Huron Signal, 1848-04-28, Page 2EDUCATION-COM11ON toCHOOL$.
tleoaasca,, Much pith, taw.
To Raw. E. Rrara, D. D.,
•....•'-•• .' CAW S.p riairsda*r er Lintel/ea, Tommie :
;'. metas -„,,......,:,...4"0.70,........,...,..,,,.......,-...-.,..-
8 N L L Rsr•agpy $,a,-1 hart the *moor le ae-
'C-" s # wawa the nasipt at past high of the fall
- TRIDAY1PRIL 9b illi sit., eapleestory of imitate musks sadi by r
ww-y -"'"' -"... -- ^"..+•r- wham, is theapportiesmear of the Ligtrstier
"Ittfritialit40.44,Ile MIL qh
Ntt- IL'Gout to s Uwe. Domini is thermos 1045 sad
1846. Is refry, 1 lake the 'Amoy of ►tatisg
that your eapisssuooa ere very (.r from beteg
wtufaetory. pea admit that 1 was correct is
my gsetaioe frim year Ci siMr to Wastages.
sudor dat• January 14th, 1848 ; but Ibis 1 watt
'intakea if I "opposed that jroa mads the ap-
poritoatneet for 1846-47, open the reports of
the District 9.periadest for the yearn IE45 tad
1836. I did steppes', mad se would 99 out of
100, @oppose that you mad. the apportionment
a.eodS.g to the tables set down is year report&
Materigh 1 was of mouton that the Act 7, Vic.
ek. 29, (which governed or et least •hoald
gagers every peters empowered to pray Sow
effect its provtsioos,) ma & no province for each
■ apportiva*ent, pert dela" 3rd 'echos of the
act above recited rends thus : " That es or be-
fore the first day of March is each year. it shall
be the duty of the said Chief 8eperinteodeat
to.apportioa toy nm or .ams of money appro-
priated by the Legislature fur Common School.
is Upper Canada, aforesaid for the year. Aad
that such apportionment thrill be made areordisg
to the ratio of pop•latioe of each sooty, dm.,
compered with the popolalioa d Upper Canada,
according to the census of populetlos which
shall lata have been taken &e., sec- 4, that
when the census shall be defective, es as to rea-
der it impracticable to ascertain the share of
.boot moneys which might to be apporticred to
any county &c., tb.Chief Soperiatesdeat shell
make his appoirtioomest fee -dm year weordis(
to the best evidooce is his power, spot the facts
upon which the ratio of apportionment. to such
county die. shall depend."
In a pamphlet by your Reveresoe, entitled
" Special Report of the measures relative to a
Neuter School &c.,' - I God • ,tsu.iicul table
over which are the following words : "la com-
piling the Ie.:owing statistics s1) the sources of
information sccesstby to the Edatatioa Office
hare bees exhausted die." It would, therefore,
appear that the f Ilewiag statement is compiled
Irons the km evidence is yet power, and ea -
argue tly sheald (rete the bow for the apportioo-
mear se the Legislative School Grant is accord-
ance with the 4th armies of the C.mmo. ('School
act thea is aper•ties.
I shall rely compare on or two first as the
list with Heves. Aec.vdisg to your showing
the Easters District is 1841 committed 29.993
ishabi tants, the Ottawa 7,956, tie Hama 11,740.
la 1844 Fasters 37,366, Ottawa 9,930, Hares
Childress if &4.41 ors.
Eaatern. Ottawa Hares.
Ia 1849 9,084 4,303 1,813
1844 12,023 2,425 9,149
1843 12,459 2,697 -3,043
According to the above the proportionate share
which the Huron District was emitted to receive
is 1E45 would range thus, if the Easters with
29,993 inhabitants received £1369, what shook'
the Huron be entitled to with 11,7401 or if the
Ottawa I'itb 7,956 received £335, what Auk!
the Huron with I1,740?
You ante that if I tam to your printed report
for 1845-6, I wS11 see that ample justice has bees
don to Huron is 1847, this I admit of accooling
to the trio if children of school age in each dis-
trict, sod., which of itself ip 'efficient to .how
that we hare not been dealt fairly with, for al-
thosgk we decreased in our portion of doe school
gator front 1845 to 184; we i•ereased is '47
seedy a third over '46 ; Mos stare that the nom -
bet of children of school age in 1944 is Huron,
wee 1771. la Opaw., 3043, this does set eor-
re'pond with your printed report noes rokrr.d
to, and must assuredly be a mistake, a. 3043 is
the identical number reported for the Hera in
1645. It is, therefore, uereasoo.ble to oppose
that in one year we increased over 40 per net.,
while the Ottawa decreased within the same
time over 20 per test as stated is your kite",
compared with the printed reports.
- It ie, therefore, evident that the Horn Dis-
trict from some cause, hes bees deprived of be-
tweea three and four Misdeed pounds et its legal
rights io tie years 1845 and 1846 ; and probably
ors proportionate .bars is 1843.4. As ae, of
the representatives of the Huron District is Dis-
trict Courted es bt ballad the i•habitamta of this
District, I humbly bot e•rseutly-regnes4 of Mos
to show *soar :flay .ben be, why we did sat
receive what we *ere undoubtedly entitled to
for the years above refund te, (namely for 1845
and 1146,) which *held roe tbiok proper to
decline doing so we shall in wU.l:koce be com-
pelled to make appl,c,ttoe elwwhere, AU we
require is fair play, sad that we aro determined
to gave if possible.
