Huron Signal, 1868-4-2, Page 1mermen •
W.T.COX. E atter andProprietor.1
Oro 1211c711,17,1alriercir- I
Dusincsc, Directory.
ITLOWOrt .1. Moan. 31.
'II Ft rale I AN. MUNI WW1. ke , A e. nn`e• yews
• ewes. In she r. t Am% .1nrene Ime wet
One ntese resale. •. V. A. 11.M.1111elewee
• U. A. 1. ruo •• tuoross th• lan
A en r Corps 41 knew*, %low ,&,.
sift ••• and reselenee -Mr. T sy Jaelsens... Intr.
1f, -1.onentwireao ea animal awes ar:
t.i.4.4mIIie • • sea rv.
Iscinglwar. Onto 0.1. Ult. ISM. win
4 r
_ - - -
310(114.111. _
cp. telt t an wrote. rtir•t 'ate einttlEow tee
▪ Aemarheer. 11.selaraser, • ,
Febower d.. Ilaf. ware
gaps.. tkotch.eed From sow . • mere.. e ra es, as, , no ag oa, tt,
- All eoentry and other sale" entreated 10 iga ceaed•,„„
Bliciineso Directory.
A. M HARDY 8; CO.,
AVEUXiX_Fir EX)rrioni.
The Greatest Possible 3001 to the Greatest Possiblo Number.'
ALLAN P. If &arm, !c • . Wawancenb.
. .
• _
,Lewirg Machines. At this time mune one attempted to
11 1 '1' I 1 e. ' The °outwit to. this thiy pursuant k. door Fanning jumped upeud rushed out,
Outsell Room. Mar. JO IMO. 14:tectiusnot, opeinutt.:1:
I TAILOR and cLOT *4"
1 aaljouninieut, all the members 'tranvia. falling between the two tars. Conductor
Mr. Min Hediey preeented • chum for Obristian, supposiag the MAU WY killed or
11 for lasso( sheep by dogs ;said claim iujured, nut out, ingtudleel the en -
I Would &income thu he has *. cured Su:
TO agony of seam t disallowed, on account , gmeor to stop, and looked for
Fanning, whom ittecoveced on
s First class Smog Macithes, rrhii2ri3A1. Zut1girnr.°%nrgese""
• called uputt hint to stop or he wi weld Inn
, The followiug pursuits were eppiented to the west side of the train sunning itt full
refliou for IfInft viz : Pathumaters Edward speed, and crying "Murder !•! Christie.
vetheoehandIwW. J. McdJuillen, Alex.
West Street, Gederiek, Bresdeetry which he a prepared to tell at ,the, lowest I Cankers/14 Jas. D. tiliurry, W. Allen', duo.
efla i t R •rf 1 J I I 31 eh Donne
- -
11r. ettentinver. oar care will receive prusort attention.
maid, ne:tia. and Vlowesod Ve6"11*, DrriAntsi OLD STAND,
gla %TWAT!: of Oo. Moho., levernmed
Hamilton Street.
mews., it-er rem. ttmetence MetO.rell•• Gedeneh, Jaa. 13 1,MO.
Leas. iemi oposl see Moneys advanced on footle sad faraiters. Gloms, O•ea• 3.••
W31 He feels madden, of loving satufsets on to all
Gotteri..h No•.221str. wet
• erho may favor:a. WAY their orders.
Relit. Fowler, E nos 'loran,
- -Malcolm Trtolaralwant. _
Jas Linemen, Itobt &Iron, Hugh Me.-
itherson, Welsb, Geo Webster, Jhoe
Fitomerrille, Jas Itareage, Jae Barbour, J
tlrensche, Geo thuripbell. new. Campbell,
IL. 1.41C1k11•Mtiat
TriCflt1r. l• tit
U elsesek• ihaers wee M LAO' US..
M. Muter...won.
10p inittorr:n. envie A, /011.1ell'Ogh Ite.
13 Chown. DO.
TT. She rho Ineoll
T let:•00:11. 41,11SVP,11:11. 111TFIELTI, e4
1 Nan. vdtao, or ewswer IsswewolTe a-
v./Wu. weaved
'Infoolivtas Want flevalet.
ftrnt. re -deem' 4,10 rienvivetti.• WASP
ki Warreoe. trereM, .1143
SU ROW A L OPERA rf VIC A NO MECHAM. TWEED SUITS (all wool)thibeeseupwards. s TAR TED AFRESH I Jus puinken, Ilich Jas Wilmot/it
Ciunenin, Robt M ulnae, JIM. Glasgow
ID 11%7 Sr I gal °X' • Goderich, Seat 2ste. 'gee.
A t. Sir N. 3.-Cetting done to 4hr t.r, gigg ' • Thor' Peter Dono oe, Thus Woods,
ELECTIU/PATHIST, Wiu Cummins, Geo Toidialo, moo Troy,
Thos Carney, Jno Mallon h,Devid Sinytte,
mmilirb TEETH inserted in either Ple
• lied Referee on reasonable tense
tom. Onld. Silver. or Walesa
trio -ens ever nue Peet Odes. West Wert
Cow inert InIIII04e1.1111tekelleeNT
(MTN FrICES, Proprietor. This if *3.
1 largauf•arl heetCreantry Howl te Wender
;rneasta.and els.argea tot inotlemste se an HMO
. Mvt..1m11. Singe Proprietor. Oeed wear
' RS Items. Hersey and 5*. ?$5j• for Has, am
.orreal NOW.. 14,1
L.. VB. :tension.
cton. PNOINPTR Vitt senors..., taxi)
Aganisnd KnIra01.. 1
JA IRK ittl I net
11,11e(TIIII.D. Post Orme e. 4,40
IOWA ‘N.:It. I. 581, %ND mums' th maitT.
Memo If A por • s nt.
011re -1! C. 11.1,11.1. c'swalan.. el.terleh.
- -
D. P. C AIPSIF:11.1a,
PDrywie,•to. 1,181, st. n'sru.
kr sae. la 11, Drug aure. as
_ ...a fie ....-resf len andsr-r, Tsis
• Rot. neirt.,...n, forti. M1211...
nv the direct road fro. Seaforth to
11 Netherton. Every necessary aecbm•
sedation tor the travelling entitle.
vrreaeter, Noe. 10467. .42
/1. 1. C11111110114111. rrepneter.
IllATND en tie corner on the Northern
1.0 Drawl Road. Lork wow, Aug.:ma ever,
Inswnong for 110dertels and Walnersne. Tag
bet.1 in Anna o,11. *verse areostmoodatons for
commercial traiNters. leree Hall emceed.
