Huron Signal, 1848-02-04, Page 3•
- -- --- ----- - epee the •rwl.e of rh.+iifpM
.heft eitl.reeee 1 We ask. to the sswd ora!
wares le lie whim a rutty d •1radlit ti eel! Menem Mw+••er a the 1ts...w d
ed woes seem
h mos . f d ineyekehis J.- Case& Wee. se esu and r peak& tar stair
pets, wares t1 a resod ,be satiasabt/ most that tar mgpnty et thaw beige Mee their
deity WSW tt r sadist that by the uta• zloty drat the inti Arum. which apeem
deity WSW ass ..ay M eestt ' widget fiiw the fast that sot of 33 Reformers
mia•tiso d tM .-I' a us hem
of sot- teltltsed, ffl Mee bees mowed M ferries I-
falter tsaies of eclat teen, tee thigh. is the *eh Iowa u Upper
/` `• feel •fee th pe Haat Case& wither has stormed a Reforoet ! West
Her tars. fig rumens of 0.evertmg
Far sham est sad it is egeally is Ma' mars of 'hist Are tar i.►a►,10.0 d
Freeahamae lees Lir. BoattD .tire Isere Iv.* istelliicnt 'ba* kons n i certainly
a bees Yr. B..Itse til tgns+ tat
I.sdteteea a,..! Termite cede••«
.( the rotators' Etlec almo se ►asaa nem t I 0t$ge 1s it • peva tart C,w.en•u.m I already well kgow* and aJan,red iu arta ewe
toe is the sidwy dilutive aatl caoetaa wow 1 We trice With the popukrtiy of tar a...Ironton
leant their opprtaintvs abed eery eape-
__ trnmTellUlm,"WM
pJ i'ERITURIE. le npAe of the tmpeet••t eseeemeet
Ws haseries received the Uib member of i . to the Mi States How of Wet,
« ee," rotted by Mr. end Mtg, tires to which we PNered m eerie t, oho
Weeds, end pebli.bed by Mr. Joseph Wilms. AA Americas eeeorelseeM Mrs Mgt
fai reha.I*q trees la dclr-
ed we .,. happy u heir' able w Iseeel ler( oo el C.ttede, soda, the eepeotataw
w ww. tbst 'otwi'llemw Jteg sM 114••1 •d le' that it will he admitted duty free tato the
g aelobility d Me farm umbers. the Paid IJi,tat Sisley is schen time.-Exawfaer.
eu,enl s its ptdemessew We "dais.,thi•k that ta,. 11 "0 con
r • ds*td•d isspsev pre
laces are Home artrk' is tar piles"" su0u.0tiuo devoutly tees wished," sod title
umber that .5514 do boor a any pin Ess •
1 And a1 roar sorb a selected from t
T.4.s sc Poetry of elra. )1med,• w tI• reedit/
9-q GDEgRIgCHq
'AVE al was N hand a chaos l5feet•
( meet dell kiwis of fancy sad
Hardware, Boole, Shen, Crockery,
spa which much of the I iic14tural pros- tree.. ke.
rests to recommend the
It woad M wl,rrt
perlty of our euuotry 4 nds 1 pi tar • primeopal wet elowees in New York sod
resist is about leo dullu. par Mrrel Molweal they feel conk/sat•that they can
(ati55 of Aaietica to Britain -they i higher in the New York market than it is pi,
tui a rile..• fir s seberetteef
stars among her Wje Y' hod shall carr the absurdity el this seppeactiw t■
takest "amply became Mr. Lie ereaee mse ear neat. Bet it r a prod that the soma
taken the liberty d seely i eh bio eeestry bereeibw•.e„hag system wrier kept Britain
d Bs fleece t. Atst ers i le kis owe Issof Mr.ell- seder its Meatiest kr a Wog, hat period, til!
Rat the went ,d * is the ..sdst J Mr. es bed seedy predated
pjorltou was um bed *At M drpl$yd• rod the ib..shirt d its stapeas' is 0 proof tar► that
reproaebtal awl silly epithets whirr he Noss N • civil eoaeelsieo, wet say 1t it Me obt•iaed as Ba-
the whole Fritsch pop°laths. Oar .91° 1 se
100 .en rite* haasegb 1
Mr. Bonitos leads se to dirk that he mum have rises is this sow 00.0(1,. Reader, do you
altogether overlooked the feet, that the presper- Seem what a rites borough means 1 It mend
it,' el this oar mores "maty depea& mach that a few area shall 4uiW • few homes together
°poo the Mmes, Cud •ssoimiuy of the whole •sd Misr • charier of iaeaporauo0 •ad call it
1 tial. d which it is oemaeesd• Ad a " borough," sad retro a mother to the Howe
wb*1 tis to French laws. 01 Assembly, whom chief duty .ba11 be to wpm.
