Huron Signal, 1848-02-18, Page 3Thi Presideathiee minas Parliament to- Belbr e$ IM SSA we maser/. The hurry ♦td_tl_ ,a t of the Menem' bei over, `0 is saw man u the political world.— tl'M taeeu4g of the Lgielatsre, however, Will Mum this calm to be of but short dun - 1110a, d1 1 Legstrifislative Hall, -111 Press tsewed N the Logi ,will boors* emitters with Ire, 1114 through u lea people M large. As then 11 but the g1lar.bWt room to doubt het diet the Refer. Par- IMwe.t a iseabe is power after sad once cr again trytheir haa4 at the bels .1 akin, we hope they may merles* their power in a spirit of wis- dom aid petulance. If they guide well sod wisely, they striates Toryism in Caamds for ever.—isithersf Courier. •• We teats that Hie Excellency, the Governor Gewarel has received a despatch from the Home Goveremest a000uocing that a oew 1114 salishstory postal smogs - went has been erected with the United Staten, to come tato operation in April east. The Colomi-I deepatelies forwarded Mr His Excellency by the last mail were permitted to pass unobstructed through the United States' territory."—Celatist- McDorral-a 1. MAT DT AL.—TSL case arose out Of some trasetotl0a1 cemented with the ag.eay of the Bask of Upper Canada, at (lolMsieb. The def oda is had Wenn sureties to the pWe1R for one o'lv.hth, . clerk in the Mice of the balk, tm a king held. !O'Neill was guilty of em- besaali.g sad forgery, for whjs► he was convicted at the last Huron assizes, and the action was now against the sureties on the bond. The case was tried at London, tut manses, before Mr Justice Draper, and • vord,et rendered for the defeada*t, The Solicitor General moved, last term, for • new trial, against which M . Brecher show- ed cause. The Court wen of hpioiae that the verdict was clearly contrary to the law sod evi- dence. Evidence of gross misconDduct, on the part of O'Neill, had been given ; and al- though it appeared that 1e had been rewind in the office after come of the acts bad bees committed ..d *he0 they were or should have ben detected, as war contended is the defence, yet these were only some of the defakatioDa. The answer was far from .pplyi.g to them all. New trial without costs.— British Cana - etapplag wash ohms frie•da there leerq to al,op ; he sad ow of his cousin I.. • ares i• the usoi wag, and Mittt ; tubae, were cutting dews i.a..ther at momadletaoce, but still within reach of the Wired ODE ; when seedy down the young roan wbo was working with btu .tapped aside • few paces to epeek to his brother, giring.1 the were time iaelrtaetioso to Juba when to cul, In order to make toe tree ( which was • large oar) go where they wished it ; it fell w desired, old at is thought the m•ocuesmus of the ;mad, caused by its fail, wa1 the uccaNea of the tree already lodged coming Iowa, as then was no connexion Atwees them. Is (allies it struck Reed is the head, aad injured him •o severely that he oily survived two hours ; his commis bad a very earner escape, as 1t fell at thou own feet. He wee a very respeetable young man, and the ovoid has etusod a great deal of sympathy im the neighbourhood. Verdict, accidental death.—Toronto Glebe. A short time ago, an affair occurred to Guelph, which threatened a very tragical immolation. A family have fur souse eine beeo resident there, the husband whereof gains his breed as a barber. 1)n a recent day he had felt it proper to administer seam correction to his wife, . 'whore the indiction with dignity, and postpoued her revenge till a more convenient season. The unwonted exercise, however, 'and a drop or two of something aloe, it is said, having nut the Gags/tater to sleep, bis wife took advantage of his stupor, and drawing • near rather slightly over his dash, east him howling out of the house with the tale that his wife had mit his threat. The neigbburs gathered cooed het were muslnd that the intentios could roily he to frighten him, and little further intim war taken of the affair. The moa, we believe is quite recovered.