CAPITAL, g2,(100,000 STER1.1NO. •
TrIIIVICannuar lets afeeurv 5.,. aleltiah
I lion. of (heeteme.1.y she W. Errect OW-
essaneviao er the . dare
ate What Awe &a Tote s Pr Me. x.
M1111111. IL DPILog.
J .41
'THE sideurdser lava: F.ESIOV len ei ehe
atom !stele °teemed ht 1.11.;NCAN.
. • •
A GREAT ClrItt air isartmenwei.tist AM 0-
Careen. Priam F......ard C., C. W.. %trek PIO.
Varso C ossentov.-eare• her., Wa-
ned rm. mr •oro prams.. • turd.
nun erdi nateml re. lorrernaptensr WWI try.peuta.
I ma Ware.. 5. nate isee anstessent sealer ..11., sets.
la Mooney 1.1 I hare beee sow y ralheird
Very %nem a...A.1101. Onlen.n. non
first dear smith of Ittnahant'4. Mark., Swam.
whom' to inborn 161 frie soh its the Teen of han drowns
(letierielo gad eerveeedieg verstry, thin he rr:"....^.'"iy.,".-",,..""1.°.'"::""'"noro'w.o'nvo:'01•4°...1.74.1%
new hag the larret and Ine. enelelsOn Stank enmesh. Wormy ..ere nrin Union Minn... GM.
of Fall &ad Wimp? soote•oo geweest Tarn o4. le ehlv, 1 .11.151.W.
Iroh our P,In, aun twee I mow eof I Gond hut 6155.
r hoof.% bse 1 Ards another met den 1.werl coy health
.4.14.0•10e. ronlion.I onrn 1 Invn Wien Ouse len
Mall.% lour an.I I Sul that I 'have guar re.
entered 5.4. Wen, ws nom eon oe awa.sfmnef. t ale
of any house io the elont•T•rontainfng Yea eel *or cis Area in 'Mewling I. 1.eantea.
TO. Arlo, Temente., 1. nu I on. hake., mach loester.
woo of Leis and Chiniren•a ee4
, ld hun the now 1,11..1.11.••• Waft n•
that he las very tart. assorteient ot woes...0.4,o Rowed. to ...yowl mem rood
g EN TLENI \ $1 mrsnaray void onfionorn.., nsd I uvula
swassgy ..ninfnend all 6111..,
aver. .'.»
Woe kW ol., Pail.
1 N. CADMAN. J. P..
Ceenni.....r ,a. ,o oodoe Meow& C. W.
Boots and Shoes
.COoree And. fifw. hatill ss... le 1. nn.I of' 1.3.
nen monurnettlea, artieh he will is -Il
Cheap for Cash!
4's;1 nnsi unier, Xi tic i., that he
hna jinn the goods ynn int.
God,rieh, Sept. 21. .4
WIZ, Wieult TO
111. 011 55585
A L it fa 11 el U I' If•
„hid, h,. is prophro I lc", looks on so the shell,
est itieI for ('oh.
Universal Sewing M aching!
}is 11'2st Ilit•priood aeline in thc marktt
Ooderieb, Oct. 133,3867. .3(3
Government Stook.
REPS It 'V MEN T r. amour,
will 1!,
TH' Treltnuleal• mnes
nnnInI,Ini noel coorr• Cened• hy
In.. CR EAT INN It ReEl/Y. They ere
4."..m. 5.41. teem lo ensersnre
slos s,,r ,.r emi M.41wInel Coons...
nroml efor Co '4 tPow ler re amble on 151 Iir,q41
Ihse nt Leer., meet. o.e•••',.°
Same, °hos 4. kr,. son... n.oIn, Inn vlann•
ntrn awl ell des-wou e515115 hem
Imre... Mew Tn.( we Indellr .5. 1/.1 VIM Imes
!enemy los nw.YER BEEN 1.(41' 4,1•LF.U. Where
err 'here err, rneh a purr In the person n
Pasern. Inerhton r. W. a C.a.nupsam er
shot .flasser C. r tinom;ovr., 55•.•
And.. C.58,
and Ioner , en' tnnl John
111- y• Nero., tr. W.Co7te'nelnaaturn, who fed
h., on resseher re- sews, in men o(.II tree,
ovens a. in now eels. Renee sd sock ra.•
„.se,/ he leen... had we
I Y',18 thr Mao eml ger • l'irenlar
nn.s•emnahl• "1, the 1111MA 181105..
••••11/45 RISMF.DV and 1•11.1.11, and saes. ever
i'CiTe of flu RemPdy in !urge pints$10
l'ess Mlle At 1,11 Deeming awl lhoders on 84 .4,
ens, Arno far shWarteh, Y. Jordan mat I•Arksr
111101..11114 LE AGENTS*
L'ftl ‘,1111.1.1WIT ••••
1. 53518151 4'
T. ',emu.. *my 111A1111..T01.
NOLONDOIC k wr 111,
A. RANI hTtne e.„,.
N 0 T -f -c- E.
Crabb's Block Kingston Street.
Steam Axe Factory.
Jno McLean, And sm..° , Joe Mallough,
Jai. Bowers, W. Wilson, Moms Melbas', thug monitng the selliJer in charge 'unlock
!Rich Stably, Throe Fidland,*10N est the cell, and the mast was found to be
Jns, 11111, .Ino NelstIff, John Mum, W dead. Deoseried was apparently about. 45
robin to Bestoo, whe
gilt one."
••And a gilt one was
-OR THE-- the cage, and have it yet
part wadi it furs great
'There Imam agreeille
Edward Black loco f eyes,:
A STORY OF mints. Hs regarded her
with feeling' uf rowtion
RIVER, MAIN al ocapi .,th 8•14*
he kuow not what funit 1,
dad not heed him. and down 'the bank he 1177,
.. ....__.____ _ _
he did not dane to venders .•
otT the bank into the eater; but the man
Wout into uot dip, rhino he Souudertai in 131E11 ton Bentagimst. Mt that Lim voice would betray
coteliaotor could reach hos with a pole, As he stoke those words, his eye kind- felt grateful that the fair plavumns
whiolt he tai4,1O not to have alias
the water two iir three mottoes, until the
With which Training ens dragged ashore. led and ha elude form dilated with a nob- boyhood'.. elemantly resueusbei Ad
The half amain,' man 0 an swam put ..11 ler outline, All it yielded tothe aspiring out- and no sallUslett Us t AMU, le
the cars ateletonteyedto the depot, whence loTwatIolUgs id the spirit %baton. Ruh all at for MM. yei1101 past hadmarked her
yo„ ndered that the haughty reserve
he WA* 1AkeU to No. 1 Station -house. once hw brow colonel a ith elf the blood "a•li1rtel's 0"0,10 too ,tedo kiln, hod
that his name was James Fanning, and • aloud. aupinating loomed to lie aliine,when beim shared in by this noldoetookins
beautiful Sinter. .
