Huron Signal, 1868-5-21, Page 41 a e- A W *37QL erOIBI[ - - -- - The telegraph irpetah•a give bat a Plot Aghast Hie Life. heat atmospheric eortas» enetkn which .listurb• . (Lind to to Siena) rod the lnha tarts of Chicago .s Tuesday Further telegrams, d the same date as afternoon of last week. The city was sed- thine already made public tram the Earl denland yth11. t 5 p. ie hl plunged in utterllarknme 01 1lellm,se to the Secretary of State for light the gas :in .11 the CeloniwJ intimate that the ssewrtna- the•ttelte, The deepness ♦u unusually stem of ha ltoyei Highness' the thhkn of . of the and visa - Of il•dlms trettntier.ug define and chi l • sensation OS though a trerreudoss hril.4•n t h+iµ.send very near. Time e tins did t et pheaos eau. twister um hes pea away, leaving at Last the sen shining as brightly ea ever. Mee Telegraph wins oared to wa k at the time. 'nether parts of the State this own- ElliubureL was ettetnpt.;4 by ()'Farrell m pursuance ed maraages sent from conspira- tors in this Juuntry, which onion's' the Prime's death. 1t is und: stood that O'Farrell woes selected by lot to per- petrate the rime and that tie attempt wont ld have been made •LOu the Pri,.ev neaten dov,.oped arabo an ane ful tornado. landed in state, but duct an opportunity At Galesburg and Shanghai a fearful tic. of doing so without rel. ..f injury to others yamation happened, with 1.es of life in the did nut occur. latter place and the destrueton et fifteen The New South Wass Government offer - dwellings, oohed houses, and tau w three el £1,0410 rewanl for tl.a apprehension of eiurchla, each aoermplice ;awl one arrest, comelier - Serviette commend in the Second Ad- ed to he important, has been cude in veul Church, • new building a.mpl.Wd Vk*oria. last fall, at 4 o'clock p. m. As the peoplew andre cottages owending cthhur rch, rwar ytfr ant a bf farms Tuts Pease Amu Petrie.-- The fulluwing ly shinning although clouds wure.onn in he livered extracts are from aa minium recently din livered by a latllp([tgpstuual cler41.. d in heavens. It was a day not pew c,mnn'on Cincinnati : "rtu u1.wn's:por is the daily is the state at this Outgo( the year. lite 0re•eher, out among the people. It i. pu4.r of thechur;h, I4.,. G. Hurd, "'en"- efieent •roael..r too. Sia days in the week .d the sacred pulp' and oumuattced bis die- it muscles, an 1 never tires in arraying in manse, which was 101n:itemq•ted until it facts, and in printing its literals. And the meetefletive preaching from the pulpits on the Sabbath, the preaching which meat attracts, With and instructs' the mold*, is was nearly thnngh, when the evidences of tit* wining disaster began 4o be appar- ent. p oar ent. First it was perfectly still, and then a none waft heard in the distance sa of th; .that whish takes up the u.inds of the corn- row-ingot an t gshakehir art. The witt- e ons O1unity just where thenewslaper Ieffthem n Ssturdav ne ht, •and applies 4o them the called eel from his .eat, "Mr. Hurd, • had truths* of God s Wont, and the events shone u coming up." The minister an- 1101 teachings od its Pnoyidenc., and the .wered, 'Never mind the shorn ; then is wring doctrine of the gospel of the Moon of • day ..ming when there will be a storm (:,d. We take men in ,aur congregations mortars' nth which this will be nothing. "(the Sabbath day just en we find them i will be tomugh soon." Just then the InadeuP to our hand, if we Would /int hail and wn.d comnnemed hrenk.ng in the suurwofully at making them, under the window lights, and in almost aninatanttho blessin.g.41ol, what they ought to be. windows of the church, sash and all, were To. ignore the influence in the amidst of tern out. which men aro living, u 4, ignore the men The only two persona who nteeeded in demerit -es. Our preaching Is not divine getting out were Georgie Vern and Harrison preaching, but is is human preaching, ac - Wirer, who were instautl ). kilIal. 'The building reeled like a drunken n, but none could get out. Wives chin^, to their husbands, children to their parents,bruth- en and sisters to each other, and dcspir WW1 depicted upon every countenance.- eitddenly the crash came and with a deaf- ening mound mingled with thc.hrieke of the pent up Teeple, timber., se:.utling and all cane down with n sudden crash apron the devoted heads of the congregation, 10011, worsen and children. Some had skulls bn.keu, others anus, o -sr. received inter- nal injuries from win they an never recover. There are a vera) Who did not receive • s -ratch, bis • timely all were mart or leu injured. Ser-vI -ea were to he ; been held at the mane hour in the Methodist chervil, Intl owing 4. the 1.,n -hl val of toe minister the service. were! rtpuded. This church was also entirely demolished. 