Huron Signal, 1848-02-18, Page 4I•cttV. TML SAPPY TARMER. law ye the +fasts: las .loch As you wen dim N tar weaned 'with ►+ ..•a -def awl. While ..orae sass se, high? Aad th•eghi yew that haslet was Mad 1 W did 1•a thea► leer God. Thai yew. sad yew, were set eodema'd Tama Iles • afro. w .Med t Comm sue ham at his hermit Mme, When tides. 6M, sed ansa. Commies. with flewisg owes t. PIN Hashers. esd gaasary- h -aphid ahiiw pia mss. Amid the slew -mews hay, Or eseedly W. with Tiprw arae His Psi. r b.st they , ea `r!. The thy pomakes himpgwa. Aad gessdeliae&.p their vier. Thr ftgN ,lair neighs1 arms. .. :q tie hairy gnsdaie.'o aye 71,. &wirs asses sewers, And Member a hissing .s his race Or pian their eveaieg maw. The Menest -Ower is their Mud, The pier .i the sail, had Earth. the Mother, giveaihon killed Aad rime their paused mit Came, Pia tom meal their wintry hearth. Their h.esefrlt pk.wn. see, And ye. era better judge hew bons The fu mer'. lie may he. A SONG. Ars--" T1s Girl east r Laois • merle! NM use." The leaves of ib. (rarest are iodise is showers, The .hill winds da•:en are wwieg decay, The endue of fields ani the brut..(&were. Like the dreams of ear eh4dheed have fled away ; Then my, deerset girl, if that frieedship of oars, Whams Mesthiap were sweeter (has melody'. auris. Has died tie the dreams old the delicate flowers, Cs. w. sive:, Ledwd., revive it again.' Whoa the byes and the .u.alu.s that bright!' hilus sky, By ewes .ad rieiret..ae grow dimly o'ereaut ; The desepisg heart atters a sorrowful sigh And terse, with regret, to the joys of the feat, Aad O, it is leeely tepee w ire path Wheel lights ams wham Omegas forever are e'er : Bet leacher, dories, tail •elder than death, The 4..gh.0 Laclede, of meeting no more. Enron 11. 8. lama, October, 1841 i- • From the Maidstone G.sette. TRANSMUTATION OF OATS INTO WHEAT, BARLEY, OR RYE. The statement of the Rev. G. Moore, at the dieser of tie Sitdngbourne Agr tuitu- ral Association, having caused some in- teresting discussion, and, we may add, hay ia( beta receii.d with some little incredu- lity, we give the etetemeot in the " trudges of the Natural History of Creation," alluded to by Mr. Moors. The author of the " Ve.. j gear says, is hie fifth edition, whilst argu- ingagainst tbe pe»isteaee of the present systems of botaaiul species : — "After smelt isetaaeee, it will not be surprising that the apostle avid even (so-called) generic .44.enees amoeg the cereaba, are ouw dMs- OSpseed belie capable of reduction. It ap- pMse that, whenever oats sown at the usual time are kept cropped down doriag summer ad alta en, and allowed to remain over the raptor; • this crop of rye is the harvest presented at the aldose of the ensuing *um - mer. Perhaps tierrelater number of wbat may be milled the domesticated plants' are sesesp..td variation. of others, which, gweveimg wild, are recognised as different Oise noted inetsece of such Iran - o a▪ ths hes bees detected within the la.t few ywi, to tib common cabbage of the gar - des. The pleat, with its stout fleshy stem ani large wneulest leaves gathered into a best semetimue re•ebseveral veral feet in areemthesseis 1. now discovered to be beady arum. by mean• of external conditions from the wild kale of the sea- 'hers which trails maim( the shingle with a-Megh 'slender stem ad small glaucous leaf. Alter such an array of facts, can i rwr a ly be said that..specific distinction a rigidly maialaised Sr the current e» T 'Tia alert feet baba( been doubted by a water fn the Edinburgh Review, the swims( the Vestiges returns to the fact le No "r liapth ation.," in which he says :—. • TM ties of the Edinburgh reviewer, • 10 the transmutation of oats unto fa Ibat believe. it a fable. This