The Wingham Advance-Times, 1955-10-19, Page 6A
Page Six
I ♦I
The Wingham Advance-Times, W'ednesday, October 19, 1965
most new, 15 x 13 x 13 insiie. nr
for quick sale. Safes epened. c
binations changed. Also
adding machines for sale,
J. W Locking. 464 llth S
Owen Sound.
\\\V Wi \
cf Revision to deal with
rhberry Twp.
restores a registered nurse to take
charge staff.Live mi-
Apply in writing to the un ders:gned
staring experience- age. etc.
A, H. EreSdne
Hursm Cte—nty Clerk.
Goderich, Ontario,19b
■96 W
f / /^^iPordivich Bride Will
■ * iLzre in Port Huron
Rheumatic Pain, Sciatica, Lumbago,
is over if you let RUMACAPS help
you to relief. Ask your Druggist.
FOR YOUR FALL Exterior Painting
try the New Flo-Glaze Duraflex ~
Paint available in white and colors.’"
Also good quality exterior Plant-,
ation. <white? paint Special $3.49 per
gallon. The 'Wallpaper Shop. 2vb
for sale; good condition; reasonable.^. Apply to Mrs. Arthur Thompson.’’
Highway 87. 1 mile west of Wrox-s
. eter, 19* j
POTATOES for sale. Apply to Glen-_
Appleby, RR. 2. "Wingham. phone 2 703W21.' 19*|
HOUSE for sale. 2-stcrey. red' crick.;
6 rooms and hath. 2 sun rooms, oil,
fumaee. water softener, electric ii
water heater. Apply evenings or ,
Saturdays to Vema McLaughLm ?.
Charles Sto phone 31U. 19rrb L
‘MY REAL ESTATE consisting
<1/ Veterans” Land Act small held-:
ing in. Wroxeter and f2>i & dwelling j
house on Shuter Street, Wingham. *■
unless sold pre’rionslv, will be offer-..
ed at public auction, on November 5.. ?
1955. Dr. R. E. Palmer. Wingham.
telephone 645. 19b
3~PC. CHESTER.!? I &UD Suite for sale t SAVE
also 2-pieee bedroom suite, kitchen! jock
PIANO BABY BUGGY, car seat, blue
velvet bunting bag. girl’s light
brown coat, size 7. for sale, all in
excellent condition. Phone 769J1.
Rally JMy Services
Rally Day services were held in
Donnybrook Church on Sunday morn
ing. Mrs. C. G, Washington told the
story and the junior choir, accompa
nied by Miss Louise Jefferson, sang
two numbers which added much to
the service.
VV.M.S, Meeting
A special Tnankoffering meeting of
the W.M.S, was held in the church
on Thursday afternoon when mem
bers of the auxiliaries of Auburn,
Westfield, Brick and Whitechurch
were present and each provided a
number for the program. Mrs. C, C.
Washington, of Auburn, was guest
speaker. The Donnybrook ladies
served lunch at the close of the meet
■ With the Community Players
the •
| Fire' __ _ __ _ -- , _
Iplay until December. Originally sche
duled for November 17 and 18, the
play would then conflict with the
dates of the Crusade for Christ meet
ings, and the club feels many people
who would enjoy seeing the play
would be unable to do so.
I We attended a rehearsal of the play
last week and saw Act H. This is
usually a difficult act to rehearse in
any play, and we were impressed with
the way it went.
Rehearsals will still go on three
times a week, except for exam week,
when there will be no rehearsals
held. With two high school teachers
and three pupils in the cast, as well
as the teacher-director, examination
week will have to be given every con
At a recent meeting of the club,
committees were formed for back-
stage work for the play. Mrs. Fred
Saint, who also has a part in the play,
■will be prompter, Phyllis Hamilton
has a part and will also be in charge
of hand properties. Mary Louise
Flach will be business manager and
Jim Currie is head of the stage com
mittee, and will be assisted by Mel.