I have the bosom to he, Rev. Bir, ,
Tour most obed't sen'*,
Bot of Piisifer.
\\'r are all bat ereilisd est of oat ows col-
umna this week, and wt have slit) as teeny cem-
muoicatous •iii hand as wvc!d fill dumber snne-
ter of the Sign.:1. We trust oar Coe.
revoo.'eu•s w.11 not be offended with oar spoor.
tYl •t.; 1. et, as is Ir.laly, it airier* from pure at-
etesity. And we take this opportesiry.1 is.
forming them that in furan, we will set ptli.b
any cumrneoicaru,es which does sot commie
something that is esefel, or likely as einem the
generality of opt readers, an este this meet be
esireseed in as few words u useable. Thew
coaunauications that curry ne iuerest beyosd
the hole locality is which they originate, cam
meter a**-ud the c*tc.Iarioe or Santee of a
newepaper ; and ata therefore, sot calculated
either to benefit the publisher or edify the pith -
lie. - We are willing ta record the Birth', Mar -
Aces, mod Deaths of the District, so far as they
may be made knows to no We are willing to
seticeeetyabing renurk.ble that rosy be hroogbt
u nder out observation, and we are willing to
gate insertion to any eonemunrca,iva of a local
sa!rre, "rhea briefly and pointedly written for
the attainment of a worthy purpose. These
things, we say, we are willing to do, but at the
same time, we frankly give our vision that the
newspaper which is incapable of accomplishing
• greater good thee say thing which ea. possibly
arise from this claw of E.litorial durio., should
jut gine up the ghost at once.
The communication of T. W. 110Dot appear.
Ia an.wer to the enquiries S. C., we think
that Sheriff's A4veitiwaw,u, nail Poet Offn
Adeertionneuts are paid fur by the peblio and
' Wiens b the will of the Guvernmeut. The
Advertisements d the Agricultural Societe are
at the of the Directors. Of the ftrowt
Laud OILee affairs we know sotltiag, but should
the Hon. 31. Caureroo becoo.. the head of the
department, we will endeavour to aacertaia the
fare u(4 i. case. We are bet 1(ghily acguitt-
ed with the pre est Commtwioner.
J. C. oil!) appear in oar sea.
From the sews brought by the Ditcher D'Or-
Ices and eke Sarah 8aoda, it may no preowned
diet the report of a Rep.blie Saving been
established in Present is sot true. It appear'
that the King is adopting the most effectual
method for reale: nag such a change mastectomy
aid sdeaired, that in by conceding such *es-
ames sat the people consider secemry is the
present eonelitia .f affairs This is perhaps
the ale policy which eta, is the preset ezeited
state of Europe, preheat a general Revelation._
Aid the longus,,e of .Leop.ld'neatly adJreesed
to Iris 'ojects ought to be misted is huge legi-
ble letters of gold at the eepenee elf the Euro-
. pts Sovereigns, as a stasdio6 mouitw for their
own exclsmre bese6t. 11e said he was " the
Kiep of the B,•agiaas but not their master ;" and
were all Kings to make this admission boaretly
and in due season, political Revololine would
- eettaiaty become nenecesasry. And although
the sosereigja of Europe have long been mecum -
touted to depend for the security of their thrones
and the dependence of their oppression, u?n the
loyalty sad bravery of armies, sti11 it is Cer-
tainly • precarious depeedeoee. All armies are
taken from the waking mwltitade-.cornmoo
genes sad intelligence are beginning **be pretty
widely det(uoed among :he masse" and there is
as .(d by -word which saith " Blood i4 thicker
than water." Which if acted on would 'hew is
eafsl rrli f the dancer of paying one half of the
family for subjugating the other half to the bond-
age of deRpotiwts. Slrak.pheere mys " strange
thisp have happened in the °Idea time." We
redeemed from the English papers that then
is some prospect of 41r. Cobden getting up •
vel formidable Revolution party is Britain,
composed-uf the " League" sud • few millions
addition'. The chief ofjecu of them are t. be
• repeal of the law' of primoge•iture and cowl ;
•n eatewa,re ;eduction of the Naval mid Mili-
tary expeod.ture; ea extenniun of the elective
fruscl,ise, sad a* attempt to precai! epos the
o lace 4 .'ropeen powers to reduce their warlike
establ.ahrseuu, sous to make at least an itsrro-
dnctien to a civilized sate ofaocie'y-array God
peepe,. the rodettakiao. We bare Brest faith
in 34r. Cobde.'a method of reru!.tioe. It is Dor
ataind with blood. It produces se coevslaioe; it
is a peaceable exercise densest and the move it
is persevered in, and the wider it is extetded, oke
iron -r wiry the bums family be emancipated
from barher's:rt. .‘rid we tm.t there te sow as
mach knowledge. ted with the
&Stub Govererein,t a will induce it to yeild to
the power .f rtnwn, sad to Inuit t. wi.Jum sad
lance rube, thee to bayo•els and b)oods..ed.