8e awe-struck were the people of Chi- cago at to sudden app.rati.n of da..'kness that in u Mitered Us Ifcp.Llieen ob- serves : gems.!•., .. rhetualy, he laiome en, /lay /weal relief at any time during the trcva- ing, aa 1f the mit held 5tddenly es ,ended could not leve aa communities half 11 people likely t summed Il • countrylike companiwl, if it be right preaching, with divine power. We mu■t meet men just as they are, and take thea. for whet they are, EMIU&ATlo( ►WM 1111. EA" or Luxtar. and hewme all things to all men if we About 150 emigrants from the East -end, wuu)d save then'. The newspaper, fornix including men, women, and children, will .isys in the week, is a powerful agency in sail this meriting from the Thames, un the Lie mike up of humeri characters, and .crew -steamer '•St. L eon-• e,' 1,400 Gens therefore we nn •olicit.u11 that the paper rugi.ter, bound for 'Quebec. The amen, and the odder e:..dl be uhj• ts of first for the neat part, are bh.,l:e,oith., titters, 1'Lrietian regards among the inetrumle),- eawyor., and Intones. 'they are all or talities which are at work with men to maty w the prime of life, with faoiiw w tom we preach on the Sabbath. The , vary, og free, two to six in mule;:, irnclud- elitoref a deity new• aper, viewed u a ing in wow cases well -grown suns and lalonror in n vast feld, and in daily daughters, and have all been tnel in the c•nntect with nem, nerals and deservea the fire, w to say, of the severe and protracted prayers of all good( people, in the task. W distress in the east of the metro oleo, co - which he puts lis brains and his inn. He-'stuent teem the late collapse o1 the .hip- ieek• t . .lee-te adl Idris them, end nate building trainee en the Thames. They go of all the fault. attributed to the ecru he out to Cauadu under the auzpioee and at dues eievate and blew then, :...,t no man the sole expense of the last -end Emigre - labours larder or more constantly, or tion Committee ; and they have been under snore disadvantages, oftentimnea, selected by a committee of gentlemen con - than he. No nne encore interfered with, netted with the locality. Note of -the complained of, ilnpertiueutly criticem,lanel emigrants whet enema' by the chic, Sr. t " Berlin Wool&fancyBoodsStore Omaha, Neb., May 6. 181 d. L We have trews from the piens here to Mrs. Warnock the 1st., which ulha)us us that the In- •gs to • Piot the Idbe of Goderich duly ars anti ng their depredations, rase vieiaet ha sbe hsa res...d Isar busi- can murdering every white person they 'demi tbe recent tar. ; she dpevs to ern e,h:h. the the 28th pit., three... men theok them for their kind Faeroese",and were nAot at Su la h e sad !u hr neer killed at Plum Creek, IN. the nude li.atl `run tbrtc tbal un •Sort wi11 w wartime road, by the Sioux Italians. puny one ma her part to r;ure a e0atiswnp of their Aef the men shit at Sidney was killed, lie kind rearms. was a taction muter on the railroad, and - dee Warnock libewise bee to inform littett. arrows were found in his body. The other two, named l'ahe,n and Ed- mundaon, were a i,duct.ws on the read. They were fishing et the tithe the attack war meek upon th tis, about half • mile *Latent, std wide eight of the rail- road dept. Mr Coo was scalpel. Roth wets badly roweled, a will probably din flea the effete of thei , injures. The nen killed at Phuip Creek were all section sten on the rel •ad, and were repairing the road when the savages came upon them. All lie cutch -men and ate fleeing fur safety to the Gen. Sherman passed upon train the 30th ult., and viewed the bodies at Plum Creek. All the trains on the Union Pacific: Railned lay up when niyhtovertak ' then', and lay u0 regard to schedule tin' (4P The Kilkenny Bata have foamed into • proverb. Even dud taleidaliiiost aha al by 0111. more recent of • hen Will went M lay in a new patent hen's nes in which the eggs drop U.rough a trap-, 'fluor, and se deceives biddy that ►he kee on laying. This iarticuler hen went on the persuader, as the invention is called, and never 041111 off again. The owner vieit- ed the persuader at night. In the upper - martinet he found .handful a feathers, • few heauts, and a bill. In the !ewer *impartment were three dozen and eleven Tle delicate eon,titutioi of the hen i been uoalual to the effort ; and fired b y°nod ambito, she bad led herself all away. ucnuppers. rth Platte. the trail_ tutu dead . nesrepre tented than he ; still, ptiently, Gnrrrh,'c have leen in 4116 reoe1111 u Par" "In one mortem of time, wither! warn- and light, to give us each dee what we lent cleanses, rases, and they aro put the claw of u uw t4 hlluminatir power, 'e pa ere the lig dn•f lay lee ' *e we coned survive without aur menta. l'xnaela, the taco being all Hugh Aamh- p rites going to Europe that she he leen commieeroned by Messrs. F. Mrl lonald k Co., New Tor', to dispose of their tickets, drafts, Ac.. for the Transatlantic I.m• of Steamers, from New Turk to Londonderry, Liverpool, and Glugow. Their lines of Ste enshye are so fevurahly knows le is public for safety. speed. and cheapness that they require no comment. Market 7 quare, Corner of Hamilton 81 Gode.10b, 22 Now. 1867. .44 For Sate. LOT 22. 