AboUt 11 o'Clouk he told Lhipt. Dickerson of his hea.t. for he Mut uttered hisi wordl
that he WM • Willer ; wwd from papers looking down onto the chaneel, he saw ‘_ "8,11,e iit. lomat dose not &spas ine fo
bated on Lilo it appeared that lie had standing in the weeder out of whieb he "w""""""ittw•11"‘ Pwid..°kItn."1,‘"*,,,,,J.
been ettmed in tuitt1114 coal for the But- had been looming, a young lady who was '111•`°° 11.'"'"'"^"IL 'ti ' -"- -
ler Cot&ry Company, At 9:15 o'clock ratan/Ong lion with cun.sity aud eurpriee. has beceme • Ilow pure and noble
t_...o be her elude character ! How free
l'litt *he liail evidently heard every word
And that eke "hook'
he Lad uttered, ht• saw by the ex ertasion """-tat'"w .-
Geo:tfcCartni.r, Jas Row, Owen Jones,
Geo Currie, 1.1 Kerr. Foam Viewers.
13 l'iok, Hugh 'Worland, Jae Teapot, Jno
FLOUR. Ge,t•eivel, Cora -meal and Rill
Gordon, Jaathuutuings, Geo Weetherbened
Pound Keepers. -WenJackman, Alex Fry,
.Int cf prime Sugar Cured RAms
Wm Humphreys Wm .1 Qiiillen. Petition
ead Rolled Peron.
of A itisinigeour and 3.3 others treleave the
• Jest received this morrinr.
hen Bushels priine Potatoes. JOHN MePHERSON aide between luta 24 and 25 on 3r48
•11 and litho...assent surveyed and to have
1000 •• ems. IsEGS to atinounm to the public that IMO id curtai„ Nihon mid iouted__patitien.
T. VANEVRY k re. ed • d • ed
Ooderich June 'I, I Sa.;7. slatf.
G( 31) 3( 34 •
Mari %area° to's* 3s
• E Seheeriher hes new ea heed • ei am
• ber of good, steel shod
Sleighs, Cutters, &c.
Call sodas. tin...
Vittoria Street, Goderieb.
Dee. 17111. 1867. 1449
333 1%T.
Insurance Company.
1581513 urFfcr. -145, IV VILLt 8TliSET, DCULIN
Jo., Om. , Pendeets• Mani
!Wenn • erne f'.. Perlelawm 41.
Armagh : Dre.,11: Ine 1 ',Meas.
Leelly 1153101 sown.% es I own -Ilseirs. a.
Jena Wohurnu flee.. FArs tl•lemetn. Merelsent.
Upper llolo111. *rook send greet Itronewirk Atreet.
11*8117. Ineator et Co De/6En Tenement.' Company
R..1{, v 1,11 .5,,',,. Ent.. Ilessetwars.. remaniande,
Conetv11.u1s. ant Iteekeill• nes. MA. 11001n.
.1 tit t'ieurtri.i Iles. And Ilririckm.. -Madre
ke.ttlah Arnaatoe 1111.
C....111111 Wan_ 111.4,net. Illtrmisen
Ptr,e1 swl Month sin. len., ;
floccirloen 1,110. Ilnindesom. nasty Wats, •
torm•tor 0a. therspany.
Bletwattis ewer. Pei , 57 itaterlao Root, DOD* .
J. P. kr Gunn, Masa.
PAVIII111,144nnv,• (1.. oncartr.. . Mewhant.lrotee
Menar.esfeent. Dowortennk. Co. DOM..
Nowa, C Hr., Mid. Mame, Wale, ;
*WI Illeninit It.sre :1 P. keerendr Twee
MAU, Wst.41. Noma" -J. lane. Mos.
0101Mr RA. Trews. 51, nml 141 Aserww1M
111311111111 -TI. ennuis nuat.1
ft .11 UitIFTTTR.
G. RTM11%L.I. CA,
.A.sorta GeV M.S. wIIt
A N fl EON
• heen exislenee Th rry•twin rear.. and
among that persol pa'J eteeerImil
Fire and a half million pounds sterling,
slur root.... •ein over
1•Pde to -n1 r,n1rinolIrci to
Ihe aldislonent or 11.'a Instssehers. Ow
confident. ol C! rusreslione, 'Ylerelm nt• •
Hossarh.lflera, •nd fewness ine• generally,
wherever a la reprewe.ted.
In its Ist year. 111314, Ilse Vire Premiein.
alone nmosinie i to ... .... VI.070
fa Ito 100 year, 1548. 6. •• r• .C17,710
1. 10th Vele, Insie, s. r• .C.21,11T8
111th rear, DOW. .• .C.8'8•381
One year facer. •• -• e, gmee.05.-,
16. Vire Ibmary. Fowl m now 34.127.164
The fore Remerye Fond ia nom 50.242.460
The romps., reenmented threnrheno On-
tario eml Qlsehee, Alt nIllsee1.1 A IMMO...
WIssee tIldteelson In, oneernnee we. he mode.
H. P.C. Shill 51, fle.lan1 trectelire.
M. .
A. SI. Bo's, A fr. for Consort, 11• V
Molt, for Eyelet I W.N.W alum Ins Seoul h
Doderielt.P. lb. I 1.Phse • 1•41
Division Courts.
OTTAWA, Times for holding DIVISION COURT
Izzz: 7.47, grtz Farmer3 of Hunt FOR THE,
renettliOnt. hen. J... OW ere. WO lent% af 1IIE •••
"8' -88. Ow! alo. to In... •111 re cm. tl Mani at TUAL FIRE
The mesh.., nys4 le p145 trefare Watch 11110. On. C COMPANY,
TVA:, Oret; s'Is.'"Arls sl'f's;:"f7a- ...4 nn,kf Obengd 0 r 0 .A. l'••T .A. ro ,Ani.