lager; nay M his aversion ere
• ad their
a custom", be .IN*14 M swan that sent the interests of IMM kw beet
vio(uer t will serer be produe- owner. In (act the seat ti very Grgsatly per.
ti,. o(m b nr trAtmse . between chased oa the eondit1ou IMI he (tar member)
live of. mere i r."
amicable p will do something [tar tar "borate arbor
rig sad tar 1Mueb C.0dues
Bah r not the ssealitataes eI human nature, the mat has sot • shilling in the world• a
and we have meds thew remarks with the view therefore, the ".wait i*g" which be promises
t by them. rad tial to do, just mesas that he wit eadeaver a divert
that MI 1be the es pit bythe
they may M the mesas of r•acifltei, and dint- u mash Y possible d the lit! paid
(.10salt151 Ws with more correct metres for his farmers,
rown all o' aid WWII w tree here 94 such little village*
fitters combos. is Upper Canada the whole respire of the pro-
wling world be directed to theaggraoduemert d
then two derma !lender or Cledassbecause
the 24 borough members world out -vote the 23
county member -aha: it may appear plainer,
take the followiag &mustiest kegs as .n Murata -
Mrs. The aggrepte populate). of Bytowo,
Carswell, Brockville, Kinptoe, Hamilton,
Niagara. and Londeo is about 35,800 represented
by 7 members is the House of Assembly. The
population d the comity of Huntiogdo' is .boat
36,200. being 400 soots Oates than are cornered
is the 7 " boroughs." ' Yet all these 36.90k are
represented in the single metro of Mr. Sanegsu
who must be indeed • giant if he can martian
his ground simian 7. What amount, thea.` of
political isfiuence of :he fu suss of Huntiugdou
is likely to be expended manually on the ag-
gnudiormeit of thew 7 little Cornwallis. Now
it to the duty• the intend of the whole community
to peutioo and Main upon an equal represents -
ties in Parliament; that is. if Cornwall with 1600
inhabitants returns a member, every equal sum.
be throughost the province should enjoy the
we ere sot at well•ted, bat obey
ly pewees tablet t• render them popular. Bet
the aruele to which we would particularly rly direct
ie utl
attention is the article by which world
entitled " Religion and Loyally,"
certainly do boner to any author or to any Mess -
1104. The tattooist circulation o such1 1
ascots would do more, in one s
dissipate the prejrdieee--to smooth down Ike
cities, and to produce peace and year. The local markets continue dull. waters iso out it the atncl.
good -will opt Occaalonal io uiries are making for crown DIY. COURT BLANKS, _A
ed y among mean during
leu ave. cerium• brand : but 10. curers do not seem extreme- TENTED oe a superior quality of /ape►, Two Building Lots to,
[dished by all other means duriae tit lea ed ,ad ly anxious itay to sell at present. Our,quoin- 1 for sae at the Huron Signal O(ics. BlockT G , well g L ted, ortaft
Shea Maiaaiaee should M *moorage
of tar inns may be made u at Journal.
1.afrom cheap for Cash. shortly ed M created.
p new Bridge, skier y
17.. to 18.-lrAw o' Groat Jvarraf. Goderieh, Jan. 21, 1848.
at 'Toronto.
1) tr
Humes T.,0.. -Nick, Yoe.11.-Fire
vessels are presently loading herrings at
Pulteseytuw■ harbour. Two of thew are
(1,.ti0ed fist Stettin ; two for Irish ports sod
one for Liverpool. Of the total quantity
of herrings remaini°( here for shipment, it
is impossible to .peak In numbers ready
correet. 1t t. estimated, however, by com-
petent judges, that 20,000 are uoehipped ;
being fewer than at the same period last
h • superior article for bre price tiro
be °Liaised elsewhere in ted Huron
is all cook tne•actloss they
haws teoo-Tiei y Joel upon the principle of
enliedt as ilialurou to vaf lieu ample ,,Coca
+mat profits • eatesetve ears. The.
of New Goods from a1P'•isil.sdteg pur-
N. B. -All kends of (arm fie
U exchange for geode, for which the h
est market price will he sIto* e4• Ul
Gatwick F eh. 1, 1848,
SAW& -4 RAtz CHANCE rut
THE mabonlibet Wikf mimmoseesmess theliworhevelthl the view ol
oenyte(Mbis . s.Mwe oath mew heal,
t aeu.151 ,res west el mieb-m(0re
the followie( valuable y far ' '•
tweeted a obs &soot sell oils of Chabot,
the Dollen' seri fur tiro', for cords prly,
via :-
'l•hat advantageously ••tutted property
io Chatham North. contrition FOUR ea-
ter Lot,-aeetedieg to this town plot burr.