Keating, Earl Hamilton, Bill Cruik-
shank and Bill Connell.
Baskets bf white chrysanthemums |
W ® S I I 'ferics, and lighted, ivy-ent-wmed i!
$ candelabra deeeraced Trinity Anglican,,
flinTTIO jChBrch, Fordwich, when Flere-nee*
Kill I Hn I Mabel Forrester, daughter cf Mr. and
Imts, Arthur Forrester, Fordwich, was
PIVEY—In Alexander Hospital IiU united in .marriage with David Bess,
gersoli, on Sunday. October 9. 1955, |Tomlin, of Pert Huron, Michigan, son
to Mr. and Mrs- John Spivey, of
Ingersoll, a son Kenneth Arnold, a
brother for Brian.
------- w
Oof Mr. and Mrs. George Tomlin, of | Harriston. Rev. Frank Russell of-
Iflciated at the double-ring ceremony
land wedding music was provided by
| Miss Eva Foster, of Fordwich, at the
organ, who accompanied Miss Eliza
beth Patterson, of Fordwich.. in ‘The
Lord’s Prayer’ and “Because”,
Given in marriage by her father,
the bride wore a floor-length gown of
white satin with a moulded bodice of
Chantilly lace and brocaded embroi-
Wroxeter, a son J aery taffeta* long light sleeves and a
I Mandarin neckline with sequins and
pearls. Her shoulder-length veil was
caught into a halo headdress of pearls
and sequins, and she carried a white
Bible crested with a red Sweetheart
rose corsage.
Mrs. Doug. McLean, of Toronto, was | matron of honor. She wore a balle-
kina-length dress of green nylon net
over dull satin, with ruffled frills,
draped bodice and a shrug jacket. Her
headdress was a green ostrich plume,
and she carried a bouquet of pink
and green mums. b£iss Ella Cober,
of Forwich, and Miss Marilyn Mc
Culloch, of Harriston, were brides-
| maids. They were dressed identically,
; bliss Cober in yellow, with mauve-
tinted mums, ana Miss McCulloch
in mauve with yellow mums.
Harold Darroch, of Harriston, was
groomsman, and ushers were Cecil
Yeoman, of Wroxeter, and Jack
(Hutchison, of Toronto.
A reception was held in the church
i parlors immediately following the
i ceremony. Guests: were received by the
bride’s mother, gowned in navjT blue
crepe with powder blue accessories
(and a corsage of pink carnations.
The groom’s mother assisted, wearing
i a. grey suit with green accessories and
!a corsage of pink carnations. Guests
vvere present from Harriston, Gorrie.
; Palmerston. Clinton. St. Thomas, Lis
ttowel, Sarnia, Walkerton, Durham.
^.Detroit, Toronto, Goderich, Wroxeter,
lRoyal Oak, Mich., Niletown and San
|Demas. California. j
For a wedding crip to points in the ;
U.SJL. the bride donned a Black j
Successful Supper
Another successful turkey supper.
sponsored by the Belgrave Arena
Board, was held cn Wednesday of last i ... ---- - -------
week in the enr-m-mitv arena. Ad- > ptoid suit with black and green
, T t ? accessories and a corsage of red roses,of October. 1955.. PiOsxrSA‘-e‘Iy £v-=ons sat aown at. I their return the couple will live
once to enjoy the rounteous meal. The , in Port Huron. Mich.