—Gulf Reporter. Nays &on..—The Tana haw bees declar- ed unworthy the public eop6desee by • majority of ones. A sew Mutat -y composed of thorough - gales Reformers has been chases show Lames rlrall appear is der seat. CornsOATIo0 or Toa Donau AND WA- TsaLoo ROAD I* STaaTvOaD.—Active steps are at leogtb b;Dg liken to procure the n ecessary power to carry into execution the eztenuoo of the Diodes and Waterloo Macadamised Road into the centre of the Huron District. Numerous copies of • Petition will immediately be sent into the •amore populous places on the proposed bow, as well as throe bout the country ex - seeding *awnde to Goderich, for the pur- pose of being sieved and transmitted to Parliaseivit, at the proper season. We n eed heath age seterity in this affair.— Every hnkshitent u the extensive country breedh which the Rod is meant to pass, ',directly cad greatly interested Im having n esse to the hest market ; and if he fails to take the proper Means, an conjunction with kis meigbbours, at the proper time, he is guilty mot only of self -rubbery, but of doing his bat to ruin his neighbours.— Golf Reporkr. 1t1sAT7t w Ma. D Iesawu.—•Tbe London papers apnoeas the death of Mr. D'Isreely Sesser, the author of "The Curiosities of Literature," and father of ' Young Ben," the M. P. He died on the 19th of January, In the 83 year of age. He published"The Curiesitiea" when only 14 years old. He became blied i1 1839, but gave to the world yet soother work', after tbis mi'fortuoe, by the aid of his daugter. Though he publish- ed a eottsid.rable number of works which hold • fair (ask inlish literature, per- haps his stroegert tm to con.iderauoo arises from the fact that 6e was the first to undertake a thorough examination of the rut collection of manuscripts in the British Museum. O.-tbe 15th rot., as iagoe.t wail held at Hay- field, Hos Dlsirict, before G. Fraser, Eeq amt • Caesarea Jury sun the body of Geerge Gerdes. • satire of the Parish of Creagb, Seth- erlsodelere, Seethed- 11 appeared that is co• - sawn» d hard &tabus, as deceased had, el late, beta sebjrcted to several pan alteeks d apoplexy ; u • 6t d whish Its bad ei mrd at tea o'clock ea mks preceding evesi.g—is the 381b year d kis age. • P i e 0a the 16th iast., at Strained. Ham. Dir trier.. Fera, WIu1Ae Ions, Sea., aged 67. Hs war tisanes d Beidgswaur, E -.glad. He was amswg the first settlers of Harps; and the respect is which he was held was seflicieatly "i.dicated by the large esacourse that accompaaiew his remain to the place of ioteraeot in Goderich. CANADA COMPANY. LANDS IN CANADA WEST, (Late Upper C•40444. THE 41111110. of EMIGRANTS, OLD SETTLERS Sad others, is 'stetted by the Canada Company to the HURON DIS TRIC"(. containing about 1,000,000 Acres II LaiuL lo ONE 'BLOCK, ezioodiag Westward from the (lore and Welb.gtoa Districts to the Shores of Lake Humes, whlcb *Weed 1t for sixty miles. THE LAND 1N Tut HURON DIS- TRICI• is of the dont character, sed of the description best adapted to the cultiva- tion of What. This District po.ee.ses advantages which render at peculiarly eligi- ble to every class of Settlers : scarcely a bad Farm is to be found in 1t : 1t is well watered by living Stream., and the climate is moat healthy. 