What political change could be grassed, that
wou1J bs either se di►a.troOs to the country, so
#habet *ring to the rakes, or so obnoxious to
the wrath of Heves es the .tlasghter of a few
thot.•ule of the ithabiia,ts isihrir strugsle for
their political rights 1 1t is were h.R4iur talk
se 09004 about a re*Maey to ►epoblicaown in
Britain. %4 bare sad std we my ag*,■ that
Q,wea Victoria Wares(' Se ebe se -crises of her
people, sal se fug w eke is allowed to trust to
their affections, radon din to the bayonctr
dem will he se republic. Bet the people must
be teased as the mammal creature. of God
they Asst have *aim. sad if -tory •Ma,w
thug aro wit. enough M ksow Mat the mase or
hies el their gownewat is a metier et ehi4fisA
nmesesseee. The some of R. -mitotic cid liar
prevent the keveroteenr of the Untied State*
dtsa. pvrpetratiug the heinbl, atrocity of the
Ireaicast war; acidic! does 11 bled 01111 the re -
mind's signify of Nigro do,,r7. Vila, *
Mime sud resume is moue sed-pendeatty sof
5551 t!`sam•st.d,uska
We would remind est G'idah Nob= ti the
Mee41.s d the SociwIr, which is to oke
pi.e. os 4'inlay eters g *.6 .'1)01► is the
Ont ab Motel. W. trait slat wrier will 'mead
sad who as Sourest le the pn,oe,d.,,rt.
tJ NOTk'F_-7'h Rev. AI-F.X. MACZID
.1 Haseiltim.e ! mewrh at 8t. t.4,,'. Chitral.
Oi.beri.h. w Seta,Jay, dor 7e1* M.y, el 11
..:w• k, b.reeme ; toff at R.uJey (I.wdrO
It *l).,i the shelves of M..d•y folks* :lig.
Graftfa'.t, 3441 '27, k4;.
To 1,it4 Rotes, Ere Sawa name, f'Same, Oode rich
Exact riot Orrice,
Timone, 24:1* Merck, 1848. 5
referrrin t. Mer lett*, of the 104
fastest. 1 have to remark that had yea Bright
limpet to have anted tui r.p*d.d all that I said
is cessex,es with my /a1M,ta) tab. to which
Mos refer, yea world hare food use myths that
,. essay of the manta are *try &demi» ; se dem
the statistics eeetmim:d 16 rho foll.wiare hie,
mural is many taste/tees, merely as .pprexima-
rws to the troth." lied Moe also segaaieted
yourself with what has ben ememeaiost•d ar
the Schaal sodomise of every District ia Up-
per Canada, woe wald have ka.1rs that the
pop fieri.. meatus node 1. 1019 tear ab. late
C..a. Alt, wee* e• age: tire that a' Belled
appwtionme,t has ewer bee. bawd apse them ;
be* based. by tie erpre.e order d tee Genernse
s Council, epos the District Ssperiatese..ut'r
r.p•rts • f the somber of ehildrea 1. emelt Dia-
ris( betwe.a the ogee of S sed 16 yarn.
Thest i• ase weed sows a tis .aerie of
Mr. Bigo.11'. letter, I set dews euergua0tly the
Bakes) pp.Mwa of to. Oe*.. District for
*44, ye* 1 W that do hob ear letter to himr
ad t• yea, I samdo • stti.ulte fa weesesibieg the
s 05-ls t..g dew. do 11)11.) p•pelatia or
the Hetes Dialect for HMS ss that .f the Otta-
wa Distract foe 18M ; vitae, I s)1.dtl ham
writers 1666 issued et 3041 Bet that weak*
only •hemd that 1 had Mies lees (ia.I*.d M
stare) to dot '.taws *hag by the Herm Demist,
a.eerdmg to tie *met popslesies hide d •p-
pruesasesr 04.1.4 is meq1r'frTv'eie,Ui t,ct /s�igjsus/sit> IrM-li-
isrtastf yea, the ao fat Sem 4c 846 Aribroiail
with the llama District, I trade apportion/atom
is as km rhos , s ywWip is 1846, from
whisk so reports kid Loss se«ived, sed le
which, tendert, I was ail required by the krrer
of the law to make ay appertiesmas4
He aught also i*funn you that the popyl s
wwaakip.1 Williams was takes from the Hausa
sad added w the Leedom District, the
Marrs 11344 and 1846 -though this fact was over-
looked when the statistical table alluded to was
It is alm worthy of remark, thet the .pportios-
saat of the $si.ol put foe 4846, were mode is
February "Idiot year, acid that beton.. that time
sad the Septooberfollowing (when 1 prepared
the staiatieal table) I °baiaed from several
Diettiet B.Perintesdeuto, (ia their atonal re-
ports and is aywur to Dry 090irin,) especially
Goin the Ottawa Ihseriot, screech... and 4441.
tioo•1 isfor*sti.s, of which i availed myself is
prepare( )bth table referred to ; bet which i
could ao:, of raise, a,iSl myerlf six months be
face, tad within a few weeks diet my retire
from Europe. The rigorous comperuo0e and
inquiries which I instituted daring that, the first
year of asp official ditties, resulted in the eonec-
tios .f rinse errors, if set abases, which were
common older the late School Act is regard to
she School C returns embodied is the re-
ports of towsebip Superintendeau is *cereal para
of the Province. These i•vestigstious resulted,
also, is what I believe to have beck • tirem
equitable distribution of the School Food the lel-
lowing year, than had bees made is pr0si.s1
years. Such • remit might have jaatified use u
especlist,different leag0•rge from that which is
embodied is yo.rleiter.