vey_ ertth a'prod id subore0usl two story
Dwelling Huu:r thereto. Alta.'s, *0 P -
cellent garden, summer honor, f►t , let c
suitable fur a large faintly or • pis
e°cloeed Building wntrlHotel, a Barn 40 ftl adapted for distilling
(or storage, being *tech d os a .ub•tar,
u rf, moons' weasels of neer 600
tons Oo the premises is also au
nvaluable - ' the saedleacis of its
WO have *flea head it remarked by good
mem, who bad paid prticekt at10suos to du
abject, that a 'vernal aleetis Was a scrims
$•t we. eertaialy,
itsigstaou on • usury..
haver bad Geese..■ to wires to Modal effect.
terminated. We term
is filly as i■ the 'retro pun t at • ese-
had .0 e•
opportunity of beteg pr'
aidembl. member of the .00tes's u Canada
Waist. aid assaredly oar obeery : im e..e
word a gm Go a Inert sup
general elections, or of the real mhos of human
The civil (overseers' of a contort is a sub-
ject is which all the iahahttmit of the costs
are equally interested, for theegh it may
be tr
that every mos d..s mot possess the row meant
of properly, nor pay the same mount of taxes,
It is also tree that tasati's is net exactly pro -
poniard to the value of property, and that oho
Pew mea derefe Pays mtber more than his
patronised by all who have • t
cowgirl at heart____
[!p to the mast 4010 it has bees a resostkr`
hie Tinter. We hove had but • very few days Lj
even indifferent sleighing, and of late it has re -
Lear Yssa IN 1$41. -The present year
will give those lovely tyrants, the ladies, the A. NASMYTH,
privilege of making lore. The gentlemen
must remain in a state of calm quiescence F A 8 H I ON A B L E T A I L 0 R,
for et least turee hundred and sixty-six dads ESPECTFULLY acquaints ria friends
during which time they will not be permited i ad customers that be continues to
'aired won eompouuou to convince so tart' to refuse any lady who .0.11 make love to make mews stria( apparel, in the most
Pril t_I them. To prove this to be the ease, ane
approved and fashionable style and on snort
we had .o advanced into the month of A that 11 M no new tether of our■ we will, .arise. And is returning style
to the
There leu eD eo fi.hing oar theice, es ratbef
:duota as •:tract tram me oW volume publish• inhabitaDes of Goderich and the surround-
tbere is ao lee that era M •natured oar 'lir ie the yr•r 1606, any entitled "Court- Eng Dei(bbourhood, Lar the liberal e0cour-
roada are a caseiooalll dry and bard, but teems .rip Love tend Matrimony ." "Albeit, it is agement b• leu received, bops by assidui-
no snow. And men arc woederin1, and .harts' nowe a parte of the CommoD Laws in regard ty and i be boli y, still to merit • conti0u-
..,p looking seriously to the iiemens but still i to the social relation of ltttbat as often as inc. of tache treats.
there is so snow. And the farmers of Harp. every bissextile year both lure, the ladies Goterich, Feb. 3, 1848. to
have plenty d farm produce to dispose af, asd tar have tEa sole privilege during the time it
! continued), of making love onto teen, obi
Mars, that is, ukiee property set • life I setae privilege. We will retain to this subject
ef satutis•. Bet it is farther tree, iD oat °ext.
et the peer tress, the hves. and .inti. sad hap- ---
Piss.. d 01. wife sod kmily are pat Y deer: Ku r.-Maledm Carefree has been nursed
w...„.iu hie p.vs11 0 tts55gh h• were preprie 'ler East by a . jerily et FIVE 1HUNDRED M
a pteviau. -awe we do d 0.5 4 that bis FORTY over the other Cameros ealledtbeBsli-
Ieteeeet is tar p•erestest, and hit sire for sites-aewl ! Names, sod wealth, sad power.
. are 1 ?tat airiest, nee, sod
A large two story Frame House frost•
the Barracks, 40 feet by 116, Dearly Soothed,
with half an acre Lot belonging.
BEVENTY-F1VE Acres of excellent
the banks of the River
Land emu
Tbauts, only three mils below the town
of Chatham, with a dwelling Hogue there-
on, about 40 acres cleared, and in a high
.tate of cultivation.
All, or part, of the above property will
be sold on reasonable terms for cash dour,
or nue-fourth down, and the remainder to
three yearly i°atalmenta. Tail( unquestion-
able. 0. Dolmen, perimeters or enquire tro-
M. k O. Dolmen, Chatham,
priotor at (iodation.
