Huron Signal, 1848-02-04, Page 4•
iiiIhn-A trocar!...
M re, •alb• we ata sews s esAa
Aa Wks Cassia! r.. rad
Wbnv rwoor rears the sent mad read,
The W /Jay. vrk.6.'r1 .ecds.
Otb.•d *islet lakes mid trials' leak ;
Thr load. %Mote sae,. i. ages saki
I..m'd mita1e'a peesow .a.a$h amid ;
The G-o.ised load . times w Itsav,
lM ...BMA's tied .f freedom's hsme.
Tn.<d time t.weep1eg eta
To .h.k. oppesei me Goth his
Te break din .I.,rry's irksome tuns,
To dime dread sapontitieti's reign,
Sesigely to eblitero1
The errms of rival sanest', hate ;
T. q.etielt each Wiry party strife.
T. pl.ek the b..e from hams. life.
And beats to (ling the troth .brood
Oi ow -ore
Wos.. iatellecteel ems .bot J he
Bot sae Mrmoeioe• fuoily, what..
Throws o'er this mak all-tis�p•r
As utwoh.. his wisp
Tose Morrie, eti� Ir. bnep;
A.age .t7.S a tits, .Me.
a. natures O .d Miguel,
rler trot energies remeliag
'Ordeal every owed .el(.b (sthog ;
Aad .aekist individual bli..,
1. all .reatiest's happiness'.
TMs Canada, thy fore*( door.
Like ,.o.a'ais mist obeli doormen, ;
118..bserf.I keebe.das...1021 toil
With pl.agklMre tie thy seed sod ;
Awl where thy low rude hat arias
,Maj thickets( woods that veil the Alto,
And same afford • safe retrat
Teem mises's add or waste's best ;
T.t partly .roese his wretched poor.
Wire ores bet destie'd to e•
Ace: bred o'er happier tiro,.
Which esti were thein is other clime.;
Hue then out and deices to give
Gee-belf of all that makes them live,
Ev'a these rod. huts .hall pass away
For mess, of • better day,
And nary i lams and happy home
Shell rim when wild beau prowling roam.
A scree a1. 1 see, ev'e now,
W grey poursl leaps oo the cedar
lviidasf ammo em teat a ewes t •
Le%a.a ted mamma ."has
Are washes mused b Mase halt
B.1 ties aur Maio e'el,ra•e ad the*.
Tb.e an as souse bads thee .
Aad though at tows my sol may sissy
Bock eathelaid dMe%yeses day;
Aad geode; sok a !hod wpm.
Thrush some* that 4y es miesery ret,
'Rase wurluaa acmes of boyhood's dews,
As emattwe our withdraw. t
Loves hope" and toys that thickly rat
T. lead w e m.beeti'a vitriol were;
Thome so".re deo make my Matte est►,
TM ewelost se earth's ehecqueed seal t
Moran Watson p to maks me deo
My baoishmont • kideow dream, - •
Which Misuse, leaves me Imo° •sr•'
A}d id 7 with II 'mea ��'wtt► tike,
Bet my esti k Eweait7.
Selma tis"
lar the heart's unmet Fancy is a fairy
That gilds her wand with dwsisp ddeligh t.
Wbereo* site (lope, with "miles that sever vary
From the glad bues that mark them is their
Thea every flower we gam on, is its beauty,
la u embodiment of hope mid joy
Them every bird seems singled love std duty.
Aol s.arbiing sweet -tangoed praises .poo
Maevery • im behold
( the
atm teed at__1se
perste leerbessi. she wee w •awY le
bias. tad be ell tat del world eoUMilml
to We. Avid obese, � i
..d M
atethole. gIIM wadi %"o7
• ret end took leas .orb eihstoerte
Meeersw as eth WAN* -Owe iia
HomiieeNvi ("
A few yeas des aw IFfer of r Mu -
hops vaned h�M Wit isle the
haW"•1 drsakard ; mod, eel fauns/ his
e„wrme•e, his b sweet had tested to Mt
Aad redeem wolf howled for his prey,
As the wasderi's Indian crossed ba way
By Mtssisippi" loco dark steam,
Fair cultivation deigns to gleam,
The down tarns se ample plain,
Deep waving with the yellow grata ;
The mosey swamp and matey swell
Asperse the beauties et the dell.
And Halls and Cheeks rise to bless
TM wild and woody wild/mem ;
Tie borders d thy owes lakes,
Erewhile Motu with ragged brake*
W moths* .24,11 were beard to float
The echos'. d the Ballfrog's sole,
Or j.rklsb snakes shakoes when
Lao w•
Ind ;
The hats that osiers dans w deg
Or where thy Ot.wa'd CMadiet..