•.ne gender I. sAnt on Inn. sonotsnte
11.0 A, I' M 0. WInce. : W_ f• liAretk,„,4 ,,,,, 0„.1.,.,.. _ nib
nnellla . Pr....frof Menlo% Anserlews hank N.. _ ... i ,ory. R.,%.“ .
enter Re helm II.: . We
11.71=1*.nnnt4.,'; 'Ili 1jC/h? 147.4.11144/i.NA. 1111"0" m.4'1111'11 m "" .. 1),,,los re Roma W
oenfr. has Itied'v ,
I mt.* Ifiedt. mums
• -- - . ___. _ -- wt. er ,r„,. Ten-
mm11 the rec. 171 01 (1,, Oeseners•nt of thr reedessines•
(Mor.JSanne 11t11, Utak
moura 1110,4 row,. In I he payment of lanes.
, Oseferi.
admal nallf • eery 1..uft's
AAP earl 1"1"14"1. `11"1""' h....ffewent The rest
velum p Iplisotory I 6( limonite la ihn 3
ne110.1 and •
osz other rr c,,e, ware leas
I bei hatillealli et the Cornett* ef Herr* 5:: a: " 1" W ." • " M.•4; 44' .'"n"
TIM Sr 118011111ER BIOS TO INFORM a. 4;:r dn'Al
• nrrind
• nd Renee( hat ben sullf Ittegalliolne/fg"It Weenie le huf Fe -
,a111111. ib. Agent w oil fin
nn has/ a another ell is 11"4•1*
He wield nertreirterry sem er rumen°, 10 ei Mew". 601 /1"111'wefe Irons, '
•0111...01 he Din werreettasaa toles" Wheel Dew 'hew. beeriare. hems 6.„ Leen.. ;ten
W.I. WOW.. • A 1 wawa II.
nns•.enplite. elan. ke. Pampa iseest• *Met loon
I 6 .
3.9 G.-4*Se%, Thunder, IRA
s r slog
rir, " Hayfield, lieteriay, let
10th ° ("beton, Monday, ard
2tel " Sneforth, Titeaday, 4 I b.
1113. " A alley, Ills, Werhienday,hth
688 n Exeter, Friday, itte.
lat GoJerie.h, Themlay, 30th
Ste " Deagansmis Finlay, 1s1
7t1 " 11.76.1,) Saturday, 204
10ile o (loom, MonrIty, 411t
2rel " Seeforth Toesdey, bth
I I th • w roamer, Wed nembsy,li th
bth " Exeter, Friday, Rth
The rereml Corea will open at 10 o•
Oodencle 23r51 Dremahre, 1547.
1111151 T3',
• J C Berms
years of age. He ie said to have got on
board the mum at Stmtford, and there was
nothing unusual in his conduct until the
cars reached Dunnville- Ala •Ist 40 miles
front Piet Erio-when be manifested a
desire to get through the ear window.
Trona the " Globe."
over for the presen•. so far ea relates
sworn reseki,i1r.T, te two est ho 8.18Po.ti°r to the expenditure of Ulnas,' filr grading. 1* ill 'encoded la• aide that Theodm'e
inn in larger Twenties than hithertn, apd. with regard 18 3... auraey ie.,. a,„,..,d by Lae concentrated ten thousand men in his
hymen to eta the same satisfaction that has
attended hie efforts up to the present., Mr. Hunter, @sounded 10y hr. Cuuunings, capital, which ia fortified, and will there
These axes have gained a widespread Thad the County Surveyor be requested to await the sasault .d the British forces,
run the side ling as above, provided that Oen. Napier is pushing forward lei feat
noFulerill' tkrou4k-"it Hum° wwd 11'• the parties intenated in the survey furnish es he can with poidente and sof ety.
Remember the shoe: Corner of Waterloo ...... expen.,
5 nu neoessary laseAi to the surveyor at their No MS Call bp more anxious than the
and Lirliihouse streets
witStf that the cleric write te Couummulenin-Chief to finish the matter
Guderich. Ike. 2, 1467. Mr. Bay (and to the parties interested) to successfully end with dispatch. But the
-•• - have the survey. made forthwith. --Car- enterprise is difficult, the country new and
A P R 1 L. ried. Mov.,:d by Mr. Hunter, seconded luitried, the people unknown and usual.-
. . is indigent cireunistature, be allowed tall not to lw (weaken for an instant. It Is all'
by Mr. Gaunt, that Thus Fithian who is I ble and the lase of operation distant, yet
__ _____
awe law Wereled the elefor land. 12th July next for payment of hie taxes very well to Spunk of making a dealt and
snd RAW her pawl Awns wen ; for 11167. -Carried. Moved by Mr. Cum. finishing the thing r.glit away. Stay -at -
KW klmol Nem le won. near lesms. mings estermilod by 31r. Gaunt, That the benne worriors are full i if dash anal over -
Sill 511.1 1. rm. ens owe «wawa. Itond l'ommisnimier be instructed to get • Sowing In strategy. Sine., the thing 1. 3.
sie. owe...1th.* elUs Iser metal nen,
Asal nsela Use weeds Wel dem Wie. . bridge built on side line between lota 18 he done, every will say let it be done
and 19..0 teeth concession selojeet to the thorotighly, though with some measure of
And art in.. re. ros ex .7 Welk ; approval of Ileum Gaunt and Ciumniugs. tils:wnein4 .
Her WS. rhash th. nal.itreea.
-Carried. Moved by Mr. Midlwam, The SAIIII. ignoranm which will naturally
Her pease.. tarp Inkthfnl,y
A.4 In t. rendered nook tons
lift 1..Absol si.A•11.1.4 and Wk. tiato..stuigadjeurnuit4.• „Thuer,clem s,,,,,,,,r1t to adi._vecurrirtinowasitt
seomded by Mr. Gaunt, That the CUOMO keep considerate nun from criticising be.
e:irllereplzvtaihet the.liTi...rnintAiuga 1.,:en.tiuntim.,Napior.,r
I'nua Is... of the ,moloseCk : •
JAS., SO./TT, T p. Clerk. the yudieioustieot of Theodore's !dens of
OW suet. 11.. yetlent ..ergenew.
ilar /rt. a arr. .4 .....1 goal.