The eonctosios of your letter requires me to
my that I must decline say farther commrsica•
tios with yea o* the School affairs of the Heron
Disbict The Wardens and the School Super -
iota -videos of the Huron District are ?beady per -
WW1 properly authorized to writhe* your D.4* -id
affairs. Your *seaming their office does not is -
vest yea with their character. Did every Cotts-
eillor irritate your proceedings,l might be occupi-
ed with writing to sore thea twenty self -called
repreataatives of a District at .me and the male
time, and os the tame abject My answering
you at all on a District nettle es 1 d✓, was aur
required by official dry, bet was doe. from per -
mss! eonrte.y--a covrteey which yo0 do 501
'seem he understand, sad which 7 de net think it
adrdtable to exercise any further toward- a per-
soe who 600 requited my former coarteay with
the leaguage of in.io0atioa sed menace.
To the Watdes and District S"perist..d..s-i
the legitimate representatives d the Hume Dim
trier in School afore -1 /hall always he happy
to sive every iaforalltia in my power es all
matters al8eeting its Common School iatere.u.
1 ham the honour to be, Bir,
Your *bedct servant,
h*ta. sesw,
But a. same. -Per his *.gas at
Distiller not havug.Asses.
filiadrack Clarks, three,-Drpo'eth, that be
did see atyhed grata to • tmsah tib, is s suits e(
trewestioo, et Mr, 11SAlutsui'e Diau8.ry
psevio0'to the 5,h r )sorry, 1848.
At Quemoy .t *6. peal osd"ga, Der. /Iodine's
proromm o4 the whore 4141, sad ordered kis
0mawl y a mutable, at .e mats woo deeisr •
tag laed*miesed the ease. Mr. 8paihag mored
for as sdjuaraneUL It is worthy of remark,
'het this was the first meson that was aside ol
an adjournment, though Mr. Mitchell represents
u tdjootaterat s every cam ; he also represents
this loft or 3J case 'sl prosecati.w. to be for *ell -
Mg without a licesee. Mr. fledging denuded
a espy s( the Wormlike aid pias cdiage,
which were °Steed IOW? lake a copy, or ea
payment of the ewe 8u., M [Mr. 8.] week
let hum bare • mpeuisess d hi* peamaoahtp.
The above ie • our statement .4 the proetad-
iags and the evtde0ee is nbstaaeo es gives aid
subscribed by the emend witeessea It is for •
Jiscetaiag public to form so opium -
TO Tyr an5TO0 Or Tile 0000* 545RaL.
DLA*agAtty, April 14, 1348.
8ta,-Tho above is • kid** correct sketch
of two case* iarestiptal sad oat adjourned
(sine die), on the 98th alt., iota the examivatia
of which, Mr. Aletmnder Mitedell, your Strat-
ford eorr.spoodest, them. himself "•solicited.
Why he gave the psblio such a distorted view
of this matter, appear to be. as I can Imre,
from the fact that he, Mr. Hodgins, sad Mr.
Shoebottom concocted the edemas of bhckesiss
me in the eye* of th*rblic ; Mr. Hodgiu de-
clariog he cared sot bow despicable he was
made to appear, if Mr. Sparlisg was made u
bad. Why it wee brought before the public at
all, I Casey to be, because these are dull times
for dividing Districts ; for you must know that
he is Secretary to that 4r -famed committee
whose avowed and lofty project it the divioioa of
the Huron District
1 will give out out of the many setisfrletory
reusosa why the matter ought to be prosecuted
to the utmost. Mr. Shoebotiose distilled some
distmetiag staff, porportiog to be whiskey,
*bout the 24th of December last. 1 wosld call
on kir. Hodgins to witness, did he not drink
some, with several gentlemen, when ou their
way to 8t. Mary for electioneering purpose*, the
26th December lot. Hodgisa does
set forget the eccatresce ; sot will the electors
of Blssehmrd loos forget the demise*. 'seises -
time be than -pre on t5. University Qwtio0.
" Throw it is the lire"
Boi to emus. This illicit distillation wts
sot for a trial of the Distillery, bot for a specific
purpose ; as one of Shoebottoal'• wppotters
might be teen the 3d Jaaouy (township meet-
ing), at • place whine doer road* meet, with this
whiskey, crying oat or rather voeikrstiag, 'who
rotes for Sbotbottom•-.emu bete sad drink.'
This, thea, I my only for the utmost eerie.,
would hare i0holved our patriotism's, acid rising
viflage, in the thecae* .f Ming someiated on
Treasurer's books, with rioters proeeadings.