Tema bloodless down her dread esre.e ;
toes thaw Me ort preowned to swig,
A pathway e'er the appalling this(,
Te taw es earth sad air and water
The night? Meer a mid err otter ;
Ad'18eee se moo's •oalsities' erase,
Ar testi beams" tits hems of pesos.
Pisa Mind shall Gag her revs *bread
Aa emblems other lather -God 1
Rey. brighter far tae burnished gold
Or the irteias'laseieg os thy .old,
Tilt eataro's every tamest
Bemis her soverigi power is boot,
Asd aunty owns from pole to polo,
118. poW515 .4124. 24.'... scsi
Thee on thy wavy waters blue,
Wbom leaps the dirty bark canoe.
With mmwy sails spread ,to the breeze,
Shall eemmere1 ride thy Miamians,
To boar thy swam inseam hese.,
To loads lass Nest by Fruvitless.--
Thee whim the desert'o therm g ms,
- Trow.. shadowing like toe tinelele lamb ;
r Obhse soatd itself seems half aebart'd.
• Save when at intervals is heard
-Us dismal oats:act oe tis. breear,
F.asaisg its tousle to the tress ;
Oe where penthouse sorra mighty eek
Rereads the woods.*'* pondeees stroke.
The buy Mesa! heroin thrarg,
Shalt rail the reapers lively snag.
And the roa milk -maid ever gay,
She that her rant ressirry.
Ile mere shall satires utero dila
Rama ts.es5le•ti dM the dreary wild,
No mem W he'd p.wanoe. had,
Obeli nip at reales tbtsegh the wed ;
Hie sone, Desks, Mveo- .1I be prised,
ghsf goo 1dMa the sallied,
"` The pear.•• Rodmss, is N,
i18.ema wept is the sane destisy
For lead's bright Masse Mai Mauled
Hew make w esugtwt of the wand.
' too Crean thee ort the elites
Wraith, fora demist tine ;
Aimed awn w am (d • ems
Fee hall the 8s, t.smkfd endow,
Tee thee. as ether lauds grew worse.
Art will the feed d aka vementa
Amnesia aware mine is the..
T. sport iso ma imsenaity,
Thr sea rivers -esti thy groove
As. sham where the thee.. des 10114 t
Thy , like lob.. -thy lakes
Aso airs, whom do greet billow Weeks,
And Mme whits es the wave.
TW ustesse is sat howl Mt rave
. mmd6d'd illy, the the weed
•cede wadi las asp --woos that have Mesa
A tha owd whams, an leaded firth
A ,jingtemo• o'er too earth.
Try aillt iAesll+ •i•e thee
L-A. the seek pebbh tams
dud the flu dfis ihtewbm refs,
Ae if as Miley dila slaw
.plied or* eetaaw ileellM me
iv very tette sena tell aches'
hint, wad his wh,taoce ear besemee
wreck. And sloe, so late chi realest d N
fair, was a dejected ad, ir• t
mother, herself wad bet es in see, a
prey to (tkire« sod Aegean sulky ie a
miserable hovel stripped alike el WOW.
mid the memories .1 Itis, where the triad
(tad the rats whistled wad drifted tb»sgh
the Moles windows. To her sash day the
sue sheet epos misery, while het children
were eryi.g trued her for bread, and quo: -
relief with each other ; and she sow weep -
log Is the midst of them, and new citron
the wretched man to whom they *weed
their being. Daily did the drunkard reit
from Must of debauchery into lits deo of
weetektde.ei. Theo did the stricken chil-
dren crouch behind their miserable mother
for peotection,.a, his red eyes glared upon
their famished cheeks. But she sow met
his rage with the silent scow( of heart-
broken sed cellos& defiance, which, tending
but to Wastes the infunat ed madman; then I
thea burst forth the more than fi.ndiah
clamour of domestic war ! and then was
beard upon the street the children's shriek -
the screams and the bitter reviling* of the
twrz patient wife-wtlh the cruel impreca-
tions and osesterel blasphemies of the
mossier, for whom (ampule has no
name 1- as he rushed for w• 4, (petting
coital -dere to the blurb,) and with his
clenched bed Mock to the ground, amidst
the children etre bias, the once gentle
and beautiful befog he had sworn before
God to protect! -she whom once he would
not permit
•• The . i.d& of beavea to visit her cheeks too
she, who would bete thought her life cheap
to have laid it down in his service, he
kicked from him like a disobedient dog !-
These are the every -day changes of drink-
ing habitually -these are the transforma-
lione of intemperance. •
'furs we now to the fireside of the hap -
Mer Helms ! • The, business of the day is
done, and her sgbegp>t�aed returned home-
ward, and be perddffves his fair children
eagerly waiting his approacb, while delight
beauty from his eyes, contentment plays
upon his bps, and be stretches out his hand
W welcome them ; while
•• The espectia' we- thing toddliu' smelter
To meet their dad, wi' flicbteris' Boise ea' glee.