10th Concession Kincardine Time ship, coht.lni.g 100 acres more or 1w. Apply 1. WILLIAM KERB. Merchant. God.neb 12th July, 1867. .25.1 G N DAVIS 1t1A1'IUYAVTVRER AND DEALER IN 111 SI.,.. Plneeh.•,J Ca•unre of every de erep1ton. Tie,Copper tad Shan Iron Ware,ai • Yart.Utove Depot, Market Square, Bode GOAL OIL HOLRSALE AND RETAIL. • 'o•IOtlLeapie(e.,.ke, (tldlro.,Cop. yer,Rr' , Raga Wool rookie's midSke,pki aka' ta`. ukases. , 117'1 Notice. AM['F.L POLL • CK, Esq., late Deputy Sheriff hea been • pointed official Assign- ee under the lusolre t Act of 1964 for the !Totted Counties of Ile' • o and Brum. mar Office in Cam '. n's Block, King- ston street. February 20th. 11166. w .0 COLONIAL KID GLOVES ! KID USE! OYES des/Thine s, AJewler s, 'eerie s, . chess Lace becks k-Alezandnu in white, Me. and colon. The largest Stock in the Cou try CIIAS. E. ACCHIBALI Ooderich, Amuse 22nd. 1''' i. awl MONEY TO LEND. gan to fade nut of the sly, and night -enol w'uli• we are making the suet of oar crafln.en end laborer., comparatively EASY TERMS. descend upon rho r1rUt ea it wore o gives us every u • • , KT"wi1.g ens su aug.h J. R. GU,ItIN)N. while • startling dainties tenneated the mon.tug, there he is still at work, tuning ten---{Lotulon Tim. 1}oderieh, Jae. 11th, 1864. w1It1 sere P .smut, ddb (lits by what h y nag and With d d may the ore and stamping to 41 for our vee The village of Paisley is moving for tato what •mi might have arbor en them- e- ' without failure and without faltering. incorporation as a distinct municipality. P $ Gel Worse t!editor. ` 1e Salt Lands commie if this fierce mud tucmltuou■ Whalen is 1' h nth 1 aide. elements cad taken place ported W have leen ser, much cut down • steeple fury and diminutive fun. far above head.. "A blow might have fallen epee Ch which would have cat hundreds of h and millions .s dollars, leaving behind mighty record of prestrated blocks, .h tered ktreeta, brukenfuttunes, and crash heerta." anti ur streets, instead of expending oar been untrhenrd and taken down. its ever .ince receiving,information that his conversation with D„rle in thjau e had Batik of upper Canada. The following, taken from the London Setedeol of 20th April last, hu an impor- tant bearing on the respective positions of directors and shareholders in the hank of ( pier Canaria ;- g ar mg nn ea , ant a re- icagn A pamenger on the Great Western TOS • Railway, on Friday last, who can int his at- surplus capital consisting of fo60, in one of he boom, carsleNly pulled off his (oats Iie. Dut,RL. Awn 8u Ra1IT EMIL The new number of the E.fii/en/A R contains the following statement-" was net until the great eehisin had tak place in the Tory party on the rep, al the corn taws that Mr. iheraeli can beers to have influenced a party in the House Commons. A distinguished ...Merrier the eventa of that time hu recorded anadota, which we do not remember hare been in print, but which throws singular light on the origin of Mr. Deme rslathece with hu furture a'herent,, was early in the session of 'age, when kno t of ardent potent, meta, boiling ov with rana,ur and resentment they lied n words too improve, addressed themselves Mr. Disraeli they proposes] to him that he should undertake to direct lysumati- only and et alert intervals the whole bet- ter,yy of his Titeperative powers against Sir 1L,bert Peel. On their part they engaged to Ice present en sown on three 000saoma, and 4o rapport there mouthpiece by voci- ferous cheering. The interview was curious one. We hare wen an aecntnt of it by .one who knew all that paseod on the °emotion. Mr. Disraeli repeated to have twel.ty minutes t. ,'insider tie prefixal. At the end of that time he accepted iR- The bar•ain wee kept by both terties.