The facility of getting ay quantity elf whiskey
ata distillery for either each or grw, ill an
toil tesdseey. There is at preset a yang
BLANSIIARD CORRESPONDENCE. nose's for • rotlbg off from beiag frost -biose.
wet7* is a stated iatoxiatioa from "Winker
procured at this distillery.
1 am, and will cities., to be jealous for the
good morale and Dame of oar iseelligest, sew and
rising township, and weld recora:wed Mr.
Mex. Mitchell if he ward cared with us es-
ceos((Uy for ()lithe' boners, to tars his •tten-
tioe to the distilleries, and .set go Sato the affairs
el die Overseen of highways ; for he mat re-
coiket that it was whiskey that aired that blot
upon the tame @this would -b• District Tears -
(E67 for Stratford riot.),
1 was *trusty reminded of * oernis Jamie,
n ot 30 miles diatoms, whose Cogatable dared him
to fight, for Meting the arrest of • primer.
I remonstrated with him for sefferisg such coo-
doct. He replied -What could 1 d.1 Why
n ot .ommons the posse commiatia. "The
what," said he, "Ike taxis -faith it would set
Mr. Mitchell represent. re as stadieg for Mr.
Hodgins to Biddalph ; be forgets that it was his
uncle, Thomas Shoebatots, that went for biro
to diamiss him came fa him. Indeed it is matter
of astonishment ti me, bow any magistrate could
dismim tbem in the face of such clear testimony.
Bet this is of • pine with his proceedings in
the Municipal Caseii, wises las voted .picot
his owe tao:ia, after ktsgiag it before that
body is very glowing colour& is fame, I asset.
os this oeeasia, set forth all the i0eo0•istrecies
of Mr. Mitchell's " brief sketch," bot mast
conclude by stating, *bat this is the first piece
I eeer wrote for a eewpaper; but aocwi*h-
sanding I mast my, i do coaaider the eal,bee of
hie fin erns very ditaial: ive, inking very poor
repot -very like that of a pep -ecce
I ia, Bir, yens, Aa. &e.
QT We trust our Blashatd friends will see
the propriety of allowing this affair to rete where
It ie. The p.bfic have sow both rides of the
rase ; aid we tbiak we ars representing the
opiates of at least •iaeten-twatioths of our
means, what we declare that the Debris de net
save " throe slows" whist .ids i. right. or
whether ay side is right. We revue da feet
that we ever asked it; for as we have said be-
fore, the ',stammer that has .o higher missies
the. to chemist* little local grimaces, sad give
p5Niei19 to pssasaa reenmuuions, should just
give 59 the ghost at ogee. Thref.* am mime
eV web t.mwsieatiw is forme.
50LL4pe *7TRo0T Laing, rrc. RTC.
Before James Hodgins .ad Job. Sperling,
Esquires, two of Her Majesty's Justices of tb.
William Wilson Wilson versus Thomas Shoebottom,
for exercising kis calling se Distiller, not laving
his same and calling inaenbed a the Croat or
"eine conspicuous part of his Distillery, purse -
ant to the 9th Victoria, Chap. 2.
William Wilson, swor.,-Depose4b, that a
the 15th of February last, there was ao i00erip-
ties of the yarns gad callus of T. Shoebottom
a any pat of his Dutilkry. Croos-examined
by Mr. Shoebottom,-Swear, positively there
was Ret, Reither is from, back, or either Aide.
Sh•draek Clarke, ewom,-Deposetb, that he
wag at Mr. Sbsebottem'e Distiller) shoat the
14 h February tat ; raw no inscription of the
mune and calling of Thomas Shoebattom on his
Distillery, though be examined it carefully.-
Cfsomexamined by Mr. Hudgins -How do you
k.ow it to be a Distillery 1 Witmeso.-It is a
Distillery, heard -Mr.. Sboebottom my when
witness and he e.t'the first log for the building
that be designed it for a Distillery ; saw mashed
grain in a math tub in a stated ferment/them;
to the best of his koowledge it was to stake
whi.key, aid sot to feed hop.
C. G. Sperling, swore,-Depo.eth, that he
was hegtte.tly at the Distillery; never minded
whether the same aid callingef T. Shoebottom
was inscribed on the building or not, though he
beard them was likely to be a pru0eeutios tea
aka account.
Thomas Skinner,.wore,-Deposeth mach the
same as the witness preceding.
Th. room was now cleared that the Jestiees
might maturely oeeaider the evidence, and give
their deeisia, when Squire Hoagies declared
.be caw sot proved -.Mr. Sperling ria vena.
Same ea same. -For wellies tem the. 3 gal -
loss wltbo* licensee.
Thomas Shines& 'hers,-_D.poseth that he
bought nos grll.e end tine hearts of whiskey
from T. Shaebet,.m, ee the 1 t ih day of Janeary
lost. sed paid him is cash. Crow-exareised by
21r. MuchelI : wafters - No fixation mode
thee 3 callous ; teat sebgeg5e•tly and Moen
1 p/h. sad Lgiens from the di.4ller and paid
him i• rash ; saw the mosey paid over to Mr.
Shoebstiem. C1sseenmised by Mr. Mitchell.
W i .seat --Re meads. ls.d. d 3 go)lo.s ; does
set orientated chemistry.