arena was appropnetexy decorated in jj
“the fag colors^ accented with ever-
'greens and maple leaves. _» Following the supper, a short pro-1,
f gram was. held with Rev. C. Krug | The Howick TownshiD Council
'as chsirma^ wh^ was totroduced bv!in-lhe ,^erk’s °ffice on October mcroaucea 05 jwith al! members present and
s»_imGn. ri alia nan. speeches were >reeve H. Gowdy in the chair
«given by Orval Taylor, reeve of E. | " '■ * * " ’ '
| Wawanosh: Bailie Parrott, reeve of "
i Morris and ESstcn Cardiff, MJ?, for
L Huron. Numbers on the program were
, S entertainment 'by Mrs. Joan Gaffney,
The foDowing articles.: 1 settee, ? of Xfiiehell'' vocal solos by Clark
upholstered armchairs. 1 upholster- j Johnston; Irish songs by .Pre Flan-
I chair. 1 small table. 1 book stand,Inagr.??!-? Scorch songs by Charlie
“Renown” coal stove. 1 9-X12* rag, .Hoffman, Bluevale; musical numbers
hall rack, 2 couches, 1 bookcase. |by Reg Bitton and Ross Mann; step
wicker chair “ rocker i. <L common | dances- by Frank Johnston and- Jim
fairs' 1 dining room table. 1 buffet, |Stoan, of Dublin and a reading by
T. & C. Fischer piano. 1 end table, sMrs. Walter Scott. A dance followed.
9’ x 11’ rag. 1 tfWhite) sewing jin the Forrester*® Hall.
6 th,
1 dresser and Mirror, 1 washstand,
Knox Presbyterian Anniversary
Anniversary service was held in
Knox Presbyterian Church, here, Sun
day afternoon, October 16. A large
congregation was- in attendance. Rev.
G. McClure, of -Mblesworth. was in
charge of the service, and the choir
of Melville Presbyterian Church, Brus
sels. was. in charge of the music. Mrs.
Wm. King was at the organ.
3dr. and Mrs. Louis Hayes, Elyria
Ohio, spent a few days this week with
the latter’s mother, Mrs. Thomas
; Brydges.
Miss Bessie Waite, of Goderich,
'spent Mondaj’ with her friend. Mrs.
19*1 X 'Wheeler.
----1 Miss Mildred Higgins, of Preston.
CARD OF THANKS------------i visited over the week-end with her
, I wish to take this opportunity of fronts. Mr and Nelson Higgins
----------Z--------7--------------—------Dm-t, fhanks and 2J2^ Mrs. Jim Wigatman and IF YOU are buying a car on tuna J’S. J Sof Lfetorel. attended the
ing our storage *
lockers, to town and
country citizens. Sell your cream,
eggs, and poultry to your "Wingham
Co-operative. Ask for your Cash ■
dividend for Eggs, Poultry and 5
Cream. It pays to deal with the Co-1
operatives in Wingham. 18rrb 1
I would like to take this opportunity
to extend my deep appreciation to all
my neighbors, relatives and friends
for their many kindnesses during my
sad bereavement, 'also for the many
cards, letters and flowers.—-Alexander
Nixon. — "
parents be sure to get our cards’treats”wMli ^IrersatyKnoxT'oItai
on. the financing and insurance. Our j j W3S sick._Mra. Alvin Orris. 19* ' *-•<
service is complete and inexpensive. .
Phone now and ask Stewart A. I
Scott, Phone 293. rrb I---------------------------------1IS YOUR TELEVISION properly in-1
sured? For complete informations
or protection phone 293. Stewart A.
■Scott, Wingham, for all types of Ji
insurance. 5rrb»
ASSOCIATION * I> * * r* + Ij “V/here Better Bulls Are Used” jirvcHDS in U>OUDty |
| Artificial Insemination service for P)p1 ox/ T-To rVP<;fTIM? s
Apply In "writing to Royalty Foodj^eeds of cattle. For service or in-|M J *
and Freezer, Box 127. Palmerston, j formation phone Clinton 242 or Mild- ( Rains this week have delayed the!
or phone Palmerston. 99 for apjxxnt-1 may 130rl2, collect, between 7.30 and ’ harvesting of v/hite beans and sugar
1716151 J l’W.00 a-m. on week days and 7.30 and!beets> reports G. W. Montgomery, ag-
.. . j - ’ ®ITO J ricuitural representative for Huron
FuH SANITARY SEWAGE disposal septic J County. To date seven cars or 334 tons
tanks, cesspools, cellars, etc., pump- of beets have been shipped from Blyth
ed and cleaned, quick service, all 1 and 60 cars and 2552 tons from Cen-
work guaranteed. Apply to Louis I traY13n
Blake, phone 42r6, Brussels. 15rrb '
| DEADSTOCK removed from your
farm promptly for sanitary disposal.