- Mr. Dieram, spoke; the Tories cheered. They considered him their errant; but in tach service there eau the voice ids mAe- ter. it had probably 000..rrrd to Mr. Deraell in those twenty minutes, ..r be- fore,, flat the man who spoke for them, who thetlgllt for thein, who was ready t., act for them, and who condescended to be the instrument of their prejudices and pinions, would be cheered a hutilly by thew blind bawler", that they would at last dimmer they had bawled him into ab- melute power over their party end them- selves. F6w,L. COMPOSITOR.. -Female "type setters" are rapidly taking the place of men. in New Ynrk, u compositors women have been very sncoesstul, and new employed in seven large est&Tilsh• ments, meludtng Harper's and the World Alai. They urn from 111 t. 114 ppaeer week, being paid the same se men. WI. men are moth steadier end more to he relied on. Tney have nn 'blue Mondays,' end, except for want of strength to mov Fenn, and ouch heavy porta of the work, would be much preferable to men; in fact, they are eupersediegthent, except in nigh work, f w which t'ay have been found toe delicate. They are also employed at pram work orking ten hours at e6 per week, and a- inders, *ewers and gilder. at from rt t" 410 per week. (het d sixty -mi hands In one estehluhment, ten average pin per week, and ten receive 110 1(1 In be M,LLI1 ennl'1T, API IL Ie -TL eeraNr, V. MAL *HALL. Revise HisLnreship gave judgement inthu suit, It *inch had been instituted b Mr. Tor- en gqeuhr. ! the liquidator of the Ilerrf,nl•hire of Ranking Congamyen behalf of tl:ecrediton id of an to hs It .r of W a and shareholders of the company, to make the defendants, a ho are post directors and ezocut.,n of deceased director. of the com- pany, liable for large leases which the bank ad suffered through tire allege( improper conduct of the directors. It appeared that the lank Mid, in 1046, exhauster! its called- upcapetal and reserve fund,and the direc- tors ought then 4t have wound up the af- fair of the hank, but ineteui of doing so they earned on the businesaat a great has to the shareholders. It also appeared that considerable slime had been improperly n11- vaneed 4, a Mr. Rigging. The hearing of the ase luted mule time, and the homer rnasecr was subjected) te a seven cro- exeminate' n. His Lor slap held that the plaintiff w.. the proper person 4o institute pioetel:.,gs in reepr. t of the matter. to question, and that he pro erlyrepr••aentedthe sharehold- ers and creditors. After mutu,ending on the importance of the question. his lord- ship decreed that the defendants were liable to shake good the losses ocpaeioued by We neglect of the directors to wind up the affairs of the hank in 1848, and also to recoup them mer dvatcetl 4' Mr. Hig- gins. A BlightIlietake, In • New lie ..hire town live! an ignor- ant, irreligious w ,rthleu family, Ransom by name, no member of which haleeen in- side of a church within the 'memory of the oldest inhabitant." The village p. after years u(.faih,re had at length 'aln, et persuaded- two of the younger ecimu M promise attendance for one Sabbath ; but the fear that they would be made the sub- jects of some menet' remark' still deter - rd them. They were in great terror lest they shoul.l le publicly upbraided with &l their wicked .em. After much exertion, their fears were melded, and en the fol- lowing Sunday tt,, eyes of the gots) pas- tor.'s oongvegat ion were eaten ished at the unwanted presence of the aforesaid Ran- soms A11 went well until the reading of Cm *mond hymn, which Wu the fan - e' dear 'Plow T. the tn,mlw5. brow !'Mr. 1 imagine the effect when, at the end of the Its, 'Arr.n r. *VOOM.n.4501.r hams' the elder of our heroes seised hu hat, and, g with len ;stridestowanf. thedfo,r,shouted • "Come along helm, Rill .' i knnw'd they'd flinging at w if we mine 1••n P' all t tae roeopatinns they ere said to be - Meader than men. Mr. Beecher writes ' "Explain i run if -- -- A T•AntnT.--A dreadful crime has been pie are ashamed to have It thought they DEW; cos •wmflly to eminence to Ib. is erommitted .t Vannes (Mowln'h+•'1. Aman are saA*mel sof eo nemv in the management [j named Loden, formerly ase: had mer - I 1 d of firing 1 wAetaets of (1 1. 1 eb and vicinity m that is the ahoy. less m Mr. case hes feet, and thought nothingtet the money until the anis al at Win dao when great cram tion ensue( over th distvvery of hie low. T1.e money hat been feted by a brakesm.an earned Clark and we. returned to the :.leer. C} A curious report is in eirculatio about the Queen. Itis said that she alarmed at the threatened destruction o the Inch Church, and expre...es her doubt u 4. her ability to sanction tine corse the Liberal party are pur.uing. Iter Majesty fears, it is said; that her cerom'tinu oath will prevent her giving her risen' to the iisestabliahunent of the Irish Church. She had a long interview with Lord Derby, (it is alleged) on the point. She had ale., an interview with Mr. Coleridge, and the g.asi , of the I.'hbies sees that the learned member for Exeter endeavored 4o prove 40 Ther Majesty that there wits nothing in her coronation oath to prevent her acceding 4o the