Huron Signal, 1848-03-10, Page 4HARD TIMES- w. at ....., weesen. W. soy the alas set grimier Aad held they ars his tree 1 Bo/ *sakajs, wryest wives sad baba. Therm hawks amide by pas. Th, dt..hewPe w is elf -impend, Like fiery et►evais The Wass d.egsrbet sea Not heli w meek ss Gia The .tele ..,pot, so mesa to dries lie only Is tri Warm ; 'Tu Cie naw gonadial Oaks his dews 'ru rags, sad wain, sod shame. 11,. kindest b..hosd dragged by Oar, 1s frit • tyres" koews, The tenderest keen that Nature made Scooters a heart (Inoue. la foray • boom the kermlese babes Are poorly clothed and fad. Became the caving Gra-,lisp takes The childre.', daily bread. Clew. wig hoer, take • walk with me, •T emu • heath's surer, And eek the canes of poverty la lasadrede that we meet. leheid tbe ahiverimg fvrsol. there, Who plies her weed node 'Tie tee re este you'll 5sd that Gia Ther. belple.. wretch Ma made. Iwai dews "hew, wen, and view below Yee eviler wider grssad ; Ther. every wet wed ',seri woe. Arid every sin are famed Those little "Mime.e trembling thew, With Imager and with cold. Were by their paresis's love of Gin, Te sea sad ai.ery add. Leek through tho prim's iron bars ! Leak thnegb that dismal grate, Aad imam what dire atiairtsae, bestial' 8. terrible a tau! The debtor, end ib. fides, see, Though diff riag meek is res, Toe eh easel And wets thither brought By sUoieetreejegtGi t. floe the Pak m•nfeterer there, Hew lank sad term he lie. How haggard ia kis sickly deck ! !law dim his hollow eye. ! Hew amply bad his pins nfficed, Oa wile sad ehildrea .peat, Bat ail mast let.hie pleasure go, AU t. the Gin•anlrc went See that ,pprmatieee-yeaog is vests. Bet backeneyed lesg is its ! What made kiss rob his *aster's till 1 Ales ! 'twee love of Gine That sedum aa. -1 knew him once, 8e jansty, spruce, asd smart ! Why did be stn1, then pawn the plata? Twee Gia e.seaod his heart ! Bet lurk ! what awful seined was that 1 'Ti. Relegate's awls) hilt ! It ,4i, alas, ler berme guilt ! Sims m•=elbster's knell Ok, wend seed ! Oh, what could cease Asci punishment sad iia Hark ! beer his words, be owns the eau. " Bad company mrd Gus." And when rbe tater* let is laid. Of darkness, fire, and chinas; Hew eau the drunkard hep. to 'seeps Th... emLsiiag piss. THE WATER E WATER sv wiLttaa taorinewtR.t. The Water ; the Water ! The joyous brook for me, That mauls through the quiet sight, tia ever-living/leo The Water ! die Water ! That sleepless merry heart, Whisk gurgles ea osetistedly, And {event to impart Tea .,o.ed it mime small meaners wits owe most perket pksaore. Th. Water ! the Wooer ! The Mende stream for me, That gushes from th.'old pay some, Beside the adder tree. The Water ! the Water t That ever -bobbling sense 1 towed sad looked ern while • child, Is deepest wo deri.g,_ And asked it whams it come sad west, Aid whoa its weewre• would be moot The Water ! dor Water ! The merry, wastes brook. That brat itself to pleasure me, Like mise oma shepherd crook. The Water 1 the Water ! That mag se ferret at noes, Aad sweeter sill all night, to aim Batiks from the ple prod mope, Aad fres the little fairy fads Thad gleam is be•vea's reswps platers The Water ! the Water ! The deo' sed blessed 'big, That all dog fed the hide towers Oa it. beak. Inloessning- T e WOO, ! rho Water That tevmw'd is my est, Weiss oda mist -tilts parity, Tet Mph well sight beer ; Am) wdefw u ib. pt...