is .fes* penoa, advanced without 1r(ume�1 to support it. Let us t de ethr hand, what • greater y os botanical subjects than be— ✓ *, Dr. Lindley—ha stated on the seine subject- " At the request,' says this $News pram, "of the Margins of Bistol, albs Revered Lord Arthur Hervey, in the year 1443, sowed a handful of oats, treated them is the musette recommended, by coo- tlnally steppieg the dowering steam, and the prwd•ee, is 1841, has bees for the most pert ogee ofd s very Weeder barley, baring es.eb theopear•noe of rye, with • little wheat, a accuse este; .ampl.. of which are, H the 1leawr of lewd Bristol, now before ea." The horned writer then adverts to the • estreseffisary, bat *stain fact, (bat forms Ord r dff]ieeei as whew, barley, rye and eels, have hem proved by the most rigo- N s saltine., M be accidental variations of ease eesesee term, brought about no one kewe a bow, bast before our ayes, and ?en- dowed perm•aeat by equally mysterious •gassy. Thee, sous R•sso*, if tbey occur fi esekfiasoaM pleats, why should they plia�e sheer is cors pleats 1 for it is not Nat eseb vgeri.e will be confined to cis: ri ie the vegetable kingdorb ; mere Missal o litre them to be a of a general . ea of creation. .. a . Row Ns we he sere that wheat, hriey, an sot all •ecident.l .e.OgMted •peeiee1" SAM tt# girw be pertly able to judgeOr ish. abbe Chetan' or egiefower. Theft, other heta *row s str•ag Meeewteties, of slt�ae gM Ae M from Mle�a 'sat this yi emeeletion at astw3Mte, as to .reties. 'There is, , r M law whoine r • hideouts .a10bh ed, by with ti• limits of f rosiluitt fleaRourst. eesM is teat you species era be atWac- treMy w((sed,land audit moose seek law be ve onset • t etisioa is of gelaaat ebbetegV. " Ths Mr. Meats is, tbn- H is, for the cos- ee0telst se matey other et,. strew to the game flet, CID scaredl7 be deebted. From u. Gerdemer's Chrmi.l. Psatoa--For the haat three y during which tires the Potato or�tapfe bees eo extensively aflricted drew radisg Seems, my attsello Dm to • method of cultic at Toeki•g- ti.ed by a geetl loueeetersthe, distant war a reflygho,n this place, whom 1 haeo abo.lwikri the last 90 years to have been a and successful grower. His un- varyiag` success can evidently be attributed to oratiisg mere than the strict observance of a few simple rules of cultivation, which I have considered may not be unacceptable to your readers. In the first place I may observe that he hu been very particular in selecting and retaining only such sorts as arrive at early maturity, Bear abuudastly, and are of superior quality ; also such as are not liable to rut after cutting (for he divides hie set.), thereby ;Antra( double the breadth eland with an equal meaure of tubers. They are planted m rows which are 16 tnche. apart ; the sets 1 four tliea3 rw from each other. The time preferred, fo plaatiag is from the second week to Feb. t the last week in March. They are depos- ited 3 rube. deep hearth. surface of the land, and then immediately earthed up on one side to the height of 4 incites leaving the sets 7 inches buried (by this method the wet a drained oA from rhe sett, which are abs well secured -from frost). At the end of April or beginaiag o1 May, according. to the rariattooa of the seasons, tho rows are levelled down h7 means of a barrow or rake, and after the Potatoes become sufficiently strong, they are moulded up in the usua way . I may add, that he's not an odtoepte for early digging ; be generally 1 them in the ground till late in autumn. ilio Alis of storing a to have them placed n very Darrow ridges on the surface of ;he ground, banked up with earth, and well covered with straw' or Fero and by this plan fer- mentation min a great measure obviated.