proposition to disestablish and disen- dow the Irish Church. In a western village a charming well preserved widow has leen conrtel and wen by a physics/4h. Rhe has children -- among them a crippled boy, who bee been netted, and if not apnile 1, was certainly Allowed very great freedom in debate. The welding clay Wu ap 0rnnrh•ng, and it was time the children shomld know they were to have • new father, calling the crippled boy, she sail, •17eorge, 1 Ann liring to do something before which 1 would ke to Leik about with you." "Well, ma, what is it!" "I am intending to marry D:. Jones in a few rent, and," -"'fully for you, ma ! Does Dr. Jones know it. , 1 rc R Le1ALr, To RINGING FROM C4AMNIMlH1-M tit 1 ENGLISH AND FR SELLING OFF! SELLING OFF. (1IV1NG UP BUSINESS. Great Reduction i Prices WVM. STEWART HAS DETERMINED TO SELL OFF HIS STOCK OF DTV gm clo inny AND READY-MADE CLOTHING. AT COST & UNDER. BARGAINS UNPRECEDENTED ! TREMENDOUS SACRIFICE of coops! The whole most be sold in sit week.. Call pelt and secure some of the ;missy thou teed bargains now offering tor .ale At the GLASGOW HOUSE, West St., Goderich 1 COMMECIAL BILLS TAKEN AT PAR. WM. STEWART, Dederick Dee. kw. , MT, GLASGOW Iivl'9R 1.24 OfluICI IVOOLJIN FICTORY. r1vn y. r mt,-r. ,m..l taw u• lawnw aures see others ehm they tare posey«,d the ewer .nn.4 , .l.wohmnt 1 ,.r M.. w.,,, sail.., ..td basal,( .onewod. tax. Ma<a.ohinary 1 Are Now Prepareii to Mann!"acture Olotha. Blankets (fell width>, Wincey, Shirting, Sheeting, tt0,, toe., sed at pram ronomtitM with N. howl w„rtnu..htp. Natalia Ittentlon paid to Custom Roll-tartllog, rolling, Dressing, Dyeing, Le. 1.e.hal:1110,,...Ina fee week.. H101211 -0111A INN'%0 J.:^o, or -y.41.4 Tram,,.ue.few. bat ,u, hoer .k•.y.a We L.1eel rata), •soh wW :gat::.,. 4. do 1',10,,:,, .1pu..l.rt. a, .ns34 .1y ..11 ' particular .1inthe to at STOCIC OP CLOTHS, do C_, wMchretwp-.m.e„tlya keel et..,p to ,•..h •.r in eto-len-•e for wool w0 1. w 1.\7&08, wenhew{ Mart.' Winery. '...lana, warn kittens..) m-nr .0.l all .oral. . -,en with ho,. •:n r r, -TI art Im,.,a4te .10,..,, Pasta weaned aim • •Ratan.. •' 1. + .,pt. _ t .antral. mat felt on jrltInd their roll* Iwmc with 1M,. 110 sae eveniey. rr Pastia. mein a with • eaL an atoll e•n•'rn. lainta.ttw V rich W.'s h kn Factory, April 7th, 1068.. w11 J. INGLIS & SONS. c i ONIAL HOUSE. Tailoring rig Subseriberbeg, to inform Outfitting roe Department many ceetumer1 and the public generally that he keeps eonsantly on hand the larq,a v. ,.t, ,aJ M,t selection of English, Scotch, Fre 1N ME COUNTIES. h, Swiss & German Tweeds, Canadian Man LSO A LARGE VARIETY OF IN PARCELS ENGLISH, FRENCH 8, CE actured Goods, VALVA LE PROPERTY FOR' BALi31 1R TBR TOW* OF ISirFL Tin0Mt w 2 TO 5ACRES! LAND IMMEDIATELY ADJOINING THE Present Salt • Well, AT THE Goderlch Railway Station, Apply to M- C. CAMERON GsderIeh, Nev. 28, 1867. STARTED AFRBBR! ENCII BEAVER A AN BROADCLOTHS, OESKINS. PILOT OVFERCOATINGSI DSSC-. IPTIONs, - OVEROOAT1(}S OF ALL OT Bsveng secured the services Mei R. CARR, Ahs bel. to meets *a n.den w.•1, prnmptaile, and in if1AE rood m Ur P :oI iNrt, Cerin n„f exepfred, gives. A perfect RI c5.nnt.ed io everyInas - Ces.Isstly on head the LAEDE1T ITOCI and LATEST TTLES in oenttteman's Outfitting. of Every D - criotion AIfIH1CAN x.)Nb,Y taken at the bogie.% rev. L Gr.dnich, logtsl 9'7m1. 196'. Oha.s ?• Arch ' aid. ■tyle un,urpeesed by any 1y him sod .atsfy yoor- .w103 C#ODTi7RIa$ Steam Axe Factory. JOHN McPHERSON, rOTA Nes. m7,.. M, A, 11. on the north nide LEGS to announce to the public that he is M the timed frank Seaway line to Tor- D now with new end improved este, Ln Ton wink .,de of 1; neon :Ottawa, •col P 1511. Nen NO. 31, 61, '•1, M, e3 ■,d *6, .wmint stoats naehinery, to torn MI Ms superior thel1ow bel ween Cie Grand Trunk Ronda 10 ages is larger quenlities than hitbertn, and Tanana wd Hu8a1,., .. Wawa in t plan thrown eves in the Rrgalry orlon toe t►• County ul Penh. Thew lam ane mai advantageously situated, for w•nh. tea papa.. tr Any of the .boos 1111 may be bed very cheap. For pnniculen•pppply In J. Vet NCTS C. HALOA8. 8olwe*ur, Pee., Dederick. oe to M.rns. HAnt. & O'toA*a, Warrens 'Shuford, O.alerieh. Fes. 14. l eW4, we, NEW GROCERY 1 AND Flour and Feed Store. yon can, why it in that so many ',ming pen - WM. ROBINSON red • few menthe age • fanner's der ter o e 1'r" er dianr,an of regality in t , hue cele (.2 vd e( the neigh'aorhrwod. He tired • life n/ Thera is no diagram in being en amen be- &aaill's rata nand, fetsr ew fly" fore f0einti,,a,n .ak Young mettle (req received with I 14111 t11„t they frown men ; hut CORNER OF SQUARE & NORTH S'C. debauch and a.wk t t 1Af g l f 111111t remand franca whieh Ae had W wits. f(n e.wnly, • h w days lark, h„ ue n$ ynnng No hi wife.his 80d enly,s home, day and with- ,me to salt este) M have it dIecovereol that T. Ila nrne"n Da. r M as will keit eat saying a word admired him with a his atn+n77,,' nnwl«Ige.n,l skill are ,,, nn hand tnl's1 artecles, t ell u c►pp • s,rtienlod t hh P r 'JIT. took to the persons will .raw nen. a ers.:a:ne, *t he i aura ar *dentine pa m f e dying man. ing sneered not to have mem,. tinder seer ra 1.