Jere Prestos. strew$,-Depr.rtb, *hat he sow
Rehm M*I.Iyte bey 3 gases of whiskey el
Mr. Bh«hatmm'e Distillery sod pay ise it io
rash. Craw-ea*4i.od by Mr. Hedgiss,.+No
meet.* audit et R goddess.
Robert Igets*yi., ewer.,-.Dep..nh, he did
bay 3 marts e1 whiskey et Kr. Sb..boltnrm'.
Dretilkry sad pod for it is .*6. Crt'*-exam-
a.d 1y Mr. f>1heAotaem-.No *scones made •
(3O d ae•
715 ream wee row adored by Mr. llsdgtes
• b• ei.e ed, lb& dhw
Art. Sgriw 0.dgiee des rid the erre sot
premd, .d se wiing to Mr. IM*ete8, right-
/blfp digr,iased it, Mr. Spathe, toaght thus
p spuutet.s5, le the lout of .eeh eke, .e.tine.y. .
TL rhe F.b;tu d At Honk Omen.
Bra. -Ire yew paper of the list, you •r'
skated to indslg pear aemwtus nadirs (1)
with remarks epos the preesedege d the 8aeS-
eer, *ad yes stat., " that then it is the mei.
agement of the Agricultural Seeiety, a pashas
feroritlss..set mise emetwo $. with seek as
rastilsNn, sod as meet e.&'.11ted *
its .sefsarr " If toe ethos potties' el der
article, from which this 'street s takes, hare
at 011m troth for th.irfe.ndati.s then Ole above
misted. theme i 000errsia.d M barge Chet the
,....rat e0mrn55tc.tiu.e" _ " them divas
emibblem,"Ae da., ere me*wee dare isms -
Owe Tea haw hale of oto masses is which
tr0 kayo bees is fie hew et eesdeetiag oar
p.Ltieel e8A,rs, t1 yes 'mVpe*. *but we tarry
either roar pabla or private bowies* say kelt*g
mosected with rhea Yes hots( of this`
sad .tight boss yea gav• sepeasei s M elm sere
spM'si-thesgh esdnsewd to be yeses led
„ chewer' Ss
recollseal, fiat
Rees Re crow m.e sad
040 aided H Me. MadMereS --hsiSiii01111.419
opposed le bio ; Moe wars Nem a01vtgldt
Doter ef the proceediap, alttauMt roe ptob6tied
them incorrectly for the iofurtesuoa of the pith-
ubhc. In proal that nothing Of s political kehsp
has actuated the Directors is any of their pro-
emolingo, 1 beg to state, .kat 1 am iestrueted by
the Directors to give all Bill. to be primed alter-
nately to both Priming OHke. ; red is accord -
saes with these instructions, the very first Bill
required to be petaled by the Society 1 took to
yaw, sad yea boa orated, "yes wan stay awry
roe weld set undertake it, oat yea had **Oro
type, sod would have none "aril after the open -
tag of the asriptioa. "
With regard to the preset ore, abut which
yea have made so mach foe and chews es little
stew -acting upon the infortwtioa received
from yourself (se previously quoted), i thought
it enoecrseary, sod it world have bees a mockery
to harp asked yon to prat it, when you had sou
the type wherewith to do it 1 therefore look it
to the Sigel office, sad ea they could sot get
the bills reedy et the time required, they hied':
*aid that they woe' give it sorties is the
paper. TI a pubhc sod you have now the whole
truth connected with the traneectioa, and is
future I trust you will be careful sot to giv
publicity to statemeeta that have oo better fon-
dation for their truth than year owe imagiastioti•
1 have the b000er to be, sir,
Your obeeirut serest,
'TO T** R=ITOR or pea memos .IGIAL.
Goucucu, 18th April, 1848.
Sm, -Some of your readers «Say, perhaps, at
tribute ilia my vanity, that I so sown res*tae
this sat.ject, and solicit the use of your columns
for amrtie° of the following ; but be it.
cue sot ; fir public attention is sow to thonogh•
ly aroused towards Building Societies, end them
desire for ieforatioe become w got, that har-
ing osee dips. my pen is the matter, i am oblig-
ed to resume it in self -defence -to iter• Calking
-my only fear, however, is, that I may get be-
yond my depth.
Is my last I briefly alluded to their mien and
inteatios of each assn ociatioI shall sow a
briefly advert to their besevolasod d simpli-
Every institutiou or limeades, toadies to
meliorate the condition of society is liners', a
d ecrtai° closets in particular, deeming the up-
prob•tio and support of the commaaity at large ;
more bur, the on especially is sorb iaatituiosnd or
investios deurriag of eacosragemeat, ait.
beaeroleat character evinced, tithes the mode
of is operations comes within the piers of the
poor sans' means and ability ; so that he hue
only to will it to kis own immediate besr8t, sad
it lase.