His wee bit i1(le bliaki.' Dusi27-
Hie clean hearth -crane and tbnfty wii,'s sleds.
Do a' his weary carkie' earn be sale,
An' maks him quite forget his labour sad his
And, while the youoglis climbed his
knees, "the ..vied kiss to rehire," the elder
MAW* seed sears throe around him,
=it =their. led
the lost of a War% heed,
1dieyene whet the'happy air Igr,
.1111 W. 1114100141141146
Thee - set Mist a mese yeditet las
le WOW estate thee that elbottae
a fleshsr Mars we oda b Adams.
is of Mime s M teat eharesler,
OM -
Mod as eeesaatioe from that *Me
who Uimeviif ' is LOm ; avid though dies
dsgaedel me eenHt, we yet led it perk std
•lWag within the sn1anel
Wagbs i4 fieesestly eeapti•todbY
mese Wel* elem. awl*sum% liadith all the •�he
semempbaue if the lbTt
Jam; hitt a metier oohs. tie &thistles,
.ht antras the (ley end delorm.J with
kied•'s", Meal to, If est setpeerteg, that
rube bestows o• the meet bemired. ed. Tele
frequently are iets:awd motives the We
of ttppareot agbetiod, het it is sot se with
her, who clings mels fondly to her chills*
is their poverty, their mkforleses, ay, and
their dieetace. The mikes shwas• by
which we are Mend one to the ether an
Makes monition with facility ; s word,
a look, m.7 as the links aver to be n -
Gaited ; friers p decays or proves false to
the hour of ; we almost doubt tins ex-
istence ofconitd,icy-away with thi•doobt,
while the material heart continue•, se a
lemple, for tiro dwell's' of God's holiest
She has watched bee infant from the ars-
; she will not desert him until ted
y the grave. How enxtuusly she oksertas
be budding faculties, the expansion of mind,
e iocreasibg strength of body ! tithe lives
or her child more than for howl!, tad so
@twtoed has her nature become with hie,
bat she share" in all his 'joys, and as !
to all hu sorrows. "Not because it wlove-
ly," say, Harder, "does the ,.other love
her child, but because it is a lung part of
her own nature. Therefore does she sym-
pathise with ht. suHerrogs ; her heart beats
quicker at his joy ; her blood Bows more
softly through her veins, when the breast
at *bleb he drinks knits bum closer to bee."
Say that her son falls -into poverty°; a
baukrupt in fortune, he is shunned by his
former acquaintances and despised by most
et bar fellow- beings, but one there will be
found, lake a ministering angel at his side,
cLeeriog his respondency, oucouraging him
to new exertions, and ready herself to be
come a slave for hia sake.
Say that be is .=posed to censure, wheth-
er merited or unmerited, -U men rusk to
heap their virtuous indignation on his head.
they have no pity fur a fallen biotber, they
shun or they curse him. How different us
the conduct of that being who gave him
life ! She cannot believe the charge,. she
will not rank herself among the foes of her
child. 1f at length the sed truth be estab-
lished, she Bull feels that h/ has not thrown
tiff every claim ; and an object of blame, he
is also one of pity, Iter heart may break,
but it cannot cease to love him. In the
moments of sickness, when stretched on the
bed of pale, dying perhaps from a contagious
Meese, he is deserted by his professed
(intends. wbo dare not, and care not, to ap-
proach bias -one num will be seen attend -
ug him ; she will not leave his precious
aaistence to the care of hirelings, though
raw every instant in hie presence seems an
hhur of agony. His groans penetrate her
rt, but she, will not let biro lieu the sed
r pones ; she weeps, but turns away, lest
b3 should pe�ldit the tears. 8hlfpj/ life
s YIDP*2 lar his
..-Mato.-.a..soca* of
Jedgs below whom he meg sbettlyappeer.
Whet it is astMt, she -eras. fee �1Jp 1i1i;
fief g lhat bey net be, Ise his 1fillt ' •
the rife to come.
