind, previous to the from their persons by the arms which they lights of modern learnme, as to pint to something radically and ti.iiscriti,iily a pert a , carry the spirit of wrath with whicb they are the hutnaa niaid I received. Now we find nothing useless or suptsr. i Unhappy Irish piled ! Religion feeds. It mair ranted to tee rest o' the grave, to save on the bead o' a villain. Sandy Hamilton, fill0118 about our b ahes. Etery organ they ! loath images of agony and death. The external 1,01(sovernment prerents itself to it by means the li4 o' n godly. woman, and heap shame whar aro ye ?—let mo me the son o' the bet is also fitted to something poasore is not only fitted to th; body aerie : soother adorns her chamber with them ; 01its agents holdiog an instrument of 'death. it. The ear conveys intelligence to the! dyer. And Helen Morton, come forth, that er, for the i peet the sword to be beaten ,inte a reaping - 1 may see in your blise een the light o' the Hamilton, o' Redeestle." mind by means of 'mend. But bowerer I This ir the ago of the world when men ex - book . Not so the Irish mind ; it sees the efloally wan fitted to the armee/eagle. Tile itword where the reaping -hook should be. well contrived the ear reigla body, of what use would ii. be swims it were I round for those she .asked for ; .but her As she finished her epeech, Lizzy looked i ed snount frum w hien ho may view at a dis- dim eyes could not have observe(' them, e•Yara conveys intelligence to the sone] by ; The life of an Irish peasant is but an elevat- means of light ; but however true mid .11 tance all the aspects of death end anger.— tvi:lialedi f ftrhoemy had eboeeunrt ;cloasned,toashe,rh.e Was She ornamental tee eye may be to tbe emir, attemptine to renovate the condition of what um would it be unless it mere equally !Hi Ireland by otlering prizes for well fed cattle, Um Irish Agricultural Society aro acting upon a principle of our nature. What quality of mind is there which tends inure to create puverty and diffuse msery through but always clung to the primmer with the A deep emotion was felt, even by the judges, univeree of matter around us. 1u matters the who,e circle uf it* influence than the force of an eflaction which could be pro- in witnessing this extraordinary 'mane.— of knowledge we 11 tuoderu timmi stand on passion of vaulty and the love of display 1 duce&by nothing but magic. Nor was it Recovering herself, Helen started up and an eminence keen Which• we look Wit,, pay Even cuniparauvely rich communities cab - Morton, never chewed aiiy regard for her fitted for something external to it, and may loud that the people in the court hear her. be said to tie us i• i.h cord* of trutb to tbe possible to se arate the two ; for when her gen, Reber alker, wished to frco her 44et servile condi n, by furnishing her with the means of a livelihood, she -rejected the offer, choosing rather to be a slave, with the power of ruling the deettny of the charmed girl. than follow the dictates of our common nature in being free. Her power over Ilelen Morton cortinued till she was eighteen years of age, when the girl, having wed—nut long ad...hi to make a display of wealtb ipon the. Imams, pIteusopeers, and priests of rnsV rsu• pos ef itilwonwrenfion4141 "Now aro I free free the toils of a sedu- ancient Rome. Vet in the; lessons wheicedpe h abriurchciu113 ues7douit"tsuch cer. Can it be borne in a free land, that cotne from every portiekof our teem, there is nao safety to peaceful people, from in tee ducteces which resound from the be on the otrier side of the channel. That the designs o' powerful men ? .Alexander . majority of our pulpits, where is tl.cre which in truth readers a man actually beppy Hamilton courted me, with a design 1., ruin room lett for i he exercise of the power oi ma comfortable increases wetltb. That me ; but, fortified by the lehnonition u' this i the ;moan mind above 'erect.' tee Every. *Inch exhibits a map es richer than he woman he has branded as a 'sorcerer, I was ono is ready to instruct you in that which really is increases poverty. It is only eeabled to resist. eim. Finding his a t temple has already been made matter of knowledge therelore by the improvement of tbe Irish to seduce me vain, he earned me off be and experience, but who is there that pro- mind that the awl of Ireland can he better exhibited sotne indications of a wish to get force, to a house two miles removed free Moses to bo a safe gincieento heels unknown cultivated ; and if that mind is to be rtn- quit of the thraldom of magic tyranny, by following the umpulso of her natural spire, ledinburFh, whar he put me under the. pourer and paths untrodden. Thom wee ',lane up proved we must forget the lights of modero of ane o his sin kind ; but my keeper is heatas time recognacd and professed giteles re science and fall back upon the belief of our and felling in -love, this abominable woman relented whan he heard o' the trials 0'the public il Inc forced ',award in spa, &Deanery •We must withdraw it item the again spireed her away, no doubt to the testimony in her favour. She was my fast, eil as it were an the &recur's) of their pre - Betty ; an I am come hero Hits day, to eeer of theme:woe, and having their baesei turn - place from whence she was brought—for she trapeeare ofa se en, an no p_ s n could tell whither she had gone, whereby my best, my only frien', and „I wad gladly grove, they draw Immune of wmdent mid liapplativ ,a"" 10. relillielm 11.0147Richard Morton and his wife have, • second dee to save her precious life. catrion from what has already LepeeneJ ; tote Mealtbfut exercise. it is nut for us to tune, lost their child. As soon as tbe And Ilelen Morton again embraced Betty. they cannot cheer us un by the ante !paten say what it shall believe. It wilt find its The jury were now settsfitel of the in- of c•triquesta yet to be won. It is 1.,!sin roper mate is the world of spirit. As the prisoner had thus spirited away the girl, she, conscious of her guilt, left tho house of oocence of Betty, and of the gull f 11 1 .t o. __ann.