( heaves, flew meek • pilgrim had bus thrives. The Weser ! the Water Where I hove sheet rain tests, la I..eli•eee sod h,esdtieess, A 'hung of under veers, 7b. Water ! lbs Water t Whom them happy bees. Mill'bsse.,fd epee iu how. Bower. Id1111 alsh Widow from. And idle hoped *y NA moth, bit Os mos nod b! Lae id,brry. The Woe* 1 Bir Nw. t My her pin Mawr as'took New teal thy foossde sparkled Seth. Fw prmkmg dip s oils& . T0111 Ohl 1 tills War Of mise ewe Mali. glom The dltdesso• ewe 1 eh helm* Rat assersioN beer Thaw. Mee 1111, WM `OW With sassy that km as Gtr smog t The Waw ! the Weser 1 Tis wild sad glassy wove, Upset whew bees" hake Pre Argsd Tb fisolleyelket mem. Tin Wows ! the Water l O h1..d t* sea thee an ; Thee aea.a..1.IiU'..aliteoie, The sail slay hoot. Aad Nag it, daepile o1 r.dsem. With dreams..ld,pa(te4 gladsome The Water ! rho Water Thii meander padre tote, That whispered to my heart how .Doo This weary We was dose. The Water ! the Water ! That rolled re bright sad floe. Aad bods me .welt Dow beestifrtl Wee its seal'. parity ; Asd how it glanced to heaves its wave, As wasderisg os it sought its grave. A• eminent physician says, that noisy of the completing which produce the pre- mature death of fashionable and beautiful woman ars produced by their practice .1 undressing to `o to pi•esure parties at tea end twelve o'clockst sight. ?tisk of it, ladies *. An editor out west has married a girl named Church. Ile aye be has enjoyed more happipness, since he joined the Church then be ever knew to all his life before, "Some aro hated for being rich, and some are hated for being poor, so that I think a Dean is the best," said an old cynic to kw better half. " Well," says she, µ I behave the aeon folks do make out the beat. GODERICfri WHOLESALE AND RETAIL STORE. THOMAS GiLMOUR k CO., HAVE always on hand • cheeps assort - most of all kinds of fancy sad STAPLE DRY GODS, GROCERIES. Hardwsaere, Boots, Shoes, Crockery, &c., Aed as their stock is selected from the principal warehouses in New York and Moetreal they feel confident that they can furnish a superior article for lea price than it can bo obtained elsewhere in toe Hume District, as in all cash traneactleirs they bare resolved to deal upon the principle of small profits and catenate* sales. They solicit an examination of their ample stock of New Goods from all intending pur- chasers. N. B. -All kinds of farm produce taken in exchange for goods, for which the high- est market price will be allowed. Godericb, Feb. 3, 1848. to NOTICE THE Subscriber would announce to those who are indebted to him, either by Not. or Book Account, aro requested to call with WILLIAM G. SMITH' and set- tle the earn* es or be'ore the 20th of March next ; and if said aecounta are not settled by that time, they will be placed in the heads of the Clerk of the Coort for collec- tion. Any person having any claims, or ac- counts against the subscriber, wit. call on Mr. William G. Smith for fisa/ settlement of the same. Godericb, Feb., 963,18 1848. OLIVER. FOR SALE, BY the subscriber, that valuable property situated in the township of Goderiel,, on Lot 19, 4th concession, within St miles' of the town of Gudericb ; there is aood Saw Mill on it and 80 acres of land 20 acres cleared. It is a sever failing stream well adapted for any Machinery, such as Carding sod Fulling Machinery, Distillery, and Gnst Mfll. N. B. -Will be sold cheap for cash, or part of the money may lie for a few years. Apply to the proprietor. Goderich, Feb. 18,vM. 13448.ALI,IGH3M, NOTICE. THOSE indebted to the Subscriber are requested to make immediate pay- ment, or else their notes and act -ousts will be put into the hand of an attorney for col- lection. ROBE T Goderich, Feb. 18 1848.ERWF. *1 HENRY NEWMAN, 10111 READ, CAKE and PASTRY BAKER, Jfi respectfully solicits the patrons(' of rho inhabitants of Goderich and its vicisity, and trusts, by strict atteatiot, to sent • share of their favours. N. B. -Herd Biscuit and all kinds of Crackers ea head. Cakes mad* to ovist. God,rieh, las. 28, 1848, 11( TO CAPITALISTS. GOOD and safe I.TestmsN eeta. V.Iu., MiLi. SITES std FARMS for sale ea Lake Huron. A good Mill Privilege on the Lake shore within six mile. ofGaleria', baring 