Bub, air, is the character sad stere of B.ild-
isg Socia& properly 10.40.ted ; air, Rise -
teethed the eonamaaity are attempting to de-
eeive the other teeth ; is 'widow" .( which 1
shall Doty select the following extracts, from a
member sbefore use. The Guelph "Herehd"
norma : " We would my, to ALL who desire
to advance the best interests of the country by
calling iato actio. money, mattrial, and labour,
rapport Building .open" Th. Hamilton
" Gazeta" nye that they are d
me iateed to " la-
den all classes of the ewwmseity tbtu.gbat the
Province, to participate is the advantages arising
frosmall feasibly wvisp, through the mediate
of seeioti. apparently °teethed in weakens,
but ultimately proving, with hems, eo-.peroties
mod ecisssay, sae et the Mightiest aid wrest
legitimate methods ever yet conceived by doe
drum dtm to seem hrge,pre4te.1 the lowest
Bost." Aad the "Colonist," as it were lis
amazet0.Ot at the success and prosperity d
Building Societies
tbroagbout the country, ex-
claims " We only wonder how few avail them-
selves of this made diave.ame.t for their month-
ly swinge, when it i. °beton that, is a society
founded std
as thew are on the very safest fee-
tie., the gain must be enormous ; equal, .t the
very lowest ealcrlatio•, to 30 per crit. per
autos. It u expected that this Society (aha
Homs District) will bo wooed op in fire yews ;
where parties iestiag E6 per seem, or £30
is the whole, will be entitled to £100." -
Need I my more, air, or use streaker taster
thee the *bore (if that were possible), to she.
that large •moan*. of mosey when scattered
!brougham the errantry is small wow an co.•
zegoently unproductive ; bat that, anion bei.g
strength, thus small oris collectively may pre-
date incalculable good. Asd that were* Socie-
ty e•t.bluhed here, the periodical eubseriptiae
would son come within the reach of the poor,
but industrious end eeosemial hammer-ea
cosaeg Deo sly, that thea associetir.a mer fear elect
.s the nose bewse•ehrou pnseipts.
it seldom epees, ear,, that eves the "i.1
hid wherae, of minor uses" meet with the
reedy eo-operatics d an Ac', or PautrARR.T;
bel the impresserd "!Wilding Societies" h.s
mach reams to eoahimselfl.l.himself sad
a the toe
pubtie, e hominy gine to the werki.g mit
of His wbeme by the Proei
vieal Parhiam's( d
Goads, On the 18th et May 1846 ; ebe., .bey
tea, aid there said, 't Aid be it moseyed" that
whets twisty perinea or upwards 'hall ham de -
elated their intestine w cautions themselves e
B.tl4ieg 8..)..,, and Ala lave epee/mg ,04 -e
onpy of suet daeionati.w wish the Clerk d the
Peen Peafor the District. (aid d..aae paid the 1st,
via : hes Matt* wad .upesw,) they .hell be
"• eerpwps
etioe for that sorss" with all the
bese6tw trier., frost sad pewee .sud reed by •
dpeeia Aet of Puliamint-aid that, they " moo
motive • te sr mosey from Say member by way
d as-ere any there -bedew ieserr. wit t
being to penalties be the seery kerb.
Thom ".weary penes." 1.0..14 there le se
mor) nosy slew.. femme senviwr
slof..Bw9ka -'
ere, make bylaw. aid eeniwseees 1
the •per•testse tante facility, (Omagh perhaps the Irl
eh.s.a .(.se.) se if I bey had b.e* 1*0
PI..m, rr, was ea Act 1 Psrlistsese d cell
riwea ekn.aa,
pfibd m
e4 ad bismi5p tsdd
to •ak
bet w eta a veleataisle "
a in
ase rag may hied a
horse to the water, *60.961 aerate *4. ass
stale him dusk ;" so It s with law ttaa►trtgs
roe est at awe mu diem sad ..s$ the hen
i*ra4tnabla laws, thus ruay ha reoomswdrd is
the arroege,' pomeible terms by soother eat ; bet
both nary ;a amble to :Mew
*tablas 4. easy lAtPw"
compiled with walk MVO
i ee* Birt Most moat
We ore Ieg"•.ted to iatlms1e dm • la*
of 044 Yellow, is ower w he ~Wand is
/id.eich. W • ass wt -_-Sabel/ aurustait.
with the natant of dote iwstitutee to •ramble w
to say much *boat it. We usdrmnad it is
heeded o4 principles of philanthropy anti i. est. •
teudisg itself uvrr a large pettier* .f Earspe esti
America , The number of members la cosne-
tio* with what u called the Moulmein Uta*, .
sow estimated at about 300,000, said we me he -
homed the* their acts .f thatiey hoe Items
Dameroua and eatro.ies-th. v.loawy sesta-
Dation. for relief of th. dutrowed Brach sad
Irish op to July amoe.tieg to £980 19 2.
8r: Gauss's decrier-flvs.Ttroso. -This
Society has beta meeting together, sines 1834.
A few year" *termed" the members meld
their Rake sad Regilstio.s,-sad bays away*.
toes Ily to celebrate Esgh.d'. Beist.-Js
It is tar eldest society in the Diwrht. 0y. t -
34th iva' , the member", with many of aha sou
of 8t. Andrew, met at the Vain Hotel aid par-
took of ea exeellet dieser, and mooed ms agree-
able feesia& la rho abww of the Premise*,
(J. C. W. Daly, Esq.,) -Mr. C...etlke T. W.