.1.fenee. We might naturally have thonglit
Ghee lammed pew.. le tie knew. •ClotufVerftsifere. ihnt lie would Imve tned to •rail himself
Awl teartes teem ewe ..1 •Wl.- . Clover Capture of
of the terrible defiles which lead to the
roe ewe. ts. tiers rills Niece Maell rinds. --
And lugha t.. Weer Use casts. emit. telde upland, met thin he would, &ten y rate,
Mr. Smith, a t'anadian, now • detective
have nuele a stand before concentrating au
annonsans. 6,3-6 th. odor au. an Detroit, a vary clever rapture in Guelph his forces rinitial his capital. Vitt whether
Rhos enfln the eh.. nen. has bre ;
Bet Oats a sasossinft In the m.o. . on griday night last, r4 two burglars who the course said to be adopted shows r•ner-
ur.,.• ....1. ague, •sal prss• hie era.; b„,t r„1,1,,,,i a atone. A search of the *Ishii, are 330 0.58 en a position to deter -
won to toe laa .1.11. meat% 1., Vie.
And oroes what. sa Use glow.
/ler ercuwe awl 4.1.1.
tape .11 13. ana.1.1 *say no. We r
Tan trim. ir in tiros of erwe.
Awl net theinselwre a pert& gar;
Arno 1 ns Male, U. Isra.....•
Oa WU wit Odd, her annumais War. .,
Rh. r.h. the oaner yawl es -rope ;
7140 suneet's aal &IWO se ;
fIlls the •11.8 •Impont meat*
11 -ea s epee, 1111.4 .1.10ine senpue.,
And rake. tbe
To ',Noah Ws vita Wris noir. Mee ma.
At Ws *he dew. her wort I. deer,
•5.1 11444 e easlomelear,
Den..s.r. toe', of sp..%
feressant wet I. ahead. nue,
Awl ••••••• 5,.,,ger, trawl...,
Adams &or sana.husesse.lir., three. •
Ash! when en. ws. th, SUM
Thad ne. 51.• Isana. May,
Irle thsel. hes sew. is feat.
*AI e•Tp. .1.. ann., -or.
em Ifer Ware apet cm..
And terse nee le* end Ile. asol•
Ilies of the Arms in Walking.
The Gest time yon are walking with peer
arm' nt liberty, atop moving them and which enchant 13.0 3370111151 attached to the
old Congregational u/aurch ia DoW Mr.
hold thou by your aide. You '.1)3 1* sun
lumber yard --and the other
prts.v1 how nem your companion will
ionac 7711 behind, aittmgh 7*10
egr,7, Reticles were found in Long'. cooloer shop.
twist, wriggle, and try.very hard to keep :::,,r,wmor.kwede inamriLes,yns, aThoneer,,me.r..byatirad, 41.„.
up. (Me reason for the slow walk among
Ole is to be forma in this practice of carry- °"0,141'0 (11‘05140 unknown) who hia, for
ing the ern,. inotionleaa 'Three en the present, eecaped. After securing the
hour with tlie arms still. is as hard work cicgazItatbenneeztt.s,trpw.wash.:,;
as four on ilea with the arms fn.e. I have emilig•nitirow 4ndthe
Niemen.' premises revealed a quantity of
counterfeit coin. 'The 31,remry mays John
Long and Richard fitinsiin were on Settle -
mine. Thcre nt every measion to believe
that Theodore haa no great confidenoe u.
ene of the Al iyes. Man chiefs, aud this III&V
he homed to account for movement, which
day brought before his Woniltip charged would otherviii. jftryirlimbio,
n.„,b b7..34u44 11180 Z. Grand.. „a We have thie to mark, however, that se
General Napier has to ilraw all his reliable
Quebec street, and steeling therefrom a
supplies frein his ehipa, the farther his
elteet of tea, and a quantity of liquors and ionent drew him from these, lwfore
CIL4111. A detective from Detroit has been rigeig* y ch,an a maiw.gatio. v. Tnneh
about Guelph Lir the pest tow days. What, the better for hien. A brtttle lost tr. Theo -
ha errand thither le we know not, but it d„ra ,,,,ybt tba ioa eneae nito,
is probable that he had moue business to
gether ; and lite longer the more
settle with Stineon, the nature of which wearisome rind expensive therefore Ite can
1.111 rippoir hereafter. Ile had in wind of make the undertaking to the Itriainh,
the entiteun'lated h"r1.11'wY. w1"811 RI'Pe•r• much the more h.v. he may think there is
to have been planned tor sortie time, sod for ultimate delireranee.
also of the hour at which it wee to be et- 11-.. British tax -payer, much enduring
tempted. Cut .... tuatiett;ng Ina information nnd most respectable per...nos he in,
tote Chief Constable, a reconnoitering
we Ina account, We fear, with waiting mei-
pally was formed, hut tine of their twine5. eittly, grumbling as little as towable, and
Mil aims, thet of taking them in the aet,
was danowd ty the vpssrst.,.. th. the boat, fora couviderable time
burglars on the scone amut ten No far lir all woninte, General Napier
instead of between twelve and nue, the hos shown a great deal of energy mid prn-
tile, at which they were expecteel. The u
suer& very tliffienit teak in hand :
chest of tea wail found behind the fence a tisk, comparison inth which Sher -
man's celebrated " innrch to the nen" arm
mere ehilil'a pley ; and he has a I.:teat to
expert • fair generous support and patient
irtfidence ; till be hes 'burn hinerlf
worthy of both ; and, we believe, he will
get them.
The North-Wont•And British
g , Columbia.
4e1n t'he "t„ieeni 4 thd a lt.144"all; , 1 hlveer their chink' at Waltra Ito, „ were im- The rerreeponaerwe no the irobjeet of
h°"•TillInfmfeww•lk irli:thithe 'to% wt'andILII'l ,OilloctrrnOl'oul ww`diwtelY taken Int"' CU8t?d/ • Th. the Notth-Wi at Territory snd Iltitieh
apd entranct. to the shop was effected without
They moved their arms in afree Mt
3. difi b h f d , Cnlembis 0,11 bid on the tidal.. of die
fill 'winner. Could this habit become un • gg„,,,et ne !„roa tieing twor,,,,,,gry to r,,,,,,,,,, - ifener on Tuesday. Aceompanyeng the
lifs nemletions -.eased
tAs w. have said, they emtreenond.-nes are t , . .
he etude into which the bolt entered.
catotheiumpbui,blie Meeting in Victoria, Britteh
this (Saturday) morning, wine:et Webrer'rengnisiant tiit
Another charge will praying for 01thetehlnii2a7i1.1:n j07"71aierYenli:lely''
her shoulders and hips ! ha is because sialh,;nityil .hTeliepedmafeyrre.
rl &weenie . the tame . ;ate the Canerhan Confairrati. n. The
her Arl114 nre panelled. (fire them free
„hie partite, that the lIsilion and cagarti wen.
swing and her it would mem bee
. m ., memorialists tallest. that their lemiel alive
more graceful. 'on have seen pictures of 1 (..