— By the observance of the above rules this gentlemen hap been enabled to- obtain, during the last three 'teaser* crops as abundant and fine sa-the same :mad on an average ever before produced ; and thiseas present mutton he has produced a crop of 1400 sacks of sound Potatoes from 21 acres of land ; hie usual quantity of seed is 4 incite per acre. PARLIAMENT CALLED. ossa t7s Tb. (sesie Zse«rAirw! pab 1eb- 1d "SID goalies the Iellsww 11CI. PRAMATVON BY idle :.Z. CY THE GOYIM.*0 W naaaas tis ""4114i 0 lb Nim, oPf,li►aoaasw Mott .1.tlti g. at wbi.h y Itentasal yea were hold and ren r rf is app•.0td ; swhores we s it sad meet assist• -t wits the general s.uuieses and p hies welfare to cbarago *solid time of glwtis� to assod y�so, ember peertie • thea lee, will truly esp3. you tad causad l of yespreempts Wt his Friday, the 22th sty of Peereery gest ea • iuiag, Toa tweet me to est Proemial Par- liament at our city of Montreal, fee the despatch of hawses*, there to talo ate consideration the state sad welfare of our said Province of Canada, and therein to do as may seem necessary ; and hems 1411 sot. CANADA WEST. R. T. Esocav,LLI (Torii)—G. eberwood, 0 1 Brrowx.-Scott, 1 • Coarw•LL TOWN—J. 11. Cameros, 0 1 CsRLTor—MWlocb, 1 • O 1 1 0 Dvsaas—Crysler, ✓ DU*HAar—J. S. Smith, e E.sex—Jobe Prince 11.LTON—J. Wetenball, FaonrsoaC--Ileary South, GLg:toaur--J. 8. McDonald. GAS s vILLE—Reid Burrett, H.i�iLTor CITr--BU A. Micas►; lluaoo—W. Cayley, HasTIoo4—Bina Flint, Esq., H.Lo,r.vo-D. Thompson, KINGSTON—J. A. McDonald, KaeT—M• Cameron, L —Bell, I Liocoto—W. H. Merritt, Lescol AL Aoaouroe--.8yomour, Coyrwrrnoir or Pt000us•—Tie Coen - petition of ploughs, for a premium of .Cl, offered by the Stratbiala Farmer -Club, to any blacksmith or wrigbt bringing forward the implement of least draught, and making 'the beet work, took place at the farm of Drum, by Keith, -on the 10th instant. Six competitors entered. The day being fine, a great number of farmer, and others were on the ground. After a careful inspection of the work, and lightness of draught, shown by the dynomometer, the committee of the Club found No. 6 plough, belonging to Mr. Taylor, blacksmith, Cobairdy, by bloetly, Wpm gained the prise, being the lightest of draught, tad at the nine time tho best work--tbedraugIrt being 3 cwt. in cutting and turning beautifully. a furrow of six inches deep, in stiff clay hough lea. No. I, -be- longing to Mr. Bernet, blacksmith, Keith, making the next best work, and showing draught of 33 cwt. Weight of No. 6, 1 cwt. 2 qre. 193 lbs ---and of No. 1, 1 cwt. 9 qrs. 23 lbs. There was in all the ploughs a decided improvement of the draught over those which competed last year — thus showing the benefit of such competition, Which it is to be hoped will shortly be more general throughout the country. Among the many improvements that claim the at- tention of agriculturists, none are of greater importance than improvemeote in agricul- tural implements—the improvement and application of which is one of the three branches into which Professor Johnston divides agriculture ; and it should be kept in mind, that in every case in which an im- plement is improved, so as to diminish labour, there is a saviee of money.—Elgin Comrier. - ielLOsrca or THs DAveeT*R.-- The daughter has much in bur power. She hu youth, -vivacity, generally the grace of form, always Me charm inseparable from youth, often the irresistible attraction of beauty, and mho may have the still more enduring endowments. And she may move in the sacred opera of home 'ma ministering 'pint of peace, and love and Joy. But it may be otherwise. Because the path of duty to her is comparatively easy, is dictated to her by her" affections, is de- monstrated to her by every day'. experience, it dose not follow that she will walk is it. She may prove false to her obligations.