Goderich, Jan. 98, 1848. 1
hams of Goderich here plenty of ceahO they may doe either by word. or looks, ae
G O D E R I C H. CHARLES p)0[.BEI'(.
fanners are longing to het quit of their Prod1Ot will be entitled to the bereft o tar
accept the offer of LAT(LT 4ctvstes
e the e. A .r. a men g f to i d h y wise treat leer
Meg And the teen of Loodou y h slight eoowtaely So
mere .pd tar and, moreover,
,nercbandise a Si" in erehasie• unto them it aoumelb proper; f
no man 1T ITS.. INAC&al Tie nes T.
to t rid of their clergy oho does re(u. to P
have a lady, or who dothe 1..0
merchandise. proposals wit t o or ."THE Schoenberg having Leased the
business at Godericb, and the men d Doderish I oo as the e printed, It seems above SUPERIOR HOTEL, beg leave
have barium at London. And yo.0t tette' toong a( " parte of lbs a mtnon lase" respectfully to intimate to their friends and
have been a
men have been promising sleigh -rids to yo.0g that the ladies oboull have the sole privilege the public in general, that they have opened
ladies• sod the young ladies are impatient for the of nothing f tb and III the reception and accommodation of
fulfillment d the promise. But, alas, ate!- ll Boarders and Travellers, .hero they Ther. is no stow. Even the " Homo Signal''
Ira been some weeks masking its appear-
ance in consequence of the incontrovertible feet
that there is %o.fao10. It is a lamentable case
And as our District Council which met upon
the fust instant h. apparently more s the roe
than it can properly accomplish.
Parliament u likely to have rough to do with
its own affairs ; we would propose an immediate
petition to Bir John Herchel, requesting him' to
esquires' the Board d the Weather aod ascer-
tain the caaeas why we bare had no snore.
The New Parliament will contain from 25 .0
30 of a majority against the present Admi•iatw
our • needy the Catholics, Methodists
arm the , 'tea y , itbeat r se G(eg.e w
aha Webb. of made' • few mils to erode! pesppe, .0d tar prosperity of tar Proeiaee,,
their vete. Aede•Iy lir tar ez.rtie•e of a few which the •tro.gest efforts of, 'retrieve and
worthy mad acne* irk°. Y err _r idioms will sever dare to overturn. Them is
m.rbed b.ferv, kr" w more a*tereot io the eno.jh of talent is the Casadiaft press to do
smite then th.•mdvee, they rmght Y well good. Let it be directed to that purpose, gad
bore 0.55 dufrasehised tad the 0.•0117 901 the great and glorious object d producing peace,
setter the government oft Beresi•l Aristocracy, prosperity and happiness, will be secured.
K seek s miss had existed. Nay, ie art. s -
Inds interest""'hey take is the potties of their READER,
owe 00..ty, that teeny d them, when the Were you erer al Goderick / If Dot,
oseoi*g m(e4ae1Ie arrives, are ecarceiy prepared re:i hate Tet to witness one of the -best
ea *ay whieb seen ate they Mood eeppert, ,,.id eeatioa* of country -one of the most bun-
cwe o,
Cs teed, a M e•rud •wlp1 u 1M oral taw,: I ritualions-and one of the finest scenes
Cgker Car that offer tree aide lis t' P°!10g that Canada contains. We would advise
b.o1b. We would he awry oma 10 imamate
that lei, vete &pima Via* se th•r, they cry you to tome, (but not MU 'as roods get
bribed or otherwise reseed to violate their owe better) rod see Goderieb, and;Joity.or,'tiifty
• e55aiezdeoo. This ..ioate-Meld set believe, miles of the Huron Di*tekl,•itid.'.we-aro'
(0w a assured you will agree with us. In our mut,
Bet we do tag them with bevies so primaries, wo will endeavor to give you a description
Nbe this rant subject is of Goderich and a portion of the Huron
aSin love every our year, „ t e will
to receive three crew may honorill THE high and envied celebrity which
bine then binding as common law a equally these pre-eminent ModilebrI have ac-
he their
sinct it .has DOTS! bees super- be happy
with their patronage. !t will sbwsy• in all
sated by any statute• be their study ptao furnish the 'fable with gutted for their invariable efficacy
Timms TO Bsocsos•-Jerolld's Weeklythe diseases which they profess to cure,
an ample ether of the beet productions of has rendered the usual practice of puffing
Newspaper published to- G is r,mrni yearly
a lye that the the union, and to keep their Bar supplied not only unnecessary, but unworthy of
a uses, pay to s, and het duties
for their them. They are known by their (suite ;
gadbye . ,r text, and the 01 £1 .0 .,tuts with Wines and to.gnore of the bete de- their good workre t' for them, and they
wld by them, the immense sum's £o £3 000.- the000. a customers. tion, so as to. went the approval of thrive not by the faith d the credulous.