16 acne of excellent Liked, Hut Mill e•e be built on for rock, and within 60 feet of tea feet deep water is the Lake; the Moll dam can be made 16 to i8 feet high at a thi,ag expenes sad on a never father steas,•bs- dance of Saw -logs ha the vlcimt . Also, a eptend.d hill privilege ►elf • Mile up se the Eighteen sib River which is .avlgabls to the Lake, ?wisp 4f •terve of first rete 'sad, pfesty of Pine and other Saw -logs is the vtelieity. AND ALSO -Poor of the bat dsae ie - tine of FARMS or sad wear the Lake Shore, with impresemeat,. Tbe above well Wetted sed very nitwit* property will he said low for deb, or heti ole purebw m.sny may ramie Ibr three or fear year" ea mortgage. Apply niece Lawns" wns" be Hiker Lemke*pallt r iber Poe* r , OmledelAer Vire ietater HPIWINE Pert Albert. Godarueb,, Pak3, I, . IA CHATHAM. DISTRICT OF /KENT. VALUABLE UAL ZSTATE F OR Mme-. LIZR CHANCR FOR CAPITALISTS. fttHE sobseri►er haring re ha„ arise is Gdenck.snd with lbs view e1 sauy/ag os ►ir operation with more deoo 1. t sad suceees, is is want nab...oars the of e following valuable property far sale, attested in the Svenska/ tows of Chatham, the District seat for Heat, for cask only via - That adeatye.saly sheeted property is Chstbani Norte, oestauigq FOUR wa- ter Lote--accordeag to tis tows plot ser- vey-wilb a good **d .ubetse4t.ttem story Dwelling Hoene theme, Knits*, celleot garden, summer hous, k-, kc , suitable for a large family era tc Hotel, a Bern 40 feet by 34, •sd a large enclosed Building well adapted for distilling or for storage, being erected as • .ubetaa- nal wharf, moonsg vessels of over 300 tons berths*. On the premises 1. also so invaluable Spring, the excellencies of tta waters are not surpassed is the District. -AL80- Two Building Lots in Checking North Block Gwell situated, beteg oppwlite the new IkiAre, shortly to be erected. - -ALSO._ A largo two .tory Frame House fronting the Barracks, 40 feet by 28, nearly 6oi.hed, with half an acre Lot belonging, -AL80- SEVENTY-FIVE Acre, of excepe.t Land intoned • on the banks of the Rirer Thames, only three mile. below the tow* of Chatham, with a dwelling House 1Dere• on, about 40 •tree cleared, and In a high state of cultivation. MI, or part, of the. shove property will i. sold ori reo,owble terms for csah doers, or oat -fourth down, and the reitoaloder is three yearly tnetalarents. Title waque.tioa- ab1 , For further particulars esquire of M. Is 0. Dolma Chatham, or to:the pro - 'miter at Goderirb, CHARLES DOLSEN. Goderich, Jan. 28, 1848. FOREIGN PERIODICALS. REPUBLICATION OP THE LONDON QUARTERLY REVIEW, EDJNBUIGH REVIEW, FOREIGN QUARTERLY REVIEW, WBLACKWOOD'S REVIEW, Mread AGAZINE. 'l'UE above Periodicals aro reprinted is New fork, immediately on their ar- rival by the British Steamers, in s beauti- ful clear type, on fine white paper, and are faithful copses of the origioals.Dladtwood•a Magazine being an exact fat -simile of the Edinburgh edition. Tbe wide -spread fame of these splendid Periodicals reodere it needless to say nisch in their praise. As literary organs, they stand far in advance of any works of a si- milar stamp now published, while the poli- tical complexion of each is marked by a dignity, candour, and forbarance'not often found in works ofa party character. They embrace the views of the Ares' groat puttee in Eiglasd_Whig, Teri, and Radical-Bfaclneoed and the Loud..' Quarterly are Tory • the abtsgh R view, Whip ; and the Weatesiseterr I. Th. Foreig,. Quarterly il purely ittsrsry, being devoted principally to criticisms* on foreign Continental Work., The prices of the Re -prints ere leas thee one-third of those of the foreign copies, sad while they are equally welt got up they afford all tb*t advantage to the American over the English reader. TERMS. PATNSOT-Tn as YADR ADVANCa. For any onset -the fear Reviews, $3,00 per an. For soy two de is 5,00 For any three d. de 7,00 " For all four of the Reviews.... 