- thst the men who led out thio armlet, of 11.0WOO iliolther wont out-ooty after he had Richard Morton, and went to reside in the ton. They returned a verdict of not guilty, Rome and Cattily.' ;,essessed a e nil el. visored himself that toe Gird of battles was loctual constitute in of a very different: 01,13,. We, and when ho had done so he euatemplation of agony and death and fill it with the anticipations of lover life, and Pleasance, where she continued to practise which was received by bit. crowd wi her aboninable art." cheers ; and Betty Walker, Robert, and erect. The eyes of their minds were ever wont out and conquered, so the lash peasant The advocate then went into a narrative Helen, wmat home in jey. anxiously anteing searce of lights in MI only cultivate tho earth succeerfully to advance, het:ell-ea of the..tr•et they lett be- Ibis same manner, And ho will astern him • biol. "Perhaps in OW CifeUrIll'al100 lay the self that tho 'God who sonde the joy of wh ,le secret of their *wee's. spring and exuberance of summer is on bus the diameter of mind which ensaires ewers, mile, by tokens which no mind but his wen to the enterpriette of am army still, increase mild loterprel.—Jeba Resseil. the fruits ot rho earths if tousle of etieurn• stanet• should lead it to arrieelore ; it weld. so whatever may be the ski! which it possesses of the art. Tbal--ta,--lbe-tillee, of some extravagant circumstances, regard- The discovery made by Lizzy Gilchtift ung the death of the children and cow men- was quickly made available. A brieve was honed in the indictment, and concluded by procured for serving Ilelen Morton heir to asking a verdict of guilty against the pri- Sir etaittl Hamilton, who Mee about this Boner at the bar. time. Alezender Hamilton brought a cam - A number of witnesses were ermined, peting brieve, which was not successful, among whom were Richard Morton ard his and retired to the Continent in tegrace.— wife, who gave an unwilling testimony in Helen Morton changed her name to the regard to the child, and some other circuits- family name of Hamilton, got potsession of stances. lis believed Betty to be innocent, and suspected Hamilton of having seduced Helen ; but they were not asked, and were not permitted to say any:bing beyond an answer to the subtle questions put to them. Several bribed witnesses gave tho most ex- and innocence. travegant accounts of Betty's alleged prac- time u. the Pleasaince, which seemed to weigh less with the court and jury than the facts which were to some extent true regarding the mysterious story of Helen Morton. The proet. having been closed, the judge charged the jury unfavourably to the phsonar, and every circumstance mein - ed to commit in a eonsientsent of Betty to the stake. Many of her friends wine ranted to team, a04 Ilmderson's THE POPE—MR. WEBSTER IN ITALY—. - -,......4I.1(sTrrirm14 MAIIIING. sine much or little. this moll be as ahrosest the property of Eelale, ,for Sir David's property had been disposed of by him,) and 01 11100011 superademl to the et her &vitaliser 1 The following menages are extracted Afterwards married Solari Walker. They of secant, or rateer neiltiplying them i, from a leiter in the Boston Deily Advertiser, and Reny retired to Eskdale to live, where tab.beeritootartei,,dwr:infidend oar dthisetrocinthaob:tienooets area:, LrultieirnatebyknaggleonillioATianot Boston who 1.11 they enjoyed many happy yoa 1 of virtu* bund down by a weight re reverence fie Two Jays ago 1 bad little. hiainuolunegai.lne rr1 aer.t- the Groomes and !music* of their (ere- tate presentation to fathom, we may reit Rewired that le thui eignity ae simplicity Ins manners are 11 of district the fruits ef tbe earth are ve leaprible etvery strike it. bit.gentleman who obtain - being grimily nursemaid, a it so Moen try in ed Oel n recam fer me, and who went ta increase of knownege as by a reit e•t.on ut inteelace toe, 1. an *beet. His Ilueneee the rn,uds ...1 the ishalsitante. Terry are was ',tending by les table. dreseml rte pima priests and pharsisom la IsrrtUitOre, aquarium .114/10 robe*, aid with s little w 'nu, cap every thing by 14M iitsJ melee* ter the iradi- covering the crown of les lioatf. My mend Lona ; bet their mines, are dere to the hie preceded nen a little in entering the roost', tad *pint of the proimeree. They Asir« land when 1 halted witliin the itooean.1 not allowed titer miner to fel teeny degree., ' tar bout la to make may bow, the absael a is queen Venetia will be tweattanhee years eLl on the 24th of next reonik. She was sneered en Me 10th of February, 1d41), and has already giv- en* ( heirs to the throne, lamely :.-...Victoria Adelaide Maris Locos, born November 21.1, 1s40, Albert Edwerd, lance of Ware, ferment - bet 9th, Diet ; Alice Mane Mary, Asell ten, 1014.1 : Alfred Emma Amen, A aim* GM. 1844: Hamm Aslant Victoria, May 115tb, 1846 Sad an taint peewees, WO Merck leth. 1548.