— Arad what a desolation does she make in the domestic circle ! How can as wring the hearts of those she is bound by every obli- gation to love and cherish ! Instead of ac- quiescing with cheerfulness in whatever her lot may be, she may annoy ber parents by perpetual reflections and complaint*. I stead of taking her share of the caree and toils which are inseparable from a family, she may refuse them all, and choose to spend ber time in idleness, or dress, or com- pany, and consider herself born fora higher lot than ordinary mortal.. By the indulg- ence of a bed temper, instead of being the delight and pride of the domestic circle, *be may keep her home in a perpetual broil.— Alt. ! for that house which ie under the tyraoey of • termagant ! There is no dag- ger sharp as the tongue of an insolent, dis- obedient, ungrateful daughter. if any eyes could weep teary of blood, it would be the eyes of parents who have brought up a daughter to be their terror, their torment, and their scourge. STRACHAN & WARS, BARRISTERS and Attendee at Low, 8olicito» in Chancery, Cosvejaacers, Notary Public. Godeneh. Lake Huron, Camada West_ hetet Simi aces, Deletes. Hoorn Lts•as. Ooderieb, Jan. 18, 1148. 8m ALBION HOUSE, LAMBS' Street, one dew wart of the Commercial Bask, Ultmilta, by Jasnar7, 1St_ I. 168YONDE. HAIRE-WS alt M'LLAN, BAUIITLJRffi, Atteraoyq Belieiters in CilisC A THAN, C. W. , ke., I WY r. fi v ' r - It it fq. F e o c i s et J i a 1 O 1 .1 1, • 1 • 1 • 0 O 1 1 0 1 • 0 1 p 1 0 1 0 0 ase -Richards, 1 0 tan Town—Jobe Wilson, 0 1 MipoLasex—W. Notmao, - 1 0 Ntaoaa• Tow/—W. Dicksoe, • t 1 Noarouaaiaro—Msyere, • No•roLs—H. J. Boulton, '1. 1 Ovoan—F. Hines, , 1 1 Passcorr—Johneoo, Pernissoao'—Jas. Hall, Poisca Eowaao--Steveneos, Ruseaii.-Lyon, Simeon—W. O. Robisao., STORwoNT—McLean, Toaorro c,TT—Henry Sberwood, Wm. Boulton, - Wa eTwoare—Dr. Smith,_1 0 WLL•No--McFarland, --1 1 iV.Tatoo-=Weider, 1 1 Your, fat Riding -J. Price, do Zed Riding—Morneos. 1 0 do 3rd Riding—W. H. Blake, 1 0 do 4th Riding—R. Baldwin, 1 0 CANADA EAST. 0 R a V a ; ; ; ; ; as • - - - - O 2 BRLLRCIaseri-.A. N. Morin, Bor •screens-•-COtbhRt, BliACR aaroa.--.Dewitt, Ba-rra—Armstrong, Cnam.Ly—Dr. Beaobies, C iy—Louis Guide, DoaceaaTa—Lemiux, Datisno.n—R. N. Wau., Gars—Ciente, 0 1 iiO3itr od�or—SavlIgag, _ 1 K•rsotaaik i—Margese, 1 Lanurrea=N. Duw, 1 0 L'IsLar--Fouanier, 1 0 leeresasaa—Lawns, 1 0 MO,Tatat cur—B. Hosea aid Lef.otaiae, 9 0 MOR•LL couarr---Jobss, 1 0 Mtaaniquo,—W. naively, 0 1 Maraauc—D. Daly, 0 1 MsNTKLoaarcr—J. Caucboe, 1 0 Nicol-sr—Dr. Fortier, I 0 OITAwa—Egan, 1 0 Poarmere—Col. Dacbasoay, 1 0 Qoaasc crTr--Aylwia and Chabot, 1 0 do covNsr—Cbeemo, 1 0 Rovviiis--Dr. Dartgoo°, RtcasLnr—W. Nelson, Rueoveil—.Dr. Taisho, SaaaooRs Tows--Gegy, Stse&.aooss osvei y-8. Brooks, 8T. Maoaacs.--L. J. Papinesu. STAM$TRAD—•Job' 'l''Coas.l1, Sa.uarar—Laterrwe, 8avroaa--L. T. Drummond, ST. Hracurru—Dr- Bouttullier, Trans Rrvnns---Deenoulle, Two Mou*ruos.-W. Scott, Taassoov i—I.afoata,se, Vatramuur.—J. D. Mongeneas, Y•rAaR•—Levetlle, Vacsaano-. i. Leeelie, Reformers Elected, Tories, Looetleh and doubtful, 116• R. T. 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 O 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 O 1 O 1 1 0 O 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 i 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 6i H. B. O'CONNOR, iMPORTER, WEST STREET. r[IAKES this opportunity of returning his sincere thanks to his friends and. the public for the liberal support and distin- guished patronage he has received eines the opening of h,. Establishment is Godencb, sad bete to acture them that he. will still •detinue to supply them with daffiest and cheapest article. ,s his line as usual. Ile would direct their attention to his varied and extentena,re importa roe. which he is now rscetvlag of DRY GOODS, GROCE- RiE.tS, CROCKERY and HARDWARE, the low prices of which he ie certain will speak for themselves, and for quality and variety cannot be surpassed in Western Canada. H. B. O'CONNOR. Goderich, Jan. 28, 1848. 