The Wingham Advance-Times, 1955-11-16, Page 2*"*•» 'two Tho Whigham Adwtoe-Thnes, Wednesday, November 16, 1955 Sound distriet with the minister ini Round district with the minister in ■ charge of distribution. Gifts of money i to help W shipping charges will bo I gratefully received. was Wroxeter Native Passes See Jamaica Victmx\s Or. Fmsw Kay, Listowcl. guest speaker on Fnday mght when:' Friends hero received word with re* Wroxeter Women's Institute held a : gr<t of the death of Jack Harris, Mxnily Night in the new xxmimunuy .j R^etown, Saskatchewan. Mr. Harris, centre. Dr. Hay. ulw was aeeompan*JxuHx was a brother of Miss Cassie led by Mrs. Hay, by word and picture1 Harris, had been m pew health with took (lie audience on a trip to Jamaica.; a heart xxmdition for some years where he had spent a holiday. He was impest sympathy is extended to hitrodueed by Tom Burke. members of his family. He was a nat- Mrs. Herb Patterson presidexi for; Wroxeter. the evening. Miss K Hazelwood was ! w \teetinc' J pianist And Ann Douglas played a _ D* ,‘K ; phrnw solo. Nancy Newton gave her home on, Mrs. MsKNauslitai saw tax. mwimss; ‘ DL blLl and vfllbert Haws ted tn w«nni»n>l.v sinstns. Retwshmrats tww swwd «t Htssms r>ws>«M the dewftnnsl aDlL and a sw>at law yV, “Lord of the I^ands Make Ganacaj To Pack Bale Thine Own” was the opening hymn. November 21 is the deadline for, Mrs, Herb Patterson road Psalm 72 sending m parcels for the bale to be ‘ and Miss K. Harolwxxxi led in prayer, packed by members of the Women’s Two of the members gave an catline- Missionary Society Articles may be ' of the new study book. : left at the church The bale will bo Mrs James SamSerson spoke on’ sent to a needy coagrvgamm in Parry . ‘ No Vanishing Race.” which had to I do with the Indians, Canada’s first natives. Mrs. Frank Haris spoke on. “Cutting Our Way/’ which dealt with the emigrants to Canada and Mrs.1 ; Higgins read a poem written by the Indian poetess, Pauline Johnston, j “Canadian Born.” ■ Mrs, LX S. MacNaughton conducted the business period. Mrs. J. H. Wylie presentxxi the minutes. Members voted to present a gift of money to the newly-organized OG I.T. group. Mrs. Buchanan spoke on the value of hav­ ing a Baby Band in the church and outlined the duties of a leader of this group. Members agreed to consider this until the December meeting. Mrs Harvey Timm and Mrs, Ken .Edgar were named a nominating committee Several members offered to help pack the bate. Mrs, Paterson gave a |tVew$ of St. Helens Community Hall Re-opened by I Ladies of Women’s Institute !( hi official^ re-opening the eonimu-, ■| nity hall on Thursday evening, Mr. J. W. Joynt, of Lucknow, stated that • the hall had boon built around 1820 if through the efforts of the late Rev. <i R, S. G. Anderson, who had also been ‘ responsible for the founding of the « present fine library. In 1924, Air. ’ joyin's father, the late John Jcynt, ' had the hall removed from its loca- ; tion midway down the street, to its ;! present site on the corner. He also I had an addition built for the stage' report of the good cheer convener.’In pnd erected the monument on the : keeping with Armistice Day. Mrs Mae- j grounds in honor of the heroes of . Naughton read a poem written by a I West Wawanosh Township in World i : new Canadian, Laura Sehippers, of I War I. s Newmarket, which was a tribute to ■ This past -summer, after consider-1 i the Canadian soldiers buried in Hol- UWt, effort, the Women’s Institute re- j ; land. .. | eeived the deed for the building. Since | ■I The meeting closed with the hymn, j then the interior has been re-decor- i , 'Xsod of Our Fathers and the Mizpah < ated. A few years ago, also