leered among girls, their °beide would en-
large, and their bearing 101 317.1(117 improv-
ed. See thatsgirl walking with both hands
in her muff. llow,she wri MO firisf•
our neivit,a .n,„e„ 0$ the eppet p„,t concealed beneath tiot floor. The
of the body, you remember. spread out were very clever iinitationeofthe American
from the shoulder, in all throctions like a h°,1f '1"lier,,,Piree Ana hod "nlY "le °light
fan. Now; if yon hold the shonlder deRr'ef• ' w" "1 64n°, w° "uderetond,
were found npon lobg, but none uprise
thileso ansI shrink, stnliteinwisehovilertilbettwiu stetson. It ,
however, that the
as, „ awingtai; arm wait 1;„ „Ty letter has lawn we far a long tam as r
COorMii lit mainly composed re' ofliemla
sulPet to government influence, awl
w ont be relied on-to_urge Cnnfoieratim
hi it aught to de, nntl Ord tht.refore the
people of the erdroy 111.1 resit, no II1011,14
of carrying out their wilily, a. They there.
ey 51 0,i m .hoai Pan !government to
alight exercise.' True, itj. very slight, an ettetur of counterfeit money. 'TM
if you swing the antis but once or tell •T• 6"11, in 111"14 now, fUld the amplest op- 10 W'vermuent to
will be afforded them to meditate inetruct governor Seymour to negotiate
time*, hot if yen swing them ten thousand
for the ailmiwion of British Colunolds
tunes a day, yini will obtain more exercise °I"'• their trime•
of the nivacles of the chest than by ell or -
men l'ie following tenses • '
(briery neetements combined Indeed, if A liatInini.;11 Vika Throe Pase.ongsre I. Comilla to become ritsemisiblu foe
Railroad Oar.
I were asked what exerrm. 1 thought moot 0 1110 "'still° do -ht of 81,500,008.
effective he dereloping the chenta (rra., 1,„fr.!„
2. To provi le Federal Acura ine,
American 1 about,' reply !It ORM, Last night, just me the train .,nth. lUsind
awin#Itg the armee while walking. --(Dr• Trunk Railway, dne here at eight, o'dock 8. To grant a ufliment fleed bsidy
Dio Lewis. , was nearing the neuel-housie,au Inelinisii, end 1.••• r.qo'f,s seloi iv to inoure DIC aU11
of ber be..utiful two. witieh betrayed en • koPi tlie little awe I But it was eel
„ona,,ietire. For a 1,e4oent inentherance of home -not of me !
ambitious heart ! Qaist, hap& as
he atakai retuniing her regaributem confits-
Much thought* must die ere day take
ed to speak ; but reowertng litineelf, he
smiled as if at himself -and lifting hia I wILI ti"nn " "Mee 4Rit
with the bold Lamaist that gave
calL.Pars6lronidn'ie, ben I believeslmyself nolo Ile thou added aloud :
birth !"
& lone • I think I have the benor of seeing "non Liwrentes Seer lam try...moan
Miss feternesoe." on your tome, AA I have to teal t
Th. y ftir lady huaa4, aa..aas,d to milieu, to -night, I will leave Yon to the
dee surprised that he knew her name, -yet d''''`"" '114°1'1 i'•r° iwtru`164 "P"w- ft"
Ate nee gritiried to le, reeogn,..„1 I was n ot aware that I sh.edd 'loamy
hise ; mid I toek Cols way to save
by the stronger ; but in return
winly ey.Nraa.a,,,d a,„Lak longer walk newel by road." •
Who he was. "I am very glad 1,;,o4. you. I aahred my
"You& not know nie," he said, under- •1"'" T"" laat weak. he °ma he
had not seen yin" to areal, with you tor &
standing the look, while he felt a desire
d zoo.
•tat he did not believe that w .... et
in.Luild be st. beautiful as slot seemed t, 1111..Ainuaterchizeari.nlitfo..rds,id
encliaritiaigly, and 'pealing in the fran oluldet, at/ itherwliwwiriendf;;Zes.11/
manner .1 one who lasiliwrior to all affect-
ed iiie by my mune."
"Perhate 1 was rude t., take the liberty
of 'pealing 70417 11151110. for it is wine years
since I last Law you. 1'... titan a Inlyouul
you of omne have forgotten ; but I
never hat e forgotten, I never could forget
This was said so naturally, wi warmly
feint the Mart, that she dropped her eyes
111 the Need fliTsset• iU leWiltitIll UottIMUO11.
He admired the splendor of her beauty,
the goring gram of her rebea and form,
her Mirk hair hound up behind, y. bursa
big in rich luxuriance (nen the fillet, wav
ed with the negligence .4 native gram
about her moulded shoulders ; and as ales
lOole giallo, towards him. he wondered
at the fire .4 lute stem, and that thedel nate-
ly fringed lid could omitted or reveal at
ple/IUTU Mt much splendor ; bet he Wag
pleased Soso* that neibleuly mildness tem-
pered their impassioned vivacity.
" You are very limit to remember Ille,"
she said recovering from her siirprine at
the earnest wools that fell upon her ears :
" ere you not F.dward Itlacklock f"
"Yes. 1 tun net then f. irgotten entirely,
I see, Mias Lawrence. I weleome you
home, and treat that your (tines will bo
as bright ara the present...pi-melee."
Ile then hurled and wished her A for-
mal g..opti,Ven111.4 ," Wel ems 'piing down
the &tinkle to proceed on his way, when
she sind. :
" I leant yonf soliloquy, Mr.
lock. 144 PIO be permitted to believe
that your Itripea of distinction will be fully
Testified, tine wh..enn speak ali yore lune,
insist vowels the etteri7 to render himself
loth greet &nil good.'
Baas 1.---I should Miss Ler-
" You neodatedhaveoorreeted yourself,"
she said, with hunk Nympatlo, "
changed you are in pox venni 1 I now ace
the Igo in the midi. het 1 ithiottd
have recognised you. Do you remeinher
the Nutria' you .aught and presented t.,
ine I"
'I romerelar 5141 1,,,'. happy your sr-
eeptenco .4 it 111Bele me at thu time,'53541
Edward, his tine face lighting up with them.
!dement memories of the pest of which she
had SO agreeably touched the key.