Telephone collect; Palmerston 123W,
111 1 i. j Durham 398 or Wingham 378. GOR-per, Itemfectante bring repeat bust- yoUNG LIMITED. lrrb
HIGHEST cash prices paid for dead,
old. sick, and disabled horses and
cows. Phone promptly. Atwood 153
collect. 31rr23N* K
AN^Eii^GETIC MAN who wants
to make some real money and
represent us in Wingham and dis-?
trict. Applicant must be neat ap-ji
pearing and know the district. I
ROBERTS—In loving memory of a
dear husband and father, .Charles
Anthony Roberts, who passed away
October 18th. 1951.—Sadly missed by
his wife, Lloy, and sons. Jack and
Richard. 19*
MacGregor, who is directing
Wingham Community . Players’
coming play, "Alice-Sit-by-the-
has decided to postpone the
Jean Allen Wed in
United Church Manse
Trips - Weddings - Funerals
Taxi and Car Wash
Located on Josephine St North
of CNJL Tracks
RAWLEIGH BUSINESS now open in 19.30 a.m. on Sundays.
Huron County. Trade well establish- j
c-d. Excellent opportunity. F"“ *
time. Write at once. Rav/leigh’sJ
Dept J-453-189. Montreal, P.Q j
19b |
WANT TO MAKE $50 to WweeHy? |
Representative needed in your W-|
caiity and surroundings to sell .1
guaranteed line. Floor polish, Pep-1
nees. High commission. For HIus-J
trated catalogue and free details!
write to FAMILEX, Station “C'J
Montreal 19b |
24 HOUR SERVICE on all furnaces
and oil burners. Apply Hiaeler &
Son, phone 426. ISrrb
Fall wheat fields are much
greener and in better shape due to
j recent rains, and despite the lateness
pf the season, pastures have greened
tup considerably.
I Huron County will be represented
by 27 4-H teams in the Provincial
Ihter-Club Competition at Guelph on
1 Octobet 21,
Church, and also visited with rela
tives in the district.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Rae and Douglas,
of Hanover, and Mrs. Annie Rae. of
IV/rOxeter. visited on Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs, Edgar Wightman and
family. Mrs. Annie Rae remaining
for a few days’ visit.
| Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Black, and
| Charlie, -of Britton, attended anniver-
nsary services in Knox United Church
i here and visited vrith relatives around
I' Belgrave.
Mrs, Norman Walsh, of Blyth. visit
ed on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
j Harold Walsh and Carol Anne.
Mrs. Margaret Lowry has returned
to her home in Dundas after spend
ing the past few weeks with her | sister. Mrs. Cora McGill,
j Lamont“-Mr and Mrs. James K.
i Lamont, (the former Irene Smith)
wish to announce the birth of their j son, on Saturday. October 15, 1955,
in the Wingham General Hospital.
I Don’t forget the Belgrave Institute
I "citizenship” meeting to be held in
I the Community Centre on October 25.
I The convener of this meeting is Mrs.
Wm, Brydges,
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Jackson, Har
riston, visited on Sunday with Mr. I
and Mrs. Jesse Wheeler, and attended ;
anniversary service in the United1
I Church, i
I Mr. and Mrs. M. Taylor. Mr. 'floss \
| Taylor visited Rev. and Mrs, C, E.:
I Taylor cf Leamington and attended I
’ the plowing match.
The minutes of the last regular
meeting were read and* on motion of
McMichael and Allan were
as read. Carried.