() U 1t A N l / I+ E , I) 1 Haring "sae /net e mstraphe, od5wn•gral t do i which 1 kafn, *n4, *Pee st , long him twice m. r 1 years. lint them wane the Ch""at. Th •11 11 n f fr t r , peel to the 1.• n tem WM to go to stoler's, and, if neem. c nm thew n w e all the am nhln world and a, 'h. wdvrtiser hu ked awry year' eery, protect. how Rut 11 a room man ar knows tient they might 4o here mine !•' 1s i.e Irwfseelne. etperienee in that brave► of bsainess, tivwd ton Into, ic the woman was found a ' e-)- A dioptteh from D.Mwer., iwhen., full confident that h. can g eao, with th : +d nearly severed front says on Knnday threw Lint,, mons of Henn Godarieh, FAIL 7, 10M, /.4211 nrp the leiy. Hhe bean deed, it app•sar. Pogo, aged ten twelre and teen more than three days, s d the lnmrlerer wonout in a field, when some d_ year hopes to rye the same sasfac.len that has attended hie efforts up to the present. There atm have gained a wideapred popularity t!roughont Huron and Brine. 14m•mber the slop: Corner of Waterloo •rad Lighthouse streets. ()oderieh, Gee, 2. 16(7. w4Stf \i868. Division Courts. Times bT bolding DIVISION COURTS FOR THE COUNTY OF HURON, 1868. 1.t Divine" ()Month, Tberiday, 30,11 lma. Sib 1' as nhse, Fred. , 31st " 7th w Hayfield, Seel ey, lot Feb, 10th " Cli•to*, Monday, and '1 td 11 Se.fiwth, Tnesdny, Iu, '• 1,1th " Amlyille, W01,,.,d•y,5th 1' 5th ' h:seter, Friday, 7th 1. lot Division, Oodorieh, Thursday, 301" Apri Toth w Denp.pn.on, Friday, In Olay 7th " Rayil.'d Swtnrday, 2nd " IOth ' Clinton, Mondsy, 4th • led A 8e.fnrtb Tuesday, 6th " 11th i1 Wrezmer, Weolo.eday,4(4 n Sib " ?dreier, Friday, 8th F. G. BECKETT & co. IIA:KIL'r0N, °NTA1110.' efa NCTAf7TCnrwA 07 MARINE, STATIONARY AND PORTABLE STEAM ENGIN ES & BOILERS •,F .51.1. "121:,1 AL+e Aln(rhitl(•r ' tO1. 11' 1'IpiIIg' 4zalt, Steam Saw Mills, and Grist Mills! old- 7rialshiii MnoYa1r.©rv, Mi5150, HOISTING, AND PCIIPIN.i MA(:HfNEHY, sl'K.AY PUMPS. ENGINEERS' ANT) Bolin( MAKERS' TOOLS t .t.'0 An Iath.., Pluming, Drilling, Screwing, and Remote Machines, ll.11inrn, on0.no, Jan rhh, Ian., Punching Maehtsee, ke, Plat••Reding and wt.) 171 THE COMMERCIAL ASSURANCE COMPANY UNION 19 AND 20. CORNHILL, LONDON, ENGLAND. CAPiT8' , (Full Subscribed) . isTISD OVIL g2.000,000.- D=ppgyq J*2" 000 Sterling. IIID 1N CANADA, 560,000, FIRE DEPARTMENT (also. Ike* Cony hn' cahnn,eMrynw4 n .til near• • p.emrem pro, m•tr 1n IAe r.tal•e•n,nn of .w Bitable .I. t4 The •.r ofv4 *lel~iom•l10 der• the (Inn,p. •h•,""...1"1ermine. hu lea. «ren n 1,r1 equitable Nhse 11', mom •. n ■se now nu. loth. C•nad,•, ,rMrn. tnrur5l ,he bn•,srr ane wrdel v, Funds. SECTIRITT Soeraateed by lugs subscribed Capital, end Invested Proem I ,1e111em•n5of ChM•. The Ili wd Oen Prw+nn • nil raffia Ote'd ow Co wsle•f •e, %III lakes literal •ed Imewea hka vane of N1 )www pabm,m leanly LIFE DEPART' • - '"'s''e•..mieg t sfoq u•m, to three IM.,nnr lni1. tNT, Tile dl*in rwisha Me prose. n the 'RICK f BRICK 1 BRICK! The pearl Courts will 011.0 a 10 o'clock E P A R.r - f Tt. O•'aM• A.5 i beeshf ,1l• wet ft the time in the ►roe. between them. In the dispute the hi 1 et to tie rpm. He has anew been ekled mashed the heals .d the younger •. m., Mm/m.•ta Pmmtam. ~ In v- AI'wnn• a wnwrp5m,,,l .._, December, -' Pea lent. yn, mown lir nen, LA. OAee. _. nith.•a nn panerepel.wt sae, wain( wean ,tie per IOW aMrwnt, 51.na .. Clion .pawl Ne womb star 0, of' nl Ankh. MONO nen d,•imyw. -••• this Peels brother. with an ns, killing ono outright 'HE nnheerih.r will ,ntime te deliver God. 1 lea•i Bali*. -f.willam thea other for load. On the I Rriek at hes aril in MaltlanAAlle. en M Ow Tilsnl,• Ronne 1 I. The he r * N apprra•h ref the father, the nldeet I,.,v rats and after the loth June nett 1I. 1. Atting a Kincardine ro • barn, when he was tem *ft'r theme. aft • tier hrkk maehlne, b M ran hi eream wart 1. The tontine en 0a•„r nn d dead, having hang hmewlf. 1 nen; ably, the nwspany Isviryt raw rad a depth f*,wer. ar ' ,••n 1111 derf•tf tM saum0 JI s/A/eT-ahs I.e.t, 7'h i• a .n kw may M fwvmwA with P•rtene snored i fly ardor very f ratable , Belsreegtl.d. the well readve• • Aspin et 1000 all the •rgtrmnts pale or fiMd np.,n the trial. It will be • life sentence 1(arket Rgaue, t1'. M. AAV AGR. til id e( re egg it e. romnnret that in elm. 