The coat of Is British £army5.0 yearly IN ALL CASES of 10. credulous.
Acute and
Oto ;that rurelthe wgv . force, £.5•11,000
the cod: d JOHNCLANCASTER. Chronic b tS * .Lova, A l the
the mf the lion polies force, ut ire k0: Itf Bilious Fevers End
£7t0f the police total of £ire kingdom, Goderich, 3...46, IME. Bladder and Kidney.,
Time then,
making a o[ a publicus- N. B._ExcelleatB 1158 will be afford- Liver r .04 Kid
Char, thea, it appears that the publicus . of and an active and attunes Groom w11l In the South and West where there dia-
10.upp pay to government more than it ewe ear . soar proved, they wdl be found tavalua-
to support the arm'', navy, asd the whole of the be always it alteedaYce. . ' and otters, sire
police force established thriteghoet the Magda - Ptaa5tr•1 will serer N
see lbw* Ygdetae.r
Iletaes..-A footman
ANC tar
♦ iI
ir d
av: DON'T Gauateta.-He it a fool that -
p• meeting ar the Goderich Total Abstinence grumbles at every tittle mischance. Put THE above Periodicals are reprinted in
satiety w.sbald r the Methodist Chapel at the the best foot forward, is •o old and good 1 New York,, immediately on their ar-
evssing of Teeedey the 1st instant, which ins. maxim. Don't run aboat, and tell ac uatnt- dial byte British Steamers, in a Wood.
addressed respectively by the Rev. Mr. Kennedy, antes that you have been unfortunate.- ful clear type, on fine white paper, and' are
Mr. Dickinson and Mr.. Thomas Macqueen.- People do not like to have unfortunate
faithful copes ottheorigia-Bloektoeod+
utile asd a read an- men for aceusintaocee. Add to a vigor- Magazine being. an exact lac -simile of the
The mortis( woe reepec poi y ods' determination a cheerful spirit : if Edinburgh edition.
,crested ; ..d at the ease, a number d 044111 reverses
s• 0101015001. u Om):o
0411w wefts we da tax them with iadif eresce, Tract mid the Huron Lake, abd -whatever
sad west d ks•wledge where their own interests other insanitation we may be able to collect
ad the ismewa of their posterity are so deeply respecting the .tatt.ties sit this important
ladled. Y easy man would only take tar and beautiful Dh.triet. .
savable of •tdyi•geeea partially, the first prig -
triples d 01v11 10ver5meet-if he woad deliber- THE FARMER.
surly review, kr • few moments, some of the --
repartees gessoes• tial effect the we.. - s Whoa bearing mat talk drlhs i, dependence
'a tabs and profese-
e•nl a cornet bear them like a phulosopher, The wide -spread fame of these splendid
names were added to the Lis , sad get rid :of them as soon as you can.- Periodicals renders it needless to nay much
Poverty 1. like a panther -look it steadily in their praise. As literary organs, (bey
is tae tac0.- *d it will feta from you. star' far in advance of any works of • ei-
An immense sire tree,, which served es mita stamp now published, while the poli-
ter back as }fi66 fora boundary mark of the treat complexion of each is marked by a
borough of St: afford on -Avon, and under dignity, candour, and forbaranee not often
[ found in works oft party ebaracter.
may orders d great prudes inEngland-Whig, . ,
IJOLIM C.tor1AL ExiIDOITe&L-The f f-
lowing extract, from an article urines in the
aching! Resins by the Rev. Sydaty Smith,
10 law (acetic* cameos of 8L Pant's prostrate'''.
little England gains by the =intestine d hat
views of territond aggrandisement :-
" The world yet sew w extramg•at •
government u the government of Eo;land.-
Not easy is economy Dot practised, but it is 4e-
sprrd; and the idea of it connected with diafter-
1155, Jncobinism, and Joseph Hume. Every
rock in the acne where • cormorant can perch
is occupied by err troops, hes a garter, dep.-
17 S00 nor. storekeeper. tad deputy-rtoreheeri
er' and will siren have as archdeacon mad a
bishop.' Military colleges, 'with thirty -kr
professors, educating event 4n ensigns per an-
num, Ming half an curies for each professor,
wick *seri;peeies d Deea5ee. ath0ust and tl1ettie. sandal.
cos pb is ma mat one hundred~ pound. a
soot thin marry
minute : whipcord fifteen tboneand pounds red
laps sierra tboemod pounds ; r pennon to one
aaan who has broken b•.a head at the Pole ; to
another who has shattered his leg at the I:gra-
of the rosary -at dile dragster/ sad dririeg, attd led reepectabilily K eertat
ruining. warding mild be entirely superfluous. ions, we have oftes.,w•Ddered if the former, Placed
Beane* resat d these q.esuass ere rsselvable by 012 own iodsetryr sA 5eoaom7
apes the simple priseiples d cosmos jsetiee, se !Outsell beyond the 6". of want, is not entitled
any toss war is capable of uodenetadieg these :a *raid at tar heed of all independenee sad re-
eke'e pi.eiples, (sad war is sot," would just
roman that he W se nub interest in the
w end dietaries dad beset,, es any othee man,
t ed eessequeedy be woad blush to entertain
0. ides d minas his neighbour tow much
vseNs a• eedesesei•g to coax him into hisd.ty.