through 1 j benediction. The hostess served re- effort§ of ^he Women’s Institute, * '' " ' . ------------ ■ ed congratulations and good wishes. Mrs. Andrew Gaunt, the president, was vhairiady for tire program which included piano solos by Eddy Gaunt and Norma Murray; a humor­ ous reading, "The linstitute,” by Marvin McDonald; readings by John Hall, of Lucknow; dancing by Mary .Alien, of Lucknow; guitar selection's by Roddy and Eldon Wraith, of Luck­ now; duets by Joan and Erma Forst­ er, Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Rice, and by Mr. and Airs. P. H. Steer, of Luck­ now and a saxophone selection by Russel Fear, of Brussels. After lunch was served dancing was enjoyed to music by the Aristocrats with Mike Cummins calling off. Personals Our best wishes go with Barry Mc- Quillin -and David Kirkland, winners in the Provincial 4-H judging contest, who are this week competing for Dominion honors. Congratulations and good wishes to Mr. and Mrs. Wnu J. Humphrey, who last Wednesday, November Sih, ob­ served their 63rd, wedding anniver­ sary. Murray Gaunt was some from Guelph D.A.C. for the holiday week­ end. The W.A. -of the I’nitc-d Church held a very successful tea and banaar in I -the .auxiliary room at Lucknow on : Saturday aft ernoon, when $125 was i realised, Airs. W. i the Baker 8I' Air. and Murdie, of Kitchener, were visitors with Mr, and Mrs. R, Woods and Mrs. | Murdie over the holiday week-end. | —_— ------- - R Bridge Club j The scoring leads at Bridge Club j last Thursday were: 1. Dr. G. W. How- | son and J. A. Wilson; 2., Mrs. R, S. ' Hetherington and Mrs F. A Parker; ]3. Mrs. J. H, Crawford and C. Hod- ■j gins; 4. A. M. Forbes and G. Williams; I 5, J. H. Crawford and W, H. French; 16. Airs H. Campbell and Mrs D, B. , Porter, E. Gordon is quite III In Nursing Home, Lucknow. Mrs. Mel Brown and Bob salmon bakw in CHICKEN SOUJP Here Io a quickie caaserole that needs only 20 minutes baking. Preheat your oven to 400 degrees F, You’ll need 1 Mi-’W, can ot salmon, Brain, remove akin and break sal­ mon into large pieces and arrange In casserole. Combine 1 can of cost, densed cream of chicken soui> (10 oW 1 and a quarter cup of milk. Pour this combination Japping rounds of butter­ ed bread on top, Bread toasts as sal­ mon bakes. If you'd rather have mushroom flavor, just substitute condensed cream of mushroom soup for chicken soup. Roan Long I: Mr Other John John West iaS-S Hopi’lv k 1 ■d cate farmer to have his SCOURS Fii$t is Fe&te're SO Fall W'viwe ■nrj Ftefcwfe 4Mw4 ~ Drain Drsin Drain TtsimAfc WkS&bW IB SV’ W8MBERRH. IN SMART GIFT BAGGAGE Aeropack $32.5« Overnight Case Tram Cast . . -$1S»S5 ''■Monarch’' Gladstone vdlh hapgcT unit. freshments and a social hour was en­ joyed. The Howick Liens Farmers' Night will be held November 21. when a turkey supper will be held at the community hall. Wroxeter. Tickets util be supplied by any member of the tens Clnb. Personals Mrs Gi.bert Howes and Ian aecom- med Mr. and Mrs John Howes and .all daughter. Joannie. Toronto,, to mtro&l for the week-end, where ex xis.tod Mr and Mrs Jim Coombs ji’.borta Howe-S '. and Mrs George F h. spent the week-s Irs J H WxJ.o Mess Marsra: Bret hers. Wex- spent week-end with Mrs. Brothers and Mrs. Robert Montgomery. oror.ro, spent the week-end st their homo here Mrs. D. S. MacN&ughron is spend­ ing a few days in Toronto. Bsg soroor. 1”’ Alumliduefi tube New richer tonal cua'ity Sb-satlSm styted cabinets s.na.ilnbir it. walnut jbm- hbg&xy limed na.k Emerson -styled sand 'noorco for yeses- Abend Trnr pieturc cumstersc?