Allen-McMichael—that we
Ho wick Agricultural Society
of 5150.00, and up to $100.00
the School Fair. Carried.
Gibson-Haskins—that we „__ „
grant of $25.00 to the North Huron
Plowmen’s Association. Carried.
Gibson-Haskins—that we instruct
the Road Superintendent to hire snow-
|> plowing equipment in the Township
i* of Howick for the year 1955-56. Car
Allan-Haskins—that we accept the
petition on the Killinger drain and
forward the same to the engineer. Carried.
Gibson-McMichael—that we accept
the risignation of Alex Petrie re
Brucellosis inspector. Carried.
Haskins-Allan—that the Howick
Township Council ask the Department
of Highways to consider placing road
side tables and a barbecue on the I
site where permission has been given
to erect a cairn to the pioneers of
Howick Township on Lot 11, Con. 8, alongside Highway 87. Carried.
McMichael-Allan—that the amend
ment to By-law No. 7 of the Town
ship of Howick for the year 1946 re-
the Day Municipal Drain as read the third time be finally passed. Carried.
Gibson-McMichael—that the Dahms
Municipal Drain By-law No. 8-55 of
the Township of Howick for the year
1955, with the engineer’s portion
reading *14 road allowance between
Carrick and Howick boundary* amend
ed to read road allowance between
County of Bruce and County of
Huron’ as read a third time be finally
passed. Carried.
McMichael-Gibson—that the amend
ment to By-law No. 8-55. of the
Township of Howick re Dahms Muni
cipal Drain as read the third time be finally passed, Carried.
Allan-Haskins—that the amendment
to By-law No. 9-54 of the Township
of Howick for the year 1954, re-
' Greeniey Drain and Minto Branch as
read the third time be finally passed.
Gibson-McMichael—that the road
accounts as approved be paid. Carried.
Haskins-Allan—that By-law No. 10-
55, of the Township of Howick for
the vear 1955, setting the date for
nomination meeting November 25th
ahd the election if necessary Dec.
Sth. as read the third time be finally
. passed. Carried.
McMichael-Gibson—that wp in-
. struct the clerk to amend By-law No.
1 12 of the Township of Howick for the
• Vear 1948 setting the rate of pay for
. I D.R.O. at $7.00 and for poll clerk
' l $5.00. Carried.
Haskins-Allan—that the Townshin
, of Howick charge the sum of $5.00
per hour for use of grader to rate
payers in the Township of Howick
Allan-Gibson—that we instruct the
clerk to purchase a new typewriter
Gibson -McMichael—that the follow
ing accounts be paid. Carried.
T V. Edgar, funerals two complete.
$208 50: Wroxeter Telephone Co., tolls,
$9.40; Howick Mun. Telephone Co.
service and tolls $19.85; Village of Clifford fire services re L. Griffith
and W. Rohms .$14600’ Two of Bertie
relief re R. Baer $20.00: Harm Dane
nt. salary and postage. $241.35’ Wm Tavlor repair’ tn McMichael Drain
$3 05: Wm D. Colbv re-stake on Wm
Broiler Drflin s$ooc- cor-
v?oo relief re C Clark $36.34: Car1
I Willis bal. Kreller Drain contract
Itess re-stake expenses $89500: trans-
I for to road $2 258 84-I Moved by McMichael and Haskin*5
that wo do now adjourn to rneet again
oh Nov Sth or at the call of the ! reeve Carried,
IX H bollock, H. Gowdv
» Cletk, Reeve.
give the
a grant
grant to
give a
The United Church manse was the I scene of a pretty wedding on Satur-
Iday, October 16th, when Jean Shirley
Allen, daughter of Mrs. Gertrude
J Allen, of Wingham, was united in | marriage with John Kenneth Dunbar,
I son of Mrs. Agnes Dunbar, of St.