1 tt V..' Butter, Wheat, Oats, Barley, Core, km, and ever description of %armor's Produce mics la exeMag.. Catch will be paid for good Gran Beed, iiide. and Furs - NOTICE. ALL parties indebted to L. PiCK, Ifor FRUIT TREES, either by Note or Book Account, osier, rattled lewd ately, will be placed is the bands of the Clerk of the Divines Court for oll•enet. I. RATT NBURY, Agent. Goderieh, lea. 08, 1 . 1 iNFORWAT19N WANTED OF WILLIAM HEWS, aged i3, whose ltitbr died last Sommer at Grease IoW. The boy mimed ha mother at Mon !yeah, in Megan last. She se now to great agony about him, sad will be sheekfel for iaforreatio*. Direct to Margaret Hews, ear* of T. Bair, Esq., Stretfed, Heron District. :F Li E 0 g S o� •ro 000w a'' n C C"1 - s i}a,Q �y � wC re,woovt^0,a Q ..ted •:e— ft* ro A�! t LI c -e C C ▪ 0, 0 0 0 O 0 O a 000,0,0' O .0000C M 7.3 ra • V • ar r $ $ o G o ▪ a T .t.93ctio m o c cJ'•c to a to Y a. 0 H. O'CONNOR, & CO., STRATFORD, 'MEG respectfully to announce to the public at large, that they ars now *peeing out at their store, next door to Mr. Lemma's, and opposite Mr. Daley's, a new and Select Stock of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, Ace., which having been purchased by an experienced buyer, and for Cash, in the Home and Montreal market., they are determined to offer at prices that will defy competition. They only request the favour of a cull from intending pur- chasers to convince them of this fact. 11. O'CONNOR k CO. Stratford, Jan. 28, 1848. 1 of NOTICE, TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. • THE subscriber intending to leave Gode- rich, takes this opportunity of return- ing his grateful acknowledgments to his numerous, honest. and punetuil customers for the liberal -patronage which they have extended towards him during his residence in this place ; while at the same time he wishes to intimate that a much larger num- ber of his customers have been very far from punctual : and these he request. in a friendly manner to call upon him at their earliest convenience and settle their te- etmets, es the nature of his engagements requires that all his busineee in this District shall be fully arranged before the first of April, 1848, at which date all unsettled ac- counts will be handed over to an Attorney for collection. THOMAS WATKINS. Godericb, Jan. 28, 1848. 1 tf Caowr Leen DuraaTratrr, Mentree!„10e1 Meech, 1846. � OT10E la hereby given, by order of His Excellency the Administrator of the 43eeemm•ot ii Coonan, to alt persons who have received locators. of land in Western Canada, since the 1st January, 1812, sad also to parties Iocalpd previous to that date, whose locations were not 10. clodd is the list of unpatented lands, liable to forfeiture, published 4th of April, 1834, t nalew the claimants or their legal eesetatives ..tabliah their atria* and t out their Patents within awe years from this date, the land w111 be resumed by Gsewaswt M he disposed of by Sale. HENRY NEWMA N, BREAD, CARA mid PASTRY BAKER, respectfully ebl,eits the patronage of tho lehabitants of Goderich and its vicinity, and Inlets, by strict snootier., to merit a asp of their favours. Br -Hard Bieeoi( and ail kinds of Qfnebeei es head. Cakes made to order. Gderiek. Ju . 18, i848. 