Ha dies --the shock perhepe deprives her
of life, or, if not, she lives as one desolate
and alone, anxiously looking forward to
that world where she may meet her darling
child, never to part agate.
Wath equal simplicity and eloquence, the
{eider affection of Hagar for her child u
esaressed in • the Old Testament. lo a
w Wetness, bersetf parched with thirst and
tainting with fatigue, she beholds her is- only companion -dying from
went of nourishment. The water-buttle
was empty. Placing her boy beneath a
.h-ub, and moving to tome distance, she
crud, ' Let me not see the death of my
child !""Let me not behold the severance
of those ties, which nature compells me to
support and cherish ; let not mine eyes
Witness the gradual departure of that angel
spirit, which 1 had hoped would afford me
comfort and consolation in my declining
yoke." Aad "she lifted op bee voice end
w But she was not left childless, for
" god was with the lad."
If we teasel upon 'he inestimable valve
of this parent, we Cas appreciate the bean -
t7 et the psalmist's expression, when he
t:oaaiwres himself, labouring ander the ex-
treme of grief, to one " wko woaraetk for
hl• asthrr." And was, it not in accordance
with tiro perfect character of our Saviour,
that ems of his last thoughts should bo
for lhe w.lhre of her who followed him
threngh all trials! When extended o• the
cross, panting to the disciple whom he
loved, he said to Mary, " W otu., behold
thy nes," and to the disciple, " Behold thy
mother." And from that hour the disciple
took her to his own home.
Among the greatest and best of 001 fel-
low craturee,v1►e shall find that they sever
forgot the duty owing to her from whom
they not only received life, but frequently
inherited ■uperior powers of mind. We
are too apt to disregard blessings to which
we have long been accustomed, and to sp-
ate them only when it is too late. -
Mary of us have cause to regret the put on
this account, and some would willingly he-
gis lite again, solely from a wish to servo
and phase these of whose worth they are
now aware.
T,yie eel with s mothd s lets. It is toe
ratable, too elevated, and, though it last
to the sod of Bk, too trasaltory. Like
Sissy objects of inestimable worth and pow-
er, it is yet delicate and ...males ,.✓thea
woiud it sot b7 a thoughtless word W as
waded metioe, but cherish its exislseee
with feelings of the Memel admiretioe
and respect.
Theo look ata as oar fellows with no keliag
That is not born of Charity and chair ;
And if we weep, 'tis eery dope of healing,
Stich as renew the verdure 0f .he year.
Bet what the climbs( sorrow darkly 1ow'ri.g
Mink op ibe dew that eherishes the heart ;
Wilma mhsey's block from is everpow'ri.g
The hods of joy_. end bids them all depart.
Theo, stern -eyed Fogey -like •!aldose howling.
And 'atom, serpents in her hideous hair -
Comities op visions, that from darkness prowl-
Come to connect es with their fierce despair.
Theo -all untoocb'd by oaten and her glade's:
Each smiling Bower .m m0 mucking 0(001 neo.
Each feather'd songster goads the heart to meal -
.Seeming his joy triumphantly to show.
wM moll
�te�M� that MaryOOP),OOP),
), ii, it k
eiMed Hirt 1.. Baeee.r Le61s4 •
t .tedest d estigettie(s seed to weer
it • eld 'bate at osoe, fl.yl•g that=
wen swum thee stew MM.' Dr.
is b2.1 N eft* limegheey Davy; tells es
Met Ale mt phtleimphat wee, is the
beeleet amts d • ari _ p•rieg el
time, that he sets a M. $1 to
Smok•f htm.slf el hie dirt itwestibet week
slip ekes lime mai it. Thi preens• he
.meld eeslbee, seta as meey as s�
.hots were es bk beck ata time.
item bed heed t�o. that w..
time hie bulk wag int vitality and oeededy
t'edeseed, that his (rieada, sot ke•wieg the
...., w rvimgrk that he woe gettty(
this, er with elermisg rpidity. Bet their
W bolsi of leg in a esseempum would
shortly beremsred wham "Ain over shirt
bias to aoeumsla/e ark. He was this
hke a Wimp ceterpillar, existing .oder
several skies. la bier days, Davy became
core attentive to the toilet ; is (act, the
tkiskiag and busy *toucher merged into
a frivolous fop, culuvatesg curls, and
wearing piebald waistcoats of patchwork
Fattens. Shemstose was somewhat of an
exquisite. He loved showy nolours in dries,
delighted in trinkets .04perfume , designed
patters. for s.ulf-bores, played + sung,
sad painted flowers. He ha4 however, great
antipathy to cardplaying sod dancing, yet
he says that ecstatic, reugh,uneophieticated
dancicg, is as of the nest Datural expres-
sions of dei;1t, for it coincides with jump-
tofor jey• bet whits It is dose according to
ride, it is, 's km epi•io5 merely cum rshoes
Aod every feed looks like (denims' glaring,
Lit ap with scorn, or darkly scowling hate ;
We deem ourselves of heavwly Care" un.baria(.