8,00 " For Blackwood'* Magazine.... 3.00 For Blackwood and the 4 Reviews, 14,00 •• CLUBBING. Four copies of any or all of the ahoy. work. will be sent to one address on pay- ment of the regular subsenption for three -- the fourth copy Wag grata. (d' Re.itttasees and communications stoat be made is all eases without ettpe se to 13 pabliaLrs. The farmer •say slway. be dose tbrosgh a Postmaster, by bis the satoest to he remittal tak ► s receipt, and forwardingit byg ; or the money may he scrl mail, post- paid otter, poet -paid, directed to uNd e° • N. B. -The toon the rriodical to reduced by the lathPostOfic* L.sw Periodical, about one-third the former rates, making • Terj"Lsportant saving is the espeose to sail subscribes. tli "In all the principal cities and towns throogbout the United States to which there te a direct Railroad or Water com- munication from the City of New York, these periodicals will be delivered free of PootaltLEONARD SCOTT k Co., Psifilere, 119, Felton -at., N. Y COs• Subscribers is Caoada may receive their somber, at the Barest American Poet (Aces. (1edench, las. 28, 1848. Clomp Etna DsPAaTwaivT, .Meals,!, 107.4 March, 1846. OTiCR is hereby gives, by order of 11 Hie Jzoelfeney) the Adsisietrator of the Gove.ta tet ie Cessetl, to alt persons who hive received •I.eatroe, o1 land le Weskit* Commis, viaee the 1st 'enmity, 1839, sad also to parties located previous to that date, whose locations were not is - eluded in the het of espatenttd lards, 1153115 to rot -fetter', of April. 1839, that eels.. the e1fsefta or their legal represe.tatitw establish their claims and take est their Detests within law year. from this ink, the load will beresumed by Goverseseet te be disposed K►y Arils. SALT 1 SALT ! ! IN BARRELS, elm"for wish sr market Ws rodeos, at the Store of T. GILMOUR k CO. 158. 11, 1846. NOTICE. ALL te L. PECK, r., Pt INT TARS/, Ake by Note or soot deenial, w[uw settled will be planed is the horde of the Cori et the Meeker tit M oitloeti.., I. DATUM/JURY, A,dge„ 7, OSigek1, Jar. », MS. t ,r LIST OF LICENSES SININIIVED FOR Tilt HURON DISTRICT 1N THE YEAR 1640. legellieeeee of uCIIINt SHOP. 1, 0. 4. s.vs .. wwa w ares anti 2 11111 3$47 Witham timer, 3 1u Fels. W. B. Or, 4 1b& Janes Waues• 7 .. 8 •• 9 t0 11 •• 12 13 ,• 14 „ 15 ., • 16 e, 17 ., Id de 44 20 1' 21 0 as ., G. 9944 .. lA te 96 •• 27 0. ALE AND BEER. 2 ZS„a v L Freesia Jolts Hicks, sebawiss Fryfagie, William Hicks A.drsw tlebad, Thalami Nagler', Jobe AIIea, Ashore Doorigh haws M• ,Junes WhisI7o,4, Daeadd 0..'..., Robert Dme t., Henry Haack*, Thomas Dark., Peoria 11..4.4, Jus Balkwdl, George Hader/ie,it Jame Oe.tles, Robert Cook, David Mucro, T. W. Robi•eos, Robert Ellis, s Bennet Jokes, Joke Dealsp, mimosa, Wry as ttovst-dee ascii. ow lawn. Sseadvel. £710 tisd.ieb. 7 10 7 10 7 10 Illaattss47 - 10 A70 0 0 ane 73 e0 est* Ra.iMpe, 3 10 North li w►upe, 3 00 Vitebsk 3 10 De. 3 10 dt•ahp., 7 10 Illuo,Z 710 3 10 7 10 Gedatieb, 710 De. 7 10 Stretford, 7 10 Taahsramtrk, 310 306 tart, 3 10 Bayfield, - 300 O.deriek, 7 10 McGillivray, 310 Unborn, 3 10 Biddulph, 3 10 Ciodench, Do Teweab,p, 3 10 NDo. Esetho 3 10 Choleric!' • 3 10 Gh 7 10 J nice, Oodrrieb. 1 10 1 10 133 0 0 .1 0 • tin 0 0 (Signed,) For C. WIDDER, I isePerbr Ilwreai As7r4ct. B. WILSON, D.pesy. A true O'Py, . DANIEL LIZARS, OFFICE CLERK OF THE PEACE, Clerk of the , flume District. God.rkh, 21st February, 1848. 