W5 Wes smug, that in a sew emery. such
e t11i*, time is seem dlifeculty ie obuhiag iake-
ma Ess,, rdeeerly moos the rttral iohabitegts,
ewr o, (e tar hast place, 10 the disuses a
whish, Is-almry iepssees, they ors removed
Amm i*wtg6t M eMula1tas Lemnos, mid .wee
rem is i s( smarty ; tad is the *eeosd Mese,
w the `et that the greater part of the agrieslts-
rl-m6sntq regain to occupy nearly their
Ade s la attedisg to their avocations. -
S , they ought to remember that he mote
jdss.aly, sod the more economically the emot-
es r s.verm.4, the wooer will they be able to
ear shore the foe of mat, and above the woes -
sky of etsesive labour. Newspapers ere meets
shears, a this 'ossify thea is Bsiais asd
mini realm paid Areas h meet ease they ea0
he paid is farm modes... Peet Offices are now
boat pretty thickly.otablished t►regbe0t over
ohm seenw perm re the ptrioe.--the peeler
se L.,. to s mer l7 ese0isal, and although
•few ttlilu.d travel ahead be required, obi
the Lperemsa of AN sabre. is taper into res.
•ideresies, so Hamer should e55tsut himself to
0.e is Nr igaew.oe d ke eeoetry's/patiwaeal
agenic.. ser b W egglls see be 0om14 igeer,
• ponies ef the Oh d 0dptetiag i eerati him
d mask, se * sem 4 Mended tl.sNe t
Al 1 .,.tYmm 1►go$Mut the woad have dime
Item aha im(i.-u et the pimple t ser e g.►- theme yet s iesed .had iedBw so -
.pectebility. Tor will always meet him Y a
friend -he may be bloat or bashful, but you can-
not forbemr associating 'honesty with his. very
appearance ; a0d why, ,orf Speak of tar
fort, the improvemeot,.tie harpers of society,
the idea, the pictaiS of • healthy, hearty farmer
will soalebow or ether rusk itself epos 7001
im.ginitioe. He maybe deficient is polish or
the graces of etiquette, but the hankerer d kit
smile tells yea that it comes from the heart ; ad
though M 'either knows our eons Yytbisg
about (0.0110, he keowm sad Jes i the virtue
of M.pimlity. He is thermos' peae.ble subject,
the bar prop, sad the sorest taxpayer of our
musts,. He is IsLepesdes1 beeatae his feed.
bis drink, and hie eleseeng are the pesdueuw
akin ewe labour, smile is respectable became
of his honesty a.i geed herniae. Leash est
at his raetieity, elbast of esltivaties. He bas
rented se elides* tart whisk keeper's in its -
Mesa, amft IMwikrt55tidee ss your teepees.
17 A remix, whether true er (0lee, ie Aka
that Re Ser Wallas Cayley is pies .s a
Irina we dusk it seed pole
entitled to m phew seder the
ti s1 i..ey'• We woad
*enema/ skis 1. whole ereer w masrGeterr
sews hied eiepelegisefire abada.ieg,beship.
.foe he wept rods eietilt way &tweb fe mae-
nads. as, tlAii elevvst0, t far swift& hour,
then ie 410ttt1117 loth tames tis ma-
ths • vintner eleemity is beteg whistled
N 10 igs•iiee• ddret
.a. Puce s PwsvwlAa-Pork pee ewt. 1!. 8d
es 17 it What per Nibs lis; Henisq.►• per ilei
ter - subwlis to Penis : secret aerates mocey
which it an not improbable that Sbak•pnro TINT embrace the views of the three
bare reclined during his youtbd, w Ton
felled on Wednesday last, by the o • sod Rad'eal"-Blagkww d and *h. Lando*
the town council of Stretford, to whe it . toil are; Tory rift. •Edi A Re -
had Wen represehfed that it obstructed t • ol W 1 ad tae WntmiDetsr, liadiul.
road. - The Foreign Qserlerfy is perelj literary.