1tf 0 0a..et. i 0 0 0 0 0 0 PURIFY THE N0trAT'8 VEGETA!L11 Lin nu.' *ND PUZCZN1X xrrsy. THE Ugh »s sail tud seisheity W thews pre-ManamaIses Iiatll¢at»WY* .. eri� 1111 for their l*nrlable t of 4 ell ukase rankeeeeddimftess tatielr,..e� K not truly y aaaary, I?'%b.w•etrd them. They are knows linker fasts I thele good worts tootUy Por them, sed they thrive sot by the faith of the credulous. IN ALL CASES of Asthma, Aegis and Chronic Rheumatism, Affletione of the Bladder mad Kidneys, Bilious Perms a d Liver Complaints. to the South and West where times die. eases prevail, they will be Teemed tenloa- ble. Plante», farmers, mud ether, who once use this. Medicines, will'seer be without them. Binous Cbohc, and Serous Iwwmuea, Bales, Costiveness, Colds aid Coughs, Choke, Cunsumption. Used with gust success in ties disease. Corrupt Hawses, Dropsies, Dyspepsia, No person with Nim distressing disease, abould delay seta( these medicines immediately. Eruptions of the Skin. Erysipelas, Fla- il Fever and Ague. For this scourge of tam wea'ern country thou ,dies.se will be found a safe, speedy, and certain reme- dy. Other medic's., Ware the system subject to • return of the di,saas-a cure by thee. medicine. is per,,aseat. Tri them, be satisfied, and be CURED. Foulness of Cumplexiee, Cessna! Debi- lity, Gout, Giddiness, Gravel, Ileadasbes, of every kind, Inward Fiver, lnflnmiaetory Rheumatism, Impure Blood, Jaundice, Loos of Appetite, Liver Comsplatals, Lapromy, Looseness, Mercurial Diseases. Never fails to eradicate entirely all the effects of Mercury infinitely ,Doerr than the most powerful preparation of Sarsapa- rilla. Night Sweats, Nervous Debility, Ner- vous Complains of .1 kinds, Orgasm Af- fections, Palpitation of the heart, Painter's Cbohc. P11.E8. The original proprietor of these medicines was cured of Piles of 36 years standing by the use of theme Life Medicines alone. PAINS in the head, side, back, limb., joints and organ.. RHEUMATISM, Those afflicted with this terrible disease, will be sun of relief by the Life Medicines. Rush of Blood to for limed, Scurry, Saltrheum, Swellings. Scrofula, or King's Eril, ie its worst forms, Ulcers, of every description. WORMS, of all hied', are effectu lly expelled by these Medicines. Parents r 11 do w/11 to administer them who their exist nee is .u.pected. Relief will be cer- tain. THE LIFE PiLLS -AND PHGN1X BITTERS PURIFY THE BLOOD, and thus remove all dtii.ase from the system. A single trial will place tie LiFE PILLS and PHOENIX B11'TFR8 beyond the meek of competition in the estimation of every ;,tient. - Tbe genuioe of these medicines are sow put up in .white wrapper. and labels, to- gether with a pamphlet, called "Mears Good Samaritan," containing the directions, ice., on which is a drawing of Broadway from Wall street to oor 0Mce, by whic ▪ trangers visiting the city can very easily Mad us. The wrapper,} and sentential. are copyrighted, therefore, those who pro- cure them with white wrappers can be assured that they are genuine. Be careful, and do not buy those with yellow wrappers ; but if you do, be satisfied that they come direct from os, or dont touch them. (ice Prepared ens/ sold by DR. WILLIAM B. MOFFAT, GODERICH FOUNDRY, FARMERS,ENCOURAGE YOUR HOIIL MANUFACTORIES. THE Subscribers beg to inform the in- habitants of the Huron District, that they baro in full operation, their NEW FOUNDRY, wbich for convesienoe and the facility with which tbe work is done, equals, they feel proud to assert, any country foundry in Canada. They further pledge them.elves to the public to sell all Goods in their line, as cheap, if not cheaper; as good, if not bet- ter, than they can be obtained from any other foundry in Canada or elsewhere. The patronage they have