5 GODERICH FOUNDRY. FARMERS,ENCOURAGE YOUR HOME MANUFACTORIES. THE Subscribers beg to Inform the is. habitants of the Huron District, the they have in full operation, their NEW FOUNDRY, which for convenience a the facility with which the work is done equals, they feel proud to amen, any country foundry in Canada. They further pledge themselves to the public to sell all Goods in their Iine, is cheap, if not cheaper • se good, if not bet. ter, than they can be obtained from any other foundry in Canada or elsewhere. The patronage they have met with during the short time they have been in business ben, warrants the oboes statement, and they take this opportunity of informing their friends and the public that they '•d*untie*use every *untie* in their power to main- tain the character, they trust, they have felly established for themselves. Tkcv will haus on band Threshing Mille, SIM Mill and Grist Mill Castings ; Re-ac- tioe Water -wheels, Smut Realities of the sad d meet approved plan, Steam En- gines, and all hied, of Hollow -ware, such as Bake Kettles, Bellow Pots, Tea Kettle", Sugar Kettles i also, various sixes of Cook- ing and Parlour Stoves, and every descrip- tion of Ploughs, kc., kc. In additioe to the above, they us ready to receive orders for BELLS from five to tee hundred pored' weight, and warranted to bowel! toned. GEORGE MILLER k CO. Goderich, Jaeoaay 28, 1848. 1y t teal N. 8. In order that the subscribers may be enabled to discharge the pledges given in the above advertisement, they must in- sist upon prompt payments, therefore, 01.11 Notes and Book Accounts oow due, imme- diate payme•t ie regulated. H.'B. O'CONNOR, IMPORTER, WEST STREET. TAKES this opportunity of retuning his riacere thanks to hie friends and the public for the liberal support and distin- guished patronage he hes received since the °peeing of Dia Establishment is Gsdericb, sad begs to aware them that be will still ccheapest v apply his fine se astral.times with the arid H owed direst their attention to his varied and extentessive importations which he is oow receiving of DRY GOODS, GROCE- RiES, CROCKERY and HARDWARE, the low price" of whish he is certain will "pent for themselves, and for quality and variety cannot be surpassed in Western Canada. Goderich, Jen. 28,18 8.0'CONNOR. ill (%i"Butter, Wheat, Oats, Barley, Corn, kc., and every de.enption of Farmer's Produce taken in exchange. Cash will be paid for gaud Grass f , Hides lied Fen. H. O'CONNOR, & CO.1 STRATFORD, 880 ribheept Lira, lty gtOsesettece to the wl they are sons operas( oat at tk.1, atom, seat door to Mr. Lostoia ect opposite DRY GOODS, GROC1&l8e, kg., whieb levier been purchased by as experienced buyer, sad for Cart, he the Hose and Montreal usrkete, they are determined to offer at pi54. 1 will dee competition. They *al the favour of • call from i chasers to eooeince rhes of Ude set( ff. O'CON Stratford, Jar. 18, 1646, NOR RICO. INFORMATION WANTED (' F JOHN MORIARTY. who kit ire. v/ land ie April, 10ib, accompanied hie brother and Meter, sad arrived at QOokae in 1011e- Thetr tly p de d b a Tweaks is Ile oboe the` t period lobo Moriarty haeme, Mss rmwtd et. Itis agpe.ed be writ to tM adAe bit fermsatieu re peeti.g hawTv, Pat i 6,lw, Mtikate T Mosite- will be theakhlly reeetead. Cassia Wad, Issuery 10, 164e. 2 *ARR[SON 0 M'LEAR, BiglItIRM1011, A ed" weHtr9 h CIIATrA>E, C. W. THE MONTREAL TRANSCRIPT COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER, IS Published emery Tuesday, Thursday 1 and Saturday, at the Low Prete of TWELVE SHILLINGS per anoum, pay- able iovariably in advance, The Transcript .is printed on a sheet sear -lye" large as any used in the Province; and should circumetaaces permit, it will be still further enlarged in the course of the ensuing summer. Durte tho Par- liament t6 Transcript approaching cripwilll ccontain Reports of the Proceedings, sufficiently comprehen- sive to furoi,h Record of sit that occurs in both Legislative Bodies. As a Family Newspaper, the Transcript will support its old character. A pontos of its spare space will be devoted to the in- sertion