IThomas, and the late Mr. Dunbar. I Rev. D. J. MacRae
|wedding ceremony,
i The bride wore a
heavy white satin,'lace overskirt, a separate jacket and
|long lily-point sleeves. Her headdress
I of sequins and rhinestones held in
i place a finger-tip veil and she wore I three strands of pearls, the gift of the
1 groom. She carried a colonial bouquet
of red roses.
Miss Beverley Casemore, of Wing-
Lam, was bridesmaid. She wore a
strapless gown of light green net over
taffeta, with matching stole and mit
tens. Her
flowers to match the dress, and she
carried a
Keith Montgomery, of Wingham,
was groomsman.
For the wedding trip to Northern
Ontario the bride chose a light blue
wool gabardine suit with navy ac
cessories, and wore a corsage of pink
The couple will reside in London?
officiated at the
strapless gown of
with a net and
headdress was a band of
colonial bouquet of pink
James H. Hopper
Passes in Clinton
A former well-known merchant in
Belgrave and Wingham, James H.
(Harry) Hopper, 84, died on Sunday
in Clinton.
Born in the Belgrave district, he
farmed there for a number of years
before operating a store in Belgrave,
where he was in business
He later ran a store at
end of Wingham, and was
here for many years. Since the death
of his wife, the former Frances Stone-
j house, seven years ago, he had lived
in Brussels.
Surviving are two sons, Lyle, of
Belgrave; Russell, of Exeter; and two
daughters, Mrs. D. A Rann and Mrs.
Robert Johnston, both of Brussels.
Funeral service was held Tuesday
from the residence of his son-in-law,
Brussels, with Rev. Andrew Lane, of
Brussels United Church officiating.
Interment was in Brussels Cemetery.
for thirty
the north
a resident
Nixon, a resident of East
all his^life, died suddenly
Hospital on Sunday, Oe-
after an illness of about
Edmund Nixon Was
Wawanosh Resident
in London
tober 9th,
a month. He was in his 66th year.
Born in East Wawanosh, he was
the elder son of the late William
Nixon and Elizabeth Armstrong. With
his brother, Alexander, he ran a large
400-acre farm in the township, and
was also engaged in cattle dealing.
He was a member of the Donnybrook
United Church and was known for
his neighborliness and pleasing dis
Surviving are one brother, Alexan
der, with whom he lived, and a sis-
ter Eliza (Mrs. James Plowman), of
London. A sister Annie (Mrs. Jack
Daniels), of Toronto, and a brother
Telford, of Nile, predeceased him.
The funeral was held on Wednes
day afternoon from the Arthur funer
al home, Auburn, with interment in
I Greenhill Cemetery, Lucknow. Rev.
C. C. Washington officiated.
Pallbearers were Robert Chamney,
James Leddy, Charles Robinson, Gus
Devereux, Charles Jefferson and Nor
Iman Thompson. Friends were present
at the funeral from London, Grimsby,
Goderich and Brussels.
Top price of $157 was paid by J. E.
Murray, of Mooresfield, for a boar
offered at Wellington County York
shire consignment sale by G. B. Crow,
of Hespeler.
The sale of 11 boars, 12 bred gilts
and 10 open gilts brought a total of
$3,238. They were offered by 16 con
signees, including the livestock branch
of the Ontario Department of Agri
culture, represented at the sale by
Hugh McGill, who placed three boars
on the block,
Free Delivery, Phone 82
Quality & Service for over
40 years.
Save on these Week-end
Cudney Choice Peaches
20 oz. tin 19c
Dole Pineapple Juice
20 oz. tins - 2 for 27c
Carnation Milk
Tall tins - 2 for 25c
Aunt Jemima’s
Autumn Pancake
Aunt Jemima’s Beehive
Pancake Corn
Flour Syrup
Pkg. 19c 2 lb. tin 29c
Ontario Potatoes
Large basket
(16 lbs.) 39c
Ita M ItaHw!
Radio & Electric
Phone 171-J Wingham
DuoTherm *