And cars, despairingly, oar bitter fat. .
Almighty Lord ! look oa as with compawioa,
And pleek the rebel spirit from oar bneut.
Teach as to feel that faith is thee Can fashion
es-tho' sorroir-aretk-•a holy teat.
Troth w to bow all humbly to thy chastening,
And hail why mercies with a perfect love ;
BeBevis( that the grave, to whish we're hasten-
. i?a.
I. but the postal to a home above.
G.derick, Jas., 1939. A. W. K.
THE 8iSTE.Rai.
• Tact roa Tee ha lls•
Tams a trot it pitied of
t�Iwee N ipebee kir Ile
epeeist ef O�eMM1�
and begs le sewn neo &et be arm edit
etetMee N heti with the tea tied
,tet hie lee us us.el. W
es 8:111. 7 t �1 ettaetise le +ended
he le
afd DWA*L
the lete priest.( whisk he Is eulata will
. nab ler th meek.., mrd Ai Monty sad
variety ewes' be surpssnd is NraMas
O.ierkheie >K i S. IU •
7" Butler, W'hrer per., Oak" , Corn,
jseeripUaS of F'asm.i s
pre sed
tare e. use. Cash will be
paddler good lariat seed, Hide. and Fun.
geidd illa .bras
i,g raises i� swab to welcome
•grorimoe spring, hire
the spirit of life riding upon sunbeams,
breathes upon the earth. Yielding to 115
renewing in8ueoce, the feelings and the
fancies of youth rush back upon our heart,
in all their holiness, freshness, and exulta-
tion ; and we feel ourselves a deathless
put of the joyous creation, which u glow-
ing.round us in beauty beneath the mil*
of its God ! Who has seen the foliage of
tee thousand trees burslisg into leaves,
each kissed by • dew drop ;-who has be-
held a hundred flowers of varied buss, ex -
;mediae into loveliness, stealing their col-
ours frum the rainbowed majesty of the
morning sun ;- who has listened to melody
from the yellow furze ;-to music from
every bush ;-board
• The birds stag lova on every spray",
.eel gazed on the blue sky of his own beau-
tiful land, swimming like a singing sea
around the tun !-who has seen, who has
heard these, and out been ready to koeel
opus the soil that gavo him birth ! Who
has sot thea, as all nature lived and breath-
ed,sad shouted their hymns of glory around
him, held his breath in quivering delight,
and felt the presence of his own immortali-
ty, the soutane. of his &ours eternal dura-
tion, and wondered that sin 'Would exist
epos a world so beautiful. But this moral-
ising Mem us from our narrative. On
om of the moo t lovely mornings of the sea -
.o. -.ata have meDtlosed, several glad group&
were seep tripping lightly towards the cot-
tage of Peggy Johnston. Peggy was the
widow of a Border farmer, who diedoung,
but left her, u the phrase runs, well to do
in the world. She hod two daughters
both in the prime of their young woman-
hood, and the sun shone not on a lovelier
pair ; both were graceful as the lilies that
bowed their beads to the brook which ran
Dear their cottage door, and both were
mild, modest, and retiring, se the wee Qr*m-
roe• that peeped fertb beside the throd.aa•
Beth ware that moraine, by the easiest of
their mother, le bestow their beads upon
the object. of their young affections. Bot
neo will not dwell upon their bridal ; only a
lbw short months were passed, whoa their
mother war sommoeej into the world
when *Le wear are at rest. On her
deathbed she deur onto them equalTp81
does, counting of a kw bsadr•le. lai
mour•iag for bee lose, which, for a time,
was mingled with bitteraede, gtadeslly
pod away, she long years of�h.appppiMvi.18dw•
app.yd to welcome them, from the Wows
of futurity. The btnbsede of both erste is
business, and resided is a market -(ewe in
Cumberland. The eaters'I* nffe eo
H if a elm esti Margate f tad,
could hem bee. gimes, Margaret wee the
most levity tad gentle of the two. Bot
before the tree that sheltered ha, bops
h od time to blossom. the dd.rltt rowed
its roots, and it withered kk• ins goofed of
the eery Her dark eyes lest
their lumen, mad the tears ns dews her
ehe.1a whore the roses hod pdrtsbd for
ever. She *poke,, bet there woe sees to
mower her ;-the sighed, het these was ad
sesemiss ef mho.