of diiscdlaneoua matter of an in- terestip and Literary character. and .vary thing offensive to morals will be carefully avoided. Ws bare eommeeceo, and intended to continue, •series of Biographical Sketches from Chamber's Miseelissy of Uie(ui and Entertaining Tracts and other Works ; and during the present season, notice will be taken of the, Lectures delivered at the several Literary Institutions of this city, which we commented last winter, sail which gate genteel satisfaction. TERMS OF T1IE TRANSCRIPT BY MAIL. So.'taaT o tTa Teammatrice of es., (wben •sent tby mail) it TWELVE SHILLINGS par an- ovm, payable in advance, To facilitate ro- mittsneo:a FIFTEEN SHILLINGS will Lfor INrtMonths. GS for Ten Moonth, and FIVE 811IL- LiNGS for Five Months. Wheat the period of subscription is nearly expired, we shall send three different copies of the Transcript' gelosed in Her or ,;tees coven ; and if no remittance is made, the Paper .hall, is every cue, be discon- tinued. As the paper is given to subscri- bers at the lowest possible price, all -mope) lettere must be post-paid ; and those which are not, the amount of postage will be di- deeted from the money sent. (Li'Tbe Trasseript is sent to Subscri- bers is the country twice or throe time* a week, at their option. The wide of tits reading matter of Thursday and Saturday's papers being put into one sheet -thus sav- ing the Subscribers one-third postage, the price of eubecniptfon to the both is the came. Subscribers, in writing for the Transcript, will please mention whether they wish the tri -weekly or eemi.weekly paper seat to them. (i "New.papere with whom we exchange will please copy this Notice, which we will be happy to reciprocate in the same wy,. Ooderieb, March 3, 1848. PROSPECTUS OF THE VICTORIA MAGAZINE. MR. AND MRS. MOODIE, F.orretts. THE Editors of the thereat. M..u.a wiN doves an their turrets to woolens a amid estereieiag, sed .heap Perredieel, for the Cana- dian People : whin, may afford amwasmeat to both old and young. Sketch.. std Take, is vire sad Prean, Mud Emir. attester of Ws Coker. &raps of Metal fskrmntiou, Reviews et sew Weeks, and well wlutsd under hem the seat popular sedum tithe dog, will yam the pages of the Magasise. The Editor/eel .sodded tet tk. is sesed*,t and treat country M wham service they see tend me Meas their where, wiU ebserfallp lead its support to mompagmadeow. sad liner Bite eadwtakmt• Tb. I.w ow at etas& the l placed, h ia order that esey penes vri1Mbt►. Celery whit ow wed. mad ifeard.a. 4 seal mai crestal isepaos.msut may mese.. • eskssf►sr sad puma dib week. meaty - The Vanessa Mood emoi sod a es geed ewe corse mit w. et w egad of die yew ew gm j j poem. %- n. Jr will to lewd waametaa ( !lest et SoMssbs►. hes r ldK Met et g Nks e 6 R herded side , m emit Pub- *, Ism* w l8. _Iters, tum +asIONO at sob. Oh PURIFY TAE 3401'?Alma 4 VEIETABLIC LIFE PILLS AND PUIEIoNIX BITTEIMIL T/11 Ilgk sad wield ealsbe, .10*, thews attired f*',t M j um la 111111 Pmtry 11.. diatoms trhie6 t to tt~dthetwal penes esest e. te+teirtesthem. an san►? hrfhd; their geed works teettfy fbr them, sed they thrive sot by the fear et the eredahram IN ALL CAGES et Amami, Amite sad Croue Rheuseatt iti AlkeMiass of the Bladder aid Kidneys, Bilious Fevers and Liver Compllinte. 