'rime principal Port is Goderich, the District Tow., which ba. a population of about 1,00(1—good Stores or Shops, Mechanics, a large Grist Mill, a Fulling and Carding Mill, ao iron Foundry, places of Religious Worship, residua Cler- gymen, aid good Schools, where the higher branches of the Classics are taught, ke. Sic. etc. Owing to these important advantages the Huron District is rapidly advancing in pros- perity, and within the last five years hu nearly trebled its population and now euo- taias upwards of 10,000 inhabitants, whilst to the year 1st2 the populatio0 barely ex- ceeded 7,000 ; and at 5 worthy of attention, as sheaving the high estimation in which the Canada Company's lands in the lluruo District ars held throughout the Province, that although the Company disposed of 87,500 acres during the last year, and thus by new settlements added nearly 3000 to the population of the Tract, only 450 soul" were Emigrants of that year, the remainder being old inhabitants os natives of the country, and attracted to the Huron District by the superior advantages it offers over the older settlements of the Province. The harbour ot Goderich, situated at the confluence of the River Maitland with •Lake Huron, 1 a safe •std commodious one, and capable of admitting any vessel navigating Lakes Ontario, Erie and Huron ; and from which produce may be „ehipped to Quebec in vessels capable of navigating the ocean. Tbe Hulce Tract is intersected by good Roads in various direclioos. Tt„rs are two great leading Roads one extending East- ward towards Hamilton, at the bead of Lake Ontario, about sixty bitles; the other South- yrty, towards Loodon, about forty-seveo miss, where it is met by the Plaiik Road between Hamilton, Lotdoo and Purt Stan- ley, and the Land being i1 larg% blocky, it ofrs advantages rarely mot with for the undivided settlement of tunnies and com- munities. This Tract is admirably situated for secu- ring the future prosperity ot the Settler, from the advantages it possesses over more Roland situations, through its water com- munication with the ocean, as prodoce can be conveyed from Goderich to Montreal and Quebec for Dearly the same charge u from places within thirty or forty miles land car- riage of the Shipping Ports at the foot of Lake Ontario. To the British Emtgreat the Mauves Trge4 possesses peculiar attractions, sine the population is almost exclusively British ; and ao Emigrant from Great Britain or Ireland can hardly fail of meeting old neigh- bours already established in some part of the District ; and the result of a -Datura( feeling on the put of persons emigrating, is, -that certain localities in this manner have hen assumed a National character, one old neighbour or countryman induciDg another to follow him ; and thus are found is the Huron Tract, Settlements which Highland- ers Lowland Scotch, Fnglisb, and Ir1sh, each prevail : there is also a flourishing German Settlement. One great inducement which the Huron Tract bolds out to Old Settlers, is the man- ufacture of POTASH, and for which no land in the Province is better adapted, as it is entirely timbered with too best kinds of nano *O00. NOTICE. THOSE isdebted to the Subscriiter are 1 requested to maks immediate pay- ment, or else their notes and accounts will be put into the hand of an attorney for col. let two . ROBERT MODERWELL. Goderich, Feb. I80, 1848. 31f TWO POUNDS REWARD. ON SATURDAY the 19th inst., there was lost between the Huron and British Hotels, a small Russian leather Pocket Book, containing letters and paper. (only valuable to the owner) besides some money. The above reward will be obtain- ed at the British Hotel upon delivery of the said property. Goderich, Feb. 91, :843. 5 Arrs'rr To Moaosa.—On last Sunday as Mr. Joanpa Mills was crossing from Mose to hie residence in Zoo, he encountered a amber of areas assembled at • School tone ia " the Orange &tflemest" as it is designated, awaiting the arrival of the Rev. Mr. Goon, Episcopal Minister, who had made ith appointment to preach to them on that Sabbath. Oe• of the fraternity Domed STEWART ie his pious indiggnation allied forth from the temporary " Hours or Pa. r aa," and demanded from Mi. Mills if "lis stere ws mem w es .e as Election, thee he heard taw ref his conduce 160 miles of ; sad ams le glee kiwi • d—d Ikrashsig." Suite( the aroma to the word he drew from hula pocket a pistol, aimed it at the head of Mr. Milo and the