^ ctefeco'i' brighter steadier Big vow IF tutor chassis ■JStetedr Suneb—power trans- fWmer_ to »sr- front pane, tuning cmattela.. •Gh&tec b? bases armhihl B b hydro was installed. Elston Cardiff. M.P„ of Brussels, was the guest speaker. He spoke highly of the Women's Institute -and of its place in any community, guests on the platform were Hanna, MP.P. of Wingham, Durnin. of Auburn, reeve of Wawanosh. whose council had made . a substantial grant to the haS. and ■ W I Milter, whc had been secretary-' treasurer of the hall throughout tee years All spoke words of praise fos the work of the Institute and express- Car Damaged? Have os restore those battered fender* and door* to a fimming, like-new factory finish! PRICES REASONABLE— ESTIMATES FREE BODY SHOP Carman Loucks - Proprietor WINGHAM Where Better Bulls Are Used The Council snet in the Township HaTi On November Tth, with all ths, members present. 'The minutes of the last ■meeting -i were read and adopted on morion of i : ■Stewart Procter and Ross Duncan. Dimcan-Chortreod-—That tee fendei of Thos Pleteh on the ateel •culvert I for the s®n of SSI.60 be accepted., Gamed. ; The ckwirt of Revision on the Raoh.- mond Drain was opened and there weren’t any appeals Rhorteoed-Dunran—■That the Court i Rsvisior. on the Rsohmond Drain be oiosed and that Sy-L&w No. 12. ISK5 be finally passed as read. Gamed Procter-Duncan— That tec tender of Frank Kifkty tc supply rile and con­ struct the Rtehmond Dram for tee sum of i4 'X1 he accepted. Gamed Drorter-Rhortreed--’That, the road acraunte as presented by tee " Rupormtendon: be paid Tamed Sbsron-Practor----TiiiU tes .meeting adym-rx. te meet signm ar Daoemher 35th at 5f & sr, ar st the cal. of tee R?rv Gamed The fobowing’ armunte were- paid Goa Gowan McArthur Drain SaW B Parrott setecting jurors 54 Id. A Prssec selecting jurors S4.0d G Martin seterring jurors SA.OI Mum- cipa Woriu supplies SL28 Howes Rtetunasid Drain §50.01 Rwfeuma Stiohtnond Drain Richmond, Shttoaond Drain, Slid Adwnre-Times advertising A Dateiff insurance an shed I years SI Si' teitei' Ski JH' R.‘teb Standard advertising SLai.. Geo Radford L&- mon: Drain S252i..nv 5ns Howes report Giie Drain SfficlE Her: Pensr. Gbsse Drain E Notote Doi? Drain SiPi- S Parrott Gnu Drain &E.IC Jas Howes report Rte>- ' sesm Drain, S25Pf E Selters 'Sosnuir. Drain R Rrmx Rtssmsr Dram G Bmjx Stgtmar Drain S2PD R Rtensrm wreath W Shortreed Rtehmmwi RteJbtaond Rteli'nm.nd Ritenmni. P’-GjfAtv nr Rtetmrmd Drain SEf.RT tesiri M rerteirm tr Shartrmfl R Dnmm £.W S PteK-er StP? E Ptteroft ISA- ' A RrASatan trnuung cmosss Waltersn J Steas* Sted/tete Ratertste Drain St'.T H Prar-ter fence D«w- rr 5: LI Pasrmhnr tanre va-w- SLA" 'S&stagfc ftnte ■rsewte SLB Xt Benstett te/’bad-hg' .einders. SIS'* S Fear torutelioss i®Sh.-rtet O DaaritohsL 3K?AV, Ready WHITE .SHEPITNe -FEIVEB PHOSPHORDS &'VITAMINTypeONjETJCTGDS''-.sum ENriulffONlA VITAMIN A COBALT XTTAMEN E B-OOMF-LEX 1 •! Dyznp- tozas Dxlf is duE Shows no vitality Sisiuses to get up Breathes heavily Animal 'walks stiffly as with rheumatism: Finally goes ■down And refuses to get up: will eat .and drink, however. Scours ^generally! Ardmsls lick them­ selves continually; chew boards; hair cost is dull and tough; have poor appetite; rtsusSy nervous. j I ! Dae -w- ack to Six Months. Dm wsfldE i© AfitiK Age Dsuahy tee first Tvmtty-dcrar hours rff Ife Drte weak to six 'months Three to Gik months ^emtes -----Itf- carry :& Jwmintetp -sstoafc of »E thr rocomracnctec iresi- msnts. fflr Scwurs h? tsputstofe veterinary •mnn'ulanttrrs^. -If w ‘shoulfl not have -fhe iufarmstinr. or the product you twonfawb, *we will get it 2or you in short orcter. -Wf :are Interested in helping you to nWtahdn a good animate henlft. program M & hlMMUt DOST* -1&.W «w staw y«m tor »a Ot VWtt ’vateriwry meeds.