1* the South and West where thee* alis- esses prevail, they will be famed invalua- ble. Plasters, farmers, sad others, who ones use these Medihes, wiU seem be without them. Bilious Chiba, trod Beim Looseness. Biles, Costiveaas, Cold. and Coughs, Cbohe, Coneamptioa. Used with great success in the. disease. Corrupt Humors, Drupelet, Dyspepsia. Noroom with this disease, dtase, should defy using those weirdest' immediately. Et -apnoea of the 8ku. Erysipelas, Fla- tulency. Fever sod Ague. For this scourge of the western country thee* be found a safea will dy. tither kyr and ehtals res.. t to a midi/lees leave the system sobjec mare of the 110611,-11n mediaises ears by *h . ie peraressat. Try shwFoulness he sa a m W bo CURED. lily, Gout, 'ia., 6.asral Deb& lGtdtll i seer kinaeadi , Gravel, Ile*ckoe, d, inward Fever, Iafi msmatory Rheumatism, Impure Blood, Jaosdicq Loris rf Appetite, Liver Complaints, Leprosy, Looseness, Mercurial Disease*. Never kiln N eryieaw ootinly all th. F streets of M tris the most power. Maly sof•S rolls. MrdeM• Night Swats, Nervous Debility, Icor volts Comp)aies of all kinds,- feetioas, Palpitation of the a/ Al Cholic- t, sister's PILES. The origin' proprietor of these medieises was cured of Pile, of IA years staod,ag by the use of these Lie bled,cinee alone. PAINS in the heed, side, back, Wale, joints and organs. RHEUMATISM. Those afflicted with *hi* ter. Ile dinette. will be fare of relief by the Life Iltalieiee,. Rush of Blood to the Head, 8tany, Ssltrkeuse, 8willieg.. Scebfula, or King's Evil, is its west forms, Ulcers, of every description. WORMS, of all kinds, are e&etoaU expelled by these Medici:tea. Pas will do well to administer them whenever cheer existence is suspected. Relief will be ea. tale. THE LiFE PILLS AND PH EN1K BITTERS PURIFY THE BLOOD, tied thus remove all disease front ib. system A earle triad will place the LIFE PILLS and PlICENIX BITTER$ beyo.d • the reach of competition is :he estimation al every patient. The genuine of these medicines are sow put up in white wrappers and labels, to - tether with a pamphlet, called "'Magee* • Good Samaritan," conpiaing the direetM.atr os which is a drawing of llnsdw• tr from Wall street so oar Oak.. by which 'Imager' visiting the eity eaa very deafly find u.. The wrapper. and Samaritans are copyrighted, therefore, those who pro- cure them with white wrappers elm he ed that they are g.nmiee. Be eare161; and do not bey these with yspes wrappers ; but if you do, he atu6.d"that they e ew direct from u., or doat toocb thea. 02' Prepared and sold by DR. WiLLIAM B. MOFFAT, 333 Broadway, vomer of Aatbosy street, New York. For al. by • BENJ. PARSONS, Gaderiek, 3s11. *8, 1848. Sete dtvsd GODERICH CABINET AND CHAIR FACTORY. LATSCHAW k ERBF, Southwest Sign of the Big Chair, begmost re,pect10!17 to acgoai n the public gneri. ly, as well as new settlers comlog into the Huron District, that they drill find it to their advantage to purchase at the .(rove establubregpt, as they coatiooe lo snow_ facture Cabled -Ware o/ every de•eriptios, such as Sideboards, Drawers, Sofas, phis and fancy Bedsteads, Centre, Telescope, Dining and Breakfast Table, fire•, kc., to *tilt purcba.ere, and an cheap as any other establishment in the District. They also manutaftee Grecian, Pavey and Wisd a Chairs is good workmanship* like manner, and of the beet material,.... Country produce always taken ia exeksup for any of the above articles is Steer /sus, at market prices. N. B -I,. k E. request all thee* in- debted to them, after long credit by note or book account, to call and settle Se seine before tbe 16th of March next, or other- wise they will be conveyed lifter filet date. with Costa. Goderich, Jan. 28, 18411. 1 tf JOHN WINER, WHOLESALE! DRUOOHYP ; toast st ON Puns, Otter Vandalise ad *elms; Importer et Gsesiee English Ceseektda, - Every article Beet from tis Fotabitakeessel Warranted Genuine. No. 3, Rtirsy'e Block, Kisg Street, Ifamiltor. Jemmy 14. 7148. 1 Tawe w vas Cassa !seat.-T1EN BRi Et LINOS pee i msams if pried errle*ip• im or tTwrtve eat. tkx rim. with .3. e n yem. if paid. *ort e•therd earl! amus am pettish* sh* tkihas h hie swear. for orr ix deme ry Ase less*. 17 AN Wien pot Podp{er they we to 1mMa1 of tlNig .mea .► aamvsaatrsem n II"' *4s sae ffie Reek illiempeeetiesitemi, If Vat kl 110010. ' r..t Oar fest i