"Aml how I wept brallse Tiger,bridlier's
dog, mitight it wel tore it 10 Mews. And
ilo you remember the time I br -•ke 'Tonne'
the me, gliding directly opposite tion mot,
e nd you naught me jilat ha I was sinking
through, while Manfred stoodby tandyseel
with friar r
n.„...:111,„wetlitfo.rinnten it, but now 1 plainly
" I owed :ay life to pet. Yon were
skatingat tlet timeouid at theimiument risk
id going under with toe, merited ma. L re-
collect my (silken gratiti.,le,"
“Ibi yeit remember, Masa Isabel,. OTIOU
giving ine n meg r
"A ring I" repeated the maiden, deeply
Mashing, "I tun non, I31.55 glum forgot-
ten," ehe added, langlaing.
'115*.. not -end here it is," he added,
taking on,. (rein his little finger and pre-
senting 4. )er.
"What Yon have not been so foolish
*m$,kens. it I" she naid, but looking rather
pleased than obeeded.
"1 hey° never parted witli it far mom-
ent. Itreoname with yogi now to say ealiutle,
ur 1 .15.31 1.5111111 at."
"Certainly. 1( 1 gem it to rat tbmt. I
confirm the tift now, f.nt I see sto nowt&
"I almuld be pleased " eke &tel. "N"Y I 'AY "HlY th" "Jed tosliussi it
to mvok• it.
erhe afterwanbrgave lus name ea James "1 will always keep it then. It luiabeen
port of the locel 'government. it living re beranoard TIM."
COOSiatell .4one first an,1 one secenel-chtes •• re'rn an" 14 "Do you rriunsa)er thecireunistanee Iln-
Fanning, a primenger on the lc:tut,. which 4. firn t ' ' the Sainte and
car-- suddenly sprang forward from one C"mnin" "r ca""i' ' der which I gave it to you r iie aaked,
d f 11 o fir.t-claas trhere 11,,, e,,,d 5 The eenatruei ion of e tramannti len, ,,,,nde aio, ,ped the etone g,„„ vitt,
droppi ti,.. her eyea, lint smiling beneath the
le bed, end a chair haa booriaced at tlse kinreshod upon usttin in th. hnini op ostiooton oo t.i.
i Lower "Verlotly. It wria six •-eitre men, the • I •
.HASOIflehet-An frigneet hie hem 18.31 .8
Sherediteb, en the body of ham Knotty,
aged 14 months. The chili bed been mit
.3,-, flu. s the son of an timekeeper not az-- it
inankisel 1 .i.
"1 trust he has au such feelisigs." 4.. r A .
I may do Imo wrong. Ilot once 1 hall* • ., . .
never given Wu, any isreasion fur treating .
me oddly, I am at a has to attribute it to ' .4,
o .
e .
any other sauna"
and sonaitive. Ilut I will see that you atm
'Yea, itanay bears hInnfreil is hanseety 11; . ..
friu""Ndjet.igtolinr th:e"wor. !el, Mae Label. I haver •
pride, also, sod I would not hire .1ln. -
oniapelled, out a regard to you. her '
•tailore • comp./ten onship wall one wham. •
he would ii.d. rolientarily retain as his -•• .
actly the sisociate he abotid select. in • '
"Then I will lay malting. I are Naar 'ill •
few this. You Weria,,1100 1111101g....ii friend',
tri‘e'llnur"tit.e"liatistallweire"Isi• 4
befure lie was 611141it by the prejudices of
sweaty the wide durtinctom (het extem be- le
twee', the .on of timer/rat Ltirrence and • • 1 •
Cie son of Darid Illackluck thee inie-keep-
The rung man spoke Will, Caln0Well and *g.jittee
alf respect, so that she sympathiatel loth
him ,.,f doe saw elearly his position. Fur a ,
t lllll ueat or two she stood thoughtful and -
silent, lout toiling down as if emelt dia. •"a .
tressed. At le•figtit she looked .1. 8.. make OS'
Solna retnark ulnae front the expoinoton of
her eyes was to have been both kindly and i ,s '
511 eapeoesion .1 her tarn esteem,. whe• thaw
place where km stMal WAS ViMalit ; AMA ges- ; ,
mg down the "teen. she saw hien hurrying
along *he bank of the river en les way id . -
the uniiersity. The Net tieerieut • group' .
lo,tuliog tries hid trent sight.
"There goes a proud fuel manly 'pie.. • !
who I know is eerily ..1 allonntidenee end • .'",„ -
respect. Yes, lie is right. Manfred die.
dents to associete with his add playmate. , .'; •
But ie he not worth, What nom. (were
and be.tring, thet might noote him with the
lord. of England ! Moodred, 881.0.533.
atendy mating asale • tremors, in elating ;1,,f -r4 --
aside thin yonag Ed ward Blackloek,tecause
heAt illiehrenolten"ftatirimnpairreol„.':' nueniegalong
the wallet thermins,stopped ikreet:v above ,
her howl. A report ed a gun was heerd • 6,
few feet frees her, awl the little animal , •-.•
fell dead at her L;et ; while, witla a halt- • •
shreik she started Gann the spit which ImA •Iff
Inendlef SO nearly fatal to her. She haA
hardly time to rit• slue ma not kill-. •
ht lend wounded by the bell whielt
1,401 whined close &bore iter hes{ when •
dMoawnitrudiehiiird IsePedr,thlaisr"suusekiaggh, nrZninWihili".
"You nearly made me yoier tocr .e.
ins,tLr," she W,1, in a slight tone ur to.
teeing her there, mei then eadafying -,'Ap,:r,tot, ,
Ile seemed surprieed if swit starthad at
..If).y. clean larratiny *het she Wad net.
hitAtrideftist..iunl.;ncaetirkeklialut:'nuetuld raisin,
Htb:y.damiat'it toprireartakeiwn teezo eel miurnil,wes.
Id you •ere at eleureli.."
Of •
"We hnre been teetnied fmna shun.
more than au hour, and I walked
itiatle.ho the inset view, 130. y.ou
nonmember liow, we wed to climb this MA s
Witte) children It closwi't roma to be se • 1,`-,
high as it appaindthere."
"No, I took Lithe .481.. dose to have
that bust pier built," einswered the yemeg. .
hunter, puintimeritle the squirrel in lug .44e4
hand to •little *had belno, whom was I
"It oughtnot hoe. beim disturbed. , • .
moored a green Istentell seilbest.
11,11dt-ed. It is sacred, &ad it a 00 , •
ated witimeir earlier years, Bat I hers .• •
been stunting, and uttering the cry "111 weld wino° road bent leike Super or the Ont of her 1,115. 10,4 every stone. Do you rielleet niellb We hiMil •
tioniellere aml you insietsd un &Magee •
bedside In prevent it fel mit. gob, mrAnnher, a port coltenne, we, with,,, Leo )eet, dr/. r , eve of .yenrdoperture to in bowiling-t.sleeilL the otnittionion tel,le, but 1 prevailed ea .