Her y s4 �_ eln(1aaa ee id thee.�-•�w ides cls
Ind '"salisfel .* •e of seem eeNien-
1ghl beheld them mail
kithIt • lima��p dela their delemd
Woman. Bespesin'Stillingfieet generally
wore a full dress suit of cloth of 228. nose
utulorm colour,with blue worsted sleeking..
In this drat he used frequeutiy to snood
Mrs. Montagne' a literary evening parties,
a.d as his conversation was very interest-
ing, the ladies used to'ia7, ' We can do
nothing without the blue stocking.: hese.
arose the appellatioO of bas Her, or ' blue
stockings to litetory ladies. Meserai, the
Froseh bistoriaa, was so extremely suscep-
tible of cold, that immediately oa the seting
in of winter, he provided bistself with twelve
pair. of Rocking., all of which he sometimes
wore .t once. la the morning be always
consulted his barometer and according to
the greater or lees degree of cold put on so
many more or fewer pair of stocking. to
reference to the general seediness of lite-
ar costume, • recent writer bas justly rem-
arked, that to laugh -as has been the cue•
tom since the Jays of Juvenal--at the lout-
ish manners, threadbare cloak, and clouted
shoe of the mere moot letters, is a stale
and heartless joke,1 for the poorest thread-
bare, ungainly *noise (if he be indeed a
scholar] is a gentleman is his Wehrle.
Dsai5 or Pisaaao.-" They that take
the sword, shall perish by the .word.; By
the sword he had risen -by the .word be
was to perish ; not on some well -fought
battle field, with .bout. of victory ringing
in his ear, bat is his palace bail, by the aa-
saseim'• blade. In his own Our capital of
Lim., the City of Kiage, the gem of the
Pacific, which bad s ung Op width
hie &r-
epine with • Vr part his great��I all��
more of as -
.t A
Jiisd Meth. wee e.a Y e
et the eawst lk they
bast j1�oo1i at pa hest cries of
44^Diaili to LAC Tyrant 1" A mumbo of visi-
tors were with We, but they were imper-
fectly erased sod deserted him, iso -aping by
the windows, and hishalf-brother, Hardee:
d. Alcantara, two pagep, and as racy
caadism, were all who stood forward in de-
fence of their chief. They ossa f.11 over-
powered by numbers, and covered with
wounds. But Pizarro was not the man
meekly to meet his death. Alone, without
armor, his cloak around one arm his good
.word in his right hand, the hero kept his
cowardly meatiest. at bay, with a vigor
and intrepidity surprising at hie advanced
age. "What, ho!" he cried, " traitors !
have you come to kill sae is my own
house!" and, as he .poke, two of his ene-
mies (ell beneath his blows. Rada (the
chief of the conspirators,) impatient of the
delay, called out, " W by are we so long
about it t • Down with the tyrant !" and
taking one of his companions, Nantes, in
his arms, he thrust him spinet the Mar-
quis. Pizarro, instantly grappling with
his opponent, ran him through with his
sword. But, at that moment, he received
a wound in the throat, and reeling, he sank
upon the Boor, whet the (words of Rads,
and several of the conspiratorswere
ere plug -
ed into his body.
ed the
dying man, and tracing a euro.s with his
finger oo the bloody Bocr,he beet his head to
kiss it, when a stroke; more friendly than
the rest, put an end to his existence.farackwouri
11. O'CONNOR, & Co.,
BEO re•yeetfally to samete5• to tis•
Fulda at lupe, that they we sow
opiates out st Shed ones, outdoor to Mr.
Iwetes's, and *waits Mr. Daley's, a new
sed !Woe. Stook el paw GOODS,
GROCERIES, kn.? which basing hs.e
purchased by an exp•rieued buyer, and tot
Cash, in the Home and Meatiest market.,
they aro determined to .ter at prices that
will defy competition. They only request
the ( of s call from istiMing pur-
chasers to convises them of this last.