Civic inettovereNT1.-A constant ire- beiog dovoted p,u ipally to eriuciamr 0•
quenter of city feasts having grown enor- fora Continsstl Works.
is Thant ; an aui•ity se lady Henry Romebedy,
and ,her seven 4seghtere-the hesbbend eg!hot•t at moms place, where re Sera ought to
here any so0,oryasall ; andwhiter elder brother
. conspire, returning f• or whiter of pa exposes
rceoe of extraverts, cosPlice, and pe
as this most paralyse the iedastry, and mar the
foetuses of tar mem dsehiopi spirited people
that erer existed."
medicines Immediately.
Eruptions of the Skin. F'Ysip 20, FM-
Fetor end Ague. For this wows* of
the wee. ern country thesmedttcuees
be found a safe, sPeedy,
dy. .tither medicines leave the sy etewt
subject to a return of the d,.meas-a t
them, be satisfied, hod be CEDy these medicines is . Try
Fouloese of Complexion, Gemmel Dein-
iity, Gout, Giddiness, Gravel, Hediekmo
of every kind; Inward Fever, InR ttM7
Rbountatiom, Impure Blood, Jau
of Appetite, Liver Complaints,
Loosesse, Mercurial Diseases.
Never falls to eradicate entirely all the
effect' of Mercury infinitely eouner than
the most powerful preparation of Sarsapa-
Night Sweats; Nervous Debility, Ner-
vous Complains of a.l 01045, Organic Af-
fections, Palpitation of the Heart, Painter.
Cholic. •f
PILES. The original proprietor
these medicines was cured of Piled of 35
tears standing ay ire taw of thesis Lt1ell
Medicines aloes.
visit t. Fi(glail
eye 1t teem it
head .f " 1
mously fat, it was propooed to write on is
back -Widened et As erperus of As Cor- ono-
pries@ of the Re=pn.te ave lees then
rd of thong of the foreign copies, and
t y are egselly, well got op, the
r 1t is said that bleeding a partially blind ord I that adevata(t to the America
horse at the nose will rsstore him to sight. over the English realer.
So much for the .hors.. To open a man's TERMS. -
eyee, you must bleed him in the pocket.
Soorrssa or Woaen.-The Stoppage
and partial euspe.+ion of works goes on
throughout the country to an extent beyond
all that was anticipated. There appears
no leek of orders with many estsblisbmeate
but then is withthee° a meat un recedent-
ed tightness in money. WV
various re/erectable hoe
Need extensive orders, fr
tt 'Mire rub ad Twist par 0111. 7i
...a- p..► -+--- 0010016.
heard of
er damn. -
parties whose
credit it'll undoubted, so y on account of
the very extraraeant rate at which dm -
easels stand. Greenock, not so subject
in ordinary times to the convulsions of
trade as many other locallities, is feeling in
Mealy the present severe time. One or
two of the most extensive e.tablislosents
la OA ngigbborhood, rave this -week put
all bands es half-tone,
the s , and others ber sea
day from
to day redo '
1e their employment. in Parley, it to
stated that thera are upwards of fourthou -
peed people ieclnding dependants, in • tette
the Wisest deetitutton.-ltnlfrwrokirr
rAY1e1NT TO WW .AOR 110
ePAINS in the head, side, book,.
)mints and organ*. . „ .
this terrible diecase. will be. sure
by the Life Medicines.
Rush of Blood to the Head, Scurvy,
Saltrheum, Swellings.
Scrofula, or King's Errl, is rte worst
forme. Ulcers, of every description.
WORMS, of all hied., aril effectually
• i
do well u• administer them wherever their
p C 1), For any one of the four Reviews, i3• per•.a.
For any two do do
S. (10
la this tows, se Thursday ani y morning, For tiny laic. doP 7•(10
of lie 'es Maws, Hannah B1(nham. For all four of the Reviews.... 8.00
" 'pelted by these Medterns. P rents *ill
Goo ash Irre•tmenls. Valuable
Filer copies of any fir all of the above ex1°a°ce d• suepecad. ll M "r"Relief win
For Blackwood'. Mopxise.... 7.1"") "
For Blackwood and the 4 R.viewo, 10,00
MILL SITES and FARMS for sale
works rill be sent to nee address on arra "ID'
'0a Lake Huron. - mens of the regular subscription for three-
A good Mill es otfetie on the Like there the fourth copy being grata. thus temnve d1 discs trout the eye'e,1•
withls six mils u! Gwlench, having t6 . Rcmiruncme and commuraeations A single trial will place thLIFE IILLS
acres of excellent Lamb the Mill oar be t be made to ail crus watlwot expo• red P11(EN1X Bi f fFRB bopped oho
• mne nee
built on the rock, and wlthi; 50 feet 11 tent to 1h publishers. Tine former may awes, foot deep water 10 18e Lake; the Mill dam, be dp,ne through a P.0tmauter, bv handing reseh of compeuliou in the eet.tnetioe of
can N made,i6 to 18 feet bigh'at a tnfitnitI him the .torus'to bei 'wormed inkier his ewer, patteot.