mat with during the short time they have been in business here, warrant. the above statement, and they take this opportunity of informing their friends and the public that they will use every exertion in their power to main- tain the character, they trent, they have fully established for themselves. The will have on hand Threshing Mills, Saw They and Grist Mill Catinte ; Re -ac- tion Water -wheels, Smut M.cb,.ua of the latest and most approved plan, Steam En- gines, and all kinds of Hollow-waresect as Bake Kettles, Bellow Pots, Tea Kettles, Sugar Kettles ; ales various aims of Cook- ing and Parlour Stoves, and every descrip- tion of Ploughs, Ise., site. In addition to the above, they are ready to receive orders for BELLE from five to ten hundred pounds weight, and warraated to be well toned. GEORGE MiLLER. AL CO. Codericb, Januuy 28, 1848. ly N. B. in order that the subscriber. may be enabled to diseharge the pledgee vee in the above advertisement' they mut given ▪ upon prompt payouts, therefore, of all Notes and Book Accounts now doe, imme- diate payment is requested, A. NASMYTH, FASHIONABLE TAILOR, RESPECTFULLY acgoaiets his Mead. and customers that he cooties.. to make inen'e wearing topper.), is the most approved and fashionable style sad oe short notice. And in returning thanks to the inhabitants of Goderich and the 'crrowed- ing neighbourhood, for the liberal ooeoar- agemasat be bas received, Wyse by assidui- ty oars personality, still to merit t oosti.u- sore of, their petives/re. Gadaieh, Feb. 3, 1848. to DIV. COURT BLANKS, DRiNTED ea a wearier paljty of, for sale at the Haeme Signal iUes, cheap for Cash. Goderieh, Ian. Ile, 1448. 1 335 Broadway, corner of Author), strait. New York. For ale by PARSONS, Sola Agent, Goderich, Jan. 29, 1848. 1 GODERICH CABINET AND CHAIR FACTORY. f ATSCHAW k ERBF, Southwest et., Sign of the Big Chair, beg meet respectfully to acgaai.t the public general- ly, as well as new settlers coming into the Huron District, that tbey will find it to their advantage to purchase at the above establishment, as they continue to manu- facture Cabinet Ware of every description, such as Sideboards, Drawers, Sofia, plate and farcy Bedsteads, Cost», T.lsecope, Dining aid Breakfast Table., kc., ice,, Ace., to suit purchasers, and as cheap an say other establishment in the District. They also manufacture Grecian, Family and Windsor Chair.in good workmanship - like manner, and of the beet materials. -- Country produce always taken in exchange for any of the above articles in their line, at market prices. N. B.—I.. k F request all thee. to- debted to them, after long credit by' tote' or book aecouot, to call sed male the sum before the 16th of March sect, or other - rem. tb.y will be collected after that dale with Coats. Goderich, Jan. 98, 1848. 1 If JOHN WINER, WHOLESALE DRUGGIST ; dealer in nista, Oiled Varnisher sad eolo»; Importer of Oswdne. Magliak Cheeiies/s. Every article seat Mem this Eitabli.bm..t Warranted Getable. No. 8, 8tis.o.'. Block, Kisg Street, Hamilton. January IL 1848. f . 'hams or ewe Rose, A'ro.•L.—TEN .HiL, LiIft74 per ansa if paid strictly in advise', er Twatra ram Sex Pace with the orapiretisit of the year. Re paper di.eeauie ed psi) *semen are paid ap talons ale Willies Nubs is hie .....- tee to do soo. Lay iadivideal ie dM sentry besmears re- tpeewlale far .is cube***.., Mall ramie* • wvesth pe8e. 11 All limeys a acuses to dee Wive mart b. Ijset � er they will act be takes est of We tants ow anvfatWes• - Six lies. sad eider. first amiss, ..I0 8 • each mbsemeese Cleanse, • • iY. bare sot maim first iesrtiee,..•• If 4" Over sea YiFoch r'nes e t 11 1• tea sebesearat iweties. pamartAgee • • 4 A liberal le ale limb 01 M year.