Feb. sequently the infent was diecovered hang- gee maul 111.4: eat near Min, 'main -awl -
be the h b. Popular representative in.' natio. Yoe were then in your thi
beck part of the ahrouider, inflicting two 1" 111,11. 4° 1 heard you say yon Waist- "I hope y.m not.rcuswmaeonr,,,,iforseetria
pe knife, with a blade hata„„a „apae,114,, te,ettet ,,,v,. ie, I net lont a oolide ,.1 yearsrtlitY"1"n•leull 1 Yw'•^I111'171"whel 'whien14.11";111IthtiLal"Plitl7'114.12' ' ' . -
° hack of the chair, end quite 'tend The I three and a trill inches lortg, &Love hie
i govenim.,Itt. 1.f0/0///pC. mime to etre rt.:in esissnewl-Inwent to tut e ism him *lee stinese•Nt". '
•• ieg by the neck tween range t e igung n
'' death.' ' ,: '
" jary retuned • eerdiet of " accit:eatal heed, stabbed Me Aurther twits, in the
A pri ceetote Die oi RAY.- PeofelsanT. emir- I Short, rd thia tit), !rho was e.ttang near Calvert, from Tip, et the l'reseliero• and I was a happy workeian w I Wad 11.1 Itlfh tItelAreWailiY• sad y dmenctatil •
.4 one hn make a preeent of to your 110qtwimtanec with him, mod . ef ,
".1nd it did pleme entre-I remeinlear 140 ...vv. -I •
Jena, while exemining the emanta of doing further harin, when he also received
d"P and "'fore w"unde• Mei A Tterntat. KINO.-Ilw Rev. J. I •.ege niy,4,11 eith II peeked. a iinick hoe‘iletemo owl h•818"W' '3, •
Univererty the fnfnria man to prevent lion from on ,ffledo,nd,,y bo„. Lie h,d rheas pm. "IiK1•••-1, 1 W. very glad to Ea
1• looks
N•1 ma e in NicAlarthcr;efamineihittely caught hold ef Children'a h1.,etiag ie the Cent.e..iry 11.11 shout it. /Weems, 1 know how it would "f l'6.1uww
F--------------------------------------- the storeach,,f an Egyptian menusty,feped the 3104nodist inidere children were you gar no, thie tak. eting,"11' gr"" 4°1.4'
a fearful gash in the fore eon, the hlade bern piesso.3 le find in Faj.i, that many of now,
um that thi„ , madman gore hills ft throat with the knife, Th„ aoh044. awe were taught by a roam, "I necollect it, ' sinewrsred the assigers. ened"4:5;e:t4e7;:t7riklauglette.t.""olte;trelf iaeliamawHonlre
alai Limn& sittt '
" micreenpsnal •crittnr, le. decided to 1 k n• • emend deed 4 inches impeseed yak trod., .n I lnalsy of the , is of your fore -linger and rehi„ng "Heseph ! Did yew
a roll of something sloth. after careful of the knife nearly parsing threugh the
°leek mummy's own feet ! Ferther meeatige- elvienv"red to relltruin anninll. when the of the sheet., had beeoinc coneort-il, by
u 00 aie sin .3 "Mit to eh... 4...1 I h eve not been more ,, “1 hot' 164 1/1"144. 1111114
• saki katietli. *OA bstifiltY 1100
the akin of the tole et the eel • -OM 1;ngth John Ledwiii of thie city also children et ilia Dative teacher., and eointi aka this non, Edward, to renter. r its
..rnholio ths opened I the kr, imr. t ien tre.n.h.d belay reue '11 -ruminate?. el,.with • pleasant, ormasious laugh, whits her livolongerl the hovers sw, wou
. in Egvidisn mneifleation„ end end inflicted a seem I 'sound ?net back
earth he the knife from hie hem we! ei•ten„,,, he been very enesewiteil, and the k 1,11 te"mte who enriched by a mauling blush. musiahol 001110." •
. separation of the deed tv-va ihe 1 de t vie et
eigsenneine renreeeaer,... .i.eahresso.rsite,,, rose,.4.:ssie H•L'on'oe.lhor. an„, lontr,g testi% andthrtrais admig;,1 hoof ionrwei trisnlimo.,.1,- I desS.: .• .f t.114e11 Y07 1.?wt.t2r4.1 alabd;:d beef i"nt: ii'lhg""d vaAfeYsiiiht:0,7Y:6:4..111:114.t jperiolf. to do sr
ea Coonicia Rood On • of The Ham from the r bruit 110
Hi... I Ho." "0, effilry eine* tit k tree eftwoolia ••• the /ter*, felled hire wo•li a en of wino& referted hem et sr Bui mu I ••Ing very
entl, tier halter e
leas/way bit *ad, • 8,08
IHP yank down on Oxis door tit a corner of end die king end ringon, and 1:04 persons , it te only for old trotea are so freed, Plim'iP
41.4mArattnritie••le efirtaa•ii arernia ; iseihrwth,
gigigige,„, • 1..T.e.Of Pone Sae. &011411.1)4 111 IPA Division Cow% Retied k, "1"4".
itolkutg I will toll rat tluit 1 have kept art•V•irtenna
• pelea s!111.TIT A T.01, le lees never fel ' gunpoint In the fbetete. " For here aske don't ateineg or, day,"
The tarn or soroi• to have a litahrti re oar, and
• f mfr. lane. A et Ofeelton tele were who " .-NPm. D. &else•DAN. LIZ Aka, kill me '" The conductor tried to pilot the nar,"
RENRY DODD. Ogee of the Medi Otte Peace, anem "(Kew Toth. 88 8 88)It $1.1") I OM' weapen; made him ieep Ina lama oak,. hi et the Irsu " 6'416 61" t 1 • •
GT6,4 tifib jar441,-. 'LUDY. A
Gsderieh, 22st, 11/014 arga """alaritea. Uaderieb, 24th pee, I lel. 1,41 gvfx‘heekt. evtil, free Int pal eta.
ls•ve lawd Mom.
1.)04 of tioo Pater, Herne. bee raga* Newts hy Meier, Chirp itivi
b'tn. and ftvololt •Ii'ht TAW. 11°4•0 ai wed Pa be a salable?, far bee . "Kept the little wnoden I It Ina• talc "II Owe Vat
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