H. O'QONNO& de CO.
ti Stratford, Jan. 28, 1 48. 1tf
}lltet'flse.MMle ad
" Gaming wild claim look waist as keel's the
and gazed upon the scene before ker with
a rapture nose but mothers k:.ow. Hero
there was no crying or welling for food -no
giarrelliogs-oo bluphemtee ; but, the
cheerful supper done, the voice of Psalms
was beard in solemn sounds -the book of
God was opened -the father lowly and his
children bent their knees around him. And
could an angel gaze upon a more delightful
scene, than an infant kneeling by the side
of its mother, gazing in her face, and lisp-
ing Amen ! es the words fell from its
father's bps ! Surely, surely, as be Be. to
register it in heaves, a prayer -baring God
would reepoed-_8o let it be.
Again must we view 114 opposite pic
The unhappy drunkard, deprived of
the • of life in his Dative town, wan -
de its, bar family to Edinburgh. But
on tdmlio reformation dawned. Aod the
wretched Muguet, hurried mward by dee-
pair, before the smoothens of south tad
left the brew a her sister, was overtakes
age its wrinkles, and islirmatia. Ad
the affectious, all the fuinge of her mea
geode nature, being seared by los. ydsreof
tooult, misery, brutality, and met, she
hersel(Bew to the bottle, and became ten-
fold more the victim of depravity than bar
fallen, abandoned husband. She lived to
b.hotd her children break the laws of their
co5•try,, :ied to be utterly forsaken by her
misery, s'» was wee gUarrelliag with •
dog upon tau street, for a bars hese that
bee been east out with the ashes.• Of the
exist of her refiring., or when to find
her, her sister knew tacit ; but in the midst
of a severe wiart•r, the once beautiful Mar-
garet Jobastoe• was found a hideous sad a
frown corpse in a miserable e.11ar.
•' last WNW d all.
Which es& this sweep treat(e! history :"
Upon Helm end her towhead, age de.eseded
imperceptibly •e abs calm twilight of a
lovely •vesiog, whoa the elan steal out,
sad the impasse" die sway, as a holy .till-
eus glides through the air, the the soft
b.eaiihiegs ef as angel enfolding from his
ado/tail wage the silken curtains of a
seems 24.4 ; and the conscious feral,
balsa e_ the balmy spirit, degauss and
em4Mst dreamt itself into the
sad of Fourscore
or them.TTheir heads bo -
asses • with the "now of
Bet they became ell together. They half
(ergot the likewise of the face of their
youth ; het still the heart d youth, with
ate imps isbable affections ase esteem,
for kked in either bum, mike( calmly
epos time mod its ravages ; rod still, in the
eyes d the happy old man, his silver -haired
pettiest meson as yoneg, u Air, and as
hew"bill, se vitro, in the .00.tide of her
loreasem, vhf Method to him bet vows. -
Their Whim have rises armed them, nod
celled thin Neo•id ; sed they bare Wield
these Middies *slalomed sad Meowed to
THE 'lamellar isthmianto leave Geis -
rich, takes this opportunity of esters -
lag his grateful a 18.0.2edgmovi1 M be
numerous, hemp* and pesetas! cuatamMe
for tbo liberal patronage which they have
extended towards him during his reiMssc
in this place ; _while at the mar time be
wishes to intimate tial a moth hrger lum-
ber of his customers have bees very be
from psacfeol ; and these he requisite is a
friendly manlier to call upon him at their
earliest convenience and settle their ac-
counts, as this nature of his engagements
requires that all hes business is /bra District
shall be fully arranged before the fret •t
April, 1848, at which date all eseettle4 ac-
counts will he headed over to aa Attorney
for collection.
Goderich, Jan. 28, 1848. 1 tt
reepeetlilly solicits 118. patronageuef
the inhabitants of Godertch and its nclsity,
and trusts. by strict atteOtioc, to merit •
*are of their favour..
N. B. -Herd Biscuit and all kinds of
Crackers on band. Cakes made to order.
Godetich, Jas. 48, 1848. 111
HOX41cWRAI>< a Y=Oi'
jt>�A A • •
mgt bet to Wham the is -
1 k.bfto.ts of the. Herm DistrO-1, that
they hew is full oporaties, their NEW
FOUNDRY, w1ieh for eosvesieme sad
the facility with which the work • Asa*,
equals, they feel pitied to maser', soy
country foundry in Casale.
They farther pledge themselves t0 the
public to sell all Goode in their est `et8
these, Weal cheaper nii
ter, than they ea, M obtained from any
other foundry in Gude or .10.10...