'he Preside t leave of .niereng on a+•lye ale of the arm( i •s they' i■ roue• rani, his pnnisAmnnt r t0 he omit 4*n tire• .stn,• at non •1 the 05151 of tate nt •Mom ed eters) fm he county ant, faint dispnAl16cnttotn to reading A. IIM4/11017, chi fe ahem to he a tees enpy SO to this Stamm. DAN. Waite, Clerk of die Poem, Horne. i4A, 21111 Deral TOT. wile 14. 8111/11/07r• T. (11.71trir isGsri P. [ER;fiJT Y. SALT 'ir c6 a THE subscriber offers for • ix a :':stet• I pee.ol property attar the preen/. Salt Well in Maielaudrdlc, eonnriseeg tbrw acre, of lied. SVILL1AM SITAFFIELD, GuJetith 0.0. Ooderich, Nov. 28, 1167. w45 SALT TERRITJRY • FOR SALT: 014 TO LEASE. 20 A('RE" just Ear Cameron's Salt ll HMuck,anuaad w both.nein u(lhe Red- a.; us•k. Alas,l.,a. 8 earl 9, Rae;. 11, Township of letady, and east rt sena al south. o•errr1J earn. of he*, in the fah rwncesaa,a. W.U., A015.41, Apply to THOIS, W.AT11URALD. U edr nc►• _Ear, as, 1867. w44 SALT TERRITORY FOR SLE OR LEASE. WITHIN 130 yards of Ike wawa liudenrb f 1' Salt Works. AIN, FARMING LANDS aoarea,ut .o that lueilil . Apply to JOHN 'SELL UURp)N, 801. 1w Ro anek tion r»h. IM Dee..18116. wase Salt Well Casing. 11111F. +utenhere Nawe4rtere ,d keep on heed all wan* w wt.LL CAe1 Vu can, for raw 11 t L AiUAM14N, ..4,trFennal r Mad** , Landon, Oa Feb An, tase. t vet In To Salt Speculators ! LAND FOR SALE. fj I2E undersigned offers for sale about four 11 acres of land to (iudericb, which is ad- mirahly adapted for salt work., being nn the bank of the Hirer M. alar. !and adjoining the G. T 11. track. Ili a . short switch. Stilt could be tent Eastward by rail cr to the .ha'• for shipment. The propelty is clue to the w, -w sinking sol ■Mal 700 yank from the lemons Godeneh Salt Weeks. This i, one of the mn.t desirable plots now in the market, and t:,tetid,ng oparatorsshould exam due it without del.,. For part.culars apply to JOHN HT'SLOP. (iodeueb. September 50, 1867. w36.3m sp Salt Teitory in Port Albert! THE Seta •riber having Water Power tha, could be applied in sinking • Rall Well in the .hove Village, ',mild give parties an oppw,rumry of vain, mid power, and wnuld elan take shams in the enterprise Need ran be had et a tow 6g.re. Apply f0- t .:mer particulars t0 178. 1'f .WFO:tll. Pert Alien. Now. RS, t'.;7, w44t NOTICE. To Tavern Beepers In the county of Huron Trig, F t. IMnr) the 1Mu1. flm.rwor of the P,,,,,,,.e nf,In5rt.•baying •i'pnl.W the a wieealranol , •err Of T.•.rn (Myr. hr W c.,M1 of II anon. •. .,erre -e 1. hereby ewes that an perewi. pldlrmt•. for r....•n, i.t..n'. MM ill, Onset, M Hnnon orto• pow- r ur ',Awe Men.: goal rynl5ralra an on p5) r,. t u1 tib.. 'rolnet.l soy win noel. IMe.r-s Re • h. r'1•'m .a bate. Of rheI er.10. Tow, 1,1.r.o.., sue, T.,.n.lop ami %talar. Levens ill. DAN. 1.17 5015• hear M Tanen I.wean-. Owe'4 the• Clerk of the Par tortoni offlnn,w. 0.-ln.h.:61 M,n-h Irl. ! tort 6 PER CENT Government Stock. TR AN. ' .5011: ARU *OT I1R11 Afp,R w11I11N STRAIN. TTF:N!AY HINT. DEPAItTMEVTA AGENT, OTTA A, /VENDER, h" rntie• to wawa to PM. er n 1 renting; in the .0' and .0.03. wetlt/ P.rtl. n•nlltn.rt W.I. befor. J..,.n, 'tat tir11 nne-tenth ,A 1)... ',. they wl,h t., ,-,r, .5, will awe ,. M M,.rn ..I .rail tlo reeelpt ,.I the d,',wrest M i fh. Ia..,,,ta, The remainl.r mn.1 to pal I..frn M.. h and, iaua ran p rtl.n:ar. on-Lptlatm ler .01.1'. -.haw 1, r an*, l m. unAer gl,rw awl greater pr. ant ..n Iv. r swot nae Rt /Wet. N1'F'S f onptw0, r M. ,t. Rinwtoo ; W (' '9, e'n..I.nt Wry kb oar • Comp.y Wawa ; John Imnglo iOj trainer 5,, the lh,min. 'I ' )Ears ; 1121 With. rasa (l,,t2,1., Ion Ottawa Ottawa, J• ar' 1111,, 185. •.41 n. isap tilNinr. THE OLD ,•' ESTABLISHMENT IN OWN_ MARTIN AN BEGS TO INFORM HIS OLD era. that he is gree able to NH fe at the low,,t rates, ILL KINDS OF FEKNITQR At Ms shop nn Kintrton street, opposite the Huron Hotel, 17ederich. Give A.m a call. Galeria' Oct. 3. 1866. e.11w3 MRS. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP, For (7htldrer Teething, ,sanely facilitate. w pewee. M twangs. 4.y ..Nkning the arms. ran. log .It Intl.n.n..tinn will alley At. Nen awl ap.,11Mw ean, unit. Pare to Regulate tete Rowels. ^land urn. it, adhere, it will sire n1/ in ,.mr•elrn Relief and Health to your Infants. W. have hint nig owl wd.1 Ihl• ernes for r si Cl* *ray In l .,glare. awl Tenth 14 11 what "' a have Mn able to any y of any other mat•In. -Nene. l0a new,. rasa In . shwa Instead 4 *Fort . Cor.. when llmrl nal Bare, AIA we know . Inatome. d 41.- I8(,1Mn by ane m•. .he nal It On the,•.anwy, all nye Ae85Mr4 *IM le ,gMstat and .y.wa In tom,. of r..11nw51.tl.. of lei maven! .4504 awl 11,410.1 eIrtne. ear .gn*lnlhM matter '•w.,r.e mama,.. .n.r eared e. 5$re....54 l9" . 