expense Saw -logs
on a,abun- rcl,ttpt, and :orwardrng It ►y .. u, post- l`be genuine of thyme medicine.' its now
dance of Saw -logo In tINvtclrit ! paid; or the money may be encbosed in a Put uP s. .0110 wripi'm'i anti habil*. In-
a •Plendil Mill privy e half a' letter, post -pairs, directed to the ounihrhrrs. Esther with a pamphlet. called " Mdi+t's
on the Eightsen rule
which I N. 8. -TM time on them Nn"nies!. Good Samaritan, consisting the arret 0 5,
1 cies kc., on which is a Comm,. of jiro.dw50
tale her
from Wall, street to our fee, by .tucb
.ora°gore visiting the eiy 1.:0 tett' eerily
find us. The wrapper. and 14.Mtentwus
n'0 copyrighted, iberefor.•, these who p8'-
rure than with .bile wrapper* can be
assured that they are 'centre.. Be careful.
ami do sot bay these with yeller wrapper. .
Out if you do, be eat wed 10.1 they come
direct I,oln u*, 0w dont ludas'Lunt.
Q7' Prepared •sd .std by
is nivigable to he Lake, lei
of first rale Iaod, plenty of
Saw -logs in the v,ei.ity.
ANI) ALSO -Four of tae be.1 descrip-
tion of FARMS on and wee the Lake
Shore, with improvements.
The above well .e•tentedteed VW'. Valuable
property will be sold low for cash, or half
the purchase .coney stay tonusa fur throe
or four years on mortgage.
Apple (if by letter pest paid) to 1...
re 0
w.05, EDN-. , Rnbert
Peke, Esq.! Goderirh, fir le the rioter
Port Albert. Godert4, Feb. 11. 1048. In
Th. iter. T. bpaesr, the eingoen: advocate
o('ewpre•.e., sure Met the people of Loitered.
leered, ma Scotlosd, pay $40,000,010ue10ally
fes t.baeee ! With . pepsine$ eeo•irtiwg of
shoot 27.000,000. they nun 97a.i waIse , ♦
U. •
000,0011 is poor rated 16130,000,000
sop -
gen of tpverrre5nt ; tad $J00.000.000 for iwtou-
ieatit /risks ! H. State. that there error
saes' 168 117,010.006 d people 608,0(0 dr5ek-
w.0... /wee__wq: u.pfw+ than
by 33(,0 00 norm o
du m.h. e owd.tute Ai.kers
is reduced by the late Poet (Ace pew to
about one-third the former nice, making a
eery important 5ar1Dg to the expanses to
mat► yubiCIIbere.
Ulu d1 the principal c.tie, and town.
throughout the Umiled 8111.* tis .bueh
there is a direst Railroad or Water eam•
i.nsw►tton from the City of New Yp rk
Owes periodical' wall be d►hrt•..a free tit
LEONARD Rcf)TT k ('n.•
Pulithers, 112, ,'biers r(.. 11. Y.
THR A.uusl Qwstel Nowa, d this
8oc' y wall be WY as the Herm la tows sf Oetlsieb, ea Toledo)
the day of Febeery. 1146, fee the
cloche of Ow -b.015 a. be., i.e., Esc the
pressed year.
Sub. ribere to ('an.ds •,.40 re. 0'
their numbers at the 'wrest Au.otic.* P• .i
God.ricb, 3.n. 18, 1844.
Lii- pestis itdabt.d to L. PECK, for
FR(/IT TRESS, ether by Mn'. or
Seek Aeeun it. wawa settled itmmr•dl•t ly,
.ill w placed on dm ItOthe sf the Clerk e1
tie D1ebli.e Cort for Rm4wtrnn.
Sddretory. 1. RA TTSN r[j)lll„dgs*t•
f)odgrier. Jan. fee 1111051
Gedsrith. 3*.. f7, 1145. lid
325 Broodoay, corner of Lathes) stria.
New kook. For NJ i 0
Rets •.lgeat.
Goderteh. Jac W 1148, 1
r HO1.1r$ALEC DE1TG4J1$1 eohl •r
Pai.te.tlht•. Ver>• a*.l rot .
importer .if Iree•ia, Xeiplied,
Patty titter- -- 0t fir •M, 11111
•yyser.e ea ti••.arhI0 \0 5,
1.111•• •r
- 4
Seer, grog Sweet. 11 .where.
israfee, i1. teas. •