The meg with dense
the short time they banbees in MMus
bore, transom the above statement, Lad
they take this opportunity of informing
their friends and the public that they will
nes every exertion in their power to maim -
tale the chowder, they trust, they Lave
tulle ertablisked for thenwe von. •
"Na will here os hand Tbreshiega b,
8.w Mill and Grist Mill Castings -
non Water -wheels, 8mrt Mac►taes;o.esd the
latest and most a •plan, Steam Eo -
gives, and all d Hallow -war•, such
ss Bake Kettle.,' low Pots, Tea Kottls.,
Sugar Kettles ; ahs, wale ease of Cook.
rag and Parlour Stoves, and every descrip-
tion of Ploughs, ice., kc.
In addition to the above, the) we ready
to receive orders for BELL from five to
tee bs.dred po'.ab .eight, and 'wrested
to be wsU toned.
Goderich, Uneasy !!, 1$488 ly
ARRI8TERS amid Attendee at Law,
AttendeeAttendee Solicitors in Chancery, Conveyancees,
Notary Public.
Godencb, Lake Huron, Canada West.
John STa•csAe,
Dai'. Hors Lams.
God.rieb, Jas. 18, 1148.
BAUISTRIUI, Attereeyw, Malidtwu in
N. B. in order that the subscribers mal
be e.a►Isd to di.cbarge the pledges fay
is the above adv rtf•cm5W, they most M-
ist upon prompt parasols, therefore, dell
Notes and Book Aceoe.te how due, imme-
diate payment is requested.
LATBCHAW Y ERBF, Soetherest st.,
Sten of the Big Chair, beg meet
respectfully to acquaint the pabTu general-
, u well as sew settlers monies L2. the
Huron District, that they will 8.d it to
their ad,astage to perches' at the shove
.etabIishpt et, as they caution* to same.
facture Cabinet Ware of every daferhte•
..h es aHdbemrs► Drowses, Sofas, phis
and fancy Bedsteads, Casey, Tehmeop•,
Dialog ad Breakkot Trus, etc., ko,
eco., to wit patellaMn, and as cheap massy
other eslabliahm•.t is the District.
'� ties mensfeetere Grecian, Fancy
and Wi.d•or Chairs to good workma•ship-
bk• maeoer, eel of the boat terf•1
Country produce always
for ley of the above ankles
at market pile...
N. B. -L. k E. request
dated to them, after keg
or book 'comet, to 0511 asd
before the Mb d Mark
wise they will be eelkstd
with Cwte.
Astboey Maglidsehi, .he pmesd .1l his
thee Mama ►i• books, bad se old cloak.
wbli tervad Wm few a gown is the Jaye
and for bed-eleth•s at night ; he bad '...
straw chair for Ito table and smother for hie
bed cm which be geserally remail axed
in the midst of a hep of velemes sad
ppaapaw .*til he wee overpowered with sloop.
Smerses the metb•55tkiae made see bat
1st hIw the greater part of hie lifbtimo, the
.Int y klwaai g bit by Mt till Utile
the grows. Anther
of the Nwst 0vv,M
Lugetel with a place mese the tsvisus
Caows Latae Doraave ttrrtT1
Montreal, 10th stank 1848.
NOTICB ie hereby gives, by. order of
His Fseelle*c7 the Admin(*Motor of
the Government ie Council, to all persons
who best received locations of land fa
Western Outwit, since the /at Jaseary,
111!, sod aha to parties located previous
to that date, whose location were sot M-
cleded in the list of summated leads. HAW
to forfeiture, p5►lisbed Mh KApe(I+
that melees the ela4! *1810 their �
moms utseaami ekime
iwt their Pewit' within tat genre
from this date, the tad will be rearmed by
Gmeremert t• be disposed of bRale.
Jas. IS, 111418.
1 the.( W-
it by see
Um sews
er mbar -
that este
1 tf
JAMVP Strom, • Aute te west er the
Ces,mereMl Rask, Hamaltee,L�
Sawn 11411. 1S. E!)YOPD>c.
Tamm w mKones Roust -TEN SIIIJL-
LiNOS pr rim's if paid Malady is sdnaon.
or Twm .en •x11 (lox Pesos with the esplmt4m
'Ida year.
No pups d'ueeelsed Meld asneeww sap
paid op, seam the p.blisber thinks it his serer
sap to N oa
Any 1.4211 .1 is the .seMq boaseilegeo-
moo.,hleefpatr six sikswlbs.a. +ire sand e s
sometbAll ktat�adL - to ie Sires sea be
pet paid. ea OW dH set be aide oat e( ib
poet ales.
maim of *_..54& p
Ilia Weald "Ma, ihst
Soh albseynomismalew 71
end mesh ism
(sea ;
1"b"hdaeat 10aaati., pat
wiregmatkm �*"b