00 npuelt a nor i h.aretrat.t lar nhen4ewan. 81.1515 0.107 In•tan., .hen the Inept 1e weal* nor team ami era han•ft.. thea .til M /nn0 m •liars w f my .nine ni...lr., w Wrap i• in, will Yell Alr.rftw,. for twin, 111 elle rat 1sa.w)) nth 1wemt- 55.1.. vr..l..,,l.. /h. M,hma.eCII RTld a 71:14 al8*. area Tors, a sae the .eee4hie wrwle{w 1414 M .trust./a lhnm4b'nl 1151. Im1M Palet ONLY ES OMITS Pte IOTTLI. '711A M1d4,t *treat, N.w I \amt : 109 tlirh B„nein•. tn.4on, 6..141.51: 441 et Pnn1 etrrt, wetn,l (Watt •.r.:rt 1., KB I,P.LET'S SALE OF LANDS. Cevaty items., BY votes, rif • writ to wit : peel ribeffal *MN d nal 01 II. Warty's Canny ("owe alas Comity allewie, ital to roe doweled semen the lased. lewd Toeemens. ot E Chemise es these* ere John W•Ish a co. 1 h••• eased and lakes le esaatioo •il the nib*, taw. and infernal of the earl deerectiont, in sod to the ii.d.th ruf, (014 ...he. Ad, on Iftn With o•Oltraninti Of nit load le nr Which lanais awl trees rave's I shall new Mr ma at wT oSoe. in the 'ortn Hour, is Ibe bonen Daler.eh, en JOHN MACDONALD, Parini of Hann. 0210e. flaterioh, 118n1 Merck. Isla, 4 eft at. -m1. as (-rovlr oial Nerminent Building and Savings Society, 'i'ORONZ+pr (Fool ,Ger .4„tth ty Ih. Pull t 0341tttrrtl It:lt ''% '120111712 EOM i:.5e'11 limA w tU, •W-1.11----1O-"'1"-4)*t11i ilial j -.1-1:1!:11116 !~ W re edi souUN ts y1gT sl te.l` II The •Ian Rea IY 154. rnripJ .sl 1 ally we the emir. laid 5113 1. Iwmnl'w yir,,,••'1, ' eaI•11,.. •1 lever Apply -Wiwi n,ryr,,, t p. a t,.'sail hu, N NArt1 1Ta, tile. la em iety's Valuator al u,alee1 h. awl awe nutee 1413 V.T1 4.111 latrine rseill::.47,1afe Nee Warty 1.530. sou I, par die 1.7211144 ALL IIIGHT AGAR PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY IS THE FR 0 VIN CE, WIIH New & Magnincent Sky -Light AND SPLENDIDLY FURNISHED lit fl M DEUS to alone his Oil patrons. •nd puldie lingearrallr, that he hos, at each •apener, eo up ha rooms is STE WA 1111 8' Ng w, Brick Mat. roam or 'Hamner. Mimi and Square, Giolerteh, l• r SRI! as lo render thein llie Anal ie ihrieneetry.and the teat adapted f0/ accoinplatihnwel 01 Wm& is 118 driest. . aad beautiful an. Thew dosanatiaral.Leafeg 151ell 01 take, wilt please brag i• time snore ing. PhOtographit taken in every Style firemen. taped as Pholognipho A large Niue* ol and 2ore-Wood Freon.% •111/11)11 ea patronage the ond, feels riustiewl 111W recent ante aad 10C10001 01 life .111.1, Oodorich. March I, 1767, w611 CHEESE ! CHEESE! Shepherd 8c Strachan, it 11VE been reerpointed sole agents at • den', h for the sale of the celebrated Z. -ter r•ctory Cheese. Local dealers supplied at tbe Factory Coderiek, May 27,1057. 1.1 At! VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR qui E undersigned offers for sale he 6, eon. cleared, frame barn, good land. The pro. perty is only a et le from pretest salt wens, and as the railway runs tbrotigh u, better salt terriiory cannot be found. WILLIAM ELLIOT, Mareh 24. 1868. e.w le if Lot 22 1st eon. Township of Goderoch 116 acres • 4 Lake road mat Colberne 100 4 lake shore 03 Lot 77 :ith con. Stanley '17 " For prices mid trouts. apply to. Guderith p. November 19 1467. w4.3tE FOR SALE T or No sm. on Quebec St., thaarieh. overt...1mm the harbour, an eligible situ it Ka for Pot term., •ppo to J. PRANCIN HA LOA el• otlench. Joss I, 11161. ale FARM FOR SALE the Tosirrorhip Aehheld. hem( 101 bag. oi to E. D. roateintax 100 scree, re fan ear, 01,,,,ieess. hardwood limner. About 70 acres neared. For ponartflar• la 10 primp. Af•• imply tn w T. B. vAnEvritv, fluderichr • Farm ter Sale. pn E west of int 25 Hayfield Road, Towns ship of Sten ley. 77 acres, about 50 elegy. - d. The land no of firadrate quality, ands good opnng ereek running through the lot. Terms, part of the money doe.. Time given for the reminder at 8 per eent per annum Further pirtieulars may es bad on applica or to JOHN JOHNSTON. Lot 9, Ileyfield Reed Stanley. Goderici. Sent 9th, I /147. ARM FOR SALE OR TO TRADE FOR a ritErrta est 4 of lot 2, me. 2, Ashrteld. he 100 ac 45 cleared. hum good home, young Orchard -well weter eel Th'm is a ry desirable ferns. For partieulars apply 7711E WEST H LE 1.01' NITHEE 1311T. bownikry lone atereen Myth WW1 W1111011 P.01 *tweed ; thirty a OMR chgernnce. Seto seven sem earl • halt in ell. Well Oared. F teethe, parte-whet imply to . hose on the preinaea day 27tk.114117. ESTABLISHED 1848. "HURON SIGNAL. 17 Nen *at- reo.kly Melon, e,•• 7,••• roar Not leen ref 7141.1110, Nate frota An witathiewevitietattewif he • iies*nfailrat n. oneself 7131 SIGNAL 4011 oncrce t• wirteme one pare possaa 4,4 prof..., eed =7""••••” Annirlerterne /4441 etwi brow Writing .04