Daly filled the chair. Whew the coral mast -
were gives• Th. stat of "Lad Elgin, Gov
suet Ceuta's( Cased'," was vetbaeiestiea)y
chewed. "The boy aid all who house it."-
" The
"Tee sister 8eeieties"-r.god.d w by a
McPherson, Esq.. Preoidest d Bt. Andrew',.
sad D. H. [.Saar', Esq , o* behalf of 8t. Pat.' •
rick'". After which sever6d veluteer tsnaey
wets given, ening which, "J. W..Owyeae.'
Ep , us the promoter of Unmet impeovemest."
The eveal.g rem* iamb .nlieesed with some
eaeellent new', sad with aha addiaiti'a of Ss-
telleet5al conversations, *ad appropriate re•ssrb i
oat the state d the eoutry. This society has
bees the meats of relieving the tl.trewwdv tad
they are knows to have meted with•sot whin
.pplieuioa wen meds a thea -tarts.
BLAcumen Sow To Ler its brsaTr.s*.-
We refer to Mr. Shaman'. advereimmest, .fisr•.
int his Blacksmith Shop, 44& to let We dean
wt bee those who wish to haws a semfirrMks
place of "bade, • Ilsutishiag ►.*sem, is • firth.
Mg sad i.d•.triees settlement, will and them-
selves at mace .f Mr. Sherman's ogee.
MLL4RCRotT,-11 i. with deep regret tho we
sesame that the body el Mr. Horace H. Hill.,
was feed, se Meaday mesing, is the My, sear
the steamboat laodiag. Mr. Hills has hoes
miesi5g for nearly a mouth, sad being, like mese
ethers at the presort raoa.set. errannaternd St
Nasecial ratters, it was feared that his pored
S pirit hal roe survived tk. misf.rtwe. Memo
tarmioe have proved bat too Inc ; as M had
dodgiest in a pened 0 menta alimonies retied
robiddea lore she presence of his Meier. As
ea upright, iodus*riotis, tad atwpei.isg ishabi•
mat, and his kindliest 0f hurt, .miebiIh g aid
dna/owning maneees.had **beard Easy same
friends, who twits with ods family is dip eeiag
their irreparable ken-H.mi3aw epatadn.
We ander tad that Await Theatre. ds
moa whom sodde* dtesppe rs*** teem Dodos,
excited so much sepieies sad asaiety u that
taws, was issed ea Merd*y atomise u the
easel basin. As impeesaa appears to prevail
that the aafortsaste toms committed wisids._,g.
Os Monday there wax a change of ww
Cher -from spring tp winter -aid os Tues-
day morning it blew a perfect !intricate
from E. to E. N. E. The line ship Elmore,
(formerly the „ im
Greif Britain Steamer.
bound to Daleoosie aid Grsby Mr (lead
of Timber, was forced 1,, run before the
wind in search of a Barbour. Abut sever
o'clock in the morning, .he made the Bur-
iingto0 Canal; obit was going fine at the
time, but on searing tb. South pier she
touched the bottom, when she tossed le
iniad her helm, sad tweet broadside es ds
per, sad immediately attar seek is the Ott.
Dal on the Borth side. She broil* a holes/I
of the foremast, which fall over. Teeters
and bow were out of the water, the main
and mien mast. were .taudisg, white we
saw her on Wednesday, tied the Captain
and crew were neing every ersrt(os to ease
what they they could from thew eek,-.
There were about SC feet of the seek slew,
sufficient for the Packets to psi. is .cols
weather. The Eyesore did not draw over
8 feet of water when she struck. 8be m1gb$,
however, have dipped much deeper, from the
tumultuous state of the lake, *bleb wag
lashed into a furious foam --the water des►:
ing over the top of the eater ltIbt-beee*,.�
Fortunately so lives were lo.t. The q&
eel is a complete wreck. She was iseeetei
but to what amount we have sot ieeniaL
A.cb000er was sunk at NstwoLL'e when
but we (earn she eau be raised "Wield sends
The splendid new Americas Shaker
Niagara, os her Ent trip, eseonnterrd the
storm near Roeheotee, and loot her kneel%
pdile boxes, lee. She was who is Gas..*
river at the last account..
Oe Lake Erie the storm rowed with IT r:
fiery. -The water is Buffalo Creek .11 6
feet lower than low water mark. We se,
afraid we .hall have lo record easy Now
tried.-J.srset Red
8r. Gammas DAg#-
Coated wildly wildly to My '.� 50.57 slat le
deed Sei*ti teem4 is the Oakville,. 1
tors oat is d " ABlssd'e
Seise' lest eider wee maim a
fair, however, .sd Toeld 5sees *o
that his 8alsteblp.. sheet t. WI fele
sets& with the mods seseible poetise el OS
B.gisli Oeemseeity, Oberky ttibSkdr (ll�
Wok, M died with less .Maass. 11111
ttiep)ey,. iene same, Iw
mongolpoeso tar »t/wmsee1117•
le thee
sSees we leers it wee lit
sail et Bt. Gimep, vies!'. iii behesttit s
*vet the bate* and
w� matted • Seim mtrati q gsar+arti
the of Ow Nast lam/ Sa wit�idrtr'
tar Pities, Mata alma to
at Divan Swain at • W -Tire
7 Tr'imity r.-Toratio £wiser.