cap exploded without any further consegteccee ; when Stewat who is a very powerful man coin - sawed ee Natally assail hie iaeReesive victim with the butt end of his pistol, and seee..4.d in iadictimg sevsral very had wawa o4 his head and other parte of hie persue. The 'miscreant Stewart, taught .abed seine lima NEC. in the Township of Zeas, bat et present resides is Hamilton with as Uncle who carries on the Fawley besiaea.. Mr. Mille la a highlyrespectable Castle - ass aeenemafor d em is peaceable and ia- ellbaefve dmmwasse ; aid the reason of too apo Stewart swift this dastardly attempt ea his life arisen frets the eine itutamee Of M. Mille bola nae of the Agate of Mal- eeim Camera, ., at the recent election 1' tie Tews.bi Zoos. it abet justice to ser that all the iambi - taste of Zona IsLLpewdest of politics, are highly iaeeavedaagg Stewart, *he ■o doubt will b epaadilf arested ; and perhaps furnished with a emanative Lodging in lite Provincial Prn.ba . It will be a awful Msee% fee eases of wane Nod-Wnty /n! Ids. the *eceeet ars ems hued to the Cempsay'• selueh Louse 8.111.r”, during the 'seam - ace of their Lases. L%" The math of the Heron DtelNet is aisle aides Soma from the new Govern- ment Met art is O*oa'e !Lay. CCP' Tb• pettier is Meaty mile. from Ha.oltue, • bred of Lake Osla no, ad is twelte m Steamers ply daily frees Niagara to 1a1..il'frees and To miles; sod the d.atatace by Kailwa Borhl. to Levitates, is twenty miles. There are also Stealers coa.tanlly use- ing from Rochester and Oswego to Turuntu aid Hamilton. The British steamer Lourdes, ,ares Buffalo twice a -week fur Pori Stan- ley, on Lake Erie, distant 110 miles : Lon - doe, by the Plink Road, is thence twenty• four miles. 1:17` The Canada Company hare alar about ONE MILLION of acres of Lead, in Block' contenting from Three Thousand to Ni.. Thounod scree each, in the West - era District ; and On and Two Hundred sere Lots "citrated throughout almost every Township in Canada Wert- ([' Every termite tolormat:on upon the Hoaoe and 1. . Cosra'v's other Lands to the Province, will he furnished, b'rse of Charge, by application [if by letter, Post paid,] to the CANADA COMPA- NY'S OFFICE, at .TORONTO, and GODERICII, and at Stratford, in the Hu- ron District ; to Dr. Ailing, Guelph, Wel- lington District ; or to Richard Birdsall, Require, Asphodel, Colboroe District. C CuMr* sy s Oimciy t Goderich, 19th Feb., 1848. FOR SALE, BY the subscriber, that valuable property situated in the township of Goderich, on Lot 19, 4th concession, withig 5; miles of the town ofGoderidl;`tbereis • good Saw 51i11 on it and 80 acres of la 20 acres cleared. It a a never (ailing stream well adapted for soy Machinery, such as Carding and Fulling Machinery, Distillery, and Gnat Mill. N. B.—Will be sold chap for cash, or part of the money may lie for a few years. Apply to the proprietor. WM. ALLIGHEM. Goderich, Feb. )8, 1848. 3 Caw*torr;-••A TiMe tslsr Ra iw gcsol4 w 5em same we bsle set (sense 114 frees E.. 44(011, *111th ..s 1.4444, seat 1 e'n Is4 04 W.lneeday mee4ler rest. wages pod ever him sashimi kis la a dreadful meager ; whim our informant left he *as still Iivheg : but little helms at.v1141e4 of hie wooer,. We beer that he was is 11,1151 of totoxicatios when the aeeideet seared het ..snot vouch for the armless* se the report.—Br ai(ferd Ce4rier A.Isiga..t wee bead, is the tear..hap of Clerk, a the dub inetsot, a Me May of Jeke Reed, • yea" man wk. lams Sem Itched lad rammer ; b. was 0111 London.— mum sad forty THEATRE ROYAL, GODERLCIi. ` M18. MARLTON oounce to the inhabitants o odericb and Its vicinity, that, assisted bother Amateurs, use will give a THEATRICAt9 ENTER- TAINMENT shortly,' on which otea'io.t Scene., (sever acted before here), from Rub Roy, The Rivals, Richard III., Mer- chant of Venice, and Hamlet, will be per- formed. - Goderich, Feb. 18, 1948. 3 D. WATSON, BARRISTER AND ATTORNEY AT LAW, 5O4CITOa tN 67ANCaaT, r►NLROr?CT, kC. OFFICE IN THE MARKET SQUARE, GODERICH. Feb71849. ay TO CAPITALISTS. G001:1 ..deale levestm..ts. Valuable MILT SITES and FARMS (node as Lake Huron. A good Mill Privilege na the Lake shore w 11 is six wiles of tellencb, kissing 16 acres e1 excellent Land, the Mill can br built um the ruck, and *.1141 50 trey el to, Mei deep waver is tl.r lake; the 4 II den. can be made Al to 18 feet high at a trifling expense and on • 51151 (11111.11 .treanl,abun- .cs u( Sew -logs in die vicinity. a splendid Mill privilege half s Ere:eves 43115 Rtrrr which Laq h111g 45 acre. of l.'tw old ulbw mile a osviga of drat rale la Saw -Ings in the sic AND ALM)—Four 0 tion of FARMS en sad a Shore, with improvements. The above well selected and very valu properly w111 be sold Iuw fur cast', 0r bah the purchase money may remain (or three or four years en mortgage. Apply (if by let or post paid) to Law roots Levitation, Esq., Lundell, Robert Parke, Esq-, Gudench, or to the proprietur JOHN HA\VKINS. Pert Albert. Goderich, Feb. 1, 1848. UI Morrie he HURON DISTRICT AG RIC ULTU.RAL SOCIETY. TENDERS will be received by the Direr tor. of the Society up to SATUR- DAY, THE NINETELNTH instant, from parties desirous of taking charge of ember .f the Societie'a BULLS, viz Tb. Durham Bull new at Mr. Armen's. in Culliourso. Do do at Mr. Salkeld'. to Goderich. , Tbe. Ayrshire Bull, et Mr. Elliott'., in Goderich. . Tufder. to state which Bull is applied fur. , Tenders will also he received for the keep of the Durham Cow. The Tenders maybe made to the Secreare of the Society. R. Q. CUNINGHAME, Secretary. Goderich; Feb. 10, 1848. BEAUTIFY AND PRESERVE YOUR HOUSES, CARRIAGES, kc. THE Snbseriks.r woul4 intimate to the inhabitants- 'Goderich and surround- ing country, that he is ready to execute all orders for PAINTING, bac., that he may be favoured with ; and If employers will furnish materials, he engages to work at the cheapest rate, and give more satisfaction than has heretofore been extended to this aeetion of the country. N. B. All, 4iods of merchantable Pro- duce takes in exakange for work. EDWARD (r WAITRON. Goderich, February '11, 1845. - 1_ GODERICHCARRIAGE SHOP. ue'TIOO1a-eT$$IT, 0511 110011 MIST Or ALLEN'S INN. THE Subscriber respectfully intimates to the inhabitants of Goderich and its vicinity, tint be is prepared to execute all orders for CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, LUMBER k LIGHT WAGGONS, Cellars, Lumber Sleighs, Gigs, Dog Carts, Re-, and all other articles in his line of basiae55. N. B. Repairing promptly attended to. Br' Guidry Produce taken in part pay - onset. JOHN SAVAGE. Garrick, Feb. 16th, INS. fly NOTICE. ALL peroses INDEBTED to the Sub- scriber, ars hereby requested to call and settle their soeosata by the 110th of Marsh neat, all Meant' thee resettled, will positively be placed is the basis d the Clerk of the Cort for oolleetios. WALTER SHARP. GeierMb, Feb. 15, 1848. Bmf JOHN 1. E. LINTON, m •1•11 T ► 4 1 L I C, QS wnissid nem Queeyt'e Bend', AND CONVEYANCER. STRATFO*.D. WAGGONS AND SLEIGHS. 7 EAST SPREE? - N$A4LT OPPOSITE THE T1asa1['1:1111LAtr CREAM. (["HZ Subombers begs leave to inform 1 his friends and the public at large, that he is now prepared to receive orders for LUMBER OR LIGIUT WAGGONS, which shall be mannfactured of the best materials, and by experienced workmen. 07" Harrows and Drags made to order ; Plough Castings Wooded. ALEXANDER MELVIN. Goderich, Feb. 9, 1848. 9t1 The CANADA COMPANY have again thrown open all their Lands in the HURON TRACT, about 500,000- acre , for disposal, by way of LEASE. These Lands are offered on the most ad- vantageous and beneficial terms, to suit the means or views of Settlers of every descrip- tion,—they may be bad liy way of LEASE for TEN YEARS—NO MONEY BEING REQUIRED DOWN. The Rents pay- able dot February in each year—being equal to about the Interest upon the present value of the Land. Ti a peculiarity of the Company's Leases is, that under them the Company's Settler has secured to him the entire benefit of Sia improvements, and in- creased value of the Land,—as be is guar- anteed the right of purchase of the Land, at a fixed price named in the Lease, at which he may at any time during the TEN YEARS deemed the Dead for the Free - bold :—flus, for example, by paying the moderato Annual Rent and 4o more, he secures the use of the Lad for Ten Years, sod then, if he chooses, b may purchase at Um price stated is the Lease, or reject it altogether, as be may dad it to his advan- tage—the alien knot entirely aith the Les- see. The Company will, however, make a liberal deductiem upon the pries, it the Set- tler requires to purchase the 1..4 before enuring the Tooth year of las Lease, and by so doing, he will of course ah all future payment of Rent. DR. HAMILTON, May 4. O.enefted rrefealeany a al time. - sena wale eTwa'T, 0 0 D 1 R 1 C 11. re., 1$4$. b SALT ! SALT ! ! 1 N BARRELS, sheep for cash or market - able produce, at the Stereo( T. GiLMOUR k CQ.. Feb. 11, 1848. • q q Y q q Y GODERICH CHATHAM. DISTRICT OF KENT. VALUABLE REAL ESTATE P O • SALE..A RARL► CHANLS FOR CAPITALISTS. '1`HE subscriber hevwg comnmeced buss_ muse to G..uencb—and with the r.1 w Of carrying on ba.•prratwue *.tb more 1,41111• iy and twee. ss, a in want of cash—odors the following voluble property for sale, situated 11 Ouuristung tuwo of Chatham, the 1ht►t1tet seat fur Kent, fur tomo uoly vis 'fbat advantageously situated property is Chatham North. containing FOUR wa- ter Lut.-. according to the tuwo plot eer- y.)—with a good and.ubaiatral two story Dwelling Hume thereon, Kitchen, .• re- liant garden, summer butter, fur a large family or is public n 40 fat by 54, and a Targe well adapted for distilling act. d ..n • .ub.lan- ef uerr 31.0 aloe an the its 1 anchone or fur icor til wharf, sou tons burtheo. On t invaluable Spring, the ex waters are out surpassed in —AL80— Two Building Lots in Chatham North Block G , well situated, b1 ing oppu.ite the new Bridge, sburtly to be erected. —ALSO— A large two atury Frain House frostings the 1;arrecke, 40 fat by 56, nearly finished, with half as acre Lut belonging. —AL8N— SEVENTY-FIVE Acres of enema Land situated on the batiks of the River Thames, only three miles below the tows of Chatham, with • dwelling House there- on, about 40 scree cleared, and in a bib cute of cultivation. All, or part, of the above property will be sold on reasonable terms for caro dowo, or one-fourth down, and the remainder in three yearly instalments. Title enqurauon - able. For further partieuaan esquire of M. ✓b, 0. Dolma, Chagas, or to;thu pr0- prietur at God ttcb. CHARLES DOi.SEN. Gudericl:, Jan. 98, 1848. 1 A-UOTIONf. /TO BE BOLD WITHOUT RESERVE, 1 oD THURSDAY, the 1711 'instal, the whole STOCK OF DRY GOODS, GRO- CERIES, 111., in the Ston is the Post Once Buildings. TERMS—All euros under £1 10, Club from €1 10 ;o £5, three 'moeth'; from £6k to £ 10, six months; ,over £I0, nine months, by furnishing approved Endorsed NOTES. - A.M. Sals to commence a) 11, o'clock, [ I. K. GOODING, Aaetiolleer. Getkricb, February 7, 1648. INFORMAT1O4 WANTED FOREIGN PERIODICALS. 111111.1.11. RE PUBLICATION OY.TIIE LONDON. QUARTERLY REVIEW , EDINBURGH REVIEW, FOREIGN QUARTERLY REVIEW. WESTMINSTER REVIEW, oe£ BLACK WOOD'S EDTN'(i MAGAZINE. 'I 1IE above .Periodicals are reprinted la New York, immediately on their ar- rival 11-4.1e British' Steamers, in a beauii- raciest type, on fine white paper, and are faitbful.cnpiee of the originals—Blackwood s Magazine being an exact (ac -simile tel the Edinburgh edfaun. Tbe wide-epreed,fime •d these splendid Periodicals readers it needless to ay much in their praise. As literary organs, they eland far in advance of any works of • et. nailer stamp now published, while the poli- tical eomplexitm of each is marked by a dignity, candour, and forbarance not often found in works of a party character. They embrace the views of the three groat parties in England—Whig, Tory, and'R.adical—Bfaekwood and the London quarterly are .Tory ; the Ediabrak R. - Inns, Whig ; and the 'Westminster, Radical. The Foreign Quarterly is purely literary, being devoted principally to criticisms cm foreign Continental Works. The prices of the Re -prints are less than ole -thud of those of the foreign copies, and while they we equally wellof up, they afford all that advantage to the Americea over the English reader. TERMS. PAYMENT TO 118 4405 Iw AAAA NCI. For any oneed the four Reviews, $3,00 per aa. Fur any two do do 5,110 For any three do do 7,00 " For all four of the Reviews.... 8,00 e For Blackwoud's Magazine.... 3,00 '• For Blackwood and the 4 Reviews, 10,00 '• CLUBBING. Four copies of any or all of the above works will be sent to unit address on pm' meet of the regular eub.cripti9n fur three— the fourth copy being grans. 1!- Remittances and communications must be rnade in all cases without expen.e to the publishers. The former may alway s be done through a Postmaster, by handing him the amount to be reunited tskiog hie receipt, and ('orwarding it by mail, post. paid ; or the motley may be enclose! in • letter, post-paid, directed to the publishers. N. B.—The postage on these Periodicals is reduced by the late Post Office Law to about one-third the former rates, making • very+.mportant saving in the ',pone to mail subscribers. (["In all the principal cities and towns throughout the United States es whish there is a direct Railroad or Water com- munication from the City of New York, these periodicals will be delivered free of 90.111(0. I.EONARD SCOTT it Co., Yrblihcrs, 112, Fulton at., aY. Jr (IF JOHN MORIARTY. who left Ire- tJ land in April, 1845, peeompaoied by his brother and sister, and arrived at Quebec in June. They subsequently proceeded to Toronto in September following; since that period John Moriarty has never been heard of. Itis supposed he went to the States. Any information respecting him, addressed to his sister, M.ROAROT MORIAS - Tr, Post Office, Tkor»kiU, Canada West, will be thankfully received. January 10, 1848. • 2 WHOLESALE AND RETAIL STORE. THOMAS GILMOUR k CO., 11iAVE always on hand a choice assort - mat of all kinds of fancy and STAPLE DRY GOODS, GROCERIES. Hardware, poets, Shoes, Crockery, kc., ke., tic. • And as their stock is selected from the principal waiehousee in New York and Montreal they feel confident that they can furnish a superior article for less price than it can bo obtained elsewhere in toe Huron District, u in all cash transactions they have resolved to dal upon the principle of small profits and extensive sales. They solicit an examinalion of their ample stock of New Goods from all intending pur- chaser,. N. B.—All kind. of farm produce„ taken to exchange for goods, for which the high- est market price will by allowed. Goderich, Feb. 3, 1848. tf1 SETTLERS' SAVINGS BANK ACCOUNT. to order to afford every assistance to in- destriooe and provides' Settlors, the CAN- ADA COMPANY will receive any aom,no matter how small the amount may tie, fee which their Leases Settlers may not have Immedato wait, ON DEPOSIT—and al- low (almost at the nu of Bra run CANT. per sawn for the eternal but at is clearly medarMood, that the fall amount with iate- raat &screed, atoll at all times be at the d'apeal of the Settler, without **ties.— sw Per this perpethe Company have opened an Account, *bleb i. termed "8111 TLrtam' P**vlea1T o &muse Roes Acoovsr."— thee affordiag to the prudent Settler every facility for saumulating sof leient moo to purchase the Freehold of the Land which he LEASES, whenever he chooses to do so, whole the term of Tee Yaw ; but should bed Harvests, or any other unforeseen mi. - ferules, visit his, he has always thmamaunt deposited, with Merest eeereed, et his dis- posal to meat them. The advaatages of 1 CROCKERY. ALL kinds of Porcelain and Stoneware at reduced prices. by T. GILMOUR k CO. Feb- 11, 1648. E. C. WATSON, GODERICH FOUNDRY. FARMERS,ENCOURAGE YOUR HOME MANUFACTORIES. THE Subscribers beg to inform the in- habitants of the Huron District, that they have in full operation, their NEW FOUNDRY, which for convenience and the facility with which the work is done, equals, they feel proud to uesert, any cuuntly foundry in Canada. They further pledge themselves to the public to sell all Goods in their line, as cheap, if not cheaper ; as good, if not bet- ter, than they can be obtained from any other foundry in Canada or elsewhere. The patronage they have met with during the ,bort time they have been in business' hen, warrants the above statement, and they take this opportunity of informing tbetr friends and the public that they will use every exertion in their power to main- tain the character, they trust, they have fully established for themselves. The will hare oe hand Threshing Mills, Saw They and Grist Mill Castings ; Re -ac- tion Water -wheels, Smut Machines of the latest and most approved plan, Steam En- gines, and all kinds of Hollow -ware, such es Bake Kettles, Bellow Pots, Tea Kettles, Sugar Kettles ; deo, various niers of Cook- ing Subscribers receive and Parlour Stoves, and every deacrip- Q'I 1 lion of Ploughs, kc., fire. their numbers et the nearest American Post In additten to the above, they are ready Off+co.. to receive ordere for BELLS from five to Goderich, Jan. ten hundred pounds weight, and warranted to be well toned. GEORGE MILLER k CO. Goderich, January 28, 1848. ly PAINTER AND GLAZIER, PAPER HANGER, 4<• 4s. GODER1CH. i R 0 N. THE SUBSCRIBERS have nn band a lugs quastit of almost every descrip- tio. of Iloop and Bar iron, which will be sold am the most reasonable terms. T. GILMOUR k CO. Fsb. 11, 1848. TOBACCO. ertenei.s stock whoa IFRI !beep for ash. T. GILMOUR Osimrieh, Feb. 11, 1848. gold CO. 11 ATI NETTS OP various Texture* tad Paters' for nag's elest.seg, will be Bold for the very leta4 5 l5meserwtin11gg prudes. T. GILMOUR, k CO. Oedericb, FA. 11. 1848, - 8 N. B. in order that the subscribers may be enabled to discharge the pledges giver in the above advertisement, they must in- sist upon prompt payment., therefore, of all Notes and Bouk Account. Dow due, imme- diate payment is requested. A. NASMYT1i, FASHIONABLE TAILOR, n8APECTFULLY acgnsinta his friends and customers that he continues to make men's wearing apparel, in the most approved sad fashionable .tree and nn short notice- And in returning thanks to the inhabitant. of (coder,* and the tn.rround• mg neighbourhood, f0 the liberal earner - agement he has r.coived, hopes by assidui- ty and punctuality, .till to merit a centime sere of their petrnapge, Goderich, Feb. 5, 1848. t!I HARRISON It tLEAK, BARRISTERS, Always, Sutfaiters tm Chancery, ke., CIIATHAM, C.W. 118, 1818, 1 BItITISII IIOTr>a,, GO1)ER11;(1, LATILT 4CCOrICD 11 MR. MAC EAT TEN EVA P. rHF. Subscribers havieg I eased the above SUPERIOR HOTEL, beg lave respectfully to innmate to their friends sad the public io general, that they hate .•peued (or the reception sod aceoseDelait•'s of Boarders and Travellers, where they will be happy to receive terse who roar boor them with their patronage. It will always be their study to furnish the Table with an ample portion of the best prodpcuoo of this season, and to keep their Bet enppIsed with Wines and Liquors of the beet de wriptien, .o as to merit the approval el their customers. J. K.A*11A JOD N LA Go•.ertch1 Jan, 9t, thole, 111 N. B....Faircellmot SleNGtg will he a ad, and an settee and attentive Groom b alwayd I. mltoeda ce. TR" 'OW. OF